#would love to see more of him when carlos goes to the DOW
the-voldsoy · 10 months
misc nightvale headcannons that i wrote while listening to the show for the first time but never shared
(tw:gore ? scarring ?)
Kevin has a Chelsea grin given to him when he resisted strexcorp
Cecil has been around for so long through so many eras of clothing that he’s just given up on bothering to dress well
However, his fashion is violently early 2000’s
He also loves makeup
And constantly wears fannypacks and other ridiculously tiny bags
Carlos’ many “lab coats” are actually just regular coats Cecil’s just stupid (/aff)
EXCEPT he does have some actual lab coats with different functions like his “running lab coat” is a lab coat with racing stripes on the sides
The “vague and mysterious government agency” is actually the SCP foundation
Cecil has microphone and soundwave tattoos that move when people talk
he has a third eye that he can see anywhere in nightvale when using it
He can make the night vale theme tune start playing out of nowhere
It’s not always on purpose
Like sometimes he sneezes particularly hard and it starts
on a similar vein, his 'weather' powers is because talk of the weather was banned
so every time people mention the weather music starts playing
(to avoid boring convos, yk?)
and Cecil is the only one who really takes advantage of it
Cecil has little faint piercing scars lining above and below his lips
(as in at some point his mouth was sewn shut)
cecil is VERY dramatic when sick
Cecil is taller but Carlos is stronger
However Cecil can fight really well
Carlos grew out his hair into a little ponytail and Cecil LOVED it
And then didn’t speak to Carlos for a week when he cut it off
There’s a lot of weird stuff in night vale that we don’t even know about — those are the things that people didn’t tell Cecil about because they knew he’d tell the radio
Also, no one EVER tells Cecil any secrets or gossip for the same reason
Cecil walks with a cane and sometimes even has to use a wheelchair due to the lymes disease he had
The cane has an old-timey microphone on the top (think Radio Demon from hazbin hotel)
Cecil loved one direction and was devastated when they broke up
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waterfishlol0 · 8 months
wntv hcs meooww
hii wntv hcs im sobored and umm im not sleeping
kevin !!
i hc with black hair and it used to be super long and he was super proud of it b4 strex made him cut it off cus they thought it would get in the way of his work (its ok now kevin grew his hair out again in the dow)
he goes crazyyyy whenever he sees smiley face stickers or whatever he starts going HOORAY! and "oo so joyus.."
he is such a weirdo he prolly sucked on his finger for an hour after he got a cut
kevin either dresses like its winter or like he just got back from a rave and is wearing the last amount of clothing without being naked
he likes fishnets
he has soo many centipede tattoos and after a while they started to move on their own and do centipede things soo silly
he has piercings, like a lottt of them. most of them he let lauren and daniel do at strex when they had their scheduled sleepovers
kevin is also NOT white please...
idc what the public says she is bisexual
she prolly kissed kevin or daniel at least once cus she thought it would be kinda funny as a prank but they ended up going "huh?" and werent even mad
she is bffs with daniel they do everything together they have days where they go shopping at the mall
she likes funky patterned shirts and pants and chunky earrings
her lipstick is actually just blood
shes a hair nerd and has a 10 step hair routine
she wakes up like "yawnnn such a lovely day to be alive" and then acts like a mom that was forced to get out of bed cus her kid peed the bed and she needs to change the sheets
lauren has eyes kind of
she gets her lashes done and her nails done sometimes if she feels nice
she is a little bit french
her heels are suppperr pointy so she likes to step on ppls toes with them
daniel hooray!!
he is like those dbh robots so he has like fake skin and hair but u can see a bit of robot on him
he dresses a bit like someone who just found the whole gothic scene going on in the 80s or whatever which goes against strex dress code but they cant do much cus hes a robot
i like to think he used to be human at some point
daniel also had a like new wave goth phase idk what it is called when he was a human and it carried on to his robot self
he lets kevin and lauren dress him up and do his makeup like he is a doll lol
he lays on top of kevin during the scheduled sleepovers
daniel likes cheesy romcoms
he cries a bit during the super sweet romantic scenes
"i wish that was me" "stfu get over it that will never happen oml"
he has blonde curly-ish hair
he meows on occasion, it got programmed into his system after trying to take a pic of khoshekh, no one rlly knows how
he has freckles cus strex wanted to make him more inclusive so their employees didnt get scared off by some picture perfect dude robot guy
he can open up his back and the reason as to why it wasnt his chest is cus it would be inconvenient
he is 100 percent a southern goth dont even argue with me
the trad goth look with huge clunky cowboy boots
charles used to work as a grave digger in pine cliff cus it payed well since everyone died and became a ghost
when he wasn't doing that he was working as a bartender near the outer edge of town
he has a bit of a southern accent from cactus park
he had a bunch of old cactus park shirts and saved them all for donny when he found out he was having a kid
charles was the pregnant one he is sooo transgender
he never got any surgeries cus he did not care about having tits
and a vag was more convinent (totallyyy not projecting)
he got his uterus removeda after donny tho so no siblings for donny ig
he was a smoker at some point
he hatess wine so much
charles is hispanic in some way cus yk carlos charles ykkk
he likes to braid kevins hair in fancy ways and then started to give kevin and donovan matching hairstyles every morning
he has a home depot 12ft skeleton in his classroom
and lewis the pumpkin from target
he loves halloween even tho most ppl of the dow have never even heard of it
he eventually moved in with kevin or vice versa and has his own room and office despite also sharing one with kevin
charles just likes to sleep alone some nights or needs a place to chill out by himself
charles is also def somewhat a ghost
she loves 80's fashion
the silly earrings and neon colors
she also made kevin do karaoke nights with her
shes kevins niece i think
her parents kicked her out and so kevin let her work at the station to earn money
they aren't biologically related but vanessa sees kevin as the cool uncle
she died and came back as a ghost and kevin isnt hallucinating and some people can see her and she actually still does stuff
she loves depeche mode and got kevin into it (totally not cus i just saw depeche mode live the other day nuh uh uh uh uh) (i did it was fire)
she likes to ride in shopping carts
vanessa also loves skunks even tho she never saw one irl
she sees them online and forces kevin to look at the cute pictures
she has a hugeee cd and vinyl collection its crazy
she has a whole room stacked to the brim with them
kevin regularly goes out to get her more
he also bought her her first record player
it had sunflower patterns
strex destroyed it but she was able to keep the remains and use them to get a new record player with some of the original sunflower pattern
ok thats all i just did desert bluffs ill prolly do night vale tmrrw even tho i like db more..
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