#wont say much otherwise the paragraph will get me but
walnutcookie · 8 months
can i ask what cheddar's curse is :333333333 3 33333 :333 :#3333333333333333333333333333 :3:#3333
HI I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKEDDD. :33 THANK U SO MUCH FOR THIS ASK /GEN. you have unleashed hell i am about to write so many paragraphs /silly /pos
ok to rb!
I need to draw a picture of them without the shadow sometime but. basically that glint in the shadow over cheddars face?
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thats not their eye. they dont have an eye there anymore. instead it is a jewel :]c a cheddarstone to be exact. And it is very cursed!
still need to figure out exactly how it goes but when the blue cheese manor burned down they reached for the cursed jewel that their family had and They survived! They technically cannot die! but living isnt exactly easy
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inside of them is a ton of Dark almost ink-like goop,, its like. Anti-life force. It seeps through their skin slowly and if it seeps out too much cheddar has to fight for control. if it gets really bad they lose control entirely. the only way to keep it from seeping out is by absorbing pure life force. they can obtain it through being around someone as they die, but more effectively they can kill people themself. Which is pretty easy since!! touching anti-life force kills a person IMMEDIATELY literally all cheddar needs to do is touch someone and theyre dead.
of course, if people knew that she was doing this, theyd be arrested immediately so theyve found ways to be sneaky about it :]c
for one, they cover themself up as best as possible. Literally from the head down its completely covered - giant coat, gloves, boots, etc. plus the hat covers not only the jewel in their eye but the anti-life force goop growing on his face!!! They avoid being in crowds or tightly packed spaces and theyre careful not to ever touch someone - while the clothing helps, it doesnt completely negate the curse, so while a brush of the shoulder may not kill the person itll at least drain them which will look suspicious.
obviously this quote wasnt related but shh its about Universe A. to me
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cheddar has basically made themself untouchable (both metaphorically and literally).
say, theoretically, they need to take another victim. theyre travelling with macaroni on oh, say, a train, and they find a random cookie isolated in a train car with nobody around to witness anything. they peel off their glove and put their hand on the victims mouth, muffling their scream and killing the person instantly, and then they gently lower the body down so it doesnt make a noise as it hits the floor. next they use a knife to stab the person a few times - theyre already dead, but since touching them wouldnt give any indicators toward the cause of death, they have the perfect opportunity to create a false story behind the murder of this cookie and frame someone else for it. all they need to do after that is call macaroni to come see and he'll practically do the work for them!!!
ive mentioned this on one of my posts before but i headcanon that macaroni. cannot. stand. mysteries. he has to have them solved ASAP otherwise he CANNOT rest easy. he wont be able to eat or sleep very well at all. it makes him so anxious as much as he loves mysteries
Cheddar uses this to their advantage! theyve created a person in macaroni's head - someone whos lazy, who doesnt put much effort into their work, someone who doesnt rely on real evidence very much. How would someone like cheddar manage to frame someone else for a murder theyve committed and get away with it? especially since cheddar is around macaroni 24/7 and hed never expect them to do something in like the five minutes that they sneak away. not to mention cheddar has been working for the cbi even longer than mac and why on earth would a cbi agent kill someone for (seemingly) no reason??? In reality cheddar is actually much smarter and observant than they make themself seem but mac is in HEAVY denial about it because he doesnt want to have to think about his work partner being a murderer. Better to come up with other solutions (which cheddar so generously offers to him by framing people) than to point the finger at cheddar and raise dozens more questions that may be left unanswered. Plus the thought that all of the deaths cheddar caused would technically partially be macs fault. And as much as cheddar annoys him, mac has grown pretty attached to them.
someone could literally yell at mac and say LOOK!!! CHEDDAR HAS BLOOD STAINS ON THEIR COAT OH MY GOD!!!!!!! and mac will just laugh and say Haha that must be from lunch yesterday :) LIKE. cheddar has just made the perfect alibi for themself. they can never be accused of any crime because mac will defend them no matter what just to keep his own sanity
all of the killing and murder and crime aside cheddar is. Fucking miserable. shes so insanely touch starved bro they havent had a hug since like 1806 (except for like one person CCOUXGGHT COUCGHE GOUCGH ROUCYEO CAPPUCCINO COUGH COUCGH SPUTTER COUGH thats another post entirely though if anyone sends an ask abt it ill talk about it) and they try to make themself seem unlikable towards macaroni and try to distance themself from people and avoid relationships because even just a high five or a brush of the shoulder could be fatal. its too much of a risk, and its not one theyre willing to take.
he is fucking Smitten for macaroni theyre so head over heels for that girl but they just! CANT!!!! they cant get close to him because then he might DIE and not only would they lose the person they love but that would mean that their precious alibi is gone and theyd have to be extra extra sneaky about things to make sure that nobody catches them committing crimes. not to mention because of the way they act macaroni fucking HATES HIM. one sided yuri my beloved
anyways yaay ill stop there before this post gets too long X] theres more stuff about these two (including actual yuriful fluff NO WAAY) if youre curuois or have any other questions just shoot me an ask id love to answer!!!!
as always i dont think this is canon by any means it is all just my silly headcanon au because i think cheddar should be fucked up As a treat👍have a nice day If you read all of this i loveyiu so much /p
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freckliephil · 3 months
Do you realize you have poc mutuals and it hurts that you have not said anything in support to the discussion, but instead said people should log off? People are mad but if you don't want to reblog vent posts you can still just... say the obvious, that people shouldn't be racist here. Otherwise saying you're not racist means nothing and does not make this space safer for anyone. And I really, really mean this in the most non-violent way possible. (Also fine if you don't answer this, just a heads-up anyway)
Im gonna be so fr right now and then im going back to work. Ive been on tumblr for 10 years. Ive been engaging in fandom for longer. i can say with complete confidence that fandom tumblr is not the hill to burn yourself out and die on re: activism and racial justice.
Its absolutely disgusting and unacceptable that poc phannies are getting sent slurs and anon hate. Idk how else to put it - it sucks and im disappointed its happening in a fan community im part of. But like, idk what exactly there is for anyone to do other than be aware of what you can, not be a dick, or log out? Like, idk what is being asked of me other than to not actively be a racist asshole myself?
Tumblr sucks, i fucking hate it here 80% the time, this place is a literal nightmare echo chamber and it’s hardly gotten better if at ALL in the decade ive been here. Idk if this is noticeable, but i really dont spend a lot of time here in general. I just started a full time job in a new field, i have partners and friends and a busy ass poly schedule that leaves me like 2-3 hours a day of downtime IF THAT. Sometimes i use that time to browse tumblr or shit post with my friends, but being active on tumblr and staying up to date on the goings on of people i dont know or talk to online is reaallllyyy not my priority. I literally dont read OR make posts on tumblr over 3 paragraphs as a pretty loose rule - this is not my news source, nor is it somewhere i want to go to read or engage in people’s tumblr brainrot induced lukewarm takes about real issues that require things like nuance and self awareness. I got a Gender studies degree for that. I have my real life community for that. Yall dont know me and i dont know you, and respectfully, im not getting paid to keep up with these things.
I fully stand by my statement that we should all just log out. I dont want poc phannies to burn themselves to the ground fighting with idiots who wont change, at least not in this setting or this context. I dont want people, either random white phannies trying to avoid blame OR dan and phil themselves, to put out half hearted statements about racism. This shit is serious, its complex, and it’s not something i personally can commit to changing or even keeping up with IN THIS CONTEXT. There are more pressing issues in the world we live in for me that have nothing to do with fandom or tumblr politics or fucking dan and phil. I’ll acknowledge that it fucking sucks, and im genuinely sorry to the poc phannies who are getting the shitty end of the situation as they often are. i dont want anyone to be run out of phannie tumblr nor do i think the solution to racism is to just go “oh well, people never change, time to give up and shut up” BUT i also really dont know what this call to action is really for if the issue at hand is…anon hate?? dan and phil not *maybe not going to latam or asia on a tour?? stuff dan and phil said a long time ago?? Like, correct me if im wrong, but those really aren’t issues in my control, and as much as i wish anyone’s words could have a real affect on them, they just wont. All you can do is reduce harm with the tools at hand - turn off anon, build community with people you trust and get to know them as people and not URLS, literally log of and go get some air, find communities you can have real dialogue and action within. Thats all i know how to cope, and all i can recommend doing.
