dam-mar · 2 months
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Oh fuck.
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rhearedrising · 6 months
the fact that Eragon took his anger out on a literal *CHILD* and told Elva that it was *her fault* that Wyrden died???? because she didn’t go along with them???
so lemme get this straight: when Eragon was trying to remove the curse and told Nasuada that it was completely Elva’s decision, he was on board with accepting and supporting her agency…but only when doing so also lessens his own guilt, huh? then later down the road he can use her to relieve his own guilt again, by projecting Wyrden’s death onto *a literal child*!!!
nice move, my guy. hope you’re proud of yourself for this one!
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clockworkbanana · 5 months
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(2021) A comic featuring Lusternian characters. Olethea (horned lady) once upon a time reached out to Gurashi for advice on what to do about wanting to leave her home/family/divine, ones she loved very much. Gurashi very convinced her to come to the Glomdoring because they are warm and accepting and like a big family... then a few months later realized they themselves wanted to follow the Most Beloved Mysrai. Funny how things work out!
This was the painful aftermath of the even scarier, angrier aftermath a year after Gurashi's 'betrayal'.
I love drawing comics with big emotional character collage scenes. [edit] I thought I had the log in my pastebin, but I do not. Just my personal files. So have a roleplay snippet!! ---
Esei jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light. You sense Olethea pulling on the strands of aether surrounding Esei. <-- OH SHIT
Esei blanches suddenly.
Esei glances askance.
Olethea blinks.
Suddenly clambered on by too-many animals, you say, "Oh--no! BIZI STOP--."
Bizirik, the leothin does NOT stop, finally squashing Gurashi and a cat of black ink beneath its noodly body, lifting its head to pose proudly.
Olethea blinks rapidly at you several times, all expression draining away to shock.
A cat of black ink meows pitifully under Bizirik's girth, completely smooshed.
You have emoted: Gurashi screams, muffled, beneath the leothin, legs wildly kicking, blinded to their surrounds.
Esei pushes themself away from you, out of range of the flailing legs. They turn to Olethea as they stand, quirking a brow.
Bizirik, the leothin sits quite placidly, ignorant of its human companion's pleas until finally Gurashi smacks the leothin's haunches gently, eliciting a little yowl if discontent. Bizirik at last rolls off both human and cat, grumpily settling on the sand and watching the human sit upright, wheezing.
Her eyes still locked on you as she speaks, Olethea addresses Esei in a quiet murmur, "I was going to… ask a few things to follow up to last Month."
Esei tilts their head and listens intently to Olethea.
Bizirik, the leothin grins smugly at you.
You have emoted: Still holding the inky cat preciously, Gurashi reaches out with one of Tsillah's delicate little paws and 'baps' the leothin on the nose before setting her down. They sit upright, turning to face Esei again, the start of an apology on their lips, before they spot Olethea, and freeze.
You think to yourself: abruptly - nothing.
You blanch suddenly.
A cat of black ink puddles on the ground, where she touches a wet spot of sand accidentally. She yowls, leaping onto Bizirik, the leothin's head.
Olethea's hair begins to move of its own accord. Curl by curl, it starts to lift off her shoulders and writhe like tongues of flame around her face. Still expressionless, she nods once, "…Perhaps not the best company for it, however, Auspice."
You have emoted: Gurashi starts to scramble to their feet, tripping over a cat of black ink in the process just as the cat yowls from the tidepool. They SPIN and grab their bag, scrambling over the nearby rock they had used to sturdy themselves, clambering over it, now just a flailing mass of fleeing limbs.
Esei folds their hands behind their back, humming faintly.
Exasperated, Wyrden Auspice Esei Shee-Slaugh of the Ascending Dusk says, "Climb up, Tsillah." A cat of black ink jumps up onto Esei's shoulder.
Bizirik, the leothin watches placidly from its spot, still proud of its recent suffocation attempts.
You think to yourself: panic! panic!.
<-- RUNS, not from FEARFUL FEAR but FROM FEAREFUL RESPECT Wading frantically back towards the shore, you whisper, "Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh."
