#wow art is subjective and thats totally okay actually
apyschopathicfangirl · 8 months
Please just let people enjoy things. People can like the PJO show and they won't like it. A lot of people didn't like the movies but also some people did like them. THATS FINE. Just because one fan likes the show and another fan doesn't is not the end of the world. The reasons for not liking it are VALID and the reasons for loving it are VALID. Please god just calm down. The world is awful enough let people get joy out of whatever gives them joy. And vice versa.
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resharc · 6 months
who the heck is "resharc"
I got tagged so i guess now im "it".
Who were you named after?
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My real name shall remain a secret. the meaning of my name is unfortunate and i dont need omegaverse weirdos in my life
The name "Resharc" is something I made up years ago and used as a username. I just kinda stuck with it, it doesn't mean anything.
the blog name "pwdev" comes from the brief time I was making a Phoenix Wright-inspired game. I never actually posted anything here so it's kinda funny that i still have the blog name
I think "resharc.tumblr.com" is taken. I think.
i might swap it after writing this if i can, so that's immediately becoming out of date
When was the last time you cried?
Damn that's a bit personal
Do you have kids?
Kids? In this economy?
What sports do you play/did you play?
I've played a lot, surprisingly. Baseball, football (soccer for you uncouth heathens), rugby, wall climbing, golf, tennis...
I never stuck with them for very long. The longest I've consistently played a sport is about 3 years, and that's because I was basically forced to.
Do you use Sarcasm?
I don't know, do you?
First thing you notice about people?
I haven't really thought about this.
I am secretly the vainest person alive, so I suppose one's appearance.
Do you have any talents?
I'm not really sure.
I'm okay at programming I guess. Some people like my art. I'm able to quickly read books.
Scary Movies or Happy Endings?
I am taking the forbidden "third" way, and saying "both".
Why yes, I am a centrist, how could you tell?
In all seriousness, I tend to prefer scary movies (provided it's more psychological and vibes). House of Leaves is my favourite book for a reason.
Where were you born?
A small island in the corner of the world that doesn't show up on many maps.
What are your hobbies?
In no particular order:
Video games
Game development
Getting really into game design for some reason this shit's like a curse get it OFF of me
wow thats not a lot is it?
Do you have any pets?
My cat, Midnight, the love of my life. my muse. my shining light.
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if you want more pictures of her, I'll start posting them daily or something. This can totally become a "resh's cat pic blog" instead of anything related to video games.
How tall are you?
The exact height where people lie about being an inch taller.
What was you favourite subject in school?
Computer Science, because I'm the biggest fucking nerd apparently
Dream job?
I'd love to properly make games and be paid an actual livable wage. Alas, I will continue to Rise and Grind in my current job until I have something I'm happy with showing the world.
I don't really have anyone to pass this to, so this is a dead end. sorry
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exofilialovercat · 3 years
Azrael (Draconian boy) x Gabriela (human girl) Ch 2!
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Enjoy ch 2!
Gaby spent a good part of the next day choosing what to wear. All seemed too much or too less. What to wear when you want to forget your ex… and try to not crush on someone at the same time?
She messaged the draconian: ‘Hi! See you in the shopping? We can shop and drink coffee! You like cake? :3 ‘
‘See you there Gaby! I can’t wait! Coffee and cake sounds wonderful.’
Ozzie was a nervous wreck the following morning. After going through his entire wardrobe half a dozen times, he settled on a pair of black slacks and a nice shirt with a vest. The layers helped hide where he had to cut holes for his wings. “Well, Casanova you may not be, but you pass muster.” He tried to reassure himself as he left, picking up a single rose from the flower shop on the corner as he left to meet Gaby.
Gaby picked a cute long shirt and some good leggings. Enough to don’t feel she was trying too hard. She brought a bag with the shirt he borrowed from him and a sticky note with a cartoon of her saying ‘thank you ‘ . This is not a date, Gabrielle. Hold your horses. She found him easily in the shopping , he looked very handsome. Damm... Why is this not a date-date? “Ozzie! I’m here! “
Azrael jumped slightly at the sudden call of his name, but brightened when he turned to see Gaby. “Hey Ga-oh wow, you look great! This is for you...” He offered her the rose, heart pounding.
“You look good too. Even if the waiter uniform has its charm. Aw, you shouldn’t have “ she grabbed the rose and gave him the bag “ This is yours “ she smelled the faint perfume of the flower
“Thank you.” He smiled, taking a moment to enjoy Gabriela’s company before offering her his arm. “shall we?”
“ Of course “ she accepted his arm and started walking. Well, it looks like a date.
“Did you want to stop for coffee first, or to look for some cute clothes and get coffee after? “ He asked, practically floating as they walked.
“ Well, i could use some fuel . What about you? “
Ozzie chuckled and nodded. “I’ve been surviving on caffeine lately. Do you have a place you could show me with good bakery as well?”
“ We are the same... Freelance artists are 90% coffee and 10% genius “ she patted his arm “ Lets go to a small bar I know, it’s not usually super crowded and the cake is extremely good. “  She guided him .
“You’re an artist?  I’m a little jealous. I can sew a bit, but that’s about the extent of my artistic ability.” He admitted sheepishly, happily letting Gaby take him where she wanted.
“ Haha , I play the cards I got . I always liked art and make comics and illustrations. I can survive doing it so I consider myself lucky . I bet you have your own talents “ she takes him to a bar that was indeed a little small. It had a menu with a nice selection of cakes . “The  Triple chocolate one is to die for, it’s my favorite, ” she pointed to the menu.
“What comics do you make? Anything I might have seen?” He asked, genuinely curious. As they made their way to the little cafe, Ozzie couldn’t help but smile at how Gaby’s face lit up with excitement. She really was adorable.
“Should we share a piece then with our drinks, or would that be too forward?”
