#idk im just thinking about stuff. sorry for being an english major
myfairkatiecat · 3 months
as an actual person getting a degree in criticism of english literature, i'd like to say that you are completely entitled to your opinion and i am entirely thrilled to see discussion of literary theory in the kotlc fandom!!!! it's fantastic and i wish everyone engaged with the work like you are!!!
that being said, I do have some questions? problems? smth idk. for you. This is not an attack or anything like that, pure academic camaraderie and engagement. Literary theory shifts entirely based on who, how, and why people engage with it.
You stated in one post that when an author writes their story one way, you as the reader can't really argue against that at all, as you are choosing to engage with the work. For instance, if you hate Sokeefe and it turns you off from reading the series, you can't say that the author was wrong without basing it in some real criticism. My response to this would be, what would that criticism look like? Do you have a good argument for why Sokeefe wouldn't be a good route for the author to take? I am an AVID Sokeefe shipper, and I can think of at least three. But I digress. My main thought here is that an author, at least in my opinion, can be completely wrong in their execution of anything. Just because something is written in a story doesn't necessarily mean that's how it has to be, or how it would best be written!
I genuinely think millions of writers have begun writing things simply because they saw a poorly executed story.
Writing, for me, at least, always seems to be utterly entwined with itself. Story, wording, execution, pacing, it's all combined into the whole it becomes. This is why Twilight is so bad, why KOTLC has isn't classics material, and why, say, Jane Eyre is! It's all combined together into a beautiful flashing collective, and it is when you get excellence across the board that a work of fiction really shines.
However, I don't think one can take the author as the prime example of perfectly executing their own story.
I would write so much of KOTLC completely differently if it were my writing, and I would argue that all of that would make it worlds better, even if some of my choices are primarily based on personal taste, not supported criticism, because I think that I know how to write just as well, if not better than the author does.
It is based in this very same idea, that even if I were operating solely out of personal taste that I could do it better, that I find myself disagreeing with your claim.
I genuinely believe an author can make terrible decisions with their story, and be wrong about how it's carried out, even if it's in the material and published.
Do you have any thoughts on this? Sorry, I know this is kind of long.
Anyways! Thank you so much for bringing up theoretical stuff!!!! I literally LOVE to see it!!!! :D Have a great day!!!
I love this stuff too OMG im going to college next year and I’m majoring in English
Anyway yes!! Most of what you said is actually about the execution of the story, which I totally agree can be objectively better or worse! I like to put all those things like style, pacing, and execution in the family of “writing” and things like plot and scenes and what is actually happening in the universe as “content.”
I think the “writing,” as I loosely defined it above, can be thoroughly criticized at any point, and ABSOLUTELY SHOULD BE! That’s how readers and writers alike learn and grow from other media and nurture their own talent! I can definitely think of some things about Shannon’s writing in kotlc that I would have executed differently, but with kotlc, I mostly try to ignore it since it’s………kotlc 😭 but no you’re absolutely right!
I bristle a little bit at criticism of “content” as I defined it above. I know it’s wrapped up in the writing, but I think things that are actually happening in the universe—such as decisions characters make or big events that affect the plot and characters—are things that are totally up to the author, and therefore can’t be objectively wrong. For example, Sophie deciding to date Keefe is something happening in the universe. Therefore, it can’t be the “wrong” thing, because it’s Shannon’s universe in the first place.
Now, there could be other pathways the story could have taken. The story might be more enjoyable to some people if other pathways were taken. But Shannon isn’t… “incorrect” about her own characters, which is a take I’ve seen implied (and even outright stated somewhere, I’ll have to find that again) since she created them and what she decides to have them do is a part of the story she’s deciding to tell. From an objective standpoint, we can discuss her writing methods and the execution of the story she is telling, but at the end of the day, if someone’s problem isn’t with the execution but with the story itself, their criticism ceases to really be helpful. That’s basically like saying, “I like Harry Potter, but J. K. Rowling really messed up when she made Voldemort a half-blood.” (Which might be a bad example because it was actually a genius narrative choice.) In that statement, you aren’t criticizing Rowling of her execution of the story, you’re criticizing the very story she decided to tell, which is her right as an author.
I think an author can make choices that don’t move their story in a direction that would lend it more literary merit or have more of an impact. But if those decisions are related to the “content” rather than the “writing” (according to the groups I defined above) then I don’t think anyone can objectively say the decision is wrong. That’s the other thing—the use of the word “objective” in situations it has no business being in.
In short, writers can execute things well or poorly, and they can make narrative decisions that don’t lead the work down a road that gives it more meaning, but when coming up with the actual plot of a story, authors can’t be wrong about what should happen in a story that is of their own design! If they think that their character would do X, Y and Z, then they’re right, because they created the character. Even if we, the readers, haven’t been exposed to a single thing about that character that would make them make those decisions, the author is still right about their own character. Now, in that scenario, the writing can be criticized, because a character who would do X, Y and Z should probably show signs of it earlier in the work so that it doesn’t give the readers whiplash and better develops the character, but the author can’t be wrong in their own universe by virtue of having created the universe.
Thanks for stopping by!! I love chatting about this stuff, feel free to reblog and keep it going
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anqelfries · 5 days
so as u know i was ill last week (was that even last week I CANT REMEMBER BUT IT WAS RECENTLY) and i was coughing up a storm at school on monday and tuesday IT WAS HELL ITSELF I SWEAR.
SO I HAD LIKE,, 7 TESTS? THIS WEEK? I THINK? a ton!! like wdym im getting a test thats not writing in journalism class? WHY ARE WE HAVING A HISTORY TEST IN THIS CLASS THATS SO WEIRD TO ME??? anyway... that and a spanish test and two math tests and two tests in my ap class and an english comprehension test i was not thriving this week
yesterday i went to the school football game with my friends!! our team kinda demolished the visiting team dude 😭😭 IT WAS LIKE?? 68-0???? LIKE DAMN OKAY LET THEM GET UP BROTHERS 😭
HONEYPIE BY JAWNY !!!!! erm big yap under cut methinks..
my freaky english teacher likes me. a h a h a anyways ive been getting into art moar >:3 again so i spent like half the time drawing and stuff help .. not when i needed to concentrate tho !!! i drew a fish person ish i will show u later. apparently everyone flunked the maths test so like i may end up on the news tho... my last three assessments were all straight A's but the highest grade in the entire class in this one is a B and idk man i might Die. also i think i did well in english bc.. the teacher seems satisfied w me.. SCHOOL IS CLOSED TMR SO I WILL LOCK IN AND WRITE MY SILLY SMAU METHINKS
my friend who i sat beside today let me draw my fish on her bandaid :33 she calls me fish too and i call her cat it's a long story basically but in eighth grade like.. back in 2022 we exchanged discords and my nickname was fishie and hers was neko so like .. fish and cat. oh and once a physics teacher referred to me as fish too help
im super eepy rn help.. started raining in the morning n i got hopeful that school would be cancelled but NO bc the universe HATES me
im going to change & pass out now i think highkey.
OK NOW !!! UR THINGS LETS SEE omg yes this week was so fkn long ewwww
football game is insane (never seen one) 68 - ZERO ??? IS THE HOME TEAM THAT GOOD OR IS THE OTHER ONE JUST BAD PLS... ALSO LIKE WHAT !!!! kiss cam sounds like sm fun !!!!
okay pause to say that this ask is literally makign me so happy rn idk bro but im kicking feet i feel all warm n fluttery inside
OK BACK ON TOPIC im so glad u had fun <333 that experience seems so amazing like omg !!! ik youll remember it for a WHILE i long to experience that kind of fun again omg
OKAY ANYWAYS MY DAY RIGHT !!! i cancelled on my maths teacher + postponed his class to tmr bc i want to sleep and grind genshin and watch a movie or 2 !!! im thinking everything everywhere all at once ive wanted to watch it forever but never really had the independence to do so like i do now !!!! my big toe hurts for some reason idk :/// AND IVE BEEN HAVING SUCH BAD NAGI BRAINROT RECENTLY OMHHHH LIKE MY MAN.. MY MAN..... SAVE ME NAGI SEISHIRO SAVE ME..........
aaaaa where was i !!! oh yesyes so i was thinking moot tags right ... bc i need smth cute for u.... bc ur so cute....
UM YES THATS ALL FOR TODAY I HOPE UR SLEEPING WELL & DM ME WHEN U SEE THIS !!! not for any specific reason just say hi bc imy (we literally talked a few hrs ago) ily sav !!!! PS CONGRATS ON MAKING THE MAGAZINE TEAM IM SO PROUD OF U !!!!
