sweet-lover-girl · 1 year
Passing this ask game on: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Get to know your mutuals and followers! ♡
Oooo thank you so much for sending me this!!!🥰🖤❤️💜 @xthescarletbitch as well because she sent me one too!
Here are five things that make me happy!
My family! (Especially my twin)I love them with my whole heart, they helped make me who I am today. And this includes my dogs! Especially my oldest baby Domino🖤
I love music! Music helped heal my soul and it runs in my veins. (I really like Hozier, Cigarettes after sex, Heilung, and NF)🎼🎶🎵
Nature! I love nature so much, and going on long walks are my favorite!🌻
Abby Anderson! She’s literally my whole world and I just love her so much!💪🏻
You guys! I love writing for y’all and seeing all the sweet comments and reblogs just make my heart sing! I love you!🖤❤️💜
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that-stone-butch · 3 months
just saw your post about wanting to get a shark version of yourself drawn and i gotta ask: have you seen @vampireharpy 's art of Bonnie and Lucy?? Bonnie is a werewhale butch and I'm a lil obsessed!!! heres a direct link to their tag for those characters!
ohohohoho fuck yeah
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elsfairy · 10 months
Was catching up on your blog since I haven’t seen your posts in a while! Just had to share that you’re the same height as my gf and after learning she’s 5’7 pushing 5’8 it dawned on me that my dad is a liar and is not 5’8 bc he’s definitely a lil bit shorter than her lol 5’6 manlet ass. he hated when I pointed this out and insisted it was bc of her boots.. he wears (and was actively wearing) work boots with a wedge (which is basically secret tiny heels for men) and she was in her regular sneakers when the conversation was had
Also more seriously: don’t feel too pressured about getting back into your writing groove! Sometimes art just doesn’t wanna happen for any number of reasons and it’s ok to let it come back to you naturally. I found that trying to force it only hurts my self esteem in the long run. Sincerely, an artist who had a three year long art block but never stopped being an artist at heart
hey hey ! I kinda stopped posting as much as i did before, but I'm back, kind of? but glad you're here !
this happens so often. why do men get irriated when you point something out ?? especially when they are wrong about something. like sure boots do make you a little taller, but still, can he admit your girlfriend is literally taller than him, especially because she was wearing sneakers (i know some sneakers have a wedge but not all) when he's deadass wearing boots with a heel to make him taller? 💀 (It's because tall women are intimidating. i tell you) the tiny heels part is making me chuckle 😭 because you're so right.
I've deadass been slowly working on a Violet fic, but the ideas aren't ideaing right now because I haven't written much in so long and I don't want people to feel like I've given up? you know? but I'm taking my time, slowly 😭 I'm sure I'll get there but in my own time ! ♡
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antifragilejpn · 10 months
Ask game #34: is there a song you know every word to by heart?
oh, goodness, let's see!
thnks fr th mmrs, this ain't a scene, fourth of july, champion, basically all of the 'from under the cork tree' album (fall out boy); the boys of summer (the ataris, yes i know they're not the original but that's the version i like most
thank you darling! ♡
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sapphic-woes · 1 year
Vampire hunter!Abby x Vampire!Reader drabble! MINORS DNI
also thanking @wunderschon-lieblich cuz her thoughts made me actually write this drabble lmao
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Your body rocks with a steady rhythm, and sweat bounces off her skin. There’s a tantalizing view of a warm body below you. The way her arms flex and her chest staggers. So unmistakably human. You watch a particular droplet roll down her neck. It pools at her collarbone before rolling off onto the wooden floor. You think it's a waste you didn’t get to taste it.
Abby Anderson is sweet, and you’re greedy for every last bite of her.
Silence fills the room save for your gasping moans and her breathless grunts–continuously on and offbeat. Your lips spread into a wry smile, and it puts a frown on Abby's face.
"Aw, don't give me that look, little hunter." Your trembling hands snake down to wrap around the wooden stake embedded into your waist, fingers wet with your cold blood as you laughed down at her, "isn't this view one of a kind?"
"Jesus, you sick bastard," Abby snarled back as she mercilessly thrust into your dripping cunt, making you choke. It was a wonder to see her like this–her boring priest uniform was crumbled and soiled in juices, ripped apart by your claws to see her glorious abs. Her long, neat little braid was undone, and it was tastefully disheveled–making her look more of a sinner than even you.
The strap she had on was as thick as her hatred was for your kind, and you wouldn't have had it any other way. Your fangs bit the bottom of your lip in ecstasy, letting her continuously ram into you. Fuck yes. This human was so hilariously easy to manipulate, and it was adorable to see Abby lose her precious control with you.
