#world famous astrologer in london
vishnuastrologer · 2 years
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Palm Reading Expert in London
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hedgewitchgarden · 7 months
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Pamela Colman Smith. Image in the public domain.
She’s the world’s most famous occult artist but her name is almost unknown.
Such is the enigma of Pamela Colman Smith (1878–1951), an early 20th-century artist, writer, and mystic. Smith created dreamy, Symbolist-inspired watercolors that won her acclaim in her youth, including three successful exhibitions at Alfred Stieglitz’s famed New York gallery, 291, where she was the first non-photographic artist to have a show.
She was also an intimate friend of Dracula writer Bram Stoker, poet William Butler Yeats, and the actress and artistic muse Ellen Terry, for whom Smith designed illustrations and stage sets. 
However, Smith’s most lasting artistic contribution was undoubtedly her designs for the Rider-Waite tarot deck. Made in collaboration with mystic and scholar A.E. Waite, Smith created the Art-Nouveau-inspired imagery of mythical archetypes set against luminous monochromatic backgrounds. Released in 1909, the deck is now regarded as the standard set, with more than 100 million copies in circulation. Smith’s imagery has become synonymous with tarot itself.
And yet, for more than a century, Smith went wholly uncredited for her contribution. Her claim to the deck was only cemented by her iconic serpentine signature, a monogram she created while studying Japanese design, and which she embedded into the decoration for every Tarot card.
“Tarot is a visual device—and yet the visual artist who composed them was eclipsed by Waite, the scholar, and Rider, the manufacturer,” said Micki Pellerano, a New York-based artist, astrologer, and scholar of occult history, “Academics, with all their inertia and corporatism, are somehow more palatable to the public and valuable to the market than artistry and vision… little has changed.”  
But Smith has slowly been gaining recognition. The exhibition “At the Dawn of a New Age: Early Twentieth-Century American Modernism,” currently on view at the Whitney Museum of American Art, features an entire vintage set of the Rider-Waite tarot deck with attribution to Smith alongside The Wave, a luminous 1903 watercolor and ink drawing in the museum’s collection. The artist’s place in art history is still forming, however, and her contributions are more complex than a simple story of rediscovery.  
Pamela Becomes Pixie
Born in London to upper-class American parents, Smith moved through a sophisticated and cultured circle, spending her childhood in New York and then Jamaica, where she would be profoundly shaped by that nation’s folkloric history. Smith returned to New York in 1893, enrolling in Pratt Institute, though she would leave after two years to pursue her own interests, then returning to London following the death of her mother.
She was deeply involved in the literary world and her early accomplishments include the illustrations for a volume of verses by William Butler Yeats (1898), as well as the publication of her own writing, Annancy Stories, a collection of Jamaican folktales, and Widdicombe Fair, an illustrated version of a popular English folk melody. 
By 1901, she had established a weekly salon at her London studio and apartment, and she started her own journal, The Green Sheaf, which she edited as well as contributing her own poems and illustrations. She devoted herself to miniature theater as well, constructing dazzling and diminutive stage sets for toy performances. 
The Annancy Stories particularly won Smith admirers and a bit of notoriety. Smith toyed with gender conventions, granting the women characters in these stories more agency, and sometimes making the gender of the characters ambiguous. She’d also written these stories in Jamaican patois, with which she was familiar from her childhood—an unconventional decision at the time. 
Smith was familiarly known as Pixie, a nickname bestowed on her by Ellen Terry and which captured something of her undefinable, impish spirit. Smith was often known to wear flowing robes, and occasionally pants, and her self-styling welcomed all sorts of speculation. “She adopted native costumes and wore feathers in her hair and colorful ribbons. It was almost like a self-constructed persona that she adopted,” explained Barbara Haskell, curator of the Whitney exhibition, in a phone interview.  
Her sexual orientation and her ethnic makeup also sparked curiosity. She lived for many years with Nora Lake, her companion and business partner, with whom she may have shared a romantic relationship. Others have speculated that Smith was of biracial descent, with an English American father and a mother of either Jamaican or East Asian ancestry—although not much evidence exists to lead to any decisive conclusions on the matter. What was certain is that Smith was regarded as “other” by those around her and which in turn inspired her approach to art-making. 
Early Fame and Acclaim 
In 1907, Smith had her first exhibition at 291, featuring 72 watercolor paintings. These works were partially inspired by Smith’s own synesthesia, in which she experienced visual sensations set off by auditory impulses (her first synesthetic experience occurred while listening to Bach). She organized her works for the show with overtly musical references, such as overtures, sonatas, and concertos. 
“In the 19th century, there was an idea that art was an expression of the unconscious and that it would elicit unconscious non-rational ways of thinking about the world,” Haskell said. “Smith would paint while listening to music as a way to unleash her unconscious, which would have fit Stieglitz’s mission at that point.”
This first exhibition was a commercial hit and Smith would have two more shows at the gallery in the following few years. Eleven of her unsold paintings and drawings remained in the collection of Stieglitz and Georgia O’Keeffe. Eventually, however, Stieglitz would turn to a more masculine vision of Modernism, leaving Smith somewhat disheartened. 
The Embrace of the Occult
From early in her life, Smith’s spiritual beliefs were oriented toward the esoteric and arcane. She had been raised a Swedenborgian, a mystical denomination of Christianity, and, as early as 1901, began to engage with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a secret society that explored occult, metaphysics, and paranormal activities, which certainly influenced her artistic output.  
For Haskell, these influences were symptomatic of the time. “Smith represents a strain of artists in early American Modernism who were disaffected with materialism and rationalism, but who were also unsatisfied with organized religion and so turned toward more occult pursuits,” she explained. “Theosophy was so influential at the turn of the century and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was similar—a secret society that looked at ancient texts, the kabbalah, and tarot cards. This was predominant among women and I think of Agnes Pelton as a parallel.” 
Smith was eventually approached by A.E. Waite, a scholar of the Hermetic Order, who had ambitions to create a new version of the 78-card tarot deck, and who commissioned Smith to create the illustrations.
