#woong drabbles
jebewonmorelike · 1 year
We're Making The Bear
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wc: 3.3k (haha help) pronouns: none used; n/a (reader calls jiwoong 'oppa' but it's only because that's what his baby sister calls him!) warnings: oh wow this is so fluffy... tiniest bit of angst bc jiwoong doesn't see his sister as much as he would like bc of his work schedule summary: a reluctant jiwoong and his baby sister make a teddy bear with the help of the cute bear's life employee!reader. ~masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ this one will destroy your teeth and your dentist will hate you from all the fluff i'm serious. this was so fulfilling to write, i really, really love how it turned out! i think you're gonna like it :) when i post, i'm always like "MY MASTERPIECE" so pls forgive me if i overhype things but i'm so happy with them once i finish them lmaooo. this was a request so thank you to @hursheys for this idea, sorry it took me a little while but I hope you like it <3 &lt;3 <3
Placing your little bear ears back on your head after your lunch break, you fluff some of the ready-to-purchase bears on the shelves to the right side of the store. You're completely absorbed in your busywork when you feel a gentle tug on your pastel apron.
Looking down to your left, you're met with the sight of a tiny girl; her eyes big and round staring up at you happily. You figure she can't be more than five, if that.
"Hi!" You greet with a smile, watching as the little girl blinks back at you innocently. "And who do we have here?"
"Ji-Ah!" She announces happily, a grin spreading across her face.
You giggle, but a bit of concern for the lone child is brewing in your chest. "It's lovely to meet you, Ji-Ah-sshi! Are your parents here with you today?"
Ji-Ah shakes her head. "Jiwoong Oppa!"
"Ji-Ahya!" You hear a male voice call suddenly as the door to your shop flies open.
"Oh good, here's your--," you start to say, but your voice trails off when you're suddenly face-to-face with the most strikingly gorgeous man you've ever seen in your life. Your lips part slightly in shock, wide-eyed as you stare back at him. "... Oppa."
As the incredibly handsome man approaches, you can see the worry in his eyes. He picks up Ji-Ah quickly and throws her over his hip. "What did I tell you about leaving my side, huh? You could get lost or hurt, Ji-Ah. Then what would I do?"
Turning his head finally, his eyes meet yours and you're embarrassed to admit that you're a bit breathless. Mentally scolding yourself, you ground your feet back in reality. "Hi, how are you?"
He nods, grimacing awkwardly at you. "I'm sorry if she bothered you. She can be kind of slippery."
"Not at all," you reply, shaking your head. "My name is (Y/N). What brings you both to Bear's Life today?"
"Oh, last week it was little Ji-Ah's birthday," the man explains as his sister smiles at you. "Unfortunately, I was working. I'm actually working today, too, but I was lucky enough to get some time off to spend with my baby sister."
You smile as Ji-Ah bites her thumb shyly; her face as perfect as a doll's as her brother sets her back down on the floor. "Well, I'm glad you could make it! So, we'll be opting in for the full experience?"
The man named Jiwoong's lips part as he prepares to protest, but Ji-Ah cuts him off before he can get a word out.
"Yes, yes, yes! Can I?" She begs, jumping up and down excitedly.
Jiwoong sighs, smiling to cover up his opposition. "Ji-Ah, I don't have that much time. We were just going to pick out a bear that's already been made. I thought you wanted to get ice cream, too?"
Ji-Ah shakes her head rapidly. "No, I want to make my bear with (Y/N)-sshi!"
"Don't worry, Ji-Ah-sshi," you say with a smile. "I know the perfect method that your brother could never say no to!"
"You do?" Jiwoong asks nervously.
"Repeat after me, okay?" You prompt as Ji-Ah nods enthusiastically. Slipping into the cutest voice you can muster, you clasp your hands together below your chin and look up at Jiwoong with puppy-dog eyes. "Can I please make my bear today?"
Jiwoong stares back at you with his eyebrows raised-- mouth slightly ajar in shock.
Ji-Ah mimics your actions, clasping her hands together and begging, "Can I please make my bear today?"
"Pretty, pretty please," you demonstrate again, putting your chin in your hands so your cheeks squish up.
"Pretty, pretty please," Ji-Ah follows, squishing her little round cheeks up in her palms. You watch as a reluctant smile begins to form on her older brother's face.
You tap one finger to your cheek cutely as you add your next line. "With a cherry on top!"
"With a cherry on top!" Ji-Ah says, touching her tiny index finger to her cheek and sticking out her lips in her own improvised pout. Jiwoong laughs, shaking his head in amazement.
"Please, Oppa?" You finish your pleading, smiling up at Jiwoong sweetly. He swallows nervously, a quick flash of panic in his eyes as you look away quickly out of embarrassment.
"Please, Oppa?" Ji-Ah repeats, her smile lethally infectious as Jiwoong places a hand over his heart. He holds up his other hand in surrender.
"Okay, fine!" He relents, sighing in defeat while grinning. "I'm too weak; I can't take any more! You've got me: we're making the bear."
"Now that our new bear friend is stuffed full of fluff... we need to stuff him full of love, too!" You say, holding the cream-colored teddy bear that Ji-Ah had picked out and helped to fill with cotton. You reach into the large heart-shaped box next to the stuffing machine and pull out an assortment of small, plushy fabric hearts. Each has a different design, color and texture so that the customer can choose the one they like most for their bear friend.
“(Y/N)-sshi? I want Jiwoong Oppa to pick the heart!” Ji-Ah demands cutely, looking up at her brother expectantly.
He blinks at you hesitantly before nodding in agreement. "Okay, I guess I can do that."
You hold out the fabric hearts to the young man which are splayed delicately across your palms for him to choose. He looks at them for a second before looking back up at you, entirely overwhelmed by the task he’s been given as his eyes silently scream ‘help me’.
A small smile creeping onto your face, you use your thumb to indicate which heart Ji-Ah would like most. As you tap the heart quickly, Jiwoong exhales in relief and picks up the little plush heart between his thumb and index finger.
"Let's see which one he picked!" You say, prompting Jiwoong to reveal the fabric heart in his palm.
Ji-Ah squeals happily. "That's the one I wanted! How did you know, Oppa!?"
Her brother smiles at you gratefully. "I just did!"
"Our heart will bring our bear friend to life, but we have to say our magic phrase for it to work," you explain. "Can you both hold our bear's heart and repeat the magic words?"
Jiwoong squats down so that he's on his sister's level, holding out the fabric heart for her to grab onto.
"I wish, I wish..." You begin, nodding at them encouragingly as they echo each phrase of the poem after you.
~I wish, I wish... on this true heart... that one bear's life... with this, will start!~
"And now we'll place our heart inside our bear friend," you instruct, holding out the teddy bear for Jiwoong and Ji-Ah to place the heart inside the zippered opening. As you close the zipper, you press a button to the side of the stuffing machine secretively which triggers hundreds of fairly lights to light up throughout the store.
Ji-Ah's jaw drops in awe as she spins around and around to look at the magical display. Her brother smiles at you appreciatively.
"That was incredible you guys! Your spell was the best I've ever seen," you praise, handing the teddy bear to a very happy Ji-Ah. "Do you come from a magical family?"
Jiwoong laughs. "Something like that."
Stepping over slightly to your counter, you pull out a blank Bear Birth Certificate and uncap your fancy fine-tip pen. "Now, what is our new bear friend's name?"
"Gomdori Oppa," Ji-Ah announces with a smile, hugging the bear tighter to her chest. "Then I can play with Jiwoong Oppa whenever I want and he won’t have to go away!"
Your breath hitches at the little girl's words as you glance up cautiously at her older brother. His eyes are wide as they meet yours; the handsome man's expression suddenly filled with shame. It's none of your business, but you can't help but wonder how important this man's work is that he's never around for his baby sister.
"That's--..." You fumble before quickly forcing a big grin for the little girl in front of you, writing the name down on the certificate. “That’s a wonderful idea! Then you can always have your big brother close to you.”
Ji-Ah smiles, bouncing on her toes happily. You glance up at her brother again to find him attempting to blink back tears. Whatever his reason for not being around more often, you can tell that it deeply pains him and that’s enough for you to want to try to make this a great memory for both of them to cherish.
“Well now that Gomdori Oppa is born,” you transition, giving the little bear a pat on the head, “he needs a bath before he’s ready to go out into the world! Do you want to go put our little bundle of joy in the bath for me?"
Ji-Ah nods, skipping over in utter bliss to the Bear Salon in the corner. You turn to her brother, who is still in the midst of composing himself.
"She really adores you, doesn't she?" You comfort, smiling at the man gently. "I think you bring her a lot of joy."
He nods, smiling sadly. "I'm just away so much. I wonder if that joy's enough, you know?"
"I can see how much you care about her," you reply, meeting his gaze now. "That's what they remember. Not the details... Just the love."
His smile fades, eyebrows raising as if the sentiment surprises him. He studies you for a moment before his eyebrows furrow with genuine appreciation. "Thank you."
"Oppaaaaa!" Ji-Ah whines from the Salon. "Gomdori Oppa needs his bath!"
"Okay, okay!" He concedes as you both laugh. As you turn to walk over to the Salon, Jiwoong stops in his tracks. You look back at him curiously to see he's staring at a shelf to his right. "What are those?"
