#wonyoung x gaeul
ponlibrary · 5 months
✿ The Princess Owns You ✿
> A Kim Gaeul x Jang Wonyoung story <
Rumors are going around that IVE is going to be disbanded and when an invitation to Jang Wonyoung to debut as a soloist became public, the members start to suspect that the future of the group is uncertain. However, Wonyoung promises to stay and to do everything to keep the group alive if and only if the girl everyone thought she disliked, Kim Gaeul, accepts her dark proposal.
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In the last evening of January Liz, Rei and Gaeul were hanging out at a karaoke, Liz and Rei were having a great time, Rei took the time to show some J-pop classics from her childhood to her friends, the three of them were smiling and kind of singing on beat, however even with the disco illumination of the room the eyebags below Gaeul’s eyes were still noticeable. The song ended, Liz jumped to pick the next song, but Rei tried to intervene and pick something she wanted, Gaeul lowered her head trying to ignore the playful fighting of the other two. 
"Ok what if just this once, we pick one of our songs?" Said Rei pointing at the screen.
"Ugh, ok but which one?" Replied Liz rolling her eyes
"What about Love Dive?"
"Oh! yes it's been a while since we don't do that one just for fun," Liz replied, then she looked at Gaeul "Also I remember that unnie loves to sing Wony’s parts." 
Gaeul almost screamed, "No." The joyful expression of the girls disappeared. 
"Unnie, are you ok?" Asked Rei, Gaeul squeezed her eyes and used her hands to avoid being seen almost crying.
"Excuse me, I'll meet you outside." Gaeul left the room. 
Gaeul stepped on the street, some people were passing by but none of them recognised her. A chill air brushed her face while she was staring down at her phone’s screen ––3 missed calls from Yujin ––. The girl unlocked her cellphone and took a deep breath just before she looked up and saw on top of a building across the street, a massive billboard adorned with Jang Wonyoung’s face. She clenched her jaw but her eyelids started to quiver, finally found a release throwing her cellphone in the direction of the billboard landing just a few steps from where she was.
"Fuck you!" Gaeul screamed trying to find some relief. Tears began to pour out of her eyes, just a few seconds later Rei and Liz came out giggling from the karaoke, just to witness her friend and unnie curbed down in the sidewalk crying. 
“Gaeul!” Quickly Rei helped the crying girl to stand up and comforted her with a hug.
"What's happening?" Asked Liz while Rei was using her hands to brush Gaeul’s hair back into shape. 
"No-nothing," she said, still stuttering from the crying.
 "Oh unnie, your mobile." Liz went to retrieve the device, she lifted from the floor a cellphone with a smashed screen, unresponsive to her attempts to make it turn back on. Liz hummed confused, then looked up and saw the same billboard that made her unnie rage out, it was from a pretty famous makeup brand, but Liz understood what was happening just by looking at the model. The girl looked back at her group mates, only Rei stared back at her.
 "Um, Gaeul unnie," whispered Rei, trying to sound as soft as possible. 
"Do not tell this to Yujin," said Gaeul, separating herself from her bandmate.
"Come on unnie it's important–."
Gaeul interrupted, "Please, I’ll explain it to her, later, but she was trying to call me, she must be worried."
"Yes she was, but she called me just a bit ago, it’s all ok, but we have to come back to the dorm," Interjected Liz.
 "Why? it’s not even that late" Asked Gaeul with a hopeful glint in her eyes.
 "Well—.” Liz hesitated to continue“—You-know-who, is finally coming back."
 "Oh, it’s her," Gaeul replied with a dry tone "Call our chauffeur or something," said while plucking her broken cell phone from Liz’s hands, she continued "Oh right, they don’t have those for us anymore," before walking a couple of steps away from her group mates. 
Rei reached for Gaeul’s shoulders from behind and softly said, “Unnie we can wait a little bit here, there is no need to rush.”
Gaeul joined one of her hand’s with Rei’s, and said, “If Yujin needs us to come back, we must come back”.
Rei tried to protest, “But you–.” However she was interrupted by her unnie.
“I’m fine!” Gaeul then looked for her other bandmate, “Liz?”
"Right, I’ll call a taxi," said Liz. The trip back to the dorm went pretty silent.
—  —  —
When they arrived at their dorm, there was no one waiting for them, they removed their shoes and then they noticed sounds coming from inside Wonyoung’s room. Gaeul stared terrified, was Wonyoung already waiting for them?
“Oh sorry, hello everyone! I was hoping you would take a bit longer," said Yujin happily, coming out of the room with an empty plastic bag and wipes. Gaeul, being the shortest, fell back so she could hide behind her group mates,“I was just making sure her room was squeaky clean." The trio saluted her back.
“Yujin unnie, is she really coming back today?” Asked Rei looking at the time on her cellphone. 
“Yes Wonyoung is on her way here, so we need to—," said Yujin getting close to the trio, “—what happened?” Asked in a serious tone when she noticed Gaeul’s eyebags and red eyes. 
“Sorry I- I fell yeah," murmured Gaeul lowering her head. “Excuse me," she said, leaving the rest of the cliche and going inside her shared room. Yujin stared down at Liz, who simply shook her head. 
Gaeul entered the room and found Leeseo putting some makeup on their shared secretter, the youngest member of the group was listening to some music, oblivious to the oldest, who decided to gain her attention by quickly poking Leeseo’s shoulders. The girl flinched scared.
“Sorry!” Said Gaeul, almost laughing.
"Unnie! Hello! How was the karaoke?” Replied Leeseo, taking out one of her airpods but still looking at the mirror, barely glancing at the other one.
“Not as good as I hoped for, hey are you preparing to welcome Wonyoung?” Asked Gaeul while taking off her jacket.
“Yes! I’m so excited, as her favorite group member I have to look the prettiest!” Said Leeseo, almost dancing to her own words.
“That’s nice of you." Gaeul came closer to the side of her younger bandmate and said, “Hey, does it bother you if I hug you for a bit?"
“Not at all! Come here unnie." Leeseo moved towards Gaeul, finally noticing her face, “Oh, unnie?” The oldest slided her arms under Leeseo’s, and hid her face inside the soft embrace. "Unnie is everything ok?'' said Lesseo, just before Gaeul started to sob, quietly.
“I don’t want her to come back."
Leeseo started to look around the room, confused about what to do now “I'm sorry," quietly said in her unnie’s ear, she then raised her voice carefully to not shout too close to her friend, “Yujin unnie, please come in!” An affirmative response was barely audible from outside the room.
“Is she—” Questioned Yujin just entering the room, but she stopped at the sight of her unnie looking back at her not only crying but also angry, still embracing the youngest member of the group.
“What do you want now?!” Screamed Gaeul back at her. Yujin just nodded in silence, then exited the room for a moment, just to come back with a cup filled with water. When she came close to the oldest girl, she made a gesture so Leeseo moved back. When Gaeul looked up, she was met by a splash of cold water, leaving her dripping wet. “What the heck!” Gaeul shouted.
“Les, could you leave us here alone for a moment? I really need to talk with our unnie." After hearing Yujin, Leeseo complied, took her makeup palette, and left the room. Once the girl left, Gaeul gained back her composure and looked back at Yujin, brushing to the sides her soaking wet hair. 
“There is nothing to talk about, you all can easily welcome the princess without me,” said Gaeul.
“No. I can’t let you do that. We are a group, remember?” Said Yujin.
“What are you talking about? We are barely a group anymore, it’s been weeks since the company has called us to do anything about IVE," reproaches Gaeul, pointing at the group leader, “Besides, you know that she and I. We always hated each other."
“You don’t know that!” Said Yujin, followed by a frustrated sigh“I guess you have seen the rumors that are going around," continued, she then took a sit on the bed of Gaeul and asked, “Please sit," She complied while Yujin kept explaining, "Unnie, you once told me that you would do anything and everything for this group to work."
“Yes, I danced, I sang, I rapped, I took care of Leeseo. I did everything that was asked of me. I know I had always been far from the best but—," Gaeul got interrupted by Yujin who grabbed her face by the chin.
Yujin pleaded looking into her unnie’s eyes,“Please Gaeul, just. One last time."
Gaeul moved away from Yujin and complained,“I don’t understand why it is so important that I welcome Wonyoung."
“It’s not only that, today when she told me on the phone that she was coming back, she asked for you, and—."
“Shut up, that can’t be true," interrupted Gaeul in a raised voice.
Yujin wrapped Gaeul with one of her arms and explained,“Listen to me unnie, she asked for you to cook something for tonight, she loves that Steak Au Chocolat that you made for her birthday."
“She didn’t say that when I gave it to her," murmured the oldest, then looked Yujin back in the eyes to ask,“If I say hi, fake a smile and cook her meal would you all stop bothering me?”
—  —  —
Gaeul dried her hair and tried her best to cover the eyebags, they could have looked better but time was running out so she decided to prioritize the cooking. Unfortunately Steak Au Chocolat is a dish that takes quite a while to get done. She picked that recipe from the interweb just some months ago, when she was still comfortable with unconsciously obsessing with Wonyoung to the point to search for a meal with the girl’s two favorite things, chocolate and beef. And then making it over and over until all the other members were sick of chocolate but she was confident that the dish at least was ‘good enough for Wonyoung’. 
Sadly during Wonyoung’s last birthday, just like every other time she came back from a long time working outside the dorm, she was pretty tired, so she barely ate that magnificent Steak Au Chocolat and went straight to her room to sleep. That memory was clouding Gaeul’s mind, making it difficult for her to even concentrate, obsessing that it would happen all over again, then all of the sudden she felt a sharp pain. The girl confused tried to pull herself back from the images of that last August, just finally looking down at the cutting board. A tiny canal of blood was oozing from her index finger, she had slipped while cutting shallots. 
While the rest of the dorm was moving pretty fast, 4 girls scrambling around trying to get ready, Gaeul quietly contemplated her wound. She played with it for a moment, relishing the pain, until she managed to move on to find a bandage to envelop her finger. Once her wound was covered she watched the kitchen full of skillets and pots, a lot was already done, but the meal was really far from being ready.
The girl took a deep breath, and muttered to herself, “Come on Kim Gaeul, just one last thing, and you will not have to put up with her— her pretty face ever again," she covered her face with her hands “I won’t see her pretty face ever again,” she stomped her way back to the kitchen and started chopping shallots again, a single teardrop, unnoticed by her, runned down her face, leaving marks on her fresh makeup.
While the rest of the girls were still getting ready, Rei came to help Gaeul, making sure she finished the dish on time, until she noticed "Unnie, you have been crying again.”
“No I haven’t!” Gaeul covered her face just to make sure. Rei took a napkin and got close to her, gently cleaning the marks the tears left on her makeup, she then softly whispered “Thank you.”
Both girl’s faces were just a couple of inches from each other, Rei said,“Please don’t forget about me, no matter what happens today, you can always count on me.” Right before Gaeul could mutter any word, the doorbell rang, both girls flinched and they separated, with nothing else said, Rei approached the door, the short girl gained focus once again, just to realize that the now chopped down beef was still raw.
—  —  —
Jang Wonyoung entered the dorm, looking flawless but at the same time, just a little bit casual, “Heyo everyone! I missed you!” Yujin helped Wonyoung with her logging while she was one by one hugging and greeting each of the members of the group.
“How was your trip Wony unnie?” Leeseo asked.
“Pretty nice! I ate some peanuts on the plane, but I'm a bit tired," said Wonyoung, and for a moment looked over the heads of her bandmates, “Girls, where is Gaeul unnie?” The tall girl stepped inside the dorm’s living, and heard the sizzling of beef. She watched Gaeul finish the beef for the dish, and made a big smile. 
“She is preparing what you asked for," said Yujin, and then conducted Wonyoung to the kitchen bar.
“Smells really lovely!” exclaimed Wonyoung sitting on the bar.
Gaeul hadn't looked at Wonyoung or greeted her yet, until she rotated towards the bar, placed the perfectly cooked beef on top and then poured the chocolate salsa. Finally with the help of a pair of thongs she prepared a portion. Once the plate was done, she almost threw it towards Wonyoung accompanied with a pair of chopsticks, “I hope you are hungry” said the girl in a hostile tone, barely audible from the ruckus the plate was making against the tabletop.
She was preoccupied with preparing other portions when Wonyoung quietly said “Hi unnie, won’t you hug me?” The short girl stalled for a moment but finally placed the thongs down and came close to her taller bandmate. 
“Of course, sorry I forgot." While Gaeul was beginning to wrap her arms behind the taller girl, Wonyoung was already pressing her body against her, forming a tight embrace.
“Thank you," whispered Wonyoung into Gaeul’s ear.
“No, thank you."
Yujin tried to avoid looking towards her friends hugging, meanwhile Liz came close to her and quietly asked “Hey it’s ok if we just go to our rooms to eat?”
“It’s ok, I need to talk only with Wonyoung anyway” Whispered back Yujin.
Gaeul separated from Wonyoung, both girls were clearly flushed, “Sorry” said the shorter girl, “Liz, you and the girls also want beef?”
“Yes please!” 
Gaeul started serving some other portions, Wonyoung took her chopsticks and finally had a bite of the Steak Au Chocolat, her face contorted in a weird smile and liberated a small pleasureful hum. The oldest finished serving beef, passed the last plate to Yujin, and grabbed hers,“I think I’m going to excuse myself too," said, trying not to glance at Wonyoung or Yujin.
“Yes, thank you unnie," answered Yujin, but before taking another bite, Wonyoung glanced at Yujin with a worried expression.
“Can’t she stay?” Pleaded Wonyoung.
Gaeul winced her eyebrows into a frustrated expression as she heard Yujin say “Sure, Gaeul unnie can you please stay with us?”
“Okay." The shorter girl sat in the stall beside Wonyoung.
“Thanks for the beef, this is so good!” Said Wonyoung while eating at a faster pace.
“Really this is the best meal I had in a long time!” 
“Glad you liked it."
 The rest of the meal went pretty silent until Wonyoung asked,“Did you girls do anything fun today?”
“I stayed here catching up with some dramas," said Yujin. Wonyoung then stared towards her unnie, waiting for an answer, until Yujin interjected, “Also Liz, Rei and Gaeul went out to a new karaoke."
“Oh! Really! How was the karaoke unnie?” said Wonyoung to her unnie.
Gaeul stalled for a bit until she answered,“It was good, I had fun until Rei wanted to sing Love Dive and—” she looked away trying to hide her face from the stare of her bandmates, “—And then they mentioned you Wonyoung, so I just ran outside but you were still there, in a billboard —"  The girl’s voice started to crack while speaking”—And I saw you, and I didn't know what to do, so I threw my phone up in the air, trying to hit you." Almost unable to speak, finally muttered, “But I broke my cell phone, and for nothing."
“Why? Unnie, are you mad at me?” Asked Wonyoung, getting closer to Gaeul.
Gaeul placed her hands in the bar, tilted her head down and muttered,“I don't know, but I heard some things that really hurted me."
Wonyoung reached one of the girl’s small hands and reassured her,"Unnie, those rumors are not real."  Gaeul, with tears in her eyes but a glint of hope in her pupils, stared back at Wonyoung, just before she clarified, “It’s all fake, I’m not dating anyone."
“What? No, I’m not—" Almost crying, Gaeul pulled back her hand from Wonyoung’s grasp.
Yujin grabbed one of Wonyoung's shoulders and pulled her while ordering,“Enough, Jang Won-young, we need to talk. Privately."
“O-ok," nervously replied Wonyoung. Yujin took Wonyoung inside of the latter’s room, leaving Gaeul alone at the kitchen bar.
—  —  —
Gaeul checked the oven’s clock and estimated that 15 minutes had passed. Then she noticed on the reflection of the surface that tears were running down her face, without even realizing that she had been crying this time she tried her best to clean her face with some napkins. She was just about to enter her shared room when she started hearing muffled screaming, coming from Wonyoung’s room. Gaeul got near the door when the door was slammed open, Wonyoung pushed Yujin out of her room.
 “Get out, I don't wanna talk with you If you are going to be this rude," said Wonyoung in an unstable voice, right before shutting her door.
“What happened?” Asked Gaeul.
A defeated Yujin said, “Seems like the rumors are true, Hybe is offering her to be a soloist, even trying to help any contractual issue."
The older girl insisted, “And she said…?”
“She is still thinking about it," explained Yujin while sitting back in the kitchen.
“Thinking about it?!” Said Gaeul, raising her voice.
