#wowza >- bumblebee
doux-mirages · 2 years
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They are coming to wheeljack your gender :]
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What if a superhero accidentally killed a villian? How does the crew react to that?
Wowza, uhmm there are a lot of layers to this question and I'm very glad you asked it.
1. Who the villain was- what kind of villain was killed? What kind of crimes did the villain commit?
Obviously if the villain was a serial killer his/her death wouldn't be as much as a scandal if (s)he were a common burglar.
And they wouldn't mourn Starro's death the way they would if they killed Catwoman. Since Catwoman is human with a human mind.
If they killed a brainless monster or a being of destruction the heroes as a whole wouldn't mourn as much. Maybe a bit of regret but to them Starro's death would be equal to the death of a deer. Or maybe even a rabies infested dog. Most likely killing Starro would be a victory.
If they killed Catwoman, who is human they would all be terribly guilt-ridden. Same for any of the other villains. I wouldn't be surprised if they fell into a state of depression. Of course how hard they take it depends on the rest of the questions.
If they killed a common burglar- a petty thief- they'd be absolutely horrified. They'd question their morality, they'd be miserable. And depressed. But this also depends on the rest of the questions.
If they, by chance, kill a serial killer they'd be able to justify to themselves. That 'way goes around comes around'. They'd still feel terrible but it wouldn't be the same as the scenario above.
2. When did it happened?
Did it happen during the day? The night? People are more vulnerable at night and daytime can add detail to the memory of the kill.
Did it happen before the villains scheme to go into action? After?
If it's after, and if the scheme is nefarious like...say, letting Metropolis get destroyed by a meteor then it's likely that the sting of killing someone wouldn't be as terrible as if it was before the villain did anything and we're still technically innocent.
3. Who killed the villain?
Okay this may seem weird but depending on who did it the reactions of the killer and the team can be very different.
If Diana did it the team might fall apart because Diana would definitely fall apart. Diana, at heart, believes that most people are good. And strives to protect them. If she were the cause of another's death no matter how terrible the person she'd come undone. The team might follow her example or strive to help her amend her mistakes.
If Jess did it she'd be a total wreck. After all after becoming a superhero her pacifist ideas have loosened a bit. She went from avoiding and actively discouraging violence to getting involved and actively protecting. (Remember the misgiving tree? She mourned a tree.) She'd shut in, depression would claim her. She might even forfeit the ring and refuse to become a hero ever again. The team would try to convince her otherwise but she is pretty stubborn. Of course the reaction would greatly depend on the rest of the questions.
If Zee did it she'd be completely blindsided and fears her had pushed aside will come back full force. Fears of her magic, of her own darkness. Depending on the degree of the criminal her response will very much vary. If it's a petty crime she'll be a wreck. Same if it's the popular villain gang. But if it's a serial killer or something she might pretend to brush it off. Pretend to believe her friends consolation. Pretend she doesn't feel guilty. But it would eat her up and she would self-destruct. The other variables will also be mentioned later. The girls would react accordingly seeing through her acting and trying their best to help her move past it.
If Kara did it it would bring a lot of darkness. All of the times someone called her evil or dark or stupid will consume her an either...she will believe it or she will rise from it. This largely depends on who she kills and how she does it's and how the girls react to it. The girls reactions will range from supportive to worried for her.
If Babs did it her whole mindset would shift. Maybe she'd become dark and gloomy. Maybe she'd become paranoid after all her father is a cop. Maybe she'd numb herself to the guilt. Of course this largely depends on who she kills. If it's a petty thief she'd definitely throw in the towel or at least seriously question her worth as a superhero. Same if she kills the popular villain gang. A serial killer (this is just an example) or Starro would just grey up her mind set not quite enough to take down her will to do good. A lot also depends on the other questions. Her team would be terrified for her, after all Babs isn't Babs without her excited smile and will to do good...but they'd be supportive if not overly protective. Just like they would for the rest.
If Karen does it I don't even know what will happen. She is so complex and has anxiety and is angry, it's hard to pinpoint exactly how she'd react. Especially since she's so human and contradictory. An enigma. But I think it the death can be justified it will be. Karen is very practical. But then again her anxiety might kick in and bring with it depression. She might find herself as lacking, think everyone hates her. I don't doubt that the SHG squad would work hard to put her at ease and protect her from her own thoughts.
