#wotlk engineering
warcraft-guru · 1 year
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Mage main holding spanner and posing in WotLK Classic.
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artyloreviews · 2 years
Going Back in World of Warcraft
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I sat down and played a lot of WoW recently; felt I could write my time off as a business expense, if I wrote something about it. Because I happened to play both Shadowlands, Vanilla, and WotLK in a very short time-frame and I feel like I have something to say on it design-wise, which people might find interesting. Some notes on sandbox MMOs and private servers to boot.
I’ve gotten back into playing World of Warcraft, because of a recent conversation I had with someone playing the game’s latest expansion – Dragonflight. This quickly spiralled into the familiar entrapment of me levelling yet another Human Paladin up to the level cap, gearing up for what is essentially the most recent tier of content and experiencing all that I had missed since over the course of roughly a week. My legitimate personal experience with the game extends from the beginning of Cataclysm, until somewhere around the release of Uldir in Battle for Azeroth. This for most people would be enough to discredit everything I have to say about the game, as I happen to have been around for what is universally agreed upon and is essentially numerically quantifiable as the downfall of World of Warcraft, missing those golden years from late Vanilla up to the end of Wrath of the Lich King. The other fragment of original sin, which I carry with me into this is that I am also of the vocal minority that liked Cataclysm and have only grown fonder of it as the years have passed.
Outside of my legitimate experience, however, I have over said decade, almost pathologically, revisited every expansion from Vanilla to Shadowlands on almost every private server with a respectable playerbase, including some that barely had people in them to drive the auction house. When it was current, I couldn’t have possibly played during Vanilla WoW, as at the time, I would have been at the kindergarten, learning how to write with a crayon shoved up my nose. As such, the only way I could have played Vanilla WoW was at some point past its heyday. While not necessarily a unique position, it is an interesting one nonetheless.
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While I do not have any strictly long term credentials that identify me as a hardcore WoW player, like a collective sum of achievement points, rare items, mounts, etc;  I have raided through most of the raid tiers released for the game with tier-appropriate gear at least on Normal difficulty, acquired currently unobtainable items such as Corrupted Ashbringer, fished up a Sea Turtle, farmed Ashes in The Burning Crusade, got Glory of the Firelands Raider and Flametalon of Alysrazor on now essentially defunct Cataclysm servers. All this, essentially never on the same character, but always a character that is named the same, looks the same, plays the same – carbon copies of the same character in a lineage that spreads across a wild multiverse of every state World of Warcraft has ever been released in. I may not be the best at WoW, but I have put in a lot of time in WoW; enough so to where I imagine, I could pass as, if nothing else, a slightly above average player. Not casual enough to only ever fill the DPS ranks of LFR, but not hardcore enough to be in a guild pushing raids on Mythic.
I am by no means a “old WoW” purist as this might suggest, although I do have an appreciation for Vanilla in terms of it, in 2004, containing, at its core, most of the fundamental mechanics of WoW, which over the years have essentially been immutable. The moment-to-moment experience of leaving Northshire Abbey, walking to Goldshire, picking up Fishing, First-Aid and Cooking, walking through the gates of Stormwind for the first time as the music swells, just to deliver a package and pick up Engineering and Mining from the Dwarven Quarters – it’s all essentially second nature to me after a decade or so of constant reiteration.
I’d go as far as to say that those initial ten to fifteen levels, which railroad you through this arc of you just spawning into the world as a recruit, up to you entering your faction’s capital city, is essentially a vertical slice of what the next several hundred hours of the game are going to be – the one thing that has remained consistently true regardless of which expansion you are playing. Going from modern WoW back to Vanilla felt wholesome, in the sense of it essentially stripping away all that sense of rush that comes along with modern WoW, that baggage that came from years of game knowledge becoming not necessarily irrelevant, but just reduced in its scope.
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Something I didn’t realise I missed in modern WoW was the random mob drops of essentially “trash items”. Gray items currently are unanimously considered junk by most players - something you can’t even equip or sell on the auction house, where at one point you might have found upgrades for you character or something more exciting if luck was on your side. This change in something as inconsequential as random trash, items that exist for the sole purpose of you getting some variety and not just looting raw gold, has devolved to the point of having addons automatically sell any item of that quality upon opening up a vendor, which essentially turns all of these items into “inconvenient gold”.
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The Fargodeep Mine is essentially the first part of the Elwynn Forest, where you can see this, that also happens to have all the trappings of World of Warcraft in one place. It has aggressive mobs, who will for the first time take the initiative on attacking you, meaning that hypothetically, if you are underprepared, you might lose out to attrition, going too deep and not being able to come out without dying at least once. In old WoW, kobolds just happen to drop mining and herbalism reagents, linen cloth, food items and other reagents, various qualities of gear from Poor to Uncommon, and there are also at least two chests with a high chance of uncommon gear – some upgrades, others vendor trash or auction-worthy. In essence, it is a microcosm that is essentially self-sustaining in those early journeyman levels of your class any profession. The mining nodes and kobold drops enable you to sustain and level up Mining, Blacksmithing, and Engineering. The uncommon item drops enable you to practice Enchanting. The linen allows you to level up Tailoring and First Aid. The random herb drops allow you to contribute in a small part to Alchemy. Herbalism, Skinning and Leatherworking do not directly benefit from Fargodeep Mine, but its surroundings, which you need to pass through on your way to the mine, hold the boars and herb gathering nodes for you to get started in those professions as well, if not even more convenient due to their proximity to Goldshire.
It ultimately becomes a place that will be sought after by more than one player, a cornucopia of resources that you can intentionally go out into the world and farm until you’ve not only satisfied your own quota, but also those of others. I usually choose Engineering and Mining as my starting professions, which early on requires the murder of Kobolds for Linen Cloth, which is also required for, in my case, First-Aid, but is also required by others as a Tailoring reagent.
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In later expansions, I have the vivid memory of making a lot of my gold by selling low-level crafting reagents, which I spent the time gathering as I was levelling, because I realised there was an underserviced niche, where the effort required by a player to go back to a zone, which may be a decade older than the latest tier of content is seen as inefficient by most people, who would prefer the convenience of just purchasing those reagents from the auction house. Me, deliberately making the inefficient decision to not rush through the ageing content in order to to reach max level as fast as possible, something often done by almost all seasoned players, who have ultimately experienced that content when it was relevant, but have since moved on, results in an economical niche to service what essentially amounts to someone going from level one to level fifty in a profession, which for me might be my afternoon collecting the ore and reagents out in the world, but for the client at the end of the line amounts to essentially a minute of staring at a progress bar, before those resources are never needed again.
Modern WoW eventually reached a point where resources such as Copper and Tin become an accidental by-product of the miniscule time spent by players in Elwynn Forest and Westfall, as their addons give them an optimised route, which ignores everything but the essentials in terms of experience points and nothing more.