“ Oh, i don’t think so... I took part in some compilations. When I do comics, it’s always a small portion of the job. The rest it’s mostly children’s books. “ She said “ It wouldn’t be too forward , but I warn you we will need to order more “ she grinned “ This body doesn’t maintain with salad “ she joked .
“That sounds like a lovely line of work. You like children, then?” He asked while searching the menu. “Let’s each get some and share then. Variety is the spice of life, after all!”
Ozzie took her joke about her body as a chance to let his eyes sweep down across Gaby’s figure. To him she might as well have been a goddess. perfect curves and a gorgeous face that he had to stop himself from leaning in to kiss. ‘Slow down, Romeo’ he scolded himself.
“ I do, maybe one day I will have one myself... If i found the right person. Not like Mister Perfect “ she made a face .
Gaby ordered some coffee and some pieces of cakes “Strawberry cheese and triple chocolate please. Any preference Ozzie? “
Azrael made a face at the mention of her ex. “He couldn’t be very perfect if he couldn’t see a true treasure right in front of him. You and your hypothetical future child deserve nothing less than a devoted husband and father.” He said without thinking what his words might be interpreted to mean.
Looking through the menu, Ozzie noted a few of his favorite flavors. “I think I’ll go with the Italian lemon cake and red velvet.”
The waiter took the order and walked away.
“ You are an adulator!” She patted his shoulder. She was visibly blushing . “ Yeah... I actually feel better now I’m not with him anymore. The things were pretty bad already between us. I guess the faster I can move from him, the  better” she winked “ At least I have a coffee with a handsome man “ ‘What the hell Gaby... Stop your mouth’.
Azrael couldn’t blush through his scales, but his tail wagged happily when Gaby’s adorable freckled cheeks blushed pink after her compliment. “Is not flattery if it is true.” He laughed, “Just enjoy yourself, Gaby dear. No pressure.”
The order finally came, the coffee was in generous cups and the cake seemed fresh . “ Please, don’t mind me , take from mine if you want, “ Gaby offered and went for a piece of the strawberry one humming pleased “ So good “.
“Only if you do the same.” Ozzie smiled, taking a long sip of his coffee before taking a bite of his lemon cake.
“ I really wanted to ask you... I hope it’s okay. Can you really spit fire? Or is it a full dragon thing? “ She hoped it was okay to ask  about draconian nature .
“Fire? Ah, right… I was smoking last night, wasn’t I?” He ran a hand back through his horns, a little embarrassed. “It is harder for a half-breed like me to breathe flames than a full dragon. Normally it can only happen when I am very angry or upset.” He explained with an apologetic smile. “Hopefully that is not too much a disappointment?”
“ Oh , no! I just was curious... Like how much human or dragon you are... I don’t really know a big deal about real dragons. Like if you need to warm in the sun? Or if you have a reptile tongue? Or do you have dietary restrictions like some reptiles? Oh! I  hope I’m not being rude... “ she covered her mouth suddenly.
Ozzie couldn’t help but laugh. So many people were too afraid to ask these kinds of questions, so Gaby’s curiosity was refreshing. “No rudeness at all. I am happy to sate your curiosity. Full dragons come in three varieties, depending on if they are from Europe, like my mom, Asia, or South America. In my case I am warm-blooded like humans, no dietary restrictions (though a preference for spicy and savory flavors outside of desserts) and...” he looked around to make sure they weren’t being watched before letting his 30cm long forked tongue slide out between his lips for a moment before pulling it back in with a grin.
“ Holly -! “ She felt her mind going to some non very innocent places “ Thats.... Wow “ she sipped her coffee and tried to clear her head . “ Humans feel a little boring in comparison. Would you let me draw you one day? “ She tried to change the subject a little .
“Oh, don’t sell humans short. Human passion and creativity are a marvel compared to just about any other species. That is a great gift indeed.” He said with a reassuring smile. Gaby’s request to draw him was a surprise, though a welcome one. “I would love to pose for you!” He said happily before stealing a bite of her chocolate cake and letting a purr resonate in his chest. “That IS good!”
“ Told ya’ “ she smiled. “And if you need a personalized draw, you can always call me . Like a present for a loved one, your significant other, you just ask “
“Oh, no girlfriend.” Azrael said, before taking a sip of his coffee. Was she trying to see if he was single? “Dragons and most draconians partner for life, so dating is an important matter once it becomes serious.” Hopefully that wasn’t reading too far into Gaby’s words.
“ Oh “ Gavi did a mental happy dance , maybe Ozzy liked her a little? And he was single. That was a relief, at least I can crush in someone that I can have a chance with. ”And how do you scare ladies away? You have the whole package, “ she said playfully .
Azrael’s tail began to happily thump against the cafe floor when Gabi flirted with him. His heart never had fluttered this way for someone before. “Normally the scales and tail do the scaring for me. You are about the first woman to talk to me like a normal person outside of work or family.” He admitted, trying to hide his embarrassment at his own inexperience behind another few bites of cake.
“ No way! “ She said offended “ They obviously never gave you a chance, you are a total sweetie. And everybody it’s different! My mom always told me to not judge people for the way they look , she is latina, my dad is white. That always gets nasty looks . People are just stupid. “ she stole a piece of his lemon cake .
“It is a shame more people can’t be as open-minded as you are, Gaby. The world would be a better place.” Azrael said with a wistful smile, taking her hand without really thinking and kissing the back.
“They deal with bigotry even as a human-human couple. I worry what it will be like when the one who decides she wants me has to go through the same nastiness.”
She felt her cheeks warm “ Any girl would be lucky to have you Ozzie. If people cannot see that, it’s their problem. Hey, let’s better move to a desert island and fund our own country.” She tried to light up a bit.
