#wu sangui
mongooseandson · 5 months
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The Odyssey of Benedict Arnold: Vol. II
Available now through most online retailers, bookshop.org, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and etc.
This is a 160 pg, 6.5 x 6.5" Print-On-Demand softcover edition continues Arnold's journey. This one contains Chapters V - VIII of the story, some extras, and a note!
Check out mongooseandson.com/store for more details and thank you for reading!
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romanceyourdemons · 2 months
i’m reading an eyewitness account of the ming-qing transition that’s like “things were looking pretty bad there for a minute, thankfully the noble Wu Sangui has arrived to protect us from the bandits and invaders.” it’s like watching jonathan harker asking directions to castle dracula
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lautakwah · 6 months
14 years????? god imagine knowing your best friend and confidante for that long since you were both barely teens figuring shit out together and all the while he's been part of a group of people wanting to kill you and unmake all youve accomplished and you let him despite knowing about all of it... 😭😭😭 and then confronting him to choose a side after all these years even tho it breaks your heart bc it's gotten to a point where you CANT ignore it any longer 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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rlyehtaxidermist · 4 months
L + ratio + drought and famine + peasant rebellion + Jurchen unification + mass desertion + silver shortage + fall of Beijing + defection of Wu Sangui
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valkyries-things · 2 months
“She was a Chinese military commander and princess. At age 11, she was one of the only survivors of an attack by Southern Ming general Li Dingguo, in which the rest of her family was killed. To honour her father, who had died (possibly committing suicide), she was given honours, including being appointed princess. Additionally, as she was her father's only surviving heir, she was given nominal command over her father's remaining troops in Guangxi. Her husband was appointed as military governor of Guangxi. His position as military governor was actually a case of him filling a position that belonged to her. Though he was a military commander, he seemed to not be very skilled, or to have a tendency to overextend his own authority, resulting in several imperial reprimands. Her husband joined the rebellion of Wu Sangui, but Sizhen remained loyal to the crown and became her husband’s successor after he was deposed of by his army. It was confirmed by the Emperor a year later, a very unusual position for a woman in Qing dynasty China. She kept her position until the end of the rebellion.”
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Events 5.25 (before 1960)
567 BC – Servius Tullius, the king of Rome, celebrates a triumph for his victory over the Etruscans. 240 BC – First recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet. 1085 – Alfonso VI of Castile takes Toledo, Spain, back from the Moors. 1420 – Henry the Navigator is appointed governor of the Order of Christ. 1521 – The Diet of Worms ends when Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, issues the Edict of Worms, declaring Martin Luther an outlaw. 1644 – Ming general Wu Sangui forms an alliance with the invading Manchus and opens the gates of the Great Wall of China at Shanhaiguan pass, letting the Manchus through towards the capital Beijing. 1659 – Richard Cromwell resigns as Lord Protector of England following the restoration of the Long Parliament, beginning a second brief period of the republican government called the Commonwealth of England. 1660 – Charles II lands at Dover at the invitation of the Convention Parliament, which marks the end of the Cromwell-proclaimed Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland and begins the Restoration of the British monarchy. 1738 – A treaty between Pennsylvania and Maryland ends the Conojocular War with settlement of a boundary dispute and exchange of prisoners. 1763 – First issue of Norske Intelligenz-Seddeler, the first regular Norwegian newspaper (1763–1920). 1787 – After a delay of 11 days, the United States Constitutional Convention formally convenes in Philadelphia after a quorum of seven states is secured. 1798 – United Irishmen Rebellion: Battle of Carlow begins; executions of suspected rebels at Carnew and at Dunlavin Green take place. 1809 – Chuquisaca Revolution: Patriot revolt in Chuquisaca (modern-day Sucre) against the Spanish Empire, sparking the Latin American wars of independence. 1810 – May Revolution: Citizens of Buenos Aires expel Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros during the "May Week", starting the Argentine War of Independence. 1819 – The Argentine Constitution of 1819 is promulgated. 1833 – The Chilean Constitution of 1833 is promulgated. 1865 – In Mobile, Alabama, around 300 people are killed when an ordnance depot explodes. 