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vero-niche · 11 months
(context: this ask was sent by my dear mutual after i reblogged a post about what my special interest is, which is films and filmmaking that i called those things)
fjhfjvhnfkc im so sorry for not replying to this sooner, it's been haunting me since that day bc first i was like "i will answer from desktop bc this is gonna be a long one" and then... i didnt. anyway, im just gonna start rambling and hit post at some point when i run out of steam, enjoy 💞
edit: whoops better put All That under a read more lmao
note: by movie/film i also mean animation, tv shows, anime, etc
so, it all started when i was little.... we were living mostly in a small village in northern hungary, no access to cinemas or such but my dad started working at a tv station in the capital when i was like... idk. small
anyway, he had access to The Internet and pirated movies and brough home burned VHS tapes.... i loved fiction ever since i remember and movies were no different. saw a lot of disney and other stuff, mum says i rewatched a lot of them a lot of times.... as an undiagnosed adhd+autism kid these movies were my main source of obsession.
as many in my generation, i grew to love reading a bit later after i saw the first h*rry p*tter movie and read the book but even then and ever since as well my imagination works kinda like a movie. i imagine certain shots and angles, even tho for the most part my imagination is as fuzzy as my thoughts.
also on the part of the audhd, i was basically self medicating with movies. stressed? watch a movie. sensory overload? movie (or later on, music). feeling shit? movie. it kind of works like a factory reset of my brain if the film is good. i guess because for 1,5-2,5 hours i am completely focused on one thing in a way thats not exhausting to me.
during elementary, i was in a friend group that i got in because we were in the same not school related drawing group (rajzszakkör yknow) and basically all 4 of us were a bit too neurodivergent there i think 😄 anyway, somehow when i first got a phone with camera, we started doing little "sketches" (and me with my then best friend separately too). then two of those friends came up with a short movie idea, a mockumentary about the iconic "twin towers" of the town we lived in (and hated). the 4 of us filmed and played all parts, right there in the city, and one of us edited it. it turned out quite.... well, like a shitpost lmao. so, naturally, we got quite hooked but esp me and one other friend (who is now an acclaimed theatre director btw. lol)
anyway, so we did several of these short movies + i did several sketches and other stuff with all kinds of friends in the coming years, all through about mid-high school years...
for several reasons, despite it being the obvious choice, i didnt end up going to film major at uni but chose english studies. i don't regret it, but my place wouldve been at the film major tbh....
anyway, i decided to give up my filmmaking dreams... but yknow, special interests dont wotk that way lmao.
i kept watching movies with a critical mind, such as "oh this shot is good" or "this shot is too long, they should've cut it a few seconds earlier" or "oh, they are using xy technique here" and once you start looking at movies from a filmmaker point of view, theres just no turning back (or off). i think i majorly watch anime in my spare time now bc i analyze what i see less than with live action stuff.
so like. idk what my point here is. i listen to soundtracks of movies i loved, not just the ones with lyrics but the background music too. i love rewatching and dissecting parts. after seeing a new one that i loved i headstraight to imdb to the crew and trivia section, i watch/read interviews, check box office numbers even and stare in awe when they show a special technique or smg they used.
and i mainly always thought "well i just have a passion for it but its nothing that outstanding, right? people look these stuff up when then love smg, right?" well. 😶
then not too long ago i realized im not only adhd but autistic as well. and that the reason why this passion (and need to be involved in the making) never really left, even when i myself gave up on it, is bc its my special interest.
so now im slowly approaching crossroads bc on the one hand i have a stable corporate job with good routines at home. but on the other if i dont "give in" to my special interest i feel my soul will wither. but also im sososcared 👍
in summary:
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waspstar · 2 years
xtc, and on the side andy and the dukes?
im about to have an autism attack so extreme i love you johnny
favorite song: this is so difficult because obviously a lot of their songs mean a great deal to me, but generals and majors i think will always come out on top.
close runner ups are battery brides, chalkhills and children, runaways, toys, and probably a few more. i wont exhaust it lol
least favorite song: i hate saying this because i love xtc so much but its definitely cynical days. and theres times when i even like this song too!
close runner up is all of a sudden its too late, theyre kind of the same to me
favorite album: BLACK SEA! black sea forever and ever until i die! i love the concept i love that it was orignally going to be called working under pressure and it was going to be a play on being a deep sea diver and also a musician under the scrutiny of record companies, i love its music videos, i love the artwork for it, everything about it is beautiful.
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close runner ups are oranges and lemons, big express, and english settlement
least favorite album:
i genuinely dont know if i can say. i really love them all.
song that got me into them: same as my favorite! generals and majors! my friend recommended me it in sept 2020 and i decided i loved it so much i had to hear the album it was on. after that xtc changed my life forever
seen live: no haha they stopped touring in 1982
rate: 1 billion/10 they are the best band to ever exist
favorite song: mole from the ministry! its the boys' favorite music video, too! i love the mastering and the effects used in this song so much.
least favorite song: ummm probably shiny cage. sorry colin! i like the lyrics but its a bit boring sonically
favorite album: 25 o'clock! i like both mini albums but i like 25 o'clock's vibes more. 25 o'clock feels more like alice and wonderland to me and psionic psunspot is a little different
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also, andy illustrated the cover himself! :)))
least favorite album: psionic psunspot, but they only released 2 mini albums and a compilation of both so its not like i dislike any aspect of it haha
song that got me into them: idk, i guess 25 o clock? i just found out about them bcs they are literally xtc LOL
seen live: no lol they never toured as the dukes
rate: 1 million out of ten
favorite song: wonder annual. its in my opinion his most beautiful song, i could talk about it forever and ever.
least favorite song: you like me?. its so fucking bad. i hate it so much. not even gonna link it
favorite album: ive only heard up to volume 5 of fuzzy warbles but i think vol 1 is still a big favorite, though i do like 2 a lot and i think 4
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least favorite album: probably fuzzy warbles volume 3? though i do like a lot off it. maybe 5?
song that got me into them: well i listen to his solo stuff bcs hes the lead man of xtc, but at some point i found out about young cleopatra and remembered liking it, so i guess that was a catalyst lol
seen live: the entire reason xtc stopped touring in 1982 is because of andy's anxiety disorder and withdrawal, so he definitely wouldnt tour on his own lol
rating: 1 million out of ten
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husbandhoshi · 7 months
hi it's the prev med school anon!! i'm glad to hear med school's going well, i'm currently in my gap years rn trying to get in some more volunteering & clinical experience & overall life experience before i apply next year :') sorry if you've already talked about this before on your blog but did you go straight into med school from undergrad/uni or did you take some time in between?
i was also curious what kind of clinical experiences you did or your peers did before applying -- i feel like i read a lot about diff clinical opportunities and how each one is great and i guess i'm just curious what's worked for other people :') thank you!! i really appreciate it <3
hi sweetheart!! and that sounds like a good plan :’) i didn’t take a gap year because my parents pushed me not to & i regret it because i feel like i could have had a much stronger application otherwise. it worked out anyway and now im here, but the vast majority of my peers took at least one gap year! i think what helped me was that i had a bunch of interesting extracurriculars (journalism, being an english teacher, restaurant work, alongside all the other clinical stuff). but i think it’s better to pace yourself because you’re only in your early 20s once and i think schools look more favorably on students with some life experience anyway :)
as for clinical experience i was a social worker at my university hospital so i had a unique storytelling angle there. this was through an organization at my school. i also ran community health fairs and i was a medical assistant during the summers! many of my friends were also MAs during their gaps :) i’ve also heard of people doing EMT work to meet that criteria!
i think my application year was unique because of the pandemic though so idk if schools are looking for more unique clinical experiences 💔 hopefully this was helpful anyway!
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pleckthaniel · 2 years
one of my favorite insane little worldbuilding details in star wars that eventually got kinda fucked up by the prequels is the very strong implication that humans on tatooine specifically have ‘normal’ names, to the point that obi-wan kenobi has to change his name to ‘ben’ to get around without invoking suspicion. this is even funnier/more interesting with the context that tatooine is a thinly veiled arrakis expy, and the situation was very purposefully and pointedly the opposite in dune, where the native arrakeens all had ‘weird’ sounding names based on bastardized arabic words and names while the colonizing offworlders were the ones named things like paul and jessica
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datingdonovan · 3 years
I don't like that everything has to be commodified. like if I have an experience I have to have an opinion on it and I have to write up a review on it and that's the commodity I've gained from that experience. like, sure, if you have an opinion about an experience, by all means, express it. but if you have to purposefully come up with a bunch of opinions on it because writing a review and commodifying and broadcasting the experience is the only way youre allowed to enjoy it then like, stop doing that
#the stuff of cece#this is about the fact that I write for a horror blog in my spare time#and I just realized like im annoyed. why does me enjoying media with my friends have to end in a product that I create for free#is it not enough to just enjoy something once in a while without it being a resume builder#I don't want this to ruin fun scary experiences for me like what the heck. now im in the dumps about how maybe I only do this#bc its a resume builder#and maybe that's the only reason I make time to consume horror media with my friends is bc I know it'll go toward a review#I don't know if I can big brain this anymore im kinda tired today#english major#currently#idk if this is right or if what im saying is right like I think these experiences have value and I love having them#I guess I feel like im taking away from their value and cheapifying them by like marketing them to the masses as reviews#if I kept the fun to myself I wonder if it would feel more real ykno? like theres no reason anyone really needs to hear my opinion#on a random horror thing#im just making it to feel useful and add to resume and whatever#and its just kinda sad. like. could I allow myself to enjoy these things as a hobby and as friend time without commodifying it?#makes me feel slimy and bad and like I should be sorry#yeah reading these tags back im like wow why shouldn't I just keep these thoughts and the fun we had between us instead of sharing#maybe that would keep it more special. I think it might. I don't want to give a super affirmative or negative answer bc haven't thot enough#but maybe I am right. although I don't think me writing reviews makes my friends feel bad#I don't know I just feel bad :)
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elysianslove · 4 years
hi! how have you been since the hell that ensued after halloween is?
also could you do a batboys college au? like their major and how the reader would meet them and all that jazz? 👉👈
hi anon!! i’m not sure what ur talking about @ the halloween stuff hvsdhjs but! here are the batboys hc’s! i’m not very familiar with duke thomas’s character enough to write about him tbh, so he’s not included here :( but if you want me to add him let me know!! i hope you enjoy!!