You step back towards him, following the direction of his gaze. Your eyes light up when you recognize what he's looking at. "Oh! Those are voice boxes. You can record your own message and put it inside the bear."
"I know you said she'll only remember the love," Jiwoong grins at you, shrugging resignedly. "But it can't hurt, right?"
You're compelled to grin back, his entirely charming smile nearly knocking you off your feet. You breathe deeply as you will yourself to get a grip. "I guess it can't."
"That's what I thought," he replies, picking up one of the voice boxes and walking toward the opposite end of the store. "I'll be over there until you need me."
"(Y/N)-sshiiiiii!" Ji-Ah whines again, ripping you from your silly little daydream.
You run over to the little girl; your signature magical smile back on your face. "I'm here! Time to give Gomdori Oppa his first ever bubble bath."
Ji-Ah giggles, mesmerized as the bathtub fills with fake bubbles. You glance over at her brother, your heart warming as you catch him grinning into the voice recorder.
“Gomdori Oppa is all fresh and clean for his first day as a baby bear!” You announce, turning the bear around in his salon chair as Jiwoong rejoins you. He slips you the voice box behind your back to keep the surprise for Ji-Ah and you tuck it into your pocket nonchalantly.
“But… he’s missing something, isn’t he?” You ask, eyebrows raising in concern as you pretend to examine the bear you've picked up.
Ji-Ah blinks back at you wide-eyed, anticipation absolutely brimming over.
“Oh no!” You gasp, placing a hand over the bear’s front playfully. “He’s missing his clothes!”
Ji-Ah throws her head back, giggling furiously at your humorous performance. “Gomdori Oppa is naked!”
Jiwoong laughs too as he places a large hand over his sister’s eyes. “Don’t look! He’s shy.”
Another giggle fit ensues as Ji-Ah wraps her tiny hand around her brother’s— attempting to pry it off her to no avail.
“We need to pick out Gomdori Oppa’s first outfit,” you say, hopping over to the Shopping Mall as Ji-Ah grabs her brother’s sleeve and drags him behind you. “Since our baby bear is modeled after Jiwoong Oppa, should we pick something for him that your brother would wear?”
You squat down to the little girl’s level as both you and Ji-Ah look up at Jiwoong to assess his sense of style. You turn to each other, eyes narrowing with judgment as you look back at her older brother.
“What?” Jiwoong asks with a frown. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”
You pout as you consider how to answer. “It’s a bit…”
“Boring!” Ji-Ah interjects suddenly.
Jiwoong’s eyebrows raise in offense.
“I was going to say ‘classic’,” you add.
Jiwoong sighs. “That’s just the polite way to say boring. Well if you dislike the source inspiration so much, why don't you just skip the clothes?"
“The clothes are the best part, Oppa,” Ji-Ah says, shooting him a sassy glare. “Duh.”
Jiwoong meets your gaze, shaking his head playfully in disbelief at his baby sister.
“Duh, Oppa,” you echo Ji-Ah, earning an unamused look from Jiwoong that endearingly resembles his sister’s to a tee. “The clothes are the best part.”
The little girl points up to a garment on the wall and you follow her line of site to a voluminous princess gown. "That's perfect!"
“Ji-Ahya!” Jiwoong scolds. “Didn’t you say this bear is supposed to be like me?”
Ji-Ah looks at her brother for a moment before grinning. “He is like you!”
Jiwoong glances at you, a sheepish smile spreading across his face. “I don’t wear princess dresses, Ji-Ah.”
“Mm,” Ji-Ah considers for a moment. “I guess he’s more like a cooler version of you.”
“Would I really be cooler if I wore princess dresses?” Jiwoong asks doubtfully as you fill out more of the bear's birth certificate.
“To a five-year-old, yes,” you answer his rhetorical question, not thinking as you follow it with, "You're so handsome though, I wouldn't be surprised if you could pull it off.”
He smiles at you amusedly as your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "Oh yeah? I'll tell my stylist to sprinkle in some more ballgowns then, if the cute Bear's Life employee thinks I can pull it off."
You suddenly bite your lip to keep your jaw from falling open. "Cute?"
"Oh, uh," Jiwoong stammers, clearly unaware that he'd let the word slip. He laughs awkwardly as he walks back over to the wall of the Shopping Mall and picks Ji-Ah up, situating her on his hip so she can look at the clothes better. "You're sure about the princess gown for Gomdori Oppa? What about these little overalls, huh? Or this Hawaiian shirt?"
You watch as Ji-Ah shakes her head firmly at every option her brother poses, a smile forming on your lips. You had to admit he was incredibly cute with her. Then, something dawns on you: Jiwoong said he had a stylist. Of course, he had been joking around, but was that part a joke too? Could he be someone famous? He certainly has the face to be an actor or an idol. More importantly:
Was this the reason he didn't visit home much?
"Gomdori Oppa wants a princess dress," Ji-Ah says and her tone indicates that the decision is final.
Jiwoong sighs. "Alright, alright. Gomdori Oppa will be the most beautiful princess in all the land... per the Queen's orders."
"Well now that Princess Gomdori Oppa has decided he wants to wear the most beautiful gown that he can get his hands on... there's only one question left!" You make your way up to them, Ji-Ah giggling at the regal voice that her brother just put on. "Is that dress pink or blue?"
"Here is Gomdori Oppa's birth certificate," you say, handing the thick piece of paper over to Jiwoong. "These are his official records, so hold onto them tightly or he won't be allowed to vote in the Bear Elections or collect his Bear Pension!"
Jiwoong snorts, looking up at the ceiling and whistling when you narrow your eyes at him; though the grin that he keeps having to suppress makes it hard for him to produce any sound.
"And here is Gomdori Oppa," you present, handing the fluffy brown bear adorned in a pink ballgown and tiara to Ji-Ah. "Maybe you can give him a big squeeze?"
Ji-Ah smiles, squeezing the bear tightly to her. Her eyes light up as a voice sounds from the bear:
Ji-Ahya! Are you being a good girl for Eomma? Are you going to bed early and eating well? Jiwoong Oppa will be home before you know it. And in the mean time... Gomdori Oppa loves you very much, Ji-Ah.
"Oppaaa!" Ji-Ah cries, a little pout on her lips as her eyes water. "I love you!"
You would be lying if you said a little lump doesn't form in your throat as Jiwoong places one large hand on the top of his sister's head and ruffles up her hair affectionately.
"I'm so glad you came into Bear's Life today," you say, grinning at Ji-Ah as she sniffs back her tears almost as soon as they arrived. "I had a blast with you guys! Did you have fun, too?"
The little girl bounces up and down, handing her bear to her brother for a moment so she can wrap her arms around your waist in a hug. You giggle at the adorable little girl, patting her back gently before she pulls away.
Running behind your little counter area, you pull up the total on your cash register. "Okay, that'll be 145,000 won."
"Oh," Jiwoong remarks, eyebrows raise in surprise. "That's... that's quite an expensive bear we put together, Ji-Ah."
"Well, you're also paying for the experience... and your time with the worker..." You explain, smirking at the incredibly handsome man in front of you. "Did you enjoy your time with the worker?"
"Yes," Jiwoong answers a little too seductively before coughing to cover it up when he suddenly remembers where he is. After clearing his throat several times, he replies sheepishly, "Yes, I did-- we did, I mean."
"That's what I thought," you reply with a smug smile, taking the credit card he immediately holds out to you. Swiping it through your machine and handing it back to him, he places his card in his wallet and holds out his hand for Ji-Ah to take.
"Thank you, Oppa!" She squeals happily before turning and bowing to you. "Thank you, (Y/N)-sshi! I'll miss you!"
Your heart melts at the pout on Ji-Ah's face as she looks between you and her brother.
"Oh, uh," Jiwoong stutters as he tries to think of a solution. "Well, we'll come back again soon! How does that sound, Ji-Ah?"
"REALLY!?" Ji-Ah screams excitedly, eyes wide with surprise.
"Yes. We can come and get more... accessories," Jiwoong nods, smiling in resign. "... for the bear."
"Accessories... for the bear?" You repeat with a smirk.
"Yeah! I mean, you both agreed: the clothes are the best part," Jiwoong attempts to explain. "So Gomdori Oppa will want another outfit eventually."
"YAAAAAAAY!" Ji-Ah exclaims, clapping her hands together. "And then you can see (Y/N)-sshi!"
Jiwoong's eyebrows raise immediately. "So then I can see (Y/N)-sshi? Ji-Ah..."
"And then you can fall in looooove," Ji-Ah sing-songs teasingly. Impressed, you smile. Kids always know whats going on... even when we think they don't.
"Ji-Ahya, please--," Jiwoong starts, but you cut him off.
"Well, whenever Gomdori Oppa is ready for his new accessories," you say, meeting Jiwoong's gaze. "Let him know he's welcome any time."
Ji-Ah giggles as her brother swallows nervously, a blush tinting his cheeks as he smiles bashfully. Bear in one hand and Jiwoong's palm in the other, your tiny customer Ji-Ah pulls her brother towards the door.
Jiwoong's still stealing glances at you from over his shoulder, grinning at the way you're now biting your lip to keep from laughing. Ji-Ah turns around one more time, taking Gomdori Oppa's hand in her own and letting the little bear wave goodbye to you.
