#x New Kid In Town || Normal Verse (Default)
dragonofthestone · 10 months
plots please!!
throws default verse kain at you
also throws 1 professional cello enjoyer (any verse) at you
Kain (forgotten-teamates) :
First thing that came to mind for some reason was sometime after their first meeting during some Ishval reconstruction and then going of separate ways
Some one is after Tim, I mean look the government/military is a mess that ain't getting solved lickity split for one, Tim's technically by all accounts in many ways illegal in Amestris
Chimera, has 0 documentation (say for maybe if Greed got any forged but?) Is Cretan/from Creta so enough for some.
Maybe they're X-military, maybe a handful have taken to working with Creta's secret police simply to try and track down any illegal immigrants (look things may be getting repaired in Ishval but gonna have a long road when it comes to their other conflicts/ really nothing to say those are getting put to an end anytime soon)
Who knows something happened while around leading him to get into a spot of trouble so remembering that hey wait that one guy said he lived around here manages to track Kain down and just kinda shows up on his door step (perhaps how Kain ends learning the truth of Tim)
Whatever it is I feel like it'd somehow involve him being a Chimera/ lab escapee technically and just needs to lay low until he can get back to Dublith
Sure Jerso,Zapano Heinkle and Darius seem to manage okay but they've already got decent reputations (plus most of the time look a lot more uh normal/human then Tim)
On a lighter note Kain in Dublith and discovers Tim working at the Devil's Nest
Sielu (Aquaticsoul) :
Modern: Mom's out of town visiting some relatives and Dad was called out by friend/colleague for help with a patient in another town- Niko just happening to know a little more about a particular area and said person can't make it out to him or something.
While they don't distrust Tim on his own for what probably wouldn't be more then a few days obviously they'd still rather not leave him on his own (responsible he may be but still also a kid you know), so with Tim flat refusing to stay with his grandfather/ some how any other options apparently just not available for one reason or another leaves him to stay at Sielu's for like a weekend
Wonderland/ At the Comodeen;
Egg shenanigans let Tim and Sielu both care for weird mystery egg / and baby creature. I keep thinking maybe it looks and is assumed to be a rock until someone/how it gets figured out it's uh not a rock.
Just general let them be comfortable and get up to shenanigans together, and have some fun. Help each other just get to be their own and not the tools others have convinced them they are. Be so relaxed and at ease they just fall asleep in a heap on each other.
Chimera always learning new things from everyone so eventually gotta be Sielu's turn, what who knows but he gonna learn stuff ( and in their own funny way Tim may teach them things)
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distrustnbetrayal · 6 years
@movienvt has followed!
   Clyde Donovan? Talking? TO HIM? Shit--- he wasn't really prepared for this-- in the very slightest to be quite frank. Not a lot of people straight up talked to the guy-- even at parties that Quinn dragged him to--, He tried to compose himself before smiling weakly at the guy, desperately clearing his throat. God, why did he have to be so nervous all the time? It was a curse--- he swore it was.
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      "H-Hi... um.... back I mean... you um... enjoying the party?"
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queenlnss-a · 6 years
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ALTERNATE  UNIVERSE  :  Superhero  /  vigilante    (  tag  ). AGE  :  Twenty  to  twenty - five  years  old    (  default  ). SPECIES  :  Mutant. ALIAS  :  Mnemosyne,  The  Mnemosyne,  Cuimhne,  Ainigma. FACE  CLAIM  :  Dianna  Agron,  Stana  Katic. TRIGGERS  :  Blood,  sexual  content,  alcohol  consumption,  violence,  death,  expletives,  possible  torture,  weapon  use    (  firearms,  knives,  etc.  ).
P O I N T S    O F    I N T E R E S T
Quinn’s  mutation  is  MEMORY  MANIPULATION,  which  essentially  means  that  she  can  erase,  replace  and  suppress    (  more  explained  here  )    the  memories  of  herself  and  others  at  will.  It  manifested  at  the  age  of  sixteen  after  her  actions  caused  an  altercation  between  herself  and  another  student  resulting  in  their  injury  and  the  erasure  of  her  existence  from  her  town’s  memories.
