#curiously he is not the most chaotic one
sadlynotthevoid · 1 year
I want to read a lcf fic where tboah cale from a shitty alt-universe gets thrown to lcf universe and now krs!Cale has to deal with an 18-20-year-old tboah!Cale with below zero self-esteem.
And it's permanent.
The universe-hop thing, not his low self-esteem (I hope).
Tboah!Cale doesn't mind staying there. Maybe he ended world-hopping on purpose, maybe he knew beforehand he was changing universes, maybe it was worth it, maybe he thought no one was going to miss him anyways. Maybe all of them.
And the Henituse family welcomes him. They're warm, they try to make him feel like one of them, they include him, talk with him, smile at him. They listen to him, actually listen, and try to get to know him—
—And that's more than anyone has done since his mom passed away.
They all have their ups and downs, of course. But they're slowly becoming a family and that means so much. And everyone is happy about it, too.
The most excited one out of them is Lily. She has four brothers now, even if she can't see one of them too often. Y'know, different worlds and everything. Besides, this new brother of hers practice martial arts like her—well, not exactly like her, but he fights— and joins at her training sometimes. He also fights as he walks, like an elegant cat. And she thinks that's cool and cute.
Deruth and Violan are going through an emotional roller coaster, just at different speeds. They both, although delighted to have another son, are experiencing a lot of feelings about the situation. Mostly worry about their new child who gets surprised every time someone is genuinely kind to him, but also shock because they have five children.
Still, Violan is overall content that all Cales are minimum willing to try, calmly bounding with each of them at their own rhythm each one. Tboah!Cale and her have styling afternoons once a week now. Deruth, on the other side, is silently having an existential crisis after another, overthinking about every reaction tboah!Cale has and wondering if og!Cale did or does the same, and feeling worse every time he can't remember. He already ordered Hans to punch him if he gets too trapped on it or does something stupid. He doesn't want to charge any of his children with that again.
Bassen accepted the whole world-hopping-alt!hyung really quick because he just got used to weird shit from krs!Cale and Cale!Roksoo's unique ways of thinking. Something like this was just bond to happen at some point.
He caught tboah!Cale's bad mental state on the first hours of meeting him and assumed it had to do something with their other selves. He just wants to know, why does his brother have to suffer in every life? At least he can do something about it now.
Bassen is very surprised when they announce that tboah!Cale is staying. He thought that was a given. Was it not?
Then they proceed to insist that the other should be the heir. Tboah!Cale wins but not for the reason he expected.
After some time living in this world with his new family, getting to know each other and healing, meeting Krs!Cale's friends, and just learning to be himself, Krs!Cale gets in his usual shit. Tboah!Cale is not amused. He goes after him, kick some people in the face, set fires a bad guy's pants, and comes back, wearing heels, with Krs!Cale over his shoulder.
That's how he and Alberu meet.
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Hiii love 🩷
Could you please make a reader X Tommy, where you take care of Charlie and he slowly falls in love with the reader. At first he denies it but after sometime he can’t take it anymore !! Fluff and happy ending please
Love your writing by the way ⭐️🩷
Hey Lovelie! Thank you so much for this request and the lovely comment , I’d gladly do this for you!
Italics: flashback.
Summery: request above
[Y/N]: Your name
[L/N]: Last name.
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Word count: 2,516
Thomas Shelby. The name of the man that you have loved for the past two years. The man you knew would change your life the moment you set foot into his office for an interview to be a live in maid for his young son, charlie.
The blood pumped through your veins, making your head feel like it would burst at any point. You sent an application to Thomas Shelby secretary for the job but you did not expect to get an answer. So when you got a reply asking for an interview less then three days later, the shock that you were in was explainable.
You knock on the door, waiting to hear the voice of the man you were secretly afraid of.
“ come in” the voice vibrates through the atmosphere
You turn the old doorknob then push the door open, gliding your body through the door. The sound of the door creaking made Tommy lift his head up from his paperwork.
The feeling of your world stops as you make eye contact for the first time with the man with the eyes that could kill.
One month into the job
Thomas smiles slightly and takes off his jacket just as Francis rushes over to him.
“Good evening mr Shelby, dinner should be served soon” the middle aged woman explained, taking Thomas jacket gently.
Thomas doesn’t say a word, taking a cigarette out of his pouch from his trouser pocket. He looks towards Francis, lighting the cigarette.
“Where’s my son?” He questioned curiously.
Before tommys maid could respond, Charlie rushes around the corner from the main room “ daddy” he squeals, running towards Tommy.
Thomas kneels down “ Charlie, my boy” he catches Charlie as he jumps into his arms, Thomas stands up with Charlie in his arms.
Soon after, [Y/N] rushes around the corner with a face that can only be described as anxious. Her face was shiny most likely from running after the young boy.
“I am so sorry mr Shelby, i tried to stop him. I know you don’t like to be disrupted after work. I promise, I’ll make sure it won’t happen tomorrow” she rambles, clearly nervous that Thomas would be mad.
“No need to apologise, make sure that he is calm before he goes to bed, don’t want him to be cranky tomorrow” Thomas smirks slightly and gives Charlie over to [Y/N].
She nodded and quickly walks away, Charlie on his hip. Unknowingly, to [Y/N] mr Shelby was watching her with curiosity plaguing his mind.
Three months into the job.
Charlie had gone missing. Someone had taken him when Tommy was distracted with the guests, during a work event, he hadn’t noticed his young son being carried out through the door by a woman that passed as a maid.
Three hours had passed since [Y/N] had seen the young boy, she was nervously pacing the house, biting her already broken and fragile nails. An anxious trait she’s had since she was a young girl.
The sound of the front door rattling invaded the already chaotic atmosphere of the manor. The banging of doors signalled that Tommy was in his “beast mode”. This is when Tommy is on a mission and if you get in his way, you’ll most likely land with a bullet between your eyes. However, that hadn’t stopped The young maid. [Y/N] opened the door of Charlie’s room and begins to rush her sore feet towards the grand stairs.
“ mr Shelby” she calls out “ oh mr Shelby, is young Charlie been found” she asks, her voice full of worry.
[Y/N] stops her running when she sees the distressed young boy in his father’s arms, nearly making herself fall from the suddenness of the movement.
“ Francis take Charles” Thomas orders sternly, passing him over to his only trusted maid from that moment on.
The older maid nods and takes Charlie, taking the toddler upstairs. The air is so brittle, from the tension, it could snap. If it doesn’t, [Y/N] might. No one speaks, what is there to say?. [Y/N] could feel the fear in her chest waiting to take over her. Perhaps it was only there to protect her but there really isn’t any danger to be protected from. It sits there like an angry ball, propelling [Y/N] towards an anxiety she doesn’t need.
“ where were you miss [L/N]” Tommy questions, accusation filling his voice. His eyes could kill anyone. Those eyes are ocean-strong, swimming with warm sun-lit currents.
[Y/N] gulps, her throat feeling as if it was closing in on it self. Her mouth parts slightly but no words come out. Eventually, words were able to escape.
“ I’m so sorry mr Shelby, I looked away from him for one second, he wanted me to get his toy horse that he dropped, I gave him to another woman, she was dressed in a maids uniform” she explains, her eyes filling with unreleased tears.
Tommy sighs, watching as the young maid clearly showing signs of distress.
“ go back to work” the older man states, passing Charlie back over to [Y/N].
The young maid immediately takes Charlie into her arms, using one of her hands to wipe under her eyes “ of course mr Shelby” she nods.
As [Y/N] walks away, Tommy speaks up again “ have you had dinner miss [L/N]”.
“ no I have not mr.Shelby” [Y/N] replies, turning back around by the stairs, Charlie playing with her short hair.
Tommy nods “ after you put Charlie to bed, come to the kitchen, there will be food there for you” the older man announces, walking down the corridor towards the door leading to the kitchen.
As the months pass, Tommy and [Y/N] work relationship shifted, everybody can see it has except for the pair in question.
However, Tommy wouldn’t admit it. He still feels like he is in love with his deceased wife grace, he can’t get himself to move on. On the other hand, [Y/N] knew of her feelings towards her boss, who wouldn’t? Especially when you boss looks like Thomas fucking Shelby.
Present day
Over the past years that [Y/N] has worked for Tommy, she had gotten close to the women of the Shelby family, mainly polly. When [Y/N] wasn’t working, she was with polly.
Today was one of those days. Today, [Y/N] was helping polly with the books at the Shelby company betting shop. Tommy had given her the next few days off since she had worked for two weeks straight since Charlie was poorly with a fever.
“ fucking men” Polly grumbles, slamming down the book full of incorrect numbers and calculations.
[Y/N] chuckles from across the room as she corrects Arthur’s calculations “ men never cease to amaze you, do they pol?” She raises an eyebrow.
Polly lights her cigarette, taking a long inhale of the hazardous smoke “we are working our asses off whilst the men sit on theirs at the pub, getting god knows how drunk” the middled aged women rants, pointing to the door.
Polly smirks as she stands up “ come on, let’s go” Polly encourages, grabbing her purse.
[Y/N] frowns, dropping her pencil “ where are you going lol?” She asks confused but her eyes full of wonder at what Polly was planning.
“ I know a woman who knows a woman, she told me that the ladies of small heath are going out on strike, by the factories” Polly places her deep red hat on her curly brown hair as she raises an eyebrow at [Y/N].
The younger woman laughs “ you can’t be serious pol, Tommy would have your head” she warns.
“ not if he won’t find me” Polly puts her coat on.
[Y/N] bites her lip, she was conflicted. Her brain turns and twists as she argues with herself internally but eventually, only one side of her could win.
[Y/N] nods “ fuck em” she stands up “ I worked two weeks with his sick child and nothing but a thanks and a few days off work” [Y/N] rants, grabbing her coat.
Polly watches “ that’s my girl”.
Once the two woman get their stuff together, they walk out of the betting shop, Polly placing her sunglasses on her face, the women ignoring the men outside of the betting shop.
[Y/N] chuckles as she links her arm with pollys as they walk together towards the factories to join the woman of small heath.
The garrison pub
The Shelby men sat inside of their private corner room, celebrating Arthur’s recent news of Linda’s pregnancy. What they didn’t expect was another member of the blinders to come in and announce the women’s strike.
Tommy was about to make a speech when the door opens. A young man taking off his cap quickly catches his breath.
“ I’m sorry to disturb you mr Shelby, but I’ve just got word that mrs gray and miss [L/N} have walked out of the shop, claiming that they are striking for women’s rights in the work place” he explains.
Tommy raises an eyebrow, Arthur immediately standing up “ they what?” His drunken voice ripples through the small private room and into the main area of the pub.
Tommy holds his hand out to his brother “ now brother, this will be sorted” he stands up and grabs his cap, immediately following the younger member out of the pub, and towards where his aunt and his maid were currently causing chaos.
The Factories
The sound of the women cheering and chanting blocked the ability for [Y/N] ears to identity the sound of Tommy’s feet but as soon as his hand wrapped its self around her arm, she knew who it was and she knew she was in deep trouble.
Tommy’s breath sends goosebumps down her back as he leans down to speak into her ear “ come with me. Now” his voice quiet but clearly filled with demand.
[Y/N] didn’t say anything, her feet moving themselves in the direction that Tommy was guiding her. As they get further and further away from the other women, the noise of the chaos was slowly fading out.
“ Tommy, tommy please listen” [Y/N] began to protest but Tommy quickly cuts in.
“ what were you thinking [Y/N]. Do you know what this can do to the company” he states, letting go of her arm.
“ it’s not that serious tommy, me and pol weren’t protesting we were just watching” [Y/N] defends herself.
Tommy was about to respond when the sound of the police invading the strike, and women screaming as they get arrested. [Y/N] gasps as she gets shoved onto the floor, the wet gravel of small heaths pavements make contact with her hands. Small but painful cuts develop on her palms.
“ watch it” tommy yells at the woman that shoved [Y/N], clearly trying to run from the police.
“ I’m okay” [Y/N] reassures Tommy as she gently grabs his hand and stands up, Tommy patting down her dress since it had got mudded by the mud puddle on the path.
“ let’s go” Tommy grabs her hand and begins to pace to the garrison, away from the chaos. [Y/N]’s cheeks rise in temperature when she realises that tommys warm hand had engulfed her own. This is the kind of blushing that shows her soul, a compliment to the eyes and having a delicate sweetness within. It shows a connection, it shows that the smile and shyness comes from deep emotions. Her blush is beautiful and something real.
The garrison pub.
The pub was quiet, the occasionally laugh or the occasional cough fills the deadly silence since the moment Tommy stormed out of the pub to find [Y/N].
Tommy guides [Y/N] towards the small corner room, his hand hovering on the small of her back, however the heat still penetrates through her dress and onto her skin.
[Y/N] smiles as she walks into the room, taking her coat off slowly “ thank you Tommy” she graciously sits on one of the seats, placing her purse onto the table.
Tommy watches her as he sits at his usual seat, once again taking a cigarette from his metal holder “ would you like a drink?” He asks gruffly.
“ no thank you, I don’t drink” [Y/N] admits.
Thomas raises an eyebrow “ don’t drink ey, what maid of mine doesn’t drink” he teases.
“ the maid that looks after your infant son” she jokes back.
Thomas lights the cigarette “ my son likes you miss [L/N]” he admits, raising an eyebrow.
[Y/N] smiles, looking down at her dress skirt for a few seconds before looking up towards Tommy. She had the kind of eyes that reach out to Tommy, much like a baby reaching out with open arms, clearly signaling what she wants.
“ do you have a husband miss [L/N]” Tommy takes a long inhale of the hazardous smoke for what seems like the hundredth time that day.
“ please, call me [Y/N], and no I don’t have a husband nor a partner” she admits, her bottom lip sucking in between her teeth every so slowly. Tommy immediately looking down at the movement. Her lips were as good as her eyes in painting a picture of her emotion.
“ come here” Tommy whispers, placing the cigarette into the ash tray, just in time for [ Y/N] to arrive infront of Tommy.
The older man, places his hands onto her hips gently,his thumbs rubbing her in a rhythm, the smoke from the cigarette slowly evaporating between the two.
[Y/N] places her hands onto tommys shoulders “ this is inappropriate Tommy” she whispers, her voice as delicate as silk.
“ everything in my life is inappropriate” tommy points out, gently pulling [Y/N} into his lap, their eyes making close contact for the first time.
They both saw fire within each others eyes, she moved so close Tommy could feel her lips gliding over his own “ one time” she whispers “ one time is alright” she tries to reassure herself.
As soon as those four words left her mouth, Tommy connects their lips, in this kiss there was a sweetness of passion, a million loving thoughts condensed into a moment. [Y/N]’s heart skips a beat, as their lips glide together, making their own secret music. This kiss dissolves and releases any doubt within [Y/N]’s mind.
Tommys mouth parts ever so slightly, his tongue teasing then parting her own lips, wanting to savour her sweetness. A soft moan escapes her as she tastes Tommy in return.
Feeling as though she was burning in overwhelming passion, [Y/N] ripped her mouth away. Both gasping for air. Tommy presses his forehead against hers as [Y/N] runs her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck.
After a few minutes, Tommy lifts his head, placing his hand on her cheek. A slient communication passes through them. They both knew love was their sun, night and day.
They knew they were each others saviours.
A/N: hey again!
So sorry this took so long, my life has been extremely hectic but I’ve finished it and I hope you like it.
