#x: erin/ortega
thecryptidenthusiast · 4 months
Title: i just want to give you all i can (1/2)
Rating: M (Will Increase to E)
Pairing: ChargeStep
Summary: A Ranger is turning 40, and you decide to make an appearance at his party.
AO3 link if you want to read there instead!
The banquet hall is packed to the brim, people crammed from one wall to the other. You aren’t sure there’s ever been another time where you’ve felt so out of place.
You weren’t stupid, you knew to expect a crowd -this is as much a publicity stunt as it is any kind of celebration. ‘Congratulations on turning 40, Charge. Here’s to hoping we can squeeze one more year out of you before going for the next new model!’ Rubbing elbows and double-edged smiles, everybody playing the same song and dance as if they aren’t all just cogs to the same machine.
Easy to break.
Even easier to replace.
Ortega is eating it up though, because why wouldn’t he? All eyes have been on him the entire evening, just how he likes it.
Catching glimpses of him from the alcove you’d tucked yourself into wasn’t hard. He’d flit from one group to the next, a peacock showing off its plumage. Camera-perfect smile and winks meant to make somebody swoon. He had the audacity to invite you, and then run around like an idiot all night.
No, not even an invite, not really. It was more a comment thrown out like he was just fulfilling a social expectation. That tone of you won’t come anyways, but I’d come across like an asshole if I didn’t mention it.
Not an invitation, it felt more like a goddamn challenge.
He’s found a new group to migrate to, a group of men and women all dressed to the nines. The women are gorgeous, and at least half his age. Doesn’t stop him from grinning, doesn’t stop them from touching his arms in an overly-friendly gesture. Does he even know them? Probably not. He’s managed to lose his tie somewhere between the last time you’d seen him and now, so he’s opted for unbuttoning his shirt well beyond the point of “proper formal attire”.
One of the women, the shortest one with the red dress that’s slit up to her thigh, tugs Ortega down to say something in his ear. Close, so close and he just goes along with a smile you want to slap him. Something twists in your chest.
You could leave.
You should leave. Slip back outside and vanish into the night like a ghost, instead of haunting the halls of this place. Get away from the bodies, the minds pressing down on your shields from all directions. Fingers scratching, looking to find any cracks in your defenses. All the time that’s passed may have made you stronger, but the world hasn’t gotten any quieter, and it’s still so damn exhausting. You can feel that tell-tale pulse starting behind your left eye, a migraine brewing like an afternoon storm.
Just go.
It’s not like it’s your fault Ortega’s been too busy basking in the limelight. You made an appearance, even when you knew he hadn’t expected it. You filled your end of that social expectation.
A caterer shuffles a little too close, a tray of champagne flutes precariously balanced on one hand, and you press yourself further against the wall. Pull your shields up just a bit tighter, fight against that throbbing ache so the man just glosses over your existence entirely.
It’s like a bruise you can’t help but pressing just to feel it hurt, deciding to stay. Feet still rooted to the obnoxious marble floor and watch the humming buzz of life move around you. Always looking in - it doesn’t matter what you’ve molded yourself into. It doesn’t matter that you were invited by Charge himself; you can dress the part, but no amount of hair product or designer clothes can hide the fact you don’t belong. Grubby hands leaving smudges on a window into something you’ll never have a place in.
Eden would fit in here. Pretty face and a smile sharper than any blade. The kind of woman a person can’t help but bend and listen to. Even Enigma could - they would grab the world by the throat and demand to be noticed. To be seen.
Not you, though.
Not Erin Becker.
A woman in a dress that brushes the floor glances your way, eyes lingering a little too long. Wondering who you are, should you be here? Maybe she should get security?
The ‘nudge’ you meant for is closer to a telepathic shove: forget about the stranger, a featureless face fading into the crowds. It’s more important to find the way to the hall’s bathrooms.
You may be too stubborn to leave just yet, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious that you can’t just keep standing here. Sweat has your dress shirt sticking to your back, and you’d peel your jacket off if it didn’t feel like the extra layer is the only thing keeping you held together.
‘...never have the right champagne…’
How did you manage to do this? Two lifetimes ago, blending into events like this was why you were useful. The tool taken out of its box from time to time.
‘...a few more drinks, and may he’ll sign-off on…’
Was it easier back then, or did you just have more to lose? Be the good dog, don’t cause any problems. Sit, stay, roll over-
‘...waste of resources…’
-play dead.
But the good thing about being the ghost of a room? Nobody cares enough to keep you out of restricted spaces. You sure as hell aren’t going to let Ortega think he’s won by running with your tail between your legs, but there’s no reason why you can’t adapt.
He’s not disappointed.
A person has to get their hopes up to be disappointed by something, and too many years have taught him to keep any wishful thinking in check. Too much optimism and life will find a way to crush a person under its heel.
So, no, Ricardo Ortega is absolutely not disappointed. Besides, it’s his birthday. There’s an open bar, courtesy of the Rangers’ budget. The catered food is decent, and the music isn’t half bad for once. What more could a guy ask for?
Sure, half the people here are barely more than strangers, and there’s some people here he’d rather not see at all (good to see Blaze still hasn’t gotten that stick out of his ass, even after so many years). And sure, the one person he’d actually been looking for is a no-show, but there’s nothing new there.
The small cluster of people around him erupt into laughter over…something. Investors and potential donors he’s supposed to be playing nice with, but he’s already checked out of whatever conversation they’ve been having without him.
“What do you think, Ricardo?” Seems like they aren’t content to just let him coast after all - the smarmy looking guy with the flushed face and sweat-damped hair is looking directly at him. Ricardo, like they know one another. Ricardo, like they’re friends. Like this isn’t just a glorified business exchange, chasing whatever connections will benefit him best.
The man is smiling, but all Ortega can think about is animals baring their teeth as a threat.
“I think it’s time for a fresh drink,” His own smile is a well-practiced one, with just the right amount of mocking. The sort of smile that says ‘no, I wasn’t listening, and you’re not as impressive as you’re trying to be’. He rattles the ice in his glass for good measure. “Enjoy the rest of your night.”
He doesn’t bother waiting for any more niceties, just turns around and carves a path across the room, leaving the man to scoff at his back as he goes.
It’s less congested at the bar, a small mercy of the evening. The bartender barely pays him any mind beyond asking what he wants, which is another refreshing change of pace. He figures he wouldn’t get the entire bottle if he asked, so he settles for another old fashioned.
He doesn’t acknowledge the familiar looming presence that shows up at his side, just keeps his eyes on the illuminated wall of liquor bottles.
“If you’re going to lecture me about pacing myself, you can relax.” Ortega sighs, more annoyed than anything, “This is my third one.”
“You’re sulking.” He can’t see Chen’s face as the man watches the crowd, just the broad expanse of his back.
“Am I?” The bartender returns, leaving the drink before quickly moving to another patron. Liquid courage in hand, he finally turns to face the other man head on. Makeup got their hands on him, it would seem. Scars softened to be digestible to the masses, wearing a suit Chen hates. Another piece to be polished and shined for the public tonight.
“That’s what it looks like, yes.”
“I’m fine.” Mask back on, he gives him his most charming of smiles to drive the point home.
Too bad Chen knows him well enough to see right through it. “Are you?”
“I’m great.” He says as he turns, pressing his back against the edge of the bar to people-watch with Chen. It’s a sea of faces, to the point they’re almost blurring together. Some dancing, others drinking. Conversations the music is drowning out, and laughter it isn’t loud enough for.
“The party’s a hit,” He nods towards the crowd, “Why wouldn’t I be feeling great?”
“Do I really need to say it?” Leave it to Chen not to give a guy slack on his own birthday. He can feel his stare at the side of his head, but he pointedly keeps his eyes forward.
“I just don’t know when these stopped being fun,” It’s an easy deflection to the point he’s aiming for, and it’s not even a complete lie. “I know these things were always for work, but at least we enjoyed ourselves a little. But now?” He shrugs, managing a rueful smile.
Chen watches him, just a little beyond the point of being comfortable, before shaking his head. “You’re not 25 anymore, Ricardo.”
The comment is delivered with all the softness of a baseball bat to the skull. Ortega scoffs into his glass, taking a long drink like it can sooth the slight sting.
“Thank you so much for that reminder-“
“You’re not 25,” He cuts him off, “So maybe you forgot you’ve always hated these…events.”
Events. A performance under the guise of a party. Still, that doesn’t add up - sure, they weren’t a blast, but hated? He certainly doesn’t remember that. He turns to argue the point, but the other man pushes on before he can get a word in, “Maybe you convinced yourself you didn’t, or told yourself you liked the attention, but you were always happier afterwards.”
…afterwards. Descending on Hoots like a maelstrom, or finding whatever karaoke bar was still open. A smaller group, but people he actually wanted to spend time around - no cameras, at least not any more than being a public figure entails. Nobody to put a show on for, just him, having a night out with friends.
That feels like a lifetime ago now. He doesn’t have to count back to know exactly what year they stopped being fun.
“Maybe you’re right.” He sighs, eyes downcast to his glass. He very much feels every one of his 40 years all of a sudden.
“That happens from time to time.” He doesn’t smile, but there’s a fond glance thrown his way. “And for what it’s worth…Iam sorry about Becker.”
Of course he isn’t going to let that drop.
“I wasn’t expecting them to show.” Ortega says, mindlessly taking another swig just to grimace at the mostly-watered down taste. “They didn’t remember last year.” Why would this year be any different? Despite everything that-
No, it doesn’t sting. Not a bit.
“Right.” Chen’s got the look on his face that usually means there’s an impending lecture coming, but he must notice something Ortega isn’t hiding well enough, because he holds his thoughts to himself. “Just don’t go overboard, okay?”
“Relax, I’ll be sure to keep the PR scandals to a minimum.” He claps him on the shoulder, which does nothing but earn him a put-out groan (although it’s a little too amused to really be considered annoyed). Chen gives his arm a soft squeeze before stepping away, quickly vanishing amidst the people. Probably off looking for a place to get away from the crowds.
Vanishing, leaving Ortega alone to stew.
