#working on devil's flower!
writingsfromspace · 1 year
Starting to feel like I'm getting back into a writing rhythm (have written two out of the last three days)
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allastoredeer · 3 months
With your Persephone!Alastor, is he friends with Artemis?
Hmm, yeah I think he'd be friends with her. If we're assigning Hazbin character to greek roles, the closest I can think of who would be Artemis and someone Alastor would be friends with is Rosie.
Which, yeah, I can see her being the goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, childbirth, care of children, and chastity. The way she takes care of cannibal town, I can see that extending to childbirth and child care. And a lot of the others are in line with Alastor's personality, like the hunt, the wilderness and wild animals, which is why he likes and gets along with Rosie so much, and I can totally see her being the one who teaches him archery too.
Her hunters can be the cannibals from cannibal town. I mean, Susan COULD be considered a wild animal right? Alastor would like to hunt her one of these days, if only Rosie would let him.
You know, as I'm thinking more about this AU (which I'm calling Deviled Flowers, btw) the more I'm actually forming a coherent story, plot, and world-building and you guys cannot do this to me, do you know how many things I'm already working on????
Anyway, I already know how Alastor and Lucifer meet, how he ends up eating the pomegranate, the consequences of him eating the pomegranate, and the progression of their relationship and characters as they develop a relationship, so...yay...👍👍
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Hey love! So, I know you already have the proposal au, but I was wondering if you could do an arranged marriage au. And basically, Gilgamesh is in the mafia and Thena's horrible abusive father (Arishem) steals money or drugs from him that Thena doesn't know anything about. And Gilgamesh and his men just show up to her home while Thena's not there and when she comes back she finds out that she's being forced to marry Gilgamesh (which she's not that mad about bc Gil is fine asf🤭). But Thena is basically just shocked and she has to get used to being treated how she should and with princess treatment (like opening her door, giving her gifts just because, etc) Maybe a little age gap like Thena's in her early 20s, Gil is in his Early 30s👀. Also maybe like Gil gives her princess treatment but disrespectful in bed vibes😜.
But anyways I love you and your whole existence and when I found your Tumblr acc it quite literally the happiest day of my life and I literally would kill for you. You're my whole world I live for all your posts and sit waiting everyday for you to post. You are the best thing that happened to me and I'm so grateful you're alive. I love you so much!😘❤️
She startled, but a warm yet gentle hand touched her shoulder, "hey, it's okay. It's me--I'm sorry to startle you."
She looked around her. She wasn't at home--well, she was. She was no longer in her father's home, where falling asleep out in the open could lead to her getting her hair pulled if he was feeling particularly inebriated and particularly mean spirited.
She was home, in her home with Gilgamesh. It was a massive, modern and sprawling house. She had her own room, despite sharing the house with her husband. It had its own walk-in closet and full bathroom suite. He had installed a library having found out that she liked to read (that was all the incentive he needed, apparently). The only thing her room didn't have was a kitchen, and Gilgamesh did all the cooking anyway.
The first two weeks, when she wouldn't emerge from her room at all, he would leave trays out for her to take inside where she felt safe.
"I'm sorry," he repeated, speaking softly and moving so she could see him, showing her his hands. "I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that. I wanted to see if you were hungry, or if you wanted to move into your room."
A gangster for a husband, and he made sure her room was always open for her, that only she was allowed in it, unless there was any house keeping she wanted done. He had even hired a female cleaner, specifically in hopes of making her feel more comfortable.
"Thank you," she smiled at him, hoping to assuage his fears of scaring her. She let the book on her lap fall closed and curled her legs up under the blanket thrown over her. "Sorry, dozed off between chapters."
"You don't have to apologise," he assured her, moving slowly as he took a seat on the sofa. He wasn't at the far end of it, but it was more than enough space for her to feel separate from him. He leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. "Are you okay? You seemed to be having a bad dream."
