#world hop Cale AU
sadlynotthevoid · 1 year
I want to read a lcf fic where tboah cale from a shitty alt-universe gets thrown to lcf universe and now krs!Cale has to deal with an 18-20-year-old tboah!Cale with below zero self-esteem.
And it's permanent.
The universe-hop thing, not his low self-esteem (I hope).
Tboah!Cale doesn't mind staying there. Maybe he ended world-hopping on purpose, maybe he knew beforehand he was changing universes, maybe it was worth it, maybe he thought no one was going to miss him anyways. Maybe all of them.
And the Henituse family welcomes him. They're warm, they try to make him feel like one of them, they include him, talk with him, smile at him. They listen to him, actually listen, and try to get to know him—
—And that's more than anyone has done since his mom passed away.
They all have their ups and downs, of course. But they're slowly becoming a family and that means so much. And everyone is happy about it, too.
The most excited one out of them is Lily. She has four brothers now, even if she can't see one of them too often. Y'know, different worlds and everything. Besides, this new brother of hers practice martial arts like her—well, not exactly like her, but he fights— and joins at her training sometimes. He also fights as he walks, like an elegant cat. And she thinks that's cool and cute.
Deruth and Violan are going through an emotional roller coaster, just at different speeds. They both, although delighted to have another son, are experiencing a lot of feelings about the situation. Mostly worry about their new child who gets surprised every time someone is genuinely kind to him, but also shock because they have five children.
Still, Violan is overall content that all Cales are minimum willing to try, calmly bounding with each of them at their own rhythm each one. Tboah!Cale and her have styling afternoons once a week now. Deruth, on the other side, is silently having an existential crisis after another, overthinking about every reaction tboah!Cale has and wondering if og!Cale did or does the same, and feeling worse every time he can't remember. He already ordered Hans to punch him if he gets too trapped on it or does something stupid. He doesn't want to charge any of his children with that again.
Bassen accepted the whole world-hopping-alt!hyung really quick because he just got used to weird shit from krs!Cale and Cale!Roksoo's unique ways of thinking. Something like this was just bond to happen at some point.
He caught tboah!Cale's bad mental state on the first hours of meeting him and assumed it had to do something with their other selves. He just wants to know, why does his brother have to suffer in every life? At least he can do something about it now.
Bassen is very surprised when they announce that tboah!Cale is staying. He thought that was a given. Was it not?
Then they proceed to insist that the other should be the heir. Tboah!Cale wins but not for the reason he expected.
After some time living in this world with his new family, getting to know each other and healing, meeting Krs!Cale's friends, and just learning to be himself, Krs!Cale gets in his usual shit. Tboah!Cale is not amused. He goes after him, kick some people in the face, set fires a bad guy's pants, and comes back, wearing heels, with Krs!Cale over his shoulder.
That's how he and Alberu meet.
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amarylliasky · 1 month
Number 10 was inspired by this one fic I found on Ao3 that I can’t remember the name but basically I just think there should be more modern aus where little Cale and Kim Rok Soo meet.
The soon to be eight-year-old boy watched as the black haired child cautiously took a bite of his steak, almost as if afraid that it would disappear and not yet believing that it was actually in front of him. What a weird thing to believe. Cale didn’t know where this child came from, but surely he knew that it was ok to eat, right? Or is it that he’d never tried steak before? Well that’s a shame. Because Beacrox made the best steaks in the whole world. Regardless, this boy sure was strange.
Cale came across him while he was hanging out with Eric-hyung at the park near their school. His father promised to pick him up today to go out for an early dinner, however, he was late. Cale had been waiting for over an hour and eventually, Eric-hyung had to head home. So that left Cale with no one to keep him company except the normal bodyguards who hid being the trees in the park and thought that he couldn’t see them. Hmmm, would they be willing to play with him if he asked?
