#wolf Bakugou and his pack
sorrowfulrosebud · 6 months
do u think wolf bakugou has a marking problem with you?? bc i can only imagine how possessive the brat it 🙄🙄🙄
Oh 1000000%. The man is literally an oversized pup, you can’t even walk to the bathroom without him grunting and nosing your neck. He’s clingy enough with you during the day in your own home bc his smell is finally mingling with yours, (which makes his cock go hee hee).
He would just sit with you, licking every inch of you and chuffing when you move. He likes to tease his fangs over your sensitive points, as you pretend to let him be in charge. Only at your say so does the puppy bite you, making the sharp teeth dig fairly deep into your neck.
Before you had the litter of puppies, he was anal about scenting and marking you. Whether that was nibbling you absentmindedly, licking you, or rubbing your body off of his, he wouldn’t let you leave his sight without his smell dripping off you.
After the puppies?? Baby, he’s SUPER ANAL. He keeps his babies as close to you both as possible, constantly chuffing at their fat little tummies and resting them against him. You can always find him with a small puppy in his arms, the chubby little pup burying their heads into the fat of his pec.
Hosts hour long cuddle sessions with you and your pups to coat you in his scent. He’s just a super protective daddy 🥺💕 he doesn’t mind having the warm milky smell of his puppies linger on his clothes, and often finds himself just…. Sniffing his babies. Katsuki loves the baby smell 🥺🥺
Ahhhhh I fucking love werewolf Katsuki and his pack 😭💕
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officialabortive · 1 year
wolf hybrid!Bakugou x reader
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You'd just finished running errands, grocery bags in hand as you approached the door to your apartment. You breathed a sigh of exasperation as you inserted a bronze key into the lock, knowing your (not so) little wolf hybrid was going to be in a mood.
He was expecting to tag along on your short outing, but to his annoyance you'd told him to stay behind. You gave him the excuse of 'needing him to guard the house' but the truth was you would be passing a certain convenience store that had a shop cat. Whenever bakugou laid eyes on the cat sitting on the checkout counter from through the window, he would try to fight the poor thing. You always had to pull the growling blond away from the window by his collar, the commotion causing the spooked tabby to scamper away down the snack aisle. All this under the guise of "the fucker needed to be knocked down a peg."
You kick the door back closed from behind. The muffled audio of the tv could be heard ringing throughout the house. Katsuki only watched cooking shows or the nature channel. When it came to the latter, he would occasionally lower himself into a hunting position. As if he was about to strike on the group of bouncing gazelles on screen. It really was quite endearing to watch.
You noticed how Katsuki didn't acknowledge your presence when you walked by. He's pouting, giving you the cold shoulder, all because you didn't take him out with you. He's such a big puppy.
After placing the groceries on the countertop, you rummage around in the bags untill you pulled out a box. Grabbing a couple of its contents to set on the counter, you placed the box and other items in the cobbord before wandering into the livingroom.
Katsuki still refused to look at you, not even spairing a glance. Bright red eyes remaining glued to the pixilated rabbits on the wide screen. But his ears still turned toward you, always listening.
"I'm sorry I couldn't take you outside with me"
It was hard not to crack a grin at his huff
"I promise I'll take you on a walk tomorrow" plopping yourself onto the cushion next to him
He rumbled a low growl, lip curled to reveal a couple teeth to show he was less than satisfied with your answers.
"Here, I got you something"
He finally turned his head to see your hand held out, a cookie rested on your palm. Katsuki quirked a brow at you.
You know he's not really into sweet shit. So the hell is this?
Nevertheless he leaned down to sniff it. It smells... good? Grabbing with his teeth, he takes it into his mouth and it's gone with one chomp.
His tail immediately comes to life, repeatedly colliding with the throw pillows. The thumping of his tail louder than the tv. His gaze is back on you to see your already holding out another. This time he takes it with such haste that he nearly bites your fingers.
Patting him on the head and rubbing his fuzzy ears you get up "I'll go grab some more"
You smile to yourself, not daring to laugh because he would surely hear you, while opening the cabinet. Pulling out the box that reads:
25 pack
Doggy Biscuits
Bacon flavor
You bought these as a joke. Who knew your big bad wolf, Katsuki bakugou, would like dog treats
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gglitch1dd · 5 months
A Wishful Time- Pt 6
Omega Katsuki x Alpha Eijiro x Omega Reader
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Context: In the peaceful village of Yuuie, you and your best friend, Katsuki, hope to catch the eye of the Alpha of your dreams. Kirishima Eijiro.
Note: This story is OMEGAVERSE. This story takes place in a historical non modern setting so please take note of that when it comes to the jobs in society that the characters take and how they act. Bakugou Katsuki is an OMEGA. Reader and him are AFAB but there IS NOT smut this chapter.
WARNING: Warning: Death, sickness, plague, fainting, coughing, mention of BLOOD, pregnancy
You walked forward, your mating tie wrapped around your neck as you did so. You were careful as you stayed on the dirt path that led up to the white farmhouse. The fields not too far away had Alphas working in the sun as to tend to the large fields of vegetables. Although it was windy and slowly becoming more and more cold as winter was coming in, the sun was still warm during the day.
Standing under the shade looking over to the nearby forest was a large green haired Alpha. His freckled skin was tanned from all the long hours he spent from working in his family fields. His hands were calloused and hard and yet he was one of the sweetest Alphas that you had ever met.
You lifted up a hand and waved over to him. “Afternoon Izuku!” You called out.
That took his attention as his eyes moved to you. A gorgeous smile moved to his face, dimples to his cheeks as he turned to look at you as you moved to stand under the shade with him. “Y/N, afternoon.” He tipped his hat off in respect to you.
You handed him a basket of milk cannisters that you had brought over. “Here you go! Your mother told me that neither of you would be able to get milk today.”
At the reason for your visit, you watched his green gaze soften. “Well aren’t you just a sweet little thing. Thank you.” He said sincerely making you smile as he took the basket from you.
You looked up at him before glancing at where he was looking before. “What’s going on?” You asked.
Midoriya let out a heavy sigh as he furrowed his eyebrow. “There’s been reports of a sickness moving around the village.” He spoke lowly, something clearly bothering him. You nodded your head with hum, having heard about it through Takeo who seemed just as concerned about it too. People were falling sick out of the blue and it seemed worse than the common cold and more contagious too. You had heard Inko and Yua talk about it and how they were trying to make more tonics and elixirs to try and ease what might become something big around the pack. “I fear it might have been due to the rabbits.”
You looked to him shocked. “The rabbits?”
He nodded his head. “Yah. They were all dying for some unknown reason and at the time, Shoto and I had come to the conclusion that no one should eat the rabbits till we weed out those who seemed to be sick.” He let out a sigh as he put down the milk cannisters. “It seems like someone didn’t listen. I fear it came from a rabid wolf that was in the area not too long ago. It bit one of the bunnies before we killed it but it must have infected the poor thing with something.”
You listened to the tall Alpha speak. He was the one who bred most of the bunnies in town. At first it was an unintentional thing, the rabbits always having found their way to the Midoriya farm due to all the vegetables growing there, but sooner than later, the bunny population seemed to grow. You also knew that Izuku cared for the rabbits deeply and it was also a bonus that the rabbits high numbers helped in the winter when prey was sparse but rabbits were many and able to feed the village through the winter.
Izuku looked to you. “But don’t you worry about it. Thank you for the milk.” He gave you an appreciative look. “Now you get straight home. I think it’s best we all isolate for a while, till the sickness leaves.”
You nodded your head. “I think that might be for the best.”
“Yall got that little vegetable patch back home, right?” He asked as you started to walk back from once you came.
He smiled as he waved over to you. “Don’t be shy if you need anything. We’re neighbours now!”
You smiled at that and waved back. “Alright! You keep well, okay!”
You did exactly what he said and made your way back home. You were going back home regardless, considering that you still had some chores to do and you couldn’t leave Katsuki to do it all by himself (despite what he thought).
It had been a three months since you, Katsuki and Eijiro got married and you honestly couldn’t be happy. The three of you were like three peas in a pod. You loved your two partners and they loved you as well. Eijiro was busy often with being head of the Kirishima farm now and keeping up with all the cows too, however having him come home to the both of you was all you could ever hope for, especially since you were practically always together on the farm regardless.
You walked up the dirt road, waving to Yua who was taking the washing to go hang on the lines. You made quick strides to head to the house on the left which belonged to you and your two husbands. You entered the house, placing down your basket before exiting out again. You moved to the side of the house where you knew Katsuki would be sitting doing the washing. You saw the blond Omega standing up from the stool he was sitting on, hands to his back as he stretched.
You smiled as you neared him but that’s when you saw that he seemed rather tired. “Katsuki.” You let out as you neared him.
His crimson eyes flicked over to you, his eyes half lidded. He gave you a gentle half smile. “Your back from the nerd’s farm?” He asked.
Despite his attempt at trying to make you smile, you quickly moved to cup his face in your hands. “Katsuki, you look tired.” You let out worriedly. He stood in some long overalls and a shirt pushed up to his elbows, showing that he had no intention of leaving home today. You put a hand to his forehead, but you didn’t feel a fever coming on.
He pushed your hands away with a soft hiss that was nonthreatening to you. “I’m fine. Really.” He told you. “Just feeling a bit more tired than usual.” He put a hand behind his neck as he rubbed there.
“You should go back inside, I can finish this.” You ushered him towards the direction of the front door. “I don’t need you fainting of exhaustion, Kattie. You go rest up, I’ll see you inside.”
Katsuki let out a grumble. “Says you, who was feeling nauseous this morning.” He moved to kiss your cheek but he left, listening to you.
You were grateful that he didn’t put up a fight. You had been nauseous this morning but you just brought it up to the amount of work you had been doing lately. You reached down to grab clean washed clothes out of the tub as you were going to wring them out and put them on the line. It would take a while by yourself but if it meant that Katsuki got to rest for a bit, it was worth it to you.
You were so busy putting the clothes on the line you didn’t notice the large hulking Alpha that came up behind you. Large hands went to your waist as a kiss was put to your neck. You let out a surprised chirp as an amused rumble came out of Eijiro.
You chuckled as you leaned back against his large body, that made you seem dwarfed. You put a hand to the side of his face, noticing a soft prickly signs of a stubble coming in. “Hello there Eijiro.” His rumble grew louder as he pulled off the tie around your neck, allowing for your scent to be free. He kissed you over your mark before lapping his warm tongue over it, making you shiver. “How are you? How’s Merigold?” You asked about Takeo’s favourite cow.
Eijiro let out a low chuckle. “She gave birth this morning. A little girl.” He told you. You looked back at him with an awe expression making him laugh. He looked up, looking around for a moment. “Where’s Katsuki?”
“I sent him back inside.” You told him honestly. “I think he’s a bit drained, so I wanted him to get some rest.” Eijiro’s eyebrows furrowed in worry but he nodded his head in agreement to your decision. “But you…” You moved to touch his face again. “We need to trim this prickly face of yours.” He let out a grumble. “Uh uh, no complaining.” You gave him a pointed look which only made him frown with a grunt. You shook your head at the giant baby that was your Alpha. You moved to hang up the last towel before taking him by the hand and taking him inside. It was around about lunch time and so he was probably hungry.
Once you entered inside you noticed that Katsuki had made sandwiches but was nowhere to be found. You moved to sit down Eijiro on one of the chairs. You glanced to the door that led into the bedroom. In the nest hugging a pillow was Katsuki who seemed fast asleep. He had deep breaths as he seemed so deep in sleep. You furrowed your eyebrows. Katsuki never normally took naps, not by choice. You wondered if he was sick with whatever Izuku was talking about earlier.
You moved to grab a bowl and a cloth, moving to put it on the table next to Eijiro. The large Alpha already had half a sandwich in his mouth as he ate happily. You weren’t surprised. Eijiro and food often went hand in hand. You moved to go grab the blade and fill the bowl with water as you headed back over to him. You took out the soap. Eijiro was stuffing his mouth with the last of the sandwich.
You slapped his hand away from the plate of sandwiches, making him whine. You moved your hand to direct his face to look up at you. You carefully moved to the water and soap and made easy work of soaping up the bottom half of his face. As you took care of shaving off any small black hairs, you admired the Alpha that was sitting before you. His round ruby eyes that only had space for you and Katsuki, his strong jaw and powerful look. Even his long black hair that was tied into a pony. You loved your Alpha. You loved him so much it was almost unbelievable to think that you only got married three months ago.
You put the blade in the soapy water again, looking over his chin. You felt over his cheeks, noticing he was now nice and smooth. You smiled. “Much better.” He let out a low rumble as he reached up to place a kiss to your lips. You giggled but purred back down at him. You grabbed a cloth and wiped his face. Eijiro grabbed a sandwich and stuck half of it in his mouth, glad to have something to eat again. You chuckled at your hungry bear of a man.
A knock went to the door, making you turn to look at the door. You got up from a top your Alpha’s lap and walked over to the door. You opened it to see Inko. The older Omega looked out of breath as she looked to you worried. “Y/N…”
“Inko.” You quickly moved to hold her, as you helped her inside. Eijiro turned to look at the both of you, his eyebrows raising in surprise. You sat her down carefully and quickly moved to grab water and pour it into a cup for her. “What seems to be the matter?” You asked her confused.
Inko looked up at you with her green eyes filled of concern. “… We… we have a problem…”
Katsuki moved to soak the cloth in lukewarm water. Blood soaked in the water out of the cloth. You were busy carrying around elixirs that would take pain away. The room was filled with the sick that had developed symptoms of the new plague that seemed to be spreading around. You handed it to an exhausted Inko who was sitting beside an Alpha that seemed too pale to be alive.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you moved to crouch beside her. She stood up and took the bottle that you had just handed her. She shook her head, silently telling you that he didn’t make it. “You and Katsuki can go back home and tend to Nameer.” She told you, her voice muffled by the cloth she had over her mouth and nose. “I’ll send for the both of you once it is your shift again.”