4. How was the villain killed?
This is also an essential question to ask yourself when imagining the girls reactions.
Please imagine this:
Don't read if you are the squamish type.
Batgirl slitting a villains throat with a throwing knife.
Now... Zee sending them to another dimension in where they can't breath the air and die.
Both terrible gruesome deaths, right? But how come Babs' scenario sounds so much worse? It's more personal, a blade stained with blood is more vivid then a (wo)man disappearing and never returning, isn't it?
If the villain- forget the level of evilness- was strangled to death by the lasso (intentional or not) it would be deemed worse than one superpunch to the head...worse than instant death.
It's simply deemed worse when a person suffers before their death. Simple as that. It's also worse when you can see the death or when it's ugly- like a super shock to the brain (courtesy of Bumblebee) would be less scarring to see then having your intestines ripped out.
5. What was at stake?
This is a curious question. One often overlooked but it's actually very important.
If the kill was done as many civilian lives were at risk the kill can be seen or even interpreted as something heroic. If the kill was done by someone who was torturing people or holding hostages than it can be see as if the death was nesecary even.
But if the kill was flat out without saving other lives it isn't as 'acceptable'.
Hey, don't look at me! The human mind is weird.
6. Was it purposeful or accidental?
Okay obviously if the death was purposeful there is going to be slim chances of redemption or even regret. In fact if it's purposeful it shifts from kill to murder. Which is bad. (Though I can't see this ever happening)
If it's accidental then there's a lot of emotional turmoil. And pain and regret. It will be a long road to recovery if it's even possible- knowing these girls they will bounce back- and even longer or shorter considering the other mentioned aspects.
(I'm just adding this for anyone wondering but don't worry I remember the question. 😁)
7. Where there any witnesses?
The media and the view of others can grandly affect how the SHG squad heal.
If the media paint them as hero's depending on the circumstances they might bring to believe it or it will in turn make them feel more guilt. A life is a life after all.
If the media paint them as dangerous vigilante threats (as no doubt Lex Luthor would try) then either they'd get on the defensive (insisting it wasn't their fault), believe and submit to the public opinion (like Kara has done before), or become bitter and forget their original mission to do good.
Media and the public opinion can greatly support or hinder their overcoming of the death.
Also, having another account of what happened can warp how the killer remembers the kill. That's why in investigations the detectives don't like when witnesses discuss what they saw to each other since it might alter the memory.
8. Was the villain more at fault for the death or the hero?
This is pretty straightforward.
Did the villain trip over Wonder Woman's lasso and tumbled to their death? Or did the villain misuse one of Batgirls gadgets and blow themselves up?
If so, the heroes aren't truly at fault. Just maybe partially responsible.
And I have no doubt the SHG squad will recognize this and support the hero sort of responsible for the death.
9. Was the villain already injured before the fight? Or was the hero?
This is kind of a weird question, right?? Well it can be a real game changer. If the villain- say they are human- was already dying of cancer it might not seem as terrible. Or if the hero was sort of drugged and that affected their performance than can they truly be held accountable for their actions? (OF COURSE) Like isn't it the drugs fault that Kara wasn't able to fully control her strength or that Babs' aim was muddled?
Of course it doesn't excuse the death, of course not. But now there's an excuse. Something to blame.
Same if the villain came out with an injury. Is it truly the hero's fault that the villain wasn't as capable for the fight as usual?
It might seem silly and morally dubious but it is a legitimate factor that would come to play in their moral crisis. After all human minds seeks to justify their actions, even the purest and goodest (yes, I said 'goodest'. Deal with it) of minds do that.
10. What emotions were involved?
This is truly a game changer.
Was Zee angry when she cast the curse?
Was Kara angry when she threw the punch?
Was Diana angry when she attacked her opponent?
Was Babs angry when she aimed the blade?
Was Karen angry when she aimed dher blasters?
Was Jess angry when she fought the villain?
That anger can be confused by themselves in the fight as murderous intent. Anger or any negative emotion can be confused as hope for the villains harm.
If the reason for the fight was revenge than the SHG killer would think themselves evil. Which will affect them greatly.
So.... that's that. In case you didn't know kill means to take a life. While murder means to take a life with malicious intent.
Thanks for being patient!!
Note: I know this was long and a short reply was probably expected but I really liked your Ask and how complex it was and I wanted to make sure it was paid the proper amount of attention.