Cale figured he should have been used to it by now. After all, it’d been years since his father had kept any of his promises. Maybe Cale just wasn’t as fun to hang out with as his new brother…
He contemplated going home on his own, but ultimately decided that he might as well enjoy his freedom before Ron finished his errands and came to pick him up.
He spent a few minutes absently swinging on the swing set before a flash of black appeared in his peripheral. Craning his neck to get a clear view, he spotted what looked to be a little boy sitting behind one of the slides. Last Cale checked, he was the only one on the playground at this hour, so how did this child manage to sneak past him? He didn’t even make a sound. Was he like Ron? Ron didn’t make any sound when he walked, but Ron was also an adult. Did they go to a school to become that quiet? Did this boy go to the same school as Ron? Then again, the boy wasn’t as good at hiding as Ron was. Cale had a clear view of him. Also, the boy couldn’t be any older than Cale himself. In fact, he might even be younger, judging by his small stature.
Cale finally hopped off the swing and started towards the boy, trying not to make any noise. The bodyguards behind the trees were still looking at him. Cale wasn’t sure if they had noticed the boy before he did, but he was sure that if this boy tried anything, he would be in no danger at all.
When Cale got closer to him, he was surprised to see just how small this child was. While he was only a few inches shorter than Cale, the black haired boy was incredibly skinny. His clothes, while seemingly too short for his arms and legs, seemed to drown him in the fabric because of just how thin he was. Cale could also spot a couple of bruises on his face and wrists, and Cale was sure that there were more hidden under the thing layers of clothing. Did this kid get into a fight? Was it with a classmate? Fighting was bad. Cale had seen others in his own class get in trouble for it. Cale was sure this kid had obviously lost. He was so weak looking that surely he couldn’t have even thrown a decent punch.
Only when Cale was a few steps away from the kid did the other finally turn to look at him, though he’d surely noticed the redhead approaching long before. Cale was surprised to see his very own reddish brown eyes looking at him in apprehension and slight fear. While brown eyes weren’t exactly uncommon, he’d only seen that particular shade in his mother’s eyes and his own. So to see a complete stranger with the very same color eyes as him was new and very surprising. And from the sudden shift in the other boy’s eyes, he was surprised as well.
It was only a few seconds that they just stared at each other, one in surprise and curiosity, and the other in suspicion and slight intrigue, but eventually the silence was broken by the red haired young master.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” Cale received no answer from the boy, so he tried again. “Hello? Did you hear me? You’re not deaf are you?” Cale watched as the child’s face turned from suspicious to blank. And the kid still didn’t answer.
“ I know you can hear me. Why aren’t you answering?” Still nothing. Cale tried a different approach. He wasn’t particularly fond of this one, but he had seen some of his friends do it at those fancy parties his family attended, so surely it must work, right?
“Do you know who I am? Who do you think you are to ignore me?” He tried to put just a little bite into his words, but apparently he was better at this than he thought. The boy suddenly flinched and looked down at the ground. Oops…That wasn’t supposed to happen. Maybe he was actually worse at this than he thought? Or did it only work on your friends? Cale threw that useless act out the window and focused back to the matter at hand. He would have to do this another way then.
This time he made sure that his voice was softer, like the one Lady Violan used when she was consoling Basen.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you..” With a little hesitation, he continued, “My name is Cale Henituse, what’s yours?”
The boy still didn’t look at him, continuing to look only at the ground rather than the one who was speaking. Cale waited, and finally the boy spoke, his head still lowered. “Kim Rok Soo.”
Kim Rok Soo. Kim Rok Soo.. What a weird name. Cale had never heard such a name before, but he didn’t tell the boy that. Cale felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and just said what he needed to say.
“Are you hungry? My chef makes the best food. If you want, you can come over and try it?” He reached out his hand, but the boy didn’t take it. The child, Kim Rok Soo was looking at him in fear and suspicion, but also something else? Cale could see that he wanted to come to some degree. Hmmm, maybe he didn’t want to worry his parents? That must be it!