Im not trying to be an ass or say this isn’t important, i just really dont think the answer to this issue is to go into people’s ask box and demand they say something when you literally dont know them or their lives. not everyone has endless time to engage in complex discussions on tumblr, and i really truly believe begging people to say SOMETHING is completely unhelpful when these issues are so sensitive. I really hope things change and i wish i had more time to actually get into it or form helpful, productive opinions other than this, but i dont.
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eternal-savvy-blog · 10 months
What's your favourite artist?
Oh many!!! Buckle Up cos I'm going all in on this one I'm gonna include SFW and NSFW artists haha. I'll mark what each of them do so you aren't blind sided. And of course there wont be NSFW images linked here. Their names will have links to either their main Twitter, or other primary site you can find their art. And I'll @ their tumblr if I know it below that For sure Junji Ito for horror stuff. That almost goes without saying and I don't think I really need to link his stuff xD he's an absolute titan of horror art
MackleNG (SFW & Horror)
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Absolutely amazing linework and generally incredible vibes. They are drawing a webcomic called CHOKEPOINT i have been meaning to check out but I adore their art just in general. I've been using a lot of their art as inspo lately and can't get enough of their cyberpunk designs, horror vibes, and use of pops of colour to emphasise and showcase their incredibly in depth line work and details!
QSY (SFW & NSFW) @qsycomplainsalot
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I continue to come back to their art and they are also a huge inspo for me. I'm generally trying to find a way to adapt their colouring into my own style because it's absolutely gorgeous! The way its simultaneously crisp and crunchy, while also soft and expertly blended! It's like candy for my eyes! Add into it their fantastic expressions, excellent pallette choices, incredible weaponry, and of course some excellent NSFW with really great curves, colour, and characters, and they're easily one of my top 3 artists
Tyto_Alba (SFW & NSFW)
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Do you like Mecha? Do you like guns? Do you like cute girls and/or boys!? Well, hot shit, me too!!! You NEED to check out Tyto_Alba! Straight up, another one of my top 3. He has legitimately changed the way I do my lineart, the way i draw soft shapes (like butts and stuff :3c) and my god the mechs as well! I legitimately had a hard time finding a good singular piece of their art to use here cos they are so fantastic at both sexy art AND mechs that i really had to find something that showed off a little of both! Something that I personally have noticed with their art as well is just how fuckin incredible they are at drawing HANDS! I am obssessed with their skill with hands and I hope to match up to them some day in that regard! I feel like I'm getting there but I LOVE the way theyre always so Shaped and well posed. As well as how detailed they manage to be without being too attention grabbing unless intentionally in the focus! What's more, they use simple colours so effectively! Much to be loved here! And of course, their NSFW content is top tier! Really excellent soft shapes and squish and really fantastic context and intensity!
RizDraws (NSFW)
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Listen... LISTEN OKAY!!! We're hitting the NSFW exclusive part of the list and you have to understand that NSFW artists are just as incredibly skilled as any other artist and that porn is FINE AND NORMAL! Having sexual interest is not unusual. Having a desire to draw these things is a human and regular thing. I could talk for paragraphs about how puritanism is harmful and ultimately denying something natural and inherently human and anyone telling you otherwise has ulterior motives. But that's not what this post is about. I say this because an artist showcase tends beat around the bush with this stuff but I am unwilling to be vague about this. NSFW art is valid and, what's more, Important! That being said, Riz is incredible! The squish! The faces! The fluids! The Dicks! All so good! They somehow straddle the line between pinups and porn in such a brilliant way that I would be happy to have their art on my wall and I'm not kidding haha! The particular way they colour with the chalky texture is often sought after and I see why! Personally I don't look to emulate it myself but I most certainly enjoy looking at it! The way Riz uses their lines and their particular style of chalky colour to make the squish of clothes against flesh really look real! It's somethin else!
Andava (NSFW)
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Now where Riz does the mid point between pinups and porn, Andava is definitively porn haha! xD That being said. Hot damn dude! In particular the way they do bodies and have a variety in body types, shapes of boobs and faces. Especially faces. Their characters are really good too and it's very easy to develop a favourite (for me it's Erika and Alexis) There's a reason people have cosplayed their characters and it shows! Absolutely love the variety, the situations/positions they draw! Theyre incredible as making stuff feel messy as well! Highly recommend browsing through their stuff and finding a favourite OC of theirs haha! I was lucky enough to get a commission off them years ago when they were still fairly small in terms of following. So long ago that Tumblr still allowed porn at the time haha! I dont think Discord even existed yet! Still wanna grab a commission off Andava of the same character one day! ALRIGHT I think I will leave it there for now! I could absolutely go longer and talk about even more of my fave artists and why I like them, and how they've inspired me but I get the feeling I should hold off haha (unless of course people would like to see more) I hope this has thoroughly answered your question. Though I know for a fact i will kick myself over not mentioning an artist i should of included later but forgot to lol
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mbti-enemies · 1 year
Hey guys, how are you?Both of you are NI doms, do you plan exactly how you will write the scenarios(or messages and homework)?Or just plan in overall and think in the details after?Because I was thinking about it, if you guys plan how do you do something (write for example) before do, this doesn't will take much time? When doing essays, for example.
INFJ: I love planning..... theoretically. i love planning in a daydreamy style, planning holidays, baking, art, rooms, and good days. i do very very minimal planning for essays and homeworks - with essays just a phrase for each paragraph max - and sometimes i just go for it - because its less of a daydreamy planning so i prefer to just get on with it and not worry. with messages i dont plan just type otherwise ill write the best mesage in my head and wont be bothered to type it out. with scenarios, if its not from real life, i hit the create post button and sit and think of a scenario.... although intj does most of the scenarios...
INTJ: tbh i veer between hardcore planner and the least planner person possible quite easily. I like a plan but only for certain situations- so things like planning holidays where I'd want to hit up a lot of places and things with school/work vibes I tend to plan and organise to make things more efficient (its the Te in me) and clear in my head. Kinda the opposite when it comes to cooking, good days, messages and sceanrios - they become the tapestry upon which one can paint dreams with the colors of spontaneity. So i prefer to just float along the gentle currents, trusting that each twist and turn will lead to a Wonderland of some sorts. (also when it comes to writing scenarios i feel like its rlly obvious its unplanned cause its j a rather fun mess if i do say so myself)
also when you don't plan you don't expect ..and when expectations relinquish their hold, a certain magic unfolds. As within a haze of uncertainty, you find freedom from predictability. You have the chance to awaken the childlike wonder that slumbers within, and the universe rewards your trust by guiding you towards unplanned moments that forever etch themselves upon your soul. So all you have to do is get lost within a dreamers reverie and take chances. Take a deep breath and let the ordinary transform into extraordinary. And who know maybe if you listen carefully enough you'll hear how the fluttering of butterfly wings carry echoes of infinite possibilities, or how the gentle rustle of leaves is just the forest inviting you to partake in the symphony of nature's whispers.
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bookns · 10 months
Lola! You remind me of the warm gold sun peeking out from behind soft clouds in a purple-streaked sunset. I think of Percy Jackson and the whole wonderful riordanverse when I think of you, and it makes me smile because those books have always been a safe space for me. I think of you and I think of yoyok, I think of wcs, I think of girlhood and loneliness and love and I revel in how lucky I am that the stars aligned for us to meet, two girls with such similar and yet such separate struggles. We’re only a time zone away. You’ve never had Raising Cane’s. I was looking for a new duvet cover online yesterday, and the prettiest one I found (and the one I want to get) was was white with blue ribbons embroidered onto it. Ribbons make me think of you. I see a rose, I see flowers, I see books with lovely covers, I go to my local library and I remember you. You’re the first person I’d tell if I ever did get a job working with books. Footage of the eras tour, listening to Taylor Swift, listening to Maisie Peters- it all comes back to you. I sit waiting for my mom to come pick me up after school and it reminds me of when you wrote that lovely paragraph about me after CIBH came out. My phone died right after, and I was left smiling in disbelief and gratitude and happiness on a school bench. This {💜} reminds me of you. I see the word “darling”, I make a friendship bracelet, I see something purple, and it’s all you. You’re wonderful and lovely and I want to meet you someday and give you the warmest and most caring hug because you deserve it, you really do. xx Maia
I have been waiting till I can properly sit down and reply to this because, holy shit this is the most anyone, on this blog and otherwise has ever written about me.
