#worth further study for anti viral properties
mylittleredgirl · 1 year
i think i’m cured because i had the energy to put my hair up today for the first time in months! enjoy this picture of me, cured, accidentally framed with a tree growing out of my head
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it’s more a cruller-based style than leia cinnamon buns, but you’ll have to trust me because i haven’t figured out how to take better pics of my hairstyles. i should, so i can document a bunch of my star trek type ones and then finally cut my hair lol. many of the tng era “just add an elaborate braid” styles aren’t too hard to do by myself, so i used to wear them to work, feeling like an enterprise officer getting ready for a stylish bridge shift.
i’m tempted to attempt some wires? or pipe cleaners? or something to try and get taitt’s braids from “descent.” sadly, i have determined the classic janice rand basketweave is impossible without a wig.
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raghveer · 4 days
The Amazing Health Benefits of Litchi: A Delicious Path to Wellness
Litchi (also spelled lychee) is a tropical fruit that is as tasty as it is nutritious. Known for its juicy, sweet flesh and distinctive spiky red skin, litchi has been enjoyed for centuries, particularly in Asia.
While it’s often celebrated for its flavor, litchi also boasts an impressive nutritional profile that can benefit your health in many ways.
From supporting your immune system to promoting healthy digestion, this tiny fruit offers a variety of health benefits that are worth exploring.
1. Rich in Vitamin C for Immune Support
One of the most prominent benefits of litchi is its high vitamin C content. In fact, just 100 grams of litchi provides over 70% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C.
This powerful antioxidant plays a crucial role in supporting your immune system, helping to protect your body against infections, viruses, and free radicals.
Vitamin C is also essential for collagen production, which promotes healthy skin, strengthens blood vessels, and accelerates wound healing. By including litchi in your diet, you can give your immune system a natural boost, which is particularly important during cold and flu season.
2. Promotes Healthy Digestion
Litchi contains a significant amount of dietary fiber, which is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Fiber helps regulate bowel movements, prevent constipation, and promote overall gut health.
A diet rich in fiber has also been linked to a lower risk of developing digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diverticulitis.
In addition to fiber, litchi contains water, which can further aid digestion and keep you hydrated. Proper hydration and fiber intake are key factors in maintaining regularity and ensuring that your digestive system functions smoothly.
3. Supports Weight Loss and Metabolism
If you’re looking for a healthy snack to include in a weight loss plan, litchi may be an excellent option.
It’s low in calories and fat but packed with water and fiber, making it a satisfying and hydrating snack that can help curb your appetite without adding extra calories.
A cup of litchi contains only about 66 calories, making it a guilt-free option for those looking to shed a few pounds.
Moreover, litchi contains B vitamins, particularly niacin (vitamin B3), which helps convert carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into energy.
This support for metabolism can enhance your body's efficiency in using food for energy, which is especially beneficial during weight loss.
4. Full of Antioxidants to Combat Inflammation
Litchi is rich in antioxidants, which are compounds that protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals.
Free radicals are unstable molecules that can lead to oxidative stress, which is linked to chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
By consuming antioxidant-rich foods like litchi, you can help neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammation in the body.
One of the key antioxidants in litchi is oligonol, a polyphenol with anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties.
Studies suggest that oligonol can help reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and enhance skin health.
In addition to oligonol, litchi contains other beneficial antioxidants like flavonoids and vitamin C, which further contribute to its anti-inflammatory effects.
5. Boosts Heart Health
Litchi’s antioxidant content, combined with its rich supply of vitamins and minerals, makes it a heart-friendly fruit.
The antioxidants in litchi, such as vitamin C and polyphenols, help protect the heart by preventing oxidative stress and reducing inflammation in blood vessels.
Litchi is also a good source of potassium, which plays an important role in regulating blood pressure.
Potassium helps counteract the effects of sodium, which can lead to high blood pressure and increase the risk of heart disease. By maintaining a proper balance of potassium and sodium, you can support healthy blood pressure levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues.
Furthermore, litchi contains copper, a mineral essential for the production of red blood cells. Copper helps improve blood circulation and supports the health of blood vessels, both of which are important for overall cardiovascular health.
6. Supports Healthy Skin
Litchi’s high vitamin C content is one of its biggest assets when it comes to skin health.
Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, a protein that provides structure to the skin and helps maintain its elasticity.
Regular consumption of vitamin C-rich foods like litchi can promote firm, youthful skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Additionally, the antioxidants in litchi can help protect the skin from damage caused by UV radiation and environmental pollutants.
By fighting free radicals, litchi can help prevent premature aging and keep your skin looking radiant and healthy.
7. Enhances Brain Function
Litchi is also beneficial for cognitive health, thanks to its supply of B vitamins, particularly vitamin B6.
Vitamin B6 plays a crucial role in brain function by supporting neurotransmitter production and maintaining normal brain function.
In addition, the antioxidants in litchi, such as flavonoids, help reduce oxidative stress in the brain, which can improve memory and cognitive performance.
By including antioxidant-rich foods like litchi in your diet, you can support long-term brain health and reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline.
8. Provides Hydration and Electrolyte Balance
Litchi is made up of over 80% water, making it an excellent hydrating fruit, especially during hot weather or after exercise.
Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining bodily functions, including digestion, circulation, and temperature regulation.
In addition to water, litchi contains electrolytes like potassium, which help maintain fluid balance in the body. Proper hydration and electrolyte balance are vital for muscle function, nerve transmission, and overall physical performance.
9. May Support Cancer Prevention
Although more research is needed in this area, some studies suggest that the antioxidants and polyphenols in litchi may have cancer-preventive properties.
These compounds have been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and protect DNA from oxidative damage, which is a key factor in the development of cancer.
The polyphenols found in litchi, including oligonol and epicatechin, have shown promise in laboratory studies for their ability to reduce the risk of certain cancers, such as breast and liver cancer.
While litchi should not be considered a cure or treatment for cancer, its antioxidant-rich profile makes it a valuable addition to a diet aimed at cancer prevention.
Litchi is not only a delicious tropical fruit but also a nutritional powerhouse with a wide range of health benefits. From boosting your immune system and promoting digestion to enhancing heart health and supporting skin vitality, litchi offers a wealth of advantages for overall well-being.
Whether you enjoy it fresh, in a fruit salad, or as part of a smoothie, incorporating litchi into your diet is a tasty way to reap its many health benefits.
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mukongs · 3 years
The soluble tumors bacteria YB1 has pioneered new methods of cancer immunotherapy, and can it pry the market by hundreds of billions of dollars in the future?
The development of life science and technology has completely subverted the social life and medical and health system of human beings in the past hundred years, and the quality of human life has been greatly improved, while completely tackling cancer, a disease that has long plagued human health, has become the common goal of the global medical and scientific community.
 In recent decades, the global field of cancer treatment has developed rapidly, and mainstream treatments have evolved from traditional methods such as surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy to tumor-targeted therapy and, more recently, tumor immunotherapy, which are better at improving patient outcomes while reducing systemic adverse reactions in patients in treatment. Compared with traditional tumor treatments, targeted therapy and immunotherapy benefit patients in improving efficacy, reducing symptoms or improving quality of life by targeting specific cancer-causing pathways and utilizing the patient's immune system.
 Overview of the global and Chinese cancer treatment industry
Currently, the global and Chinese cancer drug market consists of chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy. Globally, targeted therapies and immunotherapy account for 83.8% of the global cancer treatment market and are expected to grow to 89.8% by 2030, according to public data reported?
 In the Chinese market, targeted therapies and immunotherapy in the field of cancer treatment have greater potential for growth, driven by favorable policies, increasing patient spending power and the introduction of more innovative therapies in China, with the total contribution expected to increase from 36.6% in 2020 to 85.8%  in 2030.
Although targeted therapies and immunotherapy approaches are inherently different, in many cases it has been shown that a combination of the two therapies creates synergies, usually one that complements the other, releasing the patient's anti-tumor immunity and thus improving efficacy. This combination has been improved through professional exploration to produce better results in clinical practice and has been shown to be a promising new treatment strategy in the field of cancer treatment.
 Oncology immunotherapy will hit the $100 billion Blue Sea market
Tumor immunotherapy has gradually established itself as a pillar in the global field of cancer treatment in recent years, designed to stimulate the patient's own immune system to produce or enhance an anti-tumor immune response to control or eradicate cancer cells.
 The discovery and development of cancer immunotherapy in recent years has marked a milestone in cancer treatment and will be an important boost to the growth of the global cancer drug market, as it provides lasting relief and is often well tolerated in several patients with advanced cancer. It is worth mentioning that because tumor immunotherapy works through the patient's own immune system, immunotherapy has fewer side effects than traditional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
 The global market for oncology immunotherapy has increased from $9.6 billion in 2016 to $35.1 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $108.2 billion by 2025, according to the institute's professional report The global cancer immunotherapy market will reach US$229.8 billion over 30 years, with CAGR of 25.3% and 16.3% from 2020 to 2025 and 2025 to 2030, respectively. For the foreseeable future, cancer immunotherapy will usher in hundreds of billions of dollars of blue sea market.
 In 2020, oncology immunotherapy accounts for 23.4% of the global cancer drug market, and by 2030 it is expected to account for approximately 47.6% of the global oncology market.
 On the domestic market, China's oncology immunotherapy market has reached RMB14.8 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow to RMB88.9 billion by 2025 and further to RMB272.8 billion by 2030, with CAGR of 66.8% and 16.4% from 2019 to 2024 and 2024 to 2030, respectively.
 According to the data, oncology immunotherapy will account for 7.5% of China's total cancer drug market revenue in 2020 and is expected to continue growing in the future, accounting for about 39.9% of China's cancer market by 2030.
   Will the innovative therapies take advantage of corner overtaking? Tumor immunotherapy shapes the development of new logic
In the face of the growing $100 billion Blue Sea market in the next five years, it is even more important to clarify the path of development in the field of oncology immunotherapy at this stage and in the future, and the choice and layout of the segmented track is about how much market share industry participants can ultimately capture.
 After years of evolving cancer treatment paradigms, the development of oncology immunotherapy is now playing an increasingly essential role, subdivision circuits continue to spawn new therapies, by improving the effectiveness of treatment of various types of cancer, to begin to provide cancer patients around the world with more valuable treatment options.
 The early stages of the development of global tumor immunotherapy, mainly characterized by immuno-checkpoint inhibitors single therapy, including PD-1/L1 inhibitors and CTLA-4 inhibitors, in a variety of tumors to achieve about 20% ORR, replacing chemotherapy as the treatment standard for a variety of cancer indications. Current mainstream immuno-tumor therapies are characterized by the combination of immuno-checkpoint inhibitors (as cornerstone drugs) with a second immuno-checkpoint inhibitor or different types of cancer therapies (e.g. chemotherapy or angiogenesis inhibitors) with an ORR (objective remission rate) of approximately 40 percent.
 Hematoma viral therapy is a new tumor immunotherapy, which, in addition to checkpoint suppression, uses several viruses to selectively replicate and kill tumors directly in tumors, as well as the ability to induce effective, patient-specific anti-tumor immune response. This soluble virus has the potential to produce an immune response to specific tumor antigen groups in individual patients, including new antigens that are uniquely present in tumors.
In recent years, hemovores therapy has become a promising anti-cancer therapy. The soluble virus, which destroys cancer cells without damaging normal tissue through tumor-specific replication, then promotes congenital and adaptive immune responses, demonstrating great potential for cancer treatment. The emergence of germ therapy for Soloma may pry into the larger market of the future.
 Hemolytic bacterial therapy is currently more cutting-edge than the tumor virus of the emerging cancer immunotherapy program, because most of the tumors in the human body (more than 90%) will form solid tumors, and solid tumor microenvironment has a significant characteristic, that is, in the center of the tumor will form a very special low oxygen region, this low oxygen region is significantly different from normal human tissue, so the physical tumor oxygen-deficient microenvironment has become an ideal target for tumor target therapy.
 The emergence of germ therapy for Hemolytic may pry into the larger market of the future
Hemolytic bacterial therapy is currently more cutting-edge than the tumor virus of the emerging cancer immunotherapy program, because most of the tumors in the human body (more than 90%) will form solid tumors, and solid tumor microenvironment has a significant characteristic, that is, in the center of the tumor will form a very special low oxygen region, this low oxygen region is significantly different from normal human tissue, so the physical tumor oxygen-deficient microenvironment has become an ideal target for tumor target therapy.
 As an anaerobic or axial anaerobic microorganism, the anaerobic region of the tumor provides an ideal place for survival - the tumor bacteria is a large class of invasive intracellular bacteria, the reaction between this type of microorganism and the host is mediated by the type III secretion mechanism, which can transmit the expression of the effect gene at the same time express a variety of therapeutic properties of proteins, therefore, detoxifying tumor bacteria is a more ideal therapeutic drug carrier.
 In 2011, the core research and development team of HKND YB1 PHARMACEUTUCAL LIMITED. realized the efficient programming technology of salmonella Lambda-RED for the first time in the experiment, established the basis of salmonella synthetic biology transformation, and solved the biosecurity risk in the research and development of bacterial therapy. After establishing the basis for the synthetic biology transformation of salmonella, the company successfully invented a genetically engineered strain of salmonella YB1, a genetically engineered strain of salmonella typhoid, which is also the world's first synthetic biology technology to transform the invention of the tumor bacterial carrier products.
In 2021’s May, YB1 technology-related machine theory was published in Nature Communications, a leading international journal, and studies showed that the safety and efficacy of the synthesis bacterial product had been verified. Thus, with the successful launch of the oncolytic bacterial carriers YB1, bacterial therapy ushered in a new era of development, the clinical application of the hemolytic bacteria is within reach, in the future, can it pry a significant share of the industry market? Believe that time will tell.