Waite, a Grand Master of the Hermetic Order, offered direction for his vision for the order of the Major Arcana, which is characterized by allegorical characters such as the Fool and the Sun. The Minor Arcana, cards in four suits of wands, swords, cups, and pentacles, were left entirely to Smith’s discretion, and she transformed these cards, which had traditionally been simply symbols, into lush, image-laden scenes.
The deck is mythical in scope, ranging from moments of exalted regality to mischievous pleasure, and Smith’s compositional signature predominates the cards: a lone, mysterious, medieval hero appears against a nearly Byzantine monochromatic background.
For Pellarano, Smith’s familiarity with the significance of the tarot is evidenced by her detail. “She possessed a rare command over iconography, and a deep understanding of it,” he said. “Her designs are constantly revealing new layers of information. They encode so much meaning and evoke so much contemplation, but are gentle in their elegance and appeal.” Haskell notes commonalities to the work of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. “She was in England, and through the theater, she was exposed to a lot of Pre-Raphaelite art” Haskell noted.
Some of the tarot archetypes are believed to have been modeled by Smith’s friends—Ellen Terry’s daughter, Edith Craig, appears as the Queen of Wands and actor William Terriss as the Fool. Smith, who struggled financially throughout her life, would receive no copyright or credit for her contribution, and was paid only a nominal commission.
A Retreat to Obscurity 
Following the publication of the deck, Smith grew increasingly interested in Irish mythology, and in 1911, she made illustrations for Bram Stoker’s final book, Lair of the White Worm. But soon enough, Smith withdrew from the art world. That same year, she converted to Catholicism and with a small inheritance purchased a home in Bude, England.
There she would devote herself more fully to causes like women’s suffrage and the Red Cross. She would die at age 73 in Bude, all but penniless. “It was her decision. She just exited the art world,” Haskell said.  
Still, Haskell believes it is time for Smith to rejoin the story of Modernism. “Art, more than words, presents the mood of the time, and Pamela Colman Smith’s work does get to the essence of a feeling of that era,” she said. “On one hand, people were excited about industrialization and that was the dominant mode, but there were also those who were very concerned that it was stripping individuals of a sense of spirituality and connection to their inner core. That certainly hasn’t gone away and we’ve come fully back into such a moment.”
“Smith’s works feel even more resonant,” Haskell added, “showing art as a way to find a personalized, spiritual connection to divinity in isolating times.” 
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ash-and-books · 2 months
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Rating: 3/5
Book Blurb:
My name has only been whispered, heretofore…
England, 1591. Rose Rushe’s passion for life runs deep—she loves mead and music, meddles with astrology, and laughs at her mother’s warnings to guard her reputation. When Rose’s father dies and a noble accuses her and her dear friend Cecely of witchcraft, they flee to the household of respected alchemists in London. But as their bond deepens, their sanctuary begins to feel more like a cage. To escape, they turn to the occult, secretly casting charms and selling astrological advice in the hopes of building a life together. This thriving underground business leads Rose to fair young noble Henry and playwright Will Shakespeare, and so begins a brief, tempestuous, and powerful romance—one filled with secret longings and deep betrayals. 
In this world of dazzling masques and decadent feasts, where the stars decide futures, Rose will write her own fate instead. 
From the author of The Book of Gothel comes the lush, magical story behind Shakespeare's sonnets, as told by one of his most famous subjects—the incendiary and mysterious Dark Lady.
Being a woman in 1591 England is not easy, especially when you have a love of drink, music, and are being accused of witchcraft.... and end up in a relationship with William Shakespeare. Rose has always been a free spirit, someone who loves drinking and playing music, who enjoys meddling with astrology and not taking heed of her mother's warning. Yet when her father dies and a noble accuses Rose and her best friend Cecely of witchcraft they must both flee to London. Yet as they begin a new business in London selling astrological advice and casting secret charms.... Rose meets a noble named Henry and playwright named William Shakespeare and enters into a brief and powerful romance filled with betrayal. This started off really fun but kind of lost me by the end. I just found myself not as invested and drifting off while reading this. I initially was really excited about this but I guess it just didn't really hook me in the end and I would say that it was a case of "it's me not you". I do think if you like stories involving Shakespeare and a bit of alternative history or inspired by narratives, this could be for you!
Release Date: July 16,2024
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
*Thanks Netgalley and Redhook Books | Redhook for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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rxscss · 2 years
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"𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝓈𝑒𝑒 𝓂𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝒶 𝒸𝓇𝑜𝓌𝓃, 𝒾'𝓂 𝑔𝑜𝓃𝓃𝒶 𝓇𝓊𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑜𝓌𝓃. 𝓌𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽 𝓂𝑒 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒 '𝑒𝓂 𝒷𝑜𝓌 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝒷𝓎 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝒷𝓎 𝑜𝓃𝑒, 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝒷𝓎 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝒷𝓎. 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝓈𝑒𝑒 𝓂𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝒶 𝒸𝓇𝑜𝓌𝓃, 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓈𝒾𝓁𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝓂𝓎 𝒻𝒶𝓋𝑜𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝓈𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹. 𝓌𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽 𝓂𝑒 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒 '𝑒𝓂 𝒷𝑜𝓌 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝒷𝓎 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝒷𝓎 𝑜𝓃𝑒."
(—) ★ spotted!! BROOKE HAWKER on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 33 year old looks like EMILY RATAJKOWSKI, but i don’t really see it. while  the FORMER REALITY TV STAR/CREATIVE DIRECTOR OF VOGUE is known for being METICULOUS my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be IMPATIENT i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song YOU SHOULD SEE ME IN A CROWN by BILLIE EILLISH  {she/her / cisfemale} - penned by CANDICE - penned by candice, 25, cisfemale, she/her
wanted connections + connections || musings || pinterest || instagram || headcanons
name: brooke francesca hawker
age: thirty three
nicknames: none, she doesn’t do nicknames.
