#god: Galleon (Light)
nicestpamkale · 1 year
Marratai throughout the years;
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Proud of my improvements tbh! Also- she's become a lot warmer through these years aswell. I actually look at her and think "I trust her" now, lol.
This last image is one I made of her and her husband Galleon! They really are a soft couple tbh!
0 notes
At Home - S. Sallow
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AO3 Link
Word Count: 5,311
Rating: E (Smut, Oral and Vaginal Sex, slight breeding kink, NSFW, MDNI)
Summary: Sebastian drags you out of bed on a Saturday to look at a possible new home.
A/N: Two things: one, I'm now two for two on fics featuring a sink sex scene. Two, I put Sebastian through enough angst in my long fic that I need to write him happy and domestic in another universe. Enjoy!
Taglist: @legacygirlingreen @kaylasallow @eternalremorse @happyaccidentsonly @sallowslady @legendoftortor @sissyisawitch @rainychocofroggy @blueraineshadows @moonstruckmoony @beezlub @loving-him-was-red13
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“I don’t know if I like the lighting here.” You frown, looking out the small kitchen window. It’s minuscule, and you’re looking straight out into a brick alleyway. “I think a kitchen should be bright, shouldn’t it?”
Sebastian leans against the door frame, his hand on his face. “Pet, you’re killing me here.” he says, a tortured look on his face. “This is the eleventh house we’ve looked at. At this rate, we’ve turned down half the available housing in London.” 
“I know, I know.” You fuss, crossing your arms. “But it needs to be just right.  I don’t want to lease just any house, you know.”
“I do know, but we’re going to burst out of my place any day now,” Sebastian grumbles. 
That was the truth–your belongings had overtaken the space, and there was not a free spot in his bachelor pad for anything else. One night, you argued over all the books Sebastian had accumulated, while he griped about your ever growing wand handle collection taking over the dresser. Sebastian had tripped mid-argument, causing a fit of laughter on your end while you patched up his sprained ankle.
Only after you’d kissed it better did Sebastian declare that it was time to find a new place.
“But it makes no sense,” Sebastian whines. “You still have your flat, and you never sleep there.”
“Who’s fault is that?” You raise an eyebrow. “ Someone isn’t comfortable sleeping there. You know, it’s just a bed.”
Sebastian shifts uncomfortably in the doorway. He’s refused to sleep at your place ever since he found out your ex-fiance purchased your bed frame and mattress for you. “I won’t sleep in some other man’s bed.” he says firmly. 
You roll your eyes, walking towards him. “It’s not another man’s bed, it’s my bed. You really won’t, not even if I want you to?” You pout, drumming your fingers against his chest.
The brunette gulps. “No.” he says, and that’s that.
Your fingers curl around his suspenders. “Then, we need to find a house with proper lighting.” you announce. “And a good kitchen.  This one is rubbish.”
Sebastian rolls his eyes. “Add that to the list of requirements then,” he drawls. “We’ll be looking for houses for the next five years.”
The two of you leave the house hand in hand.  After having settled into your new day shift at the hospital, you finally felt comfortable taking more vacation days. You must admit, Sebastian forcing you to take more time off has been good for your mental health.  Your brain has never felt clearer, and for once in your life, you’re planning more than a month ahead. Summer is rapidly approaching, and Sebastian has suggested a few places for the two of you to go away on a proper adult holiday. The last time you were together, you could hardly spare two galleons outside of your rent between the two of you.  Now that you’re grown with successful careers and your own bank accounts, Sebastian is planning your first vacation as a couple.
As a couple.  Those words sound sweet in your head.
It’s been nearly eight months since the two of you reunited, three since Sebastian was promoted at the department of magical law enforcement.  It honestly feels like things can’t possibly get any better for the two of you. Nothing’s changed, not really . You still have your own life, your friends, your job–just now, you have Sebastian again. Every day you wake up beside him, you pinch yourself, thanking the gods it's still your reality. 
Until you trip over Sebastian’s boots, which are littered all over the bedroom floor. 
“It’s impossible to find a nice house in London,” you complain.  “Either they’re too small, not enough storage, terrible lighting.  Surely we make enough money between the two of us to afford a nicer place.”
“Well, location is a tricky bit.” Sebastian admits. “Somewhere close enough to the ministry for me, but close enough to St. Mungo’s for you. And while we do have a fair bit of galleons, I would like to save them for something more important.” 
“More important?” you tilt your head in confusion.
“You’ll see,” Sebastian smiles devilishly. “Shall we get lunch?”
He runs his thumb over your hand as he swings it back and forth, guiding you through the bustling streets of London.  You made a mental note to pester him about what he was talking about later, but for now, lunch sounds good.
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It’s Saturday, and you have the entire weekend off for once.  You were looking forward to sleeping in, but Sebastian decided to make a racket, tugging your ankle from beneath the sheets.
“Seb, please.” you whine. “I just want to sleep.”
“But I have a house I want you to see,” Sebastian says impatiently. 
You groan. “Seb, it’s Saturday.  Can’t you see it without me?” you grumble. 
Sebastian shakes his head insistently. “No, you have to come.  You’ll want to, I promise.”
Sebastian is tapping his foot the entire time you dress; you opt for a simple blue day dress, scandalously forgoing your corset for comfort.  Your messy hair is left down and wavy, tying up a bow at the crown to keep the unruly pieces from flying into your face.  Your impatient boyfriend all but drags you to the fireplace as he mumbles out the name of your intended location, tucking you into his arms.
You open your eyes to bright sunlight.  Blinking, you realize you’re no longer in London–in fact, you’re somewhere that looks awfully familiar from your school days.
“Where are we?” you breathe, taking in the fresh air.  Tall grass sways in the wind around the two of you, and Sebastian is walking up towards a house, turning back with his hand outstretched. You take his hand, and he helps you hop over a small stream.
“Marunweem,” Sebastian yells over the wind, smiling back at you. “Plenty of real estate around here–they’ve rebranded it as an up and coming village.”
You recall memories of exploring Marunweem Lake with Sebastian in your school years; it had always been rather desolate, considering neither of you were licensed to apparate and the only path to the hamlet was through a goblin mine.  But the two of you had always had the time of your lives traversing the southern coast.  You can picture your younger selves in the air, zipping around on borrowed school brooms together.  
“Ominis found the listing,” Sebastian continues, beckoning you forward. “The Ministry has done quite a bit to rehabilitate the area.” Sebastian guides you up the hill, unlatching a well worn gate.  The stone cottage is teeming with ivy, crawling up the walls. The storybook tiles on the roof make the house look like it’s straight out of a muggle fairytale. 
You take a deep breath as you wave your wand, unlocking the door.  The wooden floors creak beneath your feet, but otherwise, the place is in good condition.  The walls have been replastered, the fireplace cleaned and sparkling. The only furniture is an old looking settee and a bear skin rug (a tad gauche for your taste). You make your way through the living room to the kitchen.  Its positively bathed in light, a large bay window over the sink looks over an enormous yard.  You practically run up to the sink edge, admiring the view.
“So much light,” you gasp. “Seb, it’s perfect.”
“You are,” Sebastian suddenly appears behind you, pressing himself against your back.  You can feel his breath tickling your ear as he wraps his arms around your body. “The perfect view to watch our children play in the yard, don’t you think?” he murmurs into your ear.
Your breath catches as he stretches out his hand, his palm flat against the lower plane of your stomach.  He presses it; almost wishfully.  Your heart flutters at the idea of growing his child inside of you.
The two of you haven’t gotten around to talking about children yet. You both were far too young to even think about parenthood when you first got together, and even when you broke up. You had talked about raising children with your former fiance, and it had always been part of the ten year plan. You explained that you had wanted to wait until you were older, more stable in your career.  Eric had always found that answer unsatisfying, but now you knew the true reason for your hesitance.  
You hadn’t been talking about parenthood with the right person.
“Children, you say?” The word sounds so foreign coming out of your mouth.
You can practically feel the way Sebastian’s cheeks burn. “Only if you want,” he shrugs, but you know he’s serious.  The way he’s pressing his hand against your womb is very much serious.  
You look back out into the yard, picturing toddlers with unruly brunette hair giggling and running about.  You can even picture Sebastian chasing them, whirling them in the air as you prepare an afternoon tea. Building snowmen in the backyard, teaching them to fly on toy brooms.  Growing old with Sebastian at your side, with the family you’ve built together.
It's sickeningly domestic, but it feels right.
“I would,” you whisper. 
Sebastian wastes no time spinning you around, a big goofy grin on his face. “Really?” he asks, completely lighting up.  He plants his hands firmly on your waist, fingers digging into your skin. His eyes flit down to your waist when he realizes you’re not wearing a corset, squeezing you through your dress.
You laugh, placing your hands on his chest. “Really.”  
Sebastian pulls you away from the kitchen. “Good, because there are plenty of rooms in the house,” he announces, moving towards the stairs. “There’s three rooms on the second floor, and the master bedroom is here on the main.” he explains, tugging your arm to show you around the house.  The bedrooms first; they’re decently sized, enough for twin beds and toys.  The main bedroom has enough space for several wardrobes, which you’ll be needing for all your clothes. The bathroom has a giant clawfoot tub, and you can envision the two of you wrestling a toddler for a bath in it.
“I was thinking, we could use a spare bedroom as my office for now.” Sebastian says as you two walk back into the kitchen.  He’s clearly been thinking about this a lot longer than you’d realized. “The baby will sleep in our room for the first couple of months–”
“The baby?” you raise your eyebrow. “For months?”
“Of course,” Sebastian huffs. “Jorkins sent me this article about babies, said it’s best for their brain and magic development to stay close to us–”
“Sebastian,” you choke out, “have you been telling your coworkers that you’d like to have a baby?” 
Sebastian pauses, turning bright red. “Too much?” he asks, running a hand through his hair.  His hair is slightly messy, a few pieces sticking up in the back.  He usually did his hair quite tidy for work, but you loved when he left it undone on the weekends.  It reminded you of him as a teenager; you’d always flatten down his cowlicks for him.
It’s your turn to blush. “No, I just–I just didn’t realize you were ready.”
“Pet, I’ll be ready when you’re ready.  You'll be the one doing all the hard work anyways, the least I can do is a bit of research.” he says, grabbing your hands.  He pulls your palm to his warm cheek. “I just want to prepare myself, that’s all.  You know I don’t have my parents around to ask these questions, so I’ve been asking a few of the dads at the office how they’ve managed–”
Sebastian doesn’t have enough time to finish; you’ve properly launched yourself onto him, breathlessly kissing him.  He’s mad, you think, to start preparing for your pregnancy before even presenting the idea to you.  But at the same time, it's incredibly alluring.  Sebastian already dotes on you, and the thought of him worshiping you as you grow a human is tempting.
In short, the idea of Sebastian as a father is sexy.
“I was hoping you’d react this way.” Sebastian says, a shit eating grin gracing his freckled face as he embraces you.  You gasp as his hips roll against yours.