Ozzie nearly choked on his coffee when Gaby’s surprise joke made him laugh. “Careful, mi amor. That sounds suspiciously like a proposal. Doesn’t that usually require at least three dates?” He teased, trying not to get too lost in the idea of the two of them relaxing on a tropical beach together.
“And thank you for the compliment, Gabriela. You truly are a treasure.”
“ Well... If you need a couple of actual dates, I will not say no. They tell me I make a pretty decent spicy chicken , if you give me the chance to treat you, “ she said, almost purring . Please say yes...
“I would be delighted, so long as I can take you out in return.” Ozzie swore that he could fly at that very moment. Gaby had asked him out!
“ Then it’s settled! “ She asked for the bill and payed “ And i can wear the replacement shirt you will buy me “ she winked “ I hope the cake was at your level Ozzie “
“I was hoping you would let me get you a few outfits, to be honest.” He said with a shy smile, not daring to admit he would prefer to see her in much less clothing rather than more. “And the cake was excellent. Definitely worth using for the wedding.” He added with what he hoped was a joking tone. ‘Don’t get too carried away. You’ll scare her off.’
“ Oh, you are impossible! “ she playfully pushed him “ No need to shower me in presents, mister smooth “ she said and started walking “ I like to give them back “
“What can I say? It is my nature to want to treat my girlfriend well. I’m sure we can find a way to reciprocate.” He laughed, playing like she had pushed him much harder than she had before joining her, his arm draping around her waist as they walked together.
Gaby felt herself too into the draconian man. Her stomach twisted and her heart pounded in her chest. She tried to distract herself by looking at the cloth stores . The mission was to end the day with a smile... And maybe steal a kiss from Ozzie .
“Let me know if you see a store you want to shop in.” It was nice, this little shopping date, but Azrael had to keep reminding himself to not push too fast. He was falling hard for Gabriela, but she had just gotten out of a bad relationship and it would be wrong to pressure her into too much.
Gaby entered in one store and tried a couple of tops, she ignored the white and pink ones for obvious reasons . She even asked Ozzies opinion on the ones she tried . Let’s just go slow Gabriela , let’s enjoy some time together. Yep, just that.
Ozzie couldn’t help but enjoy himself while Gaby modeled her outfits for him. There were several tops that looked very good on her, but one in particular, sapphire blue with a somewhat lower-cut neckline than the others really caught his attention. “It is hard to say, since you are gorgeous in all of them, but the last one is my personal favorite. It shows you off in just the right way.”
“Then I take it! You know how to sell to a lady, ” she happily said and saved the new top for her .
Now the date was almost over and she needed a bit of courage to give one small last step . If she could really do it, a proper date will be a success.
After he had paid the shop clerk for their purchase, Azrael hesitated for a moment. “I know this was supposed to be just a casual thing today, but I really don’t want for our date to end.” He admitted sheepishly, his tail curling around Gaby as they took a moment to rest before continuing on to the end of their date. He had been having such a good time that he dreaded it being over.
She fell on the tail surrounding her. “ Me too, Azrael . It has been too much fun. But I have to go.  Will you call me ? “ She caressed his cheek.
“Of course, Gabriela. It’s a promise... but first, please permit a greedy dragon one last indulgence before his princess escapes.” Before he could second guess himself, Azrael tilted her chin upward with a fingertip and pressed his lips to hers in a tender, longing kiss.
Gaby even surrounded his waist. His kiss was sweet, and she was practically seeing stars . Okay, I’m sold. First real date, here we go. She let herself be putty in his hands, “Ozzie... “ She whispered once the kiss ended. She smiled from ear to ear and got a little distance . “ Now you really better call me! “ She said and waved at him to go “ I’m going to be waiting!”
Gaby went home giggling like a schoolgirl
“Definitely. Today was... incredible. Too good to just be a onetime thing, no?” He purred, dreamily watching Gaby go toward her home.
Ozzie was walking on air for the rest of the day. He didn’t even mind the jokes at his expense at work. Their next date couldn’t come soon enough!
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obeymematches · 4 years
Hi! I hope you don’t mind if I ask for a matchup. Just don’t push yourself, okay? You seem to have a lot to handle. I’ll try not to overload you with too much, but I apologize ahead of time if I write a whole book or get too personal. I just wanted to make sure I added a good chunk for a good comparison! I’ll try not to get too into it, though. Sorry again if I put too much!
Basics : I’m a 5’6, 19 y/o, chubby/curvy female who is a bit of an anti-social shut-in. I come across as very shy, quiet to the point of how I usually never say a word otherwise unless I’m asked a question, though can also be seen as ‘lazy’ and someone who is too addicted to technology. I’m also rarely affectionate, though not against being given affection as long as I’m asked. I’m not a touchy feely person.
Layer 1 (Flaws, problems, etc) : My behavior stems from social anxiety and from bullying experiences that have traumatized me growing up, as I had to deal with it up until maybe a year ago. Some of it was from my own family, and some from the school. I ended up with a fear of expressing myself to strangers, especially around boys. I found my way of coping was to dive into video games and anime, alongside art. Outside of this, I’m a mess. I usually suffer from many health problems (that I don’t feel comfortable sharing, but can mention it makes my efforts to find a way to get comfortable in my body with a new Workout routine very difficult) due to my body being extremely weak. It has been ever since conditions related to my birth, and my medications Needed to keep me around cause me to be big boned. I’m physically strong enough to fight for myself if I needed to, but when it comes to illness and the like, I’m the loser here. I also have a hard time keeping eye contact. I also tend to apologize a lot for everything. I can’t handle crowds, or I’ll likely pass out after a while. My body is hard to take care of despite my best efforts. However, I do have sensitive ears and tend to be jumpy when someone raises their voice. It’s not too difficult to scare me, which in the past is what usually managed to convince me to go along with things like the bullying. To this day I still can’t handle being yelled at, since I also tend to yell at myself later for messing up for whatever caused someone to yell at me. I’m extremely hard on myself. I also tend to take things to heart. My ‘laziness’ also is because I have my own fight with depression to deal with that adds a factor into this too. Consider it a double edged sword, but despite that I tend to destroy myself trying to put others first before me.
