#wraparound tube
upmheatshrink · 4 months
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Wraparound heat shrink repair sleeve and cold shrink tubing
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heatshrinktube · 13 days
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UPM Heat Shrink Factory Front View.Our factory occupied a area like ū type, a “U” type plus “—” ,welcome to visit us.
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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Lincoln Indianapolis (one-off). 
With its sextet of faux, side-mounted exhaust pipes, proboscis-like front end and aircraft-style wraparound screens, the one-off design study looks eye-poppingly futuristic even today – so imagine how extreme it must have seemed when the wraps were first pulled off it at the Turin International Automobile Show in 1955.As is often the case with such ‘concepts’ the design was created in double-quick time, flowing from the pen of Gian Paolo Boano, the talented 20-something son of the celebrated coachbuilder and former Ghia boss Felice Mario Boano. Boano senior only founded Carrozzeria Boano in 1954, but Gian Paolo had an ex-Ford friend who suggested that, if the Boanos could create a dramatic and futuristic design based on FoMoCo underpinnings, it might serve as a starting point for establishing a potentially lucrative arrangement between the fledgling firm and the giant manufacturer.
Gian Paolo was thus handed a Lincoln chassis – Lincoln being Ford’s luxury marque – and set to work creating large-scale sketches that he and the carrozzeria’s skilled craftsman brought to life using a combination of steel tubing and sheet metal. The hugely exaggerated hood was flanked by suitably long wheel arches (or ‘fenders’ in U.S. speak) that each held twin stacked headlamps and culminated in shrouds from which those fake exhaust tips ostentatiously protruded.
The feature was balanced by forward-facing air vents set into door-mounted cowlings that flowed seamlessly into the rear wings which, in turn, book-ended a sloping tail that made the roof seem even more ‘canopy’ like to reinforce the design’s aviation influences.
The 2+2-seater ‘cockpit’ was trimmed, chequered flag-style in black and white and featured a wraparound dashboard and bucket seats separated by a prominent, stepped centre console. And, just to make sure Boano’s futuristic creation didn’t go un-noticed, its already dramatic bodywork was finished in a coat of flaming orange paint.
With Carrozzeria Boano being based just a few miles west of Turin, it was an easy job to get the freshly-finished, freshly-named ‘Indianapolis Exclusive Study’ to the 37th Salone dell'Automobile, where it wowed the crowds and provided visiting motoring journalists with ready copy. Auto Age magazine even made it the cover star of its November issue, teasing its readers with the tantalising caption: “Is this the next Lincoln?”
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sreppub · 1 year
please tell us all of your floor plan gripes bc SAME
Before we begin:
i'm sure the original artist was just having fun with it. i am also having fun!
there's absolutely no shame in liking this design and using it for inspiration as is!
honestly once i had some dinner and did some yoga, i lost my interest in ranting about something silly but it seems like a lot of writers were excited to have a visual reference, so maybe this will be interesting to - someone? 😂
inspired by one of my favourite blogs of all time: @/mcmansionhell
I do appreciate that the fireplaces line up. 🔥
this plan was never meant to be in scale, nor does it include all the practical things like washrooms, closets, and stairs. be honest, would you care about these things in your silly batman comic? :P
I tried not to dwell on practicalities, but on things that I think do matter for a "set" and creating scenes. Is all. At a Wayne gala, is it easy or hard for child Tim to stumble into the library and meet Jason? What absolutely floors reporter Clark Kent when he comes inside the house, and what nooks and crannies does Brucie drag him into to make out? What's Alfred's day like?
Main Floor, Basement, Exterior
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As mentioned by several others, one (1) half-bathroom for the entire first and basement floors. Interesting choice.
Weird afterthought facade
Clapboard. How is this not full gorgeous masonry.
Disappointing tiny foyer. Double height space, excellent opportunity for a feature staircase with a wraparound mezzanine, and the only thing up above is a tiny elevator lobby. There is NO space in this foyer for 9 year old Dickie to destroy a chandelier in.
That private study gotta be stuffy and dark with no windows. It better be because the clock batcave entrance is behind it, unmarked on the plan for secrecy.
The entrance to the huge mega parlor is so tight and small because of that stair 😫
My understanding of a parlour is a sitting room, no? Pour parler? Even a large parlour should be cozy and sized intimately, like... couches and a bar for a dozen people, max. I don't spend a lot of times in houses with parlours, so I could be wrong.
All of the hosting rooms clustered together makes sense. Then there's the dining room. "30-45" people need to shuffle through the tiny foyer to be seated for dinner.
Dining room so fuckin far from the kitchen
Little Jason Todd needs walk all the way from his bedroom in Siberia to the foyer stairs, make a U-turn, walk through the creepy echoey empty parlor and down the creepy echoey empty ballroom stairs to get to the library. this is discrimination.
Getting to the pool is super inconvenient from the residential level lol. Or anywhere really
Dr Wayne's Office, sure. Rather large for a single doctor, but maybe he had reception, storage, multiple suites, staff?
The hallways would feel like hamster tubes lol. Maybe old houses are just like that idk
There's no family-sized kitchen, dining room, den.... Just the big party ones.
You can fit three laundromats in that laundry room
Second Floor
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Secretary's office? For what? And why on the residential floor? My best guess (I know little about old timey manors) is a touchdown office for administrative staff and guests - accountants, lawyers, Wayne Enterprises/Foundation staff... no idea.
It's cool that the residential level has a mezzanine overlooking the parlor, but feels... small.
These bedrooms are stupidly big. I could give benefit of the doubt and assume the bedrooms include unmarked ensuites, a study, whatever; but not when it explicitly says Jason has a twin bed and a desk. That room is bigger than my comfortable 2BR apartment.
Crazy long "Main Bath" (and again, not enough for five rooms). Although I suppose Dick doesn't have to share it with Jason for very long...
There are staff areas, but no staff residences. The oversized guest suites?? Or... perhaps they have to commute to change Bruce's linens? (yes, it's only Alfred now, but like. When the Ancestral Waynes lived here.)
