#work from home hiring philippines
goteamphilippines · 2 years
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Remote and Work From Home: Customer Service Representative - GoTeam
If you have customer service experience, check this out!
We are looking for a Customer Service Representative who can work with one of our Australian clients and provide customers with a positive, informative, and engaging shopping experience via Zendesk/Podium.
Earn up to 35K monthly and enjoy plenty of perks including HMO coverage starting from day 1!
This is a Remote (Work from Home) set up and will be on the Day Shift.
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xcruitech · 6 months
Find Your Dream Work from Home Job in Philippines 2024 - Xcruit
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Explore your perfect work from home job in the Philippines in 2024 through Xcruit. With a plethora of remote opportunities and seamless navigation, Xcruit simplifies the job search process. Whether you seek flexibility or a new career path, Xcruit helps you discover fulfilling roles that align with your skills and aspirations.
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copperbadge · 8 months
Radio Free Monday
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
Ways to Give:
captain-dh linked to a fundraiser for Avi, the daughter of a close friend who is five years old and was just diagnosed with Granulomatous Mycosis Fungoides, a rare form of lymphoma. It is especially rare in children and incurable; she will need lifelong care. You can read more and support the fundraiser here. (On a personal note this is close to my heart -- I also have mycosis fungoides, though I'm lucky that mine is considered in remission. I can confirm what's in the gofundme regarding treatment for most presentations of the disease.)
potatoshoe linked to deliriumcrow and cipheramnesia, who lost their house in a fire and were then scammed by the contractor they hired, resulting in further damage to their house. They are raising money to pay for repairs from both the fire and the contractor; you can read more and support the fundraiser here.
Eli is a disabled Michigander who cares for their elderly grandmother; they are applying for SSDI, but their car was damaged recently and is undrivable, with an $800 charge just for a diagnostic. They are living paycheck to paycheck and can't afford repairs; they're raising funds to cover the diagnostic and tow, and eventually the full repair. You can read more and reblog here or give at the gofundme here.
idiomagic's husband's company just went under with no warning, leaving them with no income and no severance pay; she is disabled but has not been able to qualify for assistance, and they are looking at bills arriving before unemployment does. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
poignardrose is a college student from the Philippines, studying away from her family, and her parents are unexpexctedly unable to support her education; she is in mounting debt and facing eviction from her dorm in her last semester of college. She's raising funds to repair her laptop so she can do her schoolwork and find a remote job that will help her pay rent, and to fund the remainder of her schooling. You can read more, reblog, and support the fundraiser here.
highlander_ii is moving cross country next month, and needs help covering that in order not to wipe out her savings completely; she's raising about $1K for costs, and you can read more and find giving information here or give directly via paypal.
queerdo-mcjewface is raising funds for incarcerated penpal Shine White, who has been moved out of solitary but needs hygiene products and is trying to acquire new books for ongoing learning; you can read more, reblog, and find giving information here or purchase books from his wishlist here.
Buy Stuff, Help Out:
Anon linked to thelittlestpersimmon/Caleb, an artist who is offering commissions in return for $80+ donations to Palestinian causes. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
Anon linked to mxwhore, who is splitting their Patreon commissions between Care for Gaza and Techo Chile, to help the ongoing crisis in Chile. You can read more and reblog here or (please note, the following link has an 18+ banner on it; minors should not click) support the patreon here
Recurring Needs:
Anon linked to a fundraiser for a friend whose family has not had a working furnace since November; they've been using space heaters to keep warm but January in Chicago has been brutal and the space heaters aren't sufficient. With vulnerable family members including elderly relatives and children in the home, they need to raise $6K to get the furnace replaced. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
Anon linked to karla-hoshi or Hoshi on TikTok, who is raising funds for cancer treatment for her cat Naku; they caught the cancer early and hope that he can survive it. You can read more and support the fundraiser here, as well as find links to her updates on tiktok.
chingaderita's partner's family house recently caught fire and completely burned, killing his grandmother and causing extensive property loss; he has also recently lost his job due to the fire, and a number of family members have since become ill. They're raising funds to keep food on the table, to try and get a supply of water to keep clean and do laundry, and for various bills. You can read more, reblog, and support the fundraiser here.
forlorn-kumquat is raising funds to get seating and storage for their third-grade classroom, to help their students learn comfortably. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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cinnamonrollsledge · 3 months
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HBO WAR SUMMER EXCHANGE 2024 for @lovememadly92
George Luz x OC, Post-War
George Luz is finally back in America, and facing the new challenges of returning to a “normal” civilian life. He feels listless, suffering from intrusive memories and nightmares, and even as he spends his days surrounded by family and coworkers, he misses the structure and companionship of his friends from Easy. Then one day, he crosses paths with María Gonzáles, a sister of an old friend of his from the same working-class neighborhood. María has been struggling to adjust to post-war life, too. She married in 1941, and her husband shipped out to the Philippines not long afterward. She made the most of the unprecedented opportunities for women in the workplace during the war, enjoying the freedom and empowerment, and earning good pay to support her family. But then, tragically, her husband was killed in 1944 in the Battle of Leyte. Then less than a year later, one of her brothers was killed in the Battle for Iwo Jima. Once the war ended and men returned to their old jobs, she was let go from her position she’d enjoyed for the last 3 years. 
When María mentions that she is looking for a job, George offers to put in a good word for her at the company that's hiring next door to his work. They’re only willing to give her a “women’s job,” despite her experience making her more qualified than plenty of the men they employ, but she accepts the offer. There are challenges adjusting to the new work, but she learns quickly, and is determined to prove her ability and worth. She also has to try her best to get along with new coworkers- many of whom don’t think she belongs there due to her gender, race, or both.