You nodded your head to her, and turned around to go fetch Katsuki. He was now at the bedside of another victim. A small little pup who was sweating, her eyebrows furrowed as she gave a cough too great for her own body. You could tell from his furrowed blond eyebrows that he was worried for her. You moved to put a hand on his shoulder. He turned to look back at you. You motioned for the both of you to head out.
He looked back down at her, his hands tight around her little hand as she struggled to sleep. He let go of her and stood up, following you out. The both of you washed your hands at the door, making sure to scrub until your skin was raw. You walked out towards the house next door that served as a place to change out of the clothes you wore when nursing. You and Katsuki were silent, not having anything more to say and also not wanting to open your mouths where not necessary. 
Once changed, you both walked side by side heading home, holding hands. It was silent in the village of Yuuie. People locked inside their homes, some with sick and others just afraid to catch whatever it was. The air was stagnant and inactive with nothing but the soft sound of coughs and quiet cries. Already too many people had passed in your small little village, especially weak little pups that didn’t stand the chance.
The both of you went straight home to find that Eijiro wasn’t there. It made sense, considering he was probably with Akari. You both put down your bags and headed straight to Akari’s home which was across the street. You moved inside of the home, noticing the two young boys that sat in a nest quietly, watching as their sire watched from outside the door to her bedroom to where her Omega lay sickly.
Eijiro turned to look back at the two of you. He slowly shook his head, indicating that it wasn’t looking good.
“How is he?” You asked as you and Katsuki walked closer to the two of them.
Akari didn’t even look at the both of you as she focused on her Omega who had laboured breaths. Eijiro sighed as he shook his head. “It’s not going well. He’s very weak. Ma went to go get honey for him to try and eat since he hasn’t eaten anything.”
“Still?” You asked trying to hide your worry. He nodded his head. You knew what it meant. Nameer had stopped eating which meant that he’d only continue to decline. You frowned as you moved to head towards the open door but your arm was tugged. You turned to look back at Katsuki. Katsuki was frozen to the spot for a second his head down. “Katsuki?” You asked softly as you neared him.
Katsuki didn’t answer you immediately. He slowly lifted up his head to look up at you. There was a small bit of panic on his face before you saw his face fall for a moment. Crimson eyes started to roll to the back of his head as Katsuki started falling. Your eyes widened in shock before racing to catch him just in time.
“Katsuki!” You let out urgently as you held him in your arms, struggling to hold his dead weight. You didn’t have to struggle for more than a second longer as Eijiro quickly came to sweep the blond into his arms.
Eijiro had his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and worry. You quickly moved to put a hand to Katsuki’s forehead. He wasn’t hot and he didn’t have a fever which was a good thing but the fact that he was unconscious scared you. Katsuki had never fainted before in all his life. You tugged on the cloth by his mouth allowing him to breath freely. You were worried for him. “What’s wrong with him?” Eijiro asked eagerly.  
You shook your head. “I don’t know.” You let out worriedly as you checked his pulse. “Take him back to the nest.” You looked up at Eijiro. “I’ll come check on him soon. Send your mother his way or Tamami.” Eijiro looked down at him worriedly, his blond Omega looking and feeling so lifeless in his arms.
“Eijiro.” His oldest sister looked to him seriously. Akari motioned for him to leave her black eyebrows cross with him. “Go. Make sure he’s alright.” Eijiro nodded as he moved out of the home. You looked up at Akari who watched him leave before turning to where his own Omega was. You followed her inside. She walked slowly inside, nothing but a few candles lighting up the room. Akari sat down next to him, taking his hands in hers. “Nameer.” She let out lowly. “My rock and earth.”
You carefully walked over to him, adjusting the cloth by your mouth. You moved to get a fresh cloth and wipe the small bits of blood from Nameer’s lips. The weak Omega opened his eyes as he looked to you. His brown eyes moving from you to his Alpha.
A weak smile moved to his lips as he looked to Akari. “Alpha…” He whispered. “Y-you’re her-” A cough interrupted his speech.
You moved to grab the cup of water nearby and moved to help sit him up just slightly. He winced with a soft cry. Akari looked helpless as she looked between you and Nameer, wide ruby eyes unable to blink in fear that she would miss something. Supporting your fellow Omega you helped him drink water. “Don’t talk.” You told him lowly. “Save your strength.”
He shook his head as he looked up at you. “I… I don’t have much left…” He whispered. He turned to look back at Akari, trying to squeeze his smaller hand with hers. Akari took off her hat as she moved closer to him. “My love…” He gave her somewhat of a smile. “T-take care o-of the pups, okay?”
At the tone of her Omega Akari shook her head, a frown on her face. “No. no, you can’t do this to me Nameer.” She said adamantly. She tightened her hold on his hands as she moved closer. “Nameer, I need you. You’re my everything. You’re the air which I breathe-”
“What about the pups! What about me? You can’t do this to me and the boys!”
“NAMEER! DON’T LEAVE ME!” The large Alpha had her head down as tears streamed from her eyes, her head was buried down in the blankets that made up her Omega’s nest. She seemed inconsolable cries brimming out of her giant figure as she refused to look up at the looming future.
A soft purr came from Nameer’s chest as she kept a hand on his Alpha. He smiled down at her as he barely managed to pull his hand away and put it on Akari’s head. “What a silly p-prospect.” He let out with a smile, borderline a small laugh but you knew that he stopped that due to the pain it would have caused. “After death… I’ll be waiting…” He managed to say but his breathing became heavy and it seemed hard to continue.
Nameer looked to you. You nodded as you moved to leave the two of them be. This would be one moment that they wouldn’t be able to get back. You could only pray that it would be a peaceful one and one that wouldn’t plague Akari for the rest of her life. You left the room, closing the door.
You moved to leave when you noticed the room next door. It’s where their boys were. You pushed open the door to see the two small sleeping pups. The eldest boy, a boy with curly black hair like Nameer but looked so much like a Kirishima like all Kirishima pups do, had his arms wrapped around his younger brother who was but a pup a few months old. You walked into the dark room, pulling a blanket over them to make sure they wouldn’t catch a chill and fed more wood into the fire place before leaving them be.
You left out of the home going to go check on Katsuki. You looked up to the moon in the sky with a heavy breath, hoping that another person wouldn’t be taken out of your arms again. You entered the home to see Tamami heading towards where you were coming from your bedroom.
Her eyebrows raised in surprise. “Oh! Y/N!”
“Hey Tammy.” You gave her somewhat of a smile. “Where are you off to?”
“Mama said I should get this to Nameer.” She motioned down to the honey in a vile. “I think it might just-” You hated to burst the faith she had but you put a hand to her, stopping her from speaking. She looked up at you confused.
You shook your head with a gentle smile. “Give him and Akari some space. He’s… he’s near heaven’s embrace.” You tell her softly. Her face fell at the statement. You saw her bottom lip wobble as she tried to fight off any sign of sadness. You gave her a soft loving purr as you pulled her into your arms. You brushed down her head as you comforted her.
“Sorry.” She whispered.
You shook your head. “It’s okay.” You tell her softly. “You’re allowed to be upset.” You told her honestly, pulling back to look her in her face. You brushed a thumb over her soft cheek that was round with still a bit of pup fat. “How about you go to bed. It’s late.” You tell her gently.
She nodded her head. “Okay.” She put her forehead against yours before leaving, walking back to the main house.
You let out a stuttered breath before walking to your bedroom that you shared with Katsuki and Eijiro.
“I’m fine.”
“You fainted, Katsuki!”
You entered to find Yua stood up from her chair that was beside your bed. Katsuki was awake and seemingly arguing with Eijiro who seemed very worried. He looked down at Katsuki as if begging him to understand his point of view.
Katsuki looked to you before motioning to the big Alpha. “Y/N! Please tell this big oaf that I’m f-” You hugging him interrupted his sentence as you held him tightly in your arms. Your grip was tough as you cradled his head trying to fight off tears. Katsuki eased as he looked at you, realising how scared you must have been. he wrapped his arms around you. “I’m okay. Just tired.” He told you softly.
He heard a sniff come from you. “Why didn’t you tell me?” You whispered.
Katsuki paused before letting out a heavy sigh. His hand moved up and down your back as he tried comforting you. “I thought I could manage it.” He informed you.
You let out an upset hiss that only made him chuckle. You let go of him as you moved to stand next to Eijiro. He put his hands on your shoulders, an attempt to calm himself down more than you. However to all of your surprise, Yua just giggled at the three of you.
She found such young love amusing, it reminded her so much of her and her own Alpha. “Don’t worry, Katsuki will be just fine, he just isn’t allowed to help out anymore with the sick. He should stay in here till all this has passed.”
“What!” Katsuki sat up as he looked over at the redheaded Omega. Both you and Eijiro pushed him back down with one hand making him chirp in surprise.
You stepped closer to Yua with a worried look. “How come?”
She giggled again. “It’s nothing bad really.” She told you as she moved to close the little satchel she brought with her. “He’s just pregnant.”
At the news, all three of you stiffened. You all turned back to look at Katsuki.The blond Omega was frozen for a moment before turning to look at you. He didn’t give any indication of how he was feeling before looking up at Eijiro.
The large Alpha ran to him, wrapping his arms around the blond Omega. He let out a loud laugh as he held Katsuki in his arms. “Katsuki!” He shouted as he laughed, tears in his ruby eyes as he found the whole situation funny and yet blessed. “Oh thank heavens.”
Katsuki had his arms slowly relax against the giant Alpha. He then looked up at you. Tears in his eyes. Katsuki never thought that he would have the honour of bearing a child so quickly, especially since the Bakugous were known not to have many pups. You saw the overwhelmed feeling within him and brim up too much for him to handle on his own. You chuckled as you walked to his other side and sat beside him. At your presence, Eijiro had pulled you into the hug making you laugh.
You placed a gentle kiss to Katsuki’s face. “Look at you, Kattie.” You teased softly. You cupped his face as you looked down at his face. “Bringing something so special.” Your voice was so tender it made tears slip from Katsuki’s eyes as he sunk into you and Eijiro’s arms.
But then he realised something. “Hold on!” He pushed back against you and Eijiro. He moved to wipe his eyes with the back of his arm before looking to Yua. “B-but what about Y/N?”
“No.” He turned to look at you adamantly. He frowned up at you with that frown that you found absolutely adorable (much to Katsuki’s anger). He took your hands in his. “We had a plan. We were supposed to do everything together.”
“And we still are.” You tell him as you raised his hands to your chest. “Your pups are mine and mine are yours no matter when we have them. It’s okay, Katsuki.” You tried assuring him.
Katsuki frowned with a pout on his face before turning to Eijiro. “Alpha do something.”
Eijiro looked down at Katsuki with wide eyes. His ruby eyes turned to look down at you and then back to his mother. He raised a hand to the back of his head with a confused grumble, not entirely sure what he was supposed to do. He motioned to his mother vaguely and then motioned to you and Katsuki. With that he nodded his head in satisfaction.
Katsuki squinted as he glared at the Alpha who just so happened to be the sire to his pups. He wondered how dense he could possibly be. You giggled knowing that everything, at least for your little family, would be just fine.
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mysicklove-main · 1 year
Pls, can I get a crumb of that new pack? *rattles red solo cup with small kachan trying to escape out of it*
New pack pls 😩
Soooo instead of giving you teasers of the next chapter I wrote this.
THIS IS NOT CANNON to the story!! Just a fun side story I wanted to write
Does NOT contain spoilers and definitely can be read as a regular fic, if you have not read Your New Pack
Your New Pack Side Story: Pool Day!
Pairings: Panther! Shoto Todoroki, Hawk! Takami Keigo, Rabbit! Izuku Midoriya, Wolf! Katsuki Bakugou, Dog! Eijiro Kirishima x Human Female! Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Summary: You are just trying to finish the chapter of your book. The boys seem to have a problem with that.
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Convincing the boys to have a pool day was not very hard. It was blazing hot and spending some time in the cool pool is exactly what everyone needed. Plus the thought of you in a swimsuit had the boys frantically running into their rooms to change.
So here you were, out by the pool suntanning with a book in your hands. You wore large sunglasses that covered your face and a pink and white polka-dot bikini.
Izuku stands in front of you, near the edge of the pool, and cocks his head to the side. “What are you reading, Y/N?”
You tear your eyes from the page and onto the boy. He was wearing bright red swim shorts and had goggles on his forehead that pushes the mop of hair out of his face. You scan his body, just because you could. It was beginning to get more toned, you note happily. He did spend a lot of time in your gym.
“Y/N?” He prompts again, and you quickly tear your eyes from his abs to his face. He was blushing lightly, having caught your stare.
You blush in return and frantically wave your hands in front of your face. “Oh, uh, just some stupid cheesy romance book.”
His ears twitch above his head. “Are you a romantic person?”
“Hopelessly,” You sigh thinking about the times you have daydreamed about having a lover.
He furrows his eyebrows in thought. He brings his hand to his chin and begins his muttering things you couldn’t understand, “Huh. Hopeless romantic. Would she like flowers? Or does she want some sort of grand gesture? Like maybe–”
Suddenly the bunny falls–No is pushed into the pool. He lands in the water with a short screech. Your eyes widen and you quickly check if he’s alright. Izuku’s now-soaked hair falls in front of his face and he frowns at the figure above him.
“You deserved it. Nobody wanted to hear your annoying ass muttering.��
You frown at the wolf. “Katsuki,” You warn.
He looks at you from above his black sunglasses. His red eyes bore into yours. “What? You know I’m right.” 
You sigh and shake your head, knowing you’re not going to win this battle. So, you instead take in his appearance. Black swim trunks and black aviators. You weren’t surprised by his outfit choice. 
He catches your stare and grins, canines exposed. “You better get in the water soon or you’re going to end up like Deku over here.” He uses his thumb to point to the rabbit in the pool and you sigh but nod. 
