frostbeees · 9 months
will you know me?
2023 wrappedmas day four • song: Georgia by Phoebe Bridgers
ao3 · masterpost
Nolan hasn’t seen or talked to Nick since that night almost ten years ago now.
As Nolan’s driving down the winding Michigan backroads, he thinks maybe this was a mistake. He gets the invite every year, the annual friends and family weekend at the Hughes’ Lakehouse, and for the past ten years, he’s either made up some bullshit excuse not to go or he’s been out of the country. It’s worked for him. He hasn’t had to see any of the bridges he’s burned or the broken hearts he left behind. And he’s especially been able to avoid the one person that both of those things apply to. 
But the thing is he’s grown. Or at least he thinks so. He probably hasn’t. He’s probably the same ol’ shithead that he’s been since he hit puberty all those years ago. But he’s definitely not the same fuckup who decided to “confess his love” to his best friend on the night of said best friend’s wedding so that has to count for something. 
And even if he was, he’s past that. Nolan hasn’t seen or talked to Nick since that night almost ten years ago now. He deleted all of his social media, blocked numbers in his phone, got right with God (and then decided fuck that specifically), and figured his shit out. He just never got to the "making amends" part of it all, which maybe in hindsight is why he should have ignored the invite once again.
He finally gets to the house and navigates the sprawling driveway littered with other parked cars both shiny and new, probably belonging to the guys still in the show, and others more like his, dented and chipped paint, guys who clearly couldn’t hang with the big dogs. He finds an open spot and parks his truck, turns it off, and takes a few minutes to do the breathing exercises his therapist taught him. They don’t really do the trick this time as anxiety still simmers beneath his skin but he did them more for the routine of it than anything else. 
It’s easier once he’s inside, familiar faces lighting up when they see him. Daps all around. Nolan comes across quite a few unfamiliar faces as well as he makes his way through the entryway and into the rest of the house. A couple of kids even -for fuck's sake he's old- just little tykes darting between the legs of innocent bystanders. He has no idea who they belong to but they look suspiciously like even littler Hugheses (not surprising) except for the little girl with dark, thick hair and high cheekbones that are a familiar blotchy red color from exertion. 
Nolan makes small talk with the Duke boys and Luke who are all posted up in the kitchen. They thankfully hand him a beer without him asking and he throws a salute back their way as he sneaks out the backdoor and onto the deck. 
He’s not admitting defeat yet but it is quieter out here, less overstimulating. Nolan’s stopped to talk to Zegras and Drysdale, still somehow attached at the hip even after being separated in a nasty trade deal. He’s always liked Z. He’s insane, mind still moving a mile a millisecond but he also knows how to bring a person down which is a relief. They move on eventually, Z claiming the need to find food to "keep Jimmy happy or else". He doesn’t elaborate on what the ‘or else’ means though.
Nolan’s alone for the first time since arriving at the party and he takes a minute to just lean over the railing, beer dangling in his fingers as he takes in the lake behind the house. The ambient noise of the boats on the water and the people at the party is enough to distract him from a body sidling up against him and when he glances over, he’s shocked, to say the least.  
“Long time, no see sport,” Nick says, voice careful and flat even if his face is as cheery as ever. And he’s right. It’s been a long time. 
“Hey chief,” Nolan replies, just like their old script went. 
They spend the evening catching up, eventually moving from the deck railing to some Adirondack chairs down on the beach. They occasionally get interrupted by a stray kid running down the shoreline to show off whatever gross thing they found in the water or one of the dogs bringing them a ball to toss. But they hit all the basics. Nick’s injury that finally made him retire, his new job in Columbus teaching youth hockey. Nolan’s retirement after a year of bouncing around teams that didn’t really want him, bumming around his hometown much to the dismay of his parents. They dance around the obvious subject until the sun starts to set and Nolan’s had enough beer to give him a nice, confident buzz.
“So how’s Ken–,” Nolan glances down at Nick’s ring finger which he’s now realizing is startling bare. Not even a tan line to indicate recent wearing of a ring. “Oh.”
“Ah yeah,” Nick says with a stretch. “Kendra moved out a couple of years ago now. Took the dog and left a note saying something about me never really loving her or whatever. She was probably right. Hard to love someone when you’re not over someone else.”
Nolan gives an understanding hum but Nick keeps going. “What about you? You manage to settle down with someone?”