Given the proximity of their work and homes, George and María also often cross paths before or after work, or during their breaks, and they exchange friendly greetings. As a result, some of the witnesses of these exchanges often tease or ask George about her. But every time, he flatly insists that absolutely nothing was, nor would ever happen between the two of them. (After all, she is still mourning her husband, and he believes her to be far out of his league, anyways.) Meanwhile, George rekindles his old friendship with María’s brother, who is also coping with his experiences overseas fighting in Europe, and he becomes a regular welcomed guest in their family’s home. 
Once the days start becoming shorter, George slips into the routine of accompanying María on their commute between work and home. As a result, the two of them spend more time talking and getting to know one another better. His humor and energy help lift her up, and her compassion and empathy help bring down his walls, and they realize they’re able to speak freely to each other about their experiences, hopes, and struggles. 
All of a sudden, their attraction has blossomed into genuine feelings of love. But María is torn between her desire to honor her late husband’s memory, and her feelings for George. Meanwhile, he is scared to speak up or make a move, and risk making things uncomfortable, or ruining their friendship. Can they be able to resist the gravitational pull they feel toward one another? Will they be able to work through their fears and well-deserved find happiness with each other?
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dozing-marshmallow · 10 months
I looooooooove the chris x wife! reader fic that you wrote!! It got me kicking my feet and blushing 😊 By any chance, could you write a chris x wife! reader going on their honeymoon?
Awww this is such a cute idea, thank you so much, I’m so happy to hear that you loved the last one! ⋆˙⟡♡  I had to get something out on the man’s birthday as soon as I could and this request was the one I was fixated on finishing the most, so do enjoy reading and McLean’s bday ~💗!
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Most newly wed couples go to just one location for their honeymoon.
Yet it was very poor of you to think that standard would apply to Chris.
You didn’t realise until he informed you that you were gonna go to two countries per continent(apart from Antartica, cuz what the hell): Barbados and Costa Rica for North America, Brazil and Colombia for South America, France and Italy for Europe, Thailand and (The) Philippines for Asia, Morocco and Tunisia for Africa, French Polynesia and Australia for Oceania.
The only reason why Chris cut it to two instead of four was because he suspected you would get sick of travelling, and didn’t want you to be complaining on holiday.
“Chriiis, we don’t need to, you know!” you’re verbal about your humble take on the honeymoon as Chris made his long list based on the notes he wrote from his and your opinions,“This is all so costly! We could really go to two continents instead!”
“Huh?” he looks at you, confusion scratching into the space between his eyebrows,“(Y/N), this is literally nothing. You seriously wanna spend our whole two months of celebrating marriage in one place like working class people?”
Harsh, but it’s fine because it’s Chris.
Before you left, he took you on a massive shopping spree where it had not even been the beginning of him pampering you with all the jewellery, the swimsuits and the candies.
This guy doesn’t need to book reservations: the best hotels, air BNBs, holiday homes, you name the one you want to stay at the country and baam. Availability opens a door and charm hands over the keys.
He also hired a chaperone for each country, but most of the time, only for the arrival and departure; he wanted more alone time with you.
At this rate, you wondered if he needed to pay to enter the countries asides from paying the fuel and landing runway.
That’s right. You were getting there by his jet -he ended up upgrading- to each location.
Since it wasn’t meant to carry fifteen contestants this time, Chris abolished the loser and first class section in the new version of his plane to be furnished completely into his headquarters.
During each jet ride, you and Chris would review helpful phrases and attractions that would enhance the experience.
“So in France, we will have to remember to say “bonsoir” from 6 PM onwards.” you reiterate.
“That’s doable.” Chris comments, leaning back in his chair.
“And they don’t like smiling a lot.” you add, doing it yourself.
His relaxation ended,“Bummer. D’you think they can make an exception for me? My resting face is a smile.”
They did- in every place.
The honeymoon was an epoch for Chris to meet his fans from all over the world. If you had a dollar for every autograph he signed the entire getaway, you would have enough money to have your own jet.
Weirdly enough, Chris lost genuine pleasure to greet his global admirers and increasingly rushed the interactions.
“It’s okay to be more attentive to your fans, Chris.” you insist, with your head on his bare body, laying around somewhere on the warm Tunisian beach.
“Nah.” he differs with his hand scrubbing sand on your back,“I came on holiday with you, not them. I couldn’t leave you by yourself.”
Aw. You love your husband,“You’re right. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”
He bought you anything that caught your eye. Clothes, hats, rings, ice cream, souvenirs.
Chris had also bought five cameras. He wasn’t letting a single moment of a scenery or pose go to waste.
Be prepared for the day when he eventually gets them all printed out and stuck in fresh albums and wants to reminisce with you.
He took you to the best restaurants, never settling for one less than five stars (maybe four if you persuaded him enough).
“To another exceptional night of our honeymoon!” he raises his glass of happiness.
You copy, both clinking and declaring cheers.
Going back to your accommodation, Chris would have you carried until the first descent onto the fine duvets.
Let’s just say that, by the time you do get back to Canada, both husband and wife’s necks have never been more wine red.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
In 1913, a year before the Panama Canal was completed, the journalist Frederic J. Haskin wrote that “the conquest of the Isthmian barrier was the conquest of the mosquito.” This was a period when America [had] [...] by 1902 taken control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam. [...] The connection between mosquito control and the United States’ imperial conquest can be seen in the work of William C. Gorgas, the Alabama-born Army surgeon who led efforts to eradicate yellow fever and malaria -- both mosquito-borne diseases -- during the first US occupation of Cuba (1898–1902) and was subsequently appointed Chief Sanitary Officer of in Panama. [...] Gorgas claimed that he had “made sanitary discoveries that will enable man to return [...] and again live and develop in his natural home, the tropics.” [...] In particular, the dwellings erected for the Isthmian Canal Commission (ICC) conjoined the management of mosquitos with manipulating the interactions between people of different races and social classes. [...]
Gorgas arrived in Panama in 1904 [...]. Gorgas and others saw sanitation work as indistinguishable from the military occupation in Cuba and the success of the canal construction in Panama. [...] Spraying was largely carried out by mosquito brigades, which checked households for compliance [...]. But [...] these brigades also policed the activity of local residents. [...]
