#.postwar [ naruto ]
sentinelpri · 13 days
Not Anymore (NSFW)
Kakashi Hatake lies awake in his bed, cold and lonely as he stares up at the eggshell-hued ceiling of his bedroom. The grey sheets beneath his back are slightly damp with sweat from the nightmare his body just ripped him out of.
He glances to the window, which is shut and locked. He holds his hands in front of his face. For a moment, he swears he sees blood on them like he did all those years ago. He blinks and looks at them again to see that they’re clean, the pale skin merely clammy. There’s no blood to be seen.
Still, he sits up and runs his hands through his hair to try and clear his head from the nightmare. Rin was there, again… He’d just killed her. For some reason, Zabuza and Haku were there too, the words they said to him in the dream now unintelligible. The silhouette of Sakumo took over the clouds in the sky, and his little Genin were there too, screaming at him for all the times he failed them.
As fast as they came to haunt him in the first place, the warped memories of his horrific nightmare fade into something more dull. 
It’s not real. None of it is real… At least not anymore. Any of what was there, is now in the past. Everything is okay now.
Kakashi lets out a sigh of relief and checks the clock.
He only has four hours left until he has to go to work his terrible job as Hokage. Should he try to go back to sleep, or should he give up on sleeping and get up to do his morning training…? 
The room is dark. It’s raining outside. The clouds block the bits of moonlight that would normally pour through the window of the Hatake compound. It’s so dark that Kakashi can’t help but be reminded of the stormy night that he found his father’s body, cold and dead on the floor with his sword jammed through the chest that he’d once been held against on stormy nights such as this one. Now, there’s no one here to hold him when the thunder booms so loud it makes him flinch, and the wooden floor is still stained with blood underneath the carpet Kakashi put on top of it long ago to hide the evidence of what happened here. 
Kakashi rubs his eyes to clear them of sleep. There’s no way he’ll be able to get any peaceful rest after that…
Suddenly, something- someone- is in his peripheral. Kakashi checks to make sure his mask is still covering his face when he realizes that it’s just Obito, who must’ve used his Kamui to teleport in. 
“It’s way past midnight. What are you doing here this late?” Kakashi demands. Obito shifts, uncomfortable, so he follows his question up with a quirked brow and a joke. “Here to finally kill me?”
Obito laughs, something gravely and sardonic. Heat rises in Kakashi’s chest at the sound. 
“You wish.”
Obito is in a t-shirt and pajama pants, but he’s wearing his mask… That stupid white orange mask that he wore just before the war. He wears it almost every day, even after Team Seven saved his life and brought him back to the village- even after Kakashi practically begged the elders and Lady Tsunade to give Obito another chance like they did with Sasuke, Orochimaru, and Kabuto. Kakashi wishes he could rip the swirl-patterned mask off of Obito’s face and break it over his kneecap. Still, he tries to ignore the immediate rage at seeing the mask, as whatever Obito’s here for must be important. 
“...Don’t tell me,” Kakashi sits up in bed and stares Obito up and down. He swears, at times, that the two of them are in sync. Though Obito’s face is covered by his mask, Kakashi can guess by his sudden arrival and his body language why he might be here. “Nightmares?”
“Yeah,” Obito nods.
Kakashi isn’t sure what to do. On one hand, he could drag Obito out to go train, but going to fight probably isn’t what will help either of them right now… So, he lies back in bed and lifts his covers to invite Obito underneath them.
“Come here,” He lowly says, to which Obito freezes. It takes an awkwardly long time for him to finally move, but Obito does end up crawling underneath Kakashi’s covers and lying down, albeit facing away from Kakashi. The silver-haired man can still see the band of his friend’s mask around the back of his head, and at the sight of it, he frowns. He knows damn well Obito doesn’t sleep in it at home. “Can you at least take your mask off if you’re going to be in my bed like this?”
“You’re the one who invited me into your bed, asshole.”
“Fine, just-” Obito grumbles and rips the mask off of his face, throwing it to the carpeted floor of Kakashi’s bedroom. “Don’t look at me… Please.”
“Okay,” Kakashi shrugs, somewhat disappointed. He’s been in love with Obito for so long, but he’s hardly gotten to see his face since the war.  “Would you… Like to be held? Maybe?”
“Kakashi, you know that’s… Not something friends really do,” Obito retorts.
Kakashi pauses. He supposes that, no, cuddling is not something that most friends do. He doesn’t see Obito as a friend, though. He never has. And while he doesn’t think Obito will ever love him that way, he wants to love Obito more than anyone else will ever be able to. 
“We’re not the average set of friends, are we?”
“I guess not.”
Much to Kakashi’s surprise, Obito rolls around to face him. Before Kakashi can get a look at his face, however, Obito is hiding it by snuggling into Kakashi’s thin frame.
“Anytime you need to, come back here to me. I don’t care how late it is if it’s you,” Kakashi starts, turning to fully face Obito and pulling him close before resting a hand on his back and gently rubbing it through his t-shirt. “I’ll let you cry on my shoulder… I’ll listen to anything you want to tell me… Rub your back, play with your hair. Whatever you want to make you feel better, Obito, I’ll do it.”
“Shut up, Kakashi,” Obito scolds, burying his face in Kakashi’s chest. “You’re embarrassing me.”
Kakashi doesn’t respond. Instead, he does as he’s told and stops talking. He rubs Obito’s back with one hand and plays with his hair using the other. The dark, curly locks feel soft against his battle-calloused fingertips. Within minutes, Obito’s tense body relaxes into a deep slumber. Calmed by Obito’s presence and knowing that he has nothing better to do until his alarm goes off, Kakashi falls asleep as well, a smile on his face underneath his cloth mask.
The next morning, Kakashi wakes up alone, but warm, to his alarm clock going off. He groggily reaches over to turn it off and sits up in bed. The covers fall to his lap as memories of Obito rush through his mind.
Obito is nowhere to be seen. Since the war, the man has been elusive as ever; closed off, emotionally stunted, and sometimes even mean. Though Kakashi tries to be as affectionate as possible, he himself has the emotional maturity of a teenager and struggles to openly communicate. Hell, Obito doesn’t even know about his feelings. Part of him thought that they would magically get along now that they’re older, but they argue just as much as they used to. 
Their personalities clash, just in a different way than they did back then. 
They argue… But the tension is also different than it was back then. Their issues are deep-rooted, much more serious, and impossible to resolve when neither of them are willing to be vulnerable with each other.
It’s hard to believe that they fell asleep in each other’s arms just hours ago. Kakashi almost assumes it was a dream, but then, he smells the scent of coffee wafting into his bedroom from the kitchen and sees that his bathroom door is haphazardly left half open when he knows he had it closed before he went to bed. 
He gets up, gets dressed for the day, and heads into the kitchen to see half a pot of coffee already made- and still hot. He pours himself a cup and heads to the living room to see Obito, still in his pajamas, but with that fucking mask on his face again.
He sips at his coffee and stares the other man up and down. Obito is leaning against the wall and staring out the window, watching the sun rise. Kakashi wishes he could see his face. 
“Can you take that off?” Kakashi asks, annoyed to see the stupid orange thing this early in the morning. 
“No. I already took it off last night when we slept. Isn’t that enough for you?” Obito huffs. “Why don’t you like it, anyway?”
Kakashi sends the sharpest glare he can manage in Obito’s direction. Maybe if he’s lucky, he’ll break the mask. 
“Are you serious?” He asks with a deep frown as he sets his coffee cup down on the end table next to the living room couch. “You really don’t know?”
“No, I don’t,” Obito snaps. “So enlighten me, Kakashi.”
“I… Like your face,” Kakashi confesses. Seeing Obito’s face- tan, scarred skin, his one beautiful dark eye, the big brilliant grin he’d wear… He misses it. More importantly, when he sees it, all he can think of is Obito’s evil alter ago, ‘Tobi’. He points to the orange mask with black swirls and shakes his head. “And that thing…”
“You mean my mask,” Obito corrects. 
“It’s a symbol, Obito.”
“A symbol of what?”
“Are you really going to make me say all of this out loud?”
“It’s a symbol of war and death,” Kakashi scowls. He walks towards Obito and places a hand on the man’s shoulder. “I can’t see you in that thing and pretend that everything is normal. You realize you wore a nearly identical mask for the years you terrorized this village, don’t you? When you killed Minato and Kushina and left Naruto an orphan? When you orchestrated the murder of seven Jinchuriki and Pain’s attack on this village? When you planned out the war that caused the deaths of thousands of people?”
“After all the work I had to do to get the elders to even consider leaving you alive, let alone letting you exist this freely… You wearing that mask feels like a slap in the face. And they’re too kind to tell you, but you know it affects the kids, don’t you? You’d be an idiot not to.”
“I didn’t think-”
“Sakura still has nightmares about all the injuries she had to treat because of the war you started- Hinata and Naruto still see Neji dying when they look at that thing- and the villagers stare at you with such intense hatred when you wear it out, which is most of the time-”
Obito cuts Kakashi off, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and yanking him closer. Even with the mask covering Obito's face, Kakashi can feel the fiery glare and tight frown that are being shot at him from underneath it. 
“How else do you expect me to cover up what you did to me?”
“What I did to you? Obito, don’t even go there… That’s the sort of thing that happens when idiotic leaders go and throw their emotionally damaged child soldiers on the front lines of a war,” Kakashi gradually raises his voice until he’s yelling, hot fiery rage burning in his chest like fire. “We were children!”
“Like you’re trying to do anything about it? Last I checked, Kakashi, we still have twelve year olds becoming Genin and going on D-rank and C-rank missions! You’re as bad as Lord Third was,” Obito matches Kakashi’s yelling and tightens his grip on Kakashi’s collar. 
Kakashi doesn’t make any effort to free himself from Obito’s grasp. Obito won’t hurt him, after all- not anymore. He does, however, reach forward to jab a finger into Obito’s chest. His voice drops to a furious whisper.
“We both know-”
Suddenly, Obito lets go of Kakashi and turns his back to the man. Kakashi stumbles at the force of it. 
“It wasn’t your fault and you’re trying to fix the system, but the elders are making it difficult for you,” Obito says the words like he’s rehearsed them, because every time they have an argument about anything, it turns into this- reminders of what Kakashi did back then, reminders of the war, and reminders of how neither of them can go back in time and fix how badly they’ve wronged each other… Reminders of how they’re still friends despite everything. They’ve gone through this cycle a million times about a million different things since Obito’s rehabilitation. “I know, we’ve had this discussion countless times now since I came back… I’m sorry.”
“...I’m sorry, too.”
“I can’t think of anything else,” Obito retreats to sit down on Kakashi’s couch, finally dragging the mask off of his face and dropping it onto the floor. He drags a large hand over his rippled cheek and shakes his head. On top of his left eye is a black eye-patch to cover the Rinnegan he stole from Nagato’s corpse all those years ago. “These hideous scars cover over half of my face, and they’re just… A representation of everything that’s happened...”
“No one wants to see these, Kakashi. Don’t even try and lie to me,” Obito covers his eye with his hand to avoid Kakashi’s prying gaze. “They’re fucking ugly.”
Kakashi walks towards the couch, kneels on the floor in front of where Obito is sitting, and looks up at him. A baffled expression takes over the other man’s face.
“I don’t think they’re ugly, I think they’re-” Kakashi cuts himself off. The next word he wants to say is ‘beautiful’, but A) Obito would laugh in his face, B) calling Obito’s scars beautiful would be invalidating his feelings about them, and C) that would easily give away his feelings, because while Obito is certainly an idiot, he isn’t that dumb. “I think you’re…”
“Nothing,” Kakashi looks away. His cheeks burn red with a blush that spreads up to his ears. “Never mind.”
