#wurlitzer organ
hear-my-circles-sing · 6 months
In my heart I know Lucifer owns a wurlitzer organ but he's never learnt how to play it because his feet can't reach the lower keyboard
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mitigatingchaos · 1 year
Sunday Pipes #114
Scott Joplin’s “The Entertainer” is brought to you by the Scott Brothers. Featuring the largest “Mighty” Wurlitzer organ in Europe at East Sussex National.  
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tfblovesmusic · 1 year
Better yet - HIRE MORE ORGANISTS! Install a WERSI OAX machine and have it alternatively play alongside the Wurlie theater organ...
Kinda like this...
OH, and we need 2 MORE adult sessions weekly with JUST the two organs alternatively playing a la Blackpool Tower Ballroom. I appreciate the pop music, but I'm also ALL for opening up this and future generations' ears to other genres, and organ music in rinks.
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burlveneer-music · 4 months
Sun Ra - Excelsior Mill - also out today, Sun Ra sounding like a whole orchestra on the Wurlitzer pipe organ
The outsized sounds emerging from the Excelsior Mill organ captured here constitute a unique chapter in the Sun Ra story, a dizzying phantasmagoria that offers a whole new view on what Ra could do. It might thrill you; it might unnerve you; it might strum your heartstrings; it might spook the living daylights out of you. Most likely you’ll experience all of the above before the jolting musical jeremiad is done. Pressed on violet vinyl! The CD contains the full uncut show! When you’re Sun Ra, you don’t need synthesizers to evoke apocalyptic visions and interstellar excursions. You don’t even need a band. Ra is most widely known for working with various iterations of his Arkestra, but he was no stranger to unaccompanied keyboard expeditions. His discography contains solo piano albums, solo Fender Rhodes records, and solo recordings on conventional organ, the latter going as far back as his home recordings from the 1940s. But none of those instruments ever offered Sun Ra the kind of sonic artillery that waited beneath his fingers and feet when he sat before the keyboards, pedals, and multicolored constellation of tabs controlling the Wurlitzer pipe organ. Mystic and magisterial, Ra comes off here like a cross between a demonically riffing ‘50s horror movie villain and a futuristic congregation leader delivering the interplanetary gospel. Brassy stabs provide the kind of punctuation that could be graphically rendered as an endless string of exclamation marks in 500-point font. String-like swoops and swirls dance across the top of the carnage, cooling the flames just enough to keep the whole thing from combusting (for a while at least) but never dousing the fiery fury that Ra draws forth from the instrument. - Jim Allen 
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gaykarstaagforever · 8 months
MIDI in 1927 could tear your freaking arm off.
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 1 year
Object Show OC!
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One of my besties got me into object shows and I really enjoyed Inanimate Insanity and ONE so I HAD to make this boi
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It turns out that Snorky of The Banana Splits happens to have a fondness for theater organ himself....
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misforgotten2 · 2 years
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I think I’m going to Hurl-itzer.
American Home  December 1967
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stone-cold-groove · 2 years
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Mom rocks out on the Wurlitzer - 1972.
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benjamindehli · 2 months
Keyboard sounds from "Skyfri Himmel" by Bjørn Eidsvåg & Ylva
Some of the keyboard sounds from Skyfri Himmel by Bjørn Eidsvåg and Ylva Olaisen.
Both direct out and a piezo pickup are used to record the Wurlitzer 200A. The two signals are processed slightly differently, but are summed together before the amplifier. The Korg MS-20 has been recorded twice. Once with fixed octave selection for the oscillators and once with variable octave selection. The direct signal from the Hammond C3 has also been recorded twice. One for the chords and one for the bass notes. The two signals are mixed together and sent through a reverb pedal and a Leslie 122 rotary speaker.
