#world: legends of runia
nicestpamkale · 2 years
Happy WBW.
Are there certain types of tech/specific devices which are restricted to only be used by certain groups in your world? If so, what type of tech and why is it restricted to those particular groups?
There are several difference crystalline/glass devices and decor that only certain people are allowed to make use of! This is because glass sand is incredibly rare and crystals are often used as a method for spending and daving large amounts of currency (i.e. a garnet is 500 gold).
The most important cultural example, however, is that only bishops from the Church of Mudia may commission stained glass. The wood elf society is very very secretive about the methods and art of creating it and they refuse to share it outside of eachother. It's also considered disrespectful to the flora goddess Cytronsyra to have authentic stained glass in a building that isn't a place of worship or the homes of the bishops. Mind you, many places have mastered the art of painting glass, and that's okay, but it cannot be stained.
In the high elf kingdom of Storland, there's a certain device that the elves have created while growing crystals in a lab. They control the growth structure so that it projects a map when affixed to a light enchantment. This is very fresh technology and it's very fragile, so only college professors and the alchemists themselves are allowed to use them. They're also working on perhaps inking them with books but that's a bit far away still. (And potentially a larger waste of space and resources than books and scrolls anyways, but if progressed might last longer than paper.)
As far as glass/crystals go, of course I can't not mention crystal balls. Crystal balls are excessively rare- both glass and crystal forms- and while not 'only allowed amongst these people' very few people have the ability and resources to make them. There's only about 8 in the entirety of the three main continents. Four of which are in the capital of the human country of Runia.
So, in my world at present, glass and crystals are the most recent- and restricted- technology.
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nicestpamkale · 2 years
Happy WBW.
Are there any dishes that are considered holiday food? If so, what drinks / food are associated with particular events or times of the year?
It largely depends on the people and where they're located. I meant to give like two examples and accidentally Went Off, whoops! (Food, it's obtainability, and why they eat those foods were something I had to think about a lot as per DM'ing a game in this world.) I used the southern and northern orc tribes as reference and then there’s a cutoff below that.
Northern (Opathu) Orcs generally consider plant-based diets unsustainable and so they don't really eat them a lot- but when the winter snow breaks for those few months they take that time to harvest any naturally growing vegetables and that tends to accompany the usual spread. (Northern Orcs see summertime as a time of rest and sanctity.)
Southern (Vidarok) Orcs are the other way around- meats can be preserved and plants cannot (save for grain, if they're lucky enough to get it through trade) so they save meat harvested from animals for special occasions. Winter is time for (relative) rest. Vidarok orcs are a bit more odd about when certain foods can be eaten aswell. On the solstice or equinox of every season, they cannot eat foods harvested in that season.
Dark Elves are an odd case because they'll eat anything at anytime, but generally speaking they like to set out lush overgrown fruits as a celebration of their liberation from the underground. (Will be elaborated on... eventually.)
Wood Elves don't have cattle- so meals like steak and lamb take over fanciful celebrations; a show of your connections through trade. Sugared meats are popular amoung those that live more northern in the continent. The southern parts of Mudia (the land of the wood elves) have access to the trade necessary for sugar and don't see it as a big deal. The northern parts are just a *little* far.
High Elves usually eat greens and their forests are too dangerous- even for them- to go hunting, so standard hunting catches like veal are considered a rarity and thus it's a symbol of status to get your hands on some. Some elves might even pay extra for live animals, though that's considered a bit too extravagant.
Dwarves see baked goods as particularly holy as per their religion, so breads, cakes, and pies are set out en masse for the few large celebrations they have. Though, they don't really celebrate much, either. The only time they do is if someone of note dies, in which they throw 3 nights worth of parties before they get back to work. (They have to send communications between the orc tribes, as birds get lost in the winter storms and Orcs aren't fond of wizardry.)
Dark Dwarves, (Duergar) unlike dark elves, miss the underground, and so they tend to focus on making mushroom and lichen-based meals, unafraid of poisoning due to their resistance.
Humans are generally fond of anything flavourful. Baked goods, salted meats, the whole spread. Being in a central area means they have lots of options and what matters is not what they cannot eat normally but HOW MUCH they can put on the table.
(Because they are on my mind due to my players.)