“What is it? Wait, are you blushing?” A look of realization crosses over Obito’s face. Right then, Kakashi realizes that he’s on the verge of letting his friend know his greatest secret. “Kakashi-”
“I have to go to work,” Kakashi suddenly says and stands, heading towards the front door. “I’d hate to be late.”
As he places his hand on the knob, Obito objects-
“Since when do you care about being late these days?”
Kakashi being Kakashi, he doesn’t answer.
“Be sure to lock the door on your way out when you go back home, Obito.”
And, with that, Kakashi leaves, knowing damn well that the ever growing stack of paperwork on his desk is only going to end up neglected in favor of his thoughts about the man left behind in his lonely apartment. 
For the rest of the day, Kakashi thinks about Obito.
He thinks about their childhood.
He thinks about Obito’s ‘death’.
He thinks about all the times he went to the memorial stone and prayed for his old friend.
He thinks about the war.
He thinks about bringing Obito home, about demanding that he be given a chance to rehabilitate regardless of everything he’d done.
He thinks about why he hasn’t confessed his love yet.
At first, it was because they were freshly out of war- because Kakashi was busy taking on the role of Hokage, fixing the village, and maintaining the new and fragile alliance with the other major ninja villages. 
Then, it was because Obito was still healing.
Now, though, it’s been years. Now… Well, now it’s just because he’s afraid of Obito rejecting him. In his mind, best case scenario, Obito laughs him out of whatever room they’re in and humiliates him by telling everyone they know about what happened. Worst case scenario, Obito gets angry and is so offended that he chooses to never talk to Kakashi again, and the years they’ve spent salvaging their old friendship will go to waste.
The sun sets outside. Kakashi recalls watching the sunrise with Obito this morning and smiles, even though they argued during… To watch the sun rise every morning and set every evening with Obito by his side has always been his dream, and even if it was only for a short time, he got to live that this morning.
The silver-haired man clicks the trigger of his pen over and over again as the last of the sunlight dies. Right then, the door to his office opens.
No knock.
Must be Naruto or Obito.
Kakashi doesn’t bother turning around, so he continues to face the window with his back to the door as he hears it close. If it’s Obito, he doesn’t even want to face him after the words they exchanged this morning… Maybe if Kakashi avoids the damn fool for long enough, he’ll forget about the fact that Kakashi was about to call him beautiful- forget about the fact that they slept together in the same bed- forget that Kakashi kneeled at his feet and stared up at him with a blushing face and love-filled eyes.
“Looks like the day’s wrapping up,” Obito says, his tone unusually hard to read. Fuck, it is him. At that realization, Kakashi turns around. Obito is leaning with his back against the door, probably to keep anyone else from coming in. His arms are crossed over his chest and he has the most smug, shit-eating grin Kakashi has ever seen painted over his pretty, unmasked face. “It’s getting late for you to still be here. Aren’t you usually home by now?”
“Yeah,” Kakashi agrees. He would’ve left by now on any other day, as it’s almost six in the evening, but he was so afraid of going home to find Obito there that he opted to stay locked in his office. He hoped that Obito would get tired of waiting up for him, or that Obito would forget about it all. Then again, that’s not exactly realistic… To expect the man with enough persistence to execute an evil plan and a war over the span of a decade… To expect Obito to lack persistence in regards to something so trivial compared to everything else they’ve been through together. “Guess I’ll get going, then.”
Kakashi stands from his desk and gathers his things, all while avoiding Obito’s prying charcoal eye. 
“Kakashi,” Obito starts.
Kakashi, terrified to even have this conversation, walks to the door that Obito is leaning against. He ignores Obito for a moment, even as they’re chest to chest, but when Obito makes it clear that he isn’t moving until he gets what he wants, Kakashi glares down at him. 
“What?” Kakashi says with a roll of his eyes as he reaches for the doorknob. Obito reaches behind himself and grabs Kakashi’s hand to keep him from leaving. “What do you think you’re doing, Obito?”
“Do you think I’m stupid or something?”
Kakashi blinks.
“You’re avoiding me,” Obito states the facts rather than asking, which makes Kakashi’s face burn bright red.
He really is bad at hiding his feelings, even with his cloth mask covering half of his face… Still, he tries to play stupid. Maybe if he makes Obito angry enough, he’ll be able to escape this terrible situation. 
“And why would I avoid you?”
For a moment, it’s silent. Kakashi stares down at Obito, whose smug aura makes Kakashi’s heart beat faster against his chest. 
Then, before Kakashi can so much as blink, Obito is spinning them around and pinning Kakashi to the door. Kakashi gasps at the feeling of Obito’s fingers wrapping around his wrists to push his arms back against the wall. And really, Kakashi could try to stop this if he wanted to, or at least make enough of a fuss that one of the few employees left at the Hokage Tower would come to see what’s going on. However, he finds that he can’t complain when Obito’s knee is between his legs, just lightly brushing against his crotch. 
He doesn’t want to make a scene, anyway.
Or, that’s what he tells himself.
“Seriously, this is getting embarrassing,” Obito whispers with a smirk. His one charcoal eye is clouded with lust. “I may have been an idiot when we were kids, but I’m not anymore.”
“I…” Kakashi trails off, unsure of how to respond. 
“You what?” Obito drops one of Kakashi’s wrists in favor of roughly grabbing the man’s chin. He makes Kakashi look him in the eye, to which Kakashi bites his lip. If this isn’t like something out of Icha Icha… “C’mon, Kakashi.”
“I have no idea what you’re going on about,” Kakashi says, using his one free hand to yank at his collar. The temperature in the room feels as if it’s just gone up ten degrees. Sweat gathers underneath his forehead protector and around the tightest parts of his uniform as he fumbles over his words. “I’m… Just tired. Not that you would know, but being Hokage is quite draining.”
“You’re trying to piss me off so I’ll drop this, but it’s like I said, Kakashi, I’m not stupid. Not anymore. Last night… And this morning… Well, you made your feelings obvious.”
“You really want to do this?” Kakashi snaps in a low whisper, just in case there’s anyone outside the door or in the hallway who could be listening. “Right now, in my office when there’s probably still employees outside who can hear us?”
“I knew you wouldn’t want to make a scene here, so it only made sense for me to do it like this. If I tried to corner you in private, you’d run.”
“Looks like you’re still an idiot after all,” As much as Kakashi would love to just drag Obito in and take him on the floor of his office, he knows better. With the open window lacking curtains and the other villagers still walking the halls of the tower, there’s a good chance they would get caught. The potential embarrassment aside, he needs a little bit of time to mentally prepare himself if they’re really going to do this. Kakashi gathers the strength to push Obito off of him so he can turn around and open the door. “Meet me at my place later if you really want to talk, but Obito…”
“What is it?”
“You need to consider whether or not this line is one you truly want to cross,” Kakashi glances back at Obito over his shoulder. Now, Obito’s tan cheeks are dusted light pink. “Because if you cross it, you’ll never be able to go back.”
“...Fine. I’ll be there.”
That night, Kakashi steps out of his bathroom and lets out a sigh of relief when he’s shrouded in the chilly air of his bedroom. Steam follows from his scalding hot shower as he brushes through his hair and gets dressed. 
He glances at the clock to see that it’s already half past nine. He has to be up at five in the morning to make it to work.
Is Obito still coming?
Kakashi shakes his head. That’s a silly thought to have. Though Obito is often late, he never forgets a commitment, even after the terrible arguments they always have. He’s not one to back down either. 
Almost as if on cue, a portal appears right next to Kakashi’s bedroom window. When Obito first returned after the war, Kakashi would’ve been up in arms at the sight of Obito using Kamui to enter his apartment. These days, it’s a regular occurrence. 
“I’d really you rather knock on my door like a civilized member of society instead of Kamui-ing into my apartment any time you feel like bothering me,” Kakashi calmly scolds Obito, even if he knew damn well this is how tonight would start.
Obito’s never been one for normalcy, anyway. 
“Now is that any way to greet an old friend?” 
Obito steps out of the void of his Kamui and onto Kakashi’s carpeted bedroom floor, where he casually kicks his shoes off. 
Kakashi, bless him, crosses his arms and nervously paces around the room. Rather than his Hokage’s cloak or even his standard Jonin uniform, he’s in his pajamas; a tank-top with a mask attached and long, baggy pants. He and Obito have seen each other that way so many times over the years, but now- tonight- it makes him feel vulnerable, especially when Obito is still fully dressed.
Well… At least he’s not wearing that stupid fucking mask anymore.
“Are we… Not still friends?”
Obito being Obito, he doesn’t answer.
“You showered for me? How considerate,” Obito sneers as he cracks his neck and sits down on the edge of the bed.
Kakashi looks Obito in the eye. His Sharingan is still activated, but there’s something different about it… He’s expecting something, the fool. Even after all these years, Obito has no idea what he’s getting into, doing this with someone like Kakashi.
“I didn’t do anything for you,” Kakashi argues despite the fact that Obito’s words have some truth to them. 
With how busy he is, Kakashi hardly gets the chance to shower these days, only doing it a couple times a week- as disgusting as that is. Tonight, though, he took the time to do so on the off chance that this confrontation led to some confessional sex… Just like in the ‘Icha Icha’ books. 
“So, are we gonna talk?”
“If you already know how I feel,” Kakashi gulps, then turns away from where Obito is sitting on the bed. He stands near the window and pretends to look out at the bustling village streets. “What is there to talk about?”
“Don’t you want to know whether I love you back or not?”
At that, Kakashi snorts.
“You were Rin’s certified bootlicker for the better part of a decade. You started an entire war because she died. I’d be lying if I said I thought I had a semblance of a chance with you,” Kakashi explains. “If I’m being honest, I assumed you only wanted to rub it in my face when you came to confront me earlier, but now...”
“You,” Obito speaks, right in Kakashi’s ear. Kakashi whips around to see that Obito is standing right behind him. Did he teleport, or did he somehow get up and walk to Kakashi without him noticing? “Are still an idiot.”
Kakashi blinks.
“I’m sorry?”
“I love you,” Obito boldly states as he rests one gloved hand on Kakashi’s hip. The other goes to grab the top of Kakashi’s mask. Briefly, Kakashi thinks about slapping Obito’s hand away, but he’s too excited for what’s about to happen that he doesn’t. Instead, he allows Obito to drag his mask down his face. The garment hangs loosely around Kakashi’s neck as the other man drinks him in with his one ruby red eye. “I didn’t love you back then, sure, but I do now. You’re my best friend. You fought for me and believed in me when no one else did. If it weren’t for you, I would’ve been executed.”
“So… This is out of some sort of obligation?” Kakashi frowns as his heart drops to the bottom of his stomach. “Because I’ve been a good friend to you?”
“No, dumbass,” Obito scolds and shakes his head. “That’s only part of it. I love you for you- whether you’re my friend or not, because let me tell you… Since I’ve been back, there’s been plenty of times where you’ve made it pretty clear that you hate me- at least at some points.”
“I’ve never hated you,” Kakashi whispers. “Never. Not even when I first found out about what you had done. I’ve… Only ever been worried, or frustrated. I just want everyone in the village to love you like I do.”
“But I don’t care about that,” Obito furrows his brow, confused by Kakashi’s words. “I don’t give a shit what the village thinks about me, Kakashi. No matter what I do now, they’re bound to hate me until I die, and I don’t care. I deserve it. You, the kids, our friends… You’re the only ones that matter. I don’t care about everyone else.”
“It’s a shame that they don’t see what I see in you.”
“You’re the only one who should ever get to see me like this.”
Obito uses his spare hand to reach up and caress Kakashi’s bare cheek. Kakashi leans into the touch, allowing his eyes to flutter shut. Obito really is the only person he’d let his guard down around like this… At the same time, this is the first time Obito has seen his face since they were children. 
What if he doesn’t like it?
