#ufo in japanese skies
sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Two UFOs merging into one seemingly solid craft.It has long been understood that these crafts are operated by an organic conscious link between the craft and its operator ,the craft being and extension of the being ,extraterrestrial ,gray alien ,or a mother craft.The color we believe represent coded signals,like laser beams that orient the craft as it merges into one.The question that puzzles everyone is why are they here? The answers we have come up with are logical and bizarre.Each culture bringing a new twist.Words and art by Sergio Guyman.
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rotm-channel · 23 days
RotM:Chapter III-The Hidden Truth
Since Ancient times there have been sightings and recordings of strange manifestations in the sky.
It was always speculated on the possibilities of….visitors from another world
Today from the skies of California!
The fields of Kansas!
The Freezing Wastelands of the Poles!
The Rice Patties of the Orient!
The Atlantic Ocean!
The Airlanes of the world!
…come persistent reports of UFOs Unidentified flying objects which we have come to know as…flying saucers,something had to be done!
In Dayton Ohio the Air Intelligence Command gathers in search data from all corners of the globe 95 percent of the objects prove to be of natural origin.While 5 percent remain still listed as unknown.
The Air Force is aware of the widely held belief that some of these could be flying saucers from another planet,while there is nothing conclusive in the evidence.The probing and digesting the probing information about UFOs continues unceasingly!
As a result headquarters of the hemispheric defense command in Colorado Springs issued an order:
Any military installations are to fire on sight at any flying objects unidentifiable.
But even as they did this the military wondered if their know-how and best weapons would be effective in any battle of
“Ahhh that's so scary!”Bob said
“Aw come on Bob it's only a movie”Beastman comforted him
“How about a Roger Corman film?Or better yet a documentary.”The Cockroach man suggested.
“Why not a beach film I love those” Link was saying remembering the good old days of rampage and women.
I didn't really pay much attention to that movie they were putting on,besides I was so big I could hardly tell what was going on. The set was so tiny. Sigh…time sure does pass here at a snail's pace.I met some other inmates like Beastman he was quite nice and cultured but we could only see him only at daytime because at night no matter where he was he would lose control of his instincts and be completely feral and dangerous.
Then there was Jaromir the Vodyanoy(or water spirit) who went as far as to flood a village for not leaving his lake alone ,while he went on the run afterward through lakes heading towards the sea,it ended with a showdown with the WASPs(Worldwide Aquatic Security Patrol)after which he was captured and was used as an example to other water spirits to be wary of the consequences of their actions.
Then he was a japanese Yokai Shapeshifter he was a mysterious robber and stole from many jewelry collections he was called the invisible striker as he would take the form of any guard or official,while it was hard to catch him they eventually did and locked him up here .Its true form was Kitsume which meant fox.
And many,many more.
“Even among misfits I'm a misfit”I said to myself
Meanwhile Bob changed the channel and was watching static
“Woah did you get that?CCSSSSHHH!Now that is quality tv!”He said mimicking the static
“Bob, it's on static change the channel!”Beastman said in reply
“Yeah, put on something cool and tropical, ''Link suggested. Hopefully he thought of himself as being very cool especially after being in ice for millennia and he loved the warmth and atmosphere of it.It was a convenient truth that the planet had left the Ice age that froze him.
“You mean like ... .Monster Beach?”The dim-witted Blob said
“Oh No not that again”Link said annoyed
I was looking over the oatmeal and reminiscing of the good old days,days which were not long ago,I just lost almost any taste for food, my life was without any flavor. My life is just dull, gray,monotonous and uncomfortable with enough food to keep me going yet not have any taste to give me an appetite.I had been here for two weeks and It was hard for me to be familiarized with this weird life .It felt like a fever dream .As if I had gone insane and was locked up and put on medications…and yet it was so real.
“Well…at least with this gunk I won't have any weight woes”After this gunk isn't very tempting I said
“Yeah at least I won't gain any weight!”I said aloud trying to stay optimistic.
“But you've already gained Tons of weight” Bob said brainlessly and unintentionally insensitively
“THANKS BOB!”I said I was angered by his remark,He most likely didn't mean it of course. but i couldn't help it.Im not the type to be sarcastic but this was just so…well…different.
Suddenly a large helicopter appeared and it was towing a light,the light which guided Grubzilla back to his cell where he would slumber, meaning it was time for him and us to go to sleep.
“Oh well it's time to go to sleep, good night!”Cockroach said
“Sleep well Amazonia!”Link said
“Have a nice night Ginormica!”Bob said
“Her name is actually Titanica!”Beastman said
“No Its Susan”I said
While I chose the name Titanica it was against my will i just found it to be the best of a bad lot. My,I wish they would just shut up and stop calling me that!I am not Titanica,I am Susan!
In the cell I was deep in thought and then I saw the kitten “Hang in there”Poster and said to myself“Okay,Susan Murphy Hang in there and face the facts.You're in Jail unfairly imprisoned and none of my friends know where I am,but they know I'm missing, Derek might know some powerful people,Mom and Dad will also do there best,and everyone present at the wedding saw it happen and will…….. “EUREKA!That's it!”I shouted loudly and happily.
But then I remembered I was under 24 hour surveillance by the personell observing me. So I thought to myself“Some of my friends and family were filming and taking photos at my wedding,and would still be filming and taking photos when I turned to a giantess.That's excellent proof!Like who wouldn't want to take a photo of something as weird as that…The Government can't keep me a secret anymore!They must know I've been kidnapped.The Government can't keep me with that out and about!They just can't!"After that I calmed down from my elation and went to sleep.
I had a strange dream that night,that I was a celebrity and that bilions watched videos of me growing up to giant size on televisions and at meets and well just frankly everywhere.And that I was a phenomenon known as “Bridezilla!”. I felt odd and embarrassed,then again many are most likely seeing the video while I was still dreaming.Oh well I couldn't be that bad!
The next morning as I woke up I went into the day with new hopes.
Suddenly a beeping sound came.The beeping sound that announced the meals we were to get.The other inmates noticed it as well.
“Oh Boy!It's eat time” Link said happily as he and the gang raced up to the table.
Link dished up his favorite meal,raw fish!He happily dug into it in his primitive manner.
“That is thoroughly repulsive” Doc said
Then he was dished up his food,trash.
“Oh look, a lovely slipper” he said and started to devour it,Bob tried to reach out to take some ,but Doc noticed and promptly pushed him away.
“Sorry but this is my rubbish pile”he said to the blob
He happily indulged in it,When I first saw Doc eat trash I wondered how could someone like eating trash but then I remembered that he said he fused himself with genes of a cockroach and that it not only affected him physically but also mentally,It was like from that book Metamorphosis where that guy got turned into a bug and found how much he loved rotten things.
Then again i must admit Doc has been doing a pretty good job of disregarding his bug instincts and has been acting very kind and civil .In fact I bet he's the nicest person i met since…the day…As for Bob seeing as he's such a simpleton…well such a thing wouldn't really have much taste or completely bizzare taste at that.
“Doc!DOC!DOC!DOOOOOCCCC!!!” Bob screamed in terror
“I forgot to breathe. What will I do?How can I breathe help me Doc!”The brainless blob screamed in terror!
“Bob,you are a Blob and you do not need to breathe”Cockroach deadpanned,this wasn't the first time this week Bob had that type of problem.
“WOW!THANKS DOC YOU'RE A LIFESAVER!”Bob said happily and I saw him shaking the hands with Doc
Some time later I layed down alone,when suddenly I felt a scurrying up my legs. I used my hand to scrape it off. It was Jacques and he went flying all the way to the wall and hit it with a thud his hands were twitching.
"OH!Im so sorry!"I said realizing I accidentally crushed him,how emberassing!
“No no my dear it is my fault entirely I should have asked before i climbed on you at times the bug part of me takes control and I don't notice”Jacques-Yves said
“Anyway I have something to tell you”He said while he scurried over in front of me.
“My examinations of you have proven most intriguing,Susan.I have no Idea what could have caused it.Do the scientist from the examination know anything about it?”He asked me curiously
“The scientists just call it Chemical X”I said “They don't know much about it,in fact they are not even sure if it was an element,it could have been anything really.
“Well ,maybe we should give it a name then”Jacques said
“Titanium?No wait that's already been taken".Cockroach mused
Susanium?He said,I blushed, it was nice but kinda unfitting.
“Cockroachium?”I said,Doc smiled back.
“I don't know,I have been running checks on you,whatever it is it affect you completely right down to your quantum levels”Doc was deep in thought
“Hmmm,Quantonium?It seems fitting.”He said
“Yeah,I think that's just a fine name for it,if it even is an element.”I said Doc's name was okay for now.
“Well for all I know and the scientist too, what happened to you could have been anything like just a magic trick that changed you,but that would be daft!”he said jokingly
“Yeah”Was all I said,he was right and it made me think,maybe it wasn't some kind of element or radiation or all that jazz.Maybe it could be something beyond our comprehension…then again maybe I was just overthinking,I looked back at Jacques.
I liked him. He was so nice to me and so understanding,maybe because he was at one point a normal human being too and he was rather intelligent in addition to being accustomed to all sorts of beasts
“Doc, this place is like Alcatraz for the supernatural” I said to the tiny bug headed white cloth scientist.
His large cockroach eyes looked at me and then thought about something and then he said
“More like Tartarus!”
“What?”I answered,like what's this tartar something?
“Its from Greek mythology Doc swiftly replied It was used to imprison Demons,Titans and certain humans as a prison,you know interesting story the titans who were giants led by Cronus were banished there as punishment It was said to have been a prison built by the gods.Odd how there are such strange parallels between the real and the mythical…then again you're mythical giantess and you real,I guess it's just a coincidence”The seemingly tiny doctor told me
I was amazed by his knowledge and kinda embarased by my ignorance,so then left to the side for awhile
Monger arrived inside and again a helicopter used its light to direct Grubzilla away,I was disgusted by the way he treated him as if he was just an object
“Monger,I need to have a word with you” I said trying to look serious,I was waiting for this all day…at least i thought it was day,Deep down i was nervous however.
“Sure thing”He answered and the flew to me
“What about..visits?When will I see anyone from my family again?”I said
“No visits to any monsters ,sorry but that's just the way it is can't bring just anybody here for any reason we gotta keep this place and you secret”Monger said
“How long will I have to be here?" I demanded “How long will you keep this little game of yours up?Another day?week?Month or a year?”I said desperately as tried to come to terms with his previous sentence
“Forever” Monger said cooly and calmly and landed his jetpack and turned it off and walked towards me
“After all the military is expert at covering up and creating misinformations to fill in the gaps…If it is necessary that is…after all most think the Easter Bunny is a fable.”He explained
“So…I'm just gonna rot here for always and always and always, for doing nothing wrong?”I said “In fact a lot of these other creatures are too!And they arent all that bad”
“Well,I wouldn't say so”!Monger said
“But they're innocent!”I told Monger in a defiant tone!
