#naoise nallinto
blackjackkent · 5 months
More explorations through the parsed dialogue files. The nymph in Sharess's Caress (the one whose Fist client turns into a mind flayer) offers you a "moment of ecstasy" in return for saving her life - and apparently there are some character-specific dialog options for all of the origin characters (minus Lae'zel and plus Minsc) regarding their deepest desires. And I'm kinda having a lot of feelings about it.
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Naoise Nallinto: The all-being. Here, there is no suffering. Here, you want for nothing. Here, you are anything. You have one word. Tell me: what will you be?
DARK_URGE: Sane. Naoise Nallinto: You are sane. Time dances on in sequence, the winding path of time evens, and becomes straight. With a quiet head, you can once again hear the song of the birds and the wind in the grass. You pluck a flower, and it does not bleed.
SHADOWHEART: Whole. Naoise Nallinto: You are whole. Within and without, free from expectation and the crushing burden of solitude.You are the entirety of you. Every path outward leads to adventures yet unknown. Every path inward leads to dreams eternally fulfilled.
ASTARION: Safe. Naoise Nallinto: You are safe. The winds of fate blow you to the warmest of hearths in the most cordial of inns. Your seething passions lead only to pleasure. The touch of the sun comforts your flesh, but never burns it.
KARLACH: Alive. Naoise Nallinto: You are alive. Your senses vibrate with sensation - smell, taste, touch, sound, sight. All alert to the beauty of now. The sound of your heart - your heart - beats a steady rhythm: Hello, hello, hello.
GALE: Wise. Naoise Nallinto: You are wise. The erudition of the ages flows through you and from you, illuminating the scholars who seek your counsel. You know yourself, for such is the beginning of all wisdom. When souls would drink the waters of learning, you are their font.
WYLL: Free. Naoise Nallinto: Then be free. You are an eagle, the most divine of messengers, soaring above the peak of Mount Sundabar. No man or woman, no devil or demon, no goddess or god dares confine you within one border or one creed.
MINSC: Minsc. Naoise Nallinto: Er - you are Minsc. You are the most Minsc. Wherever you go, there is only Minsc. Every step, every breath, every thought shall be - the Minsc-est. (DEVNOTE: Confused but making it work.)
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head-empty-river · 11 months
if you choose the one word: sane (on my durge good run), then you get this line which cuts so fucking deep holy shit (not sure about tav):
"with a quiet head, you can once again hear the song of the birds and wind in the grass. you pluck a flower, and it does not bleed"
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dirtybg3confessions · 10 months
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Confession: it's not the *horniest* moment per se, but the single most intense physical reaction I had while playing BG3 was when Naoise Nallinto the asmr Nymph did her rapture speech
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naughtybg3confessions · 4 months
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Naoise's voice absolutely wrecks me every time. She sends chills down my spine. I want her to whisper to me how everything is going to be okay. How I'm safe, warm, and want for nothing.
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bg3smash-or-pass · 4 months
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zyana-wyvern · 10 months
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The "Nymph's" blessing
"You are more than contented - you are at total peace. Your belly is full, your mind rested, your eyes bright. No more will you hear the clang of steel on steel. No more will you fear the cry of a wolf, the growl of an ogre. You are warm. You are safe" Naoise Nallinto ❊
Not quite sure why, but this is one of my favorite secondary NPCs in all of this game. She poses as a Nymph, has the most beautiful quarters at Sharess' Caress, lusts after a mindflayer, has the softest voice and the most enchanting words, but she's just a Wood Elf with a lot charisma and beauty.
And this particular quote fits Idunn so well. There's nothing she wants more than to just rest, poor thing.