You watch him jump into the shallow end of the pool and walk toward the small waterfall. He leans against it with a sign, finally cooling off. 
You hum and turn back toward your book. 
“Cannonball!” You recognize the voice immediately and you perk up. You watch Eijiro run from the ledge and jump in the pool, with his legs tucked into his chest. 
From this angle you could tell that he was wearing those ridiculous shorts you told him NOT to buy the first day you guys went shopping. Bright neon yellow. He looked like a human highlighter. You didn’t even have time to groan about his outfit choice.
Water sprays everywhere in the pool, and some droplets land on the bottom of your legs. You laugh as Eijiro comes up for air. He swims to the closest ledge, where Izuku was also hanging onto. 
The rabbit put the yellow goggles on. It made his eyes look massive. He looked ridiculous but you didn’t want to ruin his fun, so you held back a laugh.
“Did you see that, Y/N? C’mon get in the water, it’s no fun without you!”
“Of course, I saw it, I even felt it. Gotta be one of the best cannonballs I have ever seen.” He puffs out his chest in pride. “And In a bit. I just want to finish this chapter.”
“Alright! I’ll make sure to save you a floaty next to mine!”
Katsuki growled from across the pool, cutting you off. He wipes his sunglasses with his finger. “Really, idiot?” The blond scolds from across the pool and the dog grins.
“Sorry, Bakugou! But if you are in the pool, you do have to be prepared to get wet,” He hums in response, grinning at you as he talks. 
“I am about to get you real wet when I drown your ass!” The wolfs yells in response.
Eijirio laughs for a second and turns to face the wolf who is across the pool. “Sorry man, but that stuff doesn’t really turn me on.” He raises his eyes mischievously and you burst into laughter.
“Kirishima!” Izuku says, hand covering his mouth to hide his smile. The dog winks at him which makes you laugh even more. It was rare for Eijiro to best Bakugou and entertained the hell out of you.
Katsuki sits there for a second processing what the hell his best friend just said. He tears off his sunglasses and sends them flying into the grass. “You are dead, dog!” He bellows before tearing through the water toward the redhead.
The two begin to wrestle above and under the water, and Izuku has the first-row seat, with his goggles on beneath the water. 
You knew that the two of them would never hurt each other so you fix your sunglasses, lean back, and continue your book. 
Someone sits down next to you, and you turn your head immediately at the sound. Shoto is in the seat next to you, fully clothed. He turns to you and smiles softly. “Hello, Y/N.”
“Hey Sho.” His heart picks up as it usually does when he hears the nickname fall from your mouth. He scoots his chair closer to you and you smile and nod at him encouragingly.
You turn your attention back to the book, causing him to frown. He doesn’t say anything.
After a couple of seconds, the panther begins to shift uncomfortably in his chair. You turn toward him in confusion. “Hey Shoto, why do you have your regular clothes on? 
“Do you want me to strip for you?” He asks casually, honestly hoping you’ll say yes.
You pinch the bridge of your nose and try not to blush. You know by now that this is how he speaks, and he doesn’t mean anything by it.  “Why did you have to frame it like that?”
He cocks his head to the side and frowns. “Oh sorry. I can undress for you if you want. Is that better?” 
You give up. “Okay. Never mind. It’s fine.”
“It’s because I don’t want to go in the pool,” He reasons, looking disgusted at the two canines currently trying to drown one another.
“Why? It’s hot as hell. Wouldn’t it feel nice?” You encourage and he shakes his head.
“Not a fan of water.”
You giggle at this and he cocks his head in confusion. “What?”
“A cat afraid of water. You are a walking stereotype, Shoto,” You tease and the panther furrows his eyebrows.
“Cats are afraid of water?”
“Yes, have you not seen–You know what. Nevermind. It’s perfectly fine to not like water,” Reasoning with him usually took at least ten minutes, and you really wanted to finish your chapter. 
So the two of you sit in silence. You can feel Shoto stare at you but you ignore it. Just a couple more pages and then you can ask what is wrong. “I like that swimsuit. You look pretty, Y/N.”
You begin to respond to the compliment when a familiar voice cuts in, “Yeah she does and isn’t it just the perfect color?”
And suddenly the cocky blonde is walking, more like strutting, over to the two of you. You can’t hold back the laugh that falls from your lips when you see what he is wearing. Pink and white polka dot shorts, and pink sunglasses.
“What are you laughing at, Dove? Don’t like it? Woah, hold on, did you copy me?” Keigo clutches at his heart, with an overdramatic look of fake pain on his face.
“You’re such an idiot,” You sigh but smile.
“Agreed.” The panther says from next to you, who was not joking.
“Hey, princess! I’m surprised you didn’t come out here in a bikini!” The wolf calls, putting the fight on hold just to tease the hawk.
“Would you have liked that more, wolf? Cause I’m sure Y/N has some extras.” You try to hold back another laugh from the bickering but fail to. Shoto shakes his head at the comment.
Izuku emerges from the water, ears pinned back on his head from the force of the water. “Please don’t Hawks! You look great in pink,” Izuku says with enthusiasm. He has been idolizing the bird from the very first day he moved in, almost as much as he does with All-Might. 
Keigo takes in the rabbit’s dorky appearance and has to cover his laugh with a cough. “Thanks, kid. Hey, can you hand me that floaty? The pizza one.” Izuku nods and dives back under the water to fetch it.
He brings it back and Keigo climes on and fixes his pink sunglasses. He then turns over with a huff and lays down, sunbathing on his back, with his eyes closed.
It goes silent again, excluding Izuku and Eijiro laughing in the water with one another. You turn back to your book. 
A couple of minutes go by and Keigo speaks loud enough for everyone to hear, “Don’t Y/N and I look like a couple, matching together like this?” He loved stirring up shit.
Katsuki throws a blow-up beach ball at the hawk, hitting him in the stomach, before he could catch it. “No, you idiot! She’s not into you, bird brain!” Katsuki yells from across the pool and you sigh, knowing that it’s going to be a couple of minutes before you can go back to your book.
The panther, who much to your surprise, did actually strip, sits up next to you. He was wearing dark blue shorts that matched his collar that he never took off. “Bakugous right. Keigo, you are delusional,” Shoto calls from your side.
“Ironic,” The bird mumbles, before closing his eyes again. It goes quiet for a few seconds, and you think that was all, but suddenly Keigo and his floaty are being flipped over. The bird falls into the water with a groan. 
Izuku and Eijiro pop up with a smile and high-five one another. You laugh at this and the two turn to you, smiling in return. “Thanks for the encouragement, Y/N! We all know he deserved it,” Eijiro calls from the pool, and Izuku hums in agreement. 
Keigo doesn’t argue knowing he provoked it. So he sighs and gets out of the water to place his wet sunglasses on the table. He winks at you when he catches you staring at his body. You turn away, slightly blushing on being caught, again. At least Katsuki and Eijiro didn’t catch you.
It goes quiet again. Shoto has moved the seat even closer to yours. You don’t say anything. He turned his body to face you and you could feel him staring again. He was waiting for you to admire his body like you did with the others.
Five more pages and then you’re done. He can wait for five pages.
You pause for a second. It was quiet. Too quiet. You glance at the water and frown. The boys weren’t there. You begin to look for them when Shoto begins to speak, “Y/N, you know, your body looks–” And suddenly he is being lifted.
Each boy holds a different limb, Katsuki, and Eijiro hold him up both under his arms, while Keigo and Izuku hold him up by the back of his knees. He looks at you and then the boys shocked. They in response, grin viciously.
The boys have noticed for a couple of minutes that Shoto has been staring at you, and it definitely wasn’t in a pure way. So, they came up with a plan, and here they are.
“Perverts get banished to the pool!” Eijiro says, and the four begin to swing him toward the water.
“Wait–I’m not! Guys, cmon don’t do this! I hate the water!” But it’s too late and suddenly the panther is flying toward the pool. Your eyes widen when he hits the cool waterl with a splash. 
When he comes back up he looks absolutely pissed. You cover your mouth and laugh silently. 
But the moment doesn’t last long, cause suddenly you are being lifted up now. A hand grabs for your sunglasses and places them on the counter next to you. “Huh? Guys wait! I’m, not a pervert! C’mon, I just need to finish my chapter!”
“Sorry Dove, you should know we are all impatient bastards.”
“He’s right, Y/N! And you told me earlier you would come in! You are taking way too long, man.”
“I told you that you would end up like Deku.”
“You can finish reading your “cheesy romance book” later, Y/N!”
“But–” and just like Shoto, you were being thrown into the water, with a small squeal. You land with a small splash, and the boys all jump in after you, carefully making sure to not jump on you.
When you come up for air, you begin to laugh and the boys follow in pursuit, excluding Shoto. 
You quickly swim over toward the pouting cat, and move his sopping-wet hair away from his eyes. He closes his eyes and bathes in the soft touch. When you pull away, he smiles softly at you. “See? Not too bad right?”
He nods a little hesitantly. “I guess.” You smile wide at him and suddenly you are being pulled away from him by your legs. You laugh and allow yourself to be dragged back.
You spent the rest of the day teaching the boys every single pool game you could think of. 
Katsuki got way too invested in pool volleyball, almost drowning Eijiro while diving for the ball. Izuku is a pro at marco-polo, it actually freaked everyone out. You think he is cheating. Eijiro is fantastic at sharks and minnows, but that didn’t surprise anyone, in a different life you swore he would be a shark. Shoto liked playing colors, because when your “it” you have to stand out of the water. He didn’t even try to tag anyone. You had to end the game quickly because Shoto would never jump into the water. Keigo suggested playing mermaids, half a joke and half serious, and got shit on by everyone immediately. His swimsuit didn’t help his case. And finally, you requested a race. They let you win, and the six of you knew it, but nobody said anything.
By the end of the day, everyone was exhausted. After showering the six of you passed out ten minutes into your almost daily, superhero movie. 
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Main story: Here
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mysicklove · 1 year
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Your New Pack | (SFW) AO3 Link) (on hiatus) 17/ ? 85.6K
Summary: After your parents pass, you and your Hawk hybrid Keigo inherit a mansion and five million dollars. So, of course you fufill your dream and adopt a bunch of hybrids. What could go wrong with an overprotective Hawk, a skittish Bunny, an obsessive Panther, an over affectionate Dog, and a near-feral Wolf in one house? Let's hope you can keep up.
The Ups and Downs of "Trading" with a Human | (SFW) 2/2 10.5k
Summary: You meet a merman one day and find yourself with your very own trading companion. You exchange gifts of the land and sea. The two of you were fine until Katsuki says he wants more from you.
Bark For Me! | (NSFW) (KINKTOBER 2023) 5.0k
CW: w/izuku midoriya, gn! reader, collars/leashes, dog ears, reader forces katsuki to bark, reader is purposefully mean to izuku, mlm (they are forced to makeout), hand jobs, slight orgasm control, tons of sappy nicknames
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A New Place To Tease | (NSFW) 2.4k
CW: AFAB! Reader,Cat Hybrid Bakugou, Pegging, HEAVY nipple play, anal play, mention of collar, katsuki swears in like every sentence, nickname "kitty", hints of sadistic reader, pain/pleasure play ig.
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Thank You | (NSFW)
CW: AFAB! Reader, HEAVY subspace, overstimulation, tears, multiple orgasms, riding, dry orgasm
Muzzling Werewolf Bakugou | (NSFW)
CW: Bottom! Reader, Muzzling obvi, riding, biting previously referred to
Frown Lines | (SFW)
Summary: Bakugou is bound to get wrinkles with his constant scowl
Its fine! | (SFW)
Summary: Sleeping on you best friends lap doesnt NOT make him jealous. AT ALL.
Shopping with Him | (SFW)
CW: Fem! Reader
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Secretly Sub! Bakugou | (NSFW)
CW: Mentions of prev sex with girls, porn, praise
Drunk Hcs | (SFW)
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I'll Show You "Uptight" (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Adult!Bakugou x Black!Fem!Reader (Coworkers to Lovers)
Synopsis: In which a very pissed and very emotionally frustrated Bakugou decides he’s not going to let you get away with your lip that easily and pays you a visit one girls’ night to prove to you that he is, indeed, able to be “looser” after you make a drunk comment about his introverted and uptight personality to your mutual friends and Kirishima “accidentally” spills the beans. 
Story Warnings: Smutty smut (MINORS DON’T READ), 18+, AgedUp!Bakugou (he’s 25 years old), Swearing, Grinding, Public Displays of Affection, Mentions of & Consumption of Alcohol, Consensual Sex w/ Verbalization, Foreplay, Public Kink, Manhandling, Mild Degradation, Praise Kink, Daddy Kink, Spit Play, 69ing, Facefucking, Safe Sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT), Edge Play, Spanking, Mild Choking, MULTIPLE Positions, MULTIPLE Orgasms for Reader, Aftercare, Reader is black-coded but anyone can read this 
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you! 
Writer’s Note: Double update for y'all this week! The next chapter had me SWEATING so I hope it'll make y'all wanna touch some grass too lol -Jazz
Ao3 link here!
Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven.
Chapter Three 
It wasn’t hard for Bakugou to find what club you and the girls were at.
Damn Mina put everything online. They were at one of the hottest clubs in downtown Musutafu, known for playing reggaeton and dancehall that had the entire club moving as soon as Bakugou and the guys stepped through the double doors. The bodyguard standing at the doors outside didn’t ask for IDs, recognizing the faces of the pros…and because Bakugou slipped him a $100 tip.
See? He wasn’t that much of an asshole. 
The club was packed to capacity when he stepped in, bodies occupying the dance floor, the lounging areas situated on the side of the dance floor, and the upper balconies above the first floor. The lights flashed with the beat of the song playing, washing Bakugou in a golden light.