The attic was renovated later into Bruce's living space. Presumably Guest Bed #1 was the former Master Bedroom? maybe?
Third Floor
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Bruce renovated this himself so i’m allowed to roast him for it
Three balconies??? Three???? And they're ALL absurdly sized. Bruce is pale like a ghost. They are only for being dropped off by superman and kissing him goodnight.
Private video library?? He has a couple Blockbuster's worths of surveillance tapes or something?
The path for guests to go to that meeting room is so long and so winding and they have to walk though the residential spaces???
Future expansion with storage?????? For WHAT Bruce??????
The elevators don't go up here?????
Okay imagine this. Tiny Dickie has a nightmare. If there’s anything I learned from fanfic, he’s going to find Bruce’s room and sneak into his bed for crying and cuddles. If he can fucking make it there.
I think Bruce just finishes some renovations on the attic and then he accidentally adopts a child who goes fucking missing for a DAY because he went looking for Bruce one night and got LOST, and then Bruce moves back down to the family wing
Pinterest boards, man, i love pin boards so much
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adultswim2021 · 4 months
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Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job #42: “Puberty” | March 8, 2010 - 12:30AM | S05E02
Tim and Eric explore the saltier side of growing up in “Puberty”, an episode that is roughly thematic. The wraparounds for this episode involve Eric going through puberty, resulting in a deeper voice (augmented with the high-tech computers found at Abso Lutely studios), and a fresh new mound of pubic hair bulging out of his khaki shorts. The set is a treehouse, Tim & Eric's hangout and what would turn out to be the last vestige of their respective boyhoods. Thanks to Eric’s raging hormones, these halcyon days are in severe jeopardy, with Eric feeling very ready to replace his childish playtime with sexual encounters with cheap, disgusting women. Will their partnership survive?
The cold open of the show is for a nightmarish children’s “toy” called the Cinco I-Jammer, which children can engage with by e-bumping. E-bumping seems like it’s just a direct dopamine-spiker by way of a high-pitched frequency that creepily causes the children’s eyes to roll back into their heads. It’s also equipped with “Oh-Hungee”, which is a tube that deposits a bland-looking gruel into children’s bare hands. Kids are encouraged by the ad to replace their parents’ meals with “oh-hungee”. The ad is effective in mimicking hyper-active commercials aimed at children as well as giving off a trademark Tim & Eric style sinister vibe. 
I like this one quite a bit. The little girl in the ad who has most of the lines is a very funny actor. She gives a spirited delivery that is hard to be pissed off with. I went down a brief rabbit hole to see if she pursued comedy after this. I found three potential matches and one of them is doing art in Denver, CO. One of them is sadly dead. A third one stopped posting on instagram around the time the other one died, so they might be the same person. I hope she’s the alive one. RIP to a proper legend if not. 
OF NOTE: The DVD contains an alternate version of the I-Jammer sketch. It's about 70% the same, with some alternate jokes and Bob Odenkirk doing the voice-over. I think the as-aired version is stronger.
Next up: DLH sings a song about Puberty. I think the overall subject of puberty for comedy’s sake is pretty worn out, but Tim & Eric have a way with words that elevate the material. But this song resembles a low-effort comedic take on the subject by somebody with less talent. But, that’s sorta DLH’s whole deal, isn’t it?
I feel like you can categorize DLH’s various songs into a few different styles: bat-shit crazy alien stuff, earnest-seeming educational offerings, and then this: a song you where you get the sense that he’s trying to be actually funny. Overall, I’m just glad that this is brief, and there are small moments that are actually reasonably funny, like him mildly botching his lines and correcting himself during the preamble. This one seems like they included it more out of duty to keep the DLH quotient up, as well as help prop up the theme of the show. 
Forting with Will features Will Forte (hey, that’s sort of a pun!) playing Will Grello (NOT a pun), teaching a small group of children how to make pillow forts while he goes off the rails with tangents about his dark childhood, particularly his relationship with his father. This one is lightly thematic; forting is a childish pastime (Tim & Eric’s wraparounds are from a tree house, an equally classic type of fort), and we’re witnessing a man whose own puberty was pretty traumatic. This one does little to shine above previous Will Grello installments, but it’s still funny. The most significant running gag in this one is Grello becoming so distraught reliving his trauma that he pees his pants. His enraged sarcasm when he asks for a towel, waits a beat, and hollers “yeah, NOW!” has been in my head for a while. 
Finally, the other bit of substance is a Morning Meditation sketch, which I've crowed about being a less-than-favorite of mine. This one has a truly unsettling reveal, that the man we're watching trot around on camera is actually on stilts. This is enough to make me declare that this could be the best Morning Meditation sketch of all time. Only took them two seasons to get it right.
Tim & Eric’s wraparounds are pretty significant in this one, and have a lotta memorable bits and funny lines. Eric’s low-pitched voice aids the deadpan delivery of certain lines. Lotta great disgusting phrasing about his “mushroom tip”, and exploring “wet holes”. They really make sexual intercourse sound unappetizing. Tim affably lamenting “unfortunately I’m still boy” got me laughin'. Eric calling Tim a “fag” (bleeped out) also got me. I also need to highlight the part where Tim says “I guess I’ll go play with myself”, which is followed up by a light touch of tepid studio audience laughter.
Tim’s problems are solved by seeing a commercial for the Cinco Man Shake, which is fronted by a pitchman with a slightly grotesque muscle man physique. I feel like Tim & Eric are very good at casting people whose attractiveness fall into that uncanny valley; hyper masculine or feminine people whose bodies mostly reflect a conventional ideal but are slightly strange-looking. The guy they got for this fits that bill, while also delivering a spirited and genuinely compelling performance.
The shake in question requires adding a "fistful" of your friend’s pubic hair to the concoction, which Tim harvests from Eric’s thicket. Eric jocularly pretending it hurts and then giving a sheepish “just kidding” to the camera is great. Eric’s strengths are especially played to in this episode.
