reii-ichi · 2 years
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Live oren kang anggrek.
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vegehana-food · 11 months
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✿ ナシゴレン | Nasi Goreng ・Nasi”(ご飯)、“Goreng”(揚げる)を意味するインドネシアの郷土料理。朝ごはんの定番としても知られる料理で、材料や味付けは地域によってさまざまなものがあります。中国の炒飯もしくは中近東のピラフから独自に変化を遂げたといわれていますが、その由来は明らかにされていません。インドネシア以外にも、マレーシアやシンガポールなど周辺国でも親しまれています。
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takigawa · 5 months
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日本🇯🇵の排他的経済水域が世界🌍で6位だと知ってましたか? ①アメリカ 762万km2 ②オーストラリア 701万km2 ③インドネシア 541万km2 ④ニュージーランド 483万km2 ⑤カナダ 470万km2 ⑥日本 447万km2 Did you know that Japan's 🇯🇵 Exclusive Economic Zone is ranked 6th in the world🌍? 1) United States 7.62 million km2 2) Australia 7.01 million km2 3) Indonesia 5.41 million km2 4) New Zealand 4.83 million km2 5) Canada 4.70 million km2 6) Japan 4.47 million km2 https://www.biodic.go.jp/cbd/2006/pdf/0926_2_1.pdf #EEZ #排他的経済水域 
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moment-japan · 5 months
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インドネシアには同国のフラッグ・キャリアであるガルーダ・インドネシア航空がありますが、同社の社名とロゴマークはこの迦楼羅王(ガルーダ)が由来で、航空会社の格付けで実質最高評価(The World's 5-Star Airlines)も受けているガルーダ航空ですが、日々、乗客の安全と楽しい旅を提供できているのも、空の守護神である迦楼羅王のおかげかもしれません。
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Dialogue with Gemini (8)Can Indonesia become a developed country?
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President Joko
My Question:
What is the probability that Indonesia will become a developed country?
Indonesia, which wanted to run a high-speed railway in its own country, had decided to adopt Japan's Shinkansen, but pro-China President Joko Widodo suddenly decided to adopt China's high-speed railway. Construction was extremely difficult, and the "accident-prone" high-speed railway was completed four years behind schedule. China demanded extra labor costs outside the contract. As a result, fares rose and there were few passengers. Japan was asked to cooperate with the high-speed railway extension plan, but Japan naturally declined. What is the probability that Indonesia, which has neither the desire nor the ability to build its high-speed railway, will become a developed country?
Gemini’s Answer:
Assigning a specific probability of Indonesia becoming a developed country is difficult. The situation is complex, with both positive and negative factors at play. Here's a breakdown:
Positive factors:
Economic growth: While recent growth projections are around 5%, some officials believe 6-8% is needed for developed status by 2045. Indonesia has achieved impressive growth in the past and continues to reduce poverty.
Human capital development: The current development plan focuses on improving education and skills. This is crucial for a strong workforce.
Global leadership: Indonesia's successful G20 presidency and ASEAN chairmanship showcase leadership potential.
Negative factors:
Infrastructure challenges: The high-speed railway example highlights potential issues with project management and efficiency.
Dependency on foreign expertise: Relying solely on foreign technology could hinder the long-term development of domestic capabilities.
Geopolitical considerations: Decisions based on political leanings rather than pure economic benefit could hinder progress.
Indonesia has the potential to become a developed country, but it faces challenges. The high-speed railway example doesn't define its entire future.
Here are some resources for further research:
World Bank Indonesia Overview: https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/indonesia
Indonesia's quest for developed country status: https://www.thejakartapost.com/business/2023/11/02/indonesias-quest-for-developed-country-status-faces-economic-hurdles.html
Instead of a single probability, consider these options:
Analysts and officials might offer different forecasts based on their models and assumptions.
You could evaluate the likelihood of Indonesia overcoming specific challenges, like infrastructure efficiency.