Knowing how much you love the sky (bestie you have a sky as your wallpaper which says EVERYTHING) so the fact that I remind you of a purple sunset (which you know is my favorite). I love that my safe spaces that were Percy, Annabeth and Silena became yours. I hope you know that I use your photos of yoyok, wcs, my 'vibe' (which I been told that is actually accurate). and CIBH - the fact that you love can I be him s much as I do. I have been working on it for so long, and no one has supported m like you have. I'm not kidding - in my daily life only one person knows I'm Lola (@crystalheart11 hiiii) and no oe knows what can I be him. they know its fanfiction at best and at worst they think I'm writing a novel. you've seen it - my favorite songs are fucking yoyok and you are in love so you KNOW I have been spending my whole life putting it into words. Maia, we became friends under unlikely circumstances. We were girls growing at different planets practically (even if it is only a few hundred miles) but with you being Maia and me being Lola - we came together and I know we will grow to see each other. So much of me is so similar to you. and I'll tell you something - sometimes when I post stuff I know wont get any reblogs, or likes in the back of my mind I think Maia will like it. I don't have to worry. and sure enough you, and a bunch of my other dear darlings like some of my own favorite posts. "Ribbons make me think of you. I see a rose, I see flowers, I see books with lovely covers, I go to my local library and I remember you" Do You ACTUALLY WANT ME TO CRY. We are so timeless coded you know that. that even in a different life we be friends at least thats what I'd like to think. I'm so glad I was the first person you ever told about your dream! we are day girl dreamers together with books in our hands and ribbons in our hair. Maia, here's a secret: I have this section of my diary called 'I did it moments' and so many moments about you are in that. The day you became my beta, the day you told me you wanted chapter 2 of Can I Be Him (ITS COMING I PROMISE). Hell, even my friends (yes the same 'friends from home who don't know what to say) know you. well rather, the 'fan' who is always blowing up my phone' (their words not mine). To me, your such huge part of this blog and therefore me. You keep me smiling because you respond - and your just as girlie as I am and you laugh and you make me laugh and sometimes when I read them at lunch surrounded by people, I feel less alone. No one deserves a hug besides you my favorite darling. I can not wait till we are older, and we will meet each other one day I am almost sure of it.
to my favorite darling: you mean the world to me (or rather the sky)(I WILL always see the sky and think of you)
XOXO Lola <3
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mushtoons · 2 years
this is just part of what makes leo leo, but i think a LOT of it is the phrase 'you say you could catch the stars, id believe you'. when leo trusts you, its with everything he has, just the same for when he doesnt trust you. and even if it seems impossible, hed trust his family to do any and everything, no matter what. its one of those things him and raph share, alongside doing anything to keep their family safe and caring with everything theyve got. raph trusts blindly; if youre family, he trusts you, if you make it clear you care, he trusts you. mikey trusts even more blindly, to the point of being naive; he thinks everyone is good, and trusts them to be as good as he thinks they are. donnie...he trusts when you make it clear youre trustworthy, but i think his standards arent as high as leos. leo has standards. leo trusts with a keen eye and a careful scan. you get to go right through that the moment you prove youre family, but if you step back through the scanner, youve gotta go through a lot more paperwork to prove youre good to go again (read: draxum). otherwise? pick up a pen, youre going through a rigorous process. and...i think the way he treats people he doesnt trust is really interesting, too. its that outward kindness and a refusal to be rude, but that inward...where you know its only surface level, and he doesnt trust you the way he trusts others. his care is also soooo inch resting to me. its clear hes not terribly altruistic, but that theres a base level of care he gives to everyone. and furthermore, the second youre in the airport, the second you get past that scanner, airport security has you as safe as you possibly could be. you know? his whole heart is in it for the people he trusts, and the people he really cares about. some people are just visitors, and they wont be staying long, and theyve got a time limit before security escorts them, but for a minute, a moment, whenever theyre there, theyre solid. maybe he wont give quite as much for some people-the visitors-but theyre still a grade above the people with knives behind their backs and weights in their pockets. get me? related, april was absolutely a slow process. well, okay, it didnt seem like one to her; leo accepted her with open arms, but she only learned later that donnie was worried she didnt feel welcome because it was clear to him, at least, that he wasnt too sure about her yet. unrelated note-well, semi related; i wrote the line 'he opens his arms with a smile like dusk and says, if you caught the moon for me, i wouldnt be one bit surprised.' when i was writing abt this in my analysis doc and i HAD to share 'smile like dusk'. its too perfect
yall sent a lot! /pos we wish we could screenshot the other two paragraphs yall sent but its huge 💔 /again pos dhdjd
but brooo!!! these are so good!!! these are such great takes and AHHHHH WHOLESOME AND PERFECT AND FJFJFJF
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stinkrascal · 2 years
reddit posts detailing their christmas/thanksgiving food drama will never not be bizarre to me. you’ll read a post where op says they demanded that no one brings food to their events and how everyone has to eat the food that op has prepared, and then they’ll go on this multi-paragraph rant about how their 5 year old nephew won’t eat any food at their event because nephew only eats chicken nuggets and op thinks he needs to grow up and learn that life isn’t always going to cater to his needs and whatever. and it’s like op it’s literally just chicken nuggets just let the guy eat chicken nuggets. if you already knew he was picky literally what did you expect by making food he wont eat like literally what other reasonable outcome could there have been. you don’t even have to make the chicken nuggets yourself, just let your guests bring food for their picky children so everyone is happy and you don’t have to put more work on yourself since youre already cooking a lot of food anyways. maybe i can understand it if youre upset they wont eat the food youve prepared, i still think its dramatic but i get it, but not even allowing guests to bring their own food to your events just makes me question why you never considered this as an inevitability, like are you just that inattentive to your family’s needs or something??
for thanksgiving this year my boyfriend’s sister and her fiance hosted it at their house and they made all these elaborate dishes, but my bil (bf’s sister’s fiance) knew that i dont like steak which is one of the meals they made, but he also knew i love chicken, so he went out of his way to make chicken just for me so i could eat something too and not feel left out. and it’s just like so easy to cater to ppl’s needs like that imo?? and if you really dont want to go out of your way to make more food than you already are, just let ppl bring their own dishes to your dumbass event?? i literally will never understand people who get so butthurt about stuff like this, the way theyre like you HAVE to eat MY COOKING otherwise you CANT EAT ANYTHING AT ALL!!! like okay i just wont go to your dumb event then if it’s that much of an issue. im not even a festive person but the whole point of these holidays r to spend time with your family you know, not flex the knowledge you learned by reading some grandma’s cookbook. thats just an added side benefit. just let ppl be picky without taking it as such a fucking offense ugh
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defiantdreemurrs · 2 years
bussyween, part three: halloween iii - season of the witch (1982)
last we left off, michael myers got his ass wrecked by dr loomis in a hospital and laurie strode stared off into a camera. clearly the next place you would go following this is to completely erase the previous two films, turning them into popular fiction in your new continuity, and write a story completely unrelated to the other films in your series. right? this time on bussyween, were gonna look at 1982s halloween iii: season of the witch, directed by tommy lee wallace.
let me completely undercut the sarcasm in the opening paragraph of this by saying i dont think the decision to pivot to an anthology series was a bad decision. i just thought it was funny. i actually think the direction behind halloween iii was a great idea at the time, i feel like endlessly bringing back michael myers would have made the series just like every other slasher film series that continuously brought its main killer back thru the most idiotic and contrived of reasons.
