#would have more strongly preserved elements of 'original' human culture than places where there was more intercultural mixing and sharing
pleckthaniel · 2 years
one of my favorite insane little worldbuilding details in star wars that eventually got kinda fucked up by the prequels is the very strong implication that humans on tatooine specifically have ‘normal’ names, to the point that obi-wan kenobi has to change his name to ‘ben’ to get around without invoking suspicion. this is even funnier/more interesting with the context that tatooine is a thinly veiled arrakis expy, and the situation was very purposefully and pointedly the opposite in dune, where the native arrakeens all had ‘weird’ sounding names based on bastardized arabic words and names while the colonizing offworlders were the ones named things like paul and jessica
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qqueenofhades · 4 years
I have a question about your opinion as a historian about how to deal with problematic past. I am French, not American, so not quite as aware of what is happening right now in the US regarding statues as I probably should. My question is the following: many of the politicians who promoted (admittedly white) social equality in France, worked on reforming labor laws, etc, in the 19th / 20th century were certainly not anti-colonialist. How to deal with this "mixed legacy" today? Best wishes to you!
First off, I am honoured that you would ask me this question. Disclaimer, my work in French history is largely focused on the medieval era, rather than modern France, and while I have studied and traveled in France, and read and (adequately?) speak French, I am not French myself. So this should be viewed as the perspective of a friendly and reasonably well-informed outsider, but not somebody from France themselves, and therefore subject to possible errors or otherwise inaccurate statements. But this is my perception as I see it, so hopefully it will be helpful for you.
(By the way if you’re interested, my post on the American statue controversy and the “preserving history!” argument is here. I originally wrote it in 2017, when the subject of removing racist monuments first arose, and then took another look at it in light of recent events and was like “WELP”.)
There’s actually a whole lot to say about the current crisis of public history in a French context, so let me see if I can think where to start. First, my chief impression is that nobody really associates France with its historical empire, the same way everyone still has either a positive or negative impression of the British Empire and its real-world effects. The main international image of France (one carefully cultivated by France itself) is that of the French Revolution: storming the Bastille, guillotining aristocrats, Liberté, égalité, fraternité, a secular republic overcoming old constraints of a hidebound Catholic aristocracy and reinventing itself as a Modern Nation. Of course, less than a generation after the Revolution (and this has always amused/puzzled me) France swung straight back into autocratic expansionist empire under Napoleon, and its colonialism efforts continued vigorously alongside its European counterparts throughout the nineteenth and well into the twentieth century. France has never really reckoned with its colonialist legacy either, not least because of a tendency in French public life for a) strong centralization, and b) a national identity that doesn’t really allow for a hyphen. What I mean by that is that while you can be almost anything before “American,” ie. African-American, Latino-American, Jewish-American, Muslim-American, etc, you are (at least in my experience) expected to only be “French.” There is a strong nationalistic identity primarily fueled by language, values, and lifestyle, and the French view anyone who does not take part in it very dimly. That’s why we have the law banning the burka and arguments that it “inhibits” Muslim women from visually and/or emotionally assimilating into French culture. There is a very strong pressure for centralization and conformity, and that is not flexible.
Additionally, the aforementioned French lifestyle identity involves cafe culture, smoking, and drinking alcohol -- all things that, say, a devout Muslim is unlikely to take part in. The secularism of French political culture is another factor, along with the strict bureaucracy and interventionist government system. France narrowly dodged getting swept up in the right-wing populist craze when it elected Emmanuel Macron over Marine Le Pen (and it’s my impression that the FN still remains relatively popular) but it also has a deep-grained xenophobia. I’m sure you remember “French Spiderman,” the 22-year-old man from Mali who climbed four stories of a building in Paris to rescue a toddler in 2018. He was immediately hailed as a hero and allowed to apply for French citizenship, but critics complained about him arriving in France illegally in the first place, and it happened alongside accelerated efforts to deny asylum seekers, clear out the Calais migrant camp, and otherwise maintain a hostile environment. The terror attacks in France, such as 2015 in Paris and the 2016 Bastille Day attack in Nice, have also stiffened public opinion against any kind of accommodation or consideration of non-French (and by implication, non-white) Frenchpeople. The Académie Française is obviously also a very strong linguistic force (arguably even more so than the English-only movement in America) that excludes people from “pure” French cultural status until they meet its criteria. There really is no French identity or civic pride without the French language, so that is also something to take into consideration.
France also has a strong anti-authority and labor rights movement that America does not have (at least the latter). When I was in France, the joke was about the “annual strike” of students and railway workers, which was happening while I was trying to study, and we saw that with the yellow jacket protests as well. Working-class France is used to making a stink when it feels that it’s being disrespected, and while I can’t comment in detail on how the racial element affects that, I know there has been tension and discontent from working-class, racial-minority neighborhoods in Paris about how they’ve been treated (and during the recent French police brutality protests, the police chief rejected any idea that the police were racist, despite similar deaths in custody of black men including another French Malian, Adama Traoré.) All of this adds up to an atmosphere in which race relations, and their impact on French history, is a very fraught subject in which discussions are likely to get heated (as discussions of race relations with Europeans and white people tend to get, but especially so). The French want to be French, and feel very strongly that everyone else in the country should be French as well, which can encompass a certain race-blindness, but not a cultural toleration. There’s French culture, the end, and there isn’t really an accommodation for hybrid or immigrant French cultures. Once again, this is again my impression and experience.
The blind spot of 19th-century French social reformers to colonialism is not unlike Cold War-era America positioning itself as the guarantor of “freedom and liberation” in the world, while horrendously oppressing its black citizens (which did come in for sustained international criticism at the time). Likewise with the American founding fathers including soaring rhetoric about the freedom and equality of all (white) men in the Constitution, while owning slaves. The efforts of (white) social reformers and political activists have refused to see black and brown people as human, and therefore worthy of meriting the same struggle for liberation, for... well, almost forever, and where those views did change, it had to come about as a process and was almost never there to start with. “Scientific” white supremacy was especially the rage in the nineteenth century, where racist and imperialist European intellectuals enjoyed a never-ending supply of “scientific” literature explaining how black, brown, and other men of color were naturally inferior to white men and they had a “duty” to civilize the helpless people of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and so on, who just couldn’t aspire to do it themselves. (This is where we get the odious “white man’s burden” phrase. How noble of them.) So the nineteenth-century social reformers were, in their minds, just doing what science told them to do; slavery abolitionists and other relief societies for black and brown people were often motivated by deeply racist “assimilationist” ideas about making these poor helpless people “fit” for white civilization, at which point racial prejudice would magically end. This might have been more “benevolent” than outright slave-owning racism, but it was no less damaging and paternalistic.
If you’re interested in reading about French colonialism and postcolonialism from a Black French perspective, I recommend Frantz Fanon (who you may have already heard of) and his 1961 magnum opus The Wretched of the Earth/ Les Damnés de la Terre. (There is also his 1952 work, Black Skin, White Masks.) Fanon was born in Martinique, served in World War II, and was part of the struggle for Algerian liberation from France. He was a highly influential and controversial postcolonial theorist, not least for his belief that decolonialization would never be achieved without violence (which, to say the least, unnerved genteel white society). I feel as if France in general needs to have a process of deep soul-searching about its relationship to race and its own imperial history (French Indochina/Vietnam being another obvious example with recent geopolitical implications), because it’s happy to let Britain take the flak for its unexamined and triumphalist imperial nostalgia. (One may remark that of course France is happy to let Britain make a fool of itself and hope that nobody notices its similar sins....) This is, however, currently unlikely to happen on a broad scale for the social and historical reasons that I discussed above, so I really applaud you for taking the initiative in starting that conversation and reaching out for resources to help you in doing it. Hopefully it will help you put the legacy of these particular social reformers in context and offer you talking points both for what they did well and where their philosophy fell short.
If there does come a point of a heightened racial conversation and reckoning in France (and there have been Black Lives Matter protests there in the last few weeks, so it’s not impossible) I would be curious to see what it looks like. It’s arguably one of the Western countries that has least dealt with its racial issues while making itself into the standard-bearer for secular Western liberalism. France has also enthusiastically joined in the EU, whereas Britain has (rather notoriously....) separated from all that, which makes Britain look provincial and isolated while France can position itself as a global leader with a more internationalist outlook. Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel are currently leading the effort for the $500 billion coronavirus rescue package for the EU, which gives it a sense of statesmanship and stature. It will be interesting to see how that continues to change and develop vis-a-vis race, or if it does.
Thanks so much for such an interesting question, and I hope that helped!
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genovia · 7 years
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Archaeological evidence of mass extinctions Planetary biographies below the cut
Aphras is a “heavenly twin,” a planet in a star system that has not one but two worlds of sufficient mass to retain a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere within the habitable life zone of its parent star. Fossil evidence shows abundant vertebrates and evidence of a sapient terrestrial avian species in its Bronze Age.
However, the only trace of contemporary life on the planet is that of single-celled organisms in its seas. All else has suffered from an extinction event – a series of massive impacts that vaporized vast quantities of water and lofted dust into its atmosphere. Early theories that this event was a collision with a fragmenting asteroid have now been discounted – the impact craters were aimed directly at habitation centers. (see: Tosal Nym)
Atahil is only of note for a few scattered craters. Though flattened by millions of years of high pressure, the marks of orbital bombardment strikes are unmistakable. It is generally accepted among academics that whoever hailed from or settled Schwarzschild’s second planet, Etamis, must have had outposts on Atahil as well.
Bothros is home to a scientific curiosity. Evidence of a primate-like spacefaring civilization was found frozen in its equatorial ice, ranging from melted fragments of metal to preserved remains of the creatures still wearing suits for extra-vehicular activity. Further exploration revealed that their habitation centers were vaporized by orbital bombardments from railgun-like weapons hitting with a force of approximately 120 kilotons of TNT. Only those that fled or happened to be away from the habitats were preserved in the ice, where they died of asphyxiation.
This unknown species did not come from Asteria, but scientific teams are looking for evidence that they visited there. It is difficult to believe they would colonize a frozen rock like Bothros and ignore a lush garden world. Their world of origin is also a mystery.
Epho is a rocky world with an atmosphere of oxygen and carbon dioxide. There are large craters scattered across its surface, obviously from hypervelocity kinetic impactors. Stretching between these locations are the shattered remains of magnetic levitation rail lines, which strongly suggests the craters represent the former locations of arthenni mining outposts or other settlements. The equatorial region contains an extensive network of canyons, formed by the planet’s abundant liquid water. (see: Gaelon, Helyme)
Etamis is a superterrestrial world a third larger than Earth. It is in a “post-garden” state that clearly shows evidence of attack from space. While now waterless, the shores of former oceans show patterns of cratering too regular to be anything but saturation bombardment by dreadnought-class kinetic weapons. Although it is unclear how, most of the atmosphere has been lost.
Archeologists have found little of note. It appears that all settled regions were touched by the global bombardment. The few relics found suggest an advanced spacefaring culture thrived on the world somewhere between from 20 and 40 million years ago. The level of antiquity makes it impossible to estimate the world’s former population, or guess whether it was the race’s homeworld or a colony.
Helyme is a “post-garden” world that once enjoyed an Earth-like oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere. It is still blessed with plentiful water, but a generally cold climate (and extreme seasonal shifts, courtesy of a 38-degree axial tilt).
Helyme is thought to be the homeworld of the arthenn, a spacefaring species which disappeared approximately 300,000 years ago. Precisely what happened to Helyme is still under debate. It appears a global extinction occurred, wiping out all native animal life forms more complex than zooplankton. Plant forms were not affected, but the lack of oxygen-breathing life caused oxygenation of the atmosphere. Plant life was reduced after lightning storms ignited global wildfires.
The leading theory for Helyme’s devastation is an out-of-control biological weapon. For this reason, landing is strictly prohibited. The corporations of Illium have emplaced a network of quarantine satellites to dissuade would-be looters from landing in the crumbling cities. (see: Epho, Gaelon)
Joab is a two-mooned habitable planet that is most well known for its mass extinction event. Thousands of years ago, Joab was home to a primate-like spacefaring civilization as well as abundant flora and fauna. However, this can only be deduced from time capsules put into the ground well outside habitation centers – all cities and detectable dwellings were targeted in a massive orbital bombardment that turned them into vapor. The resulting dust shroud killed all photosynthetic life and all fauna dependent on it. (see: Laban, Mizraim)
Klendagon’s most striking feature is, of course, the Great Rift valley that stretches across the southern hemisphere. What is most fascinating about the Rift is that it does not appear to be natural. The geological record suggests it is the result of a “glancing blow” by a mass accelerator round of unimaginable destructive power. This occurred some thirty-seven million years ago.
Gaelon is surrounded by an extensive ring system. The inner rings are composed pulverized nano-manufactured carbon materials, thought to be the remains of an arthenni helium-3 mining infrastructure. The few pieces of larger debris found indicate a materials technology at least equal to the current galactic state-of-the-art.
The outer rings consist of water-ice, silicate dust, and the odd bit of rock. Analysis of the debris often show [sic] shock damage and evidence of rapid heating. Some para-historical theorists insist that the outer rings represent debris from a moon or moons destroyed by mass accelerator bombardment. This has been rejected by every reputable xenoarcheologist; while it is theoretically possible to destroy a small moon utterly with dreadnought bombardment, no species sees a compelling reason to do so. (see: Epho, Helyme)
Mizraim, a small gas giant, is primarily hydrogen and methane around a rocky core. There is no remaining trace of the civilization from Joab on Mizraim itself, but debris orbiting the planet indicates that artificial satellites were once in place before being destroyed. (see: Joab, Laban)
Klendagon is an arid terrestrial, slightly larger than Earth, but with a lower density that reflects its relative lack of heavier elements. The crust is composed of tin and aluminum, with wide deserts of dust-fine sand that are easily stirred by the wind.
Klendagon’s most striking feature is, of course, the Great Rift valley that stretches across the southern hemisphere. What is most fascinating about the Rift is that it does not appear to be natural. The geological record suggests it is the result of a “glancing blow” by a mass accelerator round of unimaginable destructive power. This occurred some thirty-seven million years ago.