Although  this  tends  to  vary,  Quinn  does  not  usually  like  to  join  superhero  groups  or  teams.  She  was,  however,  associated  with  the    X - men    for  a  short  period  of  time  between  the  ages  of  eighteen  and  nineteen,  a  fact  that  not  many  people  remember  as  she  worked  with  them  under  a  different  alias  during  that  period  of  time.  Despite  this,  she  is  open  to  the  idea  under  certain  circumstances.
For  the  most  part,  Quinn  is  NOT  at  peace  with  her  abilities,  and  for  the  longest  time,  she  was  in  a  very  deep  denial  with  what  she  was.  She  does  learn  to  be  more  accepting  of  her  mutation  over  time,  eventually  learning  to  live  with  the  idea  of  being  somewhat  abnormal.  Having  mental  abilities  does  it  easier  for  her  to  blend  in  and  pass  as  human,  which  she  is  grateful  for,  but  she  seldom  lets  people  into  her  life,  lest  they  find  out  what  she  truly  is.
It’s  important  to  note  that  quinn    does  not    fight  crime  to  be  a    ‘  hero  ’.    It  started  out  as  a  way  to  hone  her  powers  and  learn  some  control,  and  at  one  point  she  considered  it  a  potential  reason  to  become  make  a  name  for  herself.  She  does  not  consider  it  to  be  a  job,  rather  more  as  a    h o b b y.    Qhen  she  isn’t  fighting  crime,  she’s  studying  English  Language  at  college.
PRE - POWERS  :  From  ages  14 - 16.  set  in  the  part  of  her  life  before  she  knew  about  her  powers,  Quinn  is  just  an  average  teenage  girl  trying  to  make  her  way  through  high  school.
SUPERHERO  /  VIGILANTE    (  default  )  :  From  ages  21 - 38.  Over  the  years,  Quinn  has  learned  to  control  and  contain  her  powers,  and  now  it’s  time  to  give  back.  the  media  knows  her  as  MNEMOSYNE,  named  after  the  Goddess  of  Memory  in  Greek  Mythology.  her  friends  just  know  her  simply  as  Quinn.
EVERYBODY  REMEMBERS  THE  FIRST  TIME          their  powers  manifested.  It  hits  you  like  a    s l a p    to  the  face.  One  minute,  you’re  normal,  and  the  next,  you’re  thrust  into  the  world  of  the  unknown.
                    Quinn  never  expected  to  be  one  of  them.  It  was  just  a  story,  something  she  heard  about  on  the  news  that  was  usually  followed  by  her  father’s  SCOFF  and  a  prejudiced  comment.  They  were  an  average  family  in  an  average  town  with  regular  jobs  and  friends.  Her  sister  was  like  every  other  human  on  earth,  and  for  the  longest  time,  Quinn  thought  that  she  was,  too.  She  hoped  she  was,  because  the  world  wasn’t  ready  to  accept  just  yet  and  neither  was  she.
                    Her  community  wasn’t  particularly  WELCOMING  to  the  idea  of  mutants.  The  first  one  that  ever  announced  themselves  was    driven  out    of  their  home  and  forced  to  hide  away  elsewhere,  but  for  a  while,  it  was  okay.  Until  it  wasn’t.  Until  her  sophomore  year  of  high  school  when  she  became  head  cheerleader  of  the  school’s  cheerleading  team.  Her  parents  were  proud,  and  her  peers  had  nothing  but  positive  things  to  say,  but  all  the  while,  she  felt  something    b u b b l i n g    within  her,  cold  and  unwanted.  It  made  her  SHARP  and  quick  to  anger,  and  despite  her  growing  popularity,  she  found  it  harder  to  keep  her  friends.
                    Sometimes  she  still  can’t  decide  whether  it  was  because  of  her    powers    or  because  she  could  part  the  hallways  like  the  Red  Sea.
                    Mid - November.  Some  party  at  a  fellow  cheerleader’s  house.  Quinn  only  decided  to  go  because  all  of  the  other  COOL  KIDS  were  going  and  it  would  seem  out  of  place  if  she’d  turned  down  the  offer.  One  thing  led  to  another,  and  she  wound  up  having  sex  with  the  school  quarterback.  He  seemed  like  a  nice  guy,  like  someone  she  could  trust  and  maybe  even  date,  but  over  the  next  few  weeks,  nobody  could  take  their  eyes  off  of  her.  Wherever  she  went,  they  would  stop  and  STARE,  and  when  she  walked  away,  the  whispers  would  follow.  Quinn  was  used  to  people  looking  her  way,  but  their  eyes  were  judgmental  and  their  tones  were  mocking.  That,  she  wasn’t  used  to.
