#wwe smackdown womens championship
imvgeswrestling · 2 months
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wrestlingdivas2k23 · 7 months
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itsrheasgirl · 10 months
Chapter 1
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The WWE and how its writers worked had never seemed to faze Rhea. She’d become so used to them throwing curveballs in her career that when Triple H pulled the two of you into his office after an average Monday Night Raw, she knew something was coming. It had been two weeks since the announcement had been made public that she would fight alongside you for a shot at the women’s tag team championship and you couldn’t be more excited if you tried, but Rhea, she knew it all seemed too easy. She hadn’t faced a title match recently without some sort of trouble to follow. They were pushing her career and she knew that, but she wished they would cut her some slack.
“So… we’ve got the breakdown for next weeks match and I just wanted to run it past you both in person.”
Immediately Rhea knew something was off. When it came down to the game plan, it always came via email, the full break down from beginning to end. Interviews and all.
Placing her palm down onto your thigh and giving it a comforting squeeze, she turned her sapphire gaze in your direction as a quizzical expression captured her features. You could feel the tremor that vibrated her palm as it lay against your exposed skin, your own fingers winding with hers to keep her hand steady.
It had only been a few months since you and Rhea had made your relationship public— even though you’d been in an off screen relationship for almost a year, but it had been welcomed with open arms by your fellow co-workers and the general public weren’t exactly mad about it either.
Inhaling a shallow breath, Rhea pulled her focus from you and turned back to face Triple H head on as he leant back in his chair, chewing nervously at her lower lip.
“Demi you have to remember I don’t make the rules, this wasn’t my plan for you and I don’t want to hurt you— Either of you.”
Rhea’s palms began to sweat as the words sunk into her already panicked thoughts, mixing with the confusion that was washing over her about the whole situation. Triple H’s deep hues flicking away from his lock on her and over to you as he spoke. Your grasp around Rhea’s hand tightened slightly as you contemplated what had been said. He didn’t want to hurt you. What did that even mean?
“I tried my best to change this, I need you both to understand that but it was already approved, I was too late.”
Rhea’s heart began to pound in her chest, her panic only getting worse with each word that left Triple H’s lips. What could they possibly have planned that would shake up such a strong man to the point he had to apologize?
“Just spit it out, Paul!”
Rhea snapped, as she released your hand and slammed both her palms down hard against the desk before her. The loud bang echoing in your ears and causing a small gasp to bubble in your throat, you grasped gently at her shoulder and graze your thumb slowly along her soft skin.
“It can’t be that bad, baby.”
Your gaze was locked on Rhea as you continued to trace small circles against her shoulder blades, but hers was fixated on Triple H. He still hadn’t told you the breakdown and it was starting to itch at her brain, like a tic burrowing into her conscious.
“Then why are we here? Why wasn’t this sent out just like every other week? If it’s not that bad then why is he acting like this?”
Rhea’s jaw was clenched, the veins in her temples flaring and her fingertips turning white as she gripped at the edge of the desk. Each passing seconds causing more and more tension between the two individuals as you tried your best to keep Rhea calm.
Triple H inhaled a staggered breath as he joined his palms and placed them down against his desk, glancing at you swiftly before shifting his gaze down to his hand.
“You lose.”
Rhea’s features don’t even shift as she scoffs to his response, her eyes rolling in annoyance as she fights back a sarcastic laugh. Triple H wouldn’t have called the two of you into his office for a simple loss, you’d both experienced loses in your career and not once had they made such a big deal out of it.
“And that helps my push how, Paul? Because if I remember correctly the last time you had me in here you were telling me I was a superstar and about to get the headlines I deserved.”
She couldn’t take much more of this, it was all too cryptic and if she didn’t get answers from Triple H soon then she’d go get them from someone she knew wouldn’t make her wait.
“They’re breaking you up Dem, they want you to turn on Y/N after the match. That’s it, okay. Team’s over. I tried to fight for you, both of you. I told them this wasn’t fair but the decision is made and the betrayal is already in motion.”
Rhea’s heart sank in her chest as she bolted upright to a standing position, her chair flying backwards and almost toppling over as she once more slammed the flat of her palms down against Triple H’s desk.
“Are you fucking kidding me!?”
You could see the sudden shock claim Triple H’s features as he witnesses Rhea’s outrage, his lips parting slightly in search of what to say next. Not like he really had the time to respond as Rhea shoved at his desk to drive it back towards him, her nostrils flaring as she once more raised her voice.
“She’s my fucking girlfriend Paul, what sick son of a bitch would write this. What kind of a story arch is it to destroy an actual fucking couple?”
You couldn’t believe the rage that was starting to burn behind Rhea’s eyes, her sparkling sapphire blues casted in a shade of black as she began to pace back and forth across the room, your gaze flitting between her and Triple H as he simply watched her without a word.
“You know what, no.”
Rhea stopped in her tracks and snapped her piercing gaze down to Triple H as he went to speak, her tone filled with so much upset and heartbreak.
“Change it, or I don’t fight!”