Yujin let out a sigh, and replied, “Listen, the company has been waiting for this to get—  a resolution, before they start giving us more work, with or without her."
“And you are not going to do anything about it?” 
“There is no need, I believe, no— I know that we could work out just the five of us," said Yujin.
Gaeul grabbed her leader by the collar of her shirt and said“So you are not even going to try to convince her?!”
The leader hesitated to answer but she gave up,“I-I just can't, ok?”
“What do you mean?! Are you not her best friend?!” said Gaeul, then she walked close to the entrance to Wonyoung’s room, “It's fine, doesn't matter."
Yujin standed up and closed her distance to her unnie while asking, “Wait, what are you doing?”
“You asked me to help you one last time, so I'm doing that," explained Gaeul, while grabbing the handle of Wonyoung’s room door. 
Yujin just stood there, watching Gaeul enter Wonyoung’s room, uninvited.
—  —  —
Gaeul peeked inside Wonyoung’s room, it was the first time she ever looked inside, she took a moment to look at the sober yet cute decoration, glancing at everything except the bed that was just a few steps from her.
“Gaeul unnie? What are you doing here?” Wonyoung asked the girl, forcing her to finally take a look at Wonyoung’s bed. The taller girl had an upset expression, while laying down just beside a big Cherry plushie, however her arms were wrapped around a Dal-E plushie, the one based not on Wonyoung herself but on Gaeul.
Gaeul replied calmly “I just want to talk with you."
“Ok you can come in, but please make sure to close the door after you."
Gaeul thanked her and entered the room, while Wonyoung changed her posture into a sitting one, but still caressing her Dal-E plush. “Hey, I'm really sorry from before, I shouldn't have been so mean to you." Said the older girl,  just nearing the bed of Wonyoung, who then made a gesture inviting her to sit beside her.
She took a sit at the edge of the bed, pretty close to Wonyoung, who said, “It's fine, I understand now what was happening, sorry If I misunderstood your feelings” Wonyoung hugged her Dal-E tightly and added,“But you are not longer mad at me aren't you unnie?”
“I wasn't even mad," said Gaeul, reaching out and grabbing the Cherry plushie, she continued, “I was just hoping that you would stay with us."
Gaeul hugged the plushie based on Wonyoung’s likeness and answered,“I heard that you may debut by yourself, pretty far from this dorm and band, but I think that we need you."
“I just wish we had more time to get closer," said Wonyoung, putting down her Dal-E.
 “So are you really going to do it?” 
“I’m not sure, but unnie, my life is currently a mess, I don’t have time for my family, my friends, myself, not even time for all of you, the ones I depend on the most," said Wonyoung standing up. Once she was a couple of steps away, and not facing her unnie, she continued, “I love being an idol but my life could get better if I was just alone, I would lose all of you yes. But maybe it’s a good thing, it’s not fair that we are a band and I can pick and make big decisions but the rest of the time I’m just tending to other responsibilities." 
Gaeul stayed in silence for a couple of minutes. Hiding her face in the plushie, finally said, “Seems pretty cut and dry, why don’t you just say yes to them?” 
“So you really want me to be gone, don't you unnie?” Quietly muttered Wonyoung.
“Maybe. I don’t think we ever liked each other that much, but I’m sure you will stay in contact with the rest of the girls. So why don’t you just leave?”
“You are confusing me because, well—," said Wonyoung, her words started to come out slowly. “I heard you say one time that you would do anything and everything to keep IVE working. is that true?”
“Yes I said that.”
Wonyoung said in a frustrated tone, “Then why are you not trying harder to convince me not to go?” Finally facing Gaeul. 
“Maybe IVE doesn’t need you and—” On the verge of tears the shorter girl said, “I can’t help you reach the comfortable life you deserve. Leaving looks like the only option."
“Oh dear. But there is another option," whispered Wonyoung right before she quickly walked towards her unnie and pushed her all the way into the bed until her tall body was on top of the small Gaeul, moving the plushies away so their bodies could feel each others warmth,”You just don't want to give it to me."
“What are you doing?!” Said Gaeul, her lips quivering just by feeling Wonyoung’s breath.
“Would you still do anything—?” Asked Wonyoung, who then took both of Gaeul’s hands and pinned them down over her head, leaving the smaller girl at her mercy.“For me?”
“Any-thing," said Gaeul, almost tasting the words.
“Then I will do everything I can to keep IVE together, but I want you to take care of me. To cook for me, to listen to me, to just be there for me at any time I need you. I want you to worry about me, I—," begged Wonyoung, getting her face even closer to Gaeul’s,“I want you to be mine."
 A blushing Gaeul turned her head away and protested, “Why are you playing with me like this? It’s obvious that you hate me."
Wonyoung squeezed the smaller hands and whispered to Gaeul right into her ear, “No, you are the one that hates me, but I don’t care how you feel about this. There never was another option for us, so now. Answer me!"
Gaeul stared directly into Wonyoung’s eyes and in a burst of joy said,“Y-yes, I-I’m yours, you own me now." 
“Wait unnie, did you—!” Said Wonyoung, her severe expression became a wide smile. Wonyoung freed the small hands, and wrapped her arms around her unnie’s neck tightly hugging her. Before Gaeul could embrace Wonyoung too, the one on top realized in which position they were. Wonyoung rose until she was sitting on top of her hips. Aware of this the girl on top excused herself, “I'm sorry” and completely flushed, dismounted, and went back to sitting on the edge of the bed.
Gaeul looked at Wonyoung, disappointed. Then she also moved down to the edge of the bed, “Don’t you want this?” said, and joined one of her hands with Wonyoung’s hands.
“I wasn’t prepared for this, you actually said yes," said Wonyoung.
“I would have always said yes to you,” whispered the older girl, finally being honest.
“Did you–” The taller girl felt blood rushing to her head, confused, tried to find other words and kept caressing the smaller girl’s hand… "Unnie did you cut yourself?” Wonyoung grabbed Gaeul’s hand and moved it closer to her face, staring at the bandaid.
“Yes I did, it happened while I was chopping some vegetables for your beef."
“But you're the best at cooking, what happened?” Wonyoung let her unnie's hand go.
She explained, “I was overthinking— believing things would go like your last birthday. And you would simply ignore me and my efforts."
Wonyoung’s voice started to crack when she explained, “I’m sorry, on my birthday, I worked all day, when I came back, I was a mess and–”
The smaller girl placed her wounded finger on the model’s lips and calmed her saying, “Shh, I understand," The model answered by enveloping the finger with her hands and giving it a soft kiss. Then both girls got lost in each other's eyes for a moment, until finally Wonyoung threw herself at Gaeul and their mouths connected on a passionate kiss. 
Wonyoung quickly pushed Gaeul back into the center of the bed, she was getting comfortable on top of her unnie, when suddenly the small hand’s of the other girl grabbed her by the hips and reversed the position, the smaller girl was now on top. She then grabbed Wonyoung’s hands and pinned them on top of her head. The tall girl, now drunk with desire, looked at the dominant girl with her eyes wide open and said, "Gaeul wait."
“Shhh, you just have to tell me when to stop," reassured Gaeul to her owner.
“But I want to hug you” asked the girl at the bottom, the smaller girl let her hands go, Wonyoung embraced Gaeul very tightly and they started to kiss again.
Gaeul never slept again without her owner, Wonyoung.
The end.
10 notes · View notes
prael · 9 months
coup de théâtre - IVE Jang Wonyoung (Ft. An Yujin, Naoi Rei, Kim Gaeul)
Part 2 of folie à deux.
IVE Jang Wonyoung x Male reader smut.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
Masterlist word count: 11,849
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coup de théâtre - a sudden and surprising event
"You're just not getting it." Wonyoung stresses as her hands settle on Rei's hips. "If we get too close here, it's going to ruin everything."
"So you don't want me right here?" Rei's shoulders slouch and she pouts in confusion.
"Watch. Yujin, you know what you’re doing." Wonyoung signals the other girl over. "Gaeul, ready?"
She gives a confident nod and readies her posture.
"Alright, music, cue.” That is your signal. See, that's the only reason you're here. Wonyoung insisted you help them out during their dance practice. With the speaker at your feet, you slouch against the mirrored back wall. You can see yourself, shorts and tee loosely hung from your body, in the mirror across the room. Between you and it, the four girls are ready to spring to life. They swear they'll make it big, maybe they will, but they're not there yet.
You hit play on your phone. “Five, six, seven, eight,” and three of the girls dance. Wonyoung watches as the girls inevitably get in each other's way. Rei goes to cross between Gaeul and Yujin and the gap is so small that she almost takes a fist to the face. The mistake brings them to a halt.
"See? We need better spacing." Wonyoung demands the point again and stands between the three, explaining how things will have to line up. The four of them flail arms, pointing at their feet, imitating footwork and readjusting as needed.
You'd argue she isn't even the best dancer among them, not that there's much disparity between them. But she's the one who insists they have to be critical or they will never get better. The girls take this school dance club more seriously than anything else in this place. They start from the top again with another countdown and another play from you. It doesn't take long for everyone to get back into the motion. Gaeul turns, Yujin shifts, and Rei steps. This time it all goes buttery smooth.
Hips sway and asses shake. Bodies glimmer with sweat under the studio lights. All their slender figures move with equal parts energy and sensuality. The original choreographer wouldn’t say it, but to say it's seductive wouldn't be wholly incorrect. From the powerful steps to the flowing graceful movements, the whole thing is a pleasure to watch. Every little flourish is alluring and equally mesmerising.
This continues, round and round, over and over and over. Slowly, they iron the kinks. Work out the errors. Find the minor adjustments. All until they're dancing with all the confidence they need to own the stage when the time comes.
The sweat on their bodies soaks in to the tops of their practice outfits. Each movement has their loose strands of hair cling to their faces, necks, shoulders. They're drenched, exhausted, but they keep pushing through the final attempt. The music fades out; they finish. Rei throws herself on the floor. Laying, legs extended and arms resting beside her, she stares at the ceiling for a while with a soft groan.
The other three head toward you (more accurately; their drinks). You lift yourself up onto the bench, taking a seat at the end and handing the bottles to the girls. Wonyoung sits right beside you and leans back against the wall mirror. 
“Good job. That looked great."
"Yeah." Wonyoung barely manages that as her heavy, laboured breath requires most of her focus. She grasps her bottle with trembling fingers.
"That was good," Gaeul confirms as she takes a seat next to Wonyoung.
After handing a bottle to Rei, Yujin stands right in front of you. Drink in one hand and the other resting on her hip, at the waistband of her skin-tight leggings. "What about me? Did I look good? I think I nailed it." Yujin breathes as the words escape her lips. Her heavy lashes lower and gaze at you. A bright smile spread across her pink-tinged, sweat-slicked cheeks.
You reply honestly. "Yeah, you did. Perfect."
Rei lets out a couple of forced coughs to mockingly comment between them; get a room.
Wonyoung snickers at Rei's joke. Her breathing steady and her gaze on Yujin. "Looks like she wants to, don't you, Yujin?"
"You think?" Rei chimes in again.
“I think so," Wonyoung chuckles and swipes a strand of her hair behind her ear. "The changing room is free, but I can't promise I won't walk in."
It's like she insists on making it as awkward as possible. But there's no way she can know about you and Yujin. No. That's impossible. This must just be a coincidence—a light-hearted tease.
"So when's next practice?" Gaeul interrupts, saving you both your blushes. "I can't do any weekend practices, I'm going on a trip."
"Oh right, the fiancé," Wonyoung begins, and you brace yourself, because you know the kinds of things she usually says here. "why him? Isn't he kind of… beneath you?" 
Wonyoung is every bit as blunt and harsh as usual. There's no ambiguity there—no double-meaning or clever innuendo. It's a comment born out of her own distorted view that everyone is beneath her.
Yujin turns round, glaring with her brows raised and silently mouths the words: 'are you serious?'
"I like him," Gaeul answers simply. You'd never met her fiancé but if there's one thing you'd learned about Gaeul in your limited interactions is that she didn't act on whims. If she said yes, it's because she really likes him.
"It's his huge cock, right?" Wonyoung is as brash as ever and Yujin almost chokes on her sip of water. Rei’s head snaps up, and she's staring from her laying position. You open your mouth to speak, but it’s caught in your throat. 
"Maybe," Gaeul cuts through the awkwardness. Everyone pauses. The attention in the room rests on Gaeul, each of them not so subtlely urging her to keep talking. Yujin takes a seat on the ground at your feet, cross-legged, and ready for a story.
Gaeul has one hand scratching at her arm and the other gripping at the bottle in her lap. She hesitates a moment. Maybe she’s busy wondering if she should (or if she dare) say any more. And then she erupts in to a story that pulls no punches. "This one time, me and him got into it pretty heavy and I was deep-throating his—sorry, too graphic?"
There's a collective shake of heads. Even Rei has sat up to listen intently now. Gaeul gives the faintest smile in recognition and she continues.
"So there we were. I'm lying down and deep-throating his cock. I've got him all the way in my throat, and there was still more to go. I just couldn't. As much as I wanted his whole cock in me, it just wouldn't go." Gaeul gives a pout, lamenting her failure. "I tried so hard, I felt like I couldn't do it. Couldn't breathe. I didn't know how, not with that length buried in me. I felt so small, and... I loved it."
Her face is turning a deep shade of vermilion as she relives the memory. Still, her hand squeezes tight around her water bottle and all the others wait for Gaeul to continue. Yujin is leaning forward, hands on her knees, eyes wide and listening closely. Wonyoung looks rather relaxed on her stretch of wall with her head laid against the cool surface. The sweat from her cheeks and brow slowly trickling down. But she's rapt, fixated, awaiting the story.
"The tip hit the back of my throat. I just didn't want it to stop."
As she describes it, her candid description, with no holds barred, the vision her story creates does something to you. Your mind races at the thought that it might have been any woman in Gaeul's position. Yujin. Wonyoung.
Her hand is halfway up your thigh, clearly excited at the image Gaeul is painting. You appreciate the gesture, don't misunderstand that, but there's enough sensory overload without having the weight of her fingers pressing into the firm muscle of your thigh. It isn't doing you any favours as the tiny beads of perspiration at Wonyoung's temple burn on her skin and her flush skin glows. There’s no blaming you for the fantasies that form in your mind. Each as naughty as the last.
She's staring out of the corner of her eye, eyes locked with you and a blank expression on her face. And you just wonder, what it would be like to have her mouth wrapped around your cock. It's difficult, staring down the girl you like while the girl you like (and regularly fucking) has a hand on your leg. 
And you just want them both. Right here, right now.
Gaeul continues, "and he's just grabbing at me, palm on my face, gripping my head and he's just fucking my face." You can barely hear her over the beating of your own heart in your eardrum—drumming loudly.
"I must've been choking, and he thought that was hot. He couldn’t stop and I didn’t want him to. He had me pinned, pressing his fingertips into my skin."
Speaking of fingertips, Wonyoung's trace your crotch, blindly roaming and teasing.
"Fuck." Wonyoung's only word—just a whisper from her lips.
Gaeul continues, "I was in heaven." Her eyes are sparkling. They’re glazed over and far-away, lost in the vivid memory. 
"Wow," Rei stares in awe.
Gaeul shuffles around in her seat. First running her hand over her legs, pressed together at the knees, before moving a hand over her waist and pulling at the clingy material of her black yoga pants, that stretch tight across her hips. "So... Um... Yeah I guess you could say I like his huge cock."
Yujin speaks now and her voice cuts straight to your core. "He must love that you're, like, a total submissive slut in bed."
"Sometimes," Gaeul is almost back in the room, no longer enraptured by the memories of being used.
"You must blow him any chance you get," Rei pushes.
"Of course." Gaeul nods. She seems pleased as punch, her mouth spreading into a wide grin.
The words spill from your lips, "what about in public places?" And well, fuck, you meant for it to sound a lot more coy.
"A time or two..." she pauses, puckering her lips as her brows lift together, her head tilts slightly, and her gaze lifts upwards as she wracks her mind. "Well, a few times, if that’s interesting to you."
"Very.” Fuck. “I mean. I'm just curious." Stop talking, idiot.
"Well, the details are a secret for now," she grins toward Wonyoung and Yujin, who share a smile and a look.
"How come I haven't heard about this?" Rei chimes in. "You've got a new story every other week, but not even a whisper of this?"
"Because this is naughty and embarrassing." Gaeul covers her face. She's clearly a confused mixture of turned-on and shy right now. She might be a bit hesitant to share her wilder adventures, but the others aren't at all apprehensive about listening to the dirty details.