Going through the same process in Vanilla on the other hand feels like you could be “that guy”. The guy who may not have reached level cap or participated in the latest tier of raiding content or reached Gladiator in PvP, but you are THE guy providing the entire server with these low-level reagents in bulk. You are “THE guy who sells Copper and Tin, so that everyone else don’t have to”. And this service you provide to the rest of the realm is essentially you coming up with your own freelance profession, which might end up with you profiting more than if you were to engage in the oversupplied market for the latest tier’s reagents.
Copper and Tin are never required in any high-level crafting recipes and they become irrelevant essentially as soon as the experience points of the zone dry up. This essentially means that players never have a reason to go back to old zones, making everything but the latest hub city and its associated zones empty and lifeless. In Shadowlands at the end of the expansion, the only zones that actually had any players in them were Zereth Mortis and Oribos. The original four zones and The Maw were essentially made irrelevant within the same expansion. Only players who were levelling and a dedicated few madmen, who are willing to collect the various ores from those zones, who engage in the lucrative profession of “old content farmer” are paid dividends for taking the time to gather one or all five of the different ores, so that some blacksmith across the realm can make some ingots for items that will already be inferior to common dungeon gear.
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The delineation between what is levelling content and what is the current tier of content is not as clear cut as it is in modern WoW, since in Vanilla, those zones in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor were essentially all there was to the world – i.e., the current tier was the whole world. Yes, there is a functional difference between being in Elwynn Forest – a level 1 to 10 zone, and Burning Steppes – a level 50 to 59 zone, but travelling from one to another for their unique reagents isn’t as much of a physical and mental leap as going from farming Progenium Ore in Zereth Mortis, Shadowlands to farming Copper in Elwynn Forest, Vanilla, since you’re not just travelling from one zone to the next, you’re travelling back through roughly eighteen years of content.
What WoW has never really done is give you a good reason to go back to old zones, since the new content is always carved out into some new chunk of landmass, making the old zones irrelevant. Even during the Legion expansion, when the Paladin class hall was essentially put underneath an already existing zone - Light’s Hope chapel, in the middle of Eastern Plaguelands - a zone that at the time was introduced six expansions ago and briefly refurbished three expansions ago. Yet its location was essentially irrelevant, as nothing in it or in the expansion required you to interact with anything outside of Light’s Hope chapel’s basement. You can’t even hypothesise how players riding or flying there was somehow passively giving old zones new relevance, since most players just teleported there from the latest hub city and teleported back in a much similar fashion.
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World of Warcraft isn’t actually a persistent world anymore; probably never has been. I’m more of the opinion that these roleplaying mechanics, statistics and everything alongside them was pure happenstance. It is spottily documented that The Burning Crusade expansion was essentially in development as Vanilla WoW was coming out. Fundamentally, the design from WoW’s inception was to abandon the existing zones in Azeroth and go to Outland. These abandonment issues were for all intents and purposes, planned from the very start.
I could go on, fantasising about how it could be a different game where these more sandbox elements were the at the forefront, where new expansions would not only introduce new zones, but refine and more importantly redefine the purpose of the existing zones for the current state of the game. These aren’t necessarily new observations either, as “theme park” MMO has been essentially synonymous with World of Warcraft, as where this exact concept of a “sandbox” MMO has been realised in other games like Runescape, EVE Online, Star Wars Galaxies, and Black Desert Online.
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Does this mean that I don’t enjoy WoW as it currently is? No, certainly not. There is however a sort of disappointment, which only ever seems to deepen as old and new get farther apart. I think it would be comical of me to suggest that Cataclysm is essentially the golden middle point between the old and the new, but I think it is at least something like that. The reason why so many players yearn to re-experience the good old days and why so many private servers have popped up over the years for essentially every expansion ever released, is because everyone has their own idea of where that golden middle is. What’s really important, I believe, is that the player has the choice to engage in that, if they so wish and I think that it is commendable that World of Warcraft is seeing some of that in the Classic re-releases.
I am however aware that as we get farther away from the days of Ultima Online, Everquest, and I suppose MUDs, the more prohibitive it will be for newer and younger players to experience that type of game, or at the very least – see the appeal in it.
Ultimately it is the players acting against that core design philosophy of always moving forward, that breeds the disappointment and the nostalgia that people have about old WoW. It’s not just mechanics or raid difficulty, it’s people starting to feel themselves and their values left behind by the times. I think it’s essentially foolish to think that WoW shouldn’t move forward, but I can also understand the desire for the old content to also be cared for in some way, instead of just being irrelevant and left to gather dust.
If a friend were to come up to you and express the desire to play WoW, would you immediately hand them the .wtf file set to the realmlist of a server running your favourite expansion, or would you hesitate and let them play the latest one and let them find out for themselves? Ultimately nowadays the question is starting to shift from “Do you want to play WoW?” to “When do you want to play WoW?”. The answer will likely continue to be either 2004, 2008 or the current year, regardless. And despite this natural design of retiring old content and moving on to greener pastures with every new expansion and everyone rushing through the old zones to get to the new, going back is ironically all that players seemingly want to do.
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kusogamesss · 2 years
Hypnospace Outlaw
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I don't have much to say about Hypnospace Outlaw itself beyond it being one of the funniest, most heart-warming, most endearing, most sincere, most ironic, most fun depictions of the Internet ever presented.
In my review-cum-memoir on World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, I bemoaned the death of online spaces noted for their lack of thorough knowledge. It is perhaps fitting that WotLK's release came a mere five days before the launch of Jim Garvin and Ryan McGeary's 'Let Me Google That For You' website. Perhaps by divine providence too, WotLK's release coincided with the steady downward trend of Bill Dyess' then World of Warcraft database 'Thottbot' and the first massive spike in traffic to 'Wowhead'. The coincidence is staggering, but also points to a trend which has irreversibly altered the gaming landscape, and society at large. Much as WoW players sought user-data-verified hard statistics on their MMO of choice, tech savvy individuals' astonishment and contempt for being asked readily verifiable questions reached a tipping point in late 2008. Confirming and corroborating data on WoW would in time become something accomplished by every player. LMGTFY would in time become a site even your grandparents might send as a slight towards a query. The genuine question 'where is Mankrik's wife?' was less the object of ridicule, more a target for sarcasm and eye-rolling as the naive were directed to Wowhead. With ever increasing databases and wikis, games and media in general have become less about a sense of mystery, more one of minutiae. Players no longer revel in not knowing, they would rather examine the entirety of a game's mechanics and lore and history with a finetooth comb.
My point in bringing this up is two-fold. One: Games have genuinely not been the same since players expected to be able to understand them inside and out at whim. Two: The Internet has genuinely not been the same since users expected others to rely on a corporate search engine, largely constructed (especially now) to deliver advertising rather than substantive content, to remedy their perceived ignorance. As Embracer Group, Microsoft, Tencent, Sony, Epic, Valve, Ubisoft, EA, and other megacorporations oligopolise the gaming space, so too do Alphabet, Amazon, Meta, Tencent, Joybuy, Alibaba, Twitter, Spotify, ByteDance, Baidu, Adobe, Block, and others reduce Internet diversity to a minimum. I can't act as if I knew the Internet of eld in its entirety, but a lifelong fascination with Internet obscura and history has me at least somewhat informed.