There was much debate not only about who to enlist to build the canal, but also how to prevent organized resistance and revolt among them. 
As one official testified to the US congress in 1906, “there must be on the Isthmus a surplusage of labor. Otherwise, we will have interminable strikes.” [...] 
Furthermore, rather than one vulnerable workforce, Chief Engineer John Stevens believed that having several different nationalities and ethnicities would be easier to divide and create competition, compelling them to work harder.
In order to do this, the ICC created a segregated, dual payment system: the gold and silver rolls. [...] [W]hite workers from the US were mostly hired for skilled positions and received payment in gold. These “gold-roll” employees could spend leisure time in segregated clubs [...]. West Indians and Black workers from the United States were mostly assigned to the silver roll. [...]
[T]he gold- and silver-roll system constituted an apartheid society, a perverse reincarnation of the contemporary Jim Crow system that was in full effect at the time in the United States. [...]
Although the ICC offered free housing to all its gold-roll employees, silver-roll employees paid rent. [...] As late as 1910, Galician workers on the silver roll were still living in boxcars ventilated only by a few small punched openings. [...] When West Indians requested basic amenities like blankets and shelter to keep their clothes from being soaked in the rain, the US government responded that they didn’t even need sheds. [...] For white workers [...] Type 13 [housing types] not only features a wraparound screened porch as a circulation space, but also a prominent band of empty space surrounding the enclosed bedrooms [...].
The distinctions associated with the categorical, systematic definition of different domestic architecture for different classes of people follows a history of typology in architecture and criminology that was closely associated with scientific racism, social Darwinism [...]. 
George W. Goethals, who took over as Chief Engineer of the project from Stevens in 1907, responded to requests for mosquito nets and screens for West Indians by repeating a common and racist misunderstanding: “It is generally admitted … [t]hat the colored people are immune.” Yet in 1912, “as many as two-thirds of all West Indians reported sick or required medical attention … [m]ost of them catching malaria several times [...].”
Structured by prejudice, anti-mosquito architecture allowed malaria to continue spreading while reinforcing racial hierarchies. [...] US imperial concepts about the tropics as a place [...] “[...] divided the civilized, temperate North from the heat, humidity and backwardness of the tropics.” [...] While managing the laborers through their relationship to insects -- and each other -- this low-cost architecture was crucial in the broader effort to turn the Isthmus into an imperial outpost and render the landscape tropical.
All text above by: Dante Furioso. “Sanitary Imperialism”. e-flux (Sick Architecture series). May 2022. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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lindira · 1 month
I'm going through A Thing right now, and while I feel I'm mentally better off for it, my financial anxiety is through the roof right now.
My sister-in-law was my boss. It worked great for a while (over 2 years) because even though she's an incredibly difficult person and paid me less than I'm worth ($16 an hour, part time), I could work from home and determine my own schedule, which was great for someone like me, who 1) has tons of medical appointments I have to go to on a regular basis, and 2) has kids and can't rely on anyone else to pick them up from school. I could also work around school events, which was also amazing because I want to be present for the things my kids feel are important. Also, she's in California and I'm in Texas, so I didn't have to deal with her very often.
Anyway, SIL found a service where she could hire people from the Philippines for $9.50 an hour. At the same time, she took on patients from another practice that was closing, so she had 2-3 times as many appointments each day. Meaning I started working more hours. At around that time, she asked me to transition from entering her charts to taking phone calls. But it was summer break, my kids were home, and my youngest is loud and demanding. I told her I couldn't because it wouldn't be professional to have my kid yelling for me through the door while talking to her patients. Moreover, at least half of her patients are Spanish-speaking, and I haven't used Spanish at all in the 24 years since I graduated high school. Instead of finding those points reasonable, she kept badgering and badgering me, even trying to go around my "no" by having my brother (her husband) ask my mom to ask me. I still said no.
Summer was ending and she asked when I could start on phones again. I gave her a date that was a week after the kids returned to school, and she agreed. But then she said weird things like, "only work the hours you would be working on the phone" and started training one of the people she found in the Philippines in some of the tasks that I did.
Last Monday, she demanded I start on phones that Wednesday, a whole week and a half earlier than we agreed upon. It was also the last week of summer vacation and there were a ton of things I had to do for the kids. I planned on working around the events I had to attend, but I couldn't start something new and with a specific schedule. I told her I could start on Monday (today) at the earliest, but she came back saying that I should enjoy my days off for the rest of the week until I could start on phones on Monday. She accused me of making her staff and patients "suffer" with my unreasonable availability.
I was livid. She was retaliating by taking away my hours for most of the week. She sure as fuck wasn't paying me for my time off. And my husband and I had suspected that she was giving my duties to the person in the Philippines, but I realized she wanted to limit my hours too by demanding I only work during the few hours I told her I could commit to working the phones. Basically, I started working 25-30 hours a week instead of 12-15 hours, so my SIL gave my job to someone she could pay less than California's minimum wage.
After a full day of being intensely angry, I confronted her about all of it: the badgering, the disrespect of going through my mom to get to me, springing new duties on me a day and a half before she wanted me to start and well before the agreed upon date I was to start, giving away my job so she could pay someone $6.50 less an hour, limiting my hours, and most of all for hurting me and my family by taking away almost a whole week's worth of wages because I wouldn't do what she wanted. If she wanted to hire someone else and didn't want to keep me on, she should have just told me so. At least then I could make an informed decision about what to do next.
She replied by trying to excuse her behavior as just "running her business" and that I was a burden and ruining her business. She said I was costing her $6760 over the course of the year. She didn't say, but I figured out where that very precise number. It was my wages if I worked 20 hours minus the wages of the person in the Philippines if they also worked 20 hours. I wasn't costing her anything. She wanted to save herself that much money, so she sabotaged my job. She only kept me on to stroke her own damn ego and feel like she was "saving" my family from destitution.