He’ll have to open presents soon. Not all of them, just enough to get some decent tabloid shots. Another spectacle; jump, smile, dance for the cameras. Make a good impression and be a good little Ranger for the paparazzi. The same loop stuck on repeat every single year. Most, if not all, of the gifts will be from brands of some sorts, looking for representation without the hassle of contracts. The ability to say, ‘Hey, look! Charge is wearing our product, don’t you want it, too?’
Maybe the cynicism just comes along with age, getting too old to enjoy the veneer of publicity. Or maybe he’d been spending too much time around Erin. Free stuff is free stuff, who is he to complain about where it came from? Maybe he’ll get a new watch.
He gives the gift table a once over, looking to see which ones will be the fastest to open, when he stops. One bag catches his eye purely because of how out of place it looks: nestled between gaudy silver and Ranger-blue, it’s there like a misshapen void. A simple black gift bag, folded and creased to the point that bits of the white paper beneath are peeking through.
Either it’s a prank, or a very strange attempt at rigging a trap at his party, and both options sound more appealing than making another round through the crowds. More hands to shake, more conversations he’ll have to pretend to give a shit about.
He’d take an explosive over any of that right now.
He should probably let somebody know about it, but a mix of boredom and morbid curiosity has him walking over and plucking it up himself. It’s too early in the night for this, somebody’s probably going to complain, but to hell with them.
There’s no tag on it, nothing to signify who might’ve left it here. No calling card, either, so it’s less likely to be a surprise from whatever villain of the week managed to sneak past security. It really is just an old gift bag, creased to the point it’s faded in spots. There’s almost a certain level of respect to whoever left something so intentionally shitty
He doesn’t bother looking first, just shoves his hand in with no hesitation. No tissue paper, just a card that he ignores in favor of grabbing the paper-covered lump at the bottom.
Whoever wrapped this thing seemed to think using an entire newspaper was hilarious, and by the time he reaches the end, he’s got a pile of shredding at his feet.
And then it registers what he’s holding, and his mind stutters to a halt. Fingertips carefully trace the familiar ceramic, it’s black and blue paint glossy in the lights of this banquet hall.
Cradling the mug possessively to his chest, he looks up to scan the sea of faces milling around him.
The buzz from his phone is too perfectly timed to be anything but intentional. Still manages to make him jump though, and while the message isn’t a shock, the number is.
Erin’s number. Their actual number, not one of the dozens of burners they have.
From: E.B [21:43]:
The roof.
His eyes snap up to the banquet hall’s skylight, squinting against the gleam of the lights. Is there a figure up there, dark against night sky? Or just his own wishful thinking?
Another buzz.
From: E.B [21:44]:
If your geriatric bones can handle the stairs.
Getting access to the roof was an easy feat - a benefit of being somebody people don’t pay a second thought to: you’ve always excelled at getting into places you weren’t supposed to be.
The air is as muggy as ever, humid to the point it feels like sticky hands dragging against your skin.
Still, it’s practically a breath of fresh air compared to being stuck downstairs.
Up this high, you perch on the ledge and just…watch. A passive spectator, viewing life from above; bodies and cars, all coming and going from one place to another. Life rolling onwards. It’s easier to exist like this - at a distance. This high, you can let your shields unwind. There are too many minds, and they’re all so far away they bleed into one, indecipherable sound. A quiet buzz at the back of your skull that settles on your frayed nerves like a balm.
Of course, the peace only lasts for so long. You may have texted him, but the loud clang of the maintenance door being thrown open still manages to make you jump.
A new mind, but a familiar sort of static.
“Go ahead and let the whole city know we’re up here while you’re at it?” You snap over your shoulder to cover up your reaction.
You’d expected a stupid comment. Something that would make you roll your eyes, but when you look back at him you see he’s just standing in place, still lingering at the doorway. Twisting around on the ledge, there’s a little rush of your back to nothing but open air. It would be so, so easy to just lean back and…
No, Shake the thought off like a cobweb.
Ortega hasn’t lost that weird look on his face, body poised like he’s about to lunge, and you’re hit with a momentary flair of panic. That animalistic part of your hindbrain you never lost, attack or run. Get away from the threat.
Swallow it. Stomp the fear back where it sprouted from, smirk to hide the unease as you push yourself up and step towards him. Another one, and-
He relaxes almost immediately, a marionette with all its strings cut. There’s a flash of relief before his own mask is back in place.
“You actually came.” He’s teasing, but you know him too well to miss the slight awe in his voice. Happy to the point it makes your insides twist uncomfortably.
“You invited me,” Caustic, claws out to deter any softness, “Don’t tell me dementia has set in already.”
“Ouch.” He presses his hand to his chest in an over dramatic gesture, feigning some grievous injury before smiling again. “I know I did, but…”
But this is a surprise.
But he made the invitation out of kindness.
But he never expected you to follow through.
“Don’t be weird about this,” You groan, but it’s already too late for that.
“Me?” He doesn’t waste any time, catching you in an embrace as soon as you’re within his reach. Arms looped around your waist, dragging you close. “I’d never.”
“Liar, you’re always-” The rest of your insult is cut off with his lips pressing against yours. The kiss is slow, languid, tasting like mint and rum. Your arms move on their own accord to loop around his neck - no frantic energy now, not like your past ones, just savoring the peace of being away, being here. Space to exist without prying eyes, carved out for just the two of you.
You pull away at that thought, ready to kick yourself for how sappy that sounds, but Ortega doesn’t let you get very far.
“And you dressed up.” He says appreciatively, looking you over, “You look good.”
That’s enough to make you scoff. “Right.” As if you’re buying that. You feel stupid, and you’re sure the humidity has your hair fighting the product you used. Not good looking, just a frizzy-haired mess.
“I’m serious!” He seems to believe he is, so you let it drop. Not an argument you’ll win, not a hill worth dying on. Instead of answering, you busy yourself by playing with the curls at the nape of his neck. It’s a surprise the stylists haven’t chased him down for a trim, considering they’re always going for that ‘respectably ruffled, effortlessly messy’ approach. Not that you’d complain, gives you more to twist your fingers into.
“I figured my regular clothes wouldn’t get me through the doors of a place like this.” You could’ve forced your way in, make the security not see you, but you’d stand out even more than you already do.
“All these years and I never knew you owned anything besides jackets and jeans.”
“I don’t.” You deadpan, giving his hair a sharp tug, “There’s a naked mannequin in a window of an boutique uptown.”
“I can see the headlines already: ‘Enigma Terrorizes Local Clothes Stores’.” It’s meant to be a joke, but that doesn’t stop the unease that curls up your spine, making you stiffen. He must notice the shift, because he’s quick to let you go, and you put a little space between you both.
“So,” He drawls, obviously scrambling to save the mood before it can sour further, “Why a Sidestep mug?”
Not the direction you were expecting him to go. “What?”
“Seems a little egotistical, you know?” An over the top shrug and a shit-eating smile, “Getting me one of your pieces of merch on my birthday and all.”
“Yeah, well. You’re the idiot that kept the old, broken one.” It’s harmless teasing, you know that, but defensiveness still prickles across your skin like barbs. You’d felt stupid buying the thing to begin with, and standing here, that feeling comes creeping back in. What are you supposed to get somebody who’s used to getting whatever they want? But your old mug seemed to matter to him, for whatever reason. Enough to keep. To try and glue back together. It mattered to him.
Which made it matter to you.
“Whatever.” You really don’t want to continue this conversation, shoving your hands in your pockets, shoulders rising to your ears. “I know it was a stupid gift, but at least this one isn’t covered in glue.”
“Maldita sea, no puedo hacerlo bien.” His smile is a rueful one. “Can’t keep my foot out of my mouth tonight, I guess.”
“It’s fine. No different than any other night.” At least that makes him look a little less sullen.
“I do love it.” He says, as sincere as you’ve ever heard him. And sure, he may just be humoring you, but damn him, that little knot of anxiety that had been twisting up in your chest loosens, just a little.
“Absolutely.” He’s speaking with the solemnness of somebody swearing an oath, not talking about an ugly coffee mug. “Best gift out of all of them.”
And just like that, the bubble of tension that had been slowly brewing pops, leaving exasperated amusement in its wake.
You snort, “Liar. You didn’t even open the others.”
“Doesn’t matter,” He steps close, clearly restraining himself from dragging you into another embrace, “Nothing else could beat it.”
“Idiot.” What else are you supposed to say? To the man acting like you gave him a priceless art piece, and not a novelty mug you found at a thrift shop.
All he’s mentioned yet is the mug, though, leaving you wondering…
“Did you see the card?”
“It slipped my mind,” Curiosity overrides the desire to stay close as he makes a B-line for the gift bag he left by the door. “Somebody interrupted with cryptic texts.”
“It got you up here.”
You didn’t bother writing anything on the envelope, you knew he was nosy enough to open it no matter what. There’s a flash of blue as he pulls it free, and you watch him peel the envelope open, taking in the horrendous card he’s holding.
“No dicks on this one, either. You could’ve opened it in front of a crowd.” The terrible, raunchy ones were more Themmy’s thing. They always got an evil sort of delight making the unfortunate recipient flush out of embarrassment.
What it lacks in genitalia, it makes up for with terrible caricatures of what you think is supposed to be the Rangers. It looks more like a picture blown up too large and printed out, the features of everybody bleeding together to the point they’re unrecognizable blobs of color. And on the front in big, blocky white and blue letters, it reads:
Have A
Super-Charged Day!
“Did you know there are still bodegas down at the pier selling knock-off merch?” It had been years since you last saw one. A hazy memory of warm evenings, wandering the quieter streets with Themmy. Of laughing until your ribs ached. “You almost ended up with a ‘Ranger Cherge’ keychain.”
It’s not the greatest card, but you’d expected at least a huff of a laugh. A comment about the card not catching his likeness, anything. But instead, Ortega is just staring at the card, terrifyingly still for once in his life.
“Ortega…?” Shit, it’s definitely not the funniest thing in the world, but you don’t think it’s silent treatment levels of bad. With his head down, you can’t get a decent read on his face, so you take a few tentative steps towards him. Leave enough room to- what? Run?