Layer 2 (Opening up) : if I do open up to someone, I’m more prone to have my ‘quirks’ show, such as bouncing in place when I’m excited. I occasionally ramble about my interests (and apologize after). I may not be the best at showing how I care, but I try to do the best I can with what little skills I have. But I do become a bit more social with a person the more I know them. However, it doesn’t change that one might have to message/approach me first, since at times it takes me ages to send a message for fear I’m bothering someone. I’ll be more willing to head out with someone if I’m closer to them, though I’m still insecure about my appearance.
Layer 3 (Pro’s?) : I’m not against trying new things, within reason. I’m not difficult to please. I would be fine sitting in a room watching critical role for the next 10 hours with someone just being quiet and consider that a bonding moment. I don’t mind over the top, but I don’t usually favor it due to my insecurities telling me that this wasn’t deserved. (Not that it isn’t appreciated, but it’s hard to fight ones inner demons, ya know what I mean?) From what my few friends say, however, they would trust me to be a leader to my friend group should the need arise, and I’m usually serious, mature, calm and collected. That doesn’t mean I don’t have my own sense of humor (usually dark humor, with the occasional laugh from a joke I didn’t expect to hear). Due to a bit of my background, I know a lot on self defense due to being in a former military family (All retired) who thought I should know how to fight due to how the world can be. This is also why I’m usually trusted to make decisions for my friend group, even if it’s in games where survival is key. I’m usually the last one standing, while being cautious enough. I also can be a hard worker when I can put my mind to it- reading a whole manga series in one day or finishing an anime? Finishing art? You name it. Though a double edged sword trait I know I have (Since it can be both a blessing and a curse) is my perfectionism. Everything has to be perfect. The decorations? Yes. Everything has to match? Yes. I have to make the most detailed building in Minecraft? On it. My fashion sense also plays a part in this too, as I try to make it work with my task too. (I can tend to overdo it and sometimes don’t give myself breaks when I’m in this mood though.) I’m usually good on saving money, and I try to see the best in people despite my experiences. I’m not easily persuaded by looks, as I usually don’t care for them much. I am a creative person as someone who strives to be good at art, but also as someone related to a medic, I also have been learning what to do when the need arises for someone to need a medic. I can be motherly at points, considering some of my other friends to be like my kids. I fret over them constantly. There are times where the tables end up turned. I love acquiring new knowledge that’s something I’m not used to. Oh, you’re a witch? Cool I’m a (religion I’m not sharing due to it being a touchy subject to most). Can you tell me all about it? I’m really curious.
Layer 4 (Hobbies and everything else?) : I do like swimming, drawing, creating characters for my own stories (as a dungeon master in dnd), reading (mostly manga), collecting gemstones and anime merch, playing video games, and cooking on occasion. I also love my pets (currently a rabbit and a puppy) and enjoy cuddling with them. Despite finding cats to be cute, I happen to be allergic to them (as in my skin will break out mostly- it’s not severe but annoying nonetheless). I also have a fear of bugs. Despite only losing myself maybe 3 times in my whole life, I do have a nasty temper if someone gets on my nerves too much. I usually end up punished for it, hence my bottling up of emotions. So otherwise, it’s hard to get me truly angry to the point of where I’m raising my voice unless someone crosses a line. I’m slowly learning to speak up for myself more.
Alright, that’s the end! Again, I’m so sorry if this is too much information! I have never done one of these before. ^w^’
I put a keep reading button because it’s a long text and sometimes it gets very personal, so yeah
Sorry for the wait, and I hope you like the result!
Tbh I was thinking and I had several ideas while reading it, for example I can see you with Levi and maybe Belphie. I decided to go with Levi. Your sense of humour is a good match with Belphie but he can be so sassy and can have such an attitude that I think Levi works better, as you said you tend to take things to heart. I know you said it’s hard to actually upset you but I think Levi occassionally calling you a normie is so much less stressing than Belphie and I think you really deserve someone who doesn’t give you a hard time. (No offense to Belphie hes cool and as a friends thats alright but yeah)
So I think Levi is good with someone who’s not too affectionate, like he can get so flustered, it’s easier for him with someone like you!
He also has a quite severe social anxiety so he really gets you when you say you’d rather stay at home than go to a convention or party.
My hyphothesis is that he has online classes because of that. Like I don’t think he was bullied, he really just can’t stand being around people that much
He is also accepted in his family, like everybody is chill with him being an otaku. (I guess sometimes he gets teased but it’s mostly just him talking down on himself) So the point is that at home he can be himself! I think he would reassure you that liking what you like is totally fine.
At first he will 100% call you a normie until you prove yourself otherwise but that shouldn’t really be an issue - especially if you open up to him about it. I think he is the best candidate to understand your feelings. Not just “oh that sucks babe, iloveyou” but like really get you, you know what I mean. Even if he is not always great at expressing himself, you’d just know he means well.
I think he would also accept you the way you are. Of course your well-being is going to concern him sometimes but he knows you can take care of yourelf. Although if you need help he will do whatever you need. He can be pretty determined when it comes to something/someone he loves
I think he would be very surprised by the fact that you are physically strong in a good way! Like wow babe you can really do that...🥺
He would definitely see a part of himself in you and he would make sure to remind you that you don’t have to apologize for everything you do. Even if he does so himself, that doesn’t mean that you have to be insecure like him! 😠
He’s not really the one to shout at you since you can probably accept him, and he can accept you even if at first he thinks you a boring normie
I think after you two actually spend time together and open up and really get to know the other he will see that you are soo hard on yourself because of your past and he will definitely try his best to cheer you up and have you loosen a bit.
