#wooyoung is so mad that he's being one upped by san
bunnliix · 10 days
When Eight Becomes Nine - Chapter Thirteen
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Okie so I know I said this chapter was fluffy, I lied. It took a turn and I'm sorry but not sorry?
Pairing: Ateez x 9th member!reader  Summary: Part one of Ateez taking y/n out for a fun day in Seoul! wc: 2.8k AU: a/b/o  Genre: Fluff/Angst  warnings: anxiety, fear of heights, panic attacks/almost panic attacks, sexist and misogynistic thoughts (Women/omegas belong in the kitchen, etc.), alphas being assholes, mentions of fighting, violence, insults masterlist
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Wooyoung had decided the one place she had to visit was Lotte World Tower, because of course they have to start out at the tallest place imaginable. It didn’t take them long to arrive at the tower, and as y/n looked upwards, she felt herself get a little woozy. Yunho, who had been keeping an eye on her the entire ride, stepped up behind her, his hands coming to land on her shoulders as he leaned down close to her.
“Are you sure you’re okay to do this? You can back out and none of us will be mad. I think you know this, but Seonghwa is afraid of heights too, so he and Mingi will be going somewhere else in the area while we spend time up at the top of the tower.” Yunho informed her, keeping his voice at a whisper while the others were occupied talking to each other.
“I’m okay. But if it’s too much, can I leave and come back down to the ground floor?” She asked the alpha behind her.
“Of course. If it gets to be too much for you, come to me and tap me twice and I’ll take you down right away, no questions asked.” He told her, squeezing her shoulders before pulling back and letting go of the smaller omega.
This was when the others, minus the duo that Yunho had mentioned, came back over to the two, asking if they were ready to head in. After quickly nodding, Hongjoong guided the seven inside, bypassing the line and heading straight for the elevator to the observation deck. Wooyoung immediately took his place beside her once they were all situated in the elevator, reaching out to grab her hand as the ride up to the top quickly went by. She was dragged out of the elevator right to the windows to look over the city, holding her breath for a moment as she looked out at Seoul, amazed at how far the city sprawled outwards.
“Why are you gripping my hand so hard?” Wooyoung asked, whining towards the end.
“I’m sorry, just a bit uncomfortable with so many people here, it’s a lot for me.” She told the older man, not fully lying, but not telling him the actual reason.
“Oh, baby omega,” Wooyoung cooed, pulling her in for a hug, “It’s okay. We’re here, you’ll be okay.” He comforted her, which helped slightly, but until she was back on the ground, she wouldn’t be back to being fully okay.
San wandered over to the two, smiling at seeing the two omegas hugging. The beta wrapped his arms around them, rocking them back and forth, which made y/n’s nerves become even further on edge. She could see in the corner of her eye that Yeosang and Hongjoong were all milling around one of the windows, seeming to be discussing something with serious faces. Yunho and Jongho were nowhere to be seen, at least not within her eyesight. Before she realized it, Wooyoung and San were pulling her over to the part of the deck that had the glass flooring. She tried to calm her breathing, though it wasn’t working as well as she would have hoped. The beta/omega duo were insistent on taking her over to stand on it so they could take pictures of her, and so she could take the “cool looking down at the ground” photos, or at least that’s what her brain supplied to her as what they said. Her head was elsewhere, trying to figure out what to do, and what would cause the least amount of a scene.
They stopped pulling her, and she looked down to see that she was on top of the glass flooring, and her instinct was to jump away, but Wooyoung held onto her arm which stopped her.
“We’re gonna take photos, stop being so impatient to go and see the rest of the building!” He said to her, a smile on his face.
“I’m good, I don’t need photos, Wooyoung.” She told the other omega, trying to get her arm free from his grip.
“Of course you need photos! It’s your first time here!” He told her.
She saw Yunho pop up from the corner of her eye, and start heading towards the trio. She knew she had to stand up for herself, and make her fears known, but she hadn’t wanted to disappoint Wooyoung as he was so excited to take her here. She took a deep breath, gathering her courage to tell Wooyoung.
“Wooyoung, I’m afraid of heights and the longer you keep me here on the glass, the more likely I am to have a panic attack or get sick or pass out, or all three. Please let me go.” She told her fellow omega, closing her eyes to avoid looking down as she normally would in this type of situation.
The result was immediate, Wooyoung’s arm dropping away from her own, and a set of arms pulling her from where she stood. She opened her eyes to see Jongho was the one who had pulled her away, before Yunho could get close.
“Are you okay?” The alpha asked her.
“I’m doing better now. I won’t be okay until I’m down on the ground again. Heights are not my thing, and glass flooring is definitely not my thing.” She told the alpha, taking a deep breath before stepping away to have some space, the youngest alpha allowing her that space, and San stopping Wooyoung from crowding her once again. The looks on their faces displaying how bad they felt for forcing her into a situation that she clearly feared, and that they were so hell-bent on making sure she experienced it, that they didn’t think to stop and ask if she wanted to do it at all.
“Why didn't you say that you didn’t like heights? I wouldn’t have brought you here, I would have taken you somewhere else? Did you not trust us enough? I’m sorry, y/n.” Wooyoung asked, apologizing in the end.
“I’m sorry I didn’t notice either, y/n. I never meant to cause you anxiety with my actions, and I’m sorry that I didn’t notice your anxiety and reluctance and instead was the cause of more anxiety for you.” San said, as he and Wooyoung bowed in apology to you.
“I didn’t want to ruin your good mood, Wooyoung. You looked so excited to take me here, and I figured I could deal with the anxiety until we were back down on ground level again. I’m not the biggest fan of heights, so these kinds of things are a bit scary to me, and glass floors cause me a lot of anxiety.” Y/n explained to the two.
Darling, you could have said something to us, we would have understood.” San said to her, his voice having just a hint of sadness in it at her words.
“Yeah! If you had said you couldn’t do this, I would have found somewhere else for us to visit, I would never want to force you to do something you’re not comfortable with just because it was somewhere I wanted to take you. So please, tell us no when we suggest things you don’t like?” Wooyoung followed up San’s words with a pleading look in his eyes that also spoke to the regret he felt for suggesting they come here.
“I promise I will speak up next time, okay? Today was just such a great day after all of the fighting earlier, I didn’t want to bring the mood down again by shooting your suggestion down.” Y/n said.
“I told her that if she needed to get out of here, all she had to do was come and tap me twice and I’d take her back down. She had an out, Wooyoung, if she felt this was all too much.” Yunho spoke up, reminding them all that he was here.
Wooyoung nodded at Yunho, seemingly feeling a little bit better knowing that one of the others knew about this and had a way to help y/n out of this situation should she have needed it. Jongho only pulled the smallest omega closer to him, feeling touchy and protective in a way that normally he wouldn’t, as the others usually were the ones to feel this way. She looked up at him and giggled, only adjusting herself so that she was a bit more comfortable, letting the youngest alpha hold onto her for as long as he felt he needed to.
A couple minutes later, the remaining two wandered over to the five, wondering what was going on. “What’s going on here?” Yeosang asked, tilting his head in curiosity.
“Wooyoung and San dragged y/n over to the flooring here only to almost make her have a panic attack. Because she’s afraid of heights, which the glass floor would only make worse.” Jongho said bluntly, knowing it would only result in consequences for the duo.
“Oh,” Hongjoong stayed quiet for a moment, “You two, in my room once we’re back home, yes?” The smile on his face sent chills down everyone’s spines, as they knew that smile on the pack alpha’s face meant nothing good.
This marked the end of their trip, as Hongjoong quickly ushered everyone back to the elevator to go back down to ground level, not wanting to cause anymore anxiety to his newest member. Seonghwa and Mingi met them outside of the tower, both carrying more than a few bags between the two of them. Both of them noticed Jongho’s closeness to the sole female member of the group and Seonghwa noted it to ask about later.
“Are we ready to go to the next place?” Mingi asked, looking at them.
“We’re ready to go. Yunho, it’s your place next, right?” Yeosang answered, looking at his fellow member.
The golden retriever of a man nodded, confirming that his chosen place was next. “I promise it’s not another tower, and technically this is Mingi’s favorite place too, but he picked another one so we had a bit of variety.” He told the youngest omega.
The journey seemed to speed by, even with the traffic on the way to wherever Yunho had decided on taking her. It very quickly came clear once the car came closer to Han River, dropping them off where directed to by the tallest member. Once all nine were out of the car, Yunho took the lead, directing them to an area set out for them, as the security members that had been guarding it for them left at the man’s command.
“You set this up? How did you get this done so quickly?” y/n asked Yunho, surprised at what he had arranged so quickly.
“I had some help from our security crew plus some other friends of mine, who were nice to set this all up for us,” Yunho explained, “You should dig in, before it gets cold.” 
He directed everyone, but especially y/n, as the platter laid out was a lot of Korean fast food that he thought she might want to try. Some of it she had tried before, while some of it was completely new to her, but she didn’t hesitate to try at least a bite of everything. The most foreign thing for her might have been the corn on pizza, as it seems like such an odd thing to have on pizza, but after having a bite, she could see where it fit in with the other ingredients.
She enjoyed the time with the eight men outside of the company and the group’s own dorm, the atmosphere was much more relaxed and casual, and she let herself relax and enjoy this down time. Y/n knew she wouldn’t get much more of it from tomorrow onwards.
“Are you excited to get to do all of the ‘idol things’ we do?” San asked y/n, a smile on his face as he laid down on the grass next to her, having moved over from the main group.
“Yes, but also no,” she answered, “I’m excited, but I’ve seen how busy life can get as an idol, so I’m going to miss all of my freetime.”
San nodded, the beta knowing that she wasn’t wrong, Ateez never really stopped working, not for long anyways. They did take breaks when the members’ heats and ruts occurred, but other than that rest was almost nonexistent.
“You’re not wrong, but I think you’ll find the work to be enjoyable. Plus you still have to get introduced to Atiny, which will be fun. Oh, and they’ve been working on other things too!” The beta enthused, rambling on excitedly about the plans he knew were happening in the near future, as well as where she’d fit in with everything.
At the sound of footsteps behind them, San looked up as y/n turned around, finding that Yunho was the source.
“Yunho-yah, what’s up?” San asked the dancer.
“I’m here to steal y/nnie away from you for a bit.” Yunho replied, making the beta pout.
“But I was just getting some time with her,” San whined, making y/n giggle.
“I’m sure Yunho won’t keep me for long,” she told the man, before getting up to stand next to the tall grey-haired man.
“Fine,” San said, “but come back soon.”
Yunho led y/n away, towards a quieter part of the area that also happened to be more secluded as well. It was a bit of a walk, so they filled the time talking about funny stories from their childhood.
“-and then the gym teacher picked him up and dropped him in the trash can. All because he joked about it and then didn’t pay attention when Mr. Mercer was talking.” Y/n told Yunho, causing the older man to laugh.
“I don’t think I have any stories like that from my school days, but I have many stories about Mingi-yah.” He told y/n, chuckling to himself as he’s reminded of more than a few things Mingi would be embarrassed about if y/n was told about them.
They were engrossed in their own little world, chatting and giggling until y/n ran into a wall, knocking her backwards.
“Ah yes, a stupid omega who can’t watch where she’s going.” The wall, which was actually an alpha, sneered.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” Y/n apologized to the rude alpha, disregarding the insult to not escalate the situation.
However, Yunho didn’t have the same thought. “You shouldn’t have been standing on the sidewalk, and she’s not stupid,” he said.
“I can stand wherever I want, and keep your fucking omega at home, where she belongs,” the alpha shot back at Yunho.
“Yunho, just let it go, it’s fine.” Y/n tried to convince the idol, not wanting to get him in trouble, or have the shithead alpha get any more violent.
“He’s insulting you, I won’t let that stand,” Yunho replied, before looking back up at the alpha in front of them.
A crowd had started to gather, making y/n feel unsettled, knowing that Yunho could get recognized soon if he hadn’t been already. And she didn’t yet have any of the other’s numbers, so she couldn’t reach out to them for help.
“...you really can’t control your omega well, huh? You really should just take her home and leave her in the kitchen. Or better yet, give her to me, and I can show you how a real alpha controls their omega. You obviously don’t like her that much, considering she has no mating bite on her neck.” The alpha continued, and the scent of burnt oranges coming from Yunho only grew stronger. 
Y/n grabbed Yunho’s arm, trying to pull the alpha away from the confrontation. She didn’t want them to get into trouble, plus she wasn’t the person for confrontations with alphas like the one Yunho is about to fight. They never changed their minds, and fighting wouldn’t prove anything. She’s dealt with enough of them to know that they wanted to get a rise out of omegas and anyone they could, while truly believing that omegas were inferior to them.
Yunho tugged his arm out of her hold, moving in front of her and closer to the other alpha.
“Yu, please. It’s not worth it.” She pleaded with the man, who only shook his head.
“You should really listen to the dumb bunny, wouldn’t want to mess up your pretty face.”
That was the final straw for Yunho, and y/n could only watch in horror as the tall alpha practically launched himself at the other man, his arm pulled back ready to throw a punch. 
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f4irys4n · 1 year
eating you out — maknae line
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choi san
this man lives to eat pussy
he may not be perfect at it, he’s messy, and sometimes he may even overdo it trying to prove just how good he is. but god, does he make you feel good…
he has a huge sexual appetite, and i think that’s pretty obvious, but honestly it’s not even to get pleasure himself but to pleasure you; he could do it any and every day.
throw back to one time when you were literally on call to one of your classmates about a joint project and san was in between your legs the entire time, licking and sucking, making it extremely hard for you to hold up a conversation without moaning his name.
you could literally be laid on your bed, legs hiked up and within seconds san would be racing between your legs with a cheeky smirk on his face.
the type of man to spit on your pussy.. i did say he was messy.. he just loves seeing your wetness everywhere; on your thighs, his lips, his chin.. seeing your wet, sopping pussy just turns him on so much.
song mingi
now.. this man is a big pervert and he loves everything being so messy and dirty. he’s sloppy and messy when he eats you out, and he loves making you spill all over the place.
one of his favourite things to do is use toys on you whilst he eats you out. he'll either thrust a dildo into you whilst sucking and playing with your clit, or push a vibrator on your clit whilst his tongue explores your pretty hole. he knows how much it makes you whine so he can't help but use toys on you. he loves seeing you fall apart.
like i've said, he's a dirty man. and he loves eating you out whenever, but his favourite time to eat you out is straight after he's cum inside you. the second he'd finished pounding into you and filled you up, he'll automatically lower is head to your pussy and "clean you up" as he says, covering his lips in his cum to then give you the dirtiest kiss.
mingi loves seeing your body shake and shiver in pleasure. overstimulating you is his favourite thing to do with his tongue. seeing the way your body jolts and twitches when it's hand too much just makes his cock twitches.
much like san, he spits on your pussy when he's eating you out. like i said.. he likes it messy, real messy. he likes watches the wetness just trickle down your pussy, he finds it beyond irresponsible to look at.
he's pretty new to eating people out in general, so when he first started with you he was pretty nervous and shy about it, but over time he's gotten really cocky about how good he can make you feel with just his tongue.
jung wooyoung
for the love of god, this man IS perfect at eating pussy. if their was a god solely dedicated to eating pussy, it would in fact be wooyoung.
his tongue works absolute wonders, making you cum in minutes with how stimulated he makes you. his main aim is to make you cum at least a couple times before he even considers fucking you.
pussy slapping !!! it’s something he picked up recently, but randomly in the middle of fingering you and his lips were tightly wrapped around your clit, he pulled away and lightly slapped your clit just so he could hear your cute little yelps.
much like san, he could literally eat you out whenever, wherever. he’s always in the mood for a taste of your ‘pretty little fuckhole’ as he calls it.
this man has definitely made you cum multiple times in one encounter just with his tongue and fingers. it’d probably start off with wooyoung being mad at someone flirting with you, especially if they’re his friend, and even though you (and wooyoung) know you’d never thinking about moving on from him, wooyoung made it his mission to prove to you why he’s better than any other man… and hell did he prove it to you?
enjoys teasing you. he can be the biggest dick when it comes to teasing. you’ll be there eagerly waiting for his mouth and he’ll just lightly kiss around your thighs, eyes watching your face slowly get even more needy.
choi jongho
i’m all for dom jongho, he’s definitely a switch with a dom lean. but when it comes to eating you out, he gets a little shy. not because she isn’t good, but because you’re probably one of the only people he’s ever been with sexually; if not the only person; and he still gets nervous about it to this day.
he likes to ease you into it, he knows how sensitive you are, so she likes to start off with little kitten licks on your clit before he fully starts to work wonders on you.
jongho loves eating you out, it’s a big ego boost that he’s able to make you cum that hard with just his tongue. but ultimately, he much prefers fingering you, he likes how it allows her to hit that ‘perfect’ spot inside of you.
when eating you out, his fingers are his greatest ally. he likes watching you twitch and wiggle around at the pleasure both his hands and mouth is giving you.
i have a huge feeling that jongho would be really into public sex so there’s been many occasions where you’ve been hanging out with everyone at the arcades or a cafe and jongho’s pulled you off to the bathroom to have his way with you, legs spread and his tongue lapping over your wet pussy.
he loves giving you pleasure without any distractions, so he’s not really into anything like 69 because he’s not able to completely submerge himself in giving you pleasure.
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itstheghostofmypast · 6 months
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Corporateworker Choi San x (F)Reader
Summary: He was glad he took her to Japan on a business trip, one of the best decisions of his life.
Genre: Fluff (suggestive at the end)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2k
Est.Read Time: 10 min
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
Ratings: nc-17
Banner: @cafekitsune
Master List- Corporate Brew
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"What year is it?" she hissed, curling into the blanket even more, humming as the cool material soothed her burning, aching body, while ducking into it because for some reason her lover had declared 'And let there be light.'
"It's almost 2 pm", his knee dipping into the mattress, hands gripping the soft covers that she was cocooned in, trying to pull them off her head, but she groaned in refusal, "Go away, I am in pain because of you."
Quirking an eyebrow at her muffled accusation, he shook his head, his glasses at the tip of his nose as he tried to think of what she meant by the statement. Choi San was supposed to attend a conference in Japan for a business deal, and since he now had the perks, he had asked her if she would like to accompany him on the three-day trip, he would be busy during the first two days but he had promised to show her the city and spend time with her like actual tourists on the last day before they were to leave. She had instantly agreed, like she would ever say no to him - well, he couldn't say no to her either, so perhaps this was a two-way act of 'simping '. He was also glad that her business was doing well and that she was able to hire a good assistant manager to help out Jongho when she wasn’t around- Yunho was a great guy.