“My face… Is it okay for you?”
“Okay? You know, there’s a reason Ayame damn near loses her mind any time we go to eat at Ichiraku,” Obito says, pressing a kiss against Kakashi’s neck. Kakashi damn near jumps out of his skin at the sensation, but gathers his composure enough to reach behind him and pull his curtains shut before clutching Obito’s shoulders. “And there’s a reason all the girls in the village glare at me when we’re together.”
“It’s not because they hate me, Kakashi,” Obito rolls his eyes and laughs. “It’s because they want you, and somehow, they figured it out before I did that you’re mine.”
And Kakashi nearly melts. His knees shake, suddenly feeling like jelly as they struggle to keep his body upright. His heart slams against his chest as he continues to grip at Obito’s shoulders. He doesn’t argue with Obito because he knows as well as the other man does that it’s true; he’s Obito’s, and even considering how far apart they were for so long, he always has been. 
“Your face is so red underneath the mask,” Obiti points out, stroking one of Kakashi’s high cheekbones with his thumbs. “Is it usually like that, or are you just blushing because of me?”
“I see you’re as arrogant as always.”
“You know,” Obito whispers into Kakashi’s ear and practically drags him to the bed. “It took everything in me not to just fuck you in your office earlier.”
Fuck. Kakashi gasps and falls back onto his mattress, the sheets ice cold against his hot body. Obito crawls on top of him- so close- and it would be so easy to shut his mouth and submit, but Kakashi knows that Obito’s always liked a fight in regards to most things in life. 
“Bold of you to assume I wanted it,” He argues, a lump forming in his throat as he lifts himself up on his elbows. “So presumptuous, Obito.”
“I’m not assuming,” Obito laughs, and then, his face darkens. He looms over Kakashi in the well lit bedroom with his arms on either side of Kakashi’s shoulders, his knees between Kakashi’s legs, and his nose brushing up against Kakashi’s nose. Obito smells like smoke and coffee and lust, and Kakashi can’t get enough of it as Obito sits up on his knees and unzips his flack vest. “I know you want me.”
At that, Kakashi falls silent. Instead of arguing again, he averts his gaze from Obito’s prying eyes and lifts his tank-top up over his head. Obito follows and sheds his undershirt, leaving both of them half-naked. Kakashi can’t help but stare. His charcoal eyes linger for an embarrassing amount of time on Obito’s midsection. 
Obito’s shoulders are broad. He’s in much better shape than Kakashi, who has certainly become softer since becoming Hokage. Meanwhile, Obito trains constantly both because the elders wouldn’t allow him to be enlisted in the regular forces or obtain a normal job- and so he can protect the village if a threat ever arrives again. 
“Mah, I can’t believe our first time together is going to be while I’m so out of shape,” Kakashi complains. He still trains most mornings, sure, but he’s lost the muscle he used to have in his arms, and his once defined six pack is now merely a smooth map of pale skin. “How unfair.”
“Who gives a shit?” Obito says, rolling his eye. “Your priorities have always been so out of whack. You know, I’m just happy we’re here… Like this, together, tonight. You think I care about whether or not you look like you did when we were in our twenties?”
“Well, you still look good, so…”
“Stupid Kakashi,” Obito leans down and, finally, kisses Kakashi on the lips. It’s so brief that Kakashi doesn’t even have the time to kiss him back. “You’ll always look good to me.”
“Well, now I’m embarrassed,” Kakashi sighs. He tilts his head back against the pillow on the bed as Obito mouths at his neck. Then, he threads his fingers through Obito’s hair and gently tugs at the curly raven locks. “But if you really think I look that good… Why don’t you…?”
“Why don’t I what?” Obito teases and, without even asking, drags Kakashi’s pants and boxers down his hips in one swift motion. Kakashi sharply inhales at the sensation of cold air on his half-hard cock. “I never thought you’d be this shy. C’mon, tell me what you want.”
“I want…” Kakashi starts, but he’s so embarrassed that the words he wants to say die on his tongue. “I want you.”
“Want me to top you?”
“I’ve never-”
“What, never bottomed before?” Obito asks with a quirked brow. “I don’t mind.”
“No,” Kakashi answers, lying flat and covering his face with his hands. He’s never been one to be so bashful, but with Obito on top of him, staring at him like this, asking him such things when he hasn’t had sex for the better part of a decade… It’s so intimate… Vulnerable in a way that Kakashi isn’t accustomed to. “It’s just that I haven’t even been with another man before.”
Obito blinks.
“Huh… Wouldn’t have guessed. Are you a virgin, then?”
“No, no. I’ve slept with women, but it’s been a really long time since then.”
“How long?”
“Oh, God…” Kakashi pauses. He recalls the foggy memories of the last time he had sex; he was towards the end of his Anbu career, in one of the disgusting bathroom stalls at the bar on the outskirts of town. He had one of his female subordinates face-first against the wall with her skirt hiked up- and it wasn’t great, but it wasn’t terrible. He remembers doing it- all the sex, the drugs, the drinking- to drown out the pain of being young and losing everyone he’s ever loved. Though sex with Obito is exciting in theory, sex has never been anything but stress relief for Kakashi. “Uh… Right before I got discharged from Anbu. Maybe twelve years ago? Eleven?”
“Jesus,” Obito, much to Kakashi’s surprise, looks shocked. “You might as well be a virgin if it’s been that long. You seriously haven’t been laid in over a decade?”
Obito ignores Kakashi for just long enough to reach into the man’s nightstand drawer for his bottle of lube. 
“Hey, how did you know that would be there?” Kakashi demands as Obito finishes undressing himself and pops the cap open. 
It takes everything in Kakashi not to shamelessly stare at Obito’s nude body- at least not for so long that Obito would make fun of him for it. Still, he catches Obito’s broad chest, narrow waist, and defined abs, followed by the dark trail of hair that leads down to his hard cock. 
“You haven’t been laid in a decade,” Obito answers with a quizzical stare. “Knowing you, if it wasn’t in the nightstand drawer, it was going to be under your pillow or in a box under the bed.”
Kakashi shrugs.
“Fair. So, I’m assuming you’ve…?”
“Recently? No, but I’ve topped with other guys before if that’s what you mean.”
Kakashi frowns. He knows that they spent a lot of time apart, and that they’re not necessarily in a relationship, but the idea of Obito sleeping with someone else- God forbid, someone else in the village that Kakashi knows- makes him die inside.
“Since you’ve been back?” 
“What does it matter to you?” Obito replies, then smirks as he pours the lube into one hand and rubs it on his fingers to warm it. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous.”
“So what if I am?”
“Then you shouldn’t be, because I always imagined they were you.”
Before Kakashi can ask anything else or accuse Obito of lying to make him feel better, Obito’s dry hand is grabbing one of his thighs and spreading it apart. Kakashi jumps at the sudden touch 
“Don’t stare at me like that,” Kakashi orders, his bottom lip trembling from the sensation as he reaches down to grasp at the bedsheets. His hips shift up to meet Obito’s hands. “It’s embarrassing.”
“Fine. I’ll kiss you instead, if you don’t want me to look… Just know that you look so fucking pretty like this.”
Admittedly, Kakashi letting Obito stare for even a few seconds is a feat. He wouldn’t let anyone else see him like this- vulnerable, submissive, bare, and ready to be taken. But Obito isn’t like anyone else, because Kakashi actually trusts him. That realization is a terrifying (yet beautiful) one that nearly has Kakashi’s heart leaping out of his chest at the same time Obito is kissing him. 
Without warning, there’s a long, thin, slick finger being pressed against the rim of Kakashi’s ass. He jumps, but doesn’t object when Obito pushes it in. He’s surprised at how easily it gets past his entrance, and even more surprised when a second immediately follows. The feeling isn’t painful, but it isn’t especially pleasurable at first either- at least until Obito’s other hand wraps around the base of his cock. Kakashi can’t bring himself to have any restraint- the second Obito’s hand makes contact, he’s thrusting up into it with a small moan. Obito doesn’t tease like Kakashi expects him to, either. He pumps Kakashi’s dick in one hand and uses the other to finger him, experimentally moving his long digits to see how Kakashi reacts. The stimulation in two different areas is enough to make Kakashi’s head spin.
Dignity be damned, Kakashi spreads his legs further. He felt rather neutral about the fingering at first, though as Obito adds a third and screws them in deeper, Kakashi sees stars behind his eyes. 
Precum drips from his tip and onto Obito’s palm as Kakashi’s orgasm starts to build, and fuck, it’s been too long since he’s done something like this. Hell, he can’t recall the last night he’s had the time or the motivation to masturbate. 
“A-Ah, Obito, stop,” Kakashi gasps as he finally breaks the kiss. “I’ll finish if you keep touching me like that.”
Obito listens to Kakashi’s words and keeps a hold on the base of his cock rather than continuing to stroke it. At the same time, the fingers that were being used to fuck Kakashi’s ass become still. 
“Isn’t that the point?” Obito quirks a brow in. The most adorable pout takes over his face. If Kakashi weren’t using every ounce of willpower he has to keep from cumming on Obito’s fingers, he would stop to make fun of Obito’s expression. “I wanna make you cum, ‘Kashi.”
“I don’t think I can handle cumming from this and then letting you fuck me. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been so busy that I haven’t even been able to take care of myself lately, so I’m… On edge, to say the least.”
“Hm, okay. So what you’re saying is that you want me to hurry up and rail you?”
Kakashi feels his face scrunch before he can stop it.
“As hot as you are, I’m not validating that with an answer, let alone begging, so get on with it.”
“That’s fine. I’ll make you beg next time, yeah?”
Kakashi doesn’t respond, instead rolling his eyes as Obito slides his fingers out of him. Obito grabs the previously abandoned bottle of lube and spreads what’s left of it over his own cock and around the rim of Kakashi’s entrance.
“That’s over half the bottle,” Kakashi half-heartedly complains. “Do you know how expensive lube is?”
Obito shrugs.
“If you’re not using a good chunk of the bottle, you’re not doing it right.”
“Fair, but I don’t think anyone in the village wants to see their beloved Hokage frequenting the local sex shop for lube.”
“What, you haven’t bought any since becoming Hokage?”
“I don’t think I’ve even gotten the chance to get myself off since becoming Hokage,” Kakashi retorts, expression blank, to which Obito blinks back at him.
“Wow… Even more reason for me to give you the night of your life, I guess. You ready?”
Kakashi nods.
“Y-Yeah, I think so.”
With that, Obito presses the head of his dick against Kakashi’s entrance and thrusts forward in one fluid motion. Kakashi lets out a noise- choking, a gasp, a moan, a cry- he isn’t sure, because his ears are ringing so badly from having such a thick cock inside of him like this that he can barely hear. The feeling of being so full paired with how Obito’s rock hard abs grind into his sensitive cock has him making another noise- and this time, he’s certain that it’s an obnoxiously loud cry of Obito’s name. 
“You okay?” Obito questions, putting his weight on his forearms and resting his forehead against Kakashi’s. Though Kakashi’s eyes are screwed shut to keep Obito from seeing how humiliatingly far they’re rolling back from the pleasure of this, he can feel Obito’s Sharingan staring a hole into him. “I can pull out if-”
Obito starts to move his hips back, to which Kakashi wraps his legs around the other man’s waist to lock him in and whispers-
“Don’t you dare.”
“Yeah?” Obito hums and pushes Kakashi’s messy, silver hair away from his eyes. Then, when Kakashi finally meets his gaze, he sees the mischievous gleam in Obito’s Sharingan. “You want me?”
A million responses go through Kakashi’s head, none of them all too articulate. They vary from ‘yes, please fuck me’, to ‘shut up’, to ‘fuck you’. Finally, he manages to force out an underwhelming reply.
“Hold onto me, then.”