She was. Even removed as she was from that place, sometimes she would think was waking in her room, her desperate attempts to start a real career crammed into the corner of her room where her father wouldn't know to go digging for money.
The crinkle of her clothes in plastic bags so that he couldn't get them all wreaking of alcohol before a job interview. The way she would walk on the balls of her feet so as not to wake him when he was passed out on the couch in the middle of the day. The fear that every knock on the door would be another debt collector.
"Hey," Gilgamesh said as softly as he could again, "what do you need?"
If she hadn't woken from such a terrible dream she might swoon. It was almost a shame their relationship was one of contract. Gilgamesh was very good at seeming romantic.
She inhaled, putting on a braver face. "Some food sounds good."
"Okay," he nodded. His hand hovered, as if he would pat her knee under her blanket. But he stood instead, pulling himself away from her. "I can do that."
Thena stood, nearly slipping on the stairs of the elevated seating area to follow him into the kitchen. "Do you need any help?"
He did let his surprise show on his face, and instances like these she was reminded of the menacing - as well as cocky - gangster who had first appeared in her home and informed her of their marriage. "Setting a fire?--no, sweetheart, thank you."
She huffed, and she even managed to get a chuckle out of him. Laughing suited him more. "You must have had a hard day."
He immediately looked at her, trying to tell how any clue of how his work had gone could have slipped through the cracks. He worked very hard to keep all aspects of his business out of their home life.
She leaned against the spotless granite island/sink. "You seem more tense than usual."
He didn't rise to her bait, focusing on putting together a meal for her--for them.
But she was in the mood to poke the bear, as it were--the big grizzly teddybear in the pinstripe suit. "I figured I would get a 'no need, princess', at least."
He shook his head at her, pulling out a clay pot and retrieving the ingredients necessary. For a man living outside the law, he really was a great cook. "No need for a house fire--that's true."
"I am not that bad," she insisted, rising to her own bait if need be.
Gil - not Gilgamesh but Gil - finally looked at her with a little more mirth. He even chuckled, "Need I remind you of the eggs?"
She rolled her eyes at him. He had this big, beautiful kitchen, and she was home alone all the time. And sometimes she didn't want to wait for delivery to make it all the way to the house (and past security) while Gil was at work. She had figured making herself some eggs couldn't possibly go wrong.
"The hob at our-" she paused and moved on like it was nothing- "at my old place would take ages to heat up. I could never have known that this monstrosity can boil water in under a minute."
Gil glanced towards his very fancy oven on the other counter and then back to her. "Who turns the heat up all the way to make eggs in a pan?"
She shrugged, "they cook faster."
Gil let out a real laugh now, finally relaxing some as he finally started preparing the veggies. She could tell he was enjoying it when he slid them onto an angle to slice them. If it were strictly business he would cut them into little cubes instead. He shook his head. "I told you not to lift a finger while you're here."
That was true. After the fire had been put out, her housekeeping companion had insisted she simply ask if she wanted a meal. It was part of her requirements for the job and everything! Which was a little insulting, no matter how aware of her own cooking habits Thena was.
"I thought men wanted a wife who would cook for them as soon as they got home."
But Gil didn't latch onto her joke. He put down his knife, slowly and gently. He dried his hands on the hand towel below. Then he moved towards her, holding his hands out and asking for hers.
She watched as he did, curious enough to give her hands over to him. He held them so gently, even as he brought them up to his lips to kiss the back of each. She shivered.
He opened his eyes, peering down at her as he stroked her hand with his thumb. "Those aren't men. And you are not just 'a wife', Thena."
Did he want her to fall in love with him or not? The times when he was at work, and then completely secretive about it at home really seemed that he didn't. It seemed that he was upholding his end of the agreement with her father, and his vow to respect her and not to allow any harm to come to her.
But then other times he would say things like this, and she wouldn't know what to think.
She blushed as he left one last kiss on the tip of her finger. Then he was back to chopping, as if he hadn't nearly swept her off her feet (metaphorically speaking).
