#x-press 2
dj-bouto · 2 months
1. Dr Teza / Slices of Sounds 2. Bad Bolster Boycott / Margarita 3. Dj Krush / Interlude 4. Roots Manuva / Dream Days 5. B-52's / Mesopotamia 6. Nitzer Ebb / Join in the Chant 7. M&M's / Near the next Town 8. xxx / Plants, Animals, H2O 9. Chemical Brothers / No one is Driving 10. Brothomstate / Qtio 11. Dynamix II / Give the Dj a Break 12. DMX Krew / Street 13. DMX Krew / 1-2-3 14. Mixx Vibes / Zumba 15. Rosie Gaines / xxx 16. X-Press 2 / London 17. Fruit Loops / Love is the Message 18. Pansonic / xxx 19. Saint-Etienne / xxx 20. Illumination / 4 AM Mixed by Dj Bouto #housemusic #triphop #chillmusic
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paskvilnet · 2 years
Creamfields, 9.8.2002, Roudnice nad Labem, letiště, 4. část
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X-Press 2
DJ Diesel Ashley Beedle DJ Rocky
Náš život je jeden velkej joke...
To docela sedí... První, co začali tihle tři vymýšlet, když dorazili do stanu v backstagei Creamfileds, bylo, co by se asi stalo, kdyby pořádně kopli do dřevěné vzpěry, která stan držela a docela se tím bavili - jak malí kluci. Přesto se o jejich aktuální desce Muzikizum mluví s nadsázkou jako o dad house, což je v češtině něco jako tatíkovský house. Pánové Ashley Beedle, Rocky a Diesel totiž patří mezi nejstarší generaci britských houseových dýdžejů a oslovují převážně tu starší část tancechtivého publika. Za léta fungování se X-Press 2 stali respektovanými osobnostmi na klubové scéně, Ashley Beedle je navíc opravdovým znalcem černé muziky 60. a 70. let. Jako X-Press 2 vydali svůj první singl Muzik Express už v roce 1993. O tři roky dříve se seznámili ve známém obchodu s deskami Black Market v londýnské čtvrti Soho, kde Ashley Beedle pracoval jako manager a kam kamarádi Rocky a Diesel chodili nakupovat a poslouchat nové věci. Po Muzik Express vydalali v průběhu 90. let pod jménem X-Press 2 další singly a zároveň založili spolu s klávesistkou Ushi Classen a Davem Hillem, majitelem labelu Nuphonic, studiový projekt Ballistic Brothers, kterým se od houseu odklonili směrem k fúzi jazzu, funku a downtempa. V roce 1994 přišlo první album Ballistic Brothers London Hooligan Soul a o dva roky později ještě Rude System. Pak se začali věnovat vlastním projektům: Rocky založil Problem Kids a Ashley Beedle nahrával pod jmény Black Science Orchestra a Black Jazz Chronicles. V roce 2000 se dali všichni tři zase dohromady a jako X-Press 2 vydali na labelu Skint zkušební singl AC/DC, na jejich dlouhohrající desku se čekalo celkem devět let: nakonec vyšla letos v dubnu, dostala jméno Muzikizum a zařadila se do zlatého fondu houseových alb. V rámci festivalu Creamfields u nás vystoupila trojice X-Press 2 již podruhé - poprvé to bylo začátkem léta na malinko rozpačité Global Connection Party. X-Press 2 předvedli svůj majstrštyk: vystoupení, při kterém hraje každý na dva gramofony - celkem se tedy do publika valí house ze šesti gramofonů.
rozhovor: Proč jste si nakonec vybrali label Skint. Tam se přeci specializují na trochu jiný žánr, jsou tam na vás vůbec hodní? Ano jsou, jsme jako jedna rodina. Ne, ne, ne... Jsou v pohodě. Aspoň se tak čas od času dostaneme k moři, což je příjemné. Mají totiž kanceláře v Brightonu Což je u moře. To jen pro diváky, kteří nevědí...
Takže to byl ten důvod, proč jste si je vybrali? Jasně, přesně tak. Proč se dávat dohromady s labelem, který sídlí v ošklivém a znečištěném Lodnýně, když je tu label u moře s nudistickou pláží...