Please leave, a like, comment, reblog. All is appreciated so much! ❤️
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cyberneticfallout · 5 months
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Chapter One: Filly
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Ch 9 - Ch 10 - More Coming Soon
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem!Reader Summary: You, a seasoned bounty hunter, team up with a gruff ghoul to capture a high-value target. Tags: Slow burn (and I mean SLOWWW), angst, eventual smut, language, canon-typical violence, more tags will be added Posted on AO3: Smoothie and The Ghoul Word Count: 1.2k
Bounty hunting is no walk in the park, but the rewards make it worthwhile. Your body aches as you trudge through the settlement known as Filly. Pushy vendors eagerly try to sell you their wares, with one particularly persistent one urging you to spend your hard-earned caps on dog meat. Politely declining their offers, you navigate your way through the bustling street towards the more reputable shops and services.
Having visited Filly a few times before, you recognize familiar faces among the locals. You exchange a silent greeting with the local repair girl and spot Ma June preparing to open her shop for the day, making a mental note to stop by later. As you approach a semi-functional Nuka Cola machine, you catch sight of a man seated in a chair. He's dressed like an outlaw from the Wild West, giving off an air of danger. His gaze locks with yours as you pass by.
A ghoul.
You've had mostly positive experiences with ghouls in the wasteland, but this one seems different. There's something about him that sets off alarm bells in your head. Feeling bold, you approach him after grabbing an unbearably warm Nuka Cola.
"Hey," you stand in front of him and take a sip. "I don't personally have a problem with ghouls, but the folk around here aren't too fond of them."
Smirking, he looks up at you, his sunken eyes and lack of nose more pronounced in the sunlight. Most people find ghouls unsettling, but you've grown accustomed to their appearance after years of interacting with them.
"That may be true," he drawls. "but I ain't here to make friends."
You offer him a sip of your drink, he stares at you in confusion. Taking it as a rejection, you finish the rest and toss the bottle aside.
"You look like you're either playing cowboy or you're a bounty hunter," you remark.
"What's your guess?" he snarls.
Leaning towards him, you place your hands on the arms of his chair. "I'm guessing you're here looking for a specific doctor."
"You're pretty bold for getting so close to a ghoul, smoothskin."
"And you're pretty bold for assuming I've never been closer." A small smile creeps onto your face as he looks at you curiously.
"I'm sure our paths will cross again. Until then..." Stepping back, you give him a casual salute and walk away.
The presence of the ghoul gives you the feeling that shit is about to go down so you decide to hang around on the outskirts of Filly. Leaning against a tree just outside the bustling street of vendors, you can hear the sound of raised voices and the unmistakable echoes of gunfire coming from the center of town.
"Called it," you mutter under your breath. There's no need to dive headfirst into the chaos when you can simply wait it out and observe the aftermath. Given the hefty reward on the line for this particular doctor, it's unlikely that he'll be an easy target. If he's anything like the other high-value bounties you've pursued in the past, he'll find a way to slip away, and you'll have to track him down.
Inhaling deeply, you take a moment to assess your surroundings, ensuring that your rifle and pistol are in proper working order. As you inspect your weapons, the air is suddenly filled with distorted screams, "No, no, no!" Looking up, you witness a spectacle that catches you off guard. A suit of Power Armor is soaring uncontrollably through the sky above you. Could it be the Brotherhood of Steel? This bounty just keeps getting crazier.
The Power Armor veers off in the opposite direction, leaving you to wonder what in the wasteland is going on. With the chaotic gunfight seemingly subsiding, you make your way back towards the town center. It appears that the flying garbage can and ghoul have caused quite the commotion, scattering the combatants and bringing an end to the firefight.
As you draw closer to the scene, the absurdity of the situation becomes even more apparent. Bodies, torn apart and scattered haphazardly, litter the ground. The locals, seizing the opportunity, have already begun looting them. You catch sight of the ghoul making his way towards a path that leads out of town. Without a moment's hesitation, you decide to follow him.
Quickening your pace, you navigate through the debris and bodies, doing your best to avoid the looters who pay you no mind. The ghoul moves quickly with a dog by his side, his sunken eyes focused on his route to the wastes.
As you approach the outskirts of town, the ghoul glances back, acknowledging your pursuit. Letting out an annoyed sigh, he comes to a halt and turns to face you.
"I ain't accepting companions," he declares, a note of irritation in his voice.
"That's too bad," you reply with a smirk, coming to a stop in front of him. Your attention is drawn to the dog standing beside him, looking up at you with a wagging tail. A warm feeling washes over you - you've always had a soft spot for dogs.
Kneeling down, you scratch behind the dog's ears and ask, "What's her name?"
"I don't fuckin' know," the ghoul snaps back.
You raise an eyebrow, a mixture of amusement and confusion on your face. "Did you hit your head back there? How do you not know your dog's name?"
The ghoul rolls his eyes slightly, clearly exasperated. "She ain't my dog. She was with the doctor. Along with some vault dweller."
A surge of curiosity courses through you at the mention of the doctor and the vault dweller. This situation just keeps getting more intriguing. You stand up, still keeping an eye on the ghoul.
“A vault dweller?”
He begins to draw his gun and points it at you, “Give me a reason not to shoot your ass. You’re startin’ to annoy me.”
“Calm down, beef jerky.” Taking a step back, you maintain a calm demeanor. “I think we can help each other out.”
The ghoul's grip on his gun tightens, but he hesitates, seemingly intrigued by your proposition. "I don't need help.”
“Oh but yes, you do.” You pull out a small vial filled with amber liquid, capturing his attention. “This dog will do a great job tracking its owner but I’ll do an even better job of making sure you don’t go feral. No offense but you seem pretty old - even for a ghoul.”
The ghoul's grip on his gun loosens, and he seems to consider your words. After a moment, he reluctantly lowers his weapon. "Fine," he grumbles. "But don't think I owe you anything."
You nod with a small smile, "Fair enough."
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to-thelakes · 4 months
pairing; matt murdock x fem!reader
summary; re-adjusting to anti-depressants was never an easy task but you have your vigilante boyfriend to help.
warnings; fluff, just pure fluff, reader is on anti-depressants and very very sleepy, also a cheese lover
notes; this one-shot is definitely at least a few months old, i think i wrote it when i originally switched my dosage so it's a little chaotic. i feel like there's a lack of fics talking or discussing antidepressants so i like filling in the gap to comfort anyone who was suffering the sleepiness and shitty feelings like i was those first few months. also this is my first matty one-shot i'm releasing so please enjoy <3
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You were so tired. The first two weeks of antidepressants, you were told, would be the worst but it hadn’t prepared you for just how exhausted you felt. You had spent most of the first three days, curled up in bed and sleeping the day away. By the fourth day, your snack supplies had already begun to dwindle which is the opposite of what you needed right now.
And by the fifth day, you had to venture out to the store. And that had killed you off. You had gotten back, grabbed a bag of chips and curled up on the couch. Within a few hours you were asleep and you stayed like that for another four hours. The TV had suddenly seemed to get astronomically loud and it woke you from your slumber.
So, with a little huff, you rolled off the couch and began to make something proper to eat for dinner. But you felt exhausted. It clung to your mind, hovering over you as you tried to make cheesy pasta. Everything felt impossible and slow and it was frustrating but it was made better when you heard the familiar tap-tap-tap on the fire escape window. 
A grin spread across your face as you left your pasta to heat up the cheese, pulling the window open as Matt Murdock climbed through. He was still in his Daredevil costume and you thought he looked rather silly but he already knew that’s what you thought of his costume. He liked hearing you tease him.
But rather than saying anything, you just wrapped your arms around his torso and hugged him. Your eyes fell closed as you snuggled into him making him chuckle softly.
“It’s nice to see you too, darling,” He greeted softly. All you had the energy to do was hum in vague acknowledgement. His arms wrapped around your shoulders for a moment before he softly reminded you about the food on the stove. So, you reluctantly pulled back and went over to the pan. You split the pasta into two bowls and turned around just as Matt pulled his helmet off. He placed it down on the counter before cautiously walking over to you.
“I’m sleepy,” You mumbled softly as you passed him the bowl. He took a hold of it, searching for the fork before he began to eat it. You had added a little bit of seasoning, salt, pepper, garlic powder in hopes of giving it a little more flavour. But you knew within the first bite and from the look on Matt’s face that you had gone overboard with the garlic. A huff escaped your lips and you placed the bowl on the side, “I’m going back to bed,” You declared, giving up for the day. Matt chuckled, listening to your footsteps as you walked across the apartment to your bed.
The air moved around you as you face-planted and he couldn’t help another chuckle as he turned around. His gaze landed somewhere near you but you weren’t even paying attention. Sleep was desperate to crawl up your spine and take you in but Matt was here now and you wanted to see him for a bit.
He managed to place the bowl on your side before he navigated his way carefully through your apartment. He could smell a bowl of hummus on the floor somewhere, you had a habit of leaving random crockery on the floor so he was being careful before he reached your bed. He crawled onto it before he sat cross-legged across from you.
“How long have you slept today?” He asked curiously. You mumbled in vague response but he didn’t catch a single word of it. He reached out towards you and gently pushed your head back so that you would tilt your head to the side, “What was that?” He had a teasing lilt to his tone and it made you want to smack him.
“A while but I’m sleepy,” You muttered. Matt knew that you were on new medication. You had tried to hide it from him a few days ago but he could smell your body going haywire. It was the same with everyone he had known who switched medication. Body’s went haywire while they adjusted before eventually settling back into routine.
That’s all this was but he still found your sleepy-grumpiness adorable. Matt held his hand out towards you and you reluctantly dragged yourself so you could curl into his lap. His fingers began to run through your hair but the strands were getting caught on his gloves. You let out disgruntled noises before he decided to take his gloves off. Then his fingertips began to massage your scalp and you hummed happily.
“You feeling better?” He asked. You ‘mhm’d in response and he could tell that you were going to fall asleep in his lap, “I need to change, darling. Need you to get out of my lap.” There was an amused lilt to his voice and another disgruntled noise fell from your lips. You moved out of his lap before dropping onto the top of the bed. Matt always found your mood while sleepy to be not all that dissimilar to a cat. You hated being disturbed when you were curled up and comfortable and when you were, you gave the offender the evils.
You assumed Matt didn’t know that you did that but he could sense it. He had always been able to feel your gaze boring into him.
“In the usual place?” He asked. You let out another hum of agreement before you burrito’d in your covers, snuggling your face into the pillow. He changed silently, listening to your heartbeat and breathing to see if you had fallen asleep. But it seemed you weren’t falling into it quite yet. Once he had changed, he walked over to the bed and lay on top of the mattress.
And that was when you unburritoed yourself and crawled on top of Matt. You practically curled up on his chest, burritoing both of you with the covers as you snuggle into his neck. Matt’s arms wrapped around your back.
“Much better,” You mumbled under your breath. He chuckled softly at your words and you let your eyes close. Your breathe evened out relatively quickly, “Much better.” You snuggled up to him, peppering kisses across his neck before you nuzzled there. Matt grinned and pressed a kiss against your hairline.
“Glad I could be of service,” He teased. You grumbled against his chest but he merely continued to grin, kissing your hairline again before he let his eyes fall closed.
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reidsdimples · 5 months
After Hours
Spencer Reid x Reader
Spencer Reid Smut ‼️ Friends to lovers
You sneak Spence into a public library after hours🫢
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“We can’t be here right now,” Spence whispers as he glances around the dimly lit street.
“Shh,” you shush him.
You grab his forearm and urge him to follow you to a small door at the back of the brick building. You furnish a single key and quietly unlock it.
“Where did you get that?” His pushes.
“I know a guy who knew I guy that worked her,” you grin mischievously. “Come on, you know you want to,” you elbow him and push the door open.
The library has been closed for hours and you’re enjoying making Spencer squirm as he wars with the thrill of getting into a library that’s closed and the moral dilemma of trespassing.
“I am only agreeing to this to see those books they keep in the temperature controlled cases,” he sighs and slinks into the small room behind you.
You and Spencer have been friends for a few years, working closely in the BAU, and bonding over your own interest in law and his knowledge in well… everything.
He pushes some strands of hair from his forehead with long delicate fingers and adjusts his shoulder bag. His hair is shorter than usually but it suits him.
“You do know the penalty for trespassing in Washington, DC is a fine and up to 6 months in jail,” he turns to you.
“I think we’ll be alright,” you grin and tap your badge.
After about an hour of roaming the shelves, he finally becomes more relaxed. He’s crouch on the floor, examining a stack of old documents from a filing cabinet. Books are scattered around him chaotically.
You watch for a moment as his fingers work to trace over the text, his brain working exceptionally quick to intake the information instantaneously. You always find yourself amazed at the way his brain works.
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The small crush you’ve harbored for him has been tucked tightly away. Keeping things professional is essential in the line of work the two of you share and you won’t jeopardize the friendship. Still, you allow yourself moments to admire him in all of his beauty.
His tongue darts out and swipes his bottom lip like it always does when he’s focused, his brow furrows slightly as he reads, and he mouths words here and there. He rocks back on his heels and sits on the carpet next to a bookshelf.
“Okay brainiac, I have a game,” you bounce into the room hold the stack of books. He looks up at you curiously, his brown eyes like honey in the dim light. You swallow.
“A game?” He asks.
“I found the most random and niche books I could, I’m gonna hold them up and you’re going to give me a synopsis. I’m positive I’ve found one that will stump you,” you smile and sit with your criss crossed in front of him.
“I haven’t read every book,” he starts. You raise your eyebrows at him. “Just most of them,” he shrugs.
You hold up a book about gardening and he gives you a run down of it.
“Why did you read this?” You ask.
“I skimmed it in high school,” he appears please with himself. You hold up another;
“Let me save you some time,” he grabs the other six books. “Lovers during World War Two, the rise of buddhism in western culture, lame romance about a cowboy… who dies at the end…” you snatch the book from his hand.
“You are insane!” You laugh. He smiles and holds up another.
“Julie is married to a man but is in love with his brother and noone has a happy ending,” he gives you a cocky grin but continues. “Inside Richard Ramirez’s life and…” he flips the last book over. “Oh, sci-fi about a journey to the Cigar galaxy,” he finishes.
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You snatch it, examine it, and then throw it at his chest.
“What was that for?” He laughs and rubs his hand over the spot you hit.
“You’re too smart for your own good,” you sigh in defeat. He collects the books from around you, his knees knocking into yours.
A spark of heat seems to be exchanged from the touch, his breathing hitching so low that you almost miss it.
He glances up at you for a moment, searching your eyes as a strand of hair falls over his own. You reach out instinctively and push it back.
Your hand lingers in his hair for a moment, your fingertips grazing his scalp. He sucks air between his teeth as though the sensation is shocking to him. You lean forward and push your hand further into his hair, you don’t know why but you feel the need to touch him. He doesn’t protest, he’s staring at your lips.
The two of you gravitate closer, your heart pounding when his hand runs up your arm and entangles your hand further into his hair. He’s urging you to tug, to massage, it feels too good. His hand on yours, laced with your fingers, you oblige and take the control, you push his head closer to yours, overwhelmed by the small noises he’s making in the base of his throat.
His jaw tenses and he’s done with restraint. He drops the books and closes the rest of the space between you, leaning up on his knees to kiss you. You drop your hand from his hair and meet him there, winding your hands into his dark button down shirt, tugging on his loosened tie.