"Why don't you go sit down, sweetie? I'll come up and join you once this is on the heat." Back to that respectful distance.
She pursed her lips, moving away from the kitchen island as he started rinsing the rice and mixing sauces. That was just like Gilgamesh, to say something so breathtaking and sweet one moment and be a husband in name only the next.
She glanced at her book, although she couldn't even remember what she was reading in it before she had dozed off. Throwing herself back on the couch did seem to catch his attention somewhat; she could tell by the tilt of his head only vaguely in her direction. She also pulled the blanket over her again, with a little more force than the light cashmere needed.
If he only wanted to be half a husband then fine, but he didn't have to be a full time flirt to do it.
She peeked up from her phone as Gilgamesh walked up the three small steps to join her. He had a bad knee but wouldn't admit to it, maybe that was adding to the pressure of his day today.
"Okay," he groaned as he too threw himself onto the couch. He looked over at her, at her safe and respectful distance. "So?"
"So?" she asked in return, bristling at the grin on his face. It suited him a little too much.
He nodded, as if he had been thinking something to himself and had the affirmation he needed. She didn't know what he thought he knew, but she almost didn't want to. He leaned back on the couch, relaxing his posture. This was how a gangster would sit, she imagined. "Well."
"Well?" she prompted him again. But all he did was lazily wave his hand at her. She raised her shoulders, "you want me to...?"
He shrugged, even turning his head away from her. "If you want, I mean. You seem like you want the company."
He was calling her out on her wanting his attention, he meant. And he was right, but she didn't appreciate it. She turned her nose up at it.
"If you wanna sit in my lap, you can say so."
She shivered again, turning and half expecting him to be nose to nose with her. But whens he did look, he was back to pretending like he was halfheartedly watching something on the obscenely large tv mounted on the wall.
To his credit, he didn't say anything as she quietly shifted her position. She didn't tuck herself into his embrace or anything. They weren't actually married.
Gil lowered his arm from the back of the couch to her shoulder, letting her lean partially on him but not so close that she would feel trapped. "Put on that show you like."
"The one that puts you to sleep?" she smirked, even as she picked up the remote.
"It does not put me to sleep."
"It does," she corrected him, and it was moments like these when the marriage did feel less like a business agreement and more like...well, like something. "What about the food?"
"It has a timer, just take it off the heat when it's done."
It was he who was on the verge of nodding off, now. He really had endured a truly terrible day to be so exhausted. And she wouldn't be the one waking him.
She did put on her show, a historical drama she liked. And he really did nod off, the clay pot dinner simmering in the background silently. And only because he was dead asleep did she take the liberty of tucking herself against his chest. Just this once.
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marcmorrigan · 8 months
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they dont know how long it takes / waiting for a love like this
every time we say goodbye / i wish we had one more kiss
ill wait for you, i promise you, i will
OCs: maive (she/her) | rauel (he/him)
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richs-pics · 1 year
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Devil's bit scabious with hoverfly
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fooltomery · 5 months
i have to clean up my altar =_=
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mechahero · 5 months
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@demonsfate asked- jin and lambda maybe ? how it happened who knows it's just for fun if they had a kid (accepting)
Name: Yoruhana Kazama
Gender: Nonbinary
General Appearance: Standing at a nice even 5'12", Yoruhana for the most part stands heads over their peers and one of their parents. A head full of dark brown hair (almost black), often carefully styled to look like a spiky mess and somewhat muscular as a result of their training with one of their fathers. Their eyes are brown and their skin is also olive toned. If one were to get a good look at them next to their parents, you could almost pick out which of their features came from who, almost to an eerie degree. They're often seen wearing casual clothing most of the time, such as a white tank top, jeans, and light reddish-orange fabric wrapped around their hands and upper arms. It's their go to outfit that they usually don't change out of even after training.