"One more," Wonyoung requests. She sits at the edge of her seat with a hand planted on your crotch and the other resting on her knee.
"Another?" Gaeul inquires. "I think it's someone else's turn now."
"Gaeul is right. Yujin, ever done anything naughty in public?" Wonyoung asks, drawing in and passing on the attention.
"Not in public, but..." Yujin stares at you for a moment too long. Clearly, the whole not telling anyone thing doesn’t apply to the girls in this room. It’s all far too obvious. "But I did have some fun recently." She grins like the cat that caught the canary.
"How recently?" Wonyoung cocks her head and a few loose locks fall over her shoulder. "What kind of fun? Who with?"
"Just... some guy. He was a total sub, did everything I told him to." She drags her teeth across the plump swell of her bottom lip.
Some guy? Sometimes it feels like all you will ever be.
"Did what you told him?" Gaeul sounds intrigued. "What did you ask him to do?"
"Don't know," Yujin answers quickly. Too quickly. "Nothing much. Just something special for me." Her teeth are back against her lower lip, chewing on it before continuing. "Thing is, he’s a cute guy, and he was a real natural.”
"Did you cum?" Rei jumps in again, straight to the point.
"More than once." Yujin's face lit up. “I didn't let him fuck me, though. You should have seen the desperate look on his face.”
“Did you even let him cum? Poor guy.” Gaeul sympathises unnecessarily, and unknowingly, with you.
“I did, made him blow a load right on me.”
“Oh fuck, I love that.” Rei chimes in with an approving nod. “On my body makes me feel so hot.”
“I'm a face girl myself.” Gaeul admits before bursting out into embarrassed laughter.
Wonyoung stays noticeably quiet on this one. Of course, you know why. ‘Too messy’, she always told you.
“Yeah, we know all about that,” laughs Rei at Gaeul.
God only knows how you ended up in this situation. Sitting between four women, all gorgeous in their own way, each getting equally aroused by the topic of conversation. The atmosphere in the room, so humid and hot already, has seemed to intensify tenfold in the moments since Gaeul began her sordid tale. Now, with each question and subsequent answer, it was building steadily, the sexual tension increasing in magnitude with each word. The heat of their sweat-soaked bodies permeates the air with the burn of the midday sun.
"You didn’t even get fucked? You're no fun, Yujin. I need detail." Wonyoung is feeding off the stories and expelling the energy through her touch into your cock. You pull your knees up now, to try to hide what Wonyoung is doing to you. "Rei. Save us. Please give us something juicy."
"I uh, well..." The nerves in her face are clear. Rei is more than happy to press details from others, but now she's in the spotlight. "There was this guy I met online. I don't even know his name. He just went by an emoji."
"An emoji?" the other three girls say in unison.
"Yeah. An orange. Anyway, not important. So, we met up." Her hands run along her bare thighs, feeling the sticky heat of her palms and the cool beads of sweat along her smooth legs. "I kinda asked him to... I mean, it wasn't explicitly—" She begins her excuses as though her asking this anonymous man to come meet her was shameful. Her fumbling words get a giggle out of Yujin.
"Calm down, Rei, no-one is judging." Gaeul gives her friend an easy smile. 
"This was just to hook up and no strings. He had a hotel room." Rei rubs at her neck. Blush overcomes her face.
"Love that vibe." Gaeul holds up a lazy thumb of approval. "The no-strings thing."
"So this wasn't a vanilla fucking, I bet. Did things get wild?" Wonyoung asks as she squeezes her grip on your cock in excitement. "Were there handcuffs or leashes involved? What was it, a spanking? Maybe even gotten yourself a strap, Rei?"
"Oh my god," the embarrassment hits Rei even stronger, even more colour blossoming into her skin, "you're unbelievable," she manages. "So, uh. Not that exactly."
"Yeah? Well, do tell," Gaeul smiles politely. "Might pick up some ideas for my fiancé."
"So there were handcuffs," Rei mutters, then shrugs in an almost nonchalant gesture.
"Yes!" Wonyoung whisper-shouts. "Nice. Let me guess, tied up and whipped." Her hand is the most motionless it has been on your clothed cock the entire time. As if it's frozen in anticipation.
"He restrained me. Cuffed me to the bed. Had his way with me," Rei reveals. It's obvious now she was looking anywhere but in your direction. "The guy was packing too. And knew what he was doing. My whole body was shaking, legs like jelly," she continued, eyes glassy, dreamy even, a thin film covering their beauty, staring ahead without focus. Her nails tap idly at her neck, like she is recalling the memory.
"Fuuuck," Wonyoung swears loudly. "That’s good." She can only speak in hushed tones now, the heat having sapped her strength and turned her speech breathy.
Wonyoung rolls her hips back. Just the slightest bit. But enough for you to feel it, a soft brush across the side of your leg. A brief acknowledgement of contact. An assurance, to you, that Wonyoung hadn't forgotten you or the movements of her hands.
"Shut up," Rei blushes at her friend.
"Look, you're squeezing your thighs together now. Just thinking about this mysterious Mr Orange is turning you on. You sure you're not dripping now?"
"Alright Wony, you're making it weird now." Yujin laughs at her, breaking some of the tension. "Sounds like you need to get laid. Still not doing anything with that boyfriend of yours?" The whole question rolls of her tongue while she’s staring at you. You’re caught in some unspoken, twisted game.
"Nope. Never will. You know I don't like him." Wonyoung’s words are ice cold. You never pushed for details on it, but you have picked up on bits and pieces of this before. As best you understand, her family pushed the relationship on her. He's some wealthy heir from another chaebol family. They never loved each other, or even knew each other properly. The relationship was purely political. Strategic.
"I have to go," Gaeul speaks while frantically tapping away on her phone. It's painfully obvious to everyone in the room what’s happening and where she's going. Her fiance is probably already getting the cuffs ready. But she doesn't seem to care to hide it and, to be frank, she cannot be the only person excited about the prospect of sex right now.
"You two girls should probably go too. I'm going to stay and work on my form a little." Wonyoung turns to face you. "And you're going to help me, right?"
"Of course, whatever you need." You respond automatically, feeling almost obligated at this point. Yujin chuckles at you. Probably internally mocking just how easy you really are. Just like how she described you earlier. Total sub.
"Okay, see you." Gaeul stands abruptly. “I need to—”
“We know.” The rest of you say together. She nods her head and then is heading for the door in a rush, collecting her stuff messily under her arm. She drops her hat at the door and stops to pick it up. While bending down, she looks back at the four of you.
“Have fun!” Rei calls out with genuine excitement.
Gaeul nods again and spins, rushing out the door.
Rei moves slower to leave, reluctant, almost. But once Yujin stands and is gathering her things, Rei follows suit. 
“Aren't you supposed to be taking us home?” Yujin looks at you. She already knows how this will play out, but she wants to make her point.
“You could always wait outside for him.” Wonyoung responds for you with a cocky smile. There's no way she is letting you go.
“Why do you need him, anyway?” Rei asks.
“Rei, sweetie, look at her hand.” Yujin turns to her but gestures her hand out towards you—towards your lap. 
“Oh. OH!” You can see in her face that she has so many questions, but the stare from Wonyoung makes her keep her mouth shut.
“Let's go,” Yujin places a hand on Rei's shoulder.
The two girls are walking away from you, and all you can do is watch their asses leave. Leggings hug one, the other in shorts, both thick. Plump asses, firm thighs, wide hips. The stretchy material of their clothing barely constrains them.
"Alright, now let's get down to business." Wonyoung immediately shifts to sit astride your thigh. It's not that she doesn't know that Rei and Yujin will spend their whole journey home talking about you two. It's just that she doesn't care. 
She's straddling you. Her own leg pinning against your hard bulge. Wonyoung rolls herself along you, sending pleasure radiating in ripples throughout your body. Wonyoung smiles mischievously. "We've got half an hour, maybe."
Her hot breath hitting your face. It's hard to be sure how much of it is from her arousal and how much from the intense dancing not ten minutes ago.
"Fuck, that was so hot. The idea of Gaeul getting her pretty mouth fucked." Wonyoung lets out a satisfied sigh as she sinks her hips against your clothed leg. "Did you see her face? I bet she was creaming at just the memory."
Wonyoung's fingers slip under your waistband, then her hand follows them, wrapping around you and pumping. "You liked it." The confirmation is in her hand, but the grin on her face grows, evidently pleased to find your arousal. She licks her lip hungrily and gives a slow pump of her hand. "That's perfect. I really need a cock right now. In my throat."
As she says it, she backs off your lap, stands and steps away. Just a slight separation, but the difference is enormous: the absence of her hot, wet centre creates a vacuum—impossible to ignore.
She's already twisting around on her heels. Then she pulls her tight, tiny shorts down and takes her thong with them, squatting slightly to pass the clothes over her legs, leaving her bare ass in front of your face. She turns back to you, wearing only her skin tight tank top. Her sodden cunt is now right there, bare and as pretty as ever. "Clothes off."
Obedient and efficient, you pull at the bottom of your shirt to lift it over your head. There's no slow tease, just business: you lift your hips and pull off your shorts and underwear together, while kicking off your shoes.
"Get up," is her instruction, the stern bite on her voice only seeming to harden her demeanour. Wonyoung takes your place on the bench, sitting delicately, like an idol would. Cross-legged and her hands atop her knee. Her top still hugging her frame. She raises one hand and angles a single finger towards you, her wrist pointing to the ceiling. She beckons you, parting her plump lips and resting her head against the mirror behind her.
Mouth, Wonyoung signals again and, with that, you're moving towards her.
Wonyoung demands your attention. Everything about her is inviting: the playful half-lidded gaze as her tongue swirls in her mouth and she lets it roll slowly along her lip. Even just the sharp cut of her jaw and long strands that frame it are striking and you'll be the last one to object to giving her what she asks for.
"Shh." A sharp sound. Her lips purse. Inviting. "come here."
Without a sound, your stiff cock presses toward Wonyoung's silky-smooth face. Though her lips are glistening and begging for you to glide in, they rest unmoving, arrogantly waiting for you to do the work. It is only for a brief moment, but it's infuriatingly unhelpful. The silence breaks though, and she groans in a mix of anticipation and irritation and tilts her face up, angling her hips against the edge of the bench as a soft hiss escaped her lips. "Now."
Your hand tangles into her hair as she wraps her mouth around you—wet, warm and oh-so very inviting. And she wastes no time in pushing forward and dragging your head in deeper, enveloping you, with her tongue sliding on the underside of your length. And she hums gently, the vibrations reaching you and rippling through the depths of your groin. She is eager for your cock, her hands reaching and clawing. A controlling grasp on your hips.
Your hands remain firmly wound into the strands of her hair, gripping as if you are afraid of floating away, all the blood in your system rushing to your centre, dizzying your brain. She began pulling your hips against her, directing the movements and ensuring each pump brought another inch into her mouth. She continues eagerly. Wonyoung's technique was a blend of savouring and indulgence, an incarnation of sheer passion.
Even from beneath you, Wonyoung maintains all power. She guides you without the slightest hint of effort. The flex of her shoulder, the flow of her arm. She pulls you in.
Every pump bringing your hips closer and closer to her face. Every move is for her, from the angle of her head to the arch of her spine and even the hollowing of her cheeks. She owns the power in your body—and she wants it that way too, drawing you ever deeper, encouraging more movement, silently coaxing and promising a glorious reward at the end.
Keep going. Words unspoken but never more clearly conveyed. The flutter of her eyelids and the fire they temporarily conceal. Her throat contracting against the tip of your cock every time she guides you in. The warm comfort of the excess saliva running from her lower lip.
Eyes fixed on her pretty face and innocent gaze through the not-so-innocent act. Everything around you in a haze.
Captivating. Her movements never waiver and her determination is infallible as your mind clouds and you feel that coil in your belly tighten and constrict and burn through. You know this can't last forever. No matter how much you wish it could, but you're lost in the trance and there's nothing that could break you out of it—except maybe Yuj—fuck, not now.
Wonyoung stops, throwing you a look as if she knows. As if she felt the doubt inside you. She parts her lips and draws her head back.
In a move that washes away all those doubts, Wonyoung brings right leg over left and follows through the movement, lifting her legs onto the bench, feet flat and knees in the air. Back flat against the bench. Head suspended from the end of it.
You're on autopilot, following her face down, your soaked cock leading the way. You shift, putting your knees on the hardwood floor.
She puckers her lips, closing her eyes and arching her back. Wonyoung lures you in. Her tongue curls and reels you inside her mouth. Just an inch and then two, then three, then four. Your eyes revel at the sight. The mirror to your side only elevates the experience as you watch your cock disappear in her. Two Wonyoungs laid side by side, taking two cocks.
Wonyoung continues arching as you push on. Further and further and further.
Until... no more.
Until her eyes squeeze shut and the walls of her throat clenches, seizing down on you.
A strangled moan rasps in your throat as you lunge forward, trying desperately, selfishly, to press beyond the possible. You could lose to her right here and now. 
Not now, no, not yet, not without fucking that tight little throat first.
Her throat bulging with the girth of your cock, her muscles desperately attempting to repel the foreign invasion.
Air is at a premium for the petite girl strewn out on the end of your cock. And yet, she settles, relaxes. She feels at home with a throat full of cock. Her long, slender legs remain folded together, yet while you were caught up in the intensity of entering her mouth, Wonyoung found the time to bury a hand between her thighs.
She's fucking her own hand. Rotating her hips and squeezing her thighs.
You draw out of her mouth, only for a second, just to give her the gasp of air she so desperately needs before you fuck into her throat again. Her legs clench as you thrust. Every little bit of pleasure that Wonyoung desires, she gets—as always.
There it is again, the vibrations against your tip as she moans.
Your fists full of hair and now, you pound into her pretty little mouth without pause. Creating the lewdest of sights. Wonyoung on the verge of orgasm, her face filled with you. 
She's only becoming more of a mess as you fuck it, the saliva pouring from her mouth running over her. You keep going for so long that she’s spluttering. She’s choking now between the brief moments you give her, just like Gaeul was in her story. This is what Wonyoung wants, exactly how she wanted it. 
It’s funny that for a girl so intent on you not making a mess of her, this is what she has become. She just has to really want it. Duly noted.
And god, is she fucking loving it. The pleasure washes over her as her body wriggles, and you continue your thrusting. She continues her own. Together, you take her to her peak. And you don't stop. Her hand doesn't stop—pushing past it, forcing herself into a state of bliss.
It's messier still. It's so fucking messy when she cums. Tears streaming. Saliva drooling. Sticky cum enveloping her hand.
And it's good. It's so fucking good when she moans on your cock. It's soft. It's tight. It vibrates, sucks—holds you and stimulates you. Her throat is—if only for a moment—the best sex toy that money can’t buy.
You have to give it to her, she’s playing the role of toy perfectly.
This toy? It plays with you.
She pushes her hand against the base of your cock. No more fucking. No more exploring the depth of her delicate throat. She had just came, after all.
That’s what matters to her.
You—you're on the edge and hanging on for dear life. The knot is twisted so tight that it hurts. And holding you on that edge is Wonyoung, holding you by the cock. An unmoving hand. If you weren't already on your knees, you would fall to them.
"Fuck, that was good." Wonyoung peeks around the cock she holds above her face, a wry smile painting her lips.
You want to reply, but your need to cum is clouding your mind like the most powerful of drugs. Words are just letters floating around your mind. Intoxicated by a woman, as you have been so many times. She's not just any woman.
"What's wrong? Aww, do you want to cum?" She playfully, with no real grip, twists and pulls her hand on your cock. It's not enough.
You let out a huff and nod.
She flashes an evil grin. "How about on my face?"
It's not something she's ever offered before. As much as you thought, so many times, about covering her pretty face in your cum, you never expected her to offer it. Perhaps that alone should serve as a warning. Too good to be true.
But at this point, you don't give a fuck. In her throat, on her face, you just need her to give you a sweet release. You chase it, pushing your hips towards her hands, desperately searching for friction. Blinded by lust, as dumb as a dog.
"First, tell me something." It says a lot about her. How she can be mostly naked, on her back underneath you, freshly fucked throat and all. And somehow she holds all the cards in this situation. "Did you fuck Yujin?"
"No..." It's not strictly a lie. You never put your cock inside her.
"I saw your dirty faces, the way you look at each other. And the way she told that story, about you, with you right there."
"Wonyoung. We didn't fuck. But even if we did, would that be so bad?"