So I quit. Who needs enemies when I have "family" whose "help" is toxic and self-serving? I did really good work for her for over 2 years, and this is how she's going to treat me? Fuck that money-hungry bitch and her cheapskate, unethical bullshit. Fuck her for trying to control me by hurting my family in retaliation. She has alienated literally every one of our extended family, and now she's moved on to immediate family. I tried to tolerate her for my brother's sake. Fuck that now. I don't want to see her ever again.
I expected this from her. I'm angry, but it doesn't hurt so bad to cut her out of my life. I feel relieved, actually. But what really hurts is that my brother must have known what was happening and he didn't fight for me. I don't expect him to choose me over his wife, but he could have told me what she was doing. He could have told her it was shitty for her to give my job away to save what is - to them - pocket change. He didn't. We were "almost twins". He credited me for raising him. But he always chooses her over everything and everyone else. I'm not sure I blame him exactly, but I might never trust him again. And I certainly won't be seeing very much of him if she'll be around.
So now I'm scrambling to find a new job. I lost some dead weight, and I'm truly better off without her in my life. But I've been dealing with this for the past week and I'm still so angry. I'm a little angry at myself too. When I took this job, I knew it probably wouldn't end well working for her because of how much of a bitch she is. But it worked for 2 and a half years. It could've worked for longer. But she didn't value me, as an employee or even as a person.
If you've reached this far, thank you for "listening" to my rant. I find writing out my anger helps as much as yelling it. I'm hopeful that I'll find a new job soon, but if you spot a decent remote office work job an over-educated struggling writer could do, please keep me in mind.
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jllucas25 · 4 months
From Cubicles to Couches: Embracing the Virtual Work Lifestyle
In the wake of technological advancements and the ever-evolving nature of work, the traditional office setup is undergoing a profound transformation. The rise of virtual work has challenged the conventional notions of where and how work gets done. With the click of a button, individuals can now transform their living rooms into bustling boardrooms, trading cubicles for couches, and embracing a lifestyle that offers newfound flexibility and autonomy.
One platform that exemplifies this shift is onlinejobs.ph, a leading marketplace connecting employers with talented remote professionals in the Philippines. As businesses increasingly recognize the benefits of virtual work, platforms like onlinejobs.ph are revolutionizing the way companies hire and manage their remote teams.
Gone are the days of commuting through rush-hour traffic or adhering to strict office hours. Virtual work offers the freedom to design your own schedule, allowing individuals to prioritize their work around personal commitments and achieve a better work-life balance. Whether you're a digital nomad exploring exotic destinations or a parent juggling childcare responsibilities, the virtual work lifestyle empowers you to take control of your time and productivity.
Moreover, virtual work transcends geographical boundaries, opening up a world of opportunities for both employers and employees. Businesses can tap into a global talent pool, accessing skilled professionals from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Meanwhile, remote workers can secure fulfilling employment opportunities without being limited by their location. This borderless approach to work fosters creativity, innovation, and collaboration on a global scale.
However, embracing the virtual work lifestyle also comes with its own set of challenges. Effective communication and collaboration become paramount in a distributed team environment. Building trust and camaraderie among remote colleagues requires intentional effort and the use of digital tools and platforms designed for seamless collaboration.
Furthermore, maintaining work-life balance can prove challenging when your home becomes your office. It's essential to establish boundaries and carve out dedicated workspace to create a physical separation between work and leisure activities.
Despite these challenges, the benefits of embracing the virtual work lifestyle far outweigh the drawbacks. As technology continues to advance and remote work becomes increasingly mainstream, the cubicle culture of yesteryear is gradually fading into obscurity. Instead, individuals are embracing the freedom, flexibility, and opportunity that virtual work affords, turning their couches into command centers and redefining the future of work in the process.
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Brimley Necrosafari to Close After 55 Years in Business Citing Budget, Safety Concerns
Brimley California – July 22, 2023.  The beloved and sometimes controversial Brimley Necrosafari is set to close this September due to difficulties maintaining the park and the creatures, according to long-time Necrodirector Peter Bhurghg. “We tried everything we could, but the pandemic regulations wiped us out. ‘Oh you’re spreading plague,’ they said. Ridiculous. Unless you’re talking about the Plague Draken, which does bring every disease.”
Although the Necrosafari is mainly held outdoors, patrons would sleep in enclosed luxury tents and spend evenings enjoying a formal dinner and sharing stories of the hunt over cigars and Tombwine. Some say Necrodirector Peter Bhurghg’s refusal to alter the model led to difficulties. “He’s an old school guy, in the sense that he has existed since the 1300s,” said one mysterious floating oracular head, who wished to remain anonymous. “We talked about maybe sharing stories through Zoom instead, or doing the formal dinners outdoors, but he just wasn’t having it.”
Amid repeated refusals to follow Covid 19 regulations, the Brimley Necrosafari found itself with legal bills piling up and fewer state and federal grants than normal. “They had money for ‘public health’ but they don’t have money for Luxury deathabomination trophy hunting? What is happening to America? What is happening to the American Nightmare?” Howled Bhurghg.
“Dream,” he added. “I meant American Dream.”
But budget considerations were only part of the puzzle, according to the Extremely Reasonably Concerned Parents Association. “We’ve had sixteen people die on the Necrosafari in the last month, three of them children,” said Ruth Baker, local parent. “Beheaded by the Scythe Thing, eaten by Skull Mantises, gored by the NECROBOAR. It’s absurdly dangerous. They don’t even have path markers, and you have to get your own silver, large-bore ammunition, which leaves people vulnerable to fakes.”
Indeed, infamous local entrepreneur Walborg Shrupe was forced to pay a fine of 15,000 dollars after a protracted and contentious trial last year after it was revealed his bullets were not pure silver, but merely brass with a silver-colored spray paint. “Caveat emptor,” he famously said, before paying his fine in pennies and disappearing to the Philippines in a solid gold helicopter.
“The whole community still bears scars from that trial,” said district attorney Kate Vance. “When will the Scar Curse end?”