In a flash of movement far too quick for his dumb old man body, he’s crossing the space in a few steps and crushing you to him in a tight hug. Probably should have seen this coming, but he was fast enough your brain doesn’t even get a chance to process that you should be panicking at the touch.
“Thank you.” He says, voice thick with emotion, and now panic sets in. Angry or annoyed you can handle, not teary Ortega!
“Ugh!” You squirm, trying to get your arms between your bodies to shove him off, “You’re being weird again!”
“Shut up and let me have this, you ass.” He laughs, a wet, broken sound. Neither of you want to acknowledge the tears.
You sigh, giving him an awkward couple pats on the back. “You’ve had too much to drink.” He can usually hold his alcohol, but you know he can be an emotional drunk when he gets started.
“Heh. Maybe.” You get one final squeeze, like he’s afraid you’ll disappear if he’s not here to hold you. But he backs off, quickly turning to tuck the card back in the bag. You pointedly find an interesting stain on the concrete beneath your feet to stare while he puts himself back together, and when he turns back around, his easy-going grin is back in place. No trace of tears, masks back in place. Sweep it under the rug and pretend it never happened.
Down below, the music shifts its tone. Fast, rhythmic beats are replaced with something slower - not quite party music, but probably a chance to give a break to the ears of everyone attending. Up with the pair of you, it’s little more than an echo, bouncing up the stairwell. An ethereal sort of sound, something that could easily be stolen away by the wind.
Ortega glances from you, to the maintenance door, and back again. There’s a glint in his eye, but before you get the chance to ask what he’s thinking, he holds a hand out to you.
“Dance with me?” It’s not your Ortega asking, but an echo. Ricardo, ten years younger. Ricardo, ten years lighter. On another night, on a different rooftop.
…A popup concert at the park.
You made an offhand comment, asked what that was. You’d never seen one, which everybody in the break room seemed to find weird. Weirder still that you’d never been to one, not even in passing
Of course Ortega didn’t pass up the chance to invite you. And like an idiot, you went.
But the crowds had been packed tight, people from shoulder to shoulder, front to back. Your neck prickled at the thought of getting too close. Not worth the effort. Not worth the impending migraine.
But Ortega pulled some strings - he’d always been so good at that. Got you both rooftop access on a building just across the street. No crowds, no minds pressing on your shields.
Just music and his static brain.
…you never let him call it a date.
You knew he wanted to.
“Erin?” Past bleeds away like blood from an open wound. Your Ortega once more - with wrinkles and new scars. Grey hairs he can’t always hide. Secrets and lies that haunt both your shadows like spirits.
He still has his hand out. Palm-up, waiting for you.
Always willing to wait. And it feels inevitable, slipping your hand into his. Life roughened, the both of you. Scarred and calloused, the bite of metal against your skin. But he tugs you close, and that time doesn’t feel quite so heavy.
And it’s not a dance, not really. Not one your trainers would have approved of, at least. It’s just a lazy sway to your own rhythms - his arms around waist, yours around his neck for a second time this evening. And for a second time, you let yourself just exist.
You didn’t think you’d ever have this again, not after everything. You threw all your cards out on the table, dragged your skeletons from the closet and into the light. Waited for some sort of retaliation - hurt for hurt, truth for truth. After all was said and done, you didn’t expect him to hold you, not with kindness at least. Not looking at you like you’re the most important person in his entire world.
His heart is strong under your ear, if a little fast. You wonder, can he feel yours, too? Pounding, a bird's wings beating against your ribs. You weren’t expecting care, so you’re not sure what to do with it. He should hate you, for everything you’ve done. Everything you’re still going to do.
He should hate you, but he doesn’t, and you’re not sure what you’re supposed to do, feeling this soft.
“This doesn’t really seem like dancing.” You point out, just to cut through your own brewing thoughts. Stomp those emotions down, kick them back into whatever corner of your mind they’d crawled out of. Deal with them later.
“Really? What kind of dancing were you expecting?” He asks, words curling off his lips in a way that means nothing but trouble. You move to get away, not trusting him or his smirk, but before you can, your world is thrown off balance as he drops you into a dip.
“Ortega!” Definitely one of the less-dignified sounds you’ve ever made, squawking out his name like a bird. Your fingers are claws in his shoulders, clinging for purchase even though part of you knows he wouldn’t drop you.
“Was this what you wanted?” The bastard has the audacity to laugh at you. His hand, the one not braced against your back, is a brand on your hip, trailing along your thigh - skimming down until he hooks his fingers behind the bend of your knee. He brings your thigh up to his hip, forcing you to put your entire weight -and trust- into him to keep you from hitting concrete.
It’s- close. Way too close.
“Hey there.” Switching gears, the charming Ortega is back with a megawatt smile that brings out the wrinkles around his eyes. Annoying bastard doesn’t even seem half as bothered as you.
“Let me up, idiot.” You blame your breathlessness on the surprise, and absolutely nothing else. You swat him upside the back of his head, which has him laughing again, but it has the desired effect of him pulling you back to your feet. He lets you pull away, giving you room to breathe, at least.
But he’s still just looking, to the point his eyes feel like a physical weight on you. “What?” You’re more snappish than you meant to be, but the staring is making your skin itch.
“Come back to my place with me.” Not a question, just a soft spoken request. A plea if you squinted just right at it.
“Ortega…” The excuses are already on the tip of your tongue, but he’s quick to jump in before you can voice them.
“Just, tonight? Nothing has to happen.” He barrels on, like if he’s fast enough, he can stop the inevitable refusal. “Make it a birthday wish?
“You’re being greedy.” You cross your arms and scowl.
“You know me.” Another shot at his charming persona, but this one feels a little more brittle. Always afraid to say good-bye, like it’ll be the last time he ever sees you.
And after all, you do know him. Well enough that if you’re adamant, he’ll drop it. He has in the past. Maybe he’d sulk a little, but never any hard feelings, happy to take whatever you willingly give.
You haven’t been over again, not since the day you went and dumped your entire non-human existence onto him in a creative new form of self-destruction. You hadn’t dared going back - not with that paranoid little voice always scratching at the back of your brain, the one with the images of traps and betrayals around every corner.
You’ve stayed away, and he…hasn’t pushed. Maybe it’s that fact that has you even entertaining the idea creeping into your mind. Knocking at the window, asking for attention. It’s a stupid idea, reckless. How many ways can you throw yourself onto the tracks, hoping the train misses you? How many leaps can you make before you don’t get back up again?
One more plunge.
“Or…you could come to my place, instead?” You almost choke on the words. Stupid, so stupid. Public places, or his apartment, never yours. Never let him close enough to be a threat. But you left that warning in the dust a few too many confessions ago.
“You’re inviting me to your apartment?” He’s shocked, the wide-eyed look only half comedic, “You’re not terminally ill, right? No hours left to live or anything?”
You scowl, embarrassment and annoyance rivaling for the front row now, “If you’re going to be an ass-”
“No! No, I want to go.” He says, practically giddy, you may as well have told him he’d won the jackpot. He’s already grabbing your hand, pulling you in tow, like if he waits too long you’ll snatch the offer back. “Let’s get out of here.”
His excitement has you grinning, and you don’t bother trying to hide it. He stops to grab your gift -not as stupid as you thought it was- before heading for the door. “Are you playing hooky to your own party?”
“Hey, I made the rounds.” He’s leading you down the roof-access stairwell with the determination of a man on a mission, “Besides, it’s my birthday. I can take off if I want. This way.” You’re on the ground floor, but instead of heading towards the main exit, he tugs you down one of the empty hallways.
“Do you even know where you’re going?”
“Garage. Back way in.” The grin he tosses over his shoulder is outright conspiratorial, and you decide to keep the ‘back entrance’ joke you were about to make to yourself. “I rode my bike here.”
“I’m surprised.” Now it’s your turn to tug him around a corner, dodging a catering crew member you sensed coming the other way, bustling with a tray of food. You both wait a breath, and another. Then you squeeze his fingers, silently conveying that the coast is clear, and you’re off again.
“That they let you ride here.” You say, innocent and nonchalant. “I thought they’d have rules about senior citizens riding motorcycles, you know?”
This time, you’re dragged to the side for a kiss. Messy and uncoordinated, because neither of you can contain your laughter. He mumbles something, maybe calling you a name, but you’re too happy to care. All you focus on is escaping with him like a pair of overgrown children, sneaking off into the night.
Maybe the party wasn’t half-bad, after all.
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chaos-monkeyy · 11 months
❦ ➷ get to know your fellow fanfic writers better ༊ ✧.*
Tagged by @dewdropreader and @mirilyawrites , thank you!!
1. when did you post your first ever fanfic?
February 2019!
2. first character you wrote for:
Ben Jones my beloved (from Midsomer Murders)
3. main character(s) you’re currently writing for:
I don't know if I'm even allowed to answer this one 😂 Probably my own characters for original works, aside from that I really am just all over the map.. I'll say the ones I'm most likely to come back to regularly these days are Captain Pike, Mobius, and Dalinar Kholin (along with, y'know, people for them to get it on with).
4. character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan on writing about soon:
Pike's sex toys 😏
But uhhh actual people I haven't already written? 🤔 I am still toying with the idea of writing a little Jordi x Erin scene for Who Is Erin Carter? but it's anyone's best guess whether I'll actually get around to it 🙈
5. fandom(s) you’re currently writing for:
The main culprits lately have been Stormlight Archive, Star Trek Strange New Worlds, the Loki series, Stargate, and original fiction! Honorable mention to OFMD and Good Omens who've popped in there a couple times as well and may or may not continue to make occasional appearances 💖
6. platonic pairing(s) you currently write for:
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.....let's say Ortegas & Pike since I did technically write them recently 😆 and also I love them.
7. romantic pairing(s) you currently write for:
All the things
Though let's be real, it's just straight up sexual pairings as opposed to romantic most of the time 🍾 But yeah, there's just.. so many to have fun with ✨
8. your top 3 tags on AO3 (if you post your works on AO3):
PWP, Omorashi... and in third place is a three way tie between Masturbation, Watersports, and Blowjobs 😂
9. your current platform where you post your works
Original work:
With occasional cross-posting between the two 😊
10. snippet of the wip you’re currently working on:
..alright well here's hoping I do wind up actually finishing the big-dick-Mobius fic I started ages ago to go with @natendo-art 's hot fucking artwork 🙈
“May I?” Loki was asking— and he was trailing one hand downwards, fingers teasing along the line of Mobius’s belt. 
