time-speculo · 1 year
Rim 2
Arjun 28
Ceto 37
Krys 14
Sorrel 18
And C for any of them!!!
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[Rim] ★ 2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Super easy, like, she's already laughing level of easy! You haven't said anything. It's like resting bitch face except she has resting smiling face and honestly if she feels even a little bit happy it's not unusual to see her smile or laugh.
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[Arjun] ★ 28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? 
It's funny you ask that because he's the liar of the group. No malicious lies but he finds it easier to go with that rather than honesty. If he doesn't know a person especially, he will just lie if it pleases them. People pleaser detected. If it's a closer one he's more likely to tell them his honest opinion about things that might hurt them if he doesn't.
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[Ceto] ★ 37. Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, or things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? 
Hmmm, I've never thought of that. He strikes me as a very visual memory type of fella, like he'll look at something for a bit, repeat it to himself and he'll remember it until it's useless information. You know when you memorize exactly where a sentence starts and finishes in a book, and once you change the book you get confused? Something like that. Fun fact though, if it's a person important to have striked, he names his snakes after them to never forget them.
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[Krys] ★ 14. What animal do they fear most?
Pigeons, I've just decided. Even worse if it's a full-on flock of them. Keep them away from him. Thankfully if it's one or two he'll just eye them suspiciously and there aren't that many around the city. Rather than fear he'd like to have nothing to do with them.
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[Sorrel] ★ 18. What embarrasses them?
AGAIN, FUNNY YOU ASK THAT, because he's usually the one to roast the people and make fun of them. If Krys makes sure he won't get hit first, this man will not care, if you're doing something cringe he'll call you out on it. Which is why he does get embarrassed if he catches himself doing something "awfully nice", don't you worry though, if you try to call him out on it he'll retaliate immediately, I don't know where he stores all his comebacks.
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★C. Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
I'll just answer for the ones you asked about.
Rim's the mc so she was pretty much the one driving the plot. Ceto was made to be her "guide" character and then along the way I took out some elements out of him to make Arjun, so OG Ceto is a bit different personality-wise. Those 3 with Louise are the main four.
KRYS AND SORREL THOUGH, obviously any young one I make will just be a student at the university setting I have, but getting them to be relevant story-wise took a bit of doodling, thinking joking around with @ri-cakes before taking those jokes seriously. So even if these two aren't directly plot-related, they're gonna be helpful in including them with subtle details.
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mostlyghostie · 2 months
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What I read in July!
Being on holiday for a couple weeks helped here.
Loved The Burgess Boys, Strout is unbelievable at creating real people, her books are just so compelling. This was more just sad rather than the hopefulness of some of her others, but loved it.
Don��t Look Now was enjoyable, but a rare case of the film being better. Some other good stories in here too,
Powering through Narnia with my 5 year old, we both thought The Silver Chair was really weird, but there was some good stuff in it, primarily the giant castle and the collapsing underworld. Alan was more than usually unhelpful in this one.
Listened to the audiobook of The Witches while driving through Alberta on hols, it’s a bit less fun once the mouse transformation happens, but such a sweet ending
I’m sure I’ve read Animal Farm before at school, but that was a loong time ago. It’s fucking great! Obviously. Found an 80s Folio Society edition very cheap in a local shop with Quentin Blake illustrations.
Hot Milk was great and weird and funny, following a slightly aimless young woman who is accompanying her mother to Spain for a cure to an illness that she’s patently making up for some reason. I bought this in 2016 and only just read it.
The Hole was also v weird, reminiscent of Murakami, liked it a lot. I’m fond of the detached, quiet style of a lot of Japanese fiction.
Didn’t like this Pratchett very much. I never read the Tiffany Aching books when I was deep in my Discworld phase (96-06?), liked the first one a lot but this didn’t connect with me
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Could you do Platonic Yanderes Endeavor (reformed), Aizawa, Present Mic, with a child darling who wears a mask and basically said screw hero life and became a vigilante + them finding out there a kid under the mask
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Child Vigilante Reader | Yandere Boku No Hero Academia
They recognized that you were short and the words you’d say sounded funny in your deep voice modulator. But it still came as a surprise when they pulled that mask off your face to reveal the lightly battered face of a young child:
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Aizawa Shota
Just by your height and general instinct as a hero he’s always putting a protective arm in front of you
And he figures your young with your insistent yells that ‘you’re not a kid’ 
Only to pick up your injured body taking off your mask to check if your okay
Only to be filled with an overwhelming urge to protect you as he registered how little you are
You’re his kid now 
No questions asked
He takes you to his home, having had you checked up by the doctors
He’ll do his research find out what you’re homelife is like
when you don’t show up and a fuss isn’t raise he takes it upon himself to officially adopt you
“You’re not my dad!”
“Your papers don’t say so!”
“Then give ‘em to me I’ll burn it now!”
He’s used to dealing with rowdy kids
And he’s willing to deal with your now unpowered fits
And most animosity is cleared up when he gives you some food
You’ll try to run away but he catches you everytime
And eventually you’ll fall into a cycle
Where you join him as you fight crime 
Then you go home and live the domestic life with Aizawa
He doesn’t stop you until he feels like its too dangerous and when you’re lured into a false sense of security
“Sorry kid, I can’t have you getting hurt. Trust me this is an act of love.”
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Hizashi Yamada
He probably quietly follows you at the end of a long day
Doing the thing he’s never doing around you: Being Quiet
Usually he doesn’t mind working with you 
After a couple attempts to bring you in he doesn’t anymore
And instead just works in harmony with you 
Usually joking and bantering with you to turn down all his jokes
But he’s horrified to know that your a kid
Young enough to be his kid is so nonreactive to his animated actions
What made you so serious!?
He does the same as Aizawa 
Finds out your homelife and legally takes control
“Whazzup kiddo! Guess who’s your new daddy!?”
“A bumbling frat boy idiot-hero?”
“Ack! H-how do you even know to insult me like that!?”
He’s not the best at catching you if you try to run away 
But you’re so lucid you’ll end up willingly moving in with him
because child services
He tries 
He really does
But you’re such a little adult you end up teaching him how to properly take care of you
He doesn’t really restrict you because you seem like you’re so smart
You usually outsmart him enough to keep doing your vigilante work
But the one time he outsmarts you, he might get some help you’re stuck
At least for this major battle you were prepared to die defeating
“Sorry baby bird, but I can’t have you getting hurt. That’s for your papa to deal with!” 
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Todoroki Enji (Reformed)
“And you’ll be going away for a loong time.”
“Yes…thank you for your help with this one.”
“Of course! Always happy to help!” 
“...Now reveal yourself to me!” 
“Hey!? Let me go!”
He’s suspected you were young from the beginning 
And it infuriates him now
That some idiot father of yours would let you run around like this
They’re probably as bad as he was 
And he can’t let that be
So he’ll go to your family’s home
And tear them a new one 
Practically bullying them into signing adoption papers or at the very least making you meet up with him weekly daily
He’s such an old man
Lecturing you about how you dress 
Scolding you when he finds you fighting villains
He’ll force a bunch of tracking devices and bugs in your room 
So that he can keep you safe
And when it gets real he doesn’t mind locking you wherever he decides is best
“I’ve done…a lot of horrible things. I’ve hurt my family. I’ve hurt my fans. And you’ll probably hate me but you need me to protect you, to guide you. So trust me, this is for your own good.”
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scarletwritesshit · 1 month
🌙 Xiangli Yao x F!Rover 🌙 The Huanglong Moon is Beautiful, isn't it?
Rover trudged up every rickety stair and uneven mound on her way up to the wishing tree. The night was still young after the successful display of the Loong lantern, so there should be some time left for her to catch him before he retired for the night.
"Xiangli Yao!" she called out.