Or if you’re not into that then he can just listen. If you don’t want to talk he can play multiplayer games with you or watch anime, etc, anything to make you feel better!!!!
I think he is also more likely to get into DnD than Belphie, thats also a reason why I decided that Levi is better. I’m personally not into it so I don’t know for sure but if you have an anime/Japan related game/story then you don’t have to say no more, he’s in a 100%!!!
After that he will probably try like...less otaku-friendly DnD games/stories! Just be patient with him. He will learn all the rules and read all the books to a T but actually speaking in front of a group of people he doesn’t know won’t be so easy!!!! 🥺  
After that he will probably convince his brothers to play too and now you have DnD night with the bros, yay! (i let you imagine how the details go!!)
I think he would approach you first with his anime-related topics and I think you could probably answer him! And that would be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!
He can also ramble about the things he likes and he would make sure that after a while you don’t apologize for talking about things you like! He probably likes something similar too, so he could suggest some things!
He said he prefers someone who he can be in the same room with and not really interact that much actually? so like you watching critical role while he watches anime is a good way to spend time!! stay at home dates are dates too!
Hmmmm i think he would definitely like to play a survival multiplayer with you, so be prepared!!!!!!
Hm I think he would take your fashion related suggestions for him, even if he himself isn’t a perfectionist. But I mean if you look at his room he is pretty organized and not too messy, so that’s a bonus I think.
I think he is a good match because you can balance out his reckless money spending tendencies! Not sure if it’s possible to change that completely about him, but at least one of you is responsible with money, so thats a good enough!
Hm I think he could talk a lot about being a demon with you, so thats really nice that you’re interested in his culture! I don’t think he has ever considered that as anything special, but now is the time!
It’s good that you can’t have a kitty because he has a fish and that wouldn’t really be a good combination now, would it?
I think he relly appreciated a responsible and caring partner like you, because he really needs all the extra care he can get to boost his confidence! He is usually rather child-like, so that is also probably a bonus!
Conclusion; definitely he is the one to initiate first interaction, but it’s probably just looking at the other for a while until he gains enough confidence to actually talk to you. This is a very accepting relationship with lots of caring and confidence boosting involved on both sides! Theres also this deeper understanding due to insecurities and social anxiety. I think after a couple years in the relationship both of you change in a good way as you are very mindful of the other’s insecurities. Definitely not a lot of arguing going on, he is a very loyal and caring partner once you earn his trust, so zero lines crossed! Dates are mostly at home, but thats cool! You are the more responsible one while he can be kind of reckless with his impulses, but that just leads to a good balance and he knows he should respect your advice regarding impule buyig stuff for example.
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garfieldsladybird · 2 years
I kind of understand everything but I don’t watch it - I know the drama but don’t care yk? But I defend my mums team because everyone hates us lol
So I’m taking 10 GCSEs (3 sciences / 4 options - drama, art, geography and history / maths / English literature and English language )
Each science paper is 1h 45 mins and I take two per subjects (total of around 9 hours)
English papers are 1h 30 each:
Literature - ( we study ‘an inspector calls’ ‘macbeth’ ‘a christmas carol’ as well as 18 poems (this year it’s poems about different types of ‘conflict’ m. We need to remember quotes from all but the poems and get asked loads of analysis questions)
Language - analysis questions from an unseen passage and answer a four marker, eight marker and a twelve marker on it - as well as either a descriptive piece writing based of a picture they give us in the exam or write a story from it. (20 marks)
History I have 3 papers, around 2h 30 each (ww1 + ww2)
Geo has 2 paper, one is 2h one is 1h 35 (people geo and land geo essentially)
Art is mainly course work based on two stimuli that you get, one you focus on for just over a year, and the other is 3 months, you put together a portfolio full of artist studies and your own work and then also have ten hours of silent work (split into two) to create a final piece.
Drama is a portfolio based on a piece that we came up with as a group based on a set of stimuli. (Actual piece (10%) portfolio (30%) [all done last year] this year we have another performance but this time a duologue and then an exam on ‘the crucible’
Maths is just maths (one paper with calculator the other without)
wow- okay thats a lot of work.
14 hours… i think… you obviously dont do all of that in one day… right? 😭😶
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holyytaehyung · 7 years
bts scenario: dating an animator (F).
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When you told Jin you were an animator, you didn’t think he had cared all that much. He simply smiled and had a brief discussion about it, before moving on to a different subject. So it completley surprised you when you came home to loads of basic stick drawings and figurines, that most certainly weren’t yours.
‘Umm babe, do you know who made these? They aren’t mine?’
Jin quickly appeared with a blush covering his cheeks and ears, before he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, and finding great interest in the plain white door beside him.
‘They’re actually mine, I wanted to surprise you and learn more so we could have better discussions, because I know you’re so passionate about your work…’
‘Baby I love you so much, honestly, these drawings and models are actually really cute.’
You spoke as you walked slowly towards Jin, before giving him a light peck on the lips which he returned with more enthusiasm.
‘I love you too Y/n, I just want you to know that I care, and whatever makes you happy, makes me happy too.’
‘I know you care Jin, now lets go grab a bite to eat and discuss these little drawings more… Wait is that meant to be me?’
‘Absolutley not… Bye.’
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When Yoongi discovered that your job was in animation, by coming across your sketches. He was a mix of very proud and impressed. But also interested as to why he never knew about your talent sooner, as you certainley knew about his. So when you came home from a café brunch with your bestfriend, he was more than eager to know more about your career.
‘Y/n, how come I didn’t know about your job in animation? You’re very talented baby, why wouldn’t you tell me?.’