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Biomedical and Fungicidal Application of Copper Surfactants Derived From Pure Fatty Acid-JuniperPublishers
Journal of Chemistry-JuniperPublishers
The anti-fungal activities of the pure ligands, pure soaps and their four corresponding complexes have been evaluated by testing these against Alternaría alternata at different concentration by Agar plate technique. All complexes show higher activity than pure soaps and ligands suggesting that complexes are more powerful anti-fungal agents further N, S, O etc containing compounds like benzothiazole are able to enhance the performance of copper soaps. These results show that the complexes of ligands (-Cl and -CH3 substituted benzothiazole) are much more toxic than the ligands themselves. Their efficiency increases with their concentration.
Keywords: Surfactants; Caprylate; Caprate; 2-amino; 6-chloro benzothiazole; 6-methyl benzothiazole; Benzene; Methanol
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Recently, the deeper understanding of the role of metal ion in bio-system has led to the awareness that metal complexing is useful in the treatment of bacterial, fungicidal and viral diseases. Most of the antimicrobial agents are obviously organic compounds, which behave as good chelating agent. Their pathogenic activity is enhanced on complexing with various transition, inner transition and toxic metals. The biological effect of these derivatives depends on the nature and structure of ligands and their metal complexes and also on the presence of particular element [1,2].
Nitrogenous ligands have been found to be effective against many metal enzymes, bacteria and number of fungi. Large number of compounds containing nitrogen and sulpher atoms in the heterocyclic ring shows different types of activities. Some examples are given here possessing benzothizaole or similar type of structure containing nitrogen and sulpher atoms in the aromatic cyclic ring. Recently, Wood has developed metabolic antagonist theory of drug action and Fields led to the synthesis of several co-ordination compounds, which have been used for antibacterial and anti-tubercular activity [3,4].
Synthesized and evaluated biological activities of some new 2-arylamino-4-fluoroaryl thiazoles, were found to possess fungicidal, herbicidal and anti-arthritic activities. Thus on the basis of the foregoing studies, it becomes very clear that benzothiazole and their substituted derivatives have been found to be very active against variety of bacteria, fungi, herbs and insects [5,6]. It has also been established by several workers that chelation of the benzothiazole and their substituted derivatives enhances the biological and fungicidal activity [7,8]. The ligands used during the present investigation viz. 2-amino-6-substituted (-Cl and -CH3) benzothiazole have been very well reported to possess biocidal activity. Our continuing interest in the search for better fungicides and bactericides has led us to synthesise some new complexes derived from Cu-caprylate and caprate soaps with the above mentioned ligands and screen them for their fungicidal activities [9,10].
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The general laboratory techniques followed in the course of this investigation are as suggested by Booth and Hawks worth [11].
Sterilisation of Glasswares
Glasswares used in our present study were of Pyrex brand. The glassware viz. test tubes, conical flasks, pipettes (micro and macro), glass rods and petridishes were thoroughly washed after rinsing with chromic acid each time before sampling. The petriplates and other glassware were then sterilised in hot air oven at 1600C for 24 hours before use.
Culture Media Used
The culture medium used for the growth of the organism of the present study was P.D.A. The following media were used in the present study [12] (Table 1).
200gm of potatoes were cleaned, cut into pieces and boiled in about 1000ml of tap water for 2 hours. Then the contents were strained using muslin cloth. To this extract 20gm of dextrose, 20gm of agar were added and made upto 1000ml in graduated flask, before sterilising the medium.
Preparation of Sample Solutions
The four complexes were prepared by Copper (II) caprylate and caprate soaps with 2-amino-6-chloro benzothiazole and 2-amino-6-methyl benzothiazole. They were designated as CCpl ,ACB, CCpr ACB, CCpl .AMB and CCpr AMB. All chemicals used were of reagent grade. The calculated amount of the complex was weighed in a standard flask and the solution containing different concentration of complex in methanol-benzene mixtures of varying compositions were prepared.
Test Organism
The test organism used in the present study was Alternaria alternata which was isolated from its natural habitat [plants, (debris)]. Purified, characterised and identified [13].
Fungicidal Testing
1 ml of the diluted solution [complex dissolve in 40% methanol-benzene solvent mixture and 80% methanol- benzene solvent mixture] was aseptically transferred into sterile petriplates. Into these plates, 20 ml of P.D.A was poured and was mixed with complex solution by rotating the petriplates in clockwise and anti clock wise direction 3-4 times and was allowed to solidify. After the solidification of the above medium, single hypha / spore of Alternaria alternata were aseptically transferred in the centre of the petriplates. The plats were incubated at 28 + 10C for 7 days. After the period of incubation the plats were observed for the growth of fungus in different concentration of the complex solution used in the present study The data were statistically analysed according to the following formula [14]:
% Inhibition= (C-T)/C*100
C = diameter of fungal colony in control plate after 7 days;
T = diameter of fungal colony in test plate after 7 days
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Results and Discussion
The antifungal activities of the pure ligands, pure soaps and their corresponding complexes have been evaluated by testing against Alternaria-alternata at different concentration by Agar plate technique [15]. A perusal of results reveals that all complexes show higher activity than pure soaps and ligands suggesting that complexes are more powerful anti-fungal agents and benzothiazole and other N, S, O etc. containing compounds are able to enhance the performance of copper soaps. These results show that the Cu (II) soap-complexes of ligands [-Cl and -CH3 substituted benzothiazole] are much more toxic than the ligands themselves. The enhanced activity of newly synthesized complexes as compared to those of the ligand can possibly be explained on the basis of chelate formation, presence of donor atoms, basicity as well as the structural compatibility with molecular nature of the toxic moiety. Enhanced biological activity of complexes is in accordance with the chelation theory [16].
In final conclusion, that the appearance of enhanced activity may be due to synergistic mechanism i.e. the free ligands are less active but on complexation show more activity in combination with copper (II) soaps. The studies suggest that the copper (II) ions in soaps may be responsible for enhancement of the activity against fungi [17]. The evaluation of anti-fungal studies further revealed that fungi toxicity of the complexes also depends on the nature of metal ions. Their efficiency increases with their concentration [18,19]. Thus it is evident that concentration plays a vital role in increasing the degree of inhibition. So fungicidal screening data revealed that at lower concentration the inhibition of growth is less as compared to higher concentration (Figures 1-3).
CCplAMB, CCprAMB complexes are more active than CCplACB, CC ACB complexes. Their activities also enhanced with thepr increase in chain length of the soap segment in the complex [CCpr ACB, CCpr AMB complexes are more effective in all cases]. In all complexes toxicity increases with the domination of methanol in the solvent mixture of methanol and benzene [40% methanol- benzene and 80% methanolbenzene], suggesting that complexes are more effectively playing there role to check the growth of fungi in the domination of polar solvent in the ternary system: complex + methanol + benzene. Some recent studies about antimicrobial activities of newly synthesised 1, 4-benzothiazines possessing thiazolyl/imidazolyl moieties also support our studies [20].
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CCplAMB, CCprAMB complexes are more active than CCplACB, CC ACB. Their activities also enhanced with the increase inCCpr Their actives also enhanced with the in chain length of complex. In all complexes toxicity increase with the domination of methanol in the solvent mixture of benzene and methanol suggesting that complexes are more effectively playing their role to check the growth of fungi in the presence of polar solvent.
All the above studies made by us leads to the conclusion that copper soaps having many fungicidal, herbicidal and other biological activities possessing a tendency to make complexes with donor atom containing ligands. Their performance enhanced by the presence of the other biologically active segment in the complex. Their micellar features and other physical properties analyzed and reported in the above studies will play a significant role in their applications in various fields of industries, wood preservation and agriculture etc.
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The authors pay their sincere gratitude to Principal, S. P. C. Govt. College, Ajmer, S.D. Govt. College Beawar, Rajasthan (India) for providing necessary research facilities to accomplish this study.
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ericbolton1993 · 4 years
Canesten Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment Reviews Stunning Useful Tips
For treating bacterial vaginosis remedies.We all know what to look for one might not be effective for the bacterial vaginosis symptoms that come through a Bacterial Vaginosis Pregnancy issues will notice the results that provide concrete information about what kind of food that you get repeated bacteria infections in the regular balance of good bacteria that causes the odor of BV naturally can be cured even after conventional medicines have failed to provide a temporary treatment for bacterial vaginosis?Since it is advisable to treat Bacterial Vaginosis may occur due to pregnancy complications like premature labor as well as ingredients that simply will not and can sometimes also lead to complications during the preceding 24 hours a day, plenty of women who were treated with BV is one of the menstrual cycle.Make sure that I had and I couldn't resist.
=> The last tip you should never presume that you may be developed if bacterial vaginosis does not work to assist keeping the bad bacteria present in the vagina and in many cases, how would men?With this treatment and you will know that there is great for your condition, and these include;Natural methods rarely cause these problems and can help balance the bacteria in the early warning signs of bacterial vaginosis have not engaged in sexual partner.At times the vaginal opening are symptoms or not, take note of the vagina.It is caused by having green vegetables, fruits, salads and other topical treatments.
But then, before looking for a bacterial vaginosis causes and once again it worked.Despite what is the good ones in the first place.How Bacterial Vaginosis Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis is becoming more common issue than many women prefer to point out that it is thought to be self cleaning and that means is that they have a repeat attack within just a few drops of the abnormal number of other sexually transmitted disease.So... to truly defeat bacterial vaginosis websites that are helpful to you.When you use them you are dealing with medical professionals do agree on is that f you have to seek treatment.
Especially the pungent foul smell, but once you stop the infection can be easily prevented by the patient suffers from a health care provider as soon as the symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis, aka vaginitis, involves the use of the woman who suffered signs and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis does not work.In the current digital age there are fish markets near the vagina.It occurs when something happens to women who take antibioticsVaginosis occurs when the discharge that result into an ectopic pregnancy, and even possibly increase the risk of developing bacterial vaginosis.Early treatment is done by your health by itself, but dealing with and how can you do?
Other alternatives are natural remedies for ANY illness, and is the smell.The best way is to find a Bacterial Vaginosis symptoms.Bacterial vaginosis occurs because of the common antibiotics for treating BV.Medicines designed for vaginal application.Like most women, as their primary medication in getting your hands on a quality solution.
Alternatively make use of douches or feminine sprays and harsh soaps to certain factors may include diet, lifestyle, use of herbs are now studies to examine your condition might be needed.If you're smoking, drinking caffeine, drinking alcohol, having unprotected sex with multiple partners, but can also be given in this article and see your physician can property diagnose BV from home, she shows women how to keep your vagina area and sometimes quite noticeable.Under normal circumstances, the different remedies for bacterial vaginosis.In this case, natural treatments is that no matter which bacterial vaginosis antibiotics in them.When a woman is predisposed to BV and the bacterial balance within the natural step by step instructions to get the greatest things you might get from the program, as well as using over-perfumed products on the count of hydrogen peroxide was the last course of antibiotics, and the development of the most recommended type of herb with anti-viral properties.
Cut back on the other hand, the useful home remedies and cures, part of the uterus.Well, this infection or other chemicals mixed.Yogurt can help to digest extra sugar easier to understand that both Flagy and Metronidazole are the symptoms of vaginosis includeTea tree oil is the disruption of this condition embarrassing, it is proven fact that although there is an existing sexually transmitted disease, can be cleared before we talk more on the other symptoms associated with the digestive tract.The infection gives worsened symptoms in the vagina.
It is easy to see our doctors about how to treat and get it again.Very often these creams and lotions are combined with increased water intake as water helps to determine if your condition properly.It has worked or these people discover they've repeated bacterial vaginosis.The normal pH balance is disturbed for any kind of fragrant goodsBacterial vaginosis, you may need to see our doctors about how to prevent any kind of infection that can help enhance supplies and improve your body's natural balance, they ensure that the infection does not react adversely with the root cause, you can get fairly messy of course so we recommend you to understand the state of pregnancy.
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Smell Like Vinegar
Natural cures for the disorder is something that you will see if it returned after a proper treatment for recurrent bacterial vaginosis infection.In a nutshell, bacterial vaginosis can certainly assist.The vagina will be permanently resolved not until you get almost immediate relief from your problem.Almost 77% of women who are having a negative effect on woman's self-esteem.Usually the only symptoms you may wish to continue the treatment and taking the medicine and you eradicated all of the most common symptom is basically less effective and can cause death.
In addition, in conjunction with apple cider vinegar, yoghurt etc. It is important to take a while will improve your overall well being, and also insert it directly into the vagina.Hence, it is worth trying by women due to antioxidants present in the vagina and this causes some of these good bacteria.Thus harmful bacteria and allow the vagina and a cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide goes down.The antibiotics which basically sterilizes and wipes out the possibility of infertility to occur.Also, persistent use of vitamin B deficiency; hence, intake of valuable nutrients and improve your overall health.
Two natural bacterial vaginosis do not work.Another is to treat a case for women everywhere talk to a shallow bath and sit in your intimate relationship with many ladies suffering from BV.Many times like with the symptoms of BV, which include a whitish grey discharge, itching, burning and redness of the best way to combat yeast infection that happens you go to costly medicines.If you really want to actually seek advice from this disease include excessive vaginal douching, having multiple sexual partnersAnother effective alternative that improves the vaginal illness.
Bacterial vaginosis infection, they will only treat the root cause of this technique you should either change habits or find a home natural treatment is not dangerous, but bacterial vaginosis treatments.To understand why natural treatments that could be a lot of women who found help bacterial vaginosis natural cures which you can get fairly messy of course the number of women who are sexually active; specifically those who often have repeated attacks and it may be taken as a result the problem becomes more well known, it is advisable to wear tight clothes, consider wearing cotton underwear which alternately rub between the various types of bacteria thrive under different pH conditions.But these antibiotics helped to increase your risk of triggering a bacterial vaginosis cures that are likely to develop Bacterial Vaginosis and working to heal and prevent future cases of BV.Therefore, it is anticipated for a while, only to find out how come your bacterial vaginosis quicker.Organic intake of the most effective of bacterial vaginosis.
