obstinaterixatrix · 3 years
every time you use "m/f" in a post i read it as "motherfucker" at first and its confusing at times but also extremely funny especially considering how often you talk about what you dislike in these specific m/f romances so a motherfucker adds spice to it i think. anyways im pretty sure seeing your posts criticizing romance in so many different webtoons is probably way more entertaining than actually reading them myself would be. by which i mean its very entertaining, please never stop
you know what valid interpretation sometimes that’s just the vibes and what can we do. live with it. fear not; as long as I have breath in this body it will inevitably be used to complain about something. That I Can Guarantee.
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your--isgayrights · 3 years
4, 19&22 (the wall will change)?
exeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hi :D
my answers ended up kinda long so imma put them under a read more haha
4: Tell me about one of your abandoned WIPs. Why did you abandon it?
Aaslkfjsfdsf, I don't remember how much I've told u about this before, but u know like the last fandom i was into i had like a 40+ chapter fic I was doing that I realized i just like... didn't have the skill to write the way that I wanted to lol. I think I also just didn't get a lot of engagement with the community out of it, so it was like a disproportionate amount of work being put into it to the response I was getting. It was really fun though! I wrote a lot of heists for it haha. It gave me a lot of practice trying to make a and b plots run together concurrently, and setting stuff up in the first act to come back later and stuff... Also just experience writing and planning longer fic in general asflsjf.
I like writing for orv a lot better! I think maybe my tastes just changed towards focusing more purely on character dynamics, or maybe I just like that I made friends in the fandom so im not just shouting into the void all the time. (this is about u exe ty for beta reading my fic for me and letting me talk about it with you because i'm very silly about it mwah <3)
19: 15 words to describe the aesthetic of [insert fic].
Oh nooo this is hard umm. Umm.
"Black, white, snow, city, sky. Our warm hands meet across a barrier of cold glass."
^ that's fifteen words!! but yeah most imagery i take the time to describe is like. specifically to affect the boundaries you are supposed to feel between the characters. If that makes sense?
22: Have you used any symbolism in [insert fic]? What does it represent?
Hmmm yes, a little bit? It always makes me feel a bit silly to like, talk about what I think things represent in a thing I've written because like if a reader didn't get that then their interpretation is way more valid than mine.
Like obviously in the first chapter the pens I described are like, supposed to evoke the different sort of economic and family situations kdj is in in different times of his life and compared to yjh.
And in the second chapter the crickets represent to lgy a fragment of his old life that he tried to bring with him and maintain after his 'world' ended.
Things like the kimbap he gives bihyung cat and the stuffed chimera he gives sys in ch 3 are symbols of the 'kindness' in his personality, in that he sees the flaws and selfishness behind it and cant tell whether that is more real than the joy an act of kindness elicits or not.
Watermelon from ch 3 is also like. to put down the fact that it's summer and there's sort of a summer vibe. It was important to me to show the changing of the season to winter, to show that kdj really has been taking care of these kids for a long while before yjh ends up being impressed by it. It was also important to showing how his attitude changes slightly from the way his character would be in the start of the actual novel.
Chapter 4 had more of like, what I think you could really call symbolic imagery, because it's like... Hmm I'm thinking about it and there's just a lot of stuff. Like a lot of times I give hsy a lemon candy to help her emote in between dialogue, and there was some stuff like kdj catching a lemon candy and her trusting him with her car that was showing how much more comfortable they are with each other than in the beginning of the chapter.
Then there's like doorways. The door of yjh's apartment kdj won't go through, both going through the car doors to be in the same space all of a sudden, door to hsy's office, the door that kdj sort of 'takes' with him into meeting the rest of yjh's team... its all about like the safety of distance and stuff lol.
also some stuff about 'reflections' that I put some intent behind.
But yeah it's weird to say all that stuff are 'symbols' because it's like yeah you kind of get that from the rest of the actions and emotions the characters are having so idk if you'd call them symbols.
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ot3 · 3 years
ooohhh have you read paper girls?? i heard theyre making a tv series adaptation, though im pretty sure its by amazon
ive read the first issue and it was really good ! im bad at keeping up with comics but 00
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nastronde · 3 years
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cheesey-rice · 3 years
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orettile · 4 years
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yukako for @xcnsfr/ @mowody-bluwues!!
i think this was my first time drawing her, it was fun
jojo requests are still open for the next few days at least
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burnpygmalion · 3 years
i have a post saved about tracking anon asks, im not super sure if it still works but i can send it to you if you want
oh nah idc LMAO ty though
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hemiptera · 4 years
your favorite fictional character with 6f or sasuke with 8i? :D
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hes at the club drinking apple juice
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thegrumpyjournalist · 4 years
makoto nijima?