"But she let you cum on her?” Wonyoung laughs aloud and starts playfully stroking your cock again. "You should have fucked her."
The action of her hand is torture, keeping you dangling and off balance. You were so close to the release and now she is holding you over the precipice, with no warning of a fall either way. You're as lost for words as you are for action. But truthfully, is it even a surprise that Wonyoung doesn't care if you do fuck her friend? She is the one cheating on her boyfriend, after all. Your only crime may be not telling her first.
"Now, will you cum on my face already? I know Yujin will never let you do this." And that’s it. The crux of it all. It all makes sense, doesn’t it? The reason this is happening, any of this here in this room, is because she refuses to be outshone. She intends to match act for act with all her friends, except Yujin. Yujin, she wants to beat—and the game is you.
And the irony is, she would never let her boyfriend do any of this.
"Fuck, Wony, you're insane," you grit, nearly delirious. This couldn't get any better. Two identical hot girls, mirrored and now they're getting even more adventurous. And Wonyoung finally ready to give you the satisfaction of blowing a load on her face? You couldn’t care less why it was happening, only that it was.
You fucking into her grip. In some metaphor for the whole relationship, your hips do work while her hand guides, keeping you aimed at her innocent face. She softly closes her eyes, slightly parting her lips. Waiting. She looks so beautiful, relaxed and comfortable, despite knowing what was coming. Despite the saliva still running from her mouth. Despite the post orgasm glow on her face.
"Anytime now." Wonyoung opened one eye, her face still pointing directly upwards. "Don’t make me ask again."
The feeling takes over, starting at the root of your spine, in the base of your gut, and bubbling like a cauldron ready to explode. Her soft hand strokes harder, working you the last few paces as her tongue slips past her pink lips, flicking over them gently.
The sensations erupt. That familiar hot-cold tingle. Those electrifying nerves firing off. You buck wildly, firing off ribbons of cum across Wonyoung's flawless, innocent face. Her lips spread apart in a wide open-mouthed gasp and then shut immediately afterwards.
And, amidst the spurting of cum and the euphoric high, Wonyoung deviously began licking, slurping, sucking. Swiping the fluid off her lips, catching every shot. Her face is the image of debauchery. You're fixated—stretching out the few remaining seconds of orgasm as your cock twitches in her hand and on her face. She's draining you dry with her naughty smirk.
Even when it’s over and done, she maintains that same confident look on her face. Her nose and lips are shiny and dripping with cum. But she never hesitates; her mouth parts and her tongue juts out, curling up to you. Your cock disappears inside, a wet-hot paradise. She's cleaning you. Swirling her tongue and sliding up the length, pulling off the mess. Sucking on the tip to coax the last remnants to pool inside her waiting mouth.
Your body burns. Satisfaction seeping out your limbs and leaving your body weightless, barely holding yourself over her on the wooden bench.
She draws you out. Dripping with her spit. Hanging heavy. Sensitive as her mouth lets go and pulls back, the suction releasing. Then, lips tight, mouth closing, her neck moving as she swallows.
Wonyoung twists and rises, sitting again the bench, in your kneeled position this leaves you eye to eye.
Pain. Stinging.
So much of it on your left cheek.
She just slapped you. She fucking slapped you. You're bigger than her, stronger than her, and yet you feel so small.
"Next time you fool around with another girl, you get my permission first."
Her voice is icy. You shake your head, holding your face. Staring at your reflection in the mirror; you're flush but one cheek is redder than the other. And you can see her too. She’s pulling up part of her top, wiping away most of your cum—the bits that didn’t already fall onto her body or into her hair, anyway. Her face looks like an angel's, but her actions betraying the illusion.
"Now make it up to me." She's looking at you through the reflection. Then, turning and facing you directly, she reaches out to hold you by the jaw, pulling your focus back to her. It’s hard to believe that she’s the one cheating here.
She slaps you again.
You're locked in a cold and silent stare. Tied together by tension. 
You're stunned. Left at her mercy. Wonyoung dips her head forward, going in for a kiss, her heart-shaped lips plant directly on your own and before you know it, you're returning the kiss.
It's rough, and it's messy. She bites at you—hard—while her fingers claw your skin, running along your muscles. All until suddenly she pulls you, guides you. Not physically, but that's certainly what it feels like. Such is your response. You take her place on the bench, sitting while she leans over you.
Wonyoung breaks the kiss and leaves you to watch the scene unfold and admire her perfect form, lithe and slender but not without toned definition, which is exactly why she could pull off outfits that would send men insane, simply based on how she looks underneath.
Her hands splay across her flawless flesh. Deliberately. Slowly.
Never a movement out of place and ensuring her head is held high and regal—a queen's demeanour.
Standing over you. Looking down upon you, no less arrogant than before. It’s her natural position. Her default state. To have power over man.
If she didn't look so angelic, you'd swear she's a devil.
Starting at her shoulders, fingertips slipping over the porcelain skin of her arms until they reach the elbows and hop over to her waist, gripping the hem of her tank top. It doesn't sit as tight as it did before—bunched up, a little twisted, and dashed in cum. It doesn't sit in any fashion for much longer as she pulls it overhead in a single motion. The top lands discarded and forgotten. Her hair, damp and ruffled, now cascades over her petite shoulders in thick strands.
She's bare now. Head to toe. Your eyes dart all over, drinking her beauty like a tall glass of water. Taking in all her stunning details—she is a perfect portrait of a perfect woman, a fantasy even.
This image has been burned into your mind many times over. Yet somehow, each and every time feels new. Awestruck, you admire her petite body, the lean and firm muscles, and just enough of a pair of breasts that gravity calls their name.
"Wony. You're so—"
"I know." She cocks an arrogant smirk.
"I think—"
"I know." She stalks slowly closer. Like a predator over its prey.
"I want to—"
"Oh. I know." She's so damn cute when she giggles. It almost feels inappropriate for what's going down. And then the little devil rears within her again, manifesting in her expression. Darker than it was before.
Her fingers trace her flat stomach, rising and falling in time with her breaths. A cadence to them which tells a story of excitement, no less excited than the first time she teased you in your car. Now here, and over a month later, you still haven't gotten your fill. Even this—maybe especially this—could never be enough. The slightest and subtlest hints of arousal are beautiful on her. She's practically purring when she perches on top of you and pins you back against the mirror by the shoulders.
"Who does your big dick belong to?" She poses the question while delicately lowering herself onto you, staring into your eyes. You hesitate to answer, too stricken by the image of Wonyoung finding a comfortable seat on you.
"You." No matter what your relationship might be or who else was involved, in this moment, like so many before it, you are hers and no other. "Fuck me, Wonyoung, please."
"So very needy." The words roll off her tongue as the heat of her cunt skates up toward your middle. So close against your skin, you can feel her pulse throb against your stomach. Her petite ass pressing down onto your stiff cock. Her hands spread wide and palms flat on your chest, steadying her, giving her strength. Her hips roll, coating you with the wetness between her thighs. Back arched, neck strained, head tilting upwards. Every muscle flexes in her exposed form.
She is unadulterated eroticism, every grind of her hips and caress of her hands. An utter marvel.
"Don't. Move." Every word has her breath caught in her throat.
Been through this so many times before that there's an unspoken understanding. Wonyoung scoots her body over you. Hand reaching for your cock. Delicate fingers. Dainty, as she grips it, guiding, angling it against her. Lower, lower until—she finds the entrance and presses it against herself. A sharp intake of air. Her eyes squeezed closed. She holds there for a second until gravity takes control, hips dropping to impale her onto your length.
Your eyes roll back and so does your mind, back to the view of Wonyoung's body moving during the dance. Does she know she's mirroring those mesmerising hip movements on you? Maybe not. But it doesn't change anything. Not to Wonyoung. She does it so naturally—the consummate performer, who knows what works.
You're looking down. Down. Down to where she's perched on your dick. Admiring her tight cunt, working so hard to take you in. Muscles gripping. Walls clenching. Stretching to fit. Working her body downward.
Her ass never rests on you. This is all her work. Perpetual motion. Constant and consistent. Down and then up and then down and back up. Gradual. Calculated and controlled. Fingers raking at your chest as the motion of her body doubles as the dance, sending that intoxicating swaying motion through her and into you.
Eyes travel up. How her toned abs flex. Trim and petite. It all only serves to highlight just how pretty a figure she cuts. Elegant and alluring. Sinking down, squeezing you into her.
Higher. Her perky little tits in front of your face. Smooth, perfect, porcelain.
Higher. Her sharp collarbone, all the little contours, carved for her as though by the most brilliant artisan.
Higher. Neck curved, shifting from her swallow and gasp.
To her blood-red lips. They part and between them her tongue flicks, hitting her front teeth before she bites down on her lower lip. It stifles a soft moan until it's barely a whisper.
And her eyes. Sheer focus. Not on you. But on the mirror behind you.
On her own reflection.
All the time you spend to admire her, she is doing the same thing. Staring herself up and down. It is selfish and greedy. An egotistical desire. An intimate moment—with the person she truly loves most.
It's narcissism taken to a degree you've never seen before. An addictive kind of worship. For both of you.
"Wony..." holding your eyes up to hers, watching her as she's watching herself. She looks like a goddess. "Does it feel good? I love the feeling of my cock inside you," you say in an attempt to gain her focus. "Fuck. You're perfect."
A soft exhale as her eyes lock onto yours for just a moment, then her lashes flutter closed.
She takes a hand from your chest and plants it over your mouth. Her eyes flicker back to life and she's got them on the mirror again.
She's aggressive now. The girl in the mirror is hitting her hips harder than before onto the cock beneath her. Her crotch hitting against your own. You can't help but steer into the skid, being the silent participant she desires. You're pawing your hands at her cunt now. Figuring out then matching her rhythm and pushing your finger against her clit. It's obscene, hearing her wet cunt smacking against your legs.
Her almost silent focus breaks. She's not stifling her moans anymore.
And fuck you for saying this: but watching her watch herself makes the moment fucking magical.
Her eyebrows knitting as the tides of pleasure crash over her. Her lower lip quivering. The wrinkles on her nose. Her chest fluttering. A struggle to maintain her posture.
She's shaking. From her arms to her knees and through to the tips of her fingers.
She throws herself forward against you.
Head on your shoulder. Her forehead against the glass.
Wonyoung's entire body is convulsing on you. A string of incomprehensible cries echoing against the empty walls. You grab at the flesh of her ass with your hands, clamping her tight, encouraging her to keep pushing back into you and ride out the orgasm. She is shaking violently in your embrace. She is grinding, squeezing, tightening, and quaking all at once.
You run a hand up her moist back, along her spine. Meeting many moistened locks of hair, sticking to her skin. You hold your hand at the top of her back, supporting her limp frame against you.
Her mouth is right by your ear. You listen to the final quiet noises of bliss escaping her. Washing out of her. She lets you know just how good it was, if not from those satisfied groans and the shuddering of her body, then from the deluge of her arousal pooling around your cock and her cunt. She is dripping cum. Hot and sticky, in more than one spot. It was messy. Messy, but it was unbridled fun.
"What the fuck was that?" you whisper. She raises her head off your shoulder and leans back, sitting tall on top of you. Still, your cock is inside, throbbing and ready for its turn. Her hands snake to your jaw and hold it tightly.
"Exactly what I needed."
"And the mirror thing?"
"What can I say? I look pretty when I'm fucking." Wonyoung laughs, soft and breathy, an intimate moment shared only by you two. Now it’s not like you should be surprised by any of it. On a scale of one to ten, Wonyoung is an eleven, though you imagine you asked her. She would give herself a twelve.
The hands leave your jaw, only to be replaced with the pressure of Wonyoung pressing forward again to kiss you. More? Finally.
"You wanna cum again?" she asks, words separated by kisses before moving to your neck.
"Mmmm..." is all the answer you can give, distracted by the feeling of her body shifting against yours.
Wonyoung pulls back from your neck to look at you, burrowing her hand into the hair at the back of your head. She squeezes into a fist, forcing a grimace of pain from you, which brings a grin to her lips.
"Is that a yes?" Her voice a blade edge against your ears.
"Fuck. Yes. Of course."
"That's what I thought." The sly girl, hiding the self-assured vixen underneath her exquisite exterior. "Stand. I want you to fuck me against the mirror."
Still planted to the hilt inside her, you begin to stand.
You're unable to pull out of the tight wet warmth that is Jang Wonyoung. Her grip tight on you—coiling around your cock—effectively pinning you in her. Her body melts against you like candle wax. Warm and lax.
She's weightless as you stand, her slender frame clasped around your body. It's easy to manhandle a girl this small—one of your hands, pressed firmly to her back, can encompass her tiny waist. Your other arm hooks under her ass, holding her suspended. And, for the time being, all of her is draped over and around you.
You press her to the cold mirror, and she shudders, arching her back. Her entire body stretches as if trying to get further from it—leaving a smear of sweat on it. Legs lock around your hips. Folded tight. Locking in the key. Caging you between her thighs. You hold her with a single hand now—curling it under her tiny ass. Fingertips gripping, digging into flesh. The other against the mirror—for balance.
You bend your knees, taking position, gaining posture. The slightest movement it causes inside her brings a gasp. She's clinging tighter to you. Her arms coil around your shoulders, her ankles crossed around the small of your back, her core tightening and squeezing her pelvis forward—grinding herself into you. The squeeze on your cock exhilarates. The pressure is immense—inside and outside. You've never had her this tight.
A rumble rasps through your vocal chords as a growl escapes your mouth. It vibrates against the warmth of her neck and into her small frame.
"Come on, give it to me, don’t hold back" her lips barely move as they whisper against you.
"Is that what you want, Wonyoung? You want me to fuck you as hard as I can against the mirror?" Your hips press firmly against hers. Her tight cunt does its best to embrace you.
"Fuck. Yes."
That was all the cue you needed, drawing back and then slamming yourself deep in her—and back again—forming the thrust into a series of unforgiving blows.
She bounces between your pelvis and the cool glass, rattling as her naked form is hit against the mirror. Small, supple and yielding, taking your full force, each movement amplified and exaggerated in her tiny frame. Her cries—from shock, surprise, pleasure, and delight—they echo. The lewd smacks of flesh hitting, the loud moans and the heat. It all collides right here on the wall of the studio.
It's frantic. It's furious. It's fucking euphoric. You're locked inside a beauty who is getting filled to the absolute brim by your cock. It's a power rush—Wonyoung's eternal play on control and dominance being robbed from her and your ability to just keep pounding into her tight, wet cunt.
"Ah!" Wonyoung winces. You pause for a brief second. Did she really mean stop? But a moment later, her lips curl into a grin, "Yes! Harder! Don't hold back. I need you to wreck my fucking pussy!"
And it begins anew—all the noise. The bouncing, slamming and swearing. And despite the fire and the fury, you can sense a strange calm. Like this is exactly where the two of you are supposed to be. This is exactly where the both of you always needed to be. Right here. In the moment. Because Wonyoung doesn't need a man and she didn't need someone who would fall at her feet and treat her like royalty—she has enough of those. No, all she ever needed was a dick who could fuck her within an inch of her life.
A hard slam sends Wonyoung crashing back to the mirror with a shrill yelp and a wide grin. "Yes! Exactly like that!"
Firm fingers twist into your flesh, her hands clawing, desperately grasping at anything she could find to ground her, all while your brutal assault continues unabated, sending waves of ecstasy cascading through both bodies. Her wails rise and break—crescendos interrupted—but never stopped. Both of you are a complete mess as the furious fuck brings out everything each of you are. The deep animalistic desires. And when you hear her scream, it is a different kind of high.
"Don't stop! Don't you dare fucking stop! Don't fucking sto—mm!" she struggles and gasps for breath, struggling to keep track of her words, the raging bonfire between her legs clouding her mind. "F-fuck..."
"Cumming? Cum." The only words you could manage. You could feel it too, the rising tide. A mountain climber, clinging to the peak, each and every muscle engaged in the fight.
"Yes—" her breath is snatched before another animalistic moan. "Don't stop." She pulls at your hair, claws at your back, a fierce warning. "Don't fucking cum yet."
She holds, gripping onto the ridge, the muscles in her arms, in her legs, her hands tense. The world turns, spinning, and spiralling—the two of you holding tight to one another, both grunting with the strain. She is cumming now, you know it. She spasms against you, against the mirror, and she’s becoming ever more difficult to hold.