"Please, you love it." There was a spike of heat and a quickened heartbeat, sweet blood flowing to paint her freckled cheeks and shoulders. What was the use in even trying to hide it? Like an open book, you could smell her arousal practically drenching the goddamn church in its scent. She's only fooling herself, if even that. Then again, you always found that dishonest part about the hunter rather endearing.
"Mmh…harder." You hissed out the command just as you ground down on her strap, leaning forward to grip her chin in the palm of your hand. You let the sharp tip of your claws dig in slightly, raising an eyebrow when she glowered back at you. 
You could hear Abby's throat bob as she thickly swallowed, feeling her teeth grind to bite back an insult. You knew she couldn't resist your pull, but you'd be lying if you said it wasn't fun to watch her try.
In one swift motion you lay on your back, and to your delight, Abby drove the entirety of her dick straight into you.
"F-fuck! A-Abby it's, it's s-so good, mo–ore…!" Your cries of pleasure filled the room as your little entertainment obeyed. Skin slapped together as she pounded away, muscles tense as she possessively held your quivering body in place. There was nothing gentle about Abby's movements–each thrust was meant to break you more than the last, and you loved it.
You loved to watch her use all her strength against you, yet have her only be capable of turning you on. You adored making her blue eyes dark with anger, resentment, and shameful lust. No matter how much she struggled, Abby Anderson could never beat you. 
"Good girl, ah–d-don't you dare stop…" She was the hunter most of your kind feared, and yet with you, she was only allowed this false sense of power whenever you wanted her hands between your legs, and nothing more. You knew that, but more importantly, she knew that.
"Give it to me darling. I've been starving all week." The way Abby faltered made you inwardly swoon. The more she resisted the cuter she was, and you giggled as her wrist flinched under your lips, stiffening when your fangs traced her pulsing veins. You kept her gaze as you teased her, making her tremble and twitch with every movement before you decided to have your fill.
"Ugh!" Abby let out a muffled grunt as you drank her rich, delicious blood, long gulps making crimson drip down your chin. Her blood was addicting, dizzying even, making you lustfully groan as you took a breath. At this rate, you'd suck her dry–and you wanted to toy with her for a little longer before that happened.
"You really taste the best…" you murmured, licking her wounds until they healed. Her skin was scorching hot, and you grinned as her other hand tightened around your waist. Seems like the aphrodisiac kicked in. 
Surely enough, you looked up into clouded eyes and rouge cheeks. Abby heaved as she stared down at you with blatant lust, and you grinned, sucking her fingers till she mindlessly shoved them deeper into your mouth.
"What are you waiting for?" You spoke around her thick digits, drool wetting her knuckles as she let her fingertips graze the tip of your fangs. Your lips around her hand made her irises burn, and a shiver coursed down your spine.
"Fuck me good darling–nice and hard like I’m the monster you always say I am…and who knows? You might actually get to kill me this time"
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hiskillingjar · 8 months
Gags (Strade/MC)
day twenty: gags second person
The fan blades turned slowly above your head, creaking and swaying in the hot air of the summer night, yellowing from age and dotted with little mold spots that nobody thought to take care of or attend to. 
Sort of like you. 
You were in a cheap motel, strange and far from any sense of home that you might have had, ridding you of familiarity or comfort you never thought you’d associate with his house. Strade had some business to attend to in the States (no doubt to do with the shitstains that ran the website he streamed on and revenue and royalties and whatnot) and he didn't trust you and Ren enough to be left alone together.
So, Ren stayed home and you stayed with him. You just hoped that there wouldn't be any animosity from the younger man when you came home.
If you came home. 
It had been a quiet night of pay-per-view movies and takeout pizza that left a grease stain behind on the cardboard and cheese that stuck to the roof of your mouth. It was the kind of food that you loved when you were younger, when you were a plucky college student who went out drinking with friends and strangers, and needed carbs to soak in the booze, lest it spill out of you.
But you weren't that person anymore. You didn't even know what kind of person you were.
The kind of person that let this happen to them, you guessed.
"You can't scream and you can't make any noise, or it's just going to get worse. But, I'm going to give you a fighting chance, okay? Because I'm just so fucking fond of you. "
Strade's voice was uncharacteristically quiet as he pressed the thick rubber ballgag between your teeth forcefully, like he was worried about possibly disturbing your neighbors in the other hotel rooms and calling attention to the two of you. He kept you pinned still to the bed with a heavy knee against your back, and though you thrashed and fought against him, you knew that he would ultimately win whatever brawl you had.
He always won.
The rubber tasted sour against your tongue and the leather belt, pulled tight around your head and buckled at the nape of your neck, was stiff and 'unlived in', and you guessed that he had bought it fresh that day in preparation for this.
With a low grunt, he pulled the belt one notch tighter, forcing the rubber ball deeper into your mouth and the leather to dig in uncomfortably on either side of your lips.
