#xekstrin thoughts
xekstrin · 1 year
I don't have a specific phrase you use, but a few years back I browsing the She-Ra fics on Ao3, and clicked on one without checking the author. I got a bit into it, and thought, 'This feels like a Xekstrin fic. But I would have seen it on Tumblr?' So I checked the author name and it was you and that's how I found out you lost your Tumblr for a while.
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jdp2001 · 1 year
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I posted 326 times in 2022
2 posts created (1%)
324 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 47 of my posts in 2022
#persona 5 - 3 posts
#the mechanisms - 3 posts
#parahumans - 3 posts
#ice nine kills - 2 posts
#that’s incredible! - 2 posts
#mario movie - 2 posts
#fuck trump - 2 posts
#persona 5 royal - 2 posts
#also - 2 posts
#good post op - 1 post
Longest Tag: 85 characters
#it’s sickening to realize that people most likely are still going to make fun of this
My Top Posts in 2022:
So, because portal is trending, I’m thinking about a very specific part of the lab vr game. Namely THIS:
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8 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Here’s 5 of my thoughts after watching the Mario movie trailer:
1. Chris Pratt is giving ZERO effort in his voice acting. It just sounds like he’s talking into a microphone instead of acting or even trying to differentiate his voice.
2: Jack Black is really good as Bowser! While you can tell it’s him, he’s putting a lot of effort into his lines, and it shows in my opinion. Also, that scene with him and Luigi was really good, and definitely is going to fuel tons of fics, I just know it.
3: It’s nice to see Peach in a more active roll, instead of a damsel in distress, and getting to kick some serious ass, hopefully!
4: Lots of fanservice, but admittedly, really cool moments, that I hope get expanded on more than just quick background scenes.
5: Donky Kong is living out all our fantasies, and actually looks good doing it!
Altogether, I’m much, much more optimistic then I was before, although I still think it’s gonna have some major issues.
Cough (Chris Pratt’s “Voice Acting”) Cough.
12 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wheatbeats · 2 years
Hi. I am here from the rec you put on xekstrin’s blog. So since you asked please talk about your favorite songs (because i am very much into the tenderness + vulnerability + fucked up things)
Anon I'm kissing you on the mouth.
I would like to start with full disclosure that my favorite songs range from this emotional world of vulnerability and pain to a guy shouting "you're stupid!" for 3 minutes over ska horns. I will add further disclosure that I'm a music guy before I'm a lyrics guy. With that in mind, let me present a handful of songs from this vague songwriting genre I like to call: "I love you but watch out."
hyperballad by Lady Maisery I Imagine what my body would sound like slamming against those rocks And when it lands, will my eyes be closed or open? https://youtu.be/dYW6HGtJfY0
551 by Dessa He put his hand on my knee; “sometimes that's what it takes” He doesn't make me happy, but he helps to still the shakes https://youtu.be/34W3j9EmVDU
The Receiving End of it All by Streetlight Manifesto One to one, two to dance, we all get our sweet romance, Though sour grapes will turn to wine, it's all just vinegar with time https://youtu.be/OCHSX4hecTI
Hands Up by Bent Knee I can be malignant darling, when the truth is plain to see I thought you for hours this week, I’m your best shot presently https://youtu.be/g3G7M2dHivg
Sunshine by Bent Knee I'll always love you and make you happy, if you would only say the same But if you leave me to love another, you'll regret it all someday https://youtu.be/CmOBexzHOLA
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fansofvow · 3 years
Interview with the one, the only Krissy (no last name needed)
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I started following Krissy (aka @xekstrin) on Tumblr pretty much the minute I found out they were the mind behind my favorite Astoria route, Astraeus. And I am so glad I did. Their feed is always interesting, ranging from the thoughtful to the outright thirsty. If for some reason you don't follow them, I highly recommend you change that right now.
Krissy was kind enough to take some time out of a very busy schedule to answer some questions for the blog so buckle up, settle in and enjoy.
You are one busy person! A new podcast, an erotic short, prolific fanfic, one of which is nominated for the “best sex in fan fic” award from thegoodbits.com. There’s so much I want to ask you. I’d like to start with your erotic short, “Keeping You” which can be purchased on Gumroad, an online platform which facilitates the sale of products by creators directly to consumers. Why did you choose to use that platform for that particular story?
First off I just wanna say thanks for interviewing me :)
I guess I am pretty busy, but it was a surprise to hear someone else say that because that's just normal for me! There's also a ton of stuff I'm doing that I'm keeping dead quiet about on social media because NDA reasons...
I chose gumroad for that story because a few creators I admire had posted their stories on there and I was curious about how it worked! Whenever I'm curious about something new I wanna know all about it. The best way to find out is to just do it myself, so that's what I did.
Other reasons— It's difficult to get a short story published anywhere, and I knew I wanted a higher percentage of the royalties/sales to go directly to me. While doing this I discovered that Amazon takes something like a 35% cut of all sales while Gumroad takes roughly 10%. I just moved across the country and money is a little tight. And Amazon is demonstrably evil so that didn't hurt. I'll probably wind up getting some of my future books on Amazon eventually though, because like it or not it IS the largest marketplace for books right now. One day I will succumb to its siren call.
The response from readers was overwhelmingly positive and I'll probably continue to offer short stories on gumroad! Everyone was extremely nice and also funny. My readers are the best.
Pivoting to your fanfiction: you have covered numerous fandoms but your most recent focus, as anyone who follows you will know, is KDA. What draws you to that particular set of characters?
It's a bunch of hot women with juuuuuuuuuust enough canon information for me to fuck around with it however I like. I love four-man bands. I love colorful neon things. I love WAMEN. I love monster girls. I love music. I love the ARG style "narration" of finding out more lore via digging around social media. Did I mention they were hot? Evelynn is so hot and so my type she makes me weak in the knees. Highkey she was an inspiration for how I wrote Vivienne. I even gave them the same perfume. So in conclusion,
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Your podcast, Trash and Treasures, was started with your best friend, Scooby and focuses on reviewing WLW content, with the focus (at first) being romance novels. What was the impetus behind the decision to create the podcast?
We were going fucking bananas batshit crazy during 2020 and were like "what if we started a podcast for an imaginary audience". Like singing in your shower and pretending it's on a world stage, but it was the two of us singing an impassioned shower duet with a kitty keyboard accompaniment. So yeah we also decided to release the episodes this year as things have gotten a little better for us both. It was a really nice excuse to talk to my best friend about books. We're aiming for three seasons I think?
Changing gears a bit, did you always know you would be a writer?
Yes. I'm incapable of being anything else.
What did your path to working professionally as a writer look like?
Luck, fucking around and finding out, being able to bounce back after COUNTLESS rejections, a partner who can pay half the bills and pat my back when I'm lying on the floor in a depression pile, and being too dumb and self-centered and hard-headed to quit. I know I'm a good writer but I'm also just interested in self-preservation. There's a pack of wolves chasing my every step and if I ever stop writing they'll hunt me down and eat me alive. It's very stressful!
Is there any work of art, visual or written, that you look to for inspiration?
I think I've re-read Sweet Guilty Love Bites by Shuninta Amano like a million times. I love melodramatic manga of dubious quality dripping with human emotion. I like new music. I like poetry. Ocean Vuong owns me right now. I like looking at art and trying to describe things in ways I've never heard before. Today I saw a very pretty picture of a river and spent some time practicing how to describe it. I just have to keep my blade sharp and ready all the time or I'll forget how to write and the aforementioned wolves will eat me.
If a VOW member made it, it's also my favorite. What an absolute powerhouse of talent. Everyone in there awes me.
Do you have a favorite piece of your own writing?
Oh, I get to FLEX? oh, you ask miette to SHOWBOAT? you ask me to flare my pretty peacock feathers for you??? [promptly forgets everything I've ever written] If it made you cry or turned you on or made you laugh or infuriated you, it's my favorite.
Many people who read this blog know you as a former writer for Lovestruck. And to be blunt, a writer that was incredibly important to the app. Just a look at the routes you have written is a testimony to how much work you put in. This may be a difficult question considering how long you were there and what you have been through, but when you look back on your time there, what stands out in your mind?
My opinion of Voltage has cooled significantly after that public statement where they made their opinion of their writers very clear. But my favorite memory was probably the time I made a producer blush with a high-heat scene. And the time my GIL producer was reading over Chance's wedding and sighed, "Oh, Krissy. That's too much blood." You can imagine I was very excited when Antonio's route had a literal bathtub full of blood. They wound up spoiling me in many ways. The relationships we fostered were, in my opinion, the backbone of many of the most popular routes.... too bad one of my last official conversations with them boiled down to "We never legally promised you would write Piama and any headcanons you sent us are legally our property. Do you understand that?" And I told them— happily— I never gave them anything I didn't want them to steal.
I think it’s safe to say Vivienne is your most popular route. Is there any other route of yours that you feel deserves more fan attention?
Lyris is such a good boy. Devastatingly so.
A friend of mine is a big fan of your writing, especially Lyris’s route, and asked me to please find out: What is your writing process like? Does it vary depending on what you are working on?
For myself— Often I'll write out of order. I'll write my favorite scenes first. Endings are important and I often do them first. Then I'll start stitching it all together. It goes MUCH faster if I have a good song on repeat. The trick is the song changes every day and I don't know which song it is until I hear it.
If I'm writing for someone else, I just do what they tell me, but if I get excited halfway through I might change things up and be like "I know you asked for A, but I think B is better, do you like it?" and if they like it we keep it, and if they don't I change it.
Do you have any other upcoming projects you would like to mention that I haven’t asked about yet?
Follow the VOW newsletter!!!!!!!! @vowtogether
Do you have a favorite quote or song lyric?
“If you live for people's acceptance, you will die from their rejection.” Just a reminder to myself. I have an awful people-pleasing instinct. Cucumber Quest also put it nicely.
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Also, "There's never gonna be a perfect baby." From Adventure Time. In context it's about a bunch of wolves trying to eat a baby but they think the baby looks gross and sweaty and unappetizing and not the perfect delicious baby they were promised, so the leader wolf has to give them a pep talk about just going for it even though reality isn't living up to fantasy. It's SO stupid but every time I start doubting myself and feeling depressed about whatever I'm doing not being Perfect(™), I go, "Listen, Kris, there's never gonna be a perfect baby." I swear I say this at least 10 times a week.