Your feet are failing you, threating to give way. In a desperate act, you spin from the wall, drop to your knees, taking Wonyoung with you. There's no stopping you now. Feral. Bestial. Both of your bodies crashing together. She's arching, clawing, and pulling and urging you forward. On the hardwood floors, you fuck like animals. Your legs may have given way, but your hips don't surrender. Don't succumb to the exertion. You're fucking her in to the floor. Her tiny ass pressed against it.
The thundering smack of flesh.
Tumultuous breathing and roaring, unbroken moans.
Arching, bending.
Heating and rising.
You're right on the edge.
She never lets you finish inside.
"Wonyoung, I..."
"Don't fucking dare." Her voice sharp. You hold on to the feeling for dear life. "On me."
It's enough. You accept that it’s never in her. Never before on her, but now twice in a day. It’s enough. She can't possibly mean it...
"I'm—Fuck, I'm..."
"On me. Yes. Cum allover me." She releases you from her grasp and you pull back to your knees. She spreads herself for you. Arms out to her side, palms flat on the hardwood floors, legs pulled apart with her knees resting on your hips. Presenting for you.
Your hand wraps around your shaft, throbbing and hot to touch. You beat your cock for a few quick seconds, with balls tight, with Wonyoung laid prone for you, watching you stroke your cock. 
Watching her. She arches, presses herself upwards, offering her breasts, her stomach... her face.
You don't have any time to think. It is happening.
You unload on her with a sharp grunt, met with a shocked gasp. Coating her petite form. The white stuff gliding across her porcelain skin, decorating the gorgeous girl beneath you. The lean cut of a dancer, now adorned in your cum. You shoot ropes of it across her perky little tits and narrow stomach and her pretty face. A sticky sheen glazes her and drips down. Her tongue flickers, collecting what she can and her mouth hungrily welcomes each droplet.
What's this, you wonder? Is this to be her addiction?
Every motion of her body screams need, sexual need. She wants it all, greedily licking and lapping it up as you drop the final rivulets of cum onto her tummy.
You're captivated as you watch Wonyoung, laying patiently under a sputtering of cum, a thin layer glossing parts her body. She didn't bother to wipe it or scoop it up, instead; it ran down her, following the channels carved out by her subtle contours. A work of art in your eyes—this pretty face, contorted in twisted lust—at the feeling of hot, sticky fluid painting her perfect body.
In all these moments you two have shared, this truly is a first. A messy, debauched cum covered Wonyoung.
"Does it feel good to cover me with your cum?"
You nod.
"Say it. Out loud, I can see it in your eyes. You like seeing your cum on my pretty little face? On my body?"
"I fucking love it, Wony," you mutter and she laughs, a laugh somewhere between playful and impish.
"I feel filthy," Wonyoung confesses with a devilish smirk. "I bet you love to hear that?"
"Yes. Yes," you breathe the words out as you desperately try to catch your breath. Her leg comes up, sliding her toes along the underside of your sensitive cock. Too sensitive.
"Agh," you flinch. "Fuck."
She pushes the tip of your cock against your stomach, rubbing her toes on it and you start to pull away, the friction causing pain.
"Stay." Her tone is a firm demand, in control of the situation—despite her current state. Your body obeys the instruction. Her toes start to roam across your softening cock again. Slick with her fluids. She twists, rubbing the shaft. Pinches, rubbing the head. Pulls, tugging down. The intensity of stimulation is mind numbing. A sick mixture of pain and pleasure.
"Who's the best?" Wonyoung asks. It takes a few seconds to process, a delay, and longer than normal. Your brain fogged. Too much to even formulate words.
"Who's the best, hm? Answer me." Her demand is no louder but feels heavier. Her foot slides down your cock, pushing at the base, pushing at your balls. 
Your words are slow to follow.
"Wonyo—" she presses more, and a shock runs up the base of your spine. "Agh...you. Wonyoung, you." Your words choke up. "You're the best."
"Thought so."
Another moment of silent pause. She puckers her lips, sucking up and swallowing a patch of your cum that found it’s way to her hand. It draws your eyes to her, a silent spectacle. She locks on you, her gaze so steady and so piercing.
"And, who's going to clean this mess up so we don't get caught?"
"Me." The words tumble out, falling off your lips.
"Good. Your bathroom is down the hall. Don't get caught, and don't leave a trace." She recoils her foot and then climbs out of the mess the two of you left on the floor. Her step is awkward. Your load is now starting to harden on her. Her calves slick from her own cum. The gloss of it shining on her skin.
All the time, her face beaming. Satisfied and glowing. Wonyoung is relishing her depraved state. She doesn't wait for you to follow. Not even a look as she collects her clothes. Her shorts with the thong. Her completely ruined tank top. Both shoes. She starts to walk, again with that awkward gait.
After only a couple of steps she looks over her shoulder, back at you, still subdued on the floor. "By the way. That was your best yet. That… was amazing." She smiles softly and heads to the changing room. She disappears. Leaving your mind and your imagination to swirl as you stare at her spot on the floor long after she was gone.
The cum, her sweat, the stickiness—all the marks that prove she was there, the evidence that paints a picture of what went on in this dance studio.
You never see her leave. She must have slipped out between trips to and from the bathroom, and then the janitor's closet, which you eventually found. You thank the stars for Wonyoung's privilege—that meant no staff are needed on the evenings she is here.
What a strange silence it was as you cleaned—nothing but the rain outside. An unsettling contrast between what went on before. Almost tranquil—like that weird place just before waking, before reality has time to assert itself and erase the dream of the night before. 
"It's dance practice tonight. I take it you'll be there again, following Wonyoung as usual?" Yujin mocks you playfully while playing with her straw between her delicate fingers. Her glass half-full of milkshake which she lazily stirs and drinks. Drinks loudly with a slurp on the straw.
"Don't you want me there?" you reply after swallowing the last bite of your meal and setting down your cutlery. The cafeteria is as lively as ever. Aside from this particular table, where it's only the two of you. It's not the type of table just anyone can take a seat at—Wonyoung wouldn't allow it.
"Doesn't matter. Wony's the one that invited you."
"She just wants me to—"
"Wants you to fuck her. Yeah, we all know." Yujin lets go of her straw, and it settles into the milkshake. You both lean back in the plastic cafeteria seats. She crosses her arms. "And no, it's not that I'm jealous. Don't even try it."
"I didn't say anything." You show her the palms of your hands. Not guilty is your plea.
"At least if I hang around, I can take you guys home, right? No need for your father to send a car." Always the people pleaser, you are.
"And did that happen last week? No, it didn't." Yujin picks up her drink and takes a slurp from the straw while staring at you. It's hard to tell if she's actually annoyed at you. Her words would say so, but her tones remain calm and soft when she speaks.
Besides, she knows that she could just as easily make the same demands Wonyoung does, and you'd be on your knees for her in a second.
But it's been 8 whole days since that night at Yujin's house. And she's yet to even hint that she wants it to happen again. The more you think about it, the more confused you get.
"Not interrupting am I? I can give you some alone time if you like?" Gaeul places her hand on your shoulder, looking down at you and grinning.
"Not funny Gaeul. And no. Sit." Unusually cold from Yujin, she avoids your eye and gives Gaeul a short-tempered response.
Gaeul walks around behind Yujin, giving you a wide-eyed glare as she goes. As if to say 'what did you do?' It's impossible to answer with words. It's all too much, too tangled.
She takes a seat next to Yujin, placing her iced coffee on the table along with her protein bar. It's typical Gaeul. She's always on the move, living life at an aggressive pace, constantly busy. Even now she's on her phone, scrolling through something. You can't see what from this angle, and you've barely got the chance to catch her eyes and smile at her. But her face lights up, the brightness mirrored as you smile back.
"They're announcing the casts tonight for the graduation performances." Yujin nods as her finger points toward Gaeul's phone.
"We already know how it's going to go down. They’re not going to deny the money and status of a Jang. And we’ll be there to back her up." Gaeul pauses and takes a sip of her drink. "For us anyway. That's all that matters."
Gaeul slips the phone back into her bag and then scoops up the protein bar, starting to unwrap it. Before she takes a bite she asks you, "what about you? Why didn't you ever sign up to anything?"
"Because he's too busy sitting in the back of dance classes staring at our asses," Yujin answers for you.
"Actually, I'm still new here, remember? I just haven't got around to it yet."
"Yeah, because you're too busy staring at our asses," Yujin persists with a coy smile.
"Sure. Let's call it that. So I've been too busy staring at your asses to sign up for any classes."
"Alright, not too loud." Gaeul laughs. How did the conversation always end up going the same way? And how are you always in the middle of it? Thankfully, Gaeul decides to bail you out. "So, bro, any plans to go to the party tomorrow night?"
"You mean the one I didn't get an invitation to?" you're quick to ask back.
"You can be my plus one."
"Boyfriend not in town?" Yujin is quick to ask before you can reply to Gaeul.
"Nope. But I can't let that spoil my fun, plus it means I can bring a friend." Her eyes flutter back across to you. "Unless you've already got a plan for tomorrow night?"
"Sure, why not? Not like I've got much else going on. Are you going to be there, Yujin?"
Yujin swallows the last slurp of her milkshake, the loud straw sucking noise filling the void of the pause. "I'll be there. Actually, I need you tomorrow, before the party."
"Yes. You're going to help me pick a dress." It's not exactly the exciting rendezvous that sprung to mind. You weren't even sure exactly why you had to go. Why Yujin would need your opinion?
You open your mouth to speak but before even a syllable comes out, you spot Wonyoung across the room, heading towards the three of you. Yujin catches on and follows your gaze, not long before Gaeul follows suit, twisting in her chair. For a moment, the three of you are watching Wonyoung stride over the tiled floor. Each footstep seems to make the world grow quieter. People all around seem to part for her. It's not even conscious on their part.
It's hypnotising. It's captivating. It's utterly spellbinding the way she moves.
She has a sense of dignity, class, and poise. There's an elegance to her, and just a hint of sway in her hips. At the same time, Wonyoung's every movement also screams of a fierce strength. An undercurrent of steel. Not intimidating—not intentionally at least. Maybe simply the natural impression of a strong young woman, fearlessly unapologetic.
She reaches the three of you, greeting with a grin. "Did I miss much?"
Gaeul is the first to reply. "Just talking about the party."
"Oh exciting. I've seen the guest list. I can't wait." Wonyoung slides gracefully into the seat by your side, carefully placing her designer bag on the table. No need for her to say any more, Wonyoung and high-brow parties go hand-in-hand.
The room around you is slowly, subtly coming back to life. Sounds from everywhere start, one by one, to creep back in. The conversations return. The low hubbub. The clattering of trays. It's getting loud again.
Wonyoung continues, "and I do need to get out of the house. Father is away again and mother drives me insane."
"He's away again?" Yujin asks, shuffling in her seat and then leaning forward. She brings her palm to her chin and her elbow onto the table.
"New York this time. Something like that. Company business." Wonyoung dismisses. You are well aware that they've never been close. He's worked from the earliest day she can remember up until now—that’s the life of the head of a chaebol. She told you before about how he's rarely home. And even when his body is, his mind is still half-way around the globe. His wife probably suffers for it, too. She raises the kids alone.
And look, you were never one to pry, so the details aren't all there, but Wonyoung seemed confident that her father wasn't exactly faithful. The kind of stories you'd normally imagine just being made up by rich housewives who had too much time on their hands—but she told you he had quite the appetite for the kind of services the elite always seemed to appreciate.
"New York?" Yujin thinks for a moment, living in her own head. "I could do New York. Me and you? A girl’s trip. That sounds..."
"But what about the guy?" Gaeul points at you.
Wonyoung puts her hand on your leg, sliding down and rubbing your knee. "You'll stay here and wait for us, won't you?"
"Well, I was thinking that, you know, you could take him with you?" You never saw this coming. Maybe you should, but it caught you off guard. The three of you in the Big Apple for a week? Sign you the fuck up, and then some.
Not that you'd have a chance in hell of affording such a trip. The reality is often harsher than the dream.
"We could, but I don't think it would be fair on Yujin. Unless we..." It takes the others a moment to figure out exactly what Wonyoung is implying.
"No way, don't bring me into this. You already said that it would be weird. We’re too competitive."
They're speaking in tongues now and Gaeul's face full of confusion likely mirrors your own.
"What are you two talking about?" Gaeul questions, for her sake and yours. But before she get's an answer, she's looking out of the corner of her eye. She freezes for a minute and then turns to face the vice principal. She's headed right for your table and the four of you succumb to silence.
There's not many reasons a staff member would visit a group of students while they're eating at lunch. None of you are late with an assignment nor have you failed any tests. Not even a recent school event gone wrong. It must be something worse.
"Am I interrupting?" The Vice Principal stands over your table, looking over the four of you.
You all shake your head in unison, a lock of hair falling over Yujin's face, which she quickly sweeps back behind her ear.
The vice principal points in your direction, pointing right between your eyes. "You. Principal's office. Now."
The eyes of the girls fall on you. All of them shocked by the statement.
It's unheard of to be dragged into the Principal's office on a random Friday for seemingly no reason.
What's your first reaction? A chill in your stomach. Butterflies in flight, soaring. Fingers gripping tight to the fabric of your pants. Heart racing in your chest. Feeling dizzy. Lightheaded.
"Ummm. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?"
"You can ask the principal. Move."
"Take a seat." The principal gestures with an open hand at the two chairs across the desk from her. She's staring right at you through the reading glasses hanging on her face. Her perfectly pressed suit makes her look powerful—imposing. 
And this room? This tiny room, with its uncomfortable hard-backed chairs in front of the big imposing mahogany desk? That's as much of a psychological tactic as it is functional. Because you know this; everyone knows this: the people who sit in these chairs are invariably there to get told off.
This room is designed with a sole purpose; to cause you discomfort and make you feel small. Make you regret your actions. Remind you that this isn't a friend's house, and you don't get to act up here.
"Sit." She insists. The tone of voice is harsh, but you're certain there's an undertow of regret there too. You sit, almost falling into the chair in the most awkward and graceless way. It squeaks under the pressure, but thankfully, no sound comes out of your mouth. Not a peep.
"Effective today. You are expelled from the institution."
What the fuck?
"What the fuck?"
"You will be escorted off the premises immediately. Your bags, belongings and text books will all be packed and returned to you at your registered address."
"You can't do this!" Can they? How is this fair? What went wrong?
"You will not be able to return to campus, as the academic board has taken into consideration the severity and inappropriate nature of the events that occurred on the grounds."
The severity and inappropriate nature...
Her words—they hit hard. Suck the air out of the room, leave your lips dry, and a strange emptiness in your belly. Your fingers grip tight to the armrests of the chair, fighting for a grasp on any emotion—any hope or words to grasp onto.
There is nothing you can say. No reason or explanation you could offer. Nothing.
The walls around the both of you stand, large, impenetrable and collapsing on you.
"The evidence produced to myself was conclusive. You and an unknown partner committed obscene acts last week in the school library. That is grounds for expulsion without appeal."
Unknown partner? Of course.