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dick grayson
out of all the batboys i really didn’t know how to choose a major for him
i think he’d do law tbh, specifically criminal law 
his main motivation to become a police officer in bludhaven had been to be able to help people in any way he can 
i forgot if it’s canon or not but he does realize how corrupt it is and he quits but that’s another thing we won’t get into that lmao 
anyways yes let’s just stick with law 
meeting you ! 
he shares one or two courses with you
one that’s really early in the morning 
and one that’s later on in the afternoon 
dick is like a magnetic okay
anywhere he goes people are just attracted to him
like literally he will breathe 
but someone call the ambulance there’s a person that’s passed out bc of how beautiful he is
but this is an 8 am class 😃
so there’s no way ur awake enough to notice him
coincidentally he sits next to you one time
and this is the one time
you decide
yeah lemme just fkn sleep is uni even worth it 
dick definitely notices right away but he doesn’t say anything 
he thinks you look so cute passed out on your desk like this 🥺
when the professor signals the end of the class, he watches as people file out and then he just leans over and nudges you slightly 
you nearly punch him bc he scared you ❤️
he just laughs and goes “class is over” 
you just sigh like the guilt starts to hit you and your heart begins to sink
and he sees your disappointed face and just goes 
“i took a lot notes. i can share them w you?”
lifesaver in every single way dick grayson 😻😻😻
you had another class that you had to run to and you were rushing
he was like “dw i’ll just give them to you whenever i see you next” 
and you 🏃🏻‍♀️ outta there
imagine ur surprise when u enter class at 12 pm and he’s there in all his glory 
after the lecture is over, he walks up to you as you’re packing and asks if you want to go to the coffee shop nearby 
to take his notes of course
and you finally register just how handsome he is 
so obviously you say yes wtf
and the rest is history 😼
he asks you out, properly, pretty early on tbh 
so unfazed lmfao 
now you take naps on his shoulder instead of the desk 💞💞💞
soooo into pda 
kisses u when he first sees you
when you’re parting ways
when he feels like it
straight up cuddles w during lectures i’m not even joking 
it’s disgusting how cute you two are 
gets you coffee for all those 8 am classes u have w him hehe
study dates always turn into karaoke sessions somehow don’t even ask lmao
jason todd
english literature 
this is a collective agreement right? 
definitely english literature 
i dont even think he wants to go to uni but he’s going to waste time plus this is bruce’s money 😏🤑
your major doesn’t necessarily have to be english literature as well
but you share one class
and my god 
you two disagree on everything
like every little thing
at this point if he says something and you slightly agree internally you’ll still say some opposing shit 
that’s kinda what draws you to him 
at first you genuinely had nothing against him
but then this kind of rivalry developed for no specific reason 
but it was fun
and he was hot
so seeing him get flustered or angry made him even hotter somehow 
but then
but t h e n
you’re not sure if your professor like ships you or something
so you’re assigned a debate topic on one of the books you’d discussed in class/one of the books you’ve read outside, and within each group are the two sides for and against 
not only were you in the same team as jason, but you were on the same side as him
so you had to work with him
the audacity of the professor omg 
but jason needs this course 
well you don’t but it’s too late to back out now 
you two meet in the campus library after deciding on a book with the other two of your team
you two work so well together 
like insanely well
during the debate you destroyed the other team 
spoiler alert 
doing so well with jason kinda made you like hot and bothered 
seeing him in his zone
sexy <3 
what i mean to say is
you both end up making out in some storage room lmfao 
or hate sex 😏
professor has a phd in matchmaking 🤔😻
i think you two don’t admit you like each other
bc you’re both stubborn as fuck
but eventually you’re literally on his lap on his couch and it just hits you
and you lean back and go
“wanna go out w me” 
and he just shrugs and goes “sure” and pulls you in for more kissing hehe
he’s not v good at the boyfriend thing tbh
you have to chase him around and be like “sir!!! did u forget about me huh!!!”
he doesn’t mean to i promise
he gets all blushy and flustered once he realizes 
only ever into pda if he’s insanely jealous 
will straight up make out w u regardless of where u are or who ur with lmfao 
he’s still getting used to the little intimacies and all 
debates in class are so much more fun now cause he finds it so hot when u get all riled up hehe
that eng lit professor is so happy for you two omg
tim drake
okay i also couldn’t really decide for him
but maybe he’d study something like physics (or maybe computer engineering/computer science) 
idk u have to have a death wish to wanna major in physics so tim’s major it is
i’m not sure how it works for every other uni but my uni requires 6 credits of sciences to graduate 
so let’s say for the sake of this hc u take like just the first level of physics to get 3 credits 
you’re struggling 😃👍🏼
so you like approach your professor with a few questions before the quiz 
but tim is also there
and he kinda makes small talk while you two wait outside the office
and he asks why you’re here
you show him
and he’s like “oh i took this course w the same professor as well, i could help?” 
it’s like an angel had descended from the heavens for you personally 
you take his number and decide to meet up with him after a few hours 
he’s of so much more help than your professor would’ve been, even if ur prof is a really nice and smart person 
and he’s super like
patient with you? 
also he pays for all the coffee and snacks you’re getting after you already get them 
ur like bruh i didnt 
dont pay pls
and he’s like no im loaded let me 😼
swooning <3 
and guess what!! 
you ace the quiz out of some miracle
first thing you do is text him and he congratulates you 
and then
bc ur not blind and tim is so fucking cute
you’re like “can i take u out to thank u” 
tim’s brain stops working but ! 
he does say yes eventually 
he becomes your designated physics tutor + your amazing boyfriend
being with tim is so like
it’s a very relaxed time 
lots of study dates! and cafe dates! all hours of the day whether the sun is up or not 
into pda but to a certain degree 
like yes of course have a kiss pretty baby 
but also it will only be a small peck
any time anyone passes by like common rooms you two will be there snuggling on the couch, one or both of you completely passed out 
damian wayne
business major 100% 
or a bsba econ major, which is basically the business side of economics 
he has to take over his father’s company one day duh 
also i genuinely think damian would excel in this field 
he’s a very keeps to himself kinda guy in uni
like you only ever see him in your common classes and then he just
anyways there was this party that everyone was going to, and damian wasn’t planning to
but dick accidentally read some groupchat’s messages and was like are u going
damian went 🏃🏻‍♀️
but dick was like go and try to make friends !!!! 
and dames cant say no to his big bro 🥺 so he goes
stays in a corner on the settings app the entire time
like half an hr in he just leaves and is walking home/back to his dorm when you come like rushing up to him 
you’re zooming 
and then you just latch onto his hand and lean up to press a kiss to his cheek, whispering in his ear “this person’s been following me for like 15 mins just please go along w this” 
he kinda stiffens but when he does notice that there’s a person eyeing you he slips his arm around your waist and just carries on walking
he walks you to your home/dorm and is like
so awkward 
but it’s okay ! ur a people’s person enough for the two of you 
you thank him so much over and over 
and then you’re like 
“can i take you out on a real date?” 
and then he becomes ur real boyfriend hehe
is still super stiff but it’s only bc he’s so hyper aware of how attractive you are
and i’m super positive he doesn’t have that much experience with dating so 
you hold the reigns 
but he’s a great boyfriend all in all tbh 
super attentive, super protective, and so loving 
isn’t into pda especially on college campus but he does like subtle pda
things like linking your pinkies or giving you his hoodie to just parade around campus hehe
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end note; i’m sorry if these feel rushed or anything like. i used to be an avid writer for the batboys, but i just haven’t been feeling it lately. i still love to write from them bc i know these boys so well eeeeppp. anyways feel free to request some more!!
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idk why u act like being a brown person frustrated that some media that im a fan of implied that having lighter skin is superior is me walking around angry all the time. u minimizing the feelings of poc just shows how privileged u are to not constantly be assaulted by the message of how we're inferior for our race. youre insensitive, entitled, and just an unsympathetic person towards issues of race when it involves things u like. why do u not care about poc? 🤔 or do u just care when it doesnt inconvenience u
Ooo, my first angry anon in this fandom. How nice. I’m going to try and go through this line by line so I don’t miss anything, stick with me.
idk why u act like being a brown person frustrated that some media that im a fan of implied that having lighter skin is superior is me walking around angry all the time.
Sorry, but I don’t recall saying that? From day one I have agreed the whitewashing of the bad batch isn’t cool, and it should be heavily criticized for how it stomps on POC representation within Star Wars. I did say, however, that people trying to make Galaxy Brain takes about the bad batch (ex. This show is bad because it tweaked how one specific scene in a comic went down, or this show is terrible because it makes the chipped clones seem like droids) is stupid and people should calm down a little bit. I also said that it’s okay to enjoy something while also pointing out its valid flaws, and you don’t need to strain yourself trying to reach for any petty criticism you can find when there are actual legit, real flaws we can talk about. Trying to make everything an issue takes away from the real issues (like whitewashing) and shifts the focuses from what we should be discussing / criticizing.
u minimizing the feelings of poc just shows how privileged u are to not constantly be assaulted by the message of how we're inferior for our race.
