#x: erin/chen
thecryptidenthusiast · 4 months
Late to the trend, but I had to throw out my losers and their various partners
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Erin/Ortega // Erin/Chen
Ace/Danny // Erin/Wren
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rookieoneil · 6 months
How did it end up like this?
Chapter 1 out of 2
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Chenfords kid and Wopez’s kid end up getting arrested. The parents subsequently freak out (or at least some of them do)
chaotic Angela 🫶🏼 confused Wesley
Nervous Lucy 🫶🏼 protective Tim
Zoe was struggling to keep her anxiety down. Her parents were going to kill her, bring her back alive, and kill her again. She was only seventeen and she was already planning her funeral. Right now, at two am, Zoe Bradford sat in prison. She sat across from her girlfriend, Erin Evers, who was looking down at her hands shyly as Zoe sent daggers at her. How had the night gotten so out of hand?
|| Earlier that night ||
Zoe had noticed there was something off with her girlfriend. She just didn’t know what it was. Erin was acting twitchy, and distant lately. Zoe had tried to the other girl, but it was no use, Erin insisted she was fine. But Zoe knew better. She just wanted her girlfriend to be better. So when Erin came to Zoe, with an infectious smile Zoe was quick to give in to Erin’s request to stay out later and go star gazing. Surely her parents wouldn’t notice.
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sunshinerapmonster · 2 months
Shawdo of Blue ☁︎ chapter one -Colombian
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"Wouldn't be my first time"
Chapter One: Colombian Season 1 Episode 1 Stepping Stone *Trigger Warning*
"So, how have you been? We haven't hung out in a while!" Erin said, pushing Olivia's shoulder with her hand as she pulled into the police station's private parking for their officers and detectives.
"I've been great, actually," Olivia replied, smiling as she parked her car.
Erin raised an eyebrow. "Any guys?"
"Nope," Olivia said smirking at her
"What is with that smirk on your face?" Erin asked, following Olivia into the station.
"What face?"
"That face you're making right now!" Erin said pointing at her
She chuckled and made her way towards her desk, where she sat down and pulled out her phone. A message from Scott popped up on the screen, saying he wanted to see her. She smiled at the message leaning back against her chair and running her hands down her face.
"You good?" Jay asked, standing in front of Olivia's desk.
"Great," she replied, still staring at her phone with a huge smile.
Just then, Kim and Kevin walked up the stairs and caught her attention. She sent them a small smile.
"Hey, guys," Olivia said.
"Hey," Kim replied, as they stood in the middle of the bullpen
Hank stood at the doorway, looking around the room. "All right, listen up. We've got a name on those dope deaths. It's a dealer named Rev on South Emerald. We're gonna set up a controlled buy – Halstead and Velasco are going to make the purchase. Do not go inside," he emphasized.
"Got it," Olivia said, standing up from her seat.
"All right, before you two go," Hank continued, "I need to tell you all one more thing. We've been doing this for almost a year now, and we need to keep everything in-house. I don't care how other departments run their operations or how you all came up through this unit. This is intelligence – my unit," he said, pointing to himself. "You tell me the truth, so I can lie for you – and if you ever go over my head again, it will be the last time you go over my head. Everyone goes home tonight."
Jay started pounding on the door, his hand moving in a rhythmic motion as Elaina stood behind him, biting her nail in anticipation.
"Rev! Open up!" Jay yelled, his voice echoing through the hallway.
The neighbor, a middle-aged man with a gruff expression, opened up his door and popped his head out. "Hey! You mind keeping it down?" he shouted.
Jay turned to him, his eyes flashing with annoyance. "Am I banging on your damn door? No? Then go back inside!"
Elaina grabbed Jay's arm, her grip gentle but firm. "Hey, let's not scare him off," she said, trying to reason with him.
But Jay was too caught up in his own frustration. He went back to banging on the apartment door, determined to get Rev's attention.
Finally, the door creaked open and a tall, lanky man with messy brown hair and a scruffy beard looked out at them. "What?" he said gruffly.
"Yeah, uh, is Rev here?" Jay asked him.
The man shook his head. "No, he isn't. So quit pounding on the damn door!"
Olivia's eyes scanned the man's appearance, taking in the stained dark blue jeans and the faded black t-shirt. At first, she thought the stain on his pants was paint, but as she looked closer, she realized it was blood. She felt a shiver run down her spine.
The man was about to close the door again when Jay placed his hand on it. "Hey, man," he said, turning to Olivia. "My girl's going into rehab tomorrow and wants to go out with a bang tonight. And Rev usually hooks me up."
The man looked at them warily, then nodded slowly. "Come in," he mumbled.
Jay was about to step inside when Olivia pulled him back. He turned to her, confused. "What's wrong?"
Olivia's eyes narrowed. "We'll come back when Rev's here," she said firmly.
The man's expression turned angry. "You've been up my ass for two hours!" he shouted.
Olivia stood her ground. "Well, I changed my fucking mind about scoring some H!" she shouted back.
Jay looked at Olivia before turning to the man. "Mujeres," he said in his broken Spanish and chuckled.
The man gave Jay a weird look before slamming the door shut in their faces.
As they walked away from the apartment, Olivia couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. She glanced back at the door, wondering what they had just walked away from she had to notify Hank about what she had seen.
"It looked like blood," Olivia said, explaining to the rest of the team. "And when he opened the door, I didn't recognize him, so that confirmed a suspicion to me. Because if I didn't know him, the rest of us wouldn't have known him either."
"You don't have to justify it," Hank said. "You had a gut feeling and you trusted your gut. So let's go in."
"No, because maybe it looked like blood?" Julie said, crossing her hands against her chest. "That's not a probable cause to force an entry."
"He could have been marinating a chicken and spilled barbecue sauce on his pants," Antonio said, extending his hand out.
Olivia mimicked Antonio's baby voice and scoffed. "Spilled barbecue sauce on his pants." Antonio glared at her, but couldn't help but smile.
"We've got three ODs and they trace back to the heroin Rev's moving," Hank said. "Do you want to wait for another kid to die?"
Julie shook her head. "I don't think we should be rushing into this without a warrant."
"Let's do a knock and talk," Alvain said, standing up. "Whoever is in control of the apartment gets all squirrelly. We'll talk it from there."
The team nodded in agreement and put on their bulletproof vests as they walked towards the car. When they arrived, they could hear shots being fired from inside the apartment. Jay pulled Olivia behind him as they covered behind their cars.
"10-1! Shots fired at the police! 10-1, 5600 Emerald! Plainclothes officers at the scene!" Antonio yelled over the radio.
"Get the long guns!" Hank shouted at Jay and Antonio.
The team rushed up the stairs towards the apartment as people started coming out of their apartments to check out what was happening.
"Get back inside!" Alvain yelled at them, standing in front of the door with the ram and slamming it against the door.
Olivia rushed in first with her gun out, followed by Jay and Antonio.
Olivia walked around the apartment and turned towards the bathroom, where she saw Rev's head in the sink and his body in the bathtub.
"Body!" Olivia yelled out.
"Clear!" Hank shouted back.
"That's Rev in the John," Antonio said to Hank. "Offender must have booked it. Call it in."
Hank pulled out his radio and called in the situation. "Clear the rest of the building, shooters in the wind," he said into the radio.
"Velasco put together a description of the guy you saw who opened the door and see if you can find him in any of our databases," Hank said, looking at Elaina.
"Yeah, I got it," Olivia mumbled and walked towards the steps. She pulled out her notebook and began to scribble down notes.
"That's him," Olivia said, looking at the picture Julie handed to her, and showing it to Jay. "Andres Dias, aka Pulpo, the octopus."
Antonio's eyes lit up as he wrote down everything on the whiteboard. "He's got dual citizenship here and in Colombia. Jules and I had him on our radar five years back when he was working his way up from street enforcer."
"Yeah, I remember his name," Hank said, leaning against a cabinet. "Didn't he beat a double-murder rap?"
"The two key witnesses were killed," Julie said, her voice solemn.
"Was he cutting off heads back then too?" Olivia asked, sitting on Jay's desk.
"No, he must have learned a thing or two while he was in Colombia," Erin said, shrugging her shoulders.