He already felt out of place, feeling tense, and awkward. At least he dressed the part–after arguing with Denki, he decided on some regular ripped jeans, sneakers, and a red V-neck that hugged his upper torso instead of the regular hoodie and sweats he initially wanted to wear. 
But he reminded himself he was here for a reason and he didn’t want to look like a slob or appear to be out of his element when he finally found you and got his hands on you…literally.
“So what now, genius?” Sero asked above the music. Kiri was already feeling the music, swaying his hips as he grabbed two full shots off of a tray a bottle girl walked around with, offering them to anyone who wanted them. 
“I’ve got a few ideas,” Denki hummed suggestively, eyeing a group of girls sitting a foot away from him, all laughs and mini skirts. 
Bakugou ignored his friends as he scoped you out, looking for a flash of that gorgeous skin and pretty smile. What he found wasn’t you but he knew you were close by when he spotted Jirou and Momo sitting at the bar staring dead at him.
“Wait,” he told his friends, already moving through the maze of the club to make it to his other set of friends. While Momo looked terrified to see him like he was the big bad wolf, Tsuyu didn’t look shocked to see him and Jirou was cool as a cucumber. 
“Where they at?” he grumbled immediately. 
Jirou popped a cherry from her cocktail in her mouth. “Hello to you, too.” Kiri gave each girl a squeeze while Denki wedged himself between their stools, wrapping an arm around each of them. “Ladies,” he purred. “Both looking lovely this evening. Especially you, boo.” 
“Here to harass us?” Jirou asked after pecking Denki’s cheek. Sero snickered, sitting down beside her. “Not you,” he replied. 
“Where’s Y/N?” Bakugou asked, not up for beating around the bush right now. Jirou shared a look with the girls and the guys who attempted to hide their smiles. “Dance floor,” she answered with a smirk. “But be gentle with her. She’s had some rounds.” 
‘Yeah, I bet,’ Bakugou thought, eyeing the empty cocktail glasses and a tray of discarded shots. He wondered how much you’ve had to drink and if you had been drinking water in between, but he made a mental note to ask you once he fucked you up.
With a determined stare shot toward the dance floor, he downed his own shot of tequila, tossed the glass aside, and he left his friends in search of you. 
“Be nice!” Kiri shouted after him, even when he never turned around. Once Bakugou was farther away to not hear, he turned to his friends with a grimace. “He ain’t gonna be nice.” 
Momo noted the way Bakugou stormed away, fists clenched and chest heaving. “Is he okay?” she asked nervously.
Kiri was more than happy to fill her and Jirou in, to which Momo got even more worried. “Um….should we stop him?” she worriedly asks. 
Jirou shook her head, smirking at Bakugou’s back. “Nah. I wanna see this unfold.” She turned to the fellas, offering them one of the tequila shots from the tray. “Shot?” 
“Please!” Denki chirped, gratefully taking the glass from her as the rest watched the dance floor, anticipating the drama that was soon to unfold like a soap opera. 
Meanwhile, Bakugou stood on the outskirts of the dance floor, ignoring anyone who recognized him, and gaped like he was a zoo animal. He wasn’t worried about these extras. He was worried about you. His eyes scanned the sea of moving bodies until he spotted Mina in her blue romper that made her pink skin pop and hugged her body. Uraraka was in front of her, back against Mina’s front, moving her hips in her yellow top and skinny jeans. 
And then, like a moth to a flame, his eyes were drawn to you. As soon as he saw you, his heart lurched and his pants got a bit tighter, captured by the way you moved in that damn dress that hugged your body the way he wanted to hug you.
His eyes went right to your waist, watching the seductive way you swung your hips and winded that ass. That damn ass. You must’ve loved dancehall. Bakugou has never been to a dancehall club before, but if it meant seeing you dance like this, he’d take you to every single one he could find…if you’d let him. 
Not to mention how your skin looked under the golden wash of the lights and how gorgeous you looked in braids. It had to be a crime to be this gorgeous. This sexy and alluring. Bakugou felt like a panting dog and he had to wipe the sweat on his hands off his jeans to avoid blowing the place up.
What the fuck was your problem? How dare you make him feel this way? 
Your words drifted back to him and he clenched his fists, more than prepared to make you eat them. But as soon as he caught sight of you, someone else did too. From behind you, as you obviously whined to the music, the stranger parted through the maze and loomed over you, all greedy eyes and pointed teeth directed at you. His girl. 
‘No,’ Bakugou thought to himself. ‘No, no, no, fuck naw!’ 
He then realized that it wasn’t him who was the dog. It was the motherfucker looking to get himself some of your ass.
And Bakugou decided that if this bitch was a dog, he was gonna be the motherfucking big bad wolf. 
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
BakuDeku nsfw Hybrid AU Ⅱ
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
All contain mature content/smut … check tags.
Art work by @fihella !
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾
Wolf's Wool by ContraryBee
Summary: We all know Ram Izuku and Wolf Katsuki are married, but how did they GET married?
Izuku curses all the old gods and the new. Stumbling about in the snow searching for his silly Ram mount, he’s underdressed and lost to boot. Lost, until he uncovers his ram being kept warm and safe by a massive direwolf, one who’s owner is sharp eyed, sharp tongued, and utterly unintelligible.
Great, a language barrier.
One Shot | No Quirks AU
Wolf Bakugo x Ram Midoriya
The Scent Shop by kyramidoriya
Summary: Izuku's pride and joy is The Scent Shop where hybrids can sell or buy anything snuggly as long as it's drenched in their scent. Izuku originally started it to help people through their mating seasons, but he didn't expect it to bring a surly but sweet Mountain Lion into his life.
— — —
Or: Katsuki goes to find something for his rut in Izuku's shop, and falls in love with Omega Izuku's scent.
One Shot | No Quirks au
Lion Bakugo x Bunny Midoriya
Breeding season by JoonEleven
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki was finally allowed to go outside and garden for supplies for his village. Being an omega, everyone thought he couldn't handle himself. Katsuki was going to prove them wrong. Accidentally, he walks farther away from the bunnies' territory into the wolves' den.
Unfortunately, the pack leader is going through his breeding season. He's supposed to mate with the wolf his parents picked to bring the pack great cubs but the scent of a certain bunny catches his attention.
And he'd rather breed him instead.
One Shot | OmegaVerse | Age Gap
Wolf Midoriya x Bunny Bakugo
Little Cow by kittiegirl1616
Summary: Izuku gets paired with a bull for the first time and is extremely excited.
{One Shot}
Cow Deku x Bull Baku
Maid You Mine by GlamourWeeb
Summary: “Welcome to Yuuei, Master!” A squeaky voice greets Katsuki when he pushes through the door of the Omega maid cafe, the little bell on the inside jingling, announcing his arrival. “Oh, hi, Kacchan!”
“Deku,” Katsuki growls back, his own fluffy golden tail flicking behind him irritably.
— — —
A hybrid AU where wolf Katsuki begrudgingly puts up with his obnoxiously cheerful coworker, bunny Izuku, until the day Katsuki comes into work and goes into heat.
One Shot | Cafe AU | No Quirks AU
Wolf Bakugo x Bunny Midoriya
Ignite by neva_writes
Summary: What's the thrill about sex?
Katsuki doesn't understand it.
That is... until he meets Midoriya Izuku, number one heartbreaker of Yuuei.
Complete | 2 Chapters | College AU
Bunny Midoriya x Wolf Bakugo
Hybrid Deku Week - Bunny/Praise
by Mistress_of_the_Night
Summary: Katsuki is wounded in the line of duty and needs an aid to care for him while he recovers. Enter Izuku Midoriya, a bunny hybrid who works for a rehab and companion company. He helps aid wounded hybrids back to health and also offers short term companionship to other hybrids. They start their companionship off a little rocky but eventually become good friends and maybe a little more than friends. ;)
One Shot | OmegaVerse | No Quirks
Tiger Bakugo x Bunny Midoriya
Aching Fangs & Burning Need
by MiraChaDoodles
Summary: “No. I’m—” He huffs. “I’m not a nice Alpha. So you should probably hurry the fuck up and get out.”
Those forest eyes widen at his words, lip tugged between his teeth as he seems to mull it over. After a moment, he turns away from Katsuki, reaching for a bottle of some kind, and Katsuki’s Alpha snarls.
That fucking Omega just turned its back on him. What the hell kind of defective bullshit is that?!
One Shot | No Quirks | OmegaVerse
Bunny Midoriya x Wolf Bakugo
The hybrid farm by Mrs_Galaxy_M
Summary: In this world there are things like hybrid farms that creates perfect hybrids but for that they need the semen of the perfect alpha and the perfect genes of an omega. The semen is usually taken out by a milking device but katsuki bakugo, a lion, despises when its time for the milkers so the workers had to use another method
Using omega izuku to then extract his semen but there's a thing the workers forgot.
Alphas can get overprotective over things.
Especially their omegas.
Complete | 5 Chapters
OmegaVerse | No Quirks AU
Lion Bakugou x Bunny Midoriya
I Run From You by Morpheel
Summary: The forest was a dangerous place.
Anyone with half of a brain could deduce that much; yet to a prey species, this rule held especially so. The reach of woods was a diverse and lively ecosystem, thriving with both hybrid and animal alike. As cruel as it was- the food chain largely didn’t care whether you were hybrid or beast.
Izuku Midoriya knew this especially so.- - -What's a rabbit hybrid to do when cornered within the clutches of a savage, hungry wolf? Anything he can to escape.
Complete | 5 Chapters
OmegaVerse | No Quirks AU
Bunny Midoriya x Wolf Bakugo
enamored by Inouye_47
Summary: A Tiger!Katsuki and Rabbit!Izuku story. Izuku forgets some preparations for his heat. He comes face to face with a hybrid not known to inhabit this area. The lurking tiger requests something of this cute rabbit he sets his sights on and Izuku’s next words will determine his fate.
One Shot | OmegaVerse
Tiger Bakugo x Rabbit Midoriya
First Time Breeding? by Platonic_Emotions
Summary: Izuku is a heifer in heat which means it's time for him to pull his weight on the farm and get knocked up. Aizawa has just the bull in mind for him.
{One Shot}
Cow!Midoriya x Bull!Bakugo
Claws and Clovers by DarkMachi, Iwacakes
Summary: Mountain Lion Katsuki spots abandoned Bunny Izuku and can't help but wonder how long this idiot will remain clueless.
Complete | 6 Chapters | OmegaVerse
Hybrid Deku Week 2022 - Day 7 - Bunny / Praise by Melliemoo22
Summary: Katsuki is wounded in the line of duty and needs an aid to care for him while he recovers. Enter Izuku Midoriya, a bunny hybrid who works for a rehab and companion company. He helps aid wounded hybrids back to health and also offers short term companionship to other hybrids. They start their companionship off a little rocky but eventually become good friends and maybe a little more than friends.
One Shot | ABO au | No Quirks au
Bunny Midoriya x Tiger Bakugo
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Jo, I have had A Thought
Lumberjack Bakugo who works year round, but especially enjoys working through the winter months, spending solid ten to twelve hour days out in the snow, chopping up trees.
You're an office clerk for the business, one of only three. You see him in passing a few times, exchanging barely more than a hello or a polite nod - you're friendly with many of the lumberjacks, but Bakugo is only there to work, he doesn't often linger around to chat.
Only, one day, by a series of unfortunate events, the two of you get snowed in to the cramped office space.
Maybe he stayed late to get in a few more hours, and you had a ton of paperwork to get through, so the two of you ended up being the last two there for the night.
There had been a weather warning the day before, but you'd lost track of time, and by the time you were packed up and preparing to leave, there was too much snow to safely drive anywhere, let alone the hour and a half long trip it would take to get home.
Even if you had planned on chancing it, Bakugo decides to push into the office, pulling you back and telling you how stupid it would be to try and drive in that weather.
He's such a beautiful sight - nose and cheeks and lips red from the cold, snow dusting his hair, and his eyes look so clear and bright.
So the two of you are stuck together, alone in the small office.
It's so warm inside, so of course he takes off several layers of clothing, and damn - was he always that muscular. I mean, he would have to be, to chop down trees ten times his size, but the layers of clothing he covers up with truly deceive you.
But of course your bad luck doesn't stop there - the power goes out, and that means that the heating stops working too.
And sooner or later, the two of you would end up huddling closer - to preserve body heat is what Bakugo says when he pulls you closer to him. So close that you feel his heartbeat, smell his deodorant, and oh my gosh he's so close.
One thing leads to another and he has you bent over the receptionists' desk, and the two of you are sweating now, and his body sticks to yours as he leans over you, plastering his damp chest to your back.
He makes it clear that it isn't a one time thing either - he isn't the type to indulge in one night stands, especially not when he has the option of folding you in half whenever he pleases. And he won't complain either - you're just so cute in your little office outfits, short skirts and close cut blazers.
It wouldn't be so bad, he thinks - having a cute little wife to make him lunches and kiss him on the cheek before he leaves for work. The fact that you work so close by is also another motivator, spotting His Girl in the middle of the day does wonders for his work ethic.
Sorry for the word vomit, I love lumberjacks and I love Bakugo, so naturally I had to combine the two
Now Lumberjack Kiri?? That I could talk about for hours :))
I’M SCREAMING OMG! This would make the most glorious fic though.
Like just thinking about Pro-Hero Bakugou who retires from hero work and ends up moving into a quaint, isolated cabin in the middle of nowhere. The only signs of his past are the scars that marr his skin and the memories that still give him nightmares. He’s happier now, or at least he convinces himself that he is. All his friends are getting married, having kids and settling down and he’s just made a simpler life for himself as a lumberjack.
But imagine after everything that night he just goes back to work at first, acting like nothing even happened? He just comes back into the office like usual to grab his paychecks, clock out and goes back to his lonely cabin in the forest?
And you’re kinda sad about it because you knew he was always like a lone wolf, but you thought maybe after that day you had something together?