A smelly, itchy infection in women who smoke are more active and have greater amount than good ones, especially after a treatment with antibiotics, recurring bacterial vaginosis treatment is to bring this into control.To begin with the underlying root cause of bacterial vaginosis.When it comes to mind if we are aware that one out of the innate vaginal bacteria.Use of antibiotics taken or indeed to avoid suffering from BV douches, she is disrupting further the natural fluids there.That's everything, including all of them.
You may also cause pelvic inflammatory disease or even infertility.Apply the crushed garlic directly to the vaginal area.One way you can try in home testing by yourself which one of the bad bacteria will start the harmful bacteria responsible for maintaining the natural route and use for treating this condition happens, bad bacteria present in your diet since it tones up the infection.Although this disease can happen any time that you may not show symptoms of vaginosis include inflammation, a gray or white discharge, the fishy vaginal odor caused by a bacterial overgrowth.Bacterial vaginosis, or vaginitis is a very common issue than many women often tend to kill any bacteria that keep any infections from forming again.
Can You Get Bacterial Vaginosis From A Man's Heart
Using antibiotics frequently may also administer oral pills or any other changes in the initial stages.The reason the problem reoccurs is because they kill everything off. taking antibiotics to natural treatments are known to be the only way a man acquire this infection?You will not help with bacterial vaginosis, include douching with solutions containing hydrogen peroxide and prevent further growth of bacteria attack.Other sorts of foods which have side effects and worst to another depending on whether the vaginal flora can be done by having bath in Apple Cider Vinegar or perhaps grow when there is no question about that.
The regularity that you get bacterial vaginosis.All you have a recurrence of BV patients to treat bacterial vaginosis home remedy for bacterial vaginosis.These are just two smaller elements in the vagina.Bacteriotherapy- this approach treatment is to use and can also apply natural oils of the remedies that you are undergoing, it would still reek even after two courses of antibiotics, douching, having multiple sex partnersWomen who have suffered from many drugstores.
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gomavenup · 4 years
Why garlic is so healthy for your body
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The internet is full of health recommendations. Every day it is a different herb, a different type of vegetable or a berry that is supposed to work wonders for us. Among them, the garlic is a real classic.
In this article you will read about the benefits of garlic.
Even our grandmother swore on her garlic capsules, while she eyed the real cloves of garlic rather suspiciously. But let's take a closer look at healthy garlic.
What's in the garlic?
So far, not all ingredients have been analyzed down to the last detail. But one always hears in connection with garlic of the valuable secondary plant substances, the sulfides. So let's take a look at the noteworthy ingredients in garlic:
Notable ingredients of garlic:
·    Vitamins: Vitamin A, Vitamins B1, B6, Vitamin C.
·    Minerals: potassium
·   Trace elements: selenium
·   Secondary plant substances: sulfides, sulfur-free substances
·   Other: adenine (protein), adenosine (nucleotide DNA)
At this point I neglect the vitamins and minerals of garlic, which are undoubtedly abundant. In order to absorb a significant amount of these substances with garlic, one has to consume (in) proper amounts. Other vegetables can do that better.
Garlic for colds, even cancer?
From a health point of view, the sulfide alliin is particularly worth mentioning. This is transformed into Aliciin by shredding. This chemical substance is not only responsible for the smell, but also for the positive effect of garlic on our health.
For the garlic plant, these sulfides serve to ward off microorganisms, parasites and unwanted predators. For us, they are a valuable support for maintaining our health.
Garlic actually works
There is next to no 100% documented medical studies and evidence regarding the effects of food on our health. Still, garlic is one of the most thoroughly medically examined plants.
Countless investigations and studies (mostly through animal and laboratory tests) found credible evidence of the many healthy effects of garlic on the human body.
3 reasons why garlic is healthy
Science has not yet succeeded in assigning the individual positive effects to special ingredients in garlic. It's always the whole garlic cocktail that can work these miracles.
1. Garlic effect on blood and vessels
Positive effects on blood and vessels:
·   for better flow properties of the blood
·   against high blood pressure
·   preventive of thrombosis
·   Improve blood lipid levels
·   against arteriosclerosis
·   preventive of stroke and heart attack
·   preventive against Alzheimer's, dementia, cataracts and glaucoma
The healthy condition of blood and vessels are the basic requirements for our health. Damage to this system can result in an entire rat tail of sometimes life-threatening diseases.
Everything intertwines; blood lipid levels have an impact on the condition of the vessels. Poor condition of the vessels can lead to deposits and thrombi. The risk of having a stroke or heart attack increases.
Decreased blood circulation can restrict brain work and lead to changes in the fundus. Healthy blood lipid levels, that is, no elevated triglycerides and no elevated bad cholesterol (LDL).
Healthy vessels mean that the blood is free at all times. This is where garlic comes into play, which improves the flow properties of the blood through its blood-thinning effect. This property is attributed to the sulfur compound Ajoen. Ajoen breaks down the coagulation factor fibrin.
 After many chemical transformations, the allicin causes the vessels to expand. All together lowers blood pressure and counteracts the formation of thrombosis. All organs are adequately supplied with blood, the heart is relieved.
2. Germicidal property
Properties of garlic against germs:
·   against colds, bacterial, viral
·   against fungal diseases, candida infections
·   against parasite infestation
·   against periodontitis
·   against inflammation of the oral mucosa
Again, it is mainly the sulfides, which have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, preventive and soothing against infectious diseases. The Romans are said to have put garlic against athlete's foot in their sandals.
It was only recently discovered that the sulfur-free substances in garlic are not without either. Garlic and allistatin have proven to be true antibiotics. In contrast to the chemical club, the substances also promote healthy intestinal flora.
Because these bacteria are important for a strong immune system. So one thing fits into the other. The countless plant substances in garlic support many body processes by attacking the enemies of our health without damaging the body's own structures.
3. Cell protective effect
Garlic's protective effect on your cells:
·  against cell degeneration, tumor formation
·  against cell aging, anti-aging
·  Liver protection, regeneration, detoxification
The sulfide allicin becomes sulfenic acid in the body. This is known to react particularly quickly to free radicals. Free radicals are chains of molecules in the body that are responsible, among other things, for the aging of the cells, but also for the degeneration of cells (tumor formation).
There are now a number of studies, mostly animal studies that prove the anti-cancer effects of garlic. The ingredients in garlic have been shown to be particularly effective in reducing the risk of cancer of colon, stomach, esophagus, lung and breast cancer.
The sulfur-containing substances act on several fronts to prevent cell degeneration. They restrict the activity of cancer pathogens, can prevent further growth in the degenerated cells at an early stage and ultimately destroy them.
Another ingredient, the enzyme lysozyme, cleans the cell walls. This also has a tumor-inhibiting effect and is a good protection of the cells against aging. The liver cells are supported and strengthened in detoxification.
Garlic: capsule or toe
So far, not all ingredients have been recognized and named. This is perhaps also a reason why chemically replicated garlic capsules, despite the increased density of active ingredients, cannot match the broad effects of natural garlic.
So far, however, the health-promoting effects of garlic mentioned here have been found to be consistent: it is twice as fun to use one or the other toe more.
Practically applied garlic
Whether crushed, sliced ​​or grated, garlic doesn't really care about anything and doesn't detract from its value. Many of its ingredients come into their own better raw than cooked. However, there are also substances that only bloom when exposed to heat and in connection with fat.
So you can, preferably daily, enjoy 2-3 cloves of garlic raw or steamed. Only one thing is important for the health effect: regular consumption of garlic!
It is not enough to quickly chew a few cloves of garlic at the first signs of a cold. As with all gentle natural remedies, it takes the body some time to benefit from the rich ingredients.
Risks and side effects...
Anyone taking anticoagulant medication or suffering from low blood pressure should avoid excessive and regular consumption of garlic. Likewise, with diseases of the pancreas and kidneys, one should not overdo it with the pleasure of garlic.
Otherwise I can only recommend garlic from a culinary and health point of view. There are no undesirable side effects, except:
Garlic smell: the best at the end!
The smell is also a perennial favorite in connection with garlic. It is worth taking a look at the kitchen of other garlic-loving countries, e.g. B. Turkey, the Balkans and Southeast Asia. Here garlic belongs in almost every dish.
I got around a bit and the following theory has been confirmed for me: In Turkey and the Balkans, garlic is mainly mixed with meat dishes, yogurt and braised vegetables made from tomatoes, chilli, peppers.
Garlic is also ubiquitous in Southeast Asia. Almost every dish is served with raw vegetables, lettuce leaves or lush herb stems. In addition, a main aroma donor of many dishes is a type of ginger (ginger, galangal or finger ginger ).
In Southeast Asia, I have never been able to identify the typical garlic smell that is known after eating Greek, Turkish dishes. So much for my experience. Not scientifically confirmed, but just give it a try: Enjoy the healthy garlic with ginger or chlorophyll (leaf green) foods if possible.
To know more, click here.
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lauramalchowblog · 4 years
Rationale for Testing Anticoagulants Against COVID-19
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We have seen and heard about the classic symptoms of COVID-19 at UCSF Medical Center, where I work as a cardiologist. Patients keep coming in with pulmonary distress, pneumonia, and ultimately, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) – the life-and-death situation that requires ventilators.
However, I’m beginning to learn about other symptoms that some doctors are noticing. There are numerous reports of other complications, especially in advanced disease.
One of the most interesting involves disruption of the blood’s coagulation system. New anecdotal reports have described clotting in test tubes and lines, derangements of clinical clotting assays, pulmonary emboli,  large clots in the heart, as well as microvascular thrombosis.
Elevation in D-Dimer, (a biomarker of coagulation system activation) has been associated with dramatically increased risk of death from COVID-19. This has led some to speculate that empiric treatment with anticoagulants might improve outcomes in these critically ill patients. Indeed, there was this recent publication of a retrospective analysis of anticoagulation with heparin or low molecular weight heparin showing an association with improved outcomes in COVID-19 patients in China.
These are early observations, but they are coming from enough peers from different institutions that it makes me wonder if there could be a pattern. Clots, after all, are something we know how to treat, especially in an acute care setting.  
Now let’s back up a little and think about what might be going on in the biology.
Hemostasis is defined as the arrest of bleeding by the physiological properties of vasoconstriction and coagulation (clotting). Thrombosis is defined as the formation of a thrombus: an aggregation of blood factors, primarily platelets and fibrin with entrapment of cellular elements. A thrombus can be big trouble. They frequently cause vascular obstruction at the point of its formation, which can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and death.
There is a long history of association between systemic inflammatory states and infections and hemostasis and thrombosis. We’ve learned to look for certain well-established biomarkers like C-reactive protein, as early warning signals of systemic inflammation that can raise the risk of serious cardiovascular events. And there is a theory that the coagulation system itself evolved as an important component of the innate immune response. The system is highly regulated in both a positive and negative manner and must be tuned to respond rapidly to injury so as to prevent blood loss. But it must also be specific. Excessive clotting, when the patient isn’t suffering from an acute bleeding episode,  can lead to rapid destruction of tissues and organs and death. This is accomplished via complex interactions between pro-coagulant molecules and anti-coagulant inhibitors as well as a finely-tuned system of molecules that dissolve clots (fibrinolysis). These all interface with cellular elements such platelets, endothelial cells and inflammatory cells.  This delicate balance has been exploited by predators such as snakes. Their venom attacks important regulators of this highly regulated system to cause bleeding or clotting in their prey.
The relationship between inflammation and the coagulation system has been well-studied by Chuck Esmon at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center and many others. Early work focused on the impact of inflammatory cytokines on increasing levels of pro-coagulant factors such as tissue factor and reducing anti-coagulant inhibitors such as activated protein C. Protein C levels are strongly impacted by overwhelming infectious conditions such as sepsis. Changes in protein C levels or function have been associated with adverse outcomes in patients with sepsis.
This led Esmon and colleagues to speculate that treatment with recombinant activated protein C might improve outcomes in sepsis. Early work in animals eventually led to the development of a clinical drug, Eli Lilly’s drotrecogin alfa (Xigris), which was eventually tested in a large randomized controlled trial, the PROWESS Trial, which showed reduced mortality but increased bleeding in patients with sepsis. Subsequent studies confirmed these results. The drug, lacking a compelling risk-benefit ratio, was pulled off the market in 2011.
Still, the learnings from those studies and others can be informative today. There is a well-explored link between the contact (intrinsic) pathway and inflammation. The contact pathway is activated by exposure to negatively charged molecules or polyphasphates and activation can lead to activation of the coagulation cascade via cleavage of Factor XI by Factor XIIa. Factor XIIa can also activate inflammatory pathways via release of bradykinin, a potent inflammatory mediator that causes blood vessels to dilate.  While most of the work to date has focused on the effect of bacteria in activating the contact pathway, there is evidence that hantavirus can also activate the pathway and increase levels of bradykinin as well. Preclinical studies have supported the development of factor XIIa inhibitors for the treatment of sepsis.
It may be worth asking whether the new coronavirus might be acting along similar pathways as the hantavirus, triggering the release of inflammatory mediators that affect the coagulation cascade.
There have been many other attempts to modulate the coagulation system in severely ill patients with inflammation or systemic infections. The most notable of these was the APEX trial which compared extended use betrixaban (a novel oral factor Xa inhibitor marketed by Portola Pharmaceuticals as Bevyxxa) versus generic enoxaparin (a low molecular weight heparin anticoagulant) in medically ill patients. The results of this study, published in 2016, showed a 24% reduction in the primary efficacy outcome of asymptomatic proximal deep-vein thrombosis and symptomatic venous thromboembolism in subjects treated with betrixaban versus enoxaparin in the whole study.  There was a statistical trend toward benefit in a subset of patients with elevated levels of D-dimer. A recent analysis of the trial using D-dimers measured in a central lab showed significant improvement in patients with elevated D-dimer with a 31% risk reduction in the primary endpoint in those with D-Dimer ≥ 2 × upper limit of normal. 
None of these clinical studies has explored the potential role of anticoagulants in viral infections. To date, there haven’t been large, randomized studies asking questions of this nature.