" Wunderschon ," He smirked as he took his knee from your back, satisfied that you didn't immediately try to move once he permitted you your freedom. "And I don't think I have to worry about you screaming now, either."
"Ughk..." You groaned into the gag, as he tangled his fingers in your hair and jerked your head upwards, forcing your eyes to meet again. While yours were no doubt hazy by your newly submissive headspace, his looked fond, almost affectionate.
"Mm, very cute," He crooned, reaching forward to press two fingers against the rubber ball and trailing the touch downwards, toying with your plush bottom lip. "I don't usually care about this kind of thing. Ropes, cuffs, it's a means to an end with me, but, ah..." He tilted his head just a touch as a thick stream of drool pooled from your parted lips, down your chin and coating his fingers with shining, wet silver. "You, meine liebe ? You're good enough to eat right now."
You let out a surprised grunt as Strade shoved you back against the bed, your head hitting the pillows and your back on the mattress, before shifting between your legs and yanking at the waistband of your jeans, not even giving himself a moment to unbutton or unzip them as he tore them down your trembling thighs and tossed them across the motel room.
A lot of things could just be done with brute force, and that was something you had come to quickly learn with Strade.
"Speaking of..." He let out a soft chuckle as he placed a large hand on your belly and used the other to yank your panties down with an equal amount of force, to the degree that you swore you heard a tear. "I think I'll do just that."
Any protests you might have said petered into desperate moans and whimpers into the thick rubber as he lowered his head and dragged his tongue over your cunt, immediately seeking the tight, warm heat of your hole as he kept you pinned still beneath him, a meal ready to be devoured, a helpless victim ready to be taken advantage of.
You didn't quite have the luxury of calling yourself helpless anymore though. 
He had taken that away from you. Just as he had taken so many things.
"Ghk-" You made another attempt to speak, though you couldn't manage much but a quiet vocalization, a helpless gurgle of pain and pleasure as you rocked your hips up against his ravenous mouth, desperately seeking his probing tongue despite how much you knew you shouldn't.
Evidently pleased by your jutting hips, he moaned deeply, running his tongue broadly across your cunt before focusing his attention on your swollen clit and pressing two thick fingers inside of you as he tongued and nipped and bit the sensitive little bud, just to hear you try to squeal and cry into the gag.
"Mm, I love all those desperate little noises," He growled, pressing a hungry kiss to your soft thigh, his teeth bruising and biting and leaving more evidence of his conquest over your body. "I might even like them a little more when you're gagged. They just sound so needy and pathetic, I can’t get enough."
Your face flushed bright red at the insult, though that only made him laugh and press another deep kiss to your cunt, worming his tongue into what little space was left around his fingers (which had taken to rubbing against a particularly sensitive spot inside of you that always drove you crazy). 
You breathed out heavily through your nose, squeezing your eyes shut as you tried desperately to chase after more touches, more of the burning hot pleasure, however bad it made you feel after the fact.
You just wanted to feel good. Was that such a bad thing?
You didn't think so.
“ Ich möchte dich verschlingen, ” He whispered hotly against your skin, biting down on your thigh again before he pulled away and pressed the hard bulge in his slacks against the warm, wet space permitted by your cunt. “ Meine fleisch, meine liebe .”
He didn't even bother pulling himself out of his slacks as he rutted against you, his lip between his teeth as he stared down at you hungrily, your flushed cheeks, your watering eyes, your parted lips drooling down your chest and making the white tank covering your chest wet and almost see through.
"God, if you could look at yourself now," He growled, pressing his face against your neck and biting down, similarly hard, on the juncture between your shoulder and your neck, the space where your collar didn’t cover. "If you could see what I turned you into ."
You whimpered helplessly, opening your eyes to tiny slits to peer up at him wearily, groaning into your gag.
"Fucking slut," He smirked, running his tongue along his teeth as he bit you, and bit you, and bit you and bit you and bit you and bit you- " MY fucking slut. There was no way I was going to leave you with Ren while I was gone...let him claim what was mine the second he had the chance to. No way."
Your eyes widened just a touch at that particular reveal, before he reached up with his free hand to grab your face roughly, his big hands squeezing your cheeks and keeping your eyes glued to his. 
"You're mine," He growled, his voice intensely serious. "Mine to hurt, to fuck, to kiss, to kill, to fucking love, however I fucking want to. Never forget that, ja?”
Maybe he had been granting you a mercy by gagging you. 
So you couldn’t admit your love as easily as he could, in spite of how much you wanted to.
You nodded helplessly, all the same, in place of an actual confession. “Good girl,” He murmured, his voice a little lower as his rutting hips slowed, just a tad. “Such a good girl, fraulein. A good girl for me. Just for me”
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Continuing the AC Ladies biker AU... (@wunderschon-lieblich hihihi I'm equally as obsessed as you are with this and I seek your seal of approval here)
Let's talk bikes.