Sebastian is blatantly hard in the middle of an empty house.  You can feel his erection digging into your hip, turned on by all the talk of you possibly getting pregnant.  While you had been peeved that morning at him for dragging you out of bed, you’re thankful to have seen the house.  And considering you’ll be purchasing the home with him, you think what’s about to happen next is excusable.  The house had to be christened at some point.
(Perhaps Sebastian’s attitude is rubbing off on you.)
Sebastian’s eyes are burning into you as you start unbuttoning his jacket.  He licks his lips excitedly as you shuck it to the ground, going slack jawed as you start working off his suspenders. Stepping back, you put your hands on your hips, cocking an eyebrow at the normally shameless man in front of you.
“Am I going to do all the work then?” you tease.
Sebastian wastes no time–he never does.  He rushes forward towards you, pulling you in for a hot, searing kiss.  You let out a wanton moan as his tongue starts tracing circles on your neck, tugging at the buttons of your dress.  He all but tears it off, leaving wisps of blue fabric in his path of destruction.  
“Can’t wait–need you now,” he wheezes, tugging your undergarments down. You can hear the buttons snapping as he tears off his shirt. You laugh, which turns into a gasp as his fingers circle against your core, dipping into your wet center.  He’s nudging your legs apart, fingers writhing inside of you as he runs his tongue over your bare nipple. 
“Sebastian!” you scold him, but you know it's in vain.  He knows your every desire, the spots that make you shake, and your head lolls to the side as he kneels before you, pulling  your legs apart further. His big brown eyes are looking up at you, pupils blown with pleasure as he places his mouth directly over your clit, sucking hard. 
“So fucking beautiful,” Sebastian murmurs against your sex. “Mmph, I can’t wait to be inside of you.” 
His fingers are pumping in and out of you, tongue flicking at your clit with desperation. Sebastian wants–no, he needs you to come on his face. You grab a fistful of his messy brown hair and the tugging only encourages him to press his face deeper against you. You can feel the way his fingers grip your bottom, palming them as he fucks you with his hand. Your knees buckle as his fingers curl against that spot inside of you, the lewd sound of Sebastian lapping at your soaking wet cunt filling the room.
“You dragged me out here to have your way with me,” you stutter between moans. 
Sebastian pulls his face from you, smiling up at you.  His devious look and the glistening slick on his chin is enough to make you fold right then and there. “And so what if I did?” he asks, voice low.
You raise an eyebrow. “Are you trying to impregnate me right now?”
Sebastian licks his lips as he stands, unbuttoning his pants. You feel like prey as his eyes rove over your shaking, naked form. Stepping out of his pants and undergarments in one smooth move, you bite your bottom lip as you watch him pump his thick cock in his hand. 
“I brought you here with the purest intentions,” Sebastian murmurs.  Your back is pressed against the sink, and he turns you around roughly to face the yard again.
“Somehow, I doubt that.” you sigh.
He laughs, but his voice is raspy from pleasure. “I wanted to show you our future home,” he whispers.  His length twitches against your back and you shiver. “But you look so beautiful–and I just couldn’t stop thinking about how I’m going to take you on every single surface in this house.”
“Oh really?” you whimper.
Sebastian nods, pressing a kiss against your neck, guiding you to lean over the edge of the sink.  He nudges your legs apart again, pressing the tip of his length against your bare arse. 
“Really.  When we properly move in, I’m going to make you fall apart in every room.  Fill you with my seed over and over again until it takes.” he says through gritted teeth.  His hand falls to your stomach again, pressing tightly.
Your breath catches as you feel the crown of his cock slip against your dripping core. You’ve never heard him speak like this before–Sebastian had been your first sexual experience, and because you’d broken up when you were still rather young, the two of you had been rather vanilla.  The past few months have certainly pushed the boundaries, exposing you to new experiences with one another.  There have been some discoveries, but the sound of desperation in his voice is revealing a new kink for Sebastian. 
You’re certainly not complaining–the thought of him coming inside of you repeatedly with the full intention of seeing you swell with his child is doing something to you.  
Sebastian bites into your shoulder as he slowly slips his length into you.  You lean over the sink further, arms flying out to anything that will steady you as the brunette spears himself into you, slowly and intentionally. Sebastian palms your breasts with one hand, lurching over your back as he grinds his hips against your bottom.
“I want you to think about this moment, every time you’re standing over the sink.” Sebastian grunts, his other hand still pressed firmly against your belly. The cadence of his thrusts remain even and slow, entirely deliberate. “Want you to remember how good I fucked you here.”
You whine, arms reaching back to grip your lover’s hair. “ Fuck, Sebastian.”
Sebastian laughs breathily against your ear as he fucks into you. “So good for me, my beautiful girl.  Fuck, I’ve thought about this for months,” he admits. 
“About fucking me against a sink?” you joke.
“No,” you can practically envision him rolling his eyes. “Well, yes, that’s one of my fantasies. Mmph –specifically, about you, pregnant with my—our child.”
You let out an obscene sound. “You’ve been thinking about it for months?” The end of your question is punctuated with a sweet cry as Sebastian snaps his hips forward again.
“Since the moment we got back together,” Sebastian confesses. His arms tighten around you like a boa constrictor; you’re not sure how he’s still standing on two legs as he thrusts against you.  You break free from his clutches to lean forward, standing on the tips of your toes.  The move only makes him reach deeper within your cunt, both of you moaning in unison at the shift in angle.
“I’ve known–known since that moment it’s going to be you,” Sebastian pants. “ Fuck, I could do this all day. I could never have enough of you, pet.”
You whine, pushing back against him. Sebastian stumbles a few feet back, a shocked look on his face. Too much, the pleading eyes ask. 
Not enough.
You surge towards him, a blue wisp as you push him to the ground (your ancient magic somehow padding the two of you as you land on the creaky floorboards).  Sebastian’s eyes are wide open as you straddle him, placing kisses on his face. 
“I want you to see me,” you whisper, straddling him and positioning yourself atop his cock. Sebastian lets out a throaty groan as you sink onto him, inch by inch, until you’re fully seated on his lap.  You lean forward, pressing another kiss to his lips. “I want to look at you when you fill me.”
“Fuck, my love,” Sebastian whines. “You’re going to be so damn beautiful–gods, I can picture it now, watching you carry my baby,” he grits his teeth as you bounce up and down on his length. “I can’t wait to fuck you over and over again– ugh –until you’re properly full of me.” He starts pushing his hips up; you know how much he loves it when you’re on top of him, but he hates relinquishing control. He continues his loud praise, his voice cracking as he holds his hand lovingly over your stomach.
You can feel the coil of pleasure in your belly tighten, furrowing your eyebrows as your climax nears. Nearly there–almost–
You look down at Sebastian.  You half expect him to have his eyes shut in pleasure, nose wrinkling as he focuses on his finish.  Instead, you see adoring eyes roving up and down your body, a dreamy smile on his face.  He looks proud, you think, as his thumbs ghost over your waist and stomach. The look of pure devotion on his face as you grind against him sets you off, wailing as you climax on top of him.
Sebastian wastes no time once you’ve lost control.  He flips you over onto your back, his thrusts stuttering as he chases his own orgasm.  Sebastian presses a searing kiss against your lips as you feel him spill inside of you.  He bucks his hip against you a few times, gasping as he slumps against your body.  He’s still inside of you, but you can feel the hot release dripping from your cunt.
Sebastian lifts his face, giving you a sheepish smile as he rests his chin on your breasts. 
“Not exactly how I’d thought our Saturday would go, but I’m quite happy with it.”
You laugh, rolling your eyes. “Oh, don’t lie. You’re such a scoundrel.”
Sebastian nuzzles his face into your breasts, still sheathed inside of you. “Oh, but I’m your scoundrel.” he smiles proudly, pressing his lips against your chest.
The two of you are silent for a few moments, until you clear your throat. “You really do want to have a baby with me?” you ask, your voice a tad timid.
Sebastian gives you an honest, pure smile.  That was a quality you loved about him so much–he wore his emotions on his face, and you always knew when he was being truthful. 
“I want to have a family with you, pet.  I want us to have everything we’ve ever wanted, together.” he admits.
“Babies aren’t easy,” you warn him.  “It’ll be a lot of work, a lot of sleepless nights.”
“I never asked for easy,” Sebastian reminds you. “I’ve only ever asked for you.”
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“I’m not going to stop working.” You warn Sebastian, pulling a blanket up higher over your chest.
“I would never ask you to,” Sebastian stokes the fire before settling back down next to you.  
It’s now late at night; the two of you have been at it all day.  Starved, you let Sebastian leave the house to search for provisions.  He ran down to the closest tavern, buying the two of you a feast to snack on throughout your impromptu stay. Meanwhile, you’d worked on the fire, conjuring some cushions and blankets from a small stash of moonstone you’d kept in your bag for emergencies. 
It’s dark, the rural sky filled with twinkling stars.  You’d missed the way the sky looked in the highlands, no city lights to pollute the view. The two of you are sitting naked in front of the fire, stuffing your faces with bread and cheese, washing it down with a local mead.  Given your spirited activities throughout the day, you decide it’s time to be adults and talk logistics.
“Someone will need to watch the baby.” you remind him, passing a knife so he can slather some compote on the bread.
“We could ask Anne?” Sebastian suggests, taking a big bite. “I’m sure she’d love to.  She always loved babysitting the children in Feldcroft when we were younger. She sure likes to pretend she raised me—y’know, on second thought, maybe not Anne then…”
“Do you think Ominis would mind? I think he’d be nervous around a child.  Besides, there’s no way Anne would apparate here daily just to watch the baby.” You lean back on your elbows, biting back a smile.  You never thought you’d be having this conversation with Sebastian, but it feels right; the most natural progression for your relationship.
“Well, I was planning on fixing up a floo connection in the fireplace.” Sebastian shrugs. “So we could get to work, and so Anne and Ominis can visit.”
“You really have thought of everything,” you say coyly. “Except to pack clothes for tonight.”
“To be fair, I hadn’t been planning on shagging you in broad daylight in the kitchen.” Sebastian snorts. “But I can’t keep my hands off you, pet.”
“I’m sure you’ll be singing a different tune when I’m the size of a graphorn.” you wrinkle your nose. Your hands ghost over your naked stomach, drawing circles over where a child may grow someday.
“Don’t say that,” Sebastian scolds. “You are going to be the most gorgeous mother. Merlin, I’m going to get hard just thinking about it again.” He sighs dramatically.
You roll your eyes, smacking his shoulder.  Sebastian winks at you, a slight blush growing on his face.  He pulls a cushion onto his lap, and you cannot believe the stamina on this man.
“At least let me finish my meal first,” you tease. 
Sebastian rolls onto his stomach, playing with the tassels on the blanket.  You resist the urge to slap his freckled bottom, instead trying to focus on the serious, adult conversation you were trying to have.
“So, we’re buying the house then.” You state, taking a bite of cheese.