Rhea didn’t even give him time to reply before her swift strides had her moving in the direction of the door, swinging it open to have the block of wood collide with the wall behind it as she disappeared into the hallway.
It took a few moments for words to be exchanged once more, Triple H’s expression cloaked with disappointment as he turned his attention towards you. He could tell you were hurting too— even though you were hiding it well, exhaling a shallow breath before he addressed you head on.
“I’m sorry.”
Was all he was able to spit out as his broad palms rubbed over his face, words trapped in his throat as he process the best way to continue going.
You hadn’t taken your eyes off the door in which Rhea had left so abruptly, secretly hoping she’d come back and talk this out. You knew all about the push WWE had planned for her— you’d talked about it in length over a bottle of wine the night she’d found out, but you didn’t expect they would be separating you so soon. You were thrilled that Rhea was finally getting the shot she’d worked so hard for, but in turn it left you in the dust. Thrown aside like a used Kleenex.
Finally giving up on the idea of Rhea’s return, you shift your focus back to your management as he still sat face in palms at his desk. Maybe you’d have to be the one to talk with Rhea and bring her round to the idea, you wanted her to thrive— to be the superstar you knew she truly was and if that meant losing her, then so be it.
“What’s the rest of the plan, Paul?”
You questioned. Your tone was calm and almost consoling as your fingers wrapped around Triple H’s palm and pulled it down from his face, holding onto his callus fingers as you searched his gaze for a moment.
“I’ll talk to her. I can fix this, just tell me what she needs to know and I’ll make her listen.”
Maybe the words coming from you wouldn’t sting as hard and things would be able to play out the way the WWE intended, Rhea always listened to you when it came down to the importance of her career and if losing her meant she would become the strongest contender in the women’s roster, then that’s what would have to happen.
Triple H had yet to speak and you were beginning to worry, maybe this betrayal was worse than you thought. Giving his palm one more gentle squeeze, you release your hold and placed your palms flat against his.
“I can take it, Paul. Just tell me what she needs to know. Please.”
With a long exhale, Triple H finally lifted his gaze to meet your questioning ones. His lips curving into a warm smile as he leant back in his chair and placed his palms on the back of his neck.
“Edge wants her. The game plan is that she’s eventually going to be the newest addition to The Judgement Day.”
Your heart tightened in your chest, your palm slowly sliding off the table to fall into your lap and you swallowed back the saliva that had pooled on your tongue. The Judgement Day, that’s what they had planned for Rhea? They were taking her away from you to put her with Edge?
Sure you had problems with Edge and Beth, both of them causing past issues for your career and leaving you almost ready to call it quits all together, but that’s where you are Rhea differed. She was strong. She could take a beating and keep going, nothing slowing her down. She didn’t need you to protect her, she could handle herself and this situation would be no different.
Chewing at the inside of your cheek and fighting back the desire to blow up in Triple H’s face, you force your lips into a faux smile. You didn’t want to be the reason Rhea’s career took a hit, even if the idea of Edge getting his hands on your girl tore at your heart. The Judgement Day could take Rhea places you couldn’t and as much as it hurt you, her career would always come first.
Was all you could ask in a calm tone, worried that if you said much more your anger would become evident and you didn’t want Triple H to feel worse about the news he was giving you.
“Three weeks.”
Your mind went blank, you couldn’t breathe, the world around you felt like it was beginning to spin and all you could focus on was Rhea’s happiness. You had to— because if even for a second you let that focus slip, you’d lose her completely. You had to let your issues with Edge be just that, your issues and you had to support your girlfriend if you planned to keep her.
You wanted to say more. Triple H didn’t deserve to be belittled anymore than Rhea’s reaction already had done, but you couldn’t think of what was best. You could thank him for trying to stop the break up of your tag team, for supporting Rhea and helping her get the attention and success she deserved or you could just get up and leave. You’d already told Triple H you would let Rhea know the plan and now you knew it, there was no need for you to be there anymore.
Swallowing back more saliva that collected on your tongue, you rose from your seat and moved round to stand at Triple H’s side, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his head.
The room fell silent for a few more moments as you both delved into a deep contemplation, neither of you opening your mouth to speak first. There was a lot more to this situation that you wanted answers about, but you needed to get back to Rhea. You hoped she’d gone back to the hotel, but there was no knowing where she was until you went looking.
Placing your palm down onto Triple H’s shoulder, you gave it a gentle squeeze. He always looked out for Rhea and when the two of you had gone public about your relationship, he had been the most supportive out of the entire faction. He’d done all he could do and you were thankful for that, but now it was your job to convince Rhea she had to do this. For her future.
Crossing the room with swift strides, you turned back to face Triple H with a warm smile. He’d been put through a ringer of emotions and you didn’t want him thinking he’d caused damage that couldn’t be fixed. Exhaling a shallow sigh, you pulled your palm through long curls before knotting it up on the top of your head.
“Thanks for trying to save us, Paul.”
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TAGLIST: @girlofpink @rebecca-quin @bl0w-m3 @coolbeans-17 @noellia @rooskaya-yelena
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good afternoon y’all, I love her <3
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