#words and sketches by sergio guyman proust.
sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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In the past 20 years we have been spoon fed stories of a shadow government and its crafts appearing all over the states ,these floating triangular shaped craft calledTR-3B Black Manta spy plane with antigravity capabilities part of a dark project. Then there’s the Aurora spy plane SR-91 of a similar shape.Well ,then there’s the acronym UAP which means Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.A task force to study these crafts by the defense department.Till today ,we don’t have a clear answer of who is piloting these crafts ,extraterrestrial entities or US Navy pilots.There are indeed several top secret spy planes that could very well using reverse engineered technology obtained from crashed saucers ,but also UFOs that have originated not in our solar systems with triangular shapes as well.Remember we are indeed a race that is divided meaning we have been lied and we are still in diapers using combustion engines limited because the greed and control of our governments worldwide and a splinter group of hybrid humans that are already hundreds of years ahead of us.Well,that’s the storyline that currently is in use . The most recent case of a sighting in Japan occurred in July of this year in Fukushima where the government is as they say tight-lipped about a UFO that appeared and was filmed ,but the skeptics are saying it was just a butterfly out of focus.Haha!Once again this proves my point that governments all over the world don’t want for us the common folks to know the truth. Well, so much for disclosure on this subject.Words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Pyramid UFOs have been sighted recently off the coast of California one of these sightings has been confirmed by the Pentagon.Well ,if you have been also watching the ISS feeds we get from the thousands of UFOs that dart by at incredible speed day and night that good ol’ NASA boys deny and claim it to be space debris. Haha! The more I watch these reports ,the more I think of NASA scientists behaving just like politicians,lying to us ,acting so condescending while they cut the feeds ,airbrush the evidence with no shame. Well,we have known this truth for a long time .Getting back to these pyramid UFOs it seems to me quite logical,everything makes sense with antigravity. The fact that we keep discovering pyramids on this planet as well as in Mars ,makes me wonder ,after all we know by now that electromagnetic energy can be accumulated in chambers within the pyramids. We are truly in diapers ,a civilization in another planet a couple of thousand years older than us could easily have mastered the technology to travel thru wormholes in a mother ship shaped in a pyramid large enough to house hundreds or more beings .The shapes of these UFOs keeps evolving and we keep expecting like children the day our governments come clean .But not me ,our race is indeed a warmongering race ! Nothing new there, we must forge our own path away from those who only think of how to profit from other races,and are ready to sell us as fodder .As it has been happening all along since the late 40s and who know maybe earlier than that,a reminder to never trust your government!Well enough ranting ,I will continue to search and sketch these incredible ships that arrive daily from other galaxies,from parallel universes,parallel realities,and alien crafts from our galactic brothers and sisters.Words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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In 2006 thisUFO appeared in Bangkok for three consecutive days flashing its lights hiding or cloaking behind the clouds .Helicopters were sent but couldn’t get near because it kept disappearing.On the second day people claim they saw it land on a field on the outskirts of the city but the reports said it vanish and was seen later near the airport.On the third day around 5 in the afternoon it took off and was never seen again.Thailand ,Cambodia, and Vietnam are famous for its sightings.Some claim that in the jungles of these countries there are bases and the farmers are used to seeing crafts land in the rice paddies after the harvest,and Grey looking aliens leave their crafts and walk into the forest.Abductions happen often in these countries but the reports get no response from these governments. Well,as I have mentioned before they are here already,but there’s nothing common folks can do to stop it.Sad indeed but true. Words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Cigar shaped UFOs have been reported since Eisenhower met with extraterrestrials back in1954 signing a treaty ,then in1955 in California at the Holloman AFB( Air Force Base).There were several meetings afterwards but the press was not allowed it was all kept a secret.Cigar shaped have appeared all over the planet .Perhaps the most famous story is that of George Adamski who took photographs of a cigar shaped UFO back in 1952.Words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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The government has been reverse engineering some of these extraterrestrial crafts for years ,and still years behind of some of these alien crafts technologies.But so far have managed to fly some cigar shaped ones allegedly coming from the Andromeda galaxy some 2.537 million light years away from Earth.The most common UFO shape is indeed the saucer shaped coming from the Pleiades located in the Taurus constellation 444.2 light years from Earth. This being one of the closest systems from us. Well, here’s a craft sighted way back in the 40s in New Mexico. I have only gotten the story from a miner that drew a sketch and was posted years later on an article on a local paper.Words and sketch by Sergio Guyman Proust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Millions can’t get used to believing that they are as real as our own reversed engineered saucer or IFOs. Technology a thousand years ahead of ours appears as magical as the first airplanes appeared not so long ago. Many keep repeating the same old mantras