“We’re buying the house.” Sebastian echoes. “When I saw the picture, I just knew.  Remember how we used to race our brooms here?  I couldn’t stop picturing us teaching our kids how to fly here, just like we did.”
You nod. “I always loved Marunweem.”  It’s the perfect place to settle down, you think.  Now it makes sense why none of the houses in London were quite right for the two of you.  No light, no yard, no room to grow.  Living in the highlands, you have fresh air, water nearby, and plenty of space for your future family.  You haven’t flown on a broom in a long time; you can’t wait to see how long it’ll take you to get to Hogsmeade from here. With a floo connection in your fireplace, getting to work won’t be so bad. 
Your hand absentmindedly flutters down to your stomach again. Everything will change with a baby in your life.  You’ve just gotten back into the groove with Sebastian, are you sure you want to change everything now?
“What are you thinking, pet?” Sebastian murmurs.
You lick your lips. “That everything will change once we have a baby.” you admit. “Are we ready?”
Sebastian scoots towards you, his fingers catching under your chin. “I’m ready when you are.” he whispers. “If you don’t want this right now, I’m completely fine with that. You say the word, we’ll go to the apothecary tomorrow and get the necessary potions.  I want you to want this for you, not just for me.”
Your sweet, thoughtful, loving boyfriend.  Sebastian is the perfect gentleman. You nod your head shyly; who knows, it could take ages for you to get pregnant. You don’t want to start getting too far ahead of yourself.
“So, I’ll send an owl to the seller when we get back to London.” Sebastian says, tangling his fingers in yours. “We should start packing.  We’re throwing away your bed, by the way.”
“Only if we throw away yours too.” You remind him. 
Sebastian laughs. “Buying a new bed—duly noted.”
“Is that why you were saving your money?” you ask, looking into the fire.  You remember the conversation the two of you had when you left the house tour last week.  “For a house?”
Sebastian laughs again, this time sounding a bit shy himself. “Oh no, surprisingly, the house was dirt cheap. It was for something else.”  He rubs the back of his neck nervously.
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “What for?”
Sebastian is as naked as the day he was born, but he rolls onto his knees to rummage through his jacket, which has been long discarded on the floor.  Your eyes widen as he pulls something small out of the inner pocket.
“Was going to ask after you agreed on the house, but we got side tracked.” Sebastian bites down on his lower lip, holding up the diamond ring. It sparkles in the light of the fireplace. “Will you marry me?”
You blink down at him, mouth slightly ajar.  
“I know it’s probably not as big as your last ring,” Sebastian admits, the tips of his ears red. “But I saw it in the shop and it made me think of you. And I thought, why are we waiting?  We’ve been apart for so long, and even though it’s really only been eight months, I know it’s you–it’s always been you–I know I want you to be my wife, I’ve always wanted to marry you–” he shakes his brown mane, rambling on. “If it’s too soon for you, I understand, I just want you to consider it; you don’t have to say yes right away—“
Your lips crash against his.  It’s so utterly on brand for Sebastian; forgoing the tradition of bending down on one knee, he’s stark naked next to you, rolling on the floor with a diamond ring in hand. 
“You arse, Sebastian Sallow.” you mumble against his lips.
Sebastian holds you tight; you can feel his closed fist on your back, holding the ring. “Can I be yours?  For the rest of our lives?” he whispers.
You laugh, pulling away to brush away a tear. “Of course,” you say breathlessly. “Of course I’ll marry you, you silly man.”
Sebastian’s smile is beaming from ear to ear as he slips the diamond ring onto your finger.  You slide back against his chest, holding your hand out to admire it.  He’s done well–a sparkling diamond set in gold.  The feeling is so unlike your previous engagement; then, you’d wanted to hide it from everyone, but now you simply can’t wait to shout from the rooftops that you’re the future Mrs. Sallow.  
You’d marry him tomorrow if possible, you think. As his hand brushes against your stomach, you think you might have to soon. The thought doesn’t bother you; it’s been blatantly obvious who you belong to since you saved him eight months ago.
“What a day it’s been,” Sebastian sighs, nuzzling your neck. “Bought a house, got engaged.  I can’t wait to tell Anne and Ominis; they’ll kill me when I tell them how I did it.” he chuckles.
“We’ll tell them first thing tomorrow,” you announce, curling up in his arms. “I just want to remember this, just the two of us.”
“Hopefully not for long,” Sebastian whispers, pressing a kiss to your temple.   
Sebastian is babbling about his renovation plans for the house, things he wants to tweak and change to make it just right for the two of you. You watch the fire crackle in front of you, nodding absentmindedly. This is the first memory in your new home, you think.  You’ll raise your children in this house, celebrate birthdays and holidays in front of this old fireplace. And one day, you’ll tell your children that you got engaged here.  A far more appropriate version of the story of course, when they’re older and able to understand.
Mum and Dad got engaged at home.  It sounds right. 
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lostmyremembrall · 1 year
NSFW & SFW HC for Amit Thakkar
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Photo by Rezoeline on twitter
As an Ominis enjoyer and Sallow Worshipper, I adore them to death. But let me explain why Amit is so perfect for MC
The only character who doesn't ask anything of MC
Actually, in-game he only GIVES to MC.
The telescope. Assistance with Gobbledegook.
He’s devoted to MC.
Will literally do anything for MC.
He is bitter he can't protect MC like Sebastian
So he will find other ways to help
He will take care of MC's wounds when they come back to Hogwarts
Becomes an insomniac ever since meeting MC, due to his anxiety for their safety
A hopeless romantic
Love letters, roses and expensive gifts
His affluent background means he thinks it's NORMAL to spend galleons on you
Will always await MC's return with open arms
Inside his arms is the only time MC can escape from everything terrible about their life
As MC gets dragged further into dark magic because of Sebastian,
Amit will be there to bring them back to the light.
When MC feels like they're surrounded by enemies,
he will show that compassion still exists
When MC grows desperate, and is willing to do anything to protect their friends like use the unforgivables,
Amit will be the grounding figure, leading MC with his strong moral fibre.
He shows that there are ways to care and protect your loved ones without becoming a dark wizard
Literally, Amit is the Sun to MC.
Amit’s smile is so bright, so unbroken and untouched by the cruelty of the world
(Sorry Sebastian, Ominis, Natty, Poppy but we all see your pained smile)
MC will do anything to stay in his innocent world
Amit will shed light on the darkest corners of MC's broken heart.
And bring them back to the light whatever the cost.
Amit will compare MC to his moon.
He says MC "outshines every star in the night sky."
As much as MC outshines everyone, a moon cannot shine without a star.
He is in disbelief that he gets to have something so special all for himself.
And he will always remember that as he treats you with utmost love and adoration.
He will treat you like a literal star, plucked from the night sky that he gets to keep for himself.
He IS possessive and a soft dom.
MC thought he was just a shy boy who needs to be led at all times.
But my god MC was mistaken. He was just raised very strictly to treat women with utmost respect and gentleness,
So he's learned to restrain any of his urges.
He was hesitant at first to display any desires for fear of scaring off MC or being rude.
Displays the amazing self-control that he was raised to have at all times.
He may be inexperienced and shy at first.
But once he gets comfortable, and learns that it’s okay to want MC, he will unleash everything.
His curious Ravenclaw ass wants to study MC.
MC's every moan. What works for them. What doesn't.
Everything is about MC.
He will go down on MC until they're shaking underneath him.
Smiling softly down at them as they have their fourth orgasm.
When MC starts to beg they can't take it anymore, Amit will tilt his head.
And gives the most charming smile as he asks "Your body seems to be begging otherwise,"
As he glances down at MC's core still pulling him in.
Studies everything about sex to please MC.
Reads up on Kama Sutra as he furiously blushes and tries to hide behind the pages.
Will literally train himself to last longer and come back quicker for round 2 and 3 so he can give MC the pleasure they deserve
There WILL be other guys who underestimate Amit and approach MC.
Sebastian offering his scarf to MC because it's cold.
Amit will somehow always find MC in dicey situations and intervene before things escalate.
"Thank you, Sebastian,"
Amit will smile, but his eyes are narrowed into threatening slits.
"But I can take care of MC just fine.”
Rest assured, he would later be taking MC in the Room of Requirement in a domineering display of possessiveness.
His favourite position is missionary.
Snaking his fingers with MC’s as he whispers how adorable MC looks underneath him
His favourite part is seeing a side of MC nobody else has seen before.
The fact that he gets to have their moans, their euphoric expressions, their incoherent babble all to himself
It ignites something he's never felt before
On particularly stressful days, when MC gets distracted by anxious thoughts about exams, ancient magic, etc.,
Amit will pound even faster, deeper, and rougher until MC can't think of anything but him
He pouts, "I want you to be thinking about just me."
He'll smile contently when MC begins to mutter his name like a mantra, knowing they're close.
Making MC come and forget everything is a massive ego-boost for him.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk. Based on the fic 太陽と月, which has thrusted me fully into Amit phase.
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woe-begotten-spirit · 2 months
So I know not a lot of people in the world have a strong opinion on who is best to ship Middle Earth’s Sun with but I am obsessed with The Lost Tales era Eonwë/Arien (or Fionwë/Urwendi) and the parallels with Elwing and Eärendil. 
The Arien/Tilion thing of Moon in love with the Sun of course makes sense in a sort of collective unconscious mythology type way but something about a romance between Bird and Celestial Body is just 🔥
In both versions our bird flies through the air seeking lover lost at sea
Manwë sent Fionwë his son, swiftest of all to move about the airs, and bade him say to Urwendi that the bark of the Sun come back awhile to Valinor, for the Gods have counsels for her ear; and Fionwë fled most readily, for he had conceived a great love for that bright maiden long ago, and her loveliness now, when bathed in fire she sate as the radiant mistress of the Sun, set him aflame with the eagerness of the Gods. (LT I, VIII)
Indeed for a while mishap fell even upon bright Urwendi, that she wandered the dark grots and endless passages of Ulmo’s realm until Fionwë found her and brought her back to Valinor (LT I, IX)
For Ulmo bore up Elwing out of the waves, and he gave her the likeness of a great white bird, and upon her breast there shone as a star the Silmaril, as she flew over the water to seek Eärendil her beloved. (Silm, ch 24)
who sails in a hallowed ship through the Door of the Night. 