Hitem na vaší desce je Lazy, na kterém jste spolupracovali s Davidem Byrnem. Ale on se s vaší hudbou seznámil prostřednictvím projektu Ballistic Brothers, který jej nadchl. Před časem nám nabídl, abychom jej s Ballistic Brothers doprovázeli jako předkapela na jeho evropském turné, jenže my nejsme koncertní kapela. Museli jsme mu vysvětlit, že se jedná o studiový projekt. Poděkovali jsme tehdy za pozvání, ale bohužel jsme museli říct, že to není v našech silách, ale že bychom třeba jednou mohli na něčem spolupracovat ve studiu.
A nebyl potom při nahrávání Lazy zklamaný, že se jedná o X-Press 2, nikoli o Ballistic Brothers? Ne. Asi jo. Ne, jemu se líbil track, co jsme mu dali. Napsal na základě toho skladbu, ze které se pak vyklubalo Lazy. Myslím, že tam bylo hodně z toho, co jsme dělali dřív jako Ballistic Brothers. Mám teď na mysli tu původní nahrávku, co jsme mu poslali. Bylo to dost podobné.
Dalším exkluzivním hostem na desce Muzikizum je Dieter Meier z Yello. Jak dopadla společná vystoupení letos na Ibize? -Vystoupil s námi jen jednou v klubu Pacha asi před měsícem. A jaký to bylo? Bláznivý. On je ten nejvíc cool člověk, jakého jsme kdy potkali. Má organickou farmu někde v Argentině a softwareovou firmu ve Státech. Je skvělý, něco jako David Byrne - skutečná osobnost.
Už podruhé v Čechách předvedete své vystoupení na 6 gramofonů, po pravdě řečeno: mám pocit, že je asi potřeba dávat dost pozor, aby výsledný zvuk nebyl chaotický a přeplácaný. Hlídáte si to nějak? Odpověď zní ne. Ono se to naštěstí nedostává do stavu, kdy se hudba mění v hluk. Míváme to pod kontrolou a naštěstí to většinou zní dobře. Tedy nechceme si tady honit triko, ale je to dobrý. Taky jsme už nasbírali dost zkušeností, přeci jen už tak hrajeme už dva roky. Víme, co dělat a co ne. Máte třeba desky, které hrajete na vlastních setech a speciální desky, které se hodí jen do těch společných vystoupení na šest gramofonů? No, máme některé desky, které jen pro nás nahráli ve speciálních editech naši přátelé. Takže máme věci, o který se dá říct: jo, tohle je X-Press 2 deska. Nám pořád přibývají nové desky, ať už si je kupujeme, nebo je dostáváme. Takže náš set se neustále vyvíjí a mění.
Jednou jste kdesi prohlásili, že vaše nejoblíbenější rychlost je 129 bpm, nebo tak nějak, platí to stále? Jo, to je optimum. No, v poslední době jsme, myslím, trochu zpomalili, tak na 125.
A to se vlastně týká DJingu nebo vaší muziky? Jen DJingu. My se opravdu snažíme to hranici nepřekročit. Existuje totiž určité tempo, při kterém ženy reagují na zvuk basy. Jo, je to tak. Muži mají radši muziku tvrdší a rychlejší... Jo, když překročíš těch 129 bpm, je to pak příliš maskulinní... My máme radši tu ženskou stránku house music...
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end-the-transmission · 7 months
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-"I think you're wonderful"-
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fire-gift · 2 days
Love bites! Don't miss our exclusive digital cover story featuring the stars of #IWTV ➡️ (article)
Go inside #InterviewWithTheVampire Season 2 with Sam Reid, Jacob Anderson, and more of the cast 🧛🩸❤️
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5eraphim · 7 months
could you write something about Scout with a breeding kink please?? i don't usually see a lot of fics like that when involving him, also maybe some angst too and slight yandere aspects?? only if you're comfortable ofc!! my friend recommended your blog to me :3 ((if they're reading this, i want them to know that i think they're smelly.))
it's spooky season so i'm answering this for werewolf!scout from the monster mash au. (this is a little drabble i wrote about werewolf scout's backstory, you don't really need to read all of it, but for context- scout and reader were childhood friends, but after reader moved away scout seizes the opportunity to get back with "the one that got away") now he's forced reader to live as his mate. not much difference from human scout tbh, it's just spiced with a bit of tetro and full-moon-intensified-horniness, the emotional core/angst of the story is more about his issues regarding family/loyalty/responsibility. i hope that's all good with you, thank you so much for the request!