date of birth: january 3rd, 1989
astrological sign: capricorn
place of birth: london england
occupation: former reality tv star / current creative director of vogue
label: the queen bee
positive traits: meticulous, poised, chic, eloquent
negative traits: impatient, a perfectionist, judgmental, snobby
characters/celebrities she’s like: blair waldorf from gossip girl, lauren conrad from the hills, emily charlton from the devil wears prada, brooke davis from one tree hill, alexa chung, chiara ferragni, rachel zoe, mary kate and ashley (currently)
being the first born daughter of francesca albrecht, the editor in chief of vogue, and sebastian hawker, an american business magnate, computer scientist and internet entrepreneur, brooke grew up being the absolute apple of her mother's eye.
despite their upper class status, brooke and her siblings grew up fairly normal, their parents always wanting to keep them humble and grounded and most importantly, hard working. they weren’t just handed the money they made, they earned it, and they wanted their children to do the same.
unlike her other siblings who went in different directions, brooke had always been glued to their mother’s side. from a little girl she was obsessed with the fashion world, often seen strolling hand and hand with francesca into the british vogue offices dressed to the nines while francesca worked on various projects as their creative director.
even as a little girl, she was known for being even more brutal than her mother, making sure her opinions were heard loud and clear and that everything was nothing short of perfection. and while most around the office found the demanding little girl funny, francesca realized that her daughter had true talent and an eye for fashion.
she attended private school and when college came around, she attended a year at central saint martins college of art and design, the most famous fashion school in the uk, and majored in fashion communications.
however, after a year there, her mother was offered the editor in chief position at vogue and when the opportunity to move to the states arose, brooke followed along with her family.
just because her mother was the editor of vogue, however, didn’t mean that brooke was simply going to be handed a career on a silver platter. her mother encouraged her to continue her studies and brooke made her headquarters in new york city, attending the fashion institute of technology.
living on her own in new york city thrust brooke into a new spotlight that she had never been in before. her family was famously private, but brooke began hanging out in the new york social scene of the fashion world - partying with models, photographers, designers and more and eventually, she became new york city’s biggest it-girl, much to the dismay of her father and especially, her mother.
however, brooke saw this as an opportunity. the world was obsessed with everything she was wearing, where she was eating, where she was partying, quite literally every aspect of her life, so, at just 20 years old, she headed to the mtv headquarters in new york city and pitched them an idea for a show, inspired by the life of her and her friends in new york city.
thus, in 2009, ‘soho’ premiered. (basically the new york version of ‘the hills’) and brooke and her friendd catapulted into stardom - the world becoming obsessed with the groups fights, make-ups and break-ups and the way they lived their life every day in new york city. (there’s a bunch of wcs on my wanted page for her that goes more into the dynamics of her friends!!)
for five years, her life revolved around the show and after five seasons, she was absolutely mentally drained - sick and tired of everything she said and did being under a microscope. so, she left the show, that only lasted for one more season without her,, and moved to los angeles where her family was.
from 2012-2017, she lived pretty off the radar (very mary kate and ashley kind of vibes) and started her very own fashion brand called ‘the echelon’ and poured all of her energy into making that a success. she hired the best designers in the world and the most sought after team of creatives and after years of hard work and dedication, it became one of the most sought after brands in the industry.
however, in 2017, her world got shaken up when her father was under fbi investigation, which caused the split of her parents, and her sister, lily was in a career changing car accident.
she spent the next couple of years taking a step back from her line and focusing on being there for her sister and mother, angry with her father for doing this to the family.
her and her mother had been on the outs for years, francesca being completely against the reality tv direction that her daughter had gone into, but seeing how she stepped up for the family truly mended that gap between them and in 2020, francesca named brooke the creative director of vogue.
she’s come a long way from that party girl in new york city and brooke takes her role and her job incredibly seriously. she sold her fashion brand to lvhm for ten billion dollars, which was a record acquisition, and now eat, sleeps and breathes vogue.
she, like she was as a child, is once again glued to her mother’s side, walking into the vogue offices each day dressed to the nines.
𝓯𝓲𝓵𝓶𝓸𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓹𝓱𝔂 & 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓻
reality tv career
soho - 2009-2011 - reality show revolving around her and her friend’s lives in nyc
fashion career
ceo/founder/creative director of ‘the echelon’ - 2012-2020 - was sold in 2020 to lvhm for ten billion dollars
creative director of vogue magazine - 2020-present
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elxctrics · 6 days
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(—) ★ spotted!! BROOKE HAWKER ALBRECHT on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 34 year old looks like EMILY RATAJKOWSKI, but i don’t really see it. while  the FORMER REALITY TV STAR/CREATIVE DIRECTOR OF VOGUE is known for being METICULOUS my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be IMPATIENT i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song YOU SHOULD SEE ME IN A CROWN by BILLIE EILLISH { SHE/HER, CISFEMALE }
  ˗ˏˋ * ‣ 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬    :  
connections || musings || instagram || headcanons
name: brooke francesca hawker albrecht
age: thirty four
nicknames: none, she doesn’t do nicknames.
date of birth: january 3rd, 1990
astrological sign: capricorn
place of birth: london england
occupation: former reality tv star / current creative director of vogue
label: the queen bee
positive traits: meticulous, poised, chic, eloquent
negative traits: impatient, a perfectionist, judgmental, snobby
characters/celebrities she’s like: blair waldorf from gossip girl, lauren conrad from the hills, emily charlton from the devil wears prada, brooke davis from one tree hill, alexa chung, chiara ferragni, rachel zoe, mary kate and ashley (currently)
being the first born daughter of francesca albrecht, the editor in chief of vogue, and sebastian hawker, an american business magnate, computer scientist and internet entrepreneur, brooke grew up being the absolute apple of her mother's eye.
despite their upper class status, brooke and her siblings grew up fairly normal, their parents always wanting to keep them humble and grounded and most importantly, hard working. they weren’t just handed the money they made, they earned it, and they wanted their children to do the same.
unlike her other siblings who went in different directions, brooke had always been glued to their mother’s side. from a little girl she was obsessed with the fashion world, often seen strolling hand and hand with francesca into the british vogue offices dressed to the nines while francesca worked on various projects as their creative director.
even as a little girl, she was known for being even more brutal than her mother, making sure her opinions were heard loud and clear and that everything was nothing short of perfection. and while most around the office found the demanding little girl funny, francesca realized that her daughter had true talent and an eye for fashion.
