artschubert · 2 months
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Ausgewogenes Leben: Die Suche nach Balance
Es war ein regnerischer Montagmorgen, als ich auf der Suche nach einem neuen Thema war und auf das Thema Work-Life-Balance stieß. Ein Thema, das so viele von uns betrifft, mich eingeschlossen.
Die Krise, die viele von uns durchmachen, liegt in dem Ungleichgewicht zwischen Arbeit und Freizeit. Zu viel Arbeit führt zwangsläufig zu zu wenig Zeit für uns selbst, für unsere Liebsten und für die Dinge, die uns wirklich erfüllen. Die Herausforderung besteht darin, dieses Gleichgewicht zu finden, um unsere Lebensqualität zu verbessern.
Ich begann meine spannende Recherche nach Lösungen, die Menschen helfen könnten, diesen Balanceakt zu meistern. Der Konflikt zwischen den langen Arbeitsstunden und der Sehnsucht nach mehr Freizeit prägt das Leben vieler Menschen. Doch es muss einen Weg geben, um diese Balance wiederherzustellen.
Und dann fand ich sie - acht Lösungsansätze, die wie kleine Lichtblicke in der Dunkelheit erschienen:
Flexiblere Arbeitszeiten und Home-Office-Möglichkeiten können eine Welt voller Möglichkeiten eröffnen.
Priorisierung von Aufgaben und effizientes Zeitmanagement - Schlüssel zum Erfolg.
Delegation von Aufgaben und effektive Kommunikation als Mittel zur Entlastung.
Regelmäßige Pausen und bewusste Erholungsphasen als notwendige Oasen in einem stressigen Arbeitsalltag.
Sport und körperliche Aktivitäten als Ausgleich zum Arbeitsstress.
Ein strukturierter Wochenplan als Wegweiser zu mehr Zeit für sich selbst und Hobbys.
Mentale Auszeiten wie Meditation oder Entspannungstechniken, um den Kopf freizubekommen.
Klare Grenzen zwischen Arbeit und Freizeit ziehen, um die Balance zu wahren.
Die Auswirkungen dieser Veränderungen sind tiefgreifend. Mit einer ausgewogenen Work-Life-Balance erleben die Menschen eine deutliche Verbesserung ihrer Lebensqualität und eine spürbare Steigerung ihrer Lebenszufriedenheit. Ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis zwischen Arbeit und Freizeit wirkt sich positiv auf Gesundheit, Beziehungen und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden aus.
In meinem Streben nach einer ausgewogenen Work-Life-Balance hatte ich nicht nur Lösungen gefunden, sondern auch eine neue Perspektive gewonnen. Das Gleichgewicht zu finden war keine leichte Aufgabe, aber es war eine Reise wert.
geschichte #geschichten #story #Storytelling #leben #arbeit #Freizeit #glück #glücklich #Work_LIfe_Balance
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phonemantra-blog · 8 months
The Benefits of Time Management Time management is a crucial skill that can significantly improve productivity and overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the various benefits of effective time management and provide valuable insights on how to optimize your time for maximum efficiency. Increased Productivity One of the key advantages of time management is increased productivity. When you effectively manage your time, you prioritize tasks, set clear goals, and allocate specific time slots for each activity. This structured approach allows you to focus on important tasks, avoid procrastination, and complete your work promptly. By staying organized and managing your time effectively, you can accomplish more in less time. Reduced Stress Time management plays a vital role in reducing stress levels. When you have a clear plan and schedule, you feel more in control of your day. By breaking down your tasks into manageable chunks and allocating time for breaks, you can prevent feeling overwhelmed. Proper time management helps you maintain a healthy work-life balance, ensuring that you have time for both professional and personal commitments. This balance leads to reduced stress and increased overall well-being. Improved Decision Making Effective time management allows you to make better decisions. When you have a clear understanding of your priorities and deadlines, you can evaluate options more efficiently. Time management helps you allocate appropriate time for research, analysis, and reflection, enabling you to make informed decisions. By optimizing your time, you can avoid rushed judgments and ensure that you consider all relevant factors before making important choices. Enhanced Focus and Concentration By managing your time effectively, you can enhance your focus and concentration. When you allocate specific time slots for tasks and eliminate distractions, you create an environment conducive to deep work. Deep work refers to a state of intense concentration and productivity where you can produce high-quality work. Time management techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, where you work in focused bursts with short breaks, can significantly improve your ability to concentrate and maintain focus. Increased Opportunities for Personal Growth Proper time management provides you with increased opportunities for personal growth. When you effectively manage your time, you can allocate dedicated time for learning new skills, pursuing hobbies, or engaging in self-improvement activities. By setting aside time for personal development, you can enhance your knowledge, expand your skill set, and achieve your long-term goals. Time management empowers you to invest in yourself and seize opportunities for personal growth and development. [caption id="attachment_70866" align="aligncenter" width="882"] benefits of time management[/caption] In conclusion, effective time management has numerous benefits, including increased productivity, reduced stress, improved decision decision-making focus and concentration, and increased opportunities for personal growth. By implementing time management techniques and strategies, you can optimize your time, achieve your goals, and lead a more fulfilling and successful life. Frequently Asked Questions 1. What are the benefits of time management? Time management allows you to prioritize tasks effectively, increase productivity, reduce stress, and achieve your goals more efficiently. 