You wave back as they walk out of the doors hand-in-hand, smiling as you know you achieved your goal of making this visit a special memory for Ji-Ah and her brother.
You'd never have guessed that their visit would end up being a very special memory for you, too.
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starvity · 1 year
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— ☆ first date with zb1
gn!reader x zb1 (ot9)
genre: fluff, drabble // warnings: obvious flirting, some ftl going on, food, fireworks, proximity?, hanbin's tattoos and ricky's hands gulp
author’s note: this took way too long to write?! enjoy!! :] (★ω★)/ [requested♡]
ੈ✩‧₊˚ jiwoong - go camping
your first date with jiwoong is crucial for him. he thinks that if he doesn't show how great of a husband he can be today, he'll never have you (you are already so in love with him but anyways). so he drives you to the camping site, helps you set the table, the chairs and well, he gave up on the tent but that's okay! the sun is shining and you're having a great time. when he starts grilling he'll ask you to sit next to him and "act all pretty for him" (spoiler: it's because he wants to feed you while he cooks). woong would have the sweetest smile on his face as you compliment his cooking and he loves how you look as the sun starts to set. he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear so it doesn't get in your food and you bet that it took him a lot of self-control at this moment to not kiss you.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ zhang hao - ride a bicycle and visit a lp store
the day was already perfect: the weather in autumn had just the right amount of gloominess with the tiniest hint of sunshine and it was your first date with hao. you rented a bicycle for a few hours to ride along the river and it was such a breath of fresh air in both of your lives. you had your arms shyly wrapped around a blushing hao's waist as you admire the city lights reflect on the water. a few strangers walking by had complimented how good you both look together and hao laughs wholeheartedly, looking back at you with love in his eyes. when it started to get a little dark and cold outside, you guys found shelter in a lp store. you were looking through the vinyl's as hao sometimes calls out to you to show a piece of classic music he had learned to play on his violin. at the end of the day, you decide to pick one to gift to each other. and the next day, he sends you his entire detailed analysis on the songs you picked with his ranking :')
ੈ✩‧₊˚ hanbin - take a dancing class
you can't help but think that taking a dance class together probably isn't the best idea for a first date. you'll have to be focused listening to the teacher, all sweaty, and you wonder if you'll even be able to talk to hanbin at all. but he looked so excited when he suggested it so of course you showed up. the room was surprisingly quiet, apart from the music playing, as you step in. you make eye contact through the mirror with hanbin. his towel was hanging on his shoulder and he flashes you a smile as he hurriedly reaches for his phone to turn off the music. he was wearing a sleeveless shirt, his two tattoos on display and you gulp as he approches you. oh so he's the teacher. and well you discovered that you were having much more fun than you expected as hanbin guides you through the choreography. your focused state didn't last for long when he got behind you, slightly putting his hand on your waist and his other just under your neck to fix your posture. and from this moment you knew that you were definitely going to sign up for his next classes.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ matthew - have fun at the local fair
i don't know if it's from the cliché american romcom vibes but i can totally picture your first date with matt being at a fair. it was cheesy and you both knew it. how he tried so hard to win you a doll, how he fed you the cotton candy, how you scooted closer to him during the ride and how you wiped the flour from the churros off his nose. but can i blame you for being so giddy holding hands while walking through the crowd? (i cannot, you guys are cute...). matthew had allowed you to hold onto his arm if you ended up getting startled in the haunted house. but as you expected, he was the one getting scared, pushing you towards the exit with his eyes closing and screaming incoherent sentences. of course you ended the day by watching the fireworks and he could not stop admiring how your eyes sparkled watching the show. he safely drops you off and you give him a hug and a peck on the cheek to thank him for the day. the thought kept replaying in his head as he was trying to fall asleep.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ taerae - go to the arcade
taerae likes to laugh and you like to hear him laugh. you two have been friends for quite a long time so you feel close and comfortable enough to joke around and show your true self. you two decided to meet at the arcade you usually go to make it as casual as possible. however, taerae wasn't able to hide his nervousness as it was your first hangout as "a bit more than friends". as always, you would spend all your money on the car games, always betting on buying food or winning plushies for who looses the race. after spending what seemed like an hour on the same machine and making all the other people annoyed, you suggest to finally try another game. taerae then taps the seat behind him on the motorbike with a soft blush on his cheeks, slightly hidden by the glasses he was wearing. you hop on, attaching your arms around his waist shyly. you can barely see his face from behind apart from his dimple very apparent and you wonder if he's smiling as much as you are. "hold on tight!" taerae screams as he starts the race and you laugh, your blushing face pressing against his neck.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ ricky - make pottery
it all started when you, one day, complimented how dainty and pretty ricky's hands are and now he doesn't miss a chance to show them off. he spends more time filing them and spends extra money on hand creams and even more money on taking a pottery lesson with you. you admire silently how he removes his watch with one hand and twist his rings off his fingers. he chuckles, as he rolls up the sleeves of his white shirt "like what you see?", he teases. you giggle, not being able to argue with his nor to lie. the lesson, starts well! for ricky at least, who quickly catch up on how the whole process of making his bowl works. you sigh, your hands full of mud and your cup who looks... nothing like a cup. you suddenly feel a pair of hands cupping the back of yours. "it's because you're not delicate enough" ricky whispers in your ear (oh he knows what he's doing) and you nod nervously, feeling his hands slightly intertwine with yours to shape the material and his arms enveloping yours.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gyuvin - do a picnic
you always tell gyuvin that you only spend time with him to see his dog to hide the fact that you just want to see him all the time because YOU LIKE HIM. every sunday morning, you two walk eumppappa together, sometimes holding hands when it gets cold because that's what friends do, right? you can't count how many times your friends have gotten frustrated with you not confessing to him, claiming that he obviously feels the same way. you had decided the day before to do a picnic after your walk to enjoy the nice weather. "i cut up some mango too!" you announce excitedly as you set the different plates on the checkered blanket. gyuvin gasps dramatically, grabbing a piece of mango with his fork but you notice how he doesn't take the bite immediately. instead, his eyes flick from the fruit to your mouth before he places the piece between his lips. you laugh, watching how his eyes sparkle, anticipating your next move. you finally lean in, taking a bit of mango and feeling your upper lip slightly brush against his.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gunwook - visit the aquarium
you had been nervously waiting for this day all weekend after gunwook had asked you on a date after school on friday. you two met up at the newly opened aquarium with some nice outfits since you both insisted to take some cute pictures there. after taking turns snapping pictures of each other, you set your phone on a bench, the camera turned to gunwook and you who were standing in front of the big tank. "that one looks like you!" you laugh, obviously pointing at what could be the ugliest fish. "and i was about to say you looked like that pretty jellyfish" he chuckles. your eyes light up, admiring the mysterious creature under the lights that make the water look so blue and magical. after a few minutes, you get off your cloud when you realise gunwook has gone silent and turn around to catch him staring at you with soft eyes. "sorry, you looked pretty" he says 5 seconds before throwing an arm around your shoulders and pulling your face closer to his chest so you don't see him now blushing. "woah i was cringe like that?" gunwook laughs as you two rewatch the video in bed for the nth time, 4 months after that first date. "but see, your flirting kinda worked" you giggle, hugging the penguin plushie he ended up buying you that day.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ yujin - play at a board game café
yujin pants, dropping the heavy pile of board games in front of you. "do you really think we'll have time to play all that?", you laugh, fanning his face with your hand. "you choose" he says, spreading the different boxes on the table. you ended up trying different activities and laughing so hard the entire afternoon. the atmosphere was light and you didn't feel awkward at all around yujin, probably because you didn't really consider this a date. your friends were trying to get you two together but you kept on telling them that you were okay with staying best friends (despite the romantic tension happening between the boy and you sometimes). that was until the waiter brought you the milkshake you had ordered. there were, in fact, two straws. you thank them shyly as yujin is still rambling about his strategy to win this round. you take a sip of your beverage, lowering your gaze and nervously fidgeting. suddenly, yujin almost closes the gap between you to take a sip too. "how dare you take from MY drink without asking?" you teasingly kick his leg with your foot and he winces between giggles. let's stay that this proximity made you both question a lot of things about your friendship.
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riikive · 11 months
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pairing. choi beomgyu x female!oc | genres. comfort, little space, little headspace, soft, etc. | warnings. a lot of cuteness, overworking, overstudying | word count. 0.7k
note. It has been a while since I wrote a oneshot/drabble. I hope you like it, and my apologies if it is a little rushed. I have been stressed over school assignments, so I need a break, and midterms are due tomorrow, so I have extra stress. Take care, take breaks and please eat three meals!
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Woong was just finishing up her assignments on the kitchen island of her apartment. She had been overworking herself once again. Did she care? Nope, never. Assignments come first then her health. Which was a bad thing. She knew, but she was too stubborn to change it. It was a way for her to not think about anything else and to distract herself.
While she finished her assignments, Beomgyu came to the apartment after work. He opened the door after punching in the passcode with a bright smile, but then his smile dropped into a frown as he saw her working on her assignments again. He quietly put his keys on the key holder. Then, he walked up to her. "Working on your assignments?" Woong nodded without looking at him. "Yeah, I have so many assignments to finish."