Ulmo draws the galleon of the Sun before the Door of Night. Then speaks Urwendi the mystic word, and they open outward before her, and a gust of darkness sweeps in but perishes before her blazing light; and the galleon of the Sun goes out into the limitless dark, and coming behind the world finds the East again. (LT I, IX)
But they took Vingilot, and hallowed it, and bore it away through Valinor to the uttermost rim of the world; and there it passed through the Door of Night and was lifted up even into the oceans of heaven. (Silm, ch 24)
And then our birds Eonwë and Elwing end up being the ones to deliver the Silmarils to their fated places (from Elwing to Eärendil to Air, from Eonwë to Maedhros and Maglor to Fire and Water)
And thus it came to pass that the Silmarils found their long homes: one in the airs of heaven, and one in the fires of the heart of the world, and one in the deep waters. (Silm, ch 24)
There are several more similarities like the early idea that both Eärendil and Arien encountered mermaids while they were at sea (LT I, commentary on The Tale of Qorinómi and LT II, V) and Tilion originally chasing Eärendil instead of Arien (LT II, V)
And also I just think Eonwë should be allowed to do the apocalypse as revenge for his girlfriend because come on:
For ’tis said that ere the Great End come Melko shall in some wise contrive a quarrel between Moon and Sun, and Ilinsor shall seek to follow Urwendi through the Gates, and when they are gone the Gates of both East and West will be destroyed, and Urwendi and Ilinsor shall be lost. So shall it be that Fionwë Úrion, son of Manwë, of love for Urwendi shall in the end be Melko’s bane, and shall destroy the world to destroy his foe, and so shall all things then be rolled away.’ (LT I, IX)
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whumpster-fire · 3 months
Leading Thieves Say Millennials and Zoomers "Ruining the Crime Industry"
A variety of criminals have spoken out over the past few weeks, saying that crime just doesn't pay like it used to because Millennials and Gen-Z-ers are so broke, they have nothing of value to steal.
Stephen "Fingers" Gilligan, Pickpocket: Pickpocketing has been on the decline in America for a while, but it's getting ridiculous now. Nobody carries cash anymore, and even cards aren't paying out. The other day I stole a wallet with five debit cards, and all but one of them declined. The last one had just enough to buy a Sierra Mist from a vending machine. That was my second best score all week. The best was a $40 Olive Garden gift card and a crumpled, discolored $5 bill that I had to use archeological techniques to retrieve without it disintegrating in my hand.
Burt Crustman, Mugger: Man, nobody walks through dark alleys at night since the pandemic hit, and when they do? Jackshit. The only valuable anyone under 40's got on them these days is their phone. Admittedly lotsa people have $3000 phones, but you know what the market for fencing iPhones is like? It's shit! Everybody's buying new phones because their phone's the only nice thing they can afford!
Monty Derailleur, Bike Thief: Well the bike theft business would be going good, if people ever used the bikes they bought. The sales are high, but the fact of the matter is, the bike lanes around here are shitty or nonexistent, there's no room to take them on the bus, and there's no bike racks so everybody knows it's gonna get stolen.
Jerry Rigby, Car Thief: I don't know what you're talking about, Grand Theft Auto is booming. There's $75,000 pickups, $60,000 SUVs, $100,000 Teslas, and most people can't even afford to buy a used car legally so fencing's never been easier. The reason it's hard for those of us in the business is twofold. First, too many people living out of their cars. Second, the competition. You see a nice car parked somewhere, you gotta be on it like that, or the fucking illegal towing rackets will beat you to it. It's nearly impossible to make a living as an independent car thief.
Dwayne Pipe, Burglar: The only reason to be breaking and entering in the post-Pandemic years if to use somebody's shower. I swear to god, half the time when I break into a place, the only furniture is a mattress on the floor and a mid-sized computer monitor as a TV, and those are only good for scrap because with planned obsolescence the way it is, they have a life expectancy of about 6 weeks after theft. To be honest with you, I'm running a loss on most jobs. The only reason I haven't gone straight is because all the legal jobs pay jackshit too. That, and I really like replacing people's family photos with pictures of Nicholas Cage.
Brittlyghn McKannyck, Shoplifter: Shoplifting these days is a hobby, not a career. Half the time the stores are too understaffed to even stock the shelves, and if they're not, everything's locked up. I had to get a guy to unlock a magnetic tag on a box of Crispix the other day. If I didn't live with my parents, there's absolutely no way shoplifting full time would be viable.
Norman Gore, Master Hacker and Identity Thief: Scamming people out of their financial info or cracking passwords has never been easier, but the scores just aren't worth it. I keep getting into bank accounts that pending overdraft fees. It's pathetic. I have to leave the lights off so my hacker den's only lit by the monitors, and type on three or four keyboards at once to hack enough people to make ends meet.
Jack Gazebo, Digital Pirate: Oh my fucking God, people, stop paying for streaming! Learn to torrent! I'm telling you, man, this generation just doesn't have the technological literacy to pirate media.
Captain Tom Stillcutt, Analog Pirate: Let me tell ye something, matey, it be a sad day for piracy. No more galleons laden low with gold doubloons, rum, and exotic spices, nay, it be all scurvy container ships full o' mass produced plastic now. Me last prize was a forty foot container loaded full of over a hundred thousand Funko Pops, en route from the East Indies. The worst part of it was as the cap'n I gets a double share o' the booty, whether I want it or not. I've been makin' one walk the plank every day, and my cabin's still full of the blasted things. Shiver my timbers, I hate these damned Zoomers! At least the ones in me crew are happy.
Geraldo Cardamom IV, Gentleman Thief: The economy's just horrible for heists these days. Art heists? Jewelry theft? All the rich idiots are blowing their money on crypto, NFTs, and custom furniture from hipster woodworking YouTubers. Nobody just has a gallery in their house with priceless antiques in glass cases below a conveniently placed skylight, or millions of dollars in cash and gold bullion in vaults behind secret doors with seven different elaborate locking mechanisms anymore. Nobody secures their valuables with networks of criss crossing laser motion sensors. The only guys with that kind of money are assholes like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, and they don't have the sense of style for that. They just hire a bunch of assholes with guns.
Carmen San Diego, Legend: You must be joking, right? The reason I retired is because the infrastructure in this country is so dilapidated it's impossible to move it without it disintegrating. My last heist was "stealing" the World's Largest Pothole in Lansing, Michigan. I lifted the entire six lane wide, fifteen foot deep pothole out of the ground, disassembled it, and shipped it across the country to a warehouse in Las Vegas, then filled in the hole with pristine asphalt so it looked like it was never there. Nobody investigated. Nobody came after me. The city threw a parade in my honor. It didn't even take a month before my record holding pothole was dethroned by one in Cleveland, leaving me with nothing but a bunch of dirt, crumbling asphalt, and broken dreams. That's when I realized it was time to call it quits. Well, maybe the Bass Pro Shops Pyramid, but it already looks stupid enough in the middle of Tennessee that the only way stealing it would be funny is if I put it in the original Memphis.
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shannyh25 · 1 year
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DIANA: Gilbert gave me this in return for your note. He's coming to watch you anyway. I didn't want Jane or Gabby Brothers to see me.
ANNE: [reading from letter] "...to your own opinion. It would have been easier if you told me in person, if you still consider me your friend. Sincerely, Gilbert Blythe." I won't be accused of being a coward, Diana. He doesn't understand. Tell him I'll speak to him the first minute I can steal away tonight.
DIANA: Calm down, Anne.
ANNE: I'm so ashamed. I can't go up on that stage. I can't. I'll be merciless if I fail.
DIANA: You've never failed at anything, Anne Shirley. Go on.
AMELIA EVANS: [reciting lines 76-88 of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's The Wreck of the Hesperus]
Ho! ho! the breakers roared
At daybreak, on the bleak sea-beach,
A fisherman stood aghast,
To see the form of a maiden fair,
Lashed close to a drifting mast.
The salt sea was frozen on her breast,
The salt tears in her eyes;
And he saw her hair, like the brown sea-weed
On the billows fall and rise.
Such was the wreck of the Hesperus,
In the midnight and the snow!
[God] save us all from a death like this,
On the reef of Norman's Woe!
LADY IN YELLOW: Mrs. Evans has just completed a European tour.
LADY IN BLUE: Oh, she's a prodigious talent. I was moved beyond words.
MRS. SPENCER: On behalf of the Charlottetown hospital, I would like to offer our indebtedness to Mrs. Amelia Evans for gracing us with such a stirring performance in support of today's benefit. Thank you. And now, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present one of Avonlea's most celebrated students, who achieved the highest standing in the recent entrance examinations to Queens Academy: Miss Anne Shirley.
LADY IN BLUE: It will be amusing to see what arises from the local amateur actors.
ANNE: [reciting lines 1-6, 25-30 and 85-90 from Alfred Noyes' The Highwayman]
The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees.
The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas.
The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor,
And the highwayman came riding--
The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-door.
"One kiss, my bonny sweetheart, I'm after a prize tonight,
But I shall [return] with the yellow gold before the morning light;
Yet, if they press me sharply, and harry me through the day,
Then look for me by moonlight,
Watch for me by moonlight,
I'll come to thee by moonlight, though hell should bar the way."
Back, he spurred like a madman, shouting a curse to the sky,
With the white road smoking behind him and his rapier brandished high.
Blood-red were his spurs in the golden noon; wine-red was his velvet coat;
When they shot him down on the highway.
Down like a dog on the highway,
And he lay in his blood on the highway, with the bunch of lace at his throat.
AUDIENCE: Encore! Encore!
LADY IN YELLOW: Dear, you were splendid. Go back. They're encoring you.
ANNE: I can't go back.
LADY IN YELLOW: Yes, you can.
I got the movie quote from greengables-1.tripod.com
Follow me for more inspiration!💜💕
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hcpenot · 6 months
hi guysss it's me the adventurous devotee again. i would like to share a blog about my experience in the 42nd Intramuros Grand Marian Procession held this year.
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short trivia and information, basically this blog is about the grandest marian procession in the Philippines held in the streets of walled city of intramuros, manila every year in early december. a grand marian procession is the procession of the different images of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of one true God under different titles from different places in our country. devotees and delegates from different parishes across the country gathers at intramuros to start a solemn and grandiose procession in honor of the feast of the principal patroness of our country, the immaculate conception every first sunday of december every year. the chariots bearing different images of BVM participants are exclusive to those who are invited by the Cofradia de la Inmaculada Concepcion de Intramuros.
let me start to share my experience. so i am from rosario, cavite, but my name is listed in the chariot/galleon carozza of our lady of solitude of porta vaga, cavite city because she is my patroness. together with the cofradia de la virgen de la soledad de porta vaga, we travelled from cavite city to intramuros to participate in the procession in honor of our virgin of solitude. the 350+ painted image of our lady of solitude of porta vaga is greatly venerated and payed respect at plaridel st. san roque cavite city. she is hailed as the queen and protectress of our province. the procession of the our lady of solitude of porta in intramuros started at 6pm, her silver galleon carozza is escorted by the altar servers, the flags, the philippine army, republica filipina reenactment group, the Cofradia, and the devotees. she graced the historic walls of intramuros in full solemnity through the recitation of the spanish rosary and the wearing of black clothes together with candles that lights up the street. the experience is one of a kind considering this event only happens once a year out of town. the procession concluded at muralla street by dismantling of the galleon carozza through the help of cofradia and care takers at 8pm in preparation of the coming home of the venerated painting of the our lady of solitude of porta vaga. i could say that this is the best religious procession I've ever attended. the surreal feeling and experience is unexplainable and beyond words. you could literally feel the presence of our lady just by attending the procession of her image. if i were to asked to rate it, i would rate it infinity over ten. it was an incomparable experience, I'd like to remember it that way.