Hopefully, he would at least still be up working away at fulfilling any wishes that have been left under the tree since they last checked. Sentinels forbid yet another citizen silently voices their plea for a death sentence as a cover-up for what truly ailed them. The source of error and lack of wishes being granted may have been rectified, but Xiangli Yao could not take any chances, and so he had decided to personally fulfill whatever further wishes the people of Huanglong bought to their tree tonight.
Rover was very much aware of his secret to granting wishes, but that didn’t stop her from confronting him. Her wish wasn’t something that a piece of paper could do justice to, and it certainly wasn’t something a robot could fulfill.
Xiangli Yao was standing at the base of the tree, gazing down at the bustling festival out of view of the general public. From the gentle smile on his face, he seemed fairly confident that all had gone smoothly with the Loong dance and plans for the fulfillment of any remaining wishes. After what horrors she and Yao were subjected to within the Sonoro Sphere, it was a relief to see that the light had not dissipated from his eyes.
"There you are!" Rover said, dragging her feet the rest of the way up the hill.
Xiangli Yao turned towards her, and he smiled a little more upon seeing Rover.
"Ah, a delight to see you like always, Rover," he said. "Is there something that I can do for you?"
"Yeah," she said as she was still catching her breath, "you still owe me a wish.”
"You didn’t need to run all the way up here to catch me. Signing your name on the paper and hanging it on the tree would’ve sufficed.”
Rover shook her head. “It’s something unfit for a piece of paper, something that only you, personally, can fulfill.”
Xiangli Yao was rather perplexed by Rover’s words. She hadn’t even begun to tell him, and she already felt herself slipping up. When she thought about it for longer than three seconds, the implications did sound rather questionable. At this point, though, there was no turning back for Rover.
Thankfully, Xiangli Yao spoke up before she could utter any more dangerously questionable nonsense.
“What can I do for you?” he asked.
Rover looked around to make sure the coast was clear. Normally, one wasn’t supposed to reveal their wishes to others, otherwise, it would not come true. Should anyone overhear them, it could spell great humiliation for Rover, and unfortunately Xiangli Yao as well.
Plus, given the nature of her request, out in the open was not an ideal spot for any sort of confession anyways.
She glanced over the edge of the cliff to see that nobody had bothered to look up at the tree that towered over them. They were all too distracted indulging in festival games and chowing down on Moon-Chasing Festival specialties at the food stalls.
"Everyone’s preoccupied down there,” Rover said, grabbing his metal hand and gently pulling it, “We can sit by the wishing tree and have it all to ourselves for the time being.”
A little too, straightforward, perhaps? If she said any more, Rover would end up blatantly confessing the feelings she had for Yao. Any less, and it would only leave him with confusion, and Rover with more humiliation.
Xiangli Yao smiled and closed his hand around her fingers. "I can’t say no to helping a good friend with her wish, now can I?”
He turned around to once more gaze at the bustling stalls below.
“Besides, I could use a break from the excitement myself.”
A break from the excitement. Temporarily, for him anyways. Rover doesn’t get a break. She hasn’t had one ever since heard Yao speak those painfully sweet words for the first time.
Rover led him to spot against the trunk just far enough away from the edge of the cliff that nobody without an eagle eye could spot them from below. She didn’t see any stray onlookers around, or take note of anyone appearing to make the wishing tree their next visit. If anyone were to catch Rover in her current position, she would probably turn into a Gulpuff and have Xiangli Yao fling her halfway across Huanglong.
Rover’s body felt rather stiff as she was sitting next to him. She wasn’t deterred by his cold metal arm, but was rather frozen stiff from sheer nerves. Xiangli Yao was seemingly unaware of Rover’s rather awkward stance, as he was gazing up at the moon lost in his thoughts.
‘Rover,” Xiangli Yao said, “it’s been a while since we last had a Moon-Chasing Festival on a night as clear as this one.”
“Really?” Rover asked. “You’ve had Moon-Chasing Festivals…without a moon? What were you even chasing, then? Daybreak? Clouds?”
Yao laughed a little at her confusion. “Well, the clouds would often obscure at least part of the sky. The display wasn’t as spectacular without the natural beauty of the moon and the stars.”
Rover leaned back on the wishing tree’s trunk and took a deep breath, gazing up at the sky as well. To tell the truth, she hadn’t had a moment of respite where she felt as if she could breathe without any TDs or freaks on her trail. Only now was Rover realizing just how beautiful the night sky was.
“I never really had the chance to see it for myself,” Xiangli Yao said, as if he were reading Rover’s thoughts. “Most of my long nights were spent inside the research lab, in the windowless rooms surrounded by machinery and computer screens.”
He looked down with a glint of regret in his eyes.
“Even during the festival, I am working behind the scenes more than anything. At most, I am but a witness from the sidelines, having no one but Patty and Xiang-LEE to pass the time with.”
“You’re not alone tonight at least,” Rover reassured him, patting him on his steel shoulder.
It had only just occurred to her that his metal arm was most likely unable to feel anything, let alone her touch. Nevertheless, Xiangli Yao looked at her with a smile on his face yet the glint of sadness still lingering in his eyes.
“I’m deeply thankful to be with you tonight. I haven’t spent this much time with a friend since…”
He once again looked down and sighed.
“The display was a success, Patty was fixed, and everyone is off doing their own thing at the stalls. I’d say you’ve earned some time to yourself,” Rover said. “This isn’t something that comes around very often.
She looked up once again at the clear night sky, a faint glow of reddish-orange radiating around them from the festival lanterns. Rover hadn’t realized it, but the tension that was previously stinging her body into motionlessness dissipated. Her original reason for pulling Xiangli Yao aside had somehow managed to slip her mind completely. Mending the feelings of loneliness, the two of them were finally at peace, sitting together under the same tree and gazing at the same night sky.
Still, Rover had a lingering tinge of guilt that his artificial arm was unable to feel her touch. Inconspicuously, she stood up and walked over to Xiangli Yao’s other side.
“I can get a better view of the sky over here,” she said before he could question her.
Rover once again comfortably rested herself against the base of the tree. Her body settled against the side of Xiangli Yao, but he seemed to hardly mind at all. Whether or not it was intended or subconscious, he adjusted himself to be more comfortable next to her, gently enough to not force her off.
“…I’ve been so engulfed in my research that I haven’t bothered to stop and cherish the little things such as this; something as simple as gazing at the moon with dear friend. It’s nice. I wish I could do this more often,” he said.
“Despite all of our unanswered questions that still remain, it brings me a feeling of peace…and comfort,” Rover said.
“Ah…the moon truly is beautiful, isn’t it?” Xiangli Yao said, completely enamored of the night sky, at least, that’s what he looked like to Rover at first glance when she turned to look at him.
She could see the reflection of the moon and the stars twinkling in his eyes. They were filled with a gentle warmth that warmed her soul on this cool night. Or maybe that warmth Rover was feeling was, in actuality, her face turning red. Regardless of the answer, it was hard not to feel at ease around a soul as kind and gentle as Yao.
“Beautiful indeed,” Rover said.
Out of the corner of his eye, Xiangli Yao noticed that she was looking at him when she said that, and not up at the moon. The fleeting thought of Rover directing her “beautiful” comment towards him and not at the sky abruptly set his heart aflutter. For having spent so much time in self-inflicted isolation while forbidding himself from forming any deep, personal bonds, this sort of feeling was all too new to him.
Xiangli Yao can recall the exact moment that this all had started; right when she showed him simple, genuine kindness. No comment about being a renowned researcher, no comment requesting any form of help, nothing. Rover treated him as an equal, not needing any reason to greet him with a smile. He wondered, just how long has it been since he last met someone this genuine?
Has he ever been treated with any real affection at all?