“Yes, we’ve had a few deaths,” Peter Bhurghg admitted. “But they were all the results of patrons failing to follow sensible precautions.” He then tore his face-meat asunder, revealing his true undead form and shot scarlet lightning bolts from his fingertips.
“If you can’t hire a haruspex to tell your omens before the hunt – stay home!” He went on to say. “It’s simple!”
Some Brimley residents expressed regret over the decision. “I think it’s sad,” remarked mayor Janet Vimmmmm. “I used to go to the Necrosafari when I was a child. I bagged my first wraith when I was seven. Shame about Great-Uncle Walter though.”
Others have voiced displeasure that the already difficult local job market may soon be flooded with former park employees. “Can you imagine the Scythe Thing working as a cashier at Bath and Body Works?” said Lila Cohen, local ne’er do well. “I can. I have nightmares about it.”
In the meantime, the Black Cloth Society has announced a blood drive to save the park. “We will be collecting blood,” said Society President Balrock Rune. “Keep your doors unlocked.”
“It’s the end of an era,” said a relieved Ruth Baker. “A dark era, full of terrors.”
The Brimley Necrosafari will close on September 30, 2023. In the meantime, they have announced that spots are still available at a discount for their May Hunt. As ever, patrons are required to bring their own large caliber weapons, silver bullets, rune charms, and napalm-salt explosives. Tickets are “first come, first serve.” Discounts are available for children and seniors. For more information, call 1-800 DEAD ONES or follow the Brimley Necrosafari account on Twitter at [email protected].
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goteamphilippines · 2 years
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Work From Home / Remote Job Hiring: Executive Assistant - GoTeam in Cebu, Philippines
We are looking for a passionate Executive Assistant who can keep the director organized and assist with any tasks required to allow smooth workflow.
Earn up to 30K monthly while working from home during the day shift ! And enjoy family-friendly benefits including HMO coverage starting from day 1.
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Ask: 2p Asia with maid SO
I'm sorry it took so long! This one took a bit since I was realized that I hadn’t created everyone in the 2p Asia group. Which is a lot bigger group than I thought. Thanks, Hetalia Wiki for showing me reality.
So I’ll come back to include the last ones when I get character sheets for Osaka, Persia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, but until that day comes, here it is for these few.
China: For him to discover his Qin to be a maid will only increase his flirtatious teasing. Depending on whether you are forced into a French maid outfit or just wearing your casual clothes, you can expect a tug on the hem as he innocently asks you to clean him up.
Cyprus: Georgios will harshly question why you never revealed this secret to him. For a while, the dip in the trust will have him be annoying, in that he is hiding your uniform and supplies. Even your car keys just to get back at you for your secret.
Though, if you told him beforehand then like Jin, he’s gonna tease you when you first arrive home, before holding you and asking about the jerks that stared at you while you cleaned.
Hong Kong: When he saw you coming home from work with your mom, he was confused. Asking you what you are doing with her. The situation was explained while putting away all the cleaning supplies. And he thought it was cool that even at the tender age of 15 that you were already working so hard.
India: Yatin would be confused and his pride a little wounded on how he didn’t see the signs that you were cleaning houses. The calloused fingertips from using harsh chemicals, the subtle smell of bleach on your skin, and even the speckles of dust on your clothes never ceased to make him sneeze.
Though he would bounce back calmly and ask if there was anything he could do to help. After all, a man of pride refuses to let his darling stoop so low.
Japan: Kurai understands that to survive in this world one must work. He also doesn’t care that you do it as long as no one flirts with you or that you are wearing casual clothes, not a French uniform. If it’s the French, then he’ll help you find a new job. Though he wouldn’t mind if you had one just for him.
Korea: Do-yun’s going to be curious about you cleaning houses. He’ll ask if there is a set routine you follow or if would it be all in the air until it's time to find a house. Though as you explain the pros and cons of working young and in a stranger’s home, he is gonna get a little grumpy. Asking why they would hire someone to clean when they don’t trust them or not supply products they like when they hate the ones used.
Macau: Cheung’s first bet once he finds out about your career choice is to get photos of you in your uniform or to get you into a French maid uniform. As you already guessed, he cheated, so one way or another he’s taking photos of you in that outfit. He’ll probably brag that you dress up for him often to other nations when in reality you just wear jeans and an old tee to move sweet old lady’s many fake Christmas trees while cleaning their house.
Niko-Niko: Sana understands, after all, he did the same himself after losing his nationhood. It only deepens that love that you guys hold. He does ask you from time to time about new cleaning supplies that you guys should use on your house. After all you’re the expert.
Russia: Viktor is going to want you to quit. As the man of this relationship, he is going to want to take care of all your needs, including finances. If you beg and say that without a job you’ll go crazy then he’ll ask to be placed on your roster, once a week for a deep clean of his entire house.  
Taiwan: Ming-hui will nod her head and compliment your ability to work under such cruel conditions. She knows that people can be odd or harsh when strangers first enter another’s space, after all, that is how she gets her work done.
Thailand: Pai’s first question is asking if your services extend to cleaning the barnacles on boats because it would be hot to see you cleaning his boat in a swimsuit. Other than that he’s going to be pushy about the secrets you’ve found or ask you to steal something cool.
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mahikamihan · 2 years
Alamat "ILY ILY" is beautiful
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hi, I'm just gonna write something quick to process my thoughts and analysis bc this MV and the song is so good and dense with message.
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For some vague contexts, OFWs or overseas filipino workers, are often heralded as “Bagong Bayani” (trans. the new heroes)  as they bring in millions of pesos every year to help with expenses and living costs back home. As of Nov 8 2022, $1 (US dollar) = roughly Php 58 (Philippine peso). I’m not sure how it’s changed over the years, but in 2010-14, at least for me, Php 50 can buy you an entire lunch meal in school.