“Innocent eh?”Monger said
“Actually most if not all are guilty. Each of them went on a rampage,caused destruction,were a danger to society and possibly even killed people intentionally or not!Grubzilla has the highest damage and death count by far and while he didnt mean to destroy part of Tokyo ,he is still a hazard and a big one at that!Link went on a rampage and kidnapped many innocent women and killed a several men who were trying to stop him from getting the girl.”
"And Beastman killed several people too,no wonder he gave himself up as he realized he couldn't control himself at night in the slightest.And wisely saw this as the correct choice"
"And that Blob, while he can only eat inorganic matter he still eat through a few city blocks caused property damage several people were injured and he imperiled many innocent lives!If You are in any doubt we have the M-Files for it and even if not convinced then we even have footage of there rampages!"
“But I didn't go on a rampage!”I protested,I WAS IN THE RIGHT!I didn't Kill anyone,I didn't intentionally become a giantess,or intentionally cause any trouble .Im Innocent .I'm supposed to be free!
“True!But you must understand that you did cause some havoc though unintentionally as well as being well…a giantess,I'm sorry but you were just too dangerous to be around,that and we need to keep myths hidden and Giants aren't exactly easy to hide or cover up.And If you would be free many would panic and possibly even try to kill you. And also we have agreements for cover-ups for a reason you know for your benefit and societies at large”Monger said
“How did you even think you'll cover me up?And all these creatures and their actions as well?”I said trying to get him off his arguments though he did plant a seed of doubt in my head with his proclamations
“Well Link was actually “revealed” to be an actor in a suit who was part of a movie production and the whole thing including the footage was brushed off as a publicity stunt.The Wolf-man was just a gag of several teeagers who had a suit and scared people with it.”
“Bob was just called a lab explosion which caused the damage and some of the gasses escaping from it ,caused people to hallucinate.”
He finished his long speech with “I Could go on but you get the point.”
“But you can't just expect people to unsee me!There were many by me and I wouldn't be surprised if photos or videos were taken of it!You just can't tell them to unsee that!And you can't just do as if I never existed!”I said to try and fight against all of his statements.
“True,but we can give “explanations” and “reveal the truth to the public”.As for those who saw you we just advised them to not talk about it,besides no one would believe them.And those Photos were destroyed and while a video of it was leaked by someone at the wedding and shown on a Mystery channel we quickly disavowed its legitimacy.We said that it was actually done as a parody of monster movie made by some students in Modesto and sent there actually to promote their film efforts”
So…I really was alone asking if my parents or friends would visit would obviously be fruitless so I asked for the last remaining thing
“Can I at the very least call my parents or write to them?”I said holding on to a last string of hope for some,any contact
“That is not an option,there is a risk of an information leak”Monger continued in a stoic voice cutting off the last thread of hope
“EVEN A SERIAL KILLER HAS THE RIGHT TO THAT!”I screamed in rage,I was infuriated,I screamed so loud that some glass from some of the observatories cracked and broke.
Monger gave me a disapproving look which then turned into one which looked more like disappointment.
“I am sorry”He said
And with that he walked away…
So I contemplated the whole situation while some know the videos are taken as fake and anyone in Modesto who saw me would be discouraged and my parents couldn't do anything.I was…On my own.
I sat down and cuddled myself into a ball into one corner.I could feel tears slowly forming in my eyes.
“Cmon Susan”I said to myself “Get up and face it.It aint all bad!”I had to push through it.No more crying now!I thought that maybe what he told me were lies…fat chance!
So here I am in my dimly lit room,not long after the lights went out and the room plunged into darkness.I went down and started to cry again,I curled up into a ball and eventually stopped crying.I tried to make myself happy.
I tried to still dream about the happy days, the days of being NORMAL!Those days have to be back.
Then I thought about the test they conducted on me and those surveys of my body.There still is hope!The scientists were working out to find out what happened to me,and if they did they could cure me and everything could be just Honky Dory again…
“But…if they're trying to figure me out ,there must be more to it”I thought to myself.If they figured out how I work,what would stop them from making their own giants?I thought to myself. So I have two outcomes…and both bad…and even if they cure me, who knows how long…will Derek still be waiting for me?
That night I had a nightmare, giants destroying city blocks crushing innocent people causing war,death,famine and plagues…well ok maybe not plagues but still…..all this…and then I saw myself being pointed at by the victims in what was left of Modesto“You……you did this”One said “No wait I didn't mean to I”I tried to defend myself and those victims...they were my friends and "choke"family! “You…did this to us”Another one said. “This was all your fault,If it were not for you we wouldn't have lost everyone we knew,our homes and suffered greatly under all of this”
“MONSTER!MONSTER!MONSTER!”My former bes friends chanted while pointing at me in the ruins of my hometown."Wait Im sorry!I never wanted this.
Then I saw that they brought to me Derek…he was dead and they said “He Died because of you,”I looked at Derek…his starry eyes still looking outward as if searching for me,never to see me again in this barren wasteland.
“DEREK?DEREK!DEREK!”I cried out,Clutching his body,we would be forever separated husband and wife.Then I cried out “NOOOOO!!!!!”
With a shock I woke up and looked around just to make sure I was still here.
“Oh,It was only a bad dream”I said in relief, resting myself and giving a large sigh of relief,everything calmed down and was quite save for my breathing,I then thought back to the experiments,what happened in the dream could become maybe one day a sad reality.
I really have to get out of here.
Firstly the end was done as a nightmare (So if it doesn't make sense or have contrivances i did it intentionally to boil it down to her worst fears and pains coming to get her,after all dreams(and nightmares) have no limitations and can really show us thing we cant see)
The Next Parts will be different:There lenghts may vary due to what part of the story thell  tell and I will change the POV character too to give us more insight and characterisation of these characters(I am working on several chapters at once to make better connections between the stories and to plan ahead so sorry for the delays im working on it still)
I made this fake-out opening just because i thought that the monsters should watch something in there spare time(also yes Earth vs the Flying Saucers is a real film I had on dvd and though quoting it would make the opening more interesting…and those 5 percent are most likely the guardians and other such magical beings)
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theburgessobserver · 5 months
Pt.3 The Hidden Truth
Since Ancient times there have been sightings and recordings of strange manifestations in the sky.
It was always speculated on the possibilities of….visitors from another world
Today from the skies of California!
The fields of Kansas!
The Freezing Wastelands of the Poles!
The Rice Patties of the Orient!
The Atlantic Ocean!
The Airlanes of the world!
…come persistent reports of UFOs Unidentified flying objects which we have come to know as…flying saucers,something had to be done!
In Dayton Ohio the Air Intelligence Command gathers in search data from all corners of the globe 95 percent of the objects prove to be of natural origin.While 5 percent remain still listed as unknown.
The Air Force is aware of the widely held belief that some of these could be flying saucers from another planet,while there is nothing conclusive in the evidence.The probing and digesting the probing information about UFOs continues unceasingly!
As a result headquarters of the hemispheric defense command in Colorado Springs issued an order:
Any military installations are to fire on sight at any flying objects unidentifiable.
But even as they did this the military wondered if their know-how and best weapons would be effective in any battle of
“Ahhh that's so scary!”Bob said
“Aw come on Bob it's only a movie”Beastman comforted him
“How about a Roger Corman film?Or better yet a documentary.”The Cockroach man suggested.
“Why not a beach film I love those” Link was saying remembering the good old days of rampage and women.
I didn't really pay much attention to that movie they were putting on,besides I was so big I could hardly tell what was going on. The set was so tiny. Sigh…time sure does pass here at a snail's pace.I met some other inmates like Beastman he was quite nice and cultured but we could only see him only at daytime because at night no matter where he was he would lose control of his instincts and be completely feral and dangerous.
Then there was Jaromir the Vodyanoy(or water spirit) who went as far as to flood a village for not leaving his lake alone ,while he went on the run afterward through lakes heading towards the sea,it ended with a showdown with the WASPs(World Aquanaut Security Patrol)after which he was captured and was used as an example to other water spirits to be wary of the consequences of their actions.
Then he was a japanese Yokai Shapeshifter he was a mysterious robber and stole from many jewelry collections he was called the invisible striker as he would take the form of any guard or official,while it was hard to catch him they eventually did and locked him up here .Its rue form was Kitsume which meant fox.
Then there was the Goblin Queen.She is from what I heard from Doc the queen and warrior champion of her subterranean hidden kingdom.But that was not enough for her,when the treaty was signed she was against all the way through and disregarded it many times.In the end she was taken here to prevent her from causing real trouble,unlike others she had many perks like looser rules,far better quarters etc. mainly due to her background and power and to keep her happy again to prevent trouble from her domain.
“Even among misfits I'm a misfit”I said to myself
Meanwhile Bob changed the channel and was watching static
“Woah did you get that?CCSSSSHHH!Now that is quality tv!”He said mimicking the static
“Bob, it's on static change the channel!”Beastman said in reply
“Yeah, put on something cool and tropical, ''Link suggested. Hopefully he thought of himself as being very cool especially after being in ice for millennia and he loved the warmth and atmosphere of it.It was a convenient truth that the planet had left the Ice age that froze him.
“You mean like ... .Monster Beach?”The dim-witted Blob said
“Oh No not that again”Link said annoyed
I was looking over the oatmeal and reminiscing of the good old days,days which were not long ago,I just lost almost any taste for food, my life was without any flavor. My life is just dull, gray,monotonous and uncomfortable with enough food to keep me going yet not have any taste to give me an appetite.I had been here for two weeks and It was hard for me to be familiarized with this weird life .It felt like a fever dream .As if I had gone insane and was locked up and put on medications…and yet it was so real.
“Well…at least with this gunk I won't have any weight woes”After this gunk isn't very tempting I said
“Yeah at least I won't gain any weight!”I said aloud trying to stay optimistic.
“But you've already gained Tons of weight” Bob said brainlessly and unintentionally insensitively
“THANKS BOB!”I said I was angered by his remark,He most likely didn't mean it of course. but i couldn't help it.Im not the type to be sarcastic but this was just so…well…different.