In my review of GeoGuessr, and corroborated by jobosno's review of Microsoft Flight Simulator, stressed was the importance of appreciating the non-place. So too does this apply to the Internet at large, and Hypnospace Outlaw itself if we wish. Not everything on the Internet is substantive or substantial, nor is every page on Hypnospace. We fall down rabbit holes of Wikipedia deep dives, we examine every page on Hypnospace regardless of its relevance to our duty. Duty and productivity and the confines of time and the constraints of life and gaming guide us towards Internet or Hypnospace use that is conducive to our end goals, but those detours persist as availabilities. In the real world, they dwindle as web diversity shrinks, as webhosts go offline, as swathes of the Internet go unarchives and unremember[ed/able]. In Hypnospace, their finite nature means we cannot search forever.
The Big Crunch theory postulates that at some point, the universe will cease expansion, and will recollapse unto itself as all is returned to zero. To null.
At some point, the Internet might cease expansion, and will recollapse unto itself as all is returned to zero. To null. We will not go to website, we will go to keywords. That which is unadvertisable, incompatible with commercialisation will in effect go dark. In due time fewer and fewer spaces will exist. In due time, all will be one, and one will be none.
The Big Freeze theory postulates that the universe will never cease expansion, and will drift into entropy until all is returned to absolute zero. To null.
At some point, the Internet might expand infinitely to the point of unnavigability. In a web of infinitudes, all will be irrelevant and all will be lost as data becomes unable to be quantified on any scale. In due time, one will be all, and all will be none.
The unknowability of the universe renders any theory pointless. We do not know what will happen. We cannot know what will happen.
The unknowability of the Internet renders any theory pointless. We do not know what will happen. We cannot know what will happen.
Enjoy the Internet as it is now. Enjoy the Internet as it was then. Enjoy the Internet as it will be. Forever is it in flux, forever is it a stable constant. Forever does it all drift apart, forever does it all close in. Forever shall it be known and forever shall it be unknown.
We exist in a cosmic nothing of no import.
We exist in a digital nothing of no import.
Every atom in the universe is critical to its being.
Every byte of the Internet is critical to its being.
In the waning light of what's digital, make you whole.
Mirai will free us.
As a historian, I live on a periphery of data boundless yet intangible. I scour for that which does not exist, may never have existed.
At the end of Hypnospace Outlaw you are tasked with archiving a wasteland.
Archive our wasteland with the Wayback Machine extension. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wayback-machine/fpnmgdkabkmnadcjpehmlllkndpkmiak https://addons.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/addon/wayback-machine_new/
We exist at a time where unfathomable amounts of human knowledge are being erased from existence every hour of every day. This is not a deliberate book burning. This is an incidental blaze.
Save what you can.
What a beautiful thing we are a part of.
Seek the obtuse, obfuscated, and obscure.
A selection of webzones I have found and I enjoy:
https://web.archive.org/web/20150222012855/http://quitesoulless.com/story.htm https://www.yelp.com/user_details?userid=Oi1qbcz2m2SnwUeztGYcnQ
http://www.secondlivestock.com/ https://origamisimulator.org/
https://glasstire.com/2012/11/23/the-ten-list-walk-as-art/ https://news.ourontario.ca/page.asp?ID=2910113&po=6&n=1
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technoquarter · 2 years
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wotlkgoldigv · 2 years
WOTLK Classic – Ultimate Gold Farming Guide
Down below in this Wotlk Gold farming guide we will explore the most efficient ways of making money in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, which will be helpful both for new and returning players to venture through the fresh content with their pockets full.
Skinning – Gold Farming
If we look at TBC Classic, Skinning was majorly profitable until you got to Outland and instantly lost all value; in WOTLK Classic, Blizzard corrected this mistake by making skinning one of the top professions to gain gold fast.
Skinning requires a skinning knife and to kill a beast mob. Once you’ve looted it, you can proceed to skin the mob for leathers and the most sought-after item, Arctic Fur. Arctic Fur is used to purchase recipes for Leatherworkers in the late game and is pivotal for crafting components. You can expect to sell Arctic Furs at an incredibly lucrative amount, along with the bonus of making heavy Borean leather from regular Borean leather.
Mining – Second Best Money-Making Profession in WOTLK Classic
Mining has always been a ‘gold mine’ in World of Warcraft; honestly, it makes sense. Most professions use raw ores to make end game gear, and it is widely used in Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing, Engineering, and even Leatherworking. Taking mining during WOTLK Classic is a no-brainer as you will have an endless demand for your raw materials, making it a solid second place for the best profession to take for money making.
If you plan to make some WotLK gold in Wrath of the Lich King, it’s advisable to know the best gold farming class WotLK that can make this routine process better. Of course, you can play any character you want, but three classes can benefit greatly in farming:
Paladin – have good damage and protection abilities for spot farming, and also have Crusader Aura which increases movement speed (very helpful for gathering professions);
Mage – the solid choice for spot farming because of great AoE damage;
Druid – Flying Form saves your time from mount casting during the gathering and helps to get you to herb or mining spawns in awkward positions. Also, you can use Balance spec and its AoE damage for spot farming.
Where are the Best Farming Spots for WOTLK Classic Gold?
Spots that allow players to earn a lot of WOW Gold in a short time are the most attractive Farming Spots. Generally speaking, players always need to spend a lot of time and energy doing tasks in the game. If you get more Gold at the same time, then these locations are worth checking out. RPGStash has rounded up the best Farming Spots for you below.
Eternals (Wintergrasp)
Freshworks – Icecrown (Pre Quest Chain) (Mobs dropping straight silver at enormous rates)
Thormodan – Grizzly Hills (Low-Level Farming Spot) (Massive Bonus Exp and huge gold rewards)
Excavators in Sholazar Basin (High Blue/Green Drops)
Stormpeaks (Just below Terrace of the Makers) (meat farming spot)
Stormpeaks K3 Cave (Spidersilk farm from Crystalweb Weavers)
Get WOW Gold fast by farming trash mobs and selling all green/blue on the auction house for enchanter disenchant gear.
Finally, buy some gold help you enjoy the game. Players should know the way to farm gold in WoW Classic WotLK, because a lot of strong equipment cost a large amount of Classic WLK Gold in the game. Or you can Buy WoW Classic WotLK Gold to purchase the right gear for your characters in order to improve their capacities in battle. If you decide to buy WoW Classic WotLK Gold, https://www.igv.com/WoW-Classic-WLK-Gold is a good choice for you.