Eivor, competitively, rides a meticulously maintained Kawasaki KX450, covered top to tail in sponsor logos. Sure, it's a masterpiece of a four-stroke, but it's not her baby. No, her pride and joy is an old Honda FMX650 (below*). She keeps it running beautifully, with a perfect paint job, devoid of any energy drink company's branding stamp. It might not be state of the art but it's a fucking sexy dirt bike. (*she customised it similarly to the Sand 650 because I said so)
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Kassandra owns a restored 1947 Harley Davidson Knucklehead with just the most glorious coat of glossy claret paint. She performs her stunts with vintage bikes, but this isn't one of those. Of course, she installed a passenger seat for the ladies. The seat is at that perfect height with respect to the frame where you can really feel the rumble of the engine. It's whatever the motorcycle equivalent of an aphrodisiac is. (Below but with the aforementioned paint.)
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Soma has probably made a pretty penny off her restored old motorcycles, being naturally more inclined towards sleeker designs, which auction for a shit ton. But she'll never sell the stunning 1940 Indian Chief she restored. It has a classic, elegant frame that she fell in love with, and she kept the traditional two-toned paint, with a pristine black and cream palette and a tan leather seat. A fittingly charming bike for her. (This but black instead of green.)
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artschoolglasses · 9 months
Tagged by the wonderful @aeide!
Get to know a mutual better!
LAST SONG: Who We Are, Hozier (Which is 100% a KassEivor song fight me.)
FAVORITE COLOR: Green. Specifically sage green or deep forest green.
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Critical Role, mostly. Though soon... Our Flag Means Death. 👀
LAST MOVIE: ... I haven't watched a movie in a while. Damn. Probably 2005 Pride and Prejudice? Or was it a Jean Harlow film... Red Dust maybe? 🤔
CURRENT READING: Witchcraft and Magic in the Nordic Middle Ages, by Stephen A. Mitchell. (It's spoopy season, therefore: witchcraft history books.)
SWEET/SPICY/SAVOURY: If I could make everything spicy I would. I'm the kind of person who intentionally eats ghost pepper chips. 🙃
LAST THING GOOGLED: ... "necrologue definition" (Because it popped up in the book I'm reading.)
CURRENT OBSESSION: Baldur's Gate 3, sumo wrestling, Critical Role, witchcraft and witch trials history, and of course Eivor 🖤
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: I have a stack of notebooks behind me with writing ideas in them and a drawer full of fountain pen ink. So I've been scribbling down thoughts in my sage green notebook because yes of course they're all colour coded to project.
tagging (none pressure): @milfeivor, @vikingnerd793, @tiny-librarian, @wunderschon-lieblich, @sunbeamwolf-kissed, uhhh... My brain is mush today. Mutuals, go!
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leofrith · 1 year
Tag Game
15 questions, 15 tags
thank you for the tag @medlilove !!! ♥️♥️
Nickname: ky
Height: 5'4"
Last thing I googled: social mobility in 9th century england. lmfao
Song stuck in my head: listening to music right now so currently playing the fool by moderat
# followers: 7104
Amount of sleep: not fucking enough that's for sure!!! (like 5-6 hours most nights, probably)
Dream job: i don't really have one honestly. any time i think about having to do any one specific thing for a period longer than six months i want to walk into the woods 😭
Wearing: black track pants, extra large sons of anarchy shirt that my dad was going to donate before i stole it instead, and a shawl thing that might as well be a blanket that i got from indigo
Book/movie that summarizes you: uuuuuuh i dunno i guess?? pacific rim is probably an amalgamation of almost every trope in a piece of media that's guaranteed to make me go completely off the wall crazy. so.
Fav song: changes constantly. but one that i keep coming back to over the years (including right now) is black out days by phantogram
Aesthetic: this could apply to lots of things? for clothes i'm definitely a monochrome gal, but sometimes with a pop of colour or a fun pattern if i'm feeling like it. as for decor and environments and the like, maximalist babyyyyy i love trinkets i love layers i love lots of different textures and things. i tried to vibe with minimalism for a while but i have now accepted that it was never gonna work for me.
Fav authors: i honestly haven't read enough with any consistency in the past like five years so i don't even feel able to answer this 😭
Random fact: i've probably mentioned it on here before but i used to figure skate!! that was fun. and that's all i got for fun facts about myself lmao
i don't even know who likes doing these so uuuuh no pressure: @deathstars @wunderschon-lieblich @vikingnerd793 @ravensthorpe @reallywantanap @leofriths @aesnawan @reiverreturns @alethiometry @eivorswolfkissed @lonelyquadsquad @bagelvangr @artschoolglasses @berrytart @jate-kara
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the-raven-feeder · 10 months
Thank you @alkibiadessuperfan for the tag!
hardcover or paperback? bookstore or library? bookmark or receipt? stand alone or series? nonfiction or fiction? thriller or fantasy? under 300 pages or over 300 pages? children’s or ya? friends to lovers or enemies to lovers? read in bed or read on the couch? read at night or read in the morning? keep pristine or markup? cracked spine or dog ear?