Her words like daggers of ice, Proselyte Olethea, Euphony of the Dark Heart says to you, "Don't you -DARE- leave."
Esei tells you, "…-."
Esei tells you, "…if you don't want to die, sit still."
Bizirik, the leothin watches from the shoreline, canting its head dramatically to the side as it watches Gurashi make their way towards the main portion of the delta. At the viscanti's command, Gurashi halts, shoulders bunching, as stiff as a board.
Beads of sweat break out on your face.
You have emoted: Gurashi ever so slowly turns to look over their shoulder, back towards the shore, grimacing.
You think to yourself: terror - terror - a demand, a command, she doesn't want to have anything to do with me, shouldn't be here, I should not BE here--.
Like a conflagration made mortal, Olethea stalks directly up to your side, seizing you by the front of the shirt and staring you in the eyes from just inches away. Wordlessly, trembling, smouldering, her free hand winds back with talons bared. And she…. freezes there, a moment or two, not moving but for her burning wings, her writhing hair, her fingers which clench and unclench uncertainly.
You have emoted: Gurashi raises their hands defensively, shakes their head as Olethea approaches. They squawk frightfully as the viscanti grabs the front of their shirt, reflexively lifts their arms to guard themselves. "Am sorry!" They blurt out suddenly, voice high and panicked.
Esei lingers in the periphery, dark eyes blank.
Olethea swings her talons in to strike you, but… by the time they meet you, it is just a bap on the shoulder. A weak, half-hearted thing. Her wings slump to the ground, and her posture sags, and she releases her grip on your shirt. Like a doused flame, her hair falls back to her shoulders, and her wings go from aflame to quiet cinders, once more.
Esei moves forward, feet soundless over the sand. They gently touch at Olethea's elbow before dropping their hand entirely.
You have emoted: Gurashi croaks as they are released, staggering back one step only to have a small wave crash into the back of their legs, making them buckle at the knees and go crashing into the shallows with a yelp. They cough and sit upright, scrambling back to their feet, hands still raised outward, as if ready to flee again at any moment. "Am sorry," They gasp again, grimacing towards Olethea.
As if she's deflated somehow, Olethea sways slightly on the spot, her eyes slipping closed as if pained. One hand reaches blindly after Esei's for reassurance, and she sighs. "…Hello, Bizi." She murmurs, before her eyes open again, fixing once more on your face - this time, devoid of rage. She just looks… so tired.
Bizirik, the leothin chirps happily.
Her voice echoing oddly, Proselyte Olethea, Euphony of the Dark Heart says, "Hello, Gurashi."
Esei's hand loosely fits against Olethea's, very slightly awkward before they find the best position.
Bizirik, the leothin snorts from the shore, chattering happily in the direction of the gathered group, seeming unbothered by the goings on.
You have emoted: Gurashi swallows hard, standing up a little taller now, seawater dripping from their bangs, their collar. "Hi, Miss Olethea," They whisper faintly, politely bowing their head, finally making eye contact. Their arms drop to their sides, hands balled into loose nervous fists.
Bizirik, the leothin chirps happily.
Glancing quietly in Bizirik, the leothin's direction, Olethea's face briefly warms behind her veil.
Bizirik, the leothin flops down onto the ground.
You have emoted: Gurashi too glances towards the shore, brow furrowing as the creature noisily chatters at them.
Olethea searches your face as though you are something she lost, a long time ago. Her eyes linger at the scar on your cheek. Absently, she reaches to touch it, so gently.
Softly, Proselyte Olethea, Euphony of the Dark Heart says, "I'm so tired of being angry at you."
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ashleybenlove · 1 year
Oh? The elf seemed fey?
Also, Eragon and Arya drink from Wyrden’s flask and they definitely get drunk/high.
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lords-of-the-empire · 4 years
On Elven Ageing
It’s canon that elves were shown to the dragon eggs at age 20, and humans were shown to the eggs at age 10.