"What part of the city did he hold down?" Jay asked.
"That's the thing," Antonio said, "he was never affiliated with any faction. Nobody knew his real script. He was just in it for the money and blood."
"Okay," Hank said, pointing at Antonio and Jay. "You two in my office."
Olivia turned to look and Erin shrugged her shoulders and got off Jay's desk, making her way towards her own desk.
After Hank had talked with Antonio and Jay, Hank asked the girls to follow him for a ride. "We need to get some more information on Pulpo," he said. "Let's see if we can track down his associates."
Olivia nodded and followed Hank out of the room. Erin fell into step behind her, her eyes scanning the area as they walked.
As they drove through the city, Olivia couldn't help but think about Pulpo. She had heard rumors about him before, but she had never seen him in action. "What's the plan?" Olivia asked Hank as they pulled up to a stoplight.
"We're going to pay a visit to some of Pulpo's old associates," Hank said. "See if we can get any information on where he might be hiding."
"Hey, I've got a couple of C.I.s I can reach out to and see if they have any information on Pulpo," Erin said from the passenger seat.
"Good," Hank said as he stopped at a stop sign.
"Are we going to see a C.I.s of yours?" Olivia asked from the backseat as she rolled down the window to let the breeze hit her face.
Olivia raised a brow, "what the hell does that mean in your vocabulary?" she asked, "Because they are either your C. I or they aren't"
Hank chucked, "I got big plans for both of you now stay in the car," he said getting out of the car.
"Nope, we are coming along with you," Erin said.
"Stay in the car," he said leaning against the driver's side window.
"Is that why you brought us?"
"No, to cheer me up," he said before walking away from them to the bangers across the street.
The two detectives, Olivia and Erin, exchanged uneasy glances as they observed Hank interacting with the bangers. The scene unfolded with unsettling familiarity: laughter, back-patting, and the discreet exchange of money. It was a stark reminder of the blurred lines Hank often walked.
Olivia brow furrowed in concern, whispered, "Did we just see what I think we saw?"
Erin, equally shocked, nodded slowly. "Yeah, we did."
The team followed Hank toward the house provided by a CI. Antonio and Jay ascended the four steps to the door, while Olivia and Erin stood in front of the stairs and Julie positioned herself by the entrance to the backyard.
"Pry marks," Jay noted, examining the doorframe.
"Breach," Hank ordered.
Jay shot the lock, and Antonio led the charge inside, with Olivia close behind.
"Clear!" Antonio called from the front room.
Olivia moved towards the back of the house, clearing rooms with Jules trailing her.
"Clear!" she echoed from the rear.
Olivia made her way back to the living room, where the gruesome sight of Erick's severed head resting on the island greeted them.
"Next head I better see is Pulpo," Hank growled, his eyes scanning the scene.
Blood was splattered across the house, with the kitchen floor bearing the lifeless, headless body.
"I wonder what the process of cutting a head off is?" Olivia mused aloud, almost to herself.
"For what?" Erin asked, standing next to her, curiosity piqued.
"Oh, you know, when Eddie pisses me off," Olivia replied with a nonchalant shrug.
Erin chuckled, "Just make sure you don't leave fingerprints so the case can go cold."
"Please, Hank will have my back," Olivia said, flashing Erin a wink. "Wouldn't be my first time"
"If D'Anthony was right and he heard three voices in the apartment, that means Pulpo must have brought two hitters with him from Colombia," Antonio said, making a chart on the board.
"All right, just get all this information to Lieutenant Belden in Violent Crimes. Have we gotten anything from his end?" Hank asked.
"Nothing," Olivia replied.
"Calls between Rev and Coop yesterday—only one other number called them both. It's a pay-as-you-go drop phone, signals off, but it was purchased at a cell store in Greektown," Erin said, reading off her notepad.
"Okay, Cheng, Halstead, go check it out," Hank said.
As they walked towards their car, Jay turned to Olivia, "How long have we worked together? A year and a half? I believe it's time we start being honest with each other since we've been partners for a while."
"Really?" Olivia chuckled. "I don't have to be honest with you at all, and it's been two years."
"Well, I will be honest with you. Two things: One, you're always driving, and I'm not down with that."
"Seniority rules," Olivia said, glancing at him before turning her eyes back to the road.
"I've been on the job longer."
"And I've been in the unit longer."
"Okay, I've been feeling like a househusband," Jay said.
"Aww, does it look like I care? Now, what's the second thing?" Olivia chuckled.
"What's the deal with you, Erin, and Voight?" he asked.
The car went silent, and she turned to look at him. "We went to prom together," Olivia sarcastically replied, then got out of the car, slamming the door shut.
"I mean, is he your secret dad or something? Put it this way, if I were to ask you out, would I have to ask your dad for permission?" Jay asked as they walked together.
"Any man will have to ask not just my dad but also my three brothers. They should save themselves the trouble," Olivia said, rolling her eyes.
"Uh! Shake it, baby," a guy said as they passed by.
Olivia glared at him and gave him the finger before walking away and entering the dollar store.
"A pay-as-you-go phone was purchased from your store in the last 24 hours. We're looking for who bought it," Jay said, looking at the clerk as Olivia placed a piece of paper on the glass countertop.
The clerk grabbed the paper and started typing away on his laptop. "Yeah. A Juan García yesterday, paid cash," he said, looking at the paper.
"Any other information you can provide us?" Olivia asked.
"No. We're not responsible for background checks."
"True, but it's a fairly common name. There's not a lot we can do with that," Olivia said, tapping her nails against the glass.
"Yeah, you don't tell me how to do my job, and I don't tell you how to do yours," he said, handing Olivia the paper.
"You're Glen Pearson, right? The owner of this place?" Jay said, pulling out a piece of paper from his back pocket.
"That's right."
"You know, it looks like there's a Glen Pearson with a deceptive practice and fraud charge for selling stolen merchandise out of Gary, Indiana," Jay said, glancing at Olivia.
"That's a $25,000 extraditable must-hold warrant."
"Man, that sucks."
"What do you think—height, weight match, eye color too?" Jay asked.
"Yeah, he matches the description of the suspects, but I would hate to jump to conclusions," Olivia said, crossing her arms and looking at the clerk. "You know what? I have an idea. Why don't we throw some bracelets on him? We'll take him down to the station and run his fingerprints, and if they match—"
"I got a nanny camera here. I can pull some footage, get a picture of the guy who bought it—that's the best I can do," he said, cutting Olivia off.
"Perfect," she said, smiling at him.
The two detectives walked out of the store and back to the car. Olivia looked at the picture. "Just gotta figure out who this idiot is," she mumbled.
A bottle was thrown and broke when it hit the ground. The duo turned around and saw the same guy from before.
"Why don't you bring that ass over to my place sometime, girl?" he said, touching his crotch. "I'll let you in."
Olivia scoffed and rolled her eyes. "No thanks, don't wanna catch anything," she yelled back.
Jay handed Olivia his gun and badge. "Jay, let it go. It doesn't matter," she said, holding his things.
Jay ignored her and walked towards the group of men. This isn't going to end well, Olivia thought.
"Hey, come here for a second," Jay said, stopping in the middle.
"You're just trying to get me for assaulting a police officer," the guy said, walking towards Jay.
"Do you see a badge on me?"
The guy got closer and swung at Jay, but Jay caught his arm, twisted it behind his back, and punched him in the face, following up with a knee to the chest and face.
Olivia winced at the sound of the guy's nose breaking.
"Anybody else?" Jay asked, looking at the rest of the group.
Jay turned and walked back towards Olivia, who was nodding her head. "My hero," Olivia said sarcastically, handing him back his weapon and badge. "You still aren't driving."
"Colombian authorities ID'd this guy as Omar Rojas, a freelance hitman," Jay said, writing down the name of the suspect they identified from the video footage at the store.
"So Rev was the boss, Coop moved the merchandise. Who's next in the chain of command?" Hank asked.
"Well, that was the problem," Julie said, "Rev was only in town from Baton Rouge for a year. There was no structure to his crew."
"And nobody's talking?" Hank inquired.
"Nope," Julie confirmed.