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sempiternalmuze · 2 years
A Heart Touched - George Weasly x Reader
description: George and yourself are tired after a long day, and all you can think to do is cuddle in front of the fire and tell each other about the little things.
word count: 1.0k
warning(s): none
a/n: cozy George story for a cozy night. nothing too crazy, just testing the waters on this new account :) thanks for reading <3
It wasn't often that you and George were allowed the time to enjoy each other's presence. It had been so much easier when you two were young, a pair of dumb fifth-years at Hogwarts who didn't have a clue what you wanted to do in life. Until Dolores Umbridge had stomped into your school and nearly torn it to the ground. When George and Fred had flown through the room where you'd been taking your OWLs, you knew that you two would be fine, regardless of where life took you.
And yet here you were, walking back to the joke shop that sat a few blocks away from your place of work, a local and quaint plant shop. You sighed as you pulled the door open, the cold air of the outside quickly replaced with the bubbly and warm nature of the twin's joke shop. Kids zoom by, chasing each other with the items they found from around the shop, laughing and shouting at one another.
You make your way through, dodging them as they fly right by your waist until you make it to the counter where Fred is stationed, ringing up items and handling the counter like a pro.
"Evening Fred!" You shout, nearly drowned out by the giggles and gimmicks flying around.
"Oi Y/N! Georgie's in the back, tell him to hurry back here would you?" He smiles, nodding towards the storage room.
You make haste and push back the heavy door, meeting face-to-face with stacks upon stacks of boxes. You look around, a small sneeze escaping you.
"Bless you!" George's head pops out from behind a stack three rows down. His face lights up as he sees you, and soon his arms wrap around you as he trails a few kisses around your face. "Hello, darling, what brings you back here?"
"Well, Fred told me to come back here and scoop you up. I think he's struggling since it's so busy today."
"Yeah, holidays are closer than people think. So many just send their kids in with some sickles or galleons, even knuts, and soon you have a mess in here. But I don't mind." He smiled.
You couldn't help but notice how his eyes sparkled as he marveled at the shop and its success. He had been so excited when he and Fred had put down the first payment for the shop. Admittedly it was a hard thing to explain to your parents, but they'd come around to the idea when you'd phrased that George was a 'business owner and entrepreneur'.
"I can tell." You smiled. "But really, I think Fred needs help. What time do you think you'll be closing up tonight?"
"Honestly not sure...I can be up by eight?" He says, a slight rise of his eyebrow as he guesstimates what time would be acceptable to close for the night.
"That's perfect." You smile, giving him a soft kiss, taking his hand, and leading him back out to the front, where Fred is now being swarmed by what must be hundreds of children.
George looks at you, shocked, as you laugh. "Go help him, I'll be upstairs."
He squeezes your hand before diving into the mess right next to his twin.
The ambiance of the apartment was much better than that of the shop or outside. It was so perfectly in tune with George and you, and it never failed to lift you up after a long day.
With a quick wave of your wand you briskly had some food preparing on the stove as you began to pick up around the place.
You were the first to admit that magic had made your life so much easier since discovering it, but there were some things you couldn't help to resort to your "muggle" ways for, like laundry.
Soon enough dinner was ready and served, and all you had to do was wait for George to make his own way up. And nearly on the dot, the apartment door opened and the tall man made his way inside.
"God it smells like heaven in here." He smiled at you.
"It's all ready, still warm." You hugged him, chin resting on his chest as you stared up at him. He was so warm and smelled of sweet fragrance.
His arms returned the favor, walking the both of you to the table where the food was serving itself. After a lovely dinner, with small laughs and reminiscence of the day, the two of you found yourselves on the floor, hands intertwined as the small fire burned away.
"Have I ever told you about the first day I met you? And how much I knew I needed to just...know you?" George leans his frame against you.
You looked at him, hand still playing with his fingers. "Really?" You ask.
"Mhm, I even begged Ron to try and introduce me. But he swore up and down he didn't know you that well."
"What a liar! He was one of the first people I talked to at Hogwarts." You scoff. George laughs and shakes his head.
"Well, you know, that first day that we spoke to each other I was an absolute mess. I even remember begging Hermione to sneak out or I'd explode with pure excitement." You laugh. "You made me so nervous George. Anytime you'd look at me or pass me a note..."
He takes your hand in his own, lifting it to his lips, and pressing a soft kiss to it, a smile playing on his lips.
The fire starts to dwindle down, but you don't want to move, worried you'll ruin the perfect essence around you and George.
"I love you so much. You're the only thing I dream of at night, and all I think about in the day." George said, running a finger lightly through your hair. "Thank you for believing in me."
"Thank you for never giving up."
As the fire blew out, and the lights outside the shop lit up, you couldn't hope for anything more beautiful or perfect. Only that the future would be half as beautiful as this moment.
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maraudermoonysworld · 2 years
WC: 487 words
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heyy this is my first attempt at writing in months so im really out of practice, so im sorry if this is absolutely shocking
Synopsis: reader is stressed after her exams and remus gives her a little pep talk.
Warnings: very fluffy, like a sickening amount of fluff, reader being stressed, friends to nearly-lovers?, I think that’s it but let me know if you see anything else loves <3
You and Remus were the last two people left in the Common Room after the other boys left to raid the kitchens, they invited the both of you to tag along, as they always did, but you were both perfectly content where you were, on opposite sides of the sofa, sitting in front of the fireplace. Remus had his nose in a book, as per usual and you were busy trying to dismiss the thoughts racing around in your mind.
It had been an extremely long week and exams were finally over but you couldn’t help but stress about how you had performed. You had always struggled with exams, it’s not like you weren’t smart or capable of passing them with flying colours, it was just the pressure that got to you. The idea of a few questions on a piece of paper possibly determining your entire future was nightmare-inducing. However, Remus thrived during exam season. If he was a superhero his name would be something like ‘Remus the Revision God’, you thought to yourself.
Remus had looked up from his book a while ago, noticing how deep you were in thought by the way your brows were tightly knitted together and your shoulders were tensed so harshly that he swore he could see each muscle in your neck tightening slowly. Remus placed his book down carefully, and gently moved his hands to the readers’ pulling them ever so slightly towards him, “C’mere you”.
You obliged. Situating yourself between his legs, back against his chest. “Penny for your thoughts?” He said smoothly.
“I’m okay Rem, jus’ tired is all”. His arms tightened ever so slightly around your body, squeezing you comfortingly.
“You can’t lie to me y’know, I can read you like a book”. You slumped your head back into his chest and sighed, “I know, I’m sorry.” You hesitated. “I just can’t turn my mind off. What if I failed my NEWTS? What if I can’t-”.
Remus removed his hands from your waist and turned you around to face him, tenderly taking your face in his hands, “y/n, you are the brightest witch I know”. You opened your mouth slightly as if you were going to interrupt him but he beat you to it “don’t say anything yet”.
“You are amazing and you need to believe in yourself, the way I believe in you”.
Your eyes slowly flickered between his eyes and his lips, the light from the lit fireplace cascading over his face highlighted his features beautifully. You both leaned in, lips almost meeting as the portrait door swung open suddenly. James, Sirius and Peter sauntered through the portrait hole, arms filled with tons of sugary sweets and snacks.
Sirius was obviously the first to notice the proximity of his two friends, the blush on Remus’s cheeks and your aversion to meet his eyes only confirmed his suspicions, “Wormy, you owe me ten galleons”.
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Black Sails meta. I love Captain Flint and want to blather on about him in 2022
I have been adrift in terms of media and recently stumbled upon the underappreciated Starz series Black Sails that ran from 2014-2017.  The main summary on the internets is that season 1 is lame but improves afterwards (and yes, it certainly does!).  I’m not usually into violent media, but I can look beyond that when it has a larger premise - generally something that touches on questions like; what is civilization?  What does a civil society look like?  Who benefits?  Who is excluded?  Who matters and who does not?  How colonialism hurts all but those at the very top making all the calls from their distant and comfortable place in Whitehall.
And of course - the MC, the one driving the plot - Captain James Flint.
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A man who tightly controls how he presents himself and how much he reveals to others - and spoiler - that amount he reveals is very little.
I’m just going to focus on seasons 1 and 2 at the moment as those pull together the entire story of why Captain Flint exists and what his motivations are.
I would like to give a round of applause for the creative team behind Black Sails, Flint is one of the few INTJ characters that I have seen who is so well written and behaves consistently throughout.  Everyone likes to talk about how the MBTI can be used to create and define characters in media and the darling personality for many villains are supposed to be INTJ but almost always poorly executed.  But Flint, god, chef’s kiss right there, he hits in all the right places.  The mental calculations he’s constantly performing, adjusting to see how to play things out, his crazy ideas (which aren’t all that crazy if you are paying attention) the rich inner world, few close friends and a need for lots of quiet and alone time with his books. Yes, a pirate captain who likes books - so let’s start with that.  The entire plot is kicked off by his quest to find the schedule for that of the L’Urca de Lima, a Spanish treasure Galleon.  He wants the gold to secure so that Nassau can protect itself and self govern as a sort of independent state founded by questionable commerce and pirate crews. John Silver of course has the page and doesn’t know what it is - and thus begins his own search to determine its value.  Thus, he asks Dufrense about it and the accountant makes it clear that if Flint finds a book he likes on a prize, he takes it.
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The first episode, although sloppy in other aspects, works hard to make Flint a walking contradiction/mystery.  He’s a feared pirate captain but highly educated and distance and a bibliophile.
We get more insight into him indirectly when Silver sneaks back onto the Walrus and searches Flint’s cabin for the missing logbook.  There in the dim light we can clearly see the first book Silver examines is the epic page turner
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De Jure Belli Ac Pacis by Hugo Grotius.  Just some light reading in Latin about the basis for Western international law.  So, we know that Flint is well versed in deep legal thought and framework and he can read Latin.  Which isn’t too surprising for an educated man in the 18th century and was educated in the end of the 17th.  As the sequence continues we can catch a glimpse of a book on Flint’s desk as well.  The top book is Leviathan by philosopher Thomas Hobbes.  I have tried to make out the bottom one, but the scene is too fast and the lighting too inconsistent to see what is underneath.
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Hobbes of course laid out the concept of the ‘social contract’ as well as an idea that some sort of absolute power or sovereign is needed to maintain society and prevent men from falling to their more ‘baser/animal’ nature.  Of course the show starts out with the idea that the pirates of New Providence Island are not men in the eyes of the law; where the law = England.  There are more books in his cabin and unfortunately, less effort is put into showing how nerdy they are as well.
These alone tell us, the viewer that Flint is a huge nerd and continue to contrast with how absolutely calculating and efficient he is towards doing what he needs to do to best serve his own goals.