Happy day!!
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lickmeleclerc · 6 years
|Me Before You| T.H au
Pairing: Tom Holland x Female reader
Summary: Y/n Clark couldn’t help the overwhelming feeling of being out of her element. She couldn’t fight the battle between what to say and what not to say. She would’t dare offend her new employer's son. The need to help her family since her father’s job loss kept her here. Tom Holland was a rather sarcastic fellow, who wouldn’t be in this state. But as his true colors are shown & Y/n becomes determined to show him that life is still lovable, feeling start to blossom. 
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: Based off the film Me Before You (hence the title) Tom is au as Will Trainer’s character so he is paralyzed from the waist down. I do not own any rights to the film or to the actors.
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“Look at me please. Please look at me.” He whispers. You can feel the the vibrations of his chest as he speaks and the soft thud of his heart beat.
“I can’t.” Your voice cracks as the tears are already fastly cascading down your cheeks. You don’t want to move, you don’t want time to keep ticking along. All you want to think about is him. About the memories the last six months have brought with Tom. With the snarky remarks and the lazy days inside. You didn’t want to be in reality in the present but wanted to relive the past.
“Come on darlin. I want to see your face, even if it’s all red and blotchy.” He speaks again and a painful laugh falls from your lips as you sit up and let him see you. His brown eyes scan over your features and the pain in his chest, a different pain that what he’s felt ever since the accident. It’s an emotional pain he can’t bear. All he does is try to lean in closer toward you. He can’t do much but you know him well enough and lean in closing he gap. The kiss is soft and filled with love, almost making this situation worse. You know he loves you. And he knows too well how much you love him. Your soft cheeks touch his and you can feel the soft stubble coming back. The memory plays in your head when you first talked him into shaving, it was your first intimate moment with him. And you didn’t even know how important it’d become to you. You shake the sad thoughts and get lost in the kiss. 
Tom Holland has never in his life met someone quite like you. So full of life and so eager to smile. Maybe it was the first meeting when he pulled his jaw weird and held his eyes wide open as he moaned like he was dying. His test he’d pulled on all the  people his mother tried to hire. You didn’t look appalled just confused. And you still held a smile, even if it looked more painful to hold you did it. Just like you’re doing as you look at him right now, holding a smile even if you’d rather not.  
Tom has never had a girl be so invested in his life, in keeping him alive than you have. When you waltzed in the room that day in what seemed like a costume more than an outfit he honestly found himself laughing. The horses spread across your attire held so many sarcastic comments but the joy in your eyes as you explained the day to him. He couldn’t say them. He went for you. Even when he could walk he hated walking into the stadium to bet on horses and sit for hours in the  hot sun only for the chances to hardly be in his families favor. 
When you showed up with the symphony tickets Tom realized he actually was taking a liking to the girl with colorful outfits who didn’t do much but work and spend time with her family. When you entreated the room that night an Harrison, his nurse, let out a wowza, he knew as soon as he laid his chocolate eyes on you he’d be falling fast. And he was right. The red dress laid beautifully on your figure and there was the 100 watt smile plastered on your face. He’d wanted to ask if your cheeks ever hurt from all the smiling.
“Loose the scarf.” He’d said trying to keep up his wall. He couldn’t be falling in Love he thought to himself.
“Tom Holland, only you would tell a girl how to wear a red dress.” You’d laughed and slid it from around your neck gently. In moments like this you weren’t being cocky or overly confident, it just didn’t register with you that four eyes were on you. The symphony was full when you arrived and Tom couldn’t fully enjoy himself from something pricking his neck. You’d discovered it’s a tag and without any scissors leaned up and bit the tag removing it. The look up surprise on Tom’s face had you chuckle.
“Thank god it wasn’t on your trousers.” You say as the show begins. Tom then realizes maybe you just don’t care what people think, you’re just truly you. And that is a lovable quality.
The wedding invitation may open on the table. Tom’s old work make was marrying his ex girlfriend. The girlfriend he’d pushed away after the accident. He’d invited to take you somewhere. A third date with Tom. The boy you couldn’t deny the feelings growing. As you determined to make his life so amazing he’d want to keep it, you agreed to go. While there he called you beautiful for the first time. A memory you’d always cherish.