It really seemed like the most basic of gestures, but Xiangli Yao couldn’t help himself falling for a girl who didn’t need a reason to smile when she saw him. He almost felt the need, the desperation, the clinginess that he had managed to keep repressed for so long. He looked away from Rover, in an attempt to save himself the shame of alluding to what he felt within.
“So…about my wish,” Rover said.
“Oh, right. You never did tell me what it was. Helping you make it come true is the least I can do as thanks for all of the trouble you went through for me.”
“It’s not really a matter of you having to help me, but it’s more like…if you want to.”
Rover took a deep breath.
“My wish is to be with you forever.”
“F-forever?” he said, completely caught off guard. “You wish to be with someone who can’t even maintain a singular friendship? Clearly, you don’t know what problems you’re setting yourself up for.”
“I know that isn’t true, Yao. I’ve seen it for myself firsthand. You don’t have to force yourself to go through everything alone.”
Rover placed her hand on top of his, and gently curled her fingers around Xiangli Yao’s hand. It had suddenly occurred to him that his prosthetic arm couldn’t truly feel the sensation of Rover’s touch. If he may confess, the softness of Rover’s hand felt…quite nice. The most warmth he had ever felt from another human came from the accidental run-in with colleagues within the laboratory. This was absolutely nothing like that. It was pleasant. It was intimate. It was all that he could ever ask for.
Would it be selfish of him to accept her love? Theoretically, if he was greedy for caring about one singular friend of his, then that would make Rover far worse than him: a blatant falsehood.
“…Even… if it’s just together as friends,” she continued.
“Rover, would you by any chance, consider…being more than just friends?”
“Consider? Why, it’s something I’ve had my heart set on ever since I first met you.”
“Surely, I can’t be all that,” Xiangli Yao said with a sigh, trying to inch himself away from Rover.
She refused to let him budge, as she gently held his hand tighter.
“Part of you is made of metal when you have the softest heart of any man I’ve met,” Rover said.
“Your kindness remains unmatched, Rover, going out of your way to help a lonesome man out of the goodness of your heart.”
“It’s impossible for me to resist the biggest sweetheart in Huanglong.”
“Ah…you flatter me, truly.”
“I mean it, Yao.”
“I…I thank you,” he said, losing track of his words. “I wish I could better express how much this genuinely means to me.”
Xiangli Yao went silent for a brief moment.
“And… thank you… for fulfilling my wish in return, Rover,” he continued.
"You never told me that you had a wish yourself. I don’t think I’ve even done anything of note for you personally," Rover said, a little surprised.
"You’ve done plenty for me, going as far as to fulfill a wish I deemed far too selfish to share with the world."
"And what would that be?"
"For you to love me as much as I love you.”
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royakahoshiart · 2 months
TBHK tik tok is the worst jee
Screenshots provided by @/ddiamondtea on twitter
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This is bullshit
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He gets praised BECAUSE he has saved other despite the lack of spiritual power he has. Then the skirt thing makes sense because for him being a 14 year old in a shounen manga and not being a pervert like hanako was portrayed at the start it gains him a lot of respect..
NO HE ISN'T WEAK?? Compared to his brother yes he is physically and spiritually less strong than Teru, but even so he helps how much he can even repressing his own problems for the benefits of others. if i was him i would've given up loong ag
The fact he saved Mitsuba IS praise worthy. He tried saving someone who was dead, which would've been exorcised by Teru already since he is the bent neck boy who will break your neck too, therefore harmful.
Kou DID try to save him and that IS worth liking him for. he has so many problems even before Mitsuba or Hanako, yet he still tries to understand their needs and does what he can to help them out.
Saving him in NOT the bare minimum as everyone ever just ran away from him, and Kou would've exprcised him if Mitsuba wasn't both a student and an non-harmful ghost.
Of course he is not the greenest flag, he's one of the characters with the most issues. He never thinks of the consequences and jumps in ending up in endangering himself. He is selfless and only thinks to help others without gaining anything from it.
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how is kou having attempted suicide a red flag it just means he needs help not that he's the worst for having them it's like telling all of us people that struggle with it that we just need to get over it. Kou is such a compelling character and his development is not yet done, he doesn't have to be your favourite but appreciate his efforts to help everyone even while nothing goes his way
It's just so insensitive and horribly apathetic. Kou clearly struggles with suicidal thought because if that's the first thing he resorts to it means he has thought about it long before it happened.
Whatever it's useless to explain to them and their pebble brain.
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Not even gonna say anything this is just dumb
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rowenna-887 · 4 months
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Sooo... it's been a long time since a post anything, huh? but i got some explanations for that!
since i think, setptember? my pc broke, so i stayed for a loong time without one (like, six months, or more). But know i have a notebook! That may not be what i really want it, but its better than what i have!
Other things hapenned, like graduation, the "end" of mcl, the beginning of new gen, etc, etc. But know let's focus on what metter! And before i forget, this post was inspired by @candysweetposts post of their ocs!
Meet Marilia, my main oc for New Gen!
some of you may remember about a post her for a long time ago. They're the child of Charlotte and Rayan, and my newcette to jason's route!
(i gonna ask sorry for any misinterpretation of the gender neutral. English is not my first language and i still struggling to understand better. So i will avoid use it to much, but have in mind the Marilia uses She/Her and They/Them pronouns!)
Marilia (or May) is a determined and serious person. They avoid social interaction, being directly and clear when they need to do. She is very efficient and control person. Her color scheme is basically black, white and grey, often using colors like green, purple or blue to give a little bit of color on her look. She sees Jason like a confrount, something (yes, something) who provokes the balance she create in her life, and surprisely, she's falling for it.
Heres Marilia first impressions of Li's:
Amanda: Type of girl who Marilia woud like to make cry in high school.
Roy: He's nice. Too energetic to them, but nice.
Devon: He's efficient e a great boss, something them values in a person. Plus, He remember her father.
Jason: Take them out of the rails. She's fascinated.
Thomas: they identify with him, a lot.
More about Marilia: May discovered herself as a demifemme after college, realizing she actually doesn't identify as boy too, only in the femme spectrum and as agender. They still keeps contact with Haru and Rafael, even though they can't see each other frequently due the distance. She works as graffic designer on Devenementiel. At first, she want to be a stylist, but end up liking more of the designer career, leaving the stylist career as a hobby she does from time to time. They are very creative e never leaves home without her tablet to draw, since it help her to relax too. They have ASD level 1, and is very sensitive to sounds, aways walking with phones or her custom earplugs. Rowenna call her "little buuny" because of her hair, who kinda looks like down bunny ears. She pretend to be mad at it, but she doesn't mind the nickname, since they love rabbits.
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secretstrangerperv · 5 days
the post you reblogged about someone else being small made me sooo flustered idk !! personally i can’t fit much in my puppyparts at least not yet >//< maybe two fingers at a push :3 guess i gotta practice !!! but yea if someone teased me about that i think i’d get sooo whiny and embarrassed,,, comparing sizes and seeing juust how much i can fit <33 i promise id try to take it all !!!
this is so cute, id love to help you practice, puppy. id have you on my lap, sitting in such a way that whenever you looked down to see what i was doing, youd also see my throbbing cock that you still cant take inside you, plus, quite the sight for a size comparison. your tcock's silhouette completely overtaken by the silhouette of my dick beneath it.