The unofficial VOW Motto: All your threats should be actions.
I was a big fan of the show Inside the Actor’s Studio. Host James Lipton asked every single guest the same 10 concluding questions. I’ve picked 3 of them:
-What is your favorite word? Indelible. Ivory used that word and I immediately knew I needed to befriend them.
-What is your least favorite word? Squelch. >:C
-What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Herpetologist. Voice actress. Professional nuisance.
What would be your advice to anyone who wants to pursue a creative career?
This is mainly advice to myself but if you take something from it, all the better: Read widely. Don't create with the audience you are afraid of in mind— be that homophobes or people who are dead-set on reading the least charitable interpretation of your work. You don't get any better if you don't fuck up a whole lot. No one "makes" you an artist, that's something you have to own yourself, or otherwise you'll be published or whatever and still feel like you aren't real. Stop self-deprecating, it's much cooler and more interesting to pretend you are already great. Likewise everyone you think is "great" is actually Just Some Guy. Never underestimate the depth and breadth of bigotry. Anti-black racism, transphobia, homophobia, fatphobia, misogyny, all the isms, it's the dominant narrative, people in power profit hugely off of it and will never let it go willingly, and if you aren't actively paddling against it, you're often gonna get swept up into it.
Your peers, not your heroes, are the ones who are gonna save you.
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aprillikesthings · 2 years
whiny thoughts about writing
Genuinely cannot tell if my writing is actually bad these days or if my standards got higher or if it's just weird to write for a currently-popular fandom*.
But I've kinda hated both of the cait/vi things I've posted, once I posted them. Every other fandom I've written for, I've reread my fic dozens of times after posting it and thought "well shit that's not bad," or even "this bit is really good, I'm proud of that," and with my cait/vi stuff within a day or two I can barely stand to reread it.
I think I'm just. I struggle with plot and pacing. And I think how I write smutty content is getting repetitive. And I'm overusing commas because I'm doing odd little streams-of-consciousness kinds of things--the thing I posted today has literally zero dialogue!
The ship itches my brain! All the time! Like it's this constant little "but I need More of them" in the back of my head that won't go away. But the things I come up with have no plot. They're just Vibes. I end up spinning things out in my head when I'm trying to sleep every night, but none of them are a story.
Some fan art scratches the itch--one of them will have a certain expression on their faces or expressive body language or something and it's like finding a glass of water when I'm thirsty, but there's just not enough of the kind that does it for me, and I can't even pinpoint why some art works for me and some doesn't.
I've reread a handful of other people's fics a dozen times at this point; they're just always open in my phone's tabs so I can skim my favorite parts before I put my phone down. (...mostly prettyaveragewhiteshark's stuff, and xekstrin's one cait/vi fic.)
And that's what I long to do--to write the kind of thing that gives that ahhhhh of emotional satisfaction. But I can't make my own words do it! And it's so frustrating!!!
(*I posted my fic at like ...six am? and by early afternoon it had already been bumped off the front page for the ship o_O)
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yooleestruck · 4 years
in which lee rambles about how great writers are
I don’t really know what this is. I don’t know if now is the right time to do this, or a really bad time, or if it makes any sense, but I want to talk about it! I feel like a broken record saying ‘the writing matters most, the writing matters most’ but maybe I need to show what I mean by that? So, here is an attempt. 
I’m sorry not all of these are the same length and not everyone is here, because every time I see that someone is a writer I do try to follow but I don’t always know/remember! Also I am weird about this sort of thing and don’t want to tag people in a monster-long post, so I’m just going to link. I also don’t want to make this a producers vs writers thing, it’s not, it’s just, when I say I notice writer-stuff, an explanation of what, specifically, I mean. 
Writers have a style fingerprint. I’m sure someone with an actual creative writing or English background could describe it all academic-ly, but my ex-chemist ass is just going to call it a fingerprint. 
My first game in Lovestruck was Starship Promise - I love Firefly, I’m a bisexual disaster scientist by education, it fit. But I had been REALLY put off by GIL when it first came out (this was back when they released stories in parts? And the heroine, which I will get to) and though I’d glanced at AFK, I mistrusted it after GIL and Medusa, who was who I was interested in, wasn’t out yet. So I resisted a LONG time.  I finally picked up LS and SP and played it explicitly because a friend said, you need to give this another chance, for a list of specific reasons. 
And when Atlas’s route came out, I read it a stupid number of times. I must have re-read his season 1 & 2 at least eight times apiece (he is still my most read route, despite the fact I have not read his last season because I want to leave the story open-ended)  so when I read Neil Dresner’s route, I recognized the fingerprint. Not only that, when I was reading Jett and the episodes with the paint scene (YOU KNOW THE SCENE) came out, my breath caught with how lovely it was, a particular in-between moment and touch, and even though it wasn’t a phrase I had seen, the style of it, had me re-reading (because it was gorgeous) again and again from the log for like five minutes and I thought, “I bet Melissa wrote this” AND SHE DID. 
Physical touch! (& in-betweens)
Melissa-grey has a particular way of writing about physical touch in very emotional moments that is very real and grounded and ironically the effect is just magical. It creates these so skillful “in between” moments, those little things that aren’t dialogue and aren’t metaphor but SHOW you that this closed off person is cracking for their little ray of sunshine. They are SO subtle and so beautiful, like, the heroine noticing the scent of a pillow, or a softening of an aborted hand movement.  She sets up and executes these moments of physical touch as a conduit for emotional touch with characters who aren’t ready to admit he latter and it’s DELICIOUS. Those little in-betweens are what I live for in story - and it includes all the supporting cast moments, who swell up to make the world feel lived in, and balanced (I loathe love stories where no one else exists! That’s a recipe for disaster, people need networks) I noticed when she stopped writing, and because I missed it, I went and bought the entire Midnight Girl series, as well as Rated (I hope that is flattering and not creepy!) and that style of writing is so unique, that without KNOWING, I picked it up in four separate routes (noticed in Sev’s s1, too!) 
Pacing (& friggen heartache)
Another fingerprint! Ripping your heart out! Arthoure has had me in tears, MULTIPLE TIMES and I get very grouchy about it every time because I am the least sentimental and romantic person that I know (I once MOVED STATES to avoid an ‘I love you’ conversation. I once said ‘yikes’ in response to an ‘I love you’ and I once broke up with someone because I thought he was going to propose. I’m a bitch) but I think it’s because of pacing! I know that producers play a role in that, but that actually makes it more impressive, because making each bit of story feel like it fits precisely the amount of space it needs when you don’t really get a say in how much space that is has got to take a MASSIVE amount of effort. Every little hint, every emotional beat, every character tell, they drop at a consistent build so the emotional payoff is just brutal (in a good, cathartic way?) every time a route makes me cry I wait and see and YEAH ITS ALWAYS ARTHOURE. The sweep and sentiment of Remy’s season 2 is unparalleled. Across Time is gutwrenching, and I actually stopped reading Renzei at one point because I was so emotional over it I had to like, LEGIT TAKE A BREAK to recover. Pacing and heartache. I have to stop and wonder - is it because the routes themselves are so gut-punching? OR is it because she knows how to wring every last emotional drop out of whatever story framework is handed to her? Because, Ezekiel’s villain costume is a bit silly (there I said it, it is) I get the cobra helmet shape in theory but in practice, ooof, but POINT BEING despite being skeptical I’d be able to take his story seriously as a result, I was hiccuping from crying so much (and I am gosh darn adult, in my thirties, with three degrees and a high-stress job at pretty major company. I DON’T CRY EASY)
 Dialogue (& heroines!)
Xekstrin is the gosh damn master of dialogue. Clever, witty banter that doesn’t go where you expect it to, meandering but natural topic changes that are delightful to follow and feel real, and--special shoutout for this, okay--the navigation of viscerally important topics like consent, kink, self-worth, power in relationships, self-sacrifice, and apologies in a way that is not stilted or forced at all (listen, I know Viv & Lyris are the most recent and they are amazing but I remember this first hit me when I was reading Astraeus, and I spent half the route with my jaw on the floor going, oh shit,  oh shit. The communication! The navigation of the complexity of emotion going on, chef’s kiss! Casual isn’t the right word, but, natural, maybe?). I don’t actually take that many screenshots of the app--it’s usually single lines that get me--but when I do, they are almost always conversations from one of her routes, because they’re so damn good, and often so unexpected, and yet always make such perfect sense for the characters involved. Dialogue is SO HARD OKAY. Actually try and transcribe a conversation sometime, it’s nuts how people talk vs how most people write people talking. Xekstrin also writes some of my absolute favorite MCs, and going back to fingerprints, I was reading Lyris s1 and right there in the first tavern scene, as we were following along with the heroine’s thoughts I went, ah, yes, I know who you belong to and I am SO EXCITED. Being able to give the heroine unique thoughts and quirks, to make her genuinely relatable, without overriding the necessary template of the genre dictates, is a skill all of its own. But I love her MCs! There is a beautiful balance of compassion, competence, and dash of bratty, wild, fun mischief. I can actually cheer for them. I can actually get behind them. I WANT the love interest to flop at their feet for who they are, not just because the story says so. And that comes from how the heroine’s thoughts are written, from her phrasing in conversations, how she sees situations, not just a producer saying ‘she is a strong lead who is self conscious about her ears and she’s nervous in the council meeting’ or whatever. I AM REALLY STRUGGLING to articulate this if you can’t tell from how long I have been blathering. Maybe this - the heroine is the same across every route, presumably, yes? Everyone has the same base. I NEVER question, when xekstrin is writing, why the love interest falls in love with her. Side note - I had hard written off GIL after a bad experience with the standalone app. I only read Aurora BECAUSE I learned she wrote it, and I would have SO MISSED OUT otherwise.
A complete aside in which Lee grumbles about heroines and not writers!