Mobius’s breath caught in an embarrassing little whimper, but he nodded anyway, a little distracted from wondering… Should he tell Loki he didn’t have any idea what he was doing, not really? Should he keep quiet and hope maybe Loki wouldn’t notice how woefully inexperienced he was beyond his own hands? Or— 
Mobius’s nervous train of thought was interrupted by Loki’s fingers finding his stiffened cock through his suit pants with a little squeeze— 
…And then Loki stopped, pulled back, and stared at Mobius with wide eyes and a slightly shocked look. 
“Wh… what is it?” Mobius asked, face flaming, instantly certain he’d done something wrong. “I’m sorry—” 
“Sorry?” Loki breathed, and to Mobius’s tentative relief, that slightly slack-jawed expression twisted up into a grin of delight instead. “My dear Mobius, you should definitely not be sorry about this.”
Tagging @trainofcommand , @d--dandelions , @cosmereplay , @might-be-a-lynx , @confuzing , @knight-of-skyloft , @cordeliaperry , @frankthesnek , @cuillere , and anyone else I missed who wants to do it - consider yourself tagged too! 💙
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drabbles-mc · 6 months
WIP Game
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit! (i never have enough people to tag to tackle my insane list of wips lmfao)
I got tagged by @bullet-prooflove! 💞 The way these games always drag me clean through the fuckin' mud because I'm always adding to my wips with no end in sight 😂 To keep this manageable, I'm just going to post the WIPs that I haven't uploaded anything of yet lmao
No Vacancy - Bucky Barnes x F!Reader, Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Brassknuckle - Edward Horniman x F!Reader
Hands All Over - Rick Flag x F!Reader
The Real Deal - Sydney Adamu & Mikey Berzatto & Richie Jerimovich
Back the Same - Elias Ryker x Kristin Ortega
Against All Odds - Juice Ortiz x OC Chris Teller
Your Mess - Nacho Varga x F!Reader
There and Back - Nestor Oceteva x Erin Thomas
Untitled - Marcus Brooks x OC
Bad Ideas - Canche x OC Lia Reyes
Honest with Me - Juice x OC
Beautiful Stranger - Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff
Already Met - Javier Peña x F!Reader
Off-Limits - Gilly Lopez x OC Tasha Losa-Harris
They Were Roommates - Angel Reyes x OC Luciana Rodriguez, Nestor Oceteva x OC Jazmin Werner
Rookie Mistakes - Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Getting Off Easy - EZ Reyes x Nestor Oceteva
Untitled - Bloodline & Outer Banks Crossover
For Everything - Happy Lowman x OC Natalie Rose Teller
Brick by Brick - Opie Winston x OC Audra Martin
Five Year Plan - Horacio Carrillo x F!Reader
Coming to Terms - Rafe Cameron x OC
Off the Ropes - Mayans Boxing AU
Pieces Into Place - EZ Reyes x OC Tala Clemente
Something New - Happy Lowman & OC Breanna Wilson
From the Start - Opie Winston x OC Chris Teller
Better Than That - Angel Reyes x F!Reader, Coco Cruz x F!Reader
Chaos at the Lakehouse - SOA & OCs
How We Got Here - Coco Cruz x OC Daniela Reyes
5 Times - Jax Teller & OC Diedra Lowman
the way i love all of these stories and desperately want them all to see the light of day eventually lmao. but feel free to fire away! i'm more than happy to talk about any and all of them 🥰
Tagging (no pressure as always): @darqchilddaydreamz @spaghettificationandpretzels @garbinge @ashlingiswriting @ravennaortiz @late-to-the-party-81 @proceduralpassion @artemiseamoon and anyone else who wants to join! 🥰
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identity-library · 5 months
Mental Health (Books)
All Our Broken Pieces (L.D. Crichton)
Lennon Davis (OCD)
A Step Toward Falling (Connie McGovern)
Belinda Montgomery (PTSD)
Lucas (Stage Fright)
Richard (Depression)
Blind Spot (Laura Ellen)
Tricia Farni (Addiction - Drugs)
Bruised (Tanya Boteju)
Daya Wijesinghe (Grief, Self-Harm)
Doctor Sleep (Stephen King)
Daniel "Danny" Torrance (Abuse, Addiction - Alcohol)
Exit, Pursued by a Bear (E.K. Johnston)
Hermione Winters (Sexual Assault, Trauma)
Fight Like a Girl (Sheena Kamal)
Trisha (Abuse, Guilt, Trauma)
Handle With Care (Jodi Picoult)
Amelia O'Keefe (Bulimia, Self Harm)
Icebreaker (A.L. Graziadei)
Mickey James (Depression)
I Hope You're Listening (Tom Ryan)
Delia "Dee" Skinner (Trauma)
Indian Horse (Richard Wagamese)
Saul Indian Horse (Abuse, Addiction - Alcohol, Racism, Sexual Assault, Trauma)
More Happy Than Not (Adam Silvera)
Aaron Soto (Depression)
Nothing but Life (Brent van Staalduinen)
Wendell "Dill" Simms (Trauma)
Power Play (Eric Walters)
Cody (Abuse, Addiction - Alcohol, Sexual Assault)
Punk 57 (Penelope Douglas)
Annie Grayson (Addiction - Drugs)
Manny Cortez (Addiction - Drugs, Depression)
Misha Lare (Depression, Grief)
Rush (Jonathan Friesen)
Jake King (Addiction - Adrenaline)
Sketches (Eric Walters)
Dana (Sexual Abuse, Trauma)
Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo)
Inej Ghafa (Trauma)
Jesper (Addiction - Gambling)
Kaz Brekker (Trauma)
Nina Zenik (Addiction - Drugs)
Somebody Told Me (Mia Siegert)
Aleks/Alexis (Trauma)
The Agony of Bun O'Keefe (Heather Smith)
Bun O'Keefe (Abuse, Neglect, Trauma)
Chris (Abuse, Homophobia)
The Beauty of the Moment (Tanaz Bhathena)
Malcolm (Abuse, Trauma)
The Buried and the Bound (Rochelle Hassan)
Leo Merritt (Depression)
Tristan Drake (Abuse, Trauma)
The Good Hawk (Joseph Elliot)
Jaime (Anxiety)
The Immeasurable Depth of You (Maria Mora)
Brynn (Anxiety, Intrusive Thoughts, OCD)
The Luis Ortega Survival Club (Sonora Reyes)
Ariana Ruiz (Sexual Assault, Trauma)
The Love and Lies of Rukhsana Ali (Sabrina Khan)
Rukhsana Ali (Abuse, Homophobia, Sexual Assault, Trauma)
The Mosaic (Nina Berkhout)
Gabriel Finch (PTSD)
Twilight - Series (Stephanie Meyer)
Isabella "Bella" Swan (Depression)
Warriors (Erin Hunter)
Bluestar (Depression)
What Unbreakable Looks Like (Kate McLaughlin)
Alexa "Lex" Grace (Abuse, Sexual Assault, Trauma)
Wings of Fire - Series (Tui T. Sutherland)
Cricket (Abuse)
Fathom (PTSD)
Indigo (PTSD)
Qibli (Abuse)
Sora (Anxiety)
0 notes
vntagetee-archive · 1 year
muse list.
*-primary +-secondary &-request only !-private
all too well (taylor swift's short film)
emily byrne. twenty-one. college student & aspiring author. heterosexual. fc: sadie sink. &
gloria. thirty-nine. administrative assistant at mattel. bisexual. fc: america ferrera. +
president barbie. thirty-eight. president of barbie land. asexual. fc: issa rae. *
weird barbie. thirty-nine. wanderer in barbie land. asexual. fc: kate mckinnon. *
the breakfast club
allison reynolds. eighteen. high school student. bisexual. fc: jenna ortega. +
the covenant (2006)
kate tunney. eighteen. high school student. heterosexual. fc: jessica lucas. +
sarah wenham. eighteen. high school student. heterosexual. fc: laura ramsey. +
the craft
bonnie harper. nineteen. witch, college student. pansexual. fc: neve campbell & india eisley +
nancy downs. nineteen. witch, college student. homosexual. fc: fairuza balk & sophie thatcher. *
the crow
shelly webster. twenty-six. waitress, aspiring artist. pansexual. fc: angelina jolie *
dc comics
barbara wilson. nineteen. batgirl. pansexual. fc: alicia silverstone. +
chase meridian. thirties to forties. criminal psychologist. heterosexual. fc: nicole kidman & suki waterhouse *
rachel dawes. twenties to forties. attorney. heterosexual. any interactions with older rachel will include au where she lived in tdk. fc: daisy edgar-jones & keri russell. *
ella tremaine. twenty-two. villager turned princess. heterosexual. fc: lily james. *
ursula. forties. evil half human, half octopus. asexual. fc: melissa mccarthy. *
don't worry darling
alice chambers. twenty-five. housewife, doctor. heterosexual. fc: florence pugh. +
halloween h20
john tate (strode). forties. art teacher, sculptor. heterosexual. fc: josh hartnett. *
i know what you did last summer
helen shivers. eighteen. aspiring actress. pansexual. fc: sarah michelle gellar. &
courtney shayne. eighteen. high school student. bisexual. fc: rose mcgowan & megan fox. +
lethal weapon
lorna cole. thirties. fbi agent. bisexual. fc: renee russo & jessica chastain. +
the menu
tyler ledford. thirty-three. tech bro, food connoisseur. heterosexual. fc: nicholas hoult. *
promising young woman
cassie thomas. thirty. barista, vigilante. bisexual. fc: carey mulligan. &
sidney prescott. eighteen to early-forties. heterosexual. fc: neve campbell & nina dobrev. +
tatum riley. eighteen. high school student. heterosexual. fc: rose mcgowan & billie lourd. +
teenage mutant ninja turles
april o'neil. twenty-eight. reporter. heterosexual. fc: emma stone. *
the texas chainsaw massacre
erin hardesty. eighteen. unemployed. heterosexual. fc: jessica beil. +
rose dewitt bukater. twenty-three. socialite. heterosexual. fc: kate winslet. +
bobby-lynne parker. twenties. porn actress. bisexual. fc: brittany snow. +
tv shows.