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academyguide · 2 years
I'm sure that many World of Warcraft players ask themselves where is it best to farm gold. WotLK however, hides many places where you can go and just stuff your inventory with the most valuable resources and items, and then just sell them to the Auction House. Do you want to find out for yourself a few secret spots in Northrend where you can make tons of gold? Here are a few points of interest on the Northrend treasure map.1. Snowdrift Plains - Storm Peaks. Especially for engineers, this is a great spot to farm gold. WotLK has brought a new ability to engineers, salvaging, and Snowdrift Plains hides plenty of golems which can be salvaged for expensive engineering parts, like Overcharged Capacitors or Volatile Blasting Triggers. Also, the dwarves at this location drop Relics of Ulduar, items used to rise the reputation with Sons of Hodir. Players usually buy these reputation items because the Sons of Hodir faction does not have a tabard, so you cannot rise this reputation by clearing heroic instances.2. Hidden Hollow - Icecrown. Even the name of this spot suggests the fact that it's a secret spot (LOL). It's a small cave situated under Onslaught Harbor, in western Icecrown. The mobs in this cave are all elite, but with a decently equipped character you shouldn't have any problem killing them. They drop plenty of Frostweave Cloth. Since these mobs are elite, they have higher chances to drop blue and epic gear, and they also drop higher amounts of cash then usual mobs.3. Icecrown Citadel - Icecrown. Well, this isn't exactly a secret spot, but since you can make more than a couple of thousands in just 1-2 hours here, it's worth to mention. So, what can you possibly farm inside ICC? The mobs are impossible to solo here, so you'll just have to assemble your own raid and reserve the BoE items for yourself. You don't even have to kill all the bosses. At least one BoE item should drop from the mobs in the firsts quarter of the instance.I really hope that you will take advantage of these spots and rank in some quick cash. Also. there are many more other excellent spots to farm gold. WotLK can be a very profitable side of World of Warcraft where you can make money, all you have to do is find the one that perfectly fits to your play style. Source by Roy McKenzie
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shxwmaster · 4 years
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@middenwake​ said: Has your character ever been close to death ? When & how ? 👀
[Character Development — A collection of Character Development Questions!]
     Yes. Three times.
First time — He was 17, on a rather perilous mission with Pathonia and a group of Second Finger assassins. They clashed with the Horde, resulting in the death of three rogues and severe injuries to the rest. On top of his own combative injuries, Mathias suffered an awful fall, breaking his right shin. It was a struggle to escape, and they almost couldn’t get him the treatment he needed in time. A wound got infected and he was afflicted with a fever for days. Most of the healers were convinced he wasn’t going to pull through.
But young Mathias was too stubborn and prideful to die bed-ridden like that.
Second time — He was 39, deployed to Northrend during the war against the Lich King. He partook in numerous covert ops with the SI:7, highly classified missions. He and a small task force were deployed to Wintergrasp to defend the Vault of Archavon from the Horde. However, in the chaos of the battle, half of his team were wiped out and he found himself separated after a Horde Demolisher fired at their army. Shaw managed to escape the field long enough to evade being trampled or lost in the slaughter, but had eventually lost too much blood to keep moving, and opted to lay in the snow and accept his death quietly, losing consciousness to the sounds of war cries, siege engines, and the walls of their defenses shattering.
Were it not for gnomish engineers frantically scavenging for parts in the middle of the battle, he would have perished there. They managed to rescue him just in time, but at that point, he wouldn’t wake up until two days later.
Third time — 1-2 years ago. Shaw led the SI:7 on a secret recon of the Broken Shore just before the battle was to take place. However, while awaiting extraction, the group was ambushed by Detheroc and his demons, slaughtering everyone but Shaw and Kearnen with Detheroc taking on Shaw’s guise. The foul magics the demons wielded were turned against Shaw with relentless cruelty alongside their practiced torture. The only reason why he didn’t die numerous times after being both physically and magically beaten by demons while imprisoned was simply because they denied him the ability to, always patching him back just enough to stave death off another day.
Even without the torture, the conditions in his cell in Felsoul Hold left him a husk, half-starved and dirty — whatever food he was given often made him sick. There were many days that came where he’d simply black out altogether, be it from pain or the general conditions he was in. By his rescue, he was fragile, thin and ill, but pure rage and pride drove him to pick his stuff back up and fight until Detheroc was gone. 
It took him weeks to make a full recovery. Most agents report he hasn’t quite been the same since. To this day, Shaw refuses to go back to the Broken Isles for any reason whatsoever and tends to freeze up if he encounters anything demonic or fel in nature, and he’s left with lingering paranoia while on covert missions.
It’s something he never talks about.
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swampgallows · 4 years
What do you think... When will WoW end? Story telling and game play wise. Sure it makes a lot of cash for blizz but it can't go on for another decade can it?
The most I can imagine is that they might make a “WoW 2″ type deal. I’m sure on the programming side of things they’d be elated to finally work with a more modern engine, but on the customer side of things I’m not sure how the transfer would work (or how much of the playerbase would be willing to go quietly, as it were, considering how long Nostalrius existed before Blizz caved and made official Classic servers). On that note though, it could be a long con to transfer WoW and all of its xpacs to a platform not unlike Classic: a fusion of the current Chromie timetravel leveling and Classic’s preserved-server partitions per xpac (like rumored BC servers, WotLK servers, etc. all the way up to whatever precedes “WoW 2″). 
From a story perspective, I can’t imagine WoW having any more or less grandiose of a conclusion than our last few xpacs. Our character’s individual power level and influence has increased so exponentially with the severity and depth of the threats that pretty much every single development in WoW seems like the end of the world. Like, Illidan was a threat definitely, but it wasn’t like... the end of the world. Maybe I’m forgetting some shit but I feel like up until Cataclysm, Azeroth hadn’t been threatened on a global level since the War of the Ancients when the Well of Eternity fucking exploded.
Like, don’t get me wrong, the Scourge and the Lich King were/are definitely a threat, as is the Burning Legion. But we as player characters weren’t “the champion” shouldering the recovery and preservation of the entire planet on our shoulders facing off against a global, cosmic threat. The Burning Legion is bad, but as long as we cut them off at the source, Azeroth was okay. And since Burning Crusade took place mostly in Outland, an already-ruined ex-planet, Azeroth itself was fairly chill. WotLK was a little more dire, but if we could put a stop to the Lich King, then we could handle the Scourge. Worst case scenario it might destroy all of the “lesser races” on Azeroth (and, considering our character is one, not a very cool outcome) but the Dragonflights kinda had their shit together with it and probably could’ve torched Arthas if it came down to it. Actually, I’m not so sure about that one, and the most I know about the Wyrmrest Accord is that it’s the server I play on. Feel free to correct me in the notes as to why dragons couldn’t light up the Lich King like a birthday cake (cough paging dragon expert Void cough cough).
But with Cataclysm/Deathwing it was like... okay our entire planet can be, and has been, severely fucked up. This goes beyond what mortal races can handle. It’s not just sword and shield stuff anymore; we have to directly ask for the help of these greater beings. MoP was a short return to the more domestic side of things until some flat-assed yam guy dropped a nuke and dug up a heart. 
i know I’m WAY off topic and I’ve talked about it before but dropping the nuke on Theramore is, to me, a very distinct moment when WoW jumped the shark. It changed the tonal storytelling of WoW, the kind of warfare we can expect in WoW (see: iron horde, azerite weapons), the enormity of the war and our actions, etc. From that point we have ramped up to where we are now, which is that we’re going into the afterlife to repair the machinations of death itself. Like, that’s a long, long, long fucking way from “please pick me some cactus apples and I’ll teach you my recipe”. 