2. How can time management improve my productivity? By managing your time effectively, you can focus on important tasks, eliminate distractions, and complete work in a timely manner, leading to increased productivity. 3. Does time mapromptlyce stress? Absolutely! When you have a clear plan and allocate time for each task, you can avoid last-minute rushes, meet deadlines comfortably, and reduce stress levels significantly. 4. Can time management help me achieve my goals? Yes, time management plays a crucial role in achieving goals. It helps you allocate time for specific actions that contribute to your goals, ensuring progress and success. 5. How does effective time management lead to better work-life balance? With proper time management, you can allocate time for work, personal activities, and relaxation. This balance leads to improved well-being, satisfaction, and overall happiness. 6. What are some practical time management techniques? Some effective techniques include creating to-do lists, setting priorities, breaking tasks into smaller steps, using time blocking, and avoiding multitasking. 7. Can time management help in reducing procrastination? Yes, by managing your time effectively, you can overcome procrastination. Setting deadlines, breaking tasks into smaller parts, and rewarding yourself for completing tasks on time are some strategies to combat procrastination. 8. How can time management improve my decision-making skills? When you manage your time well, you have a clearer picture of your priorities, allowing you to make better decisions about how to allocate your time and resources. 9. Are there any long-term benefits of time management? Absolutely! Time management helps in developing discipline, improving self-confidence, enhancing focus and concentration, and fostering a sense of accomplishment in the long run. 10. Can time management improve my overall quality of life? Definitely! When you effectively manage your time, you can reduce stress, accomplish more, have time for hobbies and relationships, and ultimately experience a better quality of life.
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athanaster · 4 years
Quarantine days working from home - Part 2
Quarantine days working from home – Part 2
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I sit on the kitchen table because of the light above my head. It makes keyboarding easy. I also have access to drinks and beverages, and I can walk to the balcony without disturbing my wife, who takes advantage of the spacious living room.
In the quarantine, for us who are remotely connected to our offices, there is a grey area between personal time and working time. The first, it is time we…
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ivyjumawan-blog · 4 years
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There are things that’ll bring real meaning and joy to life.  There are experiences that you’ve always dreamed of having or the people you want to be with or your child you wanted to see grow under your guidance. These things sometimes tend to be disregarded because of the stress we get out from work or we add more working hours because the money earned is still not enough to support the needs of the family. You keep putting off those dreams, wishes and experiences.. And regret for not doing so when you’re already lying on your deathbed. To experience the real meaning of life we need to become much more practical on important matters. Let’s PLAN and SAVE for the BIG and create a realistic timeline and get PLANning. When you create your plan, it’ll be based on your financial realities... 1. Get your current financial state. 2. Mapping out your future state. 3. Building a plan to get you from the current future. Work is always out  there, it never runs out .. So better plan your schedules and balance your work and life. #livegreatlife #finance #work_life_balance #save #plan #life #joy #essentialreading #millennial #family #care  #lifeinsurance #money #financialtip #advise #entrepreneur #PlanYourBestLife #lifechanger #covıd19 #doer #MyNeWLife (at Pagadian City) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-MMJ_HgkSi/?igshid=mx38wco8tg9h
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gothicluv93-blog · 5 years
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Believe in yourself & you will be Unstoppable. #Work_Life_Balance. https://www.instagram.com/p/B2lU8ZDhWU4/?igshid=1kvozkhowic1x
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pkshriwas786-blog · 7 years
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#Work_Life_Balance (at Telco Colony, Jamshedpur, India)
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dialogueschannel · 7 years
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The CEO of Barstool Sports says she measures new hires' responsiveness by texting them at
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katregister · 7 years
Father's Day Bonus: Dad As the Lead Parent
Father’s Day Bonus: Dad As the Lead Parent
This Father’s Day, a surprise.