Cale smiled ,”If you want, we can let your parents know where you are going?” Flinch. The boy avoided his eyes.
“No thanks.”
Cale didn’t miss the slight jolt when he mentioned parents. Maybe this Kim Rok Soo’s parents were kinda like Cale’s. Maybe they just wouldn’t care where he went? Something told Cale that that wasn’t it, but he decided not to ask. If Kim Rok Soo wasn’t willing to talk about it, then Cale wouldn’t make him. Still, he looked like he hadn’t eaten all day. Cale could even hear his stomach grumbling. He probably skipped lunch.
“Come on. It’s free food. You wouldn’t turn away free things, would you?”
Reddish brown eyes once again locked onto his. With hesitation, Kim Rok Soo reached out his hand for Cale’s. Cale noticed the boys hand seemed to be shaking slightly. It’s no wonder, it’s getting closer to late fall. What was the boy thinking, coming out here without a coat?
Cale hauled the boy up and kept the other’s small hand firmly gripped in his own. Geez, his hands were freezing. Maybe Cale should have Ron stop for some gloves on the way home. And a coat. And some bandaids. Now that Kim Rok Soo wasn’t covered in the shadow of the slide anymore, the young master could spot some patches of red on his pants. Cale hoped the black haired boy had at least put some ointment on the wounds.
Not too soon did Cale grab the other boy, as Ron had just stepped out of the modest limousine at the park entrance. Not noticing the child stiffening behind him, Cale resolutely marched toward his butler, hungry and ready to get out of the cold.
Ron gave a benign smile to his young master. “It looks like you’ve picked up a new friend, young master. Shall this Ron have Beacrox make an extra serving for dinner tonight?” Cale felt his hostage- new friend shudder. Maybe he caught a cold?
“Please do, Ron. Also, make sure to have them set out the first aid kit, and some blankets. And-“
Ron listened to his puppy young master list a few noteworthy items he would need upon their arrival with curiosity. Just what had the young master been up to in the last couple hours? In the time it took for Ron to finish his errands and take a car, the boy managed to pick up a stray. Said stray was currently quivering behind the young master as if Ron’s very presence scared him. Hoho. He would have to keep an eye on this one.
Cale made sure to have the heat on full blast on the way home so that Kim Rok Soo wouldn’t keep shivering as much. He mentally added a thermometer to his list of items for Ron to procure. When they finally arrived at the Henituse estate, Ron ushered both of them to separate baths while Beacrox was finishing dinner.
When Cale emerged from the bathroom in fresh new clothes, he was surprised to realize that Kim Rok Soo was still wearing the same outfit as before. Strands of black hair dripped water onto the boys clean face, so Cale was sure he had taken a bath, but why didn’t he use the outfit that Ron had set out? Was it the bruises? Maybe he was embarrassed.
With a little fuss from Beacrox about his new friend’s clothing, Cale and Kim Rok Soo were finally sitting in front of a modest spread of steak, fresh bread, vegetables, and other assortments of food. Cale didn’t even notice how the boy looked in awe at this ‘modest’ dinner. Like he had never seen so much food before.
What Cale did notice, however, was that Rok Soo hadn’t even picked up his fork.
“Aren’t you going to eat? I know you’re hungry.” The boy snapped out of whatever daze he had been in to look at the young master. “Beacrox-hyung makes the best food, didn’t I tell you? Try it.” And with that, Cale made a show of picking up his fork and elegantly putting a bite of steak into his mouth. Subtly observing as the other began to clumsily copy him.
Once he tasted a bit of the perfectly seasoned beef, the boy couldn’t stop himself from devouring everything on his plate. Cale kept an eye on him as he himself ate with much more motivation than he had in the past few months, maybe even years. Maybe it’s true, what they say about having company makes the food taste better.
Somewhere through the meal, Cale looked at Kim Rok Soo as his cheeks were stuffed with food, and couldn’t help but think that he looked like a chipmunk.
So Cale did what was only logical, and poked the child’s ridiculously cute cheek.