Suddenly a large helicopter appeared and it was towing a light,the light which guided Grubzilla back to his cell where he would slumber, meaning it was time for him and us to go to sleep.
“Oh well it's time to go to sleep, good night!”Cockroach said
“Sleep well Amazonia!”Link said
“Have a nice night Ginormica!”Bob said
“Her name is actually Titanica!”Beastman said
“No Its Susan”I said
While I chose the name Titanica it was against my will i just found it to be the best of a bad lot. My,I wish they would just shut up and stop calling me that!I am not Titanica,I am Susan!
In the cell I was deep in thought and then I saw the kitten “Hang in there”Poster and said to myself“Okay,Susan Murphy Hang in there and face the facts.You're in Jail unfairly imprisoned and none of my friends know where I am,but they know I'm missing, Derek might know some powerful people,Mom and Dad will also do there best,and everyone present at the wedding saw it happen and will…….. “EUREKA!That's it!”I shouted loudly and happily.
But then I remembered I was under 24 hour surveillance by the personell observing me. So I thought to myself“Some of my friends and family were filming and taking photos at my wedding,and would still be filming and taking photos when I turned to a giantess.That's excellent proof!Like who wouldn't want to take a photo of something as weird as that…The Government can't keep me a secret anymore!They must know I've been kidnapped.The Government can't keep me with that out and about!They just can't!"After that I calmed down from my elation and went to sleep.
I had a strange dream that night,that I was a celebrity and that bilions watched videos of me growing up to giant size on televisions and at meets and well just frankly everywhere.And that I was a phenomenon known as “Bridezilla!”. I felt odd and embarrassed,then again many are most likely seeing the video while I was still dreaming.Oh well I couldn't be that bad!
The next morning as I woke up I went into the day with new hopes.
Suddenly a beeping sound came.The beeping sound that announced the meals we were to get.The other inmates noticed it as well.
“Oh Boy!It's eat time” Link said happily as he and the gang raced up to the table.
Link dished up his favorite meal,raw fish!He happily dug into it in his primitive manner.
“That is thoroughly repulsive” Doc said
Then he was dished up his food,trash.
“Oh look, a lovely slipper” he said and started to devour it,Bob tried to reach out to take some ,but Doc noticed and promptly pushed him away.
“Sorry but this is my rubbish pile”he said to the blob
He happily indulged in it,When I first saw Doc eat trash I wondered how could someone like eating trash but then I remembered that he said he fused himself with genes of a cockroach and that it not only affected him physically but also mentally,It was like from that book Metamorphosis where that guy got turned into a bug and found how much he loved rotten things.
Then again i must admit Doc has been doing a pretty good job of disregarding his bug instincts and has been acting very kind and civil .In fact I bet he's the nicest person i met since…the day…As for Bob seeing as he's such a simpleton…well such a thing wouldn't really have much taste or completely bizzare taste at that.
“Doc!DOC!DOC!DOOOOOCCCC!!!” Bob screamed in terror
“I forgot to breathe. What will I do?How can I breathe help me Doc!”The brainless blob screamed in terror!
“Bob,you are a Blob and you do not need to breathe”Cockroach deadpanned,this wasn't the first time this week Bob had that type of problem.
“WOW!THANKS DOC YOU'RE A LIFESAVER!”Bob said happily and I saw him shaking the hands with Doc
Some time later I layed down alone,when suddenly I felt a scurrying up my legs. I used my hand to scrape it off. It was Jacques and he went flying all the way to the wall and hit it with a thud his hands were twitching.
"OH!Im so sorry!"I said realizing I accidentally crushed him,how emberassing!
“No no my dear it is my fault entirely I should have asked before i climbed on you at times the bug part of me takes control and I don't notice”Jacques-Yves said
“Anyway I have something to tell you”He said while he scurried over in front of me.
“My examinations of you have proven most intriguing,Susan.I have no Idea what could have caused it.Do the scientist from the examination know anything about it?”He asked me curiously
“The scientists just call it Chemical X”I said “They don't know much about it,in fact they are not even sure if it was an element,it could have been anything really.
“Well ,maybe we should give it a name then”Jacques said
“Titanium?No wait that's already been taken".Cockroach mused
Susanium?He said,I blushed, it was nice but kinda unfitting.
“Cockroachium?”I said,Doc smiled back.
“I don't know,I have been running checks on you,whatever it is it affect you completely right down to your quantum levels”Doc was deep in thought
“Hmmm,Quantonium?It seems fitting.”He said
“Yeah,I think that's just a fine name for it,if it even is an element.”I said Doc's name was okay for now.
“Well for all I know and the scientist too, what happened to you could have been anything like just a magic trick that changed you,but that would be daft!”he said jokingly
“Yeah”Was all I said,he was right and it made me think,maybe it wasn't some kind of element or radiation or all that jazz.Maybe it could be something beyond our comprehension…then again maybe I was just overthinking,I looked back at Jacques.
I liked him. He was so nice to me and so understanding,maybe because he was at one point a normal human being too and he was rather intelligent in addition to being accustomed to all sorts of beasts
“Doc, this place is like Alcatraz for the supernatural” I said to the tiny bug headed white cloth scientist.
His large cockroach eyes looked at me and then thought about something and then he said
“More like Tartarus!”
“What?”I answered,like what's this tartar something?
“Its from Greek mythology Doc swiftly replied It was used to imprison Demons,Titans and certain humans as a prison,you know interesting story the titans who were giants led by Cronus were banished there as punishment It was said to have been a prison built by the gods.Odd how there are such strange parallels between the real and the mythical…then again you're mythical giantess and you real,I guess it's just a coincidence”The seemingly tiny doctor told me
I was amazed by his knowledge and kinda embarased by my ignorance,so then left to the side for awhile
Monger arrived inside and again a helicopter used its light to direct Grubzilla away,I was disgusted by the way he treated him as if he was just an object
“Monger,I need to have a word with you” I said trying to look serious,I was waiting for this all day…at least i thought it was day,Deep down i was nervous however.
“Sure thing”He answered and the flew to me
“What about..visits?When will I see anyone from my family again?”I said
“No visits to any monsters ,sorry but that's just the way it is can't bring just anybody here for any reason we gotta keep this place and you secret”Monger said
“How long will I have to be here?" I demanded “How long will you keep this little game of yours up?Another day?week?Month or a year?”I said desperately as tried to come to terms with his previous sentence
“Forever” Monger said cooly and calmly and landed his jetpack and turned it off and walked towards me
“After all the military is expert at covering up and creating misinformations to fill in the gaps…If it is necessary that is…after all most think the Easter Bunny is a fable.”He explained
“So…I'm just gonna rot here for always and always and always, for doing nothing wrong?”I said “In fact a lot of these other creatures are too!And they arent all that bad”
“Well,I wouldn't say so”!Monger said
“But they're innocent!”I told Monger in a defiant tone!
“Innocent eh?”Monger said
“Actually most if not all are guilty. Each of them went on a rampage,caused destruction,were a danger to society and possibly even killed people intentionally or not!Grubzilla has the highest damage and death count by far and while he didnt mean to destroy part of Tokyo ,he is still a hazard and a big one at that!Link went on a rampage and kidnapped many innocent women and killed a several men who were trying to stop him from getting the girl.”
"And Beastman killed several people too,no wonder he gave himself up as he realized he couldn't control himself at night in the slightest.And wisely saw this as the correct choice"
"And that Blob, while he can only eat inorganic matter he still eat through a few city blocks caused property damage several people were injured and he imperiled many innocent lives!If You are in any doubt we have the M-Files for it and even if not convinced then we even have footage of there rampages!"
“But I didn't go on a rampage!”I protested,I WAS IN THE RIGHT!I didn't Kill anyone,I didn't intentionally become a giantess,or intentionally cause any trouble .Im Innocent .I'm supposed to be free!
“True!But you must understand that you did cause some havoc though unintentionally as well as being well…a giantess,I'm sorry but you were just too dangerous to be around,that and we need to keep myths hidden and Giants aren't exactly easy to hide or cover up.And If you would be free many would panic and possibly even try to kill you. And also we have agreements for cover-ups for a reason you know for your benefit and societies at large”Monger said
“How did you even think you'll cover me up?And all these creatures and their actions as well?”I said trying to get him off his arguments though he did plant a seed of doubt in my head with his proclamations
“Well Link was actually “revealed” to be an actor in a suit who was part of a movie production and the whole thing including the footage was brushed off as a publicity stunt.The Wolf-man was just a gag of several teeagers who had a suit and scared people with it.”
“Bob was just called a lab explosion which caused the damage and some of the gasses escaping from it ,caused people to hallucinate.”
He finished his long speech with “I Could go on but you get the point.”
“But you can't just expect people to unsee me!There were many by me and I wouldn't be surprised if photos or videos were taken of it!You just can't tell them to unsee that!And you can't just do as if I never existed!”I said to try and fight against all of his statements.
“True,but we can give “explanations” and “reveal the truth to the public”.As for those who saw you we just advised them to not talk about it,besides no one would believe them.And those Photos were destroyed and while a video of it was leaked by someone at the wedding and shown on a Mystery channel we quickly disavowed its legitimacy.We said that it was actually done as a parody of monster movie made by some students in Modesto and sent there actually to promote their film efforts”
So…I really was alone asking if my parents or friends would visit would obviously be fruitless so I asked for the last remaining thing
“Can I at the very least call my parents or write to them?”I said holding on to a last string of hope for some,any contact
“That is not an option,there is a risk of an information leak”Monger continued in a stoic voice cutting off the last thread of hope
“EVEN A SERIAL KILLER HAS THE RIGHT TO THAT!”I screamed in rage,I was infuriated,I screamed so loud that some glass from some of the observatories cracked and broke.
Monger gave me a disapproving look which then turned into one which looked more like disappointment.
“I am sorry”He said
And with that he walked away…
So I contemplated the whole situation while some know the videos are taken as fake and anyone in Modesto who saw me would be discouraged and my parents couldn't do anything.I was…On my own.
I sat down and cuddled myself into a ball into one corner.I could feel tears slowly forming in my eyes.
“Cmon Susan”I said to myself “Get up and face it.It aint all bad!”I had to push through it.No more crying now!I thought that maybe what he told me were lies…fat chance!
So here I am in my dimly lit room,not long after the lights went out and the room plunged into darkness.I went down and started to cry again,I curled up into a ball and eventually stopped crying.I tried to make myself happy.
I tried to still dream about the happy days, the days of being NORMAL!Those days have to be back.
