aslamat · 4 months
Building a Strong Core: The Top 10 Exercises for a Rock-Solid Midsection
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A strong core is the foundation of overall fitness and wellness. It's the engine that drives your body's movements, stability, and balance. Without a robust core, you're more prone to injuries, poor posture, and a sluggish metabolism. In this article, we'll explore the top 10 exercises to help you build a rock-solid core, improving your overall health and fitness.
Plank: Hold a plank position for 30-60 seconds, engaging your abs, obliques, and lower back muscles. This exercise strengthens your core and improves posture.
Russian twists: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat. Twist your torso, touching hands to the ground each side, targeting obliques.
Leg raises: Lie on your back with arms extended overhead and raise legs straight up. Lift shoulders off the ground, engaging lower abs.
Bicycle crunches: Alternate bringing elbow to opposite knee, mimicking a pedaling motion. Works entire core, including obliques.
Pallof press: Hold a weight or cable handle and press it away from your body, resisting rotation. Targets rotational strength.
Superman: Lie on your stomach with arms extended and legs lifted. Lift arms and legs off the ground, engaging lower back and glutes.
Bird dog: Start on hands and knees. Lift right arm and left leg off the ground, holding for a few seconds. Repeat on the other side.
Side plank: Lie on your side with feet stacked and hands under shoulders. Lift hips off the ground, engaging obliques.
Woodchoppers: Hold a weight or medicine ball and twist your torso, touching it to the ground each side.
Draw-ins: Lie on your back and engage your core muscles, pulling your belly button towards your spine. Hold for a few seconds.
Conclusion: Building a strong core requires a combination of exercises that target different muscle groups. Incorporate these top 10 exercises into your fitness routine to improve your overall health, stability, and athletic performance. Remember to start slow, increase intensity gradually, and listen to your body. A rock-solid core is within your reach!
Optimized keywords: Core strength, exercises, plank, Russian twists, leg raises, bicycle crunches, Pallof press, Superman, bird dog, side plank, woodchoppers, draw-ins.
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simeonsaints · 8 days
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milesbutterball · 6 months
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stardewremixed · 3 months
Alex headcanons
Wanted to be a knight when he was a child. Horse and lance, sword and suit of armor. Shiny. Made one out of tinfoil, scraps of Evelyn's fabric, and a broom stick. Neighbor kids made fun of him. He didn't dress up again.
Joined a yoga class on a dare. Well actually because he saw a pretty girl through the window and straight up walked into the glass. The instructor made him take the class. Something about balance and coordination.
Almost thought about joining the army right outta high school. He barely passed and wasn't sure college was for him. But the thought of dying while his grandparents (his only relatives) still lived qnd didnt have anyone to take care of them was too unnerving. He didn't want to leave them all alone. Still likes war movies sometimes.
Conscientious about his scent. Keeps his pit hairs trimmed. Religious about showering after working out. Keeps a spare deodorant in his truck. Leaves a trail of cologne - clean, just-out-of-shower scent, not too weighty, a bit soapy, rainforest mist like.
Has helped Sam out with his community service before because this man weirdly loves digging fence posts.
Also loves carrying things - groceries for his grandma (or the pretty farmer), barrels of ale and whiskey, folding tables from festivals, tools up a ladder, etc. Both arms full. Things normal people can carry on multiple trips. Alex gets it all and doesn't break a sweat. Would carry the farmer too (if she'd let him - and you know he's carrying her bridal style on their wedding night).
Loves a challenging ropes course. Can rappel down a wall or a mountain side. Can complete a obstacle course faster than anyone else. Would give Kent a run for his money at army crawling. Absolutely goes nuts about hiking, bouldering, free climbing too. Would probably do spelunking too if... he wasn't a teeny but afraid of the dark... because...
Kept a nightlight in his room until he was a teenager. It's why he never did sleepovers with the other kids. That and he hit puberty early. Towering over grade schoolers was only cool for like a minute. But you can reach things on the top shelf, I guess.
Occasionally freelances for the Adventurer's Guild. Gives guided hiking tours up into the mountains above the Valley or secret woods for tourists. He would be enthusiastic too - swinging his arms and waving his hands around while telling stories and pointing out cool sights.
His hugs are big, and leave you feeling wrapped up, but in a good way. Like a cozy warm blanket. You feel safe and loved.
He's a cuddler... while you watch TV together, while you read books together (yes, he likes sports magazines and biographies of his heroes), and while you sleep. He's definitely the big spoon and makes you feel cherished. That's until he starts snoring... lightly. You'll have to nudge him to stop. And those arms do get... heavy. And he's definitely elbowed his companion in bed before.