“Nah.” The old Nolan would make some sort of joke, something about not wanting to be tied down, needing to be free. The new Nolan is different, apparently. “Hard to do when you want someone you can’t have.”
When he finally looks away from the water, Nick’s looking up at him with the most earnest expression, which is saying a lot for a man who could get mixed up with a sad puppy in a lineup. He’s not really sure what to do with it so he does the next best thing.
“You wanna?” Nolan waggles his eyebrows, making his intent super clear. He nods towards the shed down by the water. “For old time's sake?”
Nick’s quiet for a few minutes. Which– Isn’t a no, but also isn’t a yes to Nolan’s proposition.
“What if we try something new?” Nick asks and Nolan is confused. They’ve done basically everything from drunken blowies in a frat basement to sweet, drawn-out morning sex. There’s nothing sexual they didn’t check off the list in college. And anything they haven’t managed to try definitely can’t be done in a shitty shed. “Let me take you on a date? A real date.”
Nolan huffs out a laugh mostly out of surprise but also to cover up whatever his face must be doing right now. 
“Yeah, okay old man. Let’s do it right this time.”
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angstics · 10 months
I genuinely love wrappedmas
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mod2amaryllis · 10 months
58+81 for wrappedmas!
58 free by Florence and the machine, wow..... where would i be without this song genuinely
and oh my goodness 81....... it's country roads by Olivia Newton-john 😭😭😭😭😭
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wolfhalls · 2 years
i know it's no longer technically Wrappedmas but 7, 12, 14? 💕
a day late is just as valid bestie!
7: whoreson prison blues by joey batey
12: 4° by tool
14: dragula by rob zombie
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thecolorsfucked · 2 years
i steal music so i can't participate in Spotify Wrappedmas but if i could my top artist would be Bright Eyes and in the top .001% of listeners again bcuz i litcherally just dont play anything else for more than 30 min
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witchbeef · 2 years
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merry wrappedmas, lads
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frostbeees · 9 months
like she wants to try me on
2023 wrappedmas day two • song: silk chiffon by MUNA, Phoebe Bridgers
ao3 · masterpost
Seamus always assumed she’d have to get over Gavin. Over her not-so-little crush on her best friend. She figured Gavin would eventually find some other girl or guy to bring home and she’d be left behind, still holding her feelings inside because no way in hell was she ever going to admit them to Gavin. She’d rather die, honestly. Gavin had never shown anything but friendly feelings towards her, even if they were both on the touchy, handsy, cuddle up together, hug longer than necessary, and occasionally swap drunken kisses type of friends. That's just how friends are, in her opinion, even if Gavin is the only friend she's like that with.
What Seamus didn’t assume is that one sweltering summer evening she’d be UNDER Gavin, hands buried in the soft, tight curls on top of Gavin’s head while Gavin’s mouth was–
But how they got to this point is a different story. 
They had been out basically just killing time in town all day, rollerblading up and down familiar palm-tree-lined streets and repeatedly having near accidents with tourists who couldn’t keep their eyes forward. The day was hot and humid, a typical mid-July Florida weekday and they had just ducked inside a corner store to avoid the daily rain shower, flipflops making obnoxious sounds against the shiny tile as they roamed the aisles with their skates under their arms.
Seamus was happy to just follow Gavin around for the day. It wasn’t like they had anything better to do. But Gavin turned on her halfway down the aisle of dog toys and treats, beach equipment, marked-down Fourth of July garb, and baby formula.
“Hey,” Gavin flashed her sharkiest smile and Seamus just knew she meant trouble with it. “How much do you trust me?”
And that’s the question, isn’t it? Seamus trusts Gavin with her whole heart, to hold it, to break it, to set it free. She trusts her enough to follow her from their youth field hockey league to a travel league to the high school team to Ann Arbor where they’ve both committed to play in the fall. She’s trusted Gavin since they were four years old and she knew what it meant. 
“With my life,” Seamus shoots back, matching Gavin’s energy. 
Gavin holds out her hand and Seamus takes it without a thought, letting Gavin tug her down the aisle and back out the door into the rain. They make quick work of switching back from their sandals to their blades and then they’re off, Gavin’s fingers intertwined with her own as she pulls Seamus with her. 