I tag @wunderschon-lieblich, @huntress-creed, @lonelyquadsquad, @eivor-kassandras-abs, @eivorvarinsdottir and anyone else who would like to do this!
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joilieder · 2 years
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Wunderschones Leuven, Belgium
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elsfairy · 1 year
Just read through the rockstar Abby Hcs and ohh my god I’m obsessed! I’ve always daydreamed about someone playing Ventura Highway for me on an acoustic and ugh I can just imagine it so nicely with her in this au. Also with the last part about her wanting to record!! She’d be like “babe in Rob Zombie’s songs it’s his wife moaning how sick is that? Be my Sherry Moon?”
whenever i write rockstar!abby i will always be listening to songs with literal moaning in them.... don't ask guys please... but hence why i added that in LMAO because i truly think she would want all her songs to have your sounds in them (as long as you are comfortable with it, of course) goddamn it, now i need to find more moaning songs to write about it one day.
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writerleo86 · 6 months
Terravenger Season 6 - The Fallen Magus Arc - Episode 484 (Do Not Copy) - 11.16.2023
During the year 1954, a woman stood at the front of two doors that belonged to a large building with three floors. The building was among others at the right side of a small road. And the location was in Ausbach which was at the eastern part of Hesse.
This was a young woman with fair skin and blue eyes. She had sandy-blond hair that past her shoulders. She was also slender and of average height. She wore a long black shirt with short sleeves. She had on a pair of dark-brown pants. And she wore short brown boots with high heels.
As she carried a pamphlet of printed guidelines, the lovely woman spotted a large set of soldiers marching across from her. They all wore uniforms that had many colors used for camouflage. They also had on a pair of long black boots. And they each wore a black cap.
Among the soldiers was a slender young man with light-brown skin, brown eyes, and short black hair.
The woman looked straight at him as the young soldier became captivated by the woman's natural beauty.
During the late night, the woman walked from the large building toward her brown car which remained at an empty parking lot at the left end of the road.
She stood at the driver's door of the car while the woman heard a male voice call out "Wurden Sie eine minute warten?"
The woman turned around and spotted the young soldier hurrying to her. The woman soon noticed a small sheet of paper held by the soldier.
"Hallo," greeted the woman.
The young man blushed as he presented the sheet of paper to her.
He attempted to ask in English "You... know... Deutsch?"
The smiling woman shook her head and informed him "I have taken classes since high school on how to speak your language."
The woman soon added "Ich weiB genug, um durchzukommen."
The blushing man lowered his head and asked "Ist das deine zeichnung?"
Then he translated "This... yours?"
He handed the paper to the woman. It was a picture of the entire building where she walked from.
The soldier informed her "It... is... beautiful. Perfect... shades."
The man told the woman "Das bild ist wunderschon, genau wie du."
And he translated in English "Schon. Beautiful... like... you."
The kind woman shook her head and said "Danke."
After she placed her drawing on the passenger's seat in the car, the woman faced the soldier once again.
She informed the soldier in English "I work as the Art teacher at the city's elementary school."
She translated in German "Ich arbeite als Kunstlehrerin an der Grundschule der Stadt."
And the woman finally introduced herself.
"My name is Amber, Amber True. Ich heibe Amber True."
The soldier shook his head and commented in German "Du sprichst perfekt Deutsch."
He translated in English "You... speak... beauti... beautiful... German."
And the soldier told her "My... name... name... is... Thomas. Thomas Faust."
Terravenger -- Season 6
Episode 484:  The Fallen Magus Arc -- My One and True Love
Many months later, the woman named Amber sat across from the soldier Thomas at a small table inside an empty classroom within the barracks.
Thomas had on his camouflaging uniform. But he laid his cap before him on the table.
Amber now wore a long gray shirt with a pair of black pants. She had on her short brown boots with high heels. And her sandy hair was wrapped into a high bun.
Thomas placed his right elbow on the table as he held the left hand of the lovely Amber with his right hand.
He told the woman in German "Ich liebe dich, mit meiner ganzen Seele."
Thomas soon translated in English "I... love you, with my entire soul."
Then he informed Amber in German "Ich mochte fur immer bei dir sein."
A shocked Amber backed her head away as Thomas wrapped his other hand on her left hand.
Thomas gave a soft smile and asked "Willst du mich heiraten?"
Amber placed her right hand on her chest.
And Thomas translated in English "Would you marry me?"
Tears started falling from her eyes as a happy Amber shook her head.