I hope this helps provide a more nuanced perspective!
My impression:
None of the AIs seem to be able to give a clear answer to the question about the future of the nation. (Gemini, Huggingface)
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ryotarox · 1 year
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世界の歴史教科書 - 株式会社 明石書店
韓国……民族主義史観に依拠した歴史 中国……生きいきと,リアルな記述 シンガポール……八〇年代の「教科書問題」が引き起こした“変化” ベトナム……歴史教育と人びとの「過去の記憶」 インドネシア……独立を勝ちとったという誇り ドイツ……歴史を現代の問題として考える ポーランド……歴史意識は教科書よりも家庭教育でつくられる イギリス……世界を多角的に読み解く認識を育てる オランダ……鮮明な加害・被害の濃淡 アメリカ合衆国……討論を中心とした歴史の授業 日本……学ぶ側からの視点
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世界の歴史教科書 書籍検索 - 株式会社 明石書店
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「世界史」の世界史(学術俯瞰講義) The World History of “World History” (Global Focus on Knowledge) | UTokyo OCW (OpenCourseWare)
東京大学教養学部 の「「世界史」の世界史」 13回分の講義資料の動画 (2012年度冬学期)
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reportsofawartime · 11 months
「私はアラブ、イスラム国家、抑圧的な世界について神に不平を言います」 ガザ地区のインドネシア病院の院長は、イスラエルによるガザ空爆で搬送される負傷者の数が増加しているため、病院の状況がますます悲惨になる中、涙を流している。
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gupaooooon · 1 year
・Nagasaki Peace
「An atomic bomb exploded over Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, three days after the explosion of the first atomic bomb over Hiroshima. The bomb was assembled at Tinian Island on August 6. On August 8, Field Order No.17 issued from the 20th Air Force Headquarters on Guam called for its use the following day on either Kokura, the primary target, or Nagasaki, the secondary target. That same day, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan. The B-29 bomber "Bockscar" reached the sky over Kokura on the morning of August 9 but abandoned the primary target because of smoke cover and changed course for Nagasaki, the secondary target, and detonated the atomic bomb at 11:02 a.m.」
「The nuclear weapons dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki burned the victims to unrecognizable forms, and brought suffering from illness, poverty and discrimination unto the survivors. Nuclear weapons and humanity cannot coexist.
We want people around the world to know about the consequences of nuclear weapons, and the journey of the Hibakusha - the atomic bomb survivors. As Hibakusha of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we have held exhibitions at the United Nations four times to date, at the timing of the NPT Review Conferences. As the risk of the use of nuclear weapons is today at its highest, we have decided to open this exhibition as an online museum.」
・Hiroshima and Nagasaki: A Multilingual Bibliography
「ABOUT US: The Aim of Our Project In 2014, a year before the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we started our survey and research into the multilingual publication of atomic bomb literature. Our goal is to make a comprehensive survey into the process of worldwide acknowledgment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for 70 years.」