Seamus has an inkling of an idea of where Gavin is leading them. There was this baseball park that they used to frequent as kids that now sits unused and basically abandoned. It’s where a lot of their friends would go after dark to smoke and drink and just exist away from the eyes of watchful parents. It’s where Seamus first realized that maybe she liked Gavin as more than a friend, when, at fourteen, she watched Gavin kiss one of their girl friends during a game of spin the bottle and felt intense jealousy bubble up inside her.
Sure enough, Gavin turns down the street just past the diner that leads back to the park. They’re drenched at this point, despite the rain being light, and when they reach the dirt paths that connect the road to the ballparks and outbuildings they both abandon their blades and trudge barefoot through the soaked grass. Gavin leads them towards one of the dugouts so they’re mostly sheltered from the rain and they sit in silence for a few minutes as they catch their breath. 
Seamus can’t help but start thinking about how this is probably the last time they’ll get to do this. It won’t be long until they’re packing up Gavin’s beater car that she insists they drive all the way up to Michigan. And then after that, everything’s going to change. They’re going to share a dorm but they’re only in a few overlapping classes. And, yeah, they’ll have field hockey but Seamus just knows that Gavin’s going to go all in on getting involved in campus life and that’s just not Seamus’ scene unless she’s being dragged along by Gavin but who wants to be weighed down with their childhood best friend when they could be out making new friends and finding new people to make out with at crowded parties. And there won’t even be endless miles of sandy beaches to escape to when she’s feeling ungrounded. 
She’s dreading leaving this bubble they have here, despite how excited she is. 
“Tell me again, Gavo, how close is Ann Arbor to Detroit?” Seamus asks even though they’ve talked about this a million times. “How far are we gonna have to drive to get to water?”
Gavin grabs her hand, smushes her fingers together to keep it mitten-shaped, and presses her finger into the fleshy spot just left of her thumb.
“This is Ann Arbor,” Gavin slides her finger over to the edge of the base of Seamus’ thumb, “and this is Detroit.”
Seamus nods. 
“But there are lakes everywhere. Big ones. You won’t even miss the ocean one bit. The Hugheses already said we’re invited to their lakehouse any time so all you gotta do is say the word and we’ll go.”
It’s a conversation they’ve had a hundred times at this point, that started from the day Gavin first brought up the idea of leaving home to play field hockey. And it’s a ploy, to keep Gavin talking about home and their life together. 
Seamus expects Gavin to drop her hand after that but instead, she links their fingers together again, resting their hands on Seamus’ thigh. They sit like that, quiet, just listening to the raindrops hit the wood roof until Gavin breaks the silence. 
“Hey Shea,” she whispers.
Seamus grunts an acknowledgment. 
“Remember all the times we used to come here after school? The parties?”
“Of course, Gavo.”
“How come you never tried to get me in spin the bottle?”
Seamus ignores her own shock at the question to look at Gavin. Gavin’s not looking back at her. She’s looking down at the ground under her dangling feet and Seamus wants to scream because she never sees Gavin look so vulnerable, so shy, so– worried that Seamus is the one who’s about to do the heart breaking. 
“That’s not how the game works?” Seamus poses it as a question.
“Oh fuck off,” Gavin says gently, with a huff of a laugh. “You know that Riley and Sammi both knew how to get the bottle to land on whoever they wanted. It was easy.”
“I didn’t want you to tell me no,” she admits honestly. 
“That’s not how the game works,” Gavin parrots back the answer and grins up at Seamus, finally looking up from the ground beneath them. “Plus, I’d never tell you no.”
Seamus can’t think of anything to respond with but thankfully it doesn’t matter. Gavin’s closing the distance between them, pulling Seamus closer by her shoulder with her free hand. She waits a moment like she’s trying to give Seamus the chance to say no but Seamus nods her head and then Gavin is crashing their mouths together. It’s a rough kiss, more teeth than soft lips but Seamus doesn’t want it to end. 
Unfortunately, it does, as Gavin pulls back, a small string of spit connecting their lips and then breaking between them. 
“Wanted to get that out of the way before I cracked in our dorm room and pinned you against a closet.”
“Gavin!” Seamus whacks her on the chest, harder than she means to. 
“Want to do more, too.” And the shark smile is back as Gavin leans back towards Seamus’ body, pushing her down against the cracked wood of the bench, pinning her in place. “Wanna do everything with you.”
