#wor spoilers
lamaery · 8 months
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Boots! In 2022 Brandon Sanderson's art director Isaac Stewart asked me if I could redo an illustration of the scene I made two years prior for the leather bound edition of the Words of Radiance
So I tried for a new framing that would keep or even up the antics of everyone‘s expression, but would feel a bit more cinematic. The horse, of course, was the most difficult one to get to feel right and a lot of it gets swallows by the gutter in print. 😅 And I tried so hard to make it offended by Shallan‘s (loudly uttered) demands. Kaladin’s expressions also took a lot of altering until it sat right. I am very happy with this Tyn. 😁
The crowdfunding campaign for the Edition starts on the 5th of March on Backerkit. It’ll be very pretty with loads of additional art! (There’s also a probability of more art by me in there… 😉)
The ID for the illustration in the book is by the great @priscellie The IDs for the rest is by me
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knightsgaydiant · 1 year
me: it’s great that shallan has hoid in her life, he’s like the older brother she never had
shallan’s four actual older brothers: exCUSE me????
me: y’all don’t count
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cosmereplay · 6 months
Words of Radiance Glys is so funny 😂 Literally found out he can be a sword because he saw Pattern do it
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[ID: a four panel comic by tumblr user coolTimesOnline that's been edited with fanart by @laminatednewspaper. In panel one, Renarin lays on a couch, looking sad. Near him is a tv with Glys on the screen. Renarin says, "Oh SprenBuddy(tm), I'm just feeling real low." Panel two is a close-up of Glys on the tv. He says, "I CAN BE A SWORD." In panel three, Renarin stares for a moment blankly. Then he sits up in panel four, looking back at the TV. He says, "Oh shit, for real?" In the bottom corner of the panel, Pattern hums. End ID.]
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stormlight-archive · 2 years
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These werent posted to tumblr as far as im aware.. there was one more kaladin for the end of RoW but i didnt like how it came out
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listen. all I'm saying in that if you assume for a second that kalmoash is real (even bare minimum moash has a crush on kaladin), moash and adolin BOTH lost their partners when kaladin and shallan fell into the chasms in WoR. They both stood there, in full shardplate, and watched their partner fall to their supposed death while they couldn't do anything to save them.
And I dunno I think they should've dealt with that really unhealthily with each other
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hoids · 2 years
this entire chapter of kaladin accompanying shallan and adolin on their date is so funny. kaladin’s more annoyed at his third wheeling than the couple is, they’re legit including him in their conversations and answering his questions happily while he’s sitting there wanting to punch them.
meanwhile wit is in the front like ‘you should all flirt 😌’
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cosmereclysmic · 1 year
⚠️ Full Stormlight Archive Spoilers ahead!!!
My toxic trait is that I think the Davar soulcaster belonged to Shallan from day one and that Lin promised it to the Ghostbloods at some point and that's why they're riding the Davar's asses about it. I might be misremembering, but there was something about that scene where Shallan mentioned to Mraize the GBs lent the soulcaster to them, and there's SOMETHING about the way Mraize replied that felt like a lie. I'm convinced he rolled with Shallan's memory-twist bc if he said "no your dad promised it to us in the first place in exchange for figuring it how it worked" she might reclaim it / turn the situation around on him. (She wouldn't bc she's riding on self-deceit.)
The theory actually gets wibbly when Jasnah is looking at the soulcaster and says that, no, it's fake also. But what makes a soulcaster fake and what makes it real? Is definitely the metal. But maybe Shallan, with her dissassociative lightweaving shenanigans, light weaved it to look fake??
Either way, the biggest clue IMO is when we first met Testament, her inkspren buddy said he found her on an island in the East, then traveled to Nameless together. Nameless is just South of Urithiru, which is the center of the super continent. To the East of Nameless is Khabranth, then the Frostlands, and oh, I don't know, the place where the Wind's Pleasure sank?? You know... where the soulcaster was lost "forever"??
"But Megs, there's the matter of the scene where Shallan takes out Tyn. We don't know if that was Testament or Pattern!" STILL THE FROSTLANDS. STILL EAST OF NAMELESS. So are the Shattered Plains, where Shallan opened the Oathgate. That may have been where Shallan finally dumped Testament once and for all. A little island to the East.