Wurlitzer 200A signal chain:
Direct signal and a piezo pickup
Hairball Audio FET/RACK Revision D (only on direct signal)
Fulltone Supa-Trem (only on direct signal)
Roger Mayer Voodoo-Vibe+ (only on bridge section)
Fulltone Tube Tape Echo
Gamechanger Audio LIGHT Pedal (only on bridge section)
Fender Twin Reverb
Shure SM57 and Royer R-121
Chase Bliss Audio & Meris CXM 1978
DIYRE G Bus VCA Compressor
Hammond C3 signal chain:
Direct signal for bass notes and chords are recorded separately
Gamechanger Audio LIGHT Pedal
Leslie 122
Pair of Shure SM57 and Sennheiser e 602-II
DIYRE G Bus VCA Compressor
Roland SH-09 signal chain:
Hairball Audio FET/RACK Revision D
Fulltone Tube Tape Echo
Chase Bliss Audio & Meris CXM 1978
DIYRE G Bus VCA Compressor
Korg MS-20 signal chain:
Double tracked (fixed and variable octave range)
Fairfield Circuitry Shallow Water
Hairball Audio FET/RACK Revision D
Roland Dimension D SDD-320 (only on the track with variable octave range)
Fulltone Tube Tape Echo
Chase Bliss Audio & Meris CXM 1978
DIYRE G Bus VCA Compressor
Omnichord OM-84 signal chain:
Double tracked (panned hard left and right)
Hairball Audio FET/RACK Revision D
Fulltone Tube Tape Echo
Chase Bliss Audio & Meris CXM 1978
DIYRE G Bus VCA Compressor
Roland D-50 signal chain:
Hairball Audio FET/RACK Revision D
Bandpass filter
Fulltone Tube Tape Echo
Chase Bliss Audio & Meris CXM 1978
DIYRE G Bus VCA Compressor
Skyfri Himmel:
Bjørn Eidsvåg (Vocals, Composer, Lyrics)
Ylva Olaisen (Vocals)
Carl-Viktor Guttormsen (Guitar, Drums, Keyboards, Producer)
Benjamin Dehli (Keyboards)
Christer-André Cederberg (Mixing)
George Tanderø (Mastering)
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gingerradiohour · 2 years
Ginger Radio Hour #036
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Show Notes March 21, 2023
Listen to archived episode.
Theme: Vital organs.
Couldn’t fit all the tremendous organ music out there into just one show. So for the second time in March — a show devoted to organs. Yes, the Wurlitzer, but also music starring the Hammond B-3, the Clavinet, and the TONTO synthesizer.
Billy Preston “Outa-Space” Album: I Wrote A Simple Song 1971
Billy Preston “The Looner Tune” Album: I Wrote A Simple Song 1971
Cory Henry “NaaNaaNaa” Album: The Revival (Live) 2016
Jimmy Smith “Root Down (And Get It) (Live)” Album: Root Down 2000
Shirley Scott “Hip Soul” Album: Legends Of Acid Jazz: Shirley Scott 1998
Booker T. Jones “Time Is Tight” Album: Note By Note 2019
Stevie Wonder “I Wish” Album: Songs In The Key Of Life 1976
Tonto’s Expanding Head Band “Tama” Album: Zero Time 1971
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grogusmum · 7 months
Please Mister Please
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SUMMARY: You can't seem to escape that one song even after the apocalypse. Joel and Ellies friendship brings you some comfort, and maybe Joel is interested in more.
WORD COUNT: 1700ish
WARNINGS: None to speak of. Unless you need one for soft Joel. As always, if you see something I've missed, let me know in my DMs, and I'll add it.
A/N: Just a little something inspired by the Olivia Newton-John's song of the same name. (She was in her country music era) It's hardly edited, written on my phone, and Imma just yeetin' it out there. Oops. It's just the usual fluffy hurt comfort. But it IS my first go round with Joel. I hope you enjoy it! 💚
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The jukebox was found on a supply run at some honky tonk out Fort Collins way called Sundance something or other. You laughed at your first thought, which was it's wasn't one of those new ones with CDs, realizing "those new ones" were now 40 years old... but this one was truly an antique, with vinyl in it and everything.
A Wurlitzer in all its chrome, brightly colored bakelite, and satisfying push button glory.
You shake your head now, thinking you should have known the moment you heard. Everyone was so excited. Because, of course, they were! How fun is an old timey jukebox full of country-western ballads, anthems, and line dance classics?
It brought an energy into Jackson, the likes you hadn't seen before it. You'd gotten in early on, and watched its evolution from place where people were merely surviving to an industrious hive of busy bees, creating abundance but there wasn't much room for joy and then out of the clear blue sky - line dancing. At first they couldnt keep it plugged in all the time, it was turned on for a half an hour at the end of the day, until they had a good handle on the dam and the power plant was working consistently. You're sure it was the inspiration for Maria's attention to holidays and socials after seeing the excitement and morale lift from it. Suddenly, y'all were living, not just staying alive. So it seems silly, with so much real life and death shit to deal with, to get so hung up on one song, but it carried so much weight for you, you just couldn't shake it. If only it wasn't so sweet, if only it wasn't so catchy… Maybe people wouldn't have noticed it among all the other tracks. But it was sweet and it was catchy, and about making it after all the shit they'd been through...
So naturally, at five songs for a quarter, it ends up in the mix at some point. (It's the only reason the town has any coins. Paying it could have been bypassed, but dropping the 25¢ seemed to be part of the fun.) So when you least expected it, it would start to play, and so far, it continued to flip your stomach and make your eyes glass. And think about how he and you didn't actually make it.