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frostbeees · 9 months
just wait 'til i give you a sign
2023 wrappedmas day seven • song: be my mistake by the 1975
ao3 • masterpost
Brendan goes through his postgame routine and doesn’t miss a step despite not being able to focus on anything. Anything that isn’t Thom, that is. He cools down on the bike, takes his shower, grabs his postgame pre-packaged meal, and falls into his normal seat on the bus back to the hotel. 
He does not wait outside the home team locker room at Tech CU. He doesn’t glance down the hallways around the visitor’s locker room to see if anyone (Thom) is waiting for him. 
Once he’s back at the hotel he pulls on just a pair of sweats, game day suit shrugged off and meticulously hung in the closet. He takes a call from his dad although he doesn’t really participate, just lets his dad talk at him about the game while he scrolls through Insta. He regrets the decision immediately, though, as the first story he opens is a blurry shot of Thom and fucking Eklund. Thom’s face is barely recognizable as it’s buried in Eklund’s neck but Brendan can make out the tattoo behind his ear. 
“Sorry Dad, I’m about to pass out,” Brendan lies. “Can we catch up tomorrow?”
“Of course, love you.”
“Love you too,” Brendan says as he disconnects the call. 
He should go to bed. He should plug his phone in over on the desk where he can’t reach it easily and do something stupid. He also never should have fucked things up with Thom but here he is and there Thom is with his new fucking– whatever they are. 
But Brendan doesn’t do the smart thing. He shoots off a simple “1137, come over?” text to Corms and waits. He doesn’t get a response right away but a few minutes later he hears a soft knock at his door. 
He doesn’t say anything as he answers the door but Lukas doesn’t either as he pushes past Brendan and pulls off his hoodie, discarding it somewhere on the other side of the bed. His shorts go next as Brendan flips the security lock on the door and follows suit, dropping his sweats and climbing into bed. 
“What do you want?” Lukas finally asks as he pushes Brendan down against the pillows and throws a leg over his thighs, situating himself in Brendan’s lap. Brendan doesn’t think about how he fits there so well just like Thom used to. 
There are only two thin pieces of fabric keeping them from being fully skin-to-skin and Brendan’s dick definitely takes quick interest. But even as his dick is chubbing up in his underwear, he can’t bring himself to ask for it. 
He wouldn’t have had to ask Thom. 
Thom would have climbed on top of him and put Brendan’s hands in his hair which probably smelled like the specialty shampoo he ordered in bulk. He would have rolled Brendan over and opened him up, soft and slow with his mouth first and then his fingers before sliding in and filling him up in a way that left Brendan seeing stars. 
Lukas is tentative, staring down with his big brown eyes and shiny lower lip. Brendan wants it, wants him to lean down and kiss him hard and mean, mark him up a little, make him hurt and get out of his own head. But he doesn’t want to ask.
“Can we just sleep? I didn’t want to be alone.” Brendan’s telling a half-truth but Lukas doesn’t call him on it, just eases off Brendan’s thighs and lays down next to him, front pressed against Brendan’s back. “You can fuck me in the morning though.”
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frostbeees · 9 months
we'd still worship this love
2023 wrappedmas day nine • song: fasle god by taylor swift
ao3 • masterpost
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Brendan does always love to give him an out. “Or do you wanna–” Brendan nods his head towards Thom’s bedroom.
“What do you mean ‘this’ is too much?” Thom spits, stopping in his tracks and yanking Brendan back toward him. “I’m too much? Is that it?”
“Bordy, babe, you know that’s not what I said,” Brendan’s voice is full of desperation but it just makes Thom feel even more incensed. 
He had this whole day planned. They had gotten lucky and Henderson flew in a day earlier than usual, leaving Brendan with a full day off after his quick morning team meeting and Thom intended to take full advantage of that. He booked them a table at his favorite brunch spot– even splurged for the bottomless mimosas– and then they headed south to the Boardwalk for the rest of the day. The weather was perfect, chilly enough that he was able to snag the extra hoodie that Briss brought for him, but no rain.
But then it went south, fast, and Thom doesn’t even know how. They were walking along, hand in hand in the California anonymity and talking about a cute dog they had just passed and then Thom commented on missing his dogs and how they should get a dog together and that somehow turned into Brendan shutting down, dropping Thom’s hand, and saying that maybe that was “too much”. 