Shallan also can't soulcast worth a single lavis grain. It wouldn't surprise me if Soulcasting reminds her of her time back home. Can't be remembering too much about that time by repeating something you might've done in secret, like making mineral deposits to help your parents' financial troubles, and risk all that guilt and shame crashing down and breaking her for good, right? Soulcasting is heavily tied to Testament, while Lightweaving is tied to Pattern. Compartmentalization, baby!!!!
There's also the Nostalgia that floods Veil when she first holds the communication box to Mraize. There's something very interesting going on there. The Davar's are connected with Ba-ado-mishram. The Ghostbloods REALLY want BAM. Little Shallan finding a communication cube, either pilfered from her father's study out of curiosity? Maybe dropped my accident? Maybe dropped on purpose? 🤔
Anyways there's my crack theory hope it actually makes sense thank you for coming to my TED talk. 👁👄👁💅
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mashithamel · 1 year
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This was such a good song choice.
** During the strike, when posting about the show, I’m planning to include links to places that are supporting the writers and actors on strike. I want to support the media I love as well as those who create it. The below link provides funds for writers who may be struggling financially during the strike.
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artistatthedisco · 16 days
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“The young man was missing several segments of his armor. He looked up with gritted teeth, blood streaming from his nose. He said something, but it was lost to the wind. No helm, no left vambrace, the breastplate cracked just short of shattering, his right leg exposed. Who could have done such a thing to a Shardbearer?”
Poor guy
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Ok I'm going to ramble super long about 'and for my boon' and the ethics of cringe or something and I feel bad so here's a cut off
I find it fascinating that the fandom wide "that was cringe" moment is that of Kaladin (a character who's been mistreated and discriminated against his entire life, who's finally been treated a little better and is being reassured over and over again that he can trust these people, they won't hurt him this time, they're not like all the other people and systems that have hurt him) trying to do something right only for those people to directly turn on him the second he misinterprets something and tries to believe that for once, maybe the system could be fair for him ("and for my boon") and not... Idk. Dalinar saying "you are a minority, you do not get to operate on the same level as us, try to be one of the good ones so people will treat you nicer." once he's in prison. Or, if it's that the fandom needs to cringe at Kaladin specifically, how about the time he told Rlain that because he was a singer he couldn't just expect radiant spren to want to bond with him without some measure of force and had to "settle for what he could get"?
What specifically about the boon scene is so off-putting? A lot of people talk about it like Kaladin stepped out of line or beyond his station and that was his great crime. That he publicly said something so embarrassing that everyone else knew was ridiculous and really, why did he try to begin with? Didn't he know he hadn't earned anything better? Couldn't he remember he was supposed to behave like someone who is oppressed? If that is the reason the scene bothers you, please think a bit about why someone defying systems of oppression upsets you so much. Why you think someone should accept their trauma and always behave in a way that conforms to the paranoia it has caused.
I've tried to reevaluate personally and have come to determine my discomfort is not in Kaladin's action itself - he was doing the best he could with the information he had at the time, and trying to have a sense of optimism despite his mental illnesses and experiences so often screaming that he could expect nothing, and also he was tired but pumped up on adrenaline for having just done one of the coolest things in fiction. My discomfort is in the reaction I know is coming. Elhokar throwing a fit and turning on him. Dalinar falling in line and supporting that as a little act of appeasement; trading Kaladin's well being and trust to calm down the king who wants to believe he's in charge even though he never really has been. Dalinar being so angry for Kaladin daring to believe he could be an equal.
Do we consider honest and earnest mistakes to be more upsetting than gross misuses of privilege? Is the status quo being challenged more upsetting than the horrible continuation of unfairness and the punishment that come before and after?
Kaladin is expected to get over his trauma and distrust. To believe that the lighteyes he's met are different or better somehow, but even the "better ones" reinforce that distrust and feeling of unsafety. (See Shallan taking his boots and treating him with general disdain, Adolin straight up bullying him and othering him for like half a book, AND THROWING HIM WHILE WEARING SHARDPLATE JUST BECAUSE HE'S UPSET, Dalinar being like "I will treat you nicer, as long as you are perfect and compliant" and Elhokar being Elhokar.) A character with canonical PTSD is tsked at whenever he's not hyper vigilant and when he is everyone goes "he's always so on edge :( I wish he'd realize he can just trust these people."