Then I thought about the test they conducted on me and those surveys of my body.There still is hope!The scientists were working out to find out what happened to me,and if they did they could cure me and everything could be just Honky Dory again…
“But…if they're trying to figure me out ,there must be more to it”I thought to myself.If they figured out how I work,what would stop them from making their own giants?I thought to myself. So I have two outcomes…and both bad…and even if they cure me, who knows how long…will Derek still be waiting for me?
That night I had a nightmare, giants destroying city blocks crushing innocent people causing war,death,famine and plagues…well ok maybe not plagues but still…..all this…and then I saw myself being pointed at by the victims in what was left of Modesto“You……you did this”One said “No wait I didn't mean to I”I tried to defend myself and those victims...they were my friends and "choke"family! “You…did this to us”Another one said. “This was all your fault,If it were not for you we wouldn't have lost everyone we knew,our homes and suffered greatly under all of this”
“MONSTER!MONSTER!MONSTER!”My former bes friends chanted while pointing at me in the ruins of my hometown."Wait Im sorry!I never wanted this.
Then I saw that they brought to me Derek…he was dead and they said “He Died because of you,”I looked at Derek…his starry eyes still looking outward as if searching for me,never to see me again in this barren wasteland.
“DEREK?DEREK!DEREK!”I cried out,Clutching his body,we would be forever separated husband and wife.Then I cried out “NOOOOO!!!!!”
With a shock I woke up and looked around just to make sure I was still here.
“Oh,It was only a bad dream”I said in relief, resting myself and giving a large sigh of relief,everything calmed down and was quite save for my breathing,I then thought back to the experiments,what happened in the dream could become maybe one day a sad reality.
I really have to get out of here.
Firstly the end was done as a nightmare (So if it doesn't make sense or have contrivances i did it intentionally to boil it down to her worst fears and pains coming to get her,after all dreams(and nightmares) have no limitations and can really show us thing we cant see)
The Next Parts will be different:There lenghts may vary due to what part of the story thell tell and I will change the POV character too to give us more insight and characterisation of these characters(I am working on several chapters at once to make better connections between the stories and to plan ahead so sorry for the delays im working on it still)
I made this fake-out opening just because i thought that the monsters should watch something in there spare time(also yes Earth vs the Flying Saucers is a real film I had on dvd and though quoting it would make the opening more interesting…and those 5 percent are most likely the guardians and other such magical beings)
The Reason Wasps found Jaromir was because some babyteeth in the area were sent to look for him and managed to know exactly where he was heading and then telling tooth who told Wasp who were ready and waiting for him.
She is human like in body and size,but with some difference like her scaly-green skin,her pointy ears(not to cartoonish proportions tough still)she also has violet hair and two of her teeth can be retractable between normal and sharp. It is stated in mythology are ruled by the smartest and strongest of them.Like she is motivated by greed.There are several breeds some may be nearly elf like and only live a few decades while others like herself are humanoid and are far more powerful and itelligent.For she can be stabbed right through and only have it as a slight flesh wound.She also has some weaponry like a flying broomstick like thingy.Like all she has the ability to see in darkness.While many say shes crazy its just one of her ploys to incite fear to her enemies.
While in myth they were all seen the same, some types(like hers)are considerably intelligent,despite being almost always portrayed as being ugly and dimwitted.
Fun Fact
The Guardians had to assemble to take her down,while she threatend to attack the world above.
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mothronicus · 6 months
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Are We Alone?
Earth, our world, is often said to be the only planet with life. With an estimated number of 8.7 million species across the globe, we could say that life is very flourishing on this planet. Among these species is our species, humankind. For thousands of years, our species has achieved many feats from living in the stone age to becoming a technologically advanced society. Humankind is considered as the most intelligent species known to man. But what if we’re not the only intelligent species out there? What if Earth is not the only planet harboring life? To think that our planet is just a pale blue dot in the entire Solar System, and that the Sun is merely a microbe compared to the size of the Milky Way Galaxy, makes me believe that we are not alone in this vast universe. That there are others out there, beyond the skies, amongst the stars.
There are numerous sightings of unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrials over the course of time all over the world, some of which are even well documented. Such example is the 1942 Battle of Los Angeles, where the Americans started guns blazing the skies after a mysterious aircraft appeared on their radar, fearing it’s the Japanese. The event became the front page of newspapers. 8 days after the incident, Franklin Roosevelt’s secretary, Frank Knox, announced that it was merely a false alarm but decades later, researchers found written evidence that the military fabricated the story to hide something from the public. The document states that whatever was in there was not made by man and is not from this world. Another example is the 1947 Roswell Incident, where an alleged flying saucer crashed in Roswell. Days before the incident, there were numerous sightings of UFOs across the area. Rancher Mack Brazel collected some of its debris and after the incident was reported to the Roswell Air Force, they claimed that the debris were from unknown flying disks before they changed their story days later. There are other examples such as when the Pentagon declassified various UFO footages in September 2021, and later released a site in 2023 about declassified unidentified anomalous phenomena. The same year, politicians from Mexico have revealed to the public that they have acquired remains of an extraterrestrial from Nazca. Although some reports claim that the body found was merely an ancient doll, the DNA testing claims that the being is not from this world.
There is a plethora of evidence that proves the existence of extraterrestrial life. As former astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin stated, this planet is just one of the many planets in the galaxy, and our galaxy is just among the other billions of galaxies in the universe. The possibility of alien life existing beyond our world is certain. There’s this quote that says, “Not believing in the existence of aliens is like taking a spoonful of water from the ocean and saying there are no whales and sharks in the ocean because there is none in my spoon.” To think that we’re not the only planet with life may sound difficult to believe or accept considering our limited knowledge about space and worlds beyond our own. The way I see that our planet is just one of the estimated 70 quintillion planets in the known universe has made it clear to me that Earth is not the only world with life. We are not the only living things in this universe or are the most intelligent species. We are not alone and always will be.
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prismatranslates-cue · 10 months
Haruna [Maidens of Clear Autumn Skies] Part 2
Previously: Part 1
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Shiho: What a feast…
Haruna: That baked sweet potato was delicious!
Shiho: But now that I’m full, I’m getting sleepy…
Haruna: Wha? Wake up, Shiho-chan! …Come on, don’t you want to go walk around the lake over there?
Shiho: Guh…
Haruna: Shiho-channn!
Shiho: Ngh…fine, guess I gotta…
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Haruna: Let’s see…I think the trees growing around here would be…ginkgo, zelkova, maple…
Shiho: Guuhhh…
Haruna: Come on, Shiho-chan…look, you don’t want to miss these beautiful autumn leaves.
Shiho: …Oh, pretty…
Haruna: Right? They’re such a vivid red.
Shiho: Yeah, almost like they’re ablaze.
Haruna: Ablaze with vivid red, huh…
Shiho: Something up?
Haruna: Oh, it’s nothing. I’m just thinking about my homework. I have to write a haiku.
Haruna: I was hoping I’d get inspiration from the leaves…
Shiho: Hmmm. Vivid red, vivid red…
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Shiho: “The autumn tree leaves, ablaze with fighting spirit like Sports Day at school.” How’s that?
Haruna: Oh, that wasn’t bad actually…
Shiho: Your turn, Haruna.
Haruna: Huh? O-okay, sure…um…
Haruna: “Picking maple leaves, everywhere you turn your eyes, mountains and mountains”! [1]
Shiho: …We’re not in the mountains, though.
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Haruna: Oh, true…mm, this is hard… What are you looking at, Shiho-chan?
Haruna: Is that…a map of the park?
Shiho: Huh. It says there’s a shrine around here.
Haruna: Oh, you’re right. Are you interested, Shiho-chan? Since your family runs a temple.
Haruna: What’s it like, growing up in one of those? I imagine it must be such an elegant atmosphere…
Shiho: Not nearly as much as you’re thinking.
Shiho: My days consisted of drifting to and fro around the exterior corridors, gazing blankly at the scenery, snacking on sweets…
Haruna: That sounds very much like you.
Shiho: Sometimes, sparrows would come to the garden, and I’d watch them eat their food.
Haruna: What a tranquil image…it sounds nice, honestly.
Shiho: You think so? It was all just finding ways to laze about to me.
Haruna: Not at all. It sounds like you got to really enjoy nature.
Shiho: What happened to thinking of haiku, Haruna? If I didn’t know better I’d think you were avoiding it.
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Haruna: …Let’s not think about homework for now!
Haruna: After all, we came all the way out here. Let’s just enjoy the autumn scenery!
Shiho: It’s no skin off my back. But are you sure you’ll be okay?
Haruna: I’ll be fine! I mean…I really do want to admire the beauty of these leaves.
Shiho: That’s fair. …Ah.
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The wind blows.
Haruna: Oof! That’s quite the gust of wind!
Shiho: I’m getting blown away…
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Haruna: …! Shiho-chan, look! The leaves look like they’re dancing in the wind! Isn’t it beautiful?
Shiho: Ooh. It’s like a cherry blossom snowstorm, except with a bunch of fallen leaves instead. …Hm? [2]
Haruna: Is something the matter?
Shiho: …Did you see that?
Haruna: …See what?
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Shiho: Something was flying up in the sky.
Haruna: Huh. I wonder what it was. A bird?
Shiho: It was glowing with light.
Haruna: Maybe it was a plane!
Shiho: It was round, and flat, and spinning.
Haruna: Huh? Then, could it be…?
Shiho: An unidentified flying object. A UFO…
Haruna: A UFO?! You really think so?
Shiho: You’d think so too if you saw it. There’s nothing else it could’ve been.
Haruna: I guess…since you’re so sure, Shiho-chan. But what would it be doing here…?
Shiho: …Oh, I’ve got one. Another haiku. This one’s a masterpiece.
Haruna: Oh? How does it go?
Shiho: “It is now autumn, and so even the space aliens come to see the vivid leaves”
Shiho: Got a bit of hypermeter. [3]
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[1]: Haruna's haiku here in the original Japanese has 5-6-5 sound units. I'm honestly not familiar enough with the intricacies of haiku writing to know if this would be an acceptable break from the standard 5-7-5 structure or if it's a mistake (and then if it is, I don't know if it's an unintended typo or if the writers intentionally had Haruna mess up). Since Shiho doesn't mention it and only comments on the actual content of the poem, I elected to write a typical 5-7-5 syllable haiku for my translation.
