#wroef au
zer0cyanz · 1 year
WRoEF x Encanto-ish AU idea
Not the first person to think of this but it has been on my mind for a while. Imagine WRoEF but like in an Encanto like world. That instead of a curse they have a blessing upon the family (the blood related Finches that is).
Only reason I’m posting this right before bed is because I’m curious as to what powers you think each of the Finches would have and why. I already have a list of ideas but I would still like to hear from someone else. My friends haven’t responded to any of my texts in a couple of days 😞
Might share my list later if I end up caring enough. If anyone decides to comments some suggestions I would love to compare whether our thought processes are aligned or in completely different directions.
Might share more of the thoughts I’ve had for this AU. Maybe some of the actual lore I’ve thought up. I will likely never make something’s of this due to my many other projects but who knows. If this gets someone else inspired maybe I won’t need to (and yes this is me saying it’s fine to use any ideas or thoughts for this AU I might mention in the future. The AU on its own is free to use since it’s not original in the first place).
Just some thoughts I had at 4 AM in the morning 😁 Nighty-night 😴
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You (WROEF Oc)
A/n: This was originally written as a vent piece for some stuff going on in my life right now-but I loved how it turned out at least so here it is-
The first few weeks were the worst.
That’s how Eliza remembered it, anyway. The first few weeks, when someone goes missing, were always the worst.
She still remembered every detail of that day, right down to the beaten up sneakers she’d been wearing. She remembered rushing towards the tower-carelessly letting her stupid cardboard birthday hat fly freely from her head. She wouldn’t need it-she never needed it. 
Sometimes she forgot it had been her birthday. That felt so trivial now..
Had it been her fault..? Had she just-not pushed hard enough..? She still wondered about that. If she hadn’t been at the party that night-could she have talked him out of whatever he had done..? Would-would he still be here if anything had been different..?
Hell. This was hell-this felt like some sort of perfect, Inescapable hell. And that wasn’t even the worst part.
The worst part was the waiting. 
During those first few days she had hope-maybe he’d change his mind, maybe he would come back. Maybe this was some big misunderstanding and he’d just needed a break..! ..But then the days turned to weeks. And the weeks turned to months.
And the months turned to almost 20 years now.
And the worst-the absolute worst-part of it was she still had hope. She still, somewhere deep inside her-hoped he was still out there, that one day he would finally come home. The other parts-though she felt guilty for even the idea of saying it-..hoped she’d hear he was dead in a ditch somewhere. It was nothing against him obviously, just-..at least she would have some kind of closure. But as it stood-..there was still nothing. Just this empty, reeling pit of the unknown that made her feel anxious, it made her feel empty.
And it wasn’t like she didn’t have friends anymore. She had her support system, she had wonderful friends and family whom she loved.
She felt so guilty for still being upset. Why should she be, she still had friends-! She still had a loving family..! It’s not like she was alone-! ..but sometimes it felt like it. It felt like a whole piece of the gang was just..gone, and never to be replaced. She wondered if the others still thought of him, or worried-or if they’d forgotten, if they just wanted to move on and for her to shut up about it and save them all the griping.
But for now-..all she could really do was wait. 
Eliza Krolik..the girl who waited.
”..Hey Milly…” Eliza’s hands softly ran across the interior of the old tower. It still felt so strange coming back here-it felt empty, like a castle without a king. 
“I brought you something today..! Something really cool I found-“ the artist gave a weak smile, fishing around for something in her cluttered satchel-she never really did bother to organize the many layers of art supplies and whatever trinkets she could stuff in there. Maybe she would someday, but-not today. Today was more important.
Today she’d found a heart shaped rock on the beach. ”I know, I know it’s not much but-“ she spoke to thin air-she knew there was no way in hell he’d hear her-..but it felt natural at this point. “It’s a Heart shaped rock..! How cool is that..!” 
Minutes of painful silenced passed-a joke with no answer, no laughter or reply.