Going from this, I have 2 ideas on how elves age compared to humans:
1: 1 elf year = 2 human years (of development. Pretty simple, at age 10 an elf is as developed as a 5 years old human, at 30 (around the point where their magical boost starts to fade and they reach “of age”) they match a 15 years old human (which checks out since people used to be considered adults much earlier, also adds a certain horror to the war if 30 year old elves and 15 year old humans are considered a normal sight on an Alagaesian battlefield). This tapers of after a certain point; 100 year old Arya is not considered the elf equivalent of 50 (which I’m assuming is around the 5-800 year mark, accounting for individual competence, wisdom and experience). Maybe you need to divide it by 3-4 from age 60-99, then by 5 afterwards? It gets weird the older they get, since their mental growth probably isn’t also linear.
2: I’ve read here on tömblur dot com that helicopter-parenting stifles the mental development of a child. Considering how ancient almost all elves are, how late in life they have children, and how rare children are, it’s possible that a 20 year old elf is as physically developed as a human 20 year old would be, accounting for ancient dragon-magic, but far more naive and childlike in their general outlook. Innocent might be a better word, since they grow up in a society that even our most advanced IRL civilisations can’t compete with (in terms of individual wealth and living standard per elf; I imagine the larger scale of things IRL and the existence of multi-billionaires would skew statistics in our favour unless you don’t count them). This would mean that elves are the cranky old coots way they are because they’ve lived to ages no human has in our world, and their peers age with them instead of leaving lonely elders alive as their lifetimes of, say, 70+ years draw to a close.
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Are there humans in your world, and if so, how common are they?
Humans do exist, both Brigitte and Knite were formerly human~
They are about a third of Wrydens dominant populace and are typically considered to be the most chaotic race upon the plane mostly due to the loss of their god and rather short lifespans. Sadly most mad sorcerers and more criminal folk come from their kind than any other race. Some of them however seek to live beyond their own people and can be seen within Demonic or Beast Folk settlements from time to time!
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aplainoldsoul · 5 years
Eternal Sunshine
I woke Up with the perfect system in my head from a day time nap ..
Spent all night talking about the glory of momentum and a love for life.
I see the infinite possibility in design.
They have been given only the keys to observation for the understand composition.
Now i will show them the truth to Uriel’s Machine.
To the flawless self refining systems of divinity.
As Above, So Below.
& Forever
Never Falling Down, Forward Always
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projectwyrden · 3 years
Enter the Court of the Rat King
Lose yourself to the madness and partake in a feast never ending.
Kings usurp the throne forever at their throats, gnawing the flesh clean of their bones.
For power. For ambition. For hunger. Climb ever higher. Legs are not needed to walk. Arms are not needed to climb. Only will and the will to see it through.
To strive and never reach. We all are equals. We all are kings.
In the Court of the Rat King.
Let the bloodshed begin.
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m00nj311y · 2 years
Eragon trivia i found interesting bc why not
Saphira could not imagine going into battle looking anything but her best (Inheritance, pg 316)
the High Priest of Helgrind had mental battle tactics Eragon had never experience before, such as binding the stray thoughts of Eragon, Arya, and Solembum to one another, thus making them briefly lose track of their identity (Inheritance, pg 309)
the dragons were the greatest enemies of the Ra’zac (Inheritance, pg 290)
Saphira referred to a powerful storm as ”wing-breaking” (Inheritance, pg 266)
Arya had wanted to continue serving her mother as ambassador of the elves after the war’s end (Inheritance, pg 250)
She also thought that too little happens in Ellesméra (Inheritance, pg 250)
Saphira does not like not knowing if someone is creeping up on her. she said it makes her scales itch (Inheritance, pg 249)
Arya’s eyes shimmer in the light (Inheritance, pg 249). this can be assumed to be an elven trait