“I didn’t mean that like, we should get a dog,” Thom’s voice is low, guarded. “Not together.” Maybe that is what he meant but he’s going to stand on this lie. 
“Is this really about a dog?” Brendan asks as they keep walking down the pier, looping around the end and making their way back to Thom’s car. “Or is this still about the last time you guys came to Henderson? Because I fucking swear dude, I tried to get away from the team shit but every time someone pulled me into something else and I knew you wouldn’t want me rolling up to your hotel at midnight.”
Thom doesn’t answer, just matches Brendan’s pace and directs them when needed. Maybe it’s childish to give Brendan the silent treatment, especially when their time together is so limited lately. But the ‘too much’ comment struck a nerve. It’s not the first time in his life he’s been told that. Hell, it’s not even the first time he’s heard it from Brendan. It’s always ‘You care too much’ or ‘You’re doing too much for me’. Like that’s a bad thing. Thom can’t help but put everything he has into the things he loves, the people he loves. 
Brendan must pick up on it because he stays quiet, too, through the rest of the walk to the car and then he barely says anything on the drive back to Thom’s place, just a stray comment about some road sign or weird-looking building. But Thom knows it won’t last– Brendan can’t help but pick at things or, well, probably try to fix them. And he does break, as soon as Thom ushers into his apartment and shuts the door behind him.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Brendan does always love to give him an out. “Or do you wanna–” Brendan nods his head towards Thom’s bedroom. 
Thom still doesn’t answer, just walks towards his room and doesn’t even turn around to make sure Brendan’s following. But of course he is and as soon as Thom turns around he’s being pulled into a bruising kiss, a clash of teeth mostly. He takes control, though. Slows Brendan down as turns them around and walks them back towards his bed. Brendan falls as soon as the back of his thighs hit the mattress and he pulls Thom down with him. 
“God I’ve missed you so fucking much,” Brendan breaks the kiss to say. And he looks like he means it as Thom studies his face. 
Thom doesn’t waste any time undressing Brendan, pulling his shirt off first followed by his joggers and boxers all in one go. Brendan’s hard already and they haven’t even done anything yet. Thom can’t stop the smirk, knowing how responsive Brendan is towards him, how he doesn’t have to do much to get him going. 
“You gonna take anything off?” Brendan clearly was going for a joke but his delivery is too breathy to land. 
Thom doesn’t answer, just leans down and presses his mouth against Brendan’s neck, featherlight kisses against the skin there. He steadies himself with his hands on Brendan’s sides and feels the shiver that ripples through his body. Again, responsive as fuck, just for Thom.
He works his way down Brendan’s chest just like that, mouth light and teasing against Brendan’s skin as he brushes over his collarbone and then lower to his nipple. Thom takes his time there, maybe bites a little too hard as Brendan squirms underneath him but he stays quiet so Thom must be doing something right. He laves his tongue over the hard bud to soothe the pain, keeps it flat as he presses down, and Brendan whines. Thom moves over to the other nipple and does the same before moving further down. 
“Bordy,” Brendan’s voice is desperate and his hips are twitching underneath Thom, chasing friction against the soft cotton of Thom’s joggers. Thom leverages himself down and Brendan goes still. Thom rolls his hips a little as a reward as he goes back to marking up Brendan’s chest, scooting back down Brendan’s thighs to give himself more room.
Thom doesn’t even stop himself from leaving deep marks at the vee of Brendan’s hips, two on each side to keep it even. He skips over Brendan’s dick completely, hard and red against his hip, and nips at his thigh instead. 
“Thomas, please,” Brendan begs. “Please touch me.”
And he’s so polite, how could Thom deny him? He looks up at Brendan’s face and takes one look at the wet, splotchy red state of his cheeks before he grabs at his dick without warning and gets his mouth on the head. Thom doesn’t drag this part out. Instead, he takes Brendan in as far as he can and doesn’t even think about how weird it probably is that he’s still fully clothed. 
Brendan’s a mess beneath him, hips rocking gently and hands tangled in Thom’s hair gently pushing his head down. Normally Thom would pull off and tell Brendan off for being too rough but it feels too good like this. He’s in control but not as Brendan has him trapped on his dick. So Thom doubles down, uses his tongue against the underside of Brendan’s cock the way he knows drives him crazy and it’s not long before Brendan is choking out a warning and coming in Thom’s mouth. 