“..Anyway..” she sighed, her face falling a bit. “..I hope..I hope you know out there that someone misses you, Milton. All of us do..! And I know you may not believe me-but they do. In their own ways..! ..and then there’s me-“ she gave a weak, untrue smile. “..The idiot sitting in your old tower, talking to thin air like you’ll actually say something back.”
After another round of uncomfortable silence-Eliza sighed, gently setting the rock down onto the floor in front of that old door painting. It had been the last thing he ever painted-a cryptic, concerning message left behind that never got explained-and likely never would at this rate. “..I love you, Milly..” she muttered as she slowly backed away-turning to leave through the window she’d clambered in through. “..Maybe someday..”
Maybe someday. That sounded like a good summary of how she felt.
Maybe someday, he’d come home. 
Maybe someday, there’d be some sort of answer-anything..
Maybe someday.
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puzzled-pegasus · 9 months
Finch ghost design thoughts for an AU idea I have! (Cw vomit and injury mentions)
Molly: the spirit of Molly appears in her nightgown, looking tattered and dirty, and traces of vomit can be seen on the fabric. Her skin is pale and sickly, her eyes gold and slitted like a cat's, with a few streaks of black and copper in her otherwise blonde hair, reminiscent of calico cat fur.
Calvin: Calvin's spirit appears wearing his favorite space helmet, and his face is not easily seen underneath. He uses his ghostly power to float above the ground more often than not, and his mischievous nature lives on as he haunts the Finch house, closing doors and flicking the lights on and off, and creaking the old swing on which he used to play so often. Calvin has fun being a ghost; he hardly regrets his death.
Barbara: Barbara's spirit appears in the school clothes she wore on the Halloween night of her death, mysteriously torn and spattered with dark blood. A curtain of her blonde hair hides the spot where her ear is missing, torn off during the struggle that cost her her life. She is seldom seen, but if one listens closely, she can be heard practicing her famous scream on windy nights, easily mistaken for the call of a raven or the whistling gusts of wind.
Walter: The lonely spirit of Walter Finch wanders the beach where he emerged from his tunnel, searching for his family that he hasn't seen in... who knows how long. If he can be convinced to appear, for he has always been shy, he can be seen with various wounds alluding to his train incident, as well as marks on his clothes where the train's wheels trampled them. He can be convinced to appear by burning a can of peaches as an offering, or perhaps by putting together one of his model trains and turning it on.
Sam: Sam's spirit stays in his room, guarding his photos that he took of his family during his life. If a living person so much as picks up one of his precious memories, he will appear to scold them. He can be seen wearing his outdoor gear, same as the clothes he wore on his last hunting trip with Dawn, and he has a visible wound on the back of his head where it made impact with a rock, causing his death. Twigs and leaves can be seen in his clothing and hair, having stuck to him on the way down from the ledge from which he fell.
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angrydreamertaco · 2 months
If Barbara survived whatever happened to her,she'd be in the hospital for awhile,but when she doesn't need to be there anymore ,she'll be in a wheelchair.
At home,Walter would start hanging out with her again and be extra clingy (cause he missed her a lot). The twins would be awkward after the incident since they weren't there,but they would still talk or try to play with Barb.
Edie wouldn't care as much as Sven did. She would help Barbara get around in her wheelchair,feed her ,all of that,but she wouldn't show much sympathy and empathy for her. Sven would be overprotective of her and make sure she's okay (mentally) after what happened. He'd make dad jokes to help cheer her up.
Barbara and Rick would be on rough terms afterwards, even though they'd never see each other again since her 16th b-day. Though, wherever Rick was, he'd often think about her,but doesn't have enough bravery to go to their house again.
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gamerbearmira · 11 months
From the same person, who previously gave a few weird crossover ideas (with Gravity Falls and Undertale), I just had another that's full up angst and storytelling...
I introduce you to : "What remains of Edith Finch", starring Mirabel as Edith herself.
Sure, it might have some character (and game's story shifting, as well as making a couple of OC's for extra family members), but I feel that would be a beautiful, through sad story.