Personality: Surprisingly mellow most of the time! They're more keen to go with the flow and see where things take them. Don't let their laidback nature fool you however, even they have their limits and will snap when pushed too far.
Special Talents: They've gotten the advanced strength from both their parents. And well, the ability to shoot lasers out of their eyes. (And surprise! Devil Gene on top of that!)
Who they like better: They'd rather not play favorites if they could help it but admittedly, they do like Lambda just a tiny bit more.
Who they take after more: Jin. Although swap his stoicism for something a tad more softer.
Personal Head canon: They're something of a delinquent themself! Admittedly, a rather lax delinquent but one nonetheless. They tend to get away with skipping classes most of the time by putting on the front of a hardworking student, often pretending to be busy tutoring people. Their personality helps them a ton.
Face Claim: Terra from KH (icon sourced from this post)
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lupaeusarc · 9 months
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𝗘𝗠𝗠𝗔 𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗜𝗡 𝗖𝗔𝗠𝗘𝗥𝗔 𝗥𝗢𝗟𝗟 : 19 / ∞ featuring topper thornton ( @unitcd )
— 𝘮𝘶𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵 / 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨 —
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sebbyisland · 2 years
We need like a strong fandom/support group for Shūzō Oshimi’s manga tbh
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diaforapoulia · 2 years
note: never touch lily anthers with bare hands
NEVER touch lily anthers with WET bare hands
also they're poisonous for cats
one like and i'm gonna post which flowers are also poisonous for cats
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wunderschoeneluege · 4 months
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v8mpvrse · 6 months
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hauntingblue · 7 months
It's so over....
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nocturnal-desolation · 7 months
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thebotanicalarcade · 1 year
n285_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands : London :Printed for B. White,1771. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/52786324
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blackjackkent · 5 months
More explorations through the parsed dialogue files. The nymph in Sharess's Caress (the one whose Fist client turns into a mind flayer) offers you a "moment of ecstasy" in return for saving her life - and apparently there are some character-specific dialog options for all of the origin characters (minus Lae'zel and plus Minsc) regarding their deepest desires. And I'm kinda having a lot of feelings about it.
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Naoise Nallinto: The all-being. Here, there is no suffering. Here, you want for nothing. Here, you are anything. You have one word. Tell me: what will you be?
DARK_URGE: Sane. Naoise Nallinto: You are sane. Time dances on in sequence, the winding path of time evens, and becomes straight. With a quiet head, you can once again hear the song of the birds and the wind in the grass. You pluck a flower, and it does not bleed.
SHADOWHEART: Whole. Naoise Nallinto: You are whole. Within and without, free from expectation and the crushing burden of solitude.You are the entirety of you. Every path outward leads to adventures yet unknown. Every path inward leads to dreams eternally fulfilled.
ASTARION: Safe. Naoise Nallinto: You are safe. The winds of fate blow you to the warmest of hearths in the most cordial of inns. Your seething passions lead only to pleasure. The touch of the sun comforts your flesh, but never burns it.
KARLACH: Alive. Naoise Nallinto: You are alive. Your senses vibrate with sensation - smell, taste, touch, sound, sight. All alert to the beauty of now. The sound of your heart - your heart - beats a steady rhythm: Hello, hello, hello.
GALE: Wise. Naoise Nallinto: You are wise. The erudition of the ages flows through you and from you, illuminating the scholars who seek your counsel. You know yourself, for such is the beginning of all wisdom. When souls would drink the waters of learning, you are their font.
WYLL: Free. Naoise Nallinto: Then be free. You are an eagle, the most divine of messengers, soaring above the peak of Mount Sundabar. No man or woman, no devil or demon, no goddess or god dares confine you within one border or one creed.
MINSC: Minsc. Naoise Nallinto: Er - you are Minsc. You are the most Minsc. Wherever you go, there is only Minsc. Every step, every breath, every thought shall be - the Minsc-est. (DEVNOTE: Confused but making it work.)
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