Firbolgs like to use flowers on their standard meals, as simple recognition that they're celebrating something. They'll use alliums to season like garlic and onions, and marigolds to make them a little spicy. (Any other flowers or spice have their own meanings.) Even then, most of their meals involve plants in some capacity anyways.
Goblinoids of all kinds LOVE sweets. Even moreso than humans or wood elves- sugar is a high-cost item and most other things can be supplemented easy. But maple syrup takes a long while and cane sugar can only be obtained through trade so for celebrations and holidays they always make sure to pick out the sweetest foods. If it is by chance winter and they cannot find anything more than berries, though, they will make a sort of ice-cream instead. (More like a snow cone but the cultural Vibe is there.)
Tabaxi love to eat new meals for celebrations. It can be anything so long as it's something they've never had before. This can get a bit hectic in city-wide celebrations but interpersonally it's rather adorable.
'Demon' Elves (and tieflings of all kind) don't really have celebrations. They don't see many reasons to celebrate birthdays and as such don't really have 'special' meals. If they do celebrate something- say a wedding or a succession- then usually they will make the favourite foods of the subject(s) of the celebration. Their country has access to several foods, as it spans their whole length (not width) of their continent- so most things are available, even to smaller, poorer families.
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nicestpamkale · 1 year
I just want to talk about my world but every time I start getting into it someone changes to topic to be about their thing / themselves and I'm starting to get sad about it...
Bur anyways, here's a sketch of the Roselia Beacland, Laylian Valesco, and Juliana Beacland-Valesco. (Cousin to Roselia and in-law to Laylian- ah, hilariously.) I do find the image of two Queens standing next to this happy lil innkeeper and silently daring anyone to try and fuck with her or her husband. (Not that she takes that sort of thing lying down, but it's still silly.)
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... they could have ruled the world together. :'(
When Julia closed herself off for the 3 years it took to process her simultaneous parents' "deaths", Roselia also lost her mom.
If Clove hadn't removed Julia's key support system, she might have been able to be there for Roselia, and the three of them could have all been better for it. :')
But y'know. Clove had to go and try and kill Laylian and shoo her off forever.
On top of that, it's also a little bit Borys' fault both on "purpose" and on accident, because not only had he picked up and begun dating Laylian, but by the time she felt okay enough to go talk to Julia, the innkeeper had latched on to Borys' brother- (and she had figured Laylian had also died, because- if she hadn't, how come she never got letters or anything?) - and had long since *moved on.*
A good ending really would have equated to Julia and Laylian meeting Kamir, taking him to the new Queen, and then when Borys came around to finish him off proper, Laylian pulling a Disney princess-esque maneuver and falling in love with him.
Borys & Kamir, once allied via Wives, could totally kill Elris (likely with the help of those very women) and clearing Roselia's head to think her own thoughts properly. (And maybe her and Palmer (the king) could have had a genuine romance and not just be together because it was divine'd that they were soulmates.)
Alas, Clove decided that he had to marry and live with Hope, so everything was bad all the time.
My next post will likely be about Palmer Beacland so, y'know.
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nicestpamkale · 1 year
Borys' Sons, Aspects, and Concepts;
If Borys were cool, which he's not, each of his sons- in accordance with this fucking *time* aspect that goes wildly ignored by literally everyone and is largely inspired by the abstract concept of the passing of the sun- would have the time gods' aspects as such;
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Pholdrin with the Past, represented with the early hours (and how, when the sun rises from the east, it shadows the west, as though darkening the future in lieu of reminding everyone how bright the early times are.)
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Somshos with the Present, represented with noon, (the time of action and heat, movement, and where, generally speaking, you might even have to choose to hide in the shade.)
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Pelyoth with the Future, represented by dusk, (Ending the current day, finally shining light on the west side of things, retreat and rest.)
Less seriously / less lore-relevant, Somshos is another victim of outlining muscle tone and then realizing he would prefer having clothes on. VnV
(Also Pelyoth is Laylian's kid so he has favoritism points and I'm not afraid to admit that.)
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nicestpamkale · 1 year
Marratai throughout the years;
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Proud of my improvements tbh! Also- she's become a lot warmer through these years aswell. I actually look at her and think "I trust her" now, lol.