Kim Rok Soo froze, Cale froze after realizing what he just did, and that set the stage for a giant misunderstanding where Cale will find out just how different his new friend’s life is compared to his own.
And maybe Ron and Beacrox will try to diffuse the situation, only to ultimately make it worse, but they have time. And Cale won’t let his new friend leave before they take care of those bruises and his awful clothes. And that’s okay.
After all, Cale Henituse has a new friend named Kim Rok Soo, and he doesn’s want to scare him away, so he will give the boy some time. Cale will be there for him now and in the future.
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idontknowmyownmind · 1 year
OG!Cale and OG!KRS AU
Note: I read a fanfiction some time ago about baby Roksoo dimension hopping into TBOAH and founded by Cale who's in his early rebelious stage and got this idea. I miss writing about my babies, I don't have any ideas so I'm happy I got one lol
So, rather than KRS, it's Cale who is dimension hopping.
The different is, it's only his soul who got transfered and inhabitate a body that already born and exist in that world.
The concept is similar to Lookism, one body will unconcious when the other awake.
The first occurance was when he was 8, few months after his mother's death.
He thought it was a dream, a realistic one but still a dream, so he doesn't really felt scared with the modern world.
But as it keep happening and it's as if the event that already happened influence the next 'dream', he started to doubt that it is a dream.
Cale is a smart and adaptable kid by nature so it's not that long for him to adapt, even with much struggle, it helps when there is no language barrier because somehow when he is in his second body he understand Korean.
It happens randomly, sometimes Cale will transfered when he just want a nap but not when he sleep.
The time difference between the two world is one day on earth equal one hour on his original world.
He figure out how the hopping works when he was 13, so now he can hopping as he please.
Cale feels his hands full since he was 10 because he has three dongsaeng to take care.
Yes, he met Roksoo when he was 10 and Roksoo was 6.
(In this type of AU, where Cale and Roksoo in their original body, I prefer older Cale because I want Roksoo to have at least 1 older and loving person in his childhood days)
It was accidental, when he found a little kid getting beaten by an adult and he saw red.
Good thing is, even though Cale's second body seems being negleted by his parents (the irony), they still take care of his living.
So Cale kinda kidnapped Roksoo to life with him and force-adopt him as his brother (lol)
His uncle can't touch Roksoo because Cale make sure to utilize his family to keep him away.
Because of Roksoo's curse, Cale life in his second body always on the verge of death.
But he is stubborn and loves fiercely, so he stay, he always stay.
This kinda make Roksoo codependent on him in huge amount.
The methods he use to treats his siblings are different because he still have to maintain his trash persona while in Korea he can be himself.
He loves the three equally but he only openly show it to Roksoo.
Cale might drop his study in his first body, but he absorb all knowledge he can get a hand on in his second body.
When he lose almost everything because of war in his original world (in this AU I will safe Lily), he doesn't visit his second home for a long while.
Which mean his second body is in a 'comma' and it was happened at the started of apocalypse.
Imagine how wear down he is because no matter which body he used, he still have to fight to protect and survive without stop.
Until come a day when he decided to choose which world he want to stay.
It's not a difficult choice for him when he choose his original world.
It's not because he loves Lily more but it's because he know Roksoo will be safe even without him.
There are people who will do anything for him, so he rest assured.
While in his original world, Lily only have him so he can't leave her alone.
She already suffers and lose everything in a really young age, he doesn't one her to felt it again.
So he stage his death to look natural, because of the monster.
(Oh, Roksoo know about Cale origin when he was 15 and along the way, CJS and LSH also found out. So there are three people who know his secret.)
In his last breath in his first body, when he is 40, GoD over him a deal but Cale refuse.
He refuse to object his brother to another mysery after the unfortune he has to endure his entire life.
Even if he is tempted to meet his mother again, but he learn to let go long time ago.
Beside, her soul might be her mother's but she is not her.