wonder how well that turned out for em.
no my only real problem is with the actual movie itself. ill be up front and say while i found this movie fun and enjoyable i didnt find it particularly good.
for starters, the premise itself is kinda goofy. ancient celtic magic allows the movies villain to use endless amounts of halloween masks to murder children by turning their heads into bugs and snakes. its a silly premise that i actually do really like but its executed almost laughably. for what is ostensibly a horror movie it really wasnt even that scary.
now, in all fairness, i had had this movies plot spoiled almost rotten for me. which i feel like was a bad thing for this one because unlike the first two movies, its not actually that different reading or hearing about it vs actually watching it. those movies i knew what would happen and roughly when, but the way its presented makes it still feel scary when it happens. this movie meanwhile did not have that effect.
i feel like this is because a significant amount of this movies "scares" are either incredibly underwhelming kills (minus the woman who gets a drill piercing into her skull, that one is good) or are just aspects of the mystery that have already been spoiled for me, thus ruining them. universal demanded they include a number of slasher conventions such as a high kill count and plenty of sex, which while i dont have a problem with these elements in a vacuum, they really dont fit what is otherwise more of a mystery thriller than a slasher movie.
the music as usual is excellent, and the sound design is a step up from the at times silly sounding synthesizer sounds heard in parts of halloween iis score. none of the previous halloween themes return for the new score, it is entirely original, but there is a moment of the original 1978 halloween score used in the film to incredible effect. i wont spoil it because i want someone reading this who hasnt seen the movie before to see it for themselves but it happens about two thirds of the way thru the movie.
the acting in this movie, though, much like the execution of the premise, leaves a bit to be desired. there are some returning cast members playing entirely new roles, as well as other carpenter collaborators who didnt originally appear in a halloween film. some of them do alright, but leading man tom atkins feels way too goofy for a role like this. our villain, however, played by dan o'herlihy, could not have been better casted or acted. absolutely steals the show in just about every scene hes in.
i dont have as much to say about this movie as i did the last one, im not sure if thats because im writing it while high after having written the last review while having just seen the film today. maybe i should be giving myself some room to think about each film before writing about them. but ultimately i dont really care cause im doing this for myself anyways. overall i feel like halloween iii earns its rep as just kind of a weird film in a weird place in its series, and i can understand why audiences back in the day reacted poorly to it. regardless its a fun movie that id absolutely watch again and enjoyed for most of the wrong reasons entirely.
next time on bussyween, its the start of everyones least favorite subset of the halloween movies, halloween 4: the curse of michael myers. so stay tuned!
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leafiion · 3 months
+more playthrough thoughts. mostly tourmaline aka the bird chapter
first of all, for the people who want to know: you can actually cut off titania's walk-away when she says "you take west, ill see if i can get anywhere north" but she doesn't have collision so she just walks right through you into the next room.
anyway. taka's dialog here is always the best. ive said it already but it's really funny. titania: (ruminating paragraph) taka: ok. anyway titania tells taka what she wishes someone would tell her and we all run off into the sunset because every single one of us in this WTC is still doomed whether to die or otherwise. aughh i hate his little begging segment it makes me so sad. taka i love you really
big gap here to do all the quests and then quickly run through devon. i know a lot of people don't like devon bc it's kinda lame but from a narrative standpoint i think it's so fucking cool like just imagining it. it falls a little flat gameplay wise but the events are very memorable and extremely interesting to reimagine
tourmaline desert time HI TAKA. myguy.. help me not only does he hide behind/lean on that tree but he also walks super slowly over the sand dune. "i know i can't win, not against you... and not against them" every time i see those lines i die a little i think. something that hits me here is how much of a snap decision his "can i come with you?" is. and its very familiar. a la "i don't suppose i can just... tag along with you?" im a huge fan of taka in general... i have a hard time super analyzing him because i see him and i go yippee!!! i love his speech mannerisms we are literally friends.
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no fucking way the forbidden lemonade stand AND it has a leafeon. fuck yes. He actually buys you a lemonadeeee cries... taka to me to lin communication taka to me to lin conversation. the narrative connections between taka and lin are insane actually but i wont get into that right now
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+1 relationship points for calling him my boyfriend and he doesnt even want my ride chat
"the water isnt even drinkable.. i guess id try in a pinch" god please dont drink the corpse water taka. keeping this guy alive is so hard. for obvious reasons such as that one and other things he says and does. chiefly being him trying to kill me by being so cute. anyway now we have to go to the steel gym and put taka on the shelf :( killing myself is scheduled for right now.. his princess tower scene is sooo. can we get a little gayer justa little. asking for me. anyway fine go run off whatever..
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theartofjournalling · 10 months
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Look mate, Imma just be real, I never wanted to play games. We all have it hard in life.
I've done my part and helped you as much as I can. Done things all on your terms. But I know damn well that my help is definitely replaceable, and you're not doing a good job at telling me otherwise. Way to make a friend feel invisible.
But it really angered me when you seemed to imply that I am a priority just because you talk to me more than your father.
Dude, all we talk about is you. Every time I end up mentioning something about my life, it gets lost in the abyss of our conversations, to the point where I numerously have to bring up things so you actually remember things in my life. It's no wonder you bring up Elaine when we talk about this situation. You know damn well what you're doing.
You see, I always wondered how someone who is so perceptive needs a constant reminder of the stuff that's going on in my life. It then occurred to me that some people just conveniently forget the things they don't care enough to remember.
Sometimes it's no wonder why I resort to playing games, or constantly send longer paragraphs, or even in worst case scenario, make you doubt yourself or insult you, the way I have in the past. Those are the only ways to provoke a reaction out of you so the conversation becomes equal. Haven't you noticed how readily and quickly you reply when the conversation is like that?
It didn't make sense to me before why whilst i was being optimistic, you still were adamant there would be entropy in our friendship. I'm over you, I'm done and ready to make boundaries, but of course, this shit called a relationship is meant to be two-sided. But one person wasn't really considerate of the other. Like no shit you were gonna say that, the one who lights the fire is going to smell the smoke. The smoke of complacency.
Yeah man, that's the real deal here. It's not just the making time. I feel like nothing around you. Your compliments mean jack all. it's just empty words. I already know I'm deep, creative or whatever you have to say. Apart from when I've had really really serious situations happen to me, not once have I felt like i could say "oh yeah Mason is a true friend. He'd be there for me."
These bosses of yours, or selfish people and those who are hungry for power, money you name it. They don't give a shit about anyone except themselves. You call yourself more religious now, believing in god. Preach his words, learning to love thy neighbour and experiencing love in a community that is not something you intend to make money off, something that isn't involving just personal gain to you. Having a sense of unity. That's not something you're gonna automatically get once you've "made it".
Man, I just wanted to feel respected or seen. You make me feel the complete opposite. It's not just about having "time". I've told you how to compromise, how you should treat a friend. Things I didn't think I'd need to be teaching a 25 year old man. It sucks because there are moments where it almost feels like things are getting better, and you genuinely care. But then we're back it again at square and I feel dumbfounded because suddenly I'm being your therapist with no form of reciprocation.
i have my struggles too. I was really upset more than i thought about hearing L making it into med. I know from the bottom of my heart that he is not a good guy, and I wont curse him for making it in but I know so many people in that position. I also came out to the girl who I had a feeling liked me, which was stressful because I didn't know how to go about it, and she was a cool person. Turns out I was right, and she did have feelings for me. I hate that I'm right because I always know when a girl likes me and it makes me cringe. I bet you don't even remember, but I've mentioned this girl to you already. Among many other more important things I've pretty much been upset or really happy about but yet again, just gets lost in the abyss.
I'm really worried about money too as I only have 2000 in my savings and while I've given 20k to my brother and my parents I know both are not in positions to give that back to me and so I can't really afford to enjoy myself these days. We all have it hard in life Brad. Every single one of us.