she attended private school and when college came around, she attended a year at central saint martins college of art and design, the most famous fashion school in the uk, and majored in fashion communications.
however, after a year there, her mother was offered the editor in chief position at vogue and when the opportunity to move to the states arose, brooke followed along with her family.
just because her mother was the editor of vogue, however, didn’t mean that brooke was simply going to be handed a career on a silver platter. her mother encouraged her to continue her studies and brooke made her headquarters in new york city, attending the fashion institute of technology.
living on her own in new york city thrust brooke into a new spotlight that she had never been in before. her family was famously private, but brooke began hanging out in the new york social scene of the fashion world - partying with models, photographers, designers and more and eventually, she became new york city’s biggest it-girl, much to the dismay of her father and especially, her mother.
however, brooke saw this as an opportunity. the world was obsessed with everything she was wearing, where she was eating, where she was partying, quite literally every aspect of her life, so, at just 20 years old, she headed to the mtv headquarters in new york city and pitched them an idea for a show, inspired by the life of her and her friends in new york city.
thus, in 2009, ‘soho’ premiered. (basically the new york version of ‘the hills’) and brooke and her friends catapulted into stardom - the world becoming obsessed with the groups fights, make-ups and break-ups and the way they lived their life every day in new york city. (there’s a bunch of wcs on my wanted page for her that goes more into the dynamics of her friends!!)
for five years, her life revolved around the show and after five seasons, she was absolutely mentally drained - sick and tired of everything she said and did being under a microscope. so, she left the show, that only lasted for one more season without her,, and moved to los angeles where her family was.
from 2012-2017, she lived pretty off the radar (very mary kate and ashley kind of vibes) and started her very own fashion brand called ‘the echelon’ and poured all of her energy into making that a success. she hired the best designers in the world and the most sought after team of creatives and after years of hard work and dedication, it became one of the most sought after brands in the industry.
however, in 2017, her world got shaken up when her father was under fbi investigation, which caused the split of her parents, and her sister, lily was in a career changing car accident.
she spent the next couple of years taking a step back from her line and focusing on being there for her sister and mother, angry with her father for doing this to the family.
her and her mother had been on the outs for years, francesca being completely against the reality tv direction that her daughter had gone into, but seeing how she stepped up for the family truly mended that gap between them and in 2020, francesca named brooke the creative director of vogue.
she’s come a long way from that party girl in new york city and brooke takes her role and her job incredibly seriously. she sold her fashion brand to lvhm for ten billion dollars, which was a record acquisition, and now eat, sleeps and breathes vogue.
after her father's recent legal battles, she changed her last name to 'albrecht', her mother's maiden name, completely cutting the man out of her life.
0 notes
rhetoricandlogic · 2 months
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Review by Kelly Jarvis: A Rose By Any Other Name by Mary McMyne
Mary McMyne’s phenomenal new release, A Rose By Any Other Name, tells the story of Rose Rushe, the mysterious “Dark Lady” of William Shakespeare’s sonnets. In the prologue to Rose’s narrative, she describes herself as the “daughter of an ill-starred astrologer and a witch who refused to hide her Catholicism,” and casts the bard’s famous sonnets as “the bitter spew of a jealous lover.” By the end of the first page, I was prepared for a tumultuous journey through the dazzling world of Elizabethan England, and A Rose By Any Other Name did not disappoint!
McMyne’s book begins with Rose dreaming of a life beyond the confines of her country home. She has learned much from the crafts of her parents, but she also sings and plays music, and her deepest desire is to travel to London with her childhood friend Cecely and secure a position as a musician in Queen Elizabeth’s court. When her father passes away, Rose’s unconventional plans are thwarted by her need to protect her mother and her little brother. Chased out of town by accusations of witchcraft, Cecely, Rose, and her family flee to the London home of her father’s good friend, an alchemist seeking to turn base metals into gold. Although Rose is trapped into marrying to secure her family’s welfare, she never stops reaching for her independence, using both ingenuity and duplicity to locate her mother’s estranged relatives and to earn money by singing in brothels, composing music for the theatre, and dabbling in astrology for powerful and wealthy clients who pay handsomely for her discretion.
Rose’s complex relationship with her mother, Katarina, is on full display throughout the narrative. Katarina has spells and potions at her disposal, using them indiscriminately to further the security of her family, sometimes at the cost of her own daughter’s freedom. Rose has inherited much of her mother’s shrewdness, and although she has spent her youth dallying with boys’ affections and enjoys a physical relationship with Will Shakespeare, she is a woman who knows what she wants out of life, and she will stop at nothing to get it. Like Rose and her mother, Shakespeare himself is presented as a complex character, both brilliant and insecure, both intimate and distant. Will’s wit draws Rose into his world of ink and paper, but when he brings her into contact with Henry, the Earl of Southampton, whose mother has hired the poet to write sonnets convincing him to marry, Rose is able to peer beneath the surfaces of the men’s desires because she is so clear in knowing her own.
McMyne’s greatest strength as a writer comes from her ability to create engaging narrators who are not as fully in control of their stories as they seem. Like Haelewise, the narrator of McMyne’s “Rapunzel” retelling The Book of Gothel, Rose is a multidimensional character whose writing reveals more than the story she reports. Rose writes, in part, to vilify Will Shakespeare, claiming that after their ordeal, she took little interest in his work though he filled his plays and poems with references to her and their romance. Careful readers of Rose’s narrative, however, will spot nods to the bard’s work in her chosen language, revealing that while her relationship with Shakespeare may have been a small part of her life, it had a lasting impact on her and the way that she understands the world. McMyne skillfully gives the dark lady a powerful new voice while simultaneously binding her to the poet who first immortalized her in verse, and the effect is breathtaking.
“Sometimes the music just comes,” Rose says to Will upon reading his beautiful sonnet which compares the Earl of Southampton to a summer’s day, and in A Rose By Any Other Name, the music has come to Mary McMyne. Passionate, mysterious, and achingly beautiful, this book offers readers a new take one of the world’s greatest literary mysteries. It is a must read for all those interested in complex family dynamics, sapphic romances, and the pull between societal duty and individual desire. McMyne’s stunning combination of scholarly research and engaging fiction will transform the way audiences understand women, witches, and William Shakespeare. I loved it!