american horror story
brooke thompson. ahs 1984. twenty-four. vet tech student & final girl. heterosexual. fc: emma roberts. *
ruby mcdaniel. american horror stories / rubber (wo)man. twenty-one. ghost. lesbian. fc: kaia gerber. +
cordelia chase. twenty-one. angel investigations. heterosexual. fc: charisma carpenter. *
batman beyond
dana tan. twenty-one. college student, record store employee. heterosexual. fc: arden cho. +
buffy the vampire slayer
anya jenkins. appears nineteen. demon. bisexual. fc: emma caulfield. +
willow rosenberg. twenty-one. witch. homosexual. fc: alyson hannigan. +
dawson's creek
jen lindley. eighteen to twenty-one. radio show host. panromantic. fc: michelle williams. +
the mod squad
julie barnes. twenty-four. undercover cop. bisexual. fc: florence pugh. +
the musketeers
constance d'artagnan. twenty-five. assistant to queen anne. bisexual. fc: tamla kari. &
queen anne of austria. twenty-five. royal. heterosexual. fc: alexandra dowling. &
peaky blinders
ada shelby-thorne. twenty-six. shelby company limited employee. bisexual. fc: sophie rundle. *
lizzie stark-shelby. thirty-two. shelby company limited employee. heterosexual. fc: natasha o'keefe. +
power rangers
kimberly hart. nineteen. pink power ranger. bisexual. fc: kaia gerber. &
scooby doo
daphne blake. twenty-three. mystery inc. member. bisexual. fc: sarah michelle gellar. +
jess jordan. thirty-three. kendall roy's assistant. homosexual. fc: juliana canfield. *
rava roy. forty-two. management consultant. heterosexual. fc: natalie gold. +
the last of us
sarah miller. fourteen to thirty-three (main verse/au). survivor. bisexual. fc: alexandra shipp & nico parker. *
white collar
alex hunter. early-thirties. black market fence & thief. bisexual. fc: gloria votsis. +
elizabeth burke. mid-late thirties. event planner. heterosexual. fc: tiffani thiessen +
sara ellis. early-thirties. insurance investigator. bisexual. fc: hilarie burton +
the white lotus
daphne sullivan. thirty-three. stay at home mom. heterosexual. fc: meghann fahy. *
portia. twenty-seven. personal assistant. bisexual. fc: haley lu richardson. +
tanya mcquoid. sixty-one. trust fund baby, entrepreneur. heterosexual. fc: jennifer coolidge. +
the x-files
dana scully. thirties to forties. fbi agent. heterosexual. fc: gillian anderson. * on hiatus
dc comics.
martha wayne. forty. philanthropist. heterosexual. fc: rebecca hall. *
selina kyle. thirty-two. thief, catwoman. bisexual. fc: zoe kravitz. *
vicki vale. forty-one. journalist. bisexual. fc: jessica chastain & holland roden (reeves' batman only). *
ghost world.
enid coleslaw. eighteen to twenties. freelance artist. homosexual. fc: thora birch. *
blood & chocolate
vivian gandillon. nineteen. works at a chocolate store, werewolf. bisexual. fc: agnes bruckner & kathryn newton. *
gone girl
amy dunne. forty. writer. bisexual. fc: rosamund pike. +
ophelia. twenty-four. restaurant hostess. bisexual. fc: evan rachel wood. &
interview with a vampire
claudia. appears eighteen. vampire. pansexual. fc: anya taylor joy *
marion crane. thirty-one. secretary. heterosexual. fc: samara weaving. +
robin hood
lady marian. twenty-five. outlaw. bisexual. fc: alicia vikander. *
romeo & juliet
juliet capulet. twenty-two. fashion student. heterosexual. fc: kristine froseth. *
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nikosasaki · 3 years
mara's mobile masterlist.
sorted alphabetically - fics that have been posted are linked.
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Benny Bayford.
fandom; riverdale. love interest(s); Jughead Jones, Sweet Pea. fic; It's Only Right. face claim; timothée chalamet.
Blue Alvar.
fandom; fate the winx saga. love interest(s); Beatrix. fic; x. face claim; brianne tju.
Bram Marwood.
fandom; wednesday. love interest(s); Xavier Thorpe. fic; x. face claim; aidan gallagher.
Cassie Lewis
fandom; pjo. love interest(s); Luke Castellan. fic; x. face claim; sadie sink.
Camile L'Angevin.
fandom; gossip girl reboot. love interest(s); Obie Bergmann. fic; Rich Kids. face claim; talia ryder.
Cricket Cheng.
fandom; heartbreak high. love interest(s); Ant Vaughn & Spider White. fic; Little Bugs. face claim; lukita maxwell.
Dani Manhattan.
fandom; gen v. love interest(s); tba. fic; x. face claim; havana rose liu.
Drew Sato.
fandom; teen wolf. love interest(s); Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken. fic; Take Me Back. face claim; lyrica okano.
Dolores Till. 
fandom; the umbrella academy. love interest(s); Five Hargreeves. fic; Cherry Wine. face claim; raffey cassidy.
Felix St. Arthur. 
fandom; pjo. love interest(s); Matty Ellis. fic; - face claim; finn wolfhard.
Fletcher Hunt.
fandom; the hunger games. love interest(s); Julius Alexander. fic; x. face claim; george mackay.
Jos Franken.
fandom; shadow and bone. love interest(s); Malyen Oretsev. fic; The Gentleness That Comes. face claim; anya taylor-joy.
Jules Gardner. 
fandom; titans. love interest(s); Dick Grayson. fic; The Fall. face claim; erin moriarty.
Julius Alexander.
fandom; the hunger games. love interest(s); Fletcher Hunt. fic; x. face claim; drew starkey.
Jordan Hicks.
fandom; scream. love interest(s); Chad Meeks-Martin. fic; x face claim; peyton list.
Kate Simmons.
fandom; mcu. love interest(s); Peter Parker. fic; - face claim; kathryn newton.
Kit Macmillan.
fandom; the wilds. love interest(s); Kirin O'Conner. fic; - face claim; ella purnell.
Kyata Rin.
fandom; alice in borderland. love interest(s); Chishiya Shuntaro. fic; - face claim; sonoya mizuno.
Leo Clarke.
fandom; outer banks. love interest(s); JJ Maybank. fic; Pleaser. face claim; haley lu richardson.
Louisa Henderson.
fandom; stranger things. love interest(s); Steve Harrington. fic; - face claim; maddie hasson.
Luke Greco.
fandom; xo kitty. love interest(s); Minho. fic; - face claim; michael cimino.
Mack Tahau.
fandom; riverdale. love interest(s); Toni Topaz, Veronica Lodge. fic; It's Only Right. face claim; erana james.
Magpie Prescott.
fandom; hsmtmts. love interest(s); EJ Caswell. fic; Anyone Else (the jealousy series) faceclaim; chase sui wonders.
Margot Kipps.
fandom; lockwood & co love interest(s); Anthony Lockwood. fic; Hauntology. face claim; emilia jones.
Mathéo L'Angevin.
fandom; gossip girl reboot. love interest(s); Aki Menzies. fic; Rich Kids. faceclaim; jacob elordi.
Matty Ellis. 
fandom; pjo. love interest(s); Felix St. Arthur. fic; - face claim; riley lai nelet.
Newt Solis.
fandom; fate the winx saga. love interest(s); Riven. fic; Freefallverse face claim; archie renaux.
Nick Davis.
fandom; stranger things. love interest(s); Robin Buckley. fic; - face claim; olivia scott welch.
Oz Reynolds.
fandom; stranger things. love interest(s); Eddie Munson. fic; Never Going Back. face claim; mark mckenna.
Samir 'Tripwire' Walker.
fandom; peacemaker. love interest(s); Adrian Chase. fic; - face claim; avan jogia.
Skipper Munroe.
fandom; outer banks. love interest(s); JJ Maybank. fic; The Lighthouse. face claim; mike faist.
Sonia Parikh
fandom; lockwood & co love interest(s); Lucy Carlyle. fic; Hauntology. face claim; charithra chandran.
Stevie August.
fandom; julie and the phantoms. love interest(s); Reggie Peters. fic; Haunt Me. face claim; jenna ortega.