I always lent an ear and been a helping hand and I really don't think I'm asking much of you. Man, I've even been willing to compromise for things most friends would not be we willing to do. Where's my end of the bargain?
I'm not sorry that you can't profit off me, or that I'm not some business investment, since those are the things you consider productive working towards. I'm worth a lot more than that, and I think a true friend would realise and not take advantage of me.
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bad4amficideas · 3 years
Can I get some headcanons of Yandere Jason Todd reacting to someone trying to attack pregnant reader (fluff please)
Note: English is not my language, so I hope you will be understanding of any flaws you find.
I must said someone must be gratefull reader is pregnant because otherwise he would have put the material to repaint the place of the attack. How dare they even think of trying?
Because with his chosen one pregnant, of couse Jason would have done his homeworks and knows that his poor one has already had too much that day.
He can deal with the-dead-who-doesn't-know-he's later. With time and care, as he has to take care of his one now.
If he didn't totally prevent the attack from happening before because was stalking his chosen one (pretending to give her some freedom)
Although, also... could it have been planned by him??? There sir, how many possibilities. That would ensure that his chosen one stayed closer than ever in such a delicate time.
Ahem, yes, fluff... *sweats*
Like I said, Jason's priority is you. Then your baby. Then the walking corpse.
At the same time that he's hugging you to comfort you, he's taking note of all your vital signs and searching for wounds. The guy is able to measure your blood pressure without devices (because of the risk of preeclampsia), he isn't going to lose his darling for nothing.
If you start to hyperventilate, he would steal kisses and kisses savoring your tears and reminding you "you are with me, we're together, you can cry dear, everything is fine now" until you have no choice but to regain your breathing rhythm because that's him playing at being your paper bag.
Princess trip to your house, you want it or not, you can walk or not.
At this point he will not say anything, partly because he's going crazy inside, partly because he would rather you cry a little than swallow your emotions.
He doesn't want to stop touching you, he will say that it's so you know that he's here and nothing is going to happen to you again. That is also the comfort to himself.
You will come home, you both will take together a bath or shower, the clothes you personally were wearing will disappear forever, so do not invoke bad memories, them both will sit on the bed/sofa, and he will read you some poems or make sarcastic comments on some of the latest books that any of you have read, reciting paragraphs, trying to distract yourself.
How come you were alone when pregnant? You wont go out again for the remainder of pregnancy and pray that it wont be for the remainder of your life.
Uggg I sucks at this
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Help, how ok is to leave an open ending, i am planning a series, whose first story would end on an mysterious note, without showing what happened to the fate of those characters, i mean they get to the end of their own Journey, but the magical event they tried to avoid wont be shown because then the second story would jump several centuries where other characters will discover what truly happened to the characters from the first story. Note on that, second story is neither a spin off or sequel, or whatever, is literally the co tiniation of the story, strongly bounded to the first one. I have read articles on open endings, but your blog is the only place I can adress the story itself, how to make an open ending work on a story with huge timeskip?
Story with an Open Ending
First and foremost, I want to address the fact that a book that continues a story is still a sequel. Siege and Storm continued the story that was set up in Shadow and Bone. Catching Fire continued the story that was set up in The Hunger Games.
Also, if you package a story as its own separate thing, and then you write another story that takes place in a completely different time and/or location, with completely different characters, that is still very much a "spin-off" (or what we call in fiction a "companion book/story/series") even if it addresses characters and events from the previous story. An example would be Leigh Bardugo's Shadow and Bone series and its companion Six of Crows duology, which take place in the same world, referencing some of the same events and characters, but with its own individual story arc and characters.
Having said that, your story exists in a weird middle ground. It fits the definition of both a sequel and a companion series, yet it's actually neither. It sounds like what you're doing is telling half of a story, which could be a problem.
All long fiction adheres to a basic structure, which looks like this:
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Since you say "the magical event they tried to avoid wont be shown," it sounds to me like the magical event is the climax, so by not showing it, your first story is structured like this:
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And honestly, that's going to be a really hard sell no matter what your end goal is for this story. Readers don't want to invest in a story only to get to the end and find out there was no climax and there is no end. Readers want a complete story with a beginning, middle, and a satisfying ending. In other words, it's okay to leave the door open for the next story by setting the ball in motion for new events, but the events laid out in the current story need to be wrapped up.
Ultimately, what you need to do is reconfigure the story so that this "part one" story has its own setup, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement. Look at what's already in the story and see if those things are there. Maybe you can tease them out a bit, then find a way to wrap up as much of the story's threads as possible while letting the hint of the impending magical event be the cliffhanger ending that leads into the next story. I think if you do this, you can probably pull it off as long as you're writing it for a small audience, such as for friends or to post on your blog or a fiction-sharing site. However, this is not a story that is likely to find success in traditional publishing.
Traditional publishers rarely commit to a series unless the author is already well established, with a solid platform and strong sales record. Otherwise, they want a book one that can stand on its own while still leaving the door open for a second book if sales warrant a sequel. They're certainly not going to take on the risk of publishing half a book. But, I think as I said in the above paragraph, there's probably a hidden complete structure in there somewhere that you can tease out to come up with a more stand alone story, while leaving the characters' exact fates somewhat open-ended and the big magical event still on the horizon. (At least as far as the reader knows...)
Good luck with your story!
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nafeary · 4 years
Cuddles and Snuggles with the Ikevamp Suitors
Anon asked:
Hello 👋, can I have some really short and maybe flowery scenarios of the Ikevamp suitors cuddling? Just some cute little paragraph (that can turn smutty but doesn’t have to be) I really really like your style of writing, you see. Thank you!!!!
Heya! I love love love requests like these, they really make my day. Considering I didn’t want to give everything the same plot, I figured I’d just allow my creative freedom to run rampage.
I’m sorry I haven’t been posting much, but school is keeping me pretty busy (a week of holidays are coming up tho hehehehe). This has been sitting in my WIPs for an eternity, and I finished the last five bois today (it’s Sunday/Monday midnight by the time I’m scheduling this YEET).
I hope you’ll all manage to find some comfort in this, and I hope you’ll all enjoy (and remember to drink water~)
Also, I don’t care what Cybird says; Theo is 186cm and I do not take criticism on this.
Warnings: implied sexual intercourse (only for Leo tho), otherwise only toothrottingly sweet fluff... maybe angst, too. Blame Aki)
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Napoleon Bonaparte
『laying siege to your heart』
Laughter prompted your body to tremor in delight upon seeing the form of your lover snuggling his blanket, spilling into the room in coaction with the afternoon rays streaming in buoyant ribbons. Napoleon lethargically peeked past his lashes, grinning as he grasped your hand to pull you into his awaiting arms.
Your head fit perfectly underneath his chin, your bodies an amalgamation of puzzle pieces enjoying their reunion. You allowed a few teasing quips to spill from your lips, regretting to have done so tout de suite as your body writhed beneath his butterfly kisses tickling your nape. The most darling sounding giggles encompasses your ears, eliciting some of your own as you tried your best to escape his tight embrace.
Eventually, he stilled, burying his face into the crook of your neck, and holding you for what felt like an entire eternity—no ounce of egomania weighed upon you, the fierceness of it brought forth by his sheer adoration for yourself. And even if he were to lay siege for an eternity, you couldn’t see yourself caring if you were pledged with no disparate treatment.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
『moonlight tryst』
If there was one thing you’ve come to cherish, it would be the time of the moon, when it reigned the sky in its eerie glory. You’ve never been able to see the stars’ purity, constellations clearer than ever before. Perchance, the appreciation stemmed from the company the firmament would gift you with, when the other half of your bed was frozen and weeping alongside you in abandonment. Yet, as you mused your loneliness, approaching echoes of heels hitting the tiled floor incited your gaze to leave the stars, instead turning to embrace the sight of your lover coming to join you to your tryst.