                    So  she  cornered  him  during  a  parent - teacher  meeting  and  demanded  to  know  what  he’d  done.  It  wasn’t  big.  Just  told  the  football  team  that  he’d  taken  her  virginity,  who  then  went  on  to  tell  the  rest  of  the  school,  but  it  was  enough  to  make  the  bubbling  rise  again  from  deep  within.  Betrayed  and  hurt,  she  wanted  them  to  forget,  to  make  her  classmates  forget,  for  everything  to  return  to  NORMAL  and  for  them  to  not  think  she  was  one  of  those  girls.  She  remembers  a    blinding    white  light  behind  her  eyes  and  a  heat  that  burned  like  FIRE  in  her  veins.  When  she  woke  up,  she  was  in  a  hospital  bed.  The  star  quarterback  was  in  a  coma,  and  her  classmates  had  forgotten  who  she  was.
                    At  first,  she’d  thought  it  was  a  joke  when  all  she  got  were  puzzling  stares  the  first  day  she  went  back  to  school,  but  it  became  more  real  when  her  teachers  began  to  ask  if  she  was  an  attending  student.  Every  time  she  reminded  them,  they  seemed  to  find  it  more    d i f f i c u l t    to  remember  who  she  was.  But  that  wasn’t  the  strangest  thing.  It  seemed  like  nobody  in  the  god  damn  TOWN  had  a  clue  who  she  was.  Not  even  her  family.  It  took  days  before  anyone  got  their  memories  back  and  it  all  mostly  returned  to  normal,  but  as  the  weeks  passed  more  phenomenons  started  occurring.  Old  memories  began  to  resurface,  images  and  scenes  from  her  earliest  years  that  she’d  forgotten  as  she  got  older,  and  every  so  often,  Quinn  could  look  into  someone’s  eyes  and  witness  an  EXPERIENCE  they’d  gone  through  in  the  past.  They  didn’t  have  to  know  each  other,  didn’t  even  have  to  know  the  other  person’s  name.  It  was  involuntary  and    p e c u l i a r,    and  for  the  first  time,  she  didn’t  feel  normal.
                    Because  being  a  MUTANT  isn’t  the  standard  ---------------  it’s  abnormal,  and  she  felt  like  a    freak.    Telling  her  parents  didn’t  make  her  feel  any  better.  They  shunned  her  out  of  their  lives,  letting  her  live  in  their  house  but  otherwise  ignoring  her  existence.  Up  until  that  moment,  they’d  been  nothing  but  warm  and  LOVING,  but  now  they  were  the  complete  opposite.  How  can  she  accept  when  all  she’ll  ever  be  is  an  outsider  ?
M A I N S & E X C L U S I V E S
UNDEROOSED      ♡     Peter  Parker.
AGENTLEHEART      ♡      May  Parker.
A D D I T I O N A L    N O T E S
This  verse  is  an  amalgamation  of  both  marvel  and  X - men  universes,  but  mostly  centres  around  the    X - men  cinematic  universe    as  that  is  what  I  am  the  most  familiar  with.  As  such,  Quinn’s  background  has  been  written  to  work  with  the  X - men  movies  /  comics  in  mind,  but  it  can  be  adapted  to  fit  other  universes.  I  will  write  with  all  superhero  characters,  however,  just  bear  in  mind  that  I  haven’t  that  much  knowledge  of  DC,  and  I’ve  only  seen  a  handful  of  Marvel  movies.
Understandably,  any  power  of  manipulation  is  capable  of  crossing  into  godmodding  territory,  which  is  why  all  situations  where  quinn  uses  her  powers  on  someone  else’s  muse  will  be  talked  through  BEFOREHAND.  there  will  be  no  such  godmodding  or  power - play  featured  on  this  page,  regardless  of  my  muse’s  abilities  in  this  verse.