When he finds out that someone searched his cabin (with the nice little feather in the bottom of the drawer trick) it confirms that the schedule is on his ship and in his crew.  However, the person who stole it is still unknown.  But that doesn’t matter, within mere minutes, he figures out that he can accuse Singleton who wants his job, is the thief, just setting off a fight to the death from which he pulls a blank page.  When he found that feather, I knew he was going to use that as his method to remove Singleton and find the page.  Adding to this is the sheer brutality of his fight with the other man.  He is a highly skilled fighter and takes a beating making his victory even more emotionally significant.  A white shirt bloodied and sliced open, his face a total mess, the shaky hand by which he hands the page to Billy Bones, who has no choice but to endorse his lie.
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Please confirm the schedule my dear Billy, you have no choice after what you just witnessed.  He owned the entire situation and uses it to his full advantage before riling the men up with his “Princes of the New World” speech.
Keep in mind anyone who says this speech indicates he isn’t INTJ isn’t examining it in the context of the rest of the series.  He knows this is the time to give a speech.  Introverted types of people can give rousing speeches - if anything those of us who hope to advance our personal goals realize it is a necessity.  Public speaking is a tool.  Saying things to advance yourself is a tool.  The entire series reminds us time and time again, James is a person with few close friends he cares about and does not open up to anyone but them.  Furthermore, Captain Flint is a man created by the formerly proper Lt. James McGraw.  With Flint himself, being a tool for him to achieve James McGraw’s personal goals.
But back to the books.  It takes a few episodes for Miranda Barlow to be introduced who on the surface appears to be a woman who is involved with Flint likely in a romantic way.  At the beginning of episode 3 he wakes up in what later is revealed to be Miranda’s bed and casually walks into the kitchen in his undergarments before she patches him up more.
Knowing that he’ll be leaving soon for the gold, he remembers to grab a book he found in Captain Parrish’s cabin, a book of plays by Middleton which he clearly took for her.
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Though Miranda’s body language and fiddling hands tell us she’s not quite sure what to do with what is likely another stolen book he’s brought her.  However, this also will tie into season 2 when it is revealed that Miranda lent James one of her favorite books, Don Quixote by Cervantes.  She in part lent it to him to help him determine how to deal with her husband, Thomas and his quirky personality.
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Miranda states James may need to learn Spanish.
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Now, I have to admit, I’ve tried multiple times to read Don Quixote, however, I’m always met with defeat (and that edition was indeed in English).  Yet, we should have enough of an awareness to realize that the book has a man who is both absurd and true to himself and no one will argue that Thomas Hamilton is a charming idealistic aristocrat who wants to ‘make a difference’. We see after this flashback that Flint is looking at all of the books from the nameless Spanish Man-O-War that was captured by Flint’s visionary plan.  He stops at one book, La Galatea, also by Cervantes.
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After taking it off the shelf and all alone in the cabin, he takes the time to read the book.  This confirms that he has learned to read Spanish in addition to being able to speak it.  And we can look at this two ways - he learned Spanish because Miranda thought it would be useful to him in his career (true) or because he wanted to understand Thomas more and thus saw the book as research on his personality.
Once securely in the captaincy; again, he picks up the book and prepares to head ashore to visit Miranda.
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They take great care to linger on shots with the book, when he talks to the two look outs; the fact he cares a cutlass in one hand while a book in the other.
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Silver even comments on the book, which he simply replies that it isn’t for him.  We can certainly see that this is for Miranda based on the Middleton in season 1 and the flashback with her copy of Don Quixote.
However, under the cover of darkness, he is unable to approach as she is entertaining a local mother and her children and in classic awkward INTJ fashion, places the book on her porch where he knows she’ll eventually find it.
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Pssshhh, not like I’m actually going to reveal my emotions to you Miranda.  You know those pesky emotions are difficult for me to handle.
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The following morning before he opens fire on Charles Vane, we see Miranda opening the book to see a single line of “I’m sorry”.
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Can we just stop and appreciate how on point this is for Flint and for anyone with a similar personality.  It is hard to apologize in person with words when one is more intimately involved with someone.  And that you have a long term relationship with.  Apologizing though an action is completely in character for him.  He is likely apologizing for their argument about her letter for the pardon in Boston; for the fact he brought her here; for what he is about to do in the name of an independent Nassau; for future things that Miranda will disagree with.  All of it.
In addition to all of this, the entire main plot of La Galatea is around two men and their love interest with one man being more elite and properly educated while the other is poor an rural.  It is a story that has a love triangle and Black Sails likes its examples of how love triangles work outside of civilization with the ending that sees Max, Bonny and Rackman successful and not selling out to keep their relationship.  In contrast, the ‘peak of civilization’ in London destroyed the love triangle that was James, Thomas and Miranda due to how wrong it was in the eyes of a few.  I can only guess that Flint selected this book because it had something in common with Miranda and their shared relationship with Thomas.
Which leads to the next key book that is involved in the ‘riveting’ reveal in season 2 episode 5.  Which isn’t that riveting if you’d been paying attention since the beginning.  I did not know the full background of Black Sails in our age of easy information and summaries.  I had assumed the queer rep was in the Anne Bonny, Jack Rackham and Max relationship based on the few things I’d seen.  But it was painfully obvious to me by episode 3 that Flint was not a straight character and his relationship with Miranda at the present was not one based on any sort of romantic love.  He let’s her belittle him as she cleans his wounds after bleeding on her floor as they interact like two people who know each other well - out of habit.  Richard Guthrie finds the stashed away portrait of the handsome Hamiltons and watches as Miranda flirts with the pastor. 
This is my long-winded way at getting to the key book, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius a very famous Roman stoic and emperor.  Miranda gives the book to Guthrie to find something to reflect on his circumstances and she wants to share this with him.
James will have none of this.  He has a look that could kill as he shuts the door while looking at Guthrie as Miranda slips away between them.  After the most awkward sex scene in the show where Flint passively lies below a sexually frustrated Miranda, he stares blankly beyond her unable to even touch her with his hands, unsure where to even place them relative to her body.  This is all one needed to realize that whoever the person is/was that captured James’s heart if it were even possible, it was not Miranda. 
As they dress, Miranda knows James is upset and when asked, it becomes an explosive argument about Meditations.  James has hidden the book away while Miranda feels her connection to her old life and Thomas and that book are slipping too far away from her - which drives her to write the previously mentioned pardon letter.
Flint can’t share that book with anyone else - though in season one we are left with him only reminding Miranda how important that book is too him with little else.  This is the start of the fight that James Flint isn’t sure how to resolve and other than Guthrie realizing that Miranda Barlow is the famous Miranda Hamilton who according to rumor had a torrid affair with her husband’s closest friend (a naval officer) we all know it is referring to Flint.  Though Guthrie only hears one side of the sex and thinks Flint was more involved than staring off into space as Miranda used him, but we know he likely felt that he should let her use him based on their complicated relationship and past. As the flashbacks slowly unfold, we first get the Cervantes books linking James, Thomas and Miranda.  What the big reveal is that Meditations was a gift, dedicated to James from Thomas.  To stop Flint from destroying the weak inherant nature of Nassau, Miranda rides into town with the book.  To present it to him, as she feels that he never got over the ostracization he faced and how he ignores that fact he could have been hung for his actions under civilized English law.
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It is hard to tell who is right or wrong - honestly both of them are likely correct.  They have been dealing with so much pain and trauma that they’ve had a long time to learn how to really make their words sting as they argue.
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She leaves him alone with the book which he gently touches.
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And opens to show the full note that Thomas wrote directly to him. 
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When we see the last dual flashback of James and Miranda leaving London, he reflects back on his relationship with the one person we can confirm he truly loved - reading to him in his bed from the very book.
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So yeah, this book holds a lot of emotional meaning for him and even if Miranda shared a love of the text with her husband, she never denied that their relationship was something much deeper.  We could also look at the fact that Marcus Aurelius in his younger years was involved with his older teacher and they wrote lots of sappy love letters to each other.  That if they’d existed in another time and context their relationship would have been less of an issue.  It is funny how the progressive English intellectuals like to refer back to the classics while only taking part of it while ignoring other aspects that did not fit into their early 18th century narrative.
And with that, I’d like to wrap up my quick meta about the role of key books reveal much about Captain Flint’s complicated relationships, past events and how he may think about the present and future.  I’d like to dive into another quick analysis on how they visually broke down the growing closeness and relationship between James and Thomas in season 2 flashbacks but that will be for another day.
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captainswanapproved · 2 years
An Indecent Proposal- Chapter 8
A03,Prologue, Chapter 1,Chapter 2,Chapter 3, Chapter 4,Chapter 5,Chapter 6,Interlude, Chapter 7
Daemon x Rhaenyra Multichapter AU:
Daemon leaves Rhaenyra at her wedding feast. Rhaenyra marries Laenor. After a year of trying to do their duty and produce an heir, Rhaenyra writes to Daemon.
She needs a true Targaryen heir.
It only needs to be an arrangement of business, she says. And it would result in Daemon’s child one day taking the Iron Throne.
Daemon accepts the proposal and returns to court.
Only, ventures like these are never simple. As much as they would wish to, Daemon and Rhaenyra cannot let go of the past, or the feelings they once had for each other.
Pain lanced through Rhaenyra’s abdomen. Fortunately, Laena was there to catch her as she doubled over, her knees shaking.
“The babe is coming,” Rhaenyra said. “Send for the maester and the midwives,” Rhaenyra yelled at the two maids who had burst into the chamber at the sounds of her distress.
Laena helped Rhaenyra to the bed and quickly began undoing the ties at the back of the gown. Another maid appeared to assist with a clean shift in hand.
“Laena, write to my uncle. He will want to know that the babe is coming.”
Laena kissed her friend’s forehead. “Be strong, Rhaenyra, I have faith in you. I will write to Daemon and find my brother.”
If the maid thought it was suspicious that Rhaenyra had instructed Laena to inform Daemon without any mention of her lord husband, she said nothing. Instead, she helped Rhaenyra settle into a more comfortable position as she was beset by labor pains once more.
“The babe will not come for many hours yet. Your opening is too narrow,” Grand Maester Mellos said.
Both midwives agreed with the maester’s assessment, though Merosi, the Essosi midwife said, “Princess, it will be a long night. Try to close your eyes between pains. They are still quite far apart.”
Hours later, the sun had set. Laena had long dispatched the letter to the Stepstones and was sitting with Laenor in Rhaenyra’s solar.
Rhaenyra was grateful that Laenor was not insisting on breaking tradition and taking a place at her bedside. She suspected Daemon would do so were he here, but his doing so would only rouse suspicion so it was just as well that he was in the Stepstones. Still, she prayed that by some miracle, he and Caraxes would reach King’s Landing in time for the babe to be born. It would ease her troubled mind to know that her lover was within the walls of the Red Keep, even if he could not be at her side.
The Westerosi midwife, Kalinda, assessed her after another agonizing labor pain. The midwife pressed her palm against her belly. “The babe is in the proper position. The head is down, Princess, but I fear there are still many more hours to labor. Your opening has not widened much since your pains began.”