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mastershivaastro · 7 months
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amils-posts · 4 months
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acconinstituteseo · 6 months
Famous Astrologer In Dubai Journey
In today's fast-paced world, where uncertainty looms large and the future seems veiled in shadows, seeking guidance from the celestial realm has become more than just a trend—it's a necessity. Astrology, the ancient science of decoding the language of the stars, has gained immense popularity in recent years, offering solace and clarity to those navigating life's intricate pathways. In the bustling metropolises of Famous Astrologer In Dubai UAE, London, and across the UK, the quest for authentic astrological insights has led many seekers to the doorstep of renowned astrologers, who wield the power to illuminate the darkest of uncertainties.
Famous Astrologers in Dubai and the UAE: Unraveling Destiny's Tapestry
Dubai, a city of opulence and modern marvels, is also a hub for seekers of spiritual enlightenment. Amidst its towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, lies a treasure trove of astrological wisdom waiting to be discovered. Here, the journey to self-discovery often begins with renowned astrologers who possess an unparalleled understanding of the cosmic forces shaping our lives.
One such luminary in the realm of astrology is [Insert Name], a revered figure whose insightful readings have guided countless individuals towards fulfillment and success. With an astute knowledge of both Eastern and Western astrological traditions, [Insert Name] seamlessly blends ancient wisdom with modern insights, offering personalized guidance that resonates deeply with seekers from all walks of life.
Whether you're grappling with career dilemmas, seeking clarity in matters of love, or simply yearning to unlock the secrets of your true potential, [Insert Name] stands as a beacon of light, ready to illuminate your path towards a brighter tomorrow.
Embarking on a Celestial Journey: Discovering the Best Astrologers in London and the UK
As the pulsating heart of culture and sophistication, London beckons seekers from far and wide in search of answers that lie beyond the realm of the tangible. Here, amidst the city's rich tapestry of history and modernity, dwells a cadre of esteemed astrologers whose profound insights have garnered them global acclaim.
Among these luminaries, Famous Astrologer In Dubai shines brightly as a beacon of wisdom and guidance. With decades of experience and a deep-rooted understanding of the celestial dance, [Insert Name] has earned a reputation as one of the best astrologers in London and beyond. His/her clients, ranging from high-profile personalities to everyday individuals, attest to the transformative power of his/her readings, which offer not just predictions, but a roadmap to self-realization and empowerment.
In the mystical landscape of the UK, where ancient traditions converge with contemporary realities, the quest for cosmic wisdom finds its truest expression in the hands of masters like [Insert Name]. Whether you seek clarity amidst life's labyrinthine twists or yearn to unlock the secrets of the universe, [Insert Name] stands ready to accompany you on a celestial journey unlike any other.
Conclusion: Navigating Life's Celestial Maze with the Best Astrologers Worldwide
In a world where uncertainty reigns supreme, the ancient science of astrology emerges as a guiding light, offering solace, clarity, and empowerment to those who seek its wisdom. Across the vibrant cities of Dubai, UAE, London, and the UK, renowned astrologers stand as custodians of this timeless knowledge, ready to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos and illuminate the path to self-discovery.
Whether you find yourself amidst the glimmering skyscrapers of Dubai or the storied streets of London, the quest for authentic astrological insights leads you to the doorstep of luminaries whose guidance transcends borders and boundaries. With their unparalleled wisdom and profound insights, these astrologers pave the way for a transformative journey—one that unlocks the boundless potential that lies within each and every one of us.
So, embark on this celestial odyssey, dear seeker, and let the best astrologers in Dubai, UAE, London, and the UK be your guides as you navigate the intricate maze of life, guided by the stars and empowered by the wisdom of the ages.
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akastrologyzone · 8 months
Famous Astrologer In London
London, a city steeped in history and culture, is also home to individuals who possess a unique ability to decode the celestial tapestry and offer insights into our lives. Among them stands a luminary figure, a renowned and celebrated personality – a Famous Astrologer In London. In this blog, we'll explore the intriguing world of astrology and delve into the life and expertise of one of London's most sought-after astrologers.
London, with its rich tapestry of diverse communities and vibrant energy, has always been a hub for seekers of mystical knowledge. Astrology, an ancient practice that has stood the test of time, continues to captivate the minds and hearts of many in this bustling metropolis. Whether it's seeking guidance about one's career, relationships, or personal growth, astrology has become a beacon of wisdom for those navigating the complexities of life in London.
At the forefront of London's astrology scene is  a luminary in the realm of celestial interpretation. With a wealth of experience and a client list that reads like a who's who of London's elite, [Astrologer's Name] has earned a reputation for accuracy, insight, and a profound understanding of the cosmic forces that shape our destinies.
Every luminary has a story, and  is no exception. Born and raised in London,Famous Astrologer In London.discovered a fascination with the stars and their influence on human affairs from an early age. This passion led [him/her] to pursue a rigorous education in astrology, honing [his/her] skills and developing a unique approach that sets apart in the field.
 offers a range of services catering to the diverse needs of  clientele. From natal chart readings that provide a personalized map of one's life path to predictive astrology that offers insights into future events, [Astrologer's Name] brings a comprehensive and compassionate approach to [his/her] practice.
The true measure of an astrologer's prowess lies in the testimonials of satisfied clients.  has garnered praise for Famous Astrologer In London.ability to offer clarity, guidance, and a sense of empowerment. Clients speak of transformative experiences and a deeper understanding of themselves after consultations with.
In a city that never sleeps, where the pace of life can be overwhelming, turning to the cosmos for guidance has become a source of solace for many. A Famous Astrologer In London. like [Astrologer's Name], serves as a beacon of light, helping individuals navigate the intricacies of their life's journey. So, if you find yourself pondering the mysteries of your existence in the heart of London, consider embarking on a cosmic exploration with [Astrologer's Name], where the stars align to reveal the wisdom that lies within and beyond.