ILY ILY is a multi-genre song by Alamat with the melody originally from a Hiligaynon folk lullaby "Ili Ili tulog Anay". I believe the song itself talks a lot about the sacrifices OFW parents make for the financial security and comfort of their children back in the motherland (Philippines). And the subsequent emotional consequences and psychological effects these have on the family. The irony of ILY ILY also doubles as "i love you, i love you" is not lost on me.
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Starting off strong! "Ano ba?? Ganyan ka na lang pala!" -very common scolding terms, especially from a older guardian or parental figures.
"Hindi ka ba nag-iisip na may naghihirap doon..." - kind of guilt-tripping the child for crying, being angry, or generally just not feeling happy by bringing up their working parents (likely OFWs) and their sacrifices; generally an unhealthy way of soothing someone's frustrations over neglect or dissatisfaction.
I love how money comes out of the cake. Usually another way to soothe their children, is by bringing in more money, for more comfort. But that doesn't phase Lyca (the female singer).
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presents for the children... again, to make up for not being their for their birthday or whatever missed celebrations (especially during formative years of their childhood)
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I'm trying to figure out which specific Filipino festival this is refering to. I know a few filo street festivals that reenact the Passion of Christ (ex. Sinulog, Moriones, Salibatbat, etc.) which sometimes includes self-whipping, which the crown, candles, and ropes here are symbolizing.
The lyrics are so on point,
Gabi-gabi at umaga (every night, and every day) Pangungulila ang dama (feeling bereaved, "ulila"="orphan", which is on theme) Hihintayin ang araw na (waiting for the day) Tayo'y magsasama-sama ([where] we all get together)
This is supposed to remind you of the sacrifices people make for love.
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^^^Can someone tell me what these are referencing? I feel like this is supposed to be something from a filipino film or something similar, but I'm blanking on where it might be.
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I love the direct parallel of the filipino kid having a yaya (maid/ domestic helper) back home while the parent is the housekeeper in a different country. Just *chefs kiss* GENIUS!!🤌🤌
the lyrics shows how much the child/children cares about their parents. in the midst of happiness and abundance around Lyca, she can't help but miss her mom and dad.
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Island Maid - from a quick online search, it's a domestic helper agency in Singapore. Upon looking into their website, they hire Filipino workers trained under Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). Beside R-Ji is a balikbayan box, large cardbord boxes used to deliver souvenirs, gifts, clothes, furniture, and other things back to the country.
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The lyrics now talk about how the child (R-Ji) aspires one day to be the one to work so they can bring their parents back home. (And, in a way, isn't that a tragic cycle of poverty and capitalism? Parents have to work away to bring money and food home, and the child has to work in order to bring their parents back home.)
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Very powerful imagery. The waste, the anger, the sadness, the loneliness, while surrounded by presents, money, comfort.
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Sacrifices, all in the name of family and love.
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I love this part. From what I've gathered, in here, Taneo talks (in Ilokano) to the tone of an eldest sibling, about how he's going to take care [of you] for now. The lyrics shift the emotional burden of parenting to a fellow child, with the parents abroad and likely, unavailable. He throws paper airplanes made of paper money out the window while an airplane (parents?) flies in the back. Lost childhood maybe?
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Another strong imagery. Money in a kaldero (used to cook food, usually rice, stew, and other filipino cuisine) while everyone is situated in a Boodle Fight (eating tradition where food is served on top of banana leaves).
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"they've been gone too long so I'll be your Dad and Mom for now", again referencing about the physical and emotional unavailability of parents that older siblings or family members have to take on to fill that gap.
"'Nang, 'tang, muli na kayu" (Mom, dad, please go home)
At the emotional crux of the song, the lines said over the "telephone" sound is so poignant. They need their parents to go home. But instead...
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...All they got were more Balikbayan boxes.
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...and all they can do is fight over who gets them. Empty boxes. empty gifts of love. God, I love this song. Stream ILY ILY.
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tabby-shieldmaiden · 1 year
To set the record straight, I think one of the main issues I take with my family is still their willingness to participate in hiring domestic helpers here. Like, to be really frank, it is a thing here, as well as in a lot of parts of Asia: hiring women from nations like Indonesia and the Philippines and Myanmar and India to be live-in domestic workers. Within those nations, it tends to be the upper middle to middle class hiring people too. If you watch Domics, you may remember that he briefly talks about it in a Filipino context in his video on his trip to the Philippines to visit family.
It’s one of those that I have a difficult time accepting as I grow into finding myself as a person who wishes to partake in feminist movement, a person who wishes to engage in proper leftism, and just... generally someone who does like being independent. Currently I’m just figuring out what the right courses of action are. I mark out some chores that are mine alone to do (some tasks related to pet care, changing my bed sheets, washing my own plates). But that’s not like, materially useful for the thing. I try to read theory and I should try to keep up with TWC2 and HOME. But aside from that, I’m not sure what I can do about it. Other than move out, and that’s not really feasible for me for multiple reasons.
And I think one of the difficult things is that, it’s hard to talk about it with other people here because it is so normalised here. Like, it’s not at all a normal thing to just have a live-in domestic worker in a lot of places where all my internet friends come from, but it is normalised here. Which means that a lot of people here don’t really think too hard about it? And frankly, I understand that it’s going to take a lot of work to completely dismantle this system. But like, I don’t really know how I can meaningfully do my part against it, you know?
TWC2 and HOME and AWARE support the idea of easing out the live-in aspect as default as an incremental change of some sort. Increasing live-out options. And that’s a start. It’ll make bartering for reasonable working hours and having space away from one’s employers easier, at least. That’s good! And it’ll be especially good if a woman who comes here to work as a domestic worker knows how to find support in the case of things like her employers withholding her pay, or of employers getting physically violent with her. Living away as a default means that she will have more of a chance to seek out help, in the case of these things happening.
I guess this has been on my mind lately because there had been yet another case of violence against domestic workers in the news. I know that has to stop. My parents don’t withhold pay or get physically violent, but they are still participating in the system through hiring live-in domestic work. And it’s like. I don’t know man. I would rather not partake in the system while I know it’s so injust, but what can I really do about it? Besides be friendly and nice and chip in when I can.