"All right. When Olinsky gets in, you tell—" Hank was cut off by Al, who rolled his chair back from where it was blocked by a cabinet.
"I'm right here," Al said.
"Anything from your CIs?" Hank asked.
"No dice—something about not wanting to have their heads chopped off," Al replied.
"All right, get Rojas's image out there with Pulpo's, citywide—all airports, train, and bus stations. And keep hitting the bushes," Hank directed.
The team nodded in agreement, ready to disperse and follow Hank's orders. Jay turned back to the board, eyeing the images of Omar Rojas and Pulpo. "We need to track every lead, no matter how small," he said.
"Agreed," Olivia chimed in. "These guys are ghosts, but someone, somewhere, knows something."
"Let's get to work," Hank said, and the team moved out, each member focused on their part of the investigation.
Jay and Olivia headed to their car, ready to follow up on the next lead. "You think we'll catch a break with this Rojas lead?" Elaina asked as they got in.
"Rojas is sloppy. He'll leave a trail," Jay replied, starting the engine. "And when he does, we'll be there."
"Let's hope so," Olivia said, fastening her seatbelt. "I don't want any more bodies showing up without answers."
Olivia was pinned down on the bed with Antony's weight his hips crashing into her with force. His hands were tangled in Olivia's hair pulling at it as she moaned out.
Her bedroom was full of their moans, groans, bodies slapping against each other, bed hitting the wall.
"Anthony" She cried out in pleasure lifting his hips to fuck him back causing him to groan out as he wrapped his hand around your throat giving it a squeeze.
"I'm close"
"Hold it" Antony groaned out as he picked up his pace and fucked Olivia through her orgasm. 
His hips started to stutter as he felt his cock start to throb he let his body over her, "perfect" he breathed out into Olivia's ear slamming his hips harder into and letting out one last groan as he came pressing his cock deep into her.
As he pulled out both Antony and Olivia were a panting mess full of sweat as they grasped their breath.
Olivia sat in the car, her temples throbbing with pain as she tried to find some relief by resting her head against the side door. Despite her efforts, the headache persisted, refusing to subside.
"You good?" Jay's voice broke through her discomfort.
Olivia managed a weak thumbs-up and closed her eyes briefly, hoping to ease the pounding in her head. Suddenly, Jay accelerated, causing Olivia to jerk forward in her seat.
"Damn it, Jay," Olivia muttered, readjusting herself as they arrived at their destination. She exited the car swiftly, her senses on high alert as she drew her gun.
"Police! Get your hands up!" Jay's voice boomed, echoing Olivia's command.
The group of individuals they had approached reacted with surprise and confusion. One of them, Adam, spoke up incredulously, "Wait, you're cops?"
Without hesitation, Olivia and her team moved in, guns drawn and adrenaline pumping. Olivia swiftly apprehended Adam, securing him with handcuffs, while Antonio and Julie dealt with the others, taking control of the situation.
"We're looking for a Shane Cameron. Xavier says he's been in hiding since yesterday," Antonio briefed the team.
"Yeah, but he has a flop house over on Addison. Might be worth checking out," Julie suggested, her tone focused.
"All right, everybody vests up," Hank commanded, preparing the team for action.
Olivia retrieved her bulletproof vest from her locker. Julie, adjusting her own vest, turned to Erin with a question. "What's up Voight's ass today?"
"Who knows?" Erin replied with a shrug, closing her locker.
Julie's attention shifted to a card in Erin's locker. "How old is that thing?"
"13 years," Erin answered a hint of nostalgia in her voice.
"Wanna tell me about it?" Julie probed gently.
"That man saved my life, and here I am," Erin said, closing her locker thoughtfully.
Julie turned to Olivia, curious. "And you?"
Olivia paused, her expression serious as she donned her black leather jacket. "I witnessed my mom being killed in front of me. That took me down a deep hole. Hank saved me."
"I wanna know more," Julie admitted, intrigued by their stories.
Olivia managed a small smile. "Going to cost you a couple of drinks."
"Fine with me, a night away from the kids and a juicy story—count me in," Julie said, nodding in understanding.
Two undercover cop cars pulled up swiftly, the detectives stepping out with purpose.
"It's okay, Lieutenant. We got it covered," Hank assured the old blondie, referring to their ongoing operation. "I'll let you know if he's upstairs."
The lieutenant looked confused. "Who?"
"Shane Cameron. I left you a message," Hank clarified, his voice firm and focused.
"We're following up on the car," one of the detectives interjected, pointing out the urgency of their situation.
"What car?" Hank questioned, scanning the area for any signs of their target.
"Plate match to a black four-door seen leaving the scene of the coop murder yesterday, supposed to be parked around here," the detective explained, his gaze sweeping the surroundings.
"I never got that info," Hank responded sharply, a hint of frustration in his voice.
"Yeah, I must have dropped the ball on that," the detective admitted regretfully.
"Terminate. Pull back," Hank ordered into his radio, his tone commanding. "Targets may be in the building."
Elaina's heart raced as Antonio's urgent call crackled over the radio: "10-1! Officer shot!"
Without hesitation, Olivia sprinted towards the building, her gun drawn, with Hank and the rest of the team close behind. The urgency in Hank's voice rang out, directing them to focus outside.
"Outside! Outside!" Hank's command echoed through the chaos.
Olivia bounded up the stairs with Hank trailing her, arriving to find Antonio by Jules' side, the gravity of the situation stark in his expression.
"Jules? Hang in there!" Hank's voice wavered with concern.
Antonio pointed urgently towards the door, and with a swift kick, Hank breached it. They quickly lifted Jules, who was bleeding from a serious neck wound and rushed her downstairs to where the ambulance awaited.
"You're gonna be okay, Jules," Olivia reassured her, her voice trembling with emotion.
"We gotta move her and get her in the ambo," Gabriella urged, the urgency palpable.
"She's gonna be okay, right?" Olivia pleaded with Gabriella.
"We've got to go right now," Gabriella responded, her voice strained.
"I'm coming with you, Gabby," Olivia insisted, climbing into the ambulance beside Antonio.
Inside the ambulance, Olivia held Jules' hand tightly, tears streaming down her face. "Jules, look at me. Open your eyes, please. You're okay. It's gonna be okay."
As they rushed to the hospital, Jules began to share her story, her voice barely audible. "I became a cop because of Trudy and Hank. She was first on the scene after my mom's restaurant was robbed. She covered me up in her jacket when she found me crying behind the counter after... after I was raped. She made me become a cop, and Hank saved me from going down the wrong road."
The ambulance's monitor suddenly beeped insistently, drawing their attention to Gabriella, who delivered the devastating news with tears in her eyes.
"She's gone."
Olivia staggered out of the hospital, her grief overwhelming as she dialed Hank's number on her phone.
"She didn't make it, Hank. Jules didn't make it," Olivia choked out, collapsing to her knees, shattered by the loss of her friend and colleague.
✧˖°ʚ🍓ɞ♡ Intro Act One 1 2 Like Comment <3
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ellickalways · 2 years
don’t know how i’d still be waiting for sunday if i hadn’t had the week distraction of derry girls. bless you for that, derry girls. you’re amazing, too.
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tourneys-by-me · 4 months
Here is the Bracket!
Match ups were randomized this time so there might be a few coughing babies vs hydrogen bombs, sorry about that
If y’all have propaganda can you please tag it as #propaganda or send it to my inbox so I can see it
(vs template by TotallyNotIncina on DA)
[bracket under the cut]
Round 1 (A)
Sinbad - Magi: the labyrinth of magic vs Weiss Schnee - RWBY
Cure Magical/Riko Izayoi - Precure vs Lafcadio Boone - The Sexy Brutale
Beverly Toegold V - Not Another D&D Podcast vs Carol Malus Dienheim - Symphogear
Lucy Heartfilia - Fairy Tail vs Aaravos - The Dragon Prince
Cure Miracle/Mirai Asahina - Precure vs Traveler - Genshin Impact
God Serena - Fairy Tail vs Joker - Persona
Maruju - TearRing Saga vs Omnath - Magic: the Gathering
Isaac - Golden Sun vs Delsin Rowe - Infamous
Mega Man - Mega Man vs Lord Snicklefritz - Towertale
Kakashi Hatake - Naruto vs Hazel Levesque - Percy Jackson
Mage - Miitopia vs Gill - Street Fighter
Jason Grace - Percy Jackson vs Mario - Super Mario Bros.