She told Thomas "Ja! Ich weide dich heiraten!"
The pair stood up and hugged each other.
Thomas told her "I love you, Amber True. With all my heart!"
    Inside a dark room at the old mansion, the emotionless Leo placed his right hand on the center of a large portrait which remained on the wall before him. Meanwhile, lots of lit candles remained at each corner of the small room.
    What was drawn on the portrait was his beautiful wife Amber wearing a long pale-blue gown.
    Leo moved his hand until it reached the lips of the lovely woman.
    And Leo said in his native language "Das wird bald vorbei sein."
    Then he lowered his head and replied "We will be together again, Meine Liebe. Once I place the plan I have thought of into motion, I will able to unite with you. One way or another."
During the year 1957, a person walked into a small room of an apartment which was located in the city Berlin.
It was Thomas Faust wearing a collared white shirt with a long gray tie around his neck. He had on a buttoned gray coat with thin golden pads on the shoulders and a pair of long gray pants. He also wore a pair of black boots and black gloves. And he had a gray cap on the top of his head.
He turned to his left side and found his wife sitting on a chair near the window.
Amber wore only a sleeveless white dress and no shoes.
The lovely woman was drawing on a long canvass with many colors of paint.
And Thomas greeted in German "Guttentag."
The smiling Amber turned to him and said "Hallo, Thomas."
Thomas walked toward his wife as he asked in English "What are you painting this time?"
Amber answered "It will be a bowl of fruit sitting on a wooden table."
Next, Thomas gave her a quick kiss on her forehead. And he watched Amber as she began coloring with her paintbrush.
"You should think about beginning your own business," He implied. "You could teach how to paint or draw properly."
Amber shook her head and replied "It hasn't been long since you said the very same thing to me."
Thomas responded "But you would do magnificent at it, Franchen. You would be able to teach your gift to many including the small children of the town."
Amber gave a soft laugh and commented "You are too good to me, Thomas Leon Faust."
After that, Thomas placed his hand on her shoulders.
"How was it out there?" asked Amber.
"The same," answered Thomas. "I was to guard at the base from the morning. But I must return for another set soon."
"You will do great," claimed Amber. "You are one of the most loyal in the military."
Thomas gave out a soft smile as his wife added "Not to mention the most handsome of them all."
The loving husband stared at the portrait once again and told Amber "Your art will be beautiful, as of all your others."
Suddenly, Amber began coughing repeatedly. And a worried Thomas held his wife in his arms.
"You have become worse," implied Thomas.
Then a sick Amber coughed a small patch of blood onto her right hand. Thomas rushed into the kitchen and poured some water from the sink into a small glass cup.
Once he returned to his wife, the fearful Thomas gave the cup of water to Amber.
"Should I take you to the hospital?" asked Thomas.
Amber nodded her head and implied "The doctor will only suggest the same which is settle down more."
Thomas lowered his head and cried "But we should be able to do something!"
Amber laid her head on her husband's chest.
And the sickly wife told Thomas "I will be alright Thomas. Just keep the faith."
    During the dark evening, a small army of soldiers dressed in hooded black attire hurried out of a small passageway which was surrounded by dried hills. The soldiers aimed their short-armed guns as they surrounded a person who wore a long black robe with a hood covering their head.
    One of the solders ordered "Stop right there!"
    The hooded intruder lifted their head and revealed themselves.
    "No way!" yelled another soldier. "We just hit the jackpot!"
    The soldier standing before the hooded figure responded "I don't believe this!"
    The hooded figure now revealed as the psychic Leo looked at every soldier standing in front of him.
    Leo soon gave a wicked smile and informed the army "You all should lowered your weapons if you wish to go free."
    One of the soldiers yelled "Is this shroud threatening us when we're the ones that have him within our reach?"
    Leo closed his clear green eyes and said "Neither of you should say that I hadn't warned you."
    Four large vines of black plants quickly rose from the grassy ground and wrapped around the waists of four soldiers. Meanwhile, a barrage of red lasers shot from behind the circled Leo who gave another grin.
    The rest of the dark soldiers were shot down as the large vines applied pressure until the heads of the remaining soldiers popped off their bodies.
    Next, two newcomers walked toward the back of the devious Leo.
    One of the individuals who stood by the left side of Leo was the dark and gloomy young woman named Kiona Dupree.
    The other standing by Leo's right side was Darrin Sebastian. He was an older youth with fine skin and cold purple eyes. His short dark-brown hair was combed back. And he had a fine beard that connected to the sides of his hair. He wore a buttoned black shirt with long sleeves and a fine collar. And worn around the collar was a long bright-blue tie. He also had on a pair of light-blue dress-pants, black socks, and light-blue dress-shoes. And he wore a buttoned light-blue coat with long sleeves.
    The emotionless Leo asked "Will Mr. Samuel join us this evening?"