Title: Puppy Eyes
Character: Scout 🐇 (Team Fortress 2)
Content Warnings: dubcon, breeding kink, yandere, tetro (mild), full moon horniness, mating press, AFAB reader, exophilia, fingering, dirty talk, abandonment issues/daddy issues scout, scout drinks reader's sweat? if that's anything?
Word Count: 3.5k
"I never wanted to kill. I am not naturally evil.
Such things I do, just to make myself attractive to you.
Have I failed?" Morrisey, The Last of the Famous International Playboys
(post 2/31 of my version of kinktober where i write whatever i want for every day of october <3)
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"I-I know it's a lot- but fuck! C'mon, stay with me, just a lil more!" How many times had you heard that line tonight? You already lost count. It was so late out, the summer night sky crystal-clear as the full moon and starlight pooled through the open windows bright enough to illuminate the entire room. But you didn't want to see; all you wanted to do was bury your head under the pillows and sleep, despite knowing there was a significant chance you wouldn't get more than a wink of sleep tonight. 
"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! I-I'm almost there! Keep goin'!" Scout continued to try and push you on. His voice had gone hoarse and sounded winded, but he was close. You could feel his knot building, a sensation even now after so many rounds you couldn't determine to be sickening or erotic. Even if you tried to tell yourself it was gross, you'd already come twice feeling Scout grinding it against you, forcing you to lay on your belly under him with your knees bent while he humped you with his briefs still on. He was excited and wanted nothing more than to get right to pounding you into the floor, but even he couldn't entirely ignore his anxiety. It was your first night with him as a wolf, and if he messed up tonight, he knew it would take ages to make it up to you.
It was the first full moon the two of you spent under the same roof, and you knew it would be a rough night, but you had no idea Scout could be so insatiable. Scout was a braggart and a liar. When he told you about all the dirty things he fantasized about doing to you under the full moon, you thought he was trying to get a rise out of you. Needless to say, the countless hickies spotting your neck, shoulders, and tits, the bruises on your thighs and hips, and the ungodly overstimulation going on between your legs were more than enough to convince you Scout was being dead serious. Even before that, usually, Scout liked to dirty talk while he undressed you, liked to watch you get embarrassed and turned on, completely unable to hide it. But not tonight. As soon as Scout locked the door behind himself coming home, he practically jumped you, dragging you to the heaping pile of pillows and blankets in the middle of the bedroom floor you called a bed.
You'd be lying if you said it wasn't more than a little erotic to see someone so animalistic and primally lustful towards you. And though you weren't about to admit it, Scout didn't look half-bad in his wolf form. Even as a wolf, he was pretty lean, with a shaggy, deceptively soft blonde pelt and, of course, his big blue puppy eyes. Bright, excited eyes that lit up when you praised him, gave him attention, wound your fingers through his hair, anything- he couldn't get enough!
On the other hand, you were starting to fade fast and needed a break. Not only to replenish your energy, but you desperately needed to grab a towel and clean up a little. It was the full moon, and there was nothing on Scout's mind other than coming inside you, but given how many loads he was shooting off, you were physically incapable of keeping all of them inside. Resulting in sticky smears coating your back, thighs, and arms.
"Hang on, just- Jesus, Scout, will you let me get up? I just wanna wipe off a little sweat."You turned your back on Scout, about to head from the "bed" to the bathroom to grab a towel, when two clawed hands grabbed your arms from behind, keeping you in place, "I can help!" 
Before you could even ask what he meant by that, you felt the long flat of his tongue dragged over the back of your neck, collecting the wetness in his mouth before lapping his tongue out again to catch more. The feeling was terrible, but accompanied by the sound of "dog slorping" directly by your ear, made you cower forward to avoid another lick. "Scout, that's disgusting!"
"What? You taste amazing!" Completely uninhibited by your visible repulsion, he tried to lean forward for more while you struggled. 
You shouted, "Stop it!" Louder than you intended, and with a heavy sigh, he loosened his grip on your arms, allowing you to slip away, pulling away from the bed in the process, trying to ignore the light scent of dog breath clinging to your back. Scout sat back on the bed, pouting and fidgeting restlessly, visibly unhappy to see you resisting his advances. "Not tryna gross ya out-, y'know I can't help it!"
He was right, and it was tough to stay mad at him when he gave you puppy eyes, but you were too physically exhausted to let him pull you back right back into bed. 