Imagine : Mirabel Madrigal, a girl from a cursed family, where many will die young. And now she, after death of her mother and as only Madrigal left alive, by sheer miracle of fate is brought back to her childhood house, that she fled five years ago with her mother, for one sole reason.
To learn stories of her family. Stories of their lives and deaths, just so she knows, what family she came from. She thinks it's finally time she hears those stories for herself. So she can pass it down to her unborn child.
WOAH⁉️⁉️ I actually have an AU like this. But it’s Pepa as Edie. Crazy 😮‍💨 BUT HIS GAME. WAS. So sad. Like I’m not gonna hold you, it broke my heart. So an encanto au woukd be no different 😭
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just-call-mefr1es · 6 months
the blake siblings are just peculiar, mphfpc yall get it
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coxinhadoce47-art · 2 years
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"Maybe it'd be better if it just died with me. But I thought you should know about your family. And the history you're a part of. Though to be honest, I probably feel as lost as you do right now."
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wife-of-the-crane · 1 year
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1.5k words!!! let’s go!! written five hundred more in the last hour :)
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ilovelotsofthings · 2 years
So I am very slow working on my Everyone Lives WROEF au.
Very distracted by so many other things. Like other aus and fanfics I am attempting, back into other fandoms, and just plan procrastinating 
However I love Gus and I want to talk about how my Explorer son had 4 kids in this Au
(Like canon wise and not that I rolled a die)
I have a fic where I have him mention wanting to be a vagabond. This fic existing a whole year before this au and me being attached means I am going to reason it
First off his first kid Roger was born when he was 18 before he graduated high school or went to college. So he was very present in his life. (Year was 1987)
His twin daughters Dove and Francine were born in 1991 before he graduated college in another state
(Roger is in Washington while the girls are in Oregon)
So far he isn't doing much exploring beyond going to another state for college 
(He visited his son every holiday and birthday)
He just splits his time currently between his kids. Going back and forth from Washington and Oregon.
His kids do visit each other also. His Ex's trust him and are friends.
So it is like this until he earns enough money and work experience to be able to work from home while exploring the USA and Canada.
(Far from his dream of seeing the world)
He hit that goal in 1999. At age 30.
So he explores, calls, visits, and even takes them on adventures.
In 2012 at age 43 he had his son James. The mother didn't want the kid but also is pro life. So Gus got custody.
(At this point his other kids are grown adults. 25 & 21)
Gus decided to continue visiting places all over the country with James until he was 5.
To which Gus moved back to Washington and settled down with James.
His other kids love their little brother.
Over all Gus was a Okay dad 👍
Never gave up on his dream.
Seriously though I do think my Gus would be an okay dad that his kids do love but he had a plan that didn't include having kids
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aesdi · 6 months
imagine a ghost au for wroef where the family haunts the house, somehow knowing when the “curse” will strike again and able to do nothing about it
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Alright I am FINALLY Making a Fandom/What I'll Write for List
Current Hyperfixation(s): Dead Plate, To Eat A God, Gravity Falls, Coraline, Invader Zim
I'll edit this list as my interests change. Also, there are some notes for each fandom. I'm adding a read more because it is probably going to be long. Some things I write for may not be listed, simply because I'm not taking requests for them. This list is mainly so people know what they can/cannot request.
As a quick note beforehand, though, I just want to post a link to a passion project I am creating! It is an original story, and is very personal to me. I really hope that anybody stumbling across my page or who already likes some of my fandom content will be willing to give it a read or look into it. More information is on my side blog, @tales-from-the-iolite-hospital!
Pirate Percy, Horace, and The Skintaker. A heads up that these are not the Wiki versions of the characters, and are simply my own interpretations of them.
Anyone, basically. Yes, this includes Home.
Adult Confidants (just in case, yes, this includes Takuto Maruki) - I will write for them. I think they need more love, lol. I also absolutely adore Takuto Maruki so like... Please request him-
The Phantom Thieves - I will write for them, but no NSFW because most, if not all are in high school. Some might say that a couple of them are 18, but I feel like it would be unfair and still a bit weird for me to write that stuff for.