But you don’t realise Bakugou is feeling the same, like he loves the idea of you moving in with him and having the perfect little life with you??🥺 but he won’t ever say it to your face. Not when you’re so much prettier than him, he’s got years on you and in his mind he’s a grumpy, scarred old man now.
Until one evening you’re pulled into the local bar by your friends, grabbing some drinks to relax after a long week and who do you spot sitting alone at the bar? The liquid courage flowing through your veins makes it easier to approach him, to talk to him properly for the first time since that night. And you think you’re going to sound so sexy and alluring as you lean against the bar to flirt with him, but you end up sounding sad. Asking him why he hasn’t really talked to you since that night, if he regrets it or doesn’t fancy you anymore. You probably sound like a stupid child talking to him like this, but it hurt.
And Bakugou feels like a complete asshole, because he had no idea you felt this way. No clue that the night meant just as much to you as it did to him, and he supposes it was the fear that you didn’t like him back that pushed him away the most.
So he downs the rest of his whisky, turning in his stool to face you as he immediately pulls you towards him to rest you between his parted thighs as he holds you. And god it just feels like home again as you both just cling to each other inside this rowdy bar.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
werewolf bakugou sure as hell sounds like the insufferable asshole reader would reject and leave. he torments her and treats her like shit and when she fucks off into the sunset to be away from his reaction is just >:O
These fucking audiobooks really have me about to be on some shit like "Yandere Werewolf Bakugou x Reader where you just absolutely beat the shit out of him and even try to kill him and you do not love him AT ALL and wish death on him and his entire family"
Like ok, I admit I'm guilty and even had like kind of a plot going and building up in my head over time. Reader is a werewolf and is technically from Bakugou's pack because her parents are, but she was born outside the pack and was living off of pack grounds and was like 10 or something when her parents are killed by rogues, which horribly traumatizes her and she becomes a werewolf with a crippling fear of dogs and wolves. Reader, who has been raised in the human world up to this point, is brought to live in the pack now that you have no remaining family to take care of you, and you absolutely hate it for all sorts of reasons. There are wolves everywhere, the way their society operates is completely different than the rest of the country, ILLEGAL you would argue, like everything about them creeps you out, you're openly disgusted each time you learn something new
I imagine in comes Bakugou, you meeting as kids, and as an Alpha blood he's a hot headed little bastard. He probably thinks it's funny how you're a werewolf who knows almost nothing about wolves. Did your parents not love you enough to teach you where you came from? You're so shaking and weak, have you even started your training like the rest of them? And I imagine at some point his overbearing bully persona combines with his Alpha urges to hunt and dominate and he starts chasing you, as a game, he's howling with laughter as you can't even come close to outrunning him because, he can shift and you can't. You're just literally screaming and crying and he pounces on you to pin you down and he doesn't even realize what he's doing before you're pissing yourself and hyperventilating because all you see is a wolf's sharp snapping jaws right on top of you, right in your face, and some adults finally respond to all the screaming and come and peel Bakugou off of you as you refuse to let anyone touch you
Bakugou is a few years older than you so he's already able to shift, but everyone gets their wolf at different ages, and he sneers st you to "just wait until you get YOUR wolf" and before he can even continue you just burst into tears "I don't WANT a wolf!!! I HATE wolves!!!
All of this gets worse the more you learn about Wolfen society to the point you're openly and verbally expressing your disgust, like imagine sitting in your little werewolf school not being allowed to actually get a proper education on the country you're in and instead learning about werewolf laws and societies and Mr Aizawa is explaining the mate bond and how one mate's touch can help calm down the other and going into detail into those certain functions and you just BURST INTO TEARS "It can CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS? But that's RAPE! That isn't even REAL LOVE!!" and instantly earning the scorn of like, MOST OF YOUR PACK
As you get older you could not make it any more clear that you have no interest in contributing to the pack in any way, and the pack itself reinforces that. You don't get your ability to mind link and perform the ritual to join the pack bond until you get your wolf, so you "officially" becoming a member of the pack is delayed, year, after year, after year, until people are openly discussing with each other theories on what must be wrong with you. People are treating you like an outcast. Parents are telling their pups "now be a good pup and listen to your Alpha and be good for your pack or else the Moon Goddess will take your wolf just like The Outsider" and some people are just genuinely openly contemptuous of you (and you often give them reasons to, insulting their culture, usually rightfully so though, and often referring to them as if they are a completely different, primitive, and subhuman species than yourself)
Bakugou is training to try and compete and earn the coveted packs Head Alpha position and over the years you react to him less and less and I imagine it eventually escalates to Reader fighting back, and I have several ideas where the plot branches from here but one big revenge idea I keep having is, Bakugou usually chases Reader on a sort of schedule, maybe a specific time and along a specific route, and after years of being tormented, he's chasing you down and SNAP! You'd littered the path with actual fucking bear traps and lead him through the minefield until he stepped into one, and when he's on the ground howling in pain, before he has any time to react, because he's shocked you were capable of this, you proceed to beat the shit out of him, literally kicking and stomping him in the head and chest and ribs because, hey, he's such a big strong werewolf, what can a weak pathetic little crybaby like you do, right?! At least that's what you're screaming at him as you let loose YEARS of rage at not just him but the entire pack and even the Moon Goddess herself onto his body like, he's not gonna die but you draw blood, leave bruises, and eventually break bones. At some point he's not sure if you intend to teach him a lesson or actually kill him
And from here there are branching paths depending on like what I were to hypothetically choose
-the current Alpha is Bakugou's mom Mitsuki and she banishes Reader from the pack after what she does to her son and the future Alpha, and when Bakugou finally becomes Alpha himself years later, he summons everyone back to the pack lands for his ceremony, attendance mandatory, and that's when he finally has the authority to overrule his mother's decree to see Reader again, and maybe has to send people to retrieve her because she refuses to come back and a big reason she refuses is that she argues that, since she was never formally inducted into the pack, she is not an official member and thus, not obligated to return or even listen to what Bakugou says
-option b is Reader just straight up ages out of the system, refusing to participate in pack events or learn their culture or history and refusing to train or hang out with any of them, even the ones who might like her, and eventually one day just announces out of the blue "ok yall according to article 7 of the official pack law any wolf aged 18 or older can decide if they want to stay in the pack, so, i renounce you guys as my pack and choose to become a rogue" and everyone is fucking shocked because, werewolves are pack animals, how are you going to survive without other wolves? And you never even got your own wolf!
-option 3 is that Reader literally attempts suicide and pack adults send her to live elsewhere since she is clearly miserable in the pack and she winds up living in the human world again
(meanwhile Reader's case with shifting is multi choice of 1. She's literally been praying/cursing Moon Goddess her entire life not to give her a wolf because 'this is MY body, MY choices' and straight up threatening to kill the wolf if she gives her one 2. Reader actually did get a wolf when she was either sent away or alone and she somehow succeeds in rejecting her wolf or even killing her 3. Moon Goddess compromises and let's Reader have werewolf powers but not an actual wolf spirit, so you basically become an Alpha who cannot be controlled or ordered or taken over by your wolf, because you have no wolf, it's just you still being able to shift and havin all the perks of being awakened 4. Reader is a Lycan and doesn't shift until her like 20s and she finally shifts and she's bigger and stronger than all of them or 5. Reader is just a weird one-off case where she's a super late bloomer and maybe you don't even have your first shift until you're literally about to leave pack grounds and maybe Bakugou is RIGHT THERE and is absolute bonkers in yonkers THRILLED you finally have a wolf (and maybe you finally awakening activates a mate bond maybe idk)
I love the idea of like, Reader is in wolf form in front of Bakugo for the first time, whether it's your first shift or merely the first time he's seen you like this, and you instantly turn around and pounce on him and claw him up and beat his ass, like you INSTANTLY jump at the opportunity to throw hands with him and show him exactly what you think of him, like he's suddenly forced to have his like, his own Manhea Male Lead moment where he has to go "oh shit was I actually being absolutely unforgivable this whole time? I-I was just joking around, please don't go 🥺" ESPECIALLY if you turn out to be his mate
Like imagine it's a scenario where you've been gone for years and you're finally forced to briefly return to the pack and he sees you for the first time in forever and he instantly feels the mate pull but when he sprints up to you not only do you look absolutely disgusted but you don't even give him a chance before hitting him with "I reject you as my mate" and barely stop to breathe as you start a laundry list of reasons why you hate him/think he will never be good enough and at the end maybe you just kind of smirk "but maybe at the end of the day it doesn't matter what you do regardless because, you're still just a stupid, matted, rabid little wolf, and I would literally rather die than spend the rest of my life with one of you"
You really gotta hit him where it hurts. Gotta pay him back somehow for all those years he called you his prey and you around trying to scare you, right? The hunter becomes the hunted.
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ms-fade · 2 years
People I write for
All are aged up. 18+ of over.
(I will be adding more soon.)
- All characters in shows/movies can be hybrids/monsters at some point. Here are rules where you can find out.
-All MHA characters are in a college version of U.A. Or above the age of 18+
House of the dragon:
Alient Hightower
Rhaenrya Targaryen
Jacaerys Velaryon
Aemond Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen
Poly: Jace+Aemond, Aemond+Aegon, Jace+Aemond+Aegon
(I have not read the books)
Percy Jackson (books/older versions)
Percy Jackson
Luke castellan
My hero academia:
Izuku midoriya
Shoto Todoroki
Eijiro Kirishima
Katsuki Bakugou
Any other characters could be included for HC’s if you ask.
Poly characters together to ;)
Shadow and bone:
Kaz brekker
Lockwood & Co
Anthony lockwood
Poly!Lockwood&lucy (with the reader)
Demon slayer
Tanjiro Kamado
Inosuke Hashibira
Tengen & Wives
Any other characters could be included for HC’s if you ask.
Monsters Oc’s:
Nicholas/Nick Cooper: 25, male who lives in the woods outside the city alone. 6’6 in human form and 7 foot in werewolf form. Has fluffy short brown hair, brown and orange eyes, muscles for days including: Thighs, Torso, Arms. Tanned white skin, freckles from how long he’s been in the sun. Personality: Possessive, but kind and has a nice smile which turns into a smirk, likes to joke and laugh around. Lonely.
Taylor Jones: 23, female who lives with her pack in a southern town. 6’2 in human form and 6’8 in werewolf form. Has half of her head shaven but black medium hair, muscles in her legs and light abs and every where else. Paler skin then nicks but still has a tan, no freckles, brown eyes, but a few scars, one on her arm, above her eye, one on her waist. Personality: Likes to shows she’s the boss, has a soft spot for people smaller then her, teasing, jokes, sighs to show she’s the alpha of the group. Treats her pack and friends well, will become a body guard for anyone in help.
Naga Oc’s:
In this world my nagas will live up too 200 years older if they found a mate by then. Most naga’s die when their young are 50 or older. If a Naha hasn’t found a mate it will die quicker then the others. Longest naga to live was 220 years old. (All of this is just for my world this is not a fact. So not come after me, just doing this for fun)
Zauhra/Zara Cushissus: 100 years old, male, lives alone in a cave with his treasures near a water fall where the humans come around to get water. 9 feet tall, his tail is 5 feet and has blue and white scales. White pale skin with gold markings on his skin, white short/medium hair and green eyes, wears a lot of gold jewelry. Personality: Goofy, happy and very curious, very possessive to his mate but also very loving. A sweetheart but don’t mess with him.
Other characters and shows:
Steve harrington- Stranger things.
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katsukikitten · 2 years
Okay here here is the little sample
....L O A D I N G......L O A D I N G......L O A D I N G.....
A few hours pass of idle chit chat before Denki finally jumps for what feels like the sixtieth time.
"What was that?" Denki grabs onto your shirt with a small eep when the sound comes again.
"Bird landing." Bakugou provides the answer, he doesn't get how the ambient sound of nature could unsettle anyone. Then again no one was indoors as much as Denki Kaminari was.
"Denks, are you scared?" Furrowing your brows and your question makes him cling closer.
"Yea, are ya?" Sero teases and laughs when he sees a shudder go down his best friend's spine.
"Ooo he is scared." Mina joins in on the fun.
"Look, this place gives me the creeps, energy is off or something." Denki's eyes dart around, making Bakugou think of all the animals that get caught up in the underbrush. Ever looking for hungry eyes.
"Wouldn't if ya came out here more." Bakugou tuts, rolling his eyes before he presses your water bottle onto your shoulder, silently urging you to hydrate.
"Nah listen," Denki threads his arm through your free one, not caring if it encumbers you just a bit, "So many people go missing in the woods man."
"No more than 1600 a year!" Izuku chirps from the front, "More than that are found or find their way back. Besides, Kaachan always does the hike with Gunner a few times before he brings anyone out. Gunner has a great sense of direction."
"He's a fuckin dog, Izuku, he's supposed to." Bakugou snaps.
"We're in the Appalachian mountains, right Bakugou?" Sero asks and Bakugou gives a curt nod, "I've heard some stories about these woods."
"Stories?" Denki and Mina in two very different tones.
"Oi, save it for the campfire, you two."
"Bakugou please I wanna hear 'em!" Mina pouts, "Sero ignore him tell the story."
"There's things in these woods. Some that should never be named and some that stalk unsuspecting hikers. Witches, ghouls and big bad things called Smoke Wolves."
"Shut the fuck up." Bakugou rolls his eyes but Sero goes on.
"Huge beasts in the shape of wolves, they say their eyes are 'as red the sun' and by the time you see them it's too late! And then it…" Sero claps his hands together loudly, the sound echoes around the thick trees, "GETS YOU!"
Denki yelps, clinging to you so tightly he's practically tripping you like a cat under foot.
"Dunce face, you're really going to believe him?" Bakugou rolls his eyes, Mina giggles with Sero.
"C-come on guys that can't be true, right? Bakugou?" Ochacho who was in the back slips between Sero and Mina to fall into step with Katsuki, "There aren't any big wolves like that right?"