"Can't you take a break?" He asked. She just shook her head. He sighed and went inside the kitchen. He filled a cup with trying to think of some way to get her to stop studying and rest. Then he realized Woong hadn't been in her little headspace for a long time now. He quickly put away his cup in the sink before walking to the bedroom.
the rest is under the cut
Woong was too busy with her assignments to even notice Beomgyu went to the bedroom and took out a new teddy bear he bought yesterday for her. "Little fairy." She froze when she heard the nickname but decided to ignore it. "Little fairy, look what I got you." She bit her lips, trying not to slip. At least for now.
Beomgyu held the teddy bear closer to her. "Little fairy, this teddy bear wants to play with you," he said in a gentle voice. "Beomgyu stop," she muttered while working on her assignments. He sighed. Without a second thought, he made her turn around and then carried her to the living room. Woong tried to go back to her spot, but he didn't let her.
He put the teddy bear on her lap after making her sit. Within a second, she slipped into her little headspace and played with the teddy bear. He smiled at "Beomie, is this a new bear?" Letting out a soft sigh, he smiled at her. She asked with a smile. "Yes, it is. I brought the bear yesterday because it looks like it needs a friend like you." He ruffled her hair.
"Can I name it?" She looked at Beomgyu with excitement in her eyes. He nodded. "Of course." She stood up and did a little dance with the teddy bear. He smiled at her. "I will name the teddy, Dalie!" "Be careful with Dalie. I don't want you to get hurt."
"Okay, thank you Beomie!" Before running to her playroom to play with her other toys. Beomgyu followed her. "Little fairy, how old are you?" Woong stopped playing before looking at him. She made 6 with her fingers. He nodded and she went back to playing. He watched her play and even played with her for a while before dinner. "Do you want anything?" Woong thought for a second before answering. "I want spaghetti please!" "Alright, I will be in the kitchen if you need me then shout or walk to me, okay?" She nodded.
Beomgyu went to the kitchen and began to make some spaghetti for his little one. Once he was done, he called Woong. She quickly came out within a second with Dalie. She sat down in her usual seat and waited for him to serve the food. "You know the rules, no toys near the dinner." He informed her. "Oh right, sowy." He ruffled her hair. "It's okay." She quickly put Dallie in the living room. "Dalie, stay there until I finish my dinner." She pointed at the teddy bear before going back to the dining table. He let out a little laugh at her cuteness as she walked back.
"What's funny?" She asked with a confused face. Beomgyu shook his head before smiling. "Nothing, here is your dinner. Make sure to finish it all before you can play." Woong quickly dug into her spaghetti. "Don't rush, eat slowly," he told her. She nodded and slowed down.
After eating, Beomgyu washed the dishes while Woong played with her new teddy before washing up and sleeping.
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lily-blue · 1 year
own fic rec game
recommend 5 or more of your own works that you would rec to someone asking what they should read first & explain a little bit about the work. these can be the most popular, the ones you think are underrated, or your own favorites! then tag five other writers!
tagged by @dat-town​
tagging @twogyuu​
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13 reasons why - seventeen, 86,3k (ongoing series)
this series started out at a drabble series. after reading seventeen soulmate aus for days in a row, i was basically wondering whether i could write thirteen different stories in the same universe without repeating myself. i think it’s a success so far, but i still have four more chapters to go. anyway, it’s basically a series of (more or less) light-hearted love stories where each boy gets a happy ending and cameos in each other’s stories. thus, if you’re looking for some good old fluff, some light angst and humour, this series is being written for you
code zero - bts & red velvet, 60k (co-written with @dat-town​)
another series on the list, a finished one this time. we came up with the idea of this futuristic au after we watched train to busan with kathy. it was so much fun building a smart city for our super smart candidates and even more fun coming up with numerous ways a city could kill a person, so we wouldn’t repeat ourselves while writing! if you enjoy reading stories about people fighting to survive against all odds, this is your story! i promise, there will be survivors at the end.
the choices you give » the choices he makes - huang renjun, 22k
this fantasy, especially the second chapter, which was written from renjun’s point of view, is one of my ultimate favourites on my masterlist. the characters have their own secrets and reasons to act the way they’re acting, their relationship might seem a little shallow from the reader’s perspective, but once you get to the second chapter, the puzzle pieces will start to fall into place and that’s what makes it such an interesting journey! if you don’t hate open endings, like reading stories from two points of views and have a weak spot for mysterious boys with a traumatic childhood and a demanding father figure, this story is for you.
come hell or high water - hwang hyunjin, 16,1k
this story is peak comedy. i don’t remember i’ve ever finished such a long story so quickly, but hyunjin demanded all of my attention while i was working on this one. poor guy is so gone for the girl in this story that his one brain cell has major difficulties to function or see the consequences of his actions. he is this close 🤏🤏 to accidentally start a war between his and the princess’ kingdom, but lucky for him, our girl saves his ass with her logical reasoning. so no, it’s not him who starts the war.
blurred lines - jeon woong, 13,5k
this one is seriously one of my most underrated stories, but it was so much fun to write that i couldn’t not put it on this list. the main plot is based on a misunderstanding: woong is certain you’re his secret admirer. do you have feelings for him? yes, you do. were you do one who wrote him the letter? absolutely not. still, he falls for you and you couldn’t be happier… until the real secret admirer demands the credit that’s rightfully hers. despite the inevitable drama, it’s a light-hearted university story with lots of fluff and a pinch of heartbreak. it’s also written from both the reader and woong’s point of view, so if you like these kinds of stories, don’t hesitate to read it or save it for later.
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I was wondering if there might be a possibility of a drabble or fic with Taehoon where it's like the first day of the group having all the pets at home and he wasn't sure how much allergy meds to take since there are so many new animals, that he doesn't quite get the dosage right and so everyone suspects his allergies but he doesn't seem bothered etc.
And or if there could be a drabble or fic where the guys finally say something to Jasper about his sensitivity to the animals or where it's turns into an actually allergy after being around them so long?
I know you are super busy with your main, and I'm a huge fan! Just wanted to know if these could possibly happen? Thanks!!
Here it is. Hope you enjoy
Prompt 1
Today was the day. The members of Zodiac had spent the past week visiting shelters to look for some animals to adopt. Today was the day that the animals would be moving into their dorm. It was actually a little bit peculiar, the three cats and two dogs they had decided to adopt were actually grouped together. They had apparently developed a bond and the employees had told them that when they had tried to put them in separate areas, hunger strikes and behavior issues occured. Ultimately the shelter decided to try their best to get the five animals adopted together if possible. Jehyuk, Wonjae, Woong, and Junseok went to go pick up the group’s new pets while the rest of the group finished making sure they had everything they needed. Taehoon was currently locked in the bathroom looking at the bottle of antihistamines he picked up from the drugstore the other day.
He knew that he needed to start taking them everyday since he is VERY allergic to animal fur, but he wasn’t sure how much would be the correct dosage to counteract his allergies. He had seen an allergist years ago when he was still in elementary school. His family had been dogsitting for some friends and they had thought that he had caught a particularly bad cold until the dog returned to its owners and his symptoms went away. The allergist had told him that he was basically allergic to anything with fur and his family had decided to stop watching friend’s pets and also decided that they weren’t going to adopt any furry friends. Taehoon ultimately decided to go with a half dose, because surely his allergies to fur can't be that bad.
Taehoon was sitting in the living room with the rest of his members while the animals explored their new home. It has barely been ten minutes since the animals were brought into the dorm and Taehoon's nose was getting increasingly itchy. He's pretty sure he's already rubbed his nose at least five times. He was doing his best to will himself not to sneeze because he didn't want the newly adopted animals to get returned.
"Hih-stschhh, heh-stschhh, heh-stschhh." Taehoon abruptly sneezed into his hands as he had been trying to rub the most recent itchy sensation away. He grabbed some tissues from one of the many boxes they keep lying around and blew his nose. He then excused himself to the bathroom to wash his hands. While he was in the bathroom, Taehoon wound up stifling a couple more sneezes. He sighed as he realized he definitely didn’t take enough medication and that he was going to be sneezing for a while. Taehoon blew his nose again before leaving the bathroom.
Taehoon returned to the living room, not realizing that his nose had taken on a pink tinge from all the rubbing he'd been doing. He found himself subconsciously sniffling as he sat back down. Almost as soon as he sat down, one of the cats decided to investigate Taehoon's lap. He was extremely excited at the fact that one of the cats was now climbing into his lap. But, he was also now a little more concerned, as there was now a direct source of animal dander just a few inches from his nose. He wasn't sure if the current itch in his sinuses was psychosomatic or not, but he brought his hand up to his nose and rubbed anyway.
Over the course of the next twenty or so minutes, the frequency of Taehoon's sniffling increased. There were also some wetter sounding sniffles where you could hear mucous getting sucked back. It also definitely did not help that the cat that decided to explore Taehoon's lap had gotten herself comfy and had fallen asleep. Fortunately for Taehoon, he was ecstatic because the cat had settled extremely quickly and he was now able to give her head scritches. Unfortunately for Taehoon, he felt like he was going to explode soon and he couldn't get up.
"Can soh-someone pass me the tih-issue please?" Taehoon's breathing was beginning to hitch and he needed something to cover with fast. Merlin passed him the nearest box of tissues. Unfortunately, Taehoon's nose passed its breaking point just as he had grabbed the box.