Tim attempts to hork down the shake, which contains a glob of Eric’s wet hair. Even though I’m intelligent enough to understand that little Timmy is sucking on sterile wig hair, it’s still one of the grossest things the show has ever shown me. Tim, with a mouth full of hairy goo, looking to the camera and saying “just a little more left to go and I’ll be a man” is another one of those moments that has never left my brain. The result is Tim essentially becoming a werewolf. “I’m a man now no more playtime for me” Tim drones in a borderline incomprehensible guttural tone. 
Overall I really like this one. It’s imperfect, but most of these episodes are. I can see this one coming off as an unimpressive exercise playing with low-hanging fruit, but it’s low-brow and juvenile humor paired with really funny/weird line deliveries really sells this one for me. Good ep!
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Aqua Teen Hunger Force #93: “A PE Christmas” (series version)
I already covered this episode, because it originally aired around Christmastime, 2009, but it was a slightly different version from this one. This is the version that included additional scenes at the end, with Meatwad at Chuck D’s mansion. I am pretty sure the original version ends with Shake’s gastro-intestinal eel infestation causing him to die in a jail cell. The stronger ending, in my opinion. Also if anyone has a HQ copy of the 2009 version of A PE Christmas, please let me know! 
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unhinged rainbow magic post 2 of 12
Lets go on possibly my personal faves
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Crystal Unmemorable, sadly (unusual for the first fairy) This is not clothes for colder climes I love the fur, but why are your knees showing? Is this a dress? A robe? Necklace is too big - high neckline and no necklace would have been better Better pigtails than Fern Snow scrunchie = great execution of a cute idea
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Abigail Unfairly attractive First ginger fairy!!! We love! Autumn vibes are top-notch This mustard shade is great, especially with the shading into the orange Necklace kinda works I believe that this bitch does not get cold ever. Crystal, however, is constantly freezing.  Has a personality! Elsa vibes! Lil green touches are very cute, and they tie in!
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Pearl Once again we’re sorry for the internalised misogyny Hair is so shiny and the style complements the dress Not so sure about the fringe but this was the 2000s Dress = most inventive use of colour so far, and feels cloudy Socks are disgusting Tinkerbell shoes? High heels? Anything would have been better than chunky black school shoes Two wristbands? It should be asymmetrical - clouds are not symmetrical From the knees up, this is brilliant character design
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Goldie Everything works so well BUT the neckline is too spiky That is some fucking amazing hair She has such potent sun energy Motif would still work if the spikes were more subtle on the neckline This is the ONLY necklace that works on ANY FAIRY - I guess it could be a little higher though Lovely wings (esp. the curve on the wings) Do we need to mention how lovely the colours are?? She ate that palette
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Evie Best character design so far!!! The mist motif is incorporated into everything The SLEEEEEEVES Dark hair = incredible Headband works! This ages so well Embroidered parts break up the dress and add colour Asymmetrical neckline is brill 10/10 no other words - I love her
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Storm More 70s vibes The fabric feels heavy Hair colour has good reasoning but poor execution Everything makes sense on theoretical level but nothing works in practice Maybe a dress would have worked better? Asymmetrical hemline, neckline, with a leg slit and ¾ length sleeves Hair shaved on one side and a curly mass on the other side = gayer Platinum rather than blonde Darker wings
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Hayley Wlw icon Seeing this again for the first time in years, me and my friend both made the same noise of appreciation simultaneously Could a wraparound skirt work better on any other woman? No. Tube top? Before its time Shoes? The ankle!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ANKLE!!! The pose is powerful and unfairly attractive for a drawing POnytaaiiillll Top energy and yes I would
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deebeeus · 2 years
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Here is my idea of the ultimate #GibSunday.
Yes, this 1955 #wraptail#goldtop is the perfect #LesPaul IMO. And, despite the angry comments I am sure the following statement will elicit, I BELEIVE THE LES PAUL ATTAINED PERFECTION IN 1954 AND 1955. It has been all down hill since then! 😉😂🤣
But seriously: the richness of a nicely aged, checked, and greened-out gold top finish has always attracted me. And there is something about the wraparound tailpiece/bridge that has always just floated my boat tone-wise.
Come to think of it, most of the guitars I have owned that I have loved the most have had wraparounds. Just like with amps, I feel that simpler designs tend to sound better. If there isn't a lot of complex circuitry between the guitar signal and the tubes, the amp just sounds better to me. And the wraparound is the "Fender Champ" of guitar designs! I think everything just resonates better when the string tension is so directedly transferred to the body like that. Meaning the pickups *pick up* a lot richer, warmer, woodier tone from the body. Of course I may be completely full of sh*t too! 🤣
Anyhoo: give me a 1954 or 55 wraptail gold top any day of the week!
Many thanks to the owner for allowing me into his home to photograph this beauty!
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in the mood to eat fancy cheeses and fruits and breads off an ornate wooden cutting board, listening to music in a tube top and wraparound skirt but noooooo i gotta make christmas
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rohans18 · 1 year
Cartoning Machines Market Research Report, Growth, Analysis and Forecast 2033
The global cartoning machines market is poised for substantial growth, with an anticipated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5% during the forecast period. This growth surge is a direct result of increasing demand across various industries. By the year 2033, the market is expected to achieve a significant valuation of US$ 7,734.15 million, marking a substantial increase from its estimated worth of US$ 4,748.10 million in 2023. These projections underscore the market's vital role in addressing the evolving packaging and automation needs across multiple sectors.
The cartoning machines market is a vital segment within the packaging machinery industry, specializing in the production and distribution of machines designed for the automated packaging of products into cartons or boxes. Cartoning machines play a pivotal role in the packaging process across various industries.
Request Sample Copy: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-4462
Here's an overview of the cartoning machines market:
Types of Cartoning Machines:
Vertical Cartoners: These machines load products into cartons vertically and are commonly used for products like bottles, vials, and tubes.
Horizontal Cartoners: Horizontal cartoning machines load products horizontally and are versatile, suitable for a wide range of product types.