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doubleattitude · 3 years
Radix Dance Convention Nationals, Las Vegas 2021 Results
Core Performer:
(Top 3/4 in Bold)
Mini Female
Top 20:
Emily Jungmann
Isabella Kouznetsova
Skylar Wong
Madelyn Murphy
Carrigan Paylor
Kate Baldwin
Madison Carmody
Karyna Majeroni
Elizabeth Bilecki
Sasha Milstein
Diana Kouznetsova
Ellary Day Szyndlar
Tiara Sherman
Fiona Wu
Savannah Manzel
Camila Giraldo
Victoria Martinez
Georgia Beth Peters
Addison Price
Regan Gerena
Winner: Carrigan Paylor
Mini Male
Top 7:
Elias Elkind
Karson Koller
Santiago Sosa
Julian Aranda
Michael Cash Savio
Nico Dahl
Josh Lundy
Winner: Michael Cash Savio
Junior Female
Top 20:
Kendyl Fay
Daniela SanGiacomo
Kinley Andrews
Laci Stoico
Haileigh Brennan
Crystal Huang
Giselle Gandarilla
Kira Chan
Rylee Young
Kaili Kester
Taytum Ruckle
Maddie Ortega
Angelina Elliott
Anya Inger
Gracyn French
Aaliyah Dixon
Brinkley Pittman
Breanna Bieler
Alexis Mayer
Madison Ronquillo
Winner: Crystal Huang
Junior Male
Top 6:
Johnny Gray
Zachary Gibson
Haiden Neuville
Wyatt Brisson
Ayden Nguyen
Coltrane Vodicka
Winner: Coltrane Vodicka
Teen Female
Top 25:
Destanye Diaz
Izzy Howard
Kaitlyn Ortega
Jada Specht
Emily Madden
Harlow Ganz
Sabine Nehls
Dyllan Blackburn
Antonia Gonzalez
Brooklyn Law
Isabella Lynch
Avery Cashen
Charlie Kautzer
Valadie Cammack
Kiarra Waidelich
Isabel Joves
Olivia Magni
Rachel Loiselle
Mia Ibach
Cydney Heard
Madison Marshall
Kaylinn Rees
Hayden Frazier
Addison Middleton
Carly Thinfen
Winner: Kiarra Waidelich
Teen Male
Top 21:
Trent Grappe
Jack Brokaw
Luke Barrett
Nathan Scott
Antony Curley
Sam Fine
Louis Sloot
Rosendo Archiga
Harrison Robinson
Christian De Jesus
Xander Perone
Noah Ayden Grady
Jonah Daquigan
Samuel Sharp Jr
Jackson Koressel
Gavin Warfield
AJ Storey
Nicholas Bustos
Tucker Gokey
Ronnie Lewis
Sam Suro
Winner: Antony Curley
Senior Female
Top 22:
Camille Fehr
Rina Kanamaki
Elisabeth Pabich
Kayla Pereira
Sara Eberhardt
Ava La France
Selena Hamilton
Anna Miller
Skye Notary
Priscilla Tom
Mackenzie Jarrett
Libby Wiley
Makayla D’Ambrosio
Camryn Bridges
Maddie Thanos
Lola Coghill
Zoe Lemelman
Makenna Okamoto
Vanessa Valenzuela
Peyton Martineau
Erin Wienke
Izzy Burton
Winner: Erin Wienke
Senior Male
Top 13:
Wysdem Caesar
Garren Garcia
John Mays
Seth Gibson
Raiden King
Alec Brown
Bronson Dahmer
Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl
Sam McWilliams
Levi Sherman
Konnor Kelly
Zach Buri
Thiago Pacheco
Winner: Sam McWilliams
High Scores by Age:
Cash Prizes:
1st: $200
2nd: $100
3rd: $50
Rookie Solo
1st: Mila Renae-’Soldier’
2nd: Lucia Piedrahita-’Fields of Gold’
2nd: Aliya Yen-’Loyal, Brave and True’
3rd: Melina Biltz-’Welcome Home’
4th: Zoey Brooks-’My Boyfriend’s Back’
5th: Lexi Menjivar-’I Will Survive’
6th: Moriah Peralta-’Up, Up & Away’
7th: Kaiya Carrillo-’Love Shack’
8th: Kinsey Fitts-’Can You Imagine That’
8th: Shale Herrera-’Dream’
9th: Madison Skapyak-’Songbird’
10th: Eden Hernandez-’Chocolate Box’
Mini Solo
1st: Camila Giraldo-’Welcome to Miami’
2nd: Skylar Wong-’Lovefooll’
3rd: Carrigan Paylor-’Orange Colored Sky’
4th: Regan Gerena-’My Boyfriend’s Back’
4th: Michael Cash Savio-’Rhythm’
5th: Tiara Sherman-’Cielo’
6th: Isabella Kouznetsova-’Trouble’
6th: Emily Jungmann-’You Sleep On’
7th: Winter Eberts-’Hit The Road Jack’
7th: Esme Chou-’Unravel’
8th: Addison Price-’Je Te Laisserai Des Mots’
9th: Avery Maycunich-’Wild is the Wind’
10th: Abigail Pucylowski-’Menace’
Junior Solo
1st: Crystal Huang-’Moonlight Sonata’
2nd: Gracyn French-’A Character of Quiet’
3rd: Angelina Elliot-’Out’
4th: Aaliyah Dixon-’That’s Life’
4th: Alexis Mayer-’Vanished’
5th: Laci Stoico-’Mein Herr’
6th: Daniela SanGiacomo-’Restless’
7th: Lexi Godwin-’Debut’
7th: Brenna Bieler-’Moonlight Sonata’
8th: Naia Parker-’Lit’
9th: Vivienne Robillard-’Immigration’
9th: Zoe Zielinski-’Z’
10th: Maddie Ortega-’A Winged Victory’
10th: Zachary Gibson-’Unknown’
Teen Solo
1st: Sophia Cobo-’Do You Feel Real’
1st: Izzy Howard-’Mer de Velours’
1st: Cydney Heard-’Je T'aime’
1st: Kiarra Waidelich-’The Resemblance is Uncanny’
2nd: Angelika Edejer-’One Giant Leap’
3rd: Kaitlyn Ortega-’Ain’t No Sunshine’
3rd: Harlow Ganz-’Breaking the Surface’
3rd: Antonia Gonzalez-’Like The Wind’
4th: Xander Perone-’Elijah’
4th: Dyllan Blackburn-’Silver Screen’
5th: Charli Ortiz-Ringenbach-’Is This Love’
6th: Ava Greendwaldt-’Countdown’
6th: Sammi Chung-’Eight’
6th: Isabella Warfield-’Nicest Thing’
6th: Jadyn Saigusa-’Wonderlust’
7th: June Hurley-’Don’t Think Of Me Like That’
7th: Kenzie Jones-’Flightless Bird’
8th: Finley Williams-’We’ll See’
9th: Sarah Laskowski-’For You’
10th: Addison Middleton-’ERROR’
10th: Rosendo Arechiga-’Thanks for Asking’
Senior Solo
1st: Thiago Pacheco-’The Poet’
2nd: Selena Hamilton-’Black Car’
3rd: Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl-’Darkness’
4th: Maddie Nemeth-’Sycamore Tree’
5th: Olivya Sessing-’House on the Hill’
6th: Sheridan Naugle-’Irreplaceable’
6th: Mia Tassani-’Mam’
6th: Seth Gibson-’Mind Bugs’
7th: Makayla D’Ambrosio-’Consider’
8th: Leigha Agins-’Prerogative’
9th: Milan Furtado-’As We Appear’
9th: Georgi Carmack-’Creature’
9th: Minda Li-’On Her Shoulders’
9th: Britton Moore-’Radiator’
9th: Libby Wiley-’Running Up That Hill’
9th: Sara Eberhardt-’Sticks and stone’
10th: Yasmine Quintana-’Hate’
Rookie Duo/Trio
1st: Danceplex-’Stand By Me’
2nd: AVANTI Dance Company-’It Must Be Love’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Never Enough’
4th: Notion Dance Concepts-’MILK $’
5th: The Industry Dance Academy-’Don’t Go Without Me’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Yesterday’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Something’s Gotta Change’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Gracious’
4th: Studio X-’Vogue’
5th: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’Gonna Get Ya’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: AVANTI Dance Company-’Go Girl’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Everything Is In Line’
3rd: Elements Dance Space-’Separate’
4th: Danceplex-’This Is Me Trying’
5th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Wild Life’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Make Me High’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Last Light’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Hey’
4th: Evolution Dance Complex-’Before You Go’
5th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Crystalized’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Mather Dance Company-’Trust Me Again’
2nd: The Difference Dance Company-’3′
3rd: MVP Dance Elite-’Bitter
3rd: CanDance Studios-’Revolution’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’June 7th’
5th: Studio 413-’Black Flies’
Rookie Group
1st: Danceplex-’Little Wonders’
2nd: Danceplex-’Lets Hear It For the Boy’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Lullaby’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Girls Night Out’
5th: Notion Dance Concepts-’Firework’
Mini Group
1st: Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Searching For...’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Don’t Give Up On Me’
4th: Evoke Dance Movement-’I Think I Love You’
5th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Queen Bees’
Junior Group
1st: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
2nd: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
2nd: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Wind It Up’
3rd: Prodigy Training Center-’School of Prodigy’
3rd: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Sing, Sing, Sing’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Un Momento Finale’
4th: Cypress Dance Project-’What Is Love?’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Wolves’
5th: The Difference Dance Company-’1977′
5th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Alright’
Teen Group
1st: Project 21-’Bring On the Men’
2nd: Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’
3rd: The Difference Dance Company-’Cellophane’
3rd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Heavenly Bodies’
3rd: Mather Dance Company-’Overdose’
3rd: The Difference Dance Company-’Unchained’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’The Cuckoo’s Nest’
5th: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Boom POW’
Senior Group
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Prague’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’I Love America’
2nd: Mather Dance Company-’We The Soldiers’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Hard Voices’
4th: Impact Dance Studio-’Fame’
4th: The Industry Dance Academy-’When Dirt Meets Water’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’Wolves’
5th: Mather Dance Company-’For All We Know’
Rookie Line
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Innana’
2nd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Ooh La La’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Wash & Set’
4th: Cypress Dance Project-’Bat Dance’
Mini Line
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’6 Out of Six’
1st: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’Go Your Own Way’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’You Can’t Stop the Beat’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Always’
4th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Booty Swing’
5th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Distance’
Junior Line
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Derniere Danse’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’Mein Herr’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Whole Lotta Woman’
3rd: Project 21-’Proud Mary’
4th: Impact Dance Studio-’Hallelujah’
5th: The Rock Center for Dance-’All Good People’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’It Wasn’t Always Like This’
5th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Mahala’
Teen Line
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’New York New York’
2nd: Studio 413-’Hold On Tight’
3rd: Project 21-’Post That’
4th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Dream Girls’
5th: The Rock Center for Dance-’Hey!’
Senior Line
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Here Comes the Rain’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’No Colors Anymore’
3rd: Mather Dance Company-’Voice of God’
4th: Project 21-’The Dictator’s Dream’
5th: The Difference Dance Company-’Cody Banks’
Rookie Extended Line
1st: AVANTI Dance Company-’Brave’
2nd: The Industry Dance Academy-’Hard Knock Life’
Mini Extended Line
1st: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Trouble’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Settle Down’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Choo Choo’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Boy Meets Girl’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Dream In Color’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Evoke Dance Movement-’Purse First’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Hold Your Own’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Better Than Ever’
4th: Studio 413-’Girl Boss’
5th: Studio 413-’Goodbye’
5th: Evoke Dance Movement-’Lose Control’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Euphoric’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Hush Up’
3rd: Project 21-’Desoleil’
4th: CanDance Studios-’Throw It Back’
5th: Evoke Dance Movement-’Adios’
5th: CanDance Studios-’The Colony’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’My House, My Rules’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’So What Now?’