「八月九日の原爆 によって七万余の日本人、数千の朝鮮人、中国人労働者、華僑、留学生、連合軍捕虜(イギ リス、アメリカ、オーストラリア、オランダ、インドネシア等)が犠牲となった。特に浦上刑務所のあった隣接する丘では、三十二名の中国人、十三名の朝鮮人が、日本人 受刑者とともに爆死し、また香焼や幸町の捕虜収容所では、被爆前に病気や事故などによ って数百名の連合軍兵士が死亡した。」
・「長崎の原爆ドーム」なぜ解体されたのか? 浦上天主堂が幻の世界遺産になった理由【長崎原爆の日】(22/08/09)
・«さもしいといって下さいますな» 福田須磨子さんの思い 原爆を背負って(30)(20/08/06)
「 《何も彼(か)も いやになりました 原子��に屹立(きつりつ)する巨大な平和像 それはいい それはいいけど そのお金で何とかならなかったかしら “石の像は食えぬし腹の足しにならぬ” さもしいといって下さいますな 原爆後十年をぎりぎりに生きる 被災者の偽らぬ心境です》1955年8月、被爆詩人・福田須磨子さん=74年に52歳で死去=が詠んだ詩「ひとりごと」です。」
・祈りと異質な巨大芸術 平和祈念像 法王は今回も立ち寄らず(19/10/27)
「祈念像の周りをぐるりと歩くと、像の裏には北村の言葉が刻まれ、こんなくだりもあった。「山の如き聖哲 それは逞(たくま)しい男性の健康美」。祈りとはかけ離れた異質なもの。」
「原爆投下から1ヵ月後、マンハッタン計画の副責任者であるトーマス・ファーレル氏は、下記のような声明を発表したとされる。 「広島・長崎では、死ぬべきものは死んでしまい、9月上旬において、原爆放射能の余燼ために苦しんでいる者は皆無だ」 残留放射能が存在しないとした理由について記者��らの質問を受け、ファーレル氏は「相当の高度で爆発させた」ことを挙げていた。」
・核廃絶専門委、長崎の被爆者落選 禁止条約に否定的な政府支援なく(23/07/23)
・NHK長崎放送局 WEB特集 原爆
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nyantria · 2 years
2022/11/21 12:34
出典:G20 leaders agree to work toward mandatory digital health passports for all human beings: This will kickstart one-world beast system experimented with during Covid – http://LeoHohmann.com
ホワイトハウスのウェブサイトに再掲され公開されている最終コミュニケのワクチンとCovid-19パンデミックを扱った部分には、「私たちは、広範なCovid-19の予防接種が世界的な公共財であると認識し、安全、安価、高品質で効果的なワクチン、治療薬、診断薬(VTDs)へのタイムリーで公平かつ普遍的アクセスを確保すべく努力を進めていきます。」 と書かれています。
コミュニケはさらに、国家間の多国間協力の必要性について述べています。「私たちは、人間の健康を脅かす可能性のある病原体と抗菌薬耐性(AMR)を検出するために、多部門にわたるワンヘルス・アプローチを組み込み、ゲノム監視を含むグローバル監視を強化することに引き続き取り組んでいます」 と述べています。
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jaguarmen99 · 1 year
国際バスケットボール連盟(FIBA)は18日、ロシアとベラルーシの男子代表チームを2024年パリ五輪出場に向けたセカンドチャンスであるプレ・クオリファイイング・トーナメント(FIBA Olympic Pre-Qualifying Tournaments 2023)から除外すると発表した。  12チームで行われる五輪出場へ向けたメインの予選としては、フィリピン、日本、インドネシア共催で8月25日から行われるFIBAバスケットボール・ワールドカップ(FIBA Basketball World Cup 2023)があり、32チームが本戦出場を決めているが、ロシアとベラルーシはこの大会の予選から除外されていた。  プレ・クオリファイイング・トーナメントは、W杯に出場できなかったチームのための五輪予選会で、8月12日から開幕する。  女子でも、両国代表は五輪出場へ向けたメインの予選会を兼ねて6月に行われるFIBA欧州選手権(2023 FIBA Women's EuroBasket)の予選から除外されていた。
ロシアとベラルーシをパリ五輪予選から除外、FIBA 写真1枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News
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yasuhitoyano · 2 years
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Day 6. 12月16日(金) 振り返り日記 その4. 稽古が出来るのはこの日が最終日。翌日はワークインプログレス公演の会場であるGripa studioに13:00入りして照明とか映像とか字幕とかいろいろ準備して、15:30には開演の予定だったので、とにかくこの日のうちにかたちを作ろう、とみんなで集中して作業。 ただし、この日も夜9:00までというのはさすがにしんどいので、夜7:00に切って、夕食はケータリングをお願いせずに各々で済ませるから、とスケジュール交渉。稽古後は、チームshelfは、夕食を食べに&お土産を買いにショッピングモールへ。チームLTCはその後、せっかくミュージシャンがいるのだからとカラオケ大会が始まっていたらしい...(後でInstagramで見てそれを知って、みんなのタフさにほんと驚いたし笑った。) この日まで使っていた稽古場は、稽古場とはいえ舞台と、それに簡単な照明機材などもあって、音響機材も古いスピーカーだけどあったので、それらも使いつつ、途中止めながらも何度か全体を通す。必要な録音データ(音声)はその場ですぐに採録して、1景で流す予定の映像に付けてチェック。 構想段階で聞いていたのは、1景で、リントリクの台詞を、日本語(三橋さん)とインドネシア語(Holifah)とで録音したのを何度か繰り返し流しながら、世界中で起きている死、大量死、ホロコーストや自然災害、戦争などによるその死体を動画と写真で映像を作って映したい、という。映像担当のDioが作って来てくれたのを確認しながら、録音された音声をチェックする。するとBambangが、2景の最後、三橋さん(リントリク)とHolifa(小町)がやり取りするダイアログのシーンにも背景に映像を流したい。