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite
While playing for the first time I really wanted to romance her, but I hadn’t had enough stats ;( I really like Makoto!! She’s my favorite girl ;33
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obstinaterixatrix · 3 years
although im not really able to physically buy anything lgbt+related yet, i finally read atcc two weeks ago because of your posts about it. its sooo good and funny and i love soyoung and im in love with jaeyi. thank you for talking about it, i never wouldve read it otherwise :) oh and also some time ago i noticed you talking about hana to hoshi and remembered that i accidentally bought it.. 6 years ago?but i realized it was yuri so i had to give it away to a friend. so now i read it again (because of your rec posts), its funny and unique and brings back memories :)
HEY I’m glad you enjoyed it!!! I am shaking your hand absolutely exactly same thoughts on atcc I love them so much.
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your--isgayrights · 3 years
hello hi 2 7 11 13 25 26 31 (👁️👁️) and 32. i know its a lot but im curiouss
afklasfsf hello!!! don’t worry i love the excuse to ramble haha.
2. Why do you write fanfiction?
Hmmm this is one that can be sort of simple to answer but also sort of complicated? I write fanfiction because it’s my way of processing the way that the original work made me feel, like it’s a natural decompression. It’s also just something that it’s good to have a creative outlet for. I’m not really a person who does self inserts or ocs in fanworks, but I do think that I put a lot of myself into my writing. When there are emotional parts of my work, they are directly coming from the way that I have felt in a certain time in my life. Fanfiction lets me use characters that other people already know to communicate these feelings and have them be understood by someone other than myself.
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
Getting started writing is always a struggle for me, because I’m very good at daydreaming and writing nothing down. I have so many snippets from moments of inspiration that I had that somehow translated into scenes in my notes app, but stitching them together with transitions can be hard for me to start doing. Usually to get in the mood, I will read other fics in the fandom or reread the original work itself. That gives me ideas and keeps the characters voices in my head haha.
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
This is sort of outside of orv, but I have this very specific niche of writing adult characters who went through traumatic situations in their child or teen years. The trauma will usually be from the original text, and then I will want to write the character after the fact, growing up and being old and somehow just managing to live even after all of that. Having this feeling of existing after the war, of marveling at the fact that you are still alive, is very important to me.
Rest under the cut!
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Hahaha.... Um. If we’re talking about when I first wrote any sort of fiction based on fiction, it was probably warriors cats when I was like... 8. If we wanna talk about first published work, I am embarrassed to say that I do in fact have three separate ao3 accounts for a couple different fandoms. My first fic was from Danganronpa V3, but I’m going to ask that no one go looking for it because I’m a bit embarrassed.
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Yes... I might publish a collection of scenes from other povs once I get through “and at the very least, the wall will change.” because I have a sort of mental map of the way that every character feels in a scene that can be sort of limited by writing only from KDJ’s perspective.
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
Honestly I have a 40+ chapter fic I was writing for a different fandom that I want to get back to some day, but the way that I planned it out was vastly overestimating my own writing abilities, and I sort of hate the way it starts out now. This is why I know that getting the eight chapter “and at the very least, the wall will change.” done is very doable for me, though, because I learned from the experience.
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
Oooh haha yeah. I dunno, there are a few stories that I’ve had in my head over the years (I used to make a lot of comics of original characters), but nothing I’m making content for right now. I had a story way back when from the perspective of a boy who is best friends with a kid named Ravi. Throughout the story you get the sense that Ravi takes the pov character for granted, as he seems constantly depressed and troubled by something that the pov character desires to fix because of some sort of emotional history between them. Everything in the world seems to be about Ravi. But then it begins to creep in that everything in the world really is centered around Ravi. A long time ago, he gained the power to reset the world, and make it in his image. But no matter what he does, the world that he wants doesn’t come out right, and none of the people in it seem real to him, because they only do what he wants them to. The climactic scene is Ravi breaking down in front of the pov character and asking him what he wants, that he must want something, that he can’t really be dead. Ravi has reconstructed his old life, and the pov character is the shell representing his best friend that died when he remade the world. The pov character only wants what Ravi wants, though, and in the end, he kills him.
It was from like my junior year of high school, and I think that writing that one was my way of processing one of my longest childhood friendships ending, so sorry if its a bit angsty!
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
Oh nooo I’m terrible at summaries. Um. Uh.
“KDJ doesn’t value himself. YJH is traumatized about it. Romance.”
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poptartthecat · 4 years
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sorry for the weird answers!!! I’m just having fun @xcnsfr​
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nastronde · 3 years
did you know i read teio because of your fanart of fu wenduo. so a drawing idea from me is teio, if youre up for it
YOOO THATS FUCKIN AWESOME im so glad that you read it!!🥺 i havent drawn him in forever id love to
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gardengnosticator · 4 years
i love your hair! and piercing! youre very pretty!
thanks! i remembered to brush it this time. 
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lostcryptids · 4 years
i love marcello cat
thank you ^_^
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rachelsquill · 4 years
happy birthday!!! 🎉🎉🎉 youre a super cool person and artist and i just wanted you to know that i (and many others) appreciate you :) i hope you have a great day!
Thank you so much!!! i appreciate u a lot!! i hope u have a great day too
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