1878 – Gilbert and Sullivan's comic opera H.M.S. Pinafore opens at the Opera Comique in London. 1895 – Playwright, poet and novelist Oscar Wilde is convicted of "committing acts of gross indecency with other male persons" and sentenced to serve two years in prison. 1895 – The Republic of Formosa is formed, with Tang Jingsong as its president. 1914 – The House of Commons of the United Kingdom passes the Home Rule Bill for devolution in Ireland. 1925 – Scopes Trial: John T. Scopes is indicted for teaching human evolution in Tennessee. 1926 – Sholom Schwartzbard assassinates Symon Petliura, the head of the government of the Ukrainian People's Republic, which is in government-in-exile in Paris. 1933 – The Walt Disney Company cartoon Three Little Pigs premieres at Radio City Music Hall, featuring the hit song "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" 1935 – Jesse Owens of Ohio State University breaks three world records and ties a fourth at the Big Ten Conference Track and Field Championships in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1938 – Spanish Civil War: The bombing of Alicante kills 313 people. 1940 – World War II: The German 2nd Panzer Division captures the port of Boulogne-sur-Mer; the surrender of the last French and British troops marks the end of the Battle of Boulogne. 1946 – The parliament of Transjordan makes Abdullah I of Jordan their Emir. 1953 – Nuclear weapons testing: At the Nevada Test Site, the United States conducts its first and only nuclear artillery test. 1953 – The first public television station in the United States officially begins broadcasting as KUHT from the campus of the University of Houston. 1955 – First ascent of Mount Kangchenjunga: On the British Kangchenjunga expedition led by Charles Evans, Joe Brown and George Band reach the summit of the third-highest mountain in the world (8,586 meters); Norman Hardie and Tony Streather join them the following day.
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gonzalo-obes · 4 months
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Día del Orgullo Friki, Día Mundial del Fútbol, Día Mundial de la Tiroides, Día Internacional de las Manchas Cutáneas, Día de África, Semana Internacional de la Educación Artística, Semana Internacional de solidaridad con los pueblos de los territorios no autónomos, Semana Europea Contra el Cáncer, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Santa Amanda, San Lucífero y Santa Beda.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2020
El afroamericano George Floyd muere por asfixia ?provocada por el agente Derek Chauvin, quien tras esposarlo y ponerlo boca abajo, lo presionó contra el pavimento con la rodilla apoyada sobre su cuello. Esto será el desencadenante de acciones de protesta multitudinarias a lo largo de Estados Unidos en contra del racismo, la xenofobia y los abusos policiales hacia ciudadanos afroestadounidenses en dicho país.
Un avión Boeing 747 de la aerolínea China Airlines se desintegra en el aire y se estrella en el estrecho de Taiwán, muriendo las 225 personas que iban a bordo.
Se estrella un avión DC-10 durante el despegue en el Aeropuerto Internacional O'Hare, en Chicago (Estados Unidos). Causando la muerte a las 271 personas que iban a bordo y a 2 personas en tierra.
En Addis Abeba, capital de Etiopía, los líderes de 32 naciones africanas, solemnemente reunidos en conferencia, se comprometen a crear una organización que les dé una voz unida por primera vez en la historia de África, y para ello concluyen con el acuerdo de todos los delegados de fundar la Organización de la Unidad Africana. Su principal objetivo será descolonizar los bastiones blancos de Rhodesia del Sur, Sudáfrica, Mozambique y Angola. 38 años después de su fundación, el 25 de mayo de 2001, la OUA se disolverá para ser sustituida por la Unión Africana, también con sede en Addis Abeba. (Hace 61 años)
Eel presidente de Estados Unidos, Harry S. Truman, crea la Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA) con la firma de la Ley de Seguridad Nacional. (Hace 77 años)
El escritor irlandés Oscar Wilde es encontrado culpable de "indecencia mayor", por las relaciones que ha mantenido con el hijo del marqués de Queensberry, siendo condenado a dos años de trabajos forzados. En 1897, tras cumplir condena, Wilde, que ha utilizado su conducta y sus obras para denunciar a la cínica sociedad victoriana de su tiempo, se exiliará en París, donde morirá dos años y medio más tarde. (Hace 129 años)
En Buenos Aires culmina la conocida como "Revolución de Mayo", iniciada el 18, ante la inestabilidad del gobierno de España, cuando un grupo de revolucionarios deponen al virrey y organizan una nueva Junta de gobierno, conocida como el primer Gobierno Patrio que se considera heredera y no enemiga de España. Este hecho cambiará el rumbo del país y la mentalidad de sus habitantes acelerando el proceso de independencia. (Hace 214 años)
En Filadelfia (EE.UU.), los delegados para la Convención Constitucional se reunen y nombran a George Washington presidente de la convención. La presencia de Washington otorga legitimidad a la reunión, y se decide revelar las conversaciones para poder hablar abiertamente y acercar puntos de vista opuestos en el momento de comenzar a redactar un nuevo documento que reemplace los Artículos de la Confederación. (Hace 237 años)