2nd: The Difference Dance Company-’The Ravens’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Terrified’
Junior Production
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’One More Time’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Eminence’
3rd: Studio 413-’Electricity’
Teen Production
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Fly Away’
1st: AVANTI Dance Company-’Gone Too Soon’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Rookie Jazz
1st: Danceplex-’Lets Hear It For the Boy’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Girls Night Out’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Ooh La La’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Wash & Set’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Spice Up Your Life’
5th: The Industry Dance Academy-’Material Girl’
Rookie Contemporary
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Innana’
Rookie Lyrical
1st: Danceplex-’Little Wonders’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Lullaby’
3rd: Notion Dance Concepts-’Firework’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Brave’
Rookie Musical Theatre
1st: The Industry Dance Academy-’Hard Knock Life’
Rookie Specialty
1st: Cypress Dance Project-’Bat Dance’
Mini Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’You Can’t Stop the Beat’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Trouble’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’What Have You Done For Me Lately’
5th: Evoke Dance Movement-’Money Heist’
Mini Ballet
1st: Summit Dance Shoppe-’This Way’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Whistle A Happy Tune’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Rosamunde’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Cats’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’A Lovely Night’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Queen Bees’
2nd: Prodigy Training Center-’JR Prodigy’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Get Up’
4th: Prodigy Training Center-’Money’
5th: Heat Dance Studio-’Work It Out’
Mini Tap
1st: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’L.O.V.E’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Booty Swing’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Choo Choo’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Swing in the Mood’
4th: Studio 413-’Critical Level’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Charleston Charlie’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Aye Carumba’
Mini Contemporary
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’6 Out of Six’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Searching For...’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Distance’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’Lying’
5th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Glad It’s Raining’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Go Your Own Way’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Don’t Give Up On Me’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Always’
4th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Lego House’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Soon You’ll Get Better’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Dream In Color’
5th: Artistic Motion Dance-’What A Wonderful World’
Mini Musical Theatre
1st: Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Wedding Bells’
3rd: The Industry Dance Academy-’Revolting Children’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’I’ve Got Rhythm’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’All That Jazz’
Mini Specialty
1st: Evoke Dance Movement-’I Think I Love You’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Settle Down’
3rd: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’Come Little Children’
4th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Youth Strong’
5th: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’Child of Light’
Junior Jazz
1st: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Whole Lotta Woman’
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’One More Time’
2nd: Project 21-’Proud Mary’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Purse First’
4th: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
4th: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Wind It Up’
4th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Mahala’
5th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Can You Dig It?’
Junior Ballet
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Combust’
2nd: The Industry Dance Academy-’Spring’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Bathers’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Prodigy Training Center-’School of Prodigy’
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Eminence’
2nd: Studio 413-’Girl Boss’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Lose Control’
4th: Cypress Dance Project-’Plain Jane’
5th: Heat Dance Studio-’Up’
Junior Tap
1st: Cypress Dance Project-’What Is Love?’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center-’I Love It’
3rd: Studio 413-’Into The Night’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Valerie’
5th: Cypress Dance Project-’Halftime’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’All Good People’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Hold Your Own’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’It Wasn’t Always Like This’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Un Momento Finale’
4th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Wasted Air’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Wolves’
5th: Studio 413-’Goodbye’
5th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Alright’
Junior Lyrical
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Hallelujah’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’You Are The Reason’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’Dawn of Love’
3rd: Impact Dance Studio-’Time After Time’
4th: To The Pointe Dance Centre-’It’s All Coming Back To Me’
5th: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’When I Look At You’
Junior Musical Theatre
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Mein Herr’
2nd: Cypress Dance Project-’Elle’s Big Day’
3rd: The Industry Dance Academy-’West Side Story’
Junior Specialty
1st Impact Dance Studio-’Derniere Danse’
2nd: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Sing, Sing, Sing’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Better Than Ever’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’You’re Mine’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’1977′
5th: Stars Dance Studio-’Spa’
Teen Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Bring On the Men’
2nd: Project 21-’Post That’
3rd: CanDance Studios-’Throw It Back’
4th: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Boom POW’
5th: Studio 413-’Social Media Overload’
Teen Ballet
1st: The Industry Dance Academy-’To The Pointe’
2nd: Cypress Dance Project-’Hunted’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Hush Up’
2nd: CanDance Studios-’Panaramic’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Runnin’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Clones’
5th: Studio 413-’Ready or Not’
5th: Studio 413-’Savage’
Teen Tap
1st: Studio 413-’No One’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center-’I’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Go’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’25 Miles’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Studio 413-’Hold On Tight’
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Euphoric’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Hey!’
3rd: Project 21-’Desoleil’
4th: Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’
5th: CanDance Studios-’Can I’
5th: The Difference Dance Company-’Unchained’
5th: The Difference Dance Company-’Cellophane’
5th: Stars Dance Studio-’Through our Strength’
5th: The Rock Center for Dance-’Heavenly Bodies’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Mather Dance Company-’Overdose’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Take Me’
3rd: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’Particles’
4th: Danceplex-’If I Say’
5th: Heat Dance Studio-’He Loves Me’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’New York New York’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Singular Sensation’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Almost Like Being In Love’
Teen Ballroom
1st: CanDance Studios-’I Got the Boom’
Teen Specialty
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Dream Girls’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’The Future Is Female’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Gone Too Soon’
4th: Heat Dance Studio-’Freedom’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’Pale’
5th: The Industry Dance Academy-’Flashing Lights’
Senior Jazz
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’My House, My Rules’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’Fame’
3rd: Mather Dance Company-’Prisoner’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Need U Tonight’
5th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Cleopatrs in New York’
Senior Ballet
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Illumination’
Senior Hip-Hop
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’CrAzY’
Senior Tap
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Funkytown’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’No Colors Anymore’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’I Love America’
2nd: Mather Dance Company-’We The Soldiers’
3rd: Project 21-’The Dictator’s Dream’
3rd: The Difference Dance Company-’Wolves’
3rd: The Industry Dance Academy-’When Dirt Meets Water’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’The Ravens’
5th: The Difference Dance Company-’The First Time’
Senior Lyrical
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Prague’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’Here Comes the Rain’
3rd: Mather Dance Company-’Voice of God’
4th: Mather Dance Company-’For All We Know’
5th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Wash’
Senior Specialty
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Hard Voices’
2nd: The Difference Dance Company-’Cody Banks’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’So What Now?’
4th: CanDance Studios-’I Won’t Complain’
5th: Cypress Dance Project-’To This Day’
Best of Radix:
The Rock Center for Dance-’Innana’
Danceplex-’Little Wonders’
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’6 Out of Six’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Searching For...’
3rd: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
4th: Impact Dance Studio-’You Can’t Stop the Beat’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Trouble’
6th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Don’t Give Up On Me’
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Derniere Danse’
2nd: Project 21-’Proud Mary’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Mahala’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Whole Lotta Woman’
5th: Evoke Dance Movement-’Purse First’
6th: The Rock Center for Dance-’All Good People’
7th: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Wind It Up’
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’New York New York’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Euphoric’
3rd: Project 21-’Bring On the Men’
4th: Studio 413-’Hold On Tight’
5th: The Rock Center for Dance-’Hey!’
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Here Comes the Rain’
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Prague’
2nd: Mather Dance Company-’Voice of God’
3rd: Project 21-’The Dictator’s Dream’
3rd: The Difference Dance Company-’Wolves’
4th: The Industry Dance Academy-’When Dirt Meets Water’
Best in Show ($10 000):
Winner: Impact Dance Studio-’New York New York’
33 notes · View notes
witchofinterest · 4 years
Fic title: the trick is to keep breathing?
Willow Spencer (fc: Victoria Moroles)
Marley Perez (fc: Daniella Nieves)
Fic title: please stop my relentless daughter
Dinah laurel Winchester
Jeremy? (fc: Vincent karthriser??)
Serena sparks (Rowena daughter, Kevin love interest??) fc:kat McNamara or Madison Davenport?
Zoe - Reaper (reader? Reed? Reid?)
Prodigal son:
Aubrey belle hart (fc: Sarah shahi)
Title: villeneuve
Lorelai “Rory” burkhardt (Willa Holland???)
Helen (damonfuer) ( first interaction based on knife trick)
? (Willahara)
Merlin: (ad astra per aspera)
John Jax
Fic title: angel investigations (A&j/AJ investigations) know it well??
Josette Jax
The umbrella academy:
Ivy lane
Sep fic
Keke kennedy fc: Kat graham)
The gifted:
Lynn Allen “Heart” (kaylee frost) (change Lynn’s physical mutation?)
Empath mutant rival
Lorna Dane little sis gravity also Andy li) Luna/lane/Lana/Lori/Miranda “Mira/Mandy/Mimi ” “miracle” Dane? Needs mutant name (zero?) (lady gravity?) (revolution?) (orbit?) (Luna? Lady Luna?)
Rylee O’Connell (Virginia gardener)
Akira Ito
Evander Salvatore (Cameron Kennedy)
Poppy Halliwell (fc: kaylee Bryant)
Separate story
Title: yellow? Dandelion? Heads or tails?
Sophie?? Half-demon/half-witch (Penelope Mitchell
Charmed 2.0
Iris Maxine “Max” Vera fc:
My babysitters a vampire:
Charlotte “Charlie” Cruz (fc: Paris Berelc?)
Cassandra “Cassie” (Ngo) Lockwood (fc: Lana condor)
Emmett Lockwood (fc )
Elenor “Ellie” something-Lockwood (fc)
Lab rats:
acacia “casey” clover
Teen wolf:
Christina “Chris” (Hunter) (mom friend)
The order:
Louise “Lois” Iim (fc: Kristen Kruek)
Katherine “Kay” Mulaney
Poi???? Variables
Cj ardnt (parallel to the machnne, maybe Tm I Initials)
Georgiana mills
Freya “Faye” periwinkle
Nancy drew:
Judith “Jude” drew (?):Danielle rose russel?)