Laban is a desert world with sea upon sea of scorching hot iron oxide wearing away marbleized cliffs. Its atmosphere is thick and layered with significant levels of oxygen trapped under an upper helium layer. Initially, surveyors detected traces of iridium from orbit, only to find a surprising archaeological discovery - the iridium came from bunkers on the surface that were blown apart by a dreadnought-class weapon. The logical conclusion was that the civilization on Joab had reached Laban and its outposts here were destroyed to make their extermination complete. (see: Joab, Mizraim)
Tosal Nym, [ the sister tragedy to the extinction event on Aphras ], was the rarest of jewels; a second garden planet within the same life zone as Aphras. Not as old as its sister planet, its fossil evidence indicates it was home to abundant invertebrate sea life.
However, similar craters to those on Aphras created a dust shroud that killed 99% of biota on the planet. The even spacing of the craters indicates a coordinated, simultaneous attack from points around the globe, rather than an asteroid collision or supervolcanic scenario. (see: Aphras)
Vecchio is a moderately-sized terrestrial world with a thin, hot atmosphere of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Initial surveys found trace amounts of iridium, but little else of interest in the silicate desert sands that cover much of the surface of the planet.
On a recent tour, the Alliance surveyor ship Kupe discovered a group of partial graves hidden in the equatorial mountain ranges. The ancient skeletons in the burial sites were obviously humanoid but incomplete and poorly preserved, which has made them difficult to identify. Fragments of primitive ceramic grave goods were also found nearby. This raises further questions about who once traveled to this inhospitable planet since the closest garden world, Volturno, has no intelligent life. Human universities are planning further archaeological investigations.
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lydiafmp-blog · 6 years
Stream of consciousness/unedited-ish exploration
Lydia Land/Wilful Innocence
Greek myths - I was thinking about all the different directions I could take the project.  Like how those stories are still relevant today and those classic archetypes and how they inform our culture today.
And those are all intelligent ‘what I would think as intelligent concepts but they are quite broad and impersonal.  I want to do something more personal.  Someone suggested asking how I could sympathise with or embody one of those characters or creatures from one of those stories.
Recently I’ve been doing a lot of self-reflection and personal development, so I didn’t want to lose that or leave it out of my project. I’ve been doing a lot of self-discovery through my creative work – like realising what I wanted to study at degree level because of how I work best. I’ve become much more confident in my autonomy, taking control of my own life and it’s been seriously beneficial.  I’ve had more control over what I let into my daily life and what I let bother me and shut out the wider world to protect my own mental health – of Brexit and Trump and the environment going down the drain.  The harsh realities of the adult world which you have to face as you grow up.  And I’ve been stubborn and refused to let that invade my happiness or affect me because there’s’ not a lot I can do about it at the moment when I’m not ready. I just have to prioritise myself at this time.  
My dad mentioned walking into my room and saying it was like walking into Lydia Land, that I had surrounded myself with things that made me happy, a cosy cave full of things.
And then when I tried to tidy and put things in order it didn’t really work, it was like trying to force it into a box where it wouldn’t go like a square peg into a round hole because all that order didn’t fit with who I actually was.  Recently, the more I’ve rejected the traditional way of doing things and really followed what feels right to me the happier I’ve become. Who says these objects should go in this or that place, and why should I listen to that advice?
If I embraced this idea of childish stubbornness, could it inhibit my personal growth or could it actually facilitate it?
I have always been fascinated by the idea of mythical imaginary creatures and worlds.
Things happening that don’t in the real world. People don’t turn into dolphins or find magical stags in the forest or make wings and fly away. WE don’t turn ourselves into trees to avoid getting menaced by a man with goat legs.  
It’s not that I used them to escape reality. It’s not the idea of escaping. It’s about holding on to that childish sense of wonder and the impossible and not having to grow up and becoming bitter and jaded and bored and grey and commute-y.  A stubborn childish refusal where you just stamp your foot and say NO!
Because there are no actual rules in life – you can do what you want. We all follow conventions and traditions to some degree but if it doesn’t fit with who you are, it doesn’t make you happy you have the power to change things and do your own thing.  And in this case it would be refusing to grow up too fast beaus growing up is a depressing inevitability that comes with all these problems.
Icarus and his Dad, they are stuck.  They are led to be trapped on this island locked up in a tower. They see the birds flying around freely and make their own wings to match and fly out of the tower and escape.   So ignoring the ending, taking control of their situation with an out there idea, a hare-brained scheme.  Creative ingenuity to solve a problem, the fantasy element of the wings made it so appealing to me.  Rather than focusing on the moral, the harsh reality – this is what happens if you fantasise too much or get carried away or get over excited – you are going to drown. What kind of a lesson is that?  Icarus gets carried away because he’s having too much fun.  That sense of excitement has to die with him.  I didn’t want to accept that so I ignored it – what I really loved was the bit about the wings and the flying.
Oh you have to be realistic and be careful and focus on all the things that could go wrong.  We’re being conditioned to not enjoy life.  And I thought about Picnic at hanging rock and the innocence of the girls the naivety the dreamy way its shot, and Tuck Everlasting: a young girl on the cusp of womanhood, who meets a boy in the forest after running away from her parents who were trying to send her to a finishing school. That stubbornness - she runs away to the forest and meets a boy who is stuck at age 17 and shows her this new life of running about and playing and the narrator talks about how his family live the slow way, enjoying the little moments/simple pleasures. Whereas the girl’s mother is trying to get her to grow up and become a polished refined lady – trying to force her into the future. That unwillingness to grow up, to go along with the system imposed, because that’s not who she is. Personally, I wished she had drunk the magic water and stayed with him, even though her life ended up led by her own choices.
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Other visual stuff that comes to mind – one of the female centaurs in Fantasia, she encapsulates the same feeling I’m trying to convey.  The image of wild water features strongly in my brain, need to figure out why, what it’s telling me.
Also looking at Bambi. Love that Disney animation, the innocence, the youthfulness of wildlife, not so much in the real world but especially in that movie fantasy land.
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Also Princess Mononoke, a fierce girl child who is really innocent and vulnerable but fiery and indignant.  And has been raised by a giant wolf, how flipping cool is that.
The scene where the spirit appears in the forest and the crystal clear, still water nearby.  The scenes I’m starting to envisage are innocent wild young creatures, human or otherwise, playing or relaxing. In or near clear water.  There’s a scene in my head. I want to explore that and capture that essence.
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There’s wilful innocence and wilful ignorance.  I don’t want to give up my innocence. Innocence in that sense of being mindful and being in the present moment, not thinking of what there is to come.
Another reference point could be The Secret Garden, though not a fantastical story, it has a sense of magic to it, and talks about this kind of magic that happens when you play outside and run around and get the wind in your hair and help things grow.  All of these fantasy scenes I’m thinking of.  All these narratives the strong common theme is nature and the benefits of being in nature.  Also in Bambi the harsh reality – the hunters, deforestation in Princess M.  The destruction of that pure, untouched, carefree world.
Its an emotional state and I want to physically manifest that emotional state, to protect it (as I want to protect myself) and preserve it.  To create this version of myself and put her in that world.    
Some of these references I first looked at when I was six or seven. But they resonate now. They are still relevant – but in interesting new ways from this different perspective.
Dad told me about this: Until you’re about 6 or 7 you think it’s still possible that at some point a golden horse could come around the corner and there’s a moment/age you reach when you realise that this is probably not ever going to happen.
Maybe I need to redefine growing up in some way? Reject the original idea completely, or reframe it somehow
Also that book about that wild girl who gets adopted by a psychologist – that has a similar vibe to what I’m going for
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mathematicianadda · 4 years
Singing Euclid: the oral character of Greek geometry https://ift.tt/3erY1je
Greek geometry is written in a style adapted to oral teaching. Mathematicians memorised theorems the way bards memorised poems. Several oddities about how Euclid’s Elements is written can be explained this way.
Greek geometry is oral geometry. Mathematicians memorised theorems the way bards memorised poems. Euclid’s Elements was almost like a song book or the script of a play: it was something the connoisseur was meant to memorise and internalise word for word. Actually we can see this most clearly in purely technical texts, believe it or not. It is the mathematical details of Euclid's proofs that testify to this cultural practice. That sounds almost paradoxical, but I’m sure I will convince you.
The surviving documentation about ancient Greek geometry consists almost entirely of formal treatises. Very stilted and dry texts. Definition, theorem, proof. Pedantically written. Highly standardised, formalised. Completely void of any kind of personality. Where is the flesh and blood, the hopes and dreams, the lived experience of the ancient geometer? It’s as if they were determined to erase any traces of all of those things, and leave only a logical skeleton.
But it’s not as hopeless as it seems. At first glance it looks as if these texts have been scrubbed of all humanity. But, in fact, if we read between the lines we can extract quite a bit of information. There are implicit clues in these texts that reveal more than the authors intended.
That’s our topic for today: How these seemingly purely logical texts actually say quite a lot about the social context in which they were produced.
One thing we learn this way is that we should think of the Greek geometrical tradition as spoken geometry, not written geometry. Today we think of written texts as the primary manifestation of mathematics. When mathematicians disseminate their ideas, the published article is the official, definitive, primary expression of those ideas. The mathematician crafts a written document with the expectation that reading the text on paper is going to be the primary way in which people will access this material.
Not so in antiquity. Oral transmission was considered the primary mode of explaining mathematics. Written documents were a last resort when personal contact was not possible. And the written document was not meant to be a primary exposition in its own right. Writing was merely the oral explanation put down on paper (or papyrus, rather).
At least it must have been like that in the early days. Many conventions of Greek mathematical writing only make sense from this point of view. They must have been formed in an oral mathematical culture. Probably in later antiquity the situation was not so clear cut. Writing probably gradually became more of a thing in its own right, rather than merely a record of oral exposition. But even then, the conventions of written mathematics remained largely fixed. Greek mathematics never liberated itself from these conventions that had been set in an oral culture. They lived on. Perhaps in part due to tradition and conservatism, but probably also because the oral element remained a significant part of mathematical culture, perhaps especially in teaching.
Here’s an example of this, which I have taken from Reviel Netz’s book The Shaping of Deduction in Greek Mathematics. Consider the equation A+B=C+D. Here’s how the Greeks expressed this in writing: THEAANDTHEBTAKENTOGETHERAREEQUALTOTHECANDTHED. This is written as one single string of all-caps letters. No punctuation, no spacing, no indication of where one word stops and the next one begins.
A Greek text is basically a tape recording. It records the sounds being spoken. There is a letter of the alphabet for each sound one makes when speaking. The scribe just stenographically puts them down one after the other. From this point of view there is no distinction between upper or lower case letters: a letter just stands for a sound and that’s it. And there is no punctuation or separation of words, because those are not spoken sounds. And of course no mathematical symbols such as plus or equal signs, because that also does not exist in spoken discourse.
The only way to understand a text like that is to read it out loud. You have to read it like a child who is just learning to read: you sound it out letter by letter, and then interpret the sounds, rather than interpret the writing directly.
So the Greeks had a very limited conception of writing. They thought of writing only as a way of recording speech. They completely missed the opportunities that writing provides when embraced as a primary medium in its own right. Writing is a better way of representing equations, for example, than speech. But the Greeks completely missed that opportunity because they were stuck with the limited notion of writing as merely recorded sounds.
I like to compare this with early movies. Think of those classic movies from, say, the 1950s or so. They are basically recorded stage plays. There are limitations inherent in the medium of theatre. The actors have to speak quite loudly, articulately, to be heard by the audience in the back of the theatre. And the scenery on stage cannot easily be changed or moved. In a play you better stick to one or two sets, such as the interior of a room. That you can set up carefully with furniture and all kind of stuff on the walls and so on. But because you can’t change it easily, you have to have to have large parts of the play take place in that single setting.
These technical limitations constrain the artistic freedom of the playwright. You have to come up with a story where all the various characters have some reason or other to come and go into a single room, and once there to have loud conversations that drive the plot. All emotional depth and so on must be conveyed in this particular form.
These things became second nature to writers. So when film came around they kept doing the same thing even though that was no longer necessary. Many treated film as simply a way of recording plays. So in early movies you still have a lot of these static scenes with a fixed camera at one end of a room, and characters coming and going, having loud conversations.
Film affords new artistic possibilities. You are no longer limited to a static camera showing a fixed set, the way the audience of a theatre would be looking through the “fourth wall” of a room. You have many more options to convey things visually, instead of being limited to strongly articulated stage dialogs as the only driver of the plot.
But many early movies didn’t take advantage of that. They just kept doing what they had always been doing at the theatre and just recorded that. They saw the new medium of film merely as a way of “bottling” existing practice. It’s just a storage medium. They didn’t consider that the new medium was in some ways better than the old one and enabled you to do completely new things.
It was the same with writing in antiquity. Writing was merely for storing speech. They failed to take advantage of the ways in which writing could not only preserve existing cognitive practice but in fact transform it and improve it. Such as working with equations symbolically.
Here is another consequence of this: the absence of cross-referencing. If a mathematical text is like a tape recording, you can’t easily access a particular place in the tape. The only way to make sense of the text is to “hit play,” so to speak, and translate it back into sounds. Only then can it be understood. You can “fast forward” and “rewind”—that is to say, start reading at any point in the manuscript. But you can’t turn to a particular place, such as Theorem 8.
Modern editions of Euclid’s Elements are full of cross-references. Each step of a proof is justified by a parenthetical reference to a previous theorem or definition or postulate. But that’s inserted by later editors.
There is no such thing in the original text. Because it’s a tape recording of a spoken explanation. Referring back to “Theorem 8” is only useful if the audience has a written document in front of them. If they are merely listening to a long lecture, or a tape recording of a lecture, then there is no use referring back to “Theorem 8”, because the audience has no way of going back specifically to that particular place in the exposition.
For this reason, oral mathematics involves committing a lot of material to memory. In the arts, people memorise poems and song lyrics. Actors memorise the dialogues of plays. Ancient mathematics was like that as well. You would learn to recite theorems the same way you learn to sing along to your favourite song.
This aspect of the oral culture thoroughly shaped the way ancient mathematical texts are written. Euclid’s Elements and many other texts follow a certain stylistic template that at first sight seems quite irrational, but which starts to make sense once we consider the oral context.
Consider for example Proposition 4 of Euclid’s Elements. This is the side-angle-side triangle congruence theorem. It’s completely typical, I’m just picking a theorem at random. Let’s look at the text of this proposition. First we have the statement of the theorem in purely verbal terms. It goes like this:
“If two triangles have two sides equal to two sides, respectively, and have the angle enclosed by the equal straight lines equal, then they will also have the base equal to the base, and the triangle will be equal to the triangle, and the remaining angles subtended by the equal sides will be equal to the corresponding remaining angles.”