Garven, once a guard of Nasuada, had been reduced to a slack-jawed dreamer after delving into the minds of Blödhgarm and his eleven other elves (Inheritance, pg 247). he later recovered, though his gaze still held a dreamy quality (pg 374)
When sparring with Eragon, Arya uttered a soft, catlike growl (Inheritance, pg 239). this can be assumed to be an elven trait
according to Glaedr, the way of the warrior is the way of knowing (Inheritance, pg 235)
Had it not been for Eragon and Saphira and Glaedr’s duty to them, Glaedr would have gone mad a long time ago [after the death of Oromis] (Inheritance, pg 230)
every time Saphira thought of Thorn, she became confused and uncertain, something she was unaccustomed to (Inheritance, pg 315)
Saphira thought of Eragon as a fierce hunter thatvwas small and easily squished (Inheritance, pg 317)
Saphira referred to Arya as dragon-blood-elf (Inheritance, pg 319)
dragon blood is scalding in temperature (Inheritance, pg 331)
Thorn has talons as large as a man (Inheritance, pg 331)
the elf Wyrden, one of Eragon and Saphira’s twelve elven bodyguards, was among Queen Islanzadí’s oldest and most powerful spellcasters (Inheritance, pg 336)
after seeing Wyrden’s funeral, Eragon wanted an apple tree planted over him so that his friends and family could eat the fruit of his body (Inheritance, pg 339)
Arya joked with Eragon that she could’ve kept the Shade Varaug as a slave to do her bidding (Inheritance, pg 340)
by the battle of Dras-Leona, Saphira was larger than a house, with Thorn larger than two houses due to Galbatorix’s meddling (Inheritance, pg 350). considering the average (two-storied) house is 20ft tall, this would make Saphira 20+ feet at the shoulder and Thorn 40+ feet. they both have claws, fangs, and spikes larger than Eragon’s body
Nar Garzhvog tore a man apart with his bare hands as easily as Eragon would tear apart a roast chicken (Inheritance, pg 351)
Arya was far more accomplished at manipulating others than Eragon (Inheritance, pg 362)
Eragon dreamed of his and Saphira’s departure from (the mainland of) Alagaesia before it came to pass (Inheritance pg 373)
werecats were the friends of dragons and Dragon Riders (Inheritance, pg 380)
there are mountains in Alagaesia that might have been formed via magic (Inheritance, pg 382)
the island of Vroengard, in the city of Doru Araeba, contained a crystal fortress (Inheritance, pg 386)
solembum stated that Galbatorix was not the only power in the world to be reckoned with (Inheritance, pg 388)
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modern-inheritance · 3 years
Modern Inheritance: Dras Leona Interlude
(A/N: Longer A/N at the end adressing some stuff from in the fic. Cheers! Remember the timeline changes!)
Her head was pounding.
Arya groaned, squinting her eyes against the bright lights that assaulted them. Waking up with a headache was always rough. Waking up with an apparent hangover in what seemed to be one of Farthen Dur’s stone cut gutters, face wet with drool, was exponentially worse. The added feeling of self-hatred for being so careless as to consume that much dwarven brewed alcohol didn’t help matters
As her eyes adjusted, the elf started to take in her current state through the fog of her migraine. She was curled up on a cold stone floor if the feeling against her cheek was anything to go by, and her wrists and shoulders must have been tucked behind her at an odd angle during the night. The muscles around her joints shrieked in quiet protest of movement, stopping her from changing position.
That’s when Arya realized she actually couldn’t change position…and her arms were locked behind her back, a set of shackles at her wrists and another clamped around her ankles.
Mind-twisting panic gave the elf enough strength to wrench her protesting body into a sitting position. The nauseating shock of pain forced her to bite down onto a knotted cloth firmly wedged between her teeth. The brief clarity the surge of adrenaline brought sliced through the haze to reveal not stone cut dwarven gutters but the circular room she and Eragon had dived into. The amethysts, humming and flaring bright with internal light, cast reflections that danced madly across the patterned floor in a sickening whirl.
Eragon. Arya couldn’t see him. Her alarm grew until, reaching back with her bound hands, the combat liaison’s fingers brushed against a similarly shackled pair. Arya craned her head back as best she could and caught a glimpse of chestnut brown streaked with honey just as she felt the rough hills of thick calluses. There you are. Good.
The relief was short-lived. If Eragon was here, he was captured as well. They, whoever they were, would hurt him in ways all too familiar to the elf. 