[2]: Shiho originally uses the term "sakura fubuki" (literally meaning "a blizzard of cherry blossoms") which describes the showers of cherry blossom petals in spring and compares them to snowfall. While the phrase and its meaning translate well enough to English, it's obviously not used anywhere nearly as often. At any rate, Shiho's having a bit of fun with the imagery since while fiery-coloured autumn leaves may have some similarities with cherry blossoms, they obviously look a lot less like snow.
[3]: Shiho's closing haiku (as she points out herself) has an extra sound unit in the second line and 2 extra in the third line, for an overall structure of 5-8-7. I've translated it with 5-8-7 syllables to match.
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bokuaosubs · 1 year
The second chapter – I, myself, am blue. (Aoki Yuho 1st blog)
Hello everyone! It’s nice to meet you. I am Aoki Yuho, from Boku ga Mitakatta Aozora.
It’s not an easy name to read, really, so I hope you’ll remember it!
When I first learned the name of the group, I felt like it was fate that those two kanji characters [I (Boku) & Blue (Ao)] were paired up.
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↑ Our first uniform is blue, too, and it has a sky theme!
The origin of my name, which you might be wondering about, is not UFO-related. It’s about time, that has been going on since the before ages,
This moment in time that never stagnates,
Right here, on Earth,
I am here.
I am here and I am living.
It’s difficult to put it into words, so I sometimes explain this character, ‘宙’, as ‘space’, as ‘the universe’, however, it originally means ‘time’.
I like this name because I, for one, like space and starry skies, and I used to read lots of Newton’s works.
And now, that the blog is about to start… I yearned to come up with a longer title, but I gave up when I realized that it took so much more skill than I had imagined. Nonetheless, I’ll have to give it a try one of these days! (*^▽^*)
I was born on the 13th of June, 2003. I turned 20 shortly before the unveiling! (#^.^#)
I’m from Ishigaki Island, in the Okinawa Prefecture. I grew up with the blue sea that can be seen anywhere on the island, the sky full of stars and the traditional culture, that still lives within me.
As well as Yaeyama dance and Eisa [a type of folk dance from Okinawa], I have tried playing the sanshin [a three-stringed, Okinawan instrument akin to a banjo] but neither of them have reached the level of a special skill just yet. However, I really like them and would like to keep trying my best at them.
My personal colour is Brevet/Blue-ish Summer. I’m quite happy about it, because I like summer the most among the seasons.
My favourite colours… They’re white and grey.
When it comes to food, whether it’s the main dish or not, I really like Yushi Doufu [a type of tofu], chawanmushi [a steamed egg custard dish], passionfruit, wild vegetables and surume [a dried, shredded type of squid].
Futsal and football, both of which I’ve played since primary school. While I do like watching these sports, I much prefer playing them.
When it comes to appreciating art, I enjoy looking at art in general, both Japanese art and Western art alike, regardless of the type. I recently went to a Gaudí exhibition!
I also like taking good care of my skin, looking at interior design and furniture, playing escape games through apps, and burning incense. The latter is my latest boom [something that has become a habit/particularly trendy to her]!
And… I’m also a big idol lover. I love, admire and want to cherish female idols.
And now… I’ve found myself here.
Even though I come from a remote island, far away from Tokyo, I’ve been given smiles, energy and courage.
I want to be an idol who can deliver that kind of power to those who support me, no matter where they’re from. I hope I can become that kind of idol.
I know I’m not very good at this, but… I look forward to working with you from now on. I’ll be in your care.
Well, I know this was quite long
Thank you for reading all the way!
See you soon~
Thank you very much! (written in the Ishigaki dialect)
2023.7.10 Aoki Yuho #1
[TL by: yuzuiro]
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iliyad · 4 years
everything that has happened in 2020, in case you forgot
because it’s been a long year. counts up to december 20. i tried to get in as much as i could, but there will still be some things missing, because it's been a long year.
january (timeframes will be rough)
australian bush fires
persian gulf crisis
taal volcano eruption
impeachment trial of donald trump
covid-19 pandemic what else is there to say?
the united kingdom’s withdrawal from the european union
delhi riots
collapse of malaysia’s coalition government
stock market crash
luxembourg made public transport free
conditional peace agreement between the united states and the taliban
afghanistan war crimes inquiry authorised to proceed
tokyo summer olympics postponed to 2021
north macedonia joins nato
russia-saudi arabia oil price war
united states designates a white supremacist group as a terrorist group for the first time
opec and allies agree to cut oil production by 9.7 million barrels a day
united states suspends funding to the world health organisation
nova scotia attacks
israeli politicians agree to form a unity government
iran deploys first military satellite
king salman declares people will not be executed for crimes committed as minors
the pentagon officially releases three ufo videos
colombia formalises its membership of the oecd
venezuelan dissidents and american private military attempt to infiltrate venezuela and remove president maduro from office
scientists discover parasitic microbe blocking mosquitos from carrying malaria
first black hole discovered in a star system visible to the naked eye
styrene gas leak in india
cross-border clash at the nantha lu crossing between chinese and indian soldiers
konarak vessel incident
fossil analysis indicates modern humans may have arrived in europe thousands of years earlier than thought
maternity hospital stormed by gunmen in afghanistan
discovery of millipede fossil as the world's oldest-known land animal dating c.425 million years
east africa floods
palestine terminates all agreements with israel and the united states after israel plans to annex the jordan valley
cyclone amphan
united states announces withdrawal from open skies treaty
mining company rio tinto destroys sacred aboriginal caves at juukan gorge in australia
george floyd is killed, beginning mass global protests against police racism and brutality
costa rica becomes first central american country to legalise same-sex marriage
chinese government votes for legislation granting powers to suppress democracy movement in hong kong
rwandan court sentences former mayor to life imprisonment for role in rwandan genocide
first crewed spacex flight is launched
state of emergency declared by russia after 20 thousand tons of oil leaks into ambarnaya river
libya’s government claims control of tripoli
turkish and iranian forces begin air and artillery strikes against kurdish forces in iraqi kurdistan
north korea demolishes kaesong’s inter-korean liaison office
solar eclipse
7.5 magnitude earthquake in oaxaca, mexico
historic three-party coalition government formed in ireland
china passes hong kong national security law
russian voters support constitutional amendment allowing vladimir putin to seek two further six-year terms
landslide at jade mine in myanmar
bulgarian protests against boyko borisov’s government
mass graves uncovered in burkina faso believed to be the result of extrajudicial executions by government forces
turkish president orders the hagia sophia in istanbul to be reverted from a museum to a mosque
china floods
twitter accounts of prominent politicians, ceos and celebrities hacked in bitcoin scam
flooding of the brahmaputra river
nasa launches mars 2020 rover mission
barakah nuclear power plant in the uae becomes first commercial nuclear power station in the arab states
beirut explosions
belarusian protests sparked by controversial presidential election
vladimir putin announces russia’s approval of world’s first covid-19 vaccine
israel and uae agree to normalise relations
stranded japanese ship breaks in mauritius and spills one thousand tonnes of oil into the ocean
coup d'état takes place in mali
africa is declared free of wild polio
amazon ceo jeff bezos becomes first person ever with a net worth exceeding us$200 billion
hurricane laura
japanese prime minister shinzo abe resigns after seven years
an agreement is signed to transition sudan into a secular state
largest find of mammoth skeletons at construction site for airport in mexico city
pope benedict xvi becomes longest-living pope
kosovo and serbia announce normalisation of economic relations
bahrain and israel agree to normalise relations
typhoon haishen
announcement of detection of phosphine in venus’ atmosphere
first discovery of perfectly preserved cave bear remains in siberia, believed to be 22 thousand - 39 thousand years old
venezuelan government is accused of crimes against humanity by human rights council
france, germany, and the united kingdom reject china’s claims to the south china sea
oldest known copy of any work by william shakespeare, a 1634 edition of the two noble kinsman, is found in spain
documents of the financial crimes enforcement network are released, detailing suspicious transations valued at over us$2 trillion
microsoft buys zenimax media in the biggest and most expensive takover in the video game industry
deadly clashes erupt between armenian and azerbaijani forces in nagorno-karabakh
the european union launches legal action against the united kingdom for overriding sections of the brexit withdrawal agreement
new caledonia votes against independence from france
mass protests break out in kyrgyzstan against controversial parliamentary election
thai protests
new zealand prime minister jacinda ardern's labour party wins second term in office by a landslide, gaining the first parliamentary majority since introduction of new voting system in the early 90s
nasa's osiris-rex spacecraft becomes their first probe to retrieve samples from an asteroid
geneva consensus declaration on women's health and strengthening families is signed by 34 countries
falkland islands declared free of land mines
israel and sudan agree to normalise relations
nasa confirms existence of molecular water on the moon
7.0 aegean sea earthquake
typhoon goni
amhara women, children and elderly killed in ethiopia
tumblr melts down over supernatural ship “destiel” (dean winchester and castiel), causing this site to crash several times
united states election concludes joe biden as president of the united states, STATES FLIP DATA
hurricane eta
united states exits the paris climate change accord
armenia and azerbaijan sign ceasefire agreement
hong kong pro-democracy lawmakers resign en masse
nasa and spacex launch to the international space station
hurricane iota
brereton report into australian war crimes during the war in afghanistan released
indian farmers’ protest
iranian nuclear scientist mohsen fakhrizadeh is assassinated
koshobe massacre
lunar eclipse
protein folding is solved
arecibo telescope collapses
the united kingdom approves covid-19 vaccine
three activists jailed in hong kong for part in democracy protests
united nations commission on narcotic drugs votes to remove cannabis from dangerous drugs list
united states announces withdrawal from somali civil war
russia begins mass vaccination against covid-19
venezuelan parliamentary election
the united kingdom begins mass vaccination against covid-19
report into the christchurch mosque shootings released
nepal and china officially agree on height of mount everest
israel and morocco normalise relations
end of nicolas sarkozy corruption trial in france
the european union agrees to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% over the next decade
bhutan and israel normalise relations
the international criminal court accuses the philippines of crimes against humanity in its war on drugs
the united states accuses switzerland and vietnam of currency manipulation
a new, highly-infectious strain of covid-19 begins to spread through the united kingdom and europe
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swastikagirls · 2 years
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"Summer, the season of flying saucers, is almost here. Last summer, I took my binoculars to Atami Hotel and watched the skies every single night in the hope of seeing so-called UFOs coming in to land. Yet in the end, I was not fortunate enough to witness such an event.”
Yukio Mishima at a Japanese Flying Saucer Research Association observation event, 1957.