(Complete side vent: Often, the heroine is, if not a blank slate, a sort of collection of assigned traits, and she often remains so unless the story demands she become otherwise. Which is fine! I don’t personally, but I know a lot of folks self-insert, and so erring towards that makes sense. Almost all the otome I’ve played were originally written for a Japanese audience. When I played original Voltage games, starting back in 2014, I always had to remind myself - different culture, different culture, different culture, and it was not possible for me to relate to most of the heroines. I still enjoyed the stories, but I rarely cheered for the heroine’s romance, especially in some of the slice of life stories. I understood her, but I rarely wanted her to get with the love interest, I wanted her success to come in other ways! Another game company, Cybird, tried to ‘Americanize’ their heroine to IMO disastrous effect - it was such a stereotype, and made no sense since they didn’t also Americanize the context, so she come across as, frankly, ridiculous. And frankly, Voltage’s GIL heroine REEKED OF THAT. When they first posted her on social media I was legitimately annoyed about it, like could you lean into this more? I think not. So when I talk about being able to relate to and cheer for the heroine, it’s a big deal, because my blatant mistrust of Voltage and their ability to craft a heroine I could tolerate was a BIG factor in how long it took me to give Lovestruck a try. I was willing to tolerate it in translated stories, I was so skeptical of -en only ones.) 
Metaphors (& balance)
literacouture writes beautiful metaphors for connection between humans! I’m really bad at keeping track of who writes what, but I purposefully kept an eye out on tumblr after reading Cal’s route, because there were some lines that were pure poetry, and I wanted to keep an eye out for more. It is HARD to spin metaphors prettily without delving into trite, painful, purple prose cringe territory, and it’s navigated beautifully in Cal’s route. There’s a balance between those spin-out moments and things that are tangible and anchoring and make it feel authentic and unique to the two characters involved, instead of just ‘I am trying to make this sound romantic and this is a romantic phrase so here it is’. That balance is really necessary. You NEED the mundane alongside the metaphor or it doesn’t feel authentic. Also. Trying really hard to write this without throwing any authors or producers under the bus, but...listen. I love Sin with Me. But the world logic (or LACK THEREOF) drives me up a wall. I don’t read Cal because of his character traits or sprite or (sigh) his story. I read him because literacouture writes a beautiful romance.
 So anyway...
There are more! When I am less tired and don’t have meetings, I will try and write them up (Please know there are so many routes I love, and so many things I do recognize across chapters! I don’t even HAVE words for what theivorytowercrumbles accomplished with Helena’s story not to mention how much I adore Cyprin,  SummerLightning’s handling of Onyx’s past relationship was so deftly done when it could have so quickly become ‘milk abuse for plot’ and joidecombat gave Sev a fresh, mischievous energy and navigated the dream/reality line with SUCH skill, and so on and so on.)
I’ve written a lot of reviews. And I try to give nods where I feel they’re due - sometimes, it really is obvious that the whole team’s work came together to makes something great, the world, the plot, the arc, the art, the words, and the music all fit into place in a  well-crafted tour de force. And sometimes one piece or another is lacking, and I’ll admit I’ve left some...less than kind reviews to that end (I try and soften it, because I know there are humans on the other side of everything, but I’ve been harsh more than once with my opinions).  I’ve read routes with plots that made me want to tear my hair out because I DO value consistency and logic to a degree, even if I’m going to accept at face value that, say, space travel is a thing or demons turn to sand when stabbed. 
In the end, these are romance stories. So I will let a lot slide when it comes to plot. What sells a story are the words - not the outline.
And if Voltage doesn’t believe that - just remember that Hamlet existed long, long before Shakespeare wrote it. His was the version that lasted, because the people liked it best. The plot, the world, the characters, they all existed a hundred times over. Even just look at fan translations of manga. Why do people keep translating, even if someone else has? Because the words someone else picked don’t do the story justice. 
I don’t know. I’m talking in circles because I don’t know my own thesis! 
Maybe it’s just - the worlds these stories in are nice. But when I say I’m a fan of something, the premise is like. 10%. The rest is the writing. 
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xocookiest · 4 years
Lesbian Asks!
Note: **I am not a lesbian, but some of these questions do pertain to me a lot. So, I’m answering all these questions because I think it might be something silly and fun to do while I’m self-quarantining. So, excuse the jokes I have made, bits of sarcasm, or if I go a little bit too dark or something for you all. And, if you guys have any questions or need any further clarification about some of the answers I have given. I’m going to be opening up my ask box for a couple of days to answer them, but you’re more than welcome to shoot me a private message. Just keep it respectful and civil, please and thank you. ** 
1) Femme or butch?
         a) Femme Fatale. The character archetype that has drawn in millions of men and women through literature, art, and now the media over the course of centuries because of her mysterious allure, charm, and wit. As it is a thrilling and intriguing experience because you just don’t quite know what the person might do next and it makes you keep guessing, but it also can be an extremely deep and rewarding relationship without words ever being spoken. Plus, I’ve always loved a good mystery to try and solve. And, one of them obviously being the consciousness of the human mind. 
2) Do you have a “type”? If so, describe it
          a) Hm…. I wouldn’t say I have a “type”, but I think I would like a person who would respect my boundaries, honor their commitments, be honest about their mistakes in life, acknowledge their faults, and be willing to change and grow to better themselves, have morals, values, and commitments that they can stick to because it would prove to me in some way that they are loyal. At least to something. However, that’s something difficult to serve up on a platter. So, let’s just say my “type” is a person who has flaws, but is a good-natured person and is trying their best to be the best version of themselves they can be.
3) Plaid button-ups or leather jackets?
         a) What if you own a bunch of plaid button-ups and leather jackets in your closet? What do I do with that? Wait. Is this a preference of style on a person? Uh…. I’m going to have to skip because I don’t really have one. Mostly, because a woman can look good in both and kick a guy’s ass while doing it. So…. yeah. No preference. 
4) Describe your style
        a) Jeans. Long-sleeve/T-Shirt. Jacket/Hoodie/Cape. Boots/Tennis Shoes. Minimal/ No Makeup. Occasional Dress, Shorts, Heels, and Sandals. Minimal Makeup/Full Makeup Routine (DO NOT HAVE at least currently). Those are the most common things you’ll find me wearing. But, here’s the kicker. Comfortability. I repeat. Comfortability. I can’t tell you how many times my heels have bled while wearing regular shoes or heels while walking on them or bruised the side of my toes or feet while wearing flats or sandals. Ugh. Fashion does not need to be painful people. You can look good and be comfortable in your own skin without being in pain. Plus, who wants to feel like your dress is falling off you between your legs while you’re at an event? Other than when you’re having sex or at least about to do so.
5) Describe your aesthetic
           a) Um, okay there is no cute way to describe this. I’m a nerd. I like playing video games late into the night, reading books, comics, or manga for hours that I forget the last time I ate, diving into a new anime, K-drama, or old cartoon that I stay up till the next morning watching, struggling to write and publish stories, and doing cosplays while meeting new and interesting people. But I also love watching documentaries about history, science, and art. I can’t stand to be inside too long because I feel claustrophobic and it reminds me of being trapped in a room with someone I don’t particularly like. So, I take hour long walks in my neighborhood, woods, forest, cities, and beaches while blasting really loud music that will probably damage my ears in the long run. So, don’t expect me to hear a single thing you’ve said when I have them on because it takes forever to get my attention since I have such a one-track mind. Plus, I’m terrible at cooking almost burnt down my friend’s house once with a microwave. Hence, why I prefer doing the prep work, dishes, and gardening. Though, don’t ask me to slaughter a live chicken. I can’t do it. 
6) Favorite article of clothing?
           a) A jacket. Did you expect anything else?
7) Favorite pair of shoes?
          a) Boots. Specifically, Steel-Toed Boots. So, if you ever drop anything heavy on yourself, it doesn’t hurt as much or if someone is really bothering you. It gives you an extra kick.
8) Current haircut?
         a) Long Hair w/ side bangs. I’m cutting it for the summer to be above my shoulders just because summers are just hot and long hair is just difficult to deal with when it is hot and sticky on your face.
9) Any haircut goals for the future?
        a) I’m hoping at some point I can get some red ombre at the ends of my hair because it adds a nice accent, but it’s not really necessary. I just really cut my hair shorter in the summer and let it grow the rest of the time. So, I’m not overtly cold in the winter/fall. 
10) Describe the best date you’ve been on
        a) I haven’t had one yet. So, really can’t tell you that one.
11) Describe the worst date you’ve been on
        a) Can’t really tell you one that’s been that bad. Since I think every date has its worse and best points in a date. But maybe there is one and I just haven’t realized it yet. Does a guy who leaves you on the curbside count? Seriously, though. What counts as a worst date for you guys?
12) Single? Taken?
          a) Single. Definitely, single. You can tell by how my friends get overly excited any time I’ve tried dating anyone or tried setting me up with someone they think would be a good match. Most of the time I think they’re giddier than I am about me going on a date with someone. My gosh. Actually, rewrite. I’m not giddy at all I’m just a bottle of nerves they just try to settle down before I actually go on the actual date. Lol.
13) If taken, talk about your girlfriend/wife!
         a) You know, I would love to do this because it just would make me smile to read it. But, unfortunately. I don’t have one to talk about. So, if any of you have a girlfriend or wife you want to talk about here. Please do it. I want to read your stories. 
14) If single, what are you looking for in a potential girlfriend/wife?
         a) Err…. I’m not actually looking for anything in particular, really. I just want them to be a nice and good person who I can spend hours talking and spending time with and want to spend time with. Is that too much of an ask to the great universe of the world? 
15) Describe your dream wedding
         a) My dream wedding is having a small wedding with family and friends that love and support me and my relationship with my partner. I don’t really have an idea of what I really want for it, but what’s important is celebrating your relationship with the person you love. Maybe, outside? But, then you have to think about the weather and what’d it be like. So, maybe I should do it indoors. I don’t know, alright. I thought a wedding would always be something that you and your partner would discuss and figure out together, I guess. 
16) Do you want kids?
        a) What if you already have one? What happens then? Though, as of this moment I do not. I love them, don’t get me wrong and I would really love to adopt a child who really does need a home, but I’m just not financially stable to do so currently or am staying in one place long enough that would make a stable life for one. Hence, no kids currently.
17) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
        a) Um, that’s a difficult question currently because my plan is to travel the world? So, is around the world a good answer because I’ve never actually felt at home anywhere and the last place, I really felt at home was in my hometown in California. But that isn’t really home anymore either. So…. yeah. I don’t really have a particular place I want to call home or live. Anybody have any ideas on that?
18) Favorite lesbian movie?
        a) I’ve only ever watched one lesbian film called, Jenny’s Wedding. Which hit a little too close to home at the time. So, I only could watch the film in bits. But if anyone has any recommendations, I’m open to them. Just shoot me a message.
19) Favorite lesbian novel/story?
          a) Okay, I love reading books. But this is the one thing lacking in my repertoire. Please recommend me something intriguing to read. I can’t stand the idiocy of human male and female relationship anymore currently. It is driving me nuts. So, I’m asking please let me go insane with other stories not dominated by male and female relationship. Otherwise, I would highly recommend you guys try reading Queen of Thieves. It’s a choice story written by several different writers for Lovestruck. So, you have several different partners that you can choose from. But, my god. The route for Vivienne Tang is just a gold mine and I’m salivating for the next season because it’s just so freaking good. If you’re reading this xekstrin. I love your work there and know that if you were to ever write a novel. I’m buying it. No questions asked. Oh, and tell your wife, “Hi!” for me too! =)
20) Favorite lesbian song?
         a) Okay, so this sounds terrible. But I don’t have one because I just like the sound of the music, sound, or lyrics and it changes frequently. Not to say, that I don’t have any lesbian songs in my playlist because I probably do. However, I did look up some songs? And, apparently 1950 by King Princess from my Spotify playlist is one of them. So…. I probably have more, and I just don’t realize that they are there because I have a tendency of fantasizing about scenarios based upon the song and lyrics anyhow. But if anyone has any recommendation for songs. I’m down to listen to any of them. 
21) Favorite lesbian musician?
          a) So, I’m terrible with names and I barely ever look up an artist or even what their sexual orientation is. So, I’m going to have to say I don’t have one because I honestly don’t even have a favorite musician and even if I did, I don’t think I’d even know if they were lesbian. But I probably do have some lesbian musicians in my Spotify playlist? I just don’t think anything of it because if you like the sound, music, and lyrics then you listen to more of their music. At least that’s how I think about it. But it is different for other people. So, that’s understandable. Everyone has different tastes and ways they enjoy music. However, if you know some artists with songs, you’d think I’d enjoy. Shoot me a message.
22) What lesbian stereotypes do you fit into, if any?
       a) What stereotypes? Can someone please educate me on this subject? Also, why? Other than, the reason it’s easier to identify the type of person because as much as I think it is utterly rude to do so I have to admit there is some truth to them. But not everything you hear about a particular stereotype is true. For example, not all goths are dark and brooding or wear black constantly. However, this might be a consistent part of their wardrobe because its comfortable or it’s their favorite color. So, sue them for wearing dark clothing and being interested in something they like. 
23) Ever been assumed to be nothing more than a gal pal?
       a) Oh god, yes. If you’ve ever met a girl who you’ve ever wanted to be more than friends with and they say, “You’re such a great friend.” That’s just your heart breaking into a million pieces, dude. Hope you have a dustpan and a lot of glue because that’s going to take a while to work through with all the tears and blood spilled over it. So…. yeah. 
24) If a woman wanted to woo you, what would a surefire way to accomplish that?
        a) Uh…. I have no idea. I guess you’d have to date me to figure that out. Lol.
25) Be positive! What do you like most about being a lesbian?
       a) I’m not one, but I can tell you what I admire about you guys. And, that’s your strength because you guys take on so much scrutiny and blame for things in media and even in your own communities and that takes a lot of strength to do. So, I’m proud of you guys for being so strong and supporting each other when things get tough. For those of you who are still in the closet, I hope one day you find a safe place where you can come out to your loved ones and be comfortable with who you are because finding that place is just as important as finding the person you want to spend forever with too.
26) Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?
      a) Totally, a dog person. Mostly, because my friends keep telling me I look like a kicked puppy every time they tell me we can’t do something. Like go to the nearest frozen yogurt shop after just eating out at a restaurant or doing something inappropriately dangerous. Though, I’ve been living with like three different cats for almost two to three years now on and off. So, maybe. I’m actually a cat person. 
27) Turn ons?
     a) Wit. You can’t honestly say you wouldn’t love a woman who could tease you with her extensive vocabulary and had you begging on your knees for more. Would you?
28) Turn offs?
     a) Arrogance. Look, if all you care about is yourself and how important you are to the world. Then, that’s great and good for you. But that really doesn’t leave a lot of room for you and I that doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed your space and time alone when you need it or even to celebrate your achievements, but also give your partner that same respect too.  
29)Do you usually ask other women out or do you wait for them to ask you?
      a) I actually try not to ask them out, but it always ends in failure. So…. yeah. I ask them out. 
30) What is your dream career?
      a) To be able to work as a traveling librarian while being an investigative reporter that writes novels and scripts for film and tv, but also can work on film and tv sets as part of their set or run crew when I’m not traveling or writing. That’s a dream. Really, it is my dream career. 
31) Talk about your interests or hobbies!
      a) I think I’ve spoken about them in length enough. So, I suppose I’ll just tell you what you can probably find me doing on a regular Friday night. Which is watching a show intently on my television or laptop and screaming at the screen or reading a book on the bed or couch with my ear plugs on while drinking sprite and hot cocoa with a blanket wrapped around me. 
32) What is the most attractive quality a woman can have?
      a) Again, I don’t know I think it really depends on the person you are with because the thing that you find initially attractive might not be same after you get to know them. Not to say, that it is a bad thing. But that love is sort of evolving and as your relationship grows with the person, you’re with the things you love about the person will change too. So, I think that the most attractive quality a woman can have is just being able to be genuine or be comfortable with themselves because if it feels forced. It’ll feel forced to the other person too. I guess. Am I making any sense here?
33) Do you love easily, or does it take time for you to warm up to someone?
      a) That’s a difficult question because sometimes it takes time for me to warm up to someone, I don’t really know all that well when I first meet them and other times, I’m really open about it. I think it really depends on the person, though. 
34) Ever fallen for your best-friend?
      a) Yes. My best friend in high school. She and I had been friends since 7th grade in middle school. We used to talk and hangout all the time after school using a messenger application and I hadn’t realized it until much later. But, by that point she was already with someone else and I didn’t really want to impose my feelings or strain the relationship. Though, I’m pretty sure her girlfriend at the time knew something was up because I don’t think she liked me very much. Though, understandable considering things. So, eventually the relationship sort of faded out as she started hanging out with my friends and I less and less as her and her girlfriend got closer.
35) Ever fallen for a straight girl?
    a) That’s a good question. I probably have and passed it off as me just being a caring friend. Which, with my sexual orientation becomes a little difficult to differentiate between sometimes, anyhow. Seriously, it is a freaking headache. 
36) The L-Word: yes or no? (love it or hate it?)
   a) Are you talking about the word lesbian or love because I don’t necessarily hate the word on either side of things it’s just…? Can we (people) really not think of a better word to describe it? I mean. I know it’s pretty hard to find a word that encompasses the meaning of something, but people make up words all the time. But I think for right now the word lesbian works and is fine. So, thoughts?
37) Favorite comfort food?
    a) Soup. There is literally no other food that makes me feel happier when I’m sick or upset. Especially, if it’s made by someone you love because it makes it all the more special. Though, don’t be surprised if I ask for seconds and then just skip to dessert instead.
38) Coffee or tea?
    a) Tea. I don’t drink coffee as much. It’s just too bitter for me, not that there aren’t teas that aren’t bitter, but I’ve always had to put so much sugar and milk into my coffee that it doesn’t make any sense to just waste the coffee. Hence, any time I get coffee it goes straight to my mom or one of my friends who practically runs on it. And, I just don’t do that as often when I’m drinking tea. Except, for Thai Tea. Which basically is like coffee for me.
39) Vegetarian? Vegan? None of the above?
    a) Neither. I’m willing to try vegan food, though. Just don’t expect me to be entirely excited about it. 
40) Do you have any pets?
    a) I have a cannibalistic goldfish. And, before you ask. Yes, she does eat other fish. I call her Cannibal, it used to be Christy. But, now it’s just Cannibal. 
41) Early-riser or night-owl?
    a) Night-Owl. I can’t seem to get up that early for some odd reason. Oh, well. I try to, though. Key word: Try.
42) What is your sign?
     a) Are you asking what my astrology sign is? If you are it’s a Cancer. I was born on the 6th of July. Apparently, I was supposed to be a 4th of July baby. Lol, that would have been an event. However, if you’re asking what year I was born then I’m going to have to say I was born in the Year of the Ox in the element of fire. You can probably figure out the rest from there I suppose. 
43) Can you drive?
      a) Yeah, I drive. I’ve only been driving for a couple of years, though. I am actually really terrified of driving on the road. It’s why it took so long for me to get my license and that I actually don’t particularly like driving. I’d actually prefer if I could walk, fly, bike, subway, train or bus somewhere, but most places in the United States don’t have much of a transportation system that is consistent or reliant enough to do so here. Unless, you live in a bustling city like New York. Hence, we have overpriced dangerous honking killing machines zipping through the roads. So, drive safely guys. 
44) Who was your first lesbian crush?
       a) My first lesbian crush? Hm…. a girl I met in college I guess? She was in the same major and courses I was but was a year behind me technically. She was a really intelligent and nice person, though I wasn’t able to actually hangout with her as much because I had other priorities at the time. The funny thing was I didn’t even know she was a lesbian until a friend of mine told me when the two of us went to trivia night at a bar that my friends and I frequented. Now, before you ask. How could you not know? And, my answer is I’m an oblivious child. Seriously, I have a bucket of stories that will tell you that along with my friends who have stood or sat right next to me and watched a girl or guy flirt with me and ask me out and I being a completely dense human being. Don’t catch it.