パンデミックで人の気配のなくなった都市の景観を映したいというので、(そもそもそのダイアログには背景にパンデミックが色濃く投影されていたこともあったので)それはいいね、と直ぐに制作に入る。 Bambangと僕とで芝居の作り方が違うなあ、としみじみ感じたのはこの辺り。思いついたアイデアをどんどん足して、大まかに全体像を作る。細かいところはあまり気にしない。その代わり、細かいところで問題が生じると、俳優がそれぞれ勝手にシーンを作り替えたり、スタッフも言われたアイデアをとにかく自分なりに作って来て、それで全体がどんどん出来上がっていく。豊かになっていく。音響や照明も、長い付き合いだからなのだろうけど、大雑把な打ち合わせだけして、あとはガシガシ稽古を通しながら作っていく。 3日前からだったか、美術のRicky Oetさん、音楽家で音響家のRamdhanさん、照明家のAjiさんが稽古に参加してくれていて(衣装デザイナーのHilmiaさんは初日から子連れで参加してくれていた。)これがBambangのチームなんだな、という感じで、僕場僕で、興味深くみんなの作業を観察。 Ramdhanさん、持ち込んだノートPCから音を出すだけでなく、その場でライヴでバイオリンを弾きながら即興で音響を作ったりできる人で(インドネシアにはミュージシャンがホントに多い。これには吃驚した。思えばフェスティバルでつい��くれてた劇場の音響チーフもミュージシャンだったし。) 楽しい。作業は大雑把��けど(苦笑)これなら細部を詰めていけばなんとかなりそう、と思えた。足し算は任せて僕は引き算に徹しよう、と。そんな一日。 夕方、衣装合わせも済ませて取り敢えず出来る準備は済ませた。と思ったら字幕データの制作がまだだったので、矢野は当日の朝早起きしてパワポでデータ作成。まあ、間に合った。 Make a diary before I forget, Part 4. This is the last day we can rehearse. The next day, we will enter the Gripa studio, the venue for the work-in-progress performance, at 1:00 pm. Let's all concentrate and work to make it. However, since it would be tiring to work until 9:00 pm on this day as well, we decided to cut it off at 7:00 pm. After rehearsal, the team shelf went to the mall to have dinner and buy souvenirs. On the other hand, the team LTC started a karaoke competition because they had musicians... (Later, when I saw and knew it on Instagram, I was really surprised and laughed at everyone's toughness.) The rehearsal room we were using until this day, even though it was a small rehearsal room, had a stage and simple lighting equipment, and it was old but there were the speakers, so using them, we did run-throughs a few times. The necessary recording data (audio) was immediately recorded on the spot and checked by attaching it to the video that is planned to be shown in the first scene. This is Bambang's idea, but, in the first scene, where Rintrik's lines were played as recorded in Japanese (Mako's voice) and in Indonesian (Holifah's voice) several times while projecting to the screen the deaths happening around the world. Mass deaths, the Holocaust, natural disasters, wars, etc. I checked the recorded audio while confirming the video, which Dio collected and edited. Bambang said he wanted to play a video in the background of the dialogue scene between Mako (RIntrik) and Holifah (Komachi) at the end of the second scene, too. His idea was to show the scenery of the city where there were no signs of people due to the Covid-19 pandemic, so (because the pandemic was strongly projected in the background of their dialogue in the first place), I said it would be good, and immediately we started production. This is where I really felt that Bambang and I have diverse ways of making plays. He adds as many ideas as he comes up with to create a rough overall picture. He doesn't really care about details. Instead, when a problem arises in the details, the actors will change the scene on their own, and the staff will produce their own ideas based on what they are told, and the whole