Stars melted into fervid streams of gems, pouring upon Wolf’s skin, hair, and eyes, aiding his appearance to leave you blinded beneath its ethereal irradiance. You picked up a ribbon le Comte had gifted you long ago, jesting the embroidered amethysts would gracefully accompany the composer’s own set of eyes; but the juxtaposition left you disenchanted at the blunt and transparent crystals, opting to tie his alabaster strands with it, shivering slightly as you parted a curtain over his nape.
He enfolded your hands with his, hastily trying to get it off. However, his lips were quickly claimed by his muse, pouring every emotion and feeling you could gather into it. You were glad for the minuscule distraction, even more so as his arms fell limp, succumbing to your passion—nay, not without teasing remarks, leaving your pounding heart at the wolf’s mercy, and carrying your cries into the night in concordance with the owls’ song.
Leonardo da Vinci
『the gift of light』
At times, your relationship felt like stumbling through an obsidian forest, the only object not the plunged into abyssal realms a map to show you the right path. The map knew everything, could achieve anything, would create the unimaginable, while you were left impotently relying one its guidance.
Leonardo was aware of these clouds obscuring your emotions, hindering your felicity, and he was unsure whether he should act upon it. Perchance, it would leave you in deeper misery, but he’d take the chance to undress the light in your eyes.
You essentially knew that that was what a relationship with Leonardo da Vinci would result in; after all, no one could possibly match his genius. Natheless, the string pinioning your souls was stubborn, and it would be near impossible for anything to deter you from this love.
As you straddled him, panting in exhaustion with sweat glistening like deep sea pearls across your bodies, he slid his hands past your ears, tugging on the ribbon keeping your hair up. They ran past your bare shoulders, a cascade of bougainvillea shadowing the outside world from seeing your lover’s flushed expression. With his hands still resting on your cheeks, he pulled you toward himself, capturing your lips with raw ardour. A gossamer simper slumbered onto his face just as the sun announced the arrival of dayspring, enkindling the forest in the light of dawn.
Arthur Conan Doyle
『cosy and secluded dancing』
A myriad of candles appeared to dance within the salon, frolicking in the gentle zephyrs through the opened window. The lovers exuded the impression of pure serenity, swaying in each other’s clutches in synchronisation with the flames.
A saxophone urged your feet to tap along the tiled floor, the beat accompanying the agute anecdotes Arthur shared with you. A simper blossomed on your face as the topic of them always managed to include yourself in some way or another; you’d taken notice of this the further you relationship wrote itself. And just like his words filled the paper with ease under the influence of his fountain of delight, so did the words pertaining to your mutual ardour.
As you allowed your lips to meet his nose, perplexity pulled your brows into a furrow—how anyone could just accept all the malicious comments of “mongrel”, “bastard”, and other vile slurs without retaliating in defense was beyond you, especially when a simple action like yours dissolved him into a fumbling mess, his footing faltering to and fro akin to the rustling branches outside. It was nothing but a mystery, but he was your mystery. And you had more than enough time to solve him, buoyantly filling the paper with breathings of your love along the way.
Vincent Van Gogh
『picnic in a flower meadow』
There was nothing but warmth—the ground, the breeze, the sun’s ever so gentle embrace on this bright autumn’s day, creating an atmosphere of absolute serenity.
However, the sun wasn’t the only one to embrace you. You felt your lover’s breathing gently caressing your face, his heartbeat beneath your head the sole sound next to the sunflowers’ ever so tranquil rustling.
Another breeze ruffled his flaxen tufts of hair, eliciting the tiniest of giggles as they brushed against his nose. As his hands rose up to brush your hair, he gifted to with the most brilliant grin, the epitome of an angel walking amongst mortals.
It made you nuzzle closer into his chest, inhaling the wonted scent of paint and dried sunflowers. Opting to enjoy these last moments of your picnic with the artist, your eyes fluttered close to the most ethereal sight on earth.
Theodorus Van Gogh
『unfeigned aftermath of a fight』
Ire was not strange to him, acquaintances till death, for sure. Nevertheless, these kind of manners didn’t appeal to him, but charading as the scapegoat for his brother’s wealth has made him into the devil’s advocate—and old habits hardly perish.
His hands caught the last few droplets of despair running down your chin, stroking your own pair of hands as he held you from behind. A few moments prior, he had shown you his quiet, oftentimes guarded, ardour, carrying these words to your ear. It left you nearly broken, the brush having stumbled across the artwork, red marks littering the void. But as fast as the shade spread, so did the greens and blues, the yellows and whites; if someone knew how to fix these mistakes, it was Theo himself.
In favour of his height, he straightened to place his chin atop your head, allowing you to lean into him. You couldn’t even remember what miscellaneous things you’d been fighting about, rendering your throats hoarse and your hearts wound; alas, as perilous as his clamours were, he never failed to apologise, whispering adorations as sweet as the saccharine treats he enjoyed.
Truly, as painful as some words could be, he always committed to proving you his worth. He just didn’t realize that that was irrelevant; after all, your devotion for him ran deeper than any slash could ever reach.
Dazai Osamu
『tranquil lazing in the garden』
Amidst the most delicate petals and the green leaves, the pond’s reflection of two twirling birds was similar to the lovers leaning against an oak, intertwined branches unable to release their hold.
You were situated between his legs, his broad chest acting as your pillow of comfort. It was a serene kind of purity, the meadow’s song—flora and fauna uniting to create a serenade of peace—coaxing your pair into a state free of despair and ire. That is, until he let his lips flutter down your exposed neck, prompting you to grip the flesh of his thighs a bit tighter.
The butterfly kisses didn’t appear to end anytime soon, not that you payed it much negative mind. A simper danced across both of your faces as a butterfly, with gossamer wings fluttering gently, landed on your lover’s finger, drawing a titter to resound throughout the garden.
He beheld your reach for the lepidopteran creature, the flaxen colours scintillant in your orbs. Perchance this little guy was an omen of genuine ebullience. However, certainty belay onto his thoughts, knowing that you were nothing but a sign of fortune, even to someone as tainted as himself.
Isaac Newton
『snuggles to chase away self doubt』
Unrelentingly, you pushed chocolate into his calloused hands, pledging that the tryto-something—“it’s tryptophan, darling”—would surely lift his solemn mood, clouds of doubt and pressure weighing upon him. He’d been used to the wallowing forlorn, solus; he’d been used to secluding himself apart from any comfort helping hands could give.
But now, now he’d been exposed to a star, more lucent than the North Star could ever dream to be, which shared its balmy rays with him, never imploring for anything in return.
As the slightly bitter treat melted in his mouth, he pulled the almost oneiric appearance of his sweetheart closer to him, your foreheads colliding together to display the sanguine shade of his fiery cheeks. Both of you chortled at his endearing ardency, finding yourself neglecting the light mound rising from the top of your head as you beheld his cherry blossom orbs.
He wasn’t a man of many words, his thoughts the stars he couldn’t fathom into constellations; and while all he could manage were the faintest pleas of gratitude, you knew that that was his crisp layer masking the dispatch of genuineness. Underneath, he was just as sweet and fulfilling as the fruit he so hastily denied. These obstinate and vexing thoughts pulled at the corners of his mouth, but you were swift in your endeavor to diminish them, letting your fingers glissade like zephyrs through the wild locks of salmon and ever so gently massaging him with their tips.
Jean d’Arc
『eskimo kisses and pep talks』
Jean oftentimes felt as if the world was weighing upon his lungs, threatening to suffocate him from the inside out. With his wings clipped and feet bound, all be could was sing in fear and cry for help, knowing he was undeserving of such feat. And yet, you were holding him closer than he’d ever been held before, kissing every scar, every painful remainder of his past, with the force of what could only be described as love.
He’d call himself vile names, thinking nothing much of it, and you’d never grasped what he meant. Moronic? His gentleness spoke of wisdom that many men could only dream of owning. Appalling? You would incessantly reassure him that his arms were your favorite place to while in, and that you wanted to feel his pulse through your veins. Ugly? His eyes met the moon and became almost prismatic as he claimed so, releasing that inhumanly beautiful hue of disenthralled, limitless amethysts, his skin reflecting the pale alabaster rays. How could a person so stunning and breathtaking be ugly? A person so kind and selfless?