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duahelpme · 11 months
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Get Your All problem solution in 24 Hours With 100% Guaranteed result, Molana nawab khan Is The world famous astrologer And He Have 30 Years of Experience. He is Gold Medalist In Wazifa, dua, Amal, Taweez, Rohani Amal. He Provide his services All Around the world like :- India, Usa, Uk,Canada, Singapore, London, Dubai,Australia,New York,American Etc. If you have any problems related to anything without hesitating just ring a call to molana nawab khan ji to get solutions of your problems within 24 hours Note: fees after the result , no fees from women!
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gurujiraj · 15 days
World Famous Astrologer in London: Unlocking Life's Secrets with Vedic Astrology
Astrology has long been a source of guidance, clarity, and insight for people all around the world. From understanding personal challenges to seeking success in love, career, and health, astrology serves as a map that can help navigate life’s uncertainties. In a bustling city like London, where people from all walks of life face various challenges, having access to a reliable astrologer is invaluable. Guru Ji Dr. Raj, a world-famous astrologer in London, is renowned for his accurate predictions and profound knowledge of Vedic astrology. His expertise has helped countless individuals discover their life’s purpose and overcome obstacles.
Who is Guru Ji Dr. Raj?
Guru Ji Dr. Raj is one of the most sought-after astrologers, not just in London but globally. His deep understanding of Vedic astrology—an ancient Indian practice that examines planetary positions and their influence on human life—has earned him a stellar reputation. As a famous Vedic astrologer in London, Guru Ji Dr. Raj provides more than just predictions. He offers comprehensive insights and practical solutions that align with an individual's birth chart, giving them the tools to overcome difficulties and achieve their goals.
The Importance of Vedic Astrology
Vedic astrology differs from Western astrology in its approach and precision. Rooted in the Vedas, ancient Hindu scriptures, Vedic astrology offers a detailed analysis of one's life based on the positions of the planets at the time of birth. Unlike Western astrology, which primarily focuses on the sun sign, Vedic astrology provides a more nuanced understanding of planetary influences and their effects on various aspects of life such as health, relationships, career, and finances.
Guru Ji Dr. Raj, the world-famous astrologer in London, utilizes the principles of Vedic astrology to offer in-depth consultations and guidance. Whether you're struggling with personal issues or seeking clarity about your future, Guru Ji Dr. Raj can help you navigate through life with confidence.
Why Choose Guru Ji Dr. Raj?
Accurate Predictions: One of the key reasons why Guru Ji Dr. Raj is regarded as a famous Vedic astrologer in London is his ability to make highly accurate predictions. His deep knowledge of Vedic astrology allows him to analyze your birth chart in detail, providing predictions that resonate with your life experiences.
Holistic Solutions: Guru Ji Dr. Raj doesn't just predict the future; he provides practical solutions to problems. From suggesting remedies like gemstones, prayers, and rituals to offering advice on lifestyle changes, he helps clients overcome their challenges and achieve positive outcomes.
Personalized Guidance: Every individual is unique, and so is their birth chart. Guru Ji Dr. Raj takes a personalized approach to astrology, ensuring that his advice is tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of each client. This personalized guidance has made him a trusted figure for many people seeking spiritual and practical advice.
Confidentiality and Trust: Guru Ji Dr. Raj is known for maintaining the highest levels of confidentiality when it comes to his clients' personal information and concerns. Whether you're seeking advice on love, career, or health, you can trust that your consultations with him will remain private.
Services Offered by Guru Ji Dr. Raj
Guru Ji Dr. Raj offers a wide range of astrological services to address various aspects of life. His expertise includes:
Relationship and Love Problems: If you're struggling with relationship issues, whether it’s compatibility, finding the right partner, or resolving conflicts, Guru Ji Dr. Raj can provide astrological insights to guide you through these challenges.
Career and Financial Guidance: Whether you're facing professional difficulties, looking for the right career path, or seeking financial stability, Guru Ji Dr. Raj can offer advice based on the alignment of the planets in your birth chart.
Health Concerns: Astrology can offer valuable insights into health-related issues. Guru Ji Dr. Raj provides guidance on how to prevent or overcome health challenges based on astrological readings.
Family and Marriage Solutions: For those experiencing family disputes or challenges in marriage, Guru Ji Dr. Raj’s expertise can help bring harmony and resolution.
Spiritual Guidance: Beyond the material aspects of life, Guru Ji Dr. Raj also offers spiritual advice, helping individuals connect with their inner selves and find peace.
Famous Vedic Astrologer in London: Why Reputation Matters
Guru Ji Dr. Raj’s reputation as a world-famous astrologer in London has been built on years of providing accurate, insightful, and compassionate advice to people from all walks of life. His clients, both local and international, vouch for his expertise in solving complex life problems. He has helped numerous individuals gain clarity about their past, present, and future, enabling them to take control of their lives.
The ability to predict future events is only one part of the equation. What sets Guru Ji Dr. Raj apart is his holistic approach—he not only predicts but also equips his clients with the knowledge and tools to turn their challenges into opportunities.
In today’s fast-paced world, having a reliable guide to help navigate through life’s challenges is crucial. Guru Ji Dr. Raj, the world-famous astrologer in London, provides accurate predictions and practical solutions that can help you find clarity, success, and peace in life. His deep understanding of Vedic astrology makes him the go-to astrologer for individuals seeking personalized guidance.
If you are looking for the best Vedic astrologer in London, trust Guru Ji Dr. Raj to guide you with compassion, accuracy, and expertise. Visit his website to book a consultation and start your journey towards a more fulfilled and successful life.
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icarusthelunarguard · 11 months
 This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter. Better yet! Check out “Heart of the Game, Fredonia” and see if they can sell you those D12’s with the symbols on them. Tell them “Shujin Tribble” sentcha. And “Hail, Hail, Fredonia!” Home of the Blue Devil!
Somebody made a suggestion for a theme this week! Well, far be it for us to say “No”. So this week you’re ALL getting famous creepy monsters randomly assigned to guide you this week. Let’s see if you can survive the experience.