And even if it's a chance to safe his original family and meet them again, he feels like it's doesn't have a meaning if he can stay with them.
Call him selfisg but only want to be with everyone.
As a countermeasure, GoD decided to let them react.
Consisting before and during the war and apocalypse, and apocalypse after his death.
So there are three different worldline people.
The before war and apocalypse is when Cale hasn't tell Roksoo about his secret and they haven't meet CJS and LSH.
The third worldline is when after Cale's death in his second body.
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blueteller · 2 years
For the WIP game, I literally cannot choose over these ones so handing it over to you, blue! I know I'm asking for too much but can you please let me see at least the idea or an excerpt of 3 WIPs I listed below (all of them sounds so good i wanna see the idea behind them or an excerpt of them 😭)
Selectively mute KRS AU
A Blessed Curse
What Kind of Alternate Universe Setting Is This!?
The Scam Artist
Dump it all on Trash, why don't you!
Who do you think you are (and why you're wrong)
Dragon Ex Machina
Cale Henituse gets (a vacation) kidnapped
Hm... Why don't I give you summaries about each one?
1. Selectively mute KRS AU
Due to his previous experiences, Kim Rok Soo is a very reserved person. He doesn't speak, unless it concerns work. So you can imagine the stress he's under when he suddenly becomes Cale Henituse.... ...Elsewhere, the original Cale curses the God of Death. It would have been nice to have a warning not to talk too much as Kim Rok Soo!! How could he have know that him saying a simple sentence would make people faint from shock!?
2. A Blessed Curse
Is there a god which can offer Cale his much desired slacker life? Actually, there is! The god of memory offers Cale a deal, to which he agrees without any hesitation. He's very pleased with the results... However, all his well-meaning friends see is a terrible curse being put upon Cale. Naturally, they must break it!! (Or, a story where people of the world temporarily get amnesia about Cale being the Hero who saved both continents – except Cale's closest companions, that is. Cue classic TCF shenanigans and misunderstandings.)
3. What Kind of Alternate Universe Setting Is This!?
Kim Rok Soo fell asleep reading a fantasy novel. The next thing he knew, he found himself transmigrated into the body of one of its minor villains, except… …Except everything is completely wrong!!! Why is Cale Henituse a respected Commander? Why does he have multiple Ancient Powers? And why is Choi Han his body guard here instead of the guy who beat him up? Where did all of these Beast People even come from?? And wait a second, is that a f***ing Dragon?! (A Crack Amnesia AU set right after the war against the Indomitable Alliance, where Cale literally trips over a rock and loses his memory for a day – until Eruhaben can come and heal him. Complete chaos and hilarity ensues.)
4. The Scam Artist
A companion piece to a fic called "body hopping for dummies" by thursdays on AO3.
"So what you're telling me is, this guy…" Kim Rok Soo gestures at his newly acquired body with a suspicious gleam in his eyes. "…is super rich? I mean he is in charge of the evil organization and all."
"Oh no," Choi Jung Soo responds dramatically.
"Oh yes." Kim Rok Soo grins widely, making the others shiver in sudden fear. "That bastard stole everything from me, right? So it's only fair that I'll steal it all back."
"…Are you sure we actually kicked out White Star out of that body?" Cage whispers to Choi Jung Soo, doubtful. 'That smile still seems pretty evil.' she thinks.
"Yep," Jung Soo replies with a deadpan. "That's Rok Soo alright."
"I like this weird human!" Raon decides suddenly.
A short story of what happens after the heroes defeat the White Star and ressurect Kim Rok Soo in his original body: Chaos, Destruction, and the Friendship that grows between them.
5. Dump it all on Trash, why don't you!
Cale Henituse was just having a drink and causing trouble, as usual. He did not expect to be approached by someone wearing his own face, supposedly a transmigrator from the future in another dimension. Now he's expected to save the world by himself?! Damn that bastard!!! (Or, the story where KRS!Cale gives 18-year-old OG!Cale exposition before the Birth of a Hero starts, in order for him to change the story on his own. Will OG!Cale be able to manage? Is he ready to become single parent?? And why does he have to adopt people who are older than him??)