Adult Human Characters - Mainly William Afton or Henry Emily, but I will also write for the night guards and any other adult human character.
"Animatronics" - If I write for the animatronics, they won't actually be animatronics. I wouldn't really feel comfortable with that, just because most, if not all, are possessed by the spirits of children. So, if I write for them, it will be in a AU where they will just be anthropomorphic animals in their own little world. Kinda like if the pizza chain had a show, and it is the in show universe.
As a heads up, I am not too in the loop about where the FNAF lore has gone, and I only have the first book. So, a lot of the more lore based Headcanons or FICS probably won't be that accurate. I might also try making my own AU based on only the first 3 or 4 games, but I will probably only write one story for that, and decide if I will write headcanons based on that according to how well it is received.
Every Adult Character - same rules apply as the other adult characters. I will Headcanons or stories for them during the time they were alive, of course. I have also had an AU idea where the family haunts the house as ghosts, so I MIGHT write headcanons for that, too.
Dr. Danny, Cathy, Reverend Gray - YOU CAN'T STOP ME. I LOVE THEM OMG. ESPECIALLY DANNY. I would write for Zack but like... Sorry guys I just don't really like him enough to have any ideas... (No shame to Zack lovers, btw. I just can't get the groove going for him).
John Ward
All bachelors/bachelorettes. Especially Harvey he needs more love-
Wheatley, GLaDOS, Caroline, Cave Johnson, Chelle, and Doug Rattmann
All doctors and nurses
BATMAN (in general + my own versions of the characters [Chronicverse]):
Just the villains (including Catwoman and those who play both sides). I personally just can't see the appeal in the heroes.
So I have only played Little Hope, so far, so I can't write for any other Dark Pictures installment. I'll write for any character besides Megan/Mary.
Anatoly, Karin, Gregor and Mariah.
UNCANNY VALLEY SERIES (House Hunted, John Doe):
Maison Talo, John Doe
Koolie Sterling
ERROR 143:
Micah Yujin
Hazbin Hotel:
Alastor, Lucifer, Adam, Angel Dust, Husk, Charlie, Vaggie, Niffty, Sir Pentious
I'll write for most every character I create. I probably won't write "Headcanons" if nobody is interested, but I will still write stories for them. Those stories will include x Reader sometimes.
Currently I am working on a story/series called Tales from the Iolite Hospital.
No proshipping, MAP, Zoo (I don't count furries as zoo, because they have a human level of intelligence and consciousness), Noncon, Dubcon. Currently no NSFW, but that might change in the future.
Yandere, chronic illness, specific cultures (It may not be the most accurate, but I will try. I think of it as a learning experience), LGBTQ+, mental health struggles.
Most everything I write will have some sort of horror or heavy topic in it, even if it isn't a yandere story. I LOVE horror. So, if you don't like horror and heavy topics, or can only handle it at specific times, I understand! It is just kinda my thing. If that is the case, then idk if this blog will be for you/be for you all the time. I will always make sure to try to put trigger warnings at the top of the post, though, so that people are comfortable.
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Some of you have never wanted to write an entire crossover fanfic saga of a grouchy man in flannel moving to the Pacific Northwest and  accidentally adopting a bunch of feral Orcas Islanders (even though they insist they adopted him) That pretty much ding dong ditched him in an attempt to get a good look at his reclusive ass and PROVE he’s the same guy from that weird channel they found on YouTube while looking for clues about their missing friend from 19 years ago and it SHOWS.
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puzzled-pegasus · 9 months
I'm curious about your edith finch ghost au.
I'd love to hear about it if you're up for sharing it.
I haven't really done anything with it yet, it's just an idea. The basic premise is that when Edith explores the house, she can meet the ghosts of her deceased family members.