Ok, so: two triangles have side-angle-side equal, the it follows that they also have all the other things equal. Namely the remaining side, the remaining angles, and the area. “The triangle will be equal to the triangle,” says Euclid: this is his way of saying that they have equal area.
After Euclid has stated this, he goes on to re-state the same thing, but now in terms the diagram. “Let ABC and DEF be two triangles having the two sides AB and AC equal to the two sides DE and DF, respectively. AB to DE, and AC to DF. And the angle BAC equal to the angle EDF. I say that the base BC is also equal to the base EF, and triangle ABC will be equal to triangle DEF, and the remaining angles subtended by the equal sides will be equal to the corresponding remaining angles. ABC to DEF, and ACB to DFE.”
This is exactly the same thing that he just said in words. But now he’s saying it with reference to the diagram. He always does this. He always has these two version of every proposition: the purely verbal one, and the one full of letters referring to the diagram.
For simple propositions you can understand the value of both formulations. But quite soon, when the material gets more technical, it often happens that the verbal version becomes so abstract that it’s quite impossible to follow. This happens quite soon already in Euclid. Ken Saito has a recent paper on this, “traces of oral teaching in Euclid’s Elements.” He takes as an example Proposition 37 from Book 3 of the Elements. I’ll read it to you just to convince you how convoluted and unnatural it is to state theorems in this purely verbal form. Here it is, Euclid’s statement of this proposition:
“If a point be taken outside a circle and from the point two straight lines fall on the circle, and if one of them cut the circle, and the other fall on it, and if further the rectangle contained by the whole of the straight line which cuts the circle and the straight line intercepted on it outside between the point and the convex circumference be equal to the square on the straight line which falls on the circle, the straight line which falls on it will touch the circle.”
That’s very difficult to follow. Of course, as always, Euclid immediately goes on to state the same thing, but in terms of the diagram. That part is much easier to follow, and it turns out to be a pretty straightforward claim. The theorem is a kind of formula for the length of a tangent; how far it is to the point of tangency from a given point outside the circle. But you would hardly know that by reading the verbal statement only.
For some reason the Greeks insisted that the verbal formulation should be one single, rambling sentence. No matter how complicated your theorem is, you have to cram all the conditions and all the consequences, everything you want to say, into one single sentence.
This is taken to absurd lengths in Apollonius for example. Let me read to you an example from the Conics of Apollonius. This is Proposition 15: one of the earliest. It only gets worse from there, but this is bad enough, I’m sure you will agree when I read it to you. The proposition is a kind of change-of-variables theorem for ellipses: it tells you the equation for an ellipse in a new coordinate system conjugate to the first. So it has to specify what the equation of the ellipse was in the first coordinate system and what the assumptions for that was, then how the change of coordinates is defined, and then what the equation of the ellipse is in the new coordinate system. And it has to do all of that purely verbally, and in one single sentence, one big “if ... then ...” statement. So you get this crazy monstrosity of a sentence, it goes like this:
“If in an ellipse a straight line, drawn ordinatewise from the midpoint of the diameter, is produced both ways to the section, and if it is contrived that as the produced straight line is to the diameter so is the diameter to some straight line, then any straight line which is drawn parallel to the diameter from the section to the produced straight line will equal in square the area which is applied to this third proportional and which has as breadth the produced straight line from the section to where the straight line drawn parallel to the diameter cuts it off, but such that this area is deficient by a figure similar to the rectangle contained by the produced straight line to which the straight lines are drawn and by the parameter.”
What’s going on with this crazy stuff? Were the Greeks some kind of aliens with brains that could understand that type of thing? No. When encountering a theorem like this, they surely did not try to parse a sentence like that in the abstract. Instead they would turn to the diagram explication for help. Just as Euclid always does, so also Apollonius always goes on to restate the theorem in terms of labelled point in a diagram. And this explanation is not one big crazy sentence, but nicely broken into small steps. Much easier to follow.
At a certain point you may ask yourself: Why even include the purely verbal formulation at all? It’s so abstract, so difficult to follow. Surely any reader or listener will be lost before you have even gotten halfway through a sentence like that. And since you’re going to restate the theorem immediately anyway, why bother? You might as well only do the diagram version of the theorem. That’s the one you are going to use for the proof anyway.
That’s something of a puzzle in itself, but here’s the real kicker though. Not only does Euclid insist on including the abstruse verbal formulation of every theorem, he actually includes it twice! This is because, at the end of the proof, his last sentence is always “therefore ...” and then he literally repeats the entire verbal statement of the theorem. It is literally the exact same statement, word for word, repeated verbatim. You say the exact same thing when you state the proposition and then again when you conclude the proof. Copy-paste. The exact same text just a few paragraphs apart.
Astonishing. What a waste of papyrus and scribal effort. This was an enormous cost back then. There were no printing presses. You had to copy all of this by hand. Writing materials were expensive, copying was expensive, preservation was expensive. They had every incentive to cut and keep things minimal, yet they included this massive redundancy of repeating the rambling verbal statement of every proposition twice in short succession.
You may recall that an important treatise by Archimedes was scrubbed off its parchment because the parchment itself was so valuable even when recycled. And medieval scribes were big on minimising writing. Think of “etc.”, “e.g.”, “i.e.”: we still use those shortened versions of Latin expressions. They were invented back when people were writing and copying manuscripts by hand. Very understandable.
Yet despite all of that, for some strange reason, including the entire verbal statement of the proposition twice was somehow found valuable enough to warrant the enormous cost.
In the case of the side-angle-side theorem for example, the verbal statement of the theorem takes up about 15% of the total text of the proposition and proof. And then another 15% for the redundant recapitulation. So that’s 30% of the total text that could simply be cut. The remaining 70% of the text would still contain the full statement of the theorem in its diagram form, and the complete proof.
You��d think the temptation would be great to cut at least those last 15% of pure recapitulation. Even the standard English edition of the Elements by Heath simply writes “therefore etc.” at the end of the proofs, instead of repeating the full statement like the original did.
So what was the value of this very expensive business of repeating the statement of the proposition? The oral tradition explains it. The verbal statement of the proposition is like the chorus of a song. It’s the key part, the key message, the most important part to memorise. It is repeated for the same reason the chorus of a song is repeated. It’s the sing-along part.
In a written culture you can refer back to propositions and expect the reader to have the text in front of them. Not so in an oral culture. You need to evoke the memory of the proposition to an audience who do not have a text in front of them but who have learned the propositions by heart, word by word, exactly as it was stated, the way you memorise a poem or song.
This is why, anytime Euclid uses a particular theorem at a particular point in a proof, he doesn’t says “this follows by Theorem 8” or anything like that. He doesn’t refer to earlier theorems by number or name. Instead he evokes the earlier theorem by mimicking its exact wording. Just as you just have to hear a few words of your favourite chorus and you can immediately fill in the rest. So also the reader, or listener, of a Euclidean proof would immediately recognise certain phrasings as corresponding word for word to particular earlier propositions. They would have memorised the earlier propositions not only in terms of content but in terms of the exact verbal phrasing, almost melodically, rhythmically. Just hearing the first few words of such a formula repeated would trigger the full memory to flow out naturally and unstoppably, like singing along to the chorus of a song you love.
You can see an example of this already in Euclid’s Proposition 5. We already discussed his Proposition 4, the side-angle-side triangle congruence theorem. Euclid applies this result twice in the course of the proof of Proposition 5. However, he really only needs part of the theorem. Remember that Proposition 4 concluded several things: that the remaining sides were equal, that the remaining angles were equal, and that the areas of the two triangles are equal. Areas are completely irrelevant to Proposition 5, which is a statement purely about angles. Yet each time Euclid applies the side-angle-side theorem he spells out the full conclusion. Including the needless remark that the areas are equal.
In one case it is even irrelevant that the remain sides are equal as well, but Euclid still needlessly remarks on this pointless information in the course of the proof of Proposition 5 even though it has no logical bearing on the proof. Go look up Euclid’s proof if you want to see this nonsense for yourself. Ask yourself why Euclid points out that “the base BC is common” to both triangles the second time he applies the side-angle-side theorem in the proof of Proposition 5. It’s completely redundant and worthless. He could have just omitted that remark, and it wouldn’t have affected the logic of the proof at all.
But from the oral point of view it makes sense. Applying a theorem is a kind of package deal. You get the whole thing whether you need it or not. Once you’ve triggered the memory of the previous theorem with the appropriate key phrases, then the whole conclusion comes blurting out. Once you’ve committed to singing the chorus there’s no going back. You can’t sing only the part of the chorus you need. The whole thing goes together. You have memorised it in one flow. Once you hit play on that memory you automatically run through the whole thing.
This is why Euclid is needlessly talking about areas in the proof of Proposition 5, even though that serves no logical function whatsoever. He is mimicking word for word the phrasing of the previous proposition, filling in the specifics of the case at hand as he goes along. You sing the “chorus” of the side-angle-side theorem and you “fill in the blanks” as it were. The purely verbal statement of the side-angle-side theorem spoke of sides and angles and so on in the abstract. To apply the theorem is to repeat that exact same phrasing, but inserting AB, BCF, and so on, into that formula to specify what the sides and angles are in the particular case at hand.
It’s like singing “happy birthday”: it has a fill-in-the-blank part. Just as you would go: “Happy birthday dear Euclid”, so also you would go: “If the side AB equals CD, then the angle is ...” and so on, something like that.
Here’s maybe another consequence of this: Euclid’s odd formulation of the side-side-side triangle congruence theorem. This is Euclid’s Proposition 8. As we saw, in the side-angle-side case, Euclid drew all the possible conclusion: about sides, about angles, about area. So the theorem became a mouthful, and led to the introduction of superfluous remarks any time the theorem is applied, because you have to repeat all the conclusions whether you need them or not.
To avoid this problem it might be tempting to state theorems in less general form. And this is exactly what Euclid does with the side-side-side theorem. He introduces an asymmetry in the statement of the theorem. Instead of three sides, he speaks of two sides and a base. And his statement of the conclusion is that one particular angle (the angle between the two “sides”) is equal in both triangles. Of course it is completely arbitrary which side you designate as the “base.” And of course you could just as well have concluded that the other angles too correspond to each other in these congruent triangles. Yet Euclid choses to arbitrarily limit the generality of his theorem, and introduce arbitrary specificity and asymmetry. You’d think that would be anathema to a mathematician.
But if we think of the downsides of the way he formulated the side-angle-side case, we can understand why he went with this non-general formulation in the side-side-side case. Any time you are going to apply the side-side-side theorem, you probably want to conclude something about a specific angle, not all three angles of a triangle. So if you formulated the theorem generally, then every time you applied it you couldn’t stop yourself of course from reciting the entire chorus and hence you would end up with one conclusion that you actually needed, about one angle, and then needless spelling out two other conclusions about the other two angles that you don’t want at all. So this way you will only clutter your proofs with needless and irrelevant remarks. So the strangely specific, non-general formulation of the side-side-side theorem is actually well chosen given this constraint that you have to repeat the full theorem verbatim any time you apply it.
It’s pretty fascinating, I think, how textual aspects that appear to be purely technical and mathematical, such as a few barely noticeable superfluous bits of information in the proof of Proposition 5, can open a window like this into an entire cultural practice. The oral tradition must have been there, and the best proof of this is hiding in the ABCDs of Euclid’s formal text. It’s the beauty of history that historical texts can be read on so many levels. They carry so much hidden information about the culture that produced them. You would think Euclid’s ultra-formalised proofs would be the last place to find such clues, but here they are. We’re just a few proposition into the Elements and from the smallest technical quirks we have already recreated a rich picture of the ancient singing geometers and the strange culture in which they worked.
from Intellectual Mathematics from Blogger https://ift.tt/2AWyWy3
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michellelewis7162 · 5 years
Finding and also Discovering Some Support In The Process - Online Free Applications to Enhance Your Religious and also Psychological Lifestyle
Finding and also Discovering Some Support In The Process - Online Free Applications to Enhance Your Religious and also Psychological Lifestyle
 If you possess a tooth ache you head to a dental practitioner, if you have a broken wrist you visit a physician. What carry out these possess in common? There's one thing wrong which you can't deal with thus you go to someone along with expert expertise in the pertinent place to aid fix the concern. For a tooth ache you definitely would not head to a cars and truck auto mechanics because what perform they find out about teeth? And also you would not attempt to fix it on your own, as this would likely create it much worse and absolutely wouldn't help matters. Our team acknowledge that our company are actually certainly not experts in these regions as well as so our experts most likely to those that have actually studied dental care - or even medication for the damaged hand - to obtain experienced procedure. We depend both on their knowledge got by means of study and also their experience in addressing others to acquire a really good option for ourselves.
 But when it comes to other areas of life these principles receive thrown out when they still could have a beneficial use spiri. Take spirituality for example. Lots of folks have not examined faith or spirituality widely and also carry out certainly not have way too much expertise of spiritual concerns. When discussing spiritual views folks mention points like that is actually ALRIGHT for you yet it is actually except me. However if I possess a toothache as well as I point out "I am actually visiting the dental practitioner "no-one claims that "the dental professional is ALRIGHT for you but I am actually heading to the vehicle technician to acquire my pearly whites fixed" and also no-one states "that's OKAY for you however I handle all my very own oral troubles". With devoutness that's therefore typically exactly what we carry out. Why is that? What are actually the results? This short article will want to provide some response to those inquiries. https://spiri.ai/
 To respond to the first concern, there may be a bunch of sarcasm towards arranged religion. Frequently religion is actually pointed the finger at for all type of social evils. This form of resentment is actually often prevalent in other locations of lifestyle too, notably in the direction of national politics. For lots of people this resentment is actually a quick and simple response which is replacemented for a genuine engagement with metaphysical troubles. For all the wickedness committed by religion, the race extermination induced in the twentieth century by routines intent on marking out religion, brought about 10s of thousands of fatalities, much more than the amount for which faith is actually called to account. Nevertheless, it would be actually unethical, as well as without a doubt silly, to designate all agnostics, as well as certainly atheism on its own, as being actually related in these genocides. It is actually just as silly to point the finger at faith for a lot of social sickness. The phrase religion includes a panoply of various cultural as well as faith methods preserved over centuries through vast swathes of humanity.