=Next Week: =
Not gunna lie, Aries - you’re starting us off weak. You get a classic monster that literally everyone knows about and its depiction never makes sense. You get a  “Skeleton”. How many times have you seen them moving around, stalking people, drinking wine, or even whistling? “Too Many Times” by our count. So this week… watch the Schoolhouse Rock song, “Them Not-So-Dry Bones” and learn the difference between a Tibia and a Femur.
Ok, now THIS is how you start off a list like this correctly. Some would say this is the ultimate Modern Halloween monster, but others would say, “Who Hurt You?” This week you get to deal with “Creepy Clowns”, but we can give you a way to help with your Clown-a-phobia. This week… find and watch “Killer Klowns from Outer Space” and we’re sure you’ll get over your fears. Either that or you’ll never eat pink cotton candy again.
We’re going to flip the script just a little bit for you and give you “Dr. Frankenstein”. Not his creation, known as “The Monster” but on the Doctor himself. You know there’s just a little bit of that drive in every medical professional out there. That desire to beat back Death itself. To stave off the reaping of a soul. But it’s too late. Dr. Viktor von Frankenstein is long dead, his secrets, ironically, taken with him to the grave, and there’s nothing you can do to change that. This week… avoid using jumper cables.
Cancer Moon-Child 
The scariest part about your monster is how incredibly inconsistent they are. Maybe they’re smart, maybe dumb, maybe fast, maybe shambling and otherwise unstoppable. In any event you’re getting, “Zombies”. The only way to be sure you’ve killed them… well, they’re already ‘dead’, kinda. Anyway… –to be sure they’re dead is to pop their head like a Gushers Candy. This week… Play “7 Days to Die” on “All Blood Moon” setting. 
You can’t reason with yours. You can’t talk to it. You can’t shoot it or stab it or contain it for long. In your case “Mummies” are the cursed remains of a long-dead person, usually Egyptian. That means they’re like 5,000 years old, can only read hieroglyphics, and can’t talk with a damn anyway. But you have an advantage over them - You can produce enough fire to turn them into ash. This week… invest in a Bic Lighter and hairspray.
We’re gunna do some chemistry here. Take an old dude, say, just about 2 Metres tall. Make him speak six languages, be a world champion fencer, participate in more on-screen sword fights than any actor in history, serve for five years as a British Commando blowing the shit out of Nazi asses in World War II, and have him, at 88 years old, became the oldest person to ever record lead vocals on a progressive symphonic heavy metal track about the life of Charlemagne (because why the fuck not?). You have the best “Vampire” in history: SIR Christopher Frank Carandini Lee. This week… we don’t care that we’re not giving you an actual monster - DUDE! Christopher Lee was the MAN!
“Where… Wolves? …THERE wolves. There… Castle.” And if you don’t get that reference we can’t be friends anymore. This week, watch “An American Werewolf in London” and “Young Frankenstein”... AGAIN. 
The worst part about your monster is how very un-real they are. Because if it was a matter of people having unfinished business with The Living, why the hell aren’t there any Ghost dinosaurs out there? And why are they always shown wearing the same clothes all the time. Like.. My Dude, you can wear anything you want! Imagine what a Borat Ghost would be like. (*PAUSE*) Second thought, never-you-mind!
AH, yes! The women who gave society the proverbial finger and got turned into well-well-well done kabobs. You get “Witches”, and we’re going to put some existential fear into you from them. First… Can we all just agree that Winifred Sanderson’s lipstick and buck-teeth are just The Worst? Now riddle me this, Sagittarius; why were we taught to fear the witches and NOT the people lighting them on fire? This week… No cook-outs. 
We already mentioned your Not-A-Monster monster, and we can make them very humanized. “The Grim Reaper” isn’t a monster per-say, but a person fulfilling a necessary function for Life! Imagine, you accidentally shoot Death in the forehead, killing them, and now YOU have to take on the “Office of Death”, reaping souls, with no training at all. Do you ever wonder how he’s doing in his newly promoted position? Have you pondered what happens if he’s allergic to horses? This week… find a copy of “On a Pale Horse” by Piers Anthony and Read It! (He’s still alive, BTW!)
This is a SUPER speciesist fear-monster for no good reason. You get “Bats”. And really this is silly! They’re GREAT little flying mosquito-devourers and stunt fliers and you know what? YOU KNOW WHAT?! They’re smol! Well.. except for the Flying Fox. Imagine a bat with a CUTE FACE, weighing in at 1Kg with a 1 and-a-half Meter wingspan… and you know what they eat? Flowers and fruit! That’s it! And they’re just the most adorable sky puppies! This week… Re-exam your personal biases.
You are NOT Captain Kirk or Commander Riker. You are NOT going to be flirting with this “monster”, if we can even call it that. You get “Aliens” - and before you say anything, just remember… Humanity’s just as much a threat to other life as they are to us… So this week… learn how to nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Discord and BLUESKY.
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tipsycad147 · 1 year
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Cheiro, (pronounced K’i-ro) born William John Warner (November 1, 1866 – October 8, 1936) was the father of modern palmistry.  He was also known professionally as Count Louis Hamon. Cheiro was without any doubt an unusually gifted astrologer and palmist and provided modern-day palmists with an amazing body of reference work.
Cheiro was an Irish astrologer and a well-known figure in the budding occult world of the early 20th century. He was born to William and Margaret Warner in a village outside Dublin.  Throughout his professional life, he maintained several pseudonyms including Count Louis Hamon, Count Leigh de Hamong, and most famous name, Cheiro.  As you might have figured out, the name Cheiro is derived from the word cheiromancy, which means palmistry. He was a clairvoyant who taught palmistry, astrology, and Chaldean numerology.  During his career, he circulated in the circle of very famous people worldwide.  His divination skills were heralded and he was known to make impactful predictions connected to his clients.