The thought brought a fresh rush of panic, a keening whine filling Arya’s ears and drowning out the low murmur that pervaded the room. This couldn’t be happening, not again. The room tilted, reality bending and sinking in on itself as the icy memory of Wyrden’s death sank into the elf’s bones. It was happening again, down to one of them dying in a wild chase. 
Her heart hammered against her ribs, chest aching as she fought to get her breathing under control. In a situation like this, with her history, panic wasn’t unheard of. Hell, it was expected. But as Arya struggled to pull her knees under her body, that ever present voice kept telling her that now. is not. the time. She ground her teeth into the sodden cloth in her mouth, fighting the urge to gag against its encroachment towards the back of her throat. Forced herself to take measured breaths through her nose, nails digging into her palms to ground herself in the present and not the past.
I’m not there. I’m not there. I’m not there. I’m in Dras Leona. I’m not in Gil’ead. I’m in Dras Leona. I’m not in Gil’ead. I’m in Dras Leona….
It helped. The deep ache in her sternum eased somewhat, the tightness receding enough for the elf to begin a blind attempt at slipping her cuffed wrists under her legs. That was step one, it was always step one. All the buried instincts were coming back, the little things one picked up only through experience. 
It took only seconds for the elf to realize the attempts were for naught. Not only were her hands cuffed, but their captors had used rope to tie her arms at the elbows as well. That didn’t stop her from working the loops against her back, trying with increasing desperation to rub the bindings down far enough to slip them off. She needed to get Eragon out of there, get him away from whatever hell awaited them. 
Every movement increased the burning in her wrists. It grew until, in a sudden rush and a sickening ripping sensation, Arya felt warmth begin oozing over her hands along with a blinding shock that bolted up her arms. Glenwing’s nagging rose in her fogged mind, his frequent warnings that her odd sense of pride in leaving her old scars could be dangerous. Only now did she grimly acknowledge he was right. 
She knew what she would find if the shackles at her wrists were removed. The bands of scar tissue left from Gil’ead, formerly faded to a purpled silver from their old angry red, would be raw. Blistered to the point of mirroring scalds. She could feel the fragile skin tearing every time she shifted her arms, sliding away  from the flesh beneath. 
Her bloodied fingers brushed against Eragon’s hand again. 
Arya bit down on the gag and wrenched her shoulders forward with renewed conviction. Eragon would not live with the same scars. 
The rope was finally beginning to move, rolling down her elbows in maddeningly small increments. Once it was off she could slip her hands to the front with a quick dislocation of her shoulder, and then she would be free to work on Eragon’s restraints.
The elf could feel the Rider’s even breathing at her back, still dead to their situation. She wanted it to stay that way. Didn’t want him to acquire that ingrained, stomach wrenching fear deep in his bones that reared up whenever something slipped around his wrists. Whenever someone else closed the door behind him without warning. 
The ropes were so tantalizingly close to falling away when a flicker to the left sent Arya’s mind reeling again. A cold hand suddenly seized her neck from the side, and with a half strangled yell the elf threw her weight behind her shoulder and slammed into the attacker. 
The murmuring in the room rose, amethysts blazing in response. Arya felt her body impact flesh for a brief moment, vision tilting, and then her head cracked against the polished floor. Spots flashed in the same pattern as the ring of crystals around them. Through the blind patches she saw, for the first time, the people arranged around the room, arms and stumps of missing limbs raised up to the ceiling. The amethysts pulsed in rhythm with their steady chanting, the ever-increasing glow absorbing the power of their words. 
The robed man the elf had collided with stepped forward and leaned down, hand outstretched. An instinctive growl from low in Arya’s chest ripped through her throat as he approached. That hand was painfully familiar in the ghostly light of the amethysts, pale and lined with angrily flexed tendons. 
But he wasn’t reaching for her. With a jolt Arya wrenched herself up again and knocked the man’s arm away with her shoulder. For a moment a dark thought, echoed in his mocking voice, of just how pathetic she must look flitted through her consciousness. Arms and ankles bound, shoulders hunched and knees spread for balance, snarling and snapping through a sodden gag like a chained wolf. 