"Heh-nxgt, heh-nxgtshhh, heh-stschhh, heh-stschhh, hih-stschhh, HEH-NGstiewww."
The fit had been very rapid fire, and hadn’t really allowed Taehoon any time to pull any tissues out of the box. This resulted in him half covering the fit that had come out as he tried to get the tissues he so desperately needed. Taehoon pulled several tissues from the box as soon as he was done sneezing and blew his nose.
"Bless you times six. You good Tae?" Merlin asked. Taehoon nodded as he sneezed again into the tissues.
"I'm great, hyung. Just a bit…sneezy." Taehoon said. He finished blowing his nose. He then somewhat instinctively rubbed at his nose, trying to make sure he was currently rid of the itch.
Over the next hour Taehoon continued to sneeze. After one particularly bad fit of twelve sneezes, Taehoon became a bit fed up. "I'm going to get some fresh air." He said as he sniffled. Taehoon carefully moved the cat that was on his lap and grabbed his phone before leaving the dorm.
After Taehoon left the room, the eleven other men exchanged glances. "Anybody else think that hyung isn't okay?" Jihoon asked. A lot of the members nodded in agreement.
"Looked like allergies to me, and since I'm an allergic mess ninety nine percent of the time, I'm pretty sure that's what's affecting Taehoon." Daehyun said.
"Do you think hyung knows he's allergic to the pets we just adopted? Woong asked.
"If Hyung doesn't know he's allergic to animals, he's in for a rude awakening."Junseok said.
"That's assuming it's allergies and that he's not aware of it. He could have come down with a very intense sneezy cold all of a sudden. Or he might know he's allergic and is simply choosing to suffer." Arthur replied. The conversation got dropped after that because Arthur did have a point.
Taehoon returned about an hour later carrying a couple of doughnut boxes. "I went for a walk then decided to get snacks for everyone." Taehoon said as he placed the boxes in the kitchen. The eleven other men all went up to grab a doughnut and went back to the living room. While Taehoon had been out on his walk, the others had started watching a drama..
It wasn’t even fifteen minutes later that Taehoon’s nose began bothering him again. Taehoon found himself rapidly grabbing a towel that Jehyuk had laid out for the doughnuts and putting it over his mouth.
“heh-stieshh, hih-stieshhhh, heh-stieshhhieghhh.” Taehoon wiped his mouth and made a disgusted face as he looked at the paper towel before throwing it away. Taehoon sat back down with the group, audibly sniffling. After another hour and a half, Taehoon, who was still very much sniffly, stood up and grabbed one of the boxes of tissues they keep around and went to his room. He unintentionally slammed the door behind him and shouted sorry right after. The other could hear a prolonged sneezing fit coming from the room, and it sounded like Taehoon was just letting the sneezes out instead of covering in any way shape or form.
After several minutes, the sneezing fit coming from Taehoon seemed to stop. Or at least the sneezing was no longer audible through the wall. The others exchanged semi worried glances while continuing to watch the drama and pet their new pets.
Eventually Taehoon comes out of his room with tissues pressed to his nose. “Wonjae hyung, Can you help with something at the company please?” Wonjae nodded and stood up. As the duo left, Wonjae grabbed one of the disposable masks the group keeps next to the door.
“What do you need help with Tae?” Wonjae asked as the duo began walking to the company. Taehoon suddenly sneezed into his ball of soiled tissues and siffled wetly. Wonjae couldn’t help but flinch a little at the sneeze. Especially because he was able to see a little bit of spray.
“I’m sorry hyung. I know that was gross.” Taehoon sniffled again. “I didn’t realize I was so allergic to animals.I don’t really know what to do. I mean I only took a half dose of medication, but if my allergies are that bad with only a half dose, I can’t imagine m-y sym-heh-stieshhh, hih-stieshhh, symptoms improving much on a full dose. I also really don’t want to  bring them back to the shelter just because my immune system is over reacting.”
Wonjae listened as Taehoon rambled. “So you already knew that you’re allergic to animals, just not how badly?” Taehoon nodded.
“I’d recommend a nasal rinse to help clear your sinuses and then start taking a full dose of your meds. Assuming you're currently taking some over the counter stuff, I’d also suggest going to an allergist to see if they do anything.” Wonjae advised. “Let’s head to the pharmacy and see what we can find.
Wonjae took Taehoon to the pharmacy and the older helped the younger look at the potentially allergy relief items they had.
“One more thing hyung, can you please not tell the others about how severely allergic I am to animals? As I said before,  I don’t want our new pets to be returned to the shelter.” Wonjae responded with a nod and a pinky swear. “You should know Tae, the others all already think you’re allergic to the animals, they just don’t want to bring it up.” “That makes sense. I still want to keep it between us though.” Wonjae nodded his head again and they finished getting their things at the pharmacy.
Prompt 2
It’s been almost a year since Zodiac debuted, and almost ten months since the members adopted their five pets. All twelve members have had the past few days off, but no one has really been leaving the dorm at all. It’s either been hot and muggy, or it’s been raining. Wonjae was really the only one that left. But he had left for his own apartment to spend some quality time with his boyfriend.
This left the other eleven men to bond a bit. Sure they had all left for at least a little bit to spend time with their own families, which Arthur and Merlin spent cuddling on the couch. But for the most part, they just stayed in the dorm. 
Being in close quarters for an extended period was interesting. Sure the members live and work together, but they still get space from each other throughout the day. However, with not having any schedules and the weather not really allowing a desire to go out, the eleven members had been sequestered together for three days now.
The eleven men had just finished breakfast and were sitting down in the living room for a movie marathon. Specifically The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. They had just barely started the first movie when there was a mini outburst from the maknae.
“Hihktchh, heh-ktschhh, hih-ktchhh, heh-ktchhh.” Jasper kept his hand over his nose because some amount of snot had been released. Merlin passed him a tissue box. “Are you feeling okay Jas? You’ve been sneezing a lot the past couple of days.” The older inquired. It’s true. Normally Jasper only sneezes a couple of times, but lately, he’s been having small fits fairly frequently.
Jasper nodded. “I’m fine hyung. I think my rhinitis is acting up.” He says as he blows his nose “You have rhinitis?” Jehyuk asks.
Once again, Jasper nods. “Yes. Or at least I’m pretty sure I do hyung. I can’t really think of another reason for my increased sneezing and early morning stuffiness other than rhinitis.” A few of the others exchange looks.
“And do you recall when you started sneezing more frequently and waking up with a stuffy nose?” Woong asked.
“I think I developed rhinitis shortly after we got our pets.” As if summoned, Sagwa hops up on Jasper’s lap and gets comfortable. Fifteen seconds later, Jasper sneezes five more times.
“Dude, I think you’re allergic to animals.” Arthur said
“What makes you say that?” Jasper said, sounding a little offended.
“You just said that your nose started giving you problems around the time we got the pets. Add that to the fact that you’ve been completely cooped up inside with them as opposed to leaving for several hours throughout the day means symptoms are worse. Especially if you aren’t taking any medication.” Daehyun said, only to rapidly take a couple of tissues for himself and sneezed six times.
Jasper thought for a couple of moments. “I suppose that could be true.” He paused to sniffle and blow his nose again. “But what about Taehoon hyung? He’s way worse than me and you’re not confronting him about possibly being allergic to pets.” Jasper said this a bit defensively.
“Oh, I’m definitely highly allergic to animals. To the point my meds don’t always work. Wonjae hyung already knows and helps me out on really bad days. I never said anything to the rest of you mainly because I was afraid that all of you would insist on bringing them back to the shelter. Also, none of you ever asked.” Taehoon disappeared to his room and came back with a medicine box.
“Here, try one of these. It’s just over the counter stuff I take when my prescription runs out before I’ve had a chance to get an appointment with my allergist.” Taehoon said as he popped a pill out of the package and handed it to Jasper. Jihoon had gone to get a glass of water. Jasper thought for a second before accepting the pill and swallowing it down with water.
As the next hour passes, Jasper’s condition improves greatly. The amount of sneezing decreased and so did the sniffling. “You think I need to start seeing an allergist too?” He asks, wiping his nose with his wrist, more out of instinct than anything else.
“Only if you want to. It would probably be a good idea, bare minimum to confirm the animals are what you’re allergic to. But again, it’s up to you.” Youngbin says. Jasper ponders for several moments. “I think I’ll schedule an allergy test, but I don’t think anything else is necessary.”
The group went back to watching the movie. Some of them fell asleep after only an hour, so the movie got turned off.
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sneezyminniejo · 2 years
could you do a little scenario/drabble with Taehoon being sneezy after cuddling with his pets
Here it is, hope you enjoy
Allergic Cuddles
Taehoon was absolutely delighted. He had successfully talked the others into adopting some animals around a month after they debuted. The group adopted three cats and two dogs. For cats, they adopted a calico, a tuxedo cat and a domestic shorthair. For dogs, they adopted a spaniel mix and pitbull mix.
The cats were named Max Attacks, Mr. Meowsers, and Sagwa. The dogs were named Bokshiri and Nabi. The twelve members were all absolutely ecstatic when they had made the trips to various shelters to adopt the animals.