The two had arrived at a decent time yesterday, checked into the hotel, tested out the springs of the mattress, as she’d like to call it, and had a nice meal at a local restaurant nearby, when he had told her about the gym at the hotel, one of the many facilities his job gave him access too, for some reason she had been very eager to ‘hit the gym’ with him, not that he had any issues, he loved working out with people, so who better than her?
He had a meeting early in the morning, once he had come out of the shower, he had thought of waking her up so she could go for breakfast, but the sight of her blissful slumber had him reject his own proposal, opting to tuck her in tighter and kissing her goodbye, much like their usual routine. The meetings went well since Yeosang and the lot had provided him with sufficient material, and for once, Mingi had decided to send the right papers. His meeting had ended early, and lunch meant he had some time on his hands, which is why he had dropped by to check up on her, to make sure she was enjoying herself. Was she…perhaps upset with him? Should he have checked up on her sooner? Maybe she wanted to spend more time with him- he had been very busy for the past few months, and this trip was probably the most time the two had spent together without him being called to work or her being called to the café because Wooyoung and Jongho disagreed on to add resins to the cookies or not. Maybe she thought the two would spend more time together here- well, technically he did say they would, but not on the first day and it wasn’t like her to be irrational, she had always respected his work ethic, only interfering when it became too hectic for him- one of the many things he loved about her. Then it must have been something else. Was she mad because she couldn’t go to the breakfast buffet? If that was the case, then he had the answer to spend some quality time with her and for her to eat.
"I know you must be hungry, that’s why, I got Mrs.Choi breakfast, let’s eat together before I have another meeting,” his words soft, noticing how her grip loosened, peaking up from behind the covers, pouting at him, “Say that again.” She whispered, slowly pulling up, her back resting against the pillows as she looked up at him, reaching for the strings of his hoodie, “Say that again, please.”
All too soon her lover's soft expressions morphed to a cheeky Chesire-like grin, eyes twinkling with curiosity, his whole being oozing with confidence, “Say what again?” his expressions laced with faux innoncence, pouting at her, cupping her face staring at her intently when she mumbled, “What you said earlier.”
“What? let’s eat together before I have another meeting?” lowering himself, he watched her sigh, grateful for how soft the pillows were, but she gently shook her head, “Before that.”
“Ohhh- you mean, ‘I know you must be hungry’,” he paused smiling down at her when her eyes snapped open, her expressions laced with annoyance, he knew what she meant, but why give it to her so easily when he could have some fun-
“OW!” pulling back he placed a hand on his chest, rubbing his pec through the cotton material, trying to sooth the pain and burning sensation, “Did you just pinch my-
“That’s what you get for acting all cocky, Mr.Choi.”
“Well, Mrs.Choi, are you going to come eat or not? I have another meeting at four.” He said with a huff, still rubbing the area, as he stood up, it was then that she noticed his change of attire- did he not wear a suit for the meeting?
“I can’t move and did you go to the meeting dressed like this?” she asked only to shiver at the cold air hitting her form when he pulled the covers off her, frowning, “What do you mean you can’t move? I showered after coming back- Are you hurt? Did you pull something at the gym last night? Why didn’t you tell me?” His questions were thrown around as he started to manoeuvre her body, ignoring her yelp when he grabbed her ankles and pulled her down so she was lying on her back, “Is it your ankle? Did you sprain it while on the treadmill?” He asked before flipping her over onto her stomach, “Or your back? Is it a throbbing pain or a shooting up your spine kind of pain?”
“It’s the ‘I went to the gym to stare at my husband workout but he didn’t get the hint and thought I wanted to become Mr. Muscle like him’ so we worked out for two hours kind of pain.” Her words were muffled by the mattress, only for her to squeak when he flipped her around, glaring down at her, though she only smiled at him, admiring the way the onyx tuft of hair had grown back- he never did approve of that couple’s magazine anymore- poking out from under his grey hood.
“I’m married to a perv.”
“I wasn’t the one who flashed my neighbour- SAN WAIT!” heaving her up bridal style he clicked his tongue, shaking his head as he walked towards the coffee table as she gripped onto him for her dear life, “First of all I didn’t flash you, I was fully clothed and secondly, I told you I’m on the clock and would like to enjoy a pleasant meal with my perverted wife.” Setting her down easy on the couch he smiled at her, no hint of annoyance on those sweet features of his, leaning closer to peck her cheek before lifting the lid of her personal, traditional Japanese breakfast, consisting of the usual; steamed rice, miso souple, pickles, grilled fish, tamagoyaki and even some tofu. Admiring the presentation of the food she smiled, picking up the utensils as he brought a chair and sat next to her, she was plating it for him, grabbing a piece of the rolled omelette and raising it to his lips, “Sannie, did you pay for this separately? I don’t think they serve breakfast at 2 pm.”
Smiling at her he gratefully took the bite, admiring how she still made sure to feed him well, even if it were pointless considering he’d always be in the mood to have a meal with her. Not answering her question he nodded towards the food, “It tastes better warm, Mrs.Choi.”
She was eating quietly, while he was busy typing on his phone, this was often how it would go for the two, the comfortable silence enveloping them into their own little bubble, where the two would be too engrossed in their own activities, yet, be hyper-aware of each other’s presence. The only words exchanged would be nonchalant, casual chatter, which to the outsider would seem immensely pointless, but it wasn’t for them. He’d love the way she’d chide in with the ‘try this, Sannie’ and feed him even if he was too busy reading a report. She loved how even if he was busy typing away, he would be attentive enough to notice her little needs, like when he’d stop typing to reach for the bottle of water, unscrew the cap and pour it in a glass for her, then casually going back to work, or how he’d hand a napkin before she would ask.
“We should get little Kang, something too.” She stated, putting the dishes away in a neat manner so she could cover them with the lid, “Though he still isn’t sure if it’s a boy or a girl.”
“I don’t think either would make a difference though,” he mumbled chewing on his lower lip, thumb scrolling on the screen as he stared at it, “I’m sure he’d be thrilled either way.”
“That’s true,” she sighed, thinking of how happy Yeosang was when he told the two that he was going to become a father, he even asked San to become the child’s godfather, which had the broad-shouldered man sobbing like a little boy, nodding as he hugged the dad-to-be to death. That is until the others pulled him away, once they noticed Yeosang turning blue, only for her husband to whine and hug her instead, mumbling onto her shoulder, declaring how happy he was for his friend.
“Do you…have a preference, Sannie?” she asked, leaning closer to him, placing her chin on his shoulder, though he didn’t look away from his phone, it must be something important then, but she really did want to know, did he have a preference? She knew her parents didn’t, especially how they raised her like a little princess, but maybe San did- truly a conversation you have before your marriage but maybe his ‘I don’t mind’ changed to something more specific.
“I…” he paused to stare up at the ceiling as if waiting for a revelation of some kind, “Don’t have a preference, I told you, boy or girl. I would love our child endlessly.” His words had her heart doing backflips, swooning over him even more if that were possible, but his next statement had her figuratively bawling in pure bliss, “Though I get to name her if she’s a girl, princess treatment from day one.” With that, he went back to typing, as if he had not just said something extremely important, something extremely intimate.
“Then, I can’t wait for when we’re ready,” she whispered, leaning closer to peck his cheek before she got up, only for him to grab her arm and throw her over his shoulder as he stood up, ignoring the way she screamed, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING??”
“Fulfilling the desires of my wife.” He stated all too simply, as he marched towards the bed, and tossed her on the bed, watching her whole-body bounce at the soft impact, “What? WHAT? Don’t you have work- NOW? LIKE NOW-NOW?” she crawled backwards, till her back pressed against the headboard, watching him take off his glasses then throw the phone on the couch.
“Meeting got delayed, it’s at five, I have enough time for,” With a slight groan he pulled off his hoodie, a small smirk gracing his lips when he noticed her visibly gulp, gripping onto the sheets with anticipation and excitement, watching him get on the bed, crawling towards her as his hand found its destination, cupping her warm, blushing cheek, face a breath away from her, “a practice round or two.”
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @marsvillee
@mlysalt @spooo00oky @the-kpop-simp
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bethelighthalazia · 5 months
Terrifying - Part 2
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Summary:  Yunho feels horrible for scaring and hurting you, so he apologizes and promises to do everything to show you how important you are to him and how much he loves you.
Genre:  angst, fluff
Pairing: bf!Yunho X fem!reader
Word Count:  1753
Warnings: mentions of wounds/scratches, mentions of hurting, sad Yuyu, mentions of crying, insecure reader
networks: @mirohs-aurora-society
[note: thank you, @ja3hwa for helping me with finding a good ending paragraph <3]
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© by bethelighthalazia. Do not repost, copy or translate. Unless stated otherwise, those works are mine and born from my own ideas. I don't have any claim on the mentioned real existing Idols whatsoever.
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At the dorms, the others were around you the moment Mingi stepped through the main entrance. San took you out of Mingi´s arms, who then left again to check on Yunho while you were placed on the big sofa. Wooyoung had already grabbed blankets to cuddle up in the living room with you to watch any movie you want. It seems that Yunho had called the others, the second you and Mingi had left the apartment, to tell them what happened. 
“Y/n, could I check on your wounds please?” Seonghwa asked with a gentle voice, a first aid kit in his hand while he sat down on the sofa next to you. You nodded, wiping your face with one hand while holding your other arm out towards him. “Oh, you´re wearing the bracelet we got you!” A smile on Seonghwa´s face, he gently dabbed some disinfectant ointment on the scratches, causing you to wince ever so slightly every time. “Do- do you think he's mad at me now? I- I think I hurt his feelings…” You sniffled quietly, some new tears appearing in your eyes, but before Seonghwa could answer, you´re pulled into a tight hug by Wooyoung who shakes his head no. 
“He's more worried about you being mad at him, y/n.” Jongho said, carrying a bowl with your favorite snacks over to you. “Don´t worry, he loves you, that I am absolutely sure of.” 
When he put down the bowl, the maknae gave you a soft squeeze to the shoulder before then leaving the room, he didn't want you to possibly get overwhelmed with too many people around for now. Hongjoong also came over to the sofa and placed a kiss on top of your head, something he had done almost ever since you met the boys, because he sees you as his sister, and then whispered something to Seonghwa before leaving to go check on Yunho as well, knowing you're in the best hands.
Yeosang just stayed quiet, sitting on the other sofa and turning on the TV for you, knowing well which ones are your favorites to watch. Your head was now resting on Wooyoung´s shoulder, you felt your eyes getting heavy, but you didn't want to fall asleep yet, too scared that nightmares could haunt your dreams. “Woo? Why- why do you all seem so calm?” You asked after a few moments, frowning a bit when you realized that they are too calm for what happened. When Wooyoung exchanges looks with San, Seonghwa and Yeosang, you swallow hard. Is there something they don't want to tell you? A secret that they hide from you?
“Y/n, I think-” “That's something Yunho should tell you himself, y/nnie.” Mingi, who just entered the dorms again, cut off Seonghwa who was trying to answer you, but then the others just nod at Mingi´s words. When you heard his voice, your head perked up, accidentally hitting Wooyoung's chin slightly, your eyes wide. “Mingi, how-” “He is okay, Hongjoong hyung is with him now to help clean up your apartment. He sent me here to see how you feel and if you need anything.” Mingi hummed, coming over to sit on the floor right in front of the sofa. 
“I'm…okay?” With a raised eyebrow, Mingi looked at you, he could always tell if you´re telling the truth or not and often, he even knows better how you feel than you do yourself. With a little sigh, you shrugged, not even sure how exactly you feel. But you weren't in pain anymore, that is something you can say for sure.
“Really Mingi…I am not in pain or anything, I just-” “You´re confused, right?” Nodding, you fully focused on your best friend, Wooyoung laid an arm around you again to calm you down a bit. No one spoke for a while, just letting you relax and hopefully doze off a bit. It indeed almost worked, your eyes heavy while your head rested against Wooyoung´s shoulder and Mingi caressed your hands in a soothing manner, you almost fell asleep.
That is, until a jingle of keys, quiet voices and the sound of a door unlocking is heard. your head jerked up, again hitting Wooyoung´s chin, when you heard your boyfriend´s voice answering to Hongjoong. Mingi got to his feet almost instantly, staring at the entryway, where soon Hongjoong and Yunho appeared. “Hyung, are you-” “Everyone out, except for y/n, Mingi and Yunho.” Hongjoong said and, to everyone's surprise, the room actually cleared. The captain just patted Yunho ́s back gently before leaving as well, but you knew that he’d be just one room further, so he could intervene if needed.
While Mingi just stared at them, Yunho had only eyes for you, an expression like a beaten puppy on his face. You know that he's feeling horrible, knowing that Yunho is not the type of person to hurt others purposefully. Yet, your body flinched slightly when he took a step closer to the sofa, your movement causing him to freeze on the spot. Mingi sat down on the armchair nearby, just in case, but he didn't intervene at all. 
“Y/n, love I-” Yunho started, but then got quiet, not sure what he could say to undo his actions. “I know that nothing I say would make you forget that I hurt you…and I-” He took a deep breath, just standing in the middle of the room, not coming closer to you for now. “I would understand if you'd hate me and never want to see me anymore.” His voice got quieter with every word he spoke, you could see how hard it is to talk while knowing that you probably are scared of him now. “But please…could I try to explain? I won't try to make any excuses, because I know my behavior was absolutely unacceptable and no excuse or apology could undo it.”
With a short glance over to Mingi who gave a reassuring nod, you then nod as well, patting the free space on the sofa next to you. “O- okay…I have a question though…are you still mad at me?” You asked quietly, to which Yunho quickly took a few steps over to you to take your hand, just to then freeze when you flinch. “S- sorry, I didn't mean to scare you again-” He whispered, slowly kneeling down in front of you, taking your hand in his. “But please, y/nnie, my love, my heart, I could never be mad at you. I wasn't even upset with you earlier, but with myself and all the stress I had the last weeks…I tend to bottle it all up and sometimes it just bursts out of me. Usually I would come here and tell Mingi, then we would go to the gym or something, but this time, I didn't…and let it out on you.”
Yunho's voice broke, the thought of hurting you already let him get teary and his heart dropped. “B- before I asked you to be my girlfriend, I swore to myself to never have such an outburst near you…and now I even scarred you because of it-” Pulling his hands away, he sat on the back of his feet, still kneeling in front of you, his head dropped against his chest. He truly looked like a sad puppy and you would love to pull him into a soothing embrace, yet you cannot bring yourself to do so. Even though you knew that he meant every word, and that he would never purposefully hurt you, you cannot shake off the fear and the broken trust between the two of you.
“Yunho-” You whispered, his frame getting smaller as he curled into himself , almost slumping in front of you when you didn't use your usual nickname for him. This was what Yunho always had feared; to hurt you and to push you away from him. “I- I just…I still love you, but…but I also am scared. I trusted you with my life…but now? I don't- I don't know if I can trust you. So-” With another deep breath, you tried to steady your voice, tears again stinging in your eyes. “So please…give me time, okay? I love you…and I still want to be with you, but- but a trust that's broken like this…I don't know how long it might take to rebuild, but…but you will have to show me that I can trust you again…”
Yunho nodded silently, his mind racing. You still wanted to be with him, even though you knew that he would be capable of hurting you? His heart beat faster, with a quick movement, he wiped away his tears before looking up, he had no right to cry when he was the one who had hurt you. “I will do anything, jagiya. Everything to show you that you mean more to me than anything else.” He then said after a few moments of silence, his voice quiet but hopeful. “You are my everything, y/nnie, and I am so…so thankful that you give me this chance.”
You already knew that your heart forgave him the moment he called Mingi to get you out of the danger he might have gotten for you back then, proving already that he never wanted to hurt you in the first place. But, forgiving does not mean to immediately trust him again, both of you knew this. And both of you were ready to be patient. After a short glance around to reassure yourself that Mingi is still in the room with you two, you slowly moved, getting down from the sofa to hug Yunho, who's still kneeling in front of you. The hug felt awkward and you didn't keep this closeness for long, but when you whispered an “I love you, Yuyu” before leaning back, you could feel his heartbeat accelerate and a hopeful expression appeared on Yunho's face. 
“I love you, y/nnie. Thank you for letting me prove myself to you, even if I don't deserve your kindness after I hurt you like this…” You sat there in silence for a moment letting him say sorry over and over again, glancing at Mingi every now and then to make sure everything was okay. You knew this situation wasn't going to go away. And you knew he would stop at nothing to show you that you can trust him again. 
It was going to be a long road and Yunho was willing to travel down it. For you.
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taglist: @mingis-mizu, @tinyelfperson, @hotteokkay, @minkilicious, @bunnliix,
@gong-fourz, @yeosangiess, @jayshoneybee, @dinossaurz, @scuzmunkie,
@en-happiness, @kibs-and-bits
(if you want to be added to a taglist, follow the taglist-link in my pinned post)
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ja3hwa · 1 year
♡ 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟑: 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 - 𝐂.𝐒 ♡
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Make You Mine
【sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs】 : San can't help but send death glares to any man that tried to have your attention for too long. Too bad you dont belong to him... yet.
『ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ』 : 1.87k 
-> ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: Suggestive. Office Au.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: CEO!San x Assistant!Reader
[ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs] : Man handling. Pet names. Dominance kink. Choking kink. Fingering.use of the name slut. Slight Exhibitionism kink. Mention of sex. Making out. Edging.
Thank you, @wooya1224 , for requesting San for this day ♡♡♡.
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He was staring you down like a piece of meat. His lips were snarled as he watched you standing among newcomers. Recruits from a highly skilled agency, joining the team company for the moment until they later get filtered out to other buildings that lay under Choi San’s name. Choi, the largest family company in Korea. San took over soon after his father passed, he was only twenty-five when it happened. But he grew up quickly, so naturally, taking the role of CEO was easy. It was hard, and the toll it took on him was painful. But the one thing he looked forward to every time he came into work was you.
His pretty little assistant.
You were young, just turning twenty-one when you joined his team. That was three years ago now. He always made sure to have you by his side whenever he could. Oh, he needed a coffee? He’d make sure to grab one for you, but not a coffee, no, no, you like a hot chocolate no matter the weather cause you only like sweet things. He needed to organize planners and meetings, he’d make sure you were sitting with him in his office while you both chat the day away as he worked on the planners. Grabbing lunch? Always without fail he’d grab you something to eat, drop it off in front of you on your desk along with a white chocolate and raspberry cookie and before you could even tell him he didn’t need to buy you food, he was gone. Slipping into his private closed office space.
To say he was in love with you was the only thing to mention. And no, he did not have a crush or a thing… he wasn’t a player looking for a hookup even though practically every woman that worked for him and all the past assistants threw themselves at him. He didn’t budge.
Until you.