The stakes have become so high by the end of every xpac that I think any “end” to WoW would have to, in comparison, be incredibly humble and tame to leave any significant impact. And while I imagine that would upset people a lot, I don’t really know what more you can ask for beyond “the dead are at peace, the living are at peace, the world is at peace”. And, like, maybe half of an allusion to still-brewing rivalries so the eternal battle between Alliance and Horde rages on, or something? That would be a letdown in its own right I think but it could be good sequel fodder. And if they made that sequel, they could very easily transfer the faction war onto a new planet, further in time with new places, new races, new classes, new skills, so on and so forth, discovering and developing another corner of what is potentially an endless Warcraft universe.
Especially considering our impact on the Burning Legion and soon Shadowlands, which spans timeways and planets and much more beyond Azeroth specifically, it only makes sense that other planets or peoples might be aware of what’s going on in Azeroth. For all we know, it could be a great opportunity to pull a reset and have us start back at the beginning, wide-eyed adventurers discovering everything again for the first time.
tl;dr if Blizz really wanted to, they could pull a Pokemon and have the same song and dance further in the future on a different planet in-game with a different client and engine irl, and hopefully find a way to transfer a bunch of your shit to the new game a la Pokemon Bank.
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weiyismart · 3 years
Let's say some random PUG mythic group
We didn't become friends on bnet (partly because I wasn't sure what to do) but it was one the most thoughtful things people did to  WOW TBC Gold me as I mastered the game. We still appreciate you, if you're still around!
I made a new friend in vanilla We leveled up together and then continued to communicate after, when the server was divided and we chose different servers (language preference), he gave me gold for my The Unstoppable Force, I was poor , and he realized it was my "dream".
I'll never forget a dude from my guild who had to break up. I was not awarded the Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare achievement. I was awarded the meta achievement that awarded the mounts. I had to fight for it repeatedly. I was stunned when he came my rescue and helped me reach my goal. I almost cried because I was overwhelmed! My protodrakes are among my favorites. They are still one of my most favorite mount models.
Let's say some random PUG mythic group required a tank, and I queued. It was almost an increase of 2. They were stunned. The other four guildies are also looking forward to the same thing. "No Problem! We're terrible." They were not, but they played five more minutesplus after I had mastered routes and mechanics. They even offered me a place in their raid team, either as healer or tank.
Someone I met in my first ever guild raid stay with me after raid and her and her boyfriend helped me set up to get my gear. They also gave me my SL Lego. Unfortunately, the guild was not kind to me personally and I didn't go to any of their future raids.
My guild is fantastic.. We all help one another out in a variety of different ways. I received a guildie payment for a month's worth of game time during a time of financial hardship and could not afford it. They are there when I require an ear or. My guild has made WoW an enjoyable experience for me. The majority of bad experiences are PUGS and even then it's very rare.
I like to run low on my highly engineered tank in order to help lower geared/newer people get some quick gear. It's not a huge amount however it's great to be the only dps sitting in group finder.
Wotlk/cata was where I met two of my closest online buddies. We went on numerous alt lvlings together and also enjoyed low level vip. We slowly played less much less on wow, only returning to start the Exspansions month or two. However, now we play all kinds of random games. Whatever our current game status however, I will always be grateful to WoW for providing me with two 10+ years old acquaintances to chat with and to play with.So, I've played Retail WoW previously but it wasn't WoW Classic. So , my understanding of WoW classic is you're playing through the  buy WOW Classic TBC Gold game of it was released years ago and TBC came years later.
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loadingenglish865 · 3 years
Wow 3 Person Flying Mount
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Multi Person Flying Mount Wow
Passenger Flying Mounts Wow
2 Person Mount In Wow
A field guide to mounts in the World of Warcraft. Warcraft Mounts. A field guide to mounts in the World of Warcraft. This mount is available to all eligible characters on your account. Level 20; Apprentice (75) Riding. Flying (+150%, +280% or +310% speed) Speed depends on your riding skill.
Category:World of Warcraft passenger mounts - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft and its universe.
You don't have to have played WoW very long to have seen - and admired - your fellow players running around riding tigers, dragons, turtles, flying carpets, and dinosaurs, among other things.
Written by: Brandon Hubbell
When playing World of Warcraft, everyone loves a really nice mount and to add to that they absolutely love an awesome flying mount that makes traveling much faster. Though flying mounts weren’t always a thing, once introduced everyone went nuts over them, I know I did! So we’re going to go over some of the most popular ones today.
10. X53 Touring Rocket
Starting us off is one of the easier flying mounts to get and quite frankly just fun to fly, it’s the X53 Touring Rocket. A two-seater mount that allows you and a friend to fly around looking ridiculous! Even though it’s easier than most, it’s one of the Recruit a Friend items and I do believe if you have the gold you can get it off the Auction House.
9. Sky Golem
Another of the easier mounts to get and just all-around fun to have flying around is the Sky Golem. Let’s face it, who doesn’t like flying mech suits? This bad boy is obtained through the Engineering Profession as well as the Auction House.
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Multi Person Flying Mount Wow
8. Arcanists Manasaber
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Next up is not only a flying mount, but a ground mount as well and it’s the Arcanists Manasaber. I used to see plenty of these kinds of mounts flying/running around back in my WoW days and apparently after researching this is one of the more popular ones. You’re able to get it from the Fate of the Nightborne quest.
Passenger Flying Mounts Wow
7. Leyfeather Hyppogryph
When playing WoW, especially with the Alliance players, I’d see a lot of Hyppogryph mounts and the Leyfeather Hyppogryph is no exception. The mount is simply awesome and has a beautiful purple color/glow. If you want this guy you have to get the Glory of the Legion Hero achievement done.
6. Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher
Sixth on our list is the popular undead dragon during Wrath of the Lich King, the Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher! Now very easy to get during the WotLK raid, getting the Glory of the Icecrown Raider Achievement from the ten-man raid. This was also one of the mounts I would see everywhere in the cities!
5. Ashes of Alar
Bringing us halfway is the pretty popular Ashes of Alar! This guy was literally everywhere when I played, people went after it like crazy and I don’t blame them! Unfortunately, I never got it to drop in The Tempest Keep and I just gave up after five tries!
4. Ironbound Proto Drake
This next one is the more popular of the Drake mounts, the Ironbound Proto Drake! I personally never received this mount myself, but I often saw it and was pretty jealous. It has the better model design of the Drakes honestly and you can get it from the Glory of the Ulduar Raider achievement from the twenty man raid.
3. Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent
Now even though it’s third in the top three, the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent mount is one of my favorite flying/dragon mounts ever. The aesthetics alone make it one bad ass looking mount and it’s well worth the struggle to get. You have to stake out the Summer Isles and kill Houlon to get it to drop, it took me a month to get it to drop! Talk about bad luck!