He swallows and works his mouth over Brendan’s dick until he’s oversensitive and whining and pushing Thom off. He takes a minute to catch his breath, head resting on Brendan’s thigh and both of them breathing heavily. Eventually, Brendan pulls him up and shoves a hand down his pants, kissing him deep at the same time. It’s not the best handie Briss has given him but he’s usually useless after he comes anyway so it’s more than Thom was expecting. And it’s not like it takes him long to feel that tingle down his spine, already keyes up enough from blowing Brendan. 
He bites Brendan’s lip as he comes, a little harder than he realized judging by the hiss he lets out and the tang he gets against his tongue. But he whispers apologies as he presses soft kisses against Brendan’s mouth. His body starts to sag against Brendan’s and he falls with a huff. He knows he should deal with the mess inside his pants but he’s too comfortable to be bothered with it right now. 
“What kind of dog were you thinking?” Brendan asks as he nips at Thom’s ear, gunning for round two just like he used to back at Michigan. Thom shoves him, pinning him against the bed before grinding his hips down.
“The perfect little purse dog, just for you. I promise,” Thom smiles as he leans back down for a kiss. 
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frostbeees · 10 months
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2023 wrappedmas • @hckyrcl and @frostbeees
first installment drops tomorrow (dec 14th). see you there 🩵
· day one - tried and true (connor/kevin) by kit
· day two - like she wants to try me on (r63 gavin/seamus) by jess
· day three - raised on little light (dylan/devon) by kit
· day four - will you know me? (nick/nolan) by jess
· day five - a keeper that could set me free (thomas/brendan) by kit
· day six - and when your stitch comes loose (i want to sleep on every piece of fuzz and stuffing that comes out of you) (trevor/jamie) by jess
· day seven - just wait til i give you a sign (brendan/lukas w/ past brendan/thomas) by jess
· day eight - the sound of your heart (r63 rutger/cutter) by kit
· day nine - we'd still worship this love (thomas/brendan) by jess
· day ten - any way you choose (thomas/brendan) by kit
· day eleven - everywhere everything (adam/luca) by jess
· day twelve - all the treasure we can grab (nico/ryan [ocs]) by kit
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frostbeees · 9 months
keep my hand in yours
2023 wrappedmas day eleven • song: everywhere everything by noah kahan
ao3 • masterpost
“What do I smell like?” Luca finally asks as he adjusts the jersey back onto his torso properly, pulling his caught arm back through the sleeve.
“You smell like us. Luca, can I-”
Bonds between siblings weren’t totally taboo anymore but also weren’t mainstream either. And any time there were suspicions of sibling bonds in the league, they mostly just got written off as ‘hockey culture’ or whatever, passing under the radar with some clever social media angles. First with the Sedins (funky twin stuff), then the Benn brothers, and most recently the Hugheses and Tkachuks. Luca never really paid much attention to them, although he could see the argument for the Hughes brothers, especially after spending a season sharing a locker room with Luke. If the three of them weren’t bonded, well. Luca’s not really sure what to think of them. 
But he and Adam are just close brothers. Or at least that’s what he’s convinced himself to believe. 
Adam’s always smelled good to him; like orange blossoms and dark coffee and dirt. But as he slips the Blue Jackets jersey over his head, the ‘23’ and ‘Fantilli’ pressed against his back, it smells like even more. Luca’s enveloped in the smell of ‘home’ and it hits him like a Trouba hit; he feels dizzy and anchored to the jersey he’s wearing and slick between the legs. Which–
That can’t be right. 
He panics; he accidentally knocks into the pool table in the middle of their AirB&B as he scrambles to rip the jersey off. That’s when the air in the room shifts.
“Luca, what are you–” Adam’s suddenly pressed against him, pushing him further against the pool table. The edge of it is digging into Luca’s lower stomach but he can’t even focus on that with the way Adam’s so close, hands planted on the back of the jersey he’s now half wearing. If Luca ignores the white noise in his brain, he can almost hear Adam purring behind him. 
That also can’t be right.
An Alpha doesn’t purr unless they’re with their Omega, whether it’s a possessive, warning purr, or a happy, sated purr. That’s what he learned in every dynamics health class in school. An Alpha doesn’t just… purr.
Luca’s hearing things. There’s no way Adam’s–
He hears it again this time, clear as day right against his ear. Adam’s breath is warm and humid against the skin of his neck. He bares his neck without even realizing it.