I’m trying to figure out how to answer this one without giving too much away about myself and typing too much out. I guess I’ll put it like this; please do not assume that I do not know what it is like to have my race thrown in my face and been made to feel inferior. I am indeed privileged over the rest of my family in that I’m white passing, but at the end of the day I am mixed race. I know, shocking, right?
My Mother is Mexican, her first language is Spanish, and her parents (my grandparents) were migrant workers that traveled up and down the west coast picking crops and doing labor jobs. I spoke Spanish growing up, and i used to be brown as hell when I was younger. Oh, and my first name? Yeah it ain’t white sounding at all, its Spanish as hell and I’ve never in my life met another person with my name.
With this in mind, you think when i moved to the Bible Belt as a kid I didn’t have that shit thrown in my face? You think I didn’t constantly have other kids, and their parents, make comments about my name, or ask if my Mom could speak English? You think I didn’t have to hear the teacher mumble about “that dirty beaner” under her breath? I’m super pale now because I never freaking go outside for one reason or another (depression, its hot and humid here in cornfield hell, etc.) and haven’t for over a decade but I still get shit about my name constantly. My Mom, sister, and brother are all a hell of a lot darker than me, in fact I look like the adopted white kid when I’m around them, but my mom and i sure as shit still get followed around by loss prevention when we go shopping.
Just last year I had a lawyer keep getting more and more aggressive as he demanded to know if my grandparents needed a translator, and he refused to believe me when i told him no, they could speak English just fine. Hell, there’s a client at work that only refers to me as “that little Spanish girl” and if that isn’t a little slap in the face idk what is.
So yeah my dude, I’m white passing and there is without a doubt a level of privilege that goes with that, but please do not assume to know my life, my experiences, or the experiences of my family.
youre insensitive, entitled, and just an unsympathetic person towards issues of race when it involves things u like
Now I don’t know about that friend, that’s assuming quite a lot about me? Especially when I am 100% firmly of the mindset that whitewashing and overall POC representation in Star Wars is a major problem. This is an absolutely valid criticism of Star Wars and should continue to be discussed until the creators start making an effort.
why do u not care about poc?
Again, a pretty bold assumption and one I really don’t appreciate. But I guess I’ll go let my Mom and Grandma know I no longer care about them. May as well call all my Tias and Tios and tell them to fuck off too, since tumblr said I don’t care about POC. (This is sarcasm, by the way. Just wanted to make that clear.)
or do u just care when it doesnt inconvenience u
No, I’d say I care all the time actually. Especially when they inconvenience me, because if I’m bothered by something I can’t imagine how hard it is for someone it has a real impact on.
Anyway to sum this all up, I find people getting up in arms about stupid stuff (minor changes in canon, crosshair’s chip working, etc.) is ridiculous. However, I do think it is absolutely okay to call out media for its legit flaws (whitewashing, POC representation) while still enjoying the good parts.
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extrakuli · 3 years
I wanna hear about your poly ocs :)
ok so I haven’t drawn them out yet (but they are in the process of being drawn in my new sketchbook)
So there’s Jace (?? Idk how to spell), Ethan, and Elektra sam ! 2 guys 1 girl 😈 none of these people are actually real tho..ALSO HALF OF THIS SHIT DIDNT SAVE SO I HAD TO RE WRITE IT IM SO MAD. help it’s like 2 months later sense i wrote this bc i got so mad that nothing saved so i’m doing it now !! [11-30]
Tw// abuse, alcohol, drugs, divorces, Basically a lot of Oc trauma cursing,,
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Elektra is based on a persona I had (on discord) because I saw someone with the name ‘Elektra Kirby and Kirby is my name and I loved the name Elektra so instead of Kirby I put sam. Then I catfish people with a cute brown wig I had 😈 and that’s how The famous Oc Elektra sam was born (also the song water fountain by alec benjamin did a lot for her too). She was adopted by a woman and her husband; the wife died of alcohol/drug abuse so she was left to live with her adopted father, who was addicted to drugs + alcohol and abused her. (mainly mentally but sometimes he did hit her) there’s more to her backstory about her birth family but half of it is hard to explain so..
she usually spent her free time at the park with the boys that lived across the street. The park was within walking distance and had a swing set, with basketball courts, and other stuff. (based on the park down the street from my house 😻). Until freshman year of high school (aka 9nth grade also this takes place in Boston Massachusetts) her father decided to move to —(uh literally took me 10 minutes to figure out where they moved?? I should write this shit down)— Europe. Until her first year in college, she finally moved back into her old house, with her roommate, Ash. And she finally got reunited with her boys again 😈 Also forgot to add: She has dark brown hair, kind of like a mix of dark brown & chestnut, mid length with bangs. She wears glasses and she has hazel eyes. Average height?? like 5’0 or 5’1 (idk if that’s average but let’s go with it). Her personality is shy and timid, but also bubbly and expressive. Also she’s panromantic + demisexual. She blames herself a lot, even if it isn’t her fault, even if she’s the victim. She grew up thinking every little thing that went wrong was always her fault (thank her father for that 🙁). Idk what her race/ethnicity is yet?? Still imagining her real mother/family (basically all I have about her family is that it’s very big, she has a big family. And her family is very accepting. It’s also very diverse in race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, all of the above)
I’m thinking about making her a white hispanic? i’m not sure. I just know what she looks like. Mutuals give me Ideas on what she can be bc i really don’t know. She’s a smartie. very intelligent she is. She is an English major, and a psychology major; also a Straight A student. She’s also a model? she models for magazine covers and stuff. Mainly fashion magazines; swimsuit model, winter clothes model, summer/spring fashion, fall etc etc. She always gets the magazine shipped to her for free. She gave a copy of her swimsuit model magazine to ethan and jace and..Jace was smirking while looking threw it while Ethans face was red as a tomato. She’s a very sweet and helpful girl, but she knows her limits, and if she needs to get her hands dirty she will.
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next is Ethan !! sorry to disappoint but Ethan is a white boy, but it's ok because he's a good-looking white boy. He Is actually from Orlando Florida (because his parents were on vacation then A WHITE BOY decided to pay a visit). They raised Ethan in Boston, and he has known Jace since they were in diapers (Jace is older by like a month). His parents often fought; they ended up getting a divorce a couple months after Elektra moved. Jace helped him through this traumatic time (Ethan was super close with both his parents). He ended up staying with his mom full time but saw his dad on some weekends and holidays or any vacations off of school. (Important tip: Ethan's parents would always fight a lot during snowstorms, therefore, he developed a fear of snowstorms).
Threw the years of waiting for elektra to come back, he gave up in his last year of high school (12th grade) and started dating this blonde chick named Claire. Which, the relationship was fine. Until during (spring..?) break, Elektra came back and he was in complete shock. Like hello?? the girl i’ve been crushing on sense i was 10 came back after i lost all hope?? Yeah. He got jealous that Jace was getting all of her attention because Jace was single and and he, himself wasn’t. (that’s because you decided to date an ugly hog Ethan 🙄) Ends up finding out (with the help of elektra and her observation skills and the fact she’s taking psychology and human behavior classes) that Claire wasn’t actually into Ethan, she just had a major crush on Jace and was using Ethan to get closer to him (not that it worked lol)
Btw Ethan and Jace have a lot of sexual and romantic tension (well mainly jace because he’s just horny and Ethan is just like “yeah, I deal with this bullshit because I’m secretly in love with him—but I’m not gonna let him know that??”) yeah, that’s them. Also how Ethan acts to jace is like: “I’m mean to you but nice to everyone else because I love you but I can’t stand you and I want to kiss your mouth so you shut up” and Jace is just like “Ik he loves me he’s just a pussy to admit it so I’m gonna keep teasing him until he does” yeah..😻 Anyway Back to Ethan. Ethans personality it’s quiet and reserved/closed off. He’s not the shy quiet, he’s just the “I don’t want to have conversation with you because If you make me too angry/annoyed i’ll punch you in the face” types. Yeah he also has anger issues but can suppress them half of the time. He has brownish-blondish hair, it's not too long and not too short. He’s Average height for a guy, maybe a little over average height. Let’s just say he’s got a pretty good height; not too tall, not too short. He’s also Biromantic + demisexual (with a preference for girls). Kind of protective. not like Jace, he’s more like he stares daggers in to the person that’s bothering elektra or jace (it’s more then often elektra because ethan knows Jace can take care of himself) and if the person doesn’t get the hint by his intimidating flares then he steps in between the person and elektra/jace and shove them lightly away telling them to piss off. Actually let’s talk about his anger issues?? because jeez, it’s kind of bad, but controlled half the time. He just doesn’t talk to control his anger issues. but one time he was so stressed one day that he accidentally let his anger issues out on elektra. Safe to say he wanted to jump off a bridge bc he felt so guilty once he calmed down. Elektra obviously forgave him bc it’s not exactly something you can control all the time.