"I mean, we are in the fuckin woods. There is bound to be shit like wolves and bears."
"Lions and tigers and bears! Oh my!" Kirishima makes a song of it and everyone laughs but Denki. He just squeezes your bicep tighter and ruby eyes bore into the contact.
"Besides Denki, there haven't been any wolf attacks on humans in a national park for quite some time. We just need to make sure we pack up our food correctly to avoid any unwanted visitors. Right Kaachan?"
"Yea yea, you're getting an A in camping." Garnet eyes fall from Izuku to your arm, watching Denki's blunt nails dig into your pretty skin. Bakugou is about to tell him to let up when you pat Denki's hand.
"Why don't we share my earbuds, we can listen to some music and that will keep your mind off of their wives tales."
"Is it a wives tale if the local at the gas station tells you there's something wrong with these woods?"
"Sero!" You chide, "You sure've got the devil in you today."
He gives you a smile, one that makes a goose flesh break out over your skin as it makes you queasy. An uneasy, unsettling thing that makes you swallow thickly. Bakugou sees your look before he glares over his own shoulder to silently tell Sero to cut the shit. Sero rolls his eyes but keeps his mouth shut. At least for now.
@strafepanzer @dark-mnjiro @ryndicate @crowned-peony @heroesfan101 @katanaski @meggsngrits thanks for being interested lemme know your thoughts pls 😊 we're at the building tension stage
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sorrowfulrosebud · 6 months
You want wolf/puppy Bakugou asks? You gottem! (Hopefully I do this right lol)
Wolf/puppy hybrid Bakugou who is aggressive towards anything and everyone. Will growl and show his teeth if someone even looks at him funny, even though they were just glancing around and just looked at him for a second. Will scare off or threaten other hybrids that try to be friendly, exempt maybe for his "friends".
Except for reader. That aggressive boy will act up and start fights while out and about but when he's home? He'll just wanna throw and rip his toys, and want cuddles.
You better have a hand on him at all times, whether petting or not, cause if you ain't he's stopping ya in whatever you're doing, good time or not, for some affection and attention.
Pls give it to him, he just wants to feel like someone cares about him after all he's been through (If ya don't then I will, just saying)
He’s such a bratty, whiny little shit 💀💀.
All big teeth and growls, ears pinned and hackles raised until you squeak his favourite chicken and all of a sudden he’s like ‼️‼️ Chicken ‼️‼️ Where ‼️‼️
He’s such a grumpy bastard too. He’ll eye you sitting comfortably on the couch, casually reading or watching TV before he’s borderline running and TACKLING you for cuddles. He will pin you down, huffing into your neck. Katsuki will stare at you with carmine eyes before breathing on you, meat in his breath from the steak sandwich you made him.
You gag and choke, trying to push your fatass puppyboy off you as he cackles and puts his deadweight on you. He just sits there, staring at you as you try to get comfy. Will deadass pick up your hand and plonk it on his head and shake it grumpily.
“Ohhhh, you wanted pets brat? Hmmm, maybe you don’t deserve them,” you grin slyly. Katsuki growled.
“Bi..bitch,” he let out in broken puppy speech, threatening to graze your ticklish tummy with his claws. You have to bite back a chortle at his grumpy face, playing with his ears as he blinks slowly at you. You adore watching his face melt in pleasure, his thick and fluffy tail hitting the couch.
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“Katsukiii, here boy!!” You call your puppyboy as you came home. Katsuki looked up, pretending to be nonchalant as his tail beat back and forth. He greeted you with a chuff, eyes locking on to the bag in your hand.
His teeth curled up, recognising the logo from the pet store you rescued him from. A low growl left him, his hackles raising.
“Hey, none of that. I got you a surprise!” You tell him happily, sitting on the couch.
Katsuki slunk closer to you, eyes not moving from the bag. You tut and roll your eyes. You did have to use the “I got you a surprise” gimmicks few times to give him his flea and worming tablets, so you could understand his feelings. You pat the couch next to you as he sits with hesitation.
“Okay, now close your eyes!” You coo, sighing when Katsuki growls.
“Look, I know the past few times have been crap because you refuse to take your pills, but this time is genuinely a nice surprise that I think you’ll like,” you promise him. Katsuki glares at you as his ruby eyes flutter close.
His pointy ears hears you dig in the bag, before grabbing his hands gently and placing the object in it. He opens his eyes, before they widened completely.
“Tada! I’ve seen how grumpy you’ve been since you broke your last rope, so I got you a new one!” You exclaim happily, taking in his slightly pleased look. You go to take the toy from him, delighted when you hear the playful growl.
“Let me at least take the tags off, sweetie, and then we can play,” you said, going to the kitchen. Although your pup struggled with his speech, his bouncy and increasingly riled up body language expressed his immense gratitude. You snip the last of the tags off, before handing one end to Katsuki.
He grabs it with his teeth, pulling it back with a playful snarl. His lips were curled with a slight smile, his eyes bright as he played. You pulled with all of your strength, desperately trying to keep up with your puppy’s own immense strength.
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You are not allowed to be distracted with him AT ALL on walks. No phones at all, you have to be fully concentrated on him. He’s an aggressive species of dog, despite his love for squeaky chickens and dog treats.
He requires a muzzle when he’s out, to guarantee the safety of everyone there. He lowkey pouts when you have to put it on, making you kiss his crinkled brows as you click it behind his head. You have to keep a close, close, CLOSE eye on him. But a few years down the line, he does something that surprises you.
Imagine going on a walk with him, his leash curled tightly in your palm as you patrol the neighbourhood. You have to pull the leash every once in a while, and he does still bark at your neighbour’s hybrids, but he’s a good boy. A very sharp contrast to younger him, who would fight his way out of your grip.
You were on your phone, ordering him some more puppy toys when you stopped. You hadn’t even noticed you dropped his leash until Katsuki was stood right in front of you with the leash. Turns out whilst you had been paying, he had continued walking and didn’t know you had stopped holding him 🥺
He grunted through the muzzle, holding the leash and placing it into your hands.
“No stop. You hold.” He said firmly, turning as you stood in shock. A smile overtakes your features. 5 years ago and the little shit would have ran away, brawling and attacking the next person who saw him. You feed him a treat through the muzzle and pet him, cooing about how much of a good boy he is as his tail wagged like crazy.
He’s such a good boy 😭💕
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the---wallflower · 1 year
In the corner of Shinya’s eye, Cambry jumps up onto the coffee table, holding a small bundle in his mouth. Probably a dead bird, Shinya thinks as he turns the page of his novel. Cambry’s always proud when he catches a stray mouse and presents it to one of them. Shinya’s not sure if they’re supposed to be gifts or just him trying to help. Either way, it keeps the mice population down in their house, which is surprisingly sizable considering the wolf pack that lives close by.
Wolves are extinct in Japan, but Tsunagu fought to have them brought back, reaching out to the International Wolf Center to do so. It took years to do and required a bit of help from one of the Kurota Sidekicks, but eventually, Tsunagu managed to secure a small pack of four wolves, a mated pair, and their siblings. He brought them to a large plot of land out in the forest with a lake and installed a security system that wards the wolves away from the edge of the property and pings Tsunagu’s phone when non-approved people cross that boundary.
He brought in deer and a few other animals so they could acclimate to their new surroundings before the wolves arrived. Hawks was actually there when he released the deer, and a while later, Shinya helped him release the wolves. He thought it was insane, but completely on brand for the eccentric Fiber Hero, and so was choosing to build his house on the land too. Shinya’s sure the construction team almost fainted when Tsunagu told them “Don’t mind the wolves,” and he was certain one of the wolves would maul Tsunagu one day.
Little did he know he’d one day live there with Tsunagu and his wolves. That he’d go to sleep looking through the skylight above his bed and out at the stars beyond with Tsunagu at his side. Or help him take care of his niece/adopted daughter and Bakugou. That they’d have 3 of their own kids, the oldest of which seems to have inherited Tsunagu’s love of wolves, and their youngest is an absolute menace.
Shinya reaches for his drink but freezes and blinks at the two fuzzy balls of fluff Cambry has placed on the coffee table, and the third he carries in his mouth as he jumps on the table again. He meows a happy greeting to Shinya around the furball in his mouth and sits beside the other two, looking at Shinya with a hopeful, expectant gaze in his green eyes. He resembles his owner too much. Oh, dear.
“Tsunagu!” Shinya calls, raising his voice so Tsunagu can hear him from the other room. “Your cat brought you some gifts!”
“Gifts?” Tsunagu echos, sounding closer than Shinya initially thought, and a moment later, he enters the room. “What do you mean gif—oh…how did he even find those?”
“How did he get them past the wolves?” Shinya quips without hesitation, and Tsunagu shoots him a judgmental, disapproving look at his dark humor. “What are you going to do with them?”
“Don’t you mean we?”
“It’s your cat.”
“Our cat.”
“I don’t recall agreeing to that.”
“The ring on your finger states otherwise.”
“Does it?” Shinya inquires with faux curiosity, plucking the ring off his finger and inspecting the inside of it. “Nope, no words here.”
Tsunagu flicks a finger and one of the throw pillows flies off the couch and hits Shinya in the face, but it just makes his smile wider. “I suppose I can turn them over to a vet.”
“I swear if you say ‘toss them to the wolves’, I will take that ring from you.”
“Or,” Shinya persists. “we could keep them, Tsumugu would love them.”
“What do you know about raising kittens?!”
“There’s a lovely, convenient thing called the internet, darling.”
Tsunagu huffs, and if Shinya didn’t know any better, he’d assume Tsunagu rolled his eyes too, but Tsunagu never rolls his eyes at anything no matter what happens. Getting slapped full force by your mother for rolling your eyes at her tends to have that effect. “Fine, I think we’ve got a box around here somewhere that we can keep them in, but you and Tsumugu are taking care of them.”
“Alright.” Shinya answers, fully aware that Tsumugu and their other kids will play with the kittens, leaving Shinya and Tsunagu to actually care for them.
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gglitch1dd · 2 years
Day 6: Owing you
Werewolf Bakugou x Kirishima x Midoriya x Half-Human AFAB Reader
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You stumble upon a pack of werewolves that are hungry and take an interest in you. They also really like how you smell by the way. And look what nice legs you got.  
Warning: Double penetration. Breeding Kink. POLYAMORY- so EVERYBODY gets love. Degrading. Praise. Reader passes out at the end there
You tightened your hood around your head as you tried to stay unnoticed on the woodland path that led from your aunt's village. It was getting late into the afternoon but you could make it before sunset if you stayed on the path and didn’t get distracted. That’s all you told yourself as you tried to ignore the woods around you. You knew that it was dangerous, traveling in the woods by yourself, even more so travelling with food. But you couldn’t ignore the fact that your aunt was need of a visit and you had gone to check if she was well.   
You lived in the woods by yourself, in a safe clearing away from all the bad monsters that you knew lived in the woods. It was what comforted you as you walked back. You had always lived outside of the village ever since you were young, and it was just you and your dad. He taught you all about living in the woods on your own, about growing crops and taking care of your chickens. He was the one that made sure that if you were ever in need, you could take care of yourself.   
You had obviously asked him why you both lived in the middle of the woods away from the other villagers and all he told you was it was what your mother was comfortable with. You would never understand the stories of your mother nor why your father seemed so enraptured by even her memory, but it was lovely to see regardless and so you stuck with your dad until it was just you now.   
As you minded your business, trying to head back home, you heard sniffing. You paused. That caught you by surprise. You turned your head to see a snout trying to make its why into your basket. You jumped forward clutching the basket to your chest. What was following behind you was a very large black wolf. Very large . Around the size of a bear almost. Although he seemed rather skinnier than he could have been. He looked at you with bright red eyes and realising that you had gone defensive, so did he. He bent down in a threatening stance, growling at you with sharp teeth.   
Fear went down your spine at the sound of the hostile growl aimed towards you. You took a few hesitant steps back from him, lowering yourself to the ground. “Hey...” You let out quietly and sweetly. You raised your hands up in the air. “I won’t hurt you.” You said softly. You noticed that his eyes went to your basket. That was probably why he was after you. You carefully put the basket down in front of you, lifting your hands freely once more. “You want food?” You asked him.   
The wolf upon judging you, noticed something besides the smell of food. He crept towards you, sniffing. You closed your eyes as you moved your neck to be shown, trying to show that you would be of no harm to him. However, it didn’t stop you from thinking about how it would be an easy kill for him that way. The wolf walked to circle you before stopping to sniff your head and your neck. A yipp went out, almost dog like.   
You waited but no blow came to you. You slowly opened your eyes to see the giant black wolf standing next to you, sniffing your neck. Suddenly there was licks attacking you. You giggling at the ticklish feeling as he nudged your head and licked your neck in an attempt to befriend you almost. “Hey!” You nudged his snout with your hand, to keep him away from you. “That’s ticklish.” You told him.   
The big black wolf trotted with a dog like smile to sit in front of you. His tail wagged behind him as he looked down at you. You smiled up at him. You picked up the basket and decided to take a chance. You slowly stood up in front of him. He just watched you happily. You smiled.   
You carefully took a step forward towards him with your hand outstretched. “What a good boy.” You tried out. You watched his tail started to wag a storm at the compliment as you touched his snout experimentally. He leaned into your hand and barked. You giggled. “What a good boy.” You pat him carefully, not wanting to step too far into his personal space. Deciding that he was good for not eating you, you moved the cloth that was covering your basket. You took out a thick slice of chicken your aunt had given you. You saw the way his eyes widened at the food. You carefully put it down in front of him. “Here boy.”   
Stepping back away from him, you allowed him space. The wolf sniffed it a few times before immediately diving in to eat the piece of chicken, without hesitation. The poor guy was probably just hungry this whole time and wanted whatever was in your basket. You turned around, allowing him to eat in peace and continued forward. Before you could even get in five steps you felt a nudge to your free hand. You turned around and saw that he was following you with a whine.   