 Substantial volumes of social excellent have actually also originated coming from faith. A popular example is actually the revocation of slavery was a project led by Christians. And the modern war people-trafficking for the sexual activity field, restraint of the 21st century is additionally strongly supported by Christians. Of course horrendous points have been carried out in the label of religion, however it is actually noticeable that people may abuse a faith for their own ends much like folks exploit political parties or even firms for their own private benefit. Christianity as an example, is actually started on the individual Jesus Christ. Jesus educated that folks need to love their foes. Anybody trying to kill their enemies for Christianity will therefore not as a result be actually displaying any form of authentic Christian faith or spirituality.
 To mention that faith should be actually declined for all the evils it has committed must involve stating that atheism needs to additionally be rejected for all the miseries it has dedicated. As gone over nevertheless, this is actually a very superficial technique of checking out the concern. The mentors as well as lives of the creators of different faiths need to be actually examined and after that one should try to find authentic followers of those teachings practicing today to truly evaluate a provided religious beliefs, and also by ramification, just how that religion could possibly influence your devoutness.
 The second inquiry is actually a little bit of closer to home. What performs it suggest spiritually for me if I determine to shape out on my very own and create my own metaphysical course? To care about spirituality calls for a belief that I am a spiritual creature. As a religious being I acknowledge the presence of other souls such as other folks along with quite perhaps some or even each one of the observing; God, guardians, and also darker metaphysical creatures. As a religious being, just how am I to behave towards various other souls? Exactly how do I acknowledge various other souls and also detail what they are actually? What is my supreme reason or serendipity? Counting on devoutness is often related in feeling that there is actually "more to lifestyle" however what carries out that in fact imply for you as well as me?
 spiri app People have actually devoted deeply metaphysical as well as a good idea lifestyles seriously duke it outing these questions and also refining their responses by means of their experiences of lifestyle's accomplishments, catastrophes and the ordinary in-between. There might be a specific conceit in rejecting all the knowledge as well as devoutness of the past to shape your own pathway. To carry out this is to generally claim "I am going to find a method or even an honest truth that no-one has ever uncovered just before." If no-one possesses ever before discovered it, why do you assume that you will? On the various other palm, if there is actually a great metaphysical means or even truth or knowledge that someone possesses found before, why certainly not find whether you can learn and also grow coming from that?
 spiri - Jesus Christ acknowledged that there is actually an element of spirituality as well as confidence that you should discover on your own. He stated "Seek and you are going to find", certainly not "know your theological instruction through memorizing and also certainly never question of think for on your own." Having said that, the spirituality you find in occupying this difficulty may certainly not be actually at all what you might anticipate. Jesus is not discussing a shallow finding but a profound seeking of the entire person, probably over a substantial period of your time. In that finding it is actually a good idea to look at the views of others, to observe if our experts may benefit or even learn coming from the knowledge and expertise of others. Often it helps to be actually talked to concerns regarding our religious ideas as well as exactly how we create them. Being challenged on those opinions as well as exactly how they are actually formed is actually frequently a spur to religious growth.
 Commonly is actually can easily be actually hard to find an individual who is going to truthfully test our team in these techniques to help us to grow through asking us the important and occasionally tough inquiries concerning our spirituality and religions. This is actually where an active online spirituality exam may be an actual assistance. By means of answering a variety of various option concerns about their spirituality an individual can effectively talk to their digital quick guide. Through determining the responses given as well as the manner in which they get in touch with one another, the spirituality exam can easily provide the individual taking the test a customised spirituality account.
 Fascinated in discovering exactly how to sharpen your user-friendly capabilities, analyze dreams for social renovation, or improve your health and wellness by means of holistic methods? If your local area college or even finding out annex does not supply the suitable sessions, consider taking an on the internet sessions with the Association For Research as well as Enlightenment. Started through Edgar Cayce in 1931, the A.R.E. serves to inform individuals all over the world on transpersonal topics like reincarnation, desire analysis, all natural health and wellness, and also ancient secret and forecast.
 Lately, the A.R.E. has extended its own informative options with on-line "eGroups" designed to combine enthusiasts around the world to learn and review details topics. eGroups are actually kept throughout the year in four-week increases and are led through professionals in numerous industries. A four-week eGroup may commonly contain a weekly course as well as physical exercise, along with or without audio/visual components to download and install, followed by conversation via notification panel amongst participants. Intrigued events might look at to sign up with an eGroup on a variety of subject matters, which may consist of:
 Carrying Your Higher Self: Learn to direct much higher assistance and take advantage of spiritual assistant to aid improve your earthly lifestyle. You'll learn the finer factors of mind-calming exercise as well as inner awareness to find your personal tranquility.
 Producing the Life Of Your Dreams with spiritual assistant: Apply the universal laws of good tourist attraction to materialize your personal serendipity. Just before "The Secret" became certainly not so secret, the Edgar Cayce analyses touched upon identical subjects. This eGroup will certainly present you exactly how.
 Distant Viewing: Would you such as to view events occurring midway worldwide, from your very own property, without activating the TV? Remote browsing is the mystic strategy of "seeing" right into recent, existing, and future. This eGroup will certainly aid you build the skills you need.
 Making Harmony in your house With Feng Shui: Utilize the early art of Feng Shui, or even things positioning, to develop even more productive workplace and also unified property residing.
 It is actually obvious that keeping metaphysical tranquility or equilibrium in these hard financial times can easily be actually challenging. Worry, stress, as well as worry are actually pervasive emotional states in those around our company, in those we partner with, in those our team are actually near to. But there is actually a technique to maintain your religious balance.
 Possessing the funds to study as well as practice performs make keeping a metaphysical viewpoint easier. Reading manuals aids make the religious a normal portion of your lifestyle. Acquiring books or publications that you are brought in to and also reading the material maintains the religious focus, along with enables your subconscious to direct your selections. Taking a doing yoga training class, a reflection class, or going to spiritual seminars can easily aid in always keeping the emphasis needed for religious tranquility and also to encourage you on your pathway. However they are actually not needed; you can possibly do it without all of them. In an economy like this, these kinds of expenditures are actually likely a few of the very first to go. And this is actually to be actually expected. But it performs certainly not possess to be the beginning of the side of your personal spiritual pursuit.
 In many opinion devices, a shortage of amount of money is really advantageous to a religious way of thinking. As an example, in lots of Native American lifestyles you must clean up area (do away with some ownerships) just before the spirit globe will definitely bless you along with brand new. In Eastern philosophical viewpoints attaching on your own to worldly things (or individuals, or even desires) is actually against religious knowledge. So, in these tough economic times, you could in fact have a head begin.
 A lot of the many things I mentioned previously that aid in preserving religious harmony, including meditation, doing yoga, as well as analysis, do not must be actually costly. Meditating, shrouded in each its enigma, is actually definitely simply changing your awareness, being actually watchful, and focusing on the breath. One of the most valuable technique to practice reflection is with simply resting quietly, as well as observing your thought and feelings. Obviously it is usual for the thoughts to ask yourself, and to wander in to thought and feelings concerning the time, regarding folks, or nearly some other disturbance. The goal is actually to catch the thoughts questioning, and return to the posture of awareness and also separateness coming from your notions. Naturally there are other methods to partake meditation, consisting of shouting and only observing the breathing spell. Our experts 'd all be actually much better off, as well as much more mentally and mentally well balanced, if we just made the effort daily to engage in reflection.
 In enhancement to resting mind-calming exercise, which was actually merely illustrated briefly, in Zen ideology, any type of task could be mind-calming exercise. Being actually fully mindful of your environments and also paid attention to all of them as well as the task at palm is actually cautious mind-calming exercise. For example, in walking mind-calming exercise, one focuses on the sensation of the feet on the ground, the feeling and also give off the sky, the sounds that come as well as fade, the sigh as you stroll, the emotion of the sunshine on your face, as well as some other found event happening in the course of the training program of the walk. This type of mind-calming exercise could be generalised to any task, from cleaning the recipes, to shoveling snow, to steering to operate. Certainly, yoga exercise is commonly this form of mind-calming exercise.
 When it comes to reviewing to always keep the metaphysical concentration, I give the concerns: how several spiritual located manuals perform you already carry your shelf? Are there any type of you can revisit? Commonly a 2nd reading provides a lot of brand new insights. If this is actually certainly not a realistic choice, there are actually pre-owned book establishments and also magazines in addition to online sites that offer metaphysical assistance.
 Naturally, there are a number of various other factors that can easily help in maintaining metaphysical equilibrium. These are commonly of a mental attribute. Allow's deal with stress and anxiety, which is straight opposed to metaphysical tranquility. I believe it is a simply created presumption that these are anxiety making times. Folks have shed some of their savings in the stock exchange. Joblessness is actually climbing, and also companies are battling and also stopping. People are thought about their future.
 When as well as why do folks worry or even become anxious? Normally, we fret about the future, whether distant or even close to. In psychological science it is felt every habits or even action possesses an incentive. When it comes to fretting, the reward is actually to anticipate a problem and also act. This is actually why people consult with psychics, or even effort to create or even rely on in their very own clairvoyant potential. Fear is actually frequently a try to manage, or a want to manage, what is actually irrepressible. When panicing or anxiety offers the reason of assisting preparation, it is a deserving quest. However none people are actually in command of these bumpy rides. Individually, our company can easily perform little to change the economic environment.
 A number of write-ups I have checked out discuss keys to happiness. These articles, which varied in some areas, had a popular motif: confidence. According to these articles, those that hope, faith events occur for a main reason, confidence that things will certainly work out as they are expected to, belief that a divinity is taking action on their behalf, are actually healthier than those who carry out not discuss these views. I carry out certainly not think that the job of religion ought to be actually minimized in relation to spiritual tranquility. If you feel points are going to work out, there is actually no demand to panic, the healthier you will certainly be and the closer you are going to be actually to spiritual harmony. The recent inclusion of Eastern believed and also beliefs right into psychiatric therapy is actually documentation of its effective performance. There are several therapists that teach meditation methods, suggest doing yoga, or even who recommend spiritual reading for their customers.
 Spiritual harmony might be actually extra an essential need than a luxury. In these bumpy rides, it might be actually one of the most prominent point a person can perform to assist on their own as well as others transcend the mental distress encompassing all of them. Perform your component to carry peace to your lifestyle and the loves you respect by maintaining your personal metaphysical balance. This write-up provides some ideas to obtain you on your method.
 You might possess been aware of a life trainer. Likewise, there is actually a spiritual trainer. These 2 trains carry out not just differ in their names, they likewise have differences in relations to their functionalities.
 To begin with, a lifestyle coach is actually associated with directing a person in relations to aspects of his/her individual along with specialist life. A metaphysical trainer, as its name advises, helps the individual with his/her devoutness.
 There are actually various locations wherein a lifestyle trainer could be important. One of the absolute most renowned is a career instructor. He or she aids you establish what career will be better for you to increased in. As in every other coaching task, you will be actually doing an evaluation of your own self. You will definitely identify what things you want in lifestyle. Also, you will definitely figure out things that you would instead live without. Your staminas as well as abilities will certainly also be essential components of what career you are actually heading to choose.
 Another form of lifestyle instructor is actually an organisation instructor. This one especially provides for those who are actually troubled along with their business or are simply organizing to start a service. The organisation train will definitely assist you along with the formalities of your work and perhaps assist you create a sturdy association that will definitely help you gain and create revenues.
 For those who need assistance in developing their abilities as well as their job functionality, there are instructors that are educated to support them. An individual can easily become a lot more motivated at the office, he might additionally come to be more effective and can easily know to supply additional importance to his or even her job.
 For first-class supervisors, there is manager coaching. These trains are actually professionals in conditions of administration and other functions of the executive authorities. Leadership instructors are nearly the very same as corporate instructors yet rather than paying attention to monitoring, they pay attention to leadership like on exactly how fans or even staffs can easily be determined through the leader.
 A lifestyle trainer is also available for those that are actually having complications with their connections. This be actually additional referred to as a trainer for the concerns of the center. What this life coach does is actually that it aids the individual look at particular problems that belong to the emotions. Though a religious train's functions join this set, a life coach for this area is actually still various.
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Seize the chance and become the first in your industry.
Do not miss the opportunity to plant your flag. VR websites promise to provide companies with an excellent chance to re-create themselves and in their industries at large.
We’re renovating the net using WebVR
WebVR is a open standard that permits you to experience virtual reality in a web browser. The aim is to make it convenient for everyone to experience virtual reality regardless of which type of device you have. You can lose yourself with any type of device you use, whether it is a mobile phone, a desktop, or a virtual reality device you wear on your head.
Innovative Design
Here at Portaliz we like to help businesses realize their vision, as well as, expose them to ideas they may not have thought about. Here at Portaliz we’d love the opportunity to design and develop a unique virtual world for your organization.
Lose Yourself
Don’t miss the chance to immerse yourself in the various types of websites that you can fabricate which help your company interact with, and move your customers. Why not be the primary leader in your industry and establish your flag in this brand new virtual world? Become that firm that customers associate with invention and growth.
VR for All
At Portaliz we are devoted to assuring that VR is something than can enjoyed and experienced by all, we do not want it to become a walled off garden for the few. That is one of the reasons we’re committed to bringing virtual reality experiences to people via the internet. Anyone at all with access to the inter-web has the capacity to use VR to shop, learn, and be fascinated.
A Company of Builders
We work with a multitude of craftspeople to make inventive virtual reality applications that can be experienced of via the internet. Our mission is to go above and beyond to help your team reach its goals.
We Can Create It For You!
No matter what the discipline may be, if your special project requires the use of an illustrator, animator, 3D artist, musician, or more, we’ve got you covered. The singular constraining element to us creating a virtual empire for you is the amount you would like to spend along with our collective imaginations.
Virtual Reality in Branding
The use of VR in advertising helps institutions to interact with their clients in new and interesting ways while simultaneously helping them to stand out among their competitors. Seize the opportunity to enlighten your consumers about the power of the products or solutions that your offer by using the immense power of immersion that virtual reality offers.
Virtual Reality in Advertising
Why don’t you become the front-runner and the first company in your industry to apprehend the future, or take a wait and see approach as virtual worlds come to life all around you and entice your clients to start researching for product options there? For as little as 99 cents we can help you build an ocean of distance between you and your nearest competitor.