2. Drake of the East Wind
Even though it came in second in our list, honestly it’s tied with number one and we’re talking about the Drake of the East Wind! It’s look is just amazing and definitely, the best looking in most of the drake mounts and due to that fact it is highly sought after. Though if you want to go for it you have to get the Glory of the Cataclysm Raider achievement.
1. Infinite Timeweaver
At the top of today’s list in the number one spot is the dragon flying mount, the Infinite Timeweaver! One of the more aesthetically pleasing designs, Infinite Timeweaver was highly sought after once it dropped due to so many asking for this type of dragon mount. It dropped during the Timewalking Dungeons World Event.
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1. Use your Flight form. (150% or 280% dosent matter) 2. Join a BG or any instance where you can use mount. 3. Mount your chopper or any mammoth (you can do this with any ground mount too)
2 Person Mount In Wow
4. Leave instance / BG. (While mounted)
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5. Now you have your flying vehicle that can carry passengers! (If you did it with chopper / mammoth) Here is SS: Possibilities with this one are endless! You can help poor people level faster if they dont have flying mount, kill people with ease (just fly high and eject passenger), help twinks (or anybody really) get exploration achievements, get lowbies to dalaran without mage / lock and so on! Enjoy!!!!
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blogbuzz741 · 3 years
Download Hitchhiker\\\'s Hack 3.3 5
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©2013-2018 UploadedTrend.com Search Engine - The Hitchhiker's Hack 3 3 5 file info/download The Hitchhiker's Hack 3 3 5 file info/download. Mar 6, 2018 - (cheers:P) PIC (HACK) The Hitchhiker's Hack 3.3.5 Calabazin Mod. Thorium Wow WOTLK 3.3.5a it's a brand new Wrath of the Lich King PVP server. As if free download dope wars 2.2 are a download wow exe 3.3.5 friend.
Functions (Private) These functions must be used on Private servers only (Never use it on live server!) Overall speed: Modify all speeds (walking, running, swimming, flying, etc) Speed: Running and swimming speed (default = 7) (100% = 14) in percents: Display your speed in% (for example, if you put the speed to 14, it will display 100%. That mean Speed 14 = 100% epic mount) Fly Mod: Allow you to fly (default = 7) (280% = 26.6) (310% = 28.7) Freeze Z: Allow you to walk at the same heigh without falling NoClip 1: Your character can go through EVERYTHING (even ground). It's higly advisable to use this function with Freeze Z or Fly mod.
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Candy Crush Saga Hack Apk File Free Download. Wow Emu Hack Speed/Fly Hack 3.3.5. World of warcraft gold hack 3.3.5 update How Download wow money hack. Pw airframe maladolescenza. Wow damage hack 3.3.5 shared files. World of Warcraft (WOW) Bots, Hacks and Cheats Find and Download Free. Candy Crush Saga Hack Apk File Free Download. Wow Emu Hack Speed/Fly Hack 3.3.5. World of warcraft gold hack 3.3.5 update How Download wow money hack. Pw airframe maladolescenza. Wow damage hack 3.3.5 shared files. World of Warcraft (WOW) Bots, Hacks and Cheats Find and Download Free. Here you can download file The Hitchhiker Hack 3.3.5. 2shared gives you an excellent opportunity to store your files here and share them with others. Join our community just now to flow with the file The Hitchhiker Hack 3.3.5 and make our shared file collection even more complete and exciting.
Functions (Live serv.) These functions can be use on Live or Private servers. Wallclimb: You can climb every mountains Walljump: Allow you to hang you on mountains (kind of wallclimb) Walk-on-water: Allow you to walk on water Walk-under-water: Allow you to walk under water Super-jump: Allow you to jump higher (Put the value you want in the Inputbox bellow) Faction: Allow you to change of faction. You won't be able to attack the members of your faction, but you'll be able to see the level/PvP stats/talents/.
Of members of the opposite faction. Disable M2 collisions: Allow you to go through 'objects' (trees, etc.) Disable WMO collisions: Allow you to go though buildings Noclip: Disable M2 + WMO collisions Tracking: Allow you to track units on your minimap (like hunters) and to display ressources. XYZ: Manual: One keypress move your character of a step. Automatic: One keypress move your character continuously (To stop moving, press the 1 key of the Numpad) /! (Numpad) 7: Up 9: Down 8: North 5: South 6: East 4: West 1: Stop moving (If you're in Automatic mod) /! Please, disactivate XYZ when you want to type something. If you press a Numpad key while you're typing, your character will be teleport without turning, so you'll be disconnect if you move.
No-Clip Action: Teleport you a bit forward by pressing the shortcut key (Default: F3). (DONT USE IT CONTINUOUSLY!) Only on VERY short distance (to go through a wall/door for example). Shortcuts: They can be assigned by the Shotcut button (you have to check the Shortcut's checkbox to make them active). Only use ONE unique shortcut per function. Player (Client-side only) (Work on live servers) Alcohol: Make you drunk!
Titre: Display a title before your pseudo. You need to Disactivate/Activate your name in options to see it. Code: BINom de la destination/I/B BIType:=/I/BWhatever you want (This line is only here to make the program compatible with WEH lists) BIMapID:=/I/BID of the map BIXPos:=/I/BX coordinate BIYPos:=/I/BY coordinate BIZPos:=/I/BZ coordinate BIComment:=/I/BComment. ^^You have to keep the same file's name and extension (.ini). But as I said, you don't need to use this if you use the teleport list who's included with the program.
To teleport, you just have to click on a destination and then, click on 'Teleport'. Other On top: Put the window in the foreground. Transparence: Make the window transparent. Reset: Reset all the program's options.
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'WoW List': If you launch several WoW, you'll be able to choose wich WoW you want to cheat on by selecting his PID (writed in the top right hand column (on screenshots, 3 WoW are launched)) Settings: Allow you to change some settings:. language. use default interface.
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Download Hitchhiker 's Hack 3.3 5.1
keep functions activated after closing program. activate some functions at launch You must start the program when you're character is in game. For Vista/Seven users, you'll may have to start the program with admins rights. Extract the files before launching the program!
Download Hitchhiker's Hack 3.3 5
Have fun ^^ Downloadlink von Ravenstorm entfernt. Similar Threads wla ng instructions repost wallhack lang naman to ii working sya sakin but after 2 or 3 games mag re re log-in na kasi nadedebug xa try nyo po sa. 5 Replies - Soldier Front Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits Hi, im new here, and i have hitchhiker's hack source code, so here are The Hitchhiker's Hack 3.3.5.au3 Please somebody fix the first hotkey. 3 Replies - WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros NEWEST HACK DISCOVERY!!!!!!!!!
WoW Admin Panel v1.02 WoW Admin Panel is a fairly new project for World of Warcraft private servers This version supports World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King: 3.3.5a (12340) builds Only including wow-heroes, molten-wow, wow-circle, etc. The hack contains:. Speed hack. Fly hack.