Round 1 (B)
Honey Lemon - Big Hero 6 vs Daylon - Dislyte
Donald Duck - Kingdom Hearts vs Y'shtola Rhul - Final Fantasy
Zoya Nazyalensky - Grishaverse books vs Paula - Earthbound
Alina Starkov - Shadow and Bone vs Domingo - Shining Force
Nami - One Piece vs Alatreon - Monster Hunter
Kevin Kaslana - Honkai Impact 3rd vs Omnimon/Omegamon - Digimon
Erin Ruunaser - Aurora vs Percival King - Epithet Erased
Citan Uzuki - Xenogears vs Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi - Bleach
Wairuha - Bionicle vs Mirabelle Chevalier - In Stars And Time
Mr. 104 (John Dubrovny) - DC Comics vs Tlalocmon - Digimon
X - Mega Man vs Robin - Fire Emblem
Sora - Kingdom Hearts vs Sypha Belnades - Castlevania
Round 1 (C)
Carl, the Invoker - Dota 2 vs Eidolon - Worm (Wildbow's Parahumans)
Vince Reynolds - Super Powereds vs Ark - Terranigma
Camille Severin - Muted vs Skylor Chen - Ninjago
Doctor Coyle - ARMS vs Aang - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Clark Kent/Superman - DC Comics vs Magolor - Kirby
Cetrion - Mortal Kombat vs Siffrin - In Stars and Time
Elemental Hero Neos - Yu-Gi-Oh! vs Greencap - Lone Fungus
Castform - Pokemon vs Trisana Chandler - Emelan
Squall Leonhart - Final Fantasy vs Akamai - Bionicle
Rae Taylor - I'm in Love with the Villainess vs Kirby - Kirby
Korra - Legend of Korra vs Cassian - Villain to Kill
Silvally - Pokemon vs Tiamat - Dungeons and Dragons
Round 1 (D)
The Collector - Aurora vs Twinrova - The Legend of Zelda
MOON - Space Funeral vs The Mage - Magicka
Katarina Claes - My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom vs The Dragonborn - The Elder Scrolls
Chu Wanning - The Husky and His White Cat Shizun vs Zagreus - Hades
Teclis - Warhammer Fantasy vs Qiyana - League of Legends
Sasuke Uchiha - Naruto vs The Defect - Slay the Spire
Blackbeard - One Piece vs Ben Tennyson - Ben 10
Manaria Sousse - I'm in love with the villainess vs Koromaru - Persona
Link (BOTW and TOTK) - The Legend of Zelda vs Callum - The Dragon Prince
Patchouli Knowledge - Touhou vs Soren - Fire Emblem
Spring Man - ARMS vs Shouto Todoroki - My Hero Academia
Capricorn (Tristan and Byron Vera) - Worm (Wildbow's Parahumans) vs Dan Heng - Honkai Star Rail
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lexwritesgayshit · 6 months
hi Lex! randomly saw your booktok post and as I don't have tiktok, would you mind sharing some of those books you're exited to read soon?
Absolutely! If you're looking to get lost for a bit, I'm going to share my goodreads to read shelf. Also, my read shelf is so tiny, so smol. I haven't gone back and marked the books I've read in the past, just the ones I read since restarting my reading journey.
As for what I'm currently first time reading and loving:
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
Ink Blood Sister Scribe by Emma Törzs
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
You're Not Supposed to Die Tonight by Kalynn Bayron
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle
Books I'm rereading:
Severance by Ling Ma
bone by Yrsa Daley-Ward
Books I was reading and absolutely love, but shelved because I struggle with ebooks/audiobooks and want to get physical copies instead:
The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D. Jackson
Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Cañas
When I grow up I want to be a list of further possibilities by Chen Chen
The Poet X by Elizabeth Aceveda (this one is spoken word so I highly recommend the audiobook, as it's narrated by the author so you hear it exactly how she intended)
And finally, books I just got but haven't started, but I'm super excited to read them:
Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki
That Time I got Drunk and Yeeted a Love Potion at a Werewolf by Kimberly Lemming
Between Mischief & Magic: A Love X Magic Novel by Marissa Serrao (edit - reading this now. It's....hmm.)
If you enjoy going down a rabbit hole, my goodreads tbr shelf is probably where you'll have the most fun! If you have any questions, feel free to ask 😊
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talatomaz · 3 years
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·˚ ༘ ┊͙༄ welcome to my kinktober/2k celebration! 31 days and 31 kinks.
⁀➷ below is the prompt list for my first kinktober 2021 2024
⁀➷ i reached 2k followers a few months ago and i just haven’t had the chance to come up with anything to celebrate but, with it being spooky season and all, i thought why not celebrate by taking part in kinktober?
⁀➷ i’ll be posting a new drabble every day. the length of the fics for each day will vary but they’ll all be linked here
⁀➷ acceptable aus: momsbestfriend / ceo!character / bestfriendsmom / beefy!character / mommy!character / professor!character / power broker!sharon / wife!character / roommate!character / neighbour!character / dark!character / stepmom!character
⁀➷ hope you all enjoy, please don’t be shy to send me feedback of any kind!
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
➢ here’s the list for each day:
DAY 1: mirror sex w/wanda maximoff
DAY 2: innocence kink w/stepmom!natasha romanoff
DAY 3: daddy kink w/hailey upton
DAY 4: voyeurism w/jennifer jareau
DAY 5: hate sex w/pb!sharon carter
DAY 6: dry humping w/beefy!natasha romanoff
DAY 7: dubcon w/carol danvers
DAY 8: overstimulation w/emily thorne
DAY 9: car sex w/tess nobody
DAY 10: riding w/carol danvers
DAY 11: drunk sex w/jane tennant
DAY 12: begging w/andy herrera
DAY 13: somnophilia w/step!momwanda maximoff
DAY 14: strap-on w/valkyrie
DAY 15: jealousy w/letty ortiz
DAY 16: against a wall w/stella kidd (molly’s)
DAY 17: choking w/carol danvers
DAY 18: office sex w/alex cabot
DAY 19: breeding kink w/regina mills/maya bishop
DAY 20: in the kitchen/edging w/jennifer jareau
DAY 21: knife kink w/lottie matthews
DAY 22: shower w/andy herrera (6x01)
DAY 23: belly bulge kink w/valkyrie
DAY 24: thigh riding w/wandavision!wanda maximoff
DAY 25: sundress w/carol danvers
DAY 26: marking w/andy herrera
DAY 27: bondage (magic) w/regina mills
DAY 28: dirty dreams w/hailey upton
DAY 29: praise kink w/stella kidd
DAY 30: mommy kink w/jennifer jareau
DAY 31: dacryphilia w/regina mills
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chenfordgifs · 3 years
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2x19 | 1x15
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karihighman · 3 years
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yes, I can confirm this is true for both
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semperlitluv · 3 years
sorry about your ankle, friend! i hope you're fully mended quickly! for the prompt request? lucy/tim | anythinggggg hurt/comforty (sick!fic, accidental breakage of one's person, wherever the wind may blowww)!
Thank you, my sweet! Ankle is at 90% after a week of rest and a fantastically overpriced new pair of shoes. I hope you enjoy this little piece — my first Tim/Lucy EVER!
Also, I’m on mobile, so please excuse the weird spacing and lack of a “read more” line!
“Don’t say it,” Tim says quietly as Lucy rushes over to where he’s leaning against the counter in the break room.
“Oh my gosh, are you okay?” Lucy exclaims in a hushed tone, pulling him to sit at the nearby table and grabbing the bag of ice from his hand. He flexes, rubbing his frozen palm down the leg of his department-issued sweatpants to regain feeling. It’s not that successful.
Or maybe it is, but he’s too distracted by Lucy’s gentle hand holding his chin so her other fingers can tap lightly around the stitched cut over his eyebrow, bruise blossoming on his temple and cheek.