‘I dont know Yoongi, I just didn’t think you’de be interested, I didn’t want to bore you thats all, especially because your so busy.’
‘Of course I care Y/n! These drawings are so good, can you please tell me more? I want to know everything! If it’s important to you, it’s important to me, you know that.’
‘I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, of course we can talk about it, what would you like to know babe?’
You and Yoongi then spent the rest of the day drawing different things as you explained more about your work, and seeing you so passionate swelled his heart. It would be a moment like this that would simply remind him of how much he loved you.
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Hoseok/J-hope: (okay but what a man, don’t be rude hobi pls x x.)
Hobi knew about your career when you first met, but when he decided to surprise you at your studio for lunch, he was blown away at what he was met with. He looked around as he was surprised with hundreds of different cartoons and animation frames, and he seemingly fell inlove with you even more, along with all the art that surrounded him.
‘Wow baby I knew you were talented, but I had know idea you were this talented!! This is amazing!’
‘Oh shh Hobi, coming from one of the most talented guys I know, what are you doing here though baby? Don’t you have practice?’
‘I came to surprise you! and no Y/n this is seriously impressive, can I watch you do some work?’
‘Of course Hoseok, come and sit with me then, can come and give me your opinion on these drawings?’
‘Anything for my baby, I would love too!’
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Namjoon was literally so inlove with your work, he had known about your art and animation skills quite early on in your relationship. So he made sure that he was 100% your biggest fan, supporting you all the way, even when it got really stressful and difficult for you, he always managed to be your biggest inspiration.
‘Namjoon, come tell me if you like these, I’m at a total loss of ideas at the moment, It’s really stressing me out.’
‘Don’t worry about it Y/n, just come take a break and clear your head for awhile, I’m sure its amazing baby, just like you are.’
‘I love you Joonie, thankyou so much, you always know exactly what to say.’
‘I love you more Y/n, now lets go cuddle.’
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Jimin: (my fave Jimin gif what a cutie.)
Jimin was always supportive of your career. Well, unless it meant that he lacked cuddles from you in the evening. And that was no different on this night, you were tiredfully trying to finish your brief plans for your next project, when Jimin could no longer keep his hands off you, wanting your un-divided attention.
‘Pleasee come to bed Y/n, I can’t go to bed without youuuu.’
‘Not much longer Jimin, I promise I just need to get this finished okay? The more you distract me the longer it will take.’
‘But they look just fine as it is, they’re beautiful okay? now let me cuddle MY beautiful, favourite person ever.’
‘Buttering me up isn’t going to help babe.’
‘Pleaaseeee Y/n?’
‘Oh my gosh fine, but when I get up tommorow you best get me a coffee so I can finish in peace.’
‘I love youuuu.’
‘Yeah, yeah. I love you too Jimin.’
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Taehyung was obsessed with your animations, so watching you do your work quickly became one of his favourite things to do. So whenever he could, he would always find himself at your work space, keeping you company as you worked away. He found himself admiring you more and more everytime he visited you, and constantly showing your skills off to everyone he could, despite you being incredibley shy.
‘Wow my baby is so talented! Look at what they made last week, they did that all by themselves!’
‘Taeeee shhh, I love you, but not everyone cares about my job.’
‘Well they should care! I love you more and I want everyone to know just how talented you are Y/n!’
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This bunny always spent his evening drawing with you, he was entirely invested in your career. And loved seeing you so passionate, but, he also didn’t appreciate not recieving ‘enough’ attention, when your work became more demanding. So he would try to help you as much as he could, mainly so he could have more attention and cuddles from you when the night came.
‘Babe, let me help you so you can actually go to sleep with me at reasonable time tonight, please?’
‘Kook you only say this so you can have more of my attention, I can’t rush the process, I’m sorry baby.’
‘Noo that’s not true, let me help you, I like spending time with you Y/n, especially when your so at peace like this.’
‘Okay, fine. But no complaining if you aren’t getting enough attention Jungkook.’
‘No promises, I love you thoughhh.’
‘Hmm I love you too kookie.’
- - - - - - - - - -
Waheyy this was requested too! I hope you enjoyed it! I don’t know much about animation so I did try to keep it brief, hoping it would be more accurate -
(all gif creds go to owners. please let me know feedback on this, always feel free message me too!I hope you have/are having a good day ♡ )
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choisgirls · 8 years
RFA boys + V with MC being a teacher and all that comes with it. Like, for older kids a specialized knowledge about a certain subject and knowing teen stuff, and with little kids being up on all the latest "kid" things and always looking at (cont)
(Cont) toys and picture books and singing silly songs. And of course, the grading and lesson planning and kids who give problems and stress that comes on top of that. But she really really loves being a teacher and won’t give it up.
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(Combined because ofsimilarity!!)
A/N: These requestsare so pure and I enjoy them so much but ive never seen how a teacher preparesfor anything so i went based on what a few things teacher friends/my dad told me and howi interact with my siblings and stuff ;A; ~Admin 404
           -The two of you act like such kidsyourselves, but he absolutely loves it, you teach younger children and he cansee how soft and sweet you are to them!
           -He actually enjoys some of the coolkid gadgets you check out for your class
           -That cool robo-dog toy? He wantsone now
           -He’s actually sat in on a fewclasses of yours his butt actually fits in the little kid chairs
           -The little tikes love him to death!They like to tease him about dating you
           - though they all think he’s akid too just in a higher grade ;A;
           -But sometimes kids can get rowdy,and he knows this
           -When you come home stressed out,from kids misbehaving, he’s always there to lighten the mood! Tells you storiesfrom when he was a kid, full of silly sound effects, and he’s even borrowedpicture books from his mum to show you childhood pictures! It embarrasses himsometimes, but he knows that you enjoy the imaginations children have so itcan’t hurt to tell you, right?