End-Load and Top-Load Cartoners: End-load cartoners are used for inserting products into the open end of cartons, while top-load cartoners load products into the top of cartons.
Wraparound Cartoners: These machines wrap the carton around the product, typically used for multipacks and larger items.
Market Size and Growth:
The global cartoning machines market is substantial and influenced by factors such as industrial growth, consumer demands, and advancements in automation technology.
Growth rates vary by region and application.
Key Market Drivers:
Automation Trends: The demand for automation in packaging processes to improve efficiency, reduce labor costs, and enhance accuracy is a significant driver.
E-commerce Boom: The growth of e-commerce has increased the need for efficient cartoning machines for packaging various products for online orders.
Customization: Industries such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, cosmetics, and electronics require customized cartoning solutions to cater to specific packaging needs.
Cartoning machines find applications across various industries, including pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, cosmetics, and consumer goods.
They are used for packaging a wide range of products, including blister packs, bottles, sachets, and more.
Technological Advancements:
Cartoning machines are continually evolving with technological advancements. This includes improvements in speed, precision, and the integration of smart automation features.
Vision systems and robotics are increasingly integrated to enhance the capabilities of cartoning machines.
Competitive Landscape:
The market is competitive, with numerous manufacturers and suppliers globally.
Key competitive factors include machine quality, speed, customization capabilities, and after-sales support.
Future Outlook:
The cartoning machines market is poised for continued growth, driven by increased automation demand, customization requirements, and advancements in packaging technology.
Integration with Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing concepts is likely to shape the industry's future.
For More Info: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/cartoning-machines-market
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raptorconstruction · 2 years
Use Best Quality Cargo Net to Ensure Safe Transport of Your Cargo
A wide variety of safety products, including cable ties, motor vehicle cargo net, hand sanitizers, hand tool gloves, heat shrink, industrial cleaning supplies, and many more, are available at affordable costs from reputable manufacturers of industrial and safety equipment. These cargo nets are incredibly simple to use and won't snag or catch on your tools or equipment. They come with an elastic cord that allows you to access the load in the tray of your trailer from a variety of locations. Suppliers assure that their cargo nets will offer easy and safe transportation of your cargo.
These providers also provide a variety of heat-shrinkable items, including as heat-shrinkable rolls, tubing, cable sleeves, and other tools that are appropriate for a wide range of uses. heat shrink cable sleeve, often known as "shrink sleeve," is a field-applied wraparound or tubular sleeve that protects pipes from corrosion. Heat shrinkable goods come in a wide range of sizes to accommodate most applications. Electrical insulation, wire bundling, colour tagging, lightweight harnessing, and other uses for heat shrink products are included.
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Important Reasons to Use Cargo Net
Verified websites demonstrate that cargo nets were initially created to quickly and effectively control enormous, heavy shipping loads. Using cargo nets reduced handling, reduced risk, and greatly improved loading and unloading times for moving very large goods by crane to the port. These robust, durable nets can be customised for any working situation, including routine tasks, exceptional loads, and more. Australian craftsmen have been quick to recognise the extremely high value of cargo nets, particularly in the construction sector.
Tarpaulin deterioration is also decreased by cargo netting. Cargo nets hold the load in place and act as a barrier between it and the tarp.
In conclusion, suppliers of safety equipment offer a range of safety products, including cable ties, automobile cargo nets, hand sanitizer, and more. Anyone looking for these supplies can get in touch with a local vendor.
Source: https://heavyequipmentsuppliers.blogspot.com/2022/11/use-best-quality-cargo-net-to-ensure.html
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upmheatshrink · 4 months
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#cut heat shrink#heat shrink factory#shrink technology#shrink tube#shrink sleeve#shrink connector#shrink terminator#assorted kit#red heat shrink#black shrink tube
Union Polymer Material Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as UPM) is engaged in the R&D, production and sales of heat-shrinkable insulation products, expandable braided sleeve and other functional polymer materials. Focus on providing coverage protection solutions for system components to achieve insulation, waterproof, wear-resistant, impact resistance, color coding, binding, electromagnetic shielding, identification and other functions. The products are mainly used in automobile, military industry, aerospace, telecommunication, electric power, electronics, shipbuilding and other fields.
Products got ISO 9001:2015,IATF 16949:2016,GJB 9001C-2017,ISO 14001:2015,ISO 45001:2018 approval and comply with GJB,CE,UL224,UL486D,CCS,ABS,DNV.
Let's shrink the world together. Let's choose Union Polymer.Contact Lily at upolymer dot com or upmheatshrink at gmail dot com to customized your heat shrink products.
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pcatechnologies · 2 years
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atlaculture · 3 years
Cultural Fashion: Ember Island Fashion Pt. 1
Since “The Beach” features a lot of new and original outfits, I figured I’d divide “Ember Island Fashion” into a series of posts. First I’ll be covering Azula’s party outfit, since that design takes the most influence from historical fashion.
Her design is inspired by traditional Southeast Asian clothing, particularly the fashion of the Angkor Empire (802–1431), a Hindu-Buddhist kingdom. This empire encompassed modern-day Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam. For the sake of convenience, I’ll be using the Cambodian (Khmer) words for these clothing items, as those are the terms I’m most familiar with.
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Overall, her look is reminiscent of Thai and Cambodian depictions of apsara, female spirits in Hindu and Buddhist culture with dominion over various kinds of revelry (dancing, gambling, etc). The first picture in the second row and the middle picture in the third row are examples of how apsara are commonly portrayed in Thailand and Cambodia.