45) At what age did you know you were a lesbian?
      a) Hm…. when did I know I liked girls? Probably forever ago just didn’t want to admit to it because I was told so many times it wasn’t “right” to do so. But, I don’t think I really knew officially until I was in high school when my friends at lunch one time all spoke about some guy or girl they liked, and I didn’t really have anyone in particular I liked at all. Well, I did. Just didn’t tell her because I was in denial at the time that I wanted more than just a friendship. Which, is a situation I think a lot of people have been in before. 
46) At what age did you come out (if you have)?
      a) Came out to my close friends in college freshman year. But technically I told my grandmother way before that when I was in 4th/5th grade one time when I was really upset about a bunch of kids bullying me at school and just outrightly told her when she asked if I liked anyone and I said, “I don’t like anyone. Boys suck and I don’t even really like girls all that much either.” And, she laughed then said that’s okay. Just focus on doing what you like to do, and the rest will sort itself out. Plus, boys and girls can be really immature anyhow. (Apologies, to my little brother if you ever read this. But you have to admit you were a real brat to handle as a child. Love you, anyhow though.) Then, I unwillingly came out to my parents after graduating from college when I got wrapped up in some family drama. Woof, that was a horse. But it is over with now. Nothing, I can do about it now. 
47) Are you crushing on anyone at the moment (celebrity or otherwise)?
     a) Hahaha……. yeah. But she is currently unavailable and that’s okay. I’m not really in any rush to be in a relationship currently.
48) Talk about how your day went
     a) What do you talk about when you are stuck in quarantine? Do you tell the internet you spent the last three days trying to finish answering a Lesbian Ask! Questionnaire because you were really bored and was tired of staring at job applications all day? Because that’s what happened. 
49) Talk about your dreams/aspirations for the future
    a). I hope that one day I get to settle down somewhere and call it home. Have a loving partner, a kid, a dog, and two cats. And hopefully, it’ll be somewhere in New York or at least close to there because it seems like every single one of my friends plans on moving there at some point. Lol. 
50) Least favorite gay celebrity?
     a) Wow. Great question. No idea. Lol. Like I said. I don’t know much about celebrities and their sexual orientation because it shouldn’t matter what someone’s sexual orientation is. Since it shouldn’t change a person perspective about you because you’re still you. Nothing’s changed. Just the fact that your friends, family, and close relatives now know a little bit more about the type of person you like. Nothing else. And, if someone wants to give you crap about it. Let them be small, ignorant, and stuck in the past while you get to enjoy and see the world for what it is. A very dark scary dank place that screws over a lot of people sometimes, but overall, it’s a relatively nice, beautiful, and an ever evolving place that always seems to keep you on your toes. 
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midzelink · 5 years
fic rec masterpost
I finally have enough fics to start compiling them in one place!  Just a few notes before we get started:
This list will be updated in the future!  I’m putting everything under a cut, so I can add, edit, and remove things to my liking.
All fics are complete, unless otherwise noted.  
Feel free to send in your own suggestions for additions!
Some of these fics didn’t have proper author-ordained summaries, so I wrote some of them up myself, or edited them to be more summary-like.
No matter how good the plot, dialogue, or prose is, no fic containing explicit sexual content (read: smut) will make it onto this list.  Sorry!  I’m not into that sort of thing.
And now: to the fics!
(Re: the “relationship” segment - I’ve taken to using AO3′s tag system here, so a forward slash ( / ) indicates or hints at a romance, while an ampersand ( & ) is meant to be more familial or platonic.  And don’t worry - if there’s a slash between two characters who are children, there won’t be anything nasty in there.  They’re just kids!) 
twilight princess
title: Chiaroscuro
author: Xekstrin
words: 1,861
tags: Post-Canon, Drama, Bittersweet
relationship: Link/Midna, Link/Zelda, Midna/Zelda
summary: Zelda and Link learn how to talk to each other. They paint a picture of someone they miss.
notes: Don’t shy away from that weird title!  A beautiful depiction of Link and Zelda’s life after the broken mirror that involves them continuing to live their lives.  And not, y’know, wallowing in angst.
title: From the Shadows
author: Ophelia_Black
words: 59,438 (**ONGOING**)
tags: Post-Canon, Alternate Ending, Marriage of Convenience
relationship: Midna/Zelda
summary: The Shadow Invasion left wounds across both Hyrule and the Twilight Realm, and neither Zelda nor Midna are eager to face the task of binding them up. Old prejudices and weaknesses are laid bare, and the idea is posed of reuniting the two realms to prosper together. Is their plan a folly born of desperation, or the most revolutionary undertaking either kingdom has seen in centuries?
notes: After putting it off for a long, long while, I finally dipped into this bad boy, and man oh man, I was not disappointed.  There is so much attention to detail and care that has gone into breathing life into a world we get such a small glimpse of in the game, and Ophelia kicks ass at writing even the simplest of actions.  Did I mention Midna and Zelda are gonna get married?
title: Fairytales
author: UnderTwilight
words:  515
tags: Humor, Fluff
relationship: Link/Midna
summary: Link believes he has the solution the imp-sized problem his companion faces.
notes: Short, sweet, and not as incredibly out-of-character as so many other fics like it.  Worth a minute of your time.
title: not irreversible
author: Elendraug
words: 3,603
tags: Post-Canon, Happy Ending
relationship: Link/Midna
summary: The Mirror’s destruction was not inevitable, but destroyed it very much was.  He’ll find his way back to her.  No matter how long it takes.
notes: The very first Midlink fic I had the pleasure of reading, and still one of my favorites.  As of this writing, the only reunion story I’ve read that didn’t feel cheap and lazy.
title: Bartending 101
author: khaki knight
words: 2,538
tags: Post-Canon, Drama
relationship: Link/Midna, Link/Ilia (Implied One-Sided)
summary:  “A bartender is only ever as content as her customers…” In the aftermath of Twilight, Telma receives an unexpected guest in need of some guidance.
notes: What can I say?  I love me some Telma.  Is it because she’s a bartender?  That’s it, isn’t it?  I blame the DnD lover in me.
title: Seeing You
author:  KaeStela
words: 840
tags: Post-Canon, Bittersweet
relationship: Link/Midna
summary:  Maybe "see you later" can happen after all.
notes: Who knew that first-person could be written well after all?  This is the kind of stuff I live for.  Thematic, succinct, mute Link, happy but not “she found her way back after like a year and they got married and had babies” happy.  Simply beautiful. 
title: The Ever Under
author: AzarDarkstar
words: 2,031
tags: Alternate Ending, Drama
relationship: Link/Midna
summary:  In a world where Link followed Midna through the Mirror of Twilight, now shattered beyond repair, happy endings are what we make of them.
notes: This one hits hard.  That’s all I’ll say.
title: No Such Counsel
author: Guardian1
words: 2,753
tags: Post-Canon, Drama
relationship: Link/Midna, Link/Zelda (Implied One-Sided)
summary:  “Wolf or dog, what does it matter?” “Dogs, Princess–dogs wait forever!”
notes: Admittedly, I don’t much like the way Zelda is characterized here (TP Zelda is obviously a lesbian, and damn, leave poor Ashei alone!), but I’m including it because it’s written fairly well and the ending is humorous and clever.
title: You
author: godtierGrammarian
words: 4,272
tags: Alternate Universe (Modern), Happy Ending
relationship: Link/Midna
summary:  When Link is eight, new neighbors move in across the street, and so begins the greatest adventure of his life.
notes: This fic was so damn good I made a FF.net account right after I read it for the first time just so I could review it.  Can you believe that?  Making a FF.net account in 2019?  I didn’t even think a modern AU could be good!
title: no matter how long it takes
author: Elendraug
words: 1,128
tags: Mid-Canon, Fluff
relationship: Colin/Ralis
summary:  Colin promises to watch over a sick Prince Ralis after he is brought to Kakariko.
notes: This is one of the first rarepairs I ended up getting swept up into around the time I first started this blog.  I am eternally grateful that even a single fic exists, and that is was written but the same person who wrote not irreversible, because that’s just damn good writing.  Anyways, Colin is a Young Gay, change my mind.
majora’s mask
title: King of the Fishing Hole
author: Ibijau
words: 4,281
tags: Alternate Universe, PTSD
relationship: Link & Ganondorf
summary: Ganondorf owns the Swamp Fishing Hole, a good way to stay near his aging mothers. It's quiet work. Until the moon starts falling, and an odd child comes visiting.
notes: Ganondorf is just A Dude in Termina - honestly, this is how the game should have been.  A real missed opportunity there.  This was such a fun and interesting read, so much so that it earns its spot as the first non-TP fic on this list!
minish cap
title: Stoneheart
author: Ophelia_Black
words: 6,675
tags: Canon Compliant, Angst with a Happy Ending
relationship: Link & Zelda
summary:  The prophetic visions and blind musings of Princess Zelda as she waits, sealed in stone, for a rescue that might never arrive.
notes: I’ve never given Minish Cap much more than a single playthrough without a spare thought, and this made me cry. You’d think a story told from the point of view of someone who has been turned to stone would be boring.  You’d think wrong.
title: Don’t Say That I Didn’t Love You
author: Ophelia_Black
words: 4,000
tags: Canon Compliant, Angst & Hurt/Comfort
relationship: Midna/Zelda, Link/Midna, Hilda/Zelda, Link/Marin
summary:  It’s hard to say goodbye. A series of 500 word drabbles, in which final farewells are said to Fi, Ezlo, Navi, Tatl, Midna, Aryll, Marin, and Princess Hilda.
notes: Like it says on the tin.  There’s not much I can say here, except, y’know, read it, because everything Ophelia puts to paper is pure gold.  Spoiler alert: the Link’s Awakening one hurts the most.
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xekstrin · 3 years
Me, reading that werewolf wip: xekstrin im about to shove my ENTIRE fist into my mouth i am so EXCITED.
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nexstrik · 5 years
The thought “Led Xeplin” came to me unbidden at 1 am and I felt obliged to share. (See it’s xekstrin + Kepler + xekstrin again)
I have no idea what to do with this information but I’m blown away. I need to use this name somewhere!! but where?!!??!?!!? 
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madwolf023prompts · 6 years
Crosshares an Summer Rose Court Tale. Act II
A week late. But I’m now busy with school, soooo yeah. I’ll leave more notes at the bottom.