or behaving like the three wise monkeys. Well,we know by now that not all are manned by extraterrestrial bipedal beings,many appear and disappear in a blink of an eye.Many are probes sent here to record and study our behaviors. According to military whistleblowers they consider us extremely dangerous, and hard to predict, we are constantly changing our minds and actions.So,keeping enough distance from us so as to avoid interacting with us ,is much safer to send probes. But not the Greys, they continue abducting ,children young adults and sometimes older adults.According to whistleblowers roughly a million humans are taking every year from their homes ,parks for experiments such as tagging them with tiny metallic subcutaneous implants ,erasing memories of the event ,DNA sampling ,blood sampling,and for food, yes as part of their menu. Hard to believe but with the approval of our government in exchange for alien technologies.Regardless of your beliefs,this “herding of human hybrids “ is part of pact signed with the US government .Messing with our DNA has been going on for decades in this present civilization and without a doubt in past cultures.Well ,this planet is indeed an experimental zoo , and will continue to be for generations to come.But not only for us humans but also other alien races. By now we are fully aware that we are not the top predator on the land and sea. They are! words bySergio Guyman Proust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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The question that instantly arises is what is it like inside a UFO ?The answers are various coming mainly from whistleblowers,from magnetic resonance ,magnetic levitation and the use of magnetic metals and radioactive materials that somehow interact organically with the entity operating the craft. The structure consisting of three layers with vacuum in between where magnets rotating at high speed create a pull and push that counteract the gravitational forces ,where rare gases help to reduce friction.Then comes the energy produced by the pilot that reacts with a plasma and alters organically the direction of such craft.These basic concepts that are thrown become more complex and “secret”controlled by the government agencies keeping everything compartmentalized so as to avoid engineers and scientists sharing knowledge.I have extracted some of the most popular comments regarding reverse engineering.Through the years gathering bits and pieces to create a puzzle that gives a glimpse of what we are up against because the government will never share with the common folk or at universities.The sad reality that today we have indeed two governments.The one we live with and the shadow one that is years ahead of our technology.Kept away from us.Well enough said ,if you are interested do comment. Words and sketches by Sergio Guyman Proust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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The lack of knowledge of the origins of UFOs has created a cover up by the government, and their agencies which whistleblowers assure us the people they do have the answers has sparked much controversy in our society.The media often working in cahoots with special agencies has done its part to ridicule and satirize UFO crashes and landings attributing to mass hallucinations to keep us in the dark.So we have a trifecta,the military,the government and the media working to hide the truth in the name of National security,and the so called fear of the population panicking everything is kept under tight control.There’s not a day that goes by that a new shaped UFO or IFO is sighted.Here’s one that has been sighted in the USA floating silently over cities in the east coast.Some claiming it to be a man made craft with antigravity technology gotten from aliens or reversed engineered from crashed saucers.I recently read an article that the author claimed that certain races are using magnetic propulsion in these crafts.My sketches are based on interviews with whistleblowers on videos, newspapers clips and studying other artist renditions .Well , you could say it is just entertaining,but my intention as I said before it is to inspire others to delve into the subject and generate questions .Then share your sketches and thoughts here. Words and sketches by Sergio Guyman Proust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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One of the most interesting features of a UFO are its lights that pulsate constantly and change colors as the craft speeds up or slows down ,never touching ground,these lights also can create patterns that alternate in color and intensity.In some cases single beams of light often blue in color can shoot toward a subject and stun it.Then levitate the subject into the cavity of the craft.Cows have been observed levitating into the craft within that light beam .Well,this craft was seen in the Catskills mountains upstate New York in the 70s. Floating a few feet of the ground it left a ring that burned the grass emitting some gases from its bottom then it took off vertically.One more event in a mountain range that is actually a hotspot for UFO activity. Words and sketch by Sergio Guyman Proust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Recently this egg shaped orb appeared in the middle of a crop circle it wobble as it moved for several minutes,never landing just floating above sending flashes of multicolored beams .Then just froze and vanished never to be seen again. Five farmers witnessed the event.It seemed it was just a holographic projection,because they never saw any occupants.It appeared to be solid but as it moved the edges of the egg shaped craft appeared fuzzy as it rotated on its axis.Most folks seem reticent to express their personal opinion for fear of ridicule. I wonder until when humanity will continue to ignore a reality that day by day becomes more real and obvious.They are here already this is a fact .They keep landing and abducting children and adults with some disabilities.The records keep growing.Let’s also not forget that after World War Two the first wave of children born in the US