This last image is one I made of her and her husband Galleon! They really are a soft couple tbh!
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nicestpamkale · 1 year
Two pieces of art featuring Laylian-
One that I've titled "Perks Of Being A Dragon King's Wife" (and looks very much like a manhwa cover which is why I will not be finishing it)
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And this lovely piece that I have dubbed "a return trip"
I'm vary proud of how my style has improved over the years, but here's two previous portraits of her to showcase my improvements!
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She's easily like, my favourite.
I feel I'm really growing into my sketchy style. I don't really like proper line art and feel sketches always turn out better, so I'm hoping to become better at this style.
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nicestpamkale · 1 year
**casually kills Rivalia's parents in a territory war**
**casually makes Rivalia have to kill her friends because they realized her best friend at the time was a demon and she couldn't talk them down**
**casually forces Rivalia to have to allow her newly-awakened bestie to have to leave with him because if she doesn't she'll get killed for her Crimes**
**casually has one of her bestie's ex-gfs kill her out of jealousy**
**casually has the Ice Demon and Fire Demon resurrect her as a mixed-demon to solidify their friendship and help her further cement her act as a diplomat**
**casually has her kidnapped by priests of Elris and Cytronsyra, wherein she's murdered, removed from her body so that she can't come back, and then Elris and Cytronsyra use her body as a vessel for an ice/rage goddess**
**casually makes Ehlos force her high priest to carry her ring-soul around so that nobody can free her**
"Oh man, I love you Riv"
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nicestpamkale · 2 years
Clove being rejected;
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nicestpamkale · 2 years
Villain #4
Lotevi Lazarus, the Ancient Near-god
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Long, straight, unruly chestnut hair that when let down trails a few inches behind her ankles. Half of the ponytail is a braid she crowns around her head, the other half is pinned to the top. Casually, though, she just puts it in a normal ponytail.
Piercing golden eyes that truly take in the sunlight as though she herself needs it to survive.
A gentle face, crawling with vines of all measure that simply desire to feed off of her. (And she lets them, obviously.) Pointed ears, indicating her wood-elf heritage.
Her body has a mid-level build. She isn’t frail like Clove is, however she definitely isn’t pulling off any impressive feats.
Her skin is fair and when she’s feeling particularly lively, green- she blushes green aswell, remnants of her dragon blood heritage.
Clothing Vibe;
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(Image Credit 1)
Kid you not pinterest is going to be the death of me.
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(Image Credit 2)
I searched everywhere for this and y'know? It works. It works.
Confident and wise, she always knows what she's doing and for what, and hardly ever wavers once she's set her sights on a goal.
Incredibly old and as such, incredibly knowledgeable. She's been working on perfecting the form of the Alruane for centuries now, working on making them look just like any other person.
Has a strong sense of personal pride, not liking being looked down on, especially not by those younger than her.
Can and will defend herself without qualms about it.
Of the people who actively interact with the people that live under their rule, she is the tamest and most humanitarian, despite her treatment of outsiders. Well-known for her forms that implicitly make it known that anyone can and may own land/property and having plant soldiers that prioritize protection and not offense. 
In-World Relations;
Borys, the Dark God. - She heavily dislikes him and only works under him in order to freely fulfill her own goal of becoming the next nature goddess. Hopes to someday overthrow him, as well, but makes no such moves because it would be too much of a bother.
Clove, the Necromancer. - She dislikes his values and the way he treats his wife, however, he has some useful information about the workings of the soul so she conversates with him about that.
Stan, the Fire Lich. - Hopes to free him from his prison, but knows that as a singular woman she cannot. Her current projects involve attempting to make Alruanes that can survive in salt water.
Altalas, the Stone-child. - Sees her as a sort-of surrogate daughter, albeit one that she has failed. Greatly regrets allowing the young girl to meet with Clove to practice spellcasting.
The Trio. - A group she scorns, believing them to be mostly useless within the cult.
Etzawahl, the Lightning Lich. - Friends with, the two discuss their respective best friends with fervent admiration, aswell as discussing the best ways to dismantle Menyingia, the prison island Runians use to avoid directly executing criminals.
Linarho, the Lunar God. - The two discuss her ascension into godhood quietly, under the noses of Clove and Borys. She doesn’t wish to use underhanded tactics, so they’re arranging a more... up-front method of ascension.