But she would not let them touch him. Not Eragon. She would take whatever tortures they had in mind, but not him. He was her responsibility. He was...was…. 
Damn it. Why did thinking of Eragon being harmed send such a cold stab of frantic horror, of hurt, right into her chest? The flashbacks weren't like this. This was more painful, but oddly...welcome. Unlike the flashbacks, this fear sharpened her resolve instead of blinding her with panic. 
The man moved to reach for Eragon again, approaching from the side and wholly unperturbed by the maddened elf. Unable to move much more than a few inches, desperate, Arya dove into the magic of her blood and flung a mental spell towards the hooded wretch. Broken bones would slow him. 
Except the moment the spell slid from her thoughts, Arya felt her mind shatter. 
A broken yell tore through the gag. The destruction of her concentration and the oh-so-familiar pain crashed through what grip she had on the present, sending sights, sounds, sensations laced with the scent of blood all careening to the forefront of her mind’s eye. 
Struggling, clawing like a drowning soul against the flood of memories, Arya saw the man regard her with a cold, contemptuous stare. Then he turned, and began dragging Eragon’s slumped body away.
(Post A/N: So, a question that might come up is ‘why didn’t Arya try to use magic immediately?’ Several reasons! Through her time in the Varden’s squads and larger fights/battles, Arya has adopted a ‘magic is absolutely the last resort’ mentality. You won’t always have time to get your strength back and you don’t know the capabilities of whoever’s fighting you/posing a threat. It’s safest to keep magic in your back pocket until emergency healing and the most desperate times. She also wasn’t fully aware of who else could be in the room so didn’t want to attract attention, and the PTSD all wrapped up in this I think just assumed she wouldn’t be able to use magic until she thought Eragon was in immediate danger. 
So, yeah. That’s it. Cheers!)
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archangelsunited · 4 years
For the character meme, how do you feel about the minor elves? Yaela, Invidia, Wyrden, Othiara, Kialandi, Formora, Fäolin, Glenwing... Any or all of them, really.
Hey! I was so excited when I got this ask! I did a little happy dance. I am going to be splitting this up into two parts, because I am still doing an in depth read of the Cycle, and I am in the middle of Brisingr. Eragon’s spell weavers are not really studied in depth where I am at, and I have read Inheritance the least out of all the books. The Characters I can do are the ones who stuck in the memory or that I have already read about. 
How I feel about the character: I am intrigued. If I remember correctly, Kailandi is the elf that cast the spell on Oromis that separated him from his magic. That leads me to wonder, why did he want to know that. It is my personal opinion that Elven Society has a very unhealthy view on magic and physical abilities, leading to many societal problems. I wonder if Kailandi was or knew someone who had physical or magical problems, leading him to study the way it was done. It would explain his defection as well as his choice in combat.
All the people I ship romantically: I headcanon him as aromantic, but hugely invested in platonic relationships. 
Non Romantic OTP for his character: I imagine him surrounded by a bunch of little mini-rider apprentices. I imagine he was the one who would heal injuries and help with accidents that the babies did not want the masters to know about. I also headcanon he was an empathetic listener and someone who would help human riders figure ways around elven strength and skill. 
Unpopular Opinion about the Character: IDK what the current fandom thinks about him, but as far as in-universe opinion, I believe Kailandi was unrelentingly, apologetically about life being completely fair, to the point he would be willing to make it so. I think he was committed to an ideal that didn’t really exist, not that he was power hungry. 
I wish would/had happened: Honestly, that we were given an idea of who and how he was trained. I assume he was not an elder Rider, seeing as Oromis was considered more powerful. So he would have been a rider during the rise of humans and outside of Elven authority. 
How I feel about this character: This is the character that I relate to the most, as far as making dumbass and panicky decisions. From the little we know she is a bit more straightforward than her brother and a little less likely to take a roundabout approach. 
People I ship romantically: I headcanon she was involved with a female human rider. 