I guess the other worry I have is because I know that my parents are busy and are getting older. And my brother does have higher support needs than I do. I think... I need to want to be willing to take on more housework in a hypothetical situation where it’s just us. But I worry you know? Can I do it? How can I do it? What if my executive function issues flare up and I really can’t do it? And I know that that would mean I may have to give up on things like writing. I hate how selfish this makes me sound, but because writing has been something really good for my mental health, I worry what I would be if it has to be taken out of my life.
But it will have to leave my life if it means doing the right thing, wouldn’t it? That’s the thing. If it has to go in that hypothetical situation, it has to go. And frankly, the other big worry of whether or not I will have to participate in local activism less should also be of concern.
I don’t know why I’m telling all of you this. Maybe to be honest with people online about where I am exactly as a person. Just so you know exactly what I am.
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macflorendo · 1 year
THANK YOU to life!
This is my Eulogy.
First. I would like to thank Life and God for giving me the opportunity to live and experience a taste of this world.
TO MY FAMILY. Thank you for raising me well. I am not me without any single of you. I may not express as much as needed but I want you to know that I LOVE YOU. See you soon!
I may not be the best son, not the best brother. I don’t wish to be one but I would like to believe that we are destined to be the way we are. Well, that’s where I learn from my lessons from anyway - all my mistakes.
TO THE ENVIRONMENT. I am so proud to have joined Cuernos de Negros Mountaineers Club, Inc. of Silliman University for teaching me how to love the environment. Because of that, I was able to travel to 5 countries (USA, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand) for FREE to attend different environmental programs and its alumni engagements.
Aside from being able to see different parts of the world. I am fortunate to learn that there is a problem that we need to do something about. Our children’s lives are at stake.
MUSIC, MAGIC, & MOVING PICTURES. MY PASSIONS. I cannot thank you enough. We have been through the happiest and most difficult times of my life. When there’s no one else to talk to and hang out with, you were there.
You even got me jobs!
SOUTH KOREA. You are my second home country. You made me realize that I am part of the world, a global citizen. There is the potential of anyone to make a difference even to another individual in the world. Thank you Silliman University and Hannam University for this opportunity!
I am happy I am able to learn Korean so I could understand you. Now, I am giving back by learning your language too. South Korea is beautiful. I know most of you are tired of the pressure in your country. But please, never forget your passions and purpose. There’s more to the world than getting a “good” job and lots of money.
2011 - Moved to Dumaguete to study in Silliman University, Dumaguete City. I lived in Vernon Hall inside the campus, lived in an apartment for summer class, and then lived with mom and sister until I graduated.
2013 - I was exchange student to Hannam University in Daejeon, South Korea. That was my first time abroad. I took up Korean Language classes, Faith and Film, and Advance VIdeo Production Class. I taught English to students during my free time and that’s where I got my allowance.
2015 - I became an academic fellow on Environmental Issues under Young Southeasts Leaders Initiative. We went to Hawaii, Colorado, and Washington DC.
- I founded Food Rescue Philippines (formerly Food Rescue ASEAN)
2016 - I graduated Cum Laude from Silliman University.
March 2020. There’s an ongoing virus called COVID-19 infecting people around the world. Who knows what will happen next? We will not be always safe. I live in a dorm, I live with other people. They may be carrying the disease. I hope not. I have one roommate who still goes to work at this time. I hope he won’t bring the disease in the dorm. There’s currently 187 infected patients in the Philippines and recovery rate has not moved at all.
July 2020.  COVID cases are not easing down here in the Philippines. I heard stories of the government just making money out of this situation…
2021 - 2022. Met the worst person in my life. But thank you for making me wiser and way better.
MARCH 2023 - I got hired as Food Rescue Supervisor at Scholars of Sustenance. This is a dream come true. I used to bike and work with volunteers for this advocacy but I now work with a bigger organization that can create more impact.
JULY 2023. I will be turning 30 in 2025. I want to focus on meaningful and valuable work. I also want to create opportunities for myself and others to grow financially, and spriritually.
I am happy that I have experienced many jobs. I realized that I can do so much more, and at the same time, I know I will have options when any career I would choose won’t work.
LOVE. Love is a BURST of emotions that happen in your body. That feeling is temporary. When choosing a partner, remember BURST.
B - Believe in each other.
U - Understand each other.
R - Respect each other.
S - Support each other.
T - Trust Each Other
Meaning starts with ME. Everything you do should start and would meaning something to you.
MEAN has three meanings.
1. what do you mean to say
2. you are so mean
3. what does it mean
MEANING is present tense. Is it something that you currently do. It should be something that you are doing now.
1. Exercise more. Play more.
2. Get long hair and donate.
3. Grow a beard! (DONE)
4. Talk to more people. (ALWAYS)
5. Go to more places. Be more adventurous. (BE MORE SPECIFIC)
1. Hope you are still doing what you love; performing really good magic, doing something for the environment, helping people, and sharing what you know.
2. Stay fit.
3. Be financially secure.
4. Always learn.
5. Network more. Meet more people.
6. Don’t work for a boring company with boring people.
Countries I traveled to..