He's a bit of a wimp when it comes to shots. It's why he would never get a tattoo or get his ears pierced. He doesn't like needles. (They might also remind him of his mom and her treatments when he was little).
He once posed for a campaign poster for a lumberjack festival. Lewis had little success. Only a dozen young girls showed up on the bus that day. No actual woodchoppers. Needless to say, Alex kills it in plaid. Think Brawny paper towel guy vibes without the facial hair.
Also did a modeling gig for Pierre once to sell some winter gear. Haley took the photos. Alex is a natural in front of the camera. Again, lots of female visitors... erm... customers to the town for a period of two days. He may or may not have autographed the ad for one of the ladies.
He's shouldered a lot of responsibility from a young age. His dad ran out on them. His mom was sick. His grandparents aren't the healthiest. Alex has picked up odd jobs since he was eight. Recycling bottlecaps. ♻️ Washing cars. Lemonade stand. 🍋
Delivering newspapers was one of his first real paying gigs. Granny gave him one of George's old newsboy caps. Alex wore it with pride. He's got an incredible swing for it. Also led him to be interested in baseball. He played three seasons in Little League as a pitcher before he became fascinated with gridball. 📰
It was actually Grandpa George who got him into gridball. Watching games together on TV, critiquing the players, talking technique. Male bonding stuff. He wants to take George to a pro game one day, proudly wheeling his Gramps into the stadium. 🏈
One of his first jobs as a young adult was at the local hospital. It's how he paid for his first apartment. He wheeled people up from their appointments to get picked up at curbside. Just like with his mom when he was a young teen. It felt like a good way to keep giving back even after she was gone. New moms. Dialysis patients. Kids with broken legs from falling off a skateboard ramp...
That's how he met Sam actually. (I like to think these two would be sort-of friends). Sam talked about music and boarding and surfing. Alex talked about the high school Alma Mater fight song and baseball and weightlifting.
Sam and Alex built an epic sandcastle village on the beach one year at the Luau. Both were bored. Vincent helped too. It was impressive... until high tide came in. Haley snapped a photo first at least.
Inspired by Grandpa George, he took a dance class. That's how he met Haley (when they were late teens). He was her favorite dance partner. He could actually lift her without dropping her. And he didn't step on his toes. He's actually pretty light on his feet. Tried tap dancing too but that wasn't as successful (or cool looking).
Named MVP for his high school gridball team. Would've gone on to play in uni but just didn't have the grades. And he needed to stay close for Granny and George. Still keeps his trophies from every sport he's ever played in his room.
Would challenge anyone to an arm wrestling contest any day. Has actually made some money at the Stardew Valley Fair this way. Out of towners might underestimate him. Amateurs! Shane is the only one who's come close to besting Alex and only then because he was drunk. Sober Shane might have stood a chance.
Bought George a big recliner with his very first paycheck from his adult job. Comfy cushions, high quality leather, great arm rests. George never sits in it because he had his mining accident shortly after and so it sits unused in a storage closest somewhere collecting dust. Still every once in a while, George wheels by and thinks about his grandson's thoughtfulness.
Will carry any of the Farmer's picked produce back to the bins, trekking across the fields, or will personally deliver products to Pierre's. By the armful. Corn, lettuce, bushels of broccoli, squash, grapes, tomatoes. He can carry 3 or 4 buckets at a time. Or by the basket. The big round baskets that the average person can only carry one at a time.
Likes the smell of freshly washed cars. And the air after it rains. New leather on a ball. Granny's freshly baked cookies.
Would literally be your shoulder to cry on. No seriously, people have. His mom before she passed. Evelyn after her frustrations with George. Haley after a boy she liked dumped her. Even Emily after one awkward moment as she was taking out the trash behind the Saloon and felt overwhelmed about a disturbing vision she had. He is always willing to comfort those he cares about.
Doesn't really cook but he can make a mean cheesy macaroni casserole. It's one of the few recipes he learned as a boy that has stuck with him.
Feels strongly about cheating in sports. And popping pills to make someone stronger. Especially because his mom was ill. He knows there are people out there who really need medicines. Illegal drugs are a disgrace to the profession.
Would absolutely spend his days fixing up the farmhouse, repairing the barn, sprucing the greenhouse, patching up the chicken coop while the farmer worked the fields and orchards and took care of livestock. I have this longstanding belief that Alex would make an excellent handyman in the Valley. Maybe it starts out as an apprenticeship with Robin. He's gifted with a sander, a wrench, a saw. And this man looks great in a backward cap, tight jeans, and a tool belt. He likes to feel useful, stay busy, and work with his hands. Painting your bedroom and repairing your shower leak would be his first projects once moving to the farm.