You may remember our award winning series Taking the Lead, which we dropped into your feeds last month in celebration of Mother’s Day. It follows the story of two Brooklyn women, Rachael Ellison and Leslie Ali Walker, who have a tech idea to help harried working mothers rise up in their professional ranks. 
If you haven’t heard the first few episodes, they’re right…
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rabinmarketing-blog · 5 years
تعارض بین كار و زندگی مساله‌ اغلب افراد، سازمان ها و جوامع است كه شدت و ضعف آن با سطح پیشرفت فناوری و توسعه‌ یافتگی، ارزش های فرهنگی و اجتماعی، سیاست ها و برنامه‌های سازمان ها و دولت ها و ویژگی های فردی رابطه دارد.
كار و خانواده می‌توانند اثر متقابل و نقش مكمل برای یكدیگر داشته باشند، با كار كردن نیازهای خانواده برآورده می‌شود و حمایت خانواده موجبات تقویت روحی و جسمی كاركنان برای انجام موفقیت‌آمیز امورات را فراهم می‌آورد، یكی از سوال های اساسی در این زمینه این است كه رابطه كار و زندگی چگونه باید تعریف و تنظیم شود؟؟؟؟؟
حجم زیاد كار و مسوولیت های شغلی، تقسیم كار نامتعادل و نامتناسب، عدم حمایت از كاركنان، عدم امنیت شغلی، تهدید كاركنان و بدرفتاری با آنان، تعیین ضرب‌الاجل و فشار مداوم برای پایان كار، تغییرات شغلی و محیطی، سفرهای طولانی برای انجام كار، مشكلات خانوادگی، عدم تقسیم وظایف خانه بین زن و مرد و عدم مشاركت در امور منزل، و غیره، از جمله موارد دیگری است كه به عنوان عوامل ایجاد استرس و تعارض بین كار و زندگی شناخته شده‌اند.
چند راه جهت ایجاد تعادل بین کار و زندگی شخصی
هر غروب کار نکنید در ساعات غیرکاری وسایل ارتباطی را کنار بگذارید
آخر هفته ها را به عنوان تعطیلات در نظر بگیرید
ارتباطات در خدمت بهره وری است نه آنلاین بودن دائمی نقش کار را در زندگی تان بشناسید
روال روزانه ای برای خود ایجاد کنید
یاد بگیرید نفس بکشید و ....