    Kiona reported in a soft voice "Rocky is dead. He was killed by Mother for letting one of the soldiers from Midas City into the building with a weapon hidden."
    Darrin informed them in a wicked voice "Rocky was always a careless fool. His ability made him weak."
    Kiona also revealed to her leader "Both Barbarus and Goran were killed as well. Barbarus fought well until he was dealt with by his opponent, Commander Veil of Pluto City. Goran, on the other hand, was taken by Fred. Then Mother had captured Commander Veil at a weaken state."
    Leo responded "No matter. We shall make do with what we have."
    And Kiona reported "Lord Mephistopheles is still within these walls, my magus. I happen to have learned of which area he stays."
    The wicked Leo gave another smile and commanded "You shall direct me to him. Take me to the false Bringer immediately."
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sapphic-woes · 1 year
To Bind the Body
A/N: A part of the 1k commisions! @wunderschon-lieblich suggested some kind of continuation of Fulke x Zealot!Reader So ofc I decided to be absolutely deranged. MINORS DNI | CW: BLOOD & GORE
If you could describe Fulke as anything, she was salt ground into your wounds. Fiery and overwhelming, pain great enough to make you breathless and sweet as the blood on your tongue.
Fulke is a plea from your lips. She's your punishment. A cursed savior.
She is salt cleansing you from the inside, tearing flesh from bone. She invades you like a virus, infecting every tissue with the cruelty of her hand. She was never gentle, nor was she kind, but regardless,  it was good.
Sever my body into pieces. Mold me into what you desire. Again and again, as many times as it takes. Break the bone and drain the blood. 
Make me belong to you, my sire.
You loved her anger, her cruelty, and her pain. Perhaps it was because you were her Zealot, but all of Fulke tasted divine, even when her kisses were soaked in blood. 
It's metallic and hot against your lips, her movements carnal in nature. There is force before there is love. A claim that has been made. Yet you're certain pain has never been so gentle. Fulke is poisonous for the mind. She leads you astray. 
You crave her regardless.
You're doubled over. Jolts of pain skyrocketing through your body. You're coughing from the sharp kick she gave to your sternum. You don't know whether you're laughing or crying. 
It may be both. As is her pleasure and pain.
"Such a lovely expression." Her voice is enough to instill fear into your heart. That dry sneer mixed with excitement. She's enjoying this. Your torture was her pleasure, and her pleasure was your doctrine. 
"Sire…" You flinch as Fulke squats. Her large, calloused hand reaches out to caress your cheek. Even crouched, she's a looming presence, and you shiver, not daring to look up.
"Sire I can't…breathe…!"
Suddenly, Fulke grabs a fistful of your hair, jerking your head back. The sight is holy. Her vibrant blue. 
Bright like cracks of lightning, dark as a thunderous sky. Her eyes are terrifyingly beautiful.
My Sire.
She kisses you with no remorse. No care for the pain she's inflicted on you. Spit and blood mix together, exchanging in a savage display of power. You keel into her touch, eager to taste more of her lips. Already your chest is healing, but you want the pain to last. You need her to remind you. You need her to sear it into your brain. That you are hers, and hers alone.
Of course, Fulke does not disappoint.
Your back is pressed against the floor, wrists held together above your head. Fulke casts a shadow over you, her smile like a bad omen on her lips.
"Now…where shall I mark you today?" Fulke snorts, a wry smile on her face, "Then again, is there even a place where my blade hasn't already met your skin?" 
Your healing powers denied any wound Fulke inflicted on you to last, but that didn't stop the paladin. No–rather, she merely saw it as a reason to cut you up repeatedly, night after night, to brand the memory of her ownership into your mind.
It was twisted. An action spurred on by pure animalistic greed. Yet you loved every second of it. 
"...Hm...here." Her large, rough hand caresses your lower stomach. Her eyes are burning with lust and hunger, and her smile causes shivers to run up your spin.
"For women, this place is sacred. So many have come to the church and asked me to bless their wombs, all believing that their false god destined them to give birth. Such pitiful lives. Bound by a fate merely given by man…" 
Fulke speaks slowly, taking her knife out to lay the cool metal flat against your skin. She smiles when you flinch, pleased by your quivering.
"But I shall bind you to me, my little lamb. Your fate, your flesh, your desires…" Fulke's eyes gleam. The blade sinks down into your skin. Pain erupts over your body, and pleasure blooms in the depths of your heart.
"Beautiful…" Fulke mutters, watching your flesh split apart by the force of her blade. Ribbons of blood run past your waist, pooling onto the floor. Tears fill your eyes, blurring the vision of your sire above you. The pain is excruciating, enough to make your teeth grind and voice come out in a poorly suppressed cry. However, you're also unable to mask your smile.