Jean scoffed at your sentiment; withal, he allowed himself to succumb to his selfishness, brushing your nose with his own in an anguished assay to express his gratitude. You responded with a glee, succumbing to his endearing affection. He could only yearn for you to be able to withstand the barrel of infinity that he was bound to curse you with.
William Shakespeare
『interruptions ft puck』
You rose to the canorous breathing of your lover, nay, soulmate; that much was apparent judging by the euphoria encompassing your entire being at the sole mention of his name. It perplexed you how you were able to manage waking up to this empyrean sight without your heart granting the artist its last applause.
From his flushed checks, to his bare chest exposed to your own, to his lean arms reaching around yourself to tangle his fingers within your mane, more delicate and loving than the activities of the previous night required—you knew you were borne under a lucky star, whose only affiliation could possibly be be playwright claiming you his, cradling you with nothing but the zephyrs of a quiet twilight downpour.
You noticed a few candles he’d lit, most likely while you still rested, and they carried scents of raspberry sorbet, wafting around you in refreshing sprites. They were made my William himself, akin to the abundance of objects you’d sentimentally ramble about; and yet, he’d obstinately organise the most trivial things, no matter the obstacle of time and place.
Warmth engulfed your heart, your mind and being at how utterly cherished you were within his arms, and a few tears threatened their exeunt, but you suppressed your expression to the best of your ability, not wanting to worry him ignominiously. The fortunate appearance of your favourite character from the playwright’s own little story supported your despair de trop—even if he might not have intended to.
The little bunny hopped onto your lover’s head, staring down at you as if to mark his own territory. However, this attempt only prompted laughter to spill from your lips, and it amplified as William plucked Puck from his hair, placing him in midst of your tangled limps.
Comte de Saint-Germain
『napping in front of his fireplace』
The fireplace was ablaze, each scarlet flame radiating heat as the fumes frolicked in delight. With your legs angled to your lover’s lap and your fingers clutching his dress shirt, you were curled into the man’s side, the sofa cushioning your assay to sleep.
Your eyes fluttered open when you felt the snug quilt slide over your shoulders, meeting brilliant gold whose owner was busy with shielding you from the frigid cold. His hand released the fabric, instead opting to ever so carefully grasp your chin, as if frightened you were a withering rose.
Words of adoring troths danced on your lips, assuring him that you weren’t fragile, that he mustn’t fret upon your disappearance. He could only place a kiss between your brows, aware that silence weighed more than words ever could; his mirth was apparent as he pulled you closer to him, wanting nothing but to transcend time and space for his other half.
『oreos, milk, and ice cream』
There were certain difficulties when your heart belonged to two people, but even more so when it belonged to multiple places—or periods. Nevertheless, being employed to a time-traveling and immortal boss had its certain advantages.
You knew he longed for these items as much as you did, yet only organised them as you uttered these fantasies in a sleepy stupor. Enthusiasm spurring the atmosphere, you scooped the icy vanilla custard into crystalline bowls, improvident about the dampness coating your fingers. Before the fallen spoon could hit the ground, your lover caught it, trapping your back against his chest as he placed it back onto the counter.
His reverberating laughter prompted your own, enjoying the sensation of the flush body enbosoming your own. Arms winding across your chest, further strengthening the protective cocoon, a feather brushed your neck as he kissed with the ilk of cotton fields. You couldn’t halt the goosebumps from waltzing to the rhythm of his teasing, rather opting to stuff an Oreo past his appealing lips.
Tag list: @juminly @kisara-16 @sweetlittlemouse @thesirenwashere @nad-zeta @delicateikemenmemes
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mrsjadecurtiss · 4 years
The thing that we won’t have a roose chapter it’s kinda sad. Like we will never know if doing certain things (like the red wedding) didn’t minimally affect him or otherwise. Like we can’t forget that he doesn’t EXPRESS his feelings not that he hasn’t any. I know Brabrey said this specifically but as wise she is she can’t read others mind. I’m not justifying any action I’m only saying it would be interesting finding out he actually “gives shit” about things he did. And I know the probabilities of this being true are very low, but as a person myself who has difficulties to express my emotions and seems apathic to others while I feel emotions with the same intensity as everyone I was curious.
Oooh now that you sent your second ask the original one appeared! My reply got a little long; I will use quotes from your ask as “chapter headers” for the different topics so it is easier to understand.
“We will never know if doing certain things (like the red wedding) didn’t minimally affect him or otherwise. [...] I’m not justifying any action I’m only saying it would be interesting finding out he actually “gives shit” about things he did.”
I don't think Roose feels *bad* about the red wedding - he didn’t have to do it after all, it's not like he was under coercion or threat of his life; arguably the entire thing wouldnt have worked without having a strong northern traitor. While Robb's cause was a losing one and this influenced Roose to turn cloak after weighing the alternatives, Roose was not in danger under Robb and his betrayal appears to have been about both minimizing his waste of resources in a losing cause as well as the advantages he can get from this new alliance and what Tywin offers.
Roose appears to fundamentally be a selfish man, who decides his actions after what will give him the most benefit at the smallest risk to his own person. Any regrets i imagine he might feel (this could be what you meant in your ask) would be not on a moral level, but rather about mistakes he made that led him into a position that might not end well for him, and the danger he has gotten himself into.
Roose Bolton said nothing at all. But Theon Greyjoy saw a look in his pale eyes that he had never seen before—an uneasiness, even a hint of fear.  - aDwD
Roose to me represents the worst of feudalism, and the epitome of how someone turns out who is raised at the top of this society and with an unchallenged privilege. He has no respect for the autonomy of the people below him in hierarchy, and sees politics and the power at his hand as a tool to benefit himself first and foremost.
“We can’t forget that he doesn’t EXPRESS his feelings not that he hasn’t any.”
Agreed - for all that he is evil and callous i believe it is shown that he has feelings and emotions, which he generally hides under a mask.
Roose Bolton's own face was a pale grey mask, with two chips of dirty ice where his eyes should be. - aDwD
We know he feels fear about his crumbling political situation, he feels fondness for Walda, he appears to talk about Domeric with affection, he is amused enough by Arya not to punish her, he refuses to break the taboo of kinslaying, and something drives him to keep Ramsay around even though it is not advantageous rationally. He has his wants and needs, he has societal expectations he adheres to (like the expectation to continue his family line), he has a distaste for being disrespected...
As an example of him showing emotion, in the Red Wedding itself i believe grrm intentionally contrasts his behaviour with the prior Jaime chapter: where in his dialogue with Jaime he seems relaxed, talks a lot and is shown enjoying his food, in the Red Wedding he is quiet and doesn’t eat much while exchanging subtle threats with Lord Walder. This appears to show that he was indeed stressed in this high-stakes situation and aware of the danger he was in. Note that the quote from aDwD about him showing fear also explicitly points out that he says "nothing at all" in a time of stress, paralleling his lack of dialogue during the RW chapter. (Catelyn is depressed and so probably not talkative, but he also doesnt engage in dialogue with his wife despite her “chatter”).
I wont expand on it too much in this post for length's sake, but i think it is also likely that Roose shares traits with Ramsay in terms of emotionality (which he then hides under his “mask”, as opposed to his openly emotional son); For example his behaviour of not tolerating disrespect and taking what is "his" in the event with the miller's wife. Some i also briefly touched upon in this meta.
“I know Brabrey said this specifically but as wise she is she can’t read others mind.”
In “The Prince of Winterfell”, Barbrey has a long paragraph about her opinion on Roose. As this is her first longer scene, it is my opinion that her entire long dialogue scene with Theon is meant not only to show insight into some of the characters she talks about, but also about her own character; since the way someone talks about people shows how they think.