A voice in the back of your head scolded you for having any kind of sympathy for the monster who held you captive and insisted the two of you were meant to be mates. This wasn't close to a healthy relationship, but Scout wasn't human. How could you expect him to know how to treat you like one? 
Hugging your arms around your naked body, you stepped back, "Let's just take 10, alright? Just let me get some fresh air, maybe something to drink?" 
And in the blink of an eye, Scout's ears perked up again, his tail swishing against the blankets on the floor, "You wanna snack break?" 
Nodding, you smiled a little, "Yeah, I'm just gonna take a step outside, alright? I'll meet up with you right after." 
He nodded, standing until he was towing over you. As he passed by to leave the bedroom, he put a paw-like hand on your shoulder, "Don't make me come getcha, alight?"
Swallowing a lump in your throat, you made a noise of affirmation, watching him head over to the kitchen while you pulled a loose blanket around your naked body before stepping outside to the fire escape and sitting to look up at the sky.
It felt nice to step away from the dank and musky-scented apartment, even if it was just for a few minutes. Everything leading up to tonight felt so overwhelming and confusing. You knew the first full moon you spent with Scout would be rough. And by God was it ever. You could already tell your poor, overstimulated body would be incredibly sore by morning, assuming you could get any sleep tonight, that was.
For about a month now, you were living like this, but counting the days as they passed while in captivity was difficult. The only measure of time you had at your disposal was the phases of the moon and its effect on Scout. Though it wasn't all awful, there were always those rare evenings he would offer to spend out with you. Sitting outside alone, you thought back to one specific evening out with Scout. The night he took you out to meet his mother.
Honestly, you never thought you'd hold much sympathy for the mother of the man who was planning on keeping you as his "mate." Forcing you into captivity with the final intention to make you into a monster like himself. You only agreed to meet up with him at his Ma's place for dinner because you wanted any excuse to get out of Scout's apartment. You'd bargained with him, agreeing to meet him at his mother's place for a few hours of freedom before dinner.
You never thought he'd grant you independence like this, but something about promising to willingly go with him to meet his Ma made his entire face light up with excitement. 
During those few precious moments away from Scout, you didn't even think to try and run away. It was impossible to try and escape a master predator who could track you down in a matter of minutes, and even if you could get away, what was to stop him from hurting your loved ones to get back at you for the betrayal? Instead, you simply enjoyed some fresh air, went for a long walk, and mentally psyched yourself for dinner. 
The walk to Ma's house felt nostalgic in a melancholic way. You could remember racing over to Scout's house as kids, how his Ma said the door was always open for you. She was beautiful, always kind, and made you feel at home. You couldn't understand why you never saw her husband around. But you knew better than to bring something like that up, especially whenever Scout was around.
When you showed up, you expected to see Scout open the door to greet you. But when you knocked on the front door, you heard someone from inside calling out, "It's open!" 
Timidly, you creaked the door open, still unable to shake the feeling you were dreaming of childhood and would wake up any moment. Tiptoeing your way inside, you heard an old black and white television set playing some old British thriller, the sound just as muffled by static as you remembered. The flat was less cluttered than you remembered but maintained the warmth and coziness you never forgot. 
When your eyes met Scout's Ma, you momentarily forgot the resentment you expected to feel for her, overcome by the joy of seeing an old family friend after so long. She smiled at you, her face and figure softened by years, but she was just as stunning and distinguished as you remembered, nothing less than radiant. You watched her walk from the kitchen to greet you with a warm hug, welcoming you with parental affection as though you were one of her own. For just a moment, you held onto her, suddenly choked up, realizing you could now meet her at eye level.
She pulled away gently, "Good to see ya again."
Taking a slight step back, you cleared your throat, "I apologize; I must be a bit early. I thought Scout would be here by now." You felt a touch awkward, trying to figure out what to do in the absence of Scout.
She turned to walk back to the kitchen, talking to you from over her shoulder. "He was. I sent him out for an errand run. I didn't want the boy smothering ya as soon as I walked in. Can ya come help me set the table?" 
You followed her through the kitchen, "You sent him out?" 
Scout's Ma chuckled, making you freeze up a little, taken aback by how eerily similar Scout sounded when he laughed, "He's been talkin' my ear off all damn day. I just wanted a lil peace and quiet. Can ya blame me?" 