Don't get me wrong, I love the other characters, I know their actions and views are also due to their life circumstances and they do their best to confront them when they realize they're incorrect... But they don't always realize, and even then that doesn't undo the harm. We also have to bear in mind in any book that we have greater context than the characters within. Kaladin didn't read all of Adolin and Dalinar's perspectives. It takes time for him to know and trust them, and that makes sense.
Oppression and the ways it affects different groups with levels of severity and ignorance is a theme that is impossible to separate from Stormlight and its characters. Without it... Well you'd lose the whole plot for one. It's one of the things I appreciate about it as a story. That does mean that there can be some... interesting takes from the fandom (I won't lie, I have contributed to those myself, I've had my own biases to unlearn and that I am still unlearning. I do think that interpretation is one of the most important parts of media consumption as its worth is what we take from it. idk. just wanting to think too much about this general fandom trend a little more critically for a second)
Just. Idk. Why is it always "and for my boon was cringe" and not "Adolin being both sexist and racist by saying 'well I guess it's ok if you have a shardblade, Shallan; Kaladin has one too and he's darkeyed and both of those things are kind of weird' then Shallan internally being like 'don't compare high class women to them, we're better than that :(' was uncomfortable"
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spen-still-spinning · 2 months
Small detail I didn't remember:
Dalinar thought Amaram was a Knight Radiant, so when Kaladin called him out in public, he basically went after the guy with big magic and also Dalinar's top guy
I just don't remember what happened to Amaram. I hope he was brutally murdered
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knightsgaydiant · 2 years
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cosmereplay · 1 year
The essence of Shakadolin in Words of Radiance
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stormlight-archive · 2 years
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Im back posting my art again, hello
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bumblingbeees · 1 year
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So I’m reading the Stormlight Archive, just about halfway through Words of Radiance. WOW ITS THE BEST THING!! Very much enjoying the series! One thing that is a absolute hilarious to me though is the about of slamming into things that Kaladin has done this book😂
Anyway just for fun here’s
1. Kaladin’s first attempt to run on walls as I remember it lol
2. When Kal gets angry and goes to attack Adolin during the shardblade practice for Renarin. He shakes it off no worries
3. Kaladin’s fear of horses is very amusing to me. Also I feel like the dynamic between Adolin and Kal is so perfect.
Adolin: ha I bet you cant!
Kaladin: *immediately does it in spite*
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woodsyrain56 · 7 months
Hi y’all! So I wanted to write down my reactions to The Way of Kings and Words of Radiance so far because I think I may be becoming actually obsessed with them lmao! And below this cut is spoilers and I’m sorry if the formatting is messed up cause I’m still learning how to post basically ahah anywayss:
Spoilers below the cut!
The Way of Kings:
I kinda figured it but KALADIN WAS NEVER A DESERTER?! Damn no wonder why he doesn’t trust Light eyes anymore with that
DUDE SADEAS’ BETRAYAL AT THE TOWER WAS SUCH A MESSED UP MOVE I literally almost gasped audibly at work
Shallan revealing herself to be the fabriel stealer to save her own life AND THEN finding out that Jasnah didn’t even use it or need it when Shallan confronted her was SO COOL
Also that this other world in which they use to soul cast is just really sick in general
Syl my beloved, that is all
Dalinar in general is just such an interesting man like holy shit, dude gave away his own shard blade for the bridge men which, hell yeah, AND the visions I still feel don’t connect too well HOWEVER still excited to read more
Just a general note but, GOSH I love the way all of the pieces came together so cleanly and a lot of the questions led to some wonderful answers, however I know there are still more it’s just, yeah I’m completely in love with this series now
Words of Radiance (so far):
Oh my god it just gets worse
Jasnah and Shallan are finally going to the shattered planes yippee!
Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss Shallan hell yeah
Kaladin is not a horse girl, damn
This dude just got flung around like a flag that had me DYING
Oh no Shallan backstory /pos
Shallan’s and Kaladins reactions to each other are pure gold omg
Switching between Kaladin and Shallan in a single chapter?! Oh god some bad stuff is happening
Both Syl and Pattern freaking out probably isn’t very good
Aaand Kaladin can heal his dead arm with stormlight?!
Okay I kinda figured they could both see the “other world” but in different ways and I think that’s awesome omg
And that’s all I have for now until I listen again on Monday! Would y’all want to see me make more update posts like this? This was kinda fun actually so, let me know :D
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