Complete Immersion
The moment for VR is now. There’s never before during the course of human history been a medium that provides such complete and total immersion, it is a feat that two dimensional website design simply can’t re-create, regardless of how amazing the design is or the degree of sophistication of the websites back end.
VR Landing Page Production
Web-based VR is an excellent place to send your web traffic. Utilizing Virtual Reality delivered via the web is an excellent venue to enhance and highlight the user experience you provide for your SEO, Email, and Social web traffic. Preserve high engagement with your users by creating content that’s captivating, illuminating, & creative.
Shop in Virtual Reality
There are only benefits when shopping with the help of virtual reality. It allows your consumers to interact with your products and services before they purchase them. You should use this inherent power to help increase the amount of sales you make before your competition discovers it. It’s extremely uncomplicated to incorporate the virtual reality web applications that we create into your existing website. The only thing you need to do is upload the documents that we send you directly to your website. Allow guests to your website the chance to fly 360 degrees around a 3D model of your products and or services. We can help you in delivering unique environments that present your products and services in an extraordinary setting. Easily incorporate VR into your website with little time and no effort!
Captivating Website Design
We believe strongly that a static, 2D web site by its self is a lot like a 8-track tape or a fax machine. The life and times where you could just get by having a website that is like a static brochure are becoming more difficult to procure. How can you stand still if your competition makes the decision to construct a website that is like an immersive world that has its own culture? If you do make the decision to stand still instead of moving forward, your going to give the competition the opportunity to foster deeper relationships with your customers. Don’t risk your customers going with your competition as they assist your customers in interacting with their products in new and interesting ways instead of going with the solutions you offer.
To learn more check us out at https://www.portaliz.space
0 notes
All The Of The Information Superhighway Is A Stage
New Post has been published on http://portaliz.space/thelibrary/2018/01/04/all-the-of-the-information-superhighway-is-a-stage-45/
All The Of The Information Superhighway Is A Stage
All The Of The Information Superhighway Is A Stage
Your web browser, in addition to being a tool so surf the web, is also a device to explore in virtual reality. As it is still generally early days it appears that a ton people are not aware that that your web browser can be used as a device to experience VR. You don’t have to do anything remarkable just type in a URL in your web browser as you normally would. That’s it, now your eligible to be whisked off to new virtual worlds that showcase new products and services. Make your web site a multi-dimensional spaceport in this most up to date edition of the internet.
VR Landing Pages
Web based virtual reality is a fantastic place to send your web traffic. If you are searching for a dynamite tool to engage and educate your SEO, email, and social web traffic, then you should strongly consider WebVR. Preserve high engagement with your users by creating content that’s captivating, illuminating, & creative.
Purchasing items in Virtual Reality
Shopping with the assistance of virtual reality includes nothing but upside. Enable your clients to interact with your goods and services before they purchase them. You should utilize this platform to increase your sales before others in your industry harness its inherent power. It’s straightforward and simple to incorporate the virtual reality web applications that we develop into your current web site. There is only only one step you need to complete, just upload the files we give to your website and you’re all set. Give your website visitors the chance to fly 360 degrees around a 3D model of your product and services. We can assist you in producing design solutions that present your products in a unique setting. Easily incorporate VR into your website with little time and no effort!
Captivating Website Design
We firmly believe that a two dimensional website on it’s own is a like an 8-Track tape, or just like a fax machine. The times where you can have a static booklet type of website are getting harder to locate. How can you stand by when your competitors are building three dimensional websites that are replete with their own immersive worlds and cultures? If you do make the decision to stand still instead of moving forward, your going to give the competition the opportunity to foster deeper relationships with your customers. Don’t risk your customers going with your competition as they assist your customers in interacting with their products in new and interesting ways instead of going with the solutions you offer.
Branding With Virtual Reality
Why not be a leader and the first in your industry to capture the future, or wait and see as virtual worlds spring up all around you that entice your customers to start exploring for merchandise options there? For only $9.99 we can help you build a world of distance between you and your competition.
A Battalion of Artisans
To create an innovative and unique virtual reality experience for you, the end user, we team up with an army of artisans. We view our central task as a responsibility to go above and beyond and assist your company in achieving its objectives.
We Can Make It For You!
It doesn’t matter the particular discipline is, if your special project requires the use of an animator, illustrator, 3D artist, musician, or more, we’ve got you covered. The only restrictive component to us building a virtual kingdom for you is your budget along with the combination of our imaginations.
Virtual Reality for Everybody
At Portaliz we are concentrated on insuring that virtual reality is something than can delighted in and experienced by everyone, we don’t want to it turn into walled off garden for the select few. That is one of the reasons we’re dedicated to bringing virtual reality experiences to everybody via the web. Anyone at all with access to the inter-web has the capacity to use VR to shop, learn, and be fascinated.
We are reconstructing the internet with WebVR
WebVR is a open standard that permits you to experience virtual reality in a web browser. The aspiration is to make it painless for anybody to experience virtual reality no matter which type of device you have. You can have an immersive experience with a range of devices ranging from a cell phone, a VR device that’s head mounted or a desktop computer.
Imaginative Virtual Reality Web Design
We offer high quality web design at a reasonable price. You can give life to the products you offer by utilizing web based virtual reality, and we are your one stop shop to help aid you in the process.
Exhibit Your Products
Take advantage of virtual reality as a means to display your products and services in a distinctive fashion that enthralls your clientele. VR is an incomparable medium to make virtual interiors which are beautiful, suave, and debonair. Develop a feeling around your website that can help make the services and products you deliver more appealing and attractive. Provide a multitude of additional details and layers into your virtual environments to help communicate the merit of the merchandise your offer.
Experience Total & Complete Immersion
The time for virtual reality is this moment. Simply stated there has never been another time in human history where a medium provides such complete and total immersion, it’s an achievement that two dimensional web design simply can’t compete with, irrespective of how amazing the design is or the degree of sophistication of the websites back end.
Virtual Reality Web Design
Designing Virtual Reality Websites
We concentrate on assisting businesses build web sites that are compatible with virtual reality. Innovative & Excellent. We design and create VR web sites that work with your phone, your desktop computer, Google Cardboard, the HTC Vive, and the Oculus Rift to assist companies in creating unique experiences experiences that feature their products and services.
Bringing Music To Your World!
One of the revolutionary benefits of three dimensional web design and virtual reality is the ability to incorporate the perfect background music to your world. We can support you in forming something that is distinguished, as well as, help your products and services outshine the competition.
Be the first in your industry.
Do not miss the chance to plant your flag. Websites that utilize VR outfit business with a chance to re-describe themselves to their clients and in their industries at large.
Adoption on Mass Scale
The VR compatible sites that we create are designed to operate beautifully with your desktop computer, your mobile device, your tablet computer, or even a head mounted VR device if you have one. All over the planet, people today, and in the future won’t be able to live without their computers and their mobile phones. This calculus creates an immense opportunity to reach people.
Submerse Yourself
Do not miss this opportunity to submerge yourself in the possibilities of the type websites we can help you build which can help your organization interface with, and rouse your clients. Why not be the original business in your industry to embed your flag in this new universe? Be the company that customers associate with growth and innovation.
Virtual Reality in Marketing
Enhance the memorability of your company with the use of web based virtual reality advertising campaigns, as well as, build a stronger connection with your consumers, and distinguish your company from your competitors. Virtual Reality can be utilized to engage, or to educate consumers about the elements of the products or solutions your company offers.
Innovative Design
Here at Virtually Infinite we love to help our customers actualize their vision, in addition to exposing them to ideas they may not have thought of. Our purpose is to design and develop unique virtual environments for our clients and that’s what we wish we could do for you.
To learn more check us out at www.portaliz.space
0 notes
sebascanni-blog · 7 years
My Survival Farm Review by ReviewsMagz - The System Works
My Survival Farm Experiences by Dan F. Sullivan - Think should i mentioned about yard lawn that must digging, no irrigating without weeding Plus it can develop for the most high destinations on the planet? This sort of products woodland elevates on car / truck-initial with very little electrical energy since it mimics how nature works. No-one is irrigating the jungles, also just about every single factories and a bouquet of flowers may be capable of making it over for a great deal of years there. Get started with your own survival yard garden that’s completely tucked away from prying eyes and keep on being adequately-particular in cases where you can find practically any extended disaster. Everywhere we become you can quickly begin to see the harming factors of modern industrialised agriculture. My Survival Farm Plan by Dan F. Sullivan percieve ground denuded of plentiful quality soil, estuaries and rivers and also other water units dirty with substances and fertilisers and our woodlands toppled to help make chance for role regions. Our horticulture systems are generating significant contributions to climate change, though additionally. In the try to look for productivity, we currently have become unproductive also in our consider wages now we have now change into unproductive. Society at this time is inside essence self-centered for this reason we depend upon field towards the necessitates. We like processed foods, have-out merchandise and inexpensive petroleum. Practically nothing in this particular is eco friendly and certainly will ultimately create a society which comes in on on your own. But help out is accessible; it is termed permaculture. My Survival Farm Method is definitely a other means to find the town along with its assets. We will assess what exactly is strongly suggested by permaculture, a brief history during this preservation endeavor and meet up with plan a number its originators and in what way onward for Permaculture. You will probably find that you are at this time working with most general renters on the small but rising task. Permaculture, you might have suspected, is usually a contraction together with the sayings consistent life style. The thought remaining persons be dependent more about sustainable agriculture not influenced by energy sources. It could use local references, more compact further diverse crop organizing, no-chemically located fertilizing, for example. ReviewsMagz My Survival Farm Reviews is definitely a undertaking faraway from everything substantial and industrial upon the significantly more stream-lined and eco friendly farms, inspiring even more interdependence with neighborhood subscribers. shielding, other, daily meals and energy clothing and without-website content prerequisites you can certainly get additional out of chosen lifestyle by utilizing considerably less, by planning on attentively about the way you use our materials - nutrition. My Survival Farm Discount by Dan F. Sullivan can potentially be a little more fruitful more cost effective hard work, reaping gains for all our atmosphere and ourself, for now as well as grows older at some point. Right here is the truth of creating a lot more maintainable possible long term future plus the bottom for permaculture recommendations. My Survival Farm Success stories by Dan F. Sullivan is often a method of agriculture that is not similar to normal agriculture. It is commonly more technical and ecologically-focused than normal agriculture, and it is a long while-term specific. It takes diverseness of plants and flowers, ever-increasing plenty of flowers with each other with one another within just identical setting, and getting supplementary old fashioned vegetables. While the manifestation permaculture is relatively modern, emerging original inside of the time period long-lasting agriculture coined in 1929, a lot of the strategies located in this kind of harvesting are quite mature and standardized, and can be acquired in several native cultures over the overall globe. My Survival Farm PDF by Dan F. Sullivan aspires to make sound and fruitful options which offer for the requirements of the human race, which includes the landscape with people who survive it, applying proved technological innovation for electricity, shelter, commercial infrastructure and products. This will include the environment practices ofplants and wild animals, their health time periods, climatic high temperature and substances periods and attaching these straight into the style and type as well as being inter-based mostly on each other. In just a permaculture system, duty is minimised, “waste” is released straight into a performance, provides and personal reference places and raise are reconditioned using laws that will be put to use in many different places, on any level, a single one-of-a-kind where one can all around regions. Review of My Survival Farm by ReviewsMagz teaches us we ought to restriction our consuming methods in order for we are in a kind to the environment way. If we will be able to use manure from pets which might be active from the permacultural routine we have been a lot more well out of than after we travel to an alternative spot for a attain manure, as a consequence working with gasoline along the way. Lawn which ought to be trapped in select really should be fodder for animals as an alternative to truly being forced to be mowed by using a mower or reduced working with a slasher keeping yourself dragged utilizing a tractor. So, as a substitute to needing to use guidance like gasoline within an unsustainable clothing, this method generally speaking generates a method of obtaining advice through manure which enables you to enhancement infertility and composition in the back yard. These are generally rather simple but appropriate varieties of based in a eco friendly technique. My Survival Farm Reviews Bonus Discount hence requires a additional plan ofpets or family pets and plant life, with their interactions to at least one one more, nonetheless it will possibly potentially deliver significant many benefits. Among the more intriquing, notable and easy number one greatest things about permaculture can be described as tremendously sophisticated deliver of crops. Even though Western monoculture harvesting is frequently learn how to make the most efficient generate for any acre of a typical solitary crop, in permaculture, integrating quite a few plants on one system of surface, the full generate of all of the joined plants may very well be much higher. For firm driven farm lovers, this simply means more desirable income source, and for residential-business owners, this may denote an increased total variety of foods producing. My Survival Farm Video by Dan F. Sullivan also lowers the need of inputs among them fertilizer and in most cases completely takes away the necessity of herbicides and pesticide aerosols. However the work to the 1st put in place can a lot more extensive for distinct permaculture ideas, the long run adjustments and repairs and maintenance may possibly be decrease immensely, specially the demand for weeding. Employing them as fertilizer, permaculture also lowers the number of harmful toxins, by planning to reuse both equally chemical inputs and-100 % natural waste elements from wildlife and plants. The results is definitely an well-known attain for both sustainability and inexpensive yield. My Survival Farm PDF is yet another good deal significantly more sturdy within experience of abnormal weather health conditions, which can include very dried out, drenched, cold or hot spells. The boosted selection of plants and flowers gives you a person hurdle or stableness investigate, as diverse vegetation have totally different degrees of would-be to get over different kinds of damaging scenarios. But the higher detailed biomass, which suits supplementary applied natural moisture, a bigger buffer to stop wind, plus a bigger air con practical in summer, also translates into larger strength and durability aided by the harvesting course to major conditions cases. The diversification of plants is in addition an economical barrier, which assists safeguard farm proprietors when it comes to price level instability, by way of example a glut to a precise crop that can lead to good prices for any months. The outcome is a really system that is not by yourself alot more favorable, but a lot more tough, trusted, and foreseeable from the extended-run. A really good instance of a useful family pet to possess during the permaculture back yard garden is the fowl. Go will clear up your lessened fruits and back yard backyard scraps, can cause rich back garden subjects and could damage all round straw and hay bringing in exceptional compost during this process. And after the moment, they will winning prize you through providing you chicken breast chicken eggs. There are so many variety of textbooks and papers planned for any person enthusiastic about becoming accustomed to the ability of permaculture, along with quite a few sessions require being nestled that provide a one on one way. It is really an manner of everyday living and dwelling which needs to be put into practice now more than ever before ahead of. Mother nature herself is information regarding biodiversity, and yes it is essential to add more assortment when building a permaculture gardening onto your property. The perfect bunch of plant life many different with one another, throughout the practical mix which often can services additional in progress, and also strengthen productiveness precisely what will most likely put together a powerful patio. Permaculture landscaping design may perhaps be a very pleasant, and fulfilling experience, and also a chance to learn all at once. Perspective and attain skills from nature around the present natural environment all-around your lawn, and make use of it. My Survival Farm Reviews by ReviewsMagz is a good method which is certainly established safely to generate survival garden and then you could disguise this home garden on your city mates, starving looters and from curbside roaming individuals. So not one person could not determine that you are currently cultivating an limitless resource for healthy and balanced recipes in your particular garden. This instructive tips guide offering the opportunity to extend fruits bushes, fruits and vegetables, and therapeutic vegetation reality to acquire jointly and facilitates absolutely everyone from the difficulties. It can gradually bring you to evolve listing, green spinach, berries, renewable beans, carrots and beans of different berry and factories and fresh flowers bushes all on regenerative and auto or truck pilot perform. This procedure attempting indicate one way to developed this survival back garden in a matter of simple and easy installation and start having it with given tutorials that anyone can observe to get the very best results in a week. It totally was layered at the back of your sociable unrest conditions, martial laws, and foodstuff struggle, it could actually help to put foodstuff around the dining area bench when his bear fled or was compromised, and may also aid in reducing the bill’s shopping by 70Percent, 80Per cent and also 100%, so you simply will not need to get food coming from the terrific current market however all over again. You can find a ordinary problems inside regions. The nation was in basis changing within a socialist workout which is organising to have a whole lot to stay away from matters in advance. The objective of My Survival Farm Success stories by Dan F. Sullivan is to become an expert in how someone can stay in this new practice. Allow it to be and succeed when all other everyone is going through obstacles, irrespective that instead of only reside. Dan F. Sullivan promises that mounting food numbers keeps rising. Which investment credit card debt is conserving men and women poverty. In essence, they talk about how the full country is property, source of income to salary and that needs to cease. On top of that they assert there is an oncoming, remarkable uncertainty that is definitely getting ready to unfold and good people are commencing to create now. It’s not going to very last for a few days, one or two 2 or 3 weeks and even a couple of years. Still it can in most possibility survive just for a a handful of becomes older. That has been how large of stockpile you wish, to outlive now that this upcoming scenario comes about. Which may be naturally, in accordance the creators of ReviewsMagz My Survival Farm Reviews. farm -review/">My Survival Farm Reviews Download Video is simply not a scam. You can acquire functions on developing your property to construct new all natural and 100 % natural meals or snacks . throughout your own personal after only 12 months, despite the fact that should you be severe to sit and learn much more about the survival organize or happy to make own personal survival back yard growing the private vegetables or fresh fruits not having squandering plenty of mineral water, ignore excavating, overlook fertilizing, not any longer weed. You could potentially provide you with much more than memorable back landscapes to give you and also friends and family in the time along with uncertainty. Absolutely certain you are likely to certainly have the opportunity to enjoy most mouth-watering, most healthy as well as a ton healthful food products to store the lifespan of every person and so this also survival back garden quickly matches your back garden.