Joel and Ellie have been in Jackson several months now. Ellie dove right in, school, taking care of the horses afterward, trying to socialize. She's a little guarded sure but mostly funny and eager. Joel started helping Tommy right away, but it seemed to you more to keep busy than to join the community. He's wary and taciturn. When they weren't in those organized work times, they stuck close. When Ellie ventured into social activities, Joel let her go, but he was ever watchful, with Ellie checking in often even just a look over her shoulder, just to see if he was still there. He always was. They reminded you of a bonded pair of strays.
You liked your place, Catnip's Apothecary. They'd come in twice so far, once when Joel brought Ellie in for a poison ivy rash and once when Ellie brought a very grumpy Joel for inflammation in his knees Ellie found all your jars of tinctures, teas, herbs, and powders fascinating. Asking what everything did, looking at drying plants hanging from rafters in wonder, pspspsing the cats.
“Are you a witch?”
“Ellie!” Joel admonished, but looking at you for a tell. Were you? You could see him wondering.
You only laughed. Sure you were, but what they were seeing here was hardly witchcraft, just herbalism, mostly. Joel and Ellie are both bright and observant - you're pretty sure they both noticed you didn't answer.
Tonight, Ellie is at the rec center, a movie theater for the evening, awaiting the start of none other than Star Wars.
Where did they find all these 70s flicks? Nevertheless, A New Hope's a great find. You can't resist going, even though you know it by heart, and you'll have to force yourself not to recite all the dialogue. Sitting smack dab in the middle, surrounded by all these kids and young adults, seeing it for the first time, you munch your popcorn and smile.
You don't see Joel, but it's not like you are actively looking for him… just curious, given their penchant to stay together and you figured he will know the movie too, maybe he's more of a Trekkie. When you catch Ellie's eye, she waves animatedly and moves to sit beside you.
“Sssoooo, you're like one of the only grown ups here.” there is a gremlin glint in Ellie’s eye.
“Yeah, I thought there'd be more nostalgia watchers-” you say a little sheepishly. “ But it's okay, I'll see it with a soon-to-be New Generation of Star Wars Fans. Bear Witness!”
“And what if it sucks?”
The noise you make is somewhere between an indignant scoff and a gasp of purest offense. But you rally.
“Oh just you wait padawan-”
"What's a pada-"
As quickly as the lights go down the attention commanding drums of the 20th Century Fox fanfare begin.
“Oop here we go! Buckle up, buttercup!!”
You live vicariously through the new audience for the next two hours, and it is a pure joy.
The young people of Jackson laugh at the Laurel and Hardy comedy stylings of Threepio and Artoo, they eat up the “though she be little she is fierce” snarky spirit of Princess Leia, gasp at Alderaan's fate and Obi Wan's sacrifice, cheer at Hans return, hold their collective breath when Luke turns off his targeting device to use the force, and burst into applause when he makes the one in a million shot, womp rats in Beggars Canyon take heed.
“Aw man I really hope we can see Empire some day,” you say as the credits roll.
Ellie is elated, peppering you with questions about the sequel and then Return of the Jedi as you walk out of the rec center, and everyone begins to head home. You do you best answering, not wanting to spoil too much if she actually gets to watch it.
“I'm this way,” she says suddenly, as she peels off from the town center, “see ya!”
You head toward the Tipsy Bison, to join the adults, most of which took advantage of the kids being off at the movie to do a little drinking and dancing.
The spring has brought high spirits, and with it bright chatter and the stomp of line dancing in progress. Grabbing a spot to watch, you order yourself a drink. When the song ends, there's hoots and applause, and the next one is slow and sweet, and it only takes the first note for you to feel the drop in your belly.
Joel saw you come in, he had seen you from the street actually, when the community center emptied after the film, he had his eye out for Ellie and saw her come out with you, talking animatedly and laughing. He smiled. You were his age, or close enough, he guesses, not only from both the smile and worry lines but your points of reference when talking, only missing references that are local to growing up in Texas. It's comforting, you remember Before. You also have a light he can't get enough of. You didn't confirm nor deny it, but he is sure you've enchanted him witch or not. He's just been too, 'shy' isn't the right word... he just hasn't been able to make any sort of move.
Then he does his best to saunter over to your little table, drink in hand. He's pretty sure his sauntering days are over.
Now you sit alone, a moment ago smiling, tapping to the music. He had been taking in some liquid courage, in the form of whiskey, to ask you to dance. But the light in your eyes is replaced with a shine, not in the way he loves. He's seen this a couple times, he realizes. Times when your eyes go far away and a sadness descends on you.