6. Who do you think you are (and why you're wrong)
What if Cale had reacted a bit differently to the Message from the God of Death…? After all, he had been okay with losing his old life only because he had been alone before. However, that wasn't the case anymore: now he had friends and children dependant on him. Cale knew the feeling of being left behind and wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy… Except it seemed like the God of Death wouldn't be giving him a choice, just like Kim Rok Soo wasn't given one when he first transmigrated. Die or return to your old world? Either way, his family would lose him. Does that mean the previous owner of this body was going to come back and take what was rightfully his…? Just how was Cale going to explain that to everyone? How could he simply disappear and leave a stranger in his place? (Or, a fic which forces Cale to act slightly out of character and TELL his friends things for a change. He also picks a different "least distressing" part of the God of Death's message.)
7. Dragon Ex Machina
Eruhaben has NOT asked for this. This must be that unlucky bastard's fault – his bad luck seems to be contagious, since breaking through the Sealed God's Temple wall apparently causes the intruder to be termporarily transported into a parallel universe. Now, Eruhaben has absolutely no clue why Cale in this dimension is called Kim Rok Soo, or why his face reminds him very much of the White Star for some reason. Nevertheless, Eruhaben would recognize his wayward child in any form, and there's no way he would let this dimension's version of him die by the hands of some Goddamned Unranked Moster. (Or, the story of how Eruhaben swooped in to save KRS's team and spare him the most heartbreaking moment of his life. Also, Dragons can dispell half-baked curses, because KRS deserves to live a happy life.)
8. Cale Henituse gets (a vacation) kidnapped
The horror! Raon and the cats go on a short shopping trip, but the moment they take their eyes off of Cale their guardian gets kidnapped! Luckily for them, they are well trained and capable of tracking him down with no problem. Unluckily for Cale, this is the most relaxing event he had experienced in months - can't they pick him up a bit later, please…? Meanwhile, the poor unsuspecting kidnappers have no idea what they're getting themselves into. This is what happens when you don't check the identity of your abduction target.
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myother2thirds · 5 years
partners | chapter 1
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description: the one where y/n signs up for her university’s summer abroad trip but she’s partnered with the most infuriating and flirty person of all. who? do you even need to ask?
pairing: pjm x female oc ft. ot7
genre: fluff, humour, angst, slow burn | pg 13 | college!pjm, travelling au
word count: 1078
warnings: none!
author’s notes: this story is actually a collaboration between author e, author a and author t! the idea is that author e be writing from the female character’s perspective while author a will be writing jimin’s! author t helps us come up with cool plots and ideas. anyways, we hope you enjoy! - e
description, character introductions, previous chapter, next chapter
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lilo POV
June 8 - 4:23 pm
“Eomma, my cab’s out front. I’m leaving.” A faint response can be heard from the kitchen as she yells back, “I’m coming, honey!”
Late for the airport, I think about leaving without saying goodbye but mom would never let me hear the end of it. I scold myself for even thinking about it, after everything she’s done for me these past few months. I can’t do that to her. Plus, I’m confident she’s packing some last minute snack. Who can say no to that?
Two minutes pass. Three minutes pass. Four minutes pass.
“Mom, I’m serious! I’ve got to go, my taxi’s waiting!”
Another minute flies by before I see her jogging form approaching, holding out a thermos of coffee. She knows me too well.
After a long session of goodbyes I quickly make my way down to the lobby hoping to find my cab and maybe make up for lost time. Through the glass doors, I notice a man putting his luggage into the trunk of a car. As I exit the building, I start looking for my own ride, only to realize there’s no other car parked nearby. That’s weird, I called the taxi company a while ago. The driver should have gotten here by now.