He was a man, deeply in love, the moment he laid eyes on you. A sweet thing looking for her first big girl job. You were smart, reliable, friendly, and oh that smile you make every time you look at him. His heart would swoon every time you sent it his way. You were the definition of perfect. And he wanted you as his. So seeing these new men, crowding you at the office party made his blood boil. No man was worth your attention, even he at times. Wooyoung, A friend of San’s seemed to take notice of the way San’s nostrils were flared and his brow was knitted with frustration. He could practically see steam pouring out of his best friend's ears.
“If you’re so mad, go talk to her instead.” Wooyoung nudged San, snapping him out of his stare for a moment to shoot a quick glance at the younger, only merely grunting in response before turning back. “Come on boss man, tell her you like her. You know she likes you right.”
Okay, Wooyoung officially has San’s attention now. “What now?”
“You didn’t know? Of course, you didn’t see it, you are so stupid sometimes.” The young one laughs, chuckling thickly. He couldn’t believe his old brooding friend was so blinded by the idea of you being someone he could call his. Before San could respond, his eyes shifted to your suddenly moving figure. You were walking away with Lucas, one of the new recruits following you like a lost puppy. San’s brain was suddenly on high alert. Where were you going? Why was Lucas going with you? He needed to know, and he needed to find out now. “Hey wait, where are you going?”
San didn’t answer instead he strode through the crowds of people, weaving around bright faces thinking they’d gotten the chance to talk to the quiet boss, but was quickly greeted with a grunt for them to move, or a long-distance stare that was nowhere near wanted pointed in their direction. No, San was on a mission and had no time for chit-chat from anyone other than whatever Lucas could possibly say to keep your attention. Jealous was reeling through The large man’s veins and he did not care in the slightest. And once he turned the corner seeing you trapped in the hallway with Lucas too close to you for comfort, he knew he had to act quickly. Taking large steps, he made his presence known to both of you. You snapped you glance to San’s the moment he was in view but Lucas, well, he simply pretended the older male didn’t exist. He only wanted you, and to have you in his mind, so the boss just had to wait.
“What do we have here?” San’s deep velvet voice sent shivers down both your and Lucas’s spines. But they were both very different effects. Lucas swallowed thickly trying to keep up the tough guy act, while you melted, squeezing your thighs while never breaking eye contact with your employer. “The party is back there.”
San had no time for games, but a part of him didn’t want to scare you into thinking he was being controlling. Yes, he wanted you to himself, and he wanted nothing more than to show Lucas exactly why you belonged to him. But alas, you weren’t his…
“Oh hey, boss we are just getting to know each other a little more.” Lucas didn’t even let his eyes leave your figure, not paying the taller, broader man standing in his frustration behind his attention. That pissed off San, and a snap went off, grabbing the collar of Lucas’s and tugging it back making the small man let out a cough. He stepped back trying to save his breath but San kept pulling back, making Lucas not able to breathe.
“I don’t think this beautiful woman is interested in whatever comes out of your filthy mouth.” San’s voice was deep, seductive. Everything was screaming sex appeal and you wanted more. San finally let go of the other man's shirt, letting him finally suck a jagged cough in. He held his neck, feeling a soreness begin to form;
“You fucking ass.” Was all Lucas could say, going to stand but San caged you for a moment, checking to see you were okay. You quickly nodded giving your boss a smile, letting him turn around to see Lucas running at him. Why? You couldn’t understand that, it’s not like Lucas could do anything against someone like Choi San. “Why can’t you just―.”
Lucas’s words were cut short as Sans's left hand cupped his neck, pushing the smaller male against the wall next to you. San’s grip got tighter and his eyes were darker than normal. You watched intensely, seeing the soft smile disappear from San’s features, being replaced by one of a sadistic nature. Heat grew in your core, seeing San rough up the pathetic excuse for a man. The way his fingers are wrapped so beautifully around his neck, the way he holds Lucas’s life in his hand. Call you crazy but the scene in front of you turned you on more than you’d admit.
“Just what hmm? Why can’t I leave and let you continue to harass my girl? Hmm, let me think… One, that gorgeous thing next to us belongs to me. Two, You are a waste of space and you’re lucky I don’t fire you for harassment. And three, if I ever see you near my girl or any of the women here for that matter, I will ruin you to the point no one will ever hire you. Do you understand?”
Lucas nodded.
“Do. You. Unerstand.” He punctuated every word with a loud, deep whisper. Lucas started nodding like an idiot, before coughing out.
“y-yes s-si-irr.”
San let him go after that, making the man fall to his knees, sounding like he was about to cough up a lung. Your boss just stood staring at Lucas with pity and disgust, straightening his own tie before saying. “Go, Before I change my mind.” and with that Lucas ran from the hallway heading straight for the elevators, not wanting to mingle anymore. Silence fell quickly as you both watched Lucas scurry away, but your eyes drew to San soon after, studying his deadpan face. “Your girl huh?”
He turned with a simple smile, stepping closer to where you still stood, leaning against the wall. “Of course you are. As I am yours...” he placed his hand next to your head, tilting his head slightly. “You want that?”
You couldn’t help but smile, taking your chance to lean forward, taking his soft lips against yours. He wasted no time in wrapping his right hand around your waist while the other gripped the back of your head, keeping you in place as he swallowed your moans. You could feel his growing bulge on your thigh, through his slacks. The fighting must have excited him a bit, along with…other things. You moaned out his name, bucking your hips in order to find his, but his hand kept you in place. He had to chuckle at how responsive your body was for him, never knowing you could be even more good than you already are.
“My sweet, sweet thing.” He groaned between kisses, “You just need someone to hold, you.” His hand that held your hip, moved down slowly letting his fingers graze the top of your dress pants before slipping into your panties “Someone to touch you where you need it.” His left hand that held the back of your head suddenly moves to snake around your throat, making your eyes widen at his bold move, but he just smirks, eyes dark, filling with lust. “Don’t think I didn’t notice the way you clenched your pretty thighs at me strangling that dickhead before. How your eyes sparkled…”
He tightened his grip slightly making your head begin to spin in the best way possible. Spreading your stance more you let his index finger slide against your soaking cunt, letting out a moan from the pleasure surging through your body like a firecracker. “S-San please…”
“Shh it’s okay baby. You just a dirty little slut, needing to be pleased no matter who might see. But don’t worry my darling, I’ll make sure to fuck you good once I get you back to mine. Well unless I get too patient and decided to fuck you in my car.”
You couldn’t help but yelp when San pinched your clit. He crashed his lips against yours one more time letting his hand that sat beautifully on your neck squeeze a little tighter. It felt like he was literally stealing the air out of your lungs and before you could do anything he pulled away entirely, and if it wasn’t for the fact he grabbed your waist you would of fallen on your knees from how wobbly your legs became. He kept his hand around your waist, helping you get your footing before giving you a gentle smile unlike the sinisterly cheeky one you saw prior.
“Let’s get out of here hmm? I still wanna fuck you before the day ends.”
Nope still sinister and still very cheeky...
- ♥︎
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hausofmingi · 9 months
dumb baby
Pairing: dom!reader x dom!san x sub!wooyoung
author note: This came from a brain thought in my 3 person group chat, and everyone knows that a 3 person group should NOT be shared to the public. But it was too good not to share. Also, I am a loyal sub in the bedroom in real life, so I don’t know what came over me, but woo just brings something out deep inside. I hope all you dommy mommies enjoy!
nsfw warnings: sub!wooyoung, dom!reader, dom!san, mommy kink, pet names, name calling, mxm, threesome, hair pulling, use of ropes/tying up, reader is implied to be afab, cuckolding, oral (m & f receiving), san is a bit of a head pusher (non-derogatory), implied consent, daddy kink, face fucking, fingering (m & f receiving), cum eating, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, anal (m receiving), choking, creampie (m & f receiving)
Minors, don't even think about it you little shits.
That little slut, you thought. Right across the party, your boyfriend had his beautiful legs draped over his best friends, his hand holding San’s face to the side. Was he licking his ear?? A classic Wooyoung move. 
Did it make you mad to see your boyfriend flirting with someone else? Absolutely not. Did he want it to make you mad? Absolutely he did. 
He was staring daggers into you as he trailed his tongue down to San’s neck. He’s fucking asking for it. The cogs turned in your head. What punishment will I give that little shit this time?
You see, Woo loved to be punished. He loved to cry and beg and whimper and whine. He loved to be denied. And you were good at punishing. And suddenly, you got the perfect idea. 
Wooyoung had finally moved off of San’s lap, excusing himself to go get a drink. He walked towards you on the way to the kitchen, but dropped his gaze as if to ignore you when he got closer. 
You grabbed his arm to stop him next to you. Although he was taller and stronger than you, he always crumbled in your hold. 
“You think you can get away with that? Being a slut in front of the entire party?” you whispered, only in his earshot. You felt his arm tense under your grip. Oh, he was eating this up. 
He didn’t say anything, only turned to you and smirked before walking into the kitchen. You follow, and luckily, you two are the only ones in there. He is pouring himself another cup of whatever is in the crappy jungle juice, but you aren’t done with him yet. 
When he turns around to walk away, you are right behind him. You back him into the counter, gripping him by his cock to really get your point across. “Answer me,” you demand. 
He shakes, scared but already his dick is hardening. You have him right where you want him. “I- I-” he starts. “I, what? Baby boy already scared?” you cut him off. He licks his lips, both in anticipation and in fear. “I was just trying to get your attention, mommy.” he responds, finally. 
Using mommy in public? He knows ~exactly~ what he is doing to you. “Meet me at home in 10 minutes. I want you in the bedroom, ready for me.” you say, and let your grasp go of his now hard cock. 
You watch him as he goes, making a beeline for the front door to his car. Why he didn’t question how you’re getting home, you’re not sure, but like you said, you have a plan. And luckily, San walks into the kitchen at just that moment. “Hey San, I have a question for you…”
Back at home, Wooyoung waits patiently for your arrival. 
He is already where you want him to be, on his knees on the ground in front of your bed. Just underwear (and today he chose his favorite black boxer briefs, which he knows you love to ruin). You like his hair down at first, but he knows the hair tie you keep on your wrist will be put to good use later. He faces away from the door to your bedroom, head looking down at his knees, and his hands in his lap. 
He really didn’t expect for this to happen tonight. But you both knew of his, for lack of a better word, infatuation with San. 
For years, there was tension between both of them. And you always told Woo it didn’t bother you, especially because you found San hot too. “Hall pass lists” weren’t really a thing for you guys, but it was unspoken that San was number one on both of yours. 
But tonight, after a few drinks Wooyoung got bold. It started with them sitting next to each other, then Woo’s legs were on San’s, then Woo leaned in to whisper in San’s ear. He felt how sensitive San was to have Wooyoung so close to his ear, so being the flirty dickhead he was, Wooyoung decided what a better time than now to make my best friend hard. And why not kill 2 birds with 1 stone and turn you on too. 
Wooyoung heard the front door lock turn, and then open. His cock stiffened in excitement for what was coming. You were silent coming up the stairs, not wanting to hint to Wooyoung anything that was about to happen. 
The door creaks open and Wooyoung looks up just a bit to see your shadow reflected on the bed. Except, it isn’t your shadow. It’s a mans. It’s Sans. 
“Hello, Woo.” San says. Wooyoung freezes. Oh my god… its really happening. She sent him here to fuck me. But, how is that a punishment? He thinks to himself.
“Someone tells me you’ve been very bad tonight. Dragging me in the middle of it? That was very naughty Wooyoung…” San says as he makes his way to kneel next to Wooyoung. 
He grabs Wooyoungs face in his hand, tilting his chin up with just his pointer finger. He taps Wooyoung’s mouth with his thumb as they make eye contact. “Do you have anything to say for yourself, baby boy?” Damn, you must’ve told him everything, Wooyoung thought. 
Wooyoung’s only response, in true Wooyoung fashion, is to suck San’s thumb into his mouth, peering up at him with his best pouty eyes, hoping San loses his composure a little faster than you do. San’s only response is a small laugh, but it is laced with evil underneath. 
“Still giving the silent treatment, angel?” You ask from the doorway. Its a good thing you sent San in here first, to try and break Woo down before he was really in for it. Wooyoung immediately snaps away from San, bringing his gaze back down at your presence. 
“I’m sure you’re wondering why Sannie is here, baby” you start as you walk over to him. “It seemed like you wanted to play with him, but mommy got a little jealous.” you stroke his hair as you speak. 
You kneel down next to him, finding his lips parted and him breathing heavily, but he still won’t make eye contact with you. 
“I got a little jealous because I decided I wanted to play with Sannie too. But I don’t think baby deserves to join, do you?” you motion to San. 
“No, not yet. I think you have to prove you can be good, sweetheart.” San says. Wooyoung’s cock jumps in his underwear at that pet name coming from San.
“I can be good, I promise.” Wooyoung whimpers, bringing his head up to look at San. 
You grab the back of his long black hair, pulling hard so he has to arch his back to look at you. “Uh-uh baby boy. Sannie doesn’t get to decide, I do. Don’t forget who’s in charge here.” you say. 
His eyes are shut tight, reveling in the feeling of getting his hair pulled. What a painslut you think. “Get up on the bed baby” you command. “Mommy is going to tie you up, okay? You’re just going to have to watch as Mommy gets fucked.” 
His eyes bolt open, and you see all the emotions go through his head: excitement, fear, desperation. This is the perfect punishment and he knows it. 
You and San make quick work tying his arms to the headboard. “You’ve done this before, huh?” you ask San. He doesn’t respond, only smirks at you. 
You weren’t surprised when San was down for your little plan after you approached him at the party. You also weren’t surprised when he pushed you into the bathroom for a quick makeout sesh before you both left in his car. 
He really took control, even in the short 5 minutes in the bathroom. And you let him. He was really strong and had no trouble lifting you up to sit on the counter. You were so used to being the one in control, but this was a nice change. 
Of course you had to catch him up in the car of everything Woo likes, to make sure this really would go off without a hitch. And so far, it is. 
San was the first to make a move after you were both finished with Wooyoung. “Come here, beautiful.” He said, motioning for you to join him standing at the foot of the bed. 
You had given San full permission to dominate you beforehand, knowing how much it would rile Woo up to see him dom getting dommed herself. And you were right because the moment San weaved his hands through your hair and pulled, Wooyoung was already letting out the smallest whines. 
“Quiet, baby. Let mommy play” you said, never breaking eye contact with San. You were quick to snake your hand into his jeans, lazily stroking his half hard cock. He groans at the contact, gripping your hair a little bit harder. Okay I’m kind of understanding the pain kink now…
You weren’t going to give San everything he wanted, and he knew it too from the way you weren’t fully grasping him. “You can do better than that princess. On your knees” he commanded. 
You sunk down slowly, your back facing Wooyoung, really putting on a show for him to watch. His whines grew louder the closer you got to the ground, he was really eating this up. You make quick work unbuckling Sans belt and undoing his jeans. 
His cock springs out, and it’s beautiful. A good 8 inches, and the perfect girth. It curves up just a little bit at the end. You’re practically drooling when you look back up at him. He knows exactly what’s going through your head. 
“You have such a pretty cock, daddy” you say, really emphasizing the last word. You hear a groan and then a clang; Wooyoung’s sad attempt at pulling out of his restraints. 
“Stay put, dumb baby. You’ll get a taste eventually” San barks at Wooyoung. Holy shit, he’s going to be the end of you. 
You grip him and start licking up and down his veiny shaft. You get the feeling he likes it messy, and you do too. He pushes your head just a little to signal you to start sucking. You oblige, you love sucking dick anyways. 
He starts to gather your hair into a makeshift ponytail in his hands, but you raise your right arm up. He gets the message and removes the hairtie from your wrist to pull your hair up. 
“Mommymommymommy,” you hear Wooyoung call from the bed. He knows that is his hairtie that you’re supposed to use on him. 
“Mommy is busy sucking Daddy’s cock right now,” San says in response. “You wanna watch?” Wooyoung whimpers, not sure what he wants, but nodding anyways. 
San turns you sideways, so that your back isn’t facing the bed anymore, and Wooyoung can get a clear view of you bobbing on San’s cock. “Damn Woo, you never told me how good your girl is at sucking dick,” he says, letting his head fall back and he guides your head up and down his length. 
Your spit is gathering so much at this point, his dick getting messier and wetter by the second. You look up at San through your eyelashes before sinking down all the way until his tip is touching the back of your throat. Your eyes water but you don’t break eye contact with him as you choke. 
“Oohhhh fuck babygirl. That’s so good,” he praises. “You want to hear your mommy choke on this big dick again?” he asks to Wooyoung. “Daddy, please.” Woo says. 
San gently grasps your chin with one hand, the other resting on the back of your head. He starts off with slow thrusts, preparing you for a second. You look up at him after a second and give him a nod, knowing what he wants. 
His grasp on your face becomes tighter and then he is fucking your face, not breaking eye contact even though your eyes are screwed shut in concentration. Your gags are so loud, but not louder than Wooyoungs calls for both of you. 
He pulls you off suddenly, “I have to stop, or else i'm going to cum down your pretty throat” he says. 
You are just staring up at him though, as if he’s a god, not fully hearing what he’s saying. “Awe, Woo. I broke your mommy. She loved this dick so much she went cock drunk.” 
He kneels down to your level, swiping his thumb over your lips and collecting the spit that was dripping. He grabs your face and brings you in for a kiss, waking you up from the dream a little. His tongue snakes into your mouth and he guides you to stand up by your hair. 
“Daddy, pleasepleaseplease touch me. I’ve been so good. Please, it hurts,” Wooyoung calls from the bed. You break the kiss to glare at him, considering the options.
He looks fucking beautiful. His hair is messy hanging around his eyes, his chest heaving with every breath. His beautiful dick straining against his underwear, begging to be let out. 
Fine, but just a little tease. You stride over the bed, and lean over it, wiggling your ass a little to get San’s attention. You pull Wooyoung’s underwear off and fling them onto the ground. 
Your face is perfectly lined up with his cock and he bucks his hips to try and get it in your mouth. You push them down with your hands, not allowing him to move. But before you can even think about touching him, Wooyoung watches your face twist up in pleasure. 
Behind you, San had pulled your dress up and your underwear off and was absolutely devouring your already wet pussy. “Oh, daddy,” you moan. 
He continues to eat you out like his last meal, his hands gripping your ass and pulling it apart for better access. You decide to return a bit of the favor to Wooyoung. 
You suck your right pointer finger into your mouth, coating it with spit. Woo whimpers watching you, knowing what's coming. You trail your now lubed up finger from the tip down his shaft. He wails out at the contact, tears starting to fall. 