He tastes like mint, like heaven and earth collided, his lips soft and warm. A moan escapes your lips when his hand grips your hip, the other winding into your hair. You can’t believe what’s happening. You don’t want it to stop.
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“Spence,” you whimper and pull away to look into his eyes pleadingly. Your grip still from on his tie. He nodded, understanding what you’re asking.
You push him backward, forcing him down onto the floor, a small laugh escaping him. His eyes are wild, his hair tousled, his lips reddened from the kiss, and he’s lying below you allowing you to take control.
You straddle his hips, papers and books being kicked around beneath you. Both of you are panting with need when you kiss him again.
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathes. You pull his shirt open while his hands caress your body, long fingers trailing up and down your spine and hips. It drives you wild, sending heat gathering between your thighs.
That heat builds up so quickly when you begin to kiss his bare chest that you have to grind down onto his growing erection to appease the need.
He tilts his head back, reveling in the feeling of the friction.
“So…” he swallows when you rock your hips again. “So good.”
He pulls your tight sweater up over your head, greedily taking in the view of your breasts in the lace bra. His face is red, he’s burning with need too.
You fumble with his belt and finally pull his cock free, the sight and size mouth watering. You push away the thoughts of Hotch reprimanding the two of you for what you’re about to do. Yet the thought of sinking down onto him is too overwhelming. You don’t care about anything in that moment, but getting him inside of you.
“We’re going to be in so much trouble if someone finds out,” you muse as you tear yourself free of your own pants. He leans up on his elbow and tilts his head as though he hadn’t thought of that yet.
“So no one finds out,” he demands. It takes you off guard when he pushes himself up and takes you to the floor, pinning you beneath him. His eyes darken, his gaze more primal when he leans down to kiss your neck.
His hard cock prods at the entrance of your vagina, your wetness soaking the tip. He slides his cock upward, between the lips teasingly, coating himself in your arousal. Your lips meet and your tongues fight for dominance as he groans. You reach down and grab his cock, stroking it in warning.
“Give it to me Reid,” you bite out.
He smiles but obliges. He pushes himself into you, slowly so that you can stretch around him. You buck your hips up, taking him off guard. He slams his other hand onto the floor to steady himself, the raw pleasure of being seated completely inside of you stealing his breath.
He throws his head back and works himself out slightly before pushing back in.
“Fuck, Spence,” you moan. His shirt is hanging open but you kiss and suck at his chest while he finds his sweet sinful rhythm.
He pushes your legs up and open wider, slamming deeper into you until you’re crying out into the empty library.
“Shhh baby, you’re taking it so good,” he whispers. He doesn’t stop his hard pounding into you, drawing you closer and closer to the edge.
You tighten around him, a warning of your impending orgasm. He smiles knowingly and gives you long slow strokes to ride it out to. Your nails dig into his back as your legs wrap around his hips, greedily taking all of him while you explode around his cock. You pulse around him, squeezing, and practically begging him to cum too.
“Ah-“ he shutters and slows his pace. He doesn’t want to cum yet. He grunts and grabs a fistful of your hair before pushing himself back into you.
He buries his face in your breasts, abruptly biting hard as his hips wind and work his cock in and out of you. He nips at your nipple, causing you to tighten around him. He grins into the soft skin, breathing hard against you. Your hands are in his hair again, holding on as another organs builds within you.
“Reid…” you moan. But he bites you again, thrusting hard as though he needs it more than life, more than oxygen. “Spencer I’m going to cu-“ you don’t get to finish the words.
His hands wind into your hair, yanking your head upward and back and he drives into you with unrelenting speed.
“Fuck,” you swear he groans under his breath.
Your orgasm comes over you without mercy, ravaging your core, blinding you with pleasure, and causing your legs to shake violently around him. He whimpers as you tighten impossibly tight around him and it consumes him.
His hips sputter as he erupts inside of you, pumping you full of him. He slides in and out of you, rolling his hips a few more sinful times as though to enjoy the sensation. As though to solidify the memory of how it feels to be inside of you.
His kisses you deeply and buries his face in the crook of your neck as you hold each other.
Neither of you want to be pulled from the moment, so you lavish in the afterglow in each other’s arms.
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neocrias · 1 month
making out with wayv
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warnings: slightly suggestive; some of the stories may be longer than others (we got a bit carried away lol sorry); reader insert; gn reader (mostly)
pairings: wayv and reader
gender/aus: fluff; established relationships (or not); casual fling;
other units: 127 II dream
Qian Kun was a gentleman. You knew this from the first time you saw him amongst his chaotic group of friends at the birthday party of one of your mutual friends. She insisted in introducing you to the guys, and it would be a lie if you said you didn't take immediate interest in the most patient of them; the one who just smiled and nodded when he was mocked by the loud boys around him.
You obviously shared in a subtle way - or not - with your friend that you were interested in the guy with "the dimples" she had introduced you to. And, after she pulled some strings, a date between you two was arranged. It would be an understatement to say that you were anxious for the big day: you were simply a nervous wreck! And then Kun came along and sorted everything out. His smile, kind words and good manners made it for you.
It was a mix of things: when he opened the car door for you, the fact that he brought you flowers, the fancy but not overpriced restaurant he took you to and the bill he made sure to pay. Was it all a dream? You couldn't believe he was real.
And of course, during the whole drive home, there was only one thing you could think about: you had to kiss Kun. You'd already dropped a few hints, but you didn't want to seem too desperate. So, when the car softly stopped by your house, you turned to the driver with a naive smile.
— Thank you so much Kun, it's been a wonderful evening. — You thanked him sincerely. Suddenly, Kun leaned towards you, and the first thing you could think of was "thank God!". You closed your eyes, longing for the moment when your lips touch, but it doesn't come. The warmth of Kun's approach suddenly fades and you open your eyes curiously, realizing that he was just trying to unbuckle your seatbelt in his typically gentlemanly way.
But Kun obviously realizes that you had other intentions when he returns to the driver's seat and sees you with your eyes closed in his direction. He flahses a smile that is less polite and polished than the others he had showed you that night, understanding exactly what you wanted. And it was obvious that he'd been wanting to kiss you too from the start of the date too, but he was afraid he'd end up looking too rushed, so he held back. Now, however, he didn't have to pretend anymore.
He leaned towards you once more, resting one hand on your seat and brushing away a lock of hair that had fallen across your face with the other. That same hand rested gently on your cheek as he sought out your lips with his own. "Finally," you thought. Kun's soft lips were exactly as you had imagined all night, and their slow but intense rhythm was far more incredible than you could have imagined. After a few moments deepening the kiss, Kun's hand, which had been lovingly enveloping your face, began to move downwards, first finding your neck, then your back until it reached the base of your spine, squeezing your waist lightly. You get excited, trying to bring your body closer to his, but Kun stops the kiss and lovingly rests a peck on your lips.
— I'm sorry, you look so beautiful today that I couldn't help myself. — He jokes, smiling. Kun wanted to continue the kiss, but had just remembered that this was only your first date anyways.
"You need to finish this paper today" was all you could think about for three whole days. Of course, this also made you neglect your boyfriend a bit, but it was only a few days, he wouldn't have minded, right? Wrong!
Ten was upset, annoyed, irritated and extremely - EXTREMELY - needy. He missed you so much at work and when he arrived at the apartment you shared, he still missed you because of this damn course you took at college.
In an impulse, Ten went up to you completely determined, he pulled your chair back, sliding it so that you were further away from the wooden table and consequently from the computer. Ten sat on your lap, one leg on either side of your hip and his shoulders around your neck.
— Do you always come here, gorgeous? — He said in a funny voice.
— Only on difficult days. — You replied, joining in his joke.
— Then this must be a very difficult week for you. — He continued. His fingers curled into your hair, giving it a gentle tug that made your body tense up and then relax.
— What can I do to help you, hm? — He was just teasing you, it was supposed to be a funny joke, but it ended up messing with your head anyway. Your body tingled, your hands wanted something to squeeze, you missed him too. In fact, you were missing your boyfriend more than he could have imagined.
Ten smiled when he saw your body react so beautifully to his touches, and he hadn't done anything much. But who was he to lie? He was feeling the same as you after repressing his desires for days.
He bent down until his thin lips slid over yours, the tips of your noses touching lightly, and you both let out a relieved sigh as you kissed for real. You instinctively brought your hands up to his waist, gripping the blue cotton shirt between your fingers so tightly that your knuckles turned white.
Ten in retaliation pulled the hair on the back of your neck harder, causing a surprised moan of pain to escape before you knew it. Before you could separate completely, Ten ran the tip of his tongue over your upper lip, making you sigh once more and squeeze your thighs together tightly.
You were both panting, with swollen lips and red cheeks. Neither of you wanted to open your eyes, let alone come back to reality and the obligations you had to fulfill, so, with your eyes still closed and your foreheads pressed together, Ten asked:
— Can't you finish this tomorrow?
You couldn't, but who cares about deadlines when Ten is all over you, begging for a single chance to take you to the heights? You certainly wouldn't!
You knew there was something special about Sicheng. Ever since you found out that he was going to be your romantic partner in the new c-drama you were going to star in, you started researching about him more. Those sparkling eyes and shy smile he displayed during his group activities as a k-pop idol didn't fool you: you knew there was something more in there, and you were willing to find out what. As soon as Dong Sicheng arrived on set, with his royal-like features and his few quiet words - apart from polite greetings and the intense performance as the male lead, you were already sure you wanted to find out more about him.
That's why, when he invited you to visit him at his penthouse with the premise of "practicing lines" from the script, you accepted without a second thought. Of course now, sitting on his expensive couch with a glass of luxury wine on the coffee table in front of you and a slightly drunk and smiling Sicheng by your side, you felt a little less like a character investigator and a little more like a potential prey of the irresistible actor. And you know what's worse? You liked it. Oops.
— I can't stand it any longer, I have to say it! I love you… with all my heart. — Sicheng read his lines, full of emphasis and a little irony due to the wine. He stared at you, and you could almost feel the deep feelings of his character. It was then that you remembered the cue that this line implied: a kiss between the two characters.
Sicheng slowly moved closer and you closed your eyes. When his lips brushed lightly, you practically forgot about your performance and completed the kiss, pulling his face closer to yours. You enjoyed it for a while, until your coworker pulled away, letting out a chuckle.
— I think you're a bit too excited for a technical kiss, aren't you? — He jokes and you gasp. What? But he's the one who set this whole thing up! It's not possible that now that you've matched him, he'd act all innocent!
— Hey! I was just getting into character! It's not as if I actually wanted you, alright?
— Y/n…Everyone wants me. — Sicheng almost rolls his eyes, raising one of his eyebrows at you without losing his mocking smile.
— But not me!
— Oh is that so? I think you do.
And he was painfully right. As presumptuous as he was, he was very attractive.
While you were thinking about Don Sicheng's audacity, you barely felt him approach you once again and, when he was already considerably closer, he looked you straight in the eye, as if asking for your permission. You just nodded, but didn't give him time to come to you, because you immediately closed the space between you, holding the back of his neck tightly and touching his lips for the second time that night. The strong, sweet taste of the wine invaded you along with Sicheng's soft lips and you grunted lightly when he squeezed both sides of your waist, pressing you down and laying you gently on the sofa.
Yeah, it seems like filming this TV show with Sicheng is going to be easier than you thought.
Oh, summer. Summer was always so exciting! There was always something to do during the season, from going out for a popsicle to taking a trip with your friends. The latter was your favorite activity, and every time you went on vacation, you would tried to book a week at a nearby resort or at a rented beach house.
This summer was no different. You and your friends got reservations for one of the most interesting resorts you've been to so far. There was every sort of activity in the place and yet the one thing that filled your thoughts for days and nights in that paradise had a first and last name: Xiao Dejun.
Xiaojun - how he liked to be called - was also there for his summer vacation with some friends. He was honestly one of the most attractive men you've ever seen in your short lifetime, and you just couldn’t take your eyes off him ever since you saw him playing billiards in the resort's arcade. Luckily enough, he paid attention to you too, and insisted on talking to you even though you were a blushing mess next to him all the time you bumped into each other in that damn hotel. Even better, he actually took enough interest in you to ask for your number, and to casually text you every so often, asking you to meet him in different spaces inside of the resort. You accepted it every. single. time. And your friends eventually got tired of your shy giggles every time your cellphone beeped with a text message notification. 
And then once again there you were, in the middle of the night, trying to find Xiaojun just from his shared location on your phone. When you finally arrive at the small red dot marked on the map, you find yourself in the resort pool, lit up only by the small lights inside of the water and the moonlight above you. Also in there, you get to see Xiaojun swimming underwater and take a deep breath, becoming slightly nervous by his sight.
When he emerges, you suddenly hold your breath as you face Xiaojun's wet torso. Drops of water fall quickly from his hair down his body as he leans on the edge of the pool to sit down. He finally sees you and flashes the most beautiful smile you've ever seen, making you melt.
— I'm so glad you found me. — He jokes, letting out a chuckle. You try to look into his eyes as he speaks, you really try to, but it's almost impossible when he's right there, soaking wet, half-naked and looking like a real Chinese god.
— Get in here. — He says nodding at the pool and you gasp, swallowing.
You look at the shimmering water of the pool with suspicion. You hadn't even brought a towel or bathing suit! Still doubtful, you approach and test the temperature of the water with the tip of your foot, immediately shaking off the chill. Then your eyes trail to Xiaojun, who looks at you expectantly. You calmly analyze his features, letting yourself be carried away by the beauty of your summer crush, and decide to do as he asks. Damn it.
The dive is strong as you feel the water hit your body, immediately enveloping you with its icy intensity. Seeking the surface in a hurry, you emerge only to see the rest of the pool empty. "Where's X-"
A hand wraps around one of your thighs and you suppress a startled shout as you look down to see Xiaojun underwater with a playful smile. The boy swims to the surface and emerges a few centimeters from you, making your eyes widen.
— You're very cute, you know that? Like a scaredy cat... — He practically whispers, his completely dark eyes dropping to look at your lips, which are trembling slightly from the cold. Xiaojun slid his hands under your waist, tightening them firmly around your soaked t-shirt. You had already noticed from your encounters that he liked to take the lead, so you just let him do the honors.
He suddenly pulled you closer, splashing a few drops of water around you. You feel Xiaojun's cold body brushing against yours, yet you can't help but feel a growing warmth at the top of your stomach, causing a sly smile to appear on your lips. Xiaojun then finally leans in to kiss you, attacking your lips with strenght but also with precision. The kiss fits almost immediately and you soon feel Xiaojun's tongue asking for space between your lips, which you promptly obey.
Something about the moonlight, or the way the water surrounds you both in your frenetic rhythm, or perhaps Xiaojun's firm lips on yours together with the Chinese man's irresistible grip make you feel like you're in paradise, and your sudden confidence makes you wrap your arms around the boy's neck, leaning on him as you circle his waist with both of your legs, pulling him closer to you.
Xiaojun enjoys your boldness, and bites your lower lip sllightly, causing you to absolutely lose it all. He subtly separates from you so that you can catch your breath, but keeps your foreheads pressed together as he smiles mischievously.
You and Hendery weren't exactly friends, but you had a lot of friends in common, which brought the two of you closer together. One day, Hendery invited some friends over to play RE4, a game he had wanted to play since he was a child, but had never been able to do alone because he was scared. The friends in question were Xiaojun and Yangyang - your cousin and your best friend respectively - and, of course, you. 