The negative way she talks about Roose ( “Roose has no feelings, you see.”) seems to be informed by several things:
- Obviously, his callous and selfish personality and lack of morals
- The fact that Barbrey and Roose clearly have history. Considering that Roose now has Ramsay as his heir, and Barbrey loathes Ramsay for what she believes is his fault in Domeric's death, Barbrey likely harbors some resentment against Roose for this move. This likely boosts her opinion that he is completely emotionless and only "plays with [people]" without caring for them. Her line "He does not love, he does not hate, he does not grieve" seems to contain a certain bitterness, and i believe it at least partially refers to their personal history (one could try to continue her words: he does not love [Barbrey], he does not hate [Ramsay], he does not grieve [Domeric].).
- Barbrey calls Theon's heart "craven and cringing", she calls Wyman Manderly "craven to the bone, that one", and she holds a grudge against Eddard for what he did to her without presenting much understanding for his side of the story. I believe she has a tendency to have a slightly superficial view of people or at least to talk badly about these superficial aspects, informed among other things by their appearance (Ned and Roose are plain, Theon and Wyman have physical deficiencies) and presentation (the colder Roose/Ned vs the outgoing wolf-blooded Brandon), and by the slights she perceived they did to her. She also has a tendency to scapegoat people to cope with grief, like hating on Rickard’s maester for Brandon's marriage.
So while she is right about Roose' callousness and moral bankruptcy and has some correct statements, as a fallible character (as opposed to the all-knowing author) she likely somewhat designs her view of him to fit her own narrative and worldview. So while she is an enticing source since she is close to him, her view on him should be taken with a grain of salt the same way she is not 100% correct about people like Ned or Wyman. Some things she says can be argued with through character analysis, and some things we have concrete quotes we can contrast: For example while she says "I think [Roose] would be pleased if the fat man attempted some betrayal", we know that Roose is in fact worried and bothered by the prospect, and in his dialogue to Ramsay it reads like he describes the unfaithfulness of his allies as threatening instead of an amusement. She also theorizes Roose wants to be king in the north, which seems like an impossible plan in his current political situation and nothing we had any hints towards so far in his scenes (I sometimes like to muse it might have been a reference to grrm's plans for the five year gap).
So basically what i would love a Roose PoV for is turning all the "apparently"s and "maybe"s from my metas into either confident statements or to deconfirm them... Showing some more of his view on the world, some more of his past, how he really feels about people without filtering it through dialogue and political goals... His worries, his anger, his happiness, raw and unfiltered... His long scene with Theon in Reek III practically doubles as half a PoV chapter because of the insane amounts of exposition in his dialogue (Theon barely talks or thinks for pages while Roose talks), but it is still filtered through Theon's impression of him and the agenda Roose might have behind his spoken words to present himself in a certain way.
I like to analyze his character from his lines in the book, and what few quotes I find by grrm in the So Spake Martin collection round out my impression of him well, but I would love to have a view inside his head to really get to the meat of it, and get a view of his true personality without the help of assumptions and implications.
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kingdom-of-kins · 3 years
Oh my god I’m so embarrassed! Create! I could’ve sworn I wrote create. Ah well. Was pretty funny I guess XD
I wanted to kinda ask how things have been going. You do a bunch of amazing things and I’d honestly like to hear you go off on some tangents as well. You certainly let me ramble a lot. And just, in general too. Like how are you enjoying season 9 so far? 🐉
vhshvjsvhs it happens to the best of us! nd thats really sweet man :]
ive actually been rlly busy irl what with one of my friend groups splintering a bit, exams coming up (im actually answering this while doing a make-up project lol), plus ive recently been working on setting up a bunch of mental health stuff.
i wont lie and say im not also a rambler but i usually try to cut myself off in asks like this otherwise i’d end up with run on sentences the size of paragraphs! other then irl iffy work stuff tho, ive been working on doing a lot of anatomy and fashion studies :D!! one of my fav de-stressors: stuff that pisses me off /j
i havent actually watched the start of s9 yet!! ive been waiting cause idk what pov im gonna watch first. i usually stick with etho but i might watch impulse first this time around..
this is unrelated to your questions but ive been meaning to ramble abt this somewhere; ive actually been thinking about making a side-side blog to this blog just for casual chatting and personal interactions instead of being mostly requests and reblogs? im not super sure, ofc, cause that would be an added thing on top of my already pretty tall project list, but i think it could be fun. plus i’d get to do a bunch more non-mcyt stuff, cause on this blog i feel ive dug myself into a bit of a niche
hope youre doing well tho iskall!! (btw if you ever want to use another name here just lmk!) howre you enjoying s9 yourself? ive heard its off to a pretty fun start :]! have you started watching/reading any other series? ive heard that 100 hours hardcore is pretty good, havent had the time to watch it myself tho.
jeez ik you said you wanted to hear tangents but i kind of rambled a lot here. hope you dont mind too much :]
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mieczyhale · 3 years
tua s2 made me fall out of love with tua and that’s just how it is
like i still love the content, s1 and the comics and stuff, but there was just too much about s2 that...wasn’t good. or was disappointing. cringe and not in an entertaining kind of way. they tried too hard with the music (the soundtrack was good but it by no means had the same power as the one for s1), underutilized or ignored main characters, little to no character development, gave one character all the power (listen there as literally no reason for vanya to be THAT powerful AND be able to control it - not after the *gestures to entire show*. plus she had powers that weren’t her powers. no. you have seven main characters who all have original powers. fucking USE THEM) they had no business not only wasting but ruining klaus the way they did - he was fan favorite ffs how do you NOT take that into consideration?? AND YOU HAVE SOURCE MATERIAL!! USE. IT. FUCKING USE IT.  
ahhhh tua season one (1) my beloved
i tried really hard to love it - and did convince myself to for awhile, bc tua means so much to me and i didnt want to be disappointed about it - but the fact is: i am. like so incredibly lmao i don’t tend to back off in a fandom, even during a hiatus, unless given a good reason to not care anymore. i haven’t read a tua fic in months, i dont get involved in the tua discord (clowns, if u see this, i love u) and that’s like also for anxiety reasons but also bc i have nothing to say about this show. the fic i had started posting probably wont get worked on anytime soon (i’m a whump / hurt / comfort / angst lover and writer. s1 gave me plenty of inspiration and thoughts. s2? i mean.. there’s some. but it’s SO different from s1 my connection to the characters emotionally is gone. i cant write trauma i don’t feel attached to, karen, and i can’t write about characters i haven’t extensively analyzed. i mean idk maybe i can but i don’t really want to. drunk!me might try some time, that bitch DOES things, but otherwise.. not really my cup of coffee) i have no desire to make or consume content for it anymore-
maybe my feelings on *gestures to this entire post* will change when we actually start getting stuff for s3 (and i fully intend to watch the third season, even though i couldn’t care less about the stupid sparrows - one bad season isn’t enough for me to totally give up on it) but right now - and for the last several months.... the only love i have for the umbrella academy lies with season one and the comics. i don’t even care about getting more klaus - THAT’S how bad it is!! y’all know i love that motherfucker, we identify the same - i got some of his tattoos, our fashion sense is just Like That. he is baby. but rn i don’t give a shit about any of it or him. bc s2. 
not saying s2 didn’t have it’s good things, its humor and whatnot, but it wasn’t enough to make up for everything else (and there’s a lot. this post mentions only a few things bc i didn’t even intend to make this post or get into any of this - real talk, i only meant to post the first sentence and then a vague short paragraph maybe. just to make my point, bc i never did acknowledge my backing away from tua and the fandom. but now it’s a lot of words and i’m not re-reading it! if i do my ocd will keep me here for hours and i have housework to do and dinner to make so)
k so i could have maybe typed out more, made a little more sense, connected my thoughts and wrapped it all up with a nice bow, but my brain is Stopping. no more thoughts, not even in the empty void i go to when i make posts. just The End.
so i leave this incoherent overview of thoughts with the following::
s3 please don’t fuck up challenge
s3 please give me my dysfunctional family back
s3 please know literally anything about your characters
s3 please give the gays some fucking happiness and bring dave back. klave is forever no matter what but we’d all love to have our boys reunited (and still in love thanks. if you separate them i’ll put your balls in the toaster and your fingers in the garbage disposal. your head?? oven doors. they hurt.)
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