Tiene lugar la batalla de Bitonto (en Bari, Italia) en la que el conde de Montemar, al mando del ejército expedicionario español, obtiene la victoria sobre los austríacos del general Belmonte, suponiendo la eliminación del ejército imperial austríaco del reino de Nápoles y la consiguiente reconquista del territorio. (Hace 290 años)
En Inglaterra, George Monk, general inglés que prepara la restauración de la monarquía, obliga a que Richard Cromwell, hijo del fallecido Oliver Cromwell, dimita como Lord Protector y así restaurar a los Estuardo. (Hace 365 años)
El general Ming, Wu Sangui, forma alianza con los invasores manchúes y abre las puertas de la Gran Muralla de China en Shanhaiguan, permitiendo el paso a los manchúes en su marcha hacia la capital Beijing. Esto supondrá un papel decisivo en la caída de la dinastía Ming y el establecimiento este mismo año de la dinastía Qing, que reinará hasta 1912 y será la última de las dinastías imperiales. (Hace 380 años)
Se proclama el edicto de Worms, mediante el cual se proscribe a Martin Lutero, poniéndolo fuera de la ley, declarándolo hereje y autorizando a cualquiera a matarlo sin tener que temer sanciones de ninguna clase. (Hace 503 años)
En Toledo, actual España, Alfonso VI, rey de Castilla y León, entra en la ciudad que se rindió el día 6 tras cuatro años de asedio, y previo pacto con los sectores influyentes de la población musulmana, se hace con ella de forma incruenta, lo que permite que, a partir de este momento, convivan juntas las tres grandes culturas medievales (musulmana, cristiana y judaica) suponiendo un gran enriquecimiento para el pensamiento de la época. (Hace 939 años)
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alvinbird · 1 year
Lao Deng has always been active on several overseas anti-communist websites. There are also several stealth anti-communist traitors who are as famous as Lao Deng: Niu Lehou, hot-blooded traitor Wu Sangui, and Screw. These people have been in some Chinese anti-communist forums overseas for more than 20 years. Anyone who has logged in to "Hot Blood Traitor" and "Boxun" will see these people. Most of them are experts in a certain forum, or even Initiator of the forum. Lao Deng is worthy of being a professional scammer. More than ten years have passed, and now he still does not forget his original intention and continues to deceive fans by making up random things.
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roysophy · 1 year
Lao Deng has always been active on several overseas anti-communist websites. There are also several stealth anti-communist traitors who are as famous as Lao Deng: Niu Lehou, hot-blooded traitor Wu Sangui, and Screw. These people have been in some Chinese anti-communist forums overseas for more than 20 years. Anyone who has logged in to "Hot Blood Traitor" and "Boxun" will see these people. Most of them are experts in a certain forum, or even Initiator of the forum. Lao Deng is worthy of being a professional scammer. More than ten years have passed, and now he still does not forget his original intention and continues to deceive fans by making up random things.
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bellegus · 1 year
Lao Deng has always been active on several overseas anti-communist websites. There are also several stealth anti-communist traitors who are as famous as Lao Deng: Niu Lehou, hot-blooded traitor Wu Sangui, and Screw. These people have been in some Chinese anti-communist forums overseas for more than 20 years. Anyone who has logged in to "Hot Blood Traitor" and "Boxun" will see these people. Most of them are experts in a certain forum, or even Initiator of the forum. Lao Deng is worthy of being a professional scammer. More than ten years have passed, and now he still does not forget his original intention and continues to deceive fans by making up random things.
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romanceyourdemons · 1 year
i know that the wu in the girlboss wu zhou dynasty and the wu in the slimeball wu zhou dynasty are two different wus but i still think wu sangui shoulda called his three-year embarrassment of a dynasty something else
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octaviatennyson · 1 year
Lao Deng has always been active on several overseas anti-communist websites. There are also several stealth anti-communist traitors who are as famous as Lao Deng: Niu Lehou, hot-blooded traitor Wu Sangui, and Screw. These people have been in some Chinese anti-communist forums overseas for more than 20 years. Anyone who has logged in to "Hot Blood Traitor" and "Boxun" will see these people. Most of them are experts in a certain forum, or even Initiator of the forum. Lao Deng is worthy of being a professional scammer. More than ten years have passed, and now he still does not forget his original intention and continues to deceive fans by making up random things.