had encounters with the Greys and tall blonde race.Many of that generation have said they indeed were told ,they would return for them.Medical records do exist .But we keep repeating the same mistakes by not acknowledging their presence. We were never alone and never will be!Words and sketches by Sergio Guyman Proust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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The sightings of UFOs that dive into the ocean are on the increase these days from fishermen to navy warships that go on monthly patrol ,that leads to believe of underwater alien bases located in marine trenches and ridges often near where tectonic plates collide.Able to vanish from nuclear submarine detection creating alarms of nuclear threats among superpowers.Already close encounters have been reported of an alien race that operates under our oceans allegedly for well over five thousand years.off the coasts of the Pacific continental shelf and Atlantic continental shelf and the Mediterranean Sea.These crafts can easily spotted but it is obvious that this alien races want nothing to do with this civilization. These crafts can easily disrupt the electronics of any vessel coming to close to them.During ww two these crafts were nicknamed foo fighters.Well, this alien race has seen obviously civilizations come and go so understandably they consider us dangerous beasts putting it mildly which does not merit a relationship.They have warned the US of not meddling with them.Their crafts use a more advanced technology that not only uses antigravity but also a sophisticated cloaking system according to some Pentagon whistleblowers. Words and sketches by Sergio Guyman Proust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Among the many shapes of UFOs ,the cube is one that has been sighted a lot in recent times.It often appears as a solid metallic black cube,rotating on its axis at different rotational speeds.This particular was sighted on the French alps, with multicolored light and a metallic mesh that changed to a solid metallic shell.Well,besides the sightings ,those interested in sci fi movies might recall the Borg cube .Cube shaped UFOs are often sighted by warplanes pilots ,which reports often get buried by the Pentagon .Words and sketches by Sergio Guyman Proust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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When was the last time you saw something strange in the skies above,or better yet you saw a UFO or IFO? Here’s one more egg shaped craft hovering silently upstate New York, in the Catskills mountains.This location happens to be a hotspot for UFO sightings from bright orbs,to saucer shaped crafts and recently these egg shaped ones displaying different colored light as they speed up or no lights at all when they hover over the land.Sometimes though when they land a constant buzz is heard and some gasses are expelled from the sides and bottom of some crafts.Some witnessed through frosted glass like domes silhouettes of grey looking aliens with a lit interior.The more exposed we are to these visitations provide we don’t make physical contact because of radiation issues ,such as burned skin or spot,fever ,vomiting, subcutaneous implants,psychological trauma ,insomnia,loss of memory, time lost, and all the fears associated with close encounters.The more they will be part of our learning process and acclimation to their visitations.We already know that some already walk among us.No secret there,our government is fully aware of this situation.They keep abducting humans and experimenting against our will.Well,if you are a witness do share it and find someone who can help you deal with the experience.Just stay away from government agencies all they will do is threaten you and only increase your anxiety and fear factor. There good people out there who are truly wanting to help.Okay ,I have said enough .Blessings to all of you who follow my blog.Shalom. Words and sketches by Sergio Guyman Proust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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This boomerang type of UFO has been sighted on numerous occasions in the Nevada,mountains,California,Arizona to name a few states.Some have come to believed that is one of ours reversed engineered to carry military to the moon and Mars.Science fiction is more real than most of us would like to believe.Just as the military keep digging tunnels deep underground and finding reptilian that have lived under our own feet for thousands of years they to have developed crafts that float and are propulse with antigravity technology.These by the way are not just my rumbling but serious quotes by men and women in the military that have passed away and knew too much but felt the common folks deserved to be told the truth about aliens ,galactic federation where the US, Japan ,Russia ,China ,France ,England,Mexico,have known for ages but pretended for matters of so called national security not to reveal the truth.Folks those of us who have the time and passion for all things extraterrestrial go digging and share what you know because no government will come out and share the truth with its people.This is indeed a well known fact. Words and sketches by Sergio Guyman Proust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Oval shaped UFOs are often sighted in deserts all over the planet ,this one was sighted in theMojave desert by rock hounders, four in all claimed three little men in silver suits with bulbous heads and almond shaped eyes descended and walked around in circles for ten minutes and then boarded their craft and took off. After they left they approached the landing area and noticed burn patches where the landing pods sat.The location later was examined by the military which later accused the witness of perpetrating a hoax to avoid having to explain to the media what they really found. Independent scientists revealed that the ground radiation levels were higher than normal. Which explained why the military lied about.The landing happened in the late 90s. Words and sketch by Sergio Guyman Proust.
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