My thoughts are cut short when the man loudly shuts the trunk and I catch a glimpse of an all too familiar logo, the Fancy Taxi logo. The logo I stared at online for far too long this morning before deciding to call a cab. The logo of the cab that was now being stolen from me. 
“Ya! Wait a second!” I say, sprinting out of the building, hoping my weak legs can take me at least a hundred meters to the cab.
I rush to a stop, leaning on the hood and bending down to catch my breath.
“I uh, I called this cab a… while ago.” I try. Am I supposed to be this dizzy? I start seeing black specks as I glance back pointing at the apartment complex behind me. 
After what seems like ages of an uncomfortable silence consisting of my wheezing, I start again. “This cab is mine—” I say weakly but he scoffs, making his way to the passenger door.
“You should really hit the gym more often.” he yells out smugly. I don’t quite catch his comment but he must see my fazed expression since he chuckles and continues. 
“I don’t usually do this, I swear.” he continues, although I’m not listening to a word coming out of his mouth, “But my stuff’s already in the trunk and I’m in a rush… I hope you figure things out. Mianhaeyo. (Sorry.)”
I immediately straighten up as swell of panic hits me but it’s too late. He yanks the door open and as I look up to fully face him now, he hops into the cab. 
Of course, I’m left staring at the car which is now driving away. Now in full-on panic mode, I make my way down the street, the dizziness creeping its way back in.
“Lady, where do you think you’re going? The street is for cars. Jugeullae?! (Do you want to die?!)” I hear an angry driver yell out against the sound of the blaring traffic as I cut onto the street. 
Ten minutes later, after a serious debate of calling another company or going back home, I finally find an empty cab.
“Take me to the airport please! I have a flight at 6:50.” I yell out as my mind starts wandering to all the places I went wrong but the driver interrupts me.
“Ma'am, traffic is heavy and—”
“Geunyang ga! (Just go!)” I immediately cut him off. Did that come out too harsh? I didn’t mean it to. I mean, it’s not his fault I’m late. If that guy hadn’t stolen my cab, things would have gone my way for once.
“—and people wanna get outta the city for the long weekend so I can’t promise you’ll make it.” I must have zoned out.
“I know. I know, but I’d like to think luck is on my side today.”
Clearly it isn’t.
5:59 pm
“You’ll see signs posted by Konkuk University to help with directions. Please just follow those. They should show up any minute— here! Turn left!” I yell right into his ear. The poor man. 
Throughout the course of this ride, he’s witnessed me clumsily drop my coffee on this backseats, two of my panic attacks and a not so subtle cry for help from the man up above.
“There, that’s how much I owe you!” I say as I basically throw the money at him (with a very generous tip) and start running for my luggage. My flight departs in less than an hour and I’ve still got to check in, get through security, find my gate and board the plane.
It’s gonna be a long night.
6:23 pm
“Ma'am, I can’t let you go without seeing your passport,” says the security lady. “It’s against the regulations,” she huffs, glancing at the line of people waiting anxiously behind me.
“Arayo, (I know,)” I answer uncomfortably. I had it before getting on the cab. 
Honestly, it’s like the world’s against me today. I knew I shouldn’t have signed up for this trip. I’m not ready to travel on my own. I can’t even handle living on my own after what happened with Cale—
“Ma'am, there are people waiting to board their plane. If you don’t mind moving to the back of the line and—”
My hands slip past a rough cover in my backpack. “I got it!” I respond enthusiastically as I hold up my, my…
my notebook. You’ve gotta be kidding me.
The lady looks up from her screen smugly as she waits for me to give up.
It’s too late for that now.
6:47 pm
“Don’t close the doors!” I yell out, running like a madman through the gatehouse. The flight attendants have already boarded all the passengers. All except one.
“I still have three minutes to board!” I say as I dash my way through the doors praying the airline workers haven’t detached the tunnel thingy from the plane just yet.
To my heart’s content, the plane doors are still open and I make my way through the aisle, ready to find my seat.
You did it Lilo. You’ve outdone yourself this time.
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