while my fingers work your puppyparts, slowly but surely easing you up. youre so tense so it takes a few loong long sessions. at the end of each one id try to slide inside you to see how much progress we made, and you are doing quite well pup! though its actually quite funny how badly you wanna be used when you cant even take my cock. thankfully half the fun is humiliating you<3 but still, it's nice to train you to take bigger cock in your hole bc i know ill soon be able to pound you so senseless you cant even think
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ganondoodle · 1 year
why does it seem so impossible for theory people .. or any people really to even consider that rauru isnt the firstest of the first kings of hyrule, its been remade so many times already and the 'forgotten era of myth' might as well have included hyrule being forgotten; instead its always messing with the old titles and timeline and im so TIRED
is it rly some sort of complex to HAVE to connect the new stuff to the old titles somehow?? again i get that theorizing and all that can mean anythign but i havent seen anyone even bring up the fact that maybe, this is just a new hyrule and rauru was just the first guy on this one to call himself king, maybe the name hyrule survived but it didnt connect back to a kingdom so hey jsut thought thats a neat old name lets call it that, hell, maybe it was a surname of sonia even so he literally just called the kingdom after her not knowing its been called that since the beginning of time, wouldnt that be a cool coinsidence!! and also rly sweet of him!! like him being called rauru!! like a guy loooong long before him that no one knows of bc its been so long its long been forgotten he ever existed! isnt that cool and somber connection!
id also love if someone could just kinda ... consider botw/totk(uhg) as their own thing, like, i love the old titles, but i also love them as being done, their era has ended, this is a new era, what if we could just ... view this new era as their own thing without having to chain every little bit of dialog to the old titles
i really wish rauru/sonia never said they just founded hyrule, and zelda(i think) never called him the 'first' king bc apparently some people are unable to think oh this is a new hyrule and he was the first king of this one like i did but instead go into a rampage trying to make everyone believe totks past is somehow canonically right after fucking SKYWARD SWORD; like ... some people take every line of dialog like wayyy to literally, rauru probably THOUGHT he was the one who founded this kingdom bc he literally couldnt know any better with everything of the old stuff being so loong forgotten already, hes just some dude and not literal god who knows it all, characters can be wrong even when they believe they are right!!
(yes i am annoying about this bc i hate this on a personal level)
like .. i cant be the only one who thinks botw to be of a new era so long after all the old titles its basically a new world entirely, with no direct links to anything in the past, with references and callbacks from all old legends, but still a new world, without chains to the old, reoccuring names and happenings haunting it just the same as it did all the ones before them yet not being aware this has been happening over and over .... .. and, after it was said that oh rauru was the name of the 'first' king of hyrule, immediately thought oh shit he founded this new hyrule coolio (lets ignore how much i grew to dislike totk in general, i was hopeful still at that point) (lets also ignore how many problems totk alone has with its own damn lore for this ok, its its own mess that dragged botw into its mess but that doesnt mean it ALSO has to drag literally every single other game into its mess too)
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nex-is-sleeping · 2 years
Hi Ned, how are ya?
Can I request a SFW alphabetical list of Boom!Sonic x fem!reader? Cuz Boom Sonic is just an adorable dork and I wanted to know how he is around this partner, what is his love language and all those good stuff
Thanks, please keep writing, they’re so good!! :3
Boom!Sonic SFW Alphabet
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Hmm.. Ned, I have no idea who that is ! But I, Nex, and doing quite alright, thank you !
A-Affection (How affectionate are they ? How do they show affection ?)
While alone, Sonic is quite affectionate ! His love language is quality time ! So, while being with you alone, he'll talk so much with you. He just finds you so interesting ! But in public or with his friends ? Not so much.
B-Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend ?)
He'd want a loyal friend, who is honest and open with him ! And he has Tails, and he wouldn't trade his little fox friend for the world !
C-Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle ? How would they do it ?)
Sonic is in between about it. He wouldn't initiate it, but wouldn't protest if you came over and hugged on him for a while. He would insist on being the big spoon.
D-Domestic (Do they wanna settle down ? Are they good at cooking and cleaning ?)
The idea of settling down kinda doesn't sit right with him. Like, Sonic loves you dearly ! But it would take a loong while for him to decide to, He's not good at cooking or cleaning-
E-Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it ?)
He wouldn't do it straight away, after all, he didn't want these fun times to end with you. Sonic would still love to be your friend ! But a romantic partner not so much. He'd do it over text, he wouldn't be able to take it if it actually upset you.
F-Fiance (How do they feel about commitment ? How quick would they want to get married ?)
Sonic, he has a tad bit of commitment issues. it would take him at least over 5-6 years to even think about getting married.
G-Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally ?
He definitely isn't all that gentle physically. Sonic plays rough. But emotionally, he'll try his best, but he isn't that good in emotional situations.
H-Hugs (Do they like hugs ? How often do they hug, and how are they ?)
He likes hugs ! He won't often start one, but he loves it when someone hugs him unexpectedly. He'll hug you back, not tightly nor softly, but just the right tightness. His hug is oddly cold though.
I-I love you (How fast do they say the L-word ?)
Immediately. He just loves you so much ! Why wouldn't he ? He just doesn't say it in public.
J-Jealousy (How jealous do they get ? What do they do when they get jealous ?)
Sonic gets jealous super easily, and when he does, it's a raging fire. He'll turn the conversation to something else, or rest his arm around on your hip.
K-Kisses (What are their kisses like ? Where do they like to kiss you ? Where do they like to be kissed ?)
Sonic kisses are deep, and full of emotion. I dare say, he is quite good at it. He loves to kiss your insecurities. He just thinks you shouldn't be insecure, he loves them ! He on the other hand likes to be kissed on the neck. It just feels nice.
L-Little ones (How are they with children ?)
Kids annoy him. He will never have kids to be honest. Too much responsibility.
M-Morning (How are mornings spent with them ?)
Sonic always sleeps in, so you just don't spend the morning together.
N-Night (How are nights spent with them ?)
Sonic loves spending long nights with you. Most of the time you two play video games together, or sometimes you two fall asleep together.
O-Open (When do they start revealing things about themselves ? Do they say everything all at once or wait and reveal things slowly ?)
He would try to wait to reveal secrets about himself, but fails miserably when you ask.
P-Patience (How easily angered are they ?)
Q-Quizzes (How much would they remember about you ? Do they forget some stuff or keep everything memorized ?)
Sonic is easily angered when things don't go his way. But, with his friends and you he tries his best to be patient.
R-Remember (What is their favorite part about the relationship ?)
He remembers (most) things ! Just don't expect him to remember the little stuff-
When Sonic first met you, it was almost love at first sight. He loved the way he felt in that moment, and would love it over again and again.
Y-Yuck (What are some things they don't like in a partner.)
S-Security (How protective are they ? How would they protect you ? How would they like to be protected ?)
He's very protective, with Eggman attacking every day it seems like, why wouldn't he worry about you ? He would appreciate it if you protected him, but he'd say he didn't need it.
T-Try (How much effort would they put into the relationship ?)
Sonic would put a little bit more than the minimum ! Like, he would take you out on dates, but only to meh burger (basically the opposite of romantic)
U-Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs ?)
He snores REALLY loud.
V-Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks ?)
Sonic loves how he looks !! He spends like an hour a day making sure he looks the best he can be
W-Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you ?)
Not really, he's an independent person. But, he would feel like something is missing.
X-Xtra (A random headcanon)
His favorite color is purple !
If they're dishonest. For Sonic that's an immediate no.
Z-Zzz (What are their sleep habits ?)
He has very irregular sleep patterns, sometimes he goes to sleep early, sometimes he goes to sleep at 4:46AM
Thank you for my first alphabet request Anon ! I had fun writing Boom!Sonic !! Always feel free to request more !!!
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visualtaehyun · 8 months
Disclaimer: not a native speaker, still learning 🙏
Onto the promised second half of my accumulated language notes on Last Twilight ep. 9-11, this time a short one!
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จ้า /jaa/
Perfect subs, no notes. จ้า or จ๋า is an ending particle or interjection that gives vibes of intimacy and being sweet - I kinda melted when he said it.
