#wulf x chalakon
zoethehead · 1 year
here are all the panels that i've made for the story of "Spies and Sea" so far
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zoethehead · 1 year
updated first 3 parts to "Spies and sea"
warning, it's long as fuck; and it might be updated a lot more later on, but here's it updated to now.
Chalakon stared up at the painting in one of the halls, sighing as he though about the many pressures of being royal; having to show more etiquette, being straight because being anything other than straight was considered "sickening" by his father. but in truth; Chalakon wasn't straight, he was gay, he has tried to be in a relationship in his past; but nothing seemed to fit well for him. He sighed, resting his forearm against the wall, resting his head against his arm, gathering his bearings, before walking to the throne room.......
- - - "*Sigh* You can do this, Wulf.... You have been able to take these guys down, you've done it before." Wulf thought to himself, as he landed on a hidden corner of an Almagis ship.
He pulled up the cloth around his neck to form a handkerchief mask, and he pulled the goggles on his head down, peeking around the corner to see a couple of Crimson saints around the corner of his vision. He loaded his pistol, holding it in one hand, before unsheathing his dagger.
"Time to start the hunt....." Wulf said under his breath. He knocked down the first crimson saint, shooting them through the exposed areas of the armor. The noise attracted the other crimson saints.
"Fuck....." wulf said, now realizing that this fight was just him against 68 other Crimson saints.
Well, he was surrounded, guess he had to give it all he had got.
He shot and slashed at the saints with all of his might, but soon; he ran out of bullets. The rain poured down from the skies, as thunder struck down in the waters. Soon; Wulf was pinned down by the saints, and he had ran out of bullets. he was getting beaten into a pulp, before a shocking jolt entered his body, his consciousness wavered, before entirely giving out into the shadowy, deep unknown.......
Well, he was caught….
Wulf roused to the feeling of his hands bound, he opened his eyes, looking up to see his hands tied with rope, held by a hook and suspended above water.
“Well, it’s about time that he awoke.” a voice said. Wulf turned his head to that said voice; it was LT. Romulus Morgan, High ranking Lieutenant and soon to be leader of the Almagis, surrounded by Crimson Saints.
“There’s no use trying to try and fight us, you’re bound and unable to fight…In other words--You’ve lost, Wulf…” Romulus gloated, holding up a dagger to Wulf’s face.
“What’re you gonna do to me, huh? Drown me? Heh, even if I am bound like wild game, I bet that I could escape from that. ”Wulf chuckled. “No, even better---We’re gonna Keelhaul you, and then leave ya to drown!” Romulus said, revealing a pulley system that the ropes were attached to that wound around the ship like a conveyor belt. The soldiers started moving the pulley, as Wulf was lowered into the water, soon being submerged. Excruciating pain soon splintered through his back; made worse by the saltiness of the water, he looked, seeing red mists through the water; it was blood--- his blood… He was pulled through the water, his back catching and being mutilated against sharp barnacles underwater. He re-emerged out of the water, soaked and bloody. “Are you ready to tell us any info yet?!” the lieutenant asked. Wulf coughed up some water, spitting some of it in Romulus' face.
“Lower him back under, boys! He’s being a nuisance!” Romulus ordered the soldiers to do so. - And once again, Wulf was submerged, the practice repeating until he couldn’t stand the pain as he was pulled up from the salty waters a final time.
“A-ALRIGHT,Fine, I’ll Confess!” Wulf stammered, he was in excruciating pain and just wanted it to end, his back, calves, and upper arms now Macerated from the keelhauling, his arms sore and rubbed raw from the ropes, and his face bloodied.
“Hmm ... Nah, I’d rather watch you drown…” Romulus said... Wulf was cut down from the pulley system, before being bound by the shoulders with the cut off rope and pushed into the depths below. He sank beneath the depths of the ocean, the last thing he caught a glimpse of were 2 shadows swimming towards him…. -
2 Troskos Guards saw a gleam of bright light, followed by the form of an unknown being bound by their arms, red blood mixing with the water, he seemed to have no gills on his neck, and his ears seemed unlike theirs, his skin tan, and his eyes having no black scleras or curved pupils. One guard swam up to this stranger, using the spear to cut the ropes and had the other guard follow him up to the water’s surface, dragging the unconscious man up onto a rocky, almost smooth cavelike surface.