Walking into the kitchen, you could see the small but delicious-smelling meal she prepared for the three of you to share already laid out on the table. You tried to force yourself not to stare and focus on helping her finish setting up. Still, Ma could notice you were distracted, staring off into space, caught up in your own memories. She grinned, "My boy cleaned up the place before you got in. Bless his heart, I ain't ever seen him so determined to clean all his life."
You bit down on your lower lip, unsure how to respond, keeping your gaze fixed on your hands as you laid the silverware down. Did she know about Scout keeping you like a prisoner for nearly a month now? Did she have any idea how dangerous her son really was? You had no idea. "I never thought he'd bother with that sort of thing."
You could see Scout's Ma looking up at you from your peripheral vision, but you didn't have the resolve to meet her eye. "He cares about ya. He's always cared more than he wanted anyone to know."
"So she does know?" You wondered, somewhat confident she knew much more than she was letting on. Looking at her cautiously, you took a seat. "I'm not sure I believe that. Scout's never been the "caring" type… No offense."
She had an odd, far-off look on her face as she nodded, taking a seat by you. "I understand why you'd think that. But he's been through so much; it's not easy for him to love. Not without fear."
Your brow creased, "I don't think I understand." 
She sighed through her nose, looking past you, out the window to the street beyond. "When Scout was a little boy- Every day I told him I loved him. Every day, I patched up that boy's scrapes and made sure he made it home safe every night. And he'll always be my little boy... But I can only do so much for him, y'know?"
Trying your best not to sound nosy, you responded, "What do you mean by that?"
Ma's jaw tightened slightly, her piercing eyes finally meeting yours, "I couldn't make his father stay, for one thing… And I sure as hell couldn't stop him from getting into trouble." 
"So she does know…" You thought, though, for some reason, you couldn't bring yourself to hate her as you thought you would. Scout's Ma couldn't control the guy any more than you could. You tried to lighten the mood a little, offering a weak smile, "Scout's a grown man now. He can handle himself just fine."
She folded her hands across her lap, sitting back in her seat a little, as though deep in thought, and trying to choose her words as carefully as possible. "Scout's a man now, but when his father left- I don't think he ever came back from that."
Leaning forward a little, you rest your hands on the table, "I thought he never knew his father?"
She nodded, "That's what he always said. I think it was the easiest way for him to cope with the disappearance." 
You were about to express your condolences, feeling quite overwhelmed with the new information, but she continued, "I can still remember how he would pretend to go to sleep, waiting to see his father again… I never had the heart to tell Scout his father was never coming back… And to be honest, without you, I think he would still be waiting."
Stiffening slightly, you asked, "What do you mean?"
Finally, she was able to look you in the eye again, appearing much less lost in her own thoughts, "I don't know how to put this, but I think the day he stopped waiting, that was when he made up his mind to become the father he never had." 
You seriously hated how much sense that made. 
Scout's Ma reached across the table, squeezing your hand with hers in a gesture of sympathy. "And there was something about the look on his face when he told me you were back in town… I think he always wanted it to be you."
You nodded. As much as you were terrified by Scout's obsession with you, the idea he'd felt this way since childhood never even occurred to you. She continued, "Believe me, I've seen him chase plenty of girls- but it was nothin' more than foolin' around, you know? Like he was waitin' for you to come back. It's like he always believed you two were meant to be."
Ever since that night, you could not get that one phrase out of your head, "As though it were meant to be…" Even now, the mere thought of it pulled at your heartstrings, doubting you had any chance to escape your destiny. Slipping back inside, you let the blanket fall from your shoulders as you sat back on the little blanket pile by Scout while he shotgunned Bonk with one hand, holding a protein bar in the other. 
Scout allowed you to settle by his side before wrapping an arm around you to pull you closer. Eating seemed to mellow him somewhat, and he wasn't nearly as grabby with you as you nestled into his soft pelt. 
The wholesomeness of the moment didn't last long. As soon as Scout finished his drink, he tossed the can aside, nuzzling closer, looking at you with expectant eyes, "So you wanna…"
You met his eye, "I think I can do one more round…"
That incentive was all he needed before he was back on top, smearing your neck and chest with messy, open-mouthed kisses while he fumbled for a moment, trying to re-find his position against your body. With a bit more force than he intended, Scout pushed you back down on your back, lifting your legs with his arms. Scout got properly situated between your legs, practically shivering with excitement. "Alrighty then! One more round- gotta make it count!"