But you don’t stop at his base, continuing down until you circle his rim with your finger. He clenches to try and suck your finger into him. You let him, finally entering his tight hole. 
His moan when you start to finger him borders on animalistic. His head is thrown back and the sound he makes come deep from his throat, laced with rasp. 
You are getting closer to your orgasm as San sucks on your clit, circling his tongue lightly around it. 
“Sannie, can you-” he cuts you off with two of fingers prodding at your entrance. He knew exactly what you needed. They sink in slowly and you continue to finger Wooyoung, lightly brushing his prostate.
His cock jumps with every brush to his prostate, and you know hes close. You always found it so fucking hot that he can cum untouched, and you wanted to show San your baby’s talent. 
San finds your gspot, angling his fingers down and doing a come hither motion to bring you closer. He doesn’t let up on his pointed attack on your clit, and you know you're close. 
When San starts to feel you clench, he removes his fingers from you and stands. You shake your ass in protest, mad that he cut you off of your orgasm. 
“Don’t worry, baby. Daddy’s gonna give you what you want.” he says in your ear. He swiftly enters you, with no warning but no trouble either because you are already so wet. 
His cock fills you up deliciously, much thicker than Wooyoung. You fingers stall inside him, focusing on the way San’s cock hits your gspot perfectly every time. 
“Pl-please” Wooyoung whimpers below you, moving his hips to try and get your finger moving again. “Sorry baby, Daddy is just fucking me so good.” you say. 
As if in response, San speeds up his thrusts, bringing you back to the edge of your orgasm. You reach back to where his hand is holding onto your hip and move it down, signaling for him to circle your clit. 
“Mommy is gonna cum on my cock baby boy, you better look up and watch,” San says as he feels you clenching hard around him. Wooyoung’s head tilts up and makes eye contact with you.
That’s all you need and you’re cumming. San pinches your clit as it jumps in his fingers, his cock not letting up on the fast pace. It lasts almost a full minute. He slows down with your clenches, letting your orgasm taper out before eventually pulling out. 
It’s then that Wooyoungs breath speeds up, his hole clenching tightly around your finger. He continues to look at you, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth hanging open in a silent “O” as he cums all over his stomach. 
When you draw your fingers out of him, his head goes limp to the side. He came hard you can tell, but you’re not quite done with him yet. 
You come up from your position and go back to the side of the bed, undoing his restraints. San does the same to the other hand after stripping the rest of his clothes off. “Baby wake up, Daddy hasn’t even fucked you yet,” San says as he crawls over top of Wooyoung’s spent body. 
You watch in admiration as San licks up all of the cum on Wooyoungs abs, swallowing it all. Wooyoung’s eyes flutter open at the contact, and lets out a low groan. 
San then crawls up to Wooyoung’s face, stroking it lightly before kissing him deeply. This may be the hottest thing you have ever witnessed. 
Wooyoungs hand comes up to hold onto San’s side, the other one lightly stroking his cock as they make out. “Angel, you have to stop, or I’m gonna cum.” San breathes heavily into Wooyoung’s mouth. He obeys, eager to get San’s cock inside of him finally. 
San moves down just a bit, angling Wooyoungs hips up so he can access him. He holds his cock in one hand and looks down to spit on it. It expertly lands on his cock and he jacks himself off a few times to coat it around. 
Literally this guy is a sex god, you think, still watching from the side of the bed. 
He enters with ease and immediately Wooyoung’s back arches up like a pornstar. “My slutty baby loves to get his hole filled, doesn’t he?” you ask. Wooyoungs only response is a loud high pitched moan. 
“Want to join?” San asks. You wordlessly oblige, throwing your dress over your head and crawling onto the bed to hover over Wooyoungs body. You grab his face and harshly angle it to look at you. “Mommy is going to fuck you now, okay? Think you can fill me up while Daddy fucks you?”
He nods desperately, tears already starting to form in his eyes. You grab his already hard again cock and sink yourself down on it slowly, pitching your body forward to give San enough room as well. 
The 3 of you move in tandem, somehow finding the perfect rhythm. San grabs your arm when he gets close, pulling you up until your back rests against his chest. He doesn’t slow his fast thrusts into Wooyoung. “I want to play with your tits while I cum” he says. He pinches and twists your nipples, letting your boobs fall down and bounce before doing it again. 
The new angle has Woo’s cock twitching inside of you, and he grabs onto your thighs to brace himself. You continue to fuck yourself on his cock. 
San grabs you by the neck with one hand, while the other continues to play with your tits. “Please let me cum inside him.” San breathes into your ear. You nod, feeling Wooyoungs cock continue to twitch inside you knowing he’s about to get stuffed.
3 more thrusts and they are both cumming. The sounds of both of the boys loud moans fill the room. Woo fills you up with what cum he has left, shakily thrusting through his orgasm. San stills behind you, gripping you as if steady himself as he cums in Wooyoungs ass. 
You all still your movements, breathing heavily. When San lets go of you, you pitch forward, falling onto Wooyoung. He is barely there, his hands having now fallen from your thighs where they were gripping on for dear life just a minute ago. 
You kiss around his face, making sure hes okay, and brush his hair away. “Wooooyoung” you call for him in a sing-songy voice. “My baby, did you have a good time?” you ask. He grins, still not opening his eyes, and nods. 
San flops down to the side of you two on the bed. He puts his arms over his eyes as he slows his breathing down. “There ain’t no rest for the wicked, Daddy. You better clean up your mess” you say. 
He grins at you, with his eyes squinted shut. He leans over to kiss Wooyoung on the forehead before getting up and walking to the bathroom to get a washcloth. 
“I have to go to the bathroom baby, I’ll be right back,” you say to Wooyoung. He nods and squeezes your thigh in response. 
You aren’t bothered enough to ask San to leave while you pee. He stands in front of the mirror, washing his hands before he goes to clean Wooyoung up. You kiss the back of his neck as you cross behind him to the toilet. 
“We’ll have to do that again, yeah?” He asks. “Mmmm yeah. I think we can make that happen,” you say. 
He smirks as he wipes his hands off and grabs the washcloth to leave. “Maybe even a weekly thing?”
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thelargefrye · 9 months
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CAFE ETERNAL SUNSHINE : HOLLY-DAY ... bullet - point fic
pairing : baker!wooyoung x baker!f!reader (background poly!ateez)
genre : cafe au, established poly relationship, fluff, holiday-ish fic
word count : 870
warnings : y/n wears glasses
suffer tag : @sanjoongie
note : this is more of just a random drabble that came to my head. no thoughts only cute wooyoung
you and wooyoung spend the early morning hours making cakes and as it gets closer to the holidays you realize that this will be your first time spending the holidays together.
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you and wooyoung worked like clockwork together in the kitchen
both of you working together and individually on projects for the cafe
after months of working together, you both have been able to establish a route between each other
and mingi whenever he's been sent in to help the two of you
before wooyoung began working at the cafe, you had done all the baking
coming in hours early and staying well after the cafe closed in order to prepare for the next day
so wooyoung being hired was like a saving grace to your sanity
but don't tell him that... it would boost his already too large ego
"are we doing a christmas carol theme for the cafe?"
wooyoung's voice breaks your thoughts as you look up from the cupcakes you were currently decorating
"huh, oh yeah we are"
"what's wrong?"
along with baking, wooyoung was also really good at reading your emotions
it probably didn't help that you were like an open book most of the time
"nothing, i was just thinking"
"you and the cafe"
this earned wooyoung's attention as he leaned forward across the metal counter that separated the two of you "oh?"
"yeah, this will our first time celebrating the holidays together. the first time you'll be celebrating with all of us. i'm excited"
"i'm excited too"
"i remember the first time me and hongjoong celebrated the holidays when we first moved in together. it was when that big snow storm happened and the power had went out and so we gathered all the blankets in the apartment and bundled up on the couch together and we just... sat there for a few hours talking before the power came back on and when the tv turned back on, a christmas carol was playing."
"it sounds romantic"
"it was! now every year we always watch the christmas carol and talk about how our year as went and what we want to try for the upcoming year. and i'm excited that you get to do that with us this year."
you've never seen wooyoung have such a heartfelt look on his face before, and the smile he had only warmed your heart
"i'm glad i can spend the holidays with you and the others and take part in your tradition."
you couldn't help but round the metal counter as you and wooyoung engulfed each other in a hug
you felt wooyoung kiss your temple as you melted more into him, the holidays always did manage to make you more emotional
"i'm glad too, woo."
when you step away from wooyoung, you adjusted your glasses before looking at him when his hands come up to gently cup your face
"don't cry, baby. seonghwa will get mad at me again if i make you cry," he teases before squishing your cheeks together and leans in to kiss you
you couldn't help but laugh into the kiss at his words and you feel wooyoung grin into the kiss as well
"sorry," you say when you pull away, "the holidays always make me emotional"
the two of you soon went back to working on the different foods, falling into that comfortable silence and atmosphere that was usually present in the kitchen
it wasn't until a few hours later when the other would come in and see you and wooyoung sitting at one of the tables taking a break
"well look at our star bakers!" san would say as he comes over to you both before him and wooyoung start to talk
hongjoong would follow behind the barista, the two of you making eye contact before he comes up and presses a kiss to your lips
"did you guys finish?"
you nod your head as hongjoong comes behind you, his hands resting on your shoulders before he starts to gently massage them
"good, good. now you can take a break before we open."
"what's wrong?" he head leans over to look at you, confused look on his face
"nothing, me and wooyoung were talking earlier about how this is his first holiday with us and it just made me think about our first one together."
hongjoong chuckles at the memory
"that's one of my favorite memories."
"when we get home later... can we watch the christmas carol together? all nine of us?"
"of course, my love."
you couldn't help the smile on your face at his words and you turn around in your chair to look at hongjoong
your lover mimics your smile before he's leaning down to kiss you
"okay lovebirds! we open in fifteen minutes. get your kisses out of the way now and make sure everything is ready!"
you can't help but laugh at seonghwa's words as hongjoong rolls his eyes before giving you one more kiss, and then he's walking towards the grumpy manager before smothering him with kisses as well
you couldn't help laugh at your two eldest boyfriends before letting your eyes travel over to wooyoung who was also watching the scene before him
san had left to go set up the front counter, jongho over there also helping him
"are you ready?" wooyoung asks, his hand engulfing your own
"i'm ready."
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tag list : @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @pyeonghongrie @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @spooo00oky @frgogh @sookacc @seongwin @burnsmepls @ad0rechuu @tunaasan @northerngalxy @silverpixiedust23 @cheesekimchi @confusedmoonchild777 @mjyungi @innieontop @iweirdthingsblog @s0obinluvr @worcesheshestershiresauce @moonlightgrleric @wineyoungie @jeongwangjessmina
network : @cultofdionysusnet @cromernet
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reallychaoticwoo · 10 days
Hi babe!! How would the different Ateez members react to a reader that can cook really well, with like mad knife skills? I’m just spewing any idea that comes to mind. Love you 💕💕
Ooh I like this idea!!
❤️Pairing: ot8 (but individually) x reader
⚠️Warnings: Mostly fluff, probably some cussing, suggestive
✨️This is purely for entertainment purposes and does not represent the idols mentioned in any way.
✨️✨️ Requests are open ✨️✨️
He loovvess watching you cook. It's one of his favorite ways to spend time together, and you look so beautiful when you're cooking for him. When you're cutting up vegetables for dinner, he's fidgeting in his chair, trying to hide the way his mind wonders, seeing you use that knife. Captain is a freak js. He'd watch you entranced and as soon as soon as you were finished cooking, you'd be having a short intermission before eating.
He adores seeing you cook. He'd come up behind you while you were cutting and place soft kisses on your shoulder, asking if he could help. Before you could even answer, he would be helping. As much as he loves seeing you cook, he loves cooking with you even more. You're both equally impressed by each other's skills and end up sharing the most delicious meals together.
He would keep you company while you cooked. Standing against the counter and stealing glances at you every chance he could. Occasionally, he'd place kisses to the top of your head, complimenting your skills and thanking you for always cooking such great food for him. He hates to admit it, but he can't get enough of you being in the kitchen, in your element, you look like his forever.
He'd be sitting at the island, reading a book. Looking up every so often to catch a peak of your knife skills and smiling to himself. He'd eventually get up and wrap his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder. You'd have him taste test everything just so you could hear his hums of approval. He'd eventually end up back in his original spot, but he wouldn't pick his book back up. Instead, his eyes would stay reading you.
There is probably only a handful of things, if that, that San loves more than seeing you in the kitchen. He's gone so far as to make sure you have all the best tools and even gotten you your own customized apron, which, of course, has "Wifey" on it. He is most definitely hugging you from behind peppering you with so many kisses and praising your cooking skills. Watching your knife skills, he knows his sweet girl is also a bit of a bad ass and he could not be more in love with you. He, of course, is also begging for a taste of everything 😉
He's both impressed and slightly scared of you now that he's seen your knife skills in the kitchen. Gulping down before joking that he will never piss you off. Once you giggle at him, he'd be bending down to kiss your forehead and thanking you for cooking for him and for sparing him from a brutal ending.
It could go one of two ways with him. He'd either be right by your side helping you cook with sooo many compliments and corny hand over hand cooking moments. Or my personal favorite, he'd be dipping his finger in whatever you're making, smudging it on your face so he could kiss it off of you. Taking every single chance to flirt and be in your way so you'd have to focus more on him. He'd be so frustrating but equally as endearing. He'd most definitely be eating dessert if you know what I mean.
He feels like he's watching a professional at work and is delighted to call you his. He would never get in the way but would praise your work. He'd ask questions and ask if you would want to teach him so you could cook together sometimes. You'd give him a big kiss on the cheek and pull him closer to start teaching him now. He'd swoon over you and how knowledgeable you are.
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makeitmingi · 9 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 6]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.2K
"Where's (y/n)? Did she have dinner?" San asked first.
"Oh, she's just taking a breather. Hwa hyung already kept a portion of food for her." Wooyoung waving him off, taking another bite of his own food.
"Is she okay?" Mingi asked.
"Yeah, don't worry about her." Jongho replied. Well, if your friends were saying not to worry, who was Yunho to worry? Why was he even worrying? It's the guilt he felt from his comment before dinner service. You just started working together and he didn't want to cause any bad blood on Day 1.
"Hey." You entered the kitchen, your hands tucked into the pockets of your jeans. Yunho's head perked up at your voice. Your nose and cheeks were slightly red.
"Yah, did you not wear a jacket out?" Seonghwa frowned, leaving his food and coming over to you.
"I'm fine, Hwa." You leaned away from him before he could touch your face.
"You're going to get sick. Come, have your dinner before we start prep." Seonghwa led you over to where the group was. You opened your mouth to say something but Seonghwa shot you a look.
"Thanks for the food." You mumbled and took a bite, although everyone could sense your reluctancy.
"So, how was the dinner service?" You asked.
"It was good. The customers love the food, the feedback was all good." Hongjoong smiled, giving all of you a thumbs up. Wooyoung and Jongho hi fived.
"They liked the roast chicken, infusing western and Korean flavours. The cioppino was liked as well, reminded them of a non-spicy haemul jjigae." Yeosang added. Seonghwa wrapped an arm around you, patting your back as you smiled at each other.
"And a lot of people ordered one dessert each, they like the Western and Korean option." San grinned.
"Finally, Mr Owner, any words of wisdom?" Mingi grinned, drawing all attention on the taller male who had been silent so far.
"Uh... Well, I guess thank you to everyone here. I would say the first day of this place was a huge success, more than I'd ever imagine." He smiled nervously.
"The people like the food, they like the options of Korean flavours and Western flavours, even in combination. Even for the desserts. I think we should continue like we did today." He finished.
"We will try to make dishes that incorporate more Korean flavours, of course." You nodded.
"You're not mad?" Yunho winced, realising he said that out loud when it was meant to be an internal question.
"Why would I be mad?" You blinked in genuine confusion.
"Because of what I said earlier about the food possibly being too fancy. I was afraid that it was offensive or something. I think you all cook amazing, your skills are definitely more than I could ever imagine having, and the food is 100! It's just that this is my first time doing this and I'm afraid and nervous." He blurted.
"Yunho. None of us took what you said personally or to heart. You're the owner and our boss, we follow your direction. I'm personally grateful you were honest with us." You raised an eyebrow.
"Told you." Mingi slapped Yunho's shoulder.
"There's nothing to be worried about. Trust us, we have faced worse insults and criticisms from others before." Jongho laughed.
"Told you." Yeosang mimicked Mingi and slapped Yunho's other shoulder, making Yunho shove his friends away for slapping him with a scowl on his face.
"Please be honest with us. We always look for improvements and ways to be better." Seonghwa smiled.
"We're tougher than you think." You chuckled. Yunho blushed, feeling a little immature now and he felt like he just embarrassed himself in front of you. You noticed how his ears had turned bright red as he looked away with a small pout.
"Alright! We need to start preparing so if you aren't going to help, please step aside." Wooyoung put his hands together with a big smile. Hongjoong and San helped do the remaining dishes.
"Wait, stop. Don't go." You stopped the others mid step. They all froze, turning to you.
"Think of what we can serve tomorrow. We haven't decided that." You said, looking at the 3 chefs, who nodded in agreement.
"But we don't know anything about cooking. I don't think we can offer anything remotely helpful." Mingi rubbed the back of his neck. You grabbed your notepad and marker.
"That's fine. Yunho believed he was bad at cooking but he made the berry tuile." You pointed out.
"She has a point. If Yunho can make something that nice, we probably can too." Yeosang shrugged, making Yunho glare at him and jab his side considering Yeosang was also a bad cook. Yunho would argue that Yeosang is actually a worse cook than he was since he actually burnt the bbq last time.
"Do you know how to make a quiche? I always love quiches." Hongjoong said from his spot at the sink.
"Good idea. We should do something savoury, maybe 2 savoury items?" Seonghwa looked at you. You nodded slowly and looked to Yunho for comments but he didn't say anything.
"Let's do a quiche and a galette. Kimchi, bacon and cheese quiche. Galette can be mixed vegetables with goats cheese top." You thought out loud.
"A galette is like a french pizza but it uses flaky pastry instead of pizza dough." Jongho explained.
"Ohhhhhh." The 5 nodded.
"That sounds good. I like the quiche idea with the kimchi. I'm still not sure what a galette is but I trust all of your tastes." Yunho said. You let out a small chuckle.
"The last baked good, open faced apple danishes? Then we paint apricot jam over." Wooyoung suggested. You wrote that down.
"Now, cakes." You tapped your marker against the metal suface.
"Actually, some customer today were saying they liked that seashell cake because it was good to have on the go with coffee. So maybe we should have a cupcake or muffin sort of item for them to have on the way to work." San said.