Communication and commanding of plants. Tends towards using ensnaring techniques.
Non-specific druidic magic.
She’s got a soft spot in that she really doesn’t enjoy murder all that much, preferring to experiment on offenders rather than execute them. Thus, if you manage to get out of her grasp, she probably won’t follow you too hard.
She’s allergic to all manner of metals, so fighting her for too long usually hurts her pretty badly.
Kidnapping, humanoid experimentation, murder,
Basically a majority of war crimes, I think.
She completely decimated a town of about 100-200 people using a poison gas that turned said town into deadly zombies.
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nicestpamkale · 2 years
Sorry for the inactivity, if anyone who knows me cares-
I've been working rlly hard on a few things and it's been consuming :)
Good news- Monday one of my players got to ask about anything about the world and got to learn about it bc they were in a library and they chose to ask about Agriculture. :)
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nicestpamkale · 2 years
As a joke, I told my players that whoever showed up late would get an image of the villain dressed as their favourite NPC.
Alright, fair enough, haha funny, and I did.
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Here's Borys cosplaying as my Player's daughter, Dalli. (Not that I am trying hard. I didn't get any of his scales or freckles.)
Then I was like.
Well I have him here, why don't I just go ahead and like. Put his face on the image I have for his outfit vibe. Y'know, while I've got him.
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nicestpamkale · 2 years
Borys Cult Theme Songs;
Worded - Poor Man's Poison | Hell's Coming With Me - He went from being considered a savior to being the bully. How ironic.
Instrumental - Classical - Some nice pieces to bully to. :)
Worded - Smoke & Mirrors Rafscrap - I think the 'here comes the bride' part fits better here, personally.
Instrumental - Dark brooding mad scientist vibes, anyone?
Worded - In the Dark Of The Night - Think of it as Clove singing about the corruption of Laylian.
Instrumental - Through Childishly Fresh Eyes - I love the Caretaker's works, and Laylian's problems with understanding the truth of her situation in all scenarios is... really sad. Honestly.
Worded - Everybody Wants To Rule The World | Lorde - Stan knows better than anyone the power struggle of the power hungry.
Instrumental - I like the imagery here and it's certainly reminiscent of a song that would play while he helped Lotevi burn the cult to the ground.
Worded - The Court Jester - Applies to her feelings about Borys AND Cytronsyra ngl.
Instrumental - The Beginning has always fit Lotevi, in fact, I sort of designed her while listening to it. I always imagine that she's finally letting her vines crawl around and do what they must to continue her reign during this.
Worded - Ancient Dreams in Modern World - The Moon God has a Crisis(tm) about his existence and where he belongs.
Instrumental - Yes.
Worded - Love Me, Love Me, Love Me ENG - As the hope of her people, Altie definitely feels this.
Instrumental - Song of The Lost Girl - ,,,, ovo
The Trio
Worded - When the Chips are Down - Sounds like Morne learning the world without her father and the other two assisting her if it's me.
Instrumental - It'll be okay you three.
Worded - Young and Beautiful - Mans is tired of the world he sees and just wants to be free with his bestie.
Instrumental - The Lightning Lich is a very fast-paced, adventurous man.
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nicestpamkale · 2 years
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nicestpamkale · 2 years
Villain #3
Laylian Valesco, the False Prophet
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picrew (さくさくメーカー)
She has vividly dyed, long, green hair that curls around wildly if left unattended. She usually ties it up in braids and extravagant hairstyles, but can leave it down should she feel more attractive like that.
Might weave gemstones and jewelry into her hair if it appeals to her.
She’s got a healthy tone to her, a soft face and a fooling smile. Her eyes are sharp, but wide and crimson. She often wears red dresses to accent her hair and call attention to her eyes.
Her body has a bit of a build to it, and she is very healthy and unmarred. 
Wears make-up on occasion.
Clothing Vibe;
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(Image Credit) Love Nikki Fandom Page
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FINDING SOMEONE TO CREDIT FOR THIS WAS FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE. This is some edit (or the original form of) an SR dress from Love Nikki. That’s as much as I know! Sorry!