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Ok last but not least, JACE !! ok I love jace, he was very fun to imagine and make up. His appearance changed MULTIPLE times during the construction of his character; He had very long white hair, then short white hair, then I changed it to half white and half black that was mid length, Now it’s just blackish brownish and he has one of those hot sexy wolf cut hair styles. I’m starting with his personality and looks first because why not?? anyway He’s hispanic, fluent in Spanish, also has a very big family!! his dad died tho, he lived with his mum and twin sister, and little brother. After he went into his last year of high school they moved to new york where the rest of the family was. But he was DEAD SET on waiting for elektra so he was like “hmm, nah i’m not leavin’” so his mom cursed a bunch of spanish words at him, then said don’t get yourself killed and then moved to new york with her other two kids 😻 (his mom is actually the best, also an amazing cook??) Ok enough of his family, let’s get in to his sexuality breakdown: Bisexual with no preference and VERY HORNY. 😻 I mean atleast Jace is an open horny/perv, Ethan is a reserved perv and gets embarrassed and mad whenever Jace and elektra call him a perv to tease him (they found sexy girl magazines and smut manga in his basement) also Jace was actually born in boston, unlike the other two. (Idk where elektra is originally from yet) Also he’s really really tall, like 6’0
likes to tease ethan the most, and dotes on elektra. He gets in to many fights at school and elektra has to patch him up while ethan reprimands him every time. Once Jace somehow dragged ethan in to a fight and they both got smacked behind the head by elektra. Very protective of them both. But he’s like the friendly type of protective? instead of fighting a person that’s bothering them, he’s just nonchalantly walk up to ethan or elektra, put his arm around their shoulder or waist, and be like “sorry, they’re taken, now screw off will ya?” with a scary smile. It usually does the trick because he’s a pretty tall/intimidating guy. Not really the jealous type, but Ethan is and he teases him for it. Sometimes Jace and ethan try to get elektra jealous but they can’t seem to get her to be jealous. (she’s either to oblivious or too trusting).
For jace’s job/home life, He’s a twitch streamer + youtuber, a famous one at that. (he’s kind of like markplier but streams more often). Sense he works at home, he usually is the one to clean, do laundry, wash the cars, and run errands/get groceries. He also picks elektra up from her job as a barista at a local coffee shop. Ethan takes his own car to work, but he mostly works nights at a bar as a bartender. (he makes such good nonalcoholic/alcoholic drinks; he also dedicated a drink to elektra on a special menu). Ethan and elektra also has their own twitch channels—but ethan just streams him making drinks (not that often)—and elektra streams either of her doing covers of songs, or gaming with Jace. Jace almost always drags elektra or ethan in to his streams. One time Ethan didn’t know Jace was streaming, so he walked in to their room with Jace’s food wearing a pink apron that says “kiss the chef” that elektra got him for his birthday 💀 safe to say Ethan was red in the face from embarrassment and smacked Jace on the back of his head. (yes Jace did infact “kiss the chef”).
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Thank you for reading !! <33
11 - 30 - 2021 9:00 am
taglist; @starf0untain @slutsskulls
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mollydollyjournals · 3 years
I wrote an intro in October 2020 when I made this page but I'm gonna try to write a more concise one. The old one is here and is specifically about my ED history. But other than that, this is my vent blog, and:
I guess you can call me Molly or Dolly or something like that. I guess pronouns are she/they but you can use whatever pronouns you see me as, it's cool
I'm 30 years old. I'm not very good at it. I'm kinda childlike and basically get babysat when I hang out with people my own age or even younger, but I also learned to build a computer in 1996 and witnessed the golden age of emo (but I was goth/grunge at the time and I hated emo. Sorry MCR)
Unfortunately I'm English
Im biracial/mixed race, 2nd gen immigrant. In the US you'd call me light skin black. You might see me refer to myself as black or mixed race depending on context
I'm autistic and have ADHD. One of those "mild autism" cases which really just means you wont think I'm autistic but you will think I'm weird, meanwhile I'm getting major stress symptoms from trying to function in a way that's not necessarily natural to me. Like living in a country where I understand the language conversationally but I'm not a fluent native. I also forget everything. It's really a talent
I have BPD and extremely bad depression. I've been on Prozac a long time. I struggle with anxiety a lot. I'm very awkward and shy, even among awkward and shy people. If you message me and I dont message back, I probably felt like I'd be bothering you. Even if you think it's obvious it's okay or I'm normal or whatever. I'm very insecure and I try to avoid putting that on people by essentially backing off entirely. That's what this blog is about.
I run on Mars time. I have like a 25hr body clock or something so I will just be awake later and later until I'm nocturnal and then later again until I'm back on daytime. I'm in GMT but at some point in a 4-6wk period I'll match with everyone
Former gifted kid. Got a lot of trauma related to school and formal education. Y'all know what's up
I have an alcohol problem. I always have one vice or another. Going cold turkey never works for me with anything (I also used to SH daily and smoke and I quit both of those so I am familiar with how my mind works to some extent) so I often give myself goals for staying sober a set amount of time so I'm at least not going back to drinking every day. I've been seriously ill due to drinking at least twice
I have other physical health issues like hypothyroidism that put me in that spiral of 'need to do many things to deal with this' but also 'can't even do as much as most people'
Bisexual but inexperienced, gender is what, idk I forgot what else to say
I hate conservatives. Fuck the Tories. Black lives matter. Trans rights are human rights. Sex work is work. Homeless people are people. Gender roles are bullshit. We all grew up with certain ideas but we can all try to learn and do better and these people just aren't trying. So punch a nazi.
Im not monogamous. Hb = (mostly estranged) husband, bf = (sparsely interacted with) boyfriend. They know about each other and all is consensual. Im a shit liar anyway I could never two time. It was all good once, and then the pandemic and other stresses happened.
I'm pretty sure there is approximately one person who fits the above criteria so if you know me irl then...you probably dont wanna be here since this is where I vent about the stuff everyone ignores on my regular social media.
And gdi if it ain't the most ADHD thing ever to say I'm gonna write a shorter intro and then it ends up still being a rambly piece of shit
(Also my posts are usually queued)
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selfcareparker · 4 years
UNI???? CONGRATULATIONS!!! i’m so happy for you!! what are you studying? oh my goodness i have so many questions hdhshjsj i’m really glad you’re excited!! also i love that you guys in the uk (uk right? i’m so bad with geography- IS IT EVEN GEOGRAPHY) say “uni” and “mum” :) here’s it’s just college and mom lmao. i ended up skipping my classes (IM SO AWFUL I KNOW, but i don’t need to know about planets & forces to be an actress so) & i really really appreciate that :’) i’m hoping they go positive too and i think they’re finally going in that direction? i would totally vent but i feel like it’s a lot to 1 dump on you and 2 say in an ask on anon lol
- lovely anon :))
okay so i’m about to be really unnecessarily complicated sorry skshshs
Also I don’t expect you to remember or even read any of this!!!/ skshgs i’m just trying to explain it
soo yup we do say uni and mum in the uk sksh (i’m not 100% sure about the education system in the UK or the US so.. idk 😭) (personally i don’t say mum tho sjshg)
And i’m british (and russian and serbian and bosnian if we’re being annoying) but i’ve lived in germany all my life and german is my first language, but i grew up speaking english too
So here in Germany I’m going to study Anglistics which is basically English language and literature and tbh if i like it here i’ll stay here in Germnay to study, but if i end up not liking it (deciding to study here was a vv spontaneous decision), i’m going to England in September to study eng lit + creative writing. So I’m really excited bc once I start studying here I can figure out if I like it or if I’m moving to England in a few months! Lol (It’s a very similar subject tho so tbh I’m expecting to stay in Germany but I’m not 100% sure)
^^^I don’t know if that explanation was any good I don’t blame you if you just ignore it skshsh
So I don’t understand anything about the US education system.. skshshhs is college where you have a major and stuff? (I’m sorry i know i probably sound so dumb rn ahaah) if yes what’s your major? (?) and also acting??? Omg that’s so cool!!! Are you taking classes or is it something you’re going to do in the future orrr what? Sksjhs i wanna know more!!!!!!
I feel like this post is the most annoying post i have ever written i’m so sorry lmaooo
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baegarrick · 4 years
hi hello so i’m coming to you because you’re the only person in the zukka fandom that i’ve seen blogging about the old guard and i love that movie SO MUCH and i can’t stop thinking about immortal zukka..... aang as either nile or andy bc i can’t choose, andy wouldn’t lose her immortality, and no one would betray anyone bc i say so 😌 how do you think an atla/the old guard au would work?? (zukkababey)
ok i rly love the idea of immortal everyone but tbh!!! i really dont know enough about asian history to like... go into detail about this honestly and I really didn’t want to come off as racist by fudging some stuff, but here r some bulletpoints about Things
(also u can slide into my dms 2 talk about this if u want, or if u have a discord, sorry it too so long I literally cant stop writing when I get on Topics. I'm so sorry if this gets off topic)
Sokka & Katara
In this au they’re not biologically related, but are both Inuit
Sokka dies first in a skirmish with another group of indigenous people in northern Canada (Inuit Nunangat) sometime prior to 1800
He knows he died, his people saw him die, and he doesn’t understand what’s happening (I really don’t know enough about the Inuit people to say whether they would have rejected him or tried to help him understand what happened to him)
however, I’d like to think they’d at least tell him to talk to the angakkuq, the shaman, and would probably see this as a positive thing
Eventually his band of people would whittle down to just a dozen or so, after long winters and harsh climates, and they were forced to assimilate with other bands who didn’t have ancestors who were there when Sokka died in the first place, so he has to move on.
He travels around for a while, trading and learning and staying in bands for a few years before moving on to another group, until it’s the 1800s
Around this time, Katara is born (and dies)
She refuses to stand down against a white French hunter who wanted to take one of the young women in her village as a wife, and she’s killed, and the woman is taken anyway.