 “Why don’t you say you give me a whirl.” You surprise him with suggestion as you say gently on his lap. As he wheels to the dance floor you can help but laugh happily as he spins you in circles.
“Are they all looking on disgusted?” He asks with a laugh of his own. It’s deep in his belly and you can feel it’s a true laugh. You nod still laughing but not breaking eye contact wit him.
“Take me away, let’s go somewhere just you and I.” Another suggestion from your lips that shocks him. He didn’t think he could have a girl have feelings for him in this state. Maybe maybe for just a moment you’ve convinced him. That is until the next morning when you return from a night spent in a hotel he came down with a bad case of pneumonia. His fourth case within two years.
You’d planned for two weeks, you’d thought of all the worse case scenarios and even got Harrison on board for this holiday. The Indian Ocean Islands it was. The Holland’s agreed to it and even though they’ve never spoken it they appreciate all your efforts. If anyone could had done it, it would have been you. The holiday was lovely. Tom and you shared your first kiss. It was while a storm was heavy outside and you left the doors open to watch it. It was after a long day on the beach sunbathing. The next day he’d encouraged you to scuba dive. To try new things. And it was then both you and Tom stopped fighting your feelings. It was when Tom confessed about his plans to end his life.
“I know Tom.” You said simply smiling at him as you expected him to explain how he’d changed his mind.
“I gave my parents six months. And when I get back....I’m going to Switzerland.” He surprises you with your words. To hold a smile still would weigh too much. It dropped and tears held heavy in your eyes.
“No no no Tom.” Was all that would slip out. You clung to his chest and let the tears land on his shirt.
“I can’t give you what I should be able to Y/n. Hell I can’t even wipe your tears right now. I can’t vacation with you, I could never be what you deserve. You’ll miss out and I’ll only hold you back.” He tries to start you to understand. You pick up your head shaking it back and forth not caving. You could never agree with this.
“Y/n I can’t even do. God what I wish I could do to you right now, I can’t.” He speaks again after you kiss him softly. A small laugh leaves his lips they’re still close to yours and his hot breath fans across your face.
“No please.” You manage one last time as he continues to try and explain his decision.
At first you were mad. You wouldn’t talk to him or even look at him as you traveled back home. But after speaking with your sister she explained how wrong it would be if you weren’t by his side. He’d ask you come with him well on holiday but you couldn’t bare the thought. But that was past and now reality seeps in. You’re not in his flat or on holiday or at a symphony. You’re laying on his chest in Switzerland as it’s about to happen. As the steady heart beat you feel will soon stop and the love of your life won’t be here to love you back anymore. No more kisses, no more laughs, no more memories.
“I’m going to kidnap you.” You speak after pulling away from the kiss. The kiss that sparked so many thought. He smiles up at you and his heart swells. Y/n Clark always one to stay positive in the worst of situations. Always one to make jokes. Always one to still be able to smile while crying.
“Where will we go?” Tom questions wishing he could run his hand down your back to calm you down and wipe the endless tears from your eyes. He could even come to the conclusion of self loathing because he couldn’t do that for you, he can’t do anything for you. And that is what helps him to not change his mind. You don’t deserve this kind of life.
“Paris.” You answer. The one word sentence doesn’t need more detail. He knows the reference. As he squeezes his eyes shut he imagines the two of you sitting across from each other in those chairs that never sit level on the pavement. It’s hot out but there’s a nice breeze. As you both sip your cups of strong coffee and spread raspberry jam with unsalted butter on a fresh croissant. He’d find himself reaching a hand across the table to hold yours and all the pretty french girls trying to give him the eye he’d ignore. He’d only look at you with love and adoration and happiness. Even though in his mind he was facing you, he had no doubt your legs would be clad in the bumblebee striped tights. A smile is held on his face, his eyes closed. And that is how he spends his last moments. You in his arms, the feeling of your breath on his chest and the thought of Paris with you outside his favorite cafe.