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kingthunder · 5 months
Astarion is afraid: "He is so afraid. So, so afraid. Of everyone, besides you, who he ought to fear most." -Sceleritas Fel, about Astarion
"He is afraid. He is afraid because all he has ever known is you and me, and without us he is nothing." -Cazador Szarr, about Astarion
He wants to be safe: "I'd see how to safely keep the powers this mind flayer's worm has given me." - Astarion, wishing on the magic mirror
"I'm doing this for you, too, you know. To make sure we're both safe. Forever, for good." -Astarion, to romanced player, about Ascending
"You are safe. The winds of fate blow you to the warmest of hearths in the most cordial of inns. Your seething passions lead only to pleasure. The touch of the sun comforts your flesh, but never burns it." -Naoise Nallinto, giving Astarion a vision of his deepest desire, safety
He gets his wish: "You were patient. You cared. I feel safe with you. Seen." -Astarion, confessing his love
"This little adventure of ours has taught me that we can't let our lives be ruled by fear. Or else we never really live. I'm not afraid. Not of you, not of your darkness, and not of our future." - Astarion, to romanced Durge
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onlyfngs · 4 months
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“You are safe. The winds of fate blow you to the warmest of hearths in the most cordial of inns. Your seething passions lead only to pleasure. The touch of the sun comforts your flesh, but never burns it.” — Naoise Nallinto revealing Astarion's deepest desire.
𝚃𝙰𝙶𝙶𝙴𝙳 𝙱𝚈: @verflcht 𝚃𝙰𝙶𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙶: @shadowpunk, @deathtalk, @nachtspeer
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The L Word: Faerûn, Part 3: The Chart, Pre-Canon
Previous part.
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Having explained the overall premise and basically who "Alekto" is, it's time for the real meat of The L Word: Faerûn which is who's fucking who and when and why.
Thus, in more or less chronolgoical order, the pre-canon (pink lines) relationships/hookups/drama is as follows...
(over 100 years ago) Isobel and Aylin meet, piss off Isobels' dad, and lose each other, exactly as occurs in canon. Similarly, Jaheira lost Khalid as in canon.
(? years ago because these are just for seasoning and timing doesn't really matter) Helsik and her #1 rival/frenemy/LOHL Korilla have been on and off forever. They don't know they're desperately in love. Helsik has definitely also ~encountered~ Harleep and Mizora is too nosy and obnoxious to have never crossed paths with Harleep, and crossing paths with Harleep seems to mainly mean one (1) thing.
(c. ~30 years ago to ongoing) The long, rocky relationship between Alekto and Florrick was laid out already in the previous segment, since it explains much of the backstory for the entire TLW:F concept.
Alekto, Florrick, and Naoise Nallinto are also connected as part of a polycule. Alekto is more or less monogamous, but flexible enough for a well-definied poly relationship if desired by her partner. Florrick is definitively poly, and she and Naoise have been involved consistently for quite some time, including during Florrick and Alekto's relationship. Driven by their connection as city-dwelling wood elves, they find each other grounding and enjoy spending time together, but aren't compatible enough to be very serious. Florrick and Naoise remain involved with one another, even though Alekto split away some 10 years pre-canon. Alekto and Naoise had little in common, so they rarely spent time together without Florrick, but consider each other acquaintances up to the present day.
(c. ~30years ago to just before canon). Shadowheart and Nocturne were long-term sweethearts, each other's rock in the harrowing environment of the cloister, although if asked, either would downplay their feelings for each other in accordance with their lady's teachings. They never really broke up, but rather were on-and-off due to Shadowheart's sessions with the Mirror of Loss and having to often rebuild their not-a-relationship from scratch. Due to this, the eternal denial of their true feelings for each other, and the overall culture of sexuality in the cloister, they both often were involved with other members of the cloister (represented as Mirie on the chart but could be really anyone/multiple people) both individually and also there were definitely orgies.
(~20 years-5 years ago) Florrick and Nine-Fingers Keene also had a rivals-and-lovers situationship going, as a gung-ho younger Florrick hoped to make a name for herself in the Flaming Fist by taking down the rising star of the criminal guild, but things got sexy and dramatic fast. It has been several years since they last slept together, but the sexual tension endures. (For what it's worth, I think Nine-Fingers is in her mid-forties as of 1492.)