will gradually come to fruition. And it's also getting richer. Three days ago, art director Ricky Oet, musician and sound artist Ramdhan, and lighting designer Aji joined the rehearsals (costume designer Hilmia joined us with her child from the first day. ) I felt like this is the Bambang's team. And I watched everyone's work with interest. Ramdhan is a person who can not only produce sound from the notebook PC he brought in but also improvise sound while playing the violin on the spot (Indonesia really has a lot of musicians. I was surprised. The theatre sound chief of FTJ was also a musician.) It's so much fun. The work was a bit rough, but I thought it would be possible if I worked out the details. Leave the addition to bambang, and then I focus on the subtraction. A day like that. In the evening, we finished the costume fitting and did all the work for now. Although the subtitle data had not yet been created, I got up early in the next morning and created the data with PowerPoint. Well, I made it in time.
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reii-ichi · 11 months
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Let's have some mangos!
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megabbbmar · 2 months
商標登録insideNews: インドネシアとカナダは知的財産分野で二国間協力を強化 | Voice of Indonesia
インドネシアとカナダ IP分野で二国間協力を強化 インドネシアとカナダは、スイスのジュネーブで開催された第65回世界知的所有権機関(WIPO)総会に合わせて開催された二国間会議で、知的財産分野における二国間協力を強化しました。 情報源: インドネシアとカナダは知的財産分野で二国間協力を強化 ASIATODAY.ID, JAKARTA – Indonesia and Canada have agreed to establish bilateral cooperation in the field of intellectual property. This collaboration was formalized in a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the 65th General Assembly of the World…
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legal-dream · 4 months
ハイパー越境観光案内所『INTA-NET』 / 京都三条の路地奥
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私たちは、時代・コミュニティ・文化圏の境界線を超える、「ハイパー越境」な観光を実践する “観光案内所” を、京都の三条京阪につくります。
menmeizビジュアル(by moe_magmag)
世界中の「カワイイ」をディグり、これまでラフォーレ原宿やSHIBUYA TSUTAYA、阪急うめだなどでポップアップショップを開催し、今回の『INTA-NET』が初のリアル店舗展開となります。
毎月のように飛行機に乗り、新たなスポットで現地の人と交流していましたが、それができなくなった2020年。 改めて日本に興味を持ち、京都に焦点を当て、街の人たちやお店と交流を続けてきました。
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co-iki · 5 months
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Our 1st POLYTOPIA exhibition involving artists at risk will be held at Res Artis space in Melbourne in coming month as below!
It's a self-funded project for all the artworks exhibited , international delivery, production costs including artist / curatorial fee.
Co-iki have already hosted Ukrainian artists during the pandemic and the ongoing war and is now planning to host a Burmese artists in Tokyo. The Burmese artist will also need financial support for her residency and creative practice.
We would also like to tour the POLYTOPIA exhibition to Japan in the near future.
Please support us to bring the best out of our exhibition and to continue our residency activities.