It looks worse than it is, and he knows she heard the radio when they’d called in that his rookie managed to hit a fire hydrant during what should have been a routine traffic stop. It’d been a few years since Tim had written up a blue page — since he’d taken the Mid-Wilshire command from retiring Sergeant Grey, he’d hardly had any opportunities to take a patrol shift, really.
“I let you go on one patrol with a rookie,” Lucy teases, lips tilting in that smirk of hers.
“Well, take it up with Nolan for running off for the week to see his grandkid,” Tim replies. He and Lucy try not to be too affectionate during work hours, but her hands are warm, so he doesn’t pull away when she grabs both his hands in hers. She always feels like sunshine to Tim anyway.
They sit together for a few more moments, hands clasped, chatting about picking up dog food for Kojo after their shifts and what to bring to the Lopez-Evers barbecue that upcoming weekend. The kind of domestic necessities that Tim thought was lost to him after Isobel. The minutiae of life that Lucy manages to make fun and sweet and so many other words that normally have no place in the Bradford vocabulary.
Lucy’s radio buzzes to life with a request for her unit to respond, and she begins to leave, dropping a kiss on Tim’s uninjured cheek as she goes.
“By the way, Tim,” she says, half out the doorway, “I’m definitely still your best ever rookie!”
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slytherbun · 3 years
character list
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note: i usually write as female reader but i’m now accepting male reader and gender neutral. <3
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↬ one chicago
─ jay halstead
─ adam ruzek
─ hailey upton
─ kevin atwater
─ kim burgess
— erin lindsay
— antonio dawson
─ kelly severide
─ matthew casey
─ leslie shay
─ sylvie brett
─ stella kid
─ violet mikami
─ evan hawkins
─ connor rhodes
─ ethan choi
↬ criminal minds
─ spencer reid
─ aaron hotchner
─ luke alvez
─ emily prentiss
─ jj jareau
─ derek morgan
─ penelope garcia
─ tyler green
─ elias volt
↬ prison break
─ michael scofield
─ lincoln burrows
─ fernando sucre
↬ wizarding world
─ draco malfoy
─ cedric diggory
─ theodore nott
─ remus lupin
─ sirius black
─ james potter
─ lily evans
─ sebastian sallow
↬ outer banks
─ jj maybank
─ rafe cameron
─ sarah cameron
─ pope heyward
─ john b
─ kiara carrera
↬ twilight
─ jasper hale
─ edward cullen
─ emmett cullen
─ charlie swan
↬ law & order - svu
─ rafael barba
─ sonny carisi
↬ 911 & 911 - lonestar
─ evan buckley
─ eddie diaz
─ tk strand
─ judson ryder
─ carlos reyes
─ owen strand
↬ stranger things
─ steve harrington
─ max mayfield
─ robin buckley
─ billy hargrove
─ eddie munson
─ jim hopper
─ mike wheeler
─ eleven/jane hopper
─ nancy wheeler
─ dustin henderson
─ lucas sinclair
─ will byers
↬ the rookie
─ tim bradford
─ lucy chen
─ angela lopez
─ wesley evers
─ john nolan
─ bailey nune
↬ the summer i turned pretty
─ jeremiah
─ conrad
─ steven
─ taylor
─ belly
↬ last of us part i & ii
─ joel miller
─ ellie williams
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─ matthew gray gubler
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poly with reader
warning: some ships can be mfm, fmf, ffm, mmf, fff, or mmm. please clarify when you request if you choose differently then my selection below.
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↬ one chicago poly
─ adam x kevin x reader
─ adam x kim x reader
─ jay x hailey x reader
─ jay x kim x reader
— jay x erin x reader
— kim x hailey x reader
─ kevin x kim x reader
— antonio x sylvie x reader
— jay x kelly x reader
─ matthew x kelly x reader
─ kelly x shay x reader
─ stella x kelly x reader
─ stella x sylvie x reader
─ violet x evan x reader
↬ criminal minds poly
─ spencer x aaron x reader
─ spencer x luke x reader
─ hotch x emily x reader
─ emily x jj x reader
─ penelope x luke x reader
─ spencer x aaron x luke x reader
─ penelope x tyler x reader
↬ prison break
─ michael x lincoln x reader
─ michael x sucre x reader
─ michael x sucre x lincoln x reader
─ michael x sara x reader
↬ wizarding world poly
─ draco x theo x reader
─ remus x sirius x reader
─ james x lily x reader
─ remus x sirius x james x reader
↬ outer banks poly
─ jj x rafe x reader
─ jj x pope x reader
─ jj x john b x reader
─ sarah x john b x reader
─ sarah x kiara x reader
─ jj x kiara x reader
↬ 911 & 911 - lonestar poly
─ evan x eddie x reader
─ tk x carlos x reader
─ judd x grace x reader
↬ stranger things poly
─ steve x robin x reader
─ steve x billy x reader
─ steve x eddie x reader
─ steve x nancy x reader
─ mike x eleven/jane x reader
─ nancy x robin x reader
─ max x eleven/jane x reader
─ max x lucas x reader
─ max x mike x reader
─ dustin x lucas x reader
─ will x mike x reader
↬ the rookie poly
─ tim x lucy x reader
─ angela x wesley x reader
─ john x bailey x reader
↬ the summer i turned pretty poly
─ jeremiah x conrad x reader
─ jeremiah x conrad x steven x reader
─ jeremiah x belly x reader
─ conrad x belly x reader
─ steven x taylor x reader
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coming soon
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365days365movies · 4 years
January 12, 2021: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Part 2)
N’SYNC...Britney Spears...Blue (Da Ba Dee)...Blue (Da Ba Dee)...
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OK...I think I’m ready to be professional about this masterpiece of a movie again. Whew. If I’m not careful, I’m gonna lose it.
Quick recap: this movie is awesome. Wuxia, vendettas, spurned love, fated love, unrequited love, swords, fighting, no physics, Green Destiny, teachers, students, interesting plot, GORGEOUS cinematography, and an overall great movie so far. Plus, I’m meditating on the year 2000 so that I can review this critically acclaimed movie professionally, and not lose it to my froth-at-the-mouth fervor for it’s AWESOME. Read the first part of this review for more, there’s a lot to cover, and it’s still deceptively easy to keep track of.
OK, let’s get back into it! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
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The wedding day arrives, and the heartbroken Lo (Chang Chen) fires a dart at Jen’s (Zhang Ziyi) procession carriage to get her to come with him. As he runs away, he’s intercepted by Mu Bai (Chow Yun-Fat) and Shu Lien (Michelle Yeoh), who tell him to flee to Mount Wudang to stay safe, and that Jen will meet him there.
After the interruption, it turns out that Jen’s taken the opportunity to flee. She disguises herself as a man named Long, and once again steals Green Destiny. Meanwhile, Lo’s display of love appears to have inspired the other love story of this film.
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The two finally acknowledge their love for each other, and speak on the nature of their love. Mu Bai reveals a past tie to Giang Hu, referring to it as “a world of tigers and dragons” that he found it difficult to leave.
Meanwhile, Jen's just getting some food, not doing too much.
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Ohhhhhh, man. It’s starting again, guys. Think of The Marshall Mathers LP, think of The Marshall Mathers LP,  think of The Marshall Mathers LP...
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Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire? WHO WANTS TO MARRY A MULTI-MILLIONAIRE???
Whew. After COMPLETELY KICKING THE ASSES of an ENTIRE TOWN’S WORTH OF THUGS (Destiny’sChildDestiny’sChildDestiny’sChild), she once again leaves and goes to Shu Lien, playing the innocent young maiden once again. 
She tells Jen that Lo is waiting at Wudan Mountain, and Jen IMMEDIATELY heel-turns, blaming them for a set-up. Shu Lien turns in kind, telling Jen that she ALWAYS knew it was her (remember, the calligraphy comment from earlier), and that their offers of kindness and protection have been met with only contempt. the friendship is over, leading to...
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And crazily enough, all of that forceful reminiscing FINALLY reminds me of what I saw when I was 9! IT WAS THIS EXACT SCENE, THE SCENE IN THE BAMBOO FOREST!!! I remember now. They were showing this scene on TV on the news...right before the Oscar Ceremony in 2001!
...Wait. OH. It was 2001. Not 2000.