Now what?
coup de théâtre
Next part
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pupyuj · 1 month
Need ur thoughts on baby daddy ive unnies 😊
since i’ve already covered jiwon and yujin before i’m only gonna do gaeul, rei, and wony here! 💕💕
[cw: pregnancy, lactation kink]
gaeul would be the sweetest baby daddy ever :(( i like the idea of the two of you being a long term couple who everybody always assumes that are married but actually aren’t 😭 and naturally gaeul would want a kid with you but due to thinking that you might not want one yet or ever, she ends up just staying quiet about it until you bring it up, in which her eyes literally light up as soon as you say “i’d love to have your baby” one night during a heart to heart 🥺🥺 after that talk, the two of you would then try to get pregnant every time you fuck! there’d be a different kind of hunger in gaeul’s eyes every time she’s on top of you—she fucks you in a way that feels good for you and her and to top it all off, she’s making sure not to waste a drop of her cum 😵‍💫 promises you so many sweet things in your ear after every thrust 🥺 things such as: “i’m gonna give you however many of my babies you want” and even taunting you almost?? “you want that, hm? you wanna be a mommy, my love??” 🤤💕 of course countless nights spent fucking and being a nightmare for your neighbours results in you having a perfectly healthy child in your belly months later 💞 now ik ya’ll were expecting something nasty and allat but gaeul is just . the angel ever so this was mostly just soft hours 😭
rei and her baby daddy moment would come as a welcome surprise methinks 🤓 getting you pregnant was neither planned nor unplanned 😭 yes, she frequently daydreamed about starting a family with her one true love but she wasn’t actively trying to knock you up every time you fucked! in fact, reibear is very careful and strict when it came to protection bcs the last thing she wanted to do was give you a baby you didn’t ask for 💀 so she was shocked in the best way when you gave her the big news with the happiest look on your face 🥺💞 rei would hug you, spin you around, then jump about the room with you before stopping abruptly to ask you if you really are happy with all of this and when you answer “yes” (bcs of course!!), she would jump around with you again 😭😭 ah, rei would be so happy that she’d just pick you up, put you on top of her desk, and give you the best head she’s ever given you in all your years of dating 🥰 and she’d honestly have an obsession with eating you out throughout your pregnancy and it is not just because she’s addicted to your taste! there’d be this whole misunderstanding where you’d start thinking that maybe rei was starting to get the ick seeing your stomach get bigger as her child grows inside you when really she’s… scared to do anything else 💀 hell, you’d even catch rei jerking herself off alone in your shared bedroom and she’d explain that she’d just been afraid to fuck you properly bcs she didn’t want to potentially hurt you and the kid ☹️
ofc you’d reassure rei with both words annnnd… riding her reverse cowgirl style and proving that you can be safe having sex while pregnant! 💕 and now onto actual baby daddy stuff; rei takes it all very seriously to the point where it’s so endearing 😭💘 she’s always on high alert when it comes to your needs and there’s never a moment where she’s far away enough to not immediately be there when you need her, such a sweet girl 🥺☹️ she’s giving your baby bump kisses, caressing it, staring lovingly at you while you take a nap in her arms… SHE’S JUST A WONDERFUL MOMMY UEUEUE 💔💔
wonyoung acts like a kid who has just been given a new toy when you drop the news on her head in the middle of a lovely friday afternoon after coming home from a doctor to confirm that yes, you are in fact pregnant with jang wonyoung’s child! and when i tell ya’ll she’s locked tf IN throughout your entire pregnancy.. 😭 actually leaves work to always be in the house and take care of you, never ever leaves your side, actually loses her mind when you so much as trip on air or get a paper cut, and is clingy and overprotective to the point it’s kinda annoying?? 😭 like you would actually have to sit her down and tell her to not stress about you and the kid bcs she’s already doing so much for the two of you 🥺 ofc she’d calm down then and be a bit more tame around you! 😭💞 ugh, wonyoung would be so sweet… constantly talking to your stomach in this baby voice and getting so happy when she puts her hand on it and feel your baby kick 🥺🥺 seeing you so happy carrying her child just makes her want to make more! and this is where her clinginess became rlly adorable bcs she’d just stare at you with shining eyes and a lil pout… you’d think she’s just being cute for no reason but nopeee~ let your eyes wander down a bit further and you’ll her cock fighting against the fabric of her jean shorts 🤤☺️
wonyoung would absolutely not let you do anything that requires you to do too much so she would actually have you sat on the couch while she’s standing up with her dick all hard and up in your face 😵‍💫 and even though you’re only using your hands and mouth on her, wonyoung is still asking you if you’re doing okay, praising you endlessly, and rewarding your hard work with the loveliest of moans, whines, and the softest hair pulling 🥰 cums all over your face, neck, chest area, and your tits… the sight of her seed dripping down your breasts just gives wonyoung the idea of her newest obsession! wonyoung + lactation kink is just a match made in heaven okay?? it’s impossible to not picture her just getting absolutely turned on at the idea of getting a taste of your breast milk and then actually going ahead to do exactly that when you decide to entertain her fantasy 🤤🤤 and she cums in her underwear while she does it. oops 🤭
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elryuse · 1 month
Hierarchy : The Series
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Part 1 : The Beginning
Part 2 : Jooshin High
Part 3 : New Faces, Same Cases
Part 4 : Truth Or Dare
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
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808airsoftbros · 2 months
How IVE Gets You Off From Your Games/Matches
Author: This will only contain 18+ members. If this goes well I will consider making this a future series. This idea randomly came up in my head and wanted to try this out. If you want to see more check out my Masterlist.
An Yujin
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When I say Yujin has her ways of getting her way, I mean it very well. She will do anything to get what she wants and what she wants right now is your attention
The only thing that stood in her way of your attention was your damn match in Titanfall 2
"Baby~," She'd call but you'd dismiss her promising that you'll be off soon but she didn't have the patience as she was needy
Sighing knowing that you're totally focused on the game but she knew how to take away your attention from the game
After putting on a spicy cat outfit that hugged her curves, she presents herself in front of the screen of your monitor
Expectantly, the outfit worked as you immediately paused the game to stare at her and she smirked
"How about you turn off the game and play with me instead~?" She suggested and you wasted no time turning off your PC and go to the bedroom soon after
Kim Gaeul
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Gaeul allowed you to play games whenever you wished whenever she was away busy with her idol life but when she returned she found you were still playing on a match longer than you were supposed to
She well established with you that she had a no video game rule when she was home because she wanted all of your attention on her
But she has better idea than whipping your ass with her belt and instead comes to a more gentle approach
"Hmmm... Isn't it getting hot in here?" She pretended to fan herself with her hands
Without warning she slowly stripped herself of her clothes, starting with her shirt and pants revealing her sexy black lacy undergarments
Although Gaeul wasn't exactly the curviest that doesn't make her less hot than her members as she has a beautiful and sexy slender body no man can't resist and you're no exception
You tried to focus on the game knowing what game she was playing at but Gaeul was ruthless showing no mercy towards you
When Gaeul took off her bra revealing her perky breasts and teasing you by squeezing them you got off the match early
Jang Wonyoung
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Wonyoung would act all cute and pouty trying to use her aegyo and charming skills to get you off the game but you were unfazed which made her pout even more
"Hmph. Guess I'll have to step things up..." She huffed and went to her closet
Wonyoung would go through her closet looking for any outfit that may catch your attention
"Let's see... No not this one... Hmm... No that won't do... Ah! Perfect!" She smirked devilishly
You just started up another match when Wonyoung walked in wearing a rather revealing maid outfit, her short skirt revealing her milky long thighs and legs, and parts of her ass, her top showing off her cleavage
You paid no attention at first but when you got a good lock your jaw dropped and she grinned knowing it was working but she wanted to teach you a lesson first
"Oh baby boy, aren't you playing a match~? Oh well, I guess you ain't getting a piece of me..." She mockingly said and went upstairs
With no other choice, you shut off the game and rushed upstairs after her where she'd be waiting in the bedroom
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There isn't much to be said about Rei...
Rei can be very scary if you piss her off and when she found you were still playing your PC when she wanted your attention at most she was angry
"Yah! Can't you see I'm home?!" She yelled but you didn't hear her with the noise cancellation headphones
Rei groaned in annoyance before she walked in front of you near your desk and literally flashed her A-cup-sized breasts
"I know you can't resist these you little pervert~. Why don't you come suck on them~?"
Without hesitation you shut off the game and Rei smirked victoriously as you knew you couldn't resist her
But she wanted to teach you a lesson first and would make you watch first before you can touch her
"Uh uh, no touch~." She teased before playing with herself and moaning as loudly as possible to rile you up and that night would be real active of passionate and rough love making
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Liz is not really the type to punish or make any bold moves as she's quite shy
However that doesn't mean she doesn't have her sexual needs and she is desperate for your attention but you were too occupied with your game to notice her
She was tired and stressed after the long day of her idol life and errands and all she wanted was your love and attention
"Baby~? Could you maybe get off the game for a bit~?" She softly asked tugging on your shirt
Looking at the precious look in her eyes screaming that she wanted to do the deed with you
Of course being her boyfriend who would you be to deny her such a thing? Not you, right?
Immediately, you shut off your PC and told your boys that you'd be on tomorrow and Liz would smile happily
But that night would be nothing but screaming moans of your name
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wonyopout · 3 months
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danjangz wet messy sex doggy style thank you that’s all
short drabble thing bc i still can’t write for shit but
[cw]: gp wony (briefly), somno (again briefly)
my favorite roomies who Are fucking raw, but no danjangz are so sweet and attentive with each other 🥹 and like wony said they’re a couple that’s been together for 6 years and i believe her yup yup. like lingering hugs and holding hands longer than they needed to. gaeul having to fight herself to not stare at wonyoungs lips whenever she’s speaking omfg, it was definitely wony who made the first move too, all shy like “you like me the most right?? more than anyone else?” like gaeul is down bad but wonyoung is down Horrendous, constantly being like ‘omg we look like such a couple here haha’ 🧍‍♀️just for gaeul to go “yessss a couple of bestiess” (genuinely wonys 13th reason) before she finally just jumps the gun and tells her how she feels. from then on they’re like a million times more insufferably coupley
danjangz dryhumping YAYYY whiny baby wonyoung who always begs for sex like Always and sometimes doesn’t even say anything just starts humping gaeul like a naughty puppy 😭 they’ll just b relaxing on the couch watching something on gaeuls phone and then wony will just start absentmindedly rutting against her side and quietly whimpering in her ear 🥴 pussy throbbing n so wet that the crotch of her shorts is damp,, like at first it was like spur of the moment/ only when they’re making out but now it’s whenever they get their hands on eachother sometimes wony wont even notice until gaeul climbs on top of her to lock their legs together and scissor still not bothering to get undressed auughhhhhh also just like a looot of touching they’re so handsy with eachother 🥺 and a lot of the time it’s innocent like wony poking and pinching gaeuls cheeks,, gaeul petting wonys head or playing with her hands. but other times it’s wonyoung grabbing at the other girls breasts, tugging on/sucking her nipples into her mouth or gaeulie cuddling wony, rubbing soft circles on her clit as she falls asleep sometimes just fulling fingering her when she sleeps to hear the wet sounds her pussy makes 😵‍💫😵‍💫 also.. danjangz cock/clit warming anyone?? just me ok.
they’re sooooo mutually obsessed with each other u can’t tell me otherwise like gaeul constantly giving wony messy kisses, sucking on her tongue and licking their shared spit off her chin, giving her a peck n going “open wide, baby” before spitting in her mouth ACK 😵‍💫 and wony is definitely pushy and needy when it comes to kissing also 😙 wony being so into body worship with her unnie 🫠🫠 constantly complimenting her in and outside the bedroom/caressing every bit of bare skin she shows, like to others it just looks like wonyoung pulled gaeul into a nice hug but she’s rubbing soft circles on her exposed hips with her thumbs and whispering how bad she wants to fuck her 🥴 like , “unnie, we could just run to the bathroom really really quick no one will even notice” will give gaeul her bestest pout when she begs hehe saying shit like “wanna feel you clench around my fingers so badly, want your tits in my mouth please i promise i’ll make you come quick 🥺🥺🥺” gaeul Cannot refuse any demand her baby makes n it also doesn’t help that they constantly want to be around each other like 80% of the time it’s them whispering in eachothers ears and giggling while everyone else just kinda stands around awkwardly and pretend they don’t notice
like i said before, danjangz wet messy sex 🔛🔝and i mean Messy, gaeuls thighs n cunt and wonyoungs face covered in her slick,, wonyo face getting even slicker bc she keeps going back for more mumbling abt how she needs to “clean her up” 🥴 gaeul shaking from how many times she’s came already but she just can’t get wony to let up.. guys Guys danjangz high sex aughdjdjkdkd (this is like.. a millisecond of gp wony bc well. teehee) like whenever they get high they’re bound to start fucking like animals, dry humping while high🥹🥹 fumbling around to try n get their clothes off,, they give up after wonyoung manages to get gaeuls top n pants off( lucky for wony she barely wears a bra when they’re at home😋), and push wonyoungs boxers n pants down far enough to pull her fat dick out 🤤 just pulling gaeuls underwear to the side to rub her shaft between her folds. rubbing her tip against her entrance before teasingly pushing just the head in. it’s a little game of chicken they play seeing who’ll crack first 🤭 gaeul knows better than to try and be greedy and push her hips back against wonyoung knowing full well she’ll pull out completely if she does. instead she pushes her face further into the couch pillow, quiet pants and whines leaving her mouth as her walls clench around what little bit of wonys cock is inside her. wonyoung, eyes rolling into the back of her head, shoving her dick in further at the feeling (she always cracks first) the feel of the stretch alone makes gaeul go a little dumb, drool seeping into the pillow under her as she continues to let out whimpers. hips meeting with wet smacks, strings of precum n slick whenever she pulls her dick out before slamming back in,, gaeul panting “fuck-! be a good girl and cum inside your unnie” wonyoung so pussy whipped she’s slack jawed while she’s pounding away at her cunt 😵‍💫
a lot of the times they fuck it’s more laid back and vanilla, lots of giggling and just wanting to be close to one another. gaeul taking her time with wony spread out on the bed, legs over her shoulders as her fingers stretch her out, tears in her eyes as she arches off the bed, whining so pathetically, so sleepy but wanting it so badly, physically cannot stand not being able to touch gaeul back and pulls her up so she can kiss along her neck and shoving her hand down her shorts to play with her clit “does- hah fuckk, does fucking me really make you this wet, unnie?” gaeul not even bothering to answer and just leans into her biting wonyoungs shoulder to stifle her moans while they both work each other up 🫠 also danjangz mutual masterbation 🔛🔝 they’re matching each other’s freak yall i promise you that, just two pretty switches with piss kinks WOAH WHO SAID THAT?? sometimes gaeuls just wonyoungs little rope bunny and other times wonys gaeuls perfect pet who’ll do anything to be praised 🥺🥺
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kittyl1z · 10 months
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q: how big gp!ive are? (no leeseo!)
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gaeul has the most cute member of all, average like 16/17cm. i feel like she has this type of vanilla vibes.. sorry but gaeul sunbae it's way too sweet. always asking for permission, asking you questions like "does it hurt? is it okay if i do it this way?" this baby just takes care of you! is worried about everything and you need to be constantly reassuring her that it's okay. she would get shocked if you're into rough stuff like degradation, spanks and other, would try her best to fulfill your wishes. it takes time to get her hard, she controls it very well and teases you about it, like when your trying to get her hard she would laugh and say "is that all you got?". i sense she is very possessive, for sure into hickies and marks because she just wants to let everyone know that you're hers and she's yours and that she is the only one who would ever have the privilege of doing all of that to you. takes pride in it. would let you touch her if you're bored and want to. she's not aware of how much you want her, you may be drooling to have her in your mouth and she would be like ??? just go for it ?? it's very shy about orals, she likes it too much but she doesn't know how to express it! she just hopes you would read her mind or something. she's doesn't know that she actually have words to use. her favorite thing is when you give her head and when you force her to talk and tell you what she wants she would get red and say "baby... please.. mouth" ksndjdn. gaeul is a sub but she likes to be on top, doesn't refuses to being bottom tho but she likes it better when your underneath her. yes, you tell her what to do but it drives her insane the fact that she is on top and she is making you a moaning mess. has the sweetest moans ever and likes to be marked as well! back scratches? her favorite. she has a good stamina but won't last any longer that 2-3 rounds. always wears condoms and has them around, she wants to be protected and wants to protect you, doesn't want you to be taking pills :(. and ! she has the best after care!! cleaning you up, taking showers together, bringing you food to bed, cuddling after and sleeping. truly a gentlewoman.
yujin is definitely big! and she knows it. talking about 20cm or so. shows off but she really is a loser. gets hard soooo easily, teasing her for it is a must! the type of always having a hand on it, while laying down in couch, sleeping, just sitting —and btw she manspread. you need to be constantly calling out her name so she takes her hand off bc she would do it unconsciously with people around and you don't like it. yujinnie is a switch, and takes it too serious whatever her role is at the moment, if she's dom, expect her to be the roughest she can, absolutely destroying you and fucking your senses out, very noisy, liking how her hips sound crashing down on you and hearing you practically crying. she loves making you cry! she can get so desperate that she would want to fuck without a condom so you try your best to remain sane and remind her to wear it. please mark her back! at the beginning of your relationship, sex was very sweet and vanilla but as time went by, you two explored and played, getting along. now yujinnie would even spit on you if you asked. if she's sub, expect to be the goodest puppy of all! so sensitive and well behaved, knowing to ask for permission whenever is to touch you or touch herself. she would love as well if you make her cry. most of the times she would be the one to initiate it by coming to your back, rubbing against your ass. secretly loves and prefers to be sub. like gaeul, she also gets very shy about orals bc she likes it too much! truly believes her dick belongs in your mouth, it makes her go dumb when your tongue play with it so good, would stuck her hands in your hair and push your head forward. her moans?? 11/10. also this baby loves to be in underwear around the house, knows too well how much you like her dick and she likes it, so why not? just know that in special occasions her boxers are black or white, if not like when she's at home, she has this boxers with cartoons or something. also likes how your hands fit with it, definitely would ask you to place your hand on top, without moving, only having your hand there. she says it gives her comfort? this mf doesn't get tired at all, would go nonstop, wanting a round 5 or something.