A/N: Okay so this isn’t my best I just love this movie ok like I wish I wrote this movie tbh 
Tagging Mutuals: @lovelyh0lland @spidersgeek @beautiful-holland @secretly-spider-man @spideykisses @cherryhollands @parkerstan
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mejomonster · 7 years
my creativity has been at 1000% lately
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demonphannie · 7 years
dan and phil - march 2017
first week (1-7): phil tweets a cool sketch (and also a vague hat fic ref..) and it turns out they went to a really cool restaurant (expensive dates anyone?). new gaming video: FIFTY SHADES OF NEIGH - Dan and Phil play: My Horse Prince #2. phil liveshow! (highlights: oscars party, dan and phil are having a creepshot war, forgetful little guy forgot to tweet, for pancake day they got pancakes delivered, giving away a lot of clothes to charity, extraterrestrial dan makes an appearance, wholesome howell, he almost bought a goldfish). phil tweets about the nintendo switch cartridges.. an apocalypse on the horizon tbh. a calm before the storm.. what in slow motion :( dan tosses a hat on phil’s head. new gaming video: LICKING NINTENDO SWITCH GAME CARTRIDGES. (reaction: many very upset!) dan laughs in the face of tomska. dan’s mii likes winking. new gaming video: 1-2-Switch - DAN vs. PHIL! (so much better than the last). the dan and phil residence has a lovely banana scent. dan stole a dog.. thank you god. dan liveshow! (highlights: dan is not a blanket person, so he petted his neighbors’ dog earlier for an hour and he loves it so much and 10/10 would recommend watching him ramble about the dog what the heck, nintendo rejected them, he won’t apologize for the licking cartridges video, dan would join the golf lifestyle aka he wants to be a rich white suburban mum, not straightening hair is enjoyable, they take turns cooking or just don’t cook for each other, decisions with rock paper scissors because they are adults, creepshot war, dan loves moonlight). 
second week (8-14): international women’s day tweets (dan + phil). new gaming video: HAVING A BLAST - Dan and Phil play: Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes. phil liveshow! (highlights: productive day, gifts for his friend haul, he got big hands, the blue switch controller is his because it’s his color… red and blue theory is real, he is definitely getting a dog at some point, more of a dog person, had lunch with hazel hayes then met up with dan to sign posters, he likes ducks, he’s having yogurt instead of cereal in the morning who is phil lester anymore?, he is not good at angles). dan’s grandma saw a gross comment on one of dan’s videos. phil teases a new video from him with a dove emoji and people freaked out. new gaming video (in lieu of a phil video): We hAVE to SHOUT to juMP??! - Dan vs. Phil: YASUHATI Don’t Stop Eighth Note. dan has a harrowing experience with a dead bumblebee. new amazingphil video: Why I can’t go back to the gym.. . dan let’s us know he was the first to hear this horrific story of phil’s. PHIL GETS FOUR MILLION SUBS ON YOUTUBE. dan liveshow! (wowza phil hit four million subscribers what a cultural landmark, went to a sushi dinner with pals earlier, he loved his zen garden dessert, dan was so ANGERY about phil’s gym incident, his rant is reminiscent of rich white suburban mum.. i’m sensing a trend, his next video was something he made for himself, kickthepj is a dick with no talent, ANNOUNCEMENT DAN AND PHIL ARE ATTENDING PLAYLIST LIVE THIS YEAR, dan believes love is real, dan loves chanel by frank ocean :), phil is a weirdo magnet, dan accidentally calls phil’s trainer by his real name, nature is cool, hydrate, meditate, contemplate, try to get a mate). 
week three (15-21): pj calls dan out for being a dick with no socks, dan and phil as one drink.. thanks phil. new gaming video: Making Eliza PREGNANT - Dan and Phil Play: Sims 4 #37 (one of the better sims imo). phil liveshow! (smells like a marshmallow, edited his last video to perfection, phil printed out a six pack instead of using the apron, he got a lot of sweat bands, tentacle friend in the sea of his imagination is a yes, he likes corgis and sausage dogs, they stayed up to watch firefly, he wiped the camera with a glasses wipe, he likes tattoos but the permanence is too much of a commitment, he likes how he looks in yellow, thinking of getting laser eye surgery and does not care about if people like him in glasses). new danisnotonfire video: Internet Support Group 9 (lots of #drama over it including dan replies on twitter and eventually stops the conversation with a sad tweet about the bee movie.. i wasn’t there for the drama so i don’t really know much about it but the was probably the best isg so i truly don’t understand the drama.. w/e). dan’s sad firefly was cancelled. dan continues to get bee movie emails now. new gaming video: CHOKE ME HORSEY - Dan and Phil play: My Horse Prince #3. phil can’t sleep because he thinks justin bieber is a lizard. phil is in love with the horse prince.. confirmed. dan replies to hank green about the restricted mode on youtube i am alive and living! dan and phil release more plushies and a nice picture of them. dan liveshow! (highlights: sad goth, he is responsible for many lesbian hookups, a scandal in five years, he’s gonna get ‘me and phil’ tattooed on his forehead, he likes get out, my horse prince will end in one long video, daniel lester good suggestion *snort*, sucking balls might not be a bad thing, he feels cool wearing black, just because you’re a fan doesn’t mean you can’t have opinions, audience does not make him cringe, dan is 7/10 weird, schools separated by gender are dumb because sexual attraction and all that shiz and toxic masculinity, you don’t have to use labels for your sexuality, he blushed hard when someone said they were dansexual). wow goth thumbnails for the liveshow. phil had a bare pear scare (which dan retweeted because support ya know). 