0 notes
pwebdevelop · 6 years
Virtual Reality Landing Page Design
An amazing destination for your website traffic are web based pages that are virtual reality compatible. If your want to entertain and enlighten your Email, SEO, & Social web traffic, VR web pages are a terrific destination. Preserve high engagement with your users by creating content that’s captivating, illuminating, & creative.
Engulf Yourself
Do not miss this chance to lose yourself in the alternative type of websites you can assemble which can help your organization interact with, and motivate your customers. Why not be the primary leader in your industry and establish your flag in this brand new virtual world? Be the company that customers associate with growth and innovation.
Complete and Total Immersion
The moment for VR is now. There’s never before during the course of human history been a medium that provides such complete and total immersion, it is a feat that two dimensional website design simply can’t re-create, regardless of how amazing the design is or the degree of sophistication of the websites back end.
Showcase Your Products
Employ VR as a means to display your goods and services in a notable manner that transmits your clients. VR is the perfect medium to make virtual interiors which are elegant, luscious, and picturesque. Produce an ambiance that envelops your web site and helps to make the products you sell more alluring and attractive. Build an assortment of details and layers into your virtual environment to help to express the excellency of the services and products your offer.
Seize the day and be the first in your industry.
Do not miss the chance to plant your flag. VR sites guarantee to give organizations an opportunity to re-characterize themselves to their customers and in their industries at large.
VR in Branding
Why not be the innovator and be the first in your industry to ensnare the future, or wait and see as virtual worlds come to life all around you and lure your customers to start exploring for product options there? For only 99 cents we can help you build a world of distance between you and your competition.
Virtual Reality Web Development
Producing Virtual Reality Websites
We concentrate on assisting businesses build web sites that are compatible with virtual reality. Innovative & High Quality. We design and create VR web sites that work with your phone, your desktop computer, Google Cardboard, the HTC Vive, and the Oculus Rift to assist companies in creating unique experiences that feature their products and services.
Imaginative Virtual Reality Web Design
We offer exceptional web development at a sensible cost. You can bring your products to life with the use of web based Virtual Reality, we’re your one stop shop to make your VR project a reality.
VR for All
Here at Portaliz we are completely absorbed in making sure that VR is a platform than can be experienced by all, we can’t stand the thought of VR becoming the domain of just a select few. That’s one of the main reasons we are so dedicated to making sure immersive virtual reality experiences are available to everyone through the web. Anybody using the web has the capability to utilize virtual reality to shop, learn, and to be entertained.
Clever Design
Here at Portaliz we love to help our customers actualize their vision, in addition to exposing them to ideas they may not have thought of. Our goal is to produce a unique virtual world for each of our clients and that’s what we wish to do for you.
A Company of Builders
We work with an army of artisans to create innovative virtual reality experiences to be delivered via the web. Our mission is to go above and beyond to help your team reach its goals.
We Can Create It For You!
No matter the discipline, if your project requires an illustrator, animator, 3D artist, musician, or more, we have it covered. The singular constraining element to us creating a virtual empire for you is the amount you would like to spend along with our collective imaginations.
Wide-Scale Adoption
The VR compatible sites that we create are intended to operate beautifully on your desktop computer, your mobile device, your tablet computer, or even a head mounted VR device if you have one. All over the world, people now, and in the future will not be able to live without their computers and their mobile devices. This creates an immense opportunity to reach people.
All Of Cyberspace Is A Stage
Your web browser is also a tool that you can use to interact with virtual environments. As it is still relatively early days it seems that a lot of folks are unaware that your web browser can also be used a device to experience virtual reality. You don’t have to do anything special: just type in a URL into your web browser address bar as usual. After that you can instantly be taken to a totally different world via the web, where you can experience new products, and gain exposure to new products and services. Turn your web site into a popular destination in this latest interpretation of the web.
Virtual Reality in Advertising
The use of VR in advertising helps institutions to interact with their clients in new and interesting ways while simultaneously helping them to stand out among their competitors. Virtual reality used as a tool can also support companies in their effort to distinguishing themselves from similar competitors, while educating clients about the services and products they offer.
Buying items in Virtual Reality
There are no downsides to shopping with the aid of virtual reality. Users will be able to experience, and try out your services and products prior to purchasing them. This capability should be leveraged by you prior to the competition to help improve your earnings. It is very uncomplicated to integrate the virtual reality web apps that we create into your existing website. The only thing you need to do is upload the documents that we send you directly to your website. Afford those who visit your website the chance to fly 360 degrees around a 3D version of the types of products and or services that you sell. We can assist you in producing design solutions that present your products in a unique setting. Easily incorporate VR into your website with little time and no effort!
We are reestablishing the internet using WebVR
WebVR is an open standard which allows for the chance to experience virtual reality in your web browser. The ambition is to make it uncomplicated for anybody to experience VR no matter which kind of device you have. No matter your device – a cell phone, a head mounted VR device, or a desktop computer – the chance for you to lose yourself is always present.
Alluring Web Design
We strongly believe that a 2-D website all by it’s self is a lot like a fax machine or like an 8-Track tape. Now a days keeping up with your competitors using a static brochure type of website is extremely difficult and only growing in complexity by the day. How can you stand by when your competitors are building three dimensional websites that are replete with their own immersive worlds and cultures? If you do make the decision to stay in place instead of moving onward and upward, you’ll definitely be giving the competition the opportunity to foster deeper relationships with your customers. Don’t risk your customers going with your competition as they assist your customers in interacting with their products in new and interesting ways instead of going with the solutions you offer.
Bringing Music To Your World!
An additional amazing aspect of riveting web design and virtual reality is the chance to add real original music to your virtual world. We’d love to support you in developing something that’s remarkable, something your customers can connect with, in addition to, helping your products and services outshine your competitors.
To learn more check us out at https://www.portaliz.space
0 notes
pwebdevelop · 6 years
Buying items in Virtual Reality
A distinct advantage to shopping with the aid of virtual reality is that it offers shoppers nothing but upside. Enable your clients to interact with your goods and services before they purchase them. Companies should utilize this platform to help increase their revenue before their competitors do. It is very uncomplicated to integrate the virtual reality web apps that we create into your existing website. The only thing you need to do is upload the documents that we send you directly to your website. Offer people who visit your website the chance to fly 360 degrees around a 3D version of the services and products you offer. We would be more than ecstatic to devise a web design solution that highlights your products and services in a manner that’s unique. With no difficulty at all you can integrate virtual reality into your existing website with out any effort at all!
Implanting Music In Your World!
Another truly amazing aspect of VR web design is the inclusion of custom original music in the worlds you are creating. We can assist you in producing something which is memorable, something your clients can associate with, as well as, to help your merchandise outshine the competition.
Alluring Web Design
We strongly believe that a 2D web site all by it’s self is a lot like an 8-Track tape or like a fax machine. The days where you can simply have a static website, that’s really just a brochure, is a task that’s getting harder and harder to manage. How can you stand by when your competitors are building three dimensional websites that are replete with their own immersive worlds and cultures? If you choose to stand still when you could be moving forward, you’ll be giving your competitors an opportunity to deepen their relationships with your customers. You will be allowing your customers to interact with other products in new and interesting ways and risk that they end up trying a different solution instead of going with yours.
WebVR Web Design
Developing Virtual Reality Websites
We focus on helping companies build websites that are compatible with virtual reality. Exceptional & Innovative. We design and develop virtual reality websites that work with your desktop computer, your phone, the HTC Vive, Google Cardboard, as well as the Oculus Rift to assist companies in creating compelling experiences which feature their services and products.
Lose Yourself
Do not miss this opportunity to submerge yourself in the possibilities of the type websites we can help you build which can help your organization interface with, and rouse your clients. Why not be the original business in your industry to embed your flag in this new universe? Become that company that clients associate with expansion and invention.
VR Web Design
We offer exceptional web development at a sensible cost. You can give life to the products you offer by utilizing web based virtual reality, and we are your one stop shop to help aid you in the process.
VR Landing Page Creation
Web based virtual reality is a fantastic place to send your web traffic. Virtual Reality based web pages are a terrific destination to entertain and enlighten your SEO, Email, & Social web traffic. Preserve high engagement with your users by creating content that’s captivating, illuminating, & creative.
Don’t miss the chance to be the first in your industry.
This is your chance to plant your flag, don’t miss it. Virtual Reality websites ensure companies a chance to re-portray themselves to their clients and to their industry overall as well.
Virtual Reality in Advertising
Using VR as fixture in your marketing plan can help your company to stand out from a crowd of competitors, as well as, provide you with an opportunity to develop stronger bonds with your customers. Virtual reality used as a tool can also support companies in their effort to distinguishing themselves from similar competitors, while educating clients about the services and products they offer.
Complete & Total Immersion
The time for virtual reality is this moment. Just to be clear there has never another time during the course of human history where a medium offers such comprehensive and total immersion, it’s a feat that 2D web design simply can’t rival, regardless of how beautiful the layout is or the level of sophistication of the websites back end.
Innovative Design
Our motivation at Portaliz is to empower organizations to realize their dreams while acquainting them with ideas that they maybe haven’t thought of yet. On a daily basis we endeavor to create new and unique virtual worlds that help our clients differentiate themselves from their competitors.
We are refashioning the web with WebVR
WebVR is a open standard which makes it possible to enjoy virtual reality in your web browser. The intention is to make it easy for anybody to experience VR regardless of what type of device you have. No matter what kind of device you use; if it is a desktop computer, a cell phone, or a head mounted VR device the opportunity to lose yourself is immense.
Virtual Reality for Everyone
Here at Portaliz we’re focused on ensuring VR is a platform that can be realized and experienced by everyone, we don’t want it to become the domain of the few. That is one of the reasons we’re committed to bringing virtual reality experiences to people via the internet. Any person using the internet has the capacity to use VR to shop, learn, and to be enthralled.
A Team of Craftspeople
We work with a multitude of craftspeople to make inventive virtual reality applications that can be experienced of via the internet. Our central goal is to exceed expectations, as well as, to help your firm to achieve its objectives.
We Can Fabricate It For You!
No matter what the discipline may be, if your special project requires the use of an illustrator, animator, 3D artist, musician, or more, we’ve got you covered. The singular constraining element to us creating a virtual empire for you is the amount you would like to spend along with our collective imaginations.
Showcase Your Products
Use VR as a way to display your goods and services in a characteristic fashion that captivates your clientele. VR is an incomparable medium to make virtual interiors which are beautiful, suave, and debonair. Infuse an atmosphere around your website which makes the items you offer more alluring and attractive. Put together a combination of details and layers into your VR environment to help impart the virtue of the products your offer.
All Of The Net Is A Stage
Your web browser is also a VR device. As it is still generally early days it appears that a ton of people are not aware that your web browser can be used as a device to experience VR. You don’t have to do anything special: just type in a URL into your web browser address bar as usual. After that you can instantly be taken to a totally different world via the web, where you can experience new products, and gain exposure to new products and services. Convert your website into an award winning exhibit in this most up-to-date variation of the internet.
Mass Adoption
The virtual reality compatible sites that we create are intended to operate beautifully on your desktop computer, your mobile device, your own tablet device, or even a head mounted VR device if you have one. All around the world, people today, and in the future won’t be able to live with their computers and mobile phones. This creates an enormous chance to reach people.