When she wakes up, she’s furious, and before she can understand what happened to her, she finds the man and kills him. She’s arrested and set to be killed when Sokka finds her.
They aren’t biological siblings, but they come from the same people, and the world is changing rapidly and they’re the only people they know who are like this. The idea of marrying Katara is the worst thing that Sokka can think of-- look at her, she’s just a baby!!-- so they call each other siblings and travel together.
ok again i know literally 0 things about chinese history like i googled “female chinese warriors” for suki and got like 100 things for mulan
Zuko is old, probably one of the oldest of the (living) group, but younger than Aang
he was the first son of the second son of the emperor in a time of political conflict in China. His father, the prince, was at war with his own brother who Zuko considered a father figure.
zuko speaks out against his father and is killed for being a traitor, but, guess what, he doesn’t die!!! his father does it again for posterity and uhhhhhh still doesn’t die. (or rather, dies, and comes back)
here’s where my uhhhhhh lack of knowledge is Bad
would his father banish him for being cursed? for somehow being against the gods?
or would he force him to fight in his armies, against his uncle, because he can’t die?
I was going to go with “banished” but fighting for decades in a fight he doesn’t want to be in is so! much! worse!
his father wants to know the secrets of his immortality and when he can’t share it he’s tortured and tested for years, and eventually sent out to fight as an immortal soldier who can’t die.
eventually he escapes, and leaves china for a long time (he doesn’t return for centuries)
he is highly distrustful of anyone for years bc of his father!! he wanders around for years like he does in Zuko Alone (or like Quynh before Andy finds her) and while he sees small bits of humanity, he has little faith in it and their wars, because he is Not One Of Them
For money he joins bandit groups or warlords or mercenaries, because why does any of that matter to him? Everyone dies.
Eventually he meets Aang, who is Humanity Personified, and Aang asks him if he thinks they can be friends-- but they’re on opposite sides of this conflict and Zuko is too disillusioned to want that. (they part ways)
He meets a man, Iroh, who reminds him of his uncle. They travel together for far longer than Zuko normally would, because he likes having a father figure, and because Iroh lost a son about Zuko’s age. They travel for years and Zuko never ages, so eventually he has to leave. Iroh finds him a few years later, greyer and slower, but tells Zuko that he knows about Zuko.
Zuko reacts poorly to this, lashing out, but Iroh is calm. Zuko breaks down and tells him he can’t give Iroh what he wants. (what Zuko assumes he wants-- what they all want, immortality)
But Iroh’s like, why would I want that? it sounds like a curse, son. Why would I want to never see my son again?
He tells Zuko: we’re not meant to be alone
After Iroh passes a few years later, he tries to track down Aang but can’t find him. He, however, has dreams about the others.
alternatively///////// japanese zuko?????? RONIN ZUKO???? love it but im too tired to think of More Than That after typing all the chinese zuko stuff up, although im Sure a ton of it would cross over bc im vague as Hell
he’s the oldest of the group but you wouldn’t know it!!!!
Roku was his mentor, the first immortal that any of them know of. He’s thousands of years old when Aang meets him. (He’s also the first to die. He shows Aang that All Things Must Die)
Aang is Tibetan, a Buddhist monk, one of the earliest, maybe the 7th century?
He dies in a temple fire
here again my complete and utter lack of knowledge is Bad
according to Dzogchen, individuals can transform their body into an immortal rainbow light, so there’s some mention of immortality in certain parts of Tibetan Buddhist culture, but idk how widespread that is since wikipedia didnt even have a source for it
he becomes a missionary and travels around asia for decades before Roku finds him
Roku!!! he’s an Old Immortal, and probably wants to die a little bit at this point, and he eventually does!! but for awhile he and Aang travel around together, and butt heads a bit bc Aang’s pacifist nature, and Roku thinks Aang Will Change as he gets older
aang is absolutely devastated by the Mongol invasion of Tibet in the 13th century
roku dies about a hundred years after he meets aang, and aang travels around a little aimlessly for awhile, learning all kinds of things and befriending people he’ll outlive. it dampens his spirits a bit.
eventually he meets Zuko, who’s far more jaded than Roku was, even, and wants to be friends, but respects Zuko’s decision otherwise.
Eventually, aang travels with the Norse to Canada in the 15th century, but when they leave they don’t take him with them. Instead, he ends up frozen ala steve rogers. Katara and Sokka find him a few hundred years later.
alternatively////// Aang IS the newest kid. he’s the Nile of the group. He’s still a Tibetan monk, and views this as a teaching/learning opportunity. He would also probably like everyone to stop killing each other. Sokka rolls his eyes at him constantly.
toph is a struggle bc how do you deal with an IMMORTAL BLIND GIRL
I’m gonna stick w her show backstory: rich, blind daughter of a wealthy Chinese family
Is kidnapped and her throat is slit when she’s young (maybe an older teenager) and the kidnappers panic, leaving her body. She’s found, namely unharmed, and resumes life despite the fact she knows she died.
However, being a privileged young girl, she’s kept under watch and it quickly becomes known that she’s immortal.
She’s regarded as a living deity for centuries until she meets Suki, who rescues her from the place and teaches her to fight. (she becomes a myth, later, rather than a historical fact)
alternatively//////// she could have been first generation chinese-american, and therefore the youngest
Suki was a third generation female warrior of her family who guarded the boarder during the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), and trained from a young age in martial arts. (insp by the story of Mu Guiying)
She’s a war orphan, and leads an army of war widows and orphan women, but meets her untimely end with some of her sisters in a reign of arrows. She’s buried by some of her sisters before she wakes up again, and has to claw her way to the surface.
Her sisters don’t know how to react to her (a lot like Nile’s soldiers) so she eventually leaves them.
After her death, she hears rumors of a living goddess (Toph) and goes to see if there really is another person like her, and finds one of the people from her dreams (Toph)
She trains Toph to fight despite her being blind, and the pair become an unusual duo for a couple hundred years.
eventually, they start dreaming about a pair of siblings in the New World (not that new!! people live there!!) and book passage there in the 1800s with the first major wave of Chinese immigration
They dream about each other. it happens a lot at first, but it tapers out over the years. it grows stronger whenever a new one (katara) is born, but Katara and Sokka have NO desire to leave their homeland to go look for these strange people until they find Aang. (what languages might they have in common? russian??? the russians came to settle alaska, I know bc my stepmom is native alaskan and russian--- the Mongols invaded TIbet and Mongolia is right next to Russia, so Aang might know it??)
When they find Aang, Suki and Toph start dreaming of them again, and so does Zuko and they all start making their way to San Francisco. The Chinese wouldn’t arrive in Canada until around the 1850s (according to google) so Sokka probably wouldn’t speak any Chinese (mandarin???? i dont know things), but Zuko might speak some English or Russian. [really just gonna be a bunch of chinese, inuit, and tibetan people speaking russian to each other, isn’t it??]
Aang greets Zuko like an old friend, and Zuko Does Not know what to do with that. he’s skirtish and shy and hasn’t really been around a lot of friendly people. Sokka does NOT trust him. At all!! (he wants Katara to stay FAR AWAY from him. stick with the harmless monk we found at the bottom of a lake, katara.)
They find Suki and Toph in a bar. Toph hustling people for money, and Suki drinking at the bar. It’s very strange to have all of them around, and it’s like, 1830. they all decide they like each other, after they get some good old fashioned stabbing in-- Katara is the only woman Sokka has been around whos like him, and she’s like his little sister, and all he wants to do is Protect Her, so he doesn’t know what to do with women who known knives. (get his ass handed to him, thats what)
I want Zuko to be a broody mess but honestly he’d probably revert back to yelling at people/things in ancient Chinese (mandarin? I’m not really sure what period he’s from exactly). He’s still got that Good streak in him, esp since he’s like, a hundred years off his adopted uncle Iroh.
and you know what? 1830 america is NOT a cool place for anyone!! least of all asian immigrants, native americans, or women of either group
So the Gaang take to helping those people out any way they can. (Aang wants Peace, but you know white people, we don’t listen). They actively get involved in the underground railroad, eventually the civil war, and also helping out native americans, as well as chinese immigrants working on the railroads.
also so sorry I know the ask was about Zukka but I had to write a million words about their backstories first
Zuko + Sokka eventually come to a truce as the only dudes in this entire group who are willing to fight. Sokka is interested in both men and women, but he’s never really shared his life with anyone, and it’s the same for Zuko. Sokka, because he was regarded as an elder with his people, and after that he could only stay a few years. He had lovers, like Yue, but they all eventually died and Sokka couldn’t do anything about it!! Zuko, because while he also had lovers, he couldn’t really bear to be around humanity for a long time after what happened to him. (he’s vehemently opposed to slavery)
I think they get together at first just kind of because there isn’t really anyone else. Suki + Toph are kinda their own thing (are they lovers? sisters in arms? who knows), Katara is like Sokka’s sister (and if Zuko touches her Sokka will end his destiny permanently), and Aang is... aang.