Well. Guess I know why that wasn’t working. BUT WHO CARES, THIS SCENE IS INCREDIBLE!!! You need to see it in full, but I’m not posting it! WATCH THE WHOLE MOVIE, I’M DEAD SERIOUS
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Back to the recap. In the bamboo forest in the mountains, Mu Bai tells Jen that all he wants to do is train her, as she has great potential to be a worthy master of...Green Destiny. He’s telling her of the destiny he believes she’s headed towards...while in a green forest, and in front of a green pool.
I LOVE IT. I seriously love this movie. And maybe that’s all I really needed to focus on this whole time.
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Mu Bai seizes the sword, and throws it over the cliff into the green pool. She dives off the cliff for it, nearly drowning. And that’s when she’s found nd seizes...by Jade Fox. Uh oh. Jade Fox tells her that they can stay together at last, and gives her soup in a cave. Except it’s the Oops All Drugs variety, and she falls asleep.
Mu Bai, Shu Lien, and Bo find her in a drugged stupor, where Jade Fox has been waiting for them. And as soon as the ambush begins...
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...it’s over. She reveals that she was there to kill not Mu Bat, but Jen, for hiding her progress, and betraying her trust.
You know what poison is? An eight-year-old-girl, full of deceit. That’s poison. Jen. My only family...my only enemy.
Wow. And worse yet, this is a Pyhrric victory, as Jade Fox’s death comes at a cost. One of those poisoned darts hit the mark, and the antidote takes a while to make. For saving her life, Jen pledges to make the antidote for him. She runs back to town to get the ingredients.
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But it’s too late. With his literal last breath, Mu Bai tells Shu Lien that he’s always loved her. They embrace in a kiss.
I would rather by a ghost, drifting by your side as a condemned soul, than enter heaven without you. Because of your love, I will never be a lonely spirit.
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Jen returns just too late, and rather than kill her, Shu Lien tells her to reunite with Lo on Mount Wudang. She also tells Bo to return the Green Destiny to Sir Te in Beijing. It wasn’t Jen’s after all. The two fated lovers reunite at last, and the next morning...Jen leaves her comb. Lo finds her on a bridge, and Jen asks if he remembers the legend of the boy on the mountain, then tells him to make a wish.
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...I...I...Epilogue coming soon.
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bizarrequazar · 5 years
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15 books on my to-read list for 2020! (my full list is more than twice this, I’m trying to seem reasonable) (I would post my full list but there’s some really trashy shit on there and I like to seem like I have good taste)
1. Alcestis by Katherine Beutner (on my list largely by merit of being one of only two wlw ancient Greek novels I’ve yet found other than Sappho fictionalizations)
2. The Ascent to Godhood by JY Yang (newest book in the Tensorate series, aka one of my favourite reads of 2019. It’s been at the top of my list since July but I haven’t managed to get my hands on it yet ;; )
3. Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater (new spin-off of The Raven Cycle)
4. Docile by K.M. Szpara (not even out yet but the publisher has been doing a REALLY good job of selling me on it)
5. Dogra Magra by Yumeno Kyuusaku (if you think I wanna read this because of how much it’s referenced in Hashihime of the Old Book Town, you are correct.)
6. The Earth is Online by Mo Chen Huan (my planned long-read of 2020 at 245 chapters)
7. Fire from Heaven by Mary Renault (the first of the author’s Alexander the Great series that’s been compared to The Song of Achilles, which is all the convincing I need)
8. Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (goth sci-fi lesbians, from what I’ve heard? Supposed to be fantastic and sounds very much like my kind of shit)
9. Imperium: A Novel of Ancient Rome by Robert Harris (I’m taking a second Roman literature course next semester so this is 100% influenced by that)
10. King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo (placeholder for any of her books really, I’ve been meaning to read more by her since I finished the Six of Crows duology)
11. An Oresteia translated by Anne Carson (the source of the “Not to me. Not if it’s you.” meme and also I like Euripides)
12. SAYE by Wu Zhe (highly recommended by my cnovel dealer. I’ve read and enjoyed the first 14 chapters already, but I plan to mtl the rest soon)
13. Silent Reading by priest (bumped up from lower on my list due to the fact that it’s getting a show soon)
14. The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern (new book by the author of The Night Circus, which was one of my favourite novels in high school. Very excited for this one)
15. Tell It to the Bees by Fiona Shaw (the author herself told me to read it after I tweeted my disappointment with the movie, so now I’m obligated :x)
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tuseriesdetv · 5 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Reina Imelda
Netflix ha renovado The Crown por una quinta y última temporada
Netflix ha renovado La casa de papel por una quinta y sexta temporada
Netflix ha renovado Sintonia por una segunda temporada
Epix ha renovado Perpetual Grace, LTD por una segunda y última temporada
Netflix ha cancelado Soundtrack tras su primera temporada
Noticias cortas
El reparto de Élite cambiará tras la tercera temporada.
Anthony Okungbowa (Kofu) y Bayo Akinfemi (Goodwin) serán regulares en la segunda temporada de Bob Hearts Abishola.
Se confirma que Imelda Staunton (Harry Potter, Pride) protagonizará la quinta y última temporada de The Crown.
Owen Wilson (The Royal Tenenbaums, Midnight in Paris) se une a Loki. Se desconocen detalles.
Marcia Gay Harden (The Newsroom, Damages) será la madre de Gary (James Roday) en A Million Little Things.
David Krumholtz (The Deuce, Numb3rs) será Bob Arum, adversario y posteriormente mejor amigo de Evel Knievel, en Evel.
Sarah Shahi (Person of Interest, City on a Hill) protagonizará Sex/Life. Será Billie Connelly, una madre de los suburbios que sale en busca de la chica sexy y soltera que era hace diez años.
Paget Brewster (Criminal Minds, Community) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de Blood & Treasure como la hermana Lisa, una monja de Roma.
Kelli Berglund (Lab Rats, Now Apocalypse) será Crystal, una valet (acompañante del luchador) de veinte años que desea competir como luchadora, en Heels.
Dulé Hill (Psych, Suits) y June Diane Raphael (Grace and Frankie, New Girl) se unen como recurrentes a la segunda temporada de Black Monday. Serán Marcus Wainwright III, presidente del fondo de becas afroamericano; y Corky Harris, esposa del congresista Harris (Tuc Watkins).
Mitchell Hoog (Hariet, The Devil Made Me Do It) y Belmont Cameli (My Evil Stepdad) serán Mac, el hijo de Zack Morris (Mark-Paul Gosselaar); y Jamie, el hijo de Jessie (Elizabeth Berkley); en el revival de Saved By the Bell. Haskiri Velazquez (The Birch) y Alycia Pascual-Pena (Moxie) también participan.
Harry Richardson (Poldark), Thomas Cocquerel (Escape Room 2) y Jack Gilpin (Billions) se unen como regulares a The Gilded Age. Serán Larry Russell, recientemente graduado en Harvard; Tom Raikes, un joven abogado de Doylestown, Pensilvania; y Church, el mayordomo de la familia Russell. 
Jenny Gago (StartUp, Soutland) será recurrente en Deputy como Anjelica Reyes, madre de Paula (Yara Martinez).
Sarah Yarkin (Single Parents, Foursome) será recurrente en Motherland: Fort Salem como Libba Swythe, una ambiciosa joven de clase alta con un viejo rencor hacia Abigail (Ashley Nicole Williams).
Tireni Oyenusi se une como regular a Americanah. Será Dike, el hijo de Aunty Uju (Uzo Aduba).
Enrique Murciano (Bloodline, Without a Trace), Camron Jones (The Purge, Elephant Department) y Jessica Sula (Skins, Scream) sustituyen a Will Chase, Kevin Alves y Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut en los papeles del sheriff Kean, Bishop y Natalie en Panic. Kerri Medders (Alexa & Katie, SEAL Team), Bonnie Bedelia (Parenthood, Designated Survivor), Moira Kelly (One Tree Hill, The West Wing), Nancy McKeon (The Facts of Life, The Division), Rachel Bay Jones (Dear Evan Hansen, God Friended Me) y Bryce Cass (13 Reasons Why) serán recurrentes como Ruby Anne McDonough, amiga de Sarah y hermana de Riley; Anne, viuda que le da un trabajo a Heather (Olivia Welch) en su granja; Laura Kean, esposa del sheriff Kean; Jessica Mason, madre soltera de Dodge (Mike Faist); Sherri Nill; madre soltera de Heather; y Adam Lyons, amigo de Ray (Ray Nicholson).