My non romantic OTP: I think she was probably very martially skilled and headcanon she trained with and around the dwarves. I think she had good friends in several different militaries. Weird headcanon: I think since she had Kailandi remove some of her memories of other militaries and locations for the sake of giving her friends a fighting chance. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: Same as Kailandi IDK what popular opinion is, let alone unpopular. I do think that she was one of the people who went mad with their dragon, but I think she sought Brom out in the end for him to kill her. 
One thing I wish would/had happened: Similiar to Kailandi, I wonder how she was trained, but I also wonder if she was trained with Kailandi or separately and how that impacted their relationship. 
How I feel about this character: He was too young to die. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Arya, a long life, and adventure.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Idk about OTP, but I think Ajihad got a headache whenever he saw him coming.  Fäolin could talk anyone into anything and a lot of young warriors would suddenly find themselves with interesting jobs after  Fäolin “discovered” them. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: IDK on popularity, but  Fäolin  was a pain in the ass to everyone but Arya and sometimes Glenwing. He was full of ideas about how people could do things better. Half of Arya’s problems with diplomacy come from  Fäolin. 
What I wish would/had happened: I wish we got to see the impact his death had on Du Weldenvarden. Did he have friends, family? Did Arya have to bring news of his fate? 
How I feel about this character: He needs a fucking nap, y’all. He is too old for all this nonsense. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: a nap. 
Non romantic OTP: I can not state this enough: a nap. He was the permanent third wheel to two very young and obnoxious elves. He has been on duty since Arya chased the last four elves off. He has no one to commiserate with, just the birds, the horses and occasionally Ajihad. He is the person who is smoothing over diplomatic problems and he needs a nap. 
Unpopular opinion: He was not a patient elf. He didn’t volunteer, he was chosen because he was stubborn and diplomatic. He was, in essence, a baby sitter for Arya since she was the equivalent of thirty. He wants to retire. 
What I wish had/would happen: I wish we had gotten moments where the humans talked about him and what he was like. Nasuada and others generally talk about Arya, but there were two other elves there at least. How did he impact the rest of the world? 
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ashleybenlove · 1 year
Eragon blames Wyrden’s death on Elva. And he says it to her face.
Later he’s, when reflecting how he’s the one doing the chastising, like how Brom and Garrow had done to him:
And so the wheel turns, he thought.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FwmGLzyRDk I’m just gonna leave that there lol.
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sachtruyenvn-com · 3 years
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sachtruyenvn.com - Eragon 4 (Inheritance) - Di Sản Thừa Kế
Inheritance (Di Sản Thừa Kế) là cuốn sách thứ tư và cuối cùng trong bộ Inheritance Cycle của nhà văn người Mỹ Christopher Paolini.
Inheritance (Di Sản Thừa Kế) bắt đầu khi quân Varden tấn công Belatona, một thành phố của Đế quốc. Trong trận chiến, Saphira, cô em rồng của Eragon, suýt bị giết chết bởi một Dauthdaert (ngọn giáo chết chóc) có tên là Niernen - vốn là một vũ khí được chế tạo từ thời Chiến tranh Rồng nhằm phá hủy hàng rào bảo vệ ma thuật và tiêu diệt rồng. Belatona nhanh chóng bị Varden nắm giữ, và sau đó một mối liên hệ đồng minh được thành lập giữa Varden và các ma mèo. Grimmr (vua của các ma mèo) yêu cầu một vị trí bên cạnh ngai vàng ở Urû'baen nếu Varden chiến thắng cho cái giá của sự liên minh này.