And Kakashi does. He tosses his arms around Obito’s neck, laces his own two hands together, and holds on for dear life as Obito thrusts into him. His head tilts back so far and so fast that he swears he pulls a muscle in his neck as he gasps for air. 
Being stuffed like this- it burns, but it feels so fucking good. He can’t settle on whether to pant like a dog in heat or to hold his breath at the electricity that courses through his veins when Obito sets a steady rhythm of slow, deep thrusts, totally ignoring (or perhaps revelling in) the way Kakashi is clawing at his scarred back.
For now, he’s able to forget about everything; the arguments they’ve been having, their past, Rin, his parents, their Sensei, his stupid fucking job as Hokage that he didn’t want in the first place, the ridiculous expectations that those around him hold for his life. Now, in this moment, the only things that stay on his mind are himself and Obito; the noise that echoes through the room when Obito’s skin slaps against his, the overwhelming pressure and euphoria that tears through him when Obito pounds into him, the goosebumps that raise on his skin when Obito kisses his lips and sucks hickeys into his neck.
Kakashi wants to cry. He’s been waiting for over twenty years, just for this moment, and it’s so good that he wants to relish it in a way he knows his body isn’t going to allow. Kakashi can tell that he’s going to finish only a few minutes in. 
Obito, almost as if he can read Kakashi’s mind, balances his weight on one forearm so he can use his free hand to grasp Kakashi’s cock and pump it again- this time in rhythm with his thrusts. 
“Fuck,” Kakashi curses and opens his eyes just enough to meet Obito’s Sharingan. “I’m so pent up, I think I’m going to-”
“Thank God,” Obito sighs into Kakashi’s neck before the man can even finish his sentence. “You’re so fucking hot, I don’t think I’m going to last long either.”
Kakashi moans- whether in relief or excitement he isn’t sure- but he does, and he keeps doing it, because even though he’s going to hate himself for it later, Obito whispers in his ear for him to keep going. The latter’s thrusts become sloppy and increasingly rough as he gets close, and with one that goes in so deep that it almost hurts when the head of his cock slams into Kakashi’s prostate, Kakashi finishes. He grasps at the dark locks at the back of Obito’s head and cries something pathetic as he paints his and Obito’s stomachs white with his cum.
And, after what feels like fucking forever, Obito lets go of Kakashi’s length and fucks him like an animal for every bit of five minutes to reach his own release. 
Obito nearly collapses onto Kakashi as he climaxes, chest against his chest, face buried in his neck, and arms shaking. Kakashi They’re both drenched in sweat by the time that Obito gathers the energy to pull out and get up. Before cum can leak onto Kakashi’s bedsheets, Obito rushes to the bathroom for a towel and some wipes. 
Obito comes back to the bed and tenderly cleans him off. Back when he was in Anbu, after the occasional hook up, Kakashi would run off to the bathroom, get himself together, and either leave the other person’s house or kick them out of his own. This time, though… It’s different. Obito treats him like he’s glass- not because he’s fragile, but because he’s… Loved? Cherished? A friend? Kakashi isn’t sure. He thinks to ask, just to make sure that Obito’s earlier confession wasn’t a dream, but then Obito is kissing the top of his head and whispering-
“Love you, Kakashi.”
“I love you, too.”
“Mm,” Obito hums and lies down on the bed. Kakashi glances at the other man when he thinks he isn’t looking and falls in love all over again. Obito looks gorgeous, fully nude and red in the face, his curly hair plastered to his forehead with sweat and a goofy grin taking over his lips. “You want me to stay, don’t you?”
“What makes you say that?” Kakashi asks, lying down as well and pulling the covers over them.
“The fact that you didn’t kick me out as soon as we finished is a pretty good sign that you still want me here.”
Kakashi rolls over to face away from Obito. Of course, after so many years, the Uchiha is still so good at reading him. No wonder Obito was able to figure out his true feelings so easily…
“Don’t think that just because you were in charge when we had sex, that you’re in charge of our relationship,” Kakashi huffs. “Obito…”
“Oh, so we’re in a relationship now?” Obito laughs.
“Considering the insane sex we just had, I’d be pretty insulted if we weren’t in a relationship,” Kakashi scoffs. “That being said, we’re going on a date tomorrow- even if I have to drag you there.”
Obito turns to face Kakashi’s back and wraps his arms around the man’s waist from behind. Kakashi lets out a sigh of relief and of comfort when Obito’s forehead is pressed up against the back of his shoulder.
“What about your job? Don’t you have to be in your office at six?”
Kakashi laughs.
“Fuck my job. It’s like you said, I don’t care about being late these days… Not anymore.”
And at that, Kakashi can feel Obito smirk against his skin.
“A date it is, then.”
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fighterbound · 3 months
“i don’t stand a chance against sasuke, do i?” / FROM SAKURA TO NARUTO u know how it issssss
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His heart stutters and trips over itself. All the breath from his lungs is ripped out with that single question. Time seems frozen as that question pounds itself into his head, replaying over and over. Then like clockwork his instincts flare to protect him, working to try and stop the torrent of emotions unleashed from the rooms he shut them in. It's ironic how Sakura's question has tethered itself in his mind while unshackling his own feelings.
Outwardly he shows his teeth, not in threat or warning, but to soothe. A wide happy smile. Happy is safe, happy doesn't have room for problems. Happy doesn't threaten him the way conflict does. Only these instincts are the same ones that have been pushing him away from this very conversation. Telling him to fold away all their previous little talks and underlying jabs and lock them away.
The smile he tries to give life to keeps melting off.
And Sakura given him no room to run this time. It's like she's cornered him. Her question a kunai that met its target. No matter how he spins this, he can't pretend he didn't hear her. Can't laugh his way out of the corner she's pressed him into. Pressing his hands against his side, he fights to keep his fingers relaxed despite the gut wrenching need to curl them into fists. This is Sakura...she...she's not someone that should be receiving this sort of reaction. Defensive and angry.
Yet...as he stares back at her and tries to work out a response a heat bubbles inside him. It's not explosive or abrasive like when facing an annoyin' enemy or arguing with Sai. No this...it's worse because it's been simmering, growing and expanding. Try as he might, it's been cooking too long and refusing to be shoved off the burner. His hands can't handle the heat. He doesn't want to feel like this. Angry. Annoyed. Agitated. Frustrated. None of those emotions ever work well for people. They create problems, drive people away, and they're just not good! So why is he so mad at her question? Why can't he shake it off and pretend like all the other times? It is cause she's got him trapped without an escape? Like...like she's demanding an answer out of him. One he doesn't he want to give, and why should he? Who is she to make him answer such an unfair question? His eyes narrow.
The words that have built on his tongue are all wrong. Terrible, ugly words that could brea--, no they will break them. They will shove a deeper wedge between them. He'd rather swallow his own tongue than speak the nasty truth that is filling his throat. Breaking away from her gaze, he stares down at the ground to reorient himself. Right now he's drowning in the overwhelming reaction of his emotions and thoughts. The only way he knows to break to the surface in these rare times is through his voice. Shouting, reacting, physically getting everything out. However, never have those times had him before a friend, especially one as precious as Sakura. Actually no, Sasuke been on the receiving end but...
Sasuke is different. The bitter truth. Bitter all the way to the core because of what it confirms. Though ain't that the answer she's looking for? It's why she's asking the question, ain't it? She knows. Every talk they've had since that evening in the bar, it comes back to Sasuke. He's grown from being a tiny little thorn between them to wrapping around them like vines. Every shift and twist Sakura and himself have managed to try and escape, have only pressed them deeper against the many thorns, making them bleed over the bastard that chooses the outside world instead of them. Yet...Naruto can't fault him. Can't bring himself to ask for more.
Would he...feel the same if were Sakura? If Sakura were to be swapped with him, would his own feelings be at the intensity they are for Sasuke? The hesitation in his heart tells him the answer he doesn't want to face. The answer Sakura is probably lookin' for. If she's expectin' this answer...should he just say it? Stop letting it simmer between them. His stomach drops just at the thought. But how long are they gunna keep doing this? If he evades now, will she keep comin' at him like this? Pushing more and more until the answer it pulled out of him. Why does she wanna hear this? Is she lookin' for an out or something? Then why ask him? She should be the one to say it.
Not him. He won't bare his neck like that. Running his tongue along the back of his teeth, decides right then and there to fight back. This ain't just gunna be him. He's gunna fight his way out of this corner!
"If you're askin' like that, makes it sound like you already have an answer," he rasps finally, like he's been inhaling smoke for far too long. Maybe he has, choosing to sit in the burning home of their friendship instead of trying to put it out. Every muscle is coiled tight with tension, bracing for whatever reaction he's going to receive. He's got fear pooling into his gut like an endless waterfall and that kicks him into gear. As his fingers dig into his sides, he does what he's worst at.
★; addressing the elephant in the room sentence starters. / @fightaers
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ssailormoonn · 1 month
❛ Self Care ❜
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Postwar!Sasuke X Fem!Reader
| Not smutty but suggestive at the end + Fluff | REQUEST? yes |
WC; 2k + | !MDNI! | TW/CW; fab!fem!Reader,soft Sasuke like rlly soft and affectionate guys, body worship, reader is depicted as a medical ninja, this is so fluffy guys, use of {Y/n}
REQUEST; @lovelyandproblematic - ok since you asked and I have severe incurable Sasuke simp brain rot so if you ever need prompt ideas lmk! ty for being my fav tumblr creator rn 😍 SELF CARE SUNDAY W/ SASUKE! I’m talking face masks, eye masks, cute headbands, warm robes, and a nice candlelit bubble bath, the whole nine yards! He’d prolly never admit it but he def needs to be spoiled and might have to be forced bribed into participating (*cough* body worship? *cough*) but poor boy has been thru soo much he needs a night to relax and pls get some moisturizer on him stat! his skin must be screaming lmaooo
this is being depicted as sasuke being 19-20 years old, he's come back for a little while to Konoha from his redemption mission for a bit (he missed you :))
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"I'll see you later, Sakura!" I hummed in content giving her a one armed hug as she did too as our arms were filled with only a couple bags.
Sakura pulled away from the hug after a few seconds with a warm smile plastered on her face. "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" She asked.
"For what?" I replied in confusion.
"Lady Tsunade said she'd like to meet up with us," Sakura said. "I think she misses us but she doesn't admit it."
"Ah, I see," I replied with a slight laugh leaving my gloss covered lips. "I'll make sure not to drink to much tomorrow night then."
"I'll see you, {Y/n}," She said while waving walking away.
"Bye, love!" I replied.
I pulled out my keys from my bag and I slid the key into the lock placed on the traditional sliding door. Stepping inside with an exhausted huff I slump myself down on the step up into the house and slip off my ninja shoes and rest them onto the rack only to see another pair there, a male pair.
My lips parted when I started thinking about who's they might be and my heart fluttered when I realised Sasuke must be back. I've been out the entire day and it's quite late at night now, who knows how long Sasuke has been back.
I nibbled on my bottom lip. Sasuke has come to visit three times in the two years he's been out. When Sasuke came back a few months ago he said he wouldn't be coming back for a couple of years and now look at him, he's here. It's odd, I wonder if something happened?
I place my bags next to the stair case that leads up to the bedrooms.
I haven't seen Sasuke yet wondering around in our house so I assume he's sleeping or in our room, the poor boy, he must be so tired and exhausted. I quietly slide open the door to our bedroom and I was met with the sight of my lover sleeping peacefully on our bed, the dark blue comforter covering the entirety of his body while he snuggled into the sheets. The sight made a gentle smile cross my lips.
Quietly making my way over to Sasuke side of the bed, I placed my hand delicately on his exposed cheek and I leant down and pressed a warm and gentle kiss to his forehead. I felt his body relax under my touch and I smiled into the kiss before pulling away slowly.