It’s sorta a friends-with-benefits thing, except its an immortal warrior reluctant companions-with-benefits thing because can you really call this a friendship?? (its a family, eventually). Eventually it’s just kind of always been a thing. Sokka checking Zuko first when he comes back to life, counting down the second to make sure Zuko comes back at all. Zuko tells people he’s the only one allowed to kill Sokka, because lets be honest, the first couple of months with rowdy immortals meant killing each other a lot. When Sokka is killed violently in the Civil War, he wakes up half an hour later (slow, slow), to find a field of bodies and Zuko sitting next to him with his dao blades in the dirt, waiting for him. Sokka tries to make a joke, but it just makes Zuko mad, because what if that was the last time. (sokka jokes that he’s young, yet, not like Zuko)
They don’t really talk about it, partially because they don’t live in a world where it’s acceptable. What kind of title fits when you can only use it with 5 other people? But this time, when Zuko was afraid Sokka might not wake up, thirty years after they met, after lifetimes of being alone for both of them?? Sokka has to let Zuko know he loves him. Loves him!!! He’s not just here for the meantime.
thats all I have rn bc its 9pm and I’ve been writing this for like 3 hours. again if u wanna slide into my dms or if u have a discord and wanna talk about this/other stuff hmu. so sorry this got off topic.
also, the order I had them born in is:
roku --> aang --> Zuko --> suki --> toph --> sokka --> Katara
which may or may not be accurate to my timeline lol
Sokka probably speaks all of the Inuit languages, as well as French, English, and Russian, being alive for long enough to learn it all.
Katara refuses to learn French. Hates it. Never wants to learn.
She and Sokka personally keep Inuit traditions and languages alive as elders of their community, though it’s so much harder in modern times to stay connected to their culture bc they don’t age!!
disclaimer: bc the show was written as a complete mashup of several cultures I had to like..... pick where ppl were from. I picked china for Zuko/Suki/Toph bc they have a beautiful culture and a lot of dynasties I have heard a lot about recently while half watching the history channel. I really, really don’t know a lot about non-white culture as a white american from FLORIDA (so like, literally the farthest place you can get from the Inuit people and still be on the same continent). if you know more about these cultures than I do and I said something blatantly wrong pls let me know and I will change it.
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neo-shitty · 3 years
yeah same, i follow some fic accs that occaisionally post smut and its like mmmmm is the fluff writing enough to balance the posts that gives me finger burn trying to scroll past it? but yeah thats probably the way to go
ah i wasnt there for the teaser but i can imagine that was tantalising. lmaoo yes but to be fair i do have a writing acc called channiesbigheart so... balancing it out? but i absolutely am whipped beyond belief. it was a TRAVESTY how COULD they have. yeah the b sides gave him more lines but they werent the ones that were performed over and over at stages. yessss the line distribution in this album is impeccable, im pretty sure the thunderous stuff was some of their best distribution
hehe i can understand that, sometimes putting someone in a situation so horrible it would be considered a violation of human rights is theraputic, ya know? mmmm the differences are a bit nuts, it was 14 degrees today and in less than a week its going to be 32 or smth. BROOO that would be legendary, i bet theyd treat their artists rlly well and have great music as well ahhh but its a lot of work adn commitment. yES that is a mood if ever i heard one.
its the same in australia as well, sadly, you have people who hold up harry styles and lil nas x for breaking gender roles and wearing make up adn steryotypical womens clothing (and keep in mind i have infinite respect for both of them theyre honestly doing so much for the de-dehumanising of gay people and those who wear whatever they want), and calling the kpop boys gay and other things for doing the same thing, when theyve been doing it for years and gotten no recognition smh its so tragic. yes, anyway YES ONLY 6 MONTHS I AM FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES A BBY STAN altho i considered myself a fully fledged stay like 2 days after i got into them cos i just spent all day researching and fixating. YES someone said it. it feels like theyre losing a huge chunk of why a lot of people liked their music in teh first place, which was that whole dna, dope, fire mood. and even doing bright songs is fine, liek they should do what they want but i feel liek the western music industry is so fucking toxic that they feel pressured into making these decisions. dont get me wrong, theyre good decisions from a business perspective, theyre getting record breaking sales but still. mmm yeah honestly yg just needs to get its shit together or get out
oooh! not into nct but i see a lot of him, he seems rlly talented. ahh yes another channie ult lmaoo i feel that, my list is growing in leaps and bounds as well. mmm yeah i think i will, im just going to try to save enough money :) mingi appealed to me mostly for the voice (like felix smh what is it with me and deep voiced bois) but also his soft visuals and the whole cutesy thing he has going on i rlly liked. yes i did get into them while he was on hiatus, but im still mostly a casual stan, ill listen to the album when it comes out but i dont think ill obsessively look over everything to do with it, like skz. HAH WE'RE MORE SIMILAR THAN I THOUGHT. lmaooo the thot line describes them perfectly, why are they all so damn attractive. especially seonghwa, like that man looks like a character from a book, cardan greenbriar vibes anyone? mmhmm! his vocals are absolutely insane. ty! yeah im excited altho idk how theyre every going to beat border:carnival, that shit was impeccable. ahh no stress, enjoy teh groups you stan atm!
ahh thank you so much, ill keep that in mind. hehe thats good! hopefully its soon :( ah ty, it means a lot. ill think abt that and hopefully talk abt it a little more :)
ah, no it was inside our gymnasium but to get to the other side of the stage you had to exit the building, go around the back and then enter through the other stage door. ah tysm! im glad too. mmm same, they baffle me. ;n; noo so sad :( ahh, thats um not smth i put on here, but im in high school so make of that what you will :)
thank you! ive done a majority of them, i just have maths, an english presentation and an economic assignment due now so im pretty much home free. yeah i feel like hes the epitome of here for you while being inescapably far away. haha she sounds like one of my friends. lmaooo why is that me. hmmm i feel like youve answered a lot of them in that answer so maybe just ateez, enha, txt and bp? if you stan them? :)
ahhh no problem at all, proud of you for managing to overcome the procrastination! progress! mmm thats good! ahh pls do let me know if you ever decide that, i cant promise i wont cry but do what you gotta do :)
<3 w.a. 🐺
hi! sorry for the late reply, i didn't know how to construct sentences yesterday e.e
yeah sometimes it's the perfect balance! i personally don't like fics that focus mainly on the filth? the plot has to carry the whole fic somehow and the smut is just something to add to the mix. also, i'll follow you on your writing blog! i keep forgetting to do so, damn it.
"sometimes putting someone in a situation so horrible it would be considered a violation of human rights is theraputic, ya know?" putting it this way just silenced me but yes. angst just feels more realistic. it isn't always happy endings irl so i tend to do it a lot.
falling into skz is so easy! it felt like that for me too. stanning them felt like getting sucked into a blackhole. also yes i agree. kpop is nothing but an industry after all and it runs on money so i get why they do what they do as well.
i suggest we not talk about haechan because i will literally not shut up but yes my boy is an ace :( chan is also sooooo easy to love. and the chan's rooms just solidified his place as ult. having something to look forward to every week at a time when my mental health was just plummeting into the depths of tartarus just helped me be stable. oh yeah, mingi's deep voice is indeed sexc. and he has some wack ass duality as well! and i think seonghwa was one of the people i nearly considered as bias just because of his visuals because wow that's one beautiful face. and true, idk how enha's going to beat border:carnival. i don't like all the tracks simply bc of taste preferenceds but i like more than one so i consider that a lot already.
bro that gym should've had some sort of a covered walk :// also i miss being in high school sO DAMN MUCH. but i still feel like i am because time stopped when quarantine started and i was still in senior year at the time.
my ateez bias is wooyoung! it wasn't that much of a shocker to my kpop stan irls because i was a jimin stan for the longest time. enhypen is jake and they kept pointing out that he looked like seungmin sometimes so it's like chan's aussie-ness with a tinge of seungmin (the other guy in my skz bias line, in case i haven't mentioned it). txt is huening kai! i find it hard to believe that he's my age because he looks a lot younger? o.O and he always looks good damn :(( sigh for blackpink it's lisa! i tend to bias the maknaes of yg groups, it's a pattern i've noticed but don't intentionally do!
DON'T WASTE YOUR TEARS OMFG. you can always reach me elsewhere if i like disappear off this blog.
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my annotations for chappy 11 of ysijwa
this is just for drea and leyla to read so if you're not drea or leyla pls keep scrolling :)
ok this is pretty chaotic and like i said earlier i treated this ike a wattpad comment section so... have fun ig :)
jealous y/n you say???