The thick gold necklace she’s wearing was a popular accessory for royalty during the Angkor period, influenced by the style of jewelry coming from India. While I haven’t found a specific name for these types of necklaces, I think calling them “apsara necklaces” would be appropriate, as that’s usually the imagery people are evoking when wearing them. The gold armband that Azula’s wearing is also a common accessory in traditional Thai and Cambodian formal wear and is similarly influenced by Indian culture. However, the chest-belt accessory that she’s wearing is uniquely Angkorian, having been worn exclusively by kings and princes (as far as I’ve seen). Which makes me wonder if she borrowed (snatched) it from Zuko just to... stand out more than Ty Lee. ;)
The top that Azula’s wearing is a simple wraparound tube top known as an aor chong pong (អាវចងពង់) in Cambodian. Her skirt is a unique cross between Angkor culottes called chong kben (ចងក្បិន) and an Angkor wrapskirt called a sampot (សំពត់). Like chong kben, Azula’s skirt is knee-length and gathers at the center; like sampot, it’s a skirt with a strip of fabric that hangs down the front. Finally, the curly shoes she wears were also quite en vogue during the Angkor period--- Although, curly shoes have always been pretty popular throughout Asia.
I find it hilarious that right after saying that she wants to pass as a normal Fire Nation citizen for the night, she proceeds to wear like three pounds of gold meant for literal kings and goddesses.
Like what I’m doing? Tips always appreciated, never expected. ^_^
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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Aston-Martin Vulcan  
This is Aston Martin’s most intense and exhilarating creation ever, the 2016 Vulcan. Only 24 were built, this track-only Aston Martin, chassis number 15 of the 24 built, is one of the most exclusive automobiles in the world, capable of transporting extraordinarily fortunate souls into raptures of sound and fury unlike any other. Developed in partnership with Aston Martin Racing, the Vulcan’s 820 HP naturally aspirated engine is based on that of their GT3 racer, but enlarged to a full 7.0 liters and electronically managed by Cosworth ECU technology. The Inconel and titanium exhaust system’s best feature comes during downshifts, when the side pipes crackle and pop while emitting flashes of blue flames. The Vulcan engine can be set at three output levels, allowing the driver to experience increasing power as his skill level improves with track time. A lightweight torque tube encased in magnesium houses a carbon fibre driveshaft, which spins an Xtrac paddle-shifted 6-speed transaxle sequential gearbox. Sixth gear propels the Vulcan to a higher top speed than Aston Martin’s Le Mans GT3 racer, meaning well over 200 miles per hour.
Longtime Canadian partners Multimatic built the all carbon fibre tub using techniques learned from Aston Martin’s One77 program. It incorporates an integrated FIA-compliant all-steel roll-cage and a rear subframe designed to carry the transmission and rear suspension and handle the downforce generated by the rear wing. Speaking of downforce, the Vulcan generates more than it weighs at maximum speed – 3,002 pounds, to be exact, while maintaining stable aerodynamic balance front to rear under both acceleration and braking. The result is more predictable behaviour and more stable driver feedback, the better to become acquainted with the car’s fearsome grip, cornering power and agility.The Vulcan’s 4-way adjustable pushrod double wishbone suspension uses anti-dive geometry up front and anti-squat and anti-lift at the rear, with front and rear adjustable sway bars. Brembo 4-wheel Carbon Ceramic racing disc brakes are assisted by Bosch M4 motorsport driver-adjustable 11-position ABS. Michelin 305/30-19 front and 345/30-19 rear Pilot Sport Cup 2 tires are mounted on APP-Tech 10-spoke forged alloy center locking wheels finished in Satin Black and measuring 11.5-inches at the front and 12.5-inches at the rear.Passengers are secured in full carbon fibre Recaro racing seats that use Schroth 6-point racing harnesses and are Frontal Head Restraint System (FHR) Compatible (compliant to FIA specification 8862). The Vulcan also features an adjustable AP Racing Pedal box and a steering column adjustable for both reach and height. The bespoke carbon fibre steering wheel’s key function controls include the starter button, neutral, pit lane limiter, indicator, flash-to-pass, adjustable ABS and traction control, wipers and shift paddles. Driver inputs are supplied by a Cosworth Omega dash and Cosworth aliveDRIVE data acquisition system with in-car camera and USB data download port, ideal driver training tools that allow detailed analysis of laps over time or comparison to other drivers.
Aston Martin Design has outdone itself in shaping and detailing the Vulcan. Its prominent front splitter, rear diffuser and adjustable rear wing were all dictated by aerodynamics, but the shape is undeniably Aston Martin. The pronounced curves of the heated, anti-UV wraparound front and side screens dictated the use of IsoClima’s hard-coated Polycarbonate instead of glass, but it presents other benefits as well, being 50 percent lighter and 250 times stronger than glass and providing superior shatter resistance. Lighting is also extremely advanced. The LED headlights combine daytime running lights, directional indicators, main beam and side lights. Futuristic ‘Light Blade’ lamps introduced on the DP-100 Digital Concept Car are used at the rear along with an FIA-approved rain light positioned in the center of the diffuser. And for quicker pit stops, the Vulcan contains for on-board air jacks actuated by plugging an air hose into a fitting at the rear of the car.
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ceoofjohnnyjoestar · 4 years
Can I request a oneshot for Bruno doing facemasks and such with his s/o?
Self Care — Bruno Bucciarati
Author's Note: pls this request is just what i needed. it's so cute <3 hopefully this suffices bc i know that my break long and out of nowhere. luv y'all!
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The cold glob of face mask in your hand made you shiver, the temperature contrasting the warmth of your room, or rather the warmth of the person beside you. After the countless nights of Bruno getting home late and leaving early for the sake of his job, you had managed to convince Don Giovanna to let the man rest for a day. Ever the hard worker, Bruno hadn't been made aware until he had shown up to his job only to be turned away by his superior.
Maybe it was Bruno's posture (which was admittedly getting horrible from not having as much to do in terms of field work) or his eye bags from countless restless nights that sealed the deal because Giorno was not going to let the capo come into work until he was rid of some of the strain on him. That's why the two of you wound up on your bed with tubes of face masks, oils, and lotions scattered about. The diffuser was on as well as an additive to the calming effect you tried to have on your boyfriend, though he was still rather hesitant to relax.
"Bruno, just let loose for a little. You're not going to be able to go back until you've calmed down."
