#wof bts
hoosbandewan · 8 months
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"I listen to a lot of Oasis, but that's not really... World War II stuff."
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myfandomprompts · 11 months
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The Cast's Favorite Wartime Songs EWAN MITCHELL - World on Fire (2019)
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myfandompromptsside · 11 months
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Pay close attention, because it's fast.
But you just know it's him.
Reference for science:
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beefscrap · 1 month
I keep meaning to make this joke but since the newest chapter talked about whimsy's lack of abilities I just gotta say: another nightwing ability he's lacking is the giant ass eyebrows.
Shoutout to whoever made the original eyebrow joke, now I'm being a continual menace with it <3
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Real biracial moments from whimsical
I agree though. Whoever pointed it out will go down in history cuz now I think of it whenever I draw their eyebrows … the legacy continues with Crayon
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JONAH HAUER-KING on ig via Barney Cokeliss
for World on Fire bts 🌍🔥✨
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accio-victuuri · 5 months
April CPNs round-up! ❤️💛💚
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• BJYX shows up in station sisters team building photos/videos. proving that the pairing is still very much relevant and loved 🫶🏼
• allegedly spending some time together 4/2 and 4/3 when yibo went to shanghai
• cql and xz gets mentioned in a livestream for WoF
• wyb with a beaded bracelet that seems to be a clue that he spent time with GG ; more on the initial thoughts about the bracelet and why give an obsidian one
•zsww fake rumor of their meet up
•their love for watching old cctv spring festival gala sketches
• 4/8, in the FPU douyin update, he continues on with the dog theme ☺️ he really is a puppy! gouzaizai!
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• not really a cpn/candy but their name side by side for the alleged registration list for Magnolia Award. i’m just so proud and as a cpf, it feels good seeing them succeed. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
• 4/8 cpns : fan used for camping that xz uses, the number 38 and us clowning about concerts
• some are comparing this interaction between wyb and hjy in FPU bts with how he is with GG. saying when he is hurt, he goes all out and shows it to GG but with others he won’t say anything. i agree that this thing is true both for GG/WYB, meaning they only show “weakness” to each other 🥺🥺🥺
* throwback post : fake rumor story during cql shoot of someone that works closely with yibo
• this side by side photo, they look alike in this profile!
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• 4/16/24 zsww rumor
• the rumor that wyb visited LOZ shoot and my thoughts on it ; i know i cannot stop people from “enjoying” this material and what it potentially implies but i personally cannot condone the type of behavior that disrespects them. especially xz who has been v frustrated with the leaks happening in his project. and just to dispel the rumors, this is who people are saying is supposedly yibo ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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no shade to this guy. he was just a victim of people’s overzealous tendencies. this is not the first time cpfs have done this, in OOL and OnO we’ve had questionable video evidences too which is most likely not who we think it is. please stop. it’s not just the leaks. we have to protect them. we know they visit each other, let’s just bridge the clues with what they give us. we cpn that they visit the ST or probably even follow certain cpf accounts, there is just no universe that they will see this kind of conversations related to leaked photos and videos and be happy about it.
• DESCENDANTS OF THE SUN AU 😭😭😭😭 idk man. military/police wyb and doctor xz pairing is really top notch!
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• 4/19 xiao zhan weibo post for the 6th solar term - Guyu ( Grain Rain ) and all the clowning: one / two
• 4/20 zsww rumor ; hinting at them working on a project where one will direct and the other will act
• WYB’s GQ hat could be a custom made one from Tod’s????
• A new explanation about the mystery driver and comparing it to the mask WYB uses
• There has been some conversation because of WYB’s bazaar shoot with his FPU co star/team and that it’s no longer just XZ that he has done that with. Well i have to say that no matter what people say, the bazaar one with XZ is different. just the production value and theme of it — was more romantic and WYB was totally expressive. plus don’t forget that the shoot for that was where xz called him Venus. it will always be special, cause it’s just the 2 of them. there is no use comparing, i bet you, xz will have a joint cover or spread for LOCH with the female lead. it is part of marketing.
• yibo and his rainbow necklace 🌈
• I will add this here cause i don’t think it needs a separate post with how galaxy brain it is. it’s about certain photos uploaded by YBO being 2.3 MB in size. 23 love zhan. whether this is intentional or something special. who knows. it just came up again this month because the bear photo is with the same file size. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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other instances are outlined by this account on weibo :
February 3, 2:30 pm (Picture 1) // May 11 (Picture 3) // June 1st, Children’s Day, “Children are in love” (Picture 5) // August 5th, birthday composition (Picture 7)// November 22 (Picture 9)
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• 4/29 zsww fake rumor
• GUCCI wall 2.0 is close to Lacoste big screen ad! oh the possibilities!