 #گروه_مشاوره_تبلیغات_رابین #تعادل_کار_و_زندگی #تبلیغات #مشاوره_بازاریابی #دیجیتال_مارکتینگ #بازاریابی #مدیریت_کسب_و_کار #مدیریت_منابع_انسانی
#digital_marketing #rabin_marketing #marketing #e-commerce #work_life_balance
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phonemantra-blog · 8 months
The Benefits of Work-Life Balance In today's fast-paced world, achieving a healthy work-life balance is becoming increasingly important. Many individuals find themselves struggling to juggle the demands of their professional and personal lives, leading to stress, burnout, and a decrease in overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the numerous benefits of work-life balance and how it can positively impact various aspects of your life. Improved Physical Health One of the key advantages of maintaining a work-life balance is the positive impact it can have on your physical health. When you prioritize your personal life alongside your professional commitments, you create space for regular exercise, healthy eating, and sufficient rest. This can help prevent the development of chronic illnesses, boost your immune system, and increase your energy levels. Enhanced Mental Well-being Work-life balance is crucial for your mental well-being. By allowing yourself time for relaxation and self-care, you can reduce stress levels, improve your mood, and enhance your overall mental health. Taking breaks from work and engaging in activities you enjoy can boost creativity, productivity, and job satisfaction. Stronger Relationships When you prioritize work-life balance, you create more opportunities to nurture and strengthen your relationships. Spending quality time with family and friends allows you to build deeper connections, improve communication, and create lasting memories. These strong relationships provide a support system during challenging times and contribute to your overall happiness and fulfillment. Increased Productivity Contrary to popular belief, work-life balance can improve your productivity. When you allocate time for both work and personal activities, you prevent burnout and maintain a higher level of focus and motivation. By setting clear boundaries and managing your time effectively, you can accomplish tasks more efficiently, leading to increased productivity and better work performance. Career Advancement Striving for work-life balance can also have a positive impact on your career. By maintaining a healthy equilibrium between your professional and personal life, you can avoid becoming overwhelmed and maintain a sustainable level of commitment to your work. This balance allows you to stay motivated, avoid job dissatisfaction, and ultimately pursue career advancement opportunities. [caption id="attachment_68941" align="aligncenter" width="669"] benefits of work-life balance[/caption] Greater Overall Satisfaction Ultimately, work-life balance contributes to a greater sense of overall satisfaction and happiness. When you prioritize your well-being alongside your professional goals, you create a fulfilling and meaningful life. Achieving a balance between work and personal life enables you to enjoy the fruits of your labor while maintaining a sense of purpose and fulfillment. FAQs  about benefits of work-life balance 1. What is work-life balance? Work-life balance refers to the equilibrium between an individual's professional life and personal life, where they can effectively manage their responsibilities and enjoy a fulfilling personal life. 2. Why is work-life balance important? Work-life balance is essential as it helps individuals maintain good mental and physical health, reduces stress levels, improves productivity, and enhances overall well-being. 3. How can work-life balance benefit my health? Having a good work-life balance can reduce the risk of burnout, lower stress-related illnesses, improve sleep quality, and promote better mental and emotional health. 4. Does work-life balance affect job performance? Yes, work-life balance positively impacts job performance. When individuals have time for relaxation, hobbies, and personal relationships, they come back to work more focused, energized, and motivated, leading to increased productivity. 5. Can work-life balance improve relationships? Absolutely! Work-life balance allows individuals to spend quality time with their loved ones, fostering stronger relationships, better communication, and a healthier family life. 6. Is work-life balance only for working parents? No, work-life balance is beneficial for everyone, regardless of parental status. It applies to individuals at all stages of life, including single professionals, students, caregivers, and retirees. 7. How can I achieve work-life balance? There are various ways to achieve work-life balance, such as setting boundaries, prioritizing tasks, delegating when possible, practicing self-care, and effectively managing time. 8. Can work-life balance lead to career advancement? Yes, having a healthy work-life balance can contribute to career advancement. When individuals are well-rested, motivated, and have a fulfilling personal life, they are more likely to perform better, take on new challenges, and seize growth opportunities. 9. What are the signs of an unhealthy work-life balance? Signs of an unhealthy work-life balance include chronic stress, constant exhaustion, neglecting personal relationships, feeling overwhelmed, and being unable to disconnect from work even during leisure time. 10. How can employers promote work-life balance? Employers can promote work-life balance by offering flexible work arrangements, encouraging time off, providing wellness programs, promoting a supportive company culture, and fostering open communication about work-life integration. Work-life balance offers a multitude of benefits that positively impact various aspects of your life. From improved physical health and enhanced mental well-being to stronger relationships and increased productivity, achieving a healthy equilibrium between work and personal life is essential for a fulfilling and successful life. Prioritize your well-being, set boundaries, and make time for the things that truly matter. Embrace work-life balance and unlock the numerous advantages it has to offer.