Another thing I thought of was that each of the Finch spirits can appear in their visible form only on specific nights, like birth and death anniversaries (which would kind of suck for Barbara bc she only gets one night), or when summoned, which prevents the dead Finches from meeting each other. Perhaps with the exception of the twins; as they would of course share a birthday.
I'm thinking Edith finds a way to summon each of them as she makes her way through the haunted Finch house.
Don't worry about my design thoughts for the rest of the ghosts, I was planning on writing them right after this and adding them to the other post :)
Thanks for asking!!
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angrydreamertaco · 3 months
Hear me out...what remains of Edith finch, but it was all acting.
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gamerbearmira · 10 months
("What remains of Edith Finch" anon)
Yoo... alright. Not gonna lie, I already had most of the characters put into roles in the story, until I saw you reply to last thing and I gotta say...
My friend. I love your idea. Like... SERIOUSLY. It's also fits characters more! Not only Alma fits into role of Dawn more than Julieta... BUT PEPA REALLY SEEMS A FAR BETTER FIT FOR EDITH THAN MIRA- (especially with how Edith herself acts in the game (*cough, cough* climbing old (probably unstable) house, trees, pipes, rocks at 22 weeks pregnant *cough, cough*))
UNRELATED... since I also previously mentioned that I'm also the person, behind Undertale crossovers... am I okay to send you some of the drafts of those crossovers, I have right now? (I'm just not sure if you watched the musical... but it's not really spoilery, plus, I remade some stuff to fit Encanto verse better, so... yeah...)
THANK YOU RAHHHH 🦅🦅🦅 idk I just remember seeing the game again (gonna rewatch the gameplay cuz Jay is playing it) and I was like “wow Julieta is really similar to Dawn”, so I think that would still fit, because I always though Alma was similar to Edie (older). But obviously some of the dynamics would change between the Finch and Madrigals.
Also Pepa has Edie because. Why not, and Antonio is the youngest of the family. Might change the ages, but whatever. And yeah, pepa would def do some dangerous stuff like that exploring old Casita 😭😭
AND YES…I do not mind. I didn’t finish the musical, BUT I KNOW MORE ABOUT UNDERTALE! Me personally, I like the passive/pacifist route. I think it’s so much better than genocide, but I’m not like. Shaming anyone who does genocide 🤕 also Frisk (is that their name????) is cool. I have no clue who Chara is, but I’ve seen them before
Flowey freaks me out <33
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just-call-mefr1es · 5 months
Yay :3
Doin it as anon because uh, why not-
So basically: After a finch dies they get some sort of power linking to their death or what they wanted most
For example, Calvin and Barbara: Barbara has the ability to uh, basically kill ya ears with her new scream and she's a speedy bitch/j meanwhile Calvin can fly/float and teleport (he can also teleport a person.)
Sam has the ability to get a perfect shot, even if not aiming at the person.
Walter can uh...idfk summon a fuckin train?-
Edith. Let's see... Y'know how those words pop up with Edith's voice in-game? Yeah she can do that anywhere now (say if gus or someone was causing trouble, words would pop up in front or beside them with Edith's voice saying smth :3) oh and she can also teleport because why not
Now, lewis is a fun one! He can instantly behead someone! Don't let him find the person who kidnapped Barbara :3 (that person did uh..bad things to her.)
Milton is also a fun one! I think he can go in-between worlds and such oh and just think of the ink demon from batim (traveling through walls, popping up from ink etc)
Edie, same as Edith just not in her (edie's) voice. It's just plain text
Sven! Can build anything instantly :3
Oh and Molly! She can breath underwater (due to the shark/monster thing), silent like a cat (idk if that's how that works but eh.) and can fly like an owl
Now idk if I forgot anyone-
(oh Dawn and Gregory don't have any btw-)
poor dawn n gregory 💔💔 but this is a swagger au holy shitt
i love milton’s power:3 whenever he doesn’t want to talk to someone all he has to do is just walk through a wall💪💪 gigachad frfr
walter summoning trains😭😭 “yk what? i don’t like you” *summons thomas the train engine*
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