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The fact that Day calls out to his brother in this moment of distress by calling him พี่ไนท์ /phi Night/, whereas they usually use familiar impolite กู/มึง /guu, meung/ with each other, and we see them be physically affectionate now 🥺
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หวัดดี อาหมอก อาเดย์ ลุงไนท์ สิลูก /wat dee aa Mork aa Day loong Night si luuk/
-> อา /aa/ = a young uncle or aunt; ลุง /loong/ = an old uncle; ลูก /luuk/ = child, son/daughter
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Porjai พอใจ /phaaw jai/ = satisfied, content; satisfactory
Poomjai ภูมิใจ /phuum jai/ = proud
This notion of You're more than 'enough', you're amazing! -
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ผมอยากให้คุณภูมิใจในตัวเองนะ ที่แบกท้องคนเดียวมาได้ขนาดนี้อะ /pom yaak hai khun phuum jai nai dtuua ehng na thee baaek thaawng khohn diao maa dai kha naat nee a/
= I want you to be proud of yourself for carrying this pregnancy alone for so long.
Night used to call himself พี่ /phi/ and Porjai เรา /rao/ or น้อง /nong/ up until last episode. That he now uses the more formal ผม /pom/ and คุณ /khun/ is giving such married couple vibes 🥹
-> More on all these pronouns here, where I explained how MorkDay went through the exact opposite pronoun journey
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visionthefox · 1 month
ya know..talking..well- ranting to my friend over the different Eclipses and their lore in the sams..kinda made me realize something,, we know Solar's moon died when he tried to get rid of the kill code , reset, came back with the intentions to also get Sun back to life... due to failing for a time, because even if Solar never say , we can assume is long enough for him to learn how to fix almost anything! so is a loong time! for Solar to finally just accept it.. but for Moon to gone mad.. Solar knows the effects on someone grieving for too long, he SAW it, he LIVED it, sadly the video is down but when he and Lunar talked after BM broke his ,Lunar, arm.. he mentions he has many stories of nearly getting killed by his own Moon.. (I mention this because even after all, when Solar did finally killed Moon..it wasnt out of anger, not even revenge! it was..out of fear, he said he didnt wanted to do it! , so he know Moon's madness was just a mask for pain!) now.. back to lore.. im sure to this point Sun wont tell what he did, the whole locking his mentally unestable brother, and forcing electric shocks into him if he tries to leave because "he pushed our help away!" but knowing Solar is aware Moon had "gone mad" trying to get him back HAS to ring a bell on him.. it just has to! this hits him too close to home! to his own Moon! his past! this is something he has experience with, so I do wish this comes back,so he can be the one to finally said it! "Moon was suffering! as any Moon, he wasnt going to ask for help for himself! getting him locked up like a criminal after everything! of course he gonna go mad! I know that!" just.. get Nexus name clean up.. Solar lost a friend.. a brother.. again!, if this isnt mentioned I just.. im not watching, because this lack of care in detalls gets me! well maybe not lack of care, but just not writting this up to not forget! like Monty beating Sun up! or Earth's whole "therapist" not being able to see the issue on Moon.. and leaving him alone!.. im ending the rant here.. idk if anyone else saw this similarity on Moons and sadness.. but is just too clear now..
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milkybonya · 2 years
love fool ☆ haruto
order 062, 🐦 anon: large banana milk tea with pudding and crystal tapioca pearls for trsr Haruto
! : reader is kinda dramatic and mean to Haruto T_T but he's mean back heh, ft. class president!Yoshi, badminton references, crying, very much +1k it ended up loong
# : enemies to lovers! , lazy!Haruto and high achiever!(gn)reader, Haruto and reader are high school seniors
[💌: finally found time to watch weak hero and can u tell this is loosely nspired by that >_< also title is based off lovefool by n.flying 🫶🏼]
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all Haruto wants is to make it to lunch so he can nap. all you want is to make sure you get into your first university choice on a scholarship. aka you also want the highest grades. that's a bit of a problem, especially when the two of you keep getting in each other's way.
squeak. squeak. squeak. squeak.
someone in class had been shaking their leg up and down for the past ten minutes, driving you crazy as you tried to take notes. their rubber shoes were making sounds as they hit the linoleum floor and you were about to throw your own shoe at whoever it was.
"Haruto. stop shaking your leg and pay attention. it's bad luck," Yoshinori, the top student whispered somewhere behind you.
Haruto scoffed in response but stopped, and finally your ears were at peace. you were so happy you could give Yoshi a kiss or something--
squeak. squeak. squeak.
you gritted your teeth together. just 6 more minutes of class and all of this would be over.
you couldn't do it.
you suddenly got up and everyone's eyes turned to you.
"teacher, i really need to use the washroom," you said before storming off, not even giving your teacher a chance to reply.
you washed your face and took a few deep breaths before hurrying back, not wanting to miss the lesson. luckily, you were able to get all the important parts noted down before lunch.
"finally, lunch!" Haruto exclaimed, standing up and doing a booty jiggle in joy.
his friends all laughed and you sighed, turning to him with a glare.
"stop being disruptive during class. you're annoying enough during lunch anyway, so save it for then," you said before you walked away.
Haruto simply watched you with a glare. he didn't get why you were always such a party pooper.
in the cafeteria, Haruto wanted to quickly eat so he could head back to class and nap before lunch ended. so, he cut in line. seeing one of his friends near the front, he slid in next to them and quickly picked up a tray.
you, being a few people behind him and having waited five minutes so far just to get to this spot, found it hard to tolerate the tall boy's actions.
"hey, Ruto! don't cut in line. head to the back, we've all been waiting for ages," you shouted, sternly.
Haruto threw you a glare, actually kind of scaring you.
"don't call me Ruto. only my friends call me that. and stop acting like we're close and you can order me around," he replied, returning to his food.
his voice was deep and his eyes looked at you from behind his lids. your heart raced out of probable fear the whole time he interacted with you but once he was gone, all you could do was scoff.
your hand slammed down on Haruto's desk. he woke up dazed but sat upright, somewhat fearing for his life.
"no one cuts in line and gets away with it," you grumbled.
then, you grabbed Haruto's water bottle and splashed some in his face. he was seething with anger.
"and this is for being so loud during class," you huffed.
Yoshi watched everything from the seat beside Haruto while holding back laughter, shocked at your attitude.
"do you think getting the top grades makes you all that?!" Haruto exclaimed while standing up, his voice cracking because of how angry he was.
everyone held back their laughter after hearing the pitch of his voice.
"shut up, all of you!" Haruto screeched before storming out of the class.
during phys ed class, two teams were formed for badminton.
"the class president and the student with the highest grades in this class will form the two teams. team captains, pick your teammates and then we can begin," the teacher explained, organizing the rackets and birdies.
you eyed Yoshi as he began to pick his teammates. Haruto. Jaehyuk. Jeongwoo. Asahi. all his friends. you scoffed and leaned against a net.
"if you don't get picked by Yoshi or if you simply don't wanna be on that team, come here," you said, matter-of-factly.
you were surprised to see a lot of people joined you. after dividing everyone into pairs to play doubles, you decided you would play singles, since there was an odd number of students.
when it was time to start, you waited at a net for your opponent. Haruto came marching over, looking relaxed but clearly bottling up some anger.
"did you wanna play against me or was it Yoshi's decision?" you asked, practicing swinging your racket.
"if i beat you today, you're gonna let me cut in line at lunch, let me be as loud as i want in class, and let me sleep whenever i want," Haruto said, serving.
"if i win then you stay quiet, don't cut in lines, and you owe me another wish that i haven't decided," you replied as you returned the serve.
Haruto faced sideways as he ran to hit the birdie, and you noticed his long locks in a ponytail. it's cute, you found yourself thinking.
"why do you get another wish and i don't?" Haruto complained.
"because you asked for three things and i only asked for two."
you smashed the birdie down while Haruto was giving you a confused look, earning you your first point.
the game continued, and even though the rest of your classmates were having fun and taking breaks, you and Haruto were taking things extra seriously.
by the end of the class hour, you had won by three points and Haruto's hair was stuck to his forehead. despite hating the mere sight of him, you still offered him some of your water.