"Yes, I did hear people say that. Maybe blueberry muffins? They seem like a nice breakfast muffin." Yunho grinned, his eyes sparkling again at the though of fresh muffins.
"No, no. You need to have chocolate muffins." Mingi wagged his finger at his best friend in denial.
"No, Mingi ah. Blueberry muffins are better, especially with that crunchy, sugar crust on top." Yunho frowned, crossing his arms.
"Chocolate muffins are the best. Everyone loves chocolate muffins, even better with chocolate chips inside. Warm, chocolate muffins." Mingi argued.
"While you two debate on that... For the full cake, let's do a carrot cake." You asked.
"I was thinking matcha cake and we use the leftover strawberries from today." Seonghwa said. You nodded, writing the ideas down. There seemed to be some sort of voting that happened between the 5 because it seemed like chocolate muffins was the decided. Plus, Mingi was doing a happy dance.
"You do know you're the owner right?" You tilted your head, raising your eyebrows.
"I-I know that! But if the rest think that chocolate muffins will be more liked then maybe it is better to do that." Yunho said, concealing his sad tone.
"Okay then. Let's start prepping the pastry dough. We're doing it for quiches and galettes." You instructed.
"We're going to need a lot of butter and flour." Jongho snorted and went into the walk in.
"Let's split. Two people make dough for galettes and the other two will make for the quiches." You said, taking the equipment and putting them into the freezer temporarily.
"Why are you putting the mixer stuff into the freezer?" Yunho asked.
"We don't want the butter to melt so we're making everything as cold as possible. The more pieces of butter we have in the dough when we bake, the more steam and flakiness we get from the pastry." You explained to him. He nodded his head.
"You guys can head back and rest for the night. We'll lock up when we are done here." Seonghwa said to the 5.
"Yeah. We've all had a long day." Wooyoung agreed.
"That's okay, we want to watch." Mingi smiled. You all looked at each other and laughed. Jongho and Wooyoung weighed everything out before you and Seonghwa retrieved the cold mixer parts.
"Looks like we'll need to do it twice. This isn't going to fit into our Kitchen Aids." Jongho sighed.
"It's fine. It's just the initial mixing stage anyway, we'll do the final incorporation with our hands." You said.
"I'll get the cold water." You went out to the front, coming back with two containers of ice water. Once the butter, flour and salt/sugar were crumbled, you and Wooyoung slowly added the cold water into the mixer for the doughs to come together. Jongho helped you to manually bring the dough together.
"Let me." Seonghwa said to Wooyoung, who poured the crumbles onto the metal work surface. Seonghwa gathered it all with his hands, pressing it together.
"Here." You threw some flour and handed them the rolling pin.
"Woahhhhhhh." The 5 said in awe at the way you threw the flour onto the dough and work surface.
"It's like those professionals on television, the way they throw the flour and make it into a cloud. It spreads so evenly." Yeosang said.
"They are professionals!" San elbowed Yeosang. It was amusing, like demonstrating things to a group of kindergarteners. Jongho and Seonghwa rolled the dough out and did two book folds.
"Do you not knead the dough?" Hongjoong asked.
"Not for this dough. Kneading the dough activates the gluten in the flour and creates chewiness. You would want that for bread but not for pastry like this. You want to avoid creating any chewiness so we don't touch it." Seonghwa explained.
"This 'book fold' just creates more layers of butter. If we were doing croissants, we would do it a few more times, that's how you get the layers in a croissant." Jongho added.
"Woo and I will wrap it." You and Wooyoung went over to wrap the slabs of dough, writing on top of the plastic to indicate the use.
"That's it. We'll roll and blind bake them tomorrow morning." Wooyoung said.
"Thank you for teaching us." San smiled kindly.
You did the washing up with Jongho while Wooyoung and Seonghwa cleaned the work surface of butter and flour. The 5 other boys waited for all of you to be done.
"Let's go." Seonghwa grabbed your coat for you. Yunho watched as Seonghwa helped you put your coat on.
"Goodnight. See you all tomorrow." Mingi waved, along with the others. The 4 of you bowed and waved before heading to Wooyoung's car. Yunho and Mingi went to Yunho's car while San and Yeosang rode with Hongjoong. Mingi played the music, waiting for Yunho to start the engine.
"So, how do you really feel?" Mingi asked.
"What do you mean?" Yunho chuckled, confused by his best friend's sudden question.
"It's just the two of us, it's the first day of opening your own restaurant. You can be honest on how you really feel after today. It's okay to hate it." Mingi said.
"Hate it? I don't hate it. For from actually... I honestly thought it was going to be a disaster but it wasn't." Yunho blinked.
"I guess we fit well with the kitchen team then." Mingi said. Yunho hummed in agreement.
"They're professionals, they've worked in so many restaurants before. So I was worried that they would see how much of an amateur I am and quit but they didn't." Yunho confessed.
"Yunho ah, you need to have more faith in humanity. See? (y/n) said they weren't made when you were honest with them." Mingi teased.
Yunho rolled his eyes, knowing that Mingi was making fun of him. But it was Mingi's way of comforting Yunho. You were right, you were tougher than Yunho thought. Something bloomed in Yunho's chest, a whole new feeling of excitement.
"Well, I hope we have a long partnership with them." Yunho said with a soft smile. Mingi turned to his best friend's side profile, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.
"You're ever so positive." Mingi chuckled.
When Yunho walked into the cafe the next morning, he was smiling, coffee cups in hand for his kitchen crew to thank them for a successful first day. But his smile dropped slightly when he noticed only 3 people working in the kitchen.
"Where's (y/n)?" Yunho blinked, handing out the coffees.
"She told us she'll be coming in late today so we started first." Jongho shrugged, taking a sip of the coffee.
"I noticed (y/n) making a drink for you yesterday so I assumed that you are not a coffee drinker... Is a berry smoothie okay?" Yunho turned to Seonghwa.
"Yeah, that's fine. Thanks for noticing." Seonghwa blinked, stunned that Yunho took note of that.
"So... (y/n) is okay?" Yunho cleared his throat.
"She is. If not, Seonghwa hyung wouldn't be here now. He would be busy nursing her." Wooyoung teased. Seonghwa turned to glare at the younger male. He took a sip of the smoothie and continued working on what he was doing. Yunho just stared in confusion but nodded his head.
"Hey, sorry I'm late." Right on cue, you walked in. There was a container you were cradling in your hands. But no one could see what was inside, there was tin foil covering it.
"Morning." Yunho followed you in while you were putting your stuff in the small locker room.
"Hey." You replied.
"Are you alright?" Yunho asked, twidling his thumbs. After putting your bag in the small cubby, you turned around to face him, raising an eyebrow.
"Why wouldn't I be?" You asked back. Your questions back made Yunho flustered.
"N-No reason." He smiled shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. You hummed and grabbed your apron from the rack, tying it around your waist. You dug into your bag to take your knives out.
"Don't worry about me being late, I told the boys I'll stay back later to clean up after them, make up for however late I was." You spoke. Yunho wasn't worried about that, he knew that you would work schedules out with your team better than he could.
"Also, here." You shoved the container you were carrying into his hands and walked out, not wanting your team to wait any longer.
"Wait, what is-" Yunho stopped when he opened the container and saw fresh blueberry muffins inside. Touching one with his finger, he felt how they were still warm.
'Since blueberry muffins didn't win the vote.'
Was all your scribbled on the post it note that was stuck to the side of the container.
"Yunho ah. Why are you just standing there?" Mingi walked into the small space, appearing behind his best friends. He curiously peeked over Yunho's shoulder.
"Are those muffins?" Mingi asked and reached out for one but Yunho slapped Mingi's hand away, quickly closing the container.
"Ouch! What was that for?" Mingi hissed.
"Those are mine. Get your own." Yunho frowned, holding the container to his chest like it was a treasure chest filled with gold. Mingi looked at Yunho but held his hands up in defeat. Clearing his throat, Yunho went out to the front, where he was alone. He grabbed his coffee and tore open a muffin to eat.
The burst of gooey, slightly tart blueberry, coupled with the crunchy top and warmth of the muffin was the perfect accompaniment to the coffee he had.
"What's Yunho doing sitting there?" Hongjoon asked after seeing his friend sit at one of the booths.
"I can tell you what he's not doing, and that's sharing his muffins." Mingi scoffed. Hongjoong cast the taller a strange look.
"I'm going to kitchen to steal samples." Mingi said and entered the kitchen. San was already snacking on the off cuts of the carrot cake that you were cutting, wanting to edges to line up to frost.
"Hey, I want some too!" Mingi said.
"Here, have this." San held a small piece out to him. Yeosang stood by Jongho's side, watching Jongho fan out the apple slices on top of the pastry.
"That's so pretty." Yeosang complimented. Jongho nodded with a hum.
"I'm not cutting through, just scoring it so the sides around the apple slices will puff up but the middle won't." Jongho explained. Once he lined up all the apple danishes on the tray, he did a light egg wash on the exposed pastry and put the tray into the oven.
"What are you doing next?" He asked.
"I have to thin out this apricot jam to brush over the apples when it is done. It will give a nice shine and sweetness." Jongho explained.
"Who is making the quiche filling?" You asked the kitchen as you were whipping up the cream cheese frosting for the carrot cake. Wooyoung raised his hand.
"Let me just put the matcha cakes in the oven before starting on that." He said.
"Jongho, when you're done with the apricot glaze, you can start slicing the strawberries that will go in the cake." You instructed.
"Sure." Jongho nodded.
"I've started the chocolate muffins. We still need someone to put the galettes in the oven after the apple danishes come out. The vegetables have been prepped and sliced." Seonghwa said.
"I'll do it after frosting my cake." You replied. After having your 3 layers of carrot cake, you frosted them with the icing.
"What icing is this?" San asked.
"Cream cheese icing. The same as the one on the red velvet cake." You took a plastic spoon from the cup and scooped out some to let him have a taste. But before he put it in his mouth, he put some of the cake crumbs on top to have it together. He ate it and let out sounds of happiness.
"So good!" San said with a big smile. You chuckled and started the frost the cake. You were not the best at cake decorating so you just topped it swirls of the frosting, it looked pretty in a rustic way.
"Let's put this in the fridge." You brought the tray to the smaller fridge and put it in there.
"What am I working on next?... Oh, galettes." You said and grabbed the metal containers where Jongho had sliced the vegetables.
"Have the aubergines been sweated already?" You asked.
"Yes. Done and rinsed." Jongho replied. Sometimes, aubergines could be bitter so you usually sprinkle salt on them to draw out the moisture and rinse off the salt afterwards.
"So what's in here?" Yeosang came up next to you, looking at the sliced vegetables.
"Zucchini, yellow squash, bell peppers, onions and aubergines. So we'll bake this then crumble some feta cheese over." You said.
"That sounds good and I don't even like vegetables." Hongjoong chuckled from the doorway. Mingi and San seconded. It slightly amused you that these men were so open about their distaste for vegetables like children.
"We'll make you like vegetables for as long as we're here." Wooyoung joked.
"Yes, we're good at making vegetables tasty." You smiled.
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the-midnight-blooms · 3 months
ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴛᴇᴀʀ ᴜꜱ ᴀᴘᴀʀᴛ
pairing: jung wooyoung x reader
AU: 1920s au (inspired by Chloe Gong’s These Violent Delights)
word count: 5.1k
ATEEZ as angst tropes series:
Hongjoong | Seonghwa | Yunho | Yeosang | San | Mingi | Wooyoung | Jongho
Trope: Lovers to Enemies
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The white roses you gifted me, once laid at my feet. You begged I walk on them for every step I took on earth was a punishment against my holy beauty. They are now drowned within the red sea called hatred. I loved you once, your name plastered to me like skin on bone; your every touch thriving through my blood. Every fibre of my being pulsed to you, bowed to you, moved to the beating of your heart. They laughed at me, mocked me even, for being so infatuated with you- and I screamed and swore that you descended from above. That you were deserving of every part of me and now I am as much to you as meagre copper pennies to a rich man. A fool I was for falling for you, a fool I am for being in love with you.
The stars pulled over the surface of the night, blanketing over the scape of the city- the defined curvature of hanok roofs ascending towards the sky as if its goal was to pierce the clouds. The hood of her dark robe billowed in the wind, as she stealthily, she tiptoed across the skyline of houses and buildings of Seoul-rolling aimlessly through the night, haunting the city as she walked by. The night's breath hitched as she perched upon a rooftop, legs dangling over the precipice, staring into the soul of her target. Her fingers drummed against the sheath strapped to her waist, a bejewelled dagger obscured in plain sight. The mansion was large, golden-bricked walls stretching out at least a mile encasing an equally gigantic garden-the scent of freshly mawn grass lingering in the air. The lights in the home had penetrated from the small glass windows, the house itself silent. A few servants sauntered across the large hallways blowing out a few candles, a majority of the masters of the home absent. But the main man of the night, she needed was sprawled across his burgundy leather chair in his bedroom- a book resting on his laps but paying little attention to the literature.
“Do you still want to prove your loyalty to the clan?” Her father's words drifted out to her from the other end of the room. It was as if a steadfast cherry tree blew harshly into her face, at once attacked by the rushing of its petals hitting hardly against her, her soul magnetised by its beauty despite the coarseness of its intentions. As if she could reach her hands out to grab it anyway, so desperate to hold this delicate plant as it would break the thousand curses the universe bestowed upon her.
She would do just about anything to prove her loyalty again, it had already taken her father so long to forgive her for her sedition the first time around. Drawing out her dagger, her the tip of her finger danced along the rim of the knife- it had been so long since she had played the role of the Grim Reaper. Playing with one's life in her hands provoked a sense of glory within that had been dormant for so long. Her target's eyes drew out of the window, she was confident that she was well blended within the night, she challenged his suspecting stare; a smirk pulling at her lips when he shook as his head and turned away- as if to convince himself he was going mad.
But how madly in love had she once been for him? A man who she glorified. Held up on a pedestal. A man whom she loved like breathing. So innate and easy.
Jung Wooyoung. If only she could feel her heart beat to his name again. If only she did not want to kill him for every memory of him that infiltrated her head. The memory of his name falling from her lips coming back to her like the moon did every time the sun dipped beneath the horizon.
On a night where their stars aligned so perfectly, esteemed patrons meandered into the large Keun home. The ballroom was bustling with activity, filled with guests in every nook and cranny. Waiters flooded into the room with tall glasses of champagne and appetisers, the fancy dresses, a cacophony of sounds emptied into the heavy atmosphere.
The distant melody of sombre ballroom tunes echoed within her household as her father entertained corrupt politicians and business men. She had managed to excuse herself from the dinner party that the Keun family held once a year to flaunt their wealth that manifested from the massacre of innocent civilians and moral decay. Though she disagreed with her father’s despotism over the city, at the end of the day she was powerless and succumbed to being his personal mercenary and political tool. Retreating to her balcony, a breath of relief fulfilled her as the cool wind of the night waltzed upon on the surface of her skin. With eyes glazing across the scape of the village, she noticed a figure sat upon the rooftops gazing in her direction.
Wooyoung had been truanting the hanok roofs on that one night, fuelled by nothing but sheer boredom when he stumbled across the territory that he was prohibited against ever entering. Despite this, there was something about the air in Keun territory that tugged at him, perhaps it was the adrenaline junkie within him instilling a sense of euphoria when his life was in danger. It will kill you one day, his mother always nagged but he couldn’t care less. There was nothing or no one to live for. That was until her met her. An angel, as so to speak. Looking out into the city- face etched with a pondering look crossed with exhaustion. Her hair pulled back by a glimmering silver clip, loose strands of hair falling over her shoulders. There was something about her that sparked an interest, an interest transcending further than her beauty. Her stature was familiar to him, as if he had seen that same figure blending into the stars-slipping in and out of the same nightclubs and brothels where astute men who led the country revelled in. Where his father had told him to raise his blade against the men threatening the Jung aristocracy, this enigmatic shadow had gotten there first. He had tried his hardest to follow this mercenary and uncover their identity- but whoever they were, they were clearly sharper leaving no trail of footsteps behind for him to follow. One night, he saw a slight shape to their physique and it was smaller than a man's at that. He found himself staring at a potential suspect, but a resident of the Keun home-an assassin? In fact, she could very well be Mr Keun's daughter. Wooyoung had heard that both families had birthed the heirs to their thrones at the same time and she looked as old as him.
Their eyes met across the night. He waved and she waved back- waving to nothing more than a shadow in a void carved from the depths of her insanity. Or so she thought. For this madman was so allured by her, he needed to see in all her glory. As if he was too a beacon of a dying star, his body drifted towards her- scaling from rooftop to rooftop, then over the garden wall. Her hand drew towards her mouth, she wasn’t hallucinating at all. Who was this man?
Climbing up the walls, his hands finally gripped onto her balcony railing, stumbling backwards. A contented smile settled on his face, so mesmerised by her beauty. Words struggled to leave her lips, he chased as her a child did to a butterfly. She sunk in his appearance, following the curved structure of his nose, fox-like eyes that bored into her own. He was beautiful, there was no denying that.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?"
“I thought maybe I had died and reached heaven.” Dipping her head, she scoffed. He made his way half way across the village, just to flirt? What was he doing on the rooftops to begin with? Scouting for other assassins targeting her family? Or was he one of them? Cautiously, her hands slowly drew towards the knife strapped to her thigh. “Didn’t know Mr Keun gave birth to a beautiful daughter.”
“Goodness, are you one of my father’s men? Shouldn’t you be patrolling the streets not the rooftops?” She interrogated. There was nothing dangerous about the sky itself, everybody knew the roofs were too unstable and slippery to be walking on. However, this man seemed to defy gravity-the same way she did- when he moved along them. His unfamiliarity struck her hard, she knew her father’s men inside out, wearing the guise of an obedient daughter by day and assailant by night. He grimaced, folding his arms across his chest as he leaned against the balcony.
“Far from it my dear, I’m your biggest enemy.” With furrowed eyebrows she stared back at him. Biggest enemy? “I’m Jung Wooyoung.” He clarified. The name itself was a taboo in her own home.
"What are doing here?" the softness in her tone had been substituted with a coldness that gave him a slight discomfort. Still, his eyes wandered over to her silver clip that glinted in the night.
"I was looking for the Grim Reaper. I seemed to have found him, or her-rather."
"That's rather a rude thing to say a lady, no?" Perking her head up, Wooyoung smirked-the distance between them gradually closing.
"Depends on perspective."
"So, what's your perspective Jung?" She challenged. Her father's instructions hauled her. 'You are not, and I mean not, allowed to use your knife under any circumstances unless you are covered by a mask. No man should know you are my greatest weapon.'