I was about to walk into the bathroom but just before my hand could leave Sasuke pale cheek, I felt a hand holding mine. Turning to look back, I see Sasuke's tired eyes looking at me and I immediately frown in worry.
"Sorry, dear," I hummed quietly, leaning down to meet Sasukes eye's. "I woke you."
"Don't stress," Sasuke hummed back with a tired sigh.
"'M just going to go have a shower and I'll be right back," I hummed but Sasuke didn't let go of my hand. "Are you alright, my dear?"
Sasuke hummed showing that he was fine. "I won't be too long, Sasuke," I replied. "But it'll take longer if you don't let me go," I added with a soft smile.
I watched Sasuke sit up slowly still holding my hand and a few moments of silence passed until Sasukes head drooped to my stomach and I could tell how tired he was. My other hand brushed through his hair and I placed a kiss to the top of his head.
"Would you like to come with me?" I offered and he nodded tiredly against my stomach. "Alright."
"You go ahead, I'll be there in a second," Sasuke mumbled pulling away from me looking up at me with onyx and purple eyes.
"Okay," I smiled gently as Sasuke let go of my hand.
Sasuke made his way sluggishly through the door when I turned on the tap to fill up the bath. "I figured that a bath would be better, you seem really exhausted," I hummed as I watched Sasuke slump himself down on the stool next to the bath and lean his head against the wall.
I let out a sigh while turning around to the cabinets under the sink to bring out some bathing oils and vanilla scented body wash. "My love," I mumbled thinking about how tired Sasuke is. I had no knowledge on why he was so exhausted as the last couple times he came back home he seemed normal.
Maybe that's it, maybe something happened to Sasuke and I didn't notice and now he can't cope. I'm really a terrible girlfriend, I'm so stupid.
I pulled out some facial lotions and serums for myself before a =n interesting thought came into my head. Sasuke wouldn't mind if I used some of these on him would he?
A smile rose to my face and I saw Sasuke look at me at the mirror with a suspicious expression and I simply let out a soft giggle. I watched him shake his head before leaning it back to the wall while a small smile appeared on his face. Well whatever I'm doing sure seems to cheer him up.
"Are you hungry, love?" I asked Sasuke stepping to the bath adding the salts, oils and body lotion.
"A little bit," Sasuke mumbled.
"That means you are," I replied rolling my eyes at his slight lie. "What would you like for dinner? We can go out or I can cook something?"
"I'd like to stay in," Sasuke said standing up and to my surprise he stood behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Beef tomato curry," He mumbled against the side of my neck and I smiled even though I knew he couldn't see.
I let out a soft laugh, "I'll make that for you, but it might take a some time to make, are you okay with that?"
"Yeah," Sasuke hummed briefly.
"Alright. You can go in," I said turning around gently in his arm. "I'll get dinner started and then I'll come in with you."
Sasuke gave me a soft kiss to my forehead before pulling away and his hand moving from my waist to cupping my cheek. "Don't be too long," Sasuke mumbled.
"I'll only be ten minutes, love," I replied. "I just need to cut things and put them in with broth."
I came back into the bathroom, like I said, ten minutes later as I was already pretty efficient with cutting things up relatively quickly. As I slid open the door I was met with the sight of Sasuke almost asleep in the bath and a soft smile crossed my lips at the sight. My tired boy.
I slipped of my ninja clothes and folded them neatly next to the sink next to Sasuke's grey sweats, as that was all he was wearing. I placed the serums and facial creams on the rim of the bathtub before I slid into the warm water.
Dinner will be ready in forty five minutes plus another ten minutes to cook the rice.
I sunk myself over Sasukes lap and I watched him open his eyes, with the rim of the Rinnegan peaking out from under his fringe. My hand cupped his cheek and I examined the condition of his skin and noticed that it was quite dry. I was planning to use my serums and skincare myself but I guess Sasuke had priority.
Squeezing some of the serum on the tips of my fingers I slowly applied the thick liquid over his face, my fingers slipping under his fringe even though I knew he didn't like me pushing it up. His nose scrunched ever so slightly when I did so which I found quite cute.
"When did you come home?" I calmly asked.
"Around midday," He replied. "I hoped that you would've been home."
"Sorry, Love. I was out shopping," I said, remembering about the bags I left downstairs full of groceries and some new clothes.
I applied some of the hydrating lotion to his face, taking in the beauty of it, he's so beautiful. "I thought you said you wouldn't be coming back for a while," I mumbled and Sasuke's hand held mine over his cheek.
Sasuke sighed before saying, "I wasn't feeling too well-"
"Are you sick?" I interrupted worried placing my other hand over his forehead only to realise that there was no fever or temperature. Sasuke is acting funny. "Well," I continued, "you look tired, Sasuke. Please relax for me."
He hummed in agreement closing his eyes in content as I continued to clean him up, only to realise that he was already really clean, his skin is quite dry though. "My love?" I asked and Sasuke gently opened his eyes.
"Yeah," He mummed.
"Did you shower before I got here?"
"I did," Sasuke replied. "I wouldn't have gone in bed dirty, I know how much you don't like the sheets getting dirty too fast."
"Yep," I said with a smile before I let my hands rest on the skin between his shoulders and neck. There was silence for longer than a few moments and my lips parted before I asked again, "Sasuke, why did you come home early? You said- you said you would be gone for a couple years."
"I missed what home felt like," Sasuke replied and I saw the lump he swallowed in his throat.
My brows furrowed in confusion. "You needn't worry, Sasuke. Our house will still be here no matter where you go," I murmured, leaning my forehead against his.
"I missed my home," Sasuke repeats as I cupped his cheeks.
My lips ghosted over his as I spoke, "You're home, love."
"I want you to come with me," Sasuke said.
"What?" I said breathlessly.
"I need my home to come with me."
My eyes widened in realisation. He wasn't talking about our house. Sasuke was talking about me.
Sasukes arm wrapped around my waist pulling me in closer causing me to let out a small gasp. "I'll come, Sasuke," I hummed as I closed my eyes and let my lips grace his own.
The lip balm I had on soothing his chapped lips.
I was his home and he was doing wandering around doing who knows what without it, without me.
Something came over my and I pressed my lips to his inciting a groan from his mouth as my tongue slipped into his mouth. His arm moved and tightened around my waist, pulling me inevitably closer into him than I already was.
Heat pooled in my stomach as Sasukes dick pressed up at my entrance and I let out a breathless sigh into his mouth before I pulled away. "Let me touch you," I asked while I nipped at the skin below his ear, leaving subtle red marks in it's path.
"You don't need to ask me anything," Sasuke groaned. "Do what you want."
I mumbled a thank you from my mouth while my hands ran down his arms, shoulders, and his toned abs. Sasukes head lolled back, leaning against the edge of the bathtub.
"You're so beautiful," I mumbled in between breaths of me marking up the base of his neck.
His arm tightened around my waist further and he pressed my down as much as he could to his dick and I let out a moan against his neck as Sasuke sighed in content.
"So beautiful."
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Do not copy, steal, modify, etc. Relogs and like are appreciated.
if you would like to be apart of my tag list for sasuke please dm me or comment it down!! if you would like to be apart of the entirety of naruto taglist, comment or dm that please :)
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taglist - @enouche @lovelyandproblematic
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acquired-stardust · 3 months
Daydream Generation: The Lasting Legacy of Akira Toriyama's Work
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Here on AcquiredStardust we don't talk about anime enough and we wish that beginning to rectify this could've come under better circumstances. Just what is the Daydream Generation anyway? Join Ash as she attempts the impossible task of summarizing the importance of the 'god of manga' Akira Toriyama after his passing earlier this month in this special tribute.
Late Thursday night news finally broke on social media that beloved manga author Akira Toriyama had passed away several days before, prompting an immediate outpouring of grief the world over. Many of us feel a deep sense of loss in a way unimaginable before his work achieved the level of cultural penetration and ubiquitous veneration that it has, and it is impossible to overstate the singular importance he had in shaping our modern culture.
Responsible for hit manga Dr. Slump and Dragon Ball which quickly found themselves at the forefront of the Japanese pop culture renaissance of the Showa period, Toriyama's work is possessed of a rare combination of an earnest childlike wonder and adventure that is perfectly serviced by an instantly recognizable art style that is something of a rite of passage to for budding artists to imitate. It is in that Showa boom period that the Daydream Generation, a term coined by Toriyama disciple Yoshihiro Togashi's Yu Yu Hakusho particularly as the title of its 5th ending theme, is forged.
It is no overstatement to refer to Akira Toriyama as "the god of manga", and in fact he is referred to as such by Masashi Kishimoto of Naruto fame. It is Kishimoto's generation, coming of age in the Showa era in which Toriyama produces his most significant works, that finds themselves first so captivated by it. Although anime is in the middle of a golden age by the time Toriyama's work is published (lead perhaps most by Leiji Matsumoto of Galaxy Express 999/Captain Harlock fame and Mobile Suit Gundam visionary Yoshiyuki Tomino), Toriyama's work forges a connection with Japanese readers in a way that other work hasn't quite in the same way.
Perhaps it is the clean linework, deceptively simplistic and stylish all at once. Perhaps it is the expressive characters often named with clever puns or food related names. Perhaps it is familiar cultural touchstones and elements of comedy and parody rolled seamlessly into each other. Perhaps it is the refinement in elements popularized by contemporary works like Ring ni Kakero such as the frequent use of tournaments as a framing for the plot Perhaps it is the rare ability for Toriyama to create characters that often appeal equally to male and female readers without either demographic rejecting them, feat only rivaled with any real frequency by authors Rumiko Takahashi and Hiromu Arakawa.
Regardless of the cause, the strong creative voice and earnestness that shines through Dr. Slump and Dragon Ball does something special for children of the Daydream Generation: it makes the job of creating manga seem more attainable than other works of the time do. It gives a generation of children the ability to dream, some for the first time, of their own works. It is in the immediate wake of these works that authors such as Masashi Kishimoto, Yoshihiro Togashi, Tite Kubo and Eiichiro Oda come of age and dream of their own works in direct inspiration from them.
The Daydream Generation, sat in their desks at class fantasizing about a world in which they too would be able to pursue creative dreams in a postwar Japan perhaps otherwise unattainable to them without first being armed with the sense of accessibility that Toriyama provided readers, affectionately refer to Toriyama as 'sensei' nearly universally. It is he who is the god of manga, revered and emulated - Toriyama, more so than any individual, is responsible for the explosion of Japanese pop culture in this era and many manga authors are frank in their admittance of such. It isn't just limited to the world of manga either, as Toriyama has a hand in multiple iconic video games such as Enix's Dragon Quest and Square's Chrono Trigger.
But then something equal parts special and unlikely happens: in the late 1990s Toriyama's work begins to be exported into the west with relatively minimal changes to the source material, and the whole process repeats itself. This time with a constant flow of follow up works by the Daydream Generation to help Japan's global pop culture takeover.
Anime's infiltration into the west played out on college campuses, and in those early days of fandom defined by import VHS and LaserDisc it was nearly unthinkable that it would end up mainstream enough to appear on television. While early ground is gained on anime in the mainstream (particularly Ronin Warriors hitting television in a largely unedited form in 1995 as well as multiple attempts to import Sailor Moon around the same timeframe, not to mention Pokemon's debut in late 1998), it is not until the revamping of Cartoon Network's Toonami block, spearheaded by Dragon Ball Z, that anime would truly arrive in the west.
The importance of Toonami in getting anime in front of the eyes of the generation following the Daydream Generation in America cannot be overstated. It was the first time many of us laid eyes on animation that wasn't an episodic comedy, with more mature themes. It was the first time we had encountered drastic cultural differences inherent in anime. For many of us, particularly in the case of Dragon Ball Z, it was even the first time we began to see animation and even creativity as being something that comes from someone rather than spontaneously generating itself for consumption. For the first time in my memory a mania kicked off with the addition of Dragon Ball Z to Toonami in 1999 that changed the way my generation thought about and consumed media.