• 4/29 candies to enjoy ( includes: their promos not overlapping, jiayou parallel, double standards and the bead bracelet discussion again )
See you all next month! ✌🏼💛
<<< previous month
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risathefairyofshampoo · 2 months
BTS tea please 💗🙏🏼
BTS Tea Time : July
1. Member
The World, 6oS R; The Hanged Man R
Im pretty sure that there is a modelling opportunity for this member or, like a fashion brand, that wants him as an ambassador. But the future isn't set in stone. He might not be up for it due to him having other plans and things that he thinks about currently but this project might happen in the future. October/November maybe? For mens wear... Especially coats & suits. 🧥
2. Member
QueenoC; 6oP R
The thing is, X doesn't have much to share. He is working on himself and his mental state. He is probably working on his depression and he thinks a lot about the future and what he wants. He is single at the moment. 🌊
3. Member
QueenoP R, 2oW R; 10oC
X is thinking about his love life. Seems like before he went to the military, he was in a serious relationship. But when he joined, he and his partner put it on hold. He wanted his partner to have the opportunity to see other people. Now I see him wanting to get back to his partner... He is also thinking about the future they would have. 💌
4. Member
QueenoC, 4oP R, 7oC; WOF R
X might be okay with how his military service is going, but I also see him wanting to get back to his 'normal' life. He like the people their and he wants to be friends with some even after the military service, but right now, I think he just wants to go home. 🏠
5. Member
The Lovers, KnightoP R, 10oS R, 5oC; 2oC R
X broke up with his lover. I see him getting to his normal life again, but his heart still hurts. As for the military service, I think everything is chill for X. It is light work and he enjoys it. 👥️
6. Member
QueenoW, AceoW, 3oS; 6oS R
I think there is the potential that X is being inspired by someone he likes. There are some feelings he has for someone, and there is a lot of attractions coming from his side. But I don't think he will tell the person because they don't seem to be available. So I see him using these emotions to write llyrics/to make a song. ✍️
7. Member
PageoS; KnightoS
Okay, I think X will get used to his life again. I see that there are a lot of projects for him, and I feel a lot of motivation that he has. I especially see brand deals for him. But for other projects, he's keeping things slowly. 🐌
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lullabyalikpoptarot · 18 days
TXT (Thoughts on title tracks) Energy Reading
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So, the first card I wanted to pull is how they feel about their songs as a whole. The card they got was the 3 of wands. In this deck, I have keywords on it. The keyword that called to me was lack of effort, so not sure if they feel they can't put in the effort, or they as the company don't put in a lot of effort in the music. I also am getting waiting for their moment to come, and it is a long journey to where they want to be musically, I feel. Okay, not let's go into each song, so I did all their title tracks. I also added their 2 english songs, because I was curious what they thought of that.
어느날 머리에서 뿔이 자랐다 (CROWN) (7 of Wands)-It seems they felt they were up against a lot with this debut song. I guess that makes sense. There were worries on how they would do. It feels there were lots of obstacles in their way. It was like they were playing defense, weird, not sure what that means, but I guess being BTS' brother group. I can feel their tension, it was like up against a lot of odds here. Interesting.
9와 4분의 3 승강장에서 너를 기다려 (Run Away) (The Wheel)-This is like the WOF in the original tarot. They saw movement, a positive change happening with this song. They felt much better with this song. Wait, was this the one where there was a delay between comebacks? I remember there being a comeback where there was a delay, feels like it was this one, anyway, this song feels like a fresh new start for them, a sense of relief from the setbacks they had in the past.
 세계가 불타버린 밤, 우린... (Can’t You See Me?) (Transformation)-This card is similar to the Tower card. Umm, this song brought some significant changes to their lives, kind of a break down in what they have known, or what they have done in the past. Lots of changes happening with this track. I am hearing, some sort of reformation, had to look that up, which means changing old systems, which is weird, like what old systems did they change though? This is interesting. I know they had difficult time with song, because I remember the members saying so on interviews, so these changes may have been the reason, not sure why though, or what changes they were. I also have a headache doing this one, so pretty sure this one was stressful for them mentally.
5시 53분의 하늘에서 발견한 너와 나 (Blue Hour) (Knight of Cups)-Lol okay, this is an interesting card to get for this song. I don't necessarily see romance with this song, but maybe it means they poured their hearts into this one, or this song just showed a softer, loving side to them. They felt this brought in fans, this showcased their charms in ways the others didn't. I can see them liking this one, it is like there is an emotional investment into this one. It is kind of like did they have to show more emotions or a romantic side to this one, really? I mean, I guess I can see that. This one isn't one of my favorite title tracks, so I don't remember it too much, but yeah, I can see the romantic and love undertones to this one.