"I know, amore. It's just that I feel like I'm missing on something big at work. I wouldn't want the group to get hurt because I wasn't there to offer any assistance."
You sighed and took his calloused hand into yours, "Look, there's no guarantee that something won't arise, but the best you can do is try to relax for now so you can be your best self when you go back."
"I suppose you're right," he replied, offering a small smile. He tilted his head, and you took that as your cue to put the gel on his face. His shuddering did not go unnoticed and you gave a slight chuckle. His bangs had been pushed back with a wraparound headband, so there was no trouble in getting the mask on.
Once you had evened out the mask to your liking, you sat back and wiped your hands off on a towel before throwing the tube you had used to him. He smiled and squirted some on his hand before returning the favor of putting your face mask on. You grabbed the kitchen timer and twisted it to the instructed wait time, fifteen minutes.
You looked at your boyfriend and rubbed your thumb on his knuckles.
"I love you, Bruno."
"I love you too, amore."
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queenclaudiabrown · 2 years
Ocean Eyes | I: Prologue: A Storm Is Coming
Chapter content warnings: mentions of a past abusive relationship, mentions of tubal ligation/getting tubes tied, life-and-death situation, thoughts about dying (not suicidal or murderous), near-drowning
Word count: 3,214
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     Claudia Brown wiped her hands on her apron and picked up the serving tray.  There were several plates on it, all artfully topped with various breakfast foods she’d made.  Claudia loved cooking, and people loved the results.  Culinary school had been expensive, but worth it for the certificate framed in her kitchen.
     Claudia carried the tray out carefully, bringing it to the wraparound porch on the downstairs level where most guests ate their breakfasts, drawn in by the ocean view.  Currently staying there were four guests: Danny Quinn and his brother Patrick, the former of which was apparently residing by the sea for his health (Claudia didn’t ask); Doctor Sarah Page, an Egyptologist and archaeologist on vacation; and Charlotte Cameron, a university friend of Emily’s who had decided to get out of the city for a while.
     Danny finished swallowing a handful of kelp capsules and grinned at Claudia as she appeared.  “A good morning means a good day, and you make every morning great, Ms. Brown.”
     “Flirt with my sister, not me.”  Claudia replied, tone and smile equally soft as she carefully put the silver tray against her hip to begin setting down plates with her now free hand.
     “And how is she on this fine morning?”  Danny questioned, still grinning.
     “Tea, anyone?”  Came the voice of Emily Merchant, carrying a similar tray of teacups and saucers out onto the deck.  A murmur of approval came from the guests.
     “Well, you all know the drill.”  Claudia said, setting down Sarah’s plate on the table beside her and tucking the now-empty tray under her arm.  “Ring the bell if you need us.”
     The two women went back inside, about to head down to the kitchen to get the second breakfast served.  Jenny Lewis was setting the inside table, humming to herself.  “Morning, Claudia, Emily.”
    “Morning.”  Claudia replied.  She smirked wickedly at her twin.  “Danny asked after you.”
     Jenny rolled eyes identical to Claudia’s.  “I have a boyfriend.”
     Emily gave an unladylike snort.  “Michael?  Why are you still with him?  His ‘serenading’ is off-key and it’s clear he’s tone-deaf.  Starting to think you are as well.”
     Jenny replied to that with two fingers.
     Claudia and Jenny were identical twins, but because the family was poor Clarence and Samantha had made the hard choice and given up sweet baby Jenny when she was born.  On their eighteenth birthdays, their parents had told them the truth, and they’d sought each other out desperately, quickly growing close.
     Thumping from upstairs alerted the three women that they were about to have company.  Sure enough, a few moments later Connor Temple appeared, bleary-eyed and wild-haired, clothes wrinkled and askew, feet in the wrong shoes and their laces undone.  Behind him was Hilary James Becker, dressed in all black and looking presentable like an adult.  Contrary to popular belief, Connor was actually older.
     Connor and Hilary, the latter of the two preferring to be called by his surname, were half-brothers and cousins of Claudia and Jenny.  Maureen Brown was Clarence’s sister, and she’d married Andre Temple shortly after university.  He died in a car accident two months after Connor was born, and she’d remarried Martin Becker and given birth to Hilary a year or so later.  They were Browns by blood through their mother, and that had been all that mattered to the Browns.
     “Sit down, your shoes are on wrong again.”  Becker told his big brother, who promptly dropped into an ornamental chair.  Becker sighed and crouched in front of him, removing the shoes to put onto the correct feet.  It was a familiar sight- Becker taking on the role of older brother for his walking-disaster elder.
     Emily produced a planner and scanned over Jenny’s scrawled notes for the day.  “So, today Claudia’s taking Connor, Danny, and Patrick on the yacht for a cruise and a picnic lunch at Beacon Cove; I volunteered to drive Charlotte to the H&M in Exeter; and Jenny’s getting the office tidied so Sarah can have a Skype meeting.”
     Claudia nodded to herself, taking Emily’s empty tray and stacking it onto her own.  “Alright.  Becker, Connor, if you’ll make sure the yacht’s all set and the shuttle doesn’t need petrol, that would be greatly appreciated; and Jenny and Emily, you know the drill- housekeeping while the guests eat.  I’ll get everyone’s lunch ready.”
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     The next two hours passed in a flurry of activity.  As Claudia had assigned the tasks, Jenny and Emily changed the guests’ bedding and towels and cleaned their rooms, Connor and Becker made sure that the yacht was ready to go and that the inn’s shuttle, a silver Toyota Hilux, had a full tank of petrol.  Claudia prepared three lunches- one for the staff, one for the guests, and one for the picnickers on the yacht.
     In the kitchen, Claudia was putting the finishing touches on the large cooler of lunch food, drinks, and dessert.  The other lunches were on the other end of the large island counter.
     Connor poked his head into the kitchen.  “When’s lunch gonna be ready?”  He asked.  “For us, I mean.”