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dropmic-tl-blog · 5 years
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translation: shangri-la | edit: nanairo 
[GENTAROU, SPOKEN] Somewhere, a star shoots across the sky. It followed the edge of the evening, as if being pulled. A king, on a planet of a burnt sword, A bandit, on a planet where crystals glisten on the left, and sands flow on the right, And a scientist, on a planet that had forgotten to shine in a corner, All look up at the same shooting star. The ship carrying a fragment of this story Weaved in between the twinkling of the stars and flew away.
[DICE] My kingdom in tatters, the door to power has been broken down Even after I left, I’m surrounded by the lingering scent of defeat and gunpowder The citizens told of the ignorant tragedy of believing in miracles While burning in self-condemnation and regret, a fugitive is driven away from the planet The throne on the other side of the monochromatic window becomes distant Is the ideal belief the poison that leads to death? If so, it’s like preaching to men A lifeboat descends, turning towards an unfamiliar planet — venez m’aider(1) Meditating on why I’m kept alive, dreaming the days of restoration will come
[Fling Posse] The repeating of a verse, Reaching a hand towards shooting stars Waiting to bloom, the beginning of a new universe The future will connect us, with the ending in mind An unshakeable star is deep inside We’ll keep repeating this, no matter how many times Stepping in line with the orbit Forever reincarnating A shooting star without any lies Dancing in the skies — “Stella by Starlight” Its distorted trajectory makes it more luminous
[GENTAROU] Tonight, there’s a strangely stylish guest. If this is where you’ve fallen, you must be at rock bottom. I don’t care if you’re a former king or whatever, but we thieves have our own way of life, you know. We can’t just let our heads roll off into space. The world is nothing but a jigsaw puzzle put together by sadistic priests. L’histoire(2) has been hypnotized, as though dying from meaningless social disparity. Hey, I want to kill this boredom that’s been creeping up my throat. Steal me away, too, my messiah.
[Fling Posse] The repeating of a verse, Reaching a hand towards shooting stars Waiting to bloom, the beginning of a new universe The future will connect us, with the ending in mind An unshakeable star is deep inside We’ll keep repeating this, no matter how many times Stepping in line with the orbit Forever reincarnating A shooting star without any lies Dancing in the skies — “Stella by Starlight” Its distorted trajectory makes it more luminous
[RAMUDA] Going through great difficulties makes for a splendid story, doesn’t it? The only living thing is me, covered in ice In research, you’ve veered off the path of humanity before you know it It’s a love letter, like paper scraps, whose recipient has long been forgotten The materials that are at the end of this maze Are white camellias(3) that thrive on eternity Before the truth, the outcries of morality become my chains I stopped aging because I desired to pursue such things A fragment of a life I long for, everything was a daydream “You’re already too late!” I lament in a nocturne
[Fling Posse] The noise from the stars Completely takes over the night sky The starlight’s like a collage of ephemerality, the starlight...
R: “Why are you concerned about me?” D: “Because I feel like we’re similar.”   G: “Like birds of a feather?” D: “Well...” R: “How stupid.” D: “You’re trapped by a wish.” R: “How do you know?” G: “You’ve lost something — I can see it in your eyes.” G/D: “Like glass spheres.” R: “If a wish can come true — someday — I want to see my hometown.” D: “Then we know what to do.” R: “But I don’t know if it’s still there.” G: “Nothing will change if you stay here, though.” D: “So, where will this hollow ship(4) end up at?” D/G: “Would you like to bet on it?”
D: The heavens have closed off G: And in this darkness enclosed within R: A dim light is cast from a star D: It shines, G: This wondrous R: Connection R: The heart wishes for a second chance D: But only this message gets through FP: The heat burns from the flame, and wings emerge from the chrysalis
[Fling Posse] Keep facing forward Don’t make a mistake even if you stop on the next step Keep facing forward Someday, let’s cherish things with earnest eyes, even if they are mistakes Move forward into a faraway place, as far as a tiptoe can take you When you look back, don’t let your shadow catch up Keep facing forward Question at the end of the dawn This is a story about using one’s failures to soar
The repeating of a verse, Reaching a hand towards shooting stars Waiting to bloom, the beginning of a new universe The future will connect us, with the ending in mind An unshakeable star is deep inside We’ll keep repeating this, no matter how many times Stepping in line with the orbit Forever reincarnating A shooting star without any lies Dancing in the skies — “Stella by Starlight” Its distorted trajectory makes it more luminous
French for “Come help me”. 
French for “the history” -- he only says histoire in the original lyrics.
White camellias, in JP Flower Language, stand for “perfect beauty,” “impeccable charm,” and “supreme belovedness”. 
A “hollow ship”, otherwise known as an Utsuro-fune as Dice implies, is from Japanese folklore of the 19th century. The ship itself is a UFO-shaped ship that carries a woman who lands on Earth -- and is unable to speak human language at all. 
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bhabeshbk · 5 years
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)
Historical evidence suggests an increase in UFO activity near the beginning and during times of war and conflict. Some cases also involve sightings of unidentified partial submerged objects, or USO phenomena. Reports of unidentified flying objects consistently date back throughout the ages and are not a new age mystery. Past civilizations described the unexplained flying objects in terms relating to their current knowledge and interpretation of the events, of the specific reported time period.
One prominent case involves several hundred sightings written throughout ancient city gazettes during the time of the Black Plague epidemic. Many cases of cigar shaped flying vessels were reported, along with a mist filling the air, to the point that people believed they could see the plague coming toward them. The mass sighting during the epidemic is very similar to news reports in 1561 and 1566 in the Nuremberg area, involving similar shaped objects. Another such incident refers to a single flying object reported over several countries spanning from Scotland all the way to eastern China, detailed from individual sighting reports in those respective countries. The intriguing mystery of the reports is that they all happened within the same time span between countries at war with each other and relied on courier communication of letters estimated to take far longer than any of the documented accounts.
Events in the 20th century such as the Black Forest in 1936 and Roswell in 1947 acted like a rooster call to those who weren't previously aware, bringing significant attention to the possibilities of UFOs existing around the world. Both cases are filled with controversy and seem to lack the empirical evidence necessary to satisfy skeptics. Virtually no evidence has been reported or found regarding the Black Forest incident, yet the crash was documented to have happened. Beliefs are that Germans soldiers retrieved wreckage for reverse engineering in creating newer technologies. This does coincide with numerous reports involving balls of light, or FOO, over European skies in 1944 believed to be a German secret project. The theory also references how much more advanced German technology was at the time in comparison to the other countries in the world. It may also explain the culprit of the 1942 Battle of Los Angeles, when an unidentified flying craft triggered over 1,400 shells to be fired in an hour time period. The Roswell incident was attributed to a weather balloon by Major Curtan according to a telegraph sent to the FBI. Many still believe that between the type of debris found at the wreckage site, reports before the crash, and inconsistencies in the military reporting procedures, that it was actually a government UFO cover-up. Eye witness claims, a supposed alien autopsy and new photo analysis of documented evidence continue to fuel speculations of what really happened on that warm summer day.
Some sightings during the 1940's might also be explained by Fu-Go devices, or the Japanese balloon attack. Around 1,000 balloons with an integrated payload and trigger are estimated to have reached the United States and Canada by taking advantage of the global jet stream air path. The Japanese claimed to have launched more than 9,000 in total with the first series in 1944 from Honshu Japan, during the same time of FOO reports over Germany. The problem with this solution, however, is the mysterious glowing orbs over Germany could be flown through with an airplane. Only one known case with cause of death to a Fu-Go device was documented in Oregon to happen in 1945. According to further accounts, it is known the British were also experimenting with crude balloon-type devices during 1942-1944 possibly contributing to the unidentified sighting phenomenon at the time.
Outside of the busy skies of the 1940's, cases of mysterious unexplained flying object related incidents and sightings have risen substantially over the years to the point that a designated organization was established in 1969. Currently, the Midwest UFO Network, MUFON tracks and stores reports of sightings across the world and is accessible to the general public. Their mission is one of analytical and scientific study of alien craft phenomenon for the benefit of humanity. They're working to catalog, organize, and decipher report information makes the most logical sense in determining the reasons for a strange phenomenon reoccurring throughout human history. Although unidentified objects in the skies above Earth are often associated with aliens and extraterrestrials by sensationalized media spinning, it does not necessarily mean they are the probable cause. Only solid research and conclusive evidence can help us determine exactly what these strange UFO's really are.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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In the past 20 years we have been spoon fed stories of a shadow government and its crafts appearing all over the states ,these floating triangular shaped craft calledTR-3B Black Manta spy plane with antigravity capabilities part of a dark project. Then there’s the Aurora spy plane SR-91 of a similar shape.Well ,then there’s the acronym UAP which means Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.A task force to study these crafts by the defense department.Till today ,we don’t have a clear answer of who is piloting these crafts ,extraterrestrial entities or US Navy pilots.There are indeed several top secret spy planes that could very well using reverse engineered technology obtained from crashed saucers ,but also UFOs that have originated not in our solar systems with triangular shapes as well.Remember we are indeed a race that is divided meaning we have been lied and we are still in diapers using combustion engines limited because the greed and control of our governments worldwide and a splinter group of hybrid humans that are already hundreds of years ahead of us.Well,that’s the storyline that currently is in use . The most recent case of a sighting in Japan occurred in July of this year in Fukushima where the government is as they say tight-lipped about a UFO that appeared and was filmed ,but the skeptics are saying it was just a butterfly out of focus.Haha!Once again this proves my point that governments all over the world don’t want for us the common folks to know the truth. Well, so much for disclosure on this subject.Words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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cherryzombiezz · 6 years
tagged by @littlebunnysander
Nickname: Poison
Height: 5'8″
Last movie I saw: Into the Spider-Verse
Favorite Artists: Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, any Hatsune Miku composer, Eminem, Jinkx Monsoon
Song Stuck in my head: Sunflower- Post Malone, Swae Lee
Do I get asks: Not really lol
Other blogs: @littlecupofpoison, @the-best-big-daddy, @theouterside
Following: 872
Amount of sleep: Depends on how badly I wanna stay up
Lucky number: 2
What I’m wearing: tie-dye alien hoodie, black jeans, vans
Dream Job: Animator or concept artist
Favorite Food: Honey Habanero chicken, beef yakisoba
Dream Trip: Either Japan or England
Play any Instruments: I did clarinet and bassoon, now I do guitar and bass
Languages: English, Japanese
Favorite Song: Jitter Doll- Niki feat. Lily (Hatsune Miku Solid cover), Sunflower- Post Malone/Swae Lee
Random fact: I wanna learn how to play the drums uwu
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: psychedelic posters, big dreamcatchers, blacklights, aliens and UFOs, dress shirts and neckties, mushrooms, soft pillows and blankets, stuffed animals, Marvel superhero merchandise, punk jackets, old guitars, endless evergreen trees, overcast skies
Tagging: @lepetiteinkmango, @toonybrue, @halfusek, @dr-kelman, @lil-labr4t, and anyone else who wants to do it lol
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moonvalecrossing · 5 years
Moonvale's Pokemon Commentary: #375 Metang
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And I'll form the head!
