#the more cales the merrier
sadlynotthevoid · 1 year
I want to read a lcf fic where tboah cale from a shitty alt-universe gets thrown to lcf universe and now krs!Cale has to deal with an 18-20-year-old tboah!Cale with below zero self-esteem.
And it's permanent.
The universe-hop thing, not his low self-esteem (I hope).
Tboah!Cale doesn't mind staying there. Maybe he ended world-hopping on purpose, maybe he knew beforehand he was changing universes, maybe it was worth it, maybe he thought no one was going to miss him anyways. Maybe all of them.
And the Henituse family welcomes him. They're warm, they try to make him feel like one of them, they include him, talk with him, smile at him. They listen to him, actually listen, and try to get to know him—
—And that's more than anyone has done since his mom passed away.
They all have their ups and downs, of course. But they're slowly becoming a family and that means so much. And everyone is happy about it, too.
The most excited one out of them is Lily. She has four brothers now, even if she can't see one of them too often. Y'know, different worlds and everything. Besides, this new brother of hers practice martial arts like her—well, not exactly like her, but he fights— and joins at her training sometimes. He also fights as he walks, like an elegant cat. And she thinks that's cool and cute.
Deruth and Violan are going through an emotional roller coaster, just at different speeds. They both, although delighted to have another son, are experiencing a lot of feelings about the situation. Mostly worry about their new child who gets surprised every time someone is genuinely kind to him, but also shock because they have five children.
Still, Violan is overall content that all Cales are minimum willing to try, calmly bounding with each of them at their own rhythm each one. Tboah!Cale and her have styling afternoons once a week now. Deruth, on the other side, is silently having an existential crisis after another, overthinking about every reaction tboah!Cale has and wondering if og!Cale did or does the same, and feeling worse every time he can't remember. He already ordered Hans to punch him if he gets too trapped on it or does something stupid. He doesn't want to charge any of his children with that again.
Bassen accepted the whole world-hopping-alt!hyung really quick because he just got used to weird shit from krs!Cale and Cale!Roksoo's unique ways of thinking. Something like this was just bond to happen at some point.
He caught tboah!Cale's bad mental state on the first hours of meeting him and assumed it had to do something with their other selves. He just wants to know, why does his brother have to suffer in every life? At least he can do something about it now.
Bassen is very surprised when they announce that tboah!Cale is staying. He thought that was a given. Was it not?
Then they proceed to insist that the other should be the heir. Tboah!Cale wins but not for the reason he expected.
After some time living in this world with his new family, getting to know each other and healing, meeting Krs!Cale's friends, and just learning to be himself, Krs!Cale gets in his usual shit. Tboah!Cale is not amused. He goes after him, kick some people in the face, set fires a bad guy's pants, and comes back, wearing heels, with Krs!Cale over his shoulder.
That's how he and Alberu meet.
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delwaaunglor · 6 months
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So, curious. What fictional character's death has impacted your life the most? I don't mean who's death made you weep the most. I don't mean who's death made you not okay for days. Such emotions can be brought on by pure shock. I'm asking which fictional character's death made such an impact on you that it influenced your worldview, the way you approach life, your philosophy, the way you breathe from day-to-day. When I sat and pondered the question, the first fictional character's death I thought of was Jak Fleet from the Erevis Cale novels. But Jak didn't really change the way I looked at things. He was inspiring, to be sure. But his death didn't change the way I thought of anything. He just confirmed ideals I already held, and I look to him as a heroic example of what sacrifice for a greater good looks like. So as I thought about the question, I realized it was a character I didn't cry over the first time I read the scene. I didn't cry over him the 20th time I read it, either. But as I get older, his death scene becomes more and more poignant. That character, if you haven't already guessed, is Thorin Oakenshield. When he charges out of the Lonely Mountain's gate in the battle of Five Armies, he's a king come into his own. All the years of wanting revenge on Smaug, to reclaim the gold and the throne that was his birthright is accomplished in that moment. He is King Under the Mountain. He's got everything he ever wanted. But then he falls. He dies. And his last words to Bilbo aren't the words of a proud king who has everything he ever wanted. They're the words of a dwarf who's gained wisdom that pains him to admit. "If more of us valued food and cheer above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. But sad or merry, I must leave it now. Farewell." This is a dwarf. A king of a people known for their craftsmanship and love of beautiful things, particularly those made of metals precious and mundane. Yet, at the end of his life, his dying words almost echo Ecclesiastes in its subtext. "Vanity of vanity." He's fought, lost friends and kin, all for a mountain of gold. And he's naught to show for it, because in a few minutes he will draw his last breath and not be able to enjoy one single coin of his conquest. That quote has changed the way I look at life in ways I can't even begin to exhaustively list. It's changed the way I look at politics and economics. It's changed the way I look at friendships and who I choose to spend time with. It's changed the kinds of theologians I give ear to. It's impacted so many of my personal choices in what I decide to do with the time that is given to me. So who's your character?
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look me in the eye and tell me this isn’t a sexy team
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mypromptlair · 2 years
TCF Prompt 13
Another Inn AU: Crossover of TCF/Tensei shitara Yadoya no Musuko deshita (After reincarnating, I became the son of inkeepers)
A/N: If you haven't read this series please do if you can! Its adorable, and the mc reminds me of a mini KRS(with his dream to slack and love for sleep).
After a hard life in Korea, an overworked and tired Kim Rok Soo reincarnates into a fantasy world under the name Cale Henituse. A son to a family of innkeepers.
Join him as he (re)learns and grows with those around him, and to gain his dream to live a slacker life!
Lots of family love and fluff between Cale and his family/friends.
Choi Han, Rosalyn and Lock are starting adventurers who frequent the inn(and love the 'family created'*coughKoreancough* dishes. and no, Choi Han doesn't cry as he eats them like he's remembering something precious).
A young nobleman(aka a certain crown prince) practically lives at said inn, often wishes to be called 'Hyung', before he's dragged off by his aunt to 'return to his duties'.
Cale often goes to the market to get food for the inn. Because of this, he often has to go to the butcher. A family owned shop of a scary father and son duo(who he swears have to be ex-assassins or something). But if he gets a small smile from Beacrox after calling him 'Hyung' and an old man giving him lemon tea for his 'hard work', who's he to complain.
A beautiful 'elf' and his 4 year old grandson often visit as well. The little kid is also a adorable brat , hugging his leg and calling him "the human of the great Raon Miru".
He takes in two cute kittens after finding them in the snow(and he and his family are quite surprised to find out they are actually from the cat tribe...not that its a bother...the more the merrier).
The other store/inn owners kids are all childhood friends: Eric, Amiru and Gilbert.
While helping out in the inn is a lot more work than he wants(and 'sometimes' overworking himself unintentionally), Cale can't help but feel...more at peace than he has in a really long time.
Cale is of course, very loved by those around him(and he is of course really oblivious to it all).
He has his 'bad' days, where memories of his past life can get too much or he is sick, but those around him 'pay it forward' as it were, to help him out as he has helped them.
This is basically KRS/Cale getting his slacker life haha
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