(~13 or so years ago). Teenage Hoodlums Karlach and Skoona were a casual, infrequent thing before Karlach went under Gortash's wing.
(~10 to 1ish years ago) After Gortash betrayed Karlach, she found some kind of fun, comfort, companionship (against her better judgement) in Flo the Garotter. Karlach would never admit they were ~together~ at all let alone for that long, but if you look at the facts, they don't lie.
Now look at Allandra Grey and tell me that woman is not running some kind of racket out of that temple!! Obviously Nine-Fingers would have a finger in that pie, and a finger in other things if you know what I mean. The city could NOT handle them together, it's like how the horses in Macbeth start eating each other to signify a rift in the natural order. Umberlee probably drowned a lot of people over it. Of course (not pictured) the Polycule From Hell that is Nine-Fingers' Ladies and the Umberlee cultists is alive and (not) well.
Now in the peri-canon realm (within the 1 year prior to), we got a lot going on in the Harper Corner:
Jaheira and Nine-Fingers have had a little casual thing going on for several years, nothing serious; Jaheira doesn't want a new one and only because she already had her one and only. They have some fun, they share information, they pick this thing back up in a couple months.
Now with the Harpers, Jaheira isn't out looking for anything, but you know when you're working so closely with people, and the stakes are so high, and the nights are so cold... shit just kinda starts happening. So Talli and Jaheira developed a bit of a thing while working together to mobilize the Harpers to go to the shadow-cursed land and take on Ketheric. Talli's a good gal, salt of the earth, humble, hard-working; she's ready to settle down but Jaheira is so far beyond settling down that it's just... not a good situation for either of them. Feelings hurt, Talli rebounds with Lassandra and that's really fine, but they just didn't have enough in common to build the kind of relationship either of them want, but they made for good bedfellows while it lasted.
Meanwhile, at one point Jaheira and Isobel get drunk, start reminiscing about their lost loves, and have sex. It WOULD be a secret they both take to their grave if literally everyone didn't know about it.
In the tiefling region, sorry but Lakrissa has bag-fumbler written all over her!! Of course she and Alfira flirt, but Lakrissa fails repeatedly to seal the deal and you know Alfira doesn't make the first move (hence why they have no pre-canon connection). (Also Alfira was desperately in love with Lihala in the most hopeless, idol worship crush way, but this was 100% one-sided so not on the chart). It also doesn't help that Lakrissa's ex-teenage-sweetheart from Elturel, Xeph, is also in their caravan. Xeph dumped Lakrissa because Lakrissa wouldn't get serious about her, a mistake Lakrissa claims she will never make again, but... bag-fumbler. Lakrissa also has some bouts of low self-esteem and since her post in the grove overlooks Aradin's crew camp, I imagine she got into a little something with Remira even though Remira, like Aradin, is a piece of shit (but she is also hot, so).
Lastly, we of course have the Minthara-Orin thing which is honestly not my cup of tea whatsoever, but exists and is thus on the chart. Just because I wanted her on the chart, I feel like Minthara and Roah Moonglow have banged at least once in the goblin camp since Minthra would need to blow off some steam with someone hot and also clean.
And of course Z'rell needed to be on the chart, so the question was, who could handle her? The answer was obviously Araj, whose unflinching craziness yet delusional serenity would be a fun and equal match to Z'rell's intensity. They smashed like 2-3 times in Moonrise.
Next: The Chart, Act 1
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thedragonagelesbian · 5 months
Naoise Nallinto: The all-being. Here, there is no suffering. Here, you want for nothing. Here, you are anything. You have one word. tell me: what will you be? Cyrus: Gentle. Naoise Nallinto: You are gentle. The world is soft, and so are you, your hands clean, your head quiet, your body whole. You plant a flower and water it not with blood squeezed from stone but with the gentle rains of life. The storm washes you tender.