Just for Looks:
Two Beldum have fused (but technically not, even though its clear its arms are made of two Beldum) and we now have two arms connected to this hat-shaped load of metal that formed between the eyeball ball joints somehow. It kind of looks like a flying saucer with grabby hands. It's got a spike on the front of it that looks like a nose and in the gen 3 sprites this looks hilarious. The shiny is the same colors as Beldum. We've just got another silver and gold hunk of metal-rock here.
What's in the Name:
The name is the same in English and Japanese. It could be a mix of metal and 'tang': one of the many sounds of banging on metal and one of my least favorite. Klang sounds much better. That's right. I like the gear pokemon's name better. Fite meeeee. (9o-o)9
Metang's also an anagram of Magnet. Bulbapedia says it could also be a combination of metal and étang which is French for the color pond blue that I've never heard of. I suppose that's what the color of the body's supposed to be? Seems like a stretch.
The 'Dex Says:
Even the dex confirms we've got two fused together Beldum here. They're connected by a magnetic nervous system and by linking their brains together this pokemon is able to generate Psychic power. Finally, a reason why this line is psychic. Should have made Beldum just steel type then!
Metang can fly at over 60 miles per hour (100 kilometers per hour) which isn't that impressive in my eyes since that’s the average speed of cars that pass by my house.. But they turn their arms to the rear why they're doing it. Now I'm picturing it doing the Naruto run. It's claws are apparently strong enough to rip through thick sheets of iron as if they were silk and its body is so tough that a jet crashing into it won't leave a scratch. Beldum line OP plz nerf.
Alola tells us that though two Beldum have combined their brain power to become psychic as Metang, they're still as intelligent as a single Beldum. They also apparently chase poor Nosepass at top speed. When they get a hold of prey they grip it with their claws and never let go. Now I'm picturing Metang carrying poor Nosepass being a common sight in Alolan skies.
“I saw a UFO last night!” Sure you did, Steve. It was probably another Metang carrying off a Nosepass.”
It's Rating Time!
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4/5. While it's still just a weird floating psychic hunk of metal, the mental image of this alien crane game looking pokemon flying all over Alola dragging poor helpless Nosepass is freaking hilarious.
Want to read more of my reviews? Click here!
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miracle-dollarchive · 6 years
REALLY LONG CHARACTER SURVEY. RULES. repost ,   don’t  reblog  !  good  luck  !
TAGGED. No one TAGGING. @crimson-lili @starpalpitation @spiritvazul @lil-miss-romano @qcaesitr @marchenkind and anyone who sees this!
AGE: 18-20
BIRTHDAY: Unknown, but she was “born” around early spring
LANGUAGE(S): Japanese, English, Spanish and a sprinkle of German
RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Canon-wise, she has a complicated relationship with Black Jack, but she loves him lots
CLASS: Middle-class, but Pinoko in one chapter says that they’re always poor
CURRENT HOME: the house on the cliff by the sea
PROFESSION: “Housewife” and nurse
HAIR: Varies between dark brown or red in the manga, however I’ll stick to red
EYES: Large red eyes
NOSE:  Button nose
FACE:  Round and pudgy
LIPS:  Soft pink and curl up to resemble a cat’s mouth
COMPLEXION: Pale and marked with lines around her face and mouth that resemble a marionette’s.
Tattoos: None
HEIGHT:  42.48 in | 107.9 cm
WEIGHT:  42 lbs | 19.1 kg
BUILD: Short
FEATURES:  Sweet, doll-like features
USUAL HAIRSTYLE: A bob cut that is chin length, with four red bows decorating it
USUAL CLOTHING: Dark long-sleeved shirt with red suspenders and skirt
FEAR(S): Fear of abandonment, feeling like she’s a burden
ASPIRATION(S) : Helping saving lives with Black Jack
POSITIVE TRAITS: Optimistic, determined, loyal, courageous, kind
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Selfish, vain, naive, possessive, childish
SOUL TYPE(S):  Server
ANIMALS:  If it’s an animal that Pinoko’s associated, I go with cat
VICE  HABIT(S): Drinks, but rarely
AFTERLIFE?: Probably
EDUCATION LEVEL: Primary/Elementary school
SIBLINGS: Saionji Yurie (estranged), the cystoma that wanted to live like Pinoko
NAME MEANING(S): A  shortened version of the name “Pinocchio”
BOOK: Night on the Galactic Railroad
MOVIE: Moscow, my Love
5 SONGS: “UFO” by Pink Lady, “Plastic Love” by Mariya Takeuchi, “Beetle Up” by Hako Yamasaki, “Blue Bed” by Sonia Rosa, and “A Mermaid’s Love” by Tsuzui Mari
HOLIDAY: Valentine’s Day
MONTH:  June
SEASON: Spring
PLACE: The local cafe
WEATHER: Sunny days with clear blue skies
SOUND: Rain falling on the windowpane, white noise of the TV, Doc’s heartbeat when Pinoko’s laying her head on his chest
SCENT(S):  Roses, bread fresh from the oven, fresh laundry, petrichor - the scent after rain
TASTE(S): Curry, chocolate, strawberry
FEEL(S):  Blankets, ribbons, soft plushies
ANIMAL(S): Cats, dogs
COLORS: Pink. blue, yellow, red
TALENTS: Cooking, cleaning, tree climbing, drawing/coloring
BAD AT:  Singing
HOBBIES: Drawing, reading, playing with makeup
TROPES:  Older than they look, Younger than they look, Clingy jealous girl, The cutie, Not growing up sucks, Speech Impediment, Troubling unchildlike behavior
AESTHETIC TAGS:  #sweets #ribbons #nurse #lace
MAIN  FC(S): None
ALT FC(S): None
Q1: if you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?:  I can’t really imagine creating a movie about just my muse (^ ^ ; )
Q2: what would their soundtrack / score sound like?:  1970s - 1980s Jpop, with some bittersweet piano pieces
Q3: why did you start writing this character?: I began writing Pinoko because I thought it’d be interesting to explore more of Pinoko’s character and background.  There’s so much potential for angst! 
Q4: what first attracted you to this character?:  Her personality and origins for sure! Pinoko is both spunky and tries to be a ‘50s housewife, in her own way.  Her backstory is also depressing, especially the limitations Pinoko is burdened with, like not physically growing up, being unable to swim, not being taken seriously as an actual adult, being unable to handle stress or tiredness, etc.
Q5: describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse: I do have a limit with Pinoko’s “tantrums”, but even that can be traced back to the way her body’s constructed.
Q6: what do you have in common with your muse?: I tend to stay indoors a lot, and I don’t have many irl friends
Q8: what characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?: Pretty much with anyone that comes her way, especially with @crimson-lili and @princely-alucard currently.
Q9: what gives you inspiration to write your muse?:   Some of Yuki Kajiura’s songs, the original manga, and some episodes from the 2004 Black Jack anime.
Q10: how long did this take you to complete?:  three days.