It was a Saturday and none of the members had any schedules. Merlin, Jehyuk, Arthur, and Jasper had gone to the park to toss around a frisbee. Daehyun, Youngbin, and Minseok decided to check out a new museum exhibit. Wonjae, Junseok, Woong, and Jihoon decided to put some extra practice in at the company. Taehoon on the other hand, grabbed a bunch of blankets and made a comfy spot on the floor of the living room and decided to marathon Ghibli movies.
To Taehoon's complete joy, the group had somehow adopted a bunch of cuddlebugs. Within minutes of having gotten himself settled down, he had a cat in his lap and a dog on either side of him. It wasn't much longer before the other cats joined in and curled up next to each other on the couch behind him.
Taehoon made sure to take allergy meds like he's been doing every day since the animals got adopted. But they can only do so much when you're one, very allergic to animal fur, and two, choose to get up close and personal for an extended period with said animal fur. Before sitting down he had made sure to grab a box of tissues, because he knew he would be needing it.
He was only twenty minutes into Porco Rosso, when his nose began running. He sniffled a little before grabbing a tissue and blowing his nose one handed. The nose blow helped for all of five seconds before he had to bring his hand back up to his face.
“HIH-tiew-tiew, heh-tiew-tiew, huh-stiew.” Taehoon grabbed another couple of tissues to blow his nose again before sniffling. Nabi and Sagwa had been a little annoyed by his mini fit, but they both settled back down rather quickly. The other three animals didn’t even budge. All three of them were sound asleep. It probably helps that the animals are used to his sneezing by now, so they’ve learned to largely ignore it.
He managed to get through the first movie without more sneezing, then put on Castle in the Sky. He blew his nose again before settling back against the couch. Unfortunately, he got startled by a loud clap of thunder. The animals were not appreciative of this and the dogs whimpered a little while the cats practically jumped out of their skin.
Sagwa had left Taehoon's lap, and he took the opportunity to go to the bathroom and get some refreshments from the kitchen. He made a couple batches of popcorn, and took a small bowl for himself while leaving a larger bowl on the coffee table that had been pushed to the side.
He sat back down, getting himself situated. Sagwa returned a few moments later ready for more lap time. He grabbed another tissue to blow his nose again before restarting the movie.
Around ten minutes later, the four that had gone to the park returned soaking wet. The two dogs got up to greet the humans and Taehoon gave them all a sympathetic look. "Have fun at the park?"
Jehyuk looked a bit sheepish as he spoke. "We did until the rain came. We probably should have checked the weather before we left." The other three nodded before leaving to take showers and change. As the four members finished showering, they all joined Taehoon and the animals on the floor of the living room. However Jasper shamelessly picked up one of the cats that was on the couch and sat down before placing him in his lap.
The group was roughly an hour into the movie, the climax having started in its fiery glory. At first, no one had initially noticed that Taehoon had started sneezing. The only reason any of them had noticed was Because Sagwa had somewhat annoyed meow from the human’s lap.
“-tiew-tiew, heh-tiew-tiew-tiew, hih-tiew-tiew-tiew-, heh-tiew-tiew-tiew, hih-tiew-tiew-tiew, heh-tiew-tiew-HEH-TIEW”
Merlin grabbed the tissue box and removed several tissues, before handing them to the younger. “You good there Tae?” Taehoon nodded as he blew his nose.
“Yeah something just got into my nose and made me really sneezy.” Jehyuk, Arthur, and Merlin all gave each other a look. It had been obvious to all of them that Taehoon was very allergic to animals from the first day they brought the animals home. He’s never denied it, but seemed fully content in ignoring it.
“Hoonie, I’m going to make some tea. I think you should take a quick shower. Keep the congestion at bay before the sneezing you just did catches up to you.” Arthur suggested. Taehoon nodded as he gently moved Sagwa from his lap over to Merlin’s.
Taehoon took a quick shower and was entering the living room as the others were returning home. While the shower had helped a little, his nose was still extremely itchy. He tapped on Wonjae’s shoulder and waved him over to where the bedrooms are.
“Hyung can I get that pot thing to clean o-out my sinu-itiew-itiew-tiew sinuses please. The animals are beating out my meds today.” Wonjae looked at him sympathetically and quickly entered his room, returning a moment later with the neti pot.
“Just leave it in the cabinet for me to sanitize later, okay?” Taehoon nodded and took the irrigation device to the bathroom. He returned to the living room and got settled back down with the animals. Arthur passed Taehoon a mug of tea before grabbing the remote and unpausing the movie.
Taehoon was clearly doing a bit better, although still very sniffly. None of the members commented on it though The end of the movie arrived without any further incidents from the sixth youngest.However there was an outburst from another member just as the Minseok was choosing another movie.
“HEH-STschhh, HIH-stschhh.” Everyone looked as Jasper teached over to grab a tissue and blow his nose.
“What? It's probably just a bit dusty in here.” Jasper said
“Sure Jasper, the dust is making you sneeze.” Jihoon said, laughing a little. “Just keep telling yourself that.” He added before Minseok turned on Princess Mononoke.
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bbangwrites · 4 years
“It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.” you mutter, eyes half open.
you’re lying in bed with the mattress up to your chin, and you can picture the small smile forming on woong’s lips, as if he was next to you this whole time.
“yeah? even if I woke you up at three in the morning just because I miss you?”
“it’s okay,” you chuckle softly. “I miss you too. A lot, actually.”
woong sighs. knowing him, you’re certain he’s creasing his eyebrows and his teeth are biting into his bottom lip right now. “rehearsals are killing me and all I think about is being with you. I’d do anything to be in bed cuddling right now.”
your heart tingles. it’s been a few weeks since you last saw the boy - since the comeback announcement, woong and the others had been practicing non-stop for the upcoming schedules. which also meant he wouldn’t have any sort of free time to come visit you.
“i know.” you sigh back at him. “but we’ll see each other soon, remember? just endure a little more for me.”
“of course,” he softly replies. “i’m already counting the days, love.”
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6ixfics · 5 years
(not) a bad idea / woong
rated M for smut word count: 1800
*college!au/fratboy!woong (if only you knew how many times i had to take a break because the mere thought of it was practically making me lose my shit. bonus point is him being BLONDE like breathe blonde... enjoy!)
you don’t think anything bad would happen. at least, not while sitting in a circle playing extreme truth or dare with a bunch of people from your major and the frat boys who decide to join in the heat of the moment.
but your guesses are proven wrong when you spot jeon woong take a seat directly opposite you, raking a hand through his tousled blonde hair, letting out a small chuckle as he bumps shoulders with another guy beside him. “not too late, am i?” he asks, downing a shot and looking around. “i’ll go then. shoot.”
the game took a different twist — whenever there was a truth you would get whispered a question and you’d have to answer it out loud, like in burning bridges. everyone had understood this rule beforehand, so when woong finally looks back to the circle after choosing dare, all eyes are on him, anticipating a name.
“y/n, probably,” one end of his mouth curls up to form a smirk. he gets cheers and hollering, and then everyone is looking at you. “no, screw that rock paper scissors to know the question,” he brushes you off when you hold your hands out. “i just got asked who i’d take back to my dorm tonight if i had a choice.”
you only give him a small, sly smile, and then the circle is in a chaos again. for the rest of the game you don’t really pay attention to what’s happening, because you constantly find woong looking at you — dark eyes scanning you up and down. when you felt a little bold you play along with it, raising an eyebrow at him, only to get a knowing smirk in return. the tension in the air was killing you, and you could tell he wanted to get out of the circle just as much you did.
when it’s your turn to play, it’s bad luck on you, immediately obliged to choose a dare because two people before you chose to answer truths. not knowing where the braveness came from, you accept the outcome with no hesitation.
“since you both have been giving each other looks since the first truth, i dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with woong,” and everyone in that circle gasps.
you meet woong’s glinting eyes, his tongue swiping over his bottom lip. “seven minutes? just make it unlimited, dude. he can’t do anything with seven minutes,” someone in the circle retorts, and people are agreeing. woong only gets up and stands before you, offering his hand.