week four and extra days (22-31): phil watched a weird video but then made a salty remark about the restricted mode on youtube i am alive and living! dan got a fake burrito salad. new gaming video: DUMB WAYS TO DIE - Dan vs. Phil! (interlude: cornelia and martyn pose for great shirt promo pics). little red riding phil (also a deer and a banana). someone nice lookin met phil at the train station. phil was a bit shocked by the british summer time. dan confirms he walks around in his underwear when it is warm enough that is so good to know thank you for this information. new gaming video: 14 YEAR OLD PHIL’S GAME - Dan and Phil Play: The Mark Of Oxin! dan wishes to give all the awards to 14 year old phil’s rpg. dan is also shocked by british summer time. happy mothers day from phil (i love you cath). new gaming video: THE BEST GAME EVER MADE - Dan and Phil Play: The Mark of Oxin #2 (END) (wow i wonder who came up with the title.. but honestly these are some of the best gaming videos ever.. 80 minutes well spent). two pretty people meet dan and phil (one, two, three). dan and phil ask for 7 second challenges and post one of dan exercising. phil sort of complains about the doggo that lives under them but also wants more doggos.. dogbaiting is real. new amazingphil video: My DNA Test Results. joint liveshow! (highlights: dan lives in space but jumpscared phil, both got haircuts from fabrice and there are rules that phil gets to do his first because he wants the small talk and they have the same lives so their small talk is the same, dan thinks gifs are ugly in tweets, curling phil’s hair for #content, dan is forced to clean us, they have been busy, phil ordered flowers for his mum but put his address instead so they now have flowers, dan is pollinating all over the shop, wholesome lester, dan looks like a meatball, they played club penguin, dan would be sad if phil died.. duh, they got these little books and dan got one about a shibe and phil got one about his cactus, they are either not wearing proper bottom attire or they don’t want to show their butts because when either of them gets up they have to turn the camera away.. it seemed like phil was wearing jeans and dan was covered in a blanket whom really knows, phil says blue exorcist 2 three times because dan was being loud and it’s the best moment in the world it’s at 42:15 if ya wanna give it a watch, they are gonna be busy doing stuff the next few weeks). cute thumbnail tweeted by dan. so dan and phil visited the youtube illuminati and there were just so many pictures heck! (one two three four five six seven eight nine ten)
march was nice👌🏼💯why⁉️do💩dan and phil👬😈do so much🔥😩
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oftheredmoon · 8 years
Nalu, sinsere, gruvia, juhaku, freezerburn
WOWZA THIS IS A LOT!! Alrighty:•Nalu- D+ (I'm neutral on it) *I used to hate it but now I've kinda adapted to the fact that its gonna be endgame so I don't hate it but I'm not crazy about it*•Sinsere- F (NOTP) *Don't even get me started yall* •Gruvia- C+ (It's cute but I don't ship it) *It's obvious they care about each other a lot and thats cute but I wasn't really taken in by it that much*•Juhaku- A+ (OTP) *BRO BRO BRO BRO BRO*•Freezerburn- D (I don't really like it) *This is probably due to the fact that my OTP is Bumblebee, but at the same time I don't think Weiss and Yang have had enough interaction for me to consider shipping them... despite the fact that they're on the same team and stuff... maybe if I saw a little more action between them I would consider LIKING it*~SHIP RATING ASK MEME~
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cuteflowermination · 5 years
i finally watched bumblebee today, and...
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