“Luca. What’s going on?” Adam says as he’s mouthing against the pulse point of Luca’s neck. He must be able to feel Luca’s heart hammering underneath the skin as he tries to get himself together to answer.
“I just wanted to try it on,” Luca’s voice is so shaky, he barely recognizes it. He takes a deep breath and tries to steady himself. “I wanted to see what it feels like. To wear it.”
Adam presses closer leaving no space between them as he continues to mouth at Luca’s neck while Luca fails to keep in his whines. He’s also dripping slick, pretty sure that his dress pants are soaked through now which shouldn’t even be possible since he’s not in heat but every time he gets another whiff of Adam’s smell or Adam bites instead of kisses the thin skin of his neck he feels another trickling of slick come out of him.
It’s not like he hasn’t thought about Adam as an Alpha before. They’ve been allowed to share a room longer than any other unrelated Alpha and Omega would be allowed to because ‘obviously it wouldn’t be an issue’. He was there when Adam first presented after he moved into his dorm at Kimball. He’s given Adam space during his ruts in Chicago and then at Michigan; and Adam’s done the same for his heats. It’s always been something in the back of his mind.
But he’s never thought about in this type of situation, never allowed himself to think about their dynamics and the way they just fit together. The way it’s always been Adam at his side, through good and bad and everything in between. The way they round each other out; Luca mellowing Adam’s drive and Adam making Luca better at everything he does. His brother. His Alpha .
The thought makes him even wetter and suddenly Adam’s turning him around.
“You smell–” Adam cuts himself off, pushing his nose against Luca’s neck again. “Like me. But also like you. Like–”
Adam pulls back and they’re face to face for the first time since Adam rushed into the room. His eyes are pure black and his face is flushed and sweaty. He looks perfectly in control but also out of control at the same time as his eyes work over Luca’s body, stopping at what must be the obvious wet spot at the front of Luca’s pants.
“What do I smell like?” Luca finally asks as he adjusts the jersey back onto his torso properly, pulling his caught arm back through the sleeve. 
“You smell like us . Luca, can I-”
Can you fucking finish a thought, Luca thinks kind of meanly as he reaches for Adam’s hand, intertwining their fingers together and pulling Adam back towards him.
“You can do whatever you want,” Luca growls in his ear as he finally gets his nose against Adam’s neck and breathes in that deep coffee and orange smell. “Alpha.”
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frostbeees · 9 months
and when your stitch comes loose (i want to sleep on every piece of fuzz and stuffing that comes out of you)
2023 wrappedmas day six • song: hold me tight or don't by fall out boy
ao3 • masterpost
Trevor likes to push Jamie’s buttons. On the ice, in the locker room, at home. Name a time and place, and he’s probably doing something to get under Jamie’s skin purposely. Which is maybe something for him to reflect on at a later date, the way he would literally crawl into Jamie’s skin if he had the chance. 
It’s just fun, is all there really is to it, to see Jamie slowly lose it. To see the way his cheeks go pink and then cherry red. The way his eyebrows furrow. Eventually, his eyes go black, and that’s when Trevor knows he finally hit the right nerve. When Jamie will finally snap and put Trevor in his place. And, yeah, Trevor’s not too naive to admit that sometimes he needs it. On like. Every level, personal, emotional, sexual. It’s fine . 
“Trevor,” Jamie warns, voice straining as he flexes his hands against his thighs like he’s two seconds from wrapping them around Trevor’s throat.
Just. Like. Clockwork.
Trevor didn’t even have to try that hard today. Jonesy and Fowler actually did most of the heavy lifting during practice, running Jamie ragged and keeping him on the opposite side of the ice from Trevor basically the entire time they were out there. And then Trevor picked it up from there, purposely playing music he knows Jamie hates on the drive home, “accidentally” messing up Jamie’s lunch order and now tapping his toes against Jamie’s thigh to some song in his head while Jamie’s trying to concentrate on answering a dozen emails from his agent. 
It’s not Trevor’s fault that Jamie chose their couch for his task. Not like he wouldn’t have followed Jamie down the hall and to his bed but that’s not the point.
Jamie’s hand flexes one last time as Trevor keeps up his rhythm until he finally reaches out and wraps his fingers around Trevor’s ankle. His grip is tight. Tight enough to leave indents, maybe bruises if he holds on long enough. Trevor shivers as he thinks about Jamie’s hand wrapped around other parts of his body. 