Title: bury me dead
Olive Henry
Heroes reborn:
estella “este” Jin
? (Fc: lyrica okano)
Veronica “Ronnie” Curtis fc: Jenna Ortega
The flash/legends:
Sam Snart (eventually)
E2!Theresa “junior/tess/a” hwang (x Jesse)
Sam and Wally spin-off after legends season 3, they were partners in flashpoint and make appearances in the flash
Prison break:
Selena talia wu Aka TW
October faction:
Bettina “Bette” zhu (fc: Leah lewis)
Elizabeth Erin “Lizzie” lance? Little canary fc giorgia whigham (Quentin forces her to take self defense) (title: behind the eyes?)
Lara Covin fc: holly Marie combs
Kevin Covin (father murderer(
Constance “Connie” Covin fc: Ciara bravo (crime princess??) (father, Mario Calvi)
Sara Essen niece fc: Megan Tandy
Fiona g (final girl) fc:
Fiona’s resurrected friend?
jennifer “cat” winger
raegen “rae” patrisha knight
alexandra “alex” logan aka speck
sydney summers aka sparrow
wilhemina “mina” woods murdock
oc: birdie oshiro
25 notes · View notes
kuyarexdelsdiaries · 5 years
GMA Telebabad's September Revamp
Following the revamp of the Afternoon Prime beginning with Dahil Sa Pag-Ibig and Primadonnas on May & August 2019 respectively, GMA Network is ready to have another attempt to dethrone ABS-CBN's Ang Probinsyano & The General’s Daughter, Telebabad is going to have a makeover with three shows: Beautiful Justice, The Gift and One of the Baes.
1.) Beautiful Justice
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First on the lineup is Beautiful Justice starring Yasmien Kurdi (from Hiram na Anak, Hindi Ko Kayang Iwan Ka, Sa Piling ni Nanay), Bea Binene (from Dragon Lady, Kapag Nahati ang Puso, Mulawin vs Ravena) and Gabbi Garcia (from Sherlock Jr., Pamilya Roces). This is Gabbi’s replacement to the cancelled Rosang Agimat following Eddie Garcia's death last June. This marks Yasmien’s 1st primetime series after 5 years since Rhodora X. They will be joined by Derrick Monasterio (from Inday Will Always Love You), Gil Cuerva (from Sahaya, My Guitar Princess, Super Ma'am, My Love from The Star) and Victor Neri (from TODA One I Love, Inday Will Always Love You, Super Ma'am), with Gabby Eigenmann (from Contessa, Inagaw na Bituin) on a special participation role. Knowing that Victor is a known action star back in the day, he helps train the cast members to make sure that every scene is accurate and mirrors real-life situations. Beautiful Justice involves the lives of Brie Cuevas (Gabbi), the heiress of a tech company, Kitkat Bernardo (Bea), a beautician, and Alice Vida (Yasmien), an NGO volunteer. Their lives will change when Ronnie (Gabby), Alice’s husband, Kitkat’s brother, and Lance (Derrick), Brie’s boyfriend, all who are PDEA agents, died on a failed mission. It will be discovered that Black Pentagon, a powerful drug syndicate, is behind killing their loved ones. With the help of Vin (Gil), another PDEA agent, the three women will unite and bring their special skills with them to track down Black Pentagon and seek justice for what they lost. Joining the powerhouse cast of Beautiful Justice are Bing Loyzaga (from Kapag Nahati ang Puso), Valeen Montenegro (from My Special Tatay, Sherlock Jr., My Korean Jagiya), Kevin Santos (from Daddy's Gurl, Kambal Karibal), Carlos Agassi (from Victor Magtanggol), Angela Alarcon, Erin Ocampo, Will Devaughn (from My Love from the Star) and Vincent Magbanua (from The Cure). The series is directed by Mark Reyes who previously directed The Cure and Cain at Abel on primetime and his directoral chore since Inagaw na Bituin. With Beautiful Justice becoming Ang Probinsyano‘s 14th challenger, it remains to be seen if the girl power in Yasmien, Bea & Gabbi can get even with Coco Martin. Catch Beautiful Justice Weeknights at 7:45 PM after 24 Oras on GMA Telebabad.
2.) The Gift
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Christmas is a few months away. With the Ber season on a roll, GMA will bring in an inspiring story to primetime with The Gift. This upcoming primetime series stars Alden Richards (from Victor Magtanggol, Destined to be Yours), along with Jo Berry (from Onanay), Jean Garcia (from Ika-5 Utos) & Elizabeth Oropesa (from Pamilya Roces, Contessa, Impostora 2017), with TJ Trinidad (from Ngayon At Kailanman) on a special participation role. Alden will portray as a blind person in the series’ later episodes. The Gift tells the story of Joseph (Alden) who was separated from his real life mother Nadia (Jean) after his father Gener (TJ) died when he was young. He grows up living a simple life in Divisoria with his adoptive mother, Strawberry (Jo) who sells fruits for a living, and adoptive grandmother, Lola Char (Elizabeth) who is a self-proclaimed fortune teller in Quiapo. Sep continues to find the silver lining amidst the harsh realities of life. One day, Sep’s life will change when he gets in a near-death experience, resulting to his loss of vision. On the bright side, Sep has been given the ability to see things beyond the naked eye. Joining the stellar cast of The Gift are Mikee Quintos (from Onanay), Ysabel Ortega (from Pusong Ligaw, On the Wings of Love), Martin del Rosario (from My Special Tatay), Mikoy Morales (from D'Originals, Sirkus, My Special Tatay), Rochelle Pangilinan (from Alyas Robin Hood, Onanay), Betong Sumaya (from Haplos, Inday Will Always Love You), Divine Tetay, Christian Vasquez (from Asintado, Ngayon At Kailanman), Thia Thomalla, Victor Anastacio & Luz Valdez (from Destined to Be Yours, The One That Got Away, The General's Daughter). The series is directed by L.A. Madridejos who previously directed My Special Tatay. This serves as a reunion of Jo Berry, Mikee Quintos and Rochelle Pangilinan who were part of their previous Telebabad series Onanay. Catch The Gift Weeknights at 8:35 PM after Beautiful Justice on GMA Telebabad. However, it's Third show One of the Baes to be led by Ken Chan and Rita Daniela who came from My Special Tatay will air on September 30.
(NOTE: The contributor of this post is Carl Veluz, a good friend of the EIC/Publisher of KRD.)
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thecryptidenthusiast · 4 months
Late to the trend, but I had to throw out my losers and their various partners
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Erin/Ortega // Erin/Chen
Ace/Danny // Erin/Wren
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thecryptidenthusiast · 11 months
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Two idiots talk about their shared trauma challenge
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Still not 100% with my writing, but these two are bouncing around in my head like ping pong balls
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thecryptidenthusiast · 7 months
Happy Valentine’s Day, lovely person 🌹
Your writing is so so amazing! I always get excited when I see you posted something. Especially your fic with Abby and Nate, I really like the way you write the two of them together.
Here’s a romance-themed OC question for any OC(s) of your choosing (no pressure to answer on Valentine’s day itself, or at all):
What is the most romantic thing your OC has done for someone else? And the other way around, what is the most romantic thing that someone else has done for your OC?
Aw anon 🥹 thank you so much for the message! I hope you’re having/have had a wonderful Valentine’s Day!!!🌹
I’ll answer the first one for Abby, and the second for my FHR OC Erin!
Most romantic thing my OC has done for someone else:
Pre-UB, back during her younger days, Abby wrote a song for her girlfriend at the time. It actually wasn’t awful! But her girlfriend (jokingly) teased her over it and she shredded it afterwards lmao. As of now she…kinda isn’t great with romantic things anymore? She’s very anxious, and how do you impress a vampire that has been around for centuries?
Most romantic thing that someone else has done for my OC?
This would’ve been back during Erin’s sidestep days! She never figured out how, but Ortega got wind that she liked music, and during one of their evening hang-outs he took her to a music shop. He also somehow managed to use his ridiculous ‘Marshal Charge’ charm/connections to get it to where he could take her after hours, since he knew she got weird in crowded spaces. This is also when he bought her a record player and some LPs!
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from the otp asks: 20 and 32 for erin/ortega?🙏
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THANK YOU for indulging me!!!!
20. Choose one song to perfectly describe their relationship.
Okay okAY I know it says one. And I will pick one……for each of their perspectives on the relationship
Ortega’s view:
All is fair in love and war, but I can't fight with you anymore
This will be the death of me
Are we allies or enemies?
This will be the death of me
Ortega wants Erin to understand that he’s in her corner, that he always has been. Maybe he wasn’t the best at showing it, maybe he did something to make her doubt him. But he just wants her to know he’s here and he’s not leaving, not again. She’s so confusing, but he loves her terribly despite it all. Despite the fact he’s starting to see through her lies. She’s not been subtle, and he’s got his suspicions about what she’s doing, leaving pieces that create a picture he doesn’t want to see.
Erin’s view:
What if I fuck it up like I always do
And my shit gets in the way?
What if it doesn't end well
Would we still be fine?
When the world is over and we go under
Would you still be mine?
This song is a perfect summary of Erin’s internal voice when it comes to Ortega. She’s a mess, worse than she was before, and she keeps waiting for that moment where he just…gives up. Where he finally wipes his hands of her. And the longer he sticks around, the meaner she gets, almost as a way to force him to go? So it’s just a cycle of ‘pushing him away’ and ‘shocked when it doesn’t work’
32) Who’s the better storyteller?
Definitely Ortega. He’s the animated one. The one with the ability to make even the most mundane stories interesting (either because of the story itself, or even just laughing at how he tells it). Despite what Erin thinks, he’s also better at fabricating things (I.e. lying) than she is.
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thecryptidenthusiast · 2 months
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@soupyshrimps and I were able to commission @mooreaux for our disaster trio and it’s just PERFECT. Wren, Erin, and Ricardo sharing a long awaited soft moment after months of messiness between them post-retribution.
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thecryptidenthusiast · 4 months
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Hitman AU, Hitman AU, Hitman AU
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