“Who is this man? He has no gills, no markings, his ears don’t have fins, and he doesn’t have a tail.” one guard said.
“It’s a human, how peculiar to see one here in our world, I guess the king was right about humans coming to invade us one day.” the other said.
“We should report this to the king!” the first guard said, as both him and the other guard grabbed the unconscious man by his arms and dragged him into the throne room of the castle of Tegia….
Wulf came to, being dragged by the arms. “My liege, we found this straggler sinking underneath the water and badly injured.” a voice said.
He opened his eyes to a teal marble colored floor, he was soon thrown down onto said floor, trying his best to stifle his pain as he turned onto his tattered back and coughed up any excess water that he had in his lungs.
“And WHY did you decide to bring him here? You shoulda' just let him be left out for the sharks!” a voice yelled.
Wulf looked up, seeing what was supposedly the king.
“Father, that is enough!!!” another voice shouted, through blurry vision he saw the owner of that voice; it was someone--possibly someone who was also of royal status..
“Why do you need to interfere with this situation, Chalakon?!” the king shouted.
“Because he doesn’t seem to be a threat, okay?” Chalakon sighed. “HE IS, Every human is a colonizer, We don’t need Humans Colonizing Tegia!” the king argued….
The arguing went on and on and on, a third voice somewhat joining it, Wulf couldn't really make sense of it, he was just tired, in pain, losing blood, and so...so numb, he looked up at the blue stone ceiling, his consciousness eventually giving way before he sunk back into the dark and blue vast depths of unconsciousness. - - "That is ENOUGH!!!" a voice shouted. Chalakon and Yuval turned their heads, seeing Queen Undine standing there.
"Yuval, just let this human go, As long as he's not causing mischief, he's free to stay here in Tegia..." she sighed.
"Fine...." Yuval grunted
"And as for you, Chalakon; You will have to tend to this human's wounds, okay?"
"Yes, mother..." Chalakon said, somewhat embarrassed and ashamed.
Chalakon went to the healer's part of the castle, gathering up the following herbs written down to use;
and some bronze Rock fern.
He also grabbed some bandages and some water, walking over to a room before grabbing the unconscious man and taking him to that room, setting him down, and taking off the blood-and-water-soaked clothes, leaving the man in nothing but some boxer briefs. Chalakon grabbed a nearby towel; using it to dry off the outlander's body, and remove any excess blood.
Chalakon cleaned out the wounds before grinding up the herbs into a paste, painting the herbs on the wounds, the man let out a groan of pain, though his skin was pale with bloodloss and his body weakened. Chalakon soon wrapped the bandages over the wounds on his back, arms, calves, and head. He grabbed a blanket and placed it over the man, letting him rest. But chalakon would also clean out the wounds and change the bandages over the following days that this stranger remained unconscious, making sure the stranger's wounds wouldn't get infected.
Over 7 days; the wounded spy lay incapacitated, in pain and too weak to awaken. Chalakon changed the bandages after blood had soaked through them; cleaning out the wounds, and applying clean water and healing herbs to the wounds before wrapping them up again, and pulling a blanket up to his shoulders to make sure he wouldn't be cold.
Warmth and pain; that's what brought Wulf back around from unconsciousness... Wulf stirred, lying on his chest. He opened his eyes, seeing that it was a bed that he was resting upon. There were a couple of blankets pulled up to his shoulders, keeping him warm. He tried to get up, groaning as a sharp, burning ache jolted through his tattered back. He remembered how he just felt numb and woozy after he had first ended up being saved. He could barely feel the pain because he was so damn tired....