The guys were smarter than they looked and they knew that Hendery was into you, deeply into you, so the two of them decided to skip out and leave the two of you alone that afternoon. 
You arrived early and were warmly welcomed by a lively and playful Hendery. Before the boys could even show up, you started playing, each taking a different stage and having fun while the other was scared.
After a completely unexpected jumpscare that made Hendery jump and hit his shin on the coffee table, you realized that more than an hour had passed and neither Xiaojun nor Yangyang had arrived yet. You sent a message asking for them and received a simple "something happened" and "my bad" in reply.
— I'll get us something to eat and we can watch a movie, maybe? - Hendery suggested and you were happy to accept. He came back with some snacks and two cans of coke, sat down next to you and put on Netflix. — Comedy?
— Scary movie? — you asked back.
— The second one? 
You nodded when he got exactly what you were thinking. The two of you understood each other so well... almost as if it was meant to be. In less than 20 minutes you were no longer paying attention to the movie as Hendery told a very embarrassing story about Yangyang and Xiaojun.
You laughed all afternoon and with every word he said, funny expressions he made or even the way he gestured, you laughed out loud and threw your head back, feeling your belly hurt from laughing so much. And, for a moment, that was all that happened until the scenery changed and, somehow, you were now sitting on his lap with crumpled clothes and swollen red lips.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, your fingers ruffling the soft brown strands as he left kisses and nips along the length of your neck and shoulders. Hendery's arms circled your waist, pulling you closer and pressing you down, preventing you from moving too much.
— I've had a crush on you for months, you know that? — Hendery murmured against your ear and gently moved his hand down from your waist to your thigh, making the phantom touch prickle your skin.
— Yeah? I should have done something about that before. — You replied by leaving a bite on his collarbone, which was easily reddened by the pale skin.
— Oh, don't worry about that," he warned. — I'll make up for every second lost.
You were already a bit tired of being friends with Liu Yangyang. I mean, we all have a limit - and he was already testing yours. Double entendre, dirty jokes, and unfriendly touches used to fill your encounters, but no one seemed brave enough to simply take the first step: a kiss, that's all you wanted. It had already reached an annoying level of neediness, where you dreamed of the taste of your "friend's" lips.
Today he invited you to his house, as usual. You already had the script in mind: he's going to let you play with his cats while he shows you the new collection of clothes he bought online and have just arrived, bragging about his acquisitions. Then he'd order you something to eat and put some silly video on the TV in the bedroom that you'd both watch, usually lying on the bed in some unusual position for "friends". If it was a day when he was less committed to the whole silent-flirting thing, maybe he'd just play on his computer while you watched TV until the food arrived. You eat, you talk, you fight over who gets to do the dishes and he says goodbye to you with a kiss dangerously close to your mouth, sending you the most playful smile in the world while you mentally curse him for not going all the way in.
But today, everything seemed different. Yangyang had already been acting strange with you for a few days: more incisive, more flirty than ever and sending you messages like "I miss you" or "I wish you here sm" at half past two in the morning, making you question your sanity. So when you leave your shoes by the door and are greeted by the little ball of fur meowing, your heart is a little fluttery and you're a little anxious. Will today finally be the day?
He greets you with a different smile - less playful and more… tender? You can't tell, but since then Yangyang has been treating you with more care all afternoon, almost as if you two weren't so close. The dirty jokes are replaced by sincere compliments and the teasing touches become more affectionate. Sitting on Yangyang's bed, after a long conversation, he pulls one of your locks of hair away from your face and you feel your cheeks heat up. This is it.
Yangyang comes closer and smiles, looking at your lips full of tenderness. You close your eyes and move closer together. By the time you excitedly manage to feel the warmth of Yangyang's face next to yours, it's too late to be delicate, and you feel a slightly harsher collision than you expected, pulling away immediately afterwards. Oh no. It's your first kiss with Yangyang and he's knocked his tooth into yours.
Your expression immediately turns worried as you see Yangyang embarrassed - you can't help but find his pout extremely cute.
— It's okay! It was nothing. — You clarify out loud.
— My bad… — He starts apologizing at the same time, until he notices your reassuring tone and raises one of his eyebrows. Unable to stop yourself, you let out a laugh that you've been trying to hold back for a few seconds and he widens his eyes. — Oh, so you think this is funny? I wouldn't laugh at myself if I were you.
— Why not? — You laugh again, watching Yangyang's countenance gradually change.
— Because I could punish you… — he whispers, transforming himself. Suddenly, the insecure boy who tried to kiss his best friend for the first time a few moments ago becomes more agile, confident and self-assured. Yangyang pulls on your waist with just one hand, gluing your bodies together and surprising you with his strength. He winks at you once, revealing his playful side for one last time before bringing your lips together voraciously, taking his free hand to your jaw and caressing the area around your cheek as you move to make the kiss fit in more.
After a while, you practically push Yangyang away so you can catch your breath.
— Okay, I think you really know what you're doing. — You smile between hurried breaths, making Yangyang let out a laugh, showing you his very white, strong teeth - which you know now thanks to your new experience.
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devildomwriter · 7 months
Can I Be Your Gentleman? | Mephistopheles x Reader
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1.1K | GN! Reader | CW: reader described as beautiful
Mephistopheles took a sip of his coffee as he watched the customers in Café Lament. He was there to investigate any rumors for the gossip article in the RAD newspaper. He preferred writing articles solely rooted in the truth but things were a tad slow lately.
Mephistopheles noticed you out of the corner of his eye and perked up. Wherever you went drama was sure to follow. Not because of you but because your general existence invited powerful demons and chaotic happenings. He grinned, excited to see what would happen and he took out his notepad and pen.
You waited on the couch by the window for a long time, excitedly waiting. After a while he observed the joy fade from your face as you got a text on your phone. His brow furrowed in worry as you hung your head with a crestfallen expression.
He watched you for a moment and glanced around to make sure no one else was watching before he set down his drink and walked over to you to make sure you were alright.
“___,” he greeted stiffly.
“Oh. Hey Mephisto…” you said sullenly and he frowned.
“I couldn’t help but notice your grim expression,” he noted and you nodded, resting your chin in your hands.
“Uh-huh…” you replied and he tilted his head curiously.
Mephistopheles straightened out his coat and sat down on the couch next to you. He set his cane aside and focused his attention on you. “So, tell me what happened?” He prodded.
You sighed, “Looking for another scoop?”
He was taken aback, a little offended, even though that was originally exactly why he’d approached you. “Hardly. I’ve only come to see why Lord Diavolo’s favorite human is in such a sour mood.”
“Gee thanks,” you mumbled and looked away from him.
Mephistopheles frowned and cleared his throat, realizing he needed a more genuine approach. He awkwardly tried to reach out to you but decided against it and retracted his hand.
“What…what I mean to say is…how can I help you?”
You looked back at him, a little confused. It wasn’t like him to offer his help without something in return. “You can go back in time and tell me not to date that asshole,” you said bitterly and he looked surprised.
“I’m afraid that’s not something I can do…probably… but…” he paused and decided he’d listen to whatever you needed to say. “Do you want to talk about it?”
You looked teary-eyed and Mephistopheles pulled out his handkerchief and looked around. He got to his feet and helped you to yours. He motioned to a staff member and took you to a back room where you could privately let out your emotions.
“Thanks,” you said sadly and he wiped your tears with his handkerchief. “Why did I ever give it a shot…I didn’t think it’d last but…I hoped…we’d have a fun time at least and then maybe…” you stopped talking to prevent further upset and he placed his hand on your back and scooted his chair closer to yours.
“A winter fling, then?” He questioned and you shrugged.
“I dunno…I just thought…actually…I don’t know what I was thinking,” you whimpered and he pulled you into his side.
Mephistopheles’s face flushed, he wasn’t sure why he suddenly felt so protective. He cleared his throat to buy himself time to find the right words. “I see…well…I am a demon, so…would you like me to do something about this?”
You paused, giving it genuine thought. “Maybe…but not right now, I’m not thinking clearly.”
Mephistopheles nodded, approving of your decision. “Very smart, ___. If your ex can’t see that then they’re a most foolish human indeed.”
You chuckled at his eloquent manner of speech and nodded, “Yeah, you’re right. Ugh…honestly though…” you frowned. “Who dumps someone right before Valentine’s?”
Mephistopheles was startled, he’d completely forgotten about the human holiday. No wonder the brothers had scrambled to give you chocolates, no wonder you were so upset, no wonder you were dressed so beautifully…he blushed at his last train of thought.
You were beautiful no doubt. He looked away and removed his hand from around you to gently hold your hand.
You looked up at him, surprised by his increasingly genuine actions.
“Well, I suppose that means you’re free for the holidays then?” He asked and you nodded glumly.
He got to his feet and outstretched his hand to you with a nervous but serious grin, “In that case, ___, would you do me the honor of allowing me to escort you as your date this Valentine’s?”
You blushed more deeply than him as he tried to remain serious and unflustered. Mephistopheles was a major step up from anyone you’d dated in the past, but not only that, for once he was being himself around you because he cared enough to be more vulnerable. That touched your heart and you grinned and wiped away the last of your tears.
You took his hand and nodded, “I’d love that.”
Mephistopheles cleared his throat again and straightened his coat. “Right. Excellent. Then tomorrow? I’ll have the limousine pick you up at 5:00.”
“A limousine? Awesome!” You exclaimed and he looked confused for a moment before remembering you weren’t anywhere near as wealthy as him.
“Yes. I know exactly where to take you, but I want it to be a surprise,” he said. In truth, he had no clue and would spend the day agonizing over the perfect location. “I’ll send you the proper attire by 4:00, that should be enough time to prepare, right?” He asked.
You were suddenly feeling a little overwhelmed, but more than that you were excited. You nodded, “Yes! Yes, I can’t wait!” You beamed and hugged Mephistopheles tightly.
Unused to this kind of attention, Mephistopheles stiffened and slowly patted your back as he looked away to avoid you noticing his reddening blush.
“Thank you so much Mephistopheles, you really can be the perfect gentleman.” You blurted out and Mephistopheles arched one brow.
“Hm?” He asked as he analyzed your words.
You gave him another squeeze hoping he’d not pay attention to your slip of the tongue. “I’ll see you tomorrow night, text me okay?” You grinned and he nodded and opened the door of the back room for you.
The staff were quick to see the big difference a few minutes together had had on you. Once crestfallen, you now radiated excitement and they were left to speculate why.
It didn’t take long for rumor to spread about what had happened in the back room and Mephistopheles was quick to shut it down so as not to sour the beginning of what would be a beautiful relationship.
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multi-fandoms-posts · 15 days
Uninvited Guest
Just Wade ist Wade, i don't need to say more
X Men Masterlist
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It’s a quiet afternoon in a small bar on the edge of town. Logan sits, as usual, at the counter, a half-empty beer in hand, when the door flies open with a loud bang. And of course, it’s Wade, barging in—loud, chaotic, and impossible to miss.
“Lo-gan!” Wade shouts with exaggerated emphasis as he storms into the bar. “My favorite mutant! How’s it going in love paradise?”
Logan rolls his eyes. “What do you want, Wade? I really don’t have the patience for your nonsense today.”
Wade ignores him and sits down right next to him, far too close for Logan’s liking. “Oh, nothing much, my best friend and role model! I just heard that you’ve got… how should I put it… someone special.” Wade grins widely and nudges Logan with his elbow.
Logan takes a sip of beer and says nothing.
“Oh, come on!” Wade continues. “I mean, Y/N? Really? So, she’s the one? I never thought the big, bad Wolverine would find a woman who could—what’s the saying?—‘tame’ him.”
Logan growls softly, glaring at Wade. “That’s none of your business, Wade.”
“Oh, but it is!” Wade counters, making an overly dramatic face. “You have no idea how much this touches my heart. The indestructible Logan… has a heart! And seriously—how gentle are you with her? Do you, like… hold hands?” Wade laughs loudly and claps his hands.
Logan remains silent, but his eyes glint dangerously.
“Or even better!” Wade’s eyes sparkle as he keeps going. “Do you give her little forehead kisses? Don’t tell me you’re the type to whisper ‘I love you’ before going to bed.” Wade rolls his eyes theatrically and makes a kissing gesture in the air. “Mwah, goodnight, bunny.”
Logan’s fist tightens around the beer glass, but he holds himself back.
“Oh, oh, oh!” Wade suddenly exclaims, as if something amazing just occurred to him. “You buy her flowers, don’t you? Come on, Logan, are you the type who buys roses with little notes? ‘For the most beautiful woman in the world’ or some romantic crap like that?”
“Wade,” Logan growls, “if you keep this up, I’m going to break every bone in your body.”
Wade’s grin only grows wider. “Yesss, that’s the Logan I know! But come on, you can’t fool me. You turn into a real teddy bear around her, don’t you? I mean, everyone sees it. You’re different when she’s around. You’ve probably even started talking in that deep, soft voice. Something like: ‘Y/N, darling, what do you want for dinner tonight? I’ll cook whatever you like!’” Wade tries to mimic Logan’s deep voice, laughing so loudly that the other patrons glance their way.
Logan releases the glass and turns to Wade. “I swear, Wade, if you say one more word, you’ll be carried out of here.”
“Ah, Logan, just relax!” Wade says cheerfully. “I bet Y/N makes you smile. She makes you soft. So soft that you” Wade pauses dramatically. “use your claws for something other than fighting, huh?”
That was too much. With a furious growl, Logan lunges at Wade, grabbing him by the collar as his claws snap out of his hands with a loud *snikt*. Wade raises his hands, but his grin remains unshaken.
“Whoa, hey! Easy, tiger. I’m just saying… do you use the claws in bed? Like… you know, for special moments? Maybe Y/N likes a little scratching? Or…” Wade looks curiously at the sharp claws. “…do you use them to tear the sheets when things get hot?”
Logan’s eyes blaze with fury, and he holds his claws dangerously close to Wade’s face. “One more word, Wade. Just one more, and I’ll make sure you’re sipping meals through a straw for weeks.”
Wade swallows, but his smile doesn’t waver. Logan lets him go and sits back down.
But Wade continues. “And when you’re home, you probably cook her a romantic dinner, huh? Play soft music, light candles, and then…” Wade pauses, giving Logan an exaggeratedly serious look. “Do you sing together? Tell me, Logan, what do you sing? *‘I Will Always Love You’*?”
Logan grabs Wade by the collar again, pulling him so close that their noses nearly touch. “One more word, Wade. Just one.”
Wade grins. “So you don’t like that? Okay, okay! I’ll stop. But come on! Deep down, you know I’m right. Y/N has changed you. You’re a whole different person now. Almost… human.”
Logan abruptly lets go of Wade. “You have no idea, Wade. No idea what Y/N means to me. So stop making your dumb jokes before I do something we’ll both regret.”
Wade sits back up and rubs his neck. “Wow, so protective. Romantic, Logan. Really romantic. But seriously aren’t you at least going to introduce me to her?”
“Never,” Logan says flatly. “As long as I’m breathing, you won’t get anywhere near her.”
Wade shrugs and stands up. “Alright, alright. But if you ever need couples therapy or some tips on how to keep a relationship exciting, you know where to find me.”
Logan rolls his eyes, sits back down, and reaches for his beer. “Get out, Wade.”