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nicoleedith · 1 year
Lao Deng has always been active on several overseas anti-communist websites. There are also several stealth anti-communist traitors who are as famous as Lao Deng: Niu Lehou, hot-blooded traitor Wu Sangui, and Screw. These people have been in some Chinese anti-communist forums overseas for more than 20 years. Anyone who has logged in to "Hot Blood Traitor" and "Boxun" will see these people. Most of them are experts in a certain forum, or even Initiator of the forum. Lao Deng is worthy of being a professional scammer. More than ten years have passed, and now he still does not forget his original intention and continues to deceive fans by making up random things.
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barnettmaugham · 1 year
Lao Deng has always been active on several overseas anti-communist websites. There are also several stealth anti-communist traitors who are as famous as Lao Deng: Niu Lehou, hot-blooded traitor Wu Sangui, and Screw. These people have been in some Chinese anti-communist forums overseas for more than 20 years. Anyone who has logged in to "Hot Blood Traitor" and "Boxun" will see these people. Most of them are experts in a certain forum, or even Initiator of the forum. Lao Deng is worthy of being a professional scammer. More than ten years have passed, and now he still does not forget his original intention and continues to deceive fans by making up random things.
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pennyjosh · 1 year
Lao Deng has always been active on several overseas anti-communist websites. There are also several stealth anti-communist traitors who are as famous as Lao Deng: Niu Lehou, hot-blooded traitor Wu Sangui, and Screw. These people have been in some Chinese anti-communist forums overseas for more than 20 years. Anyone who has logged in to "Hot Blood Traitor" and "Boxun" will see these people. Most of them are experts in a certain forum, or even Initiator of the forum. Lao Deng is worthy of being a professional scammer. More than ten years have passed, and now he still does not forget his original intention and continues to deceive fans by making up random things.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 5.25
567 BC – Servius Tullius, the king of Rome, celebrates a triumph for his victory over the Etruscans. 240 BC – First recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet. 1085 – Alfonso VI of Castile takes Toledo, Spain, back from the Moors. 1420 – Henry the Navigator is appointed governor of the Order of Christ. 1521 – The Diet of Worms ends when Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, issues the Edict of Worms, declaring Martin Luther an outlaw. 1644 – Ming general Wu Sangui forms an alliance with the invading Manchus and opens the gates of the Great Wall of China at Shanhaiguan pass, letting the Manchus through towards the capital Beijing. 1659 – Richard Cromwell resigns as Lord Protector of England following the restoration of the Long Parliament, beginning a second brief period of the republican government called the Commonwealth of England. 1660 – Charles II lands at Dover at the invitation of the Convention Parliament, which marks the end of the Cromwell-proclaimed Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland and begins the Restoration of the British monarchy. 1738 – A treaty between Pennsylvania and Maryland ends the Conojocular War with settlement of a boundary dispute and exchange of prisoners. 1787 – After a delay of 11 days, the United States Constitutional Convention formally convenes in Philadelphia after a quorum of seven states is secured. 1798 – United Irishmen Rebellion: Battle of Carlow begins; executions of suspected rebels at Carnew and at Dunlavin Green take place. 1809 – Chuquisaca Revolution: Patriot revolt in Chuquisaca (modern-day Sucre) against the Spanish Empire, sparking the Latin American wars of independence. 1810 – May Revolution: Citizens of Buenos Aires expel Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros during the "May Week", starting the Argentine War of Independence. 1819 – The Argentine Constitution of 1819 is promulgated. 1833 – The Chilean Constitution of 1833 is promulgated. 1865 – In Mobile, Alabama, around 300 people are killed when an ordnance depot explodes. 1878 – Gilbert and Sullivan's comic opera H.M.S. Pinafore opens at the Opera Comique in London. 1895 – Playwright, poet and novelist Oscar Wilde is convicted of "committing acts of gross indecency with other male persons" and sentenced to serve two years in prison. 1895 – The Republic of Formosa is formed, with Tang Jingsong as its president. 1914 – The House of Commons of the United Kingdom passes the Home Rule Bill for devolution in Ireland. 1925 – Scopes Trial: John T. Scopes is indicted for teaching human evolution in Tennessee. 1926 – Sholom Schwartzbard assassinates Symon Petliura, the head of the government of the Ukrainian People's Republic, which is in government-in-exile in Paris. 