decaysate · 1 month
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@wristapled : ❝ it's so weird ... ❞ rosemary trails her fingers across the worn tablecloth draped over the old dining room table, an idle action that spreads dust across her fingers. ❝ i feel like—— i can remember this place, but i've never been here before ... have i? ❞ it's a long shot, but she turns to the writing on the wall with a frown. ❝ do you know why, michael ... ? ❞
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leatherebel · 1 month
@wristapled gets a widdle starter
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"Am I gonna turn into a werewolf now?" He just got mauled a little bit, he'll be fine.
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iobartach · 2 months
@wristapled asked; "Woah what the fuck-- what's your deal man?"
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The temptation to answer truthfully roiled with an astonishing about of force within Miguel. It pressed against barriers that had been assembled rapidly, without any considerations paid towards longevity, threatening to burst through with every passing moment. How much longer could he keep quiet? To march on with his well-crafted front of wellness firmly in place, until the day that he couldn't. Thanks to the virus running rampant in his system, his demise was guaranteed to be brutal -- fitting, then, that he hadn't intended to survive the weekend that followed his infection, let alone the year that had elapsed since.
Was this his chance to get the word out? Divulge to a complete stranger, met entirely at random, what sensitive Alchemax secrets he was privy to? Whilst he could still think rationally? On this, the geneticist wasn't certain, an indecisive feeling that saw the corners of his mouth turn downwards, less inclined than ever before to share an unbridled account of the contemplations currently making the rounds inside his head.
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"Easy, I didn't mean to startle you." Leading an attempt to calm rattled nerves, a sweep of sun-kissed arm accompanies the gesture, shuffling closer by the second. Wrapped in what appeared to be an old blanket, thrown haphazardly around a tall frame, its faded hues and moth-eaten holes hinted that the brown-haired male had acquired the garment quite recently, pilfered out of need. "Not gonna hurt you, either." Sensing a need to make that clear, as he drew closer, it could be observed that he moved with a limping gait, coupled with a notable rounding of shoulders that, together with the blanket, suggested he had either fallen on hard times (Not completely untrue). Or, had been the cause of them, for another unfortunate soul.
The blood that could be seen streaking the sides of his mouth certainly encouraged terrible speculation, regardless.
"I'm... I'm not sure where I am right now."
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yukikorogashi · 12 days
// Meant to reach out earlier but my connection was awful. Just thought it was funny, Ethan is jealous Itsuki is so chill with insects! if it has more than 4 legs, he's immediately done with the whole building
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But aaaaaa hello hello @wristapled! ❤️ No worries about the bad connection (I have to battle mine every damn night, so I feel this so hard), thank you so much for taking the time to send this in, I really appreciate it!
That will always be one of my favourite little HCs about Itsuki! When taking into account where she was born and raised, I feel that it would make sense that bugs are one of the few things that she has gotten to familiarise herself with from a very early age. So unlike us city folks, she is able to admire and handle them with care and without any sort of fear. Even the ones she would deem as pests (Like locusts), will just make her grumble in annoyance-- as she tries to get them off their rice crops. And those things are pretty damn big and terrifying!
BUT YUP! Itsuki is more than happy to help anyone out, if there's a scary bug that they need out of the way, LOL! She will just grab a jar and put it in there, before freeing it somewhere far, far away from that person.
... Or, if you are a real meanie pants to her, she will use your fear to her advantage and hold it right up to your face.
But don't worry, you gotta push her buttons real hard before she ends up doing something like that you~
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unrclypirxte · 2 months
Far Cry 3 Starters — ALWAYS ACCEPTING
@wristapled said: “ kapeesh ? i feel like that’s only an italian thing. only italians can say that. ”  
"No, of course it's no—"
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Beth looked suddenly very thoughtful, as if Ethan had just made a valid point in a titular conversation that would reshape their existence. She flip-flopped ideas in her own head for a few moments before squinting pointedly at him, look nearing the one that happened before they fought.
"Your hand got lopped the fuck off. Your opinion is INVALID."