He gets up and checks the jukebox, taking note of the song. He's pretty sure he's right. He can't bypass a song on a jukebox, nor can he tell a DJ to change it. But he's gonna talk to Walt the barkeeper, first chance he gets.
“Hey Catnip, can I sit?”
You look up wiping your wide eyes.
“Oh, sure, Joel, please,” your smile tries to reach your eyes, but it flickers and can't stay.
“So," Joel starts, he's not good at this. He's gotten better but, “You're Still the One, huh? For me, it's Vince Gill- When I Call Your Name ”
You just look at him, and he starts to think maybe he hasn't improved at all.
“I don't know that one, it was kind of a fluke that our song, his song was a country song. It's not my usual genre.”
“Well it wasn't my lady and my song, it was the song that I listened to after she left. Sarah was so little. I felt so lost in those early days. Now I can't even hear the open-”
“Opening chords,” you finish with a chuckle, “yeah, I can't- and now of course it all wrapped up in the Before Times, too. But here it is, in a jukebox of less than 200 songs, the one song that represents my husband walking out on me before the shit hit the fan.”
“I can't even picture anyone leaving you with nothing but a song.”
“Yeah, well, I can picture it quite clearly. I can't imagine someone leaving you with a little baby girl to raise.”
“We are in the same boat, darlin’ until it happened I would have been with you on that. We were very young, 22, she panicked.”
“Aren't we a pair?”
“Why don't this pair go for a walk then?”
Joel holds his breath, looking into your lovely face.
“I'd like that.”
Standing, Joel holds out a hand to guide you up and out of the bar, it settles comfortably on your lower back, the song long over. His hand tingles and theres a flutter in his chest at being allowed to touch you this way.
It smells like petrichor, though the skies are clear. Joel's hand leaves your back to your chagrin, but he gently holds out his elbow, and with a crooked smile you slip your hand in the crux of it.
“Such a gentleman.”
He smiles and brings you to the newly constructed, yet to be painted, gazebo.
You climb the handful of steps and look at the town from this new vantage point.
Behind you, Joel comes close, his hand casually on your hip, like you did this everyday. His mouth close to the shell of your ear and a quiet hum floats in, the controlled breath tickling, you smile knowing the very apt song choice,
“Are you making fun of me Joel Miller?”
He chuckles, then the words over take the hum -
“Please mister, please, don't play B-17
It was our song, it was his song but it's over
Please Mr. please, if you know what I mean
I don't ever wanna hear that song again…”
Joel turns you, arm around your waist, his other hand sliding into yours -
" I'd sound a bit better with my guitar, but when we couldnt dance, so-"
He starts a simple box step, as he sings quiet and low, just for you, while turning you around the gazebo.
You join in singing, whispering in his ear the chorus when it comes again. It feels cathartic. Then you step back - who is this man? Not the guy who came in with a little girl, a gut wound that should have killed him, poorly healed knuckles, and the wary eye of someone who is always waiting for the other shoe to come down on him like it's made of lead. But looking at him now, those brown eyes wide but the little crease between his eyes holding his concern. His jaw soft, making you take more note of his natural pout and the salt and pepper scruff, the little spot that just won't fill in, it looks like a heart… you wonder if it's as soft and smooth as it looks and if he'd let you touch it to find out.
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Please consider commenting and reblogging. If you are interested in reading more of my writing, you can find my masterlist here. If you would like to be notified when i post more work, you can find my taglist form here.
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blue-disco-lights · 16 days
✨ Weekly Tag Wednesday Thursday Night! ✨
@energievie Birthday Edition! 🍰 Thank you friends for tagging me - I loved reading all your answers. @mybrainismelted @vintagelacerosette @deedala @sgtmickeyslaughter
@spookygingerr @michellemisfit @suzy-queued @lingy910y @burninface
@takeyourpillsbitchh @darlingian @look-i-love-u @gallapiech 💕
When is yours? April 24
Where were you born? It’s now Ukraine but wasn’t when I was born 
How do you feel about your legal name? Are you using it online and/or IRL? i’m fine with it - julia is my real name – and thanks to The Wedding Singer, you may also refer to me as Julia Gulia
How about your sign? Do you feel it "fits"? I'm a Taurus and i feel like such a cartoon one. Reliable, consistent, stubborn and also love the feel of luxury fabrics!
What's your earliest memory related to your birthday? There was this restaurant called Pizza & Pipes when i was little that no longer exists - it was this huge pizza restaurant and its signature centerpiece was a Wurlitzer organ. I have no idea why it existed but it was such an icon.