Act II
Velvet was at the Castle on her day of leisure. That was a sign to Blake that something was seriously wrong. Yang, Weiss, Ruby, Glynda and Lord Q’row were having tea. It was a favoured pastime of Blake, Glynda and Weiss. Yang, Ruby, and Q’row just couldn’t say no to their favourite women. (For Q’row that was Ruby. He and Ozpin were the only ones who ever got away with saying no to Glynda. Velvet sometimes, but only if she felt extremely passionate about something) During this particular session of tea and childish antics by those who shall not be named (hint it wasn’t the tea drinkers) Velvet came stomping into the Gardens gazebo. It had been installed as an area for the Royal Court to hold meetings in an informal manner. And it’s was known as a place of tranquility, despite some childish antics of those who visited it. So to see Velvet who was near reverent about the spaces tranquility storming over meant that something was horribly wrong.
Though, as Blake studied Velvet, she had to amend her statement to say she was stomping as she glided in midair. As if she was furious and ecstatic at the same time. Confused Blake tilted her head, a movement Yang, (Beautiful lovely Yang who was a goof, but a charmer, who seemed like the last person in the world to give sage advice yet gave the best advice, Yang who held Blake as nightmares threatened to overtake her, and soothed Blake, while remaining so strong, who could be so gentle but when they were… Blake was getting distracted. Point was that Yang was observant, and when it came to Blake she knew everything) instantly noticed, Blake feeling her wife’s hand grasp hers and tighten in reassurance, all the while turning her head to look at where Blake stared, before a huge grin popped up on her face.
“Yo Velvs, what are you doing here!” Yang called out. Ever gregarious Yang was the second of the Court to befriend Velvet, not including Blake. Pyrrha was unsurprisingly the first. No one had the ability to hate Pyrrha Nikos, and the warrior-priestess seemed to know everyone in Beacon, from shopkeepers to the lowliest servant, and was friends with all of them.
Yang had first befriended Velvet during her ‘wooing’ of Blake. It was honestly touching how Yang tried so hard to include all parts of her past. Of her heritage. Ruby fought for the Faunus, Blake understood that. She appreciated that. Yang, however, fought for her, for Blake. And for that Blake loved Yang.
Well, romantic pondering aside, Blake was curious about why Velvet was here. And more importantly, why she hadn’t answered Yang and was on a beeline for Weiss. While the two of them were civil, even friends one might say, they rarely sought each other out in such a manner. And I’m another move atypical of Velvet, she plopped down on the table, not in an open seat. Blake looked at the others sitting at the table and was pleased to see them as flabbergasted as her.
“What can I do for you Lady Velvet?” Weiss stayed calmly. Blake could see the curiosity in her eyes, but of all of the Court, Weiss was also the only one who always stood on decorum when she wasn’t alone with a single person. Even to Ruby, who found it hilarious.
“Does the name Coco Adel mean anything to you?” Velvet bluntly questioned. Well, the rest of those partaking in tea, minus Ruby obviously, decided now was a perfect time to retreat a little. Weiss and Velvet had to be two of the more blunt speakers they knew, and their words would likely be icy, though all knew that it was merely how they spoke instead of conflict. Blake wandered over to Yang who was looking at Blake intently. Instantly knowing what Yang wanted, Blake’s ears stood up as straight as could be, to listen to the conversation. She didn’t know why she did that, but at least it had an effect on Yang, who was wearing a stupid grin that promised fun later.
“Well,” Blake began, “Weiss said what has the buffoon done now. Velvet says something about a textile factory in Menagerie. Weiss sounds happier that no one has collapsed swooning over this Coco Adel. Velvet is now stammering. Weiss has facepalmed, as you can probably see, and said of course. Now they are talking business, interesting but not what you are after. And Ruby is….. Ruby.” Blake summarised the conversation to Yang. The Business part sounded interesting, but she knew Yang wouldn’t care.
“Go over and talk to Velvet. I know you want to know more. And if it’s for Menagerie, then you know I want you to be involved because then you’ll be happy.” Yang said with a smile, not her normal smirks. “Just know later tonight…” Yang pulled Blake close to her and gave a peck on Blake’s lips “You’re mine Blakey.” This was whispered into Blake’s ear and punctuated with a nip on the shell of her right ear. Blake shuddered at the promise in Yangs voice.
“Thanks Yang.” Blake said with a grin. Kissing Yang one last time she hurried over to Velvet and the Queens.
“Blaaaaaaakkkkkeeeee.” Ruby’s voice whined as Blake came nearer. “I’m glad you’re here!!! We got great news! So-” Ruby’s voice cut off as Weiss’s hand went around her mouth.
“I believe that is Lady Velvet’s news to deliver. Let us take a walk your Majesty.” Weiss dragged Ruby away as Ruby began the (familiar and old) argument of Weiss should call her Ruby, they are married after all. Blake could feel her smirk form as the two walked off in the distance. Hopefully they will never change.
“What do you have to say Velvet?” Blake asked, going over to her oldest friend and sitting at the table next to the Rabbit Faunus.
“Well apparently this fabric maker who Weiss knows wants to put a factory up in Menagerie. Promising to pay decent wages. Something along the lines of ten lien a day.” Blake’s eyes bulged at that. While many humans made more, ten lien a day was nothing to scoff at. “And Coco, that’s her name, said that Menagerie is the perfect location for a factory.”
“What’s stopping it from happening then?” Blake asked with interest. This seemed fantastic. But Velvet seemed apprehensive.
“Well…. It’s that she’s attractive, and human, and don’t get me wrong, but I can’t help but feel like there’s another shoe about to fall. I trust the human members of the Council, past and present, but this is another thing all together. Am I letting my emotions cloud my judgment? Like I did before?” Velvet didn’t need to explain. Blake understood it.
“Velvet. I trust you. More than anyone else except maybe Yang, and even then I might trust you more. I definitely trust you to do what’s best for Menagerie. No one has done so much for it. Not even I have. I left to live with Yang, and while I try my best to visit, it’s not my home anymore. Yang is. So if you think this is best for your home then do it. If no then don’t. As for her… well I never thought I’d fall in love with a human. But Yang is one of the best things to happen to me. Not that you have to fall in love and get married to have a satisfying life.” Blake monologued. Then a sly grin appeared on her face. “But it never hurt to try. And who knows, maybe you’ll find some…. stress relief along the way.” Velvet laughed as he playfully hit Blake’s arm.
“You are the worst Blake. But you are still my best friend.”
“Mine too.” Blake responded.
“Well I have much to think about. Thanks Blake. I’ll let you know what happens.” Velvet stood up and began walking away, clearly lost in thought. Blake felt a smile tug at her lips. She had a gut instinct that everything was going to be fine.
Speaking of things being fine, she wondered where Yang had wandered off to. Maybe their room? Blake hurried in that direction. She seemed to never have alone time with her wife.
Making it to their room in near record time, Blake slowly opened the door. Inside, on their bed, was Yang. Wearing nothing. Swallowing, all Yang had to do was crook her finger towards Blake before the door slammed shut behind the Cat Faunus. The door locked and, well, let’s just say that the silence spell out on all of the rooms was quite well needed for the next few hours.
End Act II
This will be either a) 5 Act play or b) 5 Act play with an epilogue act. Each act has a narrator. The first act was Velvet. Second is Blake. Third will be Weiss. The Fourth and Fifth will either be Ruby and Coco, or Coco and then Velvet. In any case the last act will be from the view of Velvet. (So in the case of a 5 Act plus epilogue, the epilogue would be from Velvet’s point of view.) I know I skipped over the meeting between Coco and Velvet, but all of that is going to be covered in the Act from Coco’s point of view. Also not everything will be tied up nicely, and there will be questions left unanswered. That is intentional, as in life not everything is answered fully. Once again thanks to @summer-rose-studios for making Summer Rose Court, and @xekstrin for reblogging the first act which led to a much faster work around time then normal. I’ll hope to have Act III up next weekend. See you lovelies later.
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the-stray-liger · 7 years
Just watched Fury Road. And i don't know who, if it was you or Xekstrin or someone else on this site, but someone said something along the lines of 'max sawing at his muzzle like a fanatical raccoon' and i saw it and immediately thought of the post. And it's an amazing movie.
I believe that was xekstrin, I merely limit myself to sobbing uncontrollably 
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fansofvow · 3 years
Interview with Eve Golden Woods!
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Many of you know who is Eve is. She's a writer and artist, a part of Dreamfeel studios whose beautiful game If Found won Best LGBTQ Narrative and Best LGBTQ Indie game at the first ever Gayming Awards presented by EA games. I am really excited I had the chance to ask Eve some questions about herself, her time at Lovestruck and her creative process.
Congratulations on the two Gayming Awards (Best LGBTQ Narrative, Best LGBTQ Indie Game) for "If Found" from your game studio, Dreamfeel. What was the inspiration behind making the game?
If Found... was a game that emerged out of a collaboration between Llaura McGee, the founder of Dreamfeel, and artist Liadh Young. Liadh's background is as a comic artist, and so when they started working together Llaura had the idea of showing off Liadh's art by making a diary game, and using an erasing mechanic she had previously developed to let the player move through the diary in a fun way. By the time I came on board at the start of 2019, the game had already been in development for a while, so in some ways my work on that game was similar to the work I did for Voltage, because it was taking existing characters and concepts and writing a lot of scripts for them. Unlike Voltage, though, my work for Dreamfeel was a lot more collaborative and I had a lot more creative input. I really enjoy taking something and helping to make it the best version of itself that it can possibly be, but I was also really happy that I got to reflect a lot of my own experiences in If Found. Llaura and I both grew up on the west coast of Ireland, and although If Found... isn't autobiographical for either of us, it was definitely really meaningful to be able to tell a story that reflected our own experiences of growing up as queer teens in a similar kind of environment. Since the game came out we've had fans reach out to us and tell us that they also connected to the experiences of the main characters, and as far as I'm concerned, that makes me feel like I achieved everything I wanted to.
You are a writer and a visual artist. Does one come easier to you than the other?