You chuckled. “You still hungry?” You asked. You took out three more slices of chicken. “I’m sorry, that’s all I have left.” You tell him as you placed them down in front of him. The wolf bent down and ate one piece, almost faster than earlier. However, he left the other two pieces. He picked them up in his mouth and started to trot to the side of the path away from you. It was then that you realised that his coat wasn’t black. His coat was a deep dark maroon red in the sunlight. He turned to you. He let out a muffled bark in thanks before trotting away. You smiled. “Bye Aka.” You waved your hand. You decided to nickname the wolf ‘Aka’ due to his coat being red.  
Feeling good about yourself, you continued to walk back home on the path. Due to your little distraction that was the red wolf, you only got back home just as the sky was darkening and sunset was just about finished. You stepped inside and lit your fireplace. However, while you were busy in your home, you didn’t notice a pair of red eyes watching you from a far.   
It had been a day since you last saw the dark red wolf, but he rarely left your thoughts, even now as you watered your garden behind your house. The carrots looked like they were doing well so you hoped that they would be ready to harvest soon enough. You stood with your little watering can as you tried to make sure all of them got water to their soil.   
You heard the sounds of the clattering of your mini alert trip wire to the left. You saw on the outskirts of the clearing you lived in was the red wolf who was looking around alarmed at the noise that the little wire on the ground made. You stood back up straight with a smile. You waved a hand. “Hey Aka!” You greeted. Instantly, you took his attention. The wolf carefully stepped over the wire and came barrelling towards you, jumping over the fence that surrounded your gardens as if it wasn’t more than half your size and landed on the gravel away from any plants. He trotted over to you with a bark, moving his head closer to your hand for head pats. You giggled. “Morning beautiful.” You pet his head making his tail wag. He started to pant with a wolf smile as he moved closer to you for more attention. “Oh you love getting some sugar, don’t you?” You asked as you put down your watering can and scratched behind his ear. He sat down immediately and let you do as you wish, scratching and petting his head and collar. He barked at you happily.   
Ever since then, red always came around to check on you or to hang around. Sometimes you would even find him guarding your chickens. At first he had wanted to eat them but you had quickly put him straight that the chickens couldn’t be eaten yet and he would have to wait till you want to have one to have. You didn’t have much meat to give him, but he did enjoy cookies.   
You never saw him eat them but he did. He took a lot of food back to wherever he lived. You thought that he might have a family or pack of his own that he was providing for, which was where he would go after spending some time with you. You did hear howls in the night more often, loud howls of wolves deep in the forest. However, you never really saw this family until one day you woke up to scratches to your door and the tripwire pans making noise.   
You sat up in bed with a grumble. It was time to wake up anyways, but no one liked waking up to a needy wolf scratching away at your door. And didn’t he get used to the tripwire? It was getting colder however, and you would need to get wool to insulate your house better away from the cold. You yawned as you slowly moved towards the door. “I’m coming, Aka.” You told him as you opened the door.   
Aka did sit there waiting for you with a happy dog smile but standing a bit behind him, to your surprise, was another wolf. It stayed low to the ground, hesitant and wary of you. It was a deep dark colour like black, but as sunlight hit its fur, you realised it was a deep green almost. It was around the same size as Aka was, but a bit smaller and skinnier too. His eyes however, were enchanting. A deep and swirling emerald, green like the richest of gemstones. The red wolf motioned to the green one with a bark, then moved closer to you for head pats.   
You smiled. You ruffled up his fur around his neck and scratched behind his ears. “Hey there, Aka.” You greeted him as you lovingly gave him attention making him relax. The green one looked at his comrade confused at the name. You then turned your attention to his new friend. “Aww, is this your mate?” Immediately the red wolf looked away from you with a huff. The other one also made a huff like noise. You weren’t exactly sure what the huffing meant but you just laughed. You also noticed that he was a male as well. “All right, all right. Well, whatever you are, it’s nice to meet you.”   
You carefully walked towards him as well, making the green one take one step back hesitantly. You crouched down to his level and held your hands out. You did the exact same thing you did with Aka. Trying to show you weren’t a threat at all. He came sniffing at your neck. He then picked up on something that the red wolf had also picked up on when he first met you. He nudged your neck again, sniffing around you. Seemingly satisfied, he nudged the palm of your head with his nose.   
You smiled, seeing as he was more eased with you. You stood back up. “Hey there buddy.” You scratched the back of his ear. At first he was tense, before he started wagging his tail and panting at the attention. He whined as he moved his head closer to your hand. You laughed. “Oh you also like the head scratches. Hm... what to call you?” You tilted your head as you looked down at him. “Midori?”   
Immediately you saw him light up like a candle. He started barking with bright eyes and a dog like smile he nodded furiously and turned to look at the red wolf. He barked as he trotted over to him in excitement. The other one barked as well and the two seemed very happy about that guess. You giggled and nodded your head.   
“Alright then, Midori, it’s nice to meet you.” You told him as you walked past the both of them to get treats that you had developed for Aka. They were made almost like biscuits but had little pieces of meat in them. You grabbed a handful and walked back outside. “Here you go boys.” You gave them two each on the floor in front of them. Aka immediately went to eating the snacks knowing that the food you gave him was always delicious. Midori was a bit hesitant, as to be expected, but after smelling nothing wrong, he happily indulged in the food. You watched the two of them wag their tails happily.   
Since you met Midori, he would come over with Aka as well. Midori often did the same thing as Aka and kept some of the food you gave him as well. You assumed it was for the same reason and left it be. The two of them were very playful but they also helped you as well, Midori slightly more efficient than Aka. Midori was able to take out carrots without eating half of them and put them in a basket. It was cute watching the two of them work for you out of their own wish. You didn’t understand how wolves could understand you and do it like how you wanted it done, but you were grateful either way.   
After a long day when you just wanted to lay in the sun and enjoy yourself, the two would come curl up with you. You found it cute, especially when Midori would dote on Aka, making sure the other bigger one was fine. You found them just adorable and you greatly enjoyed the new company you now had.   
However things greatly changed one night when you were finishing up the last of your tasks before bed. You were moving the new bags of wool you had gotten from your aunt over to the patio, trying to get them inside your house when you heard a bark.   
You turned your head to see that making their way over to you confidently was Aka and Midori but following them was something not so confident about you. You froze at the gaze you received. Heavy and almost murderous red eyes that were that of blood and not as light as Aka’s. A blond wolf, almost the colour of sand, stalked its way towards you, not as happy as the others to see you. In the darkness, you thought that it was out for blood, red crimson eyes locked onto you.  
The two came trotting to you, putting their heads underneath your hands. You subconsciously scratched their heads earning happy rumbles from them. You took a hesitant step forward towards the blond. “Is this your mate?” The both of them seemed happy about that conclusion giving you barks. However the blond male seemed very distraught and in denial about that statement. He growled at the statement only earning whines from the other two. You chuckled in amusement as they followed you towards the blond.   
You lowered yourself on the ground carefully, but before you even got to show your hands, you were tackled to the ground. Immediately the other two let out angry growls at the blond for doing that. You were pinned to the ground underneath the huge wolf. He growled down at you, almost daring you to move when he had you down like this. You stilled in fear, your heart pounding out of your chest at the sudden action. He sniffed around you, trying to figure out what it was about you that had the other two so excited and happy. You didn’t move an inch, not wanting to provoke him further. He could smell the fear off of you but he could also smell something else. He paused. His gaze flickered back to you. You didn’t move hoping not to get eaten by their rather hostile comrade.   
Suddenly you started hearing the breaking of bones. Your eyes widened as the blond wolf started to shift and change into something you did not expect. A few moments later, straddling your body, keeping you down with his body weight was a man. He had cut out features, a thin waist and the same blood red eyes that the blond wolf had. Swishing behind him was a blond tail the same colour as his puffy ashen blond hair and flickering ears on his head. A huge grin was spread on his face, revealing sharp teeth that could easily pierce skin if he wished.  
A chuckle rumbled out of his chest as he looked down to you so condescendingly that it made you shiver with fear. “So you are the person those two knot heads have been fawning over?” He asked. He moved his hands from your shoulders down your body, feeling the warm skin underneath clothes and the fast racing heart in your chest pick up speed. He settled his hands over your abdomen, almost subconciously laying claim to what was underneath skin and flesh. His grin grew. He licked over his teeth. “How delicious.” He grinned.  
“Aww, Katsuki. That’s not fair, you’re being rude.” Suddenly walking over to you as well was another man. He had long thick locks of red vivid hair that fell down his back and his shoulders. He had softer red eyes framed by perfect lashes. His ruby red eyes looked at you softly but with a hidden dark desire behind them that made you second guess its existence. One thing you noticed was that he was that he was ginormous. Huge. Stacked with thick muscles and a tall build that was no doubt able to crush you if he wished. He crouched down next to you, tilting his head to the side. You noticed the ears on his head as well that sat fluffed and soft. He had tilted his head just like Aka would. “You just tackled them. I told you to be nice.” He then looked up to the blond with a frown.  
“Yah, Kacchan.” Walking over to the three of you was another man. He was less broad than the redhead but clearly was built from years of training. He had mostly scars on his arms but he had a cute face. Which was dangerous because his eyes shone like deep poision and gemstones, made to seduce you in a way you would never suspect, just like Midori. He had curly deep dark green hair with green ears that stuck out of his head. His green tail wagged as he looked down at you. His eyebrows furrowed in worry. “We don’t want to hurt them.” He said sympathetically.  
Bakugou frowned. “You can never be too careful.” He crossed his arms over his thick chest with full pecs sitting on his arms, supported by them. “What if they weren’t half wolf, and then? Would you really trust them?” He asked with a glare. “Besides you’re being too soft on them. Eijiro, you’re really going to let them keep calling you such a stupid name like ‘Aka’?” He asked.  
Kirishima whined. “But it makes sense. I don’t think it’s too bad.” He expressed honestly. He looked down at you. “I liked the name. Besides at least you got Izuku’s name right.” He pointed out to you with a happy smile.  
Midoriya’s tail started wagging harder. He nodded his head. “Yep. It’s my family name. Midoriya.” He revealed to you. He perked up at that. He hit his freckled face with the palm of his hand. “Oh... we haven’t even introduced ourselves. My name is Midoriya Izuku.”  
The redhead grinned down at you with sharp teeth. “Kirishima Eijiro.”  
The blond also grinned down at you. He placed a hand to his chest. “Bakugou Katsuki.”  
It was then, and only then that you realised that they were all extremely and utterly undeniably naked. You screamed as you covered your eyes. “HELP ME! NAKED WOLF MEN!” You screamed.  
The naked wolf men- werewolves, were all part of a pack and were actually shifters. An ancient race of beings that were between human and animal. They could be either, but their human forms came with some side parts, like ears and a tail. They were stronger, faster and more in tune with animalistic instincts than people, and you noticed that very quickly.  
Suddenly you found yourself living with three werewolves and you weren’t exactly sure how to feel about the whole situation. There was Kirishima, the first one you met. He was very excited about everything and was always energetic and ready to help in anyway he could. He was the biggest and probably the strongest (don’t tell Bakugou that) and was basically his wolf form personified. He was very big on the physical affection and was a really beautiful soul. He loved caring for people and helping you the best way he could. He would cut would for the fireplace, help you carry heavy things and always kept your chickens safe from Bakugou.  
Bakugou- the chicken hater. He loved chicken, but he hated chickens. He was what the other two referred to as the ‘Alpha’ of the pack which they explained to you was the leader. He was the protector and always made sure everyone was safe and fully before himself. At first you had trouble with him, considering he was always angry or shouting at someone or something, however you got close to him in your own way. He was an excellent cook for one, and was often the one late at night to wake up and make sure everything was safe. I mean of course you, Midoriya and Kirishima had to quite literally rip a live chicken from his mouth but apparently “the chicken had it coming”.  
Then there was Midoriya. Midoriya was sweet and caring and also highly intelligent. Once you introduced him to a pencil and paper, you rarely saw him without them. He liked making plans and writing lists and making notes about who knows what. He was very helpful, always arranging chores and helping get the house ready for winter or telling you which part of the forest was best to find certain herbs or plants. Even though him and Bakugou always butt heads and were always at each other’s throats for something, you knew they cared for each other. Or at least, Midoriya cared, Bakugou would just grunt and shrug it off.  
Surrounded by the three men constantly, they made your life richer, fuller and easier in a way you didn’t quite understand how. They just loved to take care of you, to make sure you were safe and that most importantly, you knew how much they were grateful for you. Maybe it was your presence, maybe it was the fact that you quite literally let them into your home and were the reason they were all safe inside with an actual home now, but whatever it was, you knew they appreciated you so much. Even though your little house was not exactly big enough to house all three of you some of the time, you couldn’t have been happier.  
Besides, Midoriya started plans on renovating, of course Bakugou made some comment and tried to add somethings that didn’t go with Midoriya’s plan. They argued. Bakugou tried to bite Midoriya’s tail off. Kirishima broke it up. Put Bakugou on time out. Scolded Midoriya on entertaining Bakugou. Then you had a very folded ears upset blond and a frowning whining green haired wolf. You gave both tummy rubs and Kirishima a cookie and everything was fine.  
That’s just how life was for a while.  
Until one fatal winters day.  
You were sitting on the floor on your mattress that had been put down there along with a bunch of pillows and blankets because apparently “We can’t all sleep on that small thing, dumbass.”. So now you shared a “den” with three men on the floor. You didn’t really care, it was close to the fireplace, and it was soft and plushy enough to not even notice. You were sitting facing the fire, trying to warm up your hands when the big red haired werewolf walked in.  
Kirishima shook his head of snow as he walked in, shirtless of course, and made his way over to you. He settled down behind you with a thud and pulled you into his lap. He released a ramble from his chest as he buried his head into your neck and sighed. He had his arms wrapped around you as he kept you plastered to his chest. You chuckled as you thread a hand through his hair, scratching behind his right ear. He was still warm to the touch, even though just having been outside.  