Gathered around our own desks ten plus years later, American children male and female alike passionately discussed Dragon Ball Z. We debated power levels, questioned what other planets and races populated the universe of the series, and for the first time we discussed concepts that were unknown to us just a short time before: who was the creator of this series and where did it come from? Mirroring the effect that Toriyama's work had on the Daydream Generation many Milennials and Gen X people, especially those with no prior introduction to anime, found themselves absolutely captivated by Dragon Ball Z. Millions of young people put pencil to paper for the first time to imitate the art style of Toriyama brought to animated glory by the staff at Toei or to write fanfiction. We developed these skills and collaborated with each other now armed with the same sense of approachability that the Daydream Generation had years before us. And then the hits kept coming. Serving as a gateway into a world of animation previously largely unknown in the west, Toonami exploded in the following years.
Starting in 2000 Toonami added Tenchi Muyou, a series almost completely different to Dragon Ball Z which would go on to be an influence in Dana Terrace's recent Disney hit The Owl House, and Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. The Gundam franchise, originally popular in Japan contemporaneously with Akira Toriyama's work, had seen many followups and spinoffs in the years after the original series ended and had itself become a titan of Japanese pop culture. Finally hitting the west using Dragon Ball Z as a bridge, it was the first time many of us were introduced to animation as a medium for communicating complicated political ideas.
Perhaps most significantly, as is easily observed through diving into the wealth of old abandoned websites from the Geocities era, Gundam Wing served as a vehicle through which young people were introduced to male characters that all seemed to have romantic chemistry with each other. Having both lived through the era and examining it in retrospect I say with all sincerity that it was Gundam Wing that helped begin the yaoi craze in the west, by then a well established thing in Japan, and was therefore absolutely instrumental in beginning to soften the attitudes of young people towards queer people in the west.
A strong hunger for more of this extremely different kind of animation had been created and the floodgates were about to open. Years immediately following saw the broadcast of memorable anime such as Outlaw Star and The Big O. 2003 saw Nobuhiro Watsuki's unavoidably Japanese historical fiction piece Rurouni Kenshin debut in America, Yoshihiro Togashi's Yu Yu Hakusho finally make the transition to the west followed by Eiichiro Oda's One Piece and Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto in 2005. Each of these works massively impacted my generation and empowered us in a different way: whereas the Daydream Generation saw the opportunity to create their own works my generation had the luxury of exploring these works, full of ideas and states of being unknown to us before then. We were armed with the ability not just to create our own works but to create ourselves and to decide who we would be far more liberally than we would have otherwise been comfortable doing in the past.
It is worth noting that Toonami did not have total dominion over the boom of anime in America: while there were others in later years, latenight programming [Adult Swim] pursued an older viewer who was hungry for even more of what the wide world of anime had to offer. Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha was an early favorite alongside the likes of such classics as Cowboy Bebop, Trigun and FLCL. Already massively influential in his own right, it was using Akira Toriyama's work as a foothold that quite literally proved to be the breakthrough moment for anime in the west and provide any of these incredible shows with an audience here.
As such there are few people you can point to as singularly responsible for shaping the way our culture (and that's culture at large - not just pop culture) works. Akira Toriyama's name is up there with the likes of Walt Disney and George Lucas in its weight. His works and the bridge they provided to other works helped to reshape the way we communicated with each other, the ways in which we saw ourselves, and the things we dared to dream. Millions and millions of people pursued writing or drawing, or the powerful physiques of Akira Toriyama's characters featured in Dragon Ball, and those who were inspired by him continue to share his work with their offspring ensuring his timeless classics remain in circulation perpetually.
He is, while not the origin point, the biggest guiding hand in so many aspects of our culture and the man most singularly responsible for the exporting of Japanese pop culture to the world. He has left behind an incredible legacy that few could ever hope to achieve and fewer yet will, and more importantly he inspired generations of people to be and do things they otherwise never would've thought possible. Both directly and indirectly his fingerprints are all over what you enjoy perhaps without even realizing it, and it's unlikely that will ever go away no matter how far we get from his life and work.
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siflshonen · 2 years
BNHA “Presentations” Meta Masterpost
Please review these before asking me specific questions about BNHA. This post will be updated as I feel it is relevant.
Sequencing My Hero Academia’s “Manga DNA”: A Breakdown of Katsuki Bakugo | 1.0 | 2.0 | AO3 (updated to ver. 4.0)
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This “presentation” post is a primer on Katsuki Bakugo’s character, influences, character arc, and meta. This post covers topics including Kohei Horikoshi’s manga influences, basic character roles in literature, a brief history of shonen manga and the real-world conditions in which the genre as we know it came to be, Japanese social and cultural references such as honne and tatemae, and other miscellaneous anime tropes.
Sequencing My Hero Academia’s “Manga DNA” II: A Breakdown of Izuku Midoriya (formerly titled, “Izuku Midoriya is Katsuki Bakugo's Destiny And It Makes Me Nauseous”)
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This “presentation” post discusses Izuku Midoriya’s character and values from a broadly “conventional” Japanese cultural perspective. It also compares and contrasts Izuku and Katsuki’s status as narrative foil leads in a shonen series to other narrative foil leads in other classic, influential shonen series.
This presentation includes an in-depth discussion on platonic and romantic BakuDeku(Baku?) as well as my candid opinion about Naruto.
Eijiro Kirishima: Positively Reclaiming National Identity and Making Masculinity More Inclusive (with surprise guest Mina Ashido!) | 1.0 | 2.0 | Ao3 (updated to ver. 3.0)
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This “presentation” post discusses Eijiro Kirishima’s character and arc as well as the real-life references his character’s aesthetic and “manly” actions and credo are meant to communicate. This post includes a discussion of Japanese delinquents and bosozoku, a brief and simplified history of the relationship of Japanese hypermasculinity and military/naval power, a brief discussion of kouha and nanshoku, and a brief general analysis of how Kirishima's early-series insecurities reflect those of an “emasculated” and outdated Japan in relation to Mina’s “effeminate” Japan of today. It also compares Kirishima and Mina’s history and character growth to Katsuki and Izuku’s.
Shoto Todoroki and the Middle Way (Formerly titled, “Original Character Do Not Steal: Why Shoto Todoroki's Best Quality Is Being Lame As Hell And the Fact That It Drives Katsuki Bakugo Nuts”)
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This “presentation” post gives a brief overview of Shoto Todoroki’s character and arc, particularly as it relates to Katsuki’s. It discusses eastern notions of balance in all things and how Shoto’s personal quest for balance within himself and his turbulent family reflects upon Katsuki and Izuku’s interpersonal situation.
Todoroki: The Mountain, the Hawk, and the Haunted House | Part 1 | Part 2 | Ao3 (updated to ver. 2.0)
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These “presentation” posts take a detailed look at the Todoroki family members and their stories, and provides a significant chunk of meta about Keigo Takami (Hawks). It covers the basics of Japan’s postwar western envy, the modern Japanese patriarchy, and ie family system as well as how these things relate to the characters and their motivations. These posts also discuss the parallels of several sets of characters including Keigo and Toya, Keigo and Deku, Endeavor/Enji and All Might/Toshinori, and Enji and Deku.
A Practical Solution to Ochako Uraraka and Katsuki Bakugo’s Mutual Problem (with surprise guest Himiko Toga!)
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This “presentation” is formulated like a joke complete with some rough ribbing towards Deku. This discusses the similarities and differences in Uraraka, Bakugo, and Toga’s plots and relationships with Izuku Midoriya.
Trauma Doesn’t Make You Wrong or Right But it Does Make You Easier to Manipulate: Tomura Shigaraki and All for One (with surprise guests Eri, Tenko Shimura’s family, and the League of Villains!) | Ao3
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This “presentation” discusses the similarities and overlap between Heroes, Villains and victims. It also breaks down how All for One is a personification of fascism throughout time and how he targets individuals, as well as what social or individual qualities he considers when choosing his marks. Oh, and this one discusses the nature of trauma and PTSD, how abuse perpetuates a cycle of itself, and how Shigaraki’s destructive rampage is really a cry for help.
From Shuichi Iguchi to Tomura Shigaraki and Bakugo Katsuki to Izuku Midoriya: With Love From Your Shadow | Ao3
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This “presentation” discusses Spinner and his role in the story as well as how he and his relationship with Shigaraki parallels (or doesn’t parallel) Bakugo’s relationship with Deku.
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seldramas · 1 month
ok so quick muse rundown.
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¹ bleach.
aizen. not spoiler free if you haven't read cfyow. host to the soul king's reiryoku. askin and lille. postwar/survival verse available, in which lille leads the surviving quincy out of the darkness. diplomatic relations with the soul society are established. askin is literally just there. starrk. hand of the queen! uryuu. after the war, he studies to become a psychologist. he finds his own way to help people.
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² one piece.
crocodile. yes he's trans. yes he was in the revolutionary army. yes he[i am forcibly dragged off the stage] sanji. i genuinely don't fuck with oda's wobbly writing of sanji throughout the series, re: fishmen island. i won't write him being fucking weird to women. rob lucci. weird leopard habits. find a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.
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³ naruto.
tobirama. daddy issues. brother's keeper. founders-era focused with bleach and youkai/inuyasha aus.
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lonelyredninja · 3 months
This is an ask blog where I write as Obito Uchiha and where he answers questions and draws (awfully hahaha) you can dm and you can also send anonymous asks as another character 😉
This blog is postwar Obito, Bourito stuff wouldn't be answered because I've never read or watched the show, hope you understand.
English is not my first language.
--- Obito
This is my first post... I have to 'spread my wings' or something. I'm on house arrest.
Here's a drawing of my team. First Rin, then Bakakashi.
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Honestly, I'm expecting zero interactions. I'm just doing this for Sakura and Naruto, and Kakashi .
Well, I'm done.
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itsmnee · 8 months
thank you @missoblaine and @magmavox for the tag 💜
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
here we go:
restaurant fic
postwar uc
witch naruto
modern soulmarks
clone confession
pet play
ice cream/dango
one hand help
touch starved
play party
it's a sibling
just once
identity porn
dead naruto
sasuke is a cat
dest wed
canon soulmates
clearly, my document naming strategy is very sophisticated. I'm not gonna tag that many, but in a probably futile effort to not re-tag ppl: @cyberflamingo @coconut-kid185 @fangirlandiknowit101 @uchihanochidori @kemperrose @almightyshadowchan
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myaekingheart · 1 year
1. Ichiraku! 2. The Uchiha Compound 3. The Academy! 4. Free Space 👀
1. Ichiraku Ramen 🍜
• Teuchi was constantly on-call during Kushina's pregnancy because she was known to wake Minato up in the middle of the night desperate for a bowl of tonkatsu ramen.
• Teuchi and Ayame live in a very small apartment right above the ramen shop.
• When Jiraiya would get writer's block, he would go to Ichiraku for a bowl of ramen to help get the creative juices flowing.
• Iruka spent so much time at Ichiraku both eith Naruto and to help fill the void while he was gone with Jiraiya, that he and Ayame grew rather close and eventually ended up in a relationship together. They go on to get married and have a son, Hiyamugi, named after a Japanese noodle dish.
2. The Uchiha Compound 🔥
• The Uchiha compound was built in Konoha's District 4, an omen for the clan's downfall.
• All the buildings in the compound are built to be especially fire resistant and durable thanks to the high concentration of fire jutsu among the Uchiha.
• The Uchiha compound was one of the less damaged portions of the village when Pain attacked.