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ourfathyr · 3 months
harry im begging you PLEASE get glasses you're gonna give yourself a headache from squinting so hard.
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— unprompted | always accepting
"What? No, my vision is fine! I can read this pamphlet perfectly—"
And he can!... From two inches away... and right under the desk lamp... full brightness.
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soulcaging · 3 months
"You uh. Ok, kid?"
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" ... mmn... i think i haven't eaten in a bit... " it seems like a genuine concern at first-- before they lean over to bite into ethan's coat sleeve. like a goat.
yeah, they're... uh. probably okay. maybe. probably not.
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starttraction · 3 months
sir., have you slept.,
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mintygraphics · 3 months
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❝ THERE ARE CRAZY PEOPLE IN THIS HOUSE AND THEY'RE TRYING TO FUCKING KILL ME! ❞ — an ethan winters inspired set, commissioned by @wristapled!
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shadessupreme · 3 years
The hairs on the back of Ethan's neck raised in alarm before the stranger even started talking. Somehow, when someone he was unfamiliar with knew his name, it always spelled trouble.
Ethan spend the rest of the question fumbling for his pistol, catching it, and raising the sights to the newcomer. Only catching roughly half of what he'd said. Though did it matter? His almost animalistic paranoia had him on edge from the guy's appearance, let alone how he talked and held himself. Bad news bears, this one. But he had to be better than Chris--
Which also brought more questions than answers. Not that he'd chatted extensively with the bear of a man, but... who WAS this guy? He cleary had beef with Redfield. Ethan did as well, but it was more petty hatred and annoyance than whatever bad mojo the stranger felt.
Finally shaken free of his thoughts, (confusion written all over his face) Winters cleared his throat and scowled.
"Don't really keep up with him as much as I used to."
"Why, he take the red pill instead of the blue one you offered?"
The fact a pistol was pointed at him didn’t seem to phase him at all. It wasn’t his first time on the business end of a firearm, and it wouldn’t be the last, if his luck had anything to do with it.
No, he just smiled instead. Knowingly, in that smug way when someone knows something you don’t, but doesn’t plan to directly tell you, instead simply mock you with the information unknown.
He adjusted his ever present shades calmly. Yes, something was definitely bad about this one. He carried himself with a stature that screamed ‘God complex’ and an unprecedented air of cockiness.
Winters’ comment makes him scoff. He refuses to show off any confusion. He is a God. A fallen one, but one nonetheless.
It comes out as a sneer. 
“Redfield would never take anything from me. Even when he really should have. Such a waste. But then, I suppose that doesn’t matter now, does it? I’ve found you, finally. The man who lived. Don’t worry, my friend. My plan isn’t genocide. Far from it. I want to save this Earth, and you’re going to help me.”
Wesker spread his arm out behind him as a sort of ‘Shall we go?’ gesture.
“Might I tempt you for a coffee?”
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leatherebel · 2 months
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monstriiss · 3 years
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@wristapled​ said: "Are you related to Ms. Dimitrescu? Just uhh... curious."
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“ Do you mean the younger matriarch? ” the monster smiled with a touch of amusement rumbling in her tone. Though they both shared similar traits and particular... dispositions, they were not kin. Kindred spirits, perhaps. 
“ I can see why you would draw such a conclusion, but no. 
                                                                                                She is no relation of mine. ”
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yukikorogashi · 6 days
"I was starting to think I was the only sane one here."
(eyes emoji @ u 👀👀)
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THAT WAS A CAUSE FOR PAUSE, as Itsuki would and look back @wristapled's way then.
Admittedly, the young girl had jumped a little at the sound of his voice, no matter how softly muttered they might have been. Seeing as she had been just a little too focused on their surroundings. Keeping her eyes and ears open for any nearby enemies that might ambush them. And especially of any telltale noises of BUZZING INSECTS.. or the heavy, dreaded footsteps of HEELED SHOES themselves.
When she realised that it was just the hushed, somewhat exhausted voice of her SAVIOUR breaking the silence then, Itsuki would allow herself to relax a little. Noting the bemused relief in his voice... he was also right. And the fact that this realisation had only struck her right then was a little... depressing, to say the least.