(투모로우바이투게더) – 0X1=LOVESONG (3 of Pentacles)-Hmm, not sure I remember if they wrote and participated in this song, but this card gives me that. It seems they are proud of this one, like their hard work paid off, or they are getting recognition for their work. They may feel they crafted something great here. The message on the deck, recognition for the highest quality of work sticks out to me, like the quality of this song sticks out to them, they think musically this is one is one of their best works. I do remember this song being recognized as one of the best, I think it was number one on one music list of Kpop songs that year, so makes sense.
LO$ER=LO♡ER (The High Priestess)-Okay, this is my favorite TT track from them, but what is this!? What do they mean by this card?! All I kept saying is what! when I saw this card, like wtf. Umm, it was like they were hidden with this song, why do I hear, hidden gifts? I don't know, they may have done a lot of inner work with this, or lots of behind the scenes with this one. Were they not that active with this one?, did they have to keep a mystery look with this one? Ya'll I am confused, moving on.
Good Boy Gone Bad (The Emperor)-Why did this make me laugh when I see this, it is like boys will be boys. This song definitely showed their tough and masculine side, and they like it. Lol I shouldn't be surprised by this. This gives me, this song showed their masculinity and power in some ways. Did they have some control with this one? Not sure why I am getting that but moving on. I feel this one is straightforward.
Sugar Rush Ride (Queen of Wands)-This seems like their favorite, their darling. This is the only card that flipped/flew out enthusiastically. I knew once it did that, they got a lot of love for this song. Another one that shows their fire and charm. They feel really passionate about this one. They felt they really shined with this one. I believe this is one, if not, one of their biggest title tracks. They just feel really powerful performing this one. Also, this shows a seductive side to them, which we can see with that song. The QOW's energy can be that way. I am getting, this is my time to shine, it is like this was their time to shine.
Chasing That Feeling (Knight of Pentacles)-I wasn't expecting much from this one, so not surprised by this card, had to laugh when I saw this card though. I like they keyword apprehensive on the card, like yeah, I don't know about this one man lol Yeah I mean, they put in the work for this one, they weren't passionate or enthusiastic about this one tbh. It kept them going, lol why did I get, but at what cost lol, my god, the messages I get here has me laughing. They did the song, it did its thing, but yeah, I don't think this song was it for them. Moving on.
Deja Vu (3 of Swords)- I was nervous about this one, since I really like this one, up there with Loser Lover, at first, I was like what! Why 3 of Swords! I feel they would feel connected to this one and like it. I believe it was one of their best tracks, anyway, end of tangent. I think the 3 of Swords means, that this song may have been therapeutic for them, or they felt connected to the song lyrics. So, had to read the lyrics, because I pay more attention to the sound, than the lyrics lol and yeah, it is a sad love song, so this song may trigger those sad feelings, or they muse with that sad energy when they perform this song or think about that song. I don't know, but I feel most of them relate to this song. It is like when I think of the 3 of swords, it is like communicating your hurt, this is their form of doing so.
Do It Like That (5 of Pentacles)-Lol this is too funny. Umm, don't think they like this one at all. But also, some dark undertones here as well, there is a message in this card, that is calling to me, which is 'fears surrounding money, call for others for assistance.' So, like did they just do this because of money concerns, and this would help with that?, weird. Actually, this could be for the Jonas Brothers, or the producer they were working with, wasn't it Ryan Tedder?, maybe they were helping them out, since they needed the money from this, that might make more sense. Interesting sh**. I don't think they really cared for this one, it was kind of like an obligation for them to do it to be honest.
Back for More (Queen of Swords)-Bruh, not sure what Anitta sign is, but this feels like her, her presence is strong here. Okay, I see she is an Aries, but still feel like this can be her. Okay, getting a lot of different things here, on one end they liked her witty, funny, humorous energy, on the other end they may have not liked her judgmental, critical, or matter of fact energy as well, they also felt this was a smart move to do this song and collab, but I don't see any emotional investment here. I also don't think they still have any contact with one another now, it is very matter of fact, straightforward here, it is like we did this, that is great, moving on. This was like a smart investment.
Oh, very interesting. I like these readings! Going to do Enhypen next and see what I get here, but this was fun! Definitely want to venture into more groups after my faves.
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How thick is Ewan’s accent compared to the average Derby person? Were you able to tell he was from there before finding out?