However, there is abundant evidence that severe viral infections also impact the coagulation system and can lead to increased morbidity and mortality. This was first described during the 2003 SARS outbreak (now called SARS-CoV-1). Comprehensive pathology studies demonstrated thrombus formation and fibrin deposition in small vessels and organs (so-called microvascular thrombosis). These studies suggest activation of the coagulation system, or perhaps diminished levels or activity of inhibitors. This was followed by a study showing the SARS-CoV-1 infection led to increases in levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI1) in patients with SARS-CoV-1 compared to normal controls and patients with non-SARS pneumonias. PAI-1 is a serine protease inhibitor that inhibits the activity of multiple proteins in the hemostasis and thrombosis system, most notably tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA). The traditional recombinant clot-buster, tPA activates the fibrinolytic system. Inhibiting tPA leads to less fibrin breakdown and increased clot burden. There was also an observed increase in the levels of vitronectin, which has been shown to be a co-factor for PAI-1 in inhibiting activated protein C (APC). While protein C levels or APC activity were not measured, this result suggested that SARS-CoV-1 infection could lead to a decrease in APC function and a functional pro-thrombotic state.
This brings us back to the clinical observations in patients with COVID-19. It is early and we have a lot to learn, but the clinical anecdotes suggest that SARS-CoV-2 may also impact the coagulation system as does SARS-CoV-1. And we certainly know that in advanced disease, there is marked elevation in inflammatory cytokines. What is most interesting is that there is now good evidence that the coagulation system is activated in severe medical illness including non-infectious illnesses. There is further evidence coagulation is activated in severe infections.  Moreover, treatment with anticoagulant medications has improved outcomes in both severe medical illness and systemic infections. And there is good evidence that both SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 activate the coagulation cascade especially in the critically ill, leading to significant morbidity and mortality.
Given the nature of the illness and the prevalence of severe infections, now seems like the ideal time to perform rigorous clinical studies to explore the potential benefits/risks of drugs that modulate coagulation system activity in COVID-19. Questions as to which patients (perhaps those with modest or severe increases in D-Dimer) and which targets and which drugs remain to be answered. Such studies could enroll severely ill patients quickly at multiple centers around the world, and could conceivably yield statistically valid results on safety and efficacy in a matter of weeks. Based on what we know already about the underlying biology and the clinical need, there is clearly a very strong rationale to begin these studies as soon as possible.
Update (4/14/20):
Since publishing this just a week ago, there have been numerous developments in this rapidly moving field. I will not recount them exhaustively but will pick some highlights. First, I had previously missed this review of changes in coagulation markers in patients with COVID-19. Again we see dramatic changes especially with D-Dimer. Several recent studies put the prevalence of thrombotic complications in severe COVID-19 infections at 25 to 31% again with changes in coagulation markers (most notably D-Dimer). There was an autopsy series from New Orleans published in pre-print form showing prominent micro- and macro-vascular thrombosis with an interesting finding of the presence of megakaryocytes in the lungs. There was a small case report of 3 patients with severe COVID-19 infections and antiphospholipid antibodies and clinical thrombosis (all intra-cerebral).
Lastly, the International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISTH) published guidance suggesting anticoagulating all hospitalized patients with COVID-19. And of course there continue to be anecdotes of doctors experimenting with many therapies for sick COVID patients with thrombosis including this story of the use of tPA. I will try to continue to update regularly.
Ethan Weiss, MD is an Associate Professor of Medicine at UCSF, is a Preventive Cardiologist, and is a Core Investigator at the Cardiovascular Research Institute.
This article originally appeared on the Timmerman Report here.
The post Rationale for Testing Anticoagulants Against COVID-19 appeared first on The Health Care Blog.
Rationale for Testing Anticoagulants Against COVID-19 published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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kristinsimmons · 4 years
Rationale for Testing Anticoagulants Against COVID-19
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We have seen and heard about the classic symptoms of COVID-19 at UCSF Medical Center, where I work as a cardiologist. Patients keep coming in with pulmonary distress, pneumonia, and ultimately, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) – the life-and-death situation that requires ventilators.
However, I’m beginning to learn about other symptoms that some doctors are noticing. There are numerous reports of other complications, especially in advanced disease.
One of the most interesting involves disruption of the blood’s coagulation system. New anecdotal reports have described clotting in test tubes and lines, derangements of clinical clotting assays, pulmonary emboli,  large clots in the heart, as well as microvascular thrombosis.
Elevation in D-Dimer, (a biomarker of coagulation system activation) has been associated with dramatically increased risk of death from COVID-19. This has led some to speculate that empiric treatment with anticoagulants might improve outcomes in these critically ill patients. Indeed, there was this recent publication of a retrospective analysis of anticoagulation with heparin or low molecular weight heparin showing an association with improved outcomes in COVID-19 patients in China.
These are early observations, but they are coming from enough peers from different institutions that it makes me wonder if there could be a pattern. Clots, after all, are something we know how to treat, especially in an acute care setting.  
Now let’s back up a little and think about what might be going on in the biology.
Hemostasis is defined as the arrest of bleeding by the physiological properties of vasoconstriction and coagulation (clotting). Thrombosis is defined as the formation of a thrombus: an aggregation of blood factors, primarily platelets and fibrin with entrapment of cellular elements. A thrombus can be big trouble. They frequently cause vascular obstruction at the point of its formation, which can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and death.
There is a long history of association between systemic inflammatory states and infections and hemostasis and thrombosis. We’ve learned to look for certain well-established biomarkers like C-reactive protein, as early warning signals of systemic inflammation that can raise the risk of serious cardiovascular events. And there is a theory that the coagulation system itself evolved as an important component of the innate immune response. The system is highly regulated in both a positive and negative manner and must be tuned to respond rapidly to injury so as to prevent blood loss. But it must also be specific. Excessive clotting, when the patient isn’t suffering from an acute bleeding episode,  can lead to rapid destruction of tissues and organs and death. This is accomplished via complex interactions between pro-coagulant molecules and anti-coagulant inhibitors as well as a finely-tuned system of molecules that dissolve clots (fibrinolysis). These all interface with cellular elements such platelets, endothelial cells and inflammatory cells.  This delicate balance has been exploited by predators such as snakes. Their venom attacks important regulators of this highly regulated system to cause bleeding or clotting in their prey.
The relationship between inflammation and the coagulation system has been well-studied by Chuck Esmon at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center and many others. Early work focused on the impact of inflammatory cytokines on increasing levels of pro-coagulant factors such as tissue factor and reducing anti-coagulant inhibitors such as activated protein C. Protein C levels are strongly impacted by overwhelming infectious conditions such as sepsis. Changes in protein C levels or function have been associated with adverse outcomes in patients with sepsis.
This led Esmon and colleagues to speculate that treatment with recombinant activated protein C might improve outcomes in sepsis. Early work in animals eventually led to the development of a clinical drug, Eli Lilly’s drotrecogin alfa (Xigris), which was eventually tested in a large randomized controlled trial, the PROWESS Trial, which showed reduced mortality but increased bleeding in patients with sepsis. Subsequent studies confirmed these results. The drug, lacking a compelling risk-benefit ratio, was pulled off the market in 2011.
Still, the learnings from those studies and others can be informative today. There is a well-explored link between the contact (intrinsic) pathway and inflammation. The contact pathway is activated by exposure to negatively charged molecules or polyphasphates and activation can lead to activation of the coagulation cascade via cleavage of Factor XI by Factor XIIa. Factor XIIa can also activate inflammatory pathways via release of bradykinin, a potent inflammatory mediator that causes blood vessels to dilate.  While most of the work to date has focused on the effect of bacteria in activating the contact pathway, there is evidence that hantavirus can also activate the pathway and increase levels of bradykinin as well. Preclinical studies have supported the development of factor XIIa inhibitors for the treatment of sepsis.
It may be worth asking whether the new coronavirus might be acting along similar pathways as the hantavirus, triggering the release of inflammatory mediators that affect the coagulation cascade.
There have been many other attempts to modulate the coagulation system in severely ill patients with inflammation or systemic infections. The most notable of these was the APEX trial which compared extended use betrixaban (a novel oral factor Xa inhibitor marketed by Portola Pharmaceuticals as Bevyxxa) versus generic enoxaparin (a low molecular weight heparin anticoagulant) in medically ill patients. The results of this study, published in 2016, showed a 24% reduction in the primary efficacy outcome of asymptomatic proximal deep-vein thrombosis and symptomatic venous thromboembolism in subjects treated with betrixaban versus enoxaparin in the whole study.  There was a statistical trend toward benefit in a subset of patients with elevated levels of D-dimer. A recent analysis of the trial using D-dimers measured in a central lab showed significant improvement in patients with elevated D-dimer with a 31% risk reduction in the primary endpoint in those with D-Dimer ≥ 2 × upper limit of normal. 
None of these clinical studies has explored the potential role of anticoagulants in viral infections. To date, there haven’t been large, randomized studies asking questions of this nature.
However, there is abundant evidence that severe viral infections also impact the coagulation system and can lead to increased morbidity and mortality. This was first described during the 2003 SARS outbreak (now called SARS-CoV-1). Comprehensive pathology studies demonstrated thrombus formation and fibrin deposition in small vessels and organs (so-called microvascular thrombosis). These studies suggest activation of the coagulation system, or perhaps diminished levels or activity of inhibitors. This was followed by a study showing the SARS-CoV-1 infection led to increases in levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI1) in patients with SARS-CoV-1 compared to normal controls and patients with non-SARS pneumonias. PAI-1 is a serine protease inhibitor that inhibits the activity of multiple proteins in the hemostasis and thrombosis system, most notably tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA). The traditional recombinant clot-buster, tPA activates the fibrinolytic system. Inhibiting tPA leads to less fibrin breakdown and increased clot burden. There was also an observed increase in the levels of vitronectin, which has been shown to be a co-factor for PAI-1 in inhibiting activated protein C (APC). While protein C levels or APC activity were not measured, this result suggested that SARS-CoV-1 infection could lead to a decrease in APC function and a functional pro-thrombotic state.
This brings us back to the clinical observations in patients with COVID-19. It is early and we have a lot to learn, but the clinical anecdotes suggest that SARS-CoV-2 may also impact the coagulation system as does SARS-CoV-1. And we certainly know that in advanced disease, there is marked elevation in inflammatory cytokines. What is most interesting is that there is now good evidence that the coagulation system is activated in severe medical illness including non-infectious illnesses. There is further evidence coagulation is activated in severe infections.  Moreover, treatment with anticoagulant medications has improved outcomes in both severe medical illness and systemic infections. And there is good evidence that both SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 activate the coagulation cascade especially in the critically ill, leading to significant morbidity and mortality.
Given the nature of the illness and the prevalence of severe infections, now seems like the ideal time to perform rigorous clinical studies to explore the potential benefits/risks of drugs that modulate coagulation system activity in COVID-19. Questions as to which patients (perhaps those with modest or severe increases in D-Dimer) and which targets and which drugs remain to be answered. Such studies could enroll severely ill patients quickly at multiple centers around the world, and could conceivably yield statistically valid results on safety and efficacy in a matter of weeks. Based on what we know already about the underlying biology and the clinical need, there is clearly a very strong rationale to begin these studies as soon as possible.
Update (4/14/20):
Since publishing this just a week ago, there have been numerous developments in this rapidly moving field. I will not recount them exhaustively but will pick some highlights. First, I had previously missed this review of changes in coagulation markers in patients with COVID-19. Again we see dramatic changes especially with D-Dimer. Several recent studies put the prevalence of thrombotic complications in severe COVID-19 infections at 25 to 31% again with changes in coagulation markers (most notably D-Dimer). There was an autopsy series from New Orleans published in pre-print form showing prominent micro- and macro-vascular thrombosis with an interesting finding of the presence of megakaryocytes in the lungs. There was a small case report of 3 patients with severe COVID-19 infections and antiphospholipid antibodies and clinical thrombosis (all intra-cerebral).
Lastly, the International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISTH) published guidance suggesting anticoagulating all hospitalized patients with COVID-19. And of course there continue to be anecdotes of doctors experimenting with many therapies for sick COVID patients with thrombosis including this story of the use of tPA. I will try to continue to update regularly.
Ethan Weiss, MD is an Associate Professor of Medicine at UCSF, is a Preventive Cardiologist, and is a Core Investigator at the Cardiovascular Research Institute.
This article originally appeared on the Timmerman Report here.
The post Rationale for Testing Anticoagulants Against COVID-19 appeared first on The Health Care Blog.
Rationale for Testing Anticoagulants Against COVID-19 published first on https://wittooth.tumblr.com/
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starkforde · 6 years
Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine
While on the hunt for the best way to look healthy and beautiful, we often rely on medications and cosmetic surgeries. Other things also emerge like fat burners, blood thinning drugs, acne creams, and supplements in addition to our everyday routines.
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But in this article, we’ll be focusing specifically on supplements.
Spices and herbs have been used for their health benefits for centuries.
Whether that be in liquid form or used in food, it remains a popular choice for the people who want to maintain a well-balanced lifestyle. It also works on those who have health issues that worry about the possible side effects of commercialized medicines. That’s why natural remedies are so popular.
I’ll be discussing some things about one natural remedy in particular, and that’s turmeric curcumin with BioPerine. Most of us are familiar with the bitter yellow spice, right? Many of us have it on our kitchen shelves. But did you know that it’s also a popular supplement?
To start off, let's check these questions first:
·         So, we know at least that. But do we know exactly what it does so well that it’s been extracted to be packed in a capsule?
·         Do we know the benefits of this spice, as well as its potential and enhanced health benefits when paired with BioPerine?
·         Also, speaking of BioPerine, what exactly makes it such a great combination when paired with turmeric curcumin?
·         Is it just for the sick and aging?
All of these questions will be answered shortly, just keep on reading further to get some more info!