Ghost mode. No falling. Low Gravity. Tracking radar. instant Teleport-to-corpse. instant Teleport-to-target.
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Wall climbing mode. Walk on water. XYZ manipulation. Teleport locations list. Bind action to keyboard key press.
Download Hitchhiker 's Hack 3.3 5e
Easy to use Multiboxing (echo your key presses to all open windows) Currently working on more languages support, and memory offset updates to eventually get one versatile trainer for all wow versions in all languages. Teleports list support Hitchhiker's list, so you can import your teleport location for his lists. Coded with Visual Basic 6.0 (i'm that old) and works on Windows (95,98,me,vista,XP,7,8) 32bit. Make sure you run as administrator! Make sure you extract all files to one location and run the trainer As an administrator And that your wow.exe is actually named wow.exe! Virustotal file checking (file is clean): if you can't see the image above P.S.Please post feedbacks - it's very important, good or bad.
Thank you.Share your telelist cords on this thread so everyone can enjoy them. How to load teleports lists to Wow Admin Panel: 1. Copy the list and save to txt file, run Wow Admin Panel 2. Go to 'Teleports', and at the bottom right click 'Load' 3. Type in the path to the file you just created and press 'OK'. Hitchhiker's list: H-WOW list Battle Grounds List. Funny thing on Heroes-Wow realm they actually censored almost everything related to this trainer because they have no clue on how to deal with it.
Download Hitchhiker's Hack 3.3 5
The domain, the name, even the words 'Panel' and 'Admin' been censored. Shows how frustrated they are. IT is: Undetected on that server as on any other private server. A version for 5.0.5 is being worked on, will update accordingly. Also, i am aware of the issues with Arathi basin teleports, - you can load the Battlegrounds teleport list, and assign the teleport named: BG: Arathi Basin. To a custom teleport, it will work as planned. And that some non-English language versions of the game having problems (Game Window name must be 'World of Warcraft') it will be fixed on the next version.
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open-world-azeroth · 7 years
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LOCATION: “Engine of the Makers”
ZONE: Storm Peaks
NPCS: None
ACCESSIBILITY: Requires flying, WotLK content
NOTES: Delve again into Azeroth’s exposed titan heart! Another small part of the Forge of Wills is open to explore for treasure hunters and loreseekers, dormant gears frozen in time and hiding who knows what sorts of mysteries!
You could probably just ask Odyn for information, but that would mean you’d have to talk to Odyn.
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8 Facts About Larkin
1. During her military career, Larkin was rarely without a sketchbook and pencils in her pack. Whenever she could make the time, usually when her squad stopped to eat or rest, she would draw. More often than not, she’d sketch landscapes, but she’d occasionally choose an animal or squad member as a subject instead. Lark no longer carries a sketchbook around, but she keeps a couple next to her bed. If one were to flip through the book she’s currently filling, they’d find schematics of future projects, tattoo ideas, and drawings of ships and a certain captain.
2. Lark has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. She has done a lot of work to manage it, but is still triggered occasionally. If she’s in an environment where sudden loud sounds would be considered out of the ordinary, any unexpected crash or boom may trigger a PTSD attack. Her most recent episode occurred in a pub when a couple of staffers dropped a large wooden cask, which crashed to the floor and broke open.
3. Larkin’s dislike of tea isn’t a secret to those who know her, but the root of that dislike is. Though she much prefers coffee, the engineer doesn’t really have a problem with the taste of tea. Her real issue is with what she calls “all the pomp and circumstance” around the serving of ‘proper tea’. The daughter of a diplomat, she was forced to put on fancy dresses and fake airs, and to entertain officials who her father deemed important. Unpleasant memories and an adversarial relationship with her father has caused tea to leave a bitter taste in Lark’s mouth, so to speak. If anyone is able to turn that around, it will be the Penny Pack.
4. Lark enjoys making wind-up toys. The last one she made was a little walking teapot, which was intended as a gift for Maggie. When she wasn’t in her squad’s favorite pub during leave, the army engineer would spend her downtime making little toys to randomly hand out to kids- and sometimes adults -in Dalaran.
5. During her four year structural engineering apprenticeship, Larkin’s dwarven instructor added an unconventional requirement to her training. She had to learn to play a musical instrument. Her instructor was a firm believer (as Lark is now) that playing a musical instrument promotes positive changes in fine motor control, increased sensitivity to sensory information, and more efficient cognitive function. Larkin chose an instrument known for its sound far more than by its name, a stringed/keyed instrument called a nyckelharpa. The nature of her work in the army hasn’t allowed her much downtime in the past several years, so she doesn’t play as often as she’d like. I see her playing more often (though privately) as she begins to settle into her new life at the abbey. (If you’re familiar with ‘Totems of Grizzlemaw’ from the WOTLK soundtrack, the nyckelharpa is that fiddle-like instrument you begin to hear at the 1:57 minute mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zePOy3xHHhU)
6. Lark is now estranged from her father and his family. She would like to stay in contact with her mother, but has made no attempts to do so since leaving the army. She’s afraid her father would use her mother to gather information about her, and if Lark’s mother caught on and questioned her father, chances are good he’d harm her. So the engineer is losing her relationship with her mother as well, to keep her safe.
7. Lark has seriously considered having her father killed or doing it herself. Currently, she finds it more appealing to see him caught, tried, and convicted for his crimes. He would fear sitting in jail as a penniless failure more than he’d fear death.
8. Larkin anonymously sent a fairly large amount of gold to the parents of the young private who died under her command. That was far from the first time she spent her personal money on her squad. Unbeknownst to them, it was fairly common for her to purchase new gear and extra rations and let her squad assume that those things had been officially issued to them by the army.
Thanks for the tag @penvenomstarkstar!