“Already on my way,” Wade says cheerfully, heading for the door. “But don’t forget, Logan: The next step is probably moving in together, right? Oh, or getting married! Wolverine in a suit—I’d love to see that!”
Wade looks back over his shoulder and calls out, “See you soon, lover boy!”
The door closes, and Logan shakes his head. “What did I ever do to deserve someone like him in my life?”
But deep down, he knows that, as annoying as Wade is, he doesn’t really mean any harm. Still, Wade will never meet Y/N. Not in a million years.
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luvvannie · 7 months
✮ joshua hong as your boyfriend. sfw!
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✮ looooong walks down the coast in the spring,, hand-in-hand ALWAYS (don't let go he'll get sulky) and pit-stops every five minutes whenever you both see something pretty. coming home with flowers in your hair and empty ice coffee cups and the sky on the brink of midnight AAAA
✮ he LOVES taking photos of you, just documenting life yk?? he's always like 'baby smile!' with his phone every other second its SO SWEET (also his lockscreen is always a picture he's taken of u, but it's constantly taking bc there's always a new 'favourite y/n pic' AKAkAA)
✮ kbbq every week!! he knows all ur fave combos with the sauces and meats (not me making it sound like a video game GIRL) and he will do all the cooking the whole time while u sit beside him and watch and make all those 'ooo aaaa' sound effects HYPING UR MAN YK (he needs the cheerleadering its not an option bbg). you get the first bite everytime ofc PRINCESS TREATMENT WBK
✮ the two of you are always babysitting for your friends and it's the MOST CHAOTIC THING EVER bc ure constantly asking each other 'baby... where did the ACTUAL baby go..?😰' but it always has u giggling and kicking ur feet by the end because OMG HE'S SOOO HUSBAND THE WAY HES SO GOOD WITH KIDS... mayb this is my inner cheol bias coming out as well but after seeing how he was with ahrin and ahyun i think he secretly prefers babysitting the daughters (girl dad shua WE KNOW WE KNOWWWW) JUST A THOUGHT OKAY!!!
✮ and then one day after one of the kids you were babysitting went home, you saw that they left their colouring book at your house, and you would just curiously go over and try colouring in one of the sections... and then shua would come in and see what you were doing and wanna join you AND THEN BOOM ITS BEEN AN HOUR WHAT FUCKING DRUGS ARE IN CHILDREN'S COLOURING BOOKS??? after that day, the two of you started buying your own colouring books and then spending your afternoons together colouring while you ate dinner.
✮ GIFT-GIVING! he's not a basic bitch either. flowers and chocolates are for unoriginal LOSERS 😡❗️ (but he does get u those too...) he loves getting u cute pyjamas and slippers the most I DUNNO I THINK HE JUST LIKES BEING COMFY WITH YOU IN GENERAL
✮ on the topic of being comfy... day naps. you've practically burned it into ur brains by now, you both immediately start getting tired when it's about to be naptime... and then as soon the clock strikes three in the afternoon YOU'RE BOTH DEAD. for the next two hours at least.
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devotedlykoneshots · 6 months
Genre:🔞, minors dni, librarian theme, nothing too bad.
Word count: 3706
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After ending things so terribly with your family , you decided you needed a change.
A new place to start over.
So you move into a small town and take a job at a book shop.
Soon you would meet the neo fraternity brothers and a special young fella who changes the course of your life and plans forever.
It was two weeks after you began working did you notice the chaotic group of students who frequently came to the library.
Huang renjun was probably the most level headed among the group, you often caught him trying to keep the rowdy ones quiet before you would step in and remind them of the rules but the guy surely had anger issues which he frequently took out on Lee donghyuck.
You're sure the older didn't mind though.
Lee donghyuck was the trouble maker and he loved finding new ways to get under peoples skin, his friend mark Lee was often the target of his endless teasing.
Speaking of Mark Lee, he wasnt as noisy as donghyuck but it was hard not to notice his laugh which resonated throughout the library when he found something funny.
Which was mostly everything.
Zhong chenle was pretty laid back but he was a gossip king, there was nothing that went on around campus that he didn't know about.
Na jaemin was a ladies man, he couldn't help that he attracted a flock of girls everywhere he went, you had to kick him and his guests out multiple times because of his blatant ignorance to the no sex rule.
Lee jeno was also a ladies man but not as bad as jaemin, he wasn't cocky but he was confident in his abilities and he also respected the library rules.
That only left park jisung the quiet guy in the hoodie, he was polite and seemed the most mature out of all his hyungs.
He never spoke up much but you had caught him staring at you on multiple occasions before he would look away and acted as if it never happened.
It was a school night when you had to break it to the freshman that time was up and you had to close the library, you felt bad but it was late and you were in desperate need of a cool bath.
"Ah...I should walk you out" jisung offered and you smiled, hugging your bag closely to your chest and nodding in agreement.
A swarm of butterflies erupting in the depths of your belly, jisung was attractive and no one could deny that.
A crush on the quiet freshman was bound to happen.
"Okay"you agreed and walked with him towards the door.
"Text me when you're safe at
home."he said and slipped something in your jacket pocket, he seemed hopeful and you looked up at him but bit your bottom lip to hide your smile.
"I will"you promised and waved goodbye to him, walking the rest of the way home. Thankfully you didn't live too far from your job, maybe just a 5 minute walk or so.
However jisung wasn't expecting his hyungs to jump from behind a bush and ultimately surprising the unsuspecting freshman.
"Aww jisungie has a crush"he groans in annoyance as haechan pinched his cheek.
The next time you see jisung is at school the following week and he arrived earlier than his hyungs, which you raised your eyebrows at.
"You didn't come here with your friends?"you asked curiously and he smiles, rubbing the back of his neck nervously and sitting down in front of you.
"Eh? No, I uh ...wanted to ask you something. Alone."he puts emphasis on the word alone and you became nervous yourself.
"What is it?"you asked him and he looks around to make sure his fingers weren't lurking around a corner before leaning over the table to whisper to you.
"Do you know how to bake?"he asked and you laugh softly at that, quite amused to be frank.
"Yes I do"you tell him and lean forward on your own, not missing the way his eyes flicker down to your lips for a moment before licking his own.
"Can you help me?"he asked as he refocused on your eyes and you lean forward, resting your chin in your palm.
"What are we baking?"you asked him, he smiles shyly and ducks his head as he becomes embarrassed.
"Muffins, mum's having a sale"your heart melts at that and you take a risk, reaching out to ruffle his hair and he hums before looking back up at you.
"Okay, what time should I be there?"you asked as if you knew where he lived.
"I'll pick you up"he tells you and you smile softly, biting your bottom lip.
"Yeah? I'm off tomorrow so give me your phone I'll give you my number"you hold your hand out for his phone and he laughs awkwardly, pulling his phone from his back pocket and unlocking it before sliding it over to you.
"You won't give my number away will you?"you asked jokingly and he smiles, shaking his head and running his fingers through his hair before ruffling it again.
"Of course not"he swears and you smiled, putting your number into his contacts.
"Great"you both smile at each other and you hear a bunch of ruckus coming from the entrance of the cafeteria, it's his friends.
"I should go"he said and you tried your best not to look sad but he saw the look on your face.
"I'll call you or text you , or both, yeah I'll do both"you laugh at him again and nod, watching as he rushes off before his friends spot him with you and tease him until the end of time.
Jisung arrives at your place the next day and you lock up behind yourself, getting in the car and smiling over at him. He's quick to tell you it's his friends Jeno's car so if you see any girl clothes it doesn't belong to him.
"Jisung it's fine, I promise"you have to cut him off and grab his hand, stroking his hand with your thumb to calm him down.
He bites his bottom lip as he keeps glancing down at your hands and you're just innocently fiddling with his fingers now, whipping your head to look at him as he traps them in between his own and intertwining your fingers.
You can't help the smile that takes over your face and look out of the window, jisung smiles and keeps driving before pulling into a parking lot.
"Oh, my mom is here"he said and you looked over at him in panic, you weren't expecting to meet his mom so soon.
"Sorry, I didn't know she would be here"he turns and apologizes , you shake your head as you scold yourself for overreacting.
"It's okay, I'm here to help remember"you smile at him to reassure him and he nods, getting out of the car and you get out as well.
He immediately reaches for your hand to hold and squeeze, you look up at him as you approach his mother who was sitting on the porch.
"You must be the girl my son speaks so much about"you blush at her words and look at jisung.
"Mom"he whines softly and the woman laughs, ruffling his hair.
"Thank you for coming to help, chenle just arrived and the rest of your friends will stop by later"she informs him and a look of panic crosses over both of your faces , she only laughs and watches as jisung leads you into the house.
"Your mother is really sweet"you tell him as you both make a beeline for the kitchen, he moves around to grab all of the ingredients you'd made a list of beforehand.
"Hyuck you won't believe who just walked in hand and hand with jisung"chenle gushed , the boys ended up coming over at lot sooner than they intended.
You and jisung are just in your own little world when the guys enter, somehow the boy got flour on his cheek and you couldn't ignore it any longer.
"You have a little something right here"you lick your thumb and wipe the flour off his cheek, he blushes and shakes his head.
"Look at you two, all in love twilight style"haechan speaks up being unfortunately himself.
"Haechan be normal for once , challenge failed"you shoot back and jaemin snorts at that, amused.
"Woah, where did this sass come from? What happened to the sweet Liberian?"he teased and you rolled your eyes.
"I picked it up over time, now are you gonna stand there or come over here and help us?"you asked them, jisung watched in amazement as you bodied haechan.
"Yes ma'am"mark said and immediately gets to work, by work you mean grabbing a bowl and waiting for you because he absolutely had no idea what he was doing.
"Marks like-"haechan speaks, doing a salute sign as he clowns mark one last time.
"Me when a bad bitch tell me to do something, looking real goofy"renjun takes a deep breath and sighs.
"Haechan"said boy whipped around to look at him, the room erupting in pure chaos at his choice of words.
"Yes daddy?"renjun looked nothing short of disgusted, questioning why he was friends with these people for the sixth time this week.
Thankfully you guys finished making muffins in under 5 to 6 hours, with the help of jaemin which you found out was the sole reason why the guys have survived so long without their parents.
The guys invited you back to their place after to unwind and that's how you found yourself trying weed for the first time, it took a couple hits for you to get the hang of it but now you were relaxed and finding a spot next to jisung.
"Is it the weed or are your eyes always this pretty?" You ask and he laughs softly, cupping your chin with his hand and studying your face for a moment.
"You're so high right now"he said before taking another puff of the blunt that was being passed around.
"I've always thought you were pretty"you speak, unable to stop yourself from speaking your mind.
"Pretty goofy"haechan snorts and continues rolling another blunt.
"Don't be a hater hyuck"you roll your eyes but jisung brushes your cheek gaining your attention.
"You're pretty"he states, the weed giving him the confidence to say that and you're quick to act on your instincts.
Your lips moulding together for the first time and he gasps cupping your cheeks, he kisses back for a moment as your fingers run through his hair before he pulls back.
"Mmm- y/n"he pulls away but you chase his lips , your lips connecting once again and he groans softly against your lips before he's pulling away again.
"Get a room!"haechan yelled out and you both pull away , blushing again and not daring to look at the wild boy.
"Ow!"you hear him cry out from renjun slapping him upside the head.
"Shut up haechan"he rolled his eyes, leaning his head back against the couch and you got up from your spot.
"Jisung, come with me"he looks up at you and your outstretched hand before getting up, taking your hand and letting you pull him to the kitchen.
You both end up outside and you sigh at the same time before laughing at you being so in sync.
"Why are you single?"he suddenly asked and you laugh at the sudden question.
"Sorry, I'm just trying to wrap my head around why a girl like you would be with someone like me"he elaborated and you furrow your eyebrows, confused even more.
"Someone like you?"you questioned.
"A nobody, all of my friends are interesting and I'm just...me"he frowned and you cup his face in your hands.
"Don't talk like that ji, not ever. I like you for you, you're sweet and funny albeit unintentionally sometimes but I'm perfectly fine where I am right now because you make me happy"you tell him and he smiles , leaning forward and kissing your lips.
His large hands grab your waist and pulls you onto his lap, you kneel above him and he pulls back.
"So technically I'm your first love?"he asked hopefully and you smiled, his hands sliding up the back of your thighs and squeezing your ass.
"Something like that, yeah."you said breathless and leaning down to kiss his lips again, his hand grips the back of your neck and he forces his tongue in your mouth.
You can't help but moan into the kiss out of surprise and his hands kneading the flesh of your ass, deepening the kiss and taking your breath away.
You whine softly into the kiss and jisung pulls away, panting and closing his eyes to calm down his breathing.
"Jisung-"you gasp as he picks you up once he stands and carries you inside to his bedroom, your face is in his neck as your heart beats faster the closer you get to his bedroom.
"Tell me you don't want this and we can go back downstairs-"he says and you can feel his heart beating just as fast as your own, your back pressed up against the door to his room and you knew in that moment what you wanted.
"I want this- I want you"your fingers tangle in his hair and you kiss his lips with passion, he stumbles back before regaining his balance and pressing you against the door again.
His lips trail from your lips to your neck and sucks, bites and licks the skin there.
You can't help but to moan as he practically devours the right side of your neck before dipping down to leave his marks over your collarbone.
You couldn't believe the shy guy you'd met months ago was now ravishing you up against his door , his name falling from your lips and his hands squeezing your ass again.
You hear the doorknob turn and he carries you inside , shutting and locking the door behind him.
A gasp leaves your lips as he drops you onto his comfy mattress and moves to take the leather jacket off.
"Keep it on" you speak up and he stops immediately, crawling onto the bed and leaning over your body.
"You like my leather jacket that much?" He asked with a smirk and you bit your bottom lip, nodding your head and pulling him down as you wrap your legs around his waist.
"You look so hot in leather"no one could deny that and you certainly weren't about to, so jisung pulls your tank top down and your breasts spill out.
"Fuck- you're so pretty baby" you roll your hips up against his bulge and he let's out a shaky breath, you were already soaking your panties with your arousal and he takes your nipple into his mouth as he sucks on your nipples languidly.
Your eyes close and he moves to your side, still sucking and licking your nipples as he slides his fingers over the damp material of your underwear and you let out a whimper.
"Jisung" you call out to him and grab a fist full of his hair, he sucks your nipple harder and successfully draws another moan out of you.
He can feel your arousal seeping through your underwear and covering his fingers with your slick , his free hand wraps around your shoulder and rolls your unoccupied nipple between his fingers.
"jisung"you gasp and grab his hand , his tongue continues to flick against your nipple and you groan softly.
"jisung please"you cry out to him and he chuckles softly, kissing your cheek.
"I have to prep you first doll"he tells you and you whimper softly, moving around your body to kiss down the expanse of your chest.
"jisung, I need you"you whine and he laughs , lips pressed against your stomach on his descent down your body.
"baby, what did I just say?"he looks up at you with a look in his eyes that you've never seen before.
"I'm sorry"you apologize, gripping the sheets to ground yourself to reality.
"I'm going to remove these now"he said as he grabs the waistband of your pants, your heart beating faster in anticipation.
"just put it in"you say exasperated and he laughs, taking off your pants and licking the outline of your panties.
A new side of jisung that no one knew about, where did he even learn this from? The sweet and innocent boy who helped her bake hours prior, now was making her squirm underneath him.