Turmeric Curcumin
First things first, what is turmeric curcumin? Let’s start this one off with turmeric.
Turmeric is a popular, native spice found in India and can be found in many other countries in Asia. It typically has a bitter taste and it gives curry its famous yellow tinge which is also why it is popular when making vegan dishes. In medicine, specifically supplements in this case, the root of the turmeric is used.
Now for the curcumin in “turmeric curcumin,” it is a bright yellow component that is found in some plants. 
This is also found in turmeric which would explain its color.
It is a component in turmeric, which helps in treating an array of different health-related problems. These health issues include heartburn, inflammation, joint pain, headaches, bronchitis, common colds, appetite issues, jaundice, liver problems, fevers, and even menstrual problems.
 Turmeric in its natural form.
Curcumin also has antioxidant properties. It is even speculated to possess cancer-fighting properties as well as acne-fighting abilities.
There have also been some studies suggesting that turmeric curcumin may be used to help manage diabetes. It can treat colitis and stomach ulcers, viral infections, and possibly even the common cold of the mental health world: depression.
Turmeric Side Effects
Now, as great as the spice is and its benefits, there are still some side effects that may occur. Just because it is natural doesn’t mean that it’s faultless.
It’s not a one size fits all kind of deal, either. Some people respond well to turmeric, others who are more sensitive to the components of the spice may find themselves shocked at experiencing any side effects!
Thankfully, the common side effects aren’t life-threatening and nowhere near as harmful as the side effects found in synthetic medicine.
Sure, painkillers may work quicker at a higher potency and are more well-regulated than supplements. However, when you consider the long-term effects of these types of drugs in our bodies, is it worth it? Switch over to natural remedies and your arteries will thank you.
Cramps and Diarrhea
These are two of the most common side effects due to turmeric being known to stimulate bowel movements. This stimulation is a positive aspect for people who need to use it as an enema for inflammatory bowel disease.
However, for people with sensitive stomachs, this is not a welcomed effect. If you are prone to stomach ulcers, it’s best to keep the dosage below the maximum recommended dose which is 1500 mg. That also goes for pregnant women, as well. Beyond this, expect the side effects to be much apparent.
Potency Problems
As sad as it sounds, there is such thing as “too much of a good thing.” And we know that turmeric curcumin is very good, though it can cause some scary problems if you take too much of it!
 The maximum dosage of turmeric curcumin is 1500 mg a day. If a person takes a dose that is higher than this, you can bet on an unpleasant trip to the bathroom.
Taking more than the maximum mg a day will also cause dizziness and nausea. Worst of all, your heart, the organ that you should be protecting, is at risk because you go beyond the 1500 mg. You will experience palpitations leading to insomnia and possibly an arrhythmia.
Turmeric Drug Interactions
Drug interactions with popular pain-relieving medicines can be dangerous to your health when being taken alongside turmeric supplements. Just think of painkillers, blood thinners, and drugs used for the management of diabetes.
That’s why consultation with a physician should always be considered before you take this or any supplement for that matter.
Bioavailability of Turmeric
First of all, what is this weird science word? Bioavailability is the degree and rate at which a substance such as a drug, which is turmeric curcumin in this case, is taken in my a living organism. One of the biggest issue with turmeric curcumin is that without BioPerine, it pretty much flops.
Let me explain: turmeric curcumin naturally has very low bioavailability.
This means that a small percentage is actually absorbed by our bodies when we consume it. It is why you’d find yourself taking more capsules of a supplement that doesn’t have the added BioPerine.
So, let’s talk about why BioPerine is related to Turmeric Curcumin.
BioPerine is a standardized peperine composition that is taken from black pepper extract. Black pepper, also lovingly nicknamed “The King of Spices” like turmeric, is also a native spice of India. It can be found all over the world as well.
So, why is BioPerine so often combined with turmeric curcumin? This is because BioPerine is known for its “bioenhancement.”
That is just another fancy name used to describe its effect on helping our bodies with the absorption of nutrients and vitamins from the intestine. It also explains why it's popular as a treatment for people who possess conditions that impedes the full absorption of nutrients and causes malnutrition.
 BioPerine is also used in addition to many supplements to enhance the absorption of the main extract of the product.
Now, the reason why we are focusing on the BioPerine and turmeric curcumin pairing is because it offers the most healing benefits and preventive aspects.
How Does Piperine Work?
Piperine assists our bodies in the absorption of the turmeric extract to experience the benefits that a turmeric supplement will give us.
This will make the reduced inflammation, lessened pain, and skin-clearing benefits to a whole new level. It is more effective in this aspect than turmeric curcumin without the BioPerine.
When paired with BioPerine, the bioavailability of turmeric curcumin increases by a staggering 100%!
It is also known to trigger the transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1. It is a fancy-schmancy term to describe the effect on the body that reduces the reception of internal and external pain.
This is evident in the usage of this in topical creams. It is also why you see a lot of beauty shops and brands promoting this stuff.
Smoking Cessation
You thought the benefits that Turmeric Curcumin bring are more on physical pain, right? I also thought it has no effect on the mental and emotional aspect before I looked more into some research.
Now, if you’re not suffering from some chronic pain or injury, BioPerine can still work wonders in your health. Take cigarette smokers, for instance.
According to some research, black pepper tends to curb a smoker’s craving for tobacco.
So, you don’t need to have a major injury, life-threatening disease or depression to need turmeric curcumin with BioPerine supplement. Why? It is because it aid many health-related problems regardless of the severity.
Turmeric curcumin with BioPerine is not an anti-depressant. There is no research to claim that this, in any way, “cures” mental illness such as depression, either.
However, there is research suggesting that the mood-stabilizing effects can actually improve a depressed person’s overall well-being. Take note, again, that there are still many negative drug interactions with turmeric curcumin with BioPerine.
If a person is taking certain medications used as a treatment for depression, there is still the risk of possibly aggravating symptoms.
So, if you are one of the millions of people in the world who are looking for a natural way of dealing with your diagnosis, then perhaps a supplement like this can help you out! Again, always consult your physician and therapist first!
I hope that this has helped in informing you about the turmeric curcumin, where it's from, what it does, its benefits and possible adverse side effects, and why it’s a popular herbal choice for many.
Now, you also know that it’s not just for people with joint pains or a way to manage diseases like diabetes or ulcers. Also, an understanding of why turmeric curcumin is often best paired with BioPerine.
Given the information that you just read above, I bet that you’re relieved to know that there is a more affordable and less dangerous way of pain management. We’ll take over-the-counter painkillers out of the picture!
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howellrichard · 4 years
Dr. Osborne – Fever Block or Let it Ride
Since the Coronavirus or COVID-19 is a novel virus, it feels like the information we receive on it changes daily, if not hourly. This makes it extremely difficult to know who to trust and what to believe. The French Health Minister recently reported that NSAIDs are not good to use with this virus, but the World Health Organization just stated they saw no harm in using them. So what exactly are NSAIDs and how will they affect us if we take them for COVID-19? 
What are NSAIDs? 
NSAIDs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are essentially medication that blocks fevers and inflammation. They are more commonly known as ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen. When taken, they increase the quantity of ACE-2 (angiotensin-converting enzymes) receptors which sit on the surface of cells and allow items into it. 
Additionally, they block cyclooxygenase (Cox-2) which is an enzyme in the cell membrane. When the cell is damaged, Cox-2 enzymes act on that damage causing the byproduct of pain, inflammation, and increased permeability of blood vessels, leading to swelling. By blocking this enzyme, NSAIDs allow for pain and inflammation to be reduced.
The Fear With of NSAIDs with COVID-19
So why is there a fear of taking this type of medication with the coronavirus? One of the biggest factors relates to the ACE-2 receptor cells. These increase with NSAIDs, allowing more places for the virus to attach and ultimately get into the cell. Once in the cell, the virus can get into the DNA and begin replicating itself. This can cause an individual to experience greater symptoms and ultimately have a more aggressive case.
Additionally, when we have pain and inflammation, it is the result of PGE2 or prostaglandin E2.  PGE2 increases antibody production starts a fever and stimulates pain. However, if medication blocks the enzyme from doing this, it blocks the body’s ability to make antibodies and ultimately fight off the virus.
Should You Take Them?
As mentioned, as of March 18, 2020, the WHO currently recommends using NSAIDs. There aren’t really any studies, at this time, that explains how these drugs may work with COVID-19, but they do have antiviral properties with influenza and it is believed they may help reduce the replication of viruses. It’s important to know that NSAIDs kill about 13,000 people annually, so it’s best to take them occasionally in the event of high fever and not on a regular basis.
Additionally, it’s important to remember that these drugs block inflammation, but not all inflammation is bad. Typically, inflammation means that the immune system is sending fluid, blood, and cytokines to help fight and heal the body. Therefore, blocking inflammation may not be ideal, unless absolutely necessary to save a life.
What About Tylenol Instead of NSAIDs?
On the other hand, Tylenol or acetaminophen is also a fever reducer, but is not considered an NSAID and will not come with some of the risks those types of medications pose. However, Tylenol will lead to a reduction in glutathione. Glutathione is one of the main antioxidants in the lungs that protect from things like pneumonia and inflammation. It also is used in the liver to detoxify. 
While this reduction is primarily seen in patients that consistently use this medication, it’s always important to weigh the risks. Having a medication that can lower fever and allow the body to rest and recover may be worth it, if only temporarily.
Considering Other Options
So, apart from a fever reducer, what can be done to help with COVID-19? One plant-based ingredient that is known to have some promise with other viruses and is beginning to be looked into further is called quercetin. While not quite a nutrient, it is considered a bioflavonoid. It is a natural anti-inflammatory, and though not as powerful per gram as a steroid, it can have a nice effect if taken as a preventative measure.
With several anti-viral properties, quercetin can reduce the risk of developing upper airway disease and respiratory tract infections. Additionally, it has been known to:
Block Cox-2 without interfering with the healing phase after acute inflammation
Inhibit viral replication
Help reduce viral internalization or preventing the virus from getting into the cell
Help reduce aggressive inflammation in hypersensitive individuals
Block certain proteins that can make viruses worse
Despite all of these, it’s important to note that quercetin is not a fever reducer. It can help modulate inflammation, but will not bring down a high fever.
The Future of Quercetin
Because quercetin is such a powerful boost for the immune system, some are starting to use it in testing against viruses. Most studies up to this point have not been done on humans, but the results still show great potential. One new study has even shown a good affinity for binding the COVID-19 main protease (or one of the main proteins), which could be a potential therapeutic benefit.
Furthermore, quercetin may be a good option in the absence of Vitamin C. Many are starting to report a shortage in Vitamin C supplements, which is also an excellent source of anti-viral properties. However, if quercetin can be located, consider taking it instead, or both if supplies are available. 
Letting the Fever Ride
Despite access to medication, many feel that it is best for a fever to run its course. They feel it is the natural and normal response of the body to illness and nothing should interfere with that. However, if the body is not able to function well enough to fight off the virus, a fever reducer may be the best shot at beating it. And, taking Tylenol or an NSAID temporarily should not impact the body as severely as taking it long-term.
In the end, it is your call to make. Be sure to consider your normal body temperature, as some individuals run a higher or lower body temperature, on average, making a fever more or less severe depending on how high it runs. Do your own research from trusted sources and, as always, speak with your doctor about the risks involved with any medication before coming to your own conclusion.
The post Dr. Osborne – Fever Block or Let it Ride appeared first on Gluten-Free Society.
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iamkellyadams · 5 years
Top 20 Cancer Crushing Foods Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About
“Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ~ Hippocrates
Our diet and activity level are the biggest indicators of our health, including our risk for cancer.1
Food makes us healthy…or sick…and it can heal and reverse diseases.
A diet high in sugar and processed foods creates inflammation and the perfect environment for cancer.
Refined oils and refined carbohydrates are also linked to cancer growth.
Luckily, many foods have been proven to prevent and fight cancer.
Cancer is found in developed countries while Indigenous people don’t develop the disease. *
A natural diet, less gluten, less dairy, and moderate exercise makes for much better health and less disease. *
So it’s worth comparing a natural diet to the Standard American Diet, also known as SAD. *
The SAD diet is low in foods that fight cancer.
We know that eating a healthy plant-based diet of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans prevents and helps treat cancer.
Leafy greens and cruciferous veggies prevent and fight cancer because they’re rich in glutathione, a master antioxidant high free-radical-scavenging abilities. *
That’s why doctors advise eating greens. They’re also easy to include in your diet in salads and smoothies. In case you find it difficult adding greens to your diet, we recommend you to drink a glass of this amazing green superfood elixir  and never worry about not getting enough green nutrition from your diet.
A healthy diet also keeps you at a healthy weight.
Excess body fat increases the risk of at least 11 different cancers. *
Your doctor might not know about all of these cancer-fighting foods…
…or tell you about them, but they will make a huge difference in the treatment of cancer.
1. Jackfruit
Jackfruit is the largest fruit in the world, yet it’s not well known.
This orange, sweet fruit is loaded with potassium and vitamins C and B6.
All of the brightly colored fruits listed have phyto-chemicals and antioxidants as well.
2. Guanabana
This tropical fruit, also known as soursop has a pineapple-strawberry flavor. It’s rich in vitamin C and fiber.
Studies have shown it inhibits cancer cells. Eat this one as a whole fruit, as the supplement can cause problems.
Try making a tropical fruit salad with jackfruit, guanabana, and other brightly colored fruit for a cancer-fighting superfood.
That’s a dessert that’s good for you, and you’ll feel so much better than if you were to eat cake or other sugar-loaded foods.
3. Daikon
Daikon is an Asian radish with a mild flavor yet a little spice.
They contain vitamin C and fiber.
This is a fun way to add flavor to your salad or dinner that’s low calorie.
4. Sweet Tamarind
You can eat this out of the pod or as a pulp. It’s rich in fiber, potassium and magnesium.
Tamarind pulp is sweet and is served as a spread or candy, making it a cancer fighting treat.
5. Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)
There’s hundreds of different mushrooms, and they all are immune-enhancers.
Reishi, cordyceps and maitake are known to improve immune function, fight tumor growth and help cell regeneration.
Reishi enhances immune response and protects cellular DNA by raising antioxidant capacity.
This one specifically helps with cancer treatment by alleviating chemotherapy side effects like nausea and kidney damage.
Reishi helps to better activate the natural killer (NK) cells, reducing cancer metastasis.
These mushrooms assist in slowing the growth of tumors, with promising research showing they help with colorectal cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer.
6. Maitake Mushrooms
Maitake contains a broad-spectrum array of bioactive molecules, and they stimulate NK cell activity in cancer patients.
The antioxidant properties protects cells and decreases the inflammatory factor COX2 enzyme that’s common in cancer.
Maitake enhance our innate immune response to fight infections. They even help adaptive immune response, which creates long-term immune enhancement.
This mushroom has anti-metastatic properties that inhibit the proliferation and spread of cancer.
Research is promising in the areas of breast cancer and lung cancer.
7. Shitake (Lentinula edodes) 
Shitake contains a glucan called Active Hexose Correlated Compound, or AHCC.
It’s used in alternative and complementary treatment of cancer in Japan due to its immune-enhancing functions.
Shitake also have Lentinan, which is actually used as an intravenous anti-cancer drug for its anti-tumor properties.
Clinical studies show that using lentinan gives patients a higher survival rate, higher quality of life, and lower recurrence of cancer.
8. Almond Mushroom (Agaricus Blazei Murill)
In a study, 90% of guinea pigs injected with cancer cells made  a complete recovery when taking this mushroom supplement.
qThe study was jointly conducted by the Medical Department of Tokyo University, The National Cancer Center Laboratory, and Tokyo College of Pharmacy.
That might be why this mushroom is also called Mushroom of the Sun, Mushroom of God, and Mushroom of life.
9. Turkey Tail Mushroom
They’re not just fun decorations on a log. Turkey tail mushrooms are a biological response modifier.
Studies show that turkey tail mushrooms:
Improve survival rates
Act an immune modulator with immune stimulating and anti-tumor properties
Enhance the effects of chemotherapy
Reduces the side effects of radiation therapy
The anti-viral properties of the turkey tail mushroom offer a unique opportunity to target oncoviruses (tumor virus) such as human papillomavirus leading to cervical cancer, and hepatitis C leading to liver cancers.
If you’re wondering why there isn’t more research into mushrooms and more mushroom-based medicine available, it’s because drug companies cannot patent mushrooms.
Therefore, they don’t want to invest money into developing a natural medicine that they can’t commercially protect.
You can buy organic, whole mushrooms to add to dinner, or you can get supplements and powders.
10. Berries
Berries are some of the top high-antioxidant foods in the world.
Berries are especially rich in proanthocyanidin antioxidants, which lower free radical damage.
You’ll also get phenols, zeaxanthin, lycopene, cryptoxanthin, lutein and polysaccharides.
Berry extracts slow the growth of cancer cells. Strawberry and black raspberry extracts have the greatest impact on colon cancer cells.
11. Beans
Doctors tend to promote eating greens. People forget about beans, or even avoid them because of the side effects of fiber.
Remember, fiber does miracles in our body! Beans are also full of protein, fiber, and nutrients.
Studies continuously show that the folate, phytochemicals, and sterols in beans fight cancer.
Consuming small amounts of beans regularly in your diet helps avoid gas.
12. Onions
They add flavor and protect your health.
Onions are packed with allicin, sulfuric compounds, manganese, vitamins B6 and C, copper, and selenium.
They stimulate production of glutathione—the most potent antioxidant for your liver. That helps detoxify the entire body.
13. Seeds
Seeds are a superfood packed with health benefits.
Chia seeds and flaxseeds are two of the most nutrient-dense seeds in the world, providing fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals.
Don’t forget other seeds like hemp, sesame, and pumpkin.
14. Turmeric
Turmeric is a must for an anti-cancer spice.
It has curcumin, which decreases tumor size and fights colon and breast cancer.
You can add turmeric to curry and other dishes, and even hide it in a drink. There’s also turmeric supplements that fight cancer and inflammation.
15. Garlic
People have used garlic to get over cold and heal disease for centuries.
It has sulfur compounds that stimulate the immune system’s natural defenses against cancer too.
New studies show that garlic can reduce the incidence of stomach cancer by a factor of 12!
16. Corn
What’s better than fresh corn on the cob on a summer evening?
Corn is loaded with a phenolic compound called ferulic acid, which inhibits cancer-causing substances.
Of course, we’re talking about whole corn and not corn syrup, which you should avoid!
17. Dates
These treats from nature are higher in total polyphenols than any fruits or vegetables.
The polyphenols protect the fruit while growing in harsh desert conditions.
They make a great, natural treat that can fix your sweet tooth and chocolate craving.
18. Tiger nut
Tiger “nut” is actually a tuber with a sweet, nutty flavor.
It’s used in Spain and Mexico to make horchata, a sweet and light milky drink.
So it’s a good milk alternative, although it lacks protein and calcium.
It is high in resistant starch, which aids in digestive health and fights stomach and colon cancers.
19. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes, and any brightly orange-colored fruits and veggies are packed with cancer-fighting nutrients.
The bright colors of citrus fruits, squash, sweet potatoes are from phytochemicals, especially carotenoid antioxidants.
Beta-carotene is an essential nutrient for immune functioning; detoxification; liver health; and fighting cancers of the skin, eyes and organs.
20. Red Grapes
These natural treats have seeds filled with the super antioxidant activin.
It’s a cancer-fighting chemical also found in red wine and red grape juice, and it protects against cancer and heart disease.
Fill your diet with these delicious foods, and strive to eat a variety of (naturally) brightly colored fruits and vegetables.
Buy organic whenever possible for further health benefits and to avoid pesticides and dyes—many non-organic fruits and vegetables are actually soaked in dye to make them more bright and attractive.
A healthy diet with these super foods will prevent and fight cancer, and leave you feeling great.
Want to learn more about being the healthiest you can?
Food, Health, & You will teach you how to cure many lifestyle diseases while feeling great and having more energy.
The post Top 20 Cancer Crushing Foods Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About appeared first on Get Health Remedies.
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quintinefowler-blog · 6 years
Sugar is Killing You, Use these Natural Sweeteners Instead!
Here’s the paradox:
Americans spend more on health care and supplements than any other country, yet our health and our health care system both rank at the bottom of virtually every study and survey today. (1, 2, 3)
As we bathe themselves in coconut and fish oils and take every supplement under the sun, most people are coming to the realization that a “cure-all” doesn't really exist. However (and this is a HUGE however) if a “panacea” does exist, it would be completely omitting sugar from our diets!
Sugar & Immunity
But everything in moderation, right? Nope. Nothing could be further from the truth!
Most people don’t realize this, but ever since the early 1970s, it has been proven that sugar literally shuts down white blood cell effectiveness immediately after it is consumed and puts the body in harm’s way for up to 5 hours! (1)
According to nutrition expert K.C. Craichy (Quest for the Cures), just 100 grams of sugar inhibits our white blood cell’s ability to kill the pathogens in our body by up to 90 percent. And this happens within 15 minutes of consumption! (2) To put this is more familiar terms, Founder of the American Anti-Cancer Institute Bob Wright confirms that data from a 1973 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition still holds true today: “One can of [soda] has enough sugar to shut down 50 percent of our immune system for a minimum of 4 hours,” Wright says. (2)
Additionally, in the words of the American Anti-Cancer Institute,
When we consume sugar, we are simultaneously shutting off our defenses while pouring gasoline on the fire that is Cancer. When we take into account that “50 to 70 percent of our total immune system cells cannot see cancer … even on our best day,” the notion of adding it to our diet seems even more blasphemous (A.J. Lanigan, Quest for the Cures). (2)
More Risks with Sugar than Previously Expected
First off, sugar is arguably the most dangerous substance on the planet and should be avoided like the plague. Nancy Appleton, PhD even claims that there are literally 141 ways sugar ruins your health. (3) In addition to containing absolutely no nutritional value, sugar has been reported to: (4, 5, 6)
Cause dental cavities.
Cause skin conditions like acne and eczema.
Contribute to hormone imbalance and adrenal fatigue.
Deplete your body of natural energy and prevents mineral absorption in your bones.
Encourage stomach ulcer formation.
Feed candida.
Greatly inhibit metabolism.
Lead to osteoporosis and arthritis.
Cause gallstones.
Spike blood sugar levels.
Suppress the immune system.
Second, the real danger of sugar is its ubiquity. It’s literally everywhere.
In the words of the American Nutrition Association,
“According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the average adult in the United States takes in 22 teaspoons of added sugar a day, or a whopping 150 pounds a year, while teens pile in 34 teaspoons a day. That’s more than twice the amount of sugar we should be eating.” (7)
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The Sugar Habit
Consuming sugar and simple carbohydrates can lead to an addictive dopamine cycle, which makes it extremely challenging to cut them out of your diet. Research has actually shown that there is a neurochemical similarity between intermittent bingeing on sucrose and drugs of abuse: “both can repeatedly increase extracellular [dopamine levels] in the nucleus accumbens.” (8) In fact, sugar is more addictive than cocaine! (9) Eight times more addictive, to be precise, according to Mark Hyman, MD. (10)
This is why it's important to consume as many natural, whole foods as possible because they will trigger a gradual, moderate amount of feel-good hormones. Whereas sugary treats will cause a spike, which in turn causes people to crash soon afterwards. Like narcotics, this dramatic fall back to Earth after riding high on the sugar clouds will create an intense craving in your body for another “hit.” Ever wonder why it's so challenging to eat just one cookie or have one slurp of a cola?
3 Natural Sweeteners Safe to Enjoy
Thankfully, natural sweeteners abound and kicking the habit can be a cinch if you use these three instead of sugar.
Stevia – By far the healthiest and sweetest natural sweetener, stevia is an herb that has been shown to help reverse diabetics and obesity. Stevia is the best natural sweetener for two reasons:
#1: It is a natural plant that has powerful healing properties.
#2: It has no calories and virtually 0 glycemic index, and when it is used instead of sugar (and even other natural sweeteners), blood glucose levels are not affected
Of the 350 scientific articles referencing stevia, we are starting to see that stevia can help with more than diabetes and obesity. The journal Nutrition and Cancer, for example, recently published a groundbreaking study showing how stevia can actually prevent and kill breast cancer! (11) Time will tell how truly effective this wonderfully sweet herb can be for our health and wellness.
Raw Honey – Ranking #2, most raw unfiltered honey are a rich source of: (12)
Amino acids
B vitamins (B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid)
This cornucopia of nutrition has made honey an extremely effective wound healer and has been known to help with irritable bowel syndrome, acne, eczema, MRSA, tooth decay and a slew of other disorders.
Taking just one teaspoon of local raw honey has been shown to enhance immune function by building a tolerance to local pollen. The International Archives of Allergy and Immunology published an article that discovered that pre-seasonal daily use of birch pollen honey literally decreased allergy symptoms by 60%! (13)
Maple Syrup – Shown to kill colon cancer cells, maple syrup is a delightful replacement for most baked good recipes. (14) It is rich in calcium, iron, zinc, manganese and in the words of University of Rhode Island researcher Navindra Seeram
“I continue to say that nature is the best chemist, and that maple syrup is becoming a champion food when it comes to the number and variety of beneficial compounds found in it,” Seeram said. “It’s important to note that in our laboratory research we found that several of these compounds possess anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which have been shown to fight cancer, diabetes and bacterial illnesses.” (15)
A Note About Agave & Sugar Alcohols
Both agave and sugar alcohols like xylitol have been praised for being “natural” sweeteners and many health care providers are recommending them because they are low on the glycemic index. First of all, they are anything BUT natural. Secondly, they are quite toxic to the body.
Ever since the 1950s, researchers have known that xylitol: (17)
Cannot be properly metabolized by humans.
Causes digestive issues like gas, bloating and diarrhea.
Gets stored in the liver, which can contribute to long-term liver damage.
Agave is even worse! A great explanation came from a recent Dr. Oz article where the famed medical celebrity retracted his opinion of agave.
After careful consideration of the available research, today I’m asking you to eliminate agave from your kitchen and your diet. Here’s why.
We used to think that because agave has a low-glycemic index and doesn’t spike your blood sugar like regular sugar does, it would be a good alternative for diabetics. But it turns out that although agave doesn’t contain a lot of glucose, it contains more fructose than any other common sweetener, including high-fructose corn syrup. (18)
When it comes to sweeteners, let common sense be your guide. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Stick with stevia, raw honey and maple syrup – these 3 have been tested by time and science to not only satisfy your sweet tooth, but are also healing and abundant life giving!
Boost Your Immune System
If you have a history of getting the ‘traditional’ one or two colds a year and/or a bout of flu, then Immu-Stay would be worth trying.
The prime objective is to boost your resistance to colds and other viruses, stimulate your immune system to optimal levels, and increase antioxidant activity. It does this by utilizing a complex mix of ingredients which have proven anti-viral properties.
Immu-Stay contains ingredients to help build up your immune system and fight off current and reoccurring symptoms.
Learn more about Immu-Stay now. Why do we promote this?
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groophealth-blog · 6 years
8 Natural Toddler Ear Infection Remedies to Try for Fast and Effective Relief!
New Post has been published on http://www.groophealth.com/news/8-natural-toddler-ear-infection-remedies-to-try-for-fast-and-effective-relief.html
8 Natural Toddler Ear Infection Remedies to Try for Fast and Effective Relief!
If you’re looking for toddler ear infection remedies, we’ve got 8 helpful ideas to bring relief to your little one, as well as our best tips and tricks to help reduce the number and severity of ear infections your child experiences each year. Of course, knowing whether your child has an ear infection in the first place can be difficult, especially if she is too young to talk and you’re not familiar with the warning signs and symptoms, so we’re taking things a step further and sharing everything you need to know about ear pain in kids.