"... Oh... yeah..."
For has it been so long? Has it been so long since she had last spoken with someone... well, normal? Someone like the villagers back at home? Someone... like her mother?
Itsuki hadn't realised that she had been trapped in her own nightmarish little version of WONDERLAND for this long. How long she had been around all these strange people, if not-- MONSTERS. And how long she had been trapped up in that tower, the moment one of these monsters made other plans for her, during one very unfortunate, extra frosty winter day...
For even despite a certain MERCHANT'S AID, neither of them could certainly say that he was... sane. Not when it seemed like he himself was just here as a spectator. A spectator who was earning quite the profit, based on what Itsuki had seen Ethan buy from this man, so far. Seeming more ENTERTAINED by all of this, when compared to his two patrons.
And Ethan here was just another unfortunate soul that had been pulled into this strange world of theirs. And while she pitied him and all that he had and is still going through... the little one couldn't help but count her blessings too-- that he had been the one to find her up in that tower. Now that she was freed, the least Itsuki could do was aid the man on his DANGEROUS QUEST. They will find his daughter, and then find a way out of this place together.
And then, she will get to return home and be with her mother again!
Itsuki couldn't help but chuckle then. A soft, little titter, that would unfortunately unintentionally break through the heavy silence-- just as much as Ethan's voice had then. Especially in these much too quiet hallways, where they were away from the crackling fireplace itself-- they'd best prepare themselves for who or what had most likely heard them then.
"... heh, yer a real breath of fresh air yerself, bro." She would decide to respond with after awhile. A small, rare smile forming upon chapped lips themselves, as she turned back ahead to enter the next part of the castle with him.
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endurble · 3 years
"Best Mario Party game -- Go." (he personally likes MP3)
trick question all of them
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ourfathyr · 2 months
@wristapled asked:
53. CEMETERY (ouch ouch ouch ou)
"Figured I'd find you here."
Hesitation, before sidling closer. He knew this was prying, he knew this was rude-- and yet. No one had really stuck up for Ethan when Mia was gone. He almost would've wished someone had pried into his life. Maybe Harry felt the same?
"It's a nice day today. Forecast said rain and yet. Not a cloud in the sky."
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— comprehensive scenario list | accepting
53. CEMETERY : for one muse to find the other at a gravestone.
"Oh, hey."
He squinted softly when he looked over to the approaching figure, identified more quickly by his voice through the sun's glare. Blinking a few times, he would crane his neck, staring more comfortably once the sun was obscured by Ethan's silhouette. A gentle smile was offered — calm, quaint perhaps... not wholly at rest. Something quivered as fragile about the display. He shifted in his perch on the cemetery bench, nodding gently while a hand subconsciously reached to pull the stroller further against his knee.
"Yeah, I had the umbrella all ready to go... didn't really think to dress for this kind of weather: even put the rain cover on her and everything."
Thinly amused came his huff, gesture encompassing his less than flattering display — the slight ruffle through normally slicked hair, sweat glinting off of his neck and forehead, his jacket's sleeves rolled up around dirt and grass-stained forearms. Still panting slightly... looks like he had been working on something.
"... I had been meaning to tend to Jodie's grave this week. Got rid of most of the weeds before Little Miss Muffet here "convinced" me to take a break."
He gave a dramatized sigh of exasperation— the shadow to some kind of meltdown prior. For now, the toddler seemed at least settled, peering over the side of her stroller with those large, dark eyes unwavering from their blank stare.
"You're here for a visit too?"
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soulcaging · 3 months
(im too eepy to reply reply but i need this scenario out of my head)
"You want an oreo? I have one of those gas station eight packs."
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ah. that didn't work. okay, new plan.
they dig their teeth further into the sleeve ( despite the taste being surprisingly unbearable, despite their... earthy eating habits, let's say. ) and start growling.
is that weird enough for him? does that make him wanna leave them alone? they're fully drooling on his sleeve right now.
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