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tenaflyviper · 2 months
Conservatives constantly talk about putting pedophiles into woodchoppers, so why are they so mad about one getting shot at?
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oracle-of-moon · 10 months
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"Individual Igors might have their particular specialities, but all of them were expert surgeons and had an inbuilt desire not to see anybody wasted. Up in the mountains, where most of the employment was for woodchoppers and miners, having an Igor living locally was considered very fortunate. There was always the risk of an ax bouncing or a sawblade running wild, and then a man was glad to have an Igor around who could lend a hand—or even an entire arm, if you were lucky. And while they practiced their skills freely and generously in the community, the Igors were even more careful to use it among themselves. Magnificent eyesight, a stout pair of lungs, a wonderful digestive system…it was terrible to think of such exquisite workmanship going to the worms. So they made sure it didn’t. They kept it in the family." ~Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time (2001).
It was so much fun making this rather quirky Discworld character! Hope you enjoy :)
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victusinveritas · 5 months
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Troll woman (a skogsrå, traditionally described as with either a tail like a fox, a back covered in bark, or a back that was hollow like a trough.) or huldra (tail, and usually hooves) putting the moves on a woodchopper.
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WOODCHOPPER sounding exactly like WOLFKILLER though. 👀
I bet Lestat wrote or at least inspired the original version of that one.
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the-musical-cc · 2 years
What gets me about Pom Poko is, a lot of reviews I’ve seen seem to think the central message of the movie is ‘Humanity sucks, animals would be so much better off without us’ but... the movie in itself disputes that line of thought constantly. 
-One of the bigger discussion points between Gonta and the rest is precisely that the tanuki ENJOY interacting with humans in their own terms, and reaping what they can from the shared space, it implies that when the Tama mountain used to be a rural area, they benefited quite a bit from the human presence, so his idea of exterminating them and completely driving them off the mountain is one the majority resists.
-One of the biggest drawing points the movie has is that we, as humans, can RELATE to the tanukis’ struggles and are just as caught in the mad turn of the ‘Progress’ wheel that eats up the wilderness and ends up absorbing us. Near the end, Shokichi mentions that this rythm of life seems to be too much even for some humans, who end up scrapping for what they can in the street the same way the tanuki who are unable to transform do. Humanity in itself is not unnatural or cruel and their expansion comes from the same plights tanuki have (Population booms, necessity, work, food) so in the end he seems unable to begrudge them for it.
-In the final stand where tanuki use their power to bring forth the image of what New Tama was like before urbanization came along, the happy memories they invoke INCLUDE HUMANS. Woodchoppers working in the woods, farming families in their homes, children playing in the grass. The Tanuki never hated the humans. They mourn the relationship they held with them back then the same way they mourn the woods, the rivers, the fields, the mountains, their own innocence. They lament the loss of humanity’s place within the ecosystem lost to the ideal of progress. 
-The film ends in a bittersweet note reminding you that while tanuki HAVE found a way to co-exist with the urbanization that took their home, it came after a lot of sacrifice and toil, and was only possible because some humans LISTENED and made efforts to lessen the impact on the animal life of the area. It seems to invite you to consider that life is hard on all of us, and so we have to strive to be kind to all living things.
In other words, as it often is the case, the true villain is capitalism.
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tfc2211 · 8 months
Whiskey And Rock & Roll - Black Frogs Rockabilly Band Rockabilly Rhythm - Tom Stormy Trio feat. Rhythm Sophie Hillbilly Rock'n'Roll - Voodoo Swing Everybody Needs To Rock - Phil Haley And The Comments Train Kept A Rollin' - Imelda May Come Rock With Me - Ray Gelato Purr Kitty - The Firebirds Diana - The Silverballs Dirty Baby - Danny Rockabilly & His Clan Doin' Time For Bein' Young - The Prison Band Be Bop a Lula - Chuck Mead & His Grassy Knoll Boys Jumpin' Record - The Wise Guyz Dismissed Man - Boppin' B No Heart To Spare - The Go Getters Stranger Girl - The Slapbacks Move On - Jack Baymoore And The Bandits Country Roads - CandyMen Duo Boppin' Mary Lou - Marc & The Wild Ones You Ain't Nothin' But Fine - The Jets Gonna Rock And Roll - Cave Catt Sammy Rockabilly Boogie - The Obscuritones Drinking Gasoline - The Baboons The Wanderer - The Lennerockers Don't Bug Me Baby - The Swamp Shakers Roll Roll Roll - The Rock'n'Roll Kamikazes Mary Lou - Darrel Higham American Music - The Woodchoppers Folsom Prison Blues - Chili & The Barracudas Stray Cat Strut - Stray Cats
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tennessoui · 2 years
shirt sharing thru a thrift shop!!! thats so genius i gasped when i read it. that ficlet is so wonderful but the end hurts so bad. i need to know: does anakin pad up obiwan’s closet? does lumberjack! anakin take it upon himself to be not only a woodchopper but also obiwan’s personal tailor?