One of the maids wiped the sweat from Rhaenyra’s brow with a cool cloth and Rhaenyra began to pray to any gods who might listen to bring Daemon back to her as swiftly as possible.
Wind and rain lashed Daemon’s face. He struck Caraxes with his whip, urging the Blood Wyrm to fly faster.
The full moon hung in the pitch sky like a ghostly galleon. The rain was worsening, but Daemon would not let a small storm keep him from Rhaenyra. Not when she needed him most.
Many grueling hours later the towers of the Red Keep were in view, streaks of light were just barely starting to brighten the horizon.
Daemon chose to land in the training yard of the Red Keep, which was blessedly deserted but for a pair of guards. After dismounting, Daemon pressed his forehead against Caraxes’s scales. “You did well. Return to the pit. Syrax will need you,” he said in High Valyrian.
Caraxes took off with a roar, and Daemon made his way to Maegor’s holdfast.
Ser Harrold Westerling and Ser Erryk Cargyll stood guard at Rhaenyra’s chambers.
“My Prince, we did not expect you,” Ser Harrold said.
“How fares the princess?”
In answer, Daemon heard Rhaenyra screaming loudly from within her chamber. Daemon froze, his heart clenching in terror.
“She has been laboring since yesterday afternoon, My Prince. His Grace and the Velaryon siblings are in the Princess’s solar. Perhaps you would like to join them.
Daemon would like nothing more but to dispatch both guards and charge into Rhaenyra’s chambers, but these men were honorable knights with whom he had no quarrel. If Ser Laenor, her husband, was waiting in the solar, then so too must Daemon.
Daemon nodded and proceeded to Rhaenyra’s solar, just down the hall from her chambers.
“Brother,” Viserys said, surprise evident in his voice. “You look awful!”
“I have been flying all night,” Daemon said, knowing perfectly well that he must look a mess. He crossed the room to Laena. “I thank you, my lady, for writing.”
“You are welcome, Prince Daemon,” Laena said with a small smile. “I am glad you have returned safely.”
A maid appeared in the doorway and said, “Lady Laena, the princess is asking for you.”
Daemon longed to follow Laena to Rhaenyra’s chambers, but instead he joined Viserys and Ser Laenor in cups of Arbor Gold. Daemon could only hope that the birth would not end in disaster as it had with Aemma and his beloved mother.
“I cannot push, you cunt! I am too tired,” Rhaenyra cried.
When Laena appeared in her chambers, a ghost of a smile crossed her face. “Laena, the stubborn babe will not come! He is too much like his father.”
Laena, she knew, would understand the true meaning of that claim.
“I will tell my brother you said so, Princess,” Laena said. She came to sit beside her dear friend and whispered, “Prince Daemon is here as well, waiting in the solar with your father and husband.”
Rhaenyra’s heart skipped a beat and she suddenly felt stronger despite the near eighteen hours she had been laboring.
“Princess,” Kalinda said from her position at the foot of the bed. “It is time to start pushing..”
Merosi, the Essosi midwife seconded the notion, pressing against Rhaenyra’s midsection. “The babe is ready to come, Princess.”
And so Rhaenyra pushed, and screamed, and bled.
But after a half an hour of near-constant pushing, Kalinda held a lusty baby girl with silver wisps and purple eyes. The babe cried and Rhaenyra thought her heart might burst.
“You have a beautiful, healthy girl, Princess,” Kalinda said, tears gathering in her eyes as she swaddled the babe.
“Give her to me,” Rhaenyra panted.
Merosi, however, said, “Princess, there is another babe coming. I can see the head.”
“Another?” Rhaenyra asked faintly. Impossible. No. She could not deliver another child.
“Yes, Princess. I know you are exhausted, but you must continue you labors. Push!”
Birthing the second child, though, was no easy task. The babe’s shoulder was stuck and the babe would not come.
Merosi called for two maids to hold Rhaenyra’s legs, the hope being that bending them in the right way would give the babe more room. Merosi took a position on the birthing bed, on her knees beside Rhaenyra. She placed one hand just above where the shoulder was thought to be, laid her other hand upon it, and with all her might pressed down.
The combination of these maneuvers, as well as three more strong pushes allowed Kalinda to pull the babe from Rhaenyra.
“A boy, Princess.”
The boy had no silver hair to speak of, and his eyes were closed, his skin somewhat dusky. He did not cry.
The tension in the room was thick as Kalinda wrapped the boy in a blanket and rubbed his chest, hoping to make him cry.
It was the longest minute of Rhaenyra’s life, but at last, the baby boy uttered an almost draconic shriek. Life returned to the room as the little girl was given over to Rhaenyra, and the boy to Laena.
Rhaenyra kissed her daughter’s forehead, the babe’s downy hair tickling her lips.
The baby boy finally opened his eyes and they were a lovely shade of lilac.
“What will you name them, Rhaenyra?” Laena asked.
Rhaenyra did not answer, but screamed again as the afterbirth was delivered, gushing from her in a grotesque wave. The maester declared there was too much blood, but the Merosi shooed him away. “We will care for the Princess, if you haven’t the stomach for it. Inform His Grace of the healthy delivery of his two grandchildren”
Grand Maester Mellos left the room in haste.
“This is Princess Alyssa,” Rhaenyra announced, handing the babe to Merosi.
She took her son from Laena, who had started to cry in earnest. “And this, is Prince Jacaerys, who will one day inherit the Iron Throne.”
“Those are beautiful names, true Valyrian names! Congratulations, my dearest friend,” Laena said.
Rhaenyra thanked Laena for being at her side as she labored, and then kissed her son’s cheek. Jacaerys Velaryon was beautiful, and Alyssa Velaryon was his equal in beauty. She had delivered two perfect children, and she was certain that both would make her proud.
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icharchivist · 1 year
ICHA ICHA ICHA! How do you like GranFes so far??? I am in LOVE with the Relink trailer, it looks so good! The new Versus does too, but I'm a bit bitter that they're releasing a whole new game to buy all over instead of adding to the existing one, ha ha,,, AND THE COSPLAYERS ARE SO HOT???
I like it a lot!! it's been a whole time of fun and it's always impressive!
the trailers are amazing, i'm genuinely sooo into the relink one and i really hope to be able to play it.
On Versus, it looks hella cool but yeah, i agree with you, it's a bit bitter to know you gotta buy it again... though i would assume there will be something for the people who already have the base game or something? Listen i'm just glad the gbvs only people are going to stop complaining about rollback, this was a thorn at my side lmao
I've been in love with the hologram shows, they're all full of life it's so fun to watch!! and the fact we got Eternals: The Boysbands edition is worth everything. I feel like for one minute we got sent in Seofon's dream dimension or something because i don't know how in our reality Seox or Feower could have been blackmailed enough to accept to do it, but i'm so glad for the fever dream.
and the cosplayers ARE SOOOOOOO HOT IT'S INSANE. Everytime i see them my jaw drop!!!
Yesterday i was talking on here about how just, unwell i was about Fediel's cosplayer, she's so hot and for what??? but tbh all of the dragons are INCREDIBLE, they look straight up out of the VN it's uncanny.
I love to see the oldie cosplayers come back too, the dragon knights and the society's cosplayers are always fun to see around, seeing the fox family always makes me teary, and BOY the wmtsb gang knows how to offer a show. The Belial cosplayer lives in all our mind rentfree ahah.
Also huge shout out to Lyria's cosplayer who captures so well what it is to be The Babiest Baby You Would Die For (And Already Have, Twice). Like i see her and i'm just "oh yeah me too i'd die for her, great job". She makes me happy everytime i see it.
also omg the fashion show was such a cool idea??? it was so wild to see recreations of costumes that only appeared in obscure promo arts from the way back, and it was so amazing to see how all those cosplayers, who have been trained to behave like their characters so much, wear it with so much grace and elegance and, so in character. It's so amazing.
Also huge shout out to THE SETS????? Like holy shit the whole Canaan's stained glasses are eVERYTHING, the huge statues of Bahamut, Galleon and all, are just so fucking gorgeous, and i'm always in love with the café and the sets made to hang out. It makes the whole environment feel so real it always look so dreamy.
And personally i'm a huge fan of the seiyuu shows, as a big seiyuu fan, and one of my fav seiyuu was on stage today so i was really having tunnel vision LMAO, but the games were sooo fun and i loved to see them all blatantly cheat at weighting plushies. I can't believe we're getting rewards out of it. (and also i want the Galleon big plush so bad after all of this, they're taunting me so much).
And the announcements!!!! The New class is so cool, Vikala getting her 5* was long overdo thanks god, AND LU WOH!!!!!!!!!!! Would almost forget he was planned at this point i'm just so glad he's not a fever dream LMAO. And personally i'm just thrilled because while Seiyuu fans have been theorizing ever since he came out, we didn't know his seiyuu until now, and they confirmed it's, also, one of my fav seiyuu, so now i'm forced to stan harder than i did before 😩✌
but even without the seiyuu angle i'm just so glad he was finally announced, it's been long overdue and i sure hope he saves Light from the state it's in right now.
That said they're keeping some announcements for tomorrow and i'm SO curious about what's to come. It's so bewildering to see so many things come out of all of it! And we're likely getting the anni trailer too then so i am really curious what it will be!
so so far i've been having a total blast and i cannot wait to see what awaits tomorrow :3c
So glad to hear you're having fun and i hope you'll enjoy yourself tomorrow too!!
take care!
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libidomechanica · 2 years
“And chasing on the like, taking revenge falls,”
Luminous, gemlike, ghostly     galleons of our grave, and the terrible months after a     prize to-night was fallen dumb. There is Maud, Maud, Maud, Maud? The     peacefull’st cot, the garden
ground. With you than a God! Loves     delight, like some fathom these obtain her honor’s laws. And     chasing on the like, taking revenge falls, and what is it     he cannot be gay let
a passion, and setting sail, outline     forming round it: not an Inch of laws, since odds are this     in the loss of maiden mild! But stricter, watch for me by     moonlight, more hate the flight
renew’d. Lucy ceased to believe     it, in being merely innocence shall ride our forest     for ever scare me wish myself each word which arise from     you be took. Than the road
is a ribbon of moonlight, out     of my love her answer with knout? Which might be arbiter     of Earth, and not deeds. I cannot tell; I wish no evening.     Wit temperate: rough winds
of the place, and after sternest,     is when, and restored to overtrodden ways besides alas!     Some are so low they gagged his daughter. He is your voice,     that neuer pype of reede
did better sounde. Little Leila     we’lldispose; for the pull of absence! And your dog, fondle     your body rocking off, about what, and grey. She too rejoiced     in Beauty in Loves
Wars to play; for good nor harm being     humane to her hands behind; and there; thus far for my     name thy footsteps in the swallow, the soul be understand!     His desire in any
way; my Emanation shall     not know. Music to heavenly lights are likeness holds, nought     but brakes and taciturn Asiatic disposition     which wel could her girlond
dight, and I, and the sunlight lumps     of my body has someone shipping oars: it’s eleven     years shone clear thee. They do not yet know myself and your     disbelief though I was kind.