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lucykisaragi · 6 years
cards i still need fullbodys of
these are under a readmore! listed by character and card name as stated on the aikatsu wikia’s cardlists! (yes some cards have an * in the title due to the words technicly being slurs, i didn’t name the cards)
sweet chocolate kimono of the spring flowers peach brilliant gothic appeal of a frill dress heart catch little white bird by the waters pisces of mermaid the bear swimming ring ribbon ribbon summer the witch & the magic mirror if its a dress then definitely new swallowtail the witch with a red ribbon speaking of alphine medows waku waku koh-haku white cosmos east and west pink sugary pink fancy gift radiance of the blossom special sweet memories are in the future playful kunai throwing
prism star sweet chocolate kimono of the spring flowers blue light of the sun blue intellectual gothic heading for the party have some black tea exact timer magic of the beautiful snow shutter chance i am that girls number one fan welcome to the house of sweets the rainbow that stiches across the sky cool chemsitry messenger from the future even the warpping needs to be brillant blue santa present of the holy night east and west blue radiance of the comet star of tears futuristic siegfried three twinkle graceful lady looking up at the stars cosmo night
night of ageha blue rose under the moonlight rock style kimono of the spring flowers purple secret message light of the sun purple glossy gothic purple ageha enjoy summer festival romantic elegant its because we are rivals austere as usual math teacher of exact accuracy unforgettable memories purple santa heart of japan purple radiance of the iris five twinkle beautiful figure noble amaranth healing cushion jewlery night leo's shooting stars leo's shooting stars +
rainbow alice orange of happiness sweet chocolate pinky fruits feelings above the clouds fluffy chic together with the dolphins potepo-tan at the summer festival new stylish theif forgetful santa-san happy tree shiny santa snowman heart of japan - pop east and west pop radiance of the canary yellow popping star mascot character pajama tinder night fluffy seal
elegant smile resident of the bird cage tone of black & red kimono of the spring flowers dark blue elegant noble pure white queen colorful cake surprise present gothic santa mint noel heart of japan - dark east and west dark retro gothic suggested gothic two twinkle the lad's dream and mind's darkness charming star
guide of fairytales girl of the spring garden sweet chocolate lime candy polka dot puririn heart of japan - sakura east and west sakura as fate unfolds gorgeous daughter of flowers pillow for cupping the ogiri's master of ceremony the one in bloom is the smiling flower
pop magic magical ribbon charm of the monotone to the colorful pop addicitive cake relaxation delivered cookie stars heart of japan - yamabuki east and west yamabuki my heart is for you surprise chocolate glowing star of the night circus usher enjoy movie midnight tv
la la la porter chance catch union rock ball of memories brave charmont happy top spinning rockish sword dance
colorful title milk clown magical style marching style sweet temptation happy wrapping yummy yummy yu-mmy ghosts are surprising magical present cr-cr-cracker
stone charm bohemian who weaves the wind bohemian earth matte mint green navy indian glittering bijoux
maiden of ribbons airy painter the alps flower flower country the beach & shells flora snow fluttering alice paris daisy
dreaming alice heading towards the future dreams ufo skirt blue candy stripe puririn dignified umbrella spinning leave the program to me
secret queen adult like tulie casual elegant her walking poise is that of a lily the off time spent with everyone heart of japan moon moonlit nights marine blue sparkling glossy bouquet of my blessing six twinkle amethyst goddess sparkling moon printing moon my new goal
happy greet surf girl devil paint honey valentine let's go to the beach sweet scent of the beach coconut scented night in search of wreath materials fluffy penguin poppin penguin
white angely
lively coord
purple elegant shining swallowtail
lets sing a show sweet chocolate five court musicians crimson heart of thrill princess peach heading towards the sky dream skip scarecrows dream pink pop girl sky dress akari sunshine + obento-san of my dreams natural reindeer dreaming red radiance of the cherry four twinkle my favorite plush toy lets make a snowman
blue noblesse sumire colored tale sweet chocolate five court musicians blue mysterious magic user mischievous witch magical painter bell that glows in the night sky quiet sound of the ocean morning glory that blooms in the night dress that delivered the wish purple cat sith sumire gelato+ both scholar & warrior violet santa navy noel the glistening flute radiance of the aquar little devil punkish gothic prince tiny bit of happiness suport for me rockin' gothic special tea
sweet chocolate merry of the three court ladies three court ladies yellow princess yellow king of hearts king of pop negative check pop craftsman precious contents new discovery...? im feeling fantasy devil tulie hinaki twister ai-katsu yo-ru-shi-ku orange santa white fairy surprise is on the bonus add-on lively drum roll warm coord vivid march pretzels of love poppin green seven colored vivid special flavor found only in the night
five court musicians peach ski ski sweet skip lovely magician lovely dress a preemption spring color coord princess cute pastel lion's feelings angely pink girl in my dreams fluffy rabbit with my favorite mug sweet night daylight pastel innocently sweet
dignified of the three court ladies three court ladies blue gentle mad hatter the mad hatter who likes to dance just like the lightning blik's wish blue star dancing on stage special move rice pepper punch princess's bodygaurd stars that spread across the sky my bursting BPM cool jade steam doll
passion of the three court ladies three court ladies scarlet passionate century positive check cant wait for summer the girl of the sun modern monotone goodnight to flamenco jurius caesar salad jurius caesar salad+ hot blooded teacher's yell passion red a passionate winter eight twinkle i love you juri passion rose key to skincare delicioso night passionate idol activities wandering bodygaurd modernly dressed up straight rose
little devil tune of the five court musicians flute five court musicians wisteria playful little devil sexy devil the memories from the potatoes radiance of the raspberry chasing the admiration glamor of the lame ribbon admired stage milky devil
tune of the five court musicians kotsuzumi five court musicians plum little devil naughty little devil cutie devil dont miss out on the potatoes
caramelize a hundred mark smile i love sweets the worlds center winters cheerful dress exciting dolphin clover i finally found retro modern girl first shrine visit here japanese retro flower
freely strechable stylish monster honey honey bee candy girl will give you
nadeshiko mode miya-beam winters glossy dress shining snowy fields
supporting you decided high touch original little devil rockin pumpkin deilviery from the bottom of my heart cutie little devil holy love lives on sleepless nights new year sunrise rockingly vivid
pink step my crowning tv show two bonds marchen santa present thats a cake active girl so many delicious foods
ROLA (laura for those who dont spell her name as rola)
blue step the thing like usual reason for passing lets go shopping confident bat girl the north and southern cross blue roses of courage ice punkish
melon step yellow santa ring throwing that i won't let go of
lavender step china heroine memories of our playtime lets it it! onee-chan winter visits orchid of elegance glossy jasmine g*psy dancer
japan heroine star appears romance christmas feminine style even in winter
checkered activities in the morning
canary santa aiming at
tip toeing a little bit refreshing ori*ntal healing wink ethic ballarina beautiful roth flowers
my suggested tv show chances to shine girly christmas while waiting for santa cosmetic dress fairy awaiting spring
input of knowledge turning point
sweet pirate kiraran sparkling fairy
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alishbakhanus · 3 years
The theme of the company celebration – how to choose?
“The most important thing is the theme of the holiday, the idea,” “However, it is not always easy to come up with a theme.
First of all, it should be borne in mind that the purpose of a company party is not only to relax, but also to get to know each other better, listen and unfold. The so-called “team building” is the essence of a company party. Therefore, it is especially important that all members of the team are present at the party. after completing certain tasks, even the most timid employees will feel like full participants in the celebration, and the preparation for the celebration (costume design or search, etc.) will turn into a festive vortex well before the party.
Of course, an integral attribute of the holiday is humor. A light or stronger spice of humor should dominate every theme.
It is also very important that the topic is chosen according to the company’s activities, people’s specialties – the topic should be unusual, not boring, and something that is unusual for everyone, perhaps exotic or easily shocking.
In addition, the idea for the party can come from unrealized dreams, such as childhood dreams – maybe your boss dreamed of becoming a firefighter as a child? Why not put on a firefighter’s suit, put on a helmet, and put on a fire truck for a boss’s day or a boss’s birthday? Or why not immerse serious gentlemen in a pool of colored balls? After all, it’s so fascinating when people break free, cross everyday boundaries.
It is also important to consider the occasion on which the party is organized. Of course, if it is a celebration of the upcoming St. On the occasion of Christmas and New Year, in addition to traditional attributes such as grandfather, spruce, gifts, fireworks, champagne, is indispensable, and in one way or another the theme must be combined with it. If it is a company party organized on other occasions, the freedom of choice is much wider, it is possible to fantasize, to interpret to infinity. If it is, for example, a trip to nature, the theme should be such that it focuses on active tasks, outdoor games, etc. “
So, we’ve made the task a little easier, and now you can turn your head! Missing thoughts? Here are some topics for a company party:
Cowboy party (country music and dancing, rodeo, whiskey, cigars);
Portuguese party (company themed party restaurant
Medieval knights (demonstration and participants’ own fights with soft tufts, horses, ladies);
Japanese samurai (fighting kendo swords, calligraphy, tea ceremony);
firefighters (fire engines, helmets, staged fire);
travel time machine (going back to the past, moving to the future, searching for missing time);
UFOs (flying saucer, aliens, other planets);
beer festival
alternative sports championship (paintball, electronic basketball, iron curling, quad (motorcycle) racing, cabbage, running with five-seater (?) skis, sumo, pillow fight);
in the footsteps of classical literature
You will reserve a place for a company event on this map. Check prices and availability.
Here are just a few ideas. Maybe you will shoot even cooler and more original?
Food restaurant that you should look for in Portugal. For a small group, this is a great place for a culinary cognitive evening. Separate evenings can be set aside for chorizo ​​sausages. And where else in Lithuania is probably the largest selection of port wines
The whole party – how to implement the theme?
Once a theme is selected, it needs to be properly implemented. And costumes alone are definitely not enough. The most important thing is the whole: clothes, decorations, music, shows, tasks, food, and drinks.
Also, every party needs a climax. Whether it’s a journey time machine or a medieval knight’s fight, there has to be a nail in the subject – something that would surprise everyone. Maybe it’s a landing flying saucer, maybe it’s an enemy attack. The climax, like everything else, depends on imagination and, of course, opportunity.
Of course, one or another attribute is sometimes needed to create a festive mood and complement the theme: fireworks, hot air balloon, trampoline, ball pool, soap bubbles, and so on.
A.Nomeika also mentions a real memory as an integral attribute of a fun holiday – impressive photos that reflect the mood of the party.
And, of course, it is necessary to assess the financial possibilities – the budget for the party.
Everything is ready for a good company event: cozy atmosphere, professional service staff, and delicious food. The musicians respond that the musical equipment is very good here. Just the perfect place to hold a corporate celebration with live music.
Organization of a company celebration
Do you organize a corporate party to take for yourself? Or maybe it is better to turn to professionals? If so, where – how to choose the right organizers?
There is no single answer to these questions. Who you will entrust to organize a company party depends not only on the estimated budget, but also on the expectations, the estimated time for preparation, the necessary equipment and many other things…
Organizing a company party for yourself is cheaper. However, this is a bit risky – even the smallest details can ruin an event that has already taken place. Unprofessionalism sometimes sets foot. In addition, it will cost the organizers of the party a lot of time and nerves. And not to mention responsibility – although it is a celebration of your company, you will not really relax in it. Well, but if you still decide to organize the party yourself, you can at least rely on professionals. Currently, Lithuania offers a very wide range of services – from professional service staff, party ideas and scenarios to equipment rental. And you can rent really original attributes: the largest grill in Lithuania, a snow-drawn submarine, a hot air balloon, a soap bubble machine and many others.
Well, those who have decided to entrust the organization of the company’s party to professionals can be happy – Lithuania can boast of an extremely high level of this service in the global context. Choosing an event organization company can be motivated not only by the need for professionalism, but also by the desire not to repeat, not to be banal. Maybe among your party guests there are those who have already participated in a similar celebration – a good event organization company will never organize the same party a second time, will never follow the templates, will create a celebration specifically for your company. In addition, event organizers are able to interpret and always find a way out in case of one or another unforeseen problems. “But it is also important to keep in mind that every event starts with a dialogue. The client should express his thoughts, ideas, wishes, after listening to which the organizers will find the most appropriate solution. Before the event to discuss all the details, nuances – it is simply necessary. A.Nomeika is convinced that there are such clients who trust everything to the organizers without knowing the details. “We call such an event an event-adventure, but we order it infrequently and only those customers whose trust we have gained over many years of cooperation “.”We call such an event an event-adventure, but it is often ordered and only by those customers whose trust we have gained during the long years of cooperation. “We call such an event an event-adventure, but it is often ordered and only by those customers whose trust we have gained during the long years of cooperation.”
“When choosing an organizer, it is important to pay attention to their experience – to find out how many years the company has been working. It is very cool if the event organizers have their own website, where you can see photos of already organized events, read reviews, see the list of clients. It would also be good to consult with existing customers. Experience is especially important. No matter how ingenious the ideas, the perfect script, the simple details can ruin the event. It is only with time that you learn to pay proper attention to the details that really determine everything. A good event differs from a bad one in the details, and the customer has the right to be a perfectionist, “
Some tips for organizing an event
Although it is possible to organize an event faster, if you want a really good and high-quality, memorable party, it is advisable to contact the event organizers at least 2 months in advance.
It is advisable to organize a company party not on a weekend, but on a working day – this way you will simply have a wider choice of places and entertainment, and in addition, you will save a lot.
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Courtesy: best shadi halls in Lahore
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