"thanks," he said before chugging it down. you watched his adam's apple bob up and down... then realized he finished all your water and left none for you.
"Haruto!" you yelled after him.
he smirked and grinned at the ground while he walked away.
"so. i won the game, right? you're gonna be quiet in class, right?" you asked Haruto at his desk.
he glared at you slightly before replying, "yeah but you never said for how long. could be a minute. could be an hour. could be months."
he had his chin resting on his palm as he smiled up at you with a mischievous smirk.
"you know exactly what i mean and if you act up, i'm not helping you on our group project."
"group project?"
"class, today i'll be telling you about a new assignment. it's a group project and i used a random generator to decide the pairs," the teacher spoke up just then.
you smirked at Haruto this time, keeping eye contact as both of your names were called.
"Haruto and y/n will be together," the teacher said.
Haruto looked at you with disgust as you mouthed to him to stay quiet, or else you'd make him fail the group project. luckily, he did as he was told.
you waited for Haruto at a café. he was five minutes late and you were trying hard not to call him and yell at him as soon as he picked up. you did yell at him when he arrived, though.
"and where in the hell were you? the café's practically closing!" you huffed as the tall boy approached.
he didn't bat an eye as he sat across you.
"y/n, it's so busy. they're open for like 6 more hours, still," he explained, rolling his eyes at you while trying to hide a smile.
"whatever. anyways, do you have any topic ideas?"
"no. i thought you were deciding that, mx 'i get all the top grades'," Haruto joked.
you stuck your tongue out at him and pulled out your notebook. he was right, though. you actually had decided on some topics.
after choosing one and starting your research, dividing the work and starting the process, the two of you parted ways for the night.
on presentation day, Haruto was nowhere to be found. you called him about a hundred times, asked all his friends, but there was no trace of him. still, you had to present, so you tried your best. though, you could only present for 5 minutes instead of 10 since Haruto wasn't there to do his part, and the teacher told you you would lose marks for it.
and boy, did you lose marks.
you got a 25% out of 100%. in other words, a complete fail. even after pleading the teacher to understand the situation, they explained to you that rules are rules. if a partner is absent, thats 50% of your grade gone. and the other 25% was because you weren't able to properly present without Haruto, showing the holes in your knowledge.
"but i'm the top student! you know i know what i'm doing," you whined to the teacher.
"no exceptions, y/n. i feel bad, i really do, but there's nothing i can do," the teacher explained.
the next day, Haruto hobbled into class on crutches. you felt relief seeing his little ponytail bobbing up and down as he tried to walk to his desk. then, you felt anger.
"where the hell were you yesterday?" you growled at the boy, who had just managed to take a seat.
"do you not see i'm literally injured?" he said back with a frown.
"you could've told me, at least! or sent me your part so i could present it! i got a 25% because of you," you complained.
"it's just a grade, get over it."
Haruto's words were like a punch in your face. 'get over it'? how could you get over it when getting into your dream university was the only thing on your mind right now?
your eyes started to fill with tears. you were so full of anger you didn't know what to do, it felt like a kettle was boiling and whistling within but there was no way to remove it from the stove. so, you stormed off before you could even get the chance to cause trouble.
"hey, that was really harsh, Ruto," Yoshi quietly told his friend with a concerned look.
Haruto shrugged and rolled his eyes, but inside he was a bit worried. as much as the two of you were not on the greatest terms, he knew what he said was wrong. what he didn't know was how to make it right.
"go after them and apologize," Yoshi suggested.
Haruto didn't hesitate for a second before he got up and ran out of the classroom, trying to find where you ran off to.
after searching for some time, he slowed his steps when he heard quiet sobs coming from the empty music classroom. hoping it wasn't you, he slowly approached the class and peeked in through the slightly ajar door.
"y/n?" a deep voice called out your name.
you quickly wiped your eyes and looked up to find Haruto, a worried look on his face. vulnerable and exposed, you didn't know what to do.
"hey, y/n i'm sorry for what i said. that wasn't cool of me. and i'm also sorry i couldn't let you know i wouldn't make it to class. i'll try to explain to the teacher so just... please.. don't be sad," Haruto almost pleaded the last line. his heart was completely shattered seeing your puffy eyes and tear-stained face.
you took the hand that he extended out to you as he helped you stand up, and he walked you to the bathroom.
"wash up and come back to class, okay? but if you're not feeling well and want to go home, i can take notes for you," Haruto said.
"you? take notes?" you almost laughed.
Haruto smiled seeing you in a brighter state.
"yes, dummy. let me make it up to you," he said, ruffling your hair and walking away.
you could hear and feel your heartbeat, somehow missing Haruto's presence the second he turned his back on you. even though you were so angry just moments before, receiving such a sincere apology eased all your worries. you finally knew what to use your badminton wish on.
"here are the notes," Haruto said, placing a notebook on your desk.
you looked up with a grin as you opened up the green book, ready to make fun of Haruto's writing or unorganized notes. to your surprise, these notes were better than anything you could've taken.
"if i put effort into school, i could succeed. i just don't want to," Haruto said with a shrug before walking away.
"hey, wait!"
the tall boy turned to look at you, curiously.
"let me treat you to food.. for the notes," you explained.
Haruto told you it was fine and didn't matter, since the notes where to make up for him being absent for the presentation, but you persisted.
"this is my wish for winning badminton. let me treat you to a meal," you said with a smile.
"this is your wish?"
"yeah. now accept before i change my mind and make you wash my clothes or something."
"the teacher said we can present again after school in his office, so don't worry about the grade anymore," Haruto said, his cheeks full of fried chicken.
"what? why are you laughing?" he asked.
you took a photo and showed him, the way he had sauce smeared on his face, how his cheeks were full and his fingers messy.
"oh... well that's no fair. we both need to be messy to have fun when eating" he said, smearing sauce on your nose.
"hey!" you yelled, trying to get back at him before he apologized and wiped your face with a napkin.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry. eat comfortably!" Haruto said with a laugh.
once you paid for the meal and both of you left, Haruto showed you a café.
"if you've got nothing to do, shall we go there? their fluffy pancakes are so good," he said, excitedly bouncing around.
"if they're as fluffy as your hair then i'll go," you replied, ruffling his dark locks before running away.
Haruto laughed and chased after you.
at the café was when a mood change between the two of you first began. you felt more comfortable than ever with Haruto that day, wiping cream off each other's faces and complaining about teachers.
from then on, rather than glaring at each other and angrily cursing from afar, you were laughing at each other's jokes and bonding over music and tv shows. during lunch time when Haruto would lean in to steal a bite of your food, so close that you could boop his nose, it was hard to not notice the way your heart rate sped up.
even that night at the café after you parted ways, you were up all night sharing music with Haruto. so, when you both showed up to class the next morning with dark circles, you shared a knowing smile.
"Haruto, were you up all night gaming again?" Yoshi asked his friend.
Haruto shook his head, smiling dreamily in your direction. he was so excited for lunch time to come, not so he could nap, but so he could talk with you again. and as soon as the bell rang, he got up and raced to your desk.
"wanna eat together?" he asked.