Feeling that all too familiar swelling at the base of his cock, you winced as he sunk his claws into where he was holding you up by your thighs.
For a moment, he was distracted, groping the soft skin of your thighs with his fingers, making you moan, trying to recapture his attention, "Scout- c'mon please-" A little breathy plea and sleepy bedroom eyes were all it took before Scout could feel his blood rushing straight to his cock, making it throb while his mouth began to salivate.
"God, you look hot as fuck like that!" He was already aligned to penetrate, and you felt your oversensitive nerves forced against his overheated body. "I will never get sick of seein' ya like this- Ya drive me fuckin crazy, y'know that?"
"Scout, just a little more; I can take it!" You tried to keep urging him on, but as soon as he began pushing inside, you felt your head rolling back as you forced yourself to stay nice and pliable for him. A task easier said than done. But even horny out of his mind, Scout could see you were trying your best to hang on for him and make the last round count. 
You were so good to him like that. Scout was so proud to finally call you his girl that he could hardly take it. "I'm gonna make you real proud, I promise! I'm gonna give ya a baby, a-and more! Fuck, we'll have our own pack goin' in no time!"
It was harder to follow along with what he was saying as he picked up speed, his words getting muffled by his growling and wild panting. While you felt your body being used like a toy in his crushing grip. His feral lust and size made your head spin, and as he continued to grind himself against your clit you felt another intense pressure building at the base of your spine. A pleasure which you tried desperately to ride out but hardly could on account of being unable to move against the monster above, but even without being able to stimulate yourself, once you felt his knot building up deep inside, making you come just a few intense thrusts before Scout. Forcing the two of you to remain connected until the swelling went down entirely, Scout took this opportunity to lap apologetically at some of the more intense bitemarks and bruising left on your neck.
You thought you could finally relax when you felt him finally pull out, only to be caught off guard by the feeling of his clumsy fingers trying to force the comeback inside of you without accidentally tearing you apart with his claws. Though, given the night you just endured, you doubted a few more lacerations would mean anything at this point. 
By now, your mind and body felt like two entirely different entities. You could feel a kind of queasiness of being overly filled by Scout, feeling so full you felt paralyzed from the navel down. You wouldn't be surprised if your body was rubbed bright red after hours of overstimulation, though you took immense comfort knowing the long night of passion was coming to a close. Now that Scout agreed to concede for the night, you weren't too scared to snuggle up closer to share body heat for fear of getting roped into "just one more round." 
Scout was too tuckered out to think of asking for any more, and he felt more spent than ever before, the sensation as exhausting as it was euphoric. He watched your limp body latch onto his chest, grinning like an idiot, feeling your fingers getting lost in the dense fur of his pelt. Better than making love under a full moon after dreaming of this his entire life, being able to hold you close made his heart swell. Scout felt so protective to keep you close like this. Cradling you, his baby, while you held a baby of your own, or so he liked to think.
Even though he knew you were probably already asleep by this point, Scout pressed his forehead to the top of your head, whispering, "Ma loves ya, and she's been on my back asking' about grandkids… I'm not tryna pressure you or nothin', but- I mean, I just wanna say- you're gonna fit in perfect with the rest of the family. I know it."
Even if you couldn't hear him say it, to say all that out loud while holding you close felt like a dream come true, and he knew there was nothing he wouldn't do to protect this dream.
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parttimesarah · 9 months
This exchange is everything…
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maxsix · 11 months
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 10 months
The Smiths – Asleep
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leveloneandup · 9 months
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Tobin Heath & Christen Press Discuss USA’s 1s World Cup Match w/ Coach Laura Harvey ⚽️ | Episode 2
Tobin and Christen return for the second episode of The Re-Cap Show! After watching the USWNT defeat Vietnam 3-0 they break down what went right, what went wrong and what the team needs to do in their next match. They also discuss Christen’s recent knee surgery and how the media found a way of spinning her heartfelt post into gossip. And, as always, they answer questions from the community. Then, they are joined by the head coach of OL Reign, and formerly Arsenal, legend, Laura Harvey, to learn about what makes a player-coach so special, her unique approach to coaching her players, what it’s like working with Megan Rapinoe, her first impressions of Christen and Tobin and so much more.