An insecure woman who strives to be seen as a serious threat by her husband/boyfriend and his underlings. And she is pretty strong! Still, she feels as though she’s a touch under the abilities of the others and as such acts out with violent tendencies.
Defends her followers with the utmost sincerity, up until she starts to lose a fight, in which she will quickly turn on them to either heal herself or appear higher than them.
Resents a lot of her actions but is unable to escape her shackles and, instead of actively trying to break out of them, instead waits around for someone else to do it for her.
For her, her ‘helpless’ looks are so important she will put herself in harms way to appear more incapable to those she wishes to fool. Though she wants to be seen as stronger than those under Borys, she also wants him and her victims to view her as dainty and helpless.
In-World Relations;
Borys, the Dark God. - Her husband/boyfriend and someone she really cares for. Together they look like an... interesting couple, but they do clearly care for each other, despite their own claims.
Juliana Beacland-Valesco. - Sister-in-law and ex friend, she isn’t a fan of her, seeing as how her husband is direct competition for hers. Still, the two of them manage a... manageable rivalry.
Kamir Beacland-Valesco. - He’s stronger than her even at his weakest, and she doesn’t appreciate that. However, she will be a God and he wil never be again so she doesn’t care about him.
Clove Beacland-Marzia. - Her worst nightmare. Chased her to her emotional demise and ruined her forever. 
Magical walls of force she can trap her enemies with.
A magical ward that can repair itself over time in battle, allowing her to keep up the fight for longer periods of time.
Magical door locks & alarms, and the ability to send her enemies to another plane for short periods of time.
She’s nothing without her magic, just a woman alone, and she’s not that powerful overall.
Her Crimes;
Mostly just murder and torture? Yeah she’s a menace and a war criminal but she doesn’t have any notable feats aside from abusing her people.
I guess she’s currently dating the lord of another castle to swindle his money for Borys.
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nicestpamkale · 2 years
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Roselia’s Court Battlemap - 
A 13x16 grid map for Queen Roselia’s throne room. It’s not very good (it’s my first battlemap) but it’s... it’s here now! So. 
Here’s the general layout of the castle, if you want to make more/want to use the castle layout for your own game (or, if I get that far, you want to run mine, ahah.)
Floor 1;
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Floor 2
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The box behind the throne room is the Garden of Elris but you can make it something else!
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nicestpamkale · 2 years
Legends of Runia - God Masterpost
The Current Pantheon;
Rivva - Orc god of war and fauna.
Osius - Dwarven god of craft and fire.
Gallean - Elven god of neutrality and light. (And whatever you need him to be the god of.)
Cytronsyra - Wood elf god of safe-keeping and flora.
Elris - Human god of peace and water.
Marratai - Half-orc god of love and emotions.
Ehlos - Half-Elf god of winter and rage.
Borys - Half-dragon god of sun and swords.
Linarho - Dark elf god of safe travels and the moon.
Old Gods;
- Related to the present Gods in some intricate manner -
Valamin - Wood elf, God of Deceit.
Krisfiel - Firbolg, God of Honesty.
Ameiloa - Wood elf, goddess of love and beauty.
- Argos and his Harem -
Argos - Old God of nature.
[Hunters of Argos]
Coyote - Hunter of dexterity and charisma. 
Tawny - Hunter of wisdom and intelligence.
Ursa - Hunter of constitution and strength.
Fisher - Hunter of a good life, eternal reward.
[The Maidens of Season]
Allium - Maiden of spring.
Sorrel - Maiden of summer.
Arugula - Maiden of autumn.
Kohlrabi - Maiden of winter.
- Original Key Pantheon -
This group of siblings and their vassals/friends/children. They came before Argos, and each of these had some sort of agreement with the more specialized Gods.
Dogaw - Human, God of War.
Engid - Human, God of Fire.
Lamen - Human, God of Arts.
Yomen - Human, God of Crafts.
Murted - Human, God of Light.
L' Atier - Human, Goddess of Nature.
Lassedog - Human, Goddess of Freshwater.
Satil - Dwarven, God of Saltwater.
Evose - Human, Goddess of Love.
- Original Minor Gods -
Will be added onto frequently.
Gale - Cat people, God of Diplomacy
Jessie - Human, God of Unity
Orlanaan - High elf, God of Order
Elnaril - High elf, Goddess of Pacification
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