Sau đó, người anh họ Roran của Eragon được giao cho nhiệm vụ khó khăn là đánh chiếm thành phố Aroughs. Roran liều mình thực hiện kế hoạch táo bạo của mình và Aroughs bị khuất phục, mặc dù quân của Roran bị thương rất nhiều. Roran quay trở lại khi Varden đã tiến đến Dras-Leona và đang lên kế hoạch tấn công thành phố này. Murtagh và con rồng Thorn của hắn đang bảo vệ tại đây, do đó Varden không có cơ may nào để tấn công thành phố trực tiếp. Học giả Joed tìm ra thông tin về lối vào của hệ thống cống rãnh xây dựng dở dang dưới lòng thành phố. Tin vào giả thuyết về sự tồn tại của đường hầm bí mật này, Eragon dẫn đầu một nhóm nhỏ (gồm Eragon, Arya, bà lang Angela, mèo ma Solembum, và một thần tiên vệ sĩ tên Wyrden) tiến vào thành phố để mở cổng thành cho quân Varden…
Mới ngày nào Eragon - Khắc tinh của Tà Thần - chỉ là một cậu bé nông dân nghèo khổ và Saphira - con rồng của cậu chẳng gì khác hơn là một hòn đá xanh dương trong rừng. Vậy mà giờ đây, số phận của cả dân tộc đặt lên vai cả hai. Những tháng ngày được huấn luyện, những trận chiến chinh đã đem về vinh quang và hy vọng nhưng Eragon và Saphira cũng phải gánh chịu những mất mát đau lòng. Nhưng cuộc chiến thật sự vẫn còn ở phía trước: trận đấu với Galbatorix.
Eragon và Saphira đã tiến xa hơn trong tưởng tượng của bất kỳ ai. Nhưng hai anh em có thể lật đổ nhà vui tàn ác, dành lại công lý cho đất nước Alagaesia không? Cái giá phải trả là gì?
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shewhobreathesfire · 8 years
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No s--t Sherlock... By Doodlerom
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read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2X98abb
by LaMaisondeFeanor
Oromis a été capturé par les Parjures et est devenu l'esclave de Morzan. Isolé, car on le pense mort, comment pourra-t-il continuer à lutter dans l'ombre pour la liberté ?
Words: 1086, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Français
Fandoms: The Inheritance Cycle - Christopher Paolini
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Oromis Thrándurin, Morzan, Glaedr, Morzan's Dragon, Selena (Inheritance Cycle), Murtagh Morzansson, Brom (Inheritance Cycle), Eragon Shadeslayer, Nasuada (Inheritance Cycle), Wyrden (Inheritance Cycle), Original Characters, Galbatorix (Inheritance Cycle), Formora (Inheritance Cycle), Kialandí (Inheritance Cycle), Thorn (Inheritance Cycle), Saphira (Inheritance Cycle), Saphira I (Inheritance Cycle)
Relationships: Oromis Thrándurin/Morzan, Oromis Thrándurin/Morzan/Selena, Morzan/Selena, Oromis Thrándurin & Morzan, Oromis Thrándurin & Glaedr, Oromis Thrándurin & Murtagh Morzansson, Brom/Selena, Original Female Character/Original Male Character, Murtagh Morzansson/Nasuada, Wyrden/Eragon Shadeslayer, Oromis Thrándurin & Selena, Oromis Thrándurin & Brom, Fírnen/Saphira, Thorn (Inheritance Cycle)/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Rape, Torture, Slavery, Sexual Slavery, Alternate Universe - Slavery, Master/Slave, Slaves, Slave Trade, Threats, Death Threats, Threats of Violence, Threats of Rape/Non-Con, Psychological Torture, Blood and Torture, BDSM, Master/Pet, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Verbal Humiliation, Verbal Abuse, Sex, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Rough Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Rough Kissing, Bondage, Chains, Non-Consensual Bondage, Spanking, Non-Consensual Spanking, Whipping, Crying, Jealousy, Dom/sub, Domestic Violence, Hair-pulling, Angst, Dominance, Submission, Non-Consensual Oral Sex, Sensory Deprivation, Angry Sex, Groping, Collars, Kissing, Outdoor Sex, Bruises, Beating, Sex Toys, Anal Plug, Threesome - F/M/M, Dirty Talk, Cock Rings, Cock Cages, Cock Slapping, Sobbing, Tender Sex, Tenderness, Family, Family Fluff, Family Drama, Family Issues, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt, Friendship, Cute, Cute Kids, Babies, Mpreg, Post Mpreg
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2X98abb
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