Yoshi watched the interaction with an eyebrow raised, confused to see you leaving the classroom together.
it was like that for weeks. the two of you suddenly became inseparable. your friends became Haruto's friends and vice versa. they kept asking if you were dating, to which you'd shyly reply 'no', but you couldn't hide how much you enjoyed hearing their assumptions. at some point, you started to wish it was true.
you had always seen Haruto as attractive but since he started being nice to you, it was even harder to keep your eyes off him. was it how he'd run his fingers through his dark locks, only for them to fall in his eyes again? and how he'd grab the elastic around his wrist with his teeth so he could just tie his hair out of his face? was it smile, his little smirk where the corners of his lips would turn downwards as he grinned?
every time he wrapped his arm around your shoulders after he ran towards you in the hallway, every time he called your name, every time he sighed while you explained the lesson to him, every time he's smirk when you gave him a cola can for no reason, it was in those moments when you truly felt like yourself.
you were a lovefool for Haruto, but you were also the most y/n in his presence. little did you know, he was more than a lovefool for you, too.
well, you found out pretty soon when he asked you to listen to a song he liked during lunch one day. he was sitting in front of you while you sat at your desk, and you shut your eyes as he gently placed the earbuds in your ears. you nodded along and he watched your every move, his eyes sparkling because he was staring at the person he now loved the most.
the song was just another love song, but when you opened your eyes and saw Haruto greeting you with heart eyes, it felt different. the voice confessing their love for someone suddenly sounded like Haruto singing for you, and you grew so flustered that you had to rip the earbuds out of your ears.
"what happened, do you not like it?" Haruto asked, worriedly.
"no, no, i just.. earbuds give me a headache," you lied, convincingly.
Haruto nodded with a smile, asking about your real thoughts on the song.
"it's so sweet.. it makes me melt," you said, shyly.
slowly and cautiously, Haruto took your hands in his. your heart started beating faster and you looked around, but no one was watching.
"good, 'cause it's how i feel about you, y/n," Haruto said.
you gulped as your throat felt dry, and you felt like your heart was beating so fast it would burst out your chest. the only thing keeping you grounded was Haruto's hands in yours.
"i like you, y/n. can i be your boyfriend?" he asked, tilting his head to one side.
"say yes!" whispered Yoshi from two seats away, acting like it wasn't him when you glared at him.
you turned instead to Haruto and nodded. he whisked you out of your seat as soon as you did, running hand in hand with you in the hallways.
"i don't know where we're going, but if we end up at the snack bar then everything is on me!" he yelled, his voice cracking.
his wide, box smile made you laugh but his strong grip and the hairs fallen loose from his ponytail made you realize just how hard you'd fallen for him.
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the12thnightproject · 4 months
*jumps in*
Gonna fly in and drop a ⭐star⭐ because I know there's probably Director's Commentary you probably are dying to talk about in Ten Things I Hate About Mitsuhide. No pressure, though. Thank you!
Hi and thank you for the ask!
And you're right, I haven't had as much chance to talk about Ten Things, the way I have about Shingen and Mitsunari's longfics.
Loong, long answer below the cut...
Mitsuhide's longfic wasn't intended to be the third story. Originally, it was going to be Shingen, then Hideyoshi, then Mitsunari, but when I finished Shingen's story, I realized what I had planned for Hideyoshi had too many similarities to Shingen's story, so I bumped up Mitsunari. I was loosely considering Ieyasu as after Mitsunari, but Mitsuhide and 'Okatsu' had so much chemistry in Mitsunari's story, that it kind of felt like it needed to be next. He was in fact the love rival in Mitsunari's story, but because we never get his POV, it's not obvious (I think if you skim over his chapters in Mitsunari's story with that in mind, you can sort of see it, but it was never stated).
I still hesitated, because Mitsuhide is so popular that I was afraid if I didn't 'get him right,' it would go down very badly. And while I think I did ok with his character, I still feel like I rushed the story, and it could have used another edit on plot. In the first draft, Mitsuhide and Katsu were separated for most of the last third of the story. Once she left Sakai, they didn't reunite until almost the end (when he joins her in modern Kyoto). But I really hated keeping my two main characters apart for so long, and I was afraid people would lose patience with the story if they were separated for all of Act III. I spent a lot of time fiddling with Act III, and kept changing stuff, even up through nights before I posted the chapters.
So let's really talk about Act III, since the first three quarters of the story were fairly easy for me to write, but that final 25% took me almost as long to write as what came before. Honestly, Act III gave me fits (granted I was writing it last winter when I was working two jobs, and I had far less time to write than normal).
Oh, aside, I'm using film terms to describe the length of my acts... Act I is the first 25%, Act II is the next 50% (although usually is divided into two parts midpoint plot twist being an emotional mid-story climax), and Act III is the final 25%. I consider Act I to go through the point where Katsuko and Mitsuhide contract to work together. Act II through the midpoint goes through when they are taken prisoner by Motonari, and the rest of Act II goes through when Katsu leaves Sakai and Mitsuhide).
In my first attempt at Act III, once Katsuko leaves Mitsuhide's townhouse, she goes to Motonari and bargains with him to take her to Tsuruga - which was my original location for Act III. For reasons (that I no longer remember) Yoshimoto was also onboard. I got about 5 or 6 thousand words into that section, realized it wasn't working (at that point, Motonari was supposed to be the love rival), and backtracked to when she left Mitsuhide. In the revision, she goes to Yoshimoto, who agrees to take her to where Yoshiaki was hiding out. By this time, I realized that Yoshimoto made a better love rival (so when I did my second draft, I gave him a lot more to do in earlier chapters). This was all part of the original handwritten draft, so that Motonari section didn't even get typed up.
As I was working on my next attempt at Act III, I wasn't really sure exactly where Yoshimoto and Katsu were specifically going. I was going to create a new location where Yoshiaki was hiding out, and as I started to describe the area they were riding into, I realized, 'wait, I already created a dark remote castle for Mitsunari's story, I know what it looks like, and the area of that is more or less where this one needs to be too, so lets just use it again.' (I'm also using it in the next story, but just a little bit near the beginning of the fic. So far.) This also allowed me to drop a couple of vague Easter egg clues for the ongoing multiverse story.
Anyway, in that draft, it wasn't Mitsuhide who doubled around and ended up there as he too searched for Yoshiaki, it was Kyubei, who, sent by Mitsuhide, was following Katsu to ensure she was ok. Katsu was aware he was following her, and when she and Yoshimoto discover Yoshiaki's plans to team up with Motonari and Kennyo in order to attack Sakai, she sneaks out of the castle (Yoshimoto creates a diversion), finds Kyubei, and gives him a message to give to Mitsuhide. Then she sneaks back in rejoins Yoshimoto (and then the plot continued more or less the way it played out in the posted draft).
I always write the "his POV" chapters last, and since I changed my mind on Act III prior to writing the his POV chapter, this never did get written, but what my original plan for "what was Mitsuhide doing while Katsu was in Genba was that he had figured out where Toshiie was, and he'd found her brother, and was 'drying him out.' He doesn't learn what happened to Katsu, until Yoshimoto visits Azuchi and tells him. Anyway. That didn't get written, because by the time I was writing the stuff that was taking place in modern Kyoto, I realized that the Act III wasn't working as written. So I dumped the Kyubei chapter and replaced it with the chapter where Mitsuhide connects with Katsu in Genba, the scene in the garden, and then I rewrote the scene on top of the castle wall to include Mitsuhide. I'm happy with that particular decision, because I think it ended up stronger that way. (Sorry Kyubei for dumping your chapter).
I don't think there was that much else I deleted between the first and the second drafts, but there was a fair amount added. Originally the priest who tries to buy Katsu on the slave ship was a one and done character and we never see him again. I later brought him back to that scene on the grounds of the temple that was used for the city managers meeting because the original scene felt a bit flat and needed more danger (originally Katsu just overhears a few different conversations, but that got repetitive). The decision to have him show up on the old video from Katsu's childhood was a last minute right before posting the chapter decision (originally the person in that scene was just a random stranger, but that didn't really pay off).
A couple of other more active scenes got added between the second and third draft to help the pacing. Most of that was in the second half of Act II, the stuff at and around the area where Mai and Hideyoshi were being held prisoner.
Oh a weird BTS thing for the chapter where Mitsuhide teaches Katsu how to pick and code crack locks, is that I actually ordered a couple of cheap antique lock knock-offs from Amazon, watched a few lock picking videos, and taught myself how it worked, to help write that chapter. That was a really fun chapter to write - I enjoyed trying to figure out the sexual tension subtext.