“Can you chill for five more minutes? I need to finish this.”
Trevor thinks he hasn’t pushed hard enough. Not if Jamie’s able to ask that of him.
“I’m bored,” Trevor responds and jerks his ankle out of Jamie’s grasp. Time to double down. He shoves both feet under Jamie’s thigh, hard enough that his laptop teeters and crashes on the ground. Oops. He’ll buy Jamie a new one if he has to, a better one even. 
And then Jamie moves so fast that Trevor doesn’t even have a chance to evade his grip. He goes from sitting next to Trevor to on top of Trevor’s thighs, hands pinning his wrists above his head against the arm of the couch. 
“You are so,” Jamie doesn’t finish his thought, though, so Trevor will never know what he is.
Instead, Jamie heaves his upper body down and meets Trevor mouth to mouth in an intense and furious kiss. Their teeth clash together at first, hard enough that Trevor worries about chipping one before that thought is gone and the only thing he can focus on is Jamie taking both his wrists into one hand and moving his now free hand lower, lower, lower until it’s right at the waistband of Trevor’s shorts. He breaks the kiss for a moment, leaning back just enough to look Trevor square in the face as he toys with the drawstrings, eyebrows raised in a silent question. Trevor just nods, all words suddenly gone from his brain.
“I need to let go of your hands. Can you be good and keep them here?”
Trevor nods again.
Jamie tuts in reply and leans forward like he’s going to kiss Trevor again. Instead, he nips at Trevor’s jaw. “Words, babe. Use them.”
“Yes, Jamie,” Trevor croaks out. His hips buck a little and he knows Jamie notices but he must be feeling lenient about that one because he doesn’t comment, just lets go of Trevor’s wrists and lifts his own hips to pull Trevor’s shorts down. 
“Of course you’re not wearing anything under these,” Jamie rolls his eyes but he’s smiling, fond maybe, or just a little in awe of being able to free Trevor’s dick so quickly. 
Jamie’s reaction gives Trevor a little bit of a confidence boost. “If a man can’t freeball in his own home, where can he?” Trevor asks, unserious. 
Jamie doesn’t answer. Just scoots back far enough down Trevor’s legs so that he can rub his face against the inside of Trevor’s thighs. His facial hair burns as it scratches the skin but all Trevor can think about is how good Jamie’s dark hair looks against his pale skin there. It’s enough of a distraction that he doesn’t even notice Jamie moving upwards until his dick is halfway buried in Jamie’s mouth. He chokes on his own spit a little but recovers quickly as Jamie works him up and down. 
Jamie knows what he’s doing, and he should after months of them hooking up now, and he works Trevor closer and closer to the edge before pulling off. Trevor is losing his mind. He catches his hands moving twice, wanting so badly to scratch at Jamie’s scalp and pull his hair a little but he’s being so good and he’s keeping them pinned where Jamie put them. 
His mouth is so warm and he’s doing that thing with his fingers against his hole that Trevor goes crazy for that he comes without warning. Jamie takes it like a champ though and swallows around him until he’s just tonguing at Trevor’s spent dick, little kitten licks against the head that feel incredible and like way too much all at the same time. He pulls off eventually and tucks Trevor back into his shorts, leaving him there breathing heavy and feeling slightly dazed as he picks up his discarded laptop from the floor. 
“Okay can I answer these emails now?”
“You can do whatever you want, Jimmy,” Trevor says as he rearranges himself the opposite way on the couch. He nuzzles against Jamie’s thigh and starts to doze off. 
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frostbeees · 9 months
The best part of my week was not one but TWO new fics from you
Also my new del water gap shirt
What was the best part of your week?
🥺🥺🥺🥺 kittttt 😭🥰
um best part of my week has been working on wrappedmas with YOU 🩵
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frostbeees · 9 months
OMG…I love your new wrappedmas fic (and I hope there’s more in the future for that particular one…no pressure though! 🙂)
this has been the hardest part so far about creating these short little not-quite-drabbles-not-quite-one-shots is that i WANT to file them all away to expand on in the future. so who knows! future nick and nolan could definitely be fun to play with. fuck up nolan making amends, sweet but naive nick coming to terms with trying and failing at settling for something he didn’t even want in the first place. TEN YEARS OF PINING!
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