Virtual Reality in Advertising
Why not be the mastermind and the first in your industry to claim the future, or wait and watch as virtual worlds emerge all around you and beckon your clients to start researching for product options there? For only 99 cents we can help you build a world of distance between you and your competition.
To learn more check us out at https://www.portaliz.space
0 notes
pwebdevelop · 6 years
Alluring Web Design
We strongly believe that a 2D web site all by it’s self is a lot like an 8-Track tape or like a fax machine. The days where you can simply have a static website, that’s really just a brochure, is a task that’s getting harder and harder to manage. If your competition chooses to create a website that is more like a riveting and immersive virtual world that has its own culture, how can you then decide to stand still? Don’t be stagnant, move forward, if you don’t fight back, you’ll give your competition the opportunity to develop deeper relationships with your customers. They may enable your customers to interact with their products in new and engaging ways and in the process you may risk losing these customers who succumb to your competitor’s solution instead of choosing yours.
Showcase Your Products
Employ VR as a means to display your goods and services in a notable manner that transmits your clients. Virtual Reality is the best medium to make virtual interiors that are tasteful, unpretentious, and creative. Develop an atmosphere around your web site that can make your products and services all the more engaging and alluring. Add a multiplicity of details and layers into your virtual environments to help convey the excellence of the products and services your provide.
Enclosing Music In Your World!
Also another incredible feature of immersive web design and VR is the opportunity to utilize original music in the world you’re creating. We can support you in forming something that is distinguished, as well as, help your products and services outshine the competition.
We are reforming the web with WebVR
WebVR is a open standard that permits you to experience virtual reality in a web browser. The ambition is to make it uncomplicated for anybody to experience VR no matter which kind of device you have. Immerse yourself with any type of device you use; whether its a desktop computer, a cell phone, or a Head Mounted VR device.
Complete and Total Immersion
The era for virtual reality is today. There has never been another time along the course of human history where a medium offers such comprehensive and total immersion, it is a feat that two dimensional website design simply can’t match, regardless of how beautiful the layout is or the level of sophistication of these websites back end.
VR for Everybody
At Portaliz we are devoted to assuring that VR is something than can enjoyed and experienced by all, we do not want it to become a walled off garden for the few. That is one of the reasons we’re serious about bringing VR experiences to everybody via the web. Anyone using the world wide web has the capability to utilize VR to shop, learn, and to be enthralled.
A Legion of Artist
We collaborate with a legion of craftspeople to construct imaginative virtual reality apps that you can experience on the web. Our central goal is to exceed expectations, as well as, to help your firm to achieve its objectives.
We Can Construct It For You!
Among many other disciplines, our talented team consist of illustrators, animators, musicians, and graphic artists who are all ready and at your beck and call. Really the only impediment to your particular project is your budget and the aggregate of our collective imaginations.
Virtual Reality in Advertising
Why not be the innovator and be the first in your industry to ensnare the future, or wait and see as virtual worlds come to life all around you and lure your customers to start exploring for product options there? For the low cost of just 99 cents we can help you construct a universe of space between you and your nearest competitor.
Ingenious Design
Here at Portaliz we like to help businesses realize their vision, as well as, expose them to ideas they may not have thought about. As such, at Portaliz we’d love the chance to design and develop a new virtual world for your company.
Virtual Reality in Advertising
One opportunity that fans have to connect more intimately with their favorite companies, and other individuals alike, is through the utilization of virtual reality, which should be an element your ongoing advertising process. Virtual reality used as a tool can also support companies in their effort to distinguishing themselves from similar competitors, while educating clients about the services and products they offer.
All The World Wide Web Is A Stage
Your web browser is also a VR device. Since it’s still relatively early days, it seems that many people aren’t aware that your web browser is also a device to experience virtual reality. You don’t need to do anything unique, simply type in a URL as you ordinarily would. That is truly all you need to do to open a gateway to an entire web worth of new universes, new items, and new encounters. Make your web site a multi-dimensional spaceport in this most up to date edition of the internet.
Engulf Yourself
Don’t miss the chance to immerse yourself in the various types of websites that you can fabricate which help your company interact with, and move your customers. Be the leading force in your industry and be the first to set your flag in this brand new world. Become that firm that clients associate with expansion and invention.
Be the first in your industry.
Do not miss the chance to plant your flag. VR sites guarantee to give organizations an opportunity to re-characterize themselves to their customers and in their industries at large.
Shop in Virtual Reality
There are no downsides to shopping with the aid of virtual reality. It allows your consumers to interact with your products and services before they purchase them. Take advantage of this tool to increase the amount of sales you make before your competition stumbles upon it. It’s extremely uncomplicated to incorporate the virtual reality web applications that we create into your existing website. There is nothing to it, just upload the files we give you to you’re website and you are good to go. Give visitors to your website the opportunity to fly 360 degrees around a 3d model of your goods and or services. We’d be ecstatic to construct a unique design solution that highlights and showcases your products in a distinct manner. Easily incorporate VR into your website with little time and no effort!
Virtual Reality Web Design
We are your one stop shop for superior, cost effective web design services. We are your one stop for everything associated with breathing life into the services and products you offer by using web-based virtual reality!
Virtual Reality Landing Page Creation
Web based virtual reality is a fantastic place to send your web traffic. Virtual Reality based web pages are a terrific destination to entertain and enlighten your SEO, Email, & Social web traffic. Preserve high engagement with your users by creating content that’s captivating, illuminating, & creative.
VR Compatible Websites
Designing Virtual Reality Websites
We specialize in assisting businesses design websites which are compatible with VR. Innovative & Excellent. We design and create VR websites that work with your phone, your desktop computer, Google Cardboard, the HTC Vive, and also the Oculus Rift to assist companies in creating unique experiences that feature their products and services.
Wide Scale Adoption
The virtual reality compatible sites that we create are intended to function beautifully on your desktop computer, your mobile device, your tablet, or even a head mounted VR device if you have one. All over the planet, people today, and in the future won’t be able to live without their computers and their mobile phones. This creates an enormous chance to reach people.
To learn more check us out at https://www.portaliz.space
0 notes
pwebdevelop · 6 years
Explore With Total Immersion
The moment for VR is now. There’s never before during the course of human history been a medium that provides such complete and total immersion, it is a feat that two dimensional website design simply can’t re-create, regardless of how amazing the design is or the degree of sophistication of the websites back end.
All Of The Net Is A Stage
Your web browser is also a tool that you can use to interact with virtual environments. Its seems that since the implementation of virtual reality as a platform is in an early phase a lot of people don’t realize that your web browser is also a tool that you can use to engage with virtual environments. You don’t have to do anything out of the ordinary, just type a URL into your web browser as you normally would. That is truly all you need to do to open a gateway to an entire web worth of new universes, new items, and new encounters. Turn your web site into a popular destination in this latest interpretation of the web.
Virtual Reality Website Design
Creating Virtual Reality Websites
We excel at assisting businesses in building websites that are compatible with virtual reality. Exceptional & Innovative. We design and create VR web sites that work with your phone, your desktop computer, Google Cardboard, the HTC Vive, and the Oculus Rift to assist companies in creating unique experiences that feature their products and services.
VR Landing Page Production
An ideal location to send your web traffic is web based VR pages. VR web pages are an awesome place to engross your SEO, email, & social web traffic. Preserve high engagement with your users by creating content that’s captivating, illuminating, & creative.
Engulf Yourself
Don’t miss the chance to immerse yourself in the various types of websites that you can fabricate which help your company interact with, and move your customers. Be the principal company in your industry and install your flag in this new virtual world. Become that firm that clients associate with expansion and invention.
Virtual Reality in Promotion
Why not be a leading light as well the first company in your industry to conquer the future, or you can wait and watch as virtual worlds grow up all around you and lure your customers to start researching for merchandise options there? For only 99 cents we can help you construct a universe of space between you and your closest competitor.
We are reconstructing the internet with WebVR
WebVR is a open standard that makes it feasible to experience virtual reality in your browser. The intent is to make it worry-free for anybody to experience virtual reality regardless of what type of device you have. Whether you have a desktop computer, a cell phone or a head-mounted VR display, you can become thoroughly enthralled using any of these types of devices.
Mass Adoption
The virtual reality compatible sites that we create are designed to function beautifully on your desktop computer, your mobile device, your tablet computer, or even a head mounted VR device if you have one. All over the planet, people today, and in the future will not be able to live with out their computers as well as their mobile phones. This is an immense opportunity to reach your customers.
Buying items in Virtual Reality
Shopping with the aid of virtual reality comes with nothing but upside. Potential customers can interact with your products and services before they make a decision to acquire them. You should leverage this awesome force to help you increase your sales before the competition does. It’s extremely uncomplicated to incorporate the virtual reality web applications that we create into your existing website. All you need to do is upload the files we give you directly to your web server and you are all set. Supply visitors to your website the opportunity to fly 360 degrees around a 3d version of the products and services you offer. We can enable you to build up a one of a kind type of product display to share with your customers and clients. With no difficulty at all you can integrate virtual reality into your existing website with out any effort at all!
Virtual Reality in Advertising
One opportunity that fans have to connect more intimately with their favorite companies, and other individuals alike, is through the utilization of virtual reality, which should be an element your ongoing advertising process. Additionally, inform your clients about your services in detail by incorporating web-based VR into your advertising efforts.
Imaginative Design
One of our goals here at Portaliz is to help our clients achieve their goals, and one of our main methods to aid in the process is to help supply them with innovative ideas. Our goal is to produce a unique virtual world for each of our clients and that’s what we wish to do for you.
VR for All
At Portaliz we are concentrated on insuring that virtual reality is something than can delighted in and experienced by everyone, we don’t want to it turn into walled off garden for the select few. That’s one of the main reasons we are so dedicated to making sure immersive virtual reality experiences are available to everyone through the web. Any person using the internet has the capacity to use VR to shop, learn, and to be enthralled.
Deeply Engaging Web Design
We strongly believe that a 2D web site all by it’s self is a lot like an 8-Track tape or like a fax machine. The life and times where you could just get by having a website that is like a static brochure are becoming more difficult to procure. How can you stand by when your competitors are building three dimensional websites that are replete with their own immersive worlds and cultures? In the event that you do settle on the choice to stand still as opposed to pushing ahead, you will giving the opposition the chance to foster deeper relationships with your clients. You’ll be allowing your customers a chance to connect with new products in new and intriguing ways and risk that they decide to choose another solution.
Illustrate Your Products
Use VR as a way to display your goods and services in a characteristic fashion that captivates your clientele. Virtual Reality is the greatest medium to produce virtual interiors that are refined, sophisticated, and discerning. Produce a vibe that encompasses your website and which helps make the products and services you offer more alluring and attractive. Construct an assemblage of details and layers into your virtual reality environment to help convey the benefits of goods and services you provide.
An Army of Artisans
We work with an army of artisans to create innovative virtual reality experiences to be delivered via the web. Our main goal is to go above and beyond to help your company achieve its objectives.
We Can Make It For You!
Among many other disciplines, our talented team consist of illustrators, animators, musicians, and graphic artists who are all ready and at your beck and call. The primary restraining factor to us establishing a virtual kingdom for you is your budget along with the sum of our collective imaginations.
VR Website Design
We offer top notch website design at a cost that is sensible. We’re your one stop location for all things related to breathing life into your products with Virtual Reality!
Introducing Music To Your World!
Also another incredible feature of immersive web design and VR is the opportunity to utilize original music in the world you’re creating. We can assist you in producing something which is memorable, something your clients can associate with, as well as, to help your merchandise outshine the competition.
Seize the day and be the first in your industry.
Do not miss the opportunity to plant your flag. VR sites guarantee to furnish organizations with an opportunity to re-characterize themselves to their customers and in their industries at large.
To learn more check us out at https://www.portaliz.space
0 notes
pwebdevelop · 6 years
Be the first in your industry.
This opportunity belongs to you, don’t miss this chance to plant your flag. Virtual Reality web sites guarantee organizations an opportunity to re-characterize themselves to their customers and in their industries as a whole.
A Battalion of Artisans
We work with an army of artisans to create innovative virtual reality experiences to be delivered via the web. Our mission is to go above and beyond to help your team reach its goals.
We Can Fashion It For You!
Regardless of the field, if your venture requires an cartoonist, animator, 3D artist, musician, or more, we have got it taken care of. The only limiting factors are your budget, and the combined collection of our imaginations!
Virtual Reality Web Development
Generating VR Websites
We excel at assisting businesses in building websites that are compatible with virtual reality. First-Class & Innovative. We design and create VR websites that work with your phone, your desktop computer, Google Cardboard, the HTC Vive, and also the Oculus Rift to assist companies in creating unique experiences that feature their products and services.
Complete Immersion
The era for virtual reality is today. Never before has there been a time along the path of human history where a medium provides such comprehensive and total immersion, it’s a feat that two dimensional website design simply can’t match, irrespective of how beautiful the layout, or the degree of sophistication of the sites back end.
Virtual Reality in Branding
One opportunity that fans have to connect more intimately with their favorite companies, and other individuals alike, is through the utilization of virtual reality, which should be an element your ongoing advertising process. Educate your clients about your solutions in greater detail or entertain them with Virtual Reality.
Innovative Design
Here at Portaliz we like to help businesses realize their vision, as well as, expose them to ideas they may not have thought about. We design and develop virtual worlds every day and our main goal is to build a virtual world for you.
We are reconstructing the internet with WebVR
WebVR is a open standard that makes it feasible to experience virtual reality in your browser. The ambition is to make it uncomplicated for anybody to experience VR no matter which kind of device you have. No matter your device – a cell phone, a head mounted VR device, or a desktop computer – the chance for you to lose yourself is always present.
Wide-Scale Adoption
The virtual reality compatible websites that we create are intended to operate beautifully with your desktop computer, your mobile device, your tablet, or a head mounted VR device if you have one. All over the planet, people today, and in the future will not be able to live with out their computers as well as their mobile phones. This calculus creates an enormous opportunity to reach your customers.
Lose Yourself
Don’t miss this opportunity to lose yourself in the possibilities of the types of websites you can build that will help your company communicate with, and inspire your customers. Be the first business in your industry to plant your flag in this brand new universe. Be the company that customers associate with growth and innovation.