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For 15 or so years I have found myself fantasizing about whatever the next WoW patch or next WoW expansion will be. Even now in the midst of this nostalgia fest that is WoW classic I am wondering, "what's next?". We have reached a halfway point of sorts with WoW classic we are about to hit phase 4 of 6 in the WoW classic journey. Phase 5 and 6 are beefy phases of new raids AQ20/40 and Naxxramas, which may be quite lengthy, and after Phase 6 this is where vanilla stopped back-in-the-day.  But what comes after?  There is a general consensus that we will just get The Burning Crusade: Classic, the expansion that followed on from the original. I however, have another theory, hinted at from the announcement of the next expansion for current (retail) WoW: Shadowlands. It's unpopular but I have a wild theory... Since we haven't had an announcement and it's not confirmed perhaps there will not be a TBC-Classic. But instead what if there is some plan to bring both Classic and Retail together and merge to become Shadowlands. Level in Classic then go to Shadowlands, making Shadowlands in effect Classic+ Why do I think this? On it's current path Classic is could potentially be phased to finish around the same time as the launch of Shadowlands, and with it Shadowlands now has the the new feature of Chromie expansion revisiting: Veteran players will be approached by Chromie, who senses they have done Battle for Azeroth before - And offer them the opportunity to level in any expansions! You will be able to choose your expansion to level on and change at any time, in case you need a change of pace. Leveling through an entire expansion's storyline will bring you pretty close to level 50. However, you are able to return and change which expansion you will be leveling on at any time if you need a change of pace. Now I know this is not a lot to go on but a couple of things strike me from this little tidbit, this only mentions expansions, no word on what they are doing or how they are handling Classic, i.e could players go back and level through vanilla, or is that just now "cataclysm? as during the cataclysm expansion there was a a complete revamp of vanilla quests, but Cata did have new zones and a new storyline... Also if they are planning on releasing, Classic TBC, Classic Wrath of the Lich King etc. why put the effort of putting this into retail? There is also a few other contributing factors to my tin foil hat theory The Level Squish. Everything is getting squished to level 60 upon shadowlands launch, why level 60, which is so co-incidentally the level cap in WoW Classic? One very interesting thing to come with this is that all raids and dungeons ever now being lvl 60, all TBCs, all WotLK, even latest raids will be lvl 60. Are they making it more Classicy?. It was also announced that a few old talents were being resurrected for shadowlands and a revamp of the talent system, the drop to 60 and quite honestly given the popularity of Classic perhaps a new direction for the game to claim the classic-ers back. Blizz have even come out and said that they are learning more from Classic.. They retrofitted classic into the current engine. One could take a very cynical approach to this and look as classic as means to re-absorb the classic players, the hype from streamers, the progression pacing. It could be seen as Blizzard just using classic as a vehicle to catch the folks who have dropped off and then use retail now as the next step, like a kind of carrot on a stick. From Blizz's perspective why would they want to do 2 lots of work, i.e. create TBC servers AND maintain retail with expansion revisiting? why not give everyone in one package? With these points in mind I am interested to see where the stats and such compare between Retail and Classic after the squish and the viability of classic talents in lvl 60 squished raids. How would this work?  Honestly I dont know, I just feel that the implementation of the Chromie feature feels a little bit like a one size fits all future proofed solution. But I could foresee a couple of scenarios: Classic is done, you and your guild transfer to shadowlands, you end up as a lvl 60 with access to Chomies Expansion revisiter in retail Classic continues and Chomie pops up in classic and gives you access to expansion revisiter allowing you to replay raids from any expansion. Again with a some kind of progression model. Along side Mythic Mode you also get Classic Mode which retains your WoW Classic talents, allowing you to jump into raids with some kind of guild progression model. Retail to be differentiated with Classic servers where people retain the talent trees and do the content that way. With the level squish, and just taking your character into these raids, what is the point, what do you gain from doing these raids, how do you progress? The gear is going to have to be re-itemized for the squish, again if Blizzard are doing this for Retail and it will be retroactive, why not just make this available to the Classic-ers upon the end of Classic. So if gear is being changed to be more lvl 60-like then why do we care about gear from SSC or even MoP if its all going to be pretty equivalent, and would it even be visible/wearable in Classic? What could these raids offer in exchange for gear? Tokens for gear, mats, titles, gold? If Classic-ers were to be able to join the ranks of the Shadowlands too, the gold economy would have to be addressed, either by giving classic players a gold reward, or give them the WoW gold tokens that have now been implemented on the China PTR. In all actuality I am very aware that these are all wild ideas here and quite honestly the idea of TBC coming out is probably the most likely, but I just wonder in the head of blizzard if they are perhaps looking for a more permanent futurepoofed way for the classic community to enjoy the game, offer new content to them but without destroying Classic with the plethora of "quality of life"  systems (e.g. LFD/LFR), by just lifting a bit of work they have done in retail to classic or merging classic with retail. Love and Chromie, Richie X
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patmcgroin1 · 5 years
Complete Golf Sets Newcomers
Key factor 1 is having the mindset and the preparation. When paintball guns gaming you will want to have the mindset of knowing what you wish for and going for the goal and being voice to reckon with it. When you have your mindset on one target, the target you are aiming for and set objective then you are able to do it. Having the preparation for this activity is also something that you need to attain. You need to be prepared for whatever is coming at you this may let you game plan. Basically like any other sport that you'll have play. You also tell whether a girl is into you by how she treats you. Women are proficient at thinking loud and showing it simply no apology. She behaves differently to mankind who she thinks can be an ugly no-class jerk. She might bother less to filter her words and requires language lets you know that she is not really that into the public. If she thinks in order to an attractive classy guy her eyes and VIP treatment will state it just about. She will let anyone to take control of the situation and believe in your every word and stick to it to the letter. Any time a man she thinks dissapear to play 필리핀카지노 s demands her number, she might blurt out something like "Why are you think i will give it to an individual?". You have missed the overall game and the ball has concluded. This shows her interest in dating you is below zero. EB: Many people asked how i managed to juggle a position and three young children, along with the other demands of life, and still keep a smile on my face. I realized extraordinary considering that audience who wanted to hear from a massive mom concerning how to get passed the day-to-day obstacles and locate happiness.so I started writing about my experiences and journeys. Life throws you the unexpected curve on consistently. Prepare for these detours to pop up from your own nowhere and ride them out wherever they require. The associated with NFL jerseys are typical. It is a strategy meet new individuals, as well. All over the region are comprehensive strangers a smile, a nod, elevate your glasses and horns, since see folks with a common jersey. From the wonderful technique to like minded people specifically when you're gone observe the recreation, his or her preferred institution's needs. This period is internet site . one to have after a hair hair treatment. After a few weeks, the hair sheds, and if you find usually a bit of "shock loss", or associated with existing hair color. This means that you look worse than what you are doing before process. Since we all do this to look better, it is hard to search engine optimization campaign waiting for your new hair to propagate! Finally, at three months the hair begins to sprout! As a conclusion, I will say that using WotLK horde leveling guides to rise a character in Northrend is not a bad choice. At least, for me it worked nicely. They're usually very comprehensive and easy to follow and subject that you are pro as well as perhaps a beginner a good guide is able to improve your gaming experience.
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honestlyfullfox · 2 years
The Burning Crusade released for WOTLK classic these days
Originally launched 14 years in the past in 2007 and now new once more in WoTLK Gold with its re-release these days, June 1, The Burning Crusade turned into a landmark enlargement for the MMO. The first enlargement to the style-defining recreation set the level for what might come withinside the destiny in loads of methods, and it left a long-lasting effect on Azeroth.
As the primary WoW enlargement, loads turned into using on it--and it added. The enlargement brought the sport's first new races--the Draenei and the Blood Elves--that shook up the meta, along side new zones, greater PvP content material, and lots greater.
The antique is new once more, as The Burning Crusade released for WOTLK classic these days, permitting gamers to revisit vanilla TBC how they do not forget all of it the ones years in the past. Ahead of the release, P2Pah spoke with Blizzard's Brian Birmingham (lead software program engineer) and John Hight (govt manufacturer for WOW WoTLK Classic Gold and vp at Blizzard), each of whom are veterans of the video games studio who seemed lower back and pondered at the release and effect of The Burning Crusade.
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