rei is slightly above average! around 17,5cm. she's actually so shy about having a dick, she believes it belongs to you more than it belong to her. a sub! squirms whenever you touch her :( only have a hand on her and she would start moaning, she's very noisy and whiny! poor baby can't take it very far, cums so fast but would hold on if you guide her, just call her a good girl and praise her for doing it right. praise kink for sure! omg. start to praise her for her good work and watch her getting close to cum. she likes to be a cute toy only you could play with, her favorite thing is when you jerk her off, having her in bed, back resting in the pillows, sitting with her legs open, your hand pumping up and down on her dick. please kiss her! loves kisses during it :((, also she says "i love you" every now and then. isn't she the cutest baby? you would absolutely have a corruption kink. and... mommy kink?? yes! as i was saying she loves when you masturbate her, and even tho it makes her shy, she knows to use her words! barely speaking, she would get teary eyes and babble "mommy... hand.." if you baby her way too much she would cry, she loves to feel you on completely control over her, admits that she's your own and she belongs to only you. would blush so hard if she gets a boner, would tap your clothes softly to let you know gosh i wanna take her so bad pls. if you go easy on her, she could take more than one round but if you don't, only one round is enough, which is more often. of course an angel like her would have her own little secrets, when i said she likes being your toy i truly meant it, rei would take whatever you want on her. edging, degradation, orgasm denial, overstimulation, everything. give her permission to fuck you and she would be the happiest baby in the world! literally makes her lose her mind when she watches her dick pump in and out of you, knowing that she is the one making her mommy moan like that, even asking you to cum inside you omgomgomg dear god how she loves to fill you up! and even more when she sees her liquids dripping off of your cunt. after she left you breathless she would go "hehe i did that" and would want to touch you with her own hands. rei loves to leave her cum on you, whether is inside you, on your hand, your tummy, your mouth, etc. 🥴
wonyoung is above average like rei, around 17-18cm, knowing that her pinkie is 4cm long pls she's cute. cutest dick ever! pink/red tip, she is literally precious. she knows the power she holds but is actually soft to you, wants to give you the most beautiful experience when it comes to intimate, she wouldn't be the type of rough sex or something like that unless you are, wonyoung is open to try everything if you want to! definitely a soft!dom, she surprised you by saying "hey baby... would you like to try toys..?" and omg! she is such a lovely yet hottest girlfriend ever. doesn't get hard as much as yujin would do but isn't shy about it, she's getting a boner? ok let's do it right now. would take you whenever, wherever. also kiss lover!! make sure to kiss her lips every second you get while your riding her, please and thank you. and also kiss her tip while giving her head, seriously she gets so turned on watching you sucking her dick, something about how your lips gets swollen and red by all the kissing and her liquids. she likes hickies and marks as well, she likes to admire them after, reminding her that she fucked you well. she asks you to touch her when she's too tired, she would literally fall sleep in your arms after and you would be like ??? because she left you all wet 😭. a baby, won't last longer than 1-2 rounds because she take a whole time for making it special like she doesn't know it already is because you're with her. like gaeul she would be the type of "would you like to try this? your ok with doing this? does it hurt? tell me how you like it." jsndjdn pls rail me. and for real she would have THE most expensive and perfect pics. saving them for you as a gift for you when you're far from each other. knows how much you like her dick so she wears nothing but underwear and big shirts around the house, doesn't mind if your hand just rest there. likes to be the big spoon so she can feel you right. wonyoung is very protective and takes such a good care of you, you taking pills or whatever it's a big no for her, she wants you to be healthy and wants you to love your body as much as she does.
liz is big... hear me out. 18-19cm. have you seen her body type? and baby doesn't get it! a sub for sure with a mommy kink. just think about sub liz who doesn't realize how big she is, crying as she hears her mommy moan when she'd getting inside, "m-mommy... d-does it-does it hurt... that much?" :( and you having to reassure her that it doesn't hurt and feels good. has a good strenght in her thrust, liz gives in easily and she reacts unconsciously, thrusting you hard and soon apologizing because mommy didn't say she could do it, yeah. this baby likes marks on her! but let's not forget that she is a scorpio 🥴, 90% of the times she's a cute sub who obeys and listens well to her mommy but the other 10%??? my lord- she would definitely be the type to get hard easily like yujin and you better pay attention to her, liz gets piss off when she's horny and you can't play with her, so if you can but you're just teasing her, expect her to say "stop playing around and just fuck me", she doesn't like to wait, like wonyoung she would take you whenever and wherever. she can last long, like 3-4 rounds. when she's a sub she gets very sensitive and very vulnerable, you have to be patient with your pretty angel and treat her well in order to hold it and not cum at the very slight touch, would cry so much while apologizing if she cums, scared to get punished or making you mad :(( she just can't control it! her mommy is the best at using her hands to touch her member, even more when she's using her mouth, she feels in heaven. blushes so hard if she catches you staring at it or touching her without warning, it makes her so nervous. she's not the type of touching herself, she prefers it when you're the one doing it for her. she likes to fuck your thighs when she can't fuck you. your thighs or your tits. when i said liz can get hard easily i really meant it, gosh yujin and jiwon are such a losers, both of them not even being able to hiding it. liz whines too much and covers it when her arms or hands, only to moan at the touch and making you notice. she can't describe how much she likes the feeling of you around her dick. she would have a breeding kink as well. pretty baby, she always ask if she can cum inside of you. :(
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drvirgus · 4 months
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Idol! Haerin X Idol! Reader X Idol! Wonyoung
Description: What occurs when the biggest player has to do a variety show with her ex, who dislikes Y/n because she thinks that Reader Cheated, and the person who has taken an interest in Y/n? Will old feelings rekindle, or will new ones develop?
Warnings: Mention of Cheating; Strong Language; Kinda Toxisch Reader?; Insults; Mini-Smau
Status: Finished ✅
Taglist: closed
Profiles: Itz not Eatzy; Old Tee; The narcissists; Others
01. prolog
02. Announcment
03. the player
04. first meeting (half-written)
05. i dont do dates
06. 20 Questions
07. i´m wrong? (Fully-written)
08. oh….
09. switching up
10. speedy Gonzales
11. make it right
12. wony or Haerin?
13. spotted
14. confirmed
15. Damn. Shes Cool
Taglist: @isabbellle @jisooftme @Yruji @hyejin67 @multiliker @shozeu @rdfgfv @jeindall777 @olives-on-pizza @ayss22 @wonyoungssi @gayforall @1luvkarina @gtfoiydlyj @Reeseu
@linnnsworld @saysirhc @sixflame438
(the Red ones i couldnt add to the taglist)
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karinagirlfriend00 · 9 months
Hard to Love
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Yoo Ji-min x IVE/IZ*ONE!reader x Kim Minjeong
Jeon Yn, the member of IVE and former member of IZ*ONE, is well known behind the scenes of kpop as a person who flirts with many idols. it seems that this behavior of the idol came after her ex-girlfriend, who is also a famous idol, cheated on her and that out of revenge she began to behave in this way, but can two members of the same group change Yn's behavior?
Perfis - Baddies / That's my naevis / Drunk to Live / Produce IZ
Yn of the IVE profile
Chapters: (1) - Heejin's House (2) - (3) - (4) - (5) - (6) - (7) - (8) - (9) - (10) -
Taglist ( open ) : @awkwardtoafault @xen248 @twicesserafim @lovepjohootoa
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ghostieeeee · 1 month
˖⊹ ࣪﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖ ﹏𓊝﹏﹏﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹
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˖⊹ ࣪﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖ ﹏𓊝﹏﹏﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹
: From being the daughter of a navey admiral, nothing in life ever really seemed to fit your dreams. Sure, you got a life that most would consider to be luxurious, but you felt trapped. Though, just as you learn this was to be your fate - a princess locked away from the world - a sharp change of events would leave you in a predicament not made for the faintest of hearts.
˖⊹ ࣪﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖ ﹏𓊝﹏﹏﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Jang Wonyoung X Fem!Reader
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒: starts -> 30.08.24
𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐄: ngfl idek for this like sacrifice to lovers?
𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄: Pirates
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: swearing, sacrifice, blood, sword fighting, gun usage, cannons usage, drinking, guillotines, imprisonment, a loss of parent, unrequited love, death, battles, forced marriage (?)
𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑: This is a longer story cut up into chapters / "pages"
˖⊹ ࣪﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖ ﹏𓊝﹏﹏﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹
˖⊹ ࣪﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖ ﹏𓊝﹏﹏﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹
Salt stained swords
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gigisdoll · 8 months
Cw: dubcon, dacryphillia, somnophillia, breeding,pet and owner dynamic, overstim
Parings: ive x reader
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It was absolutely heartless how they treated you at the shelter.. Absolutely ruthless! Unsurprisingly with your bratty attitude, arrogant stance, but your rare breed was extremely demanded so of course that just inflated your ego, the fact that despite your brattiness people still wanna buy you.
"A new potential buyer has come.. Or should I say buyers..?" The shelter owner announced to all of you, "They say they want the rarest we have....Y/n please just be on your best behavior" the owner pleaded with you, hands almost in a praying position as if to praise you even more "Fine.. " you rolled your eyes in feigned obligation.
You sat on the chair the shelter owner provided for all the candidates for the potential new buyers. Once they walked in they immediately looked at all of you, and then straightly stared at you specifically, the owner took notice of their.. Interest in you, getting excited to finally get someone to buy you "This is y/n... One if not the rarest breed we have, she luckily has not been bought yet" A girl who has the cutest doe eyes spoke up " Unnie! We have to get her! She's so pretty!" The girl squealed pointing at you looking at another girl who looked just as mesmerized as the others "H-how much is she?" Another girl said reaching into her pocket to get her wallet "About.. Let's say 50 thousand? How does that sound?" The girls took the deal eagerly paying in all cash! Boy are you gonna enjoy living with them..
The tallest picked you up, scooping you into her arms excitedly "Unnie.. Look at how she looks at us! She's so cute! " She said smiling "Hi y/n...my name is Yujin.. " Another girl said, you hissed as she tried to touch you "Must be a bratty one huh Wonyoung?" The girl... Yujin said to the one carrying you "Aww... No... She's so cute though! I refuse to let her go!" Wonyoung says as she hugs you tighter.
Whining as she hugs you tighter, and huffing as she puts you into your seat... Sad that they know they have to fuck that attitude right out of you sooner or later
Whining as who ever she was buries herself deep inside of you, it's been so long,you can't tell who was kissing you, whispering in your ear, sucking on your breasts, or who the hell's dick was melting into you. All you knew is that you felt good by being fucked stupid "Now where's that bratty girl huh?" Yujin asked condescendingly as Rei pushed in and out of your abused hole, all you can muster up was a high pitched whimper as Rei's tip kissed your cervix as she filled you to the brim of her.
She pulls out giving your overstimulated cunt a breath of fresh air- before it's immediately getting filled again "Hah- you're still so tight Y/nnie.." Whining once again as the pleasure settles in and your surroundings do too.. Gaeul was asleep, Yujin degraded you, while Wonyoung praised how well you were taking her cock. Sleep taking over you might as well let them use your body till they grow tired of it... It's the least you can do after they treated you so well this morning...
Waking up so so sore :(( Gauel's cock was still deep inside you to plug all that cum up! Can't let that go to waste! Whining and whimpering cause you are still super sensitive, this for sure won't be the last time you'll wake up like this...
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hannihoney · 5 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 | ᴍᴏꜱᴛ ʀᴇᴄᴇɴᴛ ꜰɪᴄ → ★ | 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 *+:。.
𝐋𝐞 𝐒𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐦 *+:。.
❥ ᴍɪʏᴀᴡᴀᴋɪ ꜱᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ ...
❥ ᴋɪᴍ ᴄʜᴀᴇᴡᴏɴ ...
❥ ʜᴜʜ ʏᴜɴᴊɪɴ ...
"𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶" - 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵, 𝘨!𝘱
"𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳, 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘮𝘦." - 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵
"𝘔𝘺 #1 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘦𝘳." - 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵, 𝘨!𝘱 ★
❥ ɴᴀᴋᴀᴍᴜʀᴀ ᴋᴀᴢᴜʜᴀ ...
𝘋𝘰𝘮!𝘒𝘢𝘻𝘶𝘩𝘢 - 𝘒𝘢𝘻𝘶𝘩𝘢, 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵, 𝘨!𝘱
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𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚 *+:。.
❥ ʏᴏᴏ ᴊɪᴍɪɴ ...
❥ ᴜᴄʜɪɴᴀɢᴀ ᴀᴇʀɪ ...
❥ ᴋɪᴍ ᴍɪɴᴊᴇᴏɴɢ ...
"𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨?" - 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵, 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘦 𝘢𝘶
❥ ɴɪɴɢ ʏɪᴢʜᴜᴏ …
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𝐈𝐯𝐞 *+:。.
❥ ᴋɪᴍ ɢᴀᴇᴜʟ …
❥ ᴀʜɴ ʏᴜᴊɪɴ …
❥ ɴᴀᴏɪ ʀᴇɪ …
❥ ᴊᴀɴɢ ᴡᴏɴʏᴏᴜɴɢ …
❥ ᴋɪᴍ ᴊɪᴡᴏɴ …
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𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐬 *+:。.
❥ ᴋɪᴍ ᴍɪɴᴊɪ …
❥ ʜᴀɴɴɪ ᴘʜᴀᴍ …
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@ʜᴀɴɴɪʜᴏɴᴇʏ | ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏʀɪɢɪɴᴀʟ | ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ
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pupyuj · 1 year
why is g!p ive so hot 🥵 🥵 need to have more thoughts about them fr fr 😵‍💫😵‍💫
g!p ive........ they're very important to me actually!
[cw: gangbang 🫣]
best believe that their favorite bonding time as a group is when they get to fuck you all at the same time 🤤🤤 rei having you on her lap with her dick inside your cunt, gaeul stretching your ass out from behind, deepthroating yuj while jiwon n wony use your hands like they're your pussy 😵‍💫 jiwon comes first bcs baby's more on the sensitive side, n then wony and yujin at the same time and with those three being the ones that usually come the most.. yeah you're literally showered with their cum 🤤 reibear and gaeul r kind of there to get you ready for yujin n wony's cocks bcs they always wanna be the next ones inside you n they're so biggg :(( rei n gaeul pulling their dicks out literally everyone in the room gets so turned on by the way their cum leaked out of your holes...
you're definitely stuck laying on the bed for the majority of the day next morning 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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elryuse · 6 months
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The city lights blurred past the taxi window, a kaleidoscope of neon mirroring the turmoil within me. Each raindrop hitting the pavement echoed the hammering in my chest. Wonyoung was gone, not physically – she still shared our apartment, a ghost haunting its familiar walls – but emotionally, her heart stolen by a cruel mirage.
Sunghoon. The name felt like a curse word on my tongue. He was everything I wasn't – loud, flashy, the center of attention. Wonyoung, my sunshine, my Wonyoung, had been lured by his supernova glow, leaving me in the cold, desolate space he left behind.
We were the perfect couple, or so everyone thought. Public appearances, stolen kisses on award shows, our social media a testament to a love people envied. But behind the curated feed, cracks had begun to show. Her lingering glances at Sunghoon, the whispered conversations during interviews I couldn't decipher.
I buried my head in the sand, clinging to the illusion of our happiness. Until the day I saw the message. A careless text left open on her phone, a single sentence that shattered our carefully constructed world.
"Meet me tonight, baby. Can't wait to see you again."
The phone slipped from my grasp, crashing onto the coffee table like a gunshot. The once-sweet scent of her perfume in the air turned suffocating.
Days bled into weeks, a hollow space where Wonyoung used to be. Calls went unanswered, texts ignored. The guilt gnawed at her, I knew, her apologies echoing in a phone call that replayed on a loop in my mind. But the words, laced with a desperation I no longer recognized, rang hollow.
My saving grace, my lighthouse in this storm, was Gaeul. Wonyoung's best friend, always a presence on the periphery of our relationship. Now, she was the constant by my side, a silent pillar of support.