Your underwear was the last thing to go, leaving you naked and vulnerable.
"tell me you want my tongue"he speaks as he rests his head on the inside of your thigh, using his other hand to trace mindless shapes onto your skin to tease you.
"please jisung, I need your tongue on my pussy."he hums softly, lifting his head and licking a stripe up your core and hearing you gasp.
Jisung doesn't hold back as his tongue flicks against your clit, his lips enclosing around the bud and sucking languidly , his hands holding your hips still and placing a hand over your hips to keep you in place.
Your back arching off the bed countless numbers of times as he brings you to an orgasm with just his tongue, the second time you cum is by his fingers alone and the third is simply by both just because he felt like it and he got too carried away.
You push at jisungs head as he continues to lap at your juices from your latest orgasm, he pulls back eventually and hovers his body above yours.
He places a hand over your mouth as he pushes his cock into you slowly, your back arching at his sheer size but he pushes you back down and delivering a quick thrust into you before he starts to thrust into you.
"fuck"you scream against his hand and your eyes roll into the back of your head as he continues to thrust, every thrust precise while his free hand fondles with your breast.
A pull on your nipple has you arching your back before a sharp thrust sends you back flat against the mattress, your nails digging into his back as he fucks his cock into you faster.
He dips his head to suck on a spot on your neck harshly and you whimper, holding onto him tightly before his lips are back against yours and he's forcing his tongue into your mouth.
Your tongues brush together repeatedly as you kiss messily, groans and whimpers leaving the both of your lips.
"I'm cumming!"you cry out and your hips stutter against his own, he quickly pulls out as you cum and watches as your body spasms.
Your hips thrusting into the air before he slips his fingers inside of your cunt and thrusts his fingers at a fast pace, his hand clamping down on your mouth to hide the impending scream you release.
Once you finish cumming you roll onto your side to get away from his fingers but his hands guide you onto your hands and knees.
"you think you can cum for me one more time doll?"he asked sweetly, kissing your cheek and turning your head to kiss your lips passionately.
"Jisung ah-"you whine as he enters you again and starts to thrust his hips again, his hands gripping your hips tightly and trailing his tongue up your spine to lick your sweat.
"ah- jisung, that's dirty"he just laughs at you and thrusts his hips faster, you moan louder at the pleasure coursing through your body and he continues.
He licks the expanse of your back and pulls your head back to kiss your lips again, his fingers rolling your nipples between them and you cry out.
Your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you cum again, your body falling against the mattress completely exhausted.
"you did so good for me"he praises you and kisses your lips, you kiss lazily as he takes your hands in his and guides them to his cock.
You take his cock into your hands and stroke his length, your eyes opening as he climbs up your body.
"be a good girl and finish me off"he said and you stick out your tongue, your lips wrapping around his tip as you suck and he thursts into your mouth.
Each thrust you take him deeper until you're gagging on his cock, so deep in your throat and jisung groans and praises you.
" my girls so good at taking my cock"he moans, fingers tangled in your hair.
"I'm gonna cum"he grunts and pulls out of your mouth, his hand stroking his cock quickly before he's cumming all over his hand and your face.
"fuck, come here"he licks up his mess and you gasp, trying to push him away to stop him but you're no match for his strength and he kisses your lips deeply.
The aftertaste of cum lingers on his tongue and you whimper, wrapping your arms and legs around him.
"y/n, will you go on a date with me?"he asked , the drastic change in his demeanor nearly gives you whiplash and you kiss his lips again.
"That's a yes"you mumble between the kiss and he chuckles, wrapping his arms around you as you kiss.
"I can't get enough of you"he groans softly as his lips trail down to your neck, you let out a breathless sigh.
"I'm yours, always have been since the moment we met"you speak sincerely and he smiles, you and jisung were as inseparable as you were insatiable that night.
Your love for each other will go down in history, you were just the local librarian who just so happened to have stolen his heart, always and forever.
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just-a-creep-babe · 1 year
Graveyard Shift
Eyeless Jack x Reader
Commissioned by anonymous, thank you so much luv! ❣❤
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
Masterlist: x
The fluorescent lights hum overhead as (y/n) fills out the required paperwork
It’s only been a few weeks since she’s started the job, but working at the hospital has already become a sort of comforting routine
She knows what needs to be done, knows what her superiors want from her, and she’s even already befriended some of the longer-term patients along with her fellow coworkers
The work comes with its downsides, of course—hospitals aren’t exactly the happiest places in the world—but at least the night shifts aren’t all that bad; she can avoid grieving families, and most patients are usually fast asleep anyways
While most people would probably turn their noses up at this kind of job, (y/n) actually enjoyed it—especially compared to the stress and misery of med school
She finishes writing up the report, then turns to her coworker
“Hey, I think this was the last thing Hannah mentioned on the list. Do you know if there’s anything else left for me?”
Her coworker offers a half-hearted shrug, not once looking up from the front desk monitor
“There’s a clipboard next to the second computer with a list of meds some patients need to take. I can let Hannah know you’re on it, she’ll appreciate it”
“Of course,” (y/n) smiles
Even though he was sometimes a bit disinterested, (y/n) genuinely did enjoy working with James; things were always straight-forward and simple with him
She checks on the clipboard marked with the information, then turns toward James
“Hey, shouldn’t all of these be digitized?”
“Mmh, they are,” he answers, “but you know how Hannah is”
“Right,” she chuckles, shaking her head, “alright, well, I’ll be back in a few”
He gives a noncommittal hum, and then she leaves the front desk to get the necessary supplies
It’s a calm night, all things considered, but she doesn’t mind it
She much rather prefers these kinds of shifts over the more chaotic ones, anyways
She reaches the room marked “Employees Only,” flicks the lights on, and steps in
Filing cabinets carefully labeled with various drugs and an assortment of medical instruments are neatly stored in their respective places
(Y/n) makes her way through them, taking what she needs according to the papers
She finds the necessary pills and distributes them to their designated containers, then sets some additional supplies onto a cart to wheel out to the patients
She maneuvers the cart out of the room, letting the door close behind her with a resounding click as it locks automatically
And then she hums softly to herself as she makes her way through the mostly empty corridors
One by one, she visits the patients, gently wakes them up, and helps them take what they need
She's about halfway through delivering all of the prescriptions when she notices, out of the corner of her eyes, one of the lights down the hall is flickering
She glances up, and for a split second, her heart jumps to her throat when she notices it; a figure dressed in all black stands motionless beneath the malfunctioning light
She can only assume, judging by the height and broadness of the shoulders, that they're male, and the way he's gazing down combined with the unreliable lighting makes it basically impossible to discern any of his facial features
(Y/n) places a hand over her chest, feeling her frantic heartbeat returning to a more rhythmic tempo as the initial surprise wears off
Curiously, she tilts her head
The silhouette doesn't seem familiar, and he looks much too sturdy on his feet to be a sick patient
She considers whether or not she should call out to them
Do they need some kind of assistance? Are they maybe lost or something?
She doesn't want to raise her voice too loudly so as to not disturb the patients, so instead, she takes a step forwards, but then she finds herself hesitating
Something about this whole thing seems... off
Her teeth chew at her bottom lip in contemplation
And, for a few seconds, she stares at the figure, and even though she can't see his eyes, the figure seems to stare back at her
The hairs at the back of her neck stand stiff
Tension mounts with every passing breath
Until eventually, she can't stand waiting any longer
She abandons her cart to investigate further, taking a few steps on the tiled floor in his direction
But just when she's only a few feet away, the light gives out completely, and that section of the corridor is suddenly drenched in darkness
She gasps, adrenaline spiking in her system, but before she can call out, the light flickers back on, and where there was once a silhouette, there's now... nothing
No one
The woman furrows her brow in uncertainty
There's almost nowhere he could've gone so quickly undetected
A shiver crawls up her spine
Did she just imagine it?
She takes one last step forwards, carefully looking around behind some of the potted plants, but the hallway's empty
She shakes her head, trying to push away the mental image of that figure standing menacingly in front of her
She whips around, expecting the figure to somehow be behind her, but all she sees is her cart rolling a few inches forwards
She makes her way back towards it, her nerves still on edge as she reaches out to stop it from rolling into the wall
She swallows thickly
Is the floor uneven, and that's why it moved on its own?
She tells herself it is, mostly just because she doesn't want to consider any other possibilities, and she really just wants any excuse to get out of this corridor
With one last quick look over her shoulder, she shakes her head, and finishes distributing the medicine
She tells herself the feeling of being watched is just paranoia
It's only on her way back to the "Employees Only" room that she realizes something's wrong
The keycard she'd left on her cart is gone, but worse than that, a pit of dread knots in her stomach when she notices the door is open
It's open by just the faintest crack, but it's more than enough to set off alarm bells in her head
Not to mention, the light inside doesn't seem to be on, meaning it's probably not one of her coworkers
Why would anyone need to go in there in the dark?
She knows she shouldn't investigate on her own
But it's like she's lulled to the door, like curiosity or fate or some other inexplicable influence coaxes her into pressing her hand to the smooth surface, then slowly pushing it almost all the way open
It's too dark to see anything
She squints, her eyes unable to make out any concrete forms in the darkness
And it's silent inside, but the silence almost feels unnatural
It's deafening
She holds her breath, suddenly acutely aware of her own heart beating in her chest again
Slowly and quietly releasing a lungful of air, she reaches for the light switch
White light spills into the room in a sudden burst, and the intensity makes her recoil for a moment before her eyes finally adjust and she sees it—she sees him
The same figure from earlier stands with his back toward the door
A mess of medical supplies—various pills, bags of fluids, syringes and bandages—are splayed out on the counter next to a large duffel bag that looks half full
She doesn’t know how to react, doesn’t know what to say or what to do
She's completely shocked, frozen in place at the sight of this man before her
He’s easily over 6 feet tall, and he’s wearing a black hoodie, but even through it, she can tell he’s strong
He turns around, and that's when she finally sees his face
Or, at least, she would see his face, if the blue mask wasn't covering his identity
She gasps
She almost can't tell if it’s just some kind of special effect, but it looks like he has no eyes
Two black pits lie in the place of his ocular cavities, with streams of black liquid flowing freely down the front of his cheeks
Just like when she'd seen him down the hall, he doesn't move
He simply stands there, and for a few seconds, tension rises between them as neither say or do anything
The spell is only broken when, almost as if out of curiosity, he cocks his head to the side
And it’s like that simple movement is enough to snap her out of it
She runs
Her frantic steps echo down the hall, undoubtedly disturbing some of the patients, but at this point, she's beyond caring
She needs to find security, or James or Hannah—anyone!
Duffel bag slung over his shoulder, Jack watches from a distance as (y/n) reaches an emergency phone to call security
He was being sloppy, he knows he was, and while he'd usually be angry at himself, watching the rush of panic on the cute girl’s face somehow dissipates his anger
That’s cute, he thinks, she’s cute when she’s all flustered
He watches as she frantically scans down the hallway, almost like she's expecting him to chase after her
Part of him wants to
God, he really wants to
His instincts are clamoring to hunt her down, have the scent of her fear and adrenaline permeate the air as she tries to escape the inevitability of getting caught by him
He wants to give her a good scare, he wants to burn the image of him in her mind
The thought brings a mischievous grin to his face
He’s not usually one to play with his food, for lack of a better term, but something about this girl has just piqued his interest
He stays there, hidden just out of sight, watching until two security guards show up
They exchange a few quick words before she points in his direction, and they start walking toward him
Recognizing his cue to leave, he slips away in the midst of the chaos and confusion, his skill and experience making it a breeze to get away
But he knows that won’t be the last time he sees her
It takes a few days, but (y/n) eventually readjusts to working the graveyard shift at the hospital
She’d taken the rest of the week off after encountering the masked stranger, and even during the next couple of shifts, she was paranoid and on edge the entire time
However, things do settle back down, until she finds herself returning to routine not too long afterward
It’s a stormy Thursday night when she ends up back in the storage room, the room she'd come face-to-face with the intruder
She, admittedly, has been avoiding going back in, but tonight, she needs to restock some supplies, and she knows that she realistically can't avoid that room forever
It’s alright, she tells herself, nothing’s going to happen
The door unlocks with a swipe of her card; said card, of which, she now never leaves out of sight, and she opens the light as soon as she can reach for it
It feels like childish relief when she sees that the room truly is empty
No scary boogeyman hiding in the corner, peering out at her with an endless abysmal gaze
With her back to the door, she begins searching through cabinets and files to get the equipment she needs
And then she feels it; that familiar prickling sensation of being watched
She stiffens, suddenly feeling very exposed very alone and very vulnerable
It’s just paranoia, there’s nothing there, she tries to reassure herself
And she almost doesn’t want to turn around, doesn’t want to find out who—if anyone—is behind her
But alas, curiosity getting the better of her once more, she turns
A yelp escapes her, and the container she was holding falls out of her grasp, exploding in a mess of pills on the floor
The man, a tall and entirely too familiar figure dressed in all black, safe for that blue mask, seems unfazed by her reaction
He walks forwards in confident strides until he’s inches away from her
With her back pressing up against the counter, she flinches
He's towering over her
He raises a hand, and she squeezes her eyes shut, expecting him to hit her
But instead, his touch and slow and gentle as he caresses her face—like a lover’s embrace
He doesn’t speak, doesn’t say anything, but his chest vibrates with a hum, almost like a purr, at the sight of her fear
This close, she can see that it wasn’t just some special effect; he really doesn’t have eyes
Two gaping holes somehow peer into her, oozing that thick tar-like liquid
She feels sick
“What… what do you want?”
She manages to choke the words out, her voice quiet and shaky and utterly terrified
The man hums again
“Cute,” he says the word simply
His voice is a low, deep timbre, and it would be a soothing one at that, if she wasn’t so scared right now
Unease twists at her stomach like nausea
Her eyes dart behind the man, to the door leading out of the room, but she knows there’s no way she’d be able to get past him
Not judging by the size of the guy
Maybe if she buys more time, someone might pass down the hallway, and then she could call out for help or something
Taking in a shaky breath, she tries another question
“Are you… are you going to hurt me?”
She flinches again
Hearing herself say it out loud makes it all feel so much more real
But, at this question, the man appears amused
He makes a gravelly sound, one that she interprets as his laugh, and then he answers
“Hurt you, little morsel?”
He hums, tracing his fingertips along her cheekbone
“No, I’m not going to hurt you," he reassures, "I’m going to make you mine”
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firsttimewriter92 · 2 years
Schilling for your thoughts Part 1
König x f!reader
Summary: You meet a peculiar man at your favourite bookstore and after talking to him a little bit, you wonder if you´ll ever see him again
Part 2 here Part 3 here
Word count: 2.538
Warnings: bit awkward, lots of fluff, German speaking, light cursing, pining König, military talk
Authors note: Yes, I am one of those who believe that König is a ginger, freckled, mighty sweetheart. (I was trying to find this amazing fanart I saw of him that basically started this fic, but I can´t find it again!! I´m sad; It´s so good) Only slightly awkward but he knows how to let someone know he´s interessted. He´ll only unleash the beast on the battlefield, that´s it. I will die on this hill!! Social anxiety, yes. But he´s not completely incapable of interacting with a person<3
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Happily you skipped through the door of your favourite little bookstore. Bell chiming over your head, you saw the owners head appear from underneath the counter, instantly smiling at you.