"Hey--easy there, you don't need to try and get up right now." a voice said. Wulf propped himself up on his elbows after turning himself around and turned his head to see someone by his bedside, Wulf recognized that voice; It was Chalakon. "It's nice to see you awake though, sir." Chalakon said. Wulf looked down, seeing bandages wrapped across his arms, shoulders, and chest. He then focused on chalakon, getting a slightly better look at the being who had saved his life; seeing that this being had pale purple; maybe even a pastel lavender colored skin with black markings, fangs, gills on his neck, spring green eyes, yellowish orange hair with magenta streaks, colorful garments, and a tail, which alongside the pointed and almost elf-like ears; both seemed to have fins on them like that of a sea serpent...
"How long was I out for?" Wulf questioned.
"You were out for a whole week."Chalakon sighed, putting a hand up to Wulf's forehead.
Wulf blushed, clearly flustered to have ended up in the care of someone so....so beautiful, and so cute....
"Sir, are you alright there?" Chalakon asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine..." Wulf reassured.
"Maybe you should try to take things nice and slow, those wounds were quite nasty." Chalakon said.
Wulf laid down on his back, trying his best to not wince from the pain, as he looked up at the aquamarine ceiling, the ceiling had streaks of pink, green, and gold along it, like gold veins in a mine, alongside a bright light that was hung from the ceiling. "What is this place?" Wulf asked.
"You're in the kingdom of Tegia, some guards found you sinking and dragged you here because you were, at least according to them; "Trespassing" Which ended up with an argument between me and my dad. My mother ended up having me and my father come to an agreement that makes sure that you won't get into trouble, and had me tend to your wounds, luckily; I got some bandages and herbs from the healers, and I worked on fixing your injuries." Chalakon Said, going into depth on what had happened while Wulf was unconscious for that 1 week.
"So, since you know my name, what about yours?" Chalakon questioned.
"Oh, well then, I'm Wulf...Wulf Riscernos." Wulf said.
"Well then, Wulf... just take things slow, and don't try straining your injuries." Chalakon said.
Wulf obliged, he tried to rest, but all he had in mind was the very person who saved him from what would've been his final moments alive, and how beautiful that person is....
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zoethehead · 1 year
Honestly, with the end of "The Owl House" i was kinda thinking that Lumity(Luz x Amity) might've been inspiration for HowlingSiren/SeaWolf/Chulf/Wulkon/MerSpy/whatever i wanna call this ship(Wulf X Chalakon)
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zoethehead · 1 year
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here's a valentine's day art in the digital formatte, just finished it today.
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zoethehead · 1 year
i'm sorry, just wanted to make this vid of my oc' as vines, had to make it on a crappy window's movie maker
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zoethehead · 1 year
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And here's the moment when Wulf realizes that he's alive, it's kinda a miracle that he's sitting up, considering his back is pretty badly torn up.
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zoethehead · 1 year
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another page made!
getting a clear look at his savior
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zoethehead · 1 year
since there was a 50/50 split, her's a finals!
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zoethehead · 1 year
Poll for my folks who are interested
IMPORTANT for my series, poll ends in 7 days:
PLEASE VOTE, i'm desperate to know!
yes, i know i already type using Wulf x Chalakon, but i honestly would love to know which one should be the canon shipping name
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zoethehead · 1 year
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and i made a textless version for the literary magazine for my school
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zoethehead · 1 year
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aaand, the piece is done, and only in about a few months will it be ready for the postin'
and yes, i did color in a piece of their clothes with a pride flag color, wulf is pansexual, while chalakon's gay
made it while listening to "song 3", "On melancholy hill" and "down in a hole"
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zoethehead · 1 year
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Almost done with my pride month piece, it will be done tomorrow
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zoethehead · 1 year
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making a valentine's day digital version art, here's a work in progress pic/sneak peek for feb 14
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zoethehead · 1 year
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i just realized that i forgot to draw chalakon's ears.
i was in a hurry to get this scanned, mkay?
but technically, this is a couple weeks and Wulf is all healed up, and he's going through a bit of PAN-ic (Pansexual panic) right now
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zoethehead · 1 year
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here's another comic scene done.
it's the scene when wulf wakes up after being saved
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zoethehead · 1 year
asks are open
if anyone wants to ask about my oc's( mainly wulf and chalakon) go ahead
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