You chuckled. “Hello there, Eijiro.” You greeted him with a smile. He whined, burring his head deeper into the crook of your neck. Holding you closer. You raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong?” You asked. “Was Katsuki being mean to you again?” You asked him.  
You noticed that his temperature was actually much higher than normal, and his breaths were raging. You were about to ask him if he had caught a cold (served him right for walking around all winter shirtless) but then you felt a hot warm mouth to your neck. He kissed and licked at your neck, a warm and hot mouth against you in eagerness. You felt heat rush to your face at the action.  
“Uh... Eijiro?” You let out a bit nervously. “What are you doing?”  
Large hands with thick fingers trailed down to your inner thighs. You were wearing your night shorts, since it was late and the house was warm, so he had easy access to that area. He pushed his fingers deep into the muscle of your thighs, messaging deep into them. You couldn’t even tense at the pleasurable feeling as you leaned back against him. You sighed at the wonderful feeling of his fingers on you. However his hands slowly, with their sensual and deep movements, started moving closer and closer to where you started feeling tension now the most. Between your legs. You felt his fingers move underneath the shorts, brushing against your sex just slightly.  
Kirishima let out a heavy breath. “I... I know this is sudden, but I really don’t think I can go another day without tasting you. May I? Can I?” He asked in a breathless haze of moving his head from your neck and looking down at you. His eyes were heated and shrouded in lust and a haze of want. You could tell that he was aching from the look in his eyes and the feeling of his hard dick against you.  
You nodded your head, just as breathless at the sudden attention. “Yes.”  
With permission, Kirishima spun you easily to straddle him and his mouth was instantly on yours. His hands groped at your ass as he pulled you forward to grind against his crotch which made you gasp. His mouth was on yours, his kisses hungry and just as passionate. He wanted so much from you and what you were willing to give, yet he just wanted to drown in your whole being. In your whole thoughts and self. He released a groan as he pulled you closer. You whined as you grinded your hips down against him, your breath stuttering at the feeling of his cock growing harder underneath you, restricted and aching for you.  
“Well, you fucking bitches.” You both looked up and back at the door to see Bakugou leaning against the doorway. He had an amused smirk on his face as his tail wagged behind him. “You really started without us?” He turned back into the dark air. “Oi, Deku! Eijiro, the fucking knothead, decided to jump them without us!” He called back to the green haired werewolf. You heard a distant whine at his words. Bakugou turned back to the both of you. Shrugging off his jacket and shirt, Bakugou stalked over to the both of you. “You know Eijiro, that’s a serious offence, babe.” He stated. As Bakugou crouched down next to the both of you, he dug his hand in Kirishima’s thick red locks, tugging on his hair to force his head back to look down at him. Bakugou grinned down at him menacingly. “Bad boy.” He said patronizingly, ripping out a whine from Kirishima, his lips parted.  
“I’m sorry Katsuki.” He let out softly. His eyes flickering down to the blond’s lips. His ears were down at the lack of praise and knowing he had done something bad. “I couldn’t help myself.”  
Bakugou pouted down at him. “Aww poor puppy couldn’t control his dick.” You let out a gasp as Bakugou’s hand found its way to your body. His fingers crept down the front of your loose shorts and a single finger ran up your slit, making you go stiff on Kirishima’s lap. You relaxed with a breathy moan as he briefly rubbed your clit in circles before sliding his fingers out of your shorts. He looked at his spread fingers watching the slick that twinkled in the fire light. He scoffed. He looked at Kirishima, his grip till tight on his red locks. “Looks like you aren’t entirely bad after all.”  
“Kacchan, don’t act like you wouldn’t do the same.” Midoriya stated as he closed the door behind him. His own jacket off and a dark glint in his eyes. The most surprising part of Midoriya was how well he could flip the switch between his bubbly and sweet persona to a man who could make you feel inferior with just a glance. His normally sparkling eyes were dark with desire as he walked over to the three of you. “Poor Eijiro couldn’t control himself.” He said sympathetically as he removed Bakugous hand from Kirishima’s head to thread his own fingers through the luscious red locks. “You know his much more primal than the both of us.” Kirishima closed his eyes at the physical touch. Midoriya smiled at the happy redhead.  
Bakugou scoffed, looking away from those two and back to you. His eyes straying over your body, he licked over his lips as his eyes strayed on your legs. “Don’t mind if I do.” He grinned.  
You moaned around Midoriya’s cock as you were bounced up and down Kirishima and Bakugou’s cocks that worked together to split you open, double stuffing you. Your mind had long shut down as you relaxed your jaw and your body, only thriving through the pleasure and bliss of the actions.  
Midoriya had his hand gripping your jaw with a smirk, his hand was guiding your head as he face fucked you. The head of his cock hitting the back of your mouth. His canines glinting down at you as he chuckled. “What a good doll. Look at you? You’re behaving so well, letting us fuck you like this.” He praised you. He tilted his head slightly as he looked down at you. “Such a good doll.” Your eyes glistened with tears, tear marks already down your cheeks as you looked up at him with the most beautiful tear-filled expression.  
Kirishima and Bakugou were in a heated kiss over your bruising neck and shoulder, keeping you pressed up against them as they rutted into like animals. Their cocks rubbing against one another and bullying and shoving for space inside of you. Slick and cum dripped down their breeder balls as they fucked you into oblivion. Your neck was littered in bite marks, sharp bloody ones from all three men that left no room for debate on who you belonged to.  
Kirishima whined as he removed his lips from the blond’s, bringing his head to the crook of your neck. His breathing was raging as he held your hips. The feeling of your warm wet velvety walls and Bakugou’s cock moving against his own thick one was too much for him to handle. His head relying on pure instincts as he just went with the pleasure as well.  
Bakugou grinned as he looked down at where the three of you were joined. A harmonious sticky mess that squelched and made unholy sounds that he only thought of in his dreams. He could feel your sex start to clench around the two of them and he knew you were about to cum for the nth time. Bakugou chuckled. His blond tufts brushed back away from his sticky glistening with sweat forehead. He looked up at Midoriya. “They’re about to cum.”  
Midoriya had his eyes rolled back with a groan. “Fucking good, I’m about to pop a knot in their mouth at this rate.” He let out with a slight growl as he looked down at you. He gripped your cheeks tighter. He growled down at you almost threateningly. “You better continue to be a good doll and swallow everything I give you.” He grunted as he fucked the back of your throat ruthlessly. You whined around his cock, hollowing your mouth and relaxing your throat. You gagged and you could hardly breathe but you didn’t care. Not with everything going on around you. Midoriya moaned at your pliant state, finding it ever so arousing. With a grill and his body growing tense, you felt hot ropes of cum enter your mouth. You swallowed it greedily listening to every word he had said to you. “Fucking hell.” Midoriya groaned. “You’re so fucking good.” He praised.  
He let go of you before he could knot your mouth, making you gasp, your jaw aching as you were finally allowed to breathe. That was short lived as you were jolted up and down as the two other werewolves used you as their personal cocksleeve. Kirishima had his head buried in the crook of your neck, his teeth dug into the joint between your neck and your shoulder as he rolled his eyes with a moan.  
Bakugou growled as he dug his nails into the flesh of your thighs. “You’re so good. You would make such a good mother to our pups, wouldn’t you? Yah you would. Cause you’re just so- fucking perfect.” He growled out as his knot and Kirishima’s pushed against each other as they tried to push into you at the same time. With a cry, you were clamping down on them, head thrown back as your thighs shivered and shook in an earth-shattering orgasm. The feeling of your cunt milking their cocks for all they were worth forced both men to the edge of their own highs. Their knots fitting together perfectly within you as both men groaned. Warm cum filled up your abdomen, painting your walls white as you slumped against Kirishima’s sweaty warm chest in exhaustion.  
Kirishima finally let go of your neck, a line of saliva connecting his canines to your neck. Midoriya sat next to the three of you, his head tilted as he sat back, looking at the beautiful mess the four of you had made. Bakugou was against you, his head on top of yours, with his arms wrapped around you and one of his hands holding onto Kirishima’s waist. Midoriya chuckled as he put a hand through Bakugou’s soft locks of hair making the blond lean against his hand. Kirishima looked down at you.  
“Uh... guys...” He let out with a gravelly voice from all his moaning and whining. Both men looked at him, Bakugou more slow to do so than Midoriya. “I... I think we broke them.” He said at your dead asleep figure that was breathing deeply against him as you were sound asleep. Not a single thought in your head.  
“Well, that’s no fun.” Midoriya joked with a smirk, folding his arms. Bakugou glanced at him with a scoff and a smirk. Dropping his arms, he brought a hand over to your face. “Poor thing... I think we went too hard on them.”  
Bakugou nodded. “Yah, I think so.”  
Kirishima’s eyes widened as he looked at the two males in disbelief. “Uh... YOU THINK? THEY’VE PASSED OUT!”  
“Now how were we supposed to know that would happen?” Bakugou asked with a furrowed brow. “We can’t see the future! They’ll get used to it.”  
You would never get used to it.  
<KiriBakuDeku Monstertober Week>
<Previous Day>
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mysicklove-main · 1 year
Now I have to ask. How would the boys from Your New Pack react to the reader being injured by a different hybrid, either intentionally or accidentally?
not good my friend, not good. but hey let's get into it.
sorry if this is a little short!!
You watch his wings twitch and gulp. It was an accident, the fox hybrid truly didn’t mean to swipe at you. He takes a slow step toward the poor hybrid and you do the only thing that will make Keigo turn back toward you, you begin to whine and cry. Of course, it didn’t hurt that bad, but from the way the hawk turned to you with wide eyes in alarm, while the fox ran away, it was pretty believable. He curses to himself and tears a piece of his shirt off to wrap your hand in a bandage, all the while mumbling stuff like, “You are alright. I know Im sorry, Dove.” and “Please don’t cry. Please, you know how much it hurts me seeing you like this.” mostly to himself to calm himself down and not chase after that fox bastard.
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This was your fault. A bear hybrid pissed you off and one thing lead to another, and he landed his teeth on your arm. You expected Izuku to freeze, maybe even cower, but he did just the opposite. He stands in front of you, teeth bared, against the bear who was twice his size. His ears go back and he tries to control his growls. When the bear takes a step closer, you are the one that has to pull Izuku away. Although he looks fierce currently, you are not willing to risk your bunny getting hurt. So, you put all of your strength into pulling him away (which is a lot, and he barely budges). But, when he hears your pleas, he allows himself to be dragged away. He cries when he helps you bandage the wound.
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Wolves are possessive by nature. In Bakugous mind, every inch of your skin was his. So when the small pup tries to dig his canines into the hand he has already claimed (accidentally, but he tries not to think about it that way) he bares his teeth with a small warning growl. His muzzled face did nothing to hide his sharp teeth and the poor pup gulped, tears lining his eyes, as he scampered toward his mother. You get mad at him, and he goes off on a tangent on how he was in the right and the pup should know his place. You just sigh and apologize to the mother.
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The vulture hybrid didn’t even get a chance to strike. The second Shoto saw the malicious glint in his eyes, he dove for the other. Honestly, it freaked you out. The way his usual polite words turn to descriptive, condescending threats. Like he was playing with the fool, trying to scare the absolute shit out of him. “If I so much as see you glance at my owner I swear I’ll find you. Do you understand? I will find and kill–” You grab him by the collar with wide eyes and he immediately pauses. And just like second nature, he switches back to how he usually is in your eye, “I apologize Y/N, but I just couldn’t let him hurt you! You know you mean so much to me. I just...wanted to protect you. Of course, I would never do anything to him, you know me!”
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His happy-go-lucky mood would switch instantly. It surprises you considering he has never seemed to get mad, but the second that cat hybrid landed its claws on you he did a 180. He turns quiet and cold, glaring at the cat, and small rumbles pull in his throat. He readies himself for a fight. The cat scampers away instantly, feeling the harsh mood and he immediately turns to you. His eye water and he apologizes profusely for not being “strong enough to protect you”. You have to reassure the poor dog that it wasn’t his fault.
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azure-wolf-227 · 2 years
BNHA AU: Wolf Child Izuku
An idea I had for an BNHA Au based on the film Wolf Children.
Hisashi Midoriya is a Wolfman, a wolf capable of assuming human form. He and Inko met in college and become friends. Eventually, they fall in love and Hisahi reveals his true nature to Inko. She accepts him and they get married, with Inko becoming pregnant shortly after.
Hasashi dies a day after Izuku is born, leaving Inko to raise a wolf child on her own. Fortunately, Inko the Bakugous to help her and she tells Mitsuki the truth about Hisashi.
The wolf transformation is an ability different from Quirks so Hisashi still had Fire Breath and Izuku is technically Quirkless. But because his ability can be passed off as a Quirk, Izuku is treated better than in canon. Inko does tell Izuku the truth about his ‘Quirk’ when he’s older.
Katsuki and Izuku still drift apart because Katsuki has inferiority issues that have nothing to do whether Izuku has a Quirk or not. Fortunately, since he isn't powerless, Izuku doesn’t let Katsuki push him around.
I know that the original Wolf Children could choose to be fully human but in this AU, Izuku’s default form has wolf ears and tail. It’s theorized that this is because he’s half-human.
Although it’s not a Quirk, the wolf transformation is coded on Izuku’s DNA so he can acquire a costume that shifts with him. That way, he won’t end up naked every time he transforms.
Izuku is the same cinnamon roll as in canon, just a bit more confident and thanks go his wolf attributes, a lot more adorable. He is still a wolf though, so he can be dangerous if someone threatens his pack.
He still mets All Might, impresses him and receives One for All. The Quirk does boosts his previous powers, allowing him to transform into a giant wolf.
@deusvervewrites @barid-bel-medar @griffinguy24 What do you guys think of this?
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