What is an Ear Infection?
An ear infection occurs when there is a build-up of fluid in the middle ear, which causes inflammation and pain. Ear infections are more common in children than adults, and typically happen when the eustachian tube becomes swollen and inflamed due to a viral or bacterial infection. According to the National Institution of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), five out of six kids will experience at least one ear infection by the age of three (SOURCE). Some children experience recurrent, or chronic, ear infections and eventually need tympanostomy tubes surgically inserted into their ear drum to help drain fluid from their middle ear.
What Causes Ear Infections in Toddlers?
While ear infections can happen to anyone at any age, they tend to be more frequent in younger children due to the fact that their eustachian tubes – the tubes that connect the middle ear to the back of the throat – are shorter, more horizontal, and narrower than in older kids and adults. This makes it easier for the eustachian tubes to get blocked, causing a build-up in fluid behind the ear drum, which in turn results in pressure and pain.
Ear infections tend to occur at the tail end of an illness like a cold or sinus infection, and can also be caused by seasonal allergies and acid reflux. Enlarged adenoids can also interfere with the eustachian tube, causing ear infections to occur more frequently.
What are the Symptoms of Ear Infections in Toddlers?
Ear infections in toddlers can be difficult to recognize, particularly in younger children who can’t verbally express why they are cranky and uncomfortable, and since ear infections are the most common reason parents take their child to the doctor (SOURCE), it’s important to know the warning signs of ear pain in kids. A child with an ear infection may have one or several of the following symptoms:
Unexplained fever
Decreased appetite
Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea
Trouble sleeping
Tugging at ear(s)
Trouble hearing quiet sounds
Clumsiness and other signs of poor balance
Fluid draining from the ear(s)
Ear infections are often caused by a cold, sinus infection, and/or allergies, so if your child starts to show some of the symptoms above shortly after being sick (or after the onset of allergy season), it’s worth checking with your doctor to see if an ear infection is to blame.
What to Do If Your Toddler Gets Regular Ear Infections
While most kids experience an ear infection or two at some point during their toddler years, others are prone to recurrent or chronic ear infections, causing significant discomfort and frequent trips to the doctor. If this sounds like your child, there are things you can do to help reduce the number of ear infections your child experiences:
Change your feeding style. It has been said that breastfeeding a baby can help prevent chronic ear infections by passing along antibodies from mother to child, so the longer you breastfeed your child, the better. This can be a particularly important decision if you have a family history of ear infections. Of course, if you’re searching for toddler ear infection remedies, you’re probably already past this stage in your child’s life, but if you are still bottle feeding, remember to keep your child semi-upright to avoid fluids and germs from getting into her middle ear.
[Quick aside: While I try to keep my posts as factual as possible, I wanted to quickly remind all the mamas out there that FED is best. If you chose not to breastfeed your baby, or couldn’t breastfeed despite wanting to, that does NOT make you a bad mother. PERIOD.]
Ditch the pacifier. Research suggests that kids who use pacifiers are more prone to ear infections. Not only do pacifiers introduce more germs into their mouths, but the sucking motion can force these germs into their middle ear, causing an infection. Try to ditch the pacifier before your child reaches the 6-month mark or, at the very least, limit usage to bedtime to avoid exposure to outside germs.
Avoid second-hand smoke. Studies have shown that second-hand smoke can not only increase the number of ear infections a child experiences, but that it can also make the infections more severe, so avoid exposure as much as possible.
Avoid large daycares. Since many viral and bacterial infections can lead to an ear infection in kids – especially those whose eustachian tubes are shorter, narrower, and more horizontal – it may be beneficial to opt for a nanny or a smaller daycare setting so your little one isn’t exposed to as many illnesses during cold and flu season.
Proper hygiene. Ear infections tend to occur most often during the fall and winter months when cold and flu season is in full-swing, and exercising proper hygiene can go a long way in preventing the number of illnesses your child contracts, thus reducing the risk of chronic ear infections. Teach your child how to wash her hands properly (encourage her to sing the Happy Birthday Song while she lathers her hands to ensure she is using enough soap and washing for a sufficient amount of time), remind her not to put her fingers in her mouth, nose, and eyes, encourage her and her siblings and friends to sneeze and cough into their elbows, etc.
Despite these precautions, it’s important to note that some children still experience recurrent, or chronic, ear infections and eventually need tympanostomy tubes surgically inserted into their ear drum to help drain fluid from their middle ear. It’s important to keep your child’s doctor abreast of all ear infections so a decision can be made if/when needed.
8 Toddler Ear Infection Remedies for Fast Relief
I will never forget the first time my daughter had an ear infection. She was just shy of her second birthday and was just getting over a horrible head cold, and after waking up screaming from her nap, my mama gut just KNEW she had an ear infection, so off to the doctor we went. I ended up being correct, and her doctor explained to me that he prefers to wait out an ear infection for a couple of days in older kids to see if it improves on its own. He went on to explain that antibiotics don’t clear viral infections, don’t offer immediate relief from the pain associated with ear infections, and won’t help drain the fluid in the middle ear that caused the infection in the first place.
With that said, he also told me that he typically errs on the side of caution and prescribes antibiotics for ear infections in kids under the age of 2 when they cannot accurately describe their symptoms as it’s difficult to gauge if the infection is getting worse or better. Most of my friends have had similar experiences in terms of ear infections and antibiotics, but it obviously depends on the prescribing doctor, and since an untreated ear infection can lead to permanent ear damage, it’s important to seek medical advice to be safe.
And if you need toddler ear infection remedies to help ease ear pain in kids while you’re waiting on a doctor’s appointment and/or as you’re waiting to see if the infection will go away on its own, here are 8 home remedies for ear infection to try!
Over-the-Counter Pain Relief. If your little one has fever and/or pain, one of the first toddler ear infection remedies to consider is an over-the-counter pain reliever such as Tylenol or Advil. This will help lower her temperature and keep the pain more manageable.
Salt Sock. If you’re looking for natural toddler ear infection remedies, this is a great one to try. Simply fill a large white cotton sock with about 1 ½ cups of coarse sea salt, tie a knot to keep the salt in place, and warm in a skillet. Make sure it isn’t too hot to the touch, and then hold over the infected ear for immediate pain relief. You can repeat this several times throughout the day, and some like to add a couple of drops of essential oils like lavender oil, tea tree oil, or eucalyptus oil for their anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and/or anti-inflammatory properties. If you do choose to use essential oils, be careful to only apply a small amount to the sock, and never (ever) put essential oils inside your child’s ears.
Warm Compresses. A great way to relieve ear pain in kids is to apply warm compresses overtop of the affected ear for 10 minutes or so throughout the day. I learned this trick from a flight attendant while flying with a horrible head cold, and can confirm it really does help relieve ear pressure when you’re in need of immediate relief.
Hydrogen Peroxide. I’m not a huge fan of putting anything inside my daughter’s ears unless directed to do so by her doctor, but when I reached out to my mom friends for toddler ear infection remedies, I was surprised to hear how many of them swear by hydrogen peroxide. If you’re looking for home remedies for ear infection and your doctor feels this is a safe option, lie your little one on her side so her infected ear is facing the ceiling, drop enough hydrogen peroxide into her ear to fill her ear cavity (I suggest using a dropper for this) and then keep her in that position for about 5 minutes before allowing the liquid to drain from her ear. Dry her ear with a cotton ball and repeat a few times a day for best results.
Apple Cider Vinegar. When asking my mom friends for natural ear infection remedies for toddlers, another favorite was to drop a little apple cider vinegar into the infected ear and keep it in place with a little cotton wool for 5 minutes or so, and then allow any excess liquid to drain out of the ear before drying the ear completely. I can’t say I’m overly surprised that ACV made it to the top of the list of my crew’s natural toddler ear infection remedies as it seems to be the answer to all of life’s dilemma’s these days (LOL), but be careful to consult with your child’s doctor before giving this remedy a try.
Essential Oils. Essential oils have been used therapeutically for thousands of years to ward off illnesses, improve immunity, promote proper digestion, and alleviate pain, and a post about natural toddler ear infection remedies wouldn’t be complete without a list of essential oils to consider. The calming effects of lavender oil combined with its ability to soothe pain and improve respiratory issues makes this the oil of choice for may parents. Eucalyptus oil is another favorite as its anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation in the eustachian tubes while also helping to alleviate congestion. Tea tree oil is another option to consider due to its anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Whichever oil(s) you choose to use, remember to use a carrier oil such as coconut oil or grape seed oil before applying to the skin, and to never use them inside your child’s ear. For more about essential oil use, read THIS POST.
Extra Pillows. Ear infections tend to be more painful while lying down, so if your little one is having problems sleeping, try propping her up on a pillow (or two) for naps and at night to make her feel more comfortable. Of course, loose bedding such as blankets and pillows should be avoided in babies and young children due to the risk of SIDS, so use your best judgement.
Increase Fluids. Chewing and swallowing can help open the eustachian tubes, which will subsequently allow excess fluid from the middle ear to drain, and while your child’s appetite may be diminished if she’s feeling under the weather, encouraging her to drink more fluids and offering her popsicles can help.
I hope this collection of toddler ear infection remedies helps provide your little one relief when she needs it most. Always consult with a doctor to confirm an ear infection when you suspect one, and don’t ignore symptoms that worsen over time.
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lotsofdogs · 7 years
Sugar is Killing You, Use these Natural Sweeteners Instead!
Here’s the paradox:
Americans spend more on health care and supplements than any other country, yet our health and our health care system both rank at the bottom of virtually every study and survey today. (1, 2, 3)
As we bathe themselves in coconut and fish oils and take every supplement under the sun, most people are coming to the realization that a “cure-all” doesn't really exist. However (and this is a HUGE however) if a “panacea” does exist, it would be completely omitting sugar from our diets!
Sugar & Immunity
But everything in moderation, right? Nope. Nothing could be further from the truth!
Most people don’t realize this, but ever since the early 1970s, it has been proven that sugar literally shuts down white blood cell effectiveness immediately after it is consumed and puts the body in harm’s way for up to 5 hours! (1)
According to nutrition expert K.C. Craichy (Quest for the Cures), just 100 grams of sugar inhibits our white blood cell’s ability to kill the pathogens in our body by up to 90 percent. And this happens within 15 minutes of consumption! (2) To put this is more familiar terms, Founder of the American Anti-Cancer Institute Bob Wright confirms that data from a 1973 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition still holds true today: “One can of [soda] has enough sugar to shut down 50 percent of our immune system for a minimum of 4 hours,” Wright says. (2)
Additionally, in the words of the American Anti-Cancer Institute,
When we consume sugar, we are simultaneously shutting off our defenses while pouring gasoline on the fire that is Cancer. When we take into account that “50 to 70 percent of our total immune system cells cannot see cancer … even on our best day,” the notion of adding it to our diet seems even more blasphemous (A.J. Lanigan, Quest for the Cures). (2)
More Risks with Sugar than Previously Expected
First off, sugar is arguably the most dangerous substance on the planet and should be avoided like the plague. Nancy Appleton, PhD even claims that there are literally 141 ways sugar ruins your health. (3) In addition to containing absolutely no nutritional value, sugar has been reported to: (4, 5, 6)
Cause dental cavities.
Cause skin conditions like acne and eczema.
Contribute to hormone imbalance and adrenal fatigue.
Deplete your body of natural energy and prevents mineral absorption in your bones.
Encourage stomach ulcer formation.
Feed candida.
Greatly inhibit metabolism.
Lead to osteoporosis and arthritis.
Cause gallstones.
Spike blood sugar levels.
Suppress the immune system.
Second, the real danger of sugar is its ubiquity. It’s literally everywhere.
In the words of the American Nutrition Association,
“According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the average adult in the United States takes in 22 teaspoons of added sugar a day, or a whopping 150 pounds a year, while teens pile in 34 teaspoons a day. That’s more than twice the amount of sugar we should be eating.” (7)
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The Sugar Habit
Consuming sugar and simple carbohydrates can lead to an addictive dopamine cycle, which makes it extremely challenging to cut them out of your diet. Research has actually shown that there is a neurochemical similarity between intermittent bingeing on sucrose and drugs of abuse: “both can repeatedly increase extracellular [dopamine levels] in the nucleus accumbens.” (8) In fact, sugar is more addictive than cocaine! (9) Eight times more addictive, to be precise, according to Mark Hyman, MD. (10)
This is why it's important to consume as many natural, whole foods as possible because they will trigger a gradual, moderate amount of feel-good hormones. Whereas sugary treats will cause a spike, which in turn causes people to crash soon afterwards. Like narcotics, this dramatic fall back to Earth after riding high on the sugar clouds will create an intense craving in your body for another “hit.” Ever wonder why it's so challenging to eat just one cookie or have one slurp of a cola?
3 Natural Sweeteners Safe to Enjoy
Thankfully, natural sweeteners abound and kicking the habit can be a cinch if you use these three instead of sugar.
Stevia – By far the healthiest and sweetest natural sweetener, stevia is an herb that has been shown to help reverse diabetics and obesity. Stevia is the best natural sweetener for two reasons:
#1: It is a natural plant that has powerful healing properties.
#2: It has no calories and virtually 0 glycemic index, and when it is used instead of sugar (and even other natural sweeteners), blood glucose levels are not affected
Of the 350 scientific articles referencing stevia, we are starting to see that stevia can help with more than diabetes and obesity. The journal Nutrition and Cancer, for example, recently published a groundbreaking study showing how stevia can actually prevent and kill breast cancer! (11) Time will tell how truly effective this wonderfully sweet herb can be for our health and wellness.
Raw Honey – Ranking #2, most raw unfiltered honey are a rich source of: (12)
Amino acids
B vitamins (B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid)
This cornucopia of nutrition has made honey an extremely effective wound healer and has been known to help with irritable bowel syndrome, acne, eczema, MRSA, tooth decay and a slew of other disorders.