What's one of the best gifts you've ever received? This is so practical but it’s nice when friends give me gift cards so I can buy nice things for myself that i wouldn’t normally feel comfortable spending money on.
How about one of the best you've given yourself? I booked myself a spa day once and spent half the day in there reading a book in quiet and drinking tea :)
What's your favourite cake flavour? Very dense chocolate cake.
How about your favourite flowers? All the roses 🌹
Have your ever thrown a birthday party? If yes, tell us about your favourite one. Not lately, but i did host a pretty memorable 16th bday party -wish I had more pictures of it! Claim to fame that two of my friends met there, started dating, and have now been married for a couple of decades. I've also thrown a lotttt of kids' birthday parties.
What's the ultimate birthday song?  Ultimate ultimate is Dancing Queen by ABBA, but also - this is the one everyone's thinking of right?? just me? 🤔
And last but not least, pick a celebrity with whom you share your birthday. No way i could choose between these two - Barbara Streisand and Jean Paul Gaultier!
i'm late! if you've already done it please consider this a 🤗 instead of a tag @francesrose3 @creepkinginc @jrooc @ian-galagher @transmurderbug
@runawaybrainsc @stocious @ms-moonlight-inn @mmmichyyy @bawlbrayker
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 year
It fascinates me that modern AI, i.e., machine learning algorithms like ChatGPT, are literally just a digital software version of the Wurlitzer 165, a "simulated military band" organ from 1914.
This thing is fully automated. You put a big sheet roll with hole-punch binary instructions for switches in it, and its simulated instruments play the music. It is a device, following instructions, to make a single aspect of your life easier.
That is literally all ChatGPT is. It isn't thinking, it isn't creating, it is just following instructions and replicating a thing you want. It is a mere tool. A sophisticated one, but so was the Wurlitzer. And they are still both just tools.
I don't know. I think, before we panic that AI is replacing us, we need to listen to this album and remember that all of this stuff is just a slightly more esoteric carousel organ.
(Also I legit love this thing and its music. 1914 MIDI of the era's pop songs, played with wooden flywheels and bellows? Love it or leave.)
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 2 years
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Gnarly and his Wurlitzer 146a Band organ. I wanted the organ to resemble the "Make a Friend" machine from Chapter 1
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marvelousmatt · 5 days
Matt Berry - ‘Heard Noises’. New album out 24 January, 2025. Listen to the new single ‘I Gotta Limit’ (Feat. Kitty Liv) on all streaming platforms.
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Acid Jazz Exclusive Gatefold Colour Vinyl / Signed Test Pressing / Blue Vinyl LP / CD / Cassette - pre order now:
Following the huge acclaim of Matt’s 2021 album ‘The Blue Elephant’ (“A sonic odyssey” – Uncut) – as well as last year’s one-off album of library music collaboration with the KPM label (“another string to Berry’s impressive bow” – Prog magazine) – we are proud to present ‘Heard Noises’, Matt’s eighth studio album with Acid Jazz, out 24 January, 2025.
Out today, lead single ‘I Gotta Limit’ finds Matt trading lines with Kitty Liv (Kitty, Daisy and Lewis) as a man after a second chance with a woman impatient with his pleading. With a song structure inspired by Sly Stone, in a little over three minutes ‘I Gotta Limit’ takes in a plethora of musical ideas. An instantly catchy song which is part-Northern Soul, part-psych.
We’re hugely excited to offer a beautiful label-exclusive gatefold edition on Psychedelic Swirl colour vinyl, alongside the standard version Sky Blue LP, as well as corresponding soft-pack CD and high quality retro-styled Cassette.
We are also offering 70 limited-edition Test Pressings, each signed by Matt (with print insert of the cover art included).
In contrast to 'The Blue Elephant’ dizzying trip through an idiosyncratic love of British Psych, Freakbeat, Acid Rock and late ‘60s pop, ‘Heard Noises' finds Matt heading for a looser, Californian psychedelia, through his love of the trippier sounds of space pop and rock, and his ear for an eerie, haunting melody.
Once again, the album is testament to Matt’s exceptional musicianship, production skills and songwriting prowess. He plays guitars, bass, acoustic and Wurlitzer pianos, synthesizers, organs and Mellotron. He is joined by long-time collaborator, neo-progressive drummer Craig Blundell, and guests including Pokerface actress Natasha Lyonne, Eric D. Johnson (The Shins/Fruit Bats), Phil Scraggs, Rosie McDermott, and the S. Club 60s Choir (featuring Matt’s mum).
In many ways 'Heard Noises' could be considered the perfect distillation of the extraordinary breadth of musical ideas across Matt’s albums to date.
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