"That there's a knife strapped to your right thigh." Sneakily his hand hovered above her sheath. His warm breath tickling her face. When did this he get close to her? Did she not hide it well? Her heart pounded as he moved closer to her ear. "Did you not think I'd notice, my precious?" Feeling the weight of his hand dawn upon her thigh, presumably to grab the knife; she grabbed for it before he could blink-pushing his body against the metal balcony. Knife fixed tightly against his throat.
"Why are you here, Jung?" Her words careful and instructive. She had disobeyed her father's orders but it was better than Jung having the upper hand.
"You can't kill me," he snickered. Her knife waltzed over his Adam's apple in a threatening manner. "Ok maybe you can. I really only ever wanted to know who was stealing my jobs. Didn't think it was a gorgeous woman." Of course it had to be that the first beautiful man she met had to be a Jung. The antagonists of her father's story. The Jung's and the Keun's had been old aged rivals for as long as time existed. Rivers of blood drowned the streets in the midst of their rage and envy. From birth both families brought up willing to bequeath god's greatest curse on each other. She had not even as so much seen a face of a Jung, but she recalled her grandma's folk memory of Jung men inhabiting such intoxicating beauty that made one want to abandon all their morals and venerate them under the emblem of desire. She understood it all now, and for years to come to she'd understand it a lot better than that moment they stood beneath the stars gazing into each other before she took back her rationality from the hands of ardour- and shooed him with the flick of her wrist.
“Leave before you get killed. If as so much as a word about me leaves your mouth, I won't hesitate to kill you." To tell the truth, Wooyoung was right to some extent. She couldn't kill him- if she did her family would be the first of people the Jung's would point to and chaos would ensue. The only problem that lied now was he knew who she really was.
"Until next time, my angel."
"There will be no next time." Rolling her eyes, her arms crossed over chest and huffed. As he climbed over her balcony iron grip on the railing as a descended down. Leaning over, she watched him as he climbed back up, cheekily placing a peck on her cheek.
"I prefer you with your hair down." His hand reached around her hair, pulling at the expensive silver clip. Hastily, he climbed down the building again, covertly jumping down; disappearing into the night.
Damn you, Jung.
Later that week, she sauntered down the cobbled roads- woven basket in hand filled with the seasonal fruits that her mother had sent her to collect from Monday’s market. The vendors being close family friends always provided the freshest fruit and a suitable price at that, despite the Keun’s family renown wealthy background. Nevertheless the farmer’s had the protection of the Keun clan, a vow that had never gone unbroken in the two decades since it had been established. A soft hum filled the air as a recognition of a melody she had acquainted her ears to drilled in her head. A figure walked synchronously with her- neck craning only for a scowl to be complacent on her face.
“What are you doing here, Wooyoung? If anyone catches you with me, you’ll be as good as dead.”
“So then I’ll see you tonight, same time, same place as before my precious.” Her steps had faltered, sending her family’s enemy a menacing glare.
“Listen, stay on your turf and we’ll stay on ours. Like it always has been. What do you want, Jung?" Wooyoung’s hand slipped into the inside of his jacket pocket. In his hands held her expensive silver hair clip she had spent the whole week mourning the loss of-a devilish smirk playing on his lips.
“Give it back!” She hissed, reaching out for it, but Wooyoung drew his arm back extending it further away from her.
“Now now, my angel. You can have it back tonight.” He softly whispered in her ear, placing a yet another devious sweet kiss below her ear lobe. The connecting of his lips against her skin was so soft, she could just melt into his touch, goodness it felt like a sin to be so allured by his charms. That night, Wooyoung came in again- perched on her balcony patiently awaiting for her to open the doors. He handed back her silver clip as promised. His hands drifted to her hair, tugging at the white ribbon that held it together, falling over her shoulders in loose waves. Sliding his fingers over her soft locks he tucked a strand behind her ear. The nerve of that man, where did he summon the courage from?
“I told you I liked your hair down.”
“I’m supposed to listen to your every wish now? Leave Wooyoung, and don't come back." She snapped, Wooyoung chuckled, as if unfazed by her indifference to his intimate actions.
“I will once I get my thank you kiss.” Rolling her eyes, she gently pushed the man. Walking past him to place her jewellery box in her wardrobe.
“Can I have my ribbon back?” she questioned, shutting the door to her wardrobe, but remaining in front of it as to keep some distance between them.
“I think I’ll keep it. Then that way I can come back to you every night.”
“So you’ll steal something every time you’re here?”
“Yes, as long as I can to see your pretty face over and over again.”
“Wooyoung.” Her tone firm, meeting with him was already too risky. Falling in love was practically begging for a death sentence.
“Please. Just a chance. One.” He begged, almost getting on his knees. Her mind wrought with conflict, the opposing forces gnawing at her brain. One side was utmost obedience to the Keun name and her father. The other was the desire to love and be loved. To know what it felt like to hold someone, for a life as an assailant deprived her of that. She just wanted to know what real love felt like, was that so sinful of her?
And she had felt it all in the following years her and Wooyoung spent under the cover of the night. Soon, past midnight when she was so sure that her family was asleep- she snuck out of her own home and ventured into the streets of their city into his restricted abode - exploring the large hallways of the desolate Jung estate. One night, a slow classical tune meandered into his room, his arm so carefully ensnared around her waist. Head on his chest, they swayed side to side the stars gleaming down at them blinking in their wake. It was then when he proposed the idea of marriage; her blood ran cold, dreading the day he would ask her.
“We can propose it as a form of alliance to our parents, a truce.” He suggested, prying. Insisting like he was asking for opium. For their love was like a drug he could not get enough of.
“So many years our family have been wrought in this conflict, centuries even. Do you even think they’ll agree?”
“Aren’t you tired of this age old rivalry? I am, I am so sick of it. I don’t want to be running this city, I just want to grow old with you.” Their heads leant together, she breathed in his scent, not knowing it was going to be the last time she was ever going to ever feel this emotion again.
Unbeknownst to them both, and despite their esteemed positions within their clans, the tension between the Keun’s and Jung’s seemed to have strained significantly within the past few months. Their targets stopped being fraudulent associates to important members of the opposing gang, to which both lovers felt limbs staggering when they picked up their weapons. A member of the Keun clan was murdered, thus a life was taken from the Jung clan. An eye for an eye, hand for hand, soul for soul. Bloodthirsty corporals of the Keun’s had once again inundated the streets, their insatiable appetite for violence sewing fear into the citizens of Seoul. Conditions were worsening and once the couple had realised, their meetings had significantly minimised- both heirs had become bound to their empty manors.
“Curse you, and your whole family.” A screech erupted through the walls of the Keun home, her attention snapping away from her cousin-Ki- who was sat in the parlour discussing the details of her engagement. The older woman had finally settled down, after years of defying against marriage, claiming to have her heart set on one man. In the end he never proposed to her. Pressure from Ki's family subdued to accept a proposal from a young, wealthy business owner.
Out of curiosity, she neared the window onlooking the vast garden to find a familiar figure on his knees. Blood dripping viciously from his face, his agonising grunts were muted by the thick walls. Her father’s soldiers continued to attack him-fist connecting with his face with such a brutal force. A breath hitched in her throat as soon as the soldier moved out of the way, the man’s face clear as day through the glass. She launched out of the room, sprinting out to her garden towards the scene. In a flash, before the man could raise his hands again- she flung her body at Wooyoung, encasing him in her arms.
“Miss Keun-,” the guard's voice was interrupted by her father’s voice screaming her name over the lawn, the abrasive dissonance jarring in her ears as she felt his presence eventually looming over her.
“Get away from him.” He instructed through gritted teeth. Stubbornly, she shook her head no as tears streamed down her cheeks, wiping her sleeve across her lover’s face blood staining her silk dress.
“What are you doing here, Wooyoung?” She choked out. A guttural cough escaped his throat, blood spluttering out like a broken engine, lungs screaming for air feeling the burn of a thousand hot knives piercing his skin. Resting his head against her collarbone, he wheezed out of exhaustion her palm gently rubbing up and down his back.
Her father jerked her away from him, the warmth of Wooyoung's body dissipating from her as her skin fulfilled with goosebumps. Stumbling towards her house, she looked back searching for Wooyoung who had collapsed to the ground in the absence of her hold.
“Bring him to my office.” Mr Keun roared. Two soldiers obliged, immediately lifting Wooyoung up to drag him into his enemy’s estate. The door to the office, flung open the heat, which would have once soothed her skin, burned her alive. Her cousin, hot on her heels, entered the study with them encasing her from her father's wrath. Nothing could stop the hatred Mr Keun held for his daughter, the same girl who he raised betrayed their age old conflict. This was not supposed to happen. None of it. Not their relationship being exposed like this. Not Wooyoung being beaten bloody at the hands of her father and certainly not what was going to happen next.
The wooden door blew open again, her lover being thrown into the room. A gasp escaped her lips, she treaded forward as if to reach out to his loving embrace again but the simultaneous tug from her cousin and Wooyoung’s hard stare repelled her away.
“First of all, I’d like to apologise Wooyoung. I know you didn’t kill Mr Seo." Good Lord Mr Seo is dead? Her father's right-hand man? Perhaps in light of her relationship with Wooyoung she had become completely blind to the politics. "My men will pay, and I will compensate for any damages.” Her father’s perception of the word 'compensate' was particularly vague and held varied meaning. Compensate by paying the hospital bill? Compensate by taking a life? Compensate by having Wooyoung choose a member of a Keun clan to beat to death?
“I’ll take no compensation now, Keun, but I will one day. You’re in my debt.” Wooyoung declared, holding his head high. Her father nodded in agreement, drawing away from his desk-stalking towards his daughter. Raising his hands, he struck a blow against her flesh; the sting vibrated under the bubbling of her blood. A yelp escaped from her, eyes meeting Wooyoung’s who had barely flinched at the sight. Mr Keun bunched up her hair, wrenching at it violently.
“Secondly, what affiliation do you have with my daughter?” A silence held within the room. The pain of her father’s abuse engraved on her skin, acuminating at her but she could not help but to think what Wooyoung was going to say. Her eyes held desperation. Free from this torment, please. Give me the life you know I've always wanted.
“Your daughter threw herself at me like every other whore in this city. And who am I to disagree a beautiful face, after all I did not know who she was.” She could not help the tears that slid down her cheeks. A whore. After all those years of loving him, laying her heart at his feet, venerating him- she was just a whore. It was her fault. She should have known that at the end of the day, he was a Jung and she was a Keun. It would never work, their relationship was doomed to fail from the start.
“I would say a little more than a whore don’t you think? It seems you were quite close.”
“What use would I be to her, if my body was too damaged to keep her warm at night?” Profusely, she shook her head as her father stared down at her in disbelief.
"Wooyoung," she sobbed, "Tell them the truth." Oh how disappointed was her father in her now? Had she not been taught to obscure her emotions? Yet here she was, sobbing her heart out-begging for her lover to take back all that he had said. To renunciate their titles together, and live their peaceful life together in a cottage far by the sea and a big family like they had always wanted.
"Remember that you owe me now." Wooyoung turned, reaching for the door handle, exiting the room. Escaping from her father's hold, she rushed after him.
“Fuck you, Jung Wooyoung!" Tears rushed to the forefront of Wooyoung’s eyes, she grabbed his shirt collar-his body oscillating back and forth as she threw all the swears she knew pounding her fists against his unwavering stature. Sinking to the floor, her body wracked with sobs. He brushed her aside, ambling down the hallway with a blurred vision. "Come back, tell them how much you love me." She whispered in her palms.
“Take her to her room.” Mr Keun ordered to her Ki, who bowed to his command urging her cousin to get up from the floor. Few of the servants who had stopped to watch the scene unfold, hastily scurried back to their duties over their master's threatening gaze.
Confined to the four walls of her bedroom, her body sunk between the cotton pillows clouded by the softness welcoming her skin. A weariness tugged at her, Ki stroking her hair.
"How could he do that to me? He said, he loved me." Ki cooed at her cousin, slipping into the covers-holding the younger girl's body as close as she could.
"Tell me everything." Ki encouraged, listening closely and drinking in every word her cousin proclaimed from how they met, their nightly adventures sneaking out of their homes, to Wooyoung asking for her hand in marriage. "He did it to save his own skin, my love. Think about it-he established the debt your father has to him. Had he said he wanted to marry you, Uncle would have murdered him in cold blood right there and then. That would have been all the more reason for a war to break out between our families. He had the upper hand, he played the game and won." Then all she had been to Jung Wooyoung was a pawn to leverage an upper hand against her father. To elevate his position, to make himself more powerful. To ultimately be victorious in this age-old conflict.
Over the years it had taken her time to estrange herself from him, but it proved too difficult since the day he alienated himself from their love, taking the remnants of her soul with him. Regardless, she looked out for the rumours about him, clasping onto every little detail as if she was a beggar seeking morsel. Trespassing the skylines, watching him, yearning for him until all of the adoration transgressed into the same hatred that was embedded within both families.
“What I am about to ask of you, you may place all the heavens and hells curses on me.” Mr Keun declared one evening, as he called his daughter back to his office. He stopped, taking the time to survey his daughter’s features. To see if there was any reminiscence of rebellion or betrayal that still laid within her. “I want you to kill Jung Wooyoung.” The nights breath hitched in its from, the stars still as the words suspended in the thick, tense air. It was almost as if, Keun had penetrated his hand through her body, wrapped his hand around her heart, squeezing the thing as tight as he could for she felt a foreign sense of pain looming within her.
“Won’t that start a war? That could endanger us, we’d be the first people they would point at. Did you pay off your debt?” She rambled, Keun held out his hand-as if it would silence her internal conflict.
“You don’t worry about that. Put your blade through his heart, don’t make it quick. Let him suffer, it’ll make it all the more enjoyable.” He spoke sadistically, the wicked grin on his face terrifying her.
So here she sat, opposite his bedroom, swinging closer to his balcony. Slipping through the doors, her figure remained by the curtains eyeing as Wooyoung blew out at his candles-abandoning his book by the chair. Crawling into his bed, as soon as his head hit the pillow she carefully made her appearance into the room.
"You've never been able to sneak up on me, Miss Keun. What makes you think you can do it now?" He sat up in his bed, a slight look of annoyance resting across his features.
"Maybe it’s the fact that you're completely unarmed and practically asking for it. You could have at least gone to bed with a knife, would’ve made it a little fun.”
“I think it’s fun enough that the woman that I love has come to kill me.” Before Wooyoung knew it, the knife was at his throat against again. The same way it had been when he first met her, though the look in her eyes a million times more crazed than it had been to begin with.
“You don’t get to say that you love me, Jung. After all I was only just your whore.” She spat through gritted teeth. “How would you like to die? Heart or throat?” They said death was predetermined, mapped out for you the second you were born. Here she was, defying the rules of mortality by giving him a choice. As if he had given her a choice when he killed her in her own home, many months ago.
“To die by your hands would be a blessing.” She scoffed, removing her knife from his throat, straddling him so he could not move. Not that he would be able to escape her even if he ran- she was always faster than him.
She remembered the time where she had stolen his beloved dagger, dashing through these very hallways, Wooyoung panting up the steps she raced on hypnotised by her graceful movements. She ran so fast it was almost as if her feet barely touched the floor. An angel floating in the clouds of heaven. How and when did she become anything less to him?
“You didn’t love me, Wooyoung. I was nothing but a pawn to you.” She breathed out, tears rushing to the brim of her eyes. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. He hurt me. “None of it was real, and so if your intention was to hurt me- you won.” The tear rolling down Wooyoung’s cheek charged a sense of resentment. How dare he cry when she was the one in pain?
“I did what I had to do. I may have been your lover, but before that I am the heir to the Jung clan.” For the last time, his hand drew towards her cheek- pressing his lips on her forehead. He smiled, those dimpled cheeks prodding at her morality.
He was denied his next breath when she mercilessly thrusted her dagger into his abdomen. Valves ripping as the blood bursted from its banks, gushing out of his wound like a waterfall. Her gloved hand slapped over his mouth, his muffled screams striking a chord.
“And before being your lover, I am the heir to the Keun clan.” Wooyoung eyes began to droop, her body trembling as his face paled. Kissing away his tears, their heads leaned together in the finality of his receding breaths. “I love you Wooyoung, but not so much that I won’t make you suffer for the pain you gave me.”
Slumping down onto the bed next to him, she cradled Wooyoung’s convulsing body in her arms, his cries echoing into her chest- tears soaking her cloak. His final breath hitched, into the night his last look was her face. Then his last thought was that when his soul awakened, he wanted nothing more than to see her face again- whether it be to plunge a knife through her own heart or live their life by the sea feeling the rushing of the waves lapping against the sand. Their children rushing around chasing each other as they watched. Hand in hand, arm in arm. After all, it was his love that teared them apart.
All Right Reserved © the-midnight-blooms
‘keun’ meaning root
A/N: FIRST POST-FINALS UPDATE!!!! I can finally finish the angst series now 😍 I was supposed to release Mingi’s first but never let them know your next move I guess? I don’t know how to feel about this one, might be a bit crap and may update in the future. Anyways, hope you guys have been well <33
let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list for any future fics I post!
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mybelovedwoo · 1 year
after an argument - headcanon
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being in cold waters with ateez members
headcanon, romance, angst, fluff
gn!reader x bf!atz
wc. ~0.5k
an: you can request headcanons if you want to!! if you want to be tagged in any of my fics you can apply here &lt;3
-is giving you the silent treatment, locks himself up in his studio (making the best hits at times like this)
-thinks he has the right every time
-needs some time to think about it, and after all later he admits that you both were wrong and apologizes for his behavior
-for him to forgive you, you need to do something dramatic, ofc he likes to talk it out, but prefers action over cheap words
-is feeling guilty right at the moment, especially seeing how upset you are
-apologies immediately, the next few days, he does everything for you to make it up 
-sits down with you and tries to really discuss the issue
-for him to forgive you, you need to do a straightforward apology, you need to admit your wrongdoings 
-just knows he's right (and he actually is right)
-once things get cool down, is quick to forgive and forget, just hates the whole atmosphere after
-tries to make jokes here and there, to see how you react
-for him to forgive you, you have to promise to never commit the same mistake again, although he's not one who can stay mad at someone
-can't stay mad for a long time, sure he is upset with you, but not gonna show it to you
-trying to please you in any way possible
-after all, trying to find the real reason for the problem, and trying to solve it all alone
-for him to forgive you, you need to add some humor to cover up your mistakes, again he's can't stay mad for a long time
-is really upset about how far this whole situation went, hates arguing with you so much
-apologizes hundreds of times, like you feel bad after
-a whole cuddling session for hours after it (with a lot of kisses), like never letting go of you ever
-for him to forgive you, you have to give a sensitive and genuine apology, he requires patience and lots of love, especially if you hurt his heart, you just need to prove that you are worthy of his forgiveness
-he regretted saying things he didn't mean at all
-so frustrated he's not gonna let it slide without you proving yourself right with convincing reasons
-but when he realizes he was wrong, he is quick to apologize 
-for him to forgive you, you need to give him a bit of flattery, it will work most of the time, just say things like you don't deserve his love or something like this
-is a bit upset for a couple of minutes (sometimes it's even just seconds), then acts as if nothing happened
-goes up to you with a smile, and kisses and hugs you, if you're playing hard to get, he's not gonna leave you alone until you're not excepting his love
-you can't stay mad at him for too long, he just has this power over everybody
-for him to forgive you, you just need to make a warm, affectionate peace offering, he's not one who can't forgive you easily
-it's really rare to have a heated argument with him, he is just so cooperative and fair-minded
-prefers to find a solution that is good for both of you
-not gonna forget about it for a long time though, is gonna think about is still
-for him to forgive you, you need to do the same thing, just give him an effortful apology, and talk it out
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bunnliix · 12 days
When Eight Becomes Nine - Chapter Thirteen Preview!