Your warm contribution will help to expand our program in Tokyo + International for the artists and cultural workers at risk.
Thank you so much!
Donate via Paypal / Ko-fi ; Goal 💲8000 *The exhibition report will be shared with the donors. Thanks for your kind consideration!
Paypal: https://paypal.me/coikitokyo *You can choose the currency
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/coiki/ *Australian Dollar
Please inquire on ([email protected]) if you have difficulty in sending donation or any further questions.
この度、co・ikiと世界のレジデンシープラットフォーマーのresartisが共催し、メルボルンにて展覧会 「POLYTOPIA - re・birth - (ポリトピア・リバース)」 を開催致します。
本展を開催するにあたり、旅費以外の制作コスト、作品輸送費、アーティストフィー等企画者個人負担となっており、皆様にお力添えいただきたく、下記よりマイクロファンディングをお願いしたく存じます。(不明なことやお問い合わせはこちらまでお気軽にお願いいたします。[email protected]
Donate via Paypal / Ko-fi ; Goal 💲8000 *The exhibition report will be shared with the donors. ドネーションの一次目標は80万円(下記より)。支援者の皆さんには展示レポートをお送りいたします。
寄付はPaypalかKo-fiで行っていただけます。ご希望に応じて他の方法も可能ですのでお問い合わせください。([email protected])
Paypal: https://paypal.me/coikitokyo ※為替選択可
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/coiki/ ※ オーストラリアドル 1D=100円程
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✉️Inquiry : [email protected]
POLYTOPIA -  re・birth -
May 17th - June 15th ,2024
Location: Res Artis— 44 Glasshouse Rd, Collingwood (Wurundjeri Country) 3066, Victoria, Australia
*Access is via Gertrude Glasshouse and is not wheelchair accessible.
Opening: Thursday 16th May, 6-8pm
Exhibition dates: 17th May. -14th June 2024
Gallery Hours: 12-5pm, Thursday and Friday 
*Visits outside of gallery hours can be made by appointment between May 17th - May 24th. Please contact : [email protected] 
Curator : Yoko Negami / co・iki 
Organizer : Res Artis  ,  co・iki 
Cooperator: миразом & co・iki friends 
Grant by : Toshiaki Ogasawara Memorial Foundation
Participating Artists : 
Soe Yu Nwe / Myanmar
Subhash Maskara / India
Muhamad Gerly / Indonesia
Nana Biakova / Ukraine
Olia Fedorova / Ukraine
Ryoichi Wago / Japan 
“POLYTOPIA” started in 2021, the second year of the pandemic to follow Co-iki’s  first remote residency “Creativity from Home” in 2020. 
The participating creators from different parts of the world came together to cocreate our POLYTOPIA delving into the concept of locality in this changing era.
February 24th, 2022.
That was the very day of our final presentation and wrap-up of POLYTOPIA , when the full-scale war started in Ukraine, in our fellow artists’ country. 
5am in Ukraine, 12 at noon in Japan. Urgent messages have been exchanged. 
We decided to postpone our event but just to pray for our friends. Everybody got together online,  remotely praying and caring for each other.   Breathing in synchrony.
2 years of breathing.
Where do we stand now? 
Here, we stand and live again.
From Ukraine, Myanmar, India, Indonesia and Japan, we are coming together to resume, regenerate and reshape our POLYTOPIA in this physical space of Melbourne city. 
We wish this exhibition will be a connecting point of polytopic times, spaces, localities and identities, as well as to invent a way of co-existing in various remote conditions. 
POLYTOPIA is a remote residency program that started with the pandemic in 2020 and was run from 2021 to 2022, with artists from Ukraine, Japan, Myanmar, Taiwan, Indonesia, Nigeria, India, and other countries in various ocial and cultural situations. The program has been developed as a remote residency program in which participating artists and cultural workers collaborate to conduct their own research and creation remotely. 