           - also lowkey shows up aroundsnack time when he visits because he freaking loVES THE JUICE BOXES AND COOKIESMC CAN HE HAVE SOME TOO
           -He knows how difficult teaching canbe, his parents were teachers
           -SUPER. HYPED. When he found outthat you’re a HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA TEACHER come on y'all i saw the chance so itook it
           -You actually went to school!!!! Foracting!!! That’s amazing! He’s a natural so he didn’t have to
           -He tries to come to your class atleast once a week to give the students some tips (since he’s in the field andsemi-famous and all)
           -He dropped out of school and hadbad experience with teachers so he was actually really iffy about your job atfirst
           -But the first time he watched youshine because of your passion for helping these teens, he knew you belonged inthis career
           -But when you come home from a longday of teens being….well….teens, he feels so bad
           -He was a rebellious teen so hethinks he can help talk to them about listening and respecting everything youtry to do for them he kept them for two class periods one day lecturing themabout how much respect you deserve and the kids all literally cried and huggedyou at the end of it jfc zen what did you sAY TO THEM
           -Always there to wipe away yourtears, whether they be of joy or sadness, when your class puts on plays. You’reproud of your students but he’s always 10x more proud of you because heY MC YOUDID THAT, LOOK
           -She thinks it’s so cool because!!!!The two of you can both really appreciate literature
           -It’s like a personal little bookclub between the two of you, always talking about themes and deeper meanings
           -Not to mention she lives for thedrama you over hear in your classroom come on we all live for gossip everynow and then dont judge me or jaehee and you can teach her all of theyounger lingo which she uses to understand a few of the interns at work
           -When you’ve been up for hourstrying to grade papers, she’s always there to help with them
           -Mainly because she wants to avoidyou bashing your head against the table because they’re all writing the samethings over and over again
           -If she comes across something she’sunsure about in her readings you’re the first person she asks
           -Love love loves helping you pickwhich books your students are going to analyze next
           -Not to mention!!! You always haveall the newest books in almost any genre because of your job and!!! She alwayshas something new to read!!!!
           -If your day was rough though, she’sgot coffee at the ready for you, the two of you are going to sit down and justrant about anything and everything that happened because hey kids can bestupid, she’s not gonna tell on you for pointing out the obvious
           -He finds it absolutely adorablewhen you come home covered in paint, glitter, marker, you name it
           -Calls you his masterpiece what asap
           -Not used to being around kids buthe visits your kids as often as possible
           - they paint kitty whiskers onhis face sometimes and you’ve never seen him smile bigger
           -They once asked him to build atower out of blocks with them and he took over the entire project, made areplica of the C&R building
           -When the two of you are at home,though, he refuses to admit he enjoys it there with the kids. Complains aboutpaint on his white shirt, why are kids to loud, they’re so energetic what theheck, etc etc
           -Always buying cool new toys andcraft things for your classroom- he knows how teachers are paid and he justwants to help out. For you. Not for the kids. its totally for the kids dontlet him fool you
           -He never really knows how tocomfort you if you come home from a hard day with your class, so he usuallysits with your head resting against him. He listens to you rant abouteverything that happened, running his hand through your hair to let you knowhe’s listening.
           -Never ONCE has he asked you to quityour job. He thinks teachers are important and should be treasured, and he seeshow happy the kids make you every day- he could never ask you to give that up buthey mc if you ever wants kids of your own, he’s got you, wink wonk
           -Teacher? lmao what’s that noteveryone is a freaking genius saeyoung shUT UP
           -You were a high school computerscience teacher, and hello MC i could be of service saeyoung pls
           -He came in as a guest speaker oneday and none of the students could keep up with what he was saying??? What’sall of this?? Mr. Choi can you please dumb down the lesson???
           -By the end of class though,everyone (including him) were just drawing stupid pictures on MS paint sigh
           -He’s actually really excited thatyou teach computers to teenagers!! Computers are great, MC!!! You can teachthem to hack! no saeyoung thats not what i do, thats you
           -Sometimes he’ll play dumb and askyou for help with his computer just to hear your teacher voice (it doesnt workoften because you KNOW he knows what’s wrong)
           -“MC, you can be the teacherand I’ll play the naughty student *eyebrow wiggle*” he walks in with aplaid skirt and knee high socks what a fucking doRK
           -There are days that the kids justdon’t listen and do whatever they want, and it frustrates you to no end. Someof them were wrestling and broke a monitor once, and you had to call Saeyoung,break down and cry on your lunch break. He’s always there at the end of the daywith blanket forts and HBC to get you away from all electronics even for alittle while
           -The next day though, he hacks intoall the computers in your classroom and scares the students into payingattention because what person doesn’t freak out when someone starts listingtheir personal information on their screen???
           -High school dance teacher?
           -Are you his soulmate MC becauseit’s really feeling like it
           -He’s a dancer himself! (though hedoesnt practice it often)
           -So he always offers to be yourpartner on days you’re teaching couple’s dances!
           -He can tell how much effort andpassion you put into helping these kids learn the art
           -You absolutely radiate warmth andexcitement if your class holds a recital
           -But kids will be kids, which meanssometimes there are attitudes thrown around
           -Some days you feel as if you get norespect, and they do whatever they want to do, and it breaks not only yourheart but your spirit as well and he will not stand for it
           -He’s very good at lecturing, andseeming nice with a threatening undertone. So when he catches something likethis happening, you can bet he’s in front of the class, pouring his heart outabout how much respect you deserve for all of your hard work and they shape upreal quick every time this happens. So he kisses you on the forehead and letsyou keep teaching
           -You work with little kids all day?