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minyo129 · 6 years
hi! are the /precious beautiful amazing/ pics of minho with a scarf and sunglasses from today? where did they come out from? thank you! ♡
Hello dear,
that cute pic of Minho is from 180304 oukcho Instagram after givenchy fashion event 
A post shared by Work_Life_Balance🤗 (@oukcho) on Mar 4, 2018 at 8:30am PST
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swatiuchauhan-blog · 6 years
How to manage work life balance for greater efficiency
How to manage work life balance for greater efficiency
Work, life and efficiency go hand in hand with our physical and mental health and well-being. A lot of theories off late have focused on the importance of this phenomenon. Don’t you feel at times that working-to-live is what is important rather than living-to-work. Our lives revolve around three major things, self, family and work. It is very important to maintain a harmony between all three of…
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thesame-eu · 7 years
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➡️➡️ UWAGA KOŃCÓWKA!!! Bordo i brąz to kolory odchodzącej już jesieni... 🍁🍂🌾 Spieszcie sie bo wraz z nia odchodzi Bluzka Boho Bordo dla kobiet, które cenią niebanalny luz i ponadczasowy boho designe 🦋🦋🦋 http://www.thesame.eu #TheSame #BluzkaBoho #bordowabluzka #mamaicórka #bohoblouse #burgundybrown #brownblouse #brownhair #bohostyle #bohodesign #bohofashion #motherfashion #momfashion #pregnancyfashion #pregnancyblouse #motherdaughter #momanddaughter #motheranddaughter #mommyandme #matchingoutfits #matchingblouses #polishdesigner #polishfashion #motherstyle #stylishmother #stylishgirl #stylishwoman #shoponline #shippingworldwide Photo: Marzena Zawrotniak Modelka: Dora Malek @doramalek i Kaja Make-Up i włosy: Kinga Grodzka @work_life_balance (w: Europe/Warsaw)
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dialogueschannel · 7 years
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Ernie Johnson Interview On ESPN's First Take | First Take | April 5, 2017
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rabinmarketing-blog · 5 years
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تعارض بین كار و زندگی مساله‌ اغلب افراد، سازمان ها و جوامع است كه شدت و ضعف آن با سطح پیشرفت فناوری و توسعه‌ یافتگی، ارزش های فرهنگی و اجتماعی، سیاست ها و برنامه‌های سازمان ها و دولت ها و ویژگی های فردی رابطه دارد.
كار و خانواده می‌توانند اثر متقابل و نقش مكمل برای یكدیگر داشته باشند، با كار كردن نیازهای خانواده برآورده می‌شود و حمایت خانواده موجبات تقویت روحی و جسمی كاركنان برای انجام موفقیت‌آمیز امورات را فراهم می‌آورد، یكی از سوال های اساسی در این زمینه این است كه رابطه كار و زندگی چگونه باید تعریف و تنظیم شود؟؟؟؟؟
حجم زیاد كار و مسوولیت های شغلی، تقسیم كار نامتعادل و نامتناسب، عدم حمایت از كاركنان، عدم امنیت شغلی، تهدید كاركنان و بدرفتاری با آنان، تعیین ضرب‌الاجل و فشار مداوم برای پایان كار، تغییرات شغلی و محیطی، سفرهای طولانی برای انجام كار، مشكلات خانوادگی، عدم تقسیم وظایف خانه بین زن و مرد و عدم مشاركت در امور منزل، و غیره، از جمله موارد دیگری است كه به عنوان عوامل ایجاد استرس و تعارض بین كار و زندگی شناخته شده‌اند.
چند راه جهت ایجاد تعادل بین کار و زندگی شخصی
هر غروب کار نکنید در ساعات غیرکاری وسایل ارتباطی را کنار بگذارید
آخر هفته ها را به عنوان تع��یلات در نظر بگیرید
ارتباطات در خدمت بهره وری است نه آنلاین بودن دائمی نقش کار را در زندگی تان بشناسید
روال روزانه ای برای خود ایجاد کنید
یاد بگیرید نفس بکشید و ....
 #گروه_مشاوره_تبلیغات_رابین #تعادل_کار_و_زندگی #تبلیغات #مشاوره_بازاریابی #دیجیتال_مارکتینگ #بازاریابی #مدیریت_کسب_و_کار #مدیریت_منابع_انسانی
#digital_marketing #rabin_marketing #marketing #e-commerce #work_life_balance
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