2013 - South Korea - Seoul, Daejeon, Busan, Chuncheon, Okcheon, Jeonju
2015 -  USA - Hawaii, Colorado, Washington DC
2015 - Singapore
2015 - Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
2016 - Thailand, Bangkok
2016 - Cambodia, Siem Reap
2017 - South Korea - Seoul, Daejeon, Pohang, Busan
2020 - Japan - Osaka, Nagoya
2022 - France - Paris
2023 - Thailand - Bangkok
1. Zamboanga
2. Dumaguete
3. Manila
4. Cebu
5. Davao
6. Iloilo
7. Palawan - Puerto Princesa
8. Baguio
9. Tagaytay
10. Bohol
11. Siquijor
12. La Union
13. Zambales
14. Dapitan
15. Bacolod
16. Boracay
17. La Union
18. Pampanga
19. Bulacan
To be continued…
Edited 5/9/2019
Edited 10/2/2019
Edited 3/18/2020
Edited 3/29/2020
Edited 7/23/2020
Edited 9/6/2021
Edited 1/1/2022
Edited 4/14/2022
Edited 7/11/2022
Edited 7/1/2023
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astra-galaxie · 1 year
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"You can lock me in your strongest prison, but one day, SOMBRA will free me, and I will come for your head first!” - Malaya Mendoza
Biographical information
Full Name: Malaya Mendoza
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Semibisexual
Status: Incarcerated
Age: 59 (season 3)
Birth: 1957
Race: Human
Nationality: Filipino
Origin: Manila, Philippines
Manila, Philippines
Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom (formerly)
Profession(s): Nanny
The Moon Family
The Clayton Family (formerly)
Height: 5'6" Age: 59 (season 3) Weight: 138lbs Eyes: green Blood: A-
Hailing from Manila, Philippines, Malaya is a woman in her late fifties with tanned skin and brown hair pulled into a low ponytail streaked with strands of white and gray with wrinkles framing her green eyes and a small scar visible on the side of her neck. She wears high-waisted jeans, a brown button-up shirt tucked into them, a beige cardigan, and comfortable, slip-on brown shoes. For accessories, Malaya has silver hoop earrings dangling from her ears and a brown leather watch on her left wrist.
Per her suspect appearance in The Brave and The Dead, it is known that Malaya eats halo-halo, has visited the Caribbean, and knows electronics.
Malaya was the killer in The Brave and The Dead.
She was a SOMBRA agent sent to watch the Clayton family under the guise of being the children's nanny. SOMBRA forced Cedric to hire her, and she kept an eye on him and his wife to ensure they followed orders. She hated having to take care of children, but she knew SOMBRA would reward her for her work.
Malaya knew that Cedric had hired Wilfred to protect the children. She acted like she didn't know and monitored the butler who monitored her. She knew that if Wilfred attacked her, she could easily take him down. She was younger, faster, stronger, and more agile than the butler. He might have had more experience, but she had skills he never could.
But eventually, the Clayton children grew up, and her nanny services were no longer required. She tried to work elsewhere in the mansion, she was even willing to serve as a maid, but Cedric managed to avoid all of her suggestions. And so she reluctantly left England, but not without hiding countless surveillance bugs around the Clayton home.
Malaya's next assignment for SOMBRA was to infiltrate the Moon family. The Moons were incredibly wealthy and highly influential; if SOMBRA could get them on their side, they would gain a new advantage against the Bureau. She became their nanny and slowly earned their trust, beginning with the children, especially the Moons' only son, Theo.
After becoming trustworthy, Malaya accompanied the Moons on a trip to her home country, the Philippines. She stayed in her personal home while the Moons were in a hotel. Malaya got word from SOMBRA that the Claytons would also be arriving in Manila and was ordered to remind Cedric and Evangeline what would happen if they disobeyed orders.
Malaya was prepared to use the Claytons' daughters against them and was plotting a way to kidnap Eliza and Esther. But she knew she would need to get Wilfred out of the way, so she followed the butler to Fort Santiago. When the time was right, she attacked, tasing him to overpower him before slicing Wilfred's throat open, leaving the man to bleed out while she fled.
She was sure she would get away with killing Wilfred, so Malaya was furious when she was arrested. She was even more enraged when the Bureau's mole informed her that the Claytons were now under the agency's protection and SOMBRA wouldn't be able to use Clayton Technologies anymore. Malaya swore she would be freed from her prison once SOMBRA took over the world and vowed revenge against those who put her there, starting with the Claytons.
Story Information
First appeared: The Brave and The Dead
Her name means "free." This is ironic because she is now in prison for the rest of her life
She tried to build trust with the Clayton and Moon children in hopes that when SOMBRA took over the world, they would ally with them
She was one of the SOMBRA agents who attacked Cedric and Evangeline. She's also the one who stabbed Cedric under his eye
She would send Cedric and Evangeline pictures of their children while the kids slept with her holding a gun to their heads to remind the parents what would happen if they disobeyed SOMBRA
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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bengiyo · 2 years
Sleep With Me Ep 5 Stray Thoughts
Last week Sleep With Me delivered absolutely fantastic communication between Harry and Luna. I was again reminded of my deep affection for my lesbian sisters, and am so hype for more GL if some of what's being released is an indication of what's to come. The first intimate scene for these two will forever be a highlight, and I would love to hear some commentary from wheelchair users about how they felt about it.
Ah, we're going to see Harry grapple with accessibility in an office environment today.
I like that the wheelchair hazard of people backing up in their chairs is show to be an obstacle for walkers as well. There are also some obvious fixes available right away, which hammers home the point rather clearly. Well done.
This is such an upsetting interview. Why even offer the interview if you don't want to hire someone with accessibility concerns?
I don't know if I've mentioned it, but this show is gorgeous, and uses really simple but reliable shots.
Harry and Kai have a great sibling relationship. I do like when my romantic dramas don't make the siblings an obstacle.
I also continue to love the music choices in productions from the Philippines.
Aw, I was excited for this date and now something has definitely gone wrong. Hopefully Harry didn't get hurt in the rain.
This is a difficult dinner, but I'm so glad Luna can communicate her frustrations, and that Harry is capable of discussing them.
I don't think I had considered how difficult a relationship would be for Luna with a partner that gets sleepy at night. I'm glad the show is tackling that.
I don't know that Kai is wrong here, and the broken plant is going to crush Luna.
We're in the dramatic portion of a romantic arc where they have to consider if they can actually work, and this one is doing an incredible job of making that believable.
Oh, my heart is breaking for these two. Their both stunted professionally by ableist perceptions of their capabilities, and Luna feels like she can't be present for Harry.
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