Mather Zickel (Masters of Sex, Better Things) será recurrente en The Crew como Frank, el novio de Beth (Sarah Stiles).
Chance Kelly (Generation Kill, Aquarius) será recurrente en For Life como Cyrus Hunt, el poderoso e imponente alcaide de la prisión.
Kaley Ronayne (Gotham, Quarry) será recurrente en The Right Stuff como Dee O'Hara, enfermera de los Mercury Seven.
Sarah Minnich (Better Call Saul) será recurrente en Briarpatch como Ginger Galanti, reportera de campo para Channel 8 en San Bonifacio, Texas.
Rachel Boston (Witches of East End, Kidding) y Tim Chiou (iZombie, Living with Models) serán recurrentes en la tercera temporada de SEAL Team como Hannah, la mejor amiga de la infancia de Sonny (AJ Buckley); y Michael 'Dirty Mike' Chen, agente del equipo.
Jen Tullock y Zach Cherry (You, Living with Yourself) protagonizarán Severance junto a Patricia Arquette, Adam Scott y Britt Lower. Serán Devon, hermana de Mark (Scott); y Dylan, empleado de Mark.
Blake Harrison (A Very English Scandal, World on Fire) y Barbara Flynn (Death in Paradise, The Durrells) se unen a Kate & Koji, antes conocida como Kate and Kolo. Serán Medium, sobrino de Kate (Brenda Blethyn); y Councillor Bone, eterna archienemiga de Kate.
Zahra Bentham (Spinning Out) y Mouna Traoré (Condor, American Gods) serán recurrentes en Madam C.J. Walker como Nettie, esposa de Ransom (Kevin Carroll); y Esther, una joven artista que trabaja en la línea de productos de Sarah (Octavia Spencer).
John Douglas Thompson (The Bourne Legacy, A Most Violent Year), Patrick Murney (Seven Seconds, Public Morals), Ben Miles (The Crown, The Capture), James McArdle (Mary Queen of Scots, New Bloods), Sosie Bacon (13 Reasons Why, Here and Now), Joe Tippett (The Morning Show, Rise) y Neal Huff (Falling Water, Show Me a Hero) se unen a Mare of Easttown. Serán Carter, el jefe de Mare (Kate Winslet) en el departamento de policía de Easttown; Kenny McMenamin, el padre de Erin (Cailee Spaeny); Richard Ryan, profesor de escritura creativa; el díacono Mark Burton,  Carrie Layden, madre soltera y exnovia de Kevin (Cody Kostro); John Ross, marido de Lori (Julianne Nicholson); y el padre Dan Hastings, un primo de Mare.
Austin Crute (Daybreak, Booksmart), Nik Dodani (Atypical), Andrew Jacobs (Paranormal Activity: The Marked One) y Chloë Levine (The OA) se unen a la segunda y última temporada de Trinkets. Serán Marquise, nuevo amigo de Tabitha (Quintessa Swindell); Chase, rival intelectual de Moe (Kiana Madeira); Ben, el hermano mayor de Moe; y Jillian, nueva amiga de Elodie (Brianna Hildebrand).
Olivia Scriven (Degrassi: The Next Generation) será recurrente en Mrs. America como Liza Schlafly, la hija de Phyllis (Cate Blanchett).
Jim Klock (Cloak & Dagger, Green Book) será recurrente en The Underground Railroad como Tom Hardman, agente local de Indiana.
    Nuevas series
FX encarga Redeemer, drama creado por Nic Pizzolatto (True Detective) e inspirado en 'The Churchgoer' (2019), novela de Patrick Coleman en la que el pasado y el presente de un antiguo pastor convertido en guardia de seguridad (Matthew McConaughey; True Detective, Dallas Buyers Club) colisionan mientras busca a una mujer desaparecida en Texas y descubre una conspiración criminal. Producida por Nic Pizzolatto (True Detective) y Matthew McConaughey (True Detective).
Netflix ha encargado diez episodios de una serie de acción real adaptación del anime One Piece. Creada y escrita por Steven Maeda (Lost, The X-Files).
Netflix desarrolla la primera serie creada por Daniel Sánchez Arévalo (Primos, Diecisiete), una emocionante historia de amistad y superación.
Netflix encarga Jaguar, ambientada en los años 60 y centrada en Isabel Garrido (Blanca Suárez; Las chicas del cable, El internado), una joven española que logró sobrevivir al campo de exterminio de Mauthausen y se une a un grupo de agentes en busca de justicia usando Jaguar como alias y destapando a cientos de nazis refugiados en España, entre ellos Skorzeny, conocido como el hombre más peligroso de Europa.
Apple TV+ encarga Physical, dramedia ambientada en los años 80 en una comunidad costera en el sur de California que sigue a una mujer (Rose Byrne; Damages, Bridesmaids) que sufre por su condición de ama de casa y encuentra el camino hacia el poder a través del mundo del aeróbic. Escrita y producida por Annie Weisman (Desperate Housewives, Suburgatory).
Apple TV+ encarga una comedia musical protagonizada y producida por Cecily Strong (Saturday Night Live) que sigue a una pareja de mochileros que quieren revitalizar su relación y descubren la ciudad mágica de Schmigadoon, donde todos actúan como si estuvieran en un musical de los años 40, y que no pueden irse hasta que encuentren el verdadero amor. Escrita y producida por Cinco Paul y Ken Daurio, guionistas de Despicable Me y The Secret Life of Pets. Producida por Lorne Michaels (Saturday Night Live, The Other Two).
Amazon encarga The Hospital, comedia de animación sobre dos doctoras alienígenas especializadas en enfermedades raras de ciencia ficción. Una de ellas desafía el protocolo y contrae una enfermedad de otra dimensión y deberán encontrar la cura antes de que el universo sea destruido. Escrita y producida por Cirocco Dunlap (Man Seeking Woman, Russian Doll). Producida por Natasha Lyonne (Russian Doll) y Maya Rudolph (Forever).
Amazon encarga dos temporadas de Fairfax, comedia de animación para adultos sobre cuatro amigos de instituto que buscan la relevancia social. Creada y producida por Matt Hausfater (Undateable), Aaron Buchsbaum y Teddy Riley.
Showtime desarrolla Memory, drama basado en la serie coreana sobre un abogado al que le diagnostican Alzheimer y se ve obligado a enfrentarse a sus errores pasados y a su peligroso futuro mientras intenta sacar a la luz una conspiración farmacéutica que podría salvar su vida y su carrera. Escrita y producida por Michael Saltzman (Sneaky Pete, Murphy Brown). Producida por Aaron Kaplan (Santa Clarita Diet, The Mysteries of Laura).
Movistar+ desarrolla una serie sobre la vida de Miguel Bosé. El cantante colabora con los guionistas mientras escribe su autobiografía, que será complementaria a la serie. La idea es tener tres temporadas de ocho episodios cada una. La primera se centraría en su niñez, la segunda contaría su crecimiento artístico y personal en Londres, Nueva York, Francia, Italia o México, la parte más desconocida, y la tercera mostraría su éxito como artista y el cumplimiento de sus sueños.
Netflix encarga ocho episodios de In From the Cold, thriller de espionaje internacional con un toque sobrenatural en el que una madre soltera americana (Margarita Levieva; Revenge, The Deuce), durante sus vacaciones en Europa con su hija, es obligada por la CIA a enfrentarse a su pasado como espía rusa y producto de un experimento de la KGB que le dio habilidades especiales. Escrito y producido por Adam Glass (Supernatural, The Chi).
Luz verde directa en ABC a The Big Sky, protagonizada por la detective privada Cassie Dewell y la antigua agente de policía Jenny Hoyt, que buscan a dos hermanas secuestradas por un camionero en una autopista de Montana pero descubren que no son las únicas chicas desaparecidas en la zona y trabajan contrarreloj para evitar otro secuestro. Escrita y producida por David E. Kelley (Big Little Lies, Ally McBeal). Basada en 'The Highway' (2013), libro de la saga de C.J. Box.