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Another cute chapter, with maybe a bit of angst! This chapter is making me feel all happy and fuzzy inside.
Pairing: Ateez x 9th member!reader  wc: 525 AU: a/b/o  Genre: Fluff/Angst  warnings: anxiety, fear of heights, start of a panic attack masterlist
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“Are you sure you’re okay to do this? You can back out and none of us will be mad. I think you know this, but Seonghwa is afraid of heights too, so he and Mingi will be going somewhere else in the area while we spend time up at the top of the tower.” Yunho informed her, keeping his voice at a whisper while the others were occupied talking to each other.
“I’m okay. But if it’s too much, can I leave and come back down to the ground floor?” She asked the alpha behind her.
“Of course. If it gets to be too much for you, come to me and tap me twice and I’ll take you down right away, no questions asked.” He told her, squeezing her shoulders before pulling back and letting go of the smaller omega.
This was when the others, minus the duo that Yunho had mentioned, came back over to the two, asking if they were ready to head in. After quickly nodding, Hongjoong guided the six inside, bypassing the line and heading straight for the elevator to the observation deck. Wooyoung immediately took his place beside her once they were all situated in the elevator, reaching out to grab her hand as the ride up to the top quickly went by. She was dragged out of the elevator right to the windows to look over the city, holding her breath for a moment as she looked out at Seoul, amazed at how far the city sprawled outwards.
“Why are you gripping my hand so hard?” Wooyoung asked, whining towards the end.
“I’m sorry, just a bit uncomfortable with so many people here, it’s a lot for me.” She told the older omega, not fully lying, but not telling him the actual reason.
“Oh, baby omega,” Wooyoung cooed, pulling her in for a hug, “It’s okay. We’re here, you’ll be okay.” He comforted her, which helped slightly, but until she was back on the ground, she wouldn’t be back to being fully okay.
San wandered over to the two, smiling at seeing the two omegas hugging. The beta wrapped his arms around them, rocking them back and forth, which made y/n’s nerves become even further on edge. She could see in the corner of her eye that Yeosang and Hongjoong were all milling around one of the windows, seeming to be discussing something with serious faces. Yunho and Jongho were nowhere to be seen, at least not within her eyesight. Before she realized it, Wooyoung and San were pulling her over to the part of the deck that had the glass flooring. She tried to calm her breathing, though it wasn’t working as well as she would have hoped. The beta/omega duo were insistent on taking her over to stand on it so they could take pictures of her, and so she could take the “cool looking down at the ground” photos, or at least that’s what her brain supplied to her as what they said. Her head was elsewhere, trying to figure out what to do, and what would cause the least amount of a scene.
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Taglist: @bethelighthalazia @scarfac3 @smally97 @potatomountain @iyeeeverydee 
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@smilefordongil @fantasy2wonderland @forever-atiny @khjcoo 
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@cara-rey @therealcuppicake @lyracarvahall @anxiousskylar @dinossaurz 
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@uhhheather @yoonjikim @vampiregirl215 @kawaiikels @lovelyglares
@kaleigh-2002 @arabelleum @kibs-and-bits @0325tiny @miracle-sol 
@discombobulatedrat @witchbxtch0701 @bee-the-loser @hwallazia @dawn-iscozy 
@ldysmfrst @ahhhhhhhhhghh @neivivenaj @comicnerd557
Taglist is: open!
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darkphoenix07 · 1 year
Sex after argument
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Paring : Choi San x Reader
Genre : Heavy Smut
Summary : Playing games with his friends went wrong and you end up getting punished for being a bad girl.
Warning : Degradation, Humiliation, Orgasm mess, Rough sex, calling names.
You never knew that you playing dare with the other Ateez members will be this much chaotic until you started it. Gladly, you were saved by your boyfriend, San, who always saved you from some childish dare his members were giving you.
"Kiss Wooyoung on the cheek," you are so done hearing Yunho's third time telling you to do something really stupid. They like to tease San using you which is damn clear now.
"No, change it," San says squinting his eyes, he looks like he is about to break Yunho with his eyes.
"Come on, it's just on the cheek, why are you making it a fuss?" Hongjong asks San who looks more uncomfortable than you.
"Yeah, it's nothing much," you tell them as it feels unfair how you are not doing the dares properly but they are.
You move towards Wooyoung, leaving San's hand which were on yours the whole time you were playing. Wooyoung, who was sitting on your right, comes forward to take the kiss.
You kiss his cheeks and he starts giggling, "It must feel good getting kisses from, y/n. Right, San? You are so lucky. Man, I'm jealous."
You roll your eyes but San looks like he is in another world. His neck veins looks popped up, his grip on the whiskey glass gets strong. You look at him and he looks sick to you. So, you keep your hand on his thigh rubbing, "Babe, are you alright? You don't look fine."
He looks at you hand and orders, "Take your hands off me."
You couldn't quite believe your own ears, so you want to be clear, "What?"
"I said, take your hands off me," San says and you immediately take your hands off him because of getting scared. You don't understand why did he get mad all of a sudden. Maybe this is the first time he looks this mad, normally it is always you who got mad. But you felt humiliated by the way he talked with you in front of his members.
"What happened to you? Why are you behaving like a jerk, San?" Seonghwa asks not liking his behavior either, specially when everyone noticed you're embarrassment.
"You know what, San? Fuck you," you tell him and start walking which didn't make San feel right. Maybe he was being too much possessive that he ended up hurting you.
He gets up following you, "Y/n, I'm sorry. Wait," he keeps calling you but you have gone outside the house already.
You don't understand why did he have to react like that just because you kissed his best friend on the cheeks playfully. It didn't make any sense to you. On the other hand, San was mad and upset because he hurt you, not intentionally but he did after all.
You reached inside your apartment and was about to close the door but someone grabs the door, "Y/n, please!"
The familiar voice of his make you look at his eyes filled with guilt but you were mad too. So, you just walked inside the house and he gets in closing the door.
"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't like how you kissed him," San says and you storm out in front of him, "Are you an idiot? It was just a normal kiss and Wooyoung is my friend too. I can do whatever I do with my friend, why would you get mad like that?"
You calling him idiot for being jealous started making him more jealous. One thing keeps working in his mind, she is now fighting with me for him.
"Why are you exactly mad, Y/n? Because I got mad, I humiliated you or I am not liking the fact that you touched someone else than me?" He asks you with a very calm tone but wrath in all of the words.
"Have I ever told you anything when your fans would hug you, hold your hand or you would look at all of them with the same lovey-dovey eyes you show me? No, I didn't because I understand you, trust you, you don't."
"Why are you bringing my fans into this?" He gets more mad not quite understanding your actual point.
"Seriously San? Are you gonna act up with me because of your fans now?" You look up at him in more devastation.
"Didn't you do the same for Wooyoung whom you met because of me?" He asks you, bending over you.
You two are just inches away, so you retreat pushing him away, "Are you insecure that I might leave you and hold his hand instead?"
"Y/n, don't!" He tries to stop you but you don't.
"No, tell me, San. Are you afraid that he might fuck me better than you d-" he cuts you off shouting, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
"MAKE ME IF YOU CAN!" You scream back not even caring what you said.
That's all it took him to walk up closer to you, pull you by your hands towards him harshly and press his lips on yours forcefully.
You start hitting his chest to push him but his grip on your arms gets stronger. His hand reaches up on the back of your hair, pulling them down, "I will make sure you can't say a word without my name tonight," his threat makes you so worked up, so soaked that when he kisses you again, you end up crossing your hands around his neck pulling him closer while kissing him back. And fuck his lips on yours always fits so well, like they are perfect for your lips, made just for yours.
His hand still pulling your hair to make way inside your mouth feels so good, you don't understand why. You wanted more of his anger, you wanted him to make sure to teach you well how you are only his and he is yours.
He releases the kiss for a break and you taunt again, "That's all you can do, sweetheart. You are just a soft little baby of mine, can never be the monster."
You knew what that threat meant, the kiss meant but you need that fire, the wrath to stop the burning between your thighs.
He feels frustrated, challenged by your words, "I never knew you would like to see this side of mine," and pulls you by hand just to drop you on the sofa table which causes the vase on it to fall on ground and break.
Getting on top of you, pressing your jaw, leaving his finger marks on your cheeks, "I will make you regret asking for it."
"I've never regretted a thing, Sana" you tell him and he flashes you a smirk, "We will see that when I will eat you out and you will beg me to stop," and fuck his dirty talk, they start making you drip so bad.
Doesn't he know very well that you are just a little slut of his and you can not think of any men but him always when he fucks you so good.
When he rips off the party gown he gifted you yesterday, you couldn't help but understand how mad he actually is or else he would never rip something he has gifted. You try to grab his hand when he tries to unhook your bra but he grabs your hands instead, "You better not interrupt, or else I might keep fucking you till next day," his burning eyes have started to scare you a little. Can your sweet boyfriend turn things like this? You never even imagined he could talk about all these.
But damn when he took off his denim jacket, you missed those abs, those tattoos on him, how well they fit together. You couldn't take your eyes off him that you didn't even realize when you become full naked from half in no time.
"Spead your legs as wide as you can or I will," he orders you and you follow obediently because it's enough, you don't wanna mess with him anymore, just a little too much was fine but things are getting out of control, he might kill you by teasing.
As soon as you spread your legs, you can already feel him savouring your cum but hell, he doesn't touch your clit, doesn't make your raging pussy calm. Why would he do that to you? Why would he make you squirm for him this way?
"Fuck, baby. I can't-" he has never eaten out like this, like his tongue ramming your pussy areas, your slit but not where you exactly want to.
"I'm mad at you but your pussy tastes like the best chocolate in the world," he praises you while spreading your legs more grabbing your thighs as he places your legs on his shoulder. God, his hands are making your thighs look tiny to you.
You grab his hair not being able to take his abuse but gladly he doesn't say anything. And when he starts tongue fucking you, you start losing your mind. Your eyes keep rolling from the depth of his despair and you feel like if he doesn't fuck you right now, your might stop breathing, "Fuck me, please! I am fucking sorry, fuck me for God's sake," you scream but he keeps eating you out, "Sana, please. I can't-I," you cum into his mouth and feel him sucking all of it like it's nothing but something he always prefers to eat.
And when he looks at you, "Fucking is a reward, baby. You haven't done anything good to be fucked," why would he say that? Yes, you were a bad girl. He could just punish you but why like this?
As he again starts licking you out, you again beg, "I swear, I will be a good girl from now. Only your good girl, please fuck me, Sana!"
But he doesn't listen. You try to pull him up towards you still begging like you are about to die like this. Your pussy is throbbing so bad, your legs are shaking. You grab your own breasts to stop them from hurting but it's too bad. You've done it and you are getting it. This is the best night of your life yet so fucking painful.
"Please baby, I won't kiss anyone else but you. I swear," you tell him begging again and he finally looks at you smirking like the devil he has become tonight.
"That's my girl," he says standing up where your pussy is in his sight as you're still spreading for him. Your swear dripping from your chest as you're pressing your breasts, massaging them staring at him as his cock comes to your view.
The man he is tonight is so blissful.
He throws his boxer on the couch and takes his cock by his left hand. His cock has become your medicine, your need right now, the only thing that can save you.
He takes your legs, still standing and makes you cross them around his waist. As he enters you with force, you yelp not being able to handle such an amusement.
"Damn it," he growls as you moan when he starts destroying your inside.
Your skin slapping with each other for your already wet, creamy pussy as he keeps moving. His eyes on yours and him moving your legs to get inside you more and more every time filling you with all of him.
"Do you hear yourself, baby girl? How soaked you are?" He asks you and you says yes moaning.
"You are my whore, do you understand it? Mine," he says and you nod.
"Say it, baby. Say it out loud," he says fastening the pace as you nod again, "I-I a...am...your who...re, only yours."
"You're so fucking shameless, y/n. I love it. I love being the reason of your shamelessness," he says as your orgasm start coming at its edge so as his. But as soon as you are about to come, he pulls out coming all over your tummy not letting you cum.
"Why?" You asks as tears roll down from your eyes.
"Because you don't get to cum to for being such a brat," he says as he touches your tummy messing your breasts with his cum and gives you peck like he didn't just fuck you without letting you cum.
Before you can protest he leaves you because he won't be able to see you like this if he stays here a single moment.
"Asshole!!!" You scream getting up and hear him chuckle in his room.
Guess who is back btw 🫥🫥
@theaufanartist @hwanchaesong @littleninja97 @fudgeflyssworld @loosmyshit @pinki-minki @sanshinee-world @harusoraa @kitty4hwa
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itstheghostofmypast · 3 months
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Corporate worker Choi San x (F)Reader
Summary: Even Mr.Choi can be jealous. He is but a man after all, one who loves her just a bit more than his brew.
Genre: Fluff (slight angst)
Word Count: 1.5K
Est. Read Time: 7 min
Warnings: coffee pickup lines (they're cringe as hell)
Rating: PG-13
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels @illusionnet
Banner: @cafekitsune
Master List- Corporate Brew
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Bidding another customer goodbye, she smiled before placing the money in the cash register and closing the drawer with a sigh.
"Stop that."
"Hmm?" Turning to face the rude man, she raised a brow, "Stop what?" She asked, walking over to the glass cupboard, deciding to rearrange the pastries, knowing Yunho, her new assistant manager, already had a lot on his plate, ever since summer break began. The crowd was good, good traffic with youngsters and college students, it was nice that her overall presence in the market was reputable-
"Stop sighing like a love sick teen and call him."
With a huff she turned around to face him, controlling the urge to toss the brownie in at the man's face, he had no right to be taking sides, especially when he's known her longer then that; rude, arrogant, obnoxious, stupid, good-looking, sweet, caring- no! Moron! HE WAS A MORON!
"You don't know anything." Slamming the cupboard door a bit too hard, she jerked, gripping onto the vibrating glass, praying to God the compressed glassed doesn't shatter because of her temper tantrum.
"No, and I don't want to, but the two of you usually argue about nonsense things all the time, but it doesn't go on for more than an hour- it's been 2 days." Jongho sighed, taking off his apron as he noticed Yunho wiping a table, "Maybe just text him?"
She shook her head in return, though her heart ached at the realisation of Jongho being right, her stupid fiancé would never go to bed upset, he'd make sure she didn't either- but it had been two days. They'd be laying in bed, facing the opposite sides, she'd barely even feel him slip away in the morning, only to jerk awake when she'd feel the faint brush of his lips against her forehead, but by the time she'd open her eyes he'd be gone.
"Why? He can text me if he wants to-"
The chime of the doorbell caused the two to stop their argument. Yunho picked up the tray and turned to the door with a heart stopping smile, only for his smile to falter, the atmosphere turning thicker as the seconds ticked by, he turned to look at Wooyoung, only to find him frozen with a broom in hand, staring at the entrance.
Jongho eyed her, watching her stiffen as the footsteps of the suited man echoed in the almost empty cafe. Deciding to go to the cash counter, so he'd deal with him, in case the two were still too upset to think clearly - honestly, he wasn't even sure what the fight was about.
Adjusting his tie, the feline eyed man walked over to the counter, he could feel various many pairs of eyes on him, some of his friends, some strangers who were gawking at him, but he was too busy looking at the person who was staring elsewhere, trying her best to not even look in his general direction- that stung so bad, he felt his heart clench at the disappointed look on her face.
"Hey," Jongho began, "You want the usua-"
"We're out of everything." She cut him off, her tone sharp, as his eyes flickered from his friend's face to his fiance's face, a snarky reply at the tip of his tongue, ready to pounce at her, though the sombre look that she wore, still not looking at him, stopped him. She really was still mad at him, so upset that she was not even looking at him.
"Okay..." he whispered, turning to leave until he paused, and turned back around, slapping his hand on the counter causing everyone to flinch- Wooyoung almost dropping a mug- she looked up at him, frowning at him, sure he was the "man" of the relationship but he had no right to be rude- hell- this was her cafe, and no matter how much she loved him, she's not going to let him do and say whatever he wants, especially if that meant being an obnoxious prick, forcing her-
"If you were ground coffee, you'd be an Espresso, 'cause you're so fine!"
She blinked at the man, taking in his graceful sharp features, his broad, well-defined shoulders, his stupid Windsor knotted tie-
"No amount of coffee keeps me awake like you!"
Jongho had never felt the urge to smack himself, he turned to look at his bestfriend who looked back at him as bewildered and confused as he did, before turning back to the corporate worker who was practically shivering, twitching as he continued.
"Bean thinking about you latte!"
"I think I like you a latte."
"I love the way you espresso yourself!"
"If you were a coffee bean, I'd grind-" his voice cracked, head dipping down a momenent as he let out a shaky breath, both his palms flat on the counter as he hunched forward, clenching his eyes as he took a deep breath before and looking up at her with a flushed face and teary eyes, "I'd grind for you every-"
"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP HIM!" Wooyoung screeched, causing everyone to sprint into action, Yunho slapped his hand on Wooyoung's mouth to shut him up, Jongho turning to the woman who was the reason why the poor grown man in a suit was in tears, she ran out from behind the counter, grabbing San's hand in the process as she dragged him out, him stumbling after her, trying to ignore the curious gazes of the few customers that were present.
Letting go of his hand she whipped in his direction, ready to ask him what was that but was cut off when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her flush against him, squeezing her as he began to mumble something, which she couldn't make out, considering was she was being smothered in his embrace and while she loves her big boy and his warm embraces- she'd like to live to see tomorrow.