           -Why would you wanna do that toyourself jfc
           -You’re always looking at cute, kidcrafts and he kind of wants to try them but he’ll never tell you that
           -Very very afraid to visit yourclass because? He’s scary, he doesn’t want the little kids to be afraid of him
           -But they WEREN’T. AT ALL. He couldfeel his heart melting at how much they actually liked him like holy crap MC iwanna come visit every day
           -The two of you are the power teamat story time, everyone is completely enthralled with the story, voices, andhow you act them out
           -When you first told him that youwere a teacher for little kids, it made complete sense to him. You’re so sweetand kind and patient and bubbly and it just cliCKED WOW MC YOU ARE A TEACHER
           -But kids have tantrums, and shortattention spans, and they’re very stubborn, so if you have a rough day, youactually have to calm him down instead saeran you cant threaten the childrenits okay im just tired ill be fine
           -The two of you have naps on thoserough days, he’ll rub your shoulders to help you relax, and he actually goesout of his way to look up things for your lesson plan the next day!
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yoursalwaysfics · 8 years
ok question have you seen this "killing stalking" thing thats apparently the Hip New Problématique thing on tubmlr bc i havent actually looked at the manhwa itself (prob never will) but i took a gander at the tag and ive seen glimpses of the fandom and all i have to say is Wow but like. in a bad way. (also apparently ppl are comparing it to yoi?? idgi??)
*deep sigh* okay, so here’s the thing… (this might be a longer answer than you bargained for, but it needs to be said)
yes, I’ve seen it (I’m usually willing to give the latest bandwagon a shot just to see if it’s something I could also be into). I just finished chapter 12 today. KS is a train wreck, but not necessarily in a bad way (aside from the extremely obvious). it’s gruesome and horrifying and makes your skin crawl and your stomach turn but you can’t look away. it is definitely not for the faint of heart. that being said, it’s not bad. as a story, it’s intense and draws you in (if you can handle the heavier parts). the characters are incredibly flawed but incredibly well developed and written. the art is also very interesting (and I really like it tbh). the style is really bold and a big step away from what I usually see in manhwa.
but it absolutely is not comparable to YOI and should not be.
yoi gave us so many things that a lot of people have been frothing at the mouth for, namely beautiful animation, music, and a healthy, open, unfetishized same-sex relationship. 
a lot of people looking for the next big thing to ship (looking at all the fujoshi out there) jumped over to KS for the wrong reasons. the main characters in KS (Yoonbum and Sangwoo) should not be shipped. the comic makes no excuses or tries to cover up the fact that their relationship (and I use that term very loosely here) is incredibly unhealthy and abusive and manipulative. it is not a romance. it’s not even tagged as one. it is an unapologetic psychological horror. there is literally no redemption story here. if there is any justice, it will end badly with one or both of them either dead or in jail.
that’s mostly what I wanted to say about it, but I’m going to add one more little bit about mental illness depicted in KS, and this can totally be skipped over because it’s just my observation and personal opinion on the subject (this is mostly just if any of you have read or decide to check out KS, because I see a lot of people questioning and confused by some behavior that, to me, is very understandable, so it’s just a bit of perspective):
in chapter 1, we find out that Yoonbum has bpd (borderline personality disorder). this is a disorder that I also have. I knew the basics of KS going into it and was immediately put off because bpd is often portrayed horribly and all I could think was “fuck, yet another perpetuation that we’re crazy and/or dangerous” and I really considered quitting the series right then and there. but I continued on (mostly out of spite) because I wanted to make an argument that this was not how bpd actually is. 
I wanted to be angry at it, I wanted to hate it, but as I kept reading it…I couldn’t. because as horrible as it is, it’s really spot on. it’s an excellent depiction of the darker side of mental illness that lately we try not to talk about by basically saying “not all mentally ill” when the fact is…yeah, absolutely not all, not even most, but some. Yoonbum and Sangwoo are what can happen when two very disturbed and damaged people come together and have their personalities play off of each other with terrible consequences for literally everyone involved. it’s rare, but it can and does happen. there’s plenty of recorded history of it involving serial killers.
and about Yoonbum’s bpd: again, I wanted to be mad about how it was portrayed, but I just couldn’t. for those not familiar, bpd basically boils down to a mood disorder that results in unstable moods, behaviors, and relationships. it usually comes with an intense fear of rejection and abandonment (real or perceived) in addition to the mood swings. there’s also often a big problem with either idolizing someone or completely devaluing them (and sometimes swinging between the two with the same person). there’s a lot more to it (and if you’re interested, you can read a little more about the basics here) but with Yoonbum, when it comes down to it, as much as I wanted to say “that’s not how it is”…I can’t. the author obviously either has/knows someone with/or did a lot of research on bpd, because if I’m being completely honest with myself, if I didn’t have a partner who was as aware and supportive and understanding as I do, I could easily see myself ending up in a situation similar to Yoonbum (hopefully minus the murder).
bpd can wreak havoc on your personal relationships. I have very few people who I can call my friends because most people can’t deal with my instability (and I don’t blame them at all, it’s a lot to ask someone to accept). a lot of my familial relationships are shallow and strained because people just don’t understand why I act the way I do, despite my best efforts to be “normal”. you feel worthless and will look for anyone to validate you and give you some sort of purpose (I know from personal experiences, most of which were very bad and did much more harm than good). so I really lucked out to end up with someone chill enough to not only help ground me but also someone who pushes me to find purpose in myself instead of in him/other people.
it’s very easy for me to relate to and understand Yoonbum because I could have very easily been him. he’s not innocent in this. he’s not 100% a victim here. very poor choices on his part put him in a situation that is now out of his control. but I will say, as someone who struggles with and fights against similar thoughts and feelings, sometimes it is extremely difficult not to act on the sudden impulses and irrational thinking like he did. and seeing as he apparently had none of even what support I’ve been able to find, I’m not surprised at all by any of his behavior.
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