I only knew Ewan Mitchell from HOTD before becoming rabid, and in that he puts on a fairly Southern-ish accent, so no I didn't know at first. But then I watched Trigger Point and then Fire and it all became clear 🌈
I'm gonna go all English Language nerd so apologies in advance.
Fire: (11:05) Ewan says 'nowt' but with a rounded 'o' nəʊt. 'Nowt' as a contraction of 'nothing' is also present in the north of England, but there it's more noticeable with a more elongated 'a' sound naʊt.
(12:56) He also says 'now' in a very Derby way, it's how I used to say it growing up (but it was quickly stomped out by my mother lol). Ewan says 'naa' to say 'now'. A similar way of saying 'house' in a Derby accent is 'aas.
Billy Washington in Trigger Point sounds like the most like how he would really talk (it's similar-ish to his BTS interviews for WOF and HOTD). Vicky McClure (his sister in Trigger Point) is from Nottingham, so I think it's probable he used his normal accent for the series. At 6:53 in this video, he says 'down' like 'daan', very similar to how he says 'surrounded' in his WOF interview here.
In Salad Days, it's VERY Derby/Nottingham. I think a lot of the ways he says things are indicative of his Derby roots but he's pushed the dial up to 100 for sure (even to the point that non-native English speakers need subtitles lol). He talks very fast in it as well, which I imagine doesn't help, but I think a lot of that is in service of the character.
All in all, he has a fairly standard Derby/Midlands-y accent. Not particularly thick to my ear, but I might be biased since I'm from there. Apologies for the essay, English Language was part of my degree so I've gone all out lol
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 6 months
I genuinely think Ewan is a work of art and only gets more handsome with time but my favourite era of his was hands down WoF S1 even though I discovered him through HotD. Maybe it's because he was more conventionally attractive with the way he was being styled or maybe it fit my preferences more but I find myself loosing it every time I see GIFs, videos or pictures of him from S1. That being said I still bite chucks out of my phone whenever I see him either way.
Season one Tom Bennett will always be absolutely elite. My favourites will always be the fan photo and BTS crumbs - Ewan in his own clothes. He just always looks really soft, comfy and happy, and it makes me all 🥰🥰🥰
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myfandomprompts · 2 years
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Ewan Mitchell - World on Fire BTS interview
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hopeisrising · 9 months
✨ Jonah BTS of WoF ✨
This behind the scenes of World on Fire is so adorable! His smile and laugh at the end warms my heart. ☺️❤️
Gif credit: @felizusnavidad
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hellsbellschime · 10 months
More like they cake the hell out of his face in films/tv aging him up, it was obvious this was the case in WoF s2. He looks baby-faced in all bts pics we've seen of him including that photoshoot he did with the Face magazine.
Exactly, and when you see him in clothes that show more of his physique/see him next to other people it makes him look older/like an undeniably adult man.
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toothlesstdm · 11 months
Ough.. thinking bt my WOF AU (Everyone still needs dragon names but) Vanessa taking in Evan and Elizabeth and being like a big sister to them while William is gone and Michael also seems to have disappeared .. Gregory bonding n becoming close w the two only to have to watch them both die and not being able to stop it :(
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accio-victuuri · 6 months
happy sunday!
let’s clown for a bit, shall we? an example of things they do that give us some hint. WoF released a bts today and fans noticed that yibo was imitating an actor’s line from an old sketch/skit. it went on hot search = #王一博imitates Chen Peisi# and the first comment is where the cpn starts from:
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which is correct because the skit was aired in the 1990 CCTV spring festival gala. i’m not saying you can’t watch old videos and be fond of them, it’s just that this seems far from the kind of material yibo would come across naturally. we also don’t see yibo showing interest in stuff like this before. and as far as he has shared on interviews, he is watching more european films in preparation for filming mermaid/intercross. or watching moto races & hip hop competitions.
what a coincidence cause in one of the behind the scenes for yuguyao, xz was imitating a sketch done in 1992 CCTV Spring festival gala — and no one in the cast and crew reacted. they didn’t get it. i may be wrong, but this makes me think that it’s not as popular to remember these skits.
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the speculation now is watching old skits is something xz enjoys, and has been picked up by yibo too. i remember the fake rumor that said xz was watching drama clips and he does that more often cause he has no time to watch the full episode. so getting into these short sketches is no different.
these two and their interests that only them will (mostly) understand 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ and no matter how weird the other person’s hobby is at the moment, it will always be supported! 🤍
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nikosilva7 · 7 years
WOF - DNA (Spanish Cover)/1° Aniversario!!! (+ Extra con Fandubers)
Feliz Aniversario N 1° WOF!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 #DNA
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