“come on, seven minutes or not, i don’t want to waste any more time here,” he tells you, and you take his hand, up on your feet. as you walk away from the circle, all you hear are college students whistling and clapping behind you. everything is a blur as he drags you behind him, hand tightly holding onto yours. he takes you upstairs, and into a room tucked away at the end of the corridor.
as soon as you hear the door lock, your back is pinned against the wall and he’s merely inches away from you, one hand placed beside your head. he waits for a moment, gazing right at you, before his eyes land on your lips, covering them with his and roughly kissing you.
you’re quick to get rid of the denim jacket loosely covering his frame, and your dress clinging onto your body is easily peeled off right after. lips still locked, he guides you to the queen-sized bed, letting you fall on it and hovering over you. “god, i’d do so many things to you,” he admits as his mouth finds your collarbone, his hot mouth ghosting around the area. “but if someone’s gonna barge in on us after the seven minutes end…”
you fist a handful of his t-shirt, bringing him back up to kiss him. when you pull away, you graze your thumb on his bottom lip, your finger then trailing down to trace his jaw and his throat, hooking it on the thin chain hanging around his neck.. “ah, to hell with the seven minutes,” you bat your lashes. “just fuck me.”
in no time, your lingerie is discarded, and you’re bare naked sitting in front of him. woong pushes you until your back hits the pillows, holding your wrists down as he trails kisses down your torso, little bite marks decorating your hips and your inner thighs.
you squirm and try to slither out of his grip, but he’s back to kissing you, pinning your hands on the headboard. “come on, buttercup, be a good one for me,” he mumbles against your lips, one hand reaching down to rub at your core. you let out a sigh and whimper as you meet his eyes again, your lips parting when he quickly picks up the pace. “don’t touch yourself or i’ll keep you like this for as long as i want.”
you whine and purse your mouth into a tight line, feeling his digits press into you as he moves down. you’re wet and he’s amused, evident in the way he looks up at you and lets out a rather satisfied chuckle, his thumb drawing circles at your bud. woong pulls his bottom lip into his mouth when you jerk, knowing he’s found your spot, judging from the way you let out a moan and your eyes shut tight. he continues hitting it, until you’re a wailing mess, hands balled up into fists to control yourself from stimulating yourself further.
but then he stops, looks at you, presses a kiss to your bud. “fuck yourself on my fingers until you cum–” it makes your toes curl, “–and maybe tell the whole frat house who’s making you feel so good while you’re at it, baby.”
and you obey, taking in every word he says, sitting up and positioning yourself until it’s easy enough for you to grind against and ride your orgasm on his fingers. supporting yourself on your hands behind you, you start moving your hips. you feel woong’s eyes burning your skin, watching your every move, relishing the way your walls clench around his fingers.
your back arches, hands gripping the sheets, his name softly tumbling out of your mouth as your pace starts to get irregular. “ah, ah– woong, woong, please–” you throw your head back, high whines and quiet whimpers eliciting from your lips. “gonna cum, please, your fingers feel so good,” breathlessly, you cum on his fingers, your hands fumbling to find his.
when you open your eyes, you look right into his as you suck on his fingers, causing him to hiss and grip your hip with his free hand, bruising it slightly. “fuck,” he curses, pulling his fingers out and kissing you, “lay back.”
you don’t argue, watching as he pulls the t-shirt above his head and unzip his jeans, revealing the tent in his boxers. when he pulls that off as well, you have to control yourself when you see him vulgarly spit on his palm and stroke himself, giving his cock a few quick pumps.
woong reaches over to the drawer to pull out a condom (and you don’t even question it, considering it’s a frat house and god knows how many people have had a one night stand in this same room), ripping it with his teeth and rolling it on. he lines himself up with your entrance, connecting your lips together again as he pushes in.
“fuck, y/n,” his lips press kisses on your bare shoulder, his hands tightly gripping your waist as he thrusts into you. you cross your arms around his neck, forearms resting on his shoulders, abrupt gasps coming from you. woong goes faster, causing you to dig your nails into his back, letting out a clear and high sound halfway between a moan and a whimper.
he makes you see stars, too immersed in the way he makes your stomach coil and twist into tight knots, your head practically spinning in pleasure. he kisses you in desperation, moaning into your mouth, hands finding yours, lips marking you up like a holy grail.
“god, fuck, you’re so good for me,” he praises, and it makes you groan, taking it in like the good, obedient one you are, letting him bask in the noises that leave your lips. “so good, so good for me, baby,” his hand comes out again to touch you, overstimulating you and riling you up even more.
you cry out and cling onto him, and it must tell him that you’re close to your climax, because he thrusts into you faster than before, causing you to shriek and let out a long moan. you’re shaking and your whole body seizes, your chest heaving as you catch your breath, your grip on his shoulders loosening.
woong pulls out when he cums, letting out a long exhale, collapsing above you. he lazily peppers your skin with soft kisses, his hands gently stroking and squeezing your sides. you tangle your fingers in his hair, too worn out to move, enjoying the attention while it lasts.
“are you going back to the dorm tonight?” you ask him when he’s up on his feet to dispose the condom and clean himself up, stepping back into his boxers. he places your bra and panties on the bed, and you slip them on almost immediately, suddenly getting a little shy. he climbs back into bed, anyway.
“the dorm? just stay here with me till morning,” he pulls you back until your back is pressed against his chest. “what, do you want to leave that bad? i thought this was more than a one night stand,” he snickers.
you turn to face him, blinking at him. “i thought all you did were one night stands, frat boy,” you frown, “frat boy.”
woong tuts. “frat boys are humans who have feelings too!” he rolls his eyes, pulling you closer. “are you going back to your dorm tonight, then?”
“no, ‘course not,” you tell him, your eyes already drooping. “not everyday a frat boy tells me to stay with him till morning, is it?”
he kisses you square on the lips. “okay, well,” he pauses. “i’m going to be the only frat boy who tells you to stay with him till morning–” he breathes, “–because no one else is going to dare to try to get you after this.”
you blow a raspberry. “we fucked once and you’re this possessive,” you retort. “next thing i know, you’re going to pretend this never happened when i see you at the next frat party.
“who said?” he opens one eye to look at you. “i’ll have you know that i’ll go the next party with you, sweetheart.”
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Pairing: Jeon Woong x reader
Genre: supernatural au / friends to lovers
A/N: This is from a small writing challenge @this-song-thats-only-for-you and I did on Saturday. The rules were to use the song Electric – SHINee and come up with something 500 words or less. Last time we did one of these writing challenges, I failed and wrote well over a 1000 words so I’m happy to report I did better this time. Since Sem chose not to use SHINee in the story, I followed her lead to keep it fair.
Word count: 466
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“How do you do it?” you asked in wonder, eyes rounding as you raised your index finger to touch his again. Giggling when you felt the surge of the spark run down your arm, you turned back to the boy before you. “Are you magical?”
He smiled softly, lifting a finger to his mouth as if to silence you. “If I tell you my secret, would you keep it safe and not tell another soul?”
“Of course!” you replied in a hushed tone, nodding your head energetically. He leaned in then and whispered into your ear, your head jerking back with his statement. “You’re not an elf, Woong!”
“Who’s to say I’m not?” he refuted and you shook your head, trying to think of a plausible explanation for how he could shock you like that. Was he hooked up to static in some way? Reaching out for his fingertip again, you whined when he denied your advances. “Nuh-uh, Y/N. If you can’t believe me then why should I share it with you?”
“Don’t be stingy, we’re friends!”
Woong folded his arms over his chest and angled his head so he couldn’t see you anymore. “A friend would believe me.”
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“Can you still do it?” you asked, Woong looking at you cautiously. It had been years since you had asked him that, your juvenile past mere fond memories now that you were both graduating from high school. Impatient with his lack of a response, you held up your index finger. “Can you still shoot sparks out from your fingertip?”
“I thought you didn’t believe in me?”
“I’m curious, that’s all. I came across my diary entry from back then and I’m ready to give you another chance. Elf or not, I want to figure this out now that I’m older.”
Woong smirked. “Shouldn’t it be me giving you the chance with my secret?”
“Will you show me your electric ability again or not?”
He stared at you for a minute, a smile spreading across his lips. Nodding, he lifted up his hand, extending out a finger. Instead of connecting it with yours, he reached around for your wrist, pulling you closer so he could place his lips upon yours.
It wasn’t just a spark now. The surge was intense, shifting from his body to yours, enveloping you and travelling through every cell in your body. Your surprise soon melded with his desires, kissing him with as much fervour, sending stimulation back through to Woong’s body.
It was unlike any experience he or you had ever had.
Finally, Woong pulled away and you gasped for air, staring up at him with those same rounded eyes that had made him fall in love with you years ago. He brushed the hair away from your face affectionately. “Believe me now?”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[AB6IX Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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Nothing Yet
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“Youngmin of Snolia”
“Answer In The Deep” (Princely Duties)
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“Pastel Green”
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Nothing Yet
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Nothing Yet
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Nothing Yet
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
Being Jiwoong & Jongwoo's Baby
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basically a yujin & matthew pov wc: 400 warnings: as fluffy as cotton candy pronouns: none used; mentions you being a fellow trainee/contestant but we're just having fun pretending here ~bp masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ enjoy this headcanon of what it's like to be "adopted" by jongwoo & jiwoong. i'm not responsible for the deep sadness you will feel when you realize you can never live this perfectly adorable fantasy. xx
- jongwoo is mother hen and there will be no discourse surrounding that
- dotes on you 24/7; always asking if you’re hungry or thirsty or need rest
- takes tons of pictures of you making the ugliest faces and uses them as blackmail if you try to deny his cuddles
- jiwoong can seem intimidating to some, but he’s always acting like the goofy father around you
- he's even started writing down new dad jokes in his notes app so he won't forget to tell them to you
- he's always met by the loudest groan from both you and jongwoo
- but that's his favorite part
- other trainees want to recruit you for their group each week, but one parent or the other always snatches you up first
- you don’t mind
- except when jongwoo or jiwoong push you too hard during practice
- they can’t help it: they expect more of you
- it’s because they’re the only ones who really see your true potential
- sometimes they scold you or make you repeat a part of the dance so much that you can’t help but start to choke up
- but you get lots of hugs and pep talks after the sight of your tears softens them
- “you could be the best, kiddo. let’s get you to the top together”
- the perks are endless though
- you always have a place to sit (jongwoo’s lap)
- they buy you lots of food and make sure you eat well
- sometimes jongwoo spoon feeds you
- he insists he's just joking around
- (he's not)
- jiwoong gives forehead kisses like his life depends on it
- when mentors give unnecessarily harsh feedback, jiwoong and jongwoo don’t stand up for themselves or each other but…
- they always try to stand up for you
- you’re their baby
- they're willing to risk their pride on your behalf
- late nights spent filming tiktok dance covers together
- they always let you be the center of course
- constant teasing from both of them, you literally get no breaks from hearing how adorable you are
- “seriously! who made you so cute, huh?” jiwoong whines, squishing both of your cheeks together with one hand
- jongwoo squeezing you tighter and replying:
- “i’m comfortable taking the blame"
- “you would be,” jiwoong replies, rolling his eyes. “but you get your looks from your dad"
- “watch it"
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Takes Care Of You On Your Period ~ AB6IX Reaction
A small smile appeared on your face as Woong returned home, watching as he walked over towards the sofa where you were immediately.