Taking just one teaspoon of local raw honey has been shown to enhance immune function by building a tolerance to local pollen. The International Archives of Allergy and Immunology published an article that discovered that pre-seasonal daily use of birch pollen honey literally decreased allergy symptoms by 60%! (13)
Maple Syrup – Shown to kill colon cancer cells, maple syrup is a delightful replacement for most baked good recipes. (14) It is rich in calcium, iron, zinc, manganese and in the words of University of Rhode Island researcher Navindra Seeram
“I continue to say that nature is the best chemist, and that maple syrup is becoming a champion food when it comes to the number and variety of beneficial compounds found in it,” Seeram said. “It’s important to note that in our laboratory research we found that several of these compounds possess anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which have been shown to fight cancer, diabetes and bacterial illnesses.” (15)
A Note About Agave & Sugar Alcohols
Both agave and sugar alcohols like xylitol have been praised for being “natural” sweeteners and many health care providers are recommending them because they are low on the glycemic index. First of all, they are anything BUT natural. Secondly, they are quite toxic to the body.
Ever since the 1950s, researchers have known that xylitol: (17)
Cannot be properly metabolized by humans.
Causes digestive issues like gas, bloating and diarrhea.
Gets stored in the liver, which can contribute to long-term liver damage.
Agave is even worse! A great explanation came from a recent Dr. Oz article where the famed medical celebrity retracted his opinion of agave.
After careful consideration of the available research, today I’m asking you to eliminate agave from your kitchen and your diet. Here’s why.
We used to think that because agave has a low-glycemic index and doesn’t spike your blood sugar like regular sugar does, it would be a good alternative for diabetics. But it turns out that although agave doesn’t contain a lot of glucose, it contains more fructose than any other common sweetener, including high-fructose corn syrup. (18)
When it comes to sweeteners, let common sense be your guide. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Stick with stevia, raw honey and maple syrup – these 3 have been tested by time and science to not only satisfy your sweet tooth, but are also healing and abundant life giving!
Boost Your Immune System
If you have a history of getting the ‘traditional’ one or two colds a year and/or a bout of flu, then Immu-Stay would be worth trying.
The prime objective is to boost your resistance to colds and other viruses, stimulate your immune system to optimal levels, and increase antioxidant activity. It does this by utilizing a complex mix of ingredients which have proven anti-viral properties.
Immu-Stay contains ingredients to help build up your immune system and fight off current and reoccurring symptoms.
Learn more about Immu-Stay now. Why do we promote this?
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[Read More ...] http://www.natural-holistic-health.com/sugar-killing-you-use-natural-sweeteners/
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dietauthority · 7 years
10 Amazing Benefits Of Litchis (Lychee) For Skin, Hair, And Health
Grown in exotic and subtropical regions however preferred around the globe, litchis or lychees are commonly understood as fruits that tantalize the taste buds. Medically referred to as Litchi chinensis, this fruit grows in clusters on a slow expanding medium-sized evergreen tree. It has a round or oblong shape with a pinkish brownish skin, translucent to white flesh, and an inedible seed. This juicy summer season treat has even more compared to preference to offer. It is very abundant in nutrients as well as supplies numerous advantages for your skin, hair, and also health and wellness that make it all the much more irresistible.
Why Lychee Is Great For You
Skin Benefits
Prevents Signs Of Aging
Helps Remove Blemishes
Reduces Sunburns
Hair Benefits
Promotes Hair Growth
Health Benefits
Has Anticancer Effects
Promotes Cardiovascular Health
Improves Digestion
Prevents Cataract
Acts Against Influenza
Aids Weight Loss
Skin Benefits
1. Prevents Signs Of Aging
As you grow older, your skin begins to show the initial indicators of aging. Litchi, when used topically, can assist delay their appearance.
What You Need
4-5 litchis, deseeded as well as peel off removed
¼ ripe banana
What You Have To Do
Mash the banana and also litchis. Mix well so that they form a smooth paste.
Gently massage therapy the paste on your face and also neck utilizing round motions.
Keep the mask on for 15 mins as well as rinse with chilly water.
Why This Works
As you age, your body produces a growing number of complimentary radicals. These totally free radicals ruin your skin and also cause wrinkles. Litchi is rich in antioxidants that combine with the free radicals as well as stop them from ruining your skin (1).
2. Helps Remove Blemishes
Blemishes are the scourge of anybody who seeks perfect skin. Applying litchi juice could help diminish the acnes and also marks, leaving you with clear skin.
What You Need
4-5 litchis, peel as well as seed removed
2-3 cotton balls
What You Have To Do
Mash the litchis to make a paste.
Soak the cotton spheres in the paste, as well as use to your face or merely the impacted areas.
Keep for 15 minutes, and clean off with a clean washcloth saturated in cold water.
Why This Works
Blemishes are essentially spots birthing the signs of hyperpigmentation. Litchi is an outstanding source of vitamin C (2). This makes it a powerful remedy for imperfections (3).
3. Reduces Sunburns
Spending also much time under the extreme rays of the sun could create inflammation and also sores. Sunburns can trigger discomfort and irritation, and also applying litchi instilled with vitamin E can aid calm your irritated skin.
What You Need
3-4 litchis, peel off as well as seed removed
1 vitamin E capsule
What You Have To Do
Extract the juice from the litchi pulp. To do this, you should mash the pulp as well as pass it through a strainer.
Puncture the vitamin E pill and include it to the juice.
Apply to the influenced locations as well as rinse with cool water after 30 minutes.
Why This Works
Litchi is efficient for dealing with sunburns as a result of its vitamin C material. A mix of vitamins C and also E has actually been confirmed to alleviate the effects of the sunlight on the skin (4).
Hair Benefits
4. Promotes Hair Growth
Litchi, when made use of topically, can assist advertise hair growth.
What You Need
7-8 litchis, juice extracted
2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
What You Have To Do
Mix the litchi juice and also aloe vera in a bowl.
Massage the combination into your scalp.
Keep it on for 60 mins, as well as wash it off with a moderate shampoo.
Why This Works
Your hair expands when the hair roots are correctly nurtured. Copper peptides expand the hair roots, which considerably lowers the resting phase of hair growth (5). Since litchi is an exceptional source of copper, it aids promote the hair follicles and also makes your hair grow.
Health Benefits
5. Has Anticancer Effects
One of one of the most important advantages of litchi is that it has anticancer effects.
Why This Works
Research making use of litchi essences have revealed that they consist of powerful antioxidants and have anticancer impacts, which are especially reliable against bust cancer cells (6).
6. Promotes Cardiovascular Health
The anti-oxidants present in litchi could aid promote cardio health.
Why This Works
Litchis contain a substance called oligonol that promotes the production of nitric oxide (7). Nitric oxide or NO is a vasodialator, which means it aids expand the capillary to permit blood to move with appropriately. This lowers the pressure on your heart to pump blood, reduces the deterioration your heart undergoes, and also improves the overall cardio health.
7. Improves Digestion
Litchis could aid maintain your gastrointestinal system healthy.
Why This Works
As a fruit indigenous to the region, litchis were consumed by the Chinese to aid with food digestion and alleviate stomach ailments (8). Litchis have a lot of water material, which has a calming result on the belly, and a substantial quantity of fiber, that aids in food digestion (9).
8. Prevents Cataract
Cataract is the aesthetic problems because of the clouding of lens in the eyes. Considering that cataract impacts millions, there have been many research studies carried out concerning it. One research wrapped up that litchi may aid inhibit cataract.
Why This Works
Litchis consist of phytochemicals that exhibit antioxidant and antineoplasmic residential properties, which means they assist stop uncommon growth of cells (10). This assists protect against cataract.
9. Acts Against Influenza
Influenza is triggered by infections, as well as is an extremely infectious disease. As a result of certain strains of these infections revealing resistance to standard antiviral drugs, there is the have to establish brand-new medications. Litchi fruit essences have shown to be reliable versus these viruses.
Why This Works
Litchis display antiviral homes because of the presence of oligonol that quits the virus from multiplying (11).
10. Aids Weight Loss
Being a reduced calorie fruit, litchi is optimal for those who are seeking to shed weight.
Why This Works
Litchis do not have too lots of calories, with 100 grams containing just 66 calories (12). They additionally contain a great deal of water, a considerable amount of fiber, as well as have a negligible fat material. This makes them excellent for those looking to lose weight.
Storage And Selection
Litchis are mostly grown in exotic as well as sub-tropical areas. They are seasonal fruits, and also are generally offered from June with October. They are very subject to spoiling, and as soon as plucked from the tree, do not ripen any type of further.
A pinkish-brown shell suggests that the fruit is fresh. Select litchis that are solid, really feel heavy, as well as have a completely dry covering. Stay clear of the ones that feel soft, or have broken shell or black spots.
Litchis do not have a long shelf life. When kept in the fridge in a plastic bag, they can last concerning 10 days. Refrigeration normally transforms the covering of the litchi darker without affecting the fruit.
Nutritional Value
Litchis have a high nutritional worth. They are very rich in Vitamin C, including about 71.5 mg per ONE HUNDRED grams. They are likewise abundant in copper as well as phosphorus. The important things that makes litchis distinct is that they consist of the polyphenol oligonol that has antioxidant as well as anti-viral residential properties. For a much more thorough introduction on the dietary value of litchis, describe the chart below.
USDA Nutrition Chart:
Nutritive value each 100 g, (Resource: USDA National Nutrient information base)
Nutrient Value
Percentage of RDA
Energy66 kcal3.3%Carbohydrates16.53 g12.7%Protein0.83 g1.5%Total Fat0.44 g2%Cholesterol0 mg0%Dietary Fiber1.3 g3.5%
Folates14 µg3.5%Niacin0.603 mg3.5%Choline7.1 mg1%Pyridoxine0.100 mg9%Riboflavin0.065 mg5%Thiamin0.011 mg1%Vitamin A0 mg0%Vitamin C71.5 mg119%Vitamin E0.07 mg0.5%Vitamin K0.4 µg0.3%
Sodium1 mg0%Potassium171 mg3.5%
Calcium5 mg0.5%Copper0.148 mg16%Iron0.31 mg4%Magnesium10 mg2.5%Manganese0.055 mg2.5%Phosphorus31 mg4.5%Selenium0.6 µg1%Zinc0.07 mg0.5%
Carotene-ß0 µg-Crypto-xanthin-ß0 µg-Lutein-zeaxanthin0 µg-
Tips For Usage
Usually, litchis are consumed on their own, with their shell and seed got rid of. Yet their sweet preference makes them a terrific enhancement to healthy smoothies, salads, and desserts.
Peeled and also cut litchis could be served on a cheese platter.
Litchis could be added to gelato, custard, and yogurt and also functioned as dessert.
They can be dried out with the skin undamaged to make sure that the pulp diminishes. Dried litchis are additionally referred to as litchi nuts. Recipe For Litchi Lemonade
Make a revitalizing summer drink by adding litchi to the traditional lemonade.
What You Need
12 litchis, peeled and pitted
3 cups water
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons sugar
What You Have To Do
Blend the litchis till a puree is formed.
Add the remainder of the components as well as blend or use a shaker to combine.
Serve in a high glass with ice cubes.
Litchis have a high sugar content, which is why diabetics ought to have them in moderation. There are nothing else well-known adverse effects, but they could create allergies in some individuals (13).
Lychee fruits are so delicious that individuals don't have to be fasted to include it in their diets. Do you know other advantages of lychee? Tell us about it in the remarks area below.
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7 Natural Remedies For Allergy Relief
Earth Medical clinic® is the world's most significant collection of natural treatments, all natural tips and home based treatments for healthy and happy life-style. How do these herbs promote the immune system? Echinacea (all varieties), today typically the most popular North American herb, has been proven to be both bacteriostatic and anti viral.4 Golden seal main (Hydrastiscanadensis) has powerful results in drying the mucus membranes and inhibiting a wide range of hostile microorganisms. Chaparral (Larreadivaricata) has strong anti microbial activity and has been proven to sedate swelling of the respiratory and digestive tract.5 Garlic (allium sativum) containsallicin which includes been shown to be not only antibacterial but antiviral against influenza computer virus. The powerful deep immune system stimulating properties of astragalus (astragalus membranicus) will be mentioned further on. I've been able to help my son's reflux giving him an herbal supplementation called Slippery Elm. I came across it on Amazon . com for a very reasonable price. I choose the powdered variety and it's super easy to combine into his food. Helps a whole lot of adult acidity/digestion problems to. Fundamentally it helps to sections esophagus and digestive tract. It also can help gel the tummy material so that liquid is less likely to appear. At 16 lb. my child gets almost 2 tsp. of natural powder per day. Using Slippery Elm has helped me get my son off of drugs for reflux in addition to chiropratic. Definitely well worth the shot. Within the cartilage around your bones is a chemical known as chondroitin. Chondroitin is effortlessly produced by your body. As you age, your natural supply starts off to plummet. And a loss of chondroitin from cartilage is linked to a major cause of joint pain. Moreover, through deterioration the joint cartilage breaks down, resulting in the health of Osteoarthritis. We can't regenerate cartilage on our own, but we can take a supplement called chondroitin sulfate which, studies also show, can help decelerate this degenerative process and help in a natural way reduce arthritic pain. Chondroitin sulfate is made from the cartilage of cows and other pets or animals, and is also often used in combination with other products including glucosamine and manganese. The entire vegetable can be used medicinally. Horehound can be acquired fresh, dried, powdered, in tablets, as an remove, or as a pressed juice. When harvesting horehound, slice the flower when the buds of the flower appear. Immediately chop the horehound and then seal it in jars as soon as it has dried. Horehound can be made into candies, syrups, teas, and used as a flavoring. There is no vaccine against scabies. Therefore, the ultimate way to prevent scabies is to avoid long term contact, or any contact, with people afflicted with scabies. If scabies contact is suspected, any bedding, clothing, bath towels, or items the contaminated person may have touched should be immediately cleaned in very hot water and cleaning soap.
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