ITV encarga cinco episodios de Viewpoint, drama que sigue un procedimiento de vigilancia policial en Manchester y explora si es posible observar las vidas ajenas con verdadera objetividad. El detective Martin Young, con sus propios traumas y sentimientos de culpa, ha de vigilar al principal sospechoso de la desaparición de una maestra de escuela, su novio, pero teme estar proyectando su soledad y su remordimiento. Creada por Ed Whitmore (Silent Witness, Manhunt) y Harry Bradbeer, director de Fleabag o Killing Eve.
Netflix encarga diez episodios de Country Comfort, comedia multicámara en la que una joven sureña aspirante a cantante de country (Katharine McPhee; Smash, Scorpion) pierde el control de su vida personal y toma un trabajo de niñera de los cinco hijos de un tosco vaquero (Eddie Cibrian; Take Two, CSI: Miami). Ricardo Hurtado (School of Rock, Malibu Rescue), Jamie Martin Mann, Pyper Braun, Shiloh Verrico (Lingua Franca, Crown Vic) y Griffin McIntyre (Return of the Mac) interpretarán a los niños. Creada por Caryn Lucas (The Nanny, Miss Congeniality).
Netflix y Canal + Francia encargan doce episodios de On The Verge, dramedia escrita, producida y protagonizada por Julie Delpy (Before Sunrise, 2 Days in Paris) que se centra en cuatro madres de Los Ángeles que se enfrentan a retos con sus matrimonios, carreras, familias e identidades y fijan este punto de su vida como una oportunidad de reinvención. Producida por Nick Hall (Looking, Enlightened).
Starz ha encargado ocho episodios de Run the World, comedia creada y escrita por Leigh Davenport (Boomerang) y Yvette Lee Bowser (Dear White People) que sigue a un grupo de amigas negras que viven y trabajan en Harlem y luchan por dominar el mundo. Protagonizada por Amber Stevens West (The Carmichael Show, Greek), Andrea Bordeaux (NCIS: LA), Bresha Webb (Marlon, Grey's Anatomy), Corbin Reid (How to Get Away with Murder, Valor) y Stephen Bishop (Imposters, Being Mary Jane).
Hulu encarga Tender Is The Night, limited series adaptación de la novela de F. Scott Fitzgerald (1934), que cuenta la historia de un joven psiquiatra que tiene un problema con el alcohol y las chicas jóvenes. Escrita por Nina Raine.
La séptima temporada de Endeavour se estrena en ITV el 9 de febrero
The Pale Horse se estrena en BBC One el 9 de febrero
The End se estrena en Sky Atlantic el 10 de febrero
La segunda temporada de The Split se estrena en BBC One el 11 de febrero
La cuarta temporada de Man With a Plan se estrena en CBS el 2 de abril
Broke se estrena en CBS el 2 de abril
El estreno de The Baker and the Beauty en ABC se retrasa del 6 al 13 de abril
Tráilers y promos
Better Call Saul - Temporada 5
The Plot Against America
Home - Temporada 2
Narcos: Mexico - Temporada 2
Las chicas del cable - Temporada 5a
L'amica geniale - Temporada 2
Good Girls - Temporada 3
The Split - Temporada 2
La línea invisible
Endeavour - Temporada 7
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tourneys-by-me · 24 days
Round 2 Bracket!
If y’all have propaganda can you please tag it as #propaganda or send it to my inbox so I can see it
(vs template by TotallyNotIncina on DA)
[bracket under the cut]
Round 2A
Weiss Schnee - RWBY vs Cure Magical/Riko Izayoi - Precure
Carol Malus Dienheim - Symphogear vs Aaravos - The Dragon Prince
Cure Miracle/Mirai Asahina - Precure vs Joker - Persona
Omnath - Magic: the Gathering vs Isaac - Golden Sun
Mega Man - Mega Man vs Kakashi Hatake - Naruto
Mage - Miitopia vs Mario - Super Mario Bros.
Honey Lemon - Big Hero 6 vs Donald Duck - Kingdom Hearts
Paula - Earthbound vs Domingo - Shining Force
Nami - One Piece vs Omnimon/Omegamon - Digimon
Erin Ruunaser - Aurora vs Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi - Bleach
Mirabelle Chevalier - In Stars And Time vs Tlalocmon - Digimon
X - Mega Man vs Sora - Kingdom Hearts
Round 2B
Eidolon - Worm (Wildbow's Parahumans) vs Ark - Terranigma
Skylor Chen - Ninjago vs Aang - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Magolor - Kirby vs Siffrin - In Stars and Time
Greencap - Lone Fungus vs Castform - Pokemon
Akamai - Bionicle vs Kirby - Kirby
Korra - Legend of Korra vs Silvally - Pokemon
Twinrova - The Legend of Zelda vs The Mage - Magicka
The Dragonborn - The Elder Scrolls vs Zagreus - Hades
Teclis - Warhammer Fantasy vs The Defect - Slay the Spire
Ben Tennyson - Ben 10 vs Koromaru - Persona
Link (BOTW and TOTK) - The Legend of Zelda vs Patchouli Knowledge - Touhou
Shouto Todoroki - My Hero Academia vs Capricorn (Tristan and Byron Vera) - Worm (Wildbow's Parahumans)
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COLIN RADCLIFFE "WANNA PLAY?" / 2017 / CERAMIC, GLAZE / 5" X 9" X 3"⠀ from⠀ ONLINE EXHIBITION SHOW #51: OUR SOULS TO KEEP⠀ Selected by curators Lissa River, Jacob Rhodes, Rachel Frank, Alissa Polan, Kristen Racaniello and Mikela Wesson.⠀ http://www.fieldprojectsgallery.com/our-souls-to-keep-online⠀ Featuring: Hannah Altman @hannah.altman Hannah Boone @b00nedaddy Vincent Chen @vincent_cy_chen CUNTEMPORARY ARTISTS PRESENTS (Joanne Leah and Marne Lucas) @marnelucas & @twofacedkitten Jen Davis @jenedavisphoto Gabrielle Donofrio @gabrielledonofrio Florencia Escudero @floescu Pola Esther @faloblu Becky Flanders @beckyflanders Katya Grokhovsky @katyagrokhovsky Zachary Handler @zzhandler Jaz Harold @jazharold Angela Hoener @Bossmarie03 Anna Ilsley @annailsley Nefertiti Jenkins @petulantconjuration Amanda Konishi @aaakonishi Owen Lee @thatsnotveryfestive Joseph Liatela @joseph_liatela Nico Mazza @nico_mazza Shona McAndrew @shona_mcandrew Emily Miller, @femilykiller Naomi Nakazato @naominakazato Alyssa Piro @dog_pasta Marc Prats @marcpratsfineart Colin Radcliffe @colinmemaybe Selina Roman @selinaroman Maja Ruznic @majaruz Kristen Sanders @krystal_sands Aparna Sarkar @@parpo10 Erin Schwinn @e_schwinn Chad States @chadstates Marie Tomanova @marietomanova Marit van Heumen @maritvanheumen Christian Vargas @cvtienda Gabrielle Vitollo @glamgothgabo Eva Weiss @evajohnh Marcus Zilliox@marcuszillioxide Mark Zubrovich @mzubrovich⠀ #hannahaltman #hannahboone #vincentchen #CUNTEMPORARYARTISTSPRESENTS #joanneleah #marnelucas #jendavis #gabrielledonofrio #florenciaescudero #polaesther #beckyflanders #katyagrokhovsky #zacharyhandler #jazharold #angelahoener #annailsley #nefertitijenkins #amandakonishi #owenlee, #josephliatela #nicomazza #shonamcandrew #emilymiller #naominakazato Alyssa Piro, Marc Prats, #colinradcliffe Selina Roman, #majaruznic Kristen Sanders, Aparna Sarkar, Erin Schwinn, Chad States, Marie Tomanova, Marit van Heumen, Christian Vargas, Gabrielle Vitollo, #evaweiss #marcuszilliox #markzubrovich⠀ (at Field Projects)
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