“I just put them on the shelve,” she winked at you. “Shelve 12, row 10.” Rushing by her you squealed a thank you in her direction and hurried into the back of the store. You had been waiting for this book for ages. When you found out your favourite author was releasing a new book after almost 6 years of abstinence, you immediately let Lucy the owner know. This morning she called you excitedly, telling you the book finally arrived.
You made your way over to the back of the store. It was packed with ceiling high shelves, little tables and armchairs scattered across the room, most of them in front of the three large windows. You loved spending your time in this controlled area of chaotic furniture choices, colours and smells of coffee, old and new books and slightly dusty air.
Usually you favoured this establishment not just because of the atmosphere and Lucy´s motherly warm nature but also because most of the time, it was pleasantly empty and quiet. Quiet it was this time as well but you couldn´t help but notice the man sitting in one of the armchairs in front of the windows. A huge volume in his hands, his face almost buried in it. Something about the way he was sitting seemed odd to you. Not being able to put your finger on what it was exactly you shrugged mentally and made a beeline towards shelve 12.
Grumbling a little you remembered the row number Lucy gave you. 10. Great, you thought. You didn´t have to hide them that well so I could be the first one to get a copy, Lucy. Craning your neck you looked for the bright red and silver book back you knew your newest little treasure would have. There! You grinned and hopped a little as you whipped your head around the room, looking for the step ladder you knew Lucy kept here somewhere. Not being able to find it immediately your impatience took over. With a little grunt you began pushing one of the armchairs towards the shelve. “Damn it, Lucy. Why do you have such an obsession with antient furniture?” You cursed quietly under your breath. “So heavy!”
“You need help with that, Miss?” A quiet voice asked behind you. You whipped around and saw that the man you noticed before had lowered the picture book and was looking at you curiously and maybe a little amused. You weren´t that short but it was undeniable that you wouldn’t be able to reach your object of desire unless you managed to move the heavy chair. Grinning a bit flustered you stopped pushing the piece of furniture and sheepishly you answered. “If you wouldn´t mind. This chair is really heavy. I don´t know where Lucy put the ladder and without it, these books up there are out of reach.”
The man’s eyes twinkled for a second as his gaze fluttered upwards towards the last row. “Not necessarily” he said with a friendly, tight lipped smile. The next moment you found out why you thought his sitting looked so odd in the plush chair. He bent his knees to get up and they definitely rose above the angle of his hips. You tried not to stare, really, you did, as the man rose, rose and rose higher and higher until a massive body unfolded from the chair, standing, stretching for a second and then slumping in on itself almost comically. His shoulders hunched and head slightly bent downwards he made his way over to you, observing your reaction with a careful glance. You understood why immediately. 6´10. That was your best guess. With a warm feeling in your belly you noticed that he was trying to make himself smaller.
Don’t comment on his height, don’t comment on his height, you thought and tried to school your features. He´s probably heard it all!  He seemed to appreciate your silence and little smile.
As he stood next to you, you noticed that your head didn´t even reach shoulder. He was looking at the books at the highest point and you got the chance to observe him a little closer. His hair was a fascinating colour. A rich auburn glow leaning heavily towards red. He had tied it into a low bun at the base of his neck. Little whisps of it escaping and curling against his temple and forehead. Fascinated you saw that his eyebrows and even his long lashes were the same shade. They framed slightly droopy eyes the colour of…Blue? Green? You couldn’t really tell from your angle. His nose was long and slightly curved, accentuating a full upper lip and a strong, stubbled jaw. He had an almost regal look to him. That was if he didn’t stand there slouching.
You hadn’t realized while appreciating his features that he had slightly turned his face towards you. Smiling shily he quirked an eyebrow, seemingly waiting for one of the comments he was definitely used to. When he realized you weren´t going to comment his smile stretched into a boyish grin you just had to reciprocate. Doing that you quickly noticed two more things about him. His canines stood out sharper than you had ever seen on a person, giving him a bit of a wolfish look that for some reason made you heart stutter in your chest. The other thing was a faint white scar reaching from his plump upper lip up to his nostril. You recognised the scar of an early on fixed cleft lip and knew that they tended to pull the lip slightly upward on one side. In his case though, especially when he grinned like that it wasn’t that noticeable. It gave him character.
He cleared his throat a bit awkwardly and snapped you out of your little stupor. Catching his eyes you saw how an adorable dust of pink covered his cheeks and the tips of his ears, making the scattering of freckles around his nose even more enticing. Stop. Staring. At. Him.
He nodded his head towards the books and reached out one of his surprisingly bulgy arms. A long finger tapped the back of a black and grey one. Looking down at you questioningly and not saying a word he quirked an eyebrow. Biting your tongue and smiling mischievously you shook your head. He nodded and studied the books again, his finger gliding over the spines of them. Halting again at a brown, faux leather bound massive copy, he again gave you a quick questioning look. This time however with a playful smirk pulling on the corner of his mouth. Liking his little game more and more you crossed your hands behind your back and began to lean back and forth on your heels, again shaking your head. He hummed and huffed in mock annoyance making you honest to god, giggle. You weren’t the giggling type! What the hell was going on?!
You had already realised that he wasn’t a man of many words so you played along for another two attempts of his until he finally tapped on the spine of your desired book (he damn well knew which one you wanted from the start). You nodded excitedly and he chuckled deep in his throat awakening goosebumps all over your arms as a result. He pulled the book out and slowly handed it to you. You took it in your hands carefully and full of awe, eyes sparkling as you brushed your fingers over the name of your favourite story teller. “Thank you very much” you breathed and gave him a brilliant smile. Again the tips of his ears went bright red but his voice was strong when he said “No worries. Happy to help you.” Only now you noticed the slight accent. Interesting, you thought.
Pressing the book happily to your chest you looked up into his face. “I see you like medieval blacksmithing” you said and pointed to the huge book that he left on one of the tables. He stood a little more erect and nodded his head quickly. “Yes” he said excitedly as you both walked over to the pair of soft chairs. “It´s so fascinating. Hardly believable what they accomplished without modern technology. Beautiful craftsmanship too. Look here”, he opened the book and pointed at the depiction of a beautiful Viking sword. His enthusiasm warmed your body and something in your chest began to pull yourself towards him. Without realising it, you both had sat down next to each other, the huge volume in the middle. Turning page after page, he showed you many more fascinating facts and pictures, all the while talking animatedly.
It seemed like you had to revoke your statement from before. He was a talker. Once he was comfortable.
Time seemed to stand still. From time to time you glanced at him as he spoke softly about different types of iron compositions. Although his height was intimidating, he was far from that. At least here with you. You guessed he was in his late twenties or maybe early thirties. When he showed you a particular picture he moved the book closer, leaning over the arm of the chair closer to you.
He smelled divine. Musky, yet sweet. Earthy and somehow crisp. A serene scene developed behind your eyes. An early spring morning, wet with dew clinging to sweet smelling crocuses. Only the heavy fog wafting over the ground an indication that winter was still holding on. And while you looked at his profile your skin erupted in pleasant chills as you imagined the first clear rays of sunshine breaking through said fog, illuminating the delicate process of nature’s awakening.
It was like his presence and voice opened the floodgates of your own imagination. You felt yourself becoming helplessly attracted to him. The pull in your chest becoming stronger by the minute.
Suddenly you weren’t looking at his profile anymore. He had turned his head, looking into your eyes. Silence spread between you. A comfortable one. Enamoured you tried to figure out the colour of his eyes. Blue, you noticed. With a hint of green. Seafoam. Or maybe not? Jade green with a dusting of light blue. Maybe that was it. You found it impossible to look away. And so did he. His gaze was on you. Your eyes, your nose, your mouth, your eyes again. They looked curious and gentle.
None of you realised how much you had leaned into each other. With your noses almost touching, a blaring alarm suddenly made both of you jump back into your seats, hearts hammering wildly. Almost panicked he fished through the pockets of his jeans until he pulled out his phone.
His eyes went comically wide and in a flurry of powerful limbs he clambered upright. “Oh verdammt, verdammt” (damn)he cursed as he pulled a worn leather jacket over his broad shoulders. Your heart fluttering when you recognized the words. “I´m so sorry. I´m terribly late. I have to go.” You felt your stomach drop in a weird way. Walking towards the front door he gave you an almost pained look full of hesitation. You stood there almost as helpless, not wanting him to leave.
“Wie ist dein Name?” (What´s your name?) you asked a little hesitant. His jaw went slack and he gave you a look of surprise and pure adoration before showing you his lovable canines again in a grin and answered. “Du kannst König zu mir sagen, Maus.” (You can call me König, mouse)
You gave him another beautiful smile, touched your chest and gave him your own name. He rolled it around on his tongue and you were sure he could see the tremor in your hands. Your face felt like it was on fire, your knees weak. With a lift of his hand and a small wave he opened the door to the store and turned around one last time. “Ich hoffe wir sehen uns wieder, ___ -Maus.” (I hope we´ll see each other again, ___- mouse)
True to the little nickname he gave you, you squeaked beyond flustered but nodded your head enthusiastically. His eyes blitzed happily and then he turned and began jogging down the street in a hurry.
Your mind an absolute mess and head swirling you turned towards the counter and swallowed.
One elbow parched onto the wood, her head leaned into her hand, Lucy tapped the acrylic nails of her other hand slowly on the counter giving you the most shit eating grin you had ever seen on her.
“Don´t” you said with a sigh. She blew a disbelieving raspberry and started laughing. “Are you kidding me?! Of course I will!! What in the shit was that!? Since when do you speak German and who´s horse was that?!?!?! My sweet child, you two were so into each other you didn’t even notice me over here!” Her wide brown eyes stared you down while you tried to hide your flustered expression.
Walking over to her you leaned over the counter and lay your head on it. Lucy still tried to control her giggles. “I don´t know, okey? He was just…he got my book off the shelve and then…medieval blacksmithing…Grin...EYES!” you groaned out almost exasperatedly.
“Oh deary, I noticed. You were back there for almost two hours. I thought for a moment you ditched me without paying.” You stood up straight again and gave her an unamused look. “You know I´d never do that.” Lucy nodded good naturedly. “Of course I do but seriously, how is it you speak German?”
“I don’t speak that much, honestly. Most of it is self-taught. I just…like it” you shrugged. “Well, HE obviously did too” Lucy winked, her impossibly white teeth shining. You groaned again but couldn’t hide the massive grin.
“You need to come into the shop every day now in case he comes back” your friend said while pouring you a cup of coffee.
With a huff your heart sank again. “I can´t,” you said in a small voice. “I don´t have any more vacation days this year and they really need me on base.”
Lucy tutted and looked a bit miffed. “You know, one would think that a military base would have more than one chief mechanic for their helis and shit.” You snorted at her offended tone and your heart grew several sizes for your friend.
“Tell you what” she said in a determined voice. “Next time he comes in, I´ll give him your number. NO buts!” she held her finger in your face and swirled it, crunching up her adorable button nose. “It´s not like he´s easy to overlook.”
You grinned and nodded your head in defeat. It wasn’t like you didn’t want him to have your number. Of course you did. But with all your duties on base, you didn’t know if you would have the chance to give it to him personally. So you just hoped that the man named König would somehow stumble into your life again. As adorably as he did this afternoon. 
Weeeeeeell? What do we think? Part 2? I do have an idea for a mini series so let me know if you woul´d like to read that ;) There will be smut if you like. Let me know if you´d like to be tagged and check out my account for more spicy and fluffy stories.
Thank you very much for reading <3 If you´d like please interact with this post. Comments, liks and reblogs always make my day. Your opinion matters greatly. Only with feedback can I improve :) I´d also like to thank TikTok for feeding me König content so religiously that I had no other chance than to write this
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hugemilkshake · 6 months
I loved what you wrote and I can't help but see that too! If ya want...here is a part 2 if ya want more! If not feel free to delete!
Maybe as y/n follows butter roll around, butter roll introduces y/n to stuff aaaand soon other cookies of darkness notice y/n and when they discover y/n is their first creation...well...stuff ensues. Can imagine y/n just curiously looking at things and wanting to touch everything. Soft dress? Touch. Cool scythe? Touch. Silly mushroom head that looks squishy? Touch.
Enjoy the milkshake! It’s nice to write about some of my favorite goobers
Cookies Of Darkness with a curious reader
-platonic scenario-
Part 1 part 3
Butter Roll was obviously going to show you off to his fellow researchers and the Cookies Of Darkness! I mean he made a cookie with all of the ingredients unlike some cookies
Butter Roll definitely felt some superiority over Dark Enchantress and Matcha Cookie due to this
Well this obviously didn’t bother Dark Enchantress but man did it bother Matcha
Butter Roll was bragging about you non stop! It was VERY annoying
But the thing was you were less of a bragger, more on the quiet side but also on curious side which was a bonus for Matcha since she could get you to hate Butter Roll if she tried hard enough
But the first time you met Matcha you touched her staff, now granted you got a little electric shock but still, you were curious to see how to felt!
Now when you met Pomegranate Cookie you wanted to touch her mirror, but everyone and I mean EVERYONE said not to since that would be a horrible idea, even Pomegranate herself said it was a bad idea
So you just patted her on the head, and her hair was surprisingly soft!
Now Licorice Cookie was a different story, he wanted to ignore you, but you were too persistent!
Licorice set his staff down one day and you wanted to see how his staff felt. It felt smooth yet rough, and when you tried to pick it up you were very surprised to how heavy it was
When Licorice came back he snatched back his staff and held it with ease. I guess he’s stronger than he looks…
Now Poison Mushroom Cookie was very very chill with you, their head looked squishy so you squished it
The two of you are now friends, no questions asked
Now there are three cookies who will occasionally stop by, like Dark Enchantress Cookie
You felt her horns once but she snapped at you. So you kinda stay away from her
Now there’s Red Velvet Cookie, when he stops by it’s to either give a status update or to drop of ingredients
But when you first saw him, you wanted to see what his cake arm felt like
Now granted he was a little aggressive with you at first but once a panicked Butter Roll explained to him that you were freshly baked, Red Velvet calmed down
So whenever you want to touch his cake arm you have to ask, most of the time he’ll say no but if your lucky you will get a yes
And then there’s Affogato Cookie. He doesn’t come around much but when he does it’s a little chaotic
He’s sly. Very sly
The rest of the Cookies Of Darkness mainly Licorice try to keep you two away from each other.
Affogato will probably try to make you believe that he’s the only one worth listening to.
But if the two of you are alone, Affogato will let you feel the fur of his outfit, or the silk of his sleeves
But you do hear from Poison Mushroom that there are some more Cookies Of Darkness you’ve not met… you wonder if you’ll ever meet them
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empty-fantasies · 3 months
Cherished Dreams
in which commandment wonders if constructs dream—so, why not ask a certain construct who adores resting in the most inconspicuous places?
Character(s) Included: Wanshi
gn!reader/commandment, slight fluff, once again no plot; just merely indulging in random thoughts
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An envious sight, really.
Commandment, with their human body which could not escape the grasp of fatigue and ache that accumulated over many missions, could only stare down at the slumbering construct beside them. An envious sight, really, for despite how uncomfortable his position may seem, commandment could only silently mourn for some well needed rest.
A gentle hand threaded through soft curls, curiously and unfamiliar for it was the same hand used to make the decisive move on the field. A tired gaze, having seen tragedy after tragedy, witnessing every rise and every fall of many battles, softened slightly at the slumbering sight of Wanshi. To drift off into dreamland so easily, they thought, a well deserved rest after a long mission.