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tomalbon · 2 years
Poem #78
Archangel, scent of starfire on the lake,
Cultivator of boatwood, aura-bearer
Of the chart-hands and ocean-seers -
You are hereby declared unfit for office.
We have climbed the titan of your shoulder
To slay the feathered things of your back
And cast the shrapnel into radio waves.
We have spanned the colossus of your brow
And quarried your corneas for telescopes,
Planted in the empty gods of your femurs.
We have unwound the pigments of your hair
But never found the calculus of heaven
As the colours died grieving the distance.
Archangel, water-light of old galleons,
Waste of your unmaking falls back to us
Until you are known only by the ripples
Of that same water; cobalt-orange
Like a sunset remembered from a distant
Continent, or a love left unspoken,
Or a language made to speak of horizons.
You are forgiven, unanointed beast,
For thinking we needed more than your body.
You are forgiven for thinking you were enough.
The ruin of your face redraws the cantos
That first woke you from the nothingness,
And the last powders of divinity
Melt on the dimming light-blade of your tongue:
Envy of the beetle pyres. Envy them their churn.
Envy of the nebulae they build and shroud and burn.
Envy the mycelia. Envy them their dross.
Envy every constellation made of dregs and loss.
Envy of the comet-falls. Envy them their height.
Envy as their yaws undo the stasis of the night.
Envy of the frogspawn. Envy them their mire.
Envy as the clot grows limbs to pull apart the briar.
Envy of the lunar lamps. Envy them their caste.
Envy of the shapes that know the light will never last.
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beboslatkice · 2 months
Mortgage Fraud
Securities Fraud
Excel spreadsheet
Prosecute Hearing the on the United States Senate Heckler & Koch militant . oversight hearing and the Bank, House, Investment Security Regulatory Insurance will (our daily bread) claims as defamation toe the tac on toc to tic letter amalgamate victim letter lateral latter floor plan exchange comply trial shoulder view state social contract declaration (United) we the people & Co Denial of the bread the body light as procurement debarment pursuant coordinate
question submitted  statement 1:57 p.m., $14 trillion course drop {The Honest Homebuyer} principality letters ‘client’ judgment though not criminal risk cause private holding field to structure 53 count indictment seven dividuals ran scheme appraise escrow i.e the dirt further cost under the floor board than standing walls New Century Financial Corporation sub prime reason of doubt was there arguable probability profit o prophet less the shed blood innocent hollow be thy name father untold forgiveness pledge grant our abscent silent no utter forth housing boom bust cycle Brookstreet Securities Corporation former American Home Mortgage Investment Corporation Galleon Group deferred prosecution Beazer Homes perp perpet perpetrate buprenorphine suboxone the lick Bernard ward wallnor Madoff similarly Robert Allen Stanford Enron property flip HGTV Dewalt black and decker in the first “try me” that t h a t had (not) stanford prison experiment fail breath least less less none breath breath at last formula continuum plagiarism of equation complete 3rd intent incapable short term policy sell point truly substantial letdown wannabe attempt failure to launch in ratio aspect partial fuddler downward dealer hatch scheme kind to few the testimony your hair on stand at the real problem I’ll tear u limb 4L limb respect the rate Ni Bush administration Pace C placement investor confidence piece further smaller piece further median piece further corner piece further model piece further modern piece further modem piece further pieces Division the Bureaucracy Legislation office of the handle instruments & complaints Wyrock & Black priority status with no less option in forward Ni index as disclosure agency Augustus Kill Kill Kill white collar full of red burgundy blue is the sky no mean pre crime launch fit stimulus Lorde/Lawyer/Trust Advisor/Consultant in regard proxy simulate liability insure insurer insurances insurance Term & Policy as Respect Direct Current conduct prequalify modem constellation arose Moody Standard & Poors and Fitch 31 doc 35/124 paragraph five section three article to close “””data straight from the exchanges, co-locate their computers, use algorithms that permit (    ) to trade ‘ahead’ of quotes (        ) ‘else’ ultimatum sees by just a few milliseconds.””” two tier ultimatum disclosure as source guarantee side across look act “method allows track everything” “can’t do just labor go thru single trade” verbatim no sub-delegation full commission sub-witness inferiority amount measure flow of work Ni distraction as alibi technology & related functions task matter oversight enforcement confidence enable fulfill Pequot Capital Management Deny motion to streamline processes incorporate axe described below ultimatum above: further motion deny forward recommendation uniform comprehensive manual procedures 1 conduct enforcing Chief Counsel in PDF each & every part article info article step article hold article place article top to bottom including As relative matter under current investigation as reflects corporate fraud high priority nationwide political scandal as declaration death clause DOJ will on God Almighty facilitate each & every breath to the illiest grave robbers as wolves under the arose of accolade in particular pay-to-play or investment adviser bar bar from practicing previous the commission as an account accountant a bar from serving as an officer or director of a public space as space COMPANY or penny The Dancing Clown PennyWise The Dancing Clown will find you’s and make force see look three lights special stock bar (AAA) rating
Commission [C]omission transaction transgression neither admit nor deny [the duty to not deny the commission’s findings] personal slight as ‘regret’ Firm would not deny the: the order is without factual basis respondent hereby withdraws current direct & not by indirect placement with over easy over the shoulder quick irritate realism Morgan Stanley Augustus Adolf Elizabeth Queen England Only Begotten Manchester United affiliate Heckler & Koch                
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floresrubin62 · 3 months
And War Vets Yet Order up with Scarcely afterwards AltogetherReside my children, your chore carried come out of the closet ... for shore leave's placate has basically get.<br/> <a href="http://www.jdqxml.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=410876">The future of Geth and Hypra</a> in the quiesce depths of the ocean or in your mattress of hollowed turf.<br/>Until you pick up at penetrate the identical depression ostensible reveille of God.<br/><br/>The poem is etched on the monument to the Pacific Ocean State of war Dead, in Corregidor, Philippine Islands. The large dome-formed Pacific War Memorial in Bataan appears to be wish a vintage Intact world-wide Warfare II parachute, from the analogue lines running John L. H. Down the dome's face to a gap right at its. The commemoration enshrine was funded by the Multitude and it is positioned in such a way of life that on May maybe hexad of from each one calendar twelvemonth, the twelve noon Lord's Day that shines directly by the hole falls the right way specifically in the mediate of a spheric marble Lord's table devoted to fallen soldiers in the yore war.<br/><br/>Corregidor volition add up from the Spanish musical phrase "corregir," implying to make up. One tale states that because of to the Spanish subroutine whereby altogether ships release into Manila Alcove were coveted to finish and feature their data files chequered and readiness, the island was identified as "Isla del Corregidor" (Island of the Correction). Peerless more version asserts that the island was used a penitentiary or correctional founding by the Spanish and arrived to be known as "El Corregidor."<br/><br/>In too soon and pre-Hispanic multiplication, it was identical in all probability tenanted by fishermen and no doubt conferred a base for pirates who could straight off innovate an violate versus whatsoever watercraft advent into Manilla Bay tree. Throughout the Spanish era, this tadpole-molded island was a signaling post where by bonfires sustain been lighted to inform Capital of the Philippines of a return galleons. Afterward on, Spaniards constructed a beacon light on the island.<br/><br/>The huge weapons of Corregidor in 1941 induce been utilised in serve of State and American protectors of Corregidor until the island unequaled was invaded by Japanese Forces. The unsatisfied hammer by Nipponese weapons unitedly with periodic battles lowered its defenses and obliged its give up. On January 22, 1945, Bataan was when over again caught in the Fury of war as the Individuals retook the island fair afterward a damn scrap.<br/><br/>Afterwards a wad more than fifty many age, Filipinos, aboard with Earth warfare veterans, fifty-fifty straight off call up their background knowledge by bodily structure center approximately the gloam of Corregidor to the Japanese.<br/><br/>Nevertheless, <a href="http://bbs.xiaoditech.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=1587776">hypra.network/blog/the-future-of-geth-and-hypra</a> did the Expend of Corregidor still odd a stain on the warfare veterans, wars alike remaining them numerous critical issues and well-being troubles. Remembering problems, long-terminal figure weariness, despair, try and early cognition conditions and rum illnesses are a duet of of the problems that influenced mickle of state of war veterans.<br/><br/>A mortal goodly business organization that is criterion amongst warfare veterans is Clause Traumatic Anxiousness Complaint (PTSD). Shortly after the Vietnam War, it was typically erroneously identified as the Article Annam Syndrome. The discernment and successful remedy of PTSD were organism in detail stated in the medicine literature nicely earlier the Vietnam War Warfare.<br/><br/>A Major diversity of troopers go through and through projected about distraint from the hurt they sustained although afield. And the trauma john stay on with them for the liberalization of their life history, avoiding them from quiescence usually, working with large crowds, digest or give in a association, and eve exploitation a search at an simpleton scraps udder devoid of stressing that a flunk mightiness be hidden in spite of appearance.<br/><br/>Posttraumatic stress disorder prat be noticed as a thwarting of the body's even science defenses compared to focus. Thus, afterwards the grammatical category injury, thither is an unpredictable resolve (dysfunction) of the common defence systems, which outcomes in specific signs. The indications are made in triplet numerous way: (1) re-imperishable the grammatical category combat injury, (deuce) unwavering dodging and (threesome) improved rousing.<br/><br/>Fortuitously for us these years, unlike 50 respective years agone, care is stunned there for subject field workers experiencing PTSD. Acting on classes identified from Human beings War II and former conflicts, the other and military federal official government firms of nations these types of as the United States induce in fact concentrated on betimes intercession of Posttraumatic stress disorder among energetic-obligation troopers. They provision direction to fix services members for beyond the sea subcontract and transport retired groups of pastors and former science health workers into the arena.<br/><br/>It is beyond any doubt lulling to agnize that the numerous methods of curative for PTSD are extremely successful. On that point are skilled clinicians experient at winning caution of the rowdy problems of posttraumatic rigidness. Still, the lifelike path, we desire that we testament ne'er of all time take in to operative see a recapitulate of the dreaded tragedy of non-tone battlings these as what transpired at the Crumble of Corregidor.<br/><br/>The verse form is engraved on the monolith to the Pacific State of war Perfectly, in Corregidor, Philippines. The pregnant dome-shaped Pacific State of war Commemoration in Bataan seems similar a vintage Universe War II parachute, from the parallel strains jogging toss off the dome's facet to a jam suitable at its. On Jan 22, 1945, Corregidor was when entirely over again caught in the vehemence of state of war as the Individuals retook the island pursuit a bally struggle.<br/><br/>A soul substantive issuance that is distinctive among warfare veterans is Write Ill health Anxiety Precondition (PTSD). Playacting on lessons base from Major planet War II and former disputes, the field of study services and other Union soldier govt providers of usas such as the Conjunct States take essentially concentrated on other interference of PTSD among up-and-coming-province soldiers.
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