As a young man, Cheiro traveled to Bombay, India.  There he met Guru Chitpavan Brahmin, who allowed him to study ancient texts about palmistry.  He spent two years immersed in developing his own skills as a palmist.  He then returned to Europe, but not to his homeland, instead setting up a palm reading practice in London, England.  His first client was Arthur Balfour, who was a member of the new Society for Psychical Research. This group was researching all types of psychic activity throughout England. Mr. Balfour was quite impressed with his reading, so much that he told all his friends, who were quite influential at the time. Word of mouth brought Cherio fame and fortune, especially with the upper classes. He quickly became known as one of the most popular and influential seers of his time across Europe and in America.  The accuracy of his predictions was the key reason that many famous celebrities and members of royalty consulted him on a wide variety of topics.
The Hands of Celebrities
Cheiro read the palms of Sir Austen Chamberlain, Mark Twain, Dame Nellie Melba, Oscar Wilde, Grover Cleveland, Thomas Edison, Sarah Bernhardt, Mata Hari and the Prince of Wales to name a few.  Not only did he read the palms of famous individuals, but he also documented those sessions and made palm prints of their hands.  As part of the overall experience, he kept a journal in which he would ask patrons to write personal thoughts on their experience with their readings.  Mark Twain agreed to sit for a reading, even though he was skeptical of palmistry.  He was so impressed with the accuracy of his reading, he made use of palmistry in one of his stories called, ‘Pudd’n Head Wilson’.  He wrote a wonderful statement in Cherio’s journal stating how moved he was by the experience.
He correctly predicted that the Jews would return to Palestine and the country would again be called Israel.  He also predicted the date of Queen Victoria’s death, the year and month when King Edward VII would die, and the assassination of Italy’s King Humbert.  These are just a few of the accurate predictions that he made about world leaders.  He became so popular that he stayed in America, Hollywood specifically, and saw over a dozen client per day until his death in 1936 following a heart attack.
Written Works
Cheiro amassed a great fortune writing books on palmistry, astrology, numerology and the occult.  Many of his works are still in print today and they have been vital to palmists still today.
Cheiro’s Written Works
Numerology Cheiro’s Book of Numbers – 1926
Palmistry Cheiro’s Language of the Hand (first self-published in 1894) Cheiro’s Guide to the Hand – 1892 You and Your Hand – 1931 Palmistry for All – 1910 The Cheiro Book of Fate and Fortune – 1971 Cheiro’s Complete Palmistry (Count Louis Harmon) – 1968
Astrology Where were you Born? – 1930 Cheiro’s You and Your Star: The Book of the Zodiac – 1934 Cheiro’s World Predictions – 1925 Cheiro’s Memoirs: The Reminiscences of a Society Palmist Titanic’s Last Secrets True Ghost Stories (attested tales of paranormal experiences)
Fiction A Study of Destiny (also published as The Hand of Fate, first released in 1898)
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psychicreadingsuk · 1 year
Top Psychics In The UK
The Creme de la Creme of Psychic Talent: Top Psychics in the UK
The realm of psychic phenomena has intrigued humanity for centuries, with individuals claiming to possess unique intuitive abilities to perceive information beyond the ordinary senses. In the United Kingdom, a land steeped in mysticism and folklore, there are several remarkable psychics whose reputations transcend borders. Let's delve into the captivating world of these top psychics, celebrated for their remarkable insights and uncanny abilities.
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Top psychics in the uk
Sally Morgan: With a career spanning over four decades, Sally Morgan is a well-respected name in the psychic community. Known as "Britain's Best-Loved Psychic," she has mesmerized audiences with her astonishing mediumship and clairvoyance. Sally's warm and compassionate approach has won her a massive following, including celebrities and royalty, seeking guidance and solace from her abilities.
Derek Acorah (In Memoriam): The late Derek Acorah was one of the most famous mediums in the UK. His appearances on popular television shows like "Most Haunted" brought him into the spotlight, where he showcased his exceptional skills in communicating with the spirit world. Derek's charm and genuine desire to help others made him a beloved figure in the psychic community.
Psychic Sisters - Jayne Wallace: Jayne Wallace, along with her team of gifted psychics, founded the Psychic Sisters. This London-based psychic haven has garnered a reputation for providing accurate readings and spiritual services. Jayne's diverse skills in tarot reading, crystal healing, and mediumship have earned her a loyal clientele, including numerous celebrities.
Gordon Smith: A true mediumship maestro, Gordon Smith is renowned for his ability to connect with departed loved ones and deliver evidential messages from the other side. His down-to-earth nature and unwavering dedication to his craft have made him a cherished mentor to aspiring psychics, ensuring the continuation of his legacy.
Michele Knight: With a vast online presence, Michele Knight has captivated audiences worldwide with her insightful readings and astrological predictions. As an accomplished psychic, astrologer, and tarot card reader, Michele's warm and uplifting demeanor has earned her the trust of many seeking guidance in their lives.
Sally Buxton: Known for her innate ability to communicate with animals, Sally Buxton has carved a unique niche in the psychic world. Referred to as the "Pet Psychic," she has helped countless pet owners understand their furry friends better and provided closure for those who have lost beloved companions.
Kim Alexis: A gifted clairvoyant, Kim Alexis, possesses the rare talent of remote viewing. Her accurate descriptions and detailed insights into distant locations and events have earned her a reputation as one of the UK's most intriguing psychics.
Read More Info :- Top Psychics In The UK.
These top psychics in the UK have demonstrated their extraordinary abilities time and again, captivating audiences and offering guidance to those in need. It's essential to approach psychic readings with an open mind, understanding that each practitioner has a unique style and expertise. While the allure of the psychic world remains ever-present, these gifted individuals continue to inspire and provide comfort through their exceptional talents, leaving an indelible mark on the lives they touch.
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mastershivaastro · 11 months
Best Indian Astrologer in Nottingham, UK
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Master Shiva is a renowned Famous, Top and Best Indian Astrologer in Nottingham who provides astrological services such as in evil spirit removal expert, love back specialist astrologer, health problems astrologer, husband and wife problem solution, jealously and curse removal, love relationship problems solution, negative energy removal expert, powerful love spells, psychic reading, removing witchcraft, spiritual healing, stop cheating partner, stop separation, voodoo spell caster etc.
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