oh 100% anakin has to be talked down from donating his best down jacket just in case obi-wan decides to go thrift shopping and needs it. some poor schmuck buys a very nice and warm red and black flannel and anakin almost causes an incident trying to make him return it because he should have KNOWN better that wasn’t FOR HIM THAT WAS FOR OBI-WAN
(tbh I also like the idea of like the whole little town being like “oh look we have adopted a sad little man. a prickly lil guy. a baby cactus. let’s take care of him in secret.” and so anakin donates perfectly good shirts to the thrift store and Jocasta nu keeps them behind the counter until obi-wan comes to visit and offers them at a discount. Ahsoka, husky trainer and dog breeder, frequently ambushes obi-wan with puppies to play with under the guise of training. Vos never actually charges him after the second hot chocolate.)
(like a wholesome Truman show where everyone is really very invested in your life but pretend they aren’t)
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touhouweed · 7 months
k im sorry this even has to be said but trans people being neglected by suicide hotlines is not fucking unique to TMA people, how the fuck can any of yall believe this without putting in an ounce of critical thinking??
We're getting to the point where are people that really actually think that someone being classified as TME just makes every fucking thing in their life magically easier, to the point where you got folks ACTUALLY thinking TME people got it better when it comes to SUICIDE.
They want us all dead. All queers, they want all of us to be thrown in the woodchopper.
We're all in this together, whether you like it or not.
I want us all to fucking survive, goddammit!
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sweepweep · 2 months
Omg so. The author of "Marionetta" made a story called "Hooky" years ago and these poor kids who missed their bus to magic school think that when their aunt told the huntsman to steal Snow White's heart she meant "make her fall in love with him" when that is not the case.
Also the makeover they gave him was like the beast transformation in Beauty and the Beast. At first he looked like a nice rugged woodchopper and then they clean shaved him and gave him a rose and now he looks like a babyfaced sad pretty boy who doesn't know what to do with his life. Both look nice but it's not the same.
Also when I first saw the scene where the aunt gave that order, I thought the kids picked up what the aunt was putting down and just didn't care about the fact that she wanted to steal a woman's organs, just that she called them "annoying" behind their backs and decided to steal her heart first out of spite.
I was wondering why the girl in the icon looked so serious and traumatized in comparison to the main girl who looked so happy-go-lucky. I thought this was going to be silly adventures about two siblings who are trying to find a mentor to teach them magic since they missed their bus to magic school.
I probably should have guessed otherwise when the aunt said she was going to specifically teach them BLACK MAGIC because they lied and said their parents wanted them to learn from her. Who basically has her own legion of followers. And lives in a dark castle. And looks like a vampire queen. And has a giant dog. About the size of Cerberus.
Sidenote: I never noticed that at the top of the ask says YOUR blog name and not mine and then when I flip the anonymous switch it switches YOUR icon to anonymous. That seems confusing. I feel like I accidentally logged onto your blog instead if mine. Hopefully it shows it's my blog.
Oooh wow- thats such an innocent mistake oh no 😭
Ill be sooo honest, I was not a fan of the Beast’s transformation. He went a beautiful rugged bear to a clean shave little prince. I wish they at least gave him a beard and darker hair, you know? Stay more true to the original Beast
Also, thats really weird ??? It definitely says your name so I have no idea whats going on. Itd be wild if you somehow got into my account, thats so confusing 😭
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milesbutterball · 2 years
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workoutinspiration · 6 months

1️⃣ Squat - 3x5 2️⃣ Bent Over Row - 3x6-8 3️⃣ Lat Pulldown - 3x8-12 4️⃣ T-Bar Row (Neutral Grip, one drop set) - 3x8-10 5️⃣ Standing Single Arm Cable Row (one drop set) - 3x8-10 6️⃣ Face Pulls - 2x12-15 7️⃣ Straight Arm Pulldowns - 2x12-15 8️⃣ Woodchoppers - 3x15+
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Woodchopper, Childe Hassam (1902)
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