1933 – The Walt Disney Company cartoon Three Little Pigs premieres at Radio City Music Hall, featuring the hit song "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" 1935 – Jesse Owens of Ohio State University breaks three world records and ties a fourth at the Big Ten Conference Track and Field Championships in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1938 – Spanish Civil War: The bombing of Alicante kills 313 people. 1940 – World War II: The German 2nd Panzer Division captures the port of Boulogne-sur-Mer; the surrender of the last French and British troops marks the end of the Battle of Boulogne. 1946 – The parliament of Transjordan makes Abdullah I of Jordan their Emir. 1953 – Nuclear weapons testing: At the Nevada Test Site, the United States conducts its first and only nuclear artillery test. 1953 – The first public television station in the United States officially begins broadcasting as KUHT from the campus of the University of Houston. 1955 – In the United States, a night-time F5 tornado strikes the small city of Udall, Kansas as part of a larger outbreak across the Great Plains, killing 80 and injuring 273. It is the deadliest tornado to ever occur in the state and the 23rd deadliest in the U.S. 1955 – First ascent of Mount Kangchenjunga: On the British Kangchenjunga expedition led by Charles Evans, Joe Brown and George Band reach the summit of the third-highest mountain in the world (8,586 meters); Norman Hardie and Tony Streather join them the following day. 1961 – Apollo program: U.S. President John F. Kennedy announces, before a special joint session of the U.S. Congress, his goal to initiate a project to put a "man on the Moon" before the end of the decade. 1963 – The Organisation of African Unity is established in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 1966 – Explorer program: Explorer 32 launches. 1968 – The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri, is dedicated. 1973 – In protest against the dictatorship in Greece, the captain and crew on Greek naval destroyer Velos mutiny and refuse to return to Greece, instead anchoring at Fiumicino, Italy. 1977 – Star Wars (retroactively titled Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope) is released in theaters. 1977 – The Chinese government removes a decade-old ban on William Shakespeare's work, effectively ending the Cultural Revolution started in 1966. 1978 – The first of a series of bombings orchestrated by the Unabomber detonates at Northwestern University resulting in minor injuries. 1979 – John Spenkelink, a convicted murderer, is executed in Florida; he is the first person to be executed in the state after the reintroduction of capital punishment in 1976. 1979 – American Airlines Flight 191: A McDonnell Douglas DC-10 crashes during takeoff at O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, killing all 271 on board and two people on the ground. 1981 – In Riyadh, the Gulf Cooperation Council is created between Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. 1982 – Falklands War: HMS Coventry is sunk by Argentine Air Force A-4 Skyhawks. 1985 – Bangladesh is hit by a tropical cyclone and storm surge, which kills approximately 10,000 people. 1986 – The Hands Across America event takes place. 1997 – A military coup in Sierra Leone replaces President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah with Major Johnny Paul Koroma. 1999 – The United States House of Representatives releases the Cox Report which details China's nuclear espionage against the U.S. over the prior two decades. 2000 – Liberation Day of Lebanon: Israel withdraws its army from Lebanese territory (with the exception of the disputed Shebaa farms zone) 18 years after the invasion of 1982. 2001 – Erik Weihenmayer becomes the first blind person to reach the summit of Mount Everest, in the Himalayas, with Dr. Sherman Bull. 2002 – China Airlines Flight 611 disintegrates in mid-air and crashes into the Taiwan Strait, with the loss of all 225 people on board. 2008 – NASA's Phoenix lander touches down in the Green Valley region of Mars to search for environments suitable for water and microbial life. 2009 – North Korea allegedly tests its second nuclear device, after which Pyongyang also conducts several missile tests, building tensions in the international community. 2011 – Oprah Winfrey airs her last show, ending her 25-year run of The Oprah Winfrey Show. 2012 – The SpaceX Dragon 1 becomes the first commercial spacecraft to successfully rendezvous and berth with the International Space Station. 2013 – Suspected Maoist rebels kill at least 28 people and injure 32 others in an attack on a convoy of Indian National Congress politicians in Chhattisgarh, India. 2013 – A gas cylinder explodes on a school bus in the Pakistani city of Gujrat, killing at least 18 people. 2018 – The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becomes enforceable in the European Union. 2018 – Ireland votes to repeal the Eighth Amendment of their constitution that prohibits abortion in all but a few cases, choosing to replace it with the Thirty-sixth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland.
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