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penheadie · 1 month
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i was working on a ln comic where mono tries to get six to wag her tail like a dog in order to show when she's happy but because she can't wag her tail she feels she doesn't deserve to express happiness only for mono to be the one to find out that she already has her own way of expressing when she's happy six purrs in her sleep but mono keeps that to himself to just enjoy the togetherness between them but i ended up loosing the files and this was the only thing i could salvage of it and i've been discouraged from wanting to draw it all over again since it's pretty significant to the story
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dj-bouto · 7 months
1. Dr Teza / Slices of Sounds 2. Bad Bolster Boycott / Margarita 3. Dj Krush / Interlude 4. Roots Manuva / Dream Days 5. B-52's / Mesopotamia 6. Nitzer Ebb / Join in the Chant 7. M&M's / Near the next Town 8. xxx / Plants, Animals, H2O 9. Chemical Brothers / No one is Driving 10. Brothomstate / Qtio 11. Dynamix II / Give the Dj a Break 12. DMX Krew / Street 13. DMX Krew / 1-2-3 14. Mixx Vibes / Zumba 15. Rosie Gaines / xxx 16. X-Press 2 / London 17. Fruit Loops / Love is the Message 18. Pansonic / xxx 19. Saint-Etienne / xxx 20. Illumination / 4 AM Mixed by Dj Bouto #housemusic #triphop #chillmusic
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drainbangle · 4 months
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healer swap NPC doodles
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paskvilnet · 2 years
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X-Press 2 - Muzikizum
klip ke skladbě Lazy
klip ke skladbě I Want You Back
X-Press 2, tedy DJs Ashley Beedle, Diesel a Rocky patří mezi jistoty britské houseové scény. Svůj první singl „Music X-Press“ vydali už v roce 1992, po kterém následovala řada dalších. Kromě houseu se později ve stejném týmu pod jménem Ballistic Brothers věnovali jemnějším breakbeatům a také vedlejším projektům, mezi jinými: Black Science Orchestra (Ashley Beedle) nebo Problem Kids (Rocky). K projektu X-Press 2 se tato trojice vrátila až v roce 2000 singlem „AC/DC“, který nešetří na bpm. Následovalo jednání s brightonskou značkou Skint, která (po zkušenostech v nadnárodním showbusinessu díky Fatboy Slimovi) mohla této trojici nabídnout zázemí a podmínky důstojné desetileté historii a kreditu uznávaných X-Press 2. Výsledkem je deska naplněná pulsujícími houseovými rytmy, klasickými přechody, jímavými smyčcovými party, klávesovými zvuky a plochami, kterým se dnes snad už nedá říkat jinak než acidhouseové retro. Ve třech skladbách se objevují hostující vokalisté: Dieter Meier (Yello), Steve Edwards (Presence) a David Byrne (Talking Heads), který pomohl udělat ze singlu „Lazy“ hit, díky němuž se house opět toulá hitparádami. Deska Muzikizum je pravděpodobně dalším důkazem, že taneční scéna se od svých acidových počátků v 80. letech rozvinula natolik, že je záležitostí dvou generací. X-Press 2 hrají spíš pro ty starší, na Muzikizum se totiž nijak zásadně nerevoltuje, nešokuje, nedráždí, ani nesvádí, tady se zpívá třeba o lenošení...
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Télépopmusik - Genetic World
klip ke skladbě Breathe
Popravdě řečeno své debutové album Genetic World vydala skupina Télépopmusik už vloni, ale album se dočkalo reedice vzhledem k výraznému úspěchu singlu Breathe. Genetic World se žánrově rozbíhá do mnoha směrů, ale základem zůstává silná inspirace z let osmdesátých: především německá elektronická scéna a raný hip hop. Ostré hrany electrobeatů se Télépopmusik podařilo zaoblit místy jazzovými, ambientními, jindy houseovými jemnůstkami a divoké střídání žánrů vyrovnávají nápaditými mezihrami. Stejně jako kdysi Air i tato pařížská trojice (Stephan Haeri, Christophe Hétier a Fabrice Dumont) s rockovou minulostí o sobě dala poprvé vědět prostřednictvím kompilace SourceLab – konkrétně skladbou Sonic 75 na jejím třetím dílu. I přes několik úletů, které jaksi nevkusně balancují mezi popem a hip hopem a které doplňuje rapující dvojicí Juice a Mau, se na Genetic World nachází několik výjimečných tracků. Především jde skladby vzývající kult právě elektronické scény osmé dekády minulého století a s převahou vítězí písničky, které nazpívala hostující Skotka Angela McCluskey: již zmiňovaný hit Breathe a dále třeba Smile nebo Love Can Damage Your Health (myslíte, že kdyby se láska prodávala v papírových krabičkách jako cigarety, varoval by nás takto ministr zdravotnictví?)