• The compound remained exactly the same as it was when Itachi murdered everyone; no one bothered to clean the place up after the fact nor did they care enough. Sasuke consequently had nightmares for six weeks afterward.
• Seeing as most police officers in the village were Uchiha, following the massacre, they had to conduct a large recruitment project for new officers. Many of Konoha's citizens did not want to touch the police station after what had happened, feeling uncomfortable and like it was a bad omen. Ultimately, many tokubetsu jonin were heavily encouraged to join the police force.
3. The Academy 🏫
• The academy has four grades: freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior. Seniors are usually 11-12 years old, juniors 10-11, sophomores 9-10, and freshman 8-9.
• Young prospective ninja can take the entrance exam as young as 3 years old, though it is heavily discouraged except for in times of war and in extraordinary circumstances ie prodigies like Kakashi.
• Children can also enter preschool as young as age 3, though the most common age group is 7-8 years old. The preschool is in a building attached to the main academy and requires no entrance exam. It teaches students the basics like letters, numbers, shapes, reading, and basic math.
• Typical academics are taught in academy classes, as well, but usually through a ninja-colored lens. World and local history, chakra natures and elemental science, necessary botany and zoology, geometry to calculate the trajectory of attacks, etc. are all common aspects of the curriculum.
• Pre-war, most children who did not pursue the ninja path had to be wealthy enough to rely on private tutors for education. If they could not afford a private tutor, they often had to learn through real-world experiences helping with their parents businesses. Therefore their "curriculum" was much more real-world based such as financial math.
• Postwar, a public school for civilian children was founded and placed next to the ninja academy.
• Most teachers have a second job or take missions alongside their teaching for extra money. Teaching oftentimes does not pay the bills.
• The academy has two stories, four basic classrooms, a small library, a front office with a records room and clinic, teacher's lounge, and a small lunch room. Postwar, they add a cafeteria for children who cannot bring their lunches.
• The school courtyard has a training ground for physical education, one of the four main tenets of academy curriculum.
• The four main tenets of the academy curriculum are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Physical curriculum revolves around the student's physical capabilities (agility, speed, stamina, mastery of ninjutsu and taijutsu, etc). Mental curriculum revolves around the student's intelligence (understanding of the material, battle tactics and formation, mastery of genjutsu, etc.) Emotional curriculum revolves around the student's emotional maturity and control (remaining calm and clear-minded in stressful situations, handling heavy topics such as death and injury, resisting psychological manipulation, etc). Lastly, spiritual curriculum revolves around a student's understanding of and relationship with their own chakra network and chakra nature (being attuned with the elements, meditation, etc.) All four of these tenets work in tandem to build the foundation of a successful and skilled shinobi.
4. Free Space: Unohana Antiques Shop 🏺
• The Unohana Antiques Shop was founded by twins Komori and Rojin Unohana. It is equal parts thrift store, pawn shop, and museum for the unwanted mysteries of old Konoha.
• The shop's establishment was inspired by Komori Unohana's penchant for collecting odds and ends, namely mismatched souvenirs from the many ninja missions of her youth.
• The antiques shop is one of many small businesses in the village, especially those founded by Konoha's oldest and finest. Other businesses in the same league are the Kawakubo Kimono Shop, Kaminoki Book Store, the dango shop, Fumeiyo Fortunes, and Kenshin Smithing.
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i cant remember if it was ever addressed in canon? but im sometimes curious whether sasuke ever wondered about karin's last name being uzumaki and if that meant she has ties (even extremely distant ones) with naruto. maybe even poked fun of or even laughed at the thought of naruto doing the level of prestine seals that uzumaki's are known for, or maybe he'll just feel frustrated about it in the end lol (shippuden era sasuke at least, not postwar sasuke haha)
I don't believe it is ever even mentioned in canon. Like, Sasuke just sort of hears her name and goes 'ok cool' and continues on, which given his storyline and everything that happened is fair. He had a lot going on.
But the thought of Naruto even attempting half of the things he knows Karin is capable of, or perhaps the jutsu's she has told him about, is rather funny
he knows Naruto is strong. He's not a shinobi to scuff at even if Sasuke views himself as being stronger, but Naruto is also someone who he could never see learning the jutsu's that the Uzumaki are known for
he finds out they're specifically known for their sealing skills and immediately has to walk away to laugh because the mental image of Naruto trying to do a sealing jutsu popped into his head and it was so funny he couldn't stop himself.
During the war he makes a comment about how a certain Uzuamaki Jutsu might be useful (one Karin told him about) and the utter look of confussion Naruto gives him confirms everything he has thought about on the topic and when this war is done he is going to roast tf out of Naruto over it
In regards to Karin and the Uzuamki skills, i think she'd hear more about how Sasuke never saw any of those traits in Naruto, but then he's not surprised because Naruto couldn't even come out with the most basic Uzumaki trait (Red hair) so how is he supposed to have their jutsu?
Naruto would punch him on sight if he heard that XD He would love having that beautiful red hair just like his mom and it's mean to tease him for being blond instead XD
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oivsyo · 2 years
I'm so happy!! I thought I wouldn't recieve an answer, nevertheless this soon! I've written to other shippers before but they seem not active anymore.
I'm looking forward to December then! I NEED more on NejiHina haha I started shipping them when watching the war for the first time, like, the moment exact that I realized Neji's feelings for Hinata (and around the same time Neji became my fav character, even above Hinata... I first hated him, then liked him and then loved him). Tbh, I watched the war arc and end a lot of time later, like, I stopped al 14 and ended it at 19 YO. Then watched it again with my husband, and this time at 26 I'm watching again just focusing on Neji. So, I was not a shipper before 2015 but I'm one of those "old" ( in age) shippers. It justs makes more and more sense the more adult I am, I feel haha also, I'm very Canon strict to establish the relationship (though I do enjoy the fillers that shows it), it makes absolute canon sense that Neji loved Hinata, it's actually impossible IMO to separate him from that fact.
Aaaand, since I'm very logic/factual, I decided not to only do a fanfic to have them together but to give them logic enough that it could have been canon. Like, I decided to rewrite the story since the war to avoid his death without taking the emotional impact. In the midst of it, I decided to make justice to all Konoha 11 + Sai (even Sakura, just no more Naruto and Sasuke pls) and rewrite parts of them too, so I have a lot in my plate right now. I'm working hard to fill all the wholes I see the best I can, both in the main story and in my AU. I'm working hand to hand with the OG material (canon and anime only), so I'm simply "coping" some parts as it is, changing minor things on some parts and major things on others, and then, in postwar, I'm going to finally lead the story on my thoughts mainly. But it's taking sooooo long. I'm doing the first script by hand on english, but I intend to do the final one on Spanish since is my main language and I want to go as in deep detail as I can. Maybe I'll translate it back later.
Does this makes sense? Does it sounds like something worth reading?
I also wanted to tell you that here in Mexico NejiHina seems to be in the rise, kind of. It's more like it has become really popular on TikTok, many many fans loving Neji, and it leaded to 2 memes: Neji Chiquito (Mini Neji) and Neji Norteño. The later refers to the fact that Neji is in love with/ attracted to his cousin; it's a meme but is a huge one, and it implies people recognizes and accepts the fact that Neji was in love with Hinata. Some leave it at that, but many others wished they could be together or state that Neji was a better option for Hinata than Naruto, that also being because a lot of people was upset about NS ending and hate Boruto series.
I'm sorry about the long post 😅 I needed out, I feel like I don't have ppl enough to talk about this haha I also wanted to know your opinion on my project and to let you know that in spite of how things turned out, NejiHina do is getting more recognition on some places.
Good day once again, anon! I'm sorry for making you wait for so long. I read your message right after you sent it but I didn't have enough time to reply properly. As far as your message was full of passion it deserved a thoughtful reply.
I understand you so well about writing to other NejiHina shippers. That is what I did when I returned to NejiHina and started to draw again after more than a decade long hiatus. I didn't know anyone, most accs looked dead so I just started to post my pics. And I'm endlessly grateful to @cyanis-art @nyxvoidart @incensuous @nejihina-and-mlb @nejihinata @toonamifaithful and other people who noticed and liked my arts, wrote comments and supported me in many ways. In the beginning support is needed as air, so I have no idea whether I would continue to draw NejiHina if not their support🙏
I'm looking forward to December then! I NEED more on NejiHina haha I started shipping them when watching the war for the first time, like, the exact moment that I realized Neji's feelings for Hinata (and around the same time Neji became my fav character, even above Hinata... I first hated him, then liked him and then loved him). Tbh, I watched the war arc and end a lot of time later, like, I stopped at 14 and ended it at 19 YO. Then I watched it again with my husband, and this time at 26 I'm watching again just focusing on Neji. So, I was not a shipper before 2015 but I'm one of those "old" ( in age) shippers. It justs makes more and more sense the more adult I am, I feel haha also, I'm very Canon strict to establish the relationship (though I do enjoy the fillers that shows it), it makes absolute canon sense that Neji loved Hinata, it's actually impossible IMO to separate him from that fact.
Thank you for sharing your story! It has always been interesting for me to know how other fans came to NejiHina. I've discussed it with quite a number of people and there are some similarities in their stories. Many of my NejiHina fellows say that 'once you feel the chemistry between them you will ship them without turning back'. Also there are many fans who are older than 25 y.o. Most of them agree that NejiHina is a mature ship that goes beyond plain romance. Many ppl started to ship them when they were teenagers and returned to this ship as adults.
As for me, I started to ship them as a teenager after watching s1 and the beginning of Shippuden but I didn’t look in too deep back then. I rewatched Naruto, watched the rest of the series and Rock Lee SD only 1,5 years ago and I was surprised how many NejiHina moments there are and started to love them even more. There is also more info about Hanabi and the Hyuga clan, so I crushed into the clan too.
Aaaand, since I'm very logic/factual, I decided not to only do a fanfic to have them together but to give them logic enough that it could have been canon. Like, I decided to rewrite the story since the war to avoid his death without taking the emotional impact. In the midst of it, I decided to make justice to all Konoha 11 + Sai (even Sakura, just no more Naruto and Sasuke pls) and rewrite parts of them too, so I have a lot in my plate right now. I'm working hard to fill all the wholes I see the best I can, both in the main story and in my AU. I'm working hand to hand with the OG material (canon and anime only), so I'm simply "coping" some parts as it is, changing minor things on some parts and major things on others, and then, in postwar, I'm going to finally lead the story on my thoughts mainly. But it's taking sooooo long. I'm doing the first script by hand on english, but I intend to do the final one on Spanish since is my main language and I want to go as in deep detail as I can. Maybe I'll translate it back later.
Does this makes sense? Does it sounds like something worth reading?
“to fill all the holes” is exactly what I have been doing for the last 1,5 years 🥲💪
I’m not good at writing, so I draw to show my headcanons and write short notes on twitter and here. Gladly there are NejiHina fellow artists around me to discuss our ideas with. And we are happy to wellcome new people to discuss NejiHina with.
I can’t speak on behalf of all the community but personally I’m a sucker for canon compliant + canon divergent stories. It seems I will never get tired of the multi-chapter slowburn stories about Neji and Hinata and the Hyuga clan.There is a NejiHina fan-novel in my language that is written with this approach and when I’ve read it I understood that this is the type of fan-fiction I like the most. I like it when the story begins as in the canon but gradually diverts from it. This appoach provides numerous opportunities to develop side characters making them MCs, adding original characters, developing the lore. This is exactly what I do for my own headcanons so I fully support you. I wish you good luck in writing what you’ve started! Take your time and I’m looking forward to reading your story in English some day!