     “You’re eating with the Quinns and me at Beacon Cove, remember?”  Claudia reminded him.  “But grab one of those trays and bring it into the dining room for me.  Jenny and Becker and Emily haven’t eaten yet.”
     Connor dutifully took the tray, and Claudia closed the cooler before picking up the other tray and following her cousin.  They set the trays on the table and set five places, finishing just as Emily and Jenny entered the room.  They all sat down to eat, knowing Becker would turn up soon enough.
     “Got the mail.”  Becker announced, coming inside.  He turned to the hall table and began sorting into piles.  “Rubbish, rubbish, paper, bill, rubbish, guest, rubbish, bill, bill, guest, Jenny, me, rubbish, bill, Emily.”  He made to chuck the ‘rubbish’ in the bin, but Jenny quickly stepped in and confiscated the newspaper, two catalogs, and her envelope.
     He gave the bills to Claudia and the manila envelope to Emily, slipping his rolled-up imported gun magazine into one of his boots by the door and heading out to bring the guests’ mail to them.
     Emily carefully opened her envelope and scanned the pages with excitedly wide eyes.  “Yes!  Brilliant, just brilliant, yes!”
     “What is it?”  Claudia leaned in, Connor looking over from the newspaper questioningly. 
     Emily turned the papers so Claudia could see.  “He signed them!” 
     Emily had also been born a Brown, the daughter of Clarence Brown’s brother Felix.  Sadly, Felix and his wife Annabelle had a rather loveless and cold marriage, poisoning Emily’s view of what married life was.  She had met Lord Henry Merchant, Member of Parliament, on a tour of Parliament in barely-afforded university, and she’d nobly agreed to marry him to give him the wife he desired for political reasons to support her family.
     Then the abuse had started.
     It had started with little things- her conduct in public not perfectly fitting the mold of what he felt was needed and proper, then grew to taint every waking (and sometimes sleeping) moment of her existence.  Her refusal to bring a child into that life had made things worse, and after a particularly bad incident, she’d run away and done two very permanent things: the first, gone to the police and told them everything, reporting his abuse and filing for divorce; the second, getting her tubes tied.  She couldn’t take the chance he’d find a legal loophole to drag her home, but if he did, at least she wouldn’t get pregnant in that toxic environment.
     But it had gone splendidly.
     The entire Brown family had turned out to support her in court, and Sir Henry had gone to prison.  The divorce had been fought tooth and claw, but her lawyer had evidently convinced Henry to comply.  Emily was rich thanks to suing Henry, securing her entirely family, and had been responsible for Claudia and Jenny being able to open their dream hotel.  ‘We Browns stick together’ she’d quoted their great-grandmother Alice, and she and Connor and Becker had all come to help.
     Claudia’s face broke into a relieved smile and reached across the table to put her hand over Emily’s.  Jenny, sitting next to the divorcee, embraced her tightly, and Connor whooped and threw his newspaper into the air.
     Becker poked his head around the corner.  “What’s with all the hullaballoo?”
     “Henry signed the divorce papers!”  Claudia announced, smiling widely.
     Becker raised his eyebrows, a pleased smile playing at the corners of his mouth.  “Finally.  If he wasn’t in prison, I’d’ve gone to his house and thrashed him until he agreed to sign.”
     Emily laughed, eyes shining with the happiest of tears.  “If you had, I would’ve bailed you out of jail.”
     Everyone chuckled at that, and they all knew darn well that both Becker and Emily- despite their joking tones- had been as serious as a heart attack.
     The Browns were not to be messed with.
     The group finished their tea, in joyous spirits thanks to Emily’s news.  Claudia and Jenny cleared their dishes and brought them to the kitchen before returning to the dining room.  “Alright, we should head out on the yacht now if we’re gonna have a nice cruise before we go to the beach.”  Claudia stated.
     “I’ll start the yacht.”  Connor volunteered.  Claudia instinctively opened her mouth to kibosh that idea, but he turned his puppy eyes on her and her resolve broke.  With a sigh, she nodded, and Connor cheered and danced in his seat.  Claudia rolled her eyes as Becker muttered under his breath about his immature older brother needing to grow up.
     “Alright, go ahead, and if one of you would remind the Quinns of the time while I get changed, that would be appreciated.”
     Claudia left the others and went upstairs to the room she and Jenny shared, locking the door to ensure none of her cousins burst in while she was indecent (because yes, that had happened, and she hadn’t been able to make eye contact with Connor or Becker for two weeks afterward.)  She put on her swimsuit- a short black swim dress, ruched with a square neck, and as modest as it was because she felt uncomfortable in anything less in front of guests- and zipped up a pair of black knee boots before slipping into her black trench coat and wrapping a raspberry-pink scarf around her neck.
     She went back downstairs, a bag of beach supplies hanging off one shoulder, and fetched the lunch cooler from the kitchen before heading out to the yacht.  Danny, Patrick, and Connor were already waiting with their personal effects for the trip- towels, sunscreen, and so forth, like in her bag.
     She smiled brightly and set the cooler down.  “Is everyone ready?”
     The Quinn brothers gave their confirmations and Connor bounced excitedly on his toes.  Claudia brought in the anchor and took her seat at the wheel, then steered the yacht away from the dock with a practiced ease.  They spent about an hour merely cruising on the yacht before Claudia brought them to the small beach of Beacon Cove, which was thankfully empty at the moment.
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     After a few hours of swimming, sunbathing, and eating lunch, a thunderstorm was rolling in.  The group packed up and boarded the boat to return to the hotel.  Claudia returned to her place at the wheel, steering the yacht away from the beach with an eye on the incoming storm.  Hopefully they’d make it back to the inn in time.
     It soon became clear- to Claudia, at least- that they would not make it back in time.  She did not mention this to her passengers, not wanting to worry them.  Instead she pressed the yacht to its limit and took the shortest, straightest route she could.
     But it wasn’t enough.