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eeldritchblast · 5 months
If your characters could give Naoise Nallinto a custom answer to what they will/wish to be, what would they say?
Oooh, I love this question...
CASSIUS: Powerful
MARIN: Creative
SEKEWA'T: Temperate
ZI'RA: Confident
ASTRA: Satisfied
BRIZA: Loved
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 5 months
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Naoise Nallinto: The all-being. Here, there is no suffering. Here, you want for nothing. Here, you are anything. Naoise Nallinto: You have one word. Tell me: what will you be? Majexatli: Home. Naoise Nallinto: You are home. There is a lit hearth that warms your bones, there is a bed with a place just for you, the faces around you are familiar and kind. You are sated, you are safe, you are loved. Wherever you may wander, there is always a place you can return to and be welcomed with open arms. You open your eyes in the morning, and know exactly where and when you are.
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antiqua-lugar · 4 months
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Naoise Nallinto: You are more than contented - you are at total peace. Your belly is full, your mind rested, your eyes bright. No more will you hear the clang of steel on steel. No more will you fear the cry of a wolf, the growl of an ogre. You are warm. You are safe
i am easily amused by making my own foreshadowing
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veilkeeper · 10 months
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Naoise Nallinto: Is it not in the illithid's barbarity that we find its splendour? Your eyes are no less monstrous, I assure you. A lesser woman might be frightened. But I am no lesser woman. Narrator: *Her gaze intensifies. Your breath quickens, and your heart skips a beat.* Narrator: Wisdom (Insight): *The woman's senses are heightened, and her fires stoked. The mind flayer is no mere curiosity, but an object of desire.*
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rinwellisathing · 20 days
Get to know my OCs: OC profile: Wysp Silksong:
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Name: Wysp Silksong
Age: 150
Race: Drow
Class: College of Glamour Bard
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: pansexual(male preference, further t4t preference)
Mother: Ffion Goldgrind(more of a mom friend/adoptive mom situation when he came to Sharess' Caress), a biological mother from House Mizzrym back in Menzoberranzan he doesn't talk about
Father: he doesn't talk about him
Other family: Mam'zell Amira(found family), Hoots Hooligan (found family), Sorn and Nym Orilith(found family), Naoise Nallinto(found family), Saucepan Chorizo (found family)
Favorite food: tea cookies with powdered sugar
Favorite color: silver
Bio: Wysp was born into one of the prominent Drow Houses in Menzoberranzan, but very quickly his insistence that he was male angered the matriarchs and led to him being tortured and banished.
Wysp left the underdark and made his way to the surface, teaching himself to play music along the way. He learned lyre, harp, lute, and flute. He also became a devotee of Elistraaee, whose voice he could hear guiding him when he was banished from his home.
On his arrival in Baldur's Gate, he found work as a musician and a courtesan at Sharess' Caress, his musical talent, unique beauty, and insightful conversation made him quite popular.
Towards the last few years of his life, Wysp caught feelings for a client, Sentry Ojeda, whom he was unaware was Bhaal's chosen. Sentry never seemed to return Wysp's feelings, so Wysp simply pined for him and treated him as a close friend.
Ultimately, Wysp was murdered by an assassin sent by Lord Enver Gortash when the Chosen of Bane became jealous of how much Sentry visited Wysp and also wary of how Wysp seemed to be looking into his dealings to 'protect' Sentry.
The Emperor would later consider Wysp as a form he could use to meet with Sentry before ultimately deciding on Sentry's adoptive mother instead, still when The Emperor slept with Sentry, Wysp was the non-illithid form he offered, though Sentry refused out of respect for his friend.
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sornorlith · 8 months
Me: I hate writing fanfic, it takes forever and I’m so scared no one will like it!
Me when I have all the control to make Sorn refer to everyone and anyone with honorifics:
“Lady Amira”
“Ms. Hoots / Ms. Hooligan”
“Madame Queenie”
“Lady Naoise / Miss Nallinto”
“Sir Raphael”
“Mr. Chorizo”
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