I also wanted to tell you that here in Mexico NejiHina seems to be in the rise, kind of. It's more like it has become really popular on TikTok, many many fans loving Neji, and it leaded to 2 memes: Neji Chiquito (Mini Neji) and Neji Norteño. The later refers to the fact that Neji is in love with/ attracted to his cousin; it's a meme but is a huge one, and it implies people recognizes and accepts the fact that Neji was in love with Hinata. Some leave it at that, but many others wished they could be together or state that Neji was a better option for Hinata than Naruto, that also being because a lot of people was upset about NS ending and hate Boruto series.
Oh, I saw Neji Chiquito pics on the net! I guess there are many ppl who like him, mini Neji is so cute! I would like a t-shirt with him!
I also came across ‘Norteño’ comments to NejiHina pics on pinterest and on Twitter but I thought that it was some kind of sly insult. Like ‘sweet home Alabama’. Anyway, thanks for telling me about it! I would be very interested to know the origin of this meme. Why northern? 🤔 I also remember comments about Santiago-something, are these things connected?
I'm sorry about the long post 😅 I needed out, I feel like I don't have ppl enough to talk about this haha I also wanted to know your opinion on my project and to let you know that in spite of how things turned out, NejiHina do is getting more recognition on some places.
That’s ok! It seems we have a lot in common, I also like to write very long texts if the topic is interesting to me XD
You can write me so that we will discuss Neji & Hinata, the Hyuga clan and so on =3
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fighterbound · 3 months
🛁 from sakura to naruto!!!
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He reaches to stop her.
"Don't waste your chakra on me." Glancing toward the table, Naruto jerks his chin toward the bandage roll he'd been planning to use.
"Just wrap it," he mutters, "Kurama will fix me up once he stops throwing a hissy fit." He ignores the muttered insult from the fox, keeping his eyes on Sakura. To make sure she doesn't use her energy on him. She should save it. His gaze drops to the floor once once the bandage touches his hand.
Ignoring the probing he feels from her eyes and hands, he resolves to stay quiet. Any energy to put up his usual cheer is empty. After this he wants bathe and sleep. Hopefully whatever the fuck went wrong during their fight earlier will sort itself out. Sakura and himself have always been able to manage great teamwork, but today simply felt off. The usual rhythm between them felt strained. Taunt, like a string stretched too far. In the midst of battle it snapped, and severed their synergy. They fell like puppets without strings. They managed to win in the end, but not without injuries that shouldn't have happened.
The smart decision would be to talk about what happened, but that means admitting something is potentially wrong. He doesn't have the mind to deal with that, he just wants this weirdness to go away. Roll off his shoulders and disappear. That's why he's gunna use the excuse of bathing to run.
"Mind if I clean up first?"
Send 🛁to help my muse clean blood / grime off up after a fight / injury / etc ! / @fightaers
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ssailormoonn · 2 months
─── ❛ Cell Sorrow ❜
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Postwar!Sasuke X Reader
| SFW | REQUEST? no |
SYNOPSIS; seeing sasuke for the first time after the war in his cell
WC; 250 + | TW/CW; no pronouns mentioned, so gender neutral appropriate
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The first time I see Sasuke in the cell, my heart sinks like a stone in water. His head hangs low, shrouded in bandages and that beige coloured body wrap that T&I mad him wear. I can sense the weight of his guilt hanging heavy in the air. It's agonising to witness him like this, so distant and unreachable, confined to a space that feels too small for his pain.
I knew I wasn't allowed to enter without permission, but I did it anyway.
As I kneel before him, my hands trembling as they gently cradle his face, I can't help but feel a surge of sorrow wash over me. The sight of him, so broken and vulnerable, tears at my heartstrings in ways I can't fully articulate. Every fiber of my being aches to take away his pain, to offer him the solace he so desperately needs.
When Sasuke leans his chin against my shoulder, seeking refuge in my embrace, knowing that it was me here. My heart shatters into a million pieces. It's as if the weight of his sorrow presses against me, threatening to overwhelm us both. Yet, in that moment, I refuse to let despair consume us.
"I'm sorry," his voice is barely a whisper against my ear, filled with a rawness that pierces straight through to my soul. The tears welling up in my eyes threaten to spill over, but I blink them back, determined to be strong for him.
With his forehead now resting against my shoulder, I wrap my arms around him tightly, clinging to him as if he were my lifeline.
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Do not copy, steal, modify, etc. Relogs and like are appreciated.
this post is related to this post here
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narutoheretic · 1 year
you should tell us all about your root ocs 🤠 i have so many as well, yet i still think i need to make more bc of how big and international the org’s supposed to be :O
resurrecting another ask so old I don't remember a ton of concepts, BUT luckily i have the old scraps of danzo-trains-naruto fic (which still lives in my head despite me never being able to write it yet) to go off and find at least a few Root OCs. it was really fun to remember all these guys, so thanks for that!
harumi - an older Root member, was a young woman when Danzo was middle-aged (she pops up in here, beneath my lungs to talk with Kagami). she's weird and socially anxious but in a way that makes her really good at translating people yelling at each other into polite-speak, so she her career for a while was mainly just carrying messages. She began working with Kagami on his diplomatic/ambassador missions shortly before Kagami's death; she was the only survivor of the Iwa attack that killed Kagami and everyone else on that mission, and it cost her a leg and some severe scarring. After a few months of bluescreening, she became essentially an etiquette teacher, training the members of Root that would have to interface with the public; and, notably, teaching Kushina proper behavior and diplomacy when Kushina was first brought to Konoha.
rokuro - another older root member, one who worked closely with Danzo during the Shinobi no Yami years. he's half-Akimichi, and due to the lenient rules on blood relation would have been happily raised as part of the clan, except he uh. was a little weirdo who poisoned a kid for upsetting his cousin when he was like, seven. the Akimichi usually are incredibly harsh on poisoners but are equally soft for kids, so they were stuck not knowing what to do until someone noticed Danzo lurking around doing the beginning of his 'if anyone wants to discard a child just know i am always hiring. children' thing. Danzo was, at least then, viewed pretty favorably by the Akimichi due to his connection thru Torifu, so little Rokuro got packed off to utilize his nascent poisoning genius for the good of the nation. he grew up into a still-weird, still-poison-happy adult, summons carp (which baffles everyone, carp seem extremely boring for How He Is) and has a homoerotic rivalry with an Anbu member.
i cannot remember her goddamn name WHY we used to say it daily. Masako maybe?? - Danzo's second-in-command for a good chunk of Root's early to middle years. from a small wandering Jashin cult, ran into Danzo when they were both teenagers and thought the whole tree cult thing he had going on was sexier than her pain cult, split from her family to join Konoha and manage the mess of orphans Danzo was already accumulating. she's hot and a little unhinged, participated in a lot of his not-war-crimes-yet-but-they're-gonna-be-codified-into-that-postwar stuff during the Shinobi no Yami rep forming years. She also had a girlfriend whose name I cannot remember, just that she worked with gear and clothing. someone had to design those little jackets
eiri - a deaf explosions expert, friendly with Harumi but younger than her by about a decade. she's not as fleshed out, but I vaguely recall that she was supposed to be one of the first kids literally born into Root, with her parents both being Root members.
seji - one of the two heads of what I loosely termed the Manipulation department, members that specified in undercover missions, forming false friendships, honeypot missions, etc. started out as a random orphan with no bloodline, but has grown up to be extremely confident and charismatic to the point people often assume he's a clan discard. unfortunately i never named or characterized the other head lol, I think they were teammates (of the Root buddy system variety) tho
small shoutout to masaki, from the particular canon version of the training fic, who is literally just Uchiha Shisui with different eyes wearing Groucho Marx glasses and a fake beard. no like, literally in this AU shisui worked with danzo to help orchestrate the massacre, because he Was pretty much suicidal and wanted to escape his fate/position in the clan at all costs, and made some very bad decisions thereof. one of them possibly being giving his eyes away because he was sick of their abilities and didn't want his mental and physical health to deteriorate any further, but despite the huge adjustment there and the lingering guilt, he's actually pretty happy with his new life and identity. second-in-command of Root from shortly after Masako's death until canon.
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christianlep · 4 months
Blog 5- 1/26
I enjoyed reading Kamuiden, as I’ve always loved ninjas and found them fascinating. I recently looked into the shinobi, and found that they often consisted as lower-class citizens who operated as mercenaries (which we can see is true of this story too) and were often viewed as non-honorable when compared to the Samurai due their covert and non-direct nature while conducting their activities. I think it’s cool that they developed a whole arsenal, some of which is present in the manga, such as caltrops that were used as traps or limit movement, and the kunai and kusarigama, both of which are weapons commonly associated with ninjas. While reading the manga, I was confused by some of the panels and storyline at some points, such as the beginning, and wondering what was happening while Hanbei was running, and why there was a sudden switch between scenes. I was also confused on why Oshika wanted to kill Kumui in the first place. Despite some disruption to the flow, I liked this gekiga.
Reading Kinsella’s Postwar Manga helped place some context behind Kumuiden and the evolution into this form of manga. It’s interesting to see that the various offshoots of manga would be heavily influenced by the aftermath of WWll, as with the democratization of Japan and increased freedom of expression, the gekiga would develop as another form of political commentary, albeit representing a growing counter-culture. I would view as the anti-manga in a way, as it directly contrasted with the cutesy and anthropomorphic aesthetic of preceding manga, and instead of praising Japan unequivocally, would serve as a platform to convey contempt and unrest with Japan. Due to the more mature nature of these comics, they ultimately were catered towards an older audience, which helped promote the overall expansion of the manga industry, leading into various other genres such as shojo. As I read these pages, I wondered if these gekigas would ultimately lay the foundation for much of the manga and anime present now, such as Dragon Ball Z, Jiujitsu Kaisen, Naruto, and so on.
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mokutone · 2 years
a handful of people in that post a bit ago were wondering about who yamato was wondering abt, if it was kakashi, naruto, etc, in my view its DEFINITELY naruto
imo when hes wondering what kakashis doing its more like
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this is because he trusts and respects kakashi, and is generally not suspicious of his actions. yamato feels that he can expect kakashi to have a good motivation for whatever the fuck he's doing, although sometimes it will catch him off guard when it involves HIMSELF. consider ASKING before you involve people in ur plans, Kakashi!!!!
#canonically he has stated that he would go along with it tho. bc he trusts kakashi.#my art#yamato#tenzō#yamato tenzo#naruto#+ relatedly...imo even IF he went back into anbu postwar 2 become kakashi's bodyguard...i dont think hed be kakashis babysitter. u know?#if kakashi wants to goof off and not do paperwork all day. well. thats on him! all yamato has to do is make sure that nobody threatens him#would it be bad for konoha if kakashi decided to do that? probably. but kakashi knows that. yamato knows kakashi knows that.#you know? if yamato felt like he had to remind kakashi to do the bare fucking minimum...i do not feel like thats a man yamato could respect#i think if kakashi slipped out of the office for some alone time yamato would either quietly tag along or cover for him in most cases#yamato directly told kakashi that he thought kakashi was a good choice for hokage...i dont think hed say this to somebody he thought#he'd have to manhandle into doing his job dhgshgdh i think thatd be humiliating for both of them#like. we know yamato Doesnt Rlly wanna be in anbu anymore. so i think if kakashi asked yamato to remain in anbu For Him#and then misused tenzō's trust in him so grievously as to put tenzō in a situation where he's constantly having to be suspicious of kakashi#or worse like. yamato ends up doing both his job + kakashis by having to force kakashi to do hokage work...like...no thank u#firstly. id like to think that kakashi wouldn't treat his friends so badly...#+ id like 2 think yamatos got enough self respect to transfer 2 a different job if kakashi pulled that shit.#which again...i dont think kakashi would. hes sometimes rude and sometimes selfish...but i dont think he'd treat ANYBODY that poorly#let alone a friend#I JUST LIKE. when it comes 2 their friendship and the way that i depict it. their trust is the most important ingredient for me
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