Nights were the worst. Sitting in the living room, the echo of our laughter bouncing off the walls like a cruel ghost. Gaeul would sit beside me, a warm presence against the chill that enveloped me. Her hand, a grounding force.
One night, as sobs wracked my body, a flicker of something new sparked in her eyes. Not pity, but a hesitant understanding. A silent confession we both acknowledged but couldn't yet voice.
Wonyoung returned, a broken bird with tear-streaked cheeks. Her apologies were a torrent of words, a desperate attempt to rewind time. But the pieces of our love were scattered, impossible to reassemble.
My heart, once overflowing with love for the girl with sunshine hair, was now a barren landscape. The thrill she craved had left her empty, the excitement a fleeting mirage.
Gaeul was different. Her love was a quiet flame, a steady warmth in the storm. Her eyes held a depth I hadn't noticed before, a quiet strength that complemented my own.
As Wonyoung packed her things, a ghost leaving the life she'd built, a flicker of hope ignited within me. It wasn't the same fierce love I once held for Wonyoung, but it was a spark nonetheless.
Looking at Gaeul, her hand resting on mine, I finally found the words that had been lost, choked by sorrow.
"Gaeul," I whispered, my voice hoarse. "I think… I think I might be falling for you."
The rain outside had stopped, replaced by a sliver of moonlight peeking through the clouds. A new beginning, fragile but hopeful, stretched before me. The love I once had for Wonyoung, a vibrant flower, might have wilted, but from its ashes, a different kind of love bloomed. A quiet love, a steady flame, waiting to be nurtured.
The scent of jasmine, once a sweet reminder of Gaeul's calming presence, now made my stomach churn. It clung to the air like a ghost, a stark contrast to the cloying perfume that filled the apartment when Wonyoung reappeared.
"Y/n," she breathed, her voice trembling like a teardrop. She stood in the doorway, my name a soft plea on her lips. Her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. The Wonyoung I knew, the vibrant sunshine girl, was gone, replaced by a fragile wisp of a woman desperate for redemption.
"Wonyoung," I mumbled, unsure of what to say. Gaeul was away for the weekend, visiting her family. A selfish part of me, a flicker of the love that still flickered like a dying ember, welcomed this unexpected visit.
"Can I come in?" she pleaded, her voice a mere whisper. I hesitated, the image of Gaeul, her hand intertwined with mine, flashing in my mind. But Wonyoung's watery eyes were too much to bear.
"Just for a bit," I muttered, stepping aside.
She moved like a wisp, collapsing onto the couch I used to share with Gaeul. The scent of jasmine mingled with the heavy perfume, creating a suffocating mix.
"I miss you, Y/n," she confessed, her voice barely audible. "I miss us."
My heart clenched. The memories flooded back – stolen kisses in backstage corridors, whispered secrets under a blanket of stars. But that time had passed, replaced by Gaeul's quiet strength, her unwavering support.
"Gaeul..." I started, but she cut me off.
"Gaeul is kind," she said, her voice laced with something bitter. "But she doesn't understand you like I do."
She took a step closer, her hand brushing against mine. The touch sent a jolt through me, a betrayal of the fragile peace I'd found with Gaeul.
"We could try again, Y/n," she whispered, her voice husky. "Forget Sunghoon, forget everything. We can be like we were before."
Her words were a siren song, a desperate attempt to rewind time. The Wonyoung I once loved stood before me, but the ghost of Gaeul's hurt loomed large.
"Wonyoung..." I began, searching for the right words.
Suddenly, the door creaked open. Gaeul stood there, framed by the entrance, a dark cloud behind the veil of her hair. Her face, usually radiating warmth, was set in a mask of cold fury.
"Gaeul," I stammered, the air thickening with tension.
Wonyoung, sensing the shift in atmosphere, whipped around, her eyes widening in surprise.
"What's going on here?" Gaeul asked, her voice devoid of its usual gentleness. It was a voice I'd never heard before, a low growl that sent shivers down my spine.
Wonyoung, flustered, stammered an explanation. But Gaeul cut her off, her gaze fixed on me.
"Y/n," she said, her voice a chilling whisper. "Is everything alright?"
The question hung in the air, an accusation disguised as concern. The possessiveness in her voice, the way she clung to the words "everything alright" like a lifeline, was unsettling.
"Yes," I lied, my voice thin. "We were just… catching up."
Gaeul's gaze never left me. It was an intense scrutiny that made me feel like a bug pinned under a microscope. The jasmine scent, which once offered solace, now felt like a suffocating prison.
Wonyoung, sensing the hostility, opted for a graceful retreat. Mumbling a quick goodbye, she practically flew out of the apartment, leaving an unsettling quiet behind.
Gaeul turned to me, her eyes filled with a storm of emotions. The love, the possessiveness, the anger – it all swirled together in a terrifying cocktail.
"Don't let her manipulate you again, Y/n," she hissed, her voice tight with barely concealed rage.
I opened my mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come. The Gaeul I knew, the comforting presence, seemed to have vanished. In her place stood a woman I didn't recognize, a woman consumed by a love that had turned possessive.
The night that followed was a blur of accusations and justifications. My apartment, once a haven of peace, became a battleground. The love triangle that had started with Wonyoung's infidelity had now morphed into a suffocating web of possessiveness, with Gaeul as the spider at its center.
As the sun peeked through the blinds, casting harsh light on the wreckage of the night, I knew things couldn't go on like this. My once cozy apartment, filled with shared laughter and the scent of Gaeul's jasmine tea, now reeked of tension and the cloying perfume Wonyoung had worn.
Gaeul sat on the couch, her back ramrod straight, arms crossed tightly across her chest. Gone was the gentle touch that used to comfort me, replaced by a cold, unyielding demeanor.
"Gaeul," I started, my voice hoarse. "We need to talk about this."
She finally looked at me, but not in the way I craved. Her eyes, usually sparkling with warmth, were hard and calculating.
"What is there to talk about, Y/n?" she spat. "Wonyoung just waltzes back in after breaking your heart, and you're ready to fall for her all over again?"
"No," I said, trying to defend myself. "I just... I don't know what happened last night. It was wrong, and I'm sorry."
Her lips turned into a thin line. "Sorry doesn't fix things, Y/n. You need to make a choice. Me or her."
The ultimatum hung heavy in the air. The Gaeul I knew wouldn't have issued such an order. This possessive stranger felt like someone I barely recognized.
"Gaeul," I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "We haven't even…"
"Haven't even what?" she snapped. "Haven't confessed our feelings? We've been there for each other through everything, Y/n. Isn't that enough?"
Her voice cracked on the last word, a flicker of vulnerability breaking through the facade. But the possessiveness remained, a dark cloud clouding her love.
The truth was, it was enough. Gaeul's unwavering support had been a lifeline during the storm of Wonyoung's betrayal. Yet, the way she was acting now felt suffocating. Did I love Gaeul? In the aftermath of Wonyoung's heartbreak, maybe it was a form of gratitude, a comfort zone I'd settled into.
"Gaeul," I tried again, "I need time."
Her eyes narrowed. "Time for what, Y/n? To run back to Wonyoung's arms the moment she bats her eyelashes at you?"
"No," I said, more firmly this time. "Time to figure out what this is, between us. This possessiveness… it scares me."
The anger in her eyes flickered momentarily, replaced by a flicker of sadness. "Is that all I am to you, Y/n? Just a possession to be claimed or discarded?"
My heart ached. The Gaeul I knew wouldn't have spoken like this. The love that bound us, now twisted by her possessiveness, threatened to unravel completely.
"Gaeul, you're not just a possession," I said, trying to reach her. "You're my friend, my support system. But… but this isn't healthy. We both need space."
She stood up abruptly, her movements jerky and tense. "Fine," she spat, the word laced with hurt and anger. "Have your space, Y/n. Just don't come crawling back to me when you realize you threw away the good thing you had right here."
With that, she stormed out of the apartment, leaving me alone with the ghosts of the night and the deafening silence in its wake.
The following days were a blur. Neither Gaeul nor Wonyoung contacted me. The space I'd craved felt more like a desolate wasteland. The apartment, once a haven, felt empty without the comforting scent of jasmine tea or the familiar warmth of Gaeul's presence.
As the days turned into weeks, a strange realization dawned on me. My feelings for Wonyoung, once a passionate inferno, had dwindled to embers. The betrayal had left an indelible mark, a permanent scar on our relationship.
What about Gaeul? The possessiveness that had initially scared me, now felt like a twisted reflection of the love she held for me. A love that, however distorted, was genuine.
One evening, I decided to take a chance. Armed with a bouquet of jasmine flowers, I stood outside Gaeul's apartment, my heart pounding a nervous rhythm against my ribs.
After a long wait, the door creaked open. Gaeul stood there, her eyes puffy and red-rimmed.
"Y/n?" she said, her voice thick with surprise.
I held out the bouquet, the jasmine flowers radiating a comforting scent. Gaeul's gaze softened, a flicker of recognition replacing the initial shock.
"Gaeul," I began, my voice rough with emotion. "I messed up. Big time."
She didn't say anything, but her eyes held a silent invitation to continue.
"I was scared," I confessed, taking a deep breath. "Scared of losing you, scared of letting go of the comfort you offered. But my fear twisted your love, turned it into something unhealthy."
The vulnerability in my voice seemed to resonate with her. A single tear escaped her eye, tracing a glistening path down her cheek.
"I don't want Wonyoung," I continued, my gaze meeting hers with newfound clarity. "The woman I miss is the one who brought me jasmine tea in the mornings, the one who held me through the night when my heart ached. The woman I love is you, Gaeul."
A hesitant smile bloomed on her face, as beautiful as the first flower peeking through winter's frost. She stepped closer, the scent of jasmine mingling with the warmth of her body.
"Gaeul," I whispered, my voice thick with emotion. "Can I… can I kiss you?"
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Her eyes fluttered shut, a silent permission. As our lips met, a spark ignited, a gentle flame rekindled by honesty and second chances. The kiss wasn't fiery or passionate, but filled with a quiet understanding, a promise of a future built on trust and love.
The weeks that followed were a whirlwind of apologies, forgiveness, and cautious exploration of this newfound love. We talked for hours, peeling away the layers of fear and misunderstanding.
One evening, as the city lights twinkled outside our window, casting a warm glow on the apartment once filled with tension, I knelt before Gaeul, holding a small velvet box.
"Gaeul," I said, my voice thick with emotion, "You were my friend, my rock, and now you're the love of my life. Will you marry me?"
Tears welled up in her eyes, a radiant smile breaking through the dam. "Yes," she whispered, her voice choked with happy tears.
The following year, surrounded by friends and family, we exchanged vows. The jasmine scent filled the air, a symbol of love, comfort, and a second chance. As I looked into Gaeul's eyes, brimming with love and joy, I knew I had found not just a wife, but a partner who understood the complexities of love and was willing to work through them.
The love triangle that had threatened to tear my life apart had ultimately led me to the one person who truly mattered. And with each passing year, the love we shared, nurtured by honesty and trust, only grew stronger.
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808airsoftbros · 5 days
Protective Scale of Vampire IVE
Author: Some Vampire concepts I came up with and if you want to check out more of my Vampire content check out my Masterlist
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Rating on scale of 100...
An Yujin (Alpha)
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Score: 100/100
Why?: Yujin, the Alpha of the IVE sister clan, oversees everything that goes on, protects you with her life, and will sacrifice herself if necessary. She wouldn't even allow you to go outside the world as she knows well how fucked society has become over the years and doesn't trust anyone but her Vampire sisters. She'd kill and threaten anyone that dare gets too close or even make eye contact and have strict rules you must follow without question because well... Yujin knows best.
Kim Gaeul (Enforcer)
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Score: 100/100
Why?: Gaeul is just about the same as Yujin though a bit older by a shy 100 years, her parenting style is quite controlling than your typical human parenting, Gaeul always wants to know where you are at all times otherwise she will get worried, she is quite the mother of the clan and you are her most prized possession and doesn't want anyone snatching you away from her and she'd never forgive herself for losing you.
Jang Wonyoung
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Score: 60/100
Why?: Wonyoung is quite laid back compared to the rest of her sisters, though that doesn't mean you can just go out and party with random strangers at night. Nope, Wonyoung does have her limits on your free time, she'd prefer going out with you more and loves to spend quality time with you, Wonyoung always tends to crave your attention and love as she'd given you ever since you were an infant. Wonyoung always wants to keep you company no matter where you go to ensure your protection and no evil human tries to kidnap you.
Naoi Rei
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Score: 90/100
Why?: Being a Japanese Vampire, in her own culture of origin, she takes pride in her parenting duties, and keeping you safe is one of them... Even if she is seen as overprotective and overbearing but she doesn't care one bit about what others think. Who are they to talk about how she raises you as she sees fit? They don't know the sacrifices and hardships she had to go through to ensure your happiness and well-being.
Kim Jiwon (Liz)
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Score: 85/100
Why?: Liz though is quite protective of you, she wants you to learn to solve problems on your own though she will step in if she sees that it's too much for you to handle alone. However, she'd never allow clubbing, drinking, or anything that can get you seriously hurt, not to mention that people will take advantage of you as she was a victim of it once and she doesn't want the same happening to you. Liz would follow you around wherever you go and would be cautious of whoever you interact with making sure they don't have sinister intentions.
Lee Hyunseo (Leeseo)
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Score: 95/100
Why?: Leeseo may be the youngest of the clan but that doesn't mean she's naive and inexperienced enough not to take her duties seriously, Leeseo always puts your safety and well-being first before her own. Leeseo always checks on you often making sure you are safe and not doing anything foolish that can get you hurt as she cannot bear the thought of you getting injured. She wouldn't hesitate to discipline you as she sees fit to ensure you don't do break her rules again.
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Do you still do “How would (X) react to?” Would love to see you do a “How would IVE react to Y/N after accidentally ignoring/neglecting them during a fanmeeting/concert.”
Gosh, it has been so long since I did one of these the last time. I don't even remember why I stopped, probably I was just overworked. I guess writing one of those can be fun from time to time, so yeah, I'll write it for you🙈
IVE reacting to Y/N ignoring them during a fanmeeting/concert
The oldest was confused about your behaviour. You two always had a great chemistry on and off the stage, but right now it almost seemed your first time working together. She tried numerous time to pose with you during the night, but you always were with another member. She smiled through the pain and waited the end of the stages. You didn't even notice and you were more confuse than her when she asked for explanations. However you two made peace in few time and a night of cuddles was the best way to close that silly story.
If Yujin could overturn the table, she would have done it in that instant. She was the leader and she must behave in the perfect way, but, oh boy, she was so pissed at you for not accepting her flirt during the fanmeeting. Maybe she was too much in character but she hated seeing you being lovey-dovey with another member. She acted cool during the event but at the end she took you in another room and she gave you lesson(how? That's up to you👀)
The japanese girl was good in hiding her feeling and she really tried her best to be all smiling for her fans, but she could swear you didn't look in her direction for all night. She even tried to catch your attention, waving her hand in your direction but it almost looked she was invisible for you. After the show, she came to your room and she explained how bad she felt for your actions. You immediately hugged her and promised to be more careful the next time. Feeling your touch, her smile came back in no time.
Wony is used to receive attentions, by the fan, the members and, in particular, you. You were her partner in crime, but right now the only crime you were doing was ignoring her. She had to make a "fake" complain in front of the public to have you by her side again. And from that moment she linked her arm with yours and never let you go for the rest of the fanmeeting. In the next day you better expect a lot of comments by her about betrayal and similar lol
Liz was so afraid of something she didn't even do. But if you were ignoring her, there was a reason, right? Well, actually no, you simply had your head on the clouds, but the poor girl couldn't have known that, so in the next days she tried her best to be forgiven by you: gifts, praises and a quantity of attention you have never received from her. When you finally understood what was all that about, you promised yourself to not ignore the cutie anymore, so you started to give her even more attentions that she wanted to🙈
It was a miracle that the maknae didn't start to cry during the fanmeeting. She always seek for your approval and when you started talking to everybody except her, her heart cracked a bit. When you noticed her lucid eyes tho, you immediately ran to her, asking what was wrong. Was she feeling sick? Did somebody piss her off? You were worried and ready to throw your hands at the same time. That was enough to make her understand that everything was okay and you didn't hate her or anything else. However for all the day you were extra-protective with her, keeping her close to you till night
Well, Anon, I hope you liked it. I'm definitely out of the loop and it might be not that great, but at least I tried 🙈💙
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