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Moby - 18
klip ke skladbě We Are All Made of Stars
Moby – snad jeden z největších patetiků současnosti - vydává další album, které pochopitelně uvádí s významným povídáním v obalu desky. Vysvětluje, že album pojmenoval 18 podle počtu zařazených skladeb, že jich natočil 150, ale pouze pro 18 z nich se jeho album stalo jakýmsi záchranným člunem… Na všech svých předcházejících deskách Moby hledal, a jak se najednou zdá, nehledal dokonalý zvuk, ani dokonalou kompozici, hledal obyčejnou slávu - polní trávu. On, který se s každým svým albem ubíral zcela novým směrem (rave, hard core, filmová hudba), na své aktuální desce okopíroval koncept, který se mu osvědčil na té předcházející s názvem Play (1999). Jako jediná na světě se deska Play může pochlubit faktem, že každá z jejích skladeb byla použita v televizi, reklamě nebo ve filmu. 18 obsahuje epické kousky s piánem, smyčci a retro soulovými či gospelovými vokály i breakbeatové tracky. Co se nálady týká, sentiment a vyznání střídají bojovnost. Kromě samplů letitých vokálů, se za mikrofonem vystřídal sám Moby s dvojicí černých zpěvaček MC Lyte a Angie Stone, The Shinning Light Gospel Choir, nebo Sinéad O‘Connor. Takže: kdo desku Play poslouchal a poslouchal a poslouchal, až mu přišlo líto, že tam není ještě víc takových krásných písniček, bude spokojen. Ti ostatní se s tím už nějak poperou...
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Jesus Jones - Never Enough: The Best of Jesus Jones
klip ke skladbě The Devil You Know
Best of skupiny Jesus Jones, jehož ústřední postavou je kytarista a zpěvák Mike Edwards, je vzpomínkou na přelom 80. a 90. let, kdy se především v Británii začaly míchat kytary se samplovaným tanečním rytmem. Jesus Jones patřili mezi ty, jejichž rytmus byl ostřejší a zvuk kytary říznější, melodie byly vždy chytlavé, ale nikdy lacině líbivé. Taneční psychedelii, místy celkem naštvané nálady (zčásti inspirované agresivní EBM, zčásti undergroundovou techno scénou), ale i relativně popové písničky Jesus Jones si oblíbila Evropa i USA. První singl Info Freako a album Liquidiser vydala pětice Jesus Jones v roce 1989, o dva roky později následovalo jejich nejvydařenější album Doubt, na kterém se objevily hity jako Right Here Right Now, International Bright Youg Thing a Real Real Real. V roce 1993 přišli Jesus Jones s tvrdším soundem, jejich album Perverse nedosáhlo na úspěch předcházejícího Doubt, přesto obsahuje snad vůbec nejlepší skladbu z repertoáru JJ The Devil You Know. O jakýsi comeback se Jesus Jones pokusili s deskou Already (1997), která ve srovnání se staršími tituly neměla příliš šancí na úspěch. A tak je možná daleko rozumnější sáhnout po letošní kolekci shrnující celou třináctiletou historii Jesus Jones, která je navíc doplněna o druhý disk s raritami a remixy (např. od The Prodigy nebo Aphex Twin).
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end-the-transmission · 11 months
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Life has been chaotic. These two comfort my soul uvu
Hope to post doodles more often. I’ll try <3
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driftwoodthrone · 1 year
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Prayer Circle Justice for Eve Best's 'Wonderful Mane of Hair'
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brightworm · 7 months
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...and that's not even everything!
If you'd like to buy my booty, I'm running a sale in my shop to celebrate OFMD Season 2, so use code 'OFMD2' to get 20% off any 2 or more Our Flag Means Death items!!! Stickers, sticker sheets, & prints galore!
As a trans & disabled artist with top surgery coming up (!!!), every sale helps pay my bills, so please reblog & help get the word out!
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