There is also a scene that I didn't write (because the modern section had gotten too long, and it didn't add anything except my personal fan service) but that I consider canon to the story (in my head), is that when Mitsuhide and Shingen were in modern Japan with Katsu and Sasuke, there was one night where they went to a games center and played Beat Saber. Maybe someday I'll go back and write it as a short story.
Again, thank you for asking. It's always fun to revisit this stuff, especially when I'm in the middle of breaking a new story and feel frustrated during the moments where I'm stuck. Helps to remember that the first draft is always messy and will change.
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maleyanderecafe · 2 years
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Chotto kiken na amaama Onii-san & Assassin x Cinderella (Oneshots)
Created by: Natsuno yuzo
Genre: Comedy/Romance
You might have seen this one shot floating around here and there (I think @erednayy did a rating a bit back). I actually remember this artist from their work on Castehaste (which is also an interesting story) so I was happy to see this one as well. These are actually two different oneshots that fit together into the story, with Assassin x Cinderella as the final part (so far). The artwork is very pretty and it mostly has a light/comedic tone to it.
The story is about the assassin Haiiro Neneko, who gets caught by an assassin from a rival organization. She's about to die, however, the assassin, Minoru, takes a liking to her and falls in love. Minoru follows Neneko around initially doing something threatening before it turns into something cute (like pinning her down only to feed her a crepe.) She ends up hurting her leg and Minoru kills off a bunch of her assassin targets to make it easier for her. Neneko stabs his hand out of anger since she doesn't want him interfering with her work, but Minoru thinks its cute and continues to pamper her, making her embarrassed.
In Assassin x Cinderella, Neneko is assigned to learning more about Minoru's weaknesses to take him down. Minoru catches her immediately and knows that she's a spy, stating that he knew about her a long, loong time ago. She thinks she's going to die, however the next day, Minoru makes her a nice breakfast . He reveals that his real name isn't even Minoru and while Neneko feels as if all of her research was for nothing, Minoru praises her for doing well and states he would be okay with dying by her hand. Neneko talks about how she was from an orphanage, and that failure of the mission will result in punishment. She complains cutely about how she tried to become the type of girl he liked through weight loss, and learning how to cook. The last panel is Minoru proposing to Neneko about getting married.
Overall, I love the art style of this artist, even all the way back when I first read Casthaste. There is a flowlike and almost soft style on the way they do hair and eyes and their style has always stood out to me, so I'm happy that they made some other manga in the meantime (and a yandereish one at that!). Also like, all of their male characters wear gloves. Must be the sexiness appeal and they REALLY like gloves. Does make them look cool/sexy though.
As a yandere, Minoru is definitely more on the cute side of a yandere, being really doting and even supportive of Neneko. He seems to really care about her, even making sure that she was able to walk and killing off clients so that it would be easier for her. In the spin off (I assume it's a spin off) of Assassin x Cinderella, he's even happy that she will be the one who kills her. In this version, it seems that he already knows about her, and is able to cook foods she likes. Perhaps he was even the one who got her to spy on him, who knows. Overall since these two series are comedic/sweet, the only real big things are him killing off her targets (since he's an assassin) and already knowing everything about her. Neneko is pretty cute as well, though she's pretty much cute girl assassin in both of these stories. The second one gives a bit more insight into her background as a spy, though from what I can tell she's hardworking and doesn't really like it when Minoru does her job for her and she wants to do well in her jobs. For two stories, there's not a lot on her anyways, but she is pretty cute as a protagonist I will say.
From what I can tell, this will be serialized which is great because I think this could be a pretty fun series to read. Castehaste was also really interesting as well, so I don't have any doubt that this serialized series will be a fun read as well. Since it's short, I would highly recommend reading these two for a cute time with a yandere.
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hvstias · 1 year
a smol breach & viper headcanon post before i drop that loong headcanon part because they're my favorite underrated duo and i need y'all to see the vision too (not romantic!! theyre just my babies)
brim has his favourites. sage has her favorites. and you know who also has her favorites? viper
and STRANGELY her favorite ended up being breach. literally no one saw it coming but here we are
ngl their friendship would be unexpected to other agents because of their opposite personalities but somehow they just got along pretty well
she doesn't lecture him like brim when he's reckless, just deadpans and straight up goes breach what the fuck
breach is actually a softie under the rough appearance in my mind and knows not to push her boundaries because anger issues? he knows how it works
but he also knows the burden of it and they somehow become drink pals
viper is not the one to show her emotions but breach has a quick way of reading ppl (criminal surviving skills, slay) so he just talks and talks abt stuff until her mood changes and it either pisses her off n makes her forget the problem in the first place, or just confuses her too much she just calms down while trying to understand the fuck he's talking about ijbol
they give each other stuff casually like viper needs some kind of toxin and can't find it anywhere?? boom its in the grocery bag next week. he wants a particularly rare brand of alcohol?? say less
breach talked about how good she would look w chamber to piss her off once and she threatened to cut his hair off when he was asleep. it worked lol
they bet on the most unserious things with brimstone and sage and somehow always win. brimstone thinks they're cheating
he tried her coffee without looking at the label once and was horrified after finding out its name (YOU DRINK CAT POOP??) needless to say she was amused lol
they both like slasher movies but in different ways like. viper talks shit abt the plot holes and the mistakes and breach takes a shot every time he sees a cliche scene
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ankmankpank · 5 months
what do you think 4towns awakenings 😏 were
This took so long bc shame on me but I originally hc all of the members straight(I hope this is a safe place for me to say), maybe Aaron T. not completely, but if this is not good keep in mind that everyone’s hcs are different, love ya🫶
(Remember that it’s a safe place for you to share all of your headcanons and requests w me, the worst that can happen is that I don’t do it bc I’m uncomfy w it, which is not very likely to happen. You see, I did this one too!)
Below the cut❤️
For Aaron T., a hot senior dude(with a style and probably the looks of fnaf sb monty fanart) who found 13 year old T. cool and wanted to be friends with him. They did end up as friends, finding the dude hot was just like finding one of his friend’s mom hot for T., so no big deal.
Aaron Z. just came to it somehow by himself when he was around 16. Like laying on his bed, facing the ceiling, thinking: “He's hot.” “That's hot.” “He's hot.” “Wait I'm kinda hot.” So yeah, for that week he was kinda thinking about it but to the end of it, he came to accept that something was different than it used to be. At least on how he viewed it, he found men hot before too, just didn’t realize that it was that.
Robaire, celebrities on the internet. One celebrity, let’s say that it’s some hot black influencer dude. Now Robaire started off with watching his videos when he was like 20, but not really enjoying the content. Being bored, but watching it anyway. He didn’t know why was that, until one of his friends friendly told him that “bro that’s gay.” He didn’t take it to heart of course, but he still thought about it when he got home. And fuck yes, that moment he realized that that guy is so boring, but so hot and that’s why he watched it. Oh.
For Tae Young, it was in high school. Nerdy ass little boy, our Tae dropped a book once. And when he was about to reach for it, somebody else got it for him. It was a jock. Tae took it from him, said thank you and watched the jock go on his way, but fuck he felt noticed. And couldn’t really stop thinking about it for a loong time. When he told this to Aaron T., T. was the one to suggest that maybe Tae had a little crush on him?? They stared at each other for a while, then came to the conclusion of.. “Yeah, probably.” Tae got over it quite quickly, but he still kept getting small crushes at guys helpful like that.
Jesse grew up finding men hot just as much he found women hot. Well, first it was “amusing” and he more of looked up on the people who he later found out that he was crushing on, but his first crush on a nice bartender was quite easy to come to him. He immediately realized and saw no problem with it, it was kinda in him his whole life.
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