The program has also provided an online forum for artists from each participating country to engage in dialogue with Japanese artists, curators, residency administrators, and other cultural professionals to share their different situations, ideas, and activities. 
This will be an opportunity to further consider what kind of safety nets and programs we can develop as an international residency network, and to share them with people from various sectors of society and culture in Melbourne and other cities around the world.
■Sharing the Ukrainian voice in Co-iki residency, Tokyo (2022)
■Summary of Remote Residency “Creativity from HOME” by Co-iki (2020)
■AIR under the Pandemic - Remodeling Residencies - (2020)
[参照] 前回のウクライナのアーティスト支援クラファンの様子
Our previous crowd-funding to continue residency for Ukrainian Artists (Japanese)
- co・iki -
Co-living & Co-creative Residency Program based in Tokyo
Website: https://co-iki.org/
Tumblr: https://co-iki.tumblr.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/c0iki/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/co.iki/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/coiki5
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU9TZoawSm4TfE_AJbXgDow
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Comparing the intellectual level of each country (Essay)
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@SI (stupid index) is the area of a country divided by the square of (coastline + border). Measures the approximate degree of intellectual level. The higher the number, the lower the intellectual level. Canada has a large area but is small because it has a long coastline, while the USA is large because it has many straight borders. Canada has a high intellectual level.
@The smaller the SI, the higher the intellectual level, but Indonesia has a lower UGR (university graduate ratio: Percentage of university graduates in the total population.). This also gives us a glimpse of its history as a colony.
@Russia has a surprisingly high intellectual level.
@India and China have large SI and low UGR. A small number of elites are controlling the ignorant majority of the people.
@The correlation coefficient is -0.402, with a slight correlation between the two indicators.
Appendix (SI)
It is assumed that the longer a country's borders are compared to its land area, the more sensitive it is to foreign enemies. I will review the concept a little, and since conflicts over territory and others often occur not only on the coastline but also on the borderline that connects to the land, I will mainly consider the borderline that includes it, as a matter of course. And since the land area is two-dimensional with km ^ 2, to make the dimension (unit) non-unit, divide the land area by the square of the borderline (km) and divide the value by the "stupid index" (SI).
Stupid index = (land area: km ^ 2) ÷ (total border line length: km) ^ 2
Just in Wikipedia, there is a list of total coastline lengths and land areas of each country in the world (list by the length of national coastline).
Again, large countries such as Russia, Canada, China, USA, Australia, Brazil Of course, the "stupid index: SI" is large.
However, it cannot be said that each nation's "political stupidity is known" from this index alone. Still, it seems to have a certain meaning when looking at the stupidity of Americans in the inland United States.  In this year's US presidential election, many people supported Trump in the inland states in the center of the United States. It's obvious at a glance. Many white Americans who strongly supported Trump, who was a dirty politician, voted for Trump, and the states he acquired are also concentrated in the inland states in the center of the United States ... stupid dens.
By the way, the countries with large areas have large SI, Russia, the United States, China, and India have about 50 to 100, and Australia and Mexico have about 100. Canada, which has the second largest area in the world, has a coastline. Because it is long, the SI is relatively small. Brazil is unexpectedly large, with an SI of 159, which is by far the biggest. Conversely, if you look at countries with small SI, they are usually island countries, such as Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. But is it "wise"? Asian countries, including Japan, have rather large SI and are natural.
I think that the reason why a country with a small "stupid index: SI" like Japan is "stupid" is probably not a geographical factor but a geopolitical factor. In other words, I think the biggest factor is that after WW2, the United States continued to rule and the political sensibilities of not only politicians but the general public were paralyzed. This will be the same in other Asian island nations. In addition, the old letter "country" of the kanji "country" means to be confused (with suspicion) about what will happen at the borders on all sides. It is used to mean living sensitively to foreign enemies, and it is the origin of the fact that fools destroy the country.
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