Gently tapping his arm she sighed in relief when he loosed his grip, tilting her head back to look up at him, not surprised when she met his gaze, with him already looking down at her, his signature pout making an appearance.
"I'm sorry...for...feeling jealous" he mumbled, scanning her face for any form of anger or disappointment.
"Jealous- what?" She asked, slowly pulling back, blinking up at him as she tried to think of why and who he could be jealous of, her hands instinctively gripping onto the lapels of his blazer, thumbs stroking the cotton, "I- no, aren't you mad at me because Byeol likes me more?"
His eyebrows rose in surprise, eyes widening for a split second before he sighed, shaking his head, though this time he was too afraid (?) to look at her in the eye, mumbling a, "No...I was...jealous that you like Byeol more than you like me."
"Choi San."
"Byeol's... a cat."
"I know, okay!"
"You idiot!" Stomping her foot she gently shoved him away causing him to whine and latch onto her again, knowing very well what was about to come next when she slapped his hand away, causing him to whimper and pull his hand back.
With a huff she crossed her arms over her chest, glaring up at the man who looked like a guilty kitten, twiddling his thumbs, rocking back and forth at the ball of his feet, a complete contrast to the usual Mr.Choi. She was more confused if she should be mad at him for being jealous of his own cat, whom he had brought from Namhae so they could become 'friends' or find it cute how he- wait.
"The coffee pick up lines?"
"Yeosang said that'll melt your heart."
"Sannie, they almost gave me a stroke." She sighed, shaking her head in defeat. Sometimes, she really didn't know how she ended up with someone as dumb as her. Moving closer, she cupped his face, "I like Byeol, and I'm glad she liked me because she's an important part of your life."
His heart swooned at the sentiment, nuzzling into her palm before gently gripping her wrist, turning his head to press a small kiss against her palm, then pulling it away from his face, only to lace their fingers together as he smiled down at her like an idiot.
"You're so annoying Mr.Choi."
"What can I say? You're the caffeine to my addi-"
"I'll ban you from the cafe." She cut him off before dragging him back inside, to feed his lover, giving him the proper lunch that he rightfully deserved - that and she wanted to make up for the past two days they had spent giving each other the silent treatment.
He let out a sheepish chuckle, following his little lover back inside. The way his lips stretched into a smile hurt his cheek a bit, but what could he do? He had finally got her to pay attention to him, as much as he loved his feline little princess, he needed his queen to pay attention to him, which was why he had asked his sister to pick up Byeol from their place tonight, so he could help her come with a brew just for- okay San, no more coffee innuendos. Shaking his head in disbelief he watched her come back with a tray of his usual, sitting beside him as she pulled her seat closer to him, smiling up at him as he smiled down at her, ready to take a few shots of her espresso- perhaps for the rest of his life.
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @mlysalt @the-kpop-simp @spooo00oky
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h0efor2ho · 7 months
Good Girl
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Seonghwa X Reader
WC : 1.3K
TW : Brat reader, Daddy Hwa, Daddy kink, name calling (good girl, whore, slut) Punishment (spanking) Unprotected ( dont be silly wrap it up ) Cream pie
Based on my head cannon - Ateez; who's a dom, sub or switch?
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"I don't know who's worse you or Woo" Seonghwa seethe's as he pulls you through the door of your shared apartment. You cant help but giggle at him, even though you knew it was a bad idea. Just like you knew it was a bad idea to tease him through San's birthday dinner but you couldn't help it. You and Wooyoung made a bet who could get Seonghwa the most flustered and mad and its safe to say that when you slipped your hand up his thigh to his crotch you won. 
Seonghwa figured out what was going on fairly quickly, after you gripped his semi hard cock through his pants making his leg jerk and hit the table, Woo called you out for not playing fair, to which you just laughed. "Oh you think it's funny" He asked you now, stopping in the middle of the living room. "No Hwa, not funny" you said with a shit eating smile on your face. His large hand coming up to grip your chin "Its not at all" he says in a very stern tone. His eyes quickly shift to your mouth still held in a small smirk between his fingers. "I think you need to be taught a lesson" 
Before you can protest you are being picked up, Seonghwa has you over his shoulder as he makes his way to the couch. "Hwa put me down!" you beat on his back gently not putting up much of a real fight. He eventually puts you down before he sits down on the couch. You barley have a moment to get your legs under you before you are pulled down onto his lap on your stomach. "Hwa please, I'll be good" you try and plead as he is pushing your dress up over your ass. You are internally cursing yourself for wearing a thong tonight. Your ass on full display to him.
"You should have thought of that before you wanted to grab my cock in the middle of dinner" he says, his hand absentmindedly running across your pale skin, sending shivers up your spine. "Its going to be a week before I'm able to look Joong in the face" You scoffed at this, you knew dang well they all bragged to each other about the crazy shit that happened in their bedrooms. Before you could make a comment stating so you felt the crack of his hand meeting your bare skin. The sound coming out of your mouth a mix of a yell and a whimper. Not long after the first came a second and a third. You could feel the welts forming on your skin. Tears sprang to your eyes on the third slap.
"You think it's so fun to be a brat. Being a little whore, had to grab my cock at dinner couldn't even wait till be got in the car" a fourth slap meets your skin. At this point he has his other hand holding your lower back to keep you in place as you cry out in pain at each slap. Your face streaked with tears. "Please Haw pleaseee ow Stop please" you cry as the 5th smack came down. "Good girls take their punishment, are you my good girl or no?" He asks gently rubbing your skin now, soothing a bit of the sting he caused. "Yes" you let out in a sob. "Yes what" he asks as he lifts his hand again. "Yes Daddy" you cry out as another slap is delivered "That's my girl" his hands coming down now to massage your tender skin. 
Before you know it you feel his fingers dip low between your legs, gliding along the your cloth covered slit. You know your panties are soaked, his punishments always turning you on. You hear the low groan he releases from deep in his throat. "You were such a good girl for me" he says as one hand grips the band of your underwear pulling it to the side, exposing you to the cool air. His other hand coming up to cup your dripping core. His finger sliding back and forth over your entrance teasing you. 
"Please Hwa, Iv been good" you plead, trying to push your hips back onto his hand. Before you can give any real effort your being handled again. He's pulled you up and has you straddling his waist. His hands coming up to cup your tear stained face. "My precious baby girl" he coos at you while he swipes away your tears. "You took your punishment so well. Such a good girl. You learned your lesson right?" 
You shake your head up and down yes. The smile that spreads across his face at this warms your heart. He leans in and presses a soft kiss to your lips "I think you deserve a reward my love, you did so good for me" again you shake your head yes enthusiastically. His hands sliding down to your hips, as his mouth attaches to your neck. Your hands find purchase on his shoulder as he begins to drag your body over the bulge in his pants. The only sounds filling the room are your needy whines and the sound of Seonghwa's mouth on your skin. 
"Hwa please" you begin to plead. "That's not how we ask for things is it princess" he mumbles against your skin. "Please Daddy" you whine, looking down at the large wet spot you have left on his grey sweats. "Just cause you asked so sweetly" he smiles again, his hands going to the waistband of his pants and pulling them down just enough to free his hard cock. The sight of which makes your mouth water. Before you know it he has one hand on your hip the other pulling your panties to the side as he positions you over his leaking tip. 
Ever so slowly you sink down on him, the burn of the stretch elating a moan from you. It takes a minute before you can fully take him, your clit snug against his pelvis. You cant help but let out little whimpers as you adjust. "Shhh its okay pretty baby, Daddies right here" he says as he brushes the hair back from your neck, one hand gently gripping the back of your neck. Before long he has you grinding against him, your clit dragging against his skin, the tip of his cock hitting that sweet spot deep inside you only he could. It's not long before your first release crashes over you. Your walls contracting around him, making him moan out. 
"That's a good girl" he kisses your mouth "Daddies going to fuck you now baby" he mumbles against your lips. His hands coming to a bruising grip on your waist as he starts to hoist you up before bringing you back down on his cock. Your head is thrown back as the dirtiest sounds escape your parted mouth. Before long he is using his legs to help thrust up into your core. The wet sounds, mixed with both of your moaning the only thing to be heard. "Cum one more time for me baby" he coo's at you while he hammers away "Give daddy one more" One of his hands snakes down and his skilled fingers quickly find your clit, rubbing small circles into your throbbing nerve. 
You're quickly thrown over the edge again, walls forming a vice grip on his cock as he hurried it deep inside of you. A few seconds later he lets out the pretties moan you have heard as you feel the tip of his cock twitch inside you, paining your walls white. You collapse forward, your head nuzzling into the side of Seonghwa's neck as you pant out. You feel his hands running along your back, pushing your hair out of your face "That's my girl" he says as he kisses the top of your head "That's my good girl"
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Kinktober Day 27 - Size Kink
Pairing: Jeong Yunho x Reader
Genre: Smut
CW: Wall sex, size kink, praise.
Word Count: 2234
Summary: Yunho never really noticed the height difference between you two, he knew it was there but it never had an effect on him, until he sees you wearing one of his shirts.
Prompt List               MasterList           Kintktober 2022           Buy me a Coffee
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“Hey guys who does this remind you of?” Seonghwa asks showing the image of a cartoon duo with a large height difference that was on his phone, everyone including yourself erupted into fits of laughter but you didn’t stop your eyes rolling at the joke that was clearly aimed at you and Yunho. You were used to the height jokes at this point and you kind of expected it to happen given their sense of humour and their love for teasing everyone, you could never get mad or upset over it, if anything it made you feel more welcomed among your boyfriend's friend group.
You will always remember the day Yunho introduced you to his friends, he told you to stay quiet as you both walked through the door and made sure you stayed hidden behind his back until he said so, which was an easy task due to your height difference. You'll always remember the way his friends cooed at you once you stepped out from behind Yunho, your tiny figure stood in comparison to his giant one, at a quick glance you looked like his baby sister or something and that was the first joke they went to. At the time it made you blush like crazy and made you feel a little embarrassed but as time went on and you got to know the group as a whole better you no longer felt the way you used to, now you were also teasing them about anything and everything and to top it off Yunho had even taught you how to master Wooyoung's laugh, while the others would keel over with laughter Wooyoung would shoot you dagger and make another joke about your small height.
"I bet you need a ladder to even kiss Yunho's chin." Wooyoung quips at you with an exaggerated pout. 
"Without a ladder you'd be lucky if you could reach his shins." Yunho stood to the side innocently, eyeing himself up and down as he pictured you being the height of his shin, but his attention was brought back to you when he realised you and Wooyoung had started to playfully slap each other spurting funny insults back and forth. 
“Ahhh, come here.” Yunho interjects wrapping an arm around your waist and lifting you off the floor pulling you away from his bandmate. 
“See he can even pick you up with one arm you’re that tiny.” Wooyoung cackles his witchy laugh. 
“That’s it I’m not done with you Jung Wooyoung!” You try desperately to scramble your way out of Yunho’s hold. 
“No, no, you’re done we can’t just go beating up people baby...even if it is Wooyoung we’re talking about.” 
“Hey!” Wooyoung screeches offended by the back handed comment. 
“Come on, you know you deserve it 99% of the time.” Wooyoung folds his arms over his chest sulking in defeat thinking over how many times he’d been beaten up by his bandmates for his mouth. 
“She’s still tiny.” He finishes before going off to find comfort in San. Seeing how the coast was clear Yunho set you back down on your feet but still keeping his arm around your waist just so if you decided to go after Wooyoung he’d be able to hold you back as soon as you moved a muscle.
The rest of the time you spent with the group went by as normal, having a quick bite to eat while they were still on break followed by you sitting on the couch at the back of the room flicking your attention between your phone and watching your boyfriend dance to the music that was blaring through the speakers. Even though you’d had a fun night you were relieved when you stepped through the door of your apartment with Yunho in tow, finally being able to have some time to yourselves.
With Yunho in the shower you took the short amount of time you had to sift through his clothes pulling out one of his favourite t-shirts and throwing it on. You looked down at the t-shirt that reached your knees, looking like a dress on you, and thought back to the jokes Wooyoung had made earlier. 
“Huh, guess I am tiny.” You giggled to yourself making your way to the kitchen. The sound of a low chuckle made you jump out of your skin almost spilling your drink everywhere. 
“Shit Yunho, what have I told you about creeping around the place.” You whine. 
“Aww I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He cooed walking over to you and wrapping has arms around your waist. 
“Is this my favourite shirt?” He asks tilting his head as he played with the sleeve. 
“What?” You ask watching as a small smirk grows on Yunho’s face as his eyes wander over you. 
“You know, I never really paid attention when the guys mentioned our height difference, but now I can see it, the way my shirt just hangs off you.” Yunho spoke softly, one hand wandering over you while the other traced gentle circles over the skin of your shoulder the collar had exposed. You could feel your heart start to race, for a moment you thought he’d even be able to hear the way it pounded in your chest. 
“So tiny.” You’d usually swat his arm for the comment but the way his fingertips danced over your skin and the sparkle in his eye darkened you could only give in to it all. 
Yunho’s lips met yours, full of hunger and need, he kissed you like his whole life depended on it pulling you as close to him as possible with a hand on the back of your neck and the other gripping your hip. the height difference made you struggle a little to meet his demands, you need to step back in order to keep your balance but with every step back you took he took one forward until your back hit the wall behind you. Hearing the little “Oomph” that came from you Yunho broke the kiss to check if you were okay but the sight of you looking so small caged between him and the wall sent all rational thinking out the window. 
“So small, you’re like a little doll.” The lust laced in his voice made heat pool at your core and the way he called you a doll just added to it. You rose to the tips of your toes in a desperate attempt to have his lips back on yours but you were only met with another low chuckle. 
“Wooyoung was right, I guess you do need a ladder to kiss me.”
“Shut the fuck up and kiss me.” You hissed. 
“Oh, big attitude for such a tiny girl.” You wanted to scowl at his jokes but the expression was changed before you could even make it, his fingers diving under the shirt to find your soaked core. 
“Is a kiss all you want tiny?” You didn’t even bother responding, head falling back against the wall as your eyes closed losing yourself in the way he ran his fingers over the wet patch of your underwear. He took that as a good enough sign of what you really wanted, removing his hand from you to place both hands on the back of your thighs hoisting you off the floor, the only thing keeping you from falling was the grip he had on your thighs and how his whole body pressed you against the wall stopping you from sliding away. 
Yunho wanted desperately to take his time with you, really rile you up to the point you’re snapping at him, he loved how you looked when you got frustrated, but the way you looked so small in his hold looked even better and it was turning him on more than he wanted it to. He made quick work of pulling his sweatpants down just enough to free himself and you couldn’t help but stare at him wide eyed watching how he held you in place with one arm with such ease. Moving your underwear to the side he lined himself up at your core but stopped just before he did anything else, looking you in the eye with a cautious look. 
“What’s wrong?”
“I usually prep you before hand but baby I can’t wait anymore, I’m just worried I’ll hurt you.” You swooned over how caring he was, the man was practically dying from lust yet he still cared. 
“I’ll be fine don’t worry about me.” He sighed a little not really believing what you said but he didn’t know how much longer he’d be able to cope so he had to take your word. 
“Promise me you’ll say something if anything is wrong, even if it’s something small?” Cupping his face you looked him dead in the eye. 
“I promise, just please fuck me.” He didn’t need to be told twice, easing himself into you he kept a sharp eye on your face looking for any warning signs. Halfway into you, you scrunched your nose a little as the slight pain from him stretching you out hit you and just from that small movement he stopped. 
“Are you okay?” You nod a little more eager than you planned to. 
“Please don’t stop.” Once again taking your word he carried on until he was fully sheathed inside you. The feeling of your walls wrapped around him was enough to take the edge off a bit, enough for him to let you have a moment to adjust.
With his forehead resting against yours you combed your fingers through his hair comforting him, telling him you were fine, but now it was you who was getting restless. You tried your best to roll your hips against his but to no avail, you just hoped your small movements were enough for him to get the hint. 
“Are you sure?” 
“More than anything.” He took his time to start with, slowly pulling out to then slowly slide back in, you could feel every vein in his cock glide against your walls, the sensation dragging small moans out of you. The pain was non existent at this point, all you felt was burning pleasure as Yunho slowly fucked into you. 
“Please...faster.” You could sense he was going to ask you again if you were sure so you shot him a look that answered the question before it even left his lips. His smirk growing again Yunho gradually picked up his pace until he had you pulling the hair at the top of his neck, head hanging down as your mouth hung open with silent moans. 
“My tiny girl, doing so well taking all of me like this.” Yunho growled into your ear. Everything in this moment had your head spinning, from the way Yunho rutted into you down to the way his fingers gripped into the flesh of your thighs, you were seeing stars already from how good you felt, it was like everything in your vision came to a blur, all except Yunho. 
You could feel your high was approaching and as much as you wanted to hold it back the way Yunho hit your sweet spot over and over and how he grazed over your clit with every thrust you knew it would be impossible, but by the way his breathing became heavier and his eyes screwed shut you could tell he was just as close as you were and you really couldn’t blame him, he was dying of need before he even did anything. Your hands gripped his shoulders, nails digging in as you awaited your orgasm to wash over you which soon came, ripping though you as you shakily cried out his name and tried to keep yourself upright not to flop your whole weight onto him. Your walls clamping down on his cock like a vice had Yunho’s movements stuttering, he was determined to help you ride out your own orgasm before getting to his own, even if it meant using everything he had to will it away for a moment or two. 
The blurriness in your vision cleared and you were left with the stunning view of Yunho, sweat beading on his forehead and his cheeks a beautiful shade of pink.  Your senses came around just in time for you to fully witness the low breathy moan that fell from his lips as his orgasm hit, his hips stuttering against yours as he tried his best to ride it out needing to savour the feeling before he got overly sensitive. It was like his body crumpled in on itself as he started to come down from his high, his head lazily resting on your shoulder as you could feel the warm breath of his pants fan over your skin. You kept him close to you during that time, stroking the hair at the back of his head as he started to come around.
“You okay down there?” You coo. A low grumble was all you could hear before Yunho brought his head back up. He places a small kiss on your nose before gently setting you back onto your feet but still keeping his arms wrapped around you. 
“If i get this reaction out of you every time I wear one of your shirts then I’ll just have to keep stealing them.” You joke making Yunho laugh. 
“I swear you’re going to be the death of me.”
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Tag list:   @kpopcrossworlds​​ @kpopjust4u​​   @whatudowhennooneseesyou​​​   @8tinytings​​   @jenotation​​​ @grim-adventures58​​​  ​   @owjohny​​​   @ker1​​​   @hellomingi  @ate-ez  @steponmesannie​   @azeret98​​​   @queenwiinks​  @wubbster​​​ @eternalhongshine​  @sansluvr​  @tinkerbell460
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