The construct, though his lethargic nature remained deceptive to many, was always very much aware of his surroundings. Perceptive, like a hawk who never misses his mark. A hand reached up, slowly grasping the human wrist that flinched ever so slightly from his action. A soft stutter in the otherwise steady rhythm pulsated underneath his fingertips, perhaps out of instinct and mere shock though he simply chose not to comment on it. They remained there, however, as he peeled one eye open.
“Wanshi?” Commandment questioned, “How long have you been awake?”
A muffled groan, one merely acknowledging and contemplating whether or not to entertain right at this moment. Since you’ve entered the lounge, wanshi wanted to answer. It was habitual for such a light sleeper like him to be aware of the tiniest of noises that echo from nearby. Though he may have moved if it had been chrome or kamui who walked in. Perhaps luck was on his side today.
“Too long,” he murmured with a yawn.
Commandment could only remain silent as they mulled over their next response, having realized that they may have woken the construct the moment they stepped into the lounge. Truthfully speaking, they were simply pondering a silly question—or, at least one in which they felt was rather out of character for them to entertain given their position. Still, that did not distract them from the icy, metal fingers still wrapped around their wrist (albeit rather loosely). Quickly as they were able to calm their heart down, such a gesture had easily riled their heart for a split second. Nevertheless, they were a bit too slow to humor the strike hawk member.
“You look tired.” An observation that brought back commandment’s earlier thoughts of misery and reminded them of the reason why they chose to sneak into this supposedly empty lounge in the first place.
“That I am,” Commandment sighed out in defeat. There was no use in hiding it, anyway. If it weren’t some passing construct, then it surely would be one of the gray ravens to note how worn down their commandment looks right now. Yet, they would rather not focus on that—a moment of respite like this was rare for them and one that they would love to indulge for as long as time permitted.
“Wanshi,” Commandment began, “do constructs dream?”
Wanshi hummed, pondering the question as he closed his eyes once more. Dreams were rather an abstract thing to constructs. Vivid images that plague the m.i.n.d. one way or another would invade any construct sooner or later. For while their shell is but metal and circuits, they were all still susceptible to the mental fatigue that threatened to swallow every soldier eventually. The question itself reminded him of a time he passed on an old dreamcatcher to Commandment—a sentimental object he treasured once before. a comforting reminder that there will be something there to capture the nightmare-ish images of tragedy and the chaotic memories of bygone days centered in the star of life.
Wanshi opened his eyes. His hand had let go of commandment’s own a while ago. “They do, of course,” he replied bluntly. He shuffled slightly before he pushed himself up to a sitting position. An unusual sensation stirred in his chest, as if mimicking a heavy heart attempting to let go of some deep seeded burden that nearly snapped its wire-like strings. Constructs were shells of metal and circuits; a vessel created with the intent to be a beacon of hope in the fight against the punishing virus.
“But, with you here, I’m afraid that this is all merely one long dream that I’ll wake up from the moment you leave my side.”
Maybe, in the eyes of Wanshi, constructs were silent protectors of their human life. A basin of memories that feed into these so-called dreams that he still cherishes deeply even if he may not be so open to say so himself.
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garbinge · 2 months
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First ever headcanon, and this really pushed me out of my comfort zone! Juice is a character that I'm still learning and shy characters are always a little tough for me in these universes. Honestly would love anyone else to drop in any additional thoughts because this one really got me thinking through so many scenarios on how things would play out with these two :) Headcanon is under the cut!
Juice isn’t exactly the most outspoken or outgoing either, so the process from meeting you to dating you takes time. Slow burn for suuuuuure. 
I think it’d start out with Juice being more shy than the reader for sure but your shyness is what draws him to you. You’re also not exactly jumping out of your seat to talk to him either, but to you, you’re just ignoring him while Juice is being shy to you. 
You’re the opposite of his life right now. The club is rowdy and chaotic and you were calm and observant. 
There’s tons of stolen glances whenever he gets the chance when you’re around. His eyes jump away in seconds the minute you catch him looking at you. Whether it’s peeking over his laptop, or fully staring at you when he catches you downtown. 
Those glances would eventually turn to awkward smiles, the occasional wave or head nod.
When he gets the nerve to actually come and talk to you, there’s a lot of fumbling on his words until he realizes you’re just as nervous as him and it somehow makes him feel a little less nervous.
Just enough that in some fiddly way he manages to ask you out and you agree. 
The first date is a lot of him asking you questions because you’re still very reserved. A lot of what are your favorite things; food, movies, places to go, where  do you work, do you like it. Just trying to learn more about you.
He goes off on a lot of tangents about tech, it’s what he knows and loves so it just comes easy to him. You take it all in, every word, picking up on the details in what he’s saying and what he’s not. 
You definitely bring things up that he’s said earlier and it drives him mad. Someone who pays attention to the things he’s saying? That’s new. 
Somewhere along the conversation you mentioned something about your car and he eagerly offered to fix it for you at TM which ultimately solidified your second date. 
It’s obvious you’re a fish out of water at Teller-Morrow. Your voice is comparable to a mouse in comparison to all the guys, club and mechanics combined. 
While trying to explain to Chucky and then Piney that one of the guys said they could help you out, Juice appears with the biggest grin on his face when he sees you and offers you an energetic “hey” and it completely melts you. 
You sit next to him while he tinkers with your car, him mostly taking up a lot of the conversation but you’re chiming in here or there a little bit more than on the first date. Everything around you kind of fades away in those moments, you’re just enjoying the time passing with Juice. 
When you get home that night, you break something else on your car, purposely, so you can bring it back the next day. Too nervous to just ask him to hang out on your own. 
After he catches on, you’ve brought your car in 3 times in one week,  he decides to blurt it out. Do you wanna be my girlfriend? And he’s immediately mortified by the prepubescent way of asking you to be his but in your eyes it's perfect. It’s direct and leaves no room for misinterpretation. BEGINNING OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP: 
Then, things are a bit different once your relationship is a bit more established. You both geek out together, and you feel a bit more comfortable coming out of your shell around him. 
He definitely becomes protective over you, knowing how fragile he can be because of his sensitive side and how people are eager to take advantage of that, the thought that someone could be like that with you makes him want to follow you around like a guard dog. 
He's constantly stare at you, lovingly + adoring but also curiously, just picking up on the things you do and why. But now, instead of looking away when you catch his eyes, he just smiles, maybe lightly touches your face, places a soft kiss on your lips, still smiling through each interaction.
But the real kicker is when he tells you he wants you to come hang out at the clubhouse and meet the guys. 
Now, he’s not an idiot, he knows that they can be a lot and you aren’t a very extroverted person, but he reassures you a lot that they’ll love you and you’ll have a good time. He also lets you know he’d never let anything happen to you. And once the guys meet you, neither will they.
When you show up, you’re feeling exactly how you felt when you first met Juice. Flighty eyes, absorbing the environment, taking in everything. 
The commotion of the group by the pool table and then the group by the bar was starting to make your stomach turn. 
Juice spots you immediately and is by your side within seconds and never leaves it. One, because he wants to keep his word of being there and two, he feels so happy just to have you here with his family. 
The guys tease Juice more than they tease you, and when anyone gets a little too pushy before you’re able to even feel uncomfortable Juice is handling it. 
I think he’d be able to anticipate your needs and vice versa. 
When he comes home from a rough day, you’re there to pick up the pieces and he lets you. 
There’s toons of physical affection behind closed doors. Cuddling, all types of kisses, very sweet and passionate love. 
In public and in front of the club, it’s not as prominent but there’s definitely arms wrapped around you, sitting in between his legs, casual pecks on the cheek and fingers intertwined. 
He’d also trust your opinion on things because when you are at the clubhouse you’re not looking to fuck-around. You’re taking in everything and it gives you a really unique perspective on situations. 
He’d take you on so many long rides and road trips because he knows the quiet of the rides are your favorite.
He’d leave breakfast for you when he had early mornings and you’d leave dinner for him on those late night runs. 
Juice would use his skills to make your life easier, just like when you first met. Fixing your car, your computer, making sure you were upgrading all your software, getting you things that you didn’t even realized existed that just made every aspect of your life easier. 
Ultimately, I think a shy partner is exactly what Juice needs, someone who understands him, and is patient with him. They both would be able to respect and love each other because they see each other. There's so much understanding because they get one another, their quirks, their preferences, their mannerisms.
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Dividers by @cafekitsune ❤ // Requested by anon ❤ 💀SOA Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @kmc1989  (Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
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serxinns · 5 months
Sweet tweats! Chap 1/ introduction
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Yandere Bnha ships x undercover pro hero reader introduction
This is gonna be like a mini headcanon or fic series
The fic that inspired me is here please go support their other fics as well!
Summary: you're an undercover pro-hero who decided to disguise yourself in your grandma's famous bakery to help around the town you and your undercover agent friends assist into working in the cafe as well meanwhile your classmates have been worried about you ever since you had no contact with them when you graduated, after 4 years they finally found you and they'll never let you go~
• The alarm clock interrupted your sweet slumber you groaned your hair was in your face and drool soaked in your pillow you lifted your head enough to see what time it was "FUCK ITS 8:30" You ran all over the place your cat you named Xin watching you curiously with her head tilt to the side watching you running all over the place getting yourself dress brushing your teeth and everything once you get ready you grabbed xin put her in your basket and rode your bike to the bakery
• Once you finally got there you were greeted with your grandma hands on her hips glaring at you "hii.. gran-"
She hit you with the spoon before you could talk "You are late 3rd time this week! We already have 5 customers waiting here! And your little friend group are already here even latanya" Your grandma stared sternly at you getting ready to hit you again "Ow! Fuck sorry ma I'm just awfully tired from all the "baking" (code word for agent work something you and your grandma made between the two of you) your grandma rolled her eyes ND signed you and her knew she couldn't be mad at her favorite "grandchild you better not be late again understand?" She said as she glared again making your skin pale and sweat drop "y-yes grandma right on it!"
• You grabbed your uniform and apron and zoomed into the kitchen your grandma sighed holding xin and petting her while she purred "I don't know what to do with that child sometimes" xin Mewed at her response
• "Y/N WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!?!" Ziki was yelling across playfully glaring at you while using his telekinesis to put multiple frostings on cakes and pack them in boxes "Jeez I just got here and no hello 🙄" you playfully rolled your eyes ziki was one of your bestie at the agency the two of you met when you went on your 1st mission you two formed a chaotic bond and he introduced you into his friend group
• Miharu is the strict dad of the group while ziki was the most unserious one And kitkari was the menace of the group
• The 4 of you somehow managed to keep the cafe in one piece without slipping up and causing problems Kari and Aleina work waitresses while Miharu, like, and you work as cooks and at times you work the night and as cashiers Your grandma is the boss who helps manage the cafe environment
•"FUCK YOUR HELLO WE NEED YOU AT THE CASHIER Kari got called in sick again" "Oh for fucks sake I told her that she needed to stop tryna take and eat the expired pastries i warned her that some of them had mold on it"
You groaned while ziki rolled his eyes "you know her she don't give a fuck if that was a year old she'll still try to find a reason to eat thats why we call her a big back betty " the two of you snickers and gigler childishly at the name "WILL YOU TWO STOP MAKING OUT IN THERE AND HELP ME ALREADY"
Third pov
• Tsuyu and Tokoyami decided to spend their small break strolling through the city to find a new place to eat "How about this one tsu it's your favorite" she thought for a second but she shook her head and sighed we went there yesterday i wanna go somewhere new somewhere we haven't gone before *kero*" The frog girl kept looking around Eagar to find something new,
• They walked a bit further downtown until they saw a small bakery tsuyu was in awe at how adorable and neat the cafe was "Yami this is it! This is the one!" She tugged softly at her boyfriend's jacket tokoyami's sweat dropped a bit "Are you sure we haven't gone to this type of cafe nor don't know how safe the area is .." tokoyami muttered looking around suspiciously while holding tutus hand protectively
•"It's ok it's just gonna be a quick in and out trust me plus i heard it was so good" Tsuyu held his hand tightly and looked "You don't have to go in there if you're not comfortable," Tokoyami thought for a minute staring at the cafe while staring at tsuyu which made him blush a bit he signed "I guess trying something new won't hurt.." tsuyu's eyes lit up a bit and started to do small ribbits "well cmon then let's go!" The couple walked into the cafe and it was hit with a warm sweet smell "hello welcome to the cafe!" "Oh yes h-" she paused for a moment when she recognized that voice
• "Y/N!?!" The green-haired girl looked shocked observing you to see if it was you, "wait...who are you again like I know you I just dont know where" You yelled out "We were best friends! *kero* see?" She pulled out her phone scrolled back a couple of photos and showed you a picture you and Tsuyu took together it was a selfie of you and Tsuyu posing at the mall riding on those animal cars "OMG IT IS YOU!" You open across the table and the two of you hug tightly "Wait..tokoyami!?" He was shocked that you remembered him "Wait you remember me too?" "OFC! we were always study buddies whenever we did class projects! And you always wanted to invite Tsuyu here~" Tokoyami blushed and looked away
•"Oh hush you know nothing" he muttered and you giggled "So what are doing these days it's been years! Jeez, I've seen you a couple of times on TV congrats!" Tsuyu's smile brightens "Well you know a bunch of heroes work and me and Tokoyami officially dating!" You squealed "Im so happy for you! The two of you are so cute together! Tsuyu and Tokoyami sitting in a tree-" "Don't you even start-" just when he was about to scold you dark shadow joined in "1ST COME LOVE THEN COMES BABY-" "dark shadow i swear to god-" he groaned while the two of you giggled like children even tsuyu managed a chuckle while looking at the two of you it was nice..
• "anyway what would you like! We got all types of cupcake flavors! Sweet potato, mocha, Mochi, dango, cheesecake, we even release sesame cookies!" "HMM I'll think I'll have the...mochi flavor cupcake how about you tokoyami!" Tokoyami kept staring at the menu carefully "can I have the Japanese cheesecake please?"
"Coming right up!" You use your Heelys and stroll to the back of the store you go back out to tell me that their order will be on their way
• After a few minutes, you got back with their order "Here you go one mochi cupcake and flavor cheesecake!" You handed them their treats in a small adorable box even tsuyu didn't want to eat the sweets or open the box "Thank you! Also, im wondering if can we catch up I really do miss you and I really really miss you alot we both do..heck I bet even most of our class misses you" you were a bit shocked at that statement "aw tsuyu ofc! Lemme write down my phone number and social media!"
You both gave each other your and their number "It was nice talking to you y/n! See you later!" Tokoyami quietly waved to you with a small smile, it was good to meet old friends maybe you could see them again as we-
Later that night tsuyu and Tokoyami were getting ready for bed "I can't believe we finally found them! *kero* after for so long" Tokoyami nodded "but we should've made our move quicker the others would get to them 1st and we'd lose them forever" "Patient Yami" Tsuyu said going over and kissing Tokoyami on the cheek "It's way too early to do anything we gotta play it slow to trust me" she climbed in the shared bed "once they fall in love with one of us they'll be ours~"
????? Pov
?????: hmm so they have a cafe I see~ I looked closely to my darling as they say goodbye to those PEST I can't wait to tell ?????? that we found them~ we're coming y/n~
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