I used to think of art and writing as talents, and I always felt like my art was at a very mediocre level (that's probably still true, lol). So when I was younger I focused a lot more on writing. It was only later that I started genuinely trying to improve as an artist, but when I did, I think I had a much healthier mindset, and approached it as a skill I could learn with patience and effort. Because of that, even though I still have a lot more confidence in my writing, I find art more fun and relaxing, and I don't stress about it as much.
Did you always know you would follow a creative path?
Kind of? Both my parents are artists, and I grew up surrounded by artists and writers, so it was something that was always very familiar and accessible to me. On the other hand, I didn't exactly have a clear idea of how to make it into a career, or what kind of work would be involved. But there's never been a point in my life where I wasn't doing something creative, even if it was only writing fanfiction.
What did your path to working professionally as a writer/artist look like?
I did a creative writing masters in college, but after that I spent years teaching English as a second language. That was really fun and I got to live abroad, but it was so busy and tiring that I didn't have time to do any writing outside of the occasional fanfic. I only started to take art seriously again when I became interested in games and comics as ways of telling stories. I did some critical writing, which led me to speak at a few local events and get involved in zine fairs. That was how I met Llaura, the director and lead of the Dreamfeel studio, and it's also what gave me the confidence to start applying for actual writing jobs.
Is there any work of art, visual or written, that you look to for inspiration?
So many! I try to read and watch as widely as I can, although there are touchstones I always return to, like the works of Ursula Le Guin and Terry Pratchett. Right now I feel very passionate about the actual play podcast Friends at the Table, which manages to combine really thoughtful worldbuilding and storytelling with cool, fun characters and great action scenes. I'm also reading a book called The Memory Police by Youko Ogawa, which has extremely beautiful prose.
Do you have a favorite piece of your own art, whether it is something you’ve drawn, a screenshot of something you’ve written or something else?
My favourite piece of art is usually whatever I finished most recently (I think that's true for a lot of people). Especially with visual art, once a bit of time has gone by you look back on it and start to notice all your mistakes, which is very annoying. But actually I do still really like the first piece of Fiona fanart I did last year. I managed to use some effects to give it a kind of nineties anime quality that I find really fun, and I think it conveys an emotion pretty effectively. That's always one of the hardest things to predict with visual art, whether the different parts will come together to create the exact mood you're looking for.
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I also really like the compass I did for Bycatch. Krissy (@xekstrin) was the one who suggested filling it with fingernails, which was such a good, gross idea! As soon as I heard that I knew it was perfect and that I had to try and draw it.
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Many people who read this blog know you as a writer for Lovestruck. When you look back on your time there, what stands out in your mind?
Lovestruck was very important to me when I first started because it was my first ongoing, regular, paid writing work. It gave me a lot of confidence and helped me to get into the habit of writing consistently and rapidly, which is a really useful skill to have. I know I was right to leave when I did, though, because I am just brimming with energy to work on my own projects, and channeling that power into something that you can't control will always end up disappointing you. Also, I made a ton of incredible friends, through Lovestruck itself but then even more so through VOW (@vowtogether), and that is more than worth all the difficult parts.
Is there any character that you would have liked a crack at writing?
Oh gosh, what a fun question! There are so many, but one I do sometimes think about is Axia, just because I know there are a bunch of fans who want her route, and because I had fun writing her as a villain in Zain's route. I can see in my head the shadow of a storyline that takes place after Zain's route is over, where she's in prison and trying to understand how she lost the battle with Zain and MC. I think there's, like, a gap there, where you could see her downfall forcing her to reconsider her assumptions about power, and that could build into a very interesting redemption story. But maybe it's for the best I never got to do that, because I would have wanted full creative control over it, and also I think the story in my head is very different to the sexy, in control, menacing version of Axia that her fans enjoy.
Do you have any upcoming projects you can talk about?
Most of my current work is under NDA, but I will say that I'm doing something very exciting with other VOW members that we should be able to talk about soon(ish). Maybe I can even give a little teaser... It's not a game, but it is something you can read, and my part involves cakes, swamps, and a museum.
Do you have a favorite quote or song lyric?
It's a big long, but there's a section from The Dispossessed by Ursula le Guin that has stayed with me ever since I read it:
"For we each of us deserve everything, every luxury that was ever piled in the tombs of the dead kings, and we each of us deserve nothing, not a mouthful of bread in hunger. Have we not eaten while another starved? Will you punish us for that? Will you reward us for the virtue of starving while others ate? No man earns punishment, no man earns reward. Free your mind of the idea of deserving, the idea of earning, and you will begin to be able to think."
It's such a profoundly radical way of imagining the world, so different to everything I was raised with, but whenever I think about it I feel like I can see something very beautiful and powerful that I hope to come closer to understanding some day.
And of course, "Solidarity forever, the union makes us strong."
I was a big fan of the show Inside the Actor’s Studio. Host James Lipton asked every single guest the same 10 concluding questions. I’ve picked 3 of them:
-What is your favorite word?
My favourite word: for sound, I like words you can really roll around on your tongue. Chthonic, alabaster, insinuation. For meaning, I think simple words that encapsulate big concepts have a kind of power to them. We use them so often we forget how big they are, how much weight they really have, but they give us the space to imagine new possibilities. Love. Freedom. Revolution.
-What is your least favorite word?
I've heard that "moist" is a lot of people's least favourite word but it doesn't actually bother me. My least favourite word is probably one where I feel like the sound doesn't match the meaning. One of the Irish words for rain is báisteach, which I feel has a much weightier and more onomatopoeic sound than rain. Rain is just very flat and uninteresting.
-What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Oh, so many! I love history, and I think being a historian/archaeologist would be fascinating. Or something that had a physical component to it, like being a potter or a carpenter. I don't think I'd be any good, but I'd love to take the time to learn.
What would be your advice to anyone who wants to pursue a creative career?
All the work you do matters. Even the failed experiments, the things you hate when they're finished. It all helps to make you better. Also, creative career paths are often really unexpected, so chase any opportunity that seems remotely interesting. Don't work for free for anyone who can afford to pay, but work for yourself and put it somewhere. On a blog, twitter, whatever. You'd be amazed how many people get noticed and get offered opportunities because of something they made in their spare time. You'll probably have to work another job for a long time, so don't be hard on yourself if you're too tired to devote much energy to creative work. Try to make art consistently, but don't feel like that has to mean every day. Don't chase after celebrities. Make friends with your peers.
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Get To Know Me Tag
Wowza so,,,,,, @virtualbrownie tagged me in this thing & I thought,,, ‘why the fuck not?’,,,, so without further bullshit ado:
Rules: Answer the 20 questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
NICKNAME: ????? I don’t really have a name here,,,,, I went by ‘Anne Marie’ a while ago,,,, now it’s Sidd I guess??? I dunno,,,, just yell at my face,,, I guess
GENDER: mmmmmmmmmm
STAR SIGN: Swagittarius
HEIGHT: im short as hecccccccc (5″1′ ish)
TIME RIGHT NOW: 12:41 pm
LAST THING I GOOGLED: long tentacled squid to prove to my friends how fuccccin creepy they are
FAVORITE SOLO ARTISTS: Halsey, Hayley Kiyoko, & Lana Del Ray
SONG STUCK IN YOUR HEAD: Believer by Imagine Dragons
LAST MOVIE I WATCHED: Part of Slumdog Millionaire, but full movie was either John Wick or Wonder Woman
WHEN DID YOU CREATE YOUR BLOG: Two ish, three ish years ago
WHAT KIND OF STUFF DO YOU POST: I’m getting back into otome, so that & the occasional bit of not that
WHEN DID YOUR BLOG REACH ITS PEAK: I don’t think it was ever at its peak
DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS: I have around 2 1/2 fuck loads of blogs, but one that vaguely relates to this blog here, is @askaurorajames . An ask blog for my wifeyyyy
FOLLOWING: I’m following 2,476 blogs
POSTS: 56,439 (yikesssss)
POKEMON TEAM: Valor?? I think?? Whatever the one is with the cute possible lesbian
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 10 ish hours, it’s the summer
LUCKY NUMBERS: 7, 13, 23, 
FAVORITE CHARACTERS: Aurora James, why I have an ask blog for her; Snek Wife, Medusa; Eisuke Ichinomya; Yoh Kobayakawa (fuccccc i don’t think that’s how his last name is spelled,,,,) Altea Bellrose, Wizard Wife; Soryu Oh,,,
WHAT ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW: an oversized Yuuri! on Ice t-shirt
HOW MANY BLANKETS DO YOU SLEEP WITH: just one T_T whereas my brother has like 238947
DREAM JOB: I honestly don’t know,,,
but my big three that I’m considering:
-writer. i think it’d be pretty cooooool & i really want to (my number one option)
-scientist of some kind. this planet is a fucking messsssssss, but I don’t know if I myself can do much
-something with computers. if the world doesn’t go to shit like tomorrow, computers are going to be a big thing
@thatvoltageincguru @xekstrin @pandamathers @ichinomiya-thottie @tsuna11644 @worldwaranime @djwubchu @malezaclementine
I haven’t talked to anyone recently, out of the not 20, but I’m generally available if you want to chat (the above people were some that I have talked to vaguely?)
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elderburn · 7 years
Ruby Rose Kisses (Almost) Every Girl RANKINGS
I haven’t seen this one yet so I’d like to resurrect this terribly underfed blog (sorry about that by the way) to list, in order, my favorite Rube Smooches- as written by @xekstrin. (This is just my personal opinion and does not reflect the opinion of Viz Media, Paramount Pictures, or any other corporation to which I have no relation. I’ll also announce that if you’re tired of this blog not producing (sorry,) you can always follow me on my normal blog, @gottalovethosecostcomuffins​, which has been known to reblog at least one thing per day. Maybe more. Let’s begin!
21. There are really that many of these? Goodness. I’ll be here awhile. The bottom of this list is BY NO MEANS the “worst” Ruby smooch, as if there could be such a thing, but something has to go here! Ciel starts us off this morning. I honestly pictured the obstacle course for MW2 for this piece. This also scratches my “Ciel is a tough, smol cookie” HC, which is nice, but it also mentioned suicides, which I hated, so there. Kiss rating: 7/10. Good on Ruple for being conscious of her own sweat. Simple soul confirmed.   