Please  do  not  immediately  assume  that  your  muse  knows  that  Quinn  is  a  Mutant unless  she  has  told  them  in  the  past  or  we  have  discussed  it  out  of  character.  She  is  under  a  secret  identity  and  very  rarely  shares  that  information  with  other  people  unless  she  feels  like  she  can  trust  them  completely.  The  majority  of  her  closest  friends  don’t  know  that  she  is  a  superhero  or  even  a  Mutant,  so  your  muse  shouldn’t  either.
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distrustnbetrayal · 6 years
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     "I-I-I love Clyde Donovan a lot--!"
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distrustnbetrayal · 6 years
🔑 [ pyrokinetics ]
🔑   //   handcuff  my  muse .
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       “Q-Quinn..? What are you doing…?”
   He couldn’t help but think this was payback for something– but he wasn’t sure what. He just stood there, a confused look on his face. His sister was weird, but this just took it to the extreme being handcuffed to one of his best friends, Clyde. What in the world was Quinn trying to accomplish!?
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distrustnbetrayal · 6 years
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      “Honestly--- I’m more worried about Quinn hanging out with Cartman than the other three... I’ve always been worried about it...”
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distrustnbetrayal · 6 years
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       “I-I honestly don’t think I’m cut out for this flirting business... I’m just... too nervous...”
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distrustnbetrayal · 6 years
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       “I mean... I don’t find anything weird with a boy wanting to be a cheerleader just like with a girl who wants to be a football player...” 
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distrustnbetrayal · 6 years
tuccnfuc started following distrustnbetrayal
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distrustnbetrayal · 6 years
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        "I-I mean she's going around and giving love-- but no one is giving it to her in return... well..."
   He walks up to Vivian and hugs her tightly with a soft smile.
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         "You are the best, kind, and sweet and you deserve all the love to come to you~!"
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distrustnbetrayal · 6 years
spazzing-coffee started following distrustnbetrayal
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       “Ah! I didn’t want you to start screaming! I’m so sorry, Tweek! Forget what I said!”
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distrustnbetrayal · 6 years
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      “I’m never ever flirting again...”
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distrustnbetrayal · 6 years
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     “H-Hey... Ah... I’m really sorry about bumping into you. It really wasn’t my fault... Clyde kind of jabbed me and I tripped and--”
   Jon stumbled over his words trying to apologize to the kid he had run into. He was flustered, face red, and eyes darting back and forth as he tried to find the right words.
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distrustnbetrayal · 6 years
Fire, Failure, Abandonment
Fear-Themed Headcanon Questions
Fire: Would your muse rather be very cold, or very hot?
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     “Cold… I can wear more clothing that way. I–I really don’t like showing skin… and that's really hard to not when its super warm out.”
Failure: Has your muse ever given up on an important dream?
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       "No, not really, I’ve always wanted to help people and becoming a consulor– I mean, that’s a big step for me. I’m trying to get better every day, not only for my job, but for my younger sister.“
Abandonment: How would your muse win back someone who left them?
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       ”I… I really don’t wanna think about someone leaving me… I really think I’d just end up crying and feeling so alone— I don’t even think I would want them to be around me anymore. I mean… if they left me, to begin with… wh-why should I force it, ya know..?“
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distrustnbetrayal · 6 years
5 thru 9 for character development
crucial muse development questions.
5. does your character work so they can support their hobbies or use their hobbies as a way of filling up the time they aren’t working?
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      “Is it weird that I take enjoyment of studying psychology and sociology? I mean– the way humans think and operate… it’s really interesting! How some people are more creative than others, think differently depending on status, morals, values, that kind of thing!” 
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       “S-Sorry…! I just… noticed I was nerding out a bit~.”
6. what is your character reluctant to tell people?
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      “A-About my overactive imagination…? That I can– become very, um, violent as a child and almost killed off my friends for real when we were playing Superheroes?”
   Yeah— he’s a bit sore about that still on himself. He kind of looks like he just wants to completely opt out of the situation at hand.
7. how does your character feel about sex?
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      “L-Lets not talk that… please..? Too embarrassing…”
8. how many friends does your character have?
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       “Well… Craig and his gang so that would be like— six people? And then Butters and Vivian so eight probably.”
9. how many friends does your character want?
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     “I feel like people lose meaning in friends when they think about numbers… I would be fine with the friends I have than be popular and have friends I’m NOT close to.”
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