“Still suffering?” He asked, tucking himself in just behind you.
“It’s hurt all day,” you whispered in reply, feeling an arm snake around your waist, Woong’s hand being placed just under your tummy.
He felt terrible as he watched you, barely able to lay comfortably for more than just a few moments. “Why don’t we cuddle here for a bit? See if we can take that pain away,” he suggested with a kiss to your cheek.
A hum came from you, trying your best to close your eyes. “I wish I could just lay here without having my stomach killing.”
Woong nodded in agreement with you, “I wish that there was more that I could do to try and make life easier for you Y/N.”
“Just being here helps,” you whispered back to him.
A small chuckle came from Woong, “I’m sure there’s more that I could do, you’re just too nice to tell me what it is.”
“Honestly, there’s not much that can be done, it’s life.”
Your hands quickly reached out as Donghyun came towards you, sniggering at how quickly you moved to try and get what he had.
“Got it?” He laughed with how quickly you took it from him.
“Yeah,” you breathed, sighing in relief as soon as you placed the hot water bottle that Woong had made you on top of your tummy.
Donghyun’s smile widened as he watched you, relieved to finally see you settled after a day full of pain. “You just let me know when you need it reheating again and I’ll be right here straight away to do it for you.”
Your eyes snapped across when you noticed Donghyun walking away from you, “where are you going now?”
He looked back to where you were laid out, “you’ve got your hot water bottle, you don’t need me here to look after you.”
“I need both of you,” you smirked across to Donghyun.
His head shook as you tapped the space beside you on the sofa, “won’t you end up getting too hot with me and that?”
“I’ll be alright, I could do with a cuddle from both.”
A shy giggle came from you as Woojin handed the bag that he had across to you, watching as your eyes took in everything that was inside.
“Is that enough?” He chuckled, taking his shoes off.
“It’s perfect,” you quickly assured him, reaching in straight away and pulling out one of the bars of chocolate that Woojin had bought.
His head shook at how quick you were to open it, breaking off one of the pieces. “Are you planning on sharing that or is it all just for you?” He teased, taking a seat on the arm of the sofa, just above your head.
Your head tilted back to look up at Woojin, “I’m the one that’s on my period, I deserve this with how much pain I’m in.”
Woojin couldn’t help but chuckle at your response, “I’m the one who went to the shop to get you sweet stuff to help you.”
“I guess you could have one piece,” you joked in reply.
His eyes went wide as you broke off just one piece from the bar, “you’re mean when you’re on your period, is this all I get?”
“I guess seeing as you did buy it you can have two.”
A soft sigh came from you as soon as Daehwi’s hands rested on the pit of your stomach, slowly massaging over your sore spot.
“How’s that?” He smiled, peering over your shoulder.
“A dream,” you whispered, settling into Daehwi’s chest as you finally felt your period pains beginning to ease for a short while.
At how content you seemed, Daehwi began to apply a little more pressure. “Is there anything else that I can do for you to try and make life more comfortable for you?” Daehwi asked as he laid back down behind you.
Your head shook in response to his question, “what you’re doing is more than enough, I never want you to move from here.”
A snigger came from behind you, “I might have to move at some point, we’ve got dinner to sort out for a start Y/N.”
“I’m on my period,” you subtle reminded him.
Daehwi’s head shook, knowing exactly what you were hinting at. “Seeing as you’re on your period, how does takeout sound?”
“It sounds as dreamy as this massage I think.”
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jakebf · 4 years
⠀⠀⠀Woojin AB6IX locs 2 lines 🌄
my baby ಇ
99's boy
starlight ᦰ
my universe࿐ * ₊ ・ ゚
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hannhoseok · 4 years
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cheeryblxssxm · 5 years
Ab6ix!yandere au
Genre; Angst??
tw; mention of violence, knives, blood, self harm, and abuse.
!!! I DO NOT condone any yandere activity nor do i support yanderes, this is purely fictional for funzies !!!
- the type of yandere to keep you on a leash
- quite literally
- he basically treats you like you're his pet and he is your owner
- you can't go anywhere without him by your side
- if you decide to act up in his presence he will put you in your place right then and there
- constantly reminds you that you are his and his only
- I wouldn't doubt that he'd probably buy you a collar with his name on it
- and if you refused to wear it you'd just get punished
- keeps you locked up until he feels like you've learned your lesson
- when you're good he'll let you take off the collar and cuddle you
- but when you disobey him he locks you in a dog cage, refuses to feed you, and will hit and/or pull your hair if you talk back
- doesn't like being violent with you but you just never seem to learn
- "Did you just disobey me, pet? You do realize who you're talking to, huh? Looks like you'll have to go back into your cage."
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- he's the least violent yandere
- very manipulative though
- and clingy
- god forbid if you even go to the bathroom without him
- the only time he physically harms you is when you've really fucked up
- guilts you into staying with him
- self harms to get you to stay and baby him
- you once threatened to leave him and he fucking lost it, begging you to stay while sobbing and clinging to you
- he ended up breaking your ankle and knocking you unconscious
- you woke up chained to a wall in the basement with him sitting in front of you covered in blood
- he was holding a knife while sobbing saying that it's his fault that you want to leave and that he hurt you
- he had cut himself all over and was literally bleeding out slowly
- he wanted you to watch
- you begged him to let you take him to the hospital or call an ambulance
- when you did he'd apologize and beg for you to stay
- you could never say no to him after that
- "You'll never leave me right? Please say you'll never leave me, I'd be lost without you."
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- by far the most charming yandere
- he was the perfect gentleman when you met
- took you on nice dates, gave you romantic gifts, held doors open for you, kissed you sweetly before saying goodnight
- he literally swept you off your feet
- about two months after you started dating, he kidnapped you
- keeps you locked up in a basement that looks like a small apartment
- the only 'crazy' thing is that you're chained to the bed
- claims he's protecting you from the world
- you called him a crazy bastard and he backhanded you
- he'd never tell you how many people he's killed for you, especially the ones you love
- unless you need to be punished
- he'll recite the entire thing word for word of what he did to them
- all while he's beating the shit out of you or slicing your body up
- not enough to kill you of course
- you're his precious after all and he loves you dearly
- "You are my most prized possession. I'd do anything to protect you from the filth in this world, my precious."
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- will literally fight you
- purposefully eggs you on to try and hit him
- you'd never lay your hands on him but he wants you to
- one time you got so pissed off at him that you slapped him
- he laughed and wouldn't stop talking about it for months
- will often punish you for anything he thinks is out of line
- which is almost everything
- tries to butter you up when you least expect it
- then turns around and does the same shit
- acts like you won't leave him
- you tried to sneak out when you thought he left but turns out he was just sitting in the dark
- he literally raised an eyebrow when you made eye contact and he was like lmao where you going
- cocky as fuck
- literally was not like this when you started dating
- he was sweet and shy and took you on nice dates and gave you compliments
- he was literally too nervous to even kiss you
- now you never get affection from him anymore but he claims he still loves you more than anything
- "Where do you think you're going, baby? Looks like I'll have to teach you a lesson."
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- there's borderline serial killer and then there's daehwi
- he's very violent towards others but he tries to be sweet to you
- you're his angel and his saving grace, you should be kept out of harms way
- but if you need to be punished then there's not much else he can do except what needs to be done
- he's killed nearly everyone you love just to keep you from getting any ideas of leaving him
- anyone who makes eyes at you gets murdered
- how the police don't have any leads is beyond amazing to you
- the severity of how he punishes you is based off your actions
- backtalking? you get slapped. getting physical? you get beat.
- if it's more serious then you get tortured slowly
- if you completely piss him off he just doesn't give a fuck
- the first time you tried leaving he pulled out a gun and told you he'd kill you then himself so you could never escape
- he tied you up and used knives, needles, and matches to torture you for hours
- he likes to test your limits and see how much you can handle
- would never admit how much he likes watching you squirm and struggle
- "My darling, you mean more to me than life itself. If you don't exist then neither do I."
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bbangwrites · 4 years
hi guys! i deleted my blog on an impulse two months ago, but lately i’ve been missing writing about ab6ix, so i decided to re-open my blog. i’ll repost all the writings that were already on my blog before i deleted it, and also post some new stuff i’ve been working on.
as usual, my requests are open! also, i just want to let you know that i’m still going to write about youngmin (i’ll repost all the previous things i’ve written too). 
anyways, bbangwrites is back in business!
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