     The sea grew rough, its waves crashing over the deck and soaking them all to the bone, and the shrieking wind made Claudia’s task of steering nearly impossible.  Rain fell in harsh sheets, deafening and painful to the humans it fell upon.  Still, with her teeth clenched, she battled on, fighting to get her cousin and guests to safety even if she herself could not be saved.
     Unfortunately, there was only one potential shelter between the beach and the inn- a tiny, unnamed inlet about halfway between the two points.  If she could get the yacht into the narrow space, perhaps they could ride out the storm below the deck.
     But Claudia soon found it a struggle to keep the boat from capsizing, let alone steer it in any particular direction.  It was hopeless.  Only her sheer stubbornness kept her fighting as long as she did.
     The sun had long since been blotted out by the dark clouds, leaving only the occasional bolt of lightning to illuminate their surroundings.  Waves taller than men were stirred up, then ones taller than trees, and then taller than houses.
     It was such a wave, probably ten meters high, that Claudia saw coming toward them in a lightning-flash.  It was too close to avoid; in a matter of seconds it would be upon them.  Claudia swore under her breath, wrenching the wheel.  “Hang on!”  She called, bracing herself for the incoming wave.
     It crashed over them, stronger than they had anticipated.  Despite being braced in her spot, Claudia was knocked out of her seat and ended up on her hands and knees on the deck, spluttering.  Patrick dove to the ground to avoid being hit by the dangerously swinging boom.  Skinny Connor stumbled from the force of the wave and slipped on the slick deck, but Danny- the only one who had managed to remain standing- caught and steadied him.  Yet another wave rose up on the starboard side, swelling greater and greater in size as it loomed ominously taller than the yacht’s highest point.
     It was in that last second before it came down like a merciless hammer of judgment that Claudia Brown accepted the fact that she was going to die.
     The wave fell, and as the hulking wall of water struck the yacht, it seemed to push against every surface it struck and tipped the boat to port, and even Claudia’s desperate attempts to balance the yacht could not save it from capsizing.
     The moment Danny hit the water, he could feel it.  The itching, crawling bugs sensation under the skin of his legs.  His bones aches and muscles flexed, stretching his skin.  He quickly toed off his shoes, hooking his toes into his socks to remove them as well, all the while working his belt so he could undress from the waist down while staving off his body’s natural processes and reactions.  He managed to shed his clothes, immediately forcing himself to relax so he could let it happen.
     In a blinding burst of pain of tearing skin and breaking bones and branching muscles, his legs morphed into his tail.  A similar (but muted in comparison) sensation erupted on the sides of his neck as his gill flaps opened, rendering his lungs or surfacing for breath unnecessary.  
     He snapped his tail, like a whip, and shot through the water toward his struggling brother.  He seized him from the back, wrapping one arm around his chest and pinning both arms to his trunk, and propelled them toward the surface with his tail and free hand.  
     They breached the choppy surface, an somewhat lethargic Patrick gulping in a breath.   Danny’s gills closed partially, his lungs kicking in again.    He craned and looked around- for the yacht, for Claudia, for Connor, for the dock, for anything.
     “Danny?”  Patrick asked, sounding tired and confused.  “Danny, what’s going on?  I can feel something in the water.”
     Danny gritted his teeth.  This was not how he’d wanted Patrick to find out.  “Don’t worry about it.”  A flash of lightning illuminated the world for a brief moment, but Danny’s searching eyes saw what they sought- shelter.  “Hold your breath, Pat; I’ll get us out of here.”
     Pulling Patrick close to his own body, Danny swam toward the tiny inlet, hoping that it and the tiny rock island within it would provide shelter for them to ride out the storm.
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     Connor Temple wasn’t doing well.
     He was an alright swimmer; ‘average’ was an accurate way of putting it.  But that was in a swimming pool- school or public, small and contained with a reasonable temperature and no current except the one generated by the swimmers.  In the chilly ocean, with its strong currents and influential storm overhead churning it up, and with way more clothing than his swim trunks, he was fighting a losing battle.  He distantly remembered hearing somewhere that he should take off his shoes, so he quickly toed them off, but didn’t think to apply that course of action to the rest of his weighty clothing.  Instead, he fought to reach the surface, limbs pumping and clawing and flailing gracelessly as he struggled to survive.
     A dark shape passed through the water around him, a shadowy silhouette that gave him no further information or details on the subject.  He momentarily stopped trying to reach the surface, curiosity piqued.  The lack of movement, of course, caused him to begin sinking again, which elicited a panicked frenzy of scrambling for the surface again.
     The shape, slim and long, passed by again, and Connor could’ve sworn there were fins at one end.  But his eyes were refusing to stay open as his strength waned and he began to sink down more than he swam up.
     The last thing his tired, frightened mind registered was something strong wrapping around his stomach like an iron bar and the vague sensation of moving upward.
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     Eighty feet away, his cousin Claudia was struggling to not sink.  Salt stung her eyes, but she didn’t close them, needing to see to reach the surface.  She wasn’t the best swimmer, her shoes were filling with water, and her clothes were waterlogged and dragging her down.  She could hold her breath for about a minute, but she was quickly running out of time.  She managed to wrestle out of her coat, untangle the scarf from around her neck, and pull her knees to her chest, struggling to unzip the boots as she sank.  She managed to free her feet and kicked, but her legs were growing weaker and she only had a few seconds of breath left.  She summoned the last of her strength and kicked with all her might, frantically clawing toward what she hoped was the surface.  But the sky was dark and so was the water, and without sunlight or even daylight it was impossible to be sure where the surface was.
     Cold, tired, and oxygen-deprived, Claudia’s struggles waned to an end, her limbs so heavy-feeling she couldn’t move them.  Nature took hold and she began to sink, down toward the seabed and away from the air over the surface.  Her eyes fluttered shut against her will.
     A strong arm wrapped around her waist, but she was too tired to open her eyes to see who had grabbed her.  She dimly felt herself be pulled against a body and the two of them moving through the water before she passed out.
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Big gif and and collage at the top are mine; dividers are used with permission from their creator, @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
Ocean Eyes Masterlist
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