now i know why you ignored all my tiktok asks lmao
truly madly deeply intended :)
damn he's kind of a narcissist yk? like "I have to be serious my entire family depends on it" shut up mr darcy you're not special
devout in his religion hmmmmmm hopefully we see some more religious trauma content bc me too vampy
awww he wants kids but now he cant have them bc hes... dead :(
AWWW his sister taught him to knit :( if he doesn't knit bloodbag a sweater i swear to god
stuffy moron is correct
he's so dumb she was with him bc he's hot that much should be obvious to him🙄
i love that he remembers the spinal cord dislocation and the dead leaves . like yea im dead rn but the leaves in my hair are really what's bothering me the most
what the fuck is a maw
ok i looked it up i get it now
"attachment is for gullible idiots" yup and youre one of them vampy 😌
"the warmest skin his icy fingers had ever had the good fortune to touch" im so soft rn
oh so now she has "a wholesome beauty about her nature" ? i thought she was just cute enough 🤨
"the responsibility of keeping her safe, satisfied, and happy" how 🥺 🥺🥺
"as long as he breathes" i thought he didn't breathe lmao BUT I GET THE SENTIMENT
"always when it comes to her" IM SCREAMING RN THIS IS SO SOFT I CANT
ill never forgive him for being so dense either his brain is basically a rock
couldnt be me i dont want to be percieved
HEY a hamilton obsession is not childish😤
'the only person who was allowed to touch him there was y/n' he's like a little kid who's possessive omggggggg
oh this reminds me i rlly hope everything in that chest was new and had never been used on anyone else owijfowiejfioewj
oh please my irish king can control himself let y/n meet the other vamps🙄
"if they knew all along why did it take so long" yk im wondering the same thing dummy
"every day was a battle to earn her love and affection" wtffff how could she hurt him like that he is just a baby
i think he needs therapy tbh
yes he does deserve to be treated with respect and dignity😤
"supporting and tolerating them despite your differences" exactly unless they're a republican
they did everything backwards but it's what baby needed🥺
im literally gonna 🔪 bradley how dare he hurt my favorite ribeye like that
PROPER BOYFRIEND-GIRLFRIEND BONDING PLSSSSS im sure he makes sure to say stuff like "as your boyfriend' or 'since youre my girlfriend' all the time now
"everything that has to do with harry has always and will always make her feel safe and secure" ...who's gonna tell her👀
awwww my love language is also quality times bestiesssssss
(this is more serious you might want to change the words to nose kisses or something because esk*mo is a slur)
HE wants to be wrapped in HER arms and get forehead kissies like a little baby🥺🥺
i can tell you wrote this chappy bc leyla would never write about ice cream
omg i have a thot imagine if she got a heart murmur or something and obvi he knows bc he can hear it so now he has to find a way to make her get it checked out out without being suspicious 😭
“nearly blinds himself for eternity” what a drama queen i love him
maybe learn how to turn your brightness down grandpa
“can women sense emotional distress” why is this so funny oiewfjwieojfioewj
not a psychotic episode 😭😭
crippling mommy issues woejfkljdklsjsdf me too king
awwwww he made her a full buffet i would cry
matchy socks im gonna sob
king is a chef 😌
y/n’s head @ harry’s clavicle rn: 💥
“his plush chest” drea its ok you can say titties
“absolutely flawless”? are you sure shes not just cute enough 🤨
he got her oat milk 🥺the sign of true love
hes such a shithead i love him
she traces a tiny heart on him wtfffffffffff im sad
this… is hot
“theres no room on the counter” owifjlksjfslkfjklsj
HE WOULD WALK THROUGH FIRE FOR HER maybe then he’d be a little less cold
im sorry that was wrong of me lisjfskldjfwoiejewiojrei
oh boy hes gonna kill her
literally shut the fuck up mr english major
do it bestie kick him in the balls
“character development at its finest” what a self aware king
y/n stop being mean to him baby just wants to feel close ☹️
“I’m anemic” ok king whatever u say
ahhhhhhh it’s yoga time
“just ask your cervix” jlksdjflksdjflkdsjflk
“if only you knew” ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
yeah y/n isnt like those other girls 🤪 shes different 🤪
yes bestie objectify him
“He hasn't been this stiff since rigor mortis”
i think about this on a daily basis i truly do
grey shorts? what a slut
“call the lapd im pressing charges” me after walking up the stairs
him using his shirt as a towel im BARKING
“I wasnt jealous” yea ok 😃
yeah harold she just wanted a little kiss 😤
yeah 😃 its bc he ran track 😃
no bc thats so fucking cute that she pretended she had never seen the show before bc he was excited to introduce her to it 🥺
I would do the same tbh i feel like it would be fun to wash dishes with harry idk why
“that skank” oisjksldfjklsjfklsdjflkd
he gets her a cup of water 🥺
ok but like wouldn't she want to wash her hair after it got all sweaty at yoga
awwwww she got his toothbrush ready for him why am i so soft rn
memory foam mattresses sound nice but actually they kind of suck bc you sink down and feel trapped in them 😃
niall is probably on the dumbest side of tiktok idek what side but it’s probably annoying and he thinks it’s hilarious
noooo baby youre not a monster🥺 someone give him a hug rn
well actually you are kind of a monster but its ok we still love u bestie
I too run on caffeine and pizza pockets 😌
chatsnap hes such an old man 😭
true lmao if you dont have social media i immediately dont trust you
not the i just washed my hands tiktok 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
“my eyes are stinging” hes such a baby 😭
“are you all right” “I dont know :(’ i cant handle this my face hurts from smiling lksjflkjafklj
he has a kitchenaid stand mixer omg thats so sexy
ok but has anyone ever gotten salmonella from raw cookie dough bc i think thats just a myth
fuck u for that one vampy
wow he could never deal with my chronically ill ass
I agree body is absolutely an instrumental masterpiece
“I know youre kinda into that (getting smacked in the face)” SHUT UPPPPPPP SKJFSKDLJFDS
“I think i popped something” ok old man 😭
why is the word wench so funny lkfjslkfjdslkfjsdlkfj
dont hand it over i want to see him snap
not guerrilla warfare 😭😭😭😭
do it bestie give him a concussion he deserves it
“no piece of art could ever compare to her” 🥺🥺
“remember that time you told me making out was childish” “no” i hate him 😭
THERE IT IS AGAIN “sex isnt the only way he can feel close to someone anymore” SHUT THE FUCK UP IM SOBBING
this reminds me of the dehydrated intercourse with demonrry
“don’t care, relationships are about sharing’ hes so sdjfksldjfklsjf
suing disney for false advertisement 😭
THIS SCENE IS KILLING ME LKJFKLSJFLDSJ “just pucker your lips over it” “You have actual brain damage, dont you?” DREA I LOVE YOU KSDJFLDSKJFLKSDJ
how do those bubbles taste babe
ok drea wtf i was so happy and now this??????
“everything’s wrong” NO SHUT UP SHUT UP ITS HAPPY HOURS
not the boob privileges 😭
WAIT THIS IS FROM THE BSE MV ISNT IT “dance is just so hot rn” “depressing shades are just so hot rn”
“youre so fucking cute, my baby” me when i see literally any picture of him
“betrayed. objectified. taken advantage of. used. “ i hate him sm 😭😭
stop him worrying she’ll think it's weird and wont want to do it 🥺
“bold of you to assume id ever be convicted” PLS DREA LAKFJDKSLFJ
“the more you talk, the more appealing manslaughter sounds” I CHOKED DLSKFJDSKLFJDKSJFDSKLJ
Im sorry but its really funny to me how you wrote the sentence “wrong metal, he thinks ironically” … get it ? like IRONically lkfjdslkfj im sorry i’ll show myself out
“this boy?” what a fucking cutie i want to kick him
I forgot what a bop helpless is thanks for reminding me im gonna go listen to the entire soundtrack again-
theyre so fucking cute i hate them
so yea bascally this is the best thing ive ever read and i love you so much and my face hurts from smiling :)))
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ziracona · 3 years
sometimes i forget i originally followed you because of dbd and then when i see posts from other fandoms i like i go "woah awesome! who's reblo-ZIRACONA?!" also, it makes me really want to get into fandoms im not a part of. specifically the fates games. idk who they are but some character designs are looking pretty damn good.
Hadskdnd sorry, yeah, I have always been a chronically terminally multifandom blog who is too tired to make sideblogs for specific interests. I didn’t even make one for doodles until last year and I still forget I have it. But I try to tag everything meticulously so anyone who follows me only for a specific fandom can easily blacklist my other content if they want. Glad you’ve been enjoying it! Fate is an extremely varied fandom to get into, because they swap out the whole creative team like pet work (or per arc in Fate Go woof) so sometimes you get great stuff and sometimes medium or varied and sometimes terrible. It’s more like...being into Star Wars, or DC or Marvel, than a usual blanket fandom name like being into Scream or Zelda. Wide variety for a huge amount of only kind of sequential or related content, and it’s impossible to think of everything as canon bc it conflicts with itself, so you pick what you like and ignore what you don’t. They aren’t even all the same like, major genre or vibe remotely. I /really/ like some of it though! If you’re interested, I’d recommend basically anyone stick their foot in the water by watching the Japanese dub of Unlimited Blade Works (the 2014 tv show, not the earlier one. That one is...garbage) w subs, because the English dub is terrible, and I have no idea how the other language dubs are, but the OG/Japanese dub is excellent. It’s two seasons and not super long and /very/ good. I can link you to my earlier breakdown of what fate you might like if you want, because it’s a spiel 🤣. But yeah, I rec the sub for UBW tv show (on Netflix right now) to anyone curious about Fate as a starting point. They release the bonus episode as the first for some reason? Prologue was bonus content, and should not be watched first because it assumes the viewer has previous Fate knowledge, and the pacing is super weird. Start with episode 2/ Winter Day, Fateful Night, which is meant to be the first episode, and then just watch Prologue whenever after you want. It is the same day as Winter Day, Fateful Night, but from Rin’s pov instead of the protags, so it’s really neat character stuff for her and Archer, but it’s confusing if you start there since it was not meant to be the first narrative beat.
A lot of the stuff I reblog is Fate Grand Order which is a phone game as varied in its singular self in quality as the whole fate franchise is bc they rotate writers every god damn second lol, but I really enjoy the quality arcs and skim what I don’t like and enjoy it. It’s way more hit and miss if people will like Grand Order, because it’s /super/ varied, but it has some amazing characters. Anyway I’m on a Fate kick so if you ever want to know about it and characters I am /happy/ to monologue. Thanks for the ask. : ) 💙
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