It was good. To see Fulke giddy over your submission to her, to see her indulge in your body. Each wound was a vow, blood the conduit of your love. You wanted Fulke to partake in it, lips trembling in a weak plea. Your sire didn't need to decipher the words, she knew what you needed.
"Sire…!" You moan as her tongue delves into your wounds, causing sparks of pain and pleasure to rock through your body. Was it possible to fuck a person's wound? The slit of your injuries tingles as Fulke savagely indulges herself, lips smeared with your blood. It feels good in a hedonist way, as if you both were sinking into the depths of depravity.
"You're so sweet, love." You let out a cry when Fulke bites into one of your many gashes, forcing out another ribbon of blood. Your heat throbs at the action, looking down to meet Fulke's gaze.
Could love be so merciless? You aren't sure if she wants to cherish you, or eat you alive. Either is fine with you.
"F-Fulke, I can't anymore, I need–ah!" Without warning, Fulke thrusts two fingers deep into your sodden cunt, smiling in amusement.
"I know, love. I know." Her calm demeanor contrasts the strength of her movements, ruthless as she has her way with you. Fulke watches you melt intently as she fucks you, as though you're a specimen for her to study. Blue eyes wildly take in every twitch of your body and the slow healing of your wounds. They memorize which places make you shudder, and the paladin isn't hesitant to hit them over and over.
"Fulke! I-I'm–" Before your final wound can fully heal, Fulke takes her free hand to thrust her fingers into the gash, moving in tandem with her fingers, already pleasuring your heat. You can't help but shudder with a moan, feeling the pain send you over the edge.
You come with a cry, seeing stars you aren't sure are from blood loss or ecstasy. But considering what had just happened? 
It was most likely both.
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redlinepeet · 6 months
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El Hierro wunderschöne Ferienwohnung in La Restinga mit Terrasse
40 m² Ferienwohnung ∙ 1 Schlafzimmer ∙ 3 Personen La Restinga, Kanarische Inseln https://redlinetravel.blogspot.com/2023/12/el-hierro-wunderschone-ferienwohnung-in.html
1 Schlafzimmer
max. 3 Personen
40 m²
1 Badezimmer
Haustiere nicht gestattet
Ferienwohnung in El Pinar, 40qm mit 1 Schlafzimmer für max. 3 Personen.
Die Ferienwohnung befindet sich direkt am Strand, mit Blick auf den Strand / das Meer und den Sporthafen.
Die Unterkunft befindet sich 5 m vom Sandstrand "La Restinga", 5 m von der Stadt (Stadtzentrum) "La Restinga", 40 m von der Bushaltestelle "Para de bus Avenida Marítima", 50 m vom Restaurant "Restaurante El Rincon", 100 m vom Restaurant "Restaurante El Refugio", 150 m vom Supermarkt "Supermercado Padrón", 200 m vom Supermarkt "Supermercado Terencio", 43 km vom Flughafen "Aeropuerto del Hierro" und liegt in einer ruhigen Zone am Meer.
Die Unterkunft verfügt über Waschmaschine, Bügeleisen/-brett, Haartrockner, Balkon, 1 Ventilator, 1 Fernseher.
Die offene Küche, mit Ceranfeld, ist ausgestattet in Kühlschrank, Mikrowelle, Gefrierschrank, Spülmaschine, Geschirr/besteck, Kochuntensilien, Kaffeemaschine, Wassserkocher und Saftpresse.
Haustiere nicht gestattet
Rauchen verboten
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15 questions / 15 mutuals
I know my primary was tagged but I never use that blog. Cheers for the tags @caitsvi and @penguin-wizard-party
1. are you named after anyone? nah, named after a road my parents drove down once
2. when was the last time you cried? an hour ago lmao
3. do you have kids? fuck no, i can't even take care of a cactus without killing it in 24 hours
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? in moderation? i'd rather just be blunt
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people? their shoes because i always look at the ground
6. what’s your eye color? cornflower blue
7. scary movies or happy endings? scary movies (especially psychological ones and classic slashers)
8. any special talents? I can play archery with my feet with reasonable accuracy, and I have an uncanny knack for almost electrocuting myself with handheld appliances
9. where were you born? essex init
10. what are your hobbies? writing, video games, playing spanish guitar, sewing, cooking and baking
11. have you any pets? a 16 year old cat whom I adore
12. what sport do you play/have played? used to play tennis and have dabbled in pole fitness
13. how tall are you? 5'5"
14. favorite subject in school? a tie between physics, maths and drama
15. dream job? data analyst for an esports organisation
Taglist: @thistle-bone-and-sharp-stones @keyblade-loser @ashmatashs @natromanxv @waxcryptid @blkdyke @sapphic-woes @wunderschon-lieblich @urmumhaha @guccipussay @callmewhenyoukan @xthescarletbitch
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