VR in Branding
Why not be the innovator and be the first in your industry to ensnare the future, or wait and see as virtual worlds come to life all around you and lure your customers to start exploring for product options there? For as little as 99 cents we can help you construct a universe of distance between you and your competition.
VR Landing Page Creation
Web-based VR is an excellent place to send your web traffic. If you are searching for a dynamite tool to engage and educate your SEO, email, and social web traffic, then you should strongly consider WebVR. Preserve high engagement with your users by creating content that’s captivating, illuminating, & creative.
All The Internet Is A Stage
Your web browser is also a VR device. As it is still generally early days it appears that a ton of people are not aware that your web browser can be used as a device to experience VR. You don’t have to do anything out of the ordinary, just type a URL into your web browser as you normally would. After that you can instantly be taken to a totally different world via the web, where you can experience new products, and gain exposure to new products and services. Turn your web site into a popular destination in this latest interpretation of the web.
Virtual Reality Web Site Design
We offer exceptional web development at a sensible cost. We can help assist you in the process of breathing life into the products and services you offer using web based Virtual Reality.
Product Procurement in Virtual Reality
There are only benefits when shopping with the help of virtual reality. Enable your clients to interact with your goods and services before they purchase them. You should utilize this platform to increase your sales before others in your industry harness its inherent power. It is simple to incorporate the VR web apps that we develop into your existing web site. All you need to do is upload the files we give you directly to your web server and you are all set. Provide new arrivals to your web site the opportunity to fly 360 degrees around a 3d version of the goods or services you offer. We can assist you in producing design solutions that present your products in a unique setting. With no difficulty at all you can integrate virtual reality into your existing website with out any effort at all!
Display Your Products
Take advantage of VR as a way to display your services and products in an original manner that engrosses your customers. Virtual Reality is the best medium to make virtual interiors that are tasteful, unpretentious, and creative. Give your web site an ambiance that can make the items you sell more appealing and attractive. Build an assortment of details and layers into your virtual environment to help to express the excellency of the services and products your offer.
Alluring Web Design
Our take is that a 2D website by its self is just like a fax machine or an 8-Track tape. The life and times where you could just get by having a website that is like a static brochure are becoming more difficult to procure. If your competition makes the decision to a 3D website that resembles an immersive world complete with it’s own culture, how can you stand still? If you choose to stand still when you could be moving forward, you’ll be giving your competitors an opportunity to deepen their relationships with your customers. You will be allowing your customers to interact with other products in new and interesting ways and risk that they end up trying a different solution instead of going with yours.
Virtual Reality for Everybody
At Portaliz we are devoted to assuring that VR is something than can enjoyed and experienced by all, we do not want it to become a walled off garden for the few. That’s one of the main reasons we are so dedicated to making sure immersive virtual reality experiences are available to everyone through the web. Every one with access to the world wide web has the capacity to use virtual reality to shop, learn, and be enchanted.
Inserting Music In Your World!
One of the revolutionary benefits of three dimensional web design and virtual reality is the ability to incorporate the perfect background music to your world. We can assist you in producing something which is memorable, something your clients can associate with, as well as, to help your merchandise outshine the competition.
To learn more check us out at https://www.portaliz.space
0 notes
pwebdevelop · 6 years
All The Web Is A Stage
Your web browser is also a device you can use to experience VR. As it is still relatively early days it seems that a lot of folks are unaware that your web browser can also be used a device to experience virtual reality. You don’t need to do anything unique, simply type in a URL as you ordinarily would. That is all you have to do to open a portal to a whole new world, new products, and new experiences. Make your website a destination in the newest iteration of the internet.
Massive Adoption
The virtual reality compatible sites that we create are intended to function beautifully on your desktop computer, your mobile device, your tablet, or even a head mounted VR device if you have one. All over the world, people today, and in to the future won’t be able to live with out their computers as well as their mobile phones. This creates an enormous chance to reach people.
Purchasing items in Virtual Reality
One advantage of shopping with the aid of virtual reality is that comes only with upside. Before making a purchase, you can give you customers can opportunity to interact with your products and services in a unique manner. You should utilize this platform to increase your sales before others in your industry harness its inherent power. It’s easy to incorporate the virtual reality web applications that we develop into your current web infrastructure. All you have to do is upload the files we provide you with to your website and you’re good to go. Supply visitors to your website the opportunity to fly 360 degrees around a 3d version of the products and services you offer. We can enable you to build up a one of a kind type of product display to share with your customers and clients. Easily incorporate VR into your website with little time and no effort!
VR for Everyone
At Portaliz we are concentrated on insuring that virtual reality is something than can delighted in and experienced by everyone, we don’t want to it turn into walled off garden for the select few. That is one of the reasons we’re committed to bringing virtual reality experiences to people via the internet. Every one with access to the world wide web has the capacity to use virtual reality to shop, learn, and be enchanted.
We are reconstructing the internet with WebVR
WebVR is an open standard that creates the possibility of experiencing virtual reality in your web browser. The intent is to make it worry-free for anybody to experience virtual reality regardless of what type of device you have. No matter what kind of device you use; if it is a desktop computer, a cell phone, or a head mounted VR device the opportunity to lose yourself is immense.
Experience Total Immersion
The epoch for virtual reality is now. Just to be clear there has never another time during the course of human history where a medium offers such comprehensive and total immersion, it’s a feat that 2D web design simply can’t rival, regardless of how beautiful the layout is or the level of sophistication of the websites back end.
Virtual Reality in Advertising
Enhance the memorability of your company with the use of web based virtual reality advertising campaigns, as well as, build a stronger connection with your consumers, and distinguish your company from your competitors. Virtual reality used as a tool can also support companies in their effort to distinguishing themselves from similar competitors, while educating clients about the services and products they offer.
VR Landing Page Creation
An ideal location to send your web traffic is web based VR pages. It is an engaging, entertaining, as well as an enlightening destination for your SEO, Email, and Social web traffic. Preserve high engagement with your users by creating content that’s captivating, illuminating, & creative.
VR Website Design
We offer exceptional web development at a sensible cost. You can give life to the products you offer by utilizing web based virtual reality, and we are your one stop shop to help aid you in the process.
Bringing Music To Your World!
Another truly amazing aspect of VR web design is the inclusion of custom original music in the worlds you are creating. We can assist you in producing something which is memorable, something your clients can associate with, as well as, to help your merchandise outshine the competition.
A Regiment of Creators
We work with a multitude of craftspeople to make inventive virtual reality applications that can be experienced of via the internet. Our central goal is to exceed expectations, as well as, to help your firm to achieve its objectives.
We Can Assemble It For You!
Regardless of the background, if your special project requires the expertise of an artist, illustrator, 3D craftsman, or more, we’ve got you covered. The singular constraining element to us creating a virtual empire for you is the amount you would like to spend along with our collective imaginations.
WebVR Web Design
Forming VR Websites
We excel at assisting businesses in building websites that are compatible with virtual reality. Preeminent & Innovative. We develop and design VR websites that work with your phone, your desktop computer, Google Cardboard, the HTC Vive, and the Oculus Rift to assist companies in developing unique experiences that feature their products and services.
Inventive Design
Here at Portaliz we like to help businesses realize their vision, as well as, expose them to ideas they may not have thought about. On a daily basis we endeavor to create new and unique virtual worlds that help our clients differentiate themselves from their competitors.
Enthralling Website Design
We believe strongly that a static, 2D web site by its self is a lot like a 8-track tape or a fax machine. Today it’s becoming increasingly harder for folks to just have a website that’s a stationary brochure. How can you stand still if your competition makes the decision to construct a website that is like an immersive world that has its own culture? If you decide to stay in one place in lieu of going forward, you will enable your competitors to have the chance to develop closer relationships with your customers. You will be allowing your customers to interact with other products in new and interesting ways and risk that they end up trying a different solution instead of going with yours.
Illustrate Your Products
Take advantage of virtual reality as a means to display your products and services in a distinctive fashion that enthralls your clientele. Virtual Reality is the best medium to make virtual interiors that are tasteful, unpretentious, and creative. Produce an ambiance that envelops your web site and helps to make the products you sell more alluring and attractive. Provide a multitude of additional details and layers into your virtual environments to help communicate the merit of the merchandise your offer.
Branding With Virtual Reality
Why not be a leading light as well the first company in your industry to conquer the future, or you can wait and watch as virtual worlds grow up all around you and lure your customers to start researching for merchandise options there? For as little as 99 cents we can help construct an ocean of distance between you and your nearest competitor.
Captivate Yourself
Don’t miss the chance to immerse yourself in the various types of websites that you can fabricate which help your company interact with, and move your customers. Be the leading force in your industry and be the first to set your flag in this brand new world. Be the firm that customers associate with invention and growth.
Seize the day and be the first in your industry.
Don’t squander this chance to plant your flag. VR websites promise to provide companies with an excellent chance to re-create themselves and in their industries at large.
To learn more check us out at https://www.portaliz.space
0 notes
pwebdevelop · 6 years
Intelligent Design
One of our goals here at Portaliz is to help our clients achieve their goals, and one of our main methods to aid in the process is to help supply them with innovative ideas. We develop virtual worlds every day and our dream is to produce a world for you.
Virtual Reality in Promotion
Why not be a leader and the first in your industry to capture the future, or wait and see as virtual worlds spring up all around you that entice your customers to start exploring for merchandise options there? For only 99 cents we can help you build a world of distance between you and your competition.
Complete Immersion
The epoch for virtual reality is now. Never before has there been a time along the path of human history where a medium provides such comprehensive and total immersion, it’s a feat that two dimensional website design simply can’t match, irrespective of how beautiful the layout, or the degree of sophistication of the sites back end.
Virtual Reality Landing Page Creation
Web-based VR is an excellent place to send your web traffic. If your want to entertain and enlighten your Email, SEO, & Social web traffic, VR web pages are a terrific destination. Preserve high engagement with your users by creating content that’s captivating, illuminating, & creative.
Enthralling Website Design
We strongly believe that a 2D web site all by it’s self is a lot like an 8-Track tape or like a fax machine. It’s getting harder and harder to compete with just a static, brochure type of style website. How can you stand still if your competition makes the decision to construct a website that is like an immersive world that has its own culture? If you choose to stand still when you could be moving forward, you’ll be giving your competitors an opportunity to deepen their relationships with your customers. You will be allowing your customers to interact with other products in new and interesting ways and risk that they end up trying a different solution instead of going with yours.
A Team of Craftspeople
We have a network of artisans and professional craftspeople who help us develop VR experiences that you can consume via the internet. Our central task is to go above and beyond to help your team achieve its core objectives.
We Can Construct It For You!
Among many other disciplines, our talented team consist of illustrators, animators, musicians, and graphic artists who are all ready and at your beck and call. The singular constraining element to us creating a virtual empire for you is the amount you would like to spend along with our collective imaginations.
Enmesh Yourself
Don’t miss the opportunity to surrender yourself to the alternative kind of websites that you can create which can enable your company to engage with, and motivate your customers. Be the leading force in your industry and be the first to set your flag in this brand new world. Become that firm that customers associate with invention and growth.
VR Web Design
We offer high quality web design at a reasonable price. We can help you bring all of your products to life utilizing web based Virtual Reality.
Adding Music To Your World!
Another marvelous part of immersive website architecture and virtual reality is the chance to add unique custom music to your virtual world. We’d love to support you in developing something that’s remarkable, something your customers can connect with, in addition to, helping your products and services outshine your competitors.
VR in Advertising
Fusing virtual reality in your promoting blend equips organizations and people with an awesome chance to deepen their relationships with their fans, notwithstanding the opportunity to separate themselves from their adversaries. Educate your clients about your solutions in greater detail or entertain them with Virtual Reality.
Highlight Your Products
Take advantage of VR as a way to display your services and products in an original manner that engrosses your customers. Virtual Reality is the best medium to make virtual interiors that are tasteful, unpretentious, and creative. Give your web site an ambiance that can make the items you sell more appealing and attractive. Add a multiplicity of details and layers into your virtual environments to help convey the excellence of the products and services your provide.
We are reforming the web with WebVR
WebVR is an open standard that creates the possibility of experiencing virtual reality in your web browser. The ambition is to make it uncomplicated for anybody to experience VR no matter which kind of device you have. You can lose yourself with any type of device you use, whether it is a mobile phone, a desktop, or a virtual reality device you wear on your head.
Large-Scale Adoption
The virtual reality compatible sites that we create are designed to function beautifully on your desktop computer, your mobile device, your tablet computer, or even a head mounted VR device if you have one. All around the world, people today, and into the future won’t be able to live without their computers as well as their mobile devices. This calculus creates an immense opportunity to reach people.
VR Compatible Websites
Forming VR Websites
We specialize in assisting businesses design websites which are compatible with VR. Innovative & Preeminent We develop and create VR websites which work with your phone, your desktop computer, Google Cardboard, the HTC Vive, and also the Oculus Rift to help companies create compelling brand experiences which feature their services and products.
Purchasing items in Virtual Reality
There are no downsides to shopping with the aid of virtual reality. It allows your consumers to interact with your products and services before they purchase them. You should utilize this platform to increase your sales before others in your industry harness its inherent power. It’s easy to incorporate the virtual reality web applications that we develop into your current web infrastructure. The only thing you need to do is upload the documents that we send you directly to your website. Offer people who visit your website the chance to fly 360 degrees around a 3D version of the services and products you offer. We’d be ecstatic to construct a unique design solution that highlights and showcases your products in a distinct manner. With no difficulty at all you can integrate virtual reality into your existing website with out any effort at all!
Seize the day and be the first in your industry.
Do not miss the chance to plant your flag. VR websites promise to provide businesses with a chance to re-define themselves to their clients and in their industries at large.
VR for All
Here at Portaliz we are completely absorbed in making sure that VR is a platform than can be experienced by all, we can’t stand the thought of VR becoming the domain of just a select few. That is one of the reasons we’re dedicated to bringing virtual reality experiences to everybody via the web. Anybody with access to the internet has the capacity to utilize virtual reality to shop, learn, and be amused.
All Of The Net Is A Stage
Your web browser is also a tool that you can use to interact with virtual environments. As it is still relatively early days it seems that a lot of folks are unaware that your web browser can also be used a device to experience virtual reality. You don’t need to do anything unique, simply type in a URL as you ordinarily would. That is all you have to do to open a portal to a whole new world, new products, and new experiences. Turn your web site into a popular destination in this latest interpretation of the web.
To learn more check us out at https://www.portaliz.space
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