#wrt disability studies- it even more important make accessible these space or acknowledge limits
magz ยท 10 months
Am think from amount "society not what disability for this experience" posts am see from other multiply disabled people,
Am think the disabled leftist theorists on tumblr n twitter, have failed
On make their explanation n words accessible
N have also making some multiply-disabled people not feel welcome in these space
Because while am personally know what meant with "biosocial theory" alienation of disability,
These space n words are often said by people that not foster community, after all.
- always "Big" words. Always. No alternative version.
- dense text, n reference works n research that can difficult access
- refusal make simple english, or simple language when ask
- mean. mocking people with disabilities affect understand, when interpret words different from what "meant"
- not acknowledge other theories enough n way can overlap for different circumstance
- focus on listen only ""good"" disabled people, especially who able say thing "smart" way. Ignore diverse experience
- not help people need material help. Nor address their immediate concerns. N if do, only some.
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