20. Neon. LOVED THIS. If there were any more scenes in V3 with Neon, this is how I would have pictured them going. Meg would have had far too much fun VA’ing these, though, so of course it could never happen. Bonus points for the use of “impish delight”, always a crowd pleaser and definitely appropriate.  Kiss rating: 6/10. ‘Mmmmmwah’ is my favorite smooch onomatopoeia, sure, but poor Rotunda was just so distraught. Can’t have that. Bonus points for (in my mind) secret domme Rubes and the implication that someone would be kneeling should this piece go any farther. Me like.
19. May Zedong. You may be thinking by now, “Hey. this guy is putting all the secondary/tertiary character smooches pretty low.” And you’d be right. But not because of that. Anywho. May joins Neon in the “Be playfully mean to my daughter” squad, but Rope-a-dope takes it in good fun. These two practicing together/bonding over weapon types was like the FIRST thing I thought of when we met May, and I love that May is having so much fun with it.  Kiss rating: 8/10. Kissing the bullet is such a cheeky thing to do, and the slightest possible whisp of gunplay has me goin’ like a drop of water on a dying man’s tongue. Bless.    18. Pyrrha. This one was so cute! I’m gonna go ahead and guess that Ruby decided that those dern Goliaths were just too tempting and decided to go big game hunting. Thus the broken leg, so far the only real injury she’s ever sustained (the_shade_of_it_all.gif) Pyrrha though, as usual, is a perfect god damned angel that this world does not deserve, and thus stands ready to keep her girlfriend safe and... otherwise entertained. Bonus points for pet JNPR rock, whose name I still want to know. Kiss rating: 9/10. There’s lots of em, which is always good for healing (something something transfer Aura). Cute as fuck. Would read again.
17. Weiss. The main team had to start somewhere, right? I like how this one frames the WR dynamic, which has always been one of my favorites, if not necessarily my favorite ship. Flustered Ruby will always get some points in my book. Just don’t be needlessly sharp with her T_T Kiss rating: 7.5/10. So close, but when compared to Pyrrha, Weiss is gonna need to step up her game. Though I don’t think Rubes had any problems with this one. A good kiss.  16. Coco & Velvet. A photoshoot is, of course, the perfect place for Ms. Adel, and the scenario to get Ruskie in one is perfect. Tall/ leggy Yang is my shiiiiiiiiit, so points there. Lots of detail on the shoot itself, which just makes me want to pull out MY camera again. Jerk. Overall a fantastic and well built piece. Like Yang’s legs. I’m not distracted, shut up.  Kiss rating: 10/10! First one of the set. Velvet and Coco both playing off Ruby’s flusteredness is my fav, which may or may not come up again on this list... but that’s for later. Bonus point for boo-boo kisses. 
15. Salem. Eughhhh. What an unsettling mental image this piece gave me, but at the same time, that’s fucking perfect. The eyes especially got me. Poor Rub.  Kiss rating: 6/10. This is more of a “Ha gotcha now you’re my corrupted mindslave” kiss. Black liquid was mentioned. My eyes kinda glazed over after that. Well fucking written, though. Goodness. 14. Reese. “Eaaaaaaat my shorts” has to be the best opening to a piece you’ve had in a long time, Kep. The ball keeps rolling from there. Yang somehow breaking the ice and setting up this little bet also tickles me pink. I guess you could say she was being an... enabler? To her weapon junky tendencies. Now she gets to take the weapons apart. Is what I mean. Not. You know. Shut up. Kiss rating: 9/10. She is Ruby god damned Rose and fuck if she is not getting a kiss you fucking fucks get out of her way
13. Amber. This one seems like the longest? I didn’t do a word count. But I like it. Poor Rutabaga. You hook up with a nice gal, you clock in to your bodyguard job the next day, there she is. Awkward. Did I mention she’s basically a god and now you have to protect her from all the shit that wants to kill her? No pressure. Still, Amber, being Amber, handles it perfectly. A nice fic on its own. Lots of fantastic internal dialogue and focus on thoughts. Which I love.  Kiss rating: 7/10. For this one, the kiss was but a small part. Still an important one, but smaller. This was such a fantastic piece that gave more to Amber as a character than Mile and Kerble could ever hope to give her. I wouldn’t mind a little prequel to this one, though... club hookups? Yes please.  12. Arslan. One of my favorite new characters. Aaaaand she’s gone. This one has so many of my favorite #JustXekstrinThings- you got tight, revealing clothing, you got Ruby noticing said clothing, Ruby short circuiting when girls in tight clothing touch her, “beforewards” and the ensuing mental battle over its status in the Oxford Dictionary... the list goes on. Fantastic.  Kiss rating. 9.5/10. This kiss has so much. The breathless “Y-yeah.” The “I’m warm cuz exercise, not gayness.” The forehead, mentor mentee thing. But something keeps it from a 10 for me. I dunno. Maybe I’ll come back to this one. Still excellent. 
11. Penny. Arguably one of my favorite Ruby pairings, and another one knocked out of the park in this set. Normal girl, normal knee things are my favorite with these two who, along with Ruby/Pyrrha, so desperately need to do normal girl, normal knee things. Cute. As. Fuck.  Kiss rating: 8/10: Again, this kiss is a passing thought, but for it to be so normal for them is what makes it beautiful. Did I mention I fucking love this ship? 10.  Winter. Hoo boy. Top ten. It’s gonna get a little more difficult here, but I’m taking my time, so I’m confident I’ll get these right. Pilot Ruby is something I didn’t know I needed in my life, but here it is. Winter being naturally apt with such things is a no-brainer, but I love that that became a mentor dynamic as well. Perfect characterization throughout. And just a dash of spice at the end- “I can teach you more... if you want.” I bet you could, Winter. I bet you could.         ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Kiss rating: 9/10. Keep your sticks under control, Roob. That’s an expensive ship. 
9. Neo. Alternative learning style Ruby has always been a thing for me, so what better way for her to learn than through the most unconventional methods possible? Neo yanking her sign language chain made me giggle. Then you turn around and slap me with an “oh shit someone’s fallin off a cliff” scenario. Rubrub to the rescue.  Kiss rating: 10/10! Ya gotcher adrenalin pumpin’, almost dyin’, arms slinkin’, shirt bundled in fist ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), height difference, full on smackeroo of a kiss. Perfection. Everything I could ever ask for.  8. Raven. Ohh-ho man. Do I love me some Ruby/Raven. Like Neo and Arslan, this one checks lots of boxes for me. Wall pinning. Desperate clawing. ANGST. Raven’s shirt unbuttoned? Y E S  P L E A S E. Still, I feel bad for Ruby in this one. I just want it to stop too sometimes.  Kiss rating: 7/10. A bit unclear in this one, but I liked it all the same. What ties into the kiss(es) are what make it so good. An excellent read.  7. Nora.  Another one of my favorite ships. Doesn’t get nearly enough love in my opinion, but hey, what can you do. This is weapon-nerd Ruby in her fucking PRIME, so major kudos there. She’s elbow deep in this muthafucka and Nora likes. I like all the little world-building details you’ve got here- gee, it’d be nice if we got those from someone who, say, wrote the show- as they really help explain certain mechanics of weaponry and Aura without having to, say, make a 3-8 minute video narrated by some creepy dude to explain them. Amazing stuff as always.  Kiss rating: 9/10. That it was brief was its only flaw. Established couple stuff is my jam, and this delivers. Love, love, love. Bonus points for the wink, Nora. I see you.  6. Numbers 4, 5 and 6 are probably the hardest for me, but I think I’ve got it pinned down. This one is Cinder. Arguably one of your best written ships overall. I like the dynamic you set up in this piece- anti-hero, is she the bad guy or not, and so on. “As always, Cinder was perfectly put together” is the perfect summary of the character- at least as written by you, imo- and the rest of the piece frames that so perfectly. I would gladly measure my music by her footsteps- so long as they were on my back, chest or face. Damn do I love this character.  (side note: Is this set in the Chained Rose universe? Cuz if so...)
Kiss rating: 10/10! You’ll probably see a few more of these as we reach the top. This one is double for your money- you’ve got Ruby being a little bold puppy, always a favorite; and it even comes with a side of feigned penitence. This is, of course, immediately punished. As it should be. Bad Ruby.   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
5. Emerald. This is one of those fics that just makes you go, “Aaahhh.” Not in the screamy way. In the “I’m home” kind of way. I love all the little domestic touches. Her wife. Calling in sick. Let’s buy a house. Talkin about jobs. It’s perfect. Poor Em- I hope she works through her issues. She’s got a good helper.  Kiss rating: 8/10. As the rest of it, this one is perfectly domestic. A nice hand kiss. What a sweetheart. Points to Ruby for taking initiative. 
4. Blake. I really miss Beacon as a setting. While the whole high school anime thing can only take you so far, I do love me some dorm room snuggles, and boy does this scratch that itch. All my Ladybug boxes are checked off here. I would read 200k words of this. at $.03 a word... let’s not do that math.  Kiss rating: 10/10! Blake is opening up. Her mouth. Get it, Ru. 
3. Glynda. I am heeeere for this pairing. Of course Glynda can always find the nearest office space within a few miles to make her home. And of course Ruby can find it’s window to languorously hang off of. I love the dialogue here! Probably some of my favorite out of this whole list. What a fantastic piece. Kiss rating: 11/10!! There are so many!! There’s your hello kiss, your return mid dialogue kiss, your on your knees kiss pepperings. Glynda, as always, is completely down for this. Bravo. 2. Yang. You knew it was coming. And boy oh boy did it come. Heh. This is written in what I called the Style of the Strained Master- all of your Ruby/Yang fics have this feel to it, and it makes them amazing. Ruby is always thiiiis close to destroying herself, Yang, and everything around her, at any given time. Because she’s so. Fucking. Ready. This makes me happy. This waters my crops, feeds my children, eases my aches and pains. This puts a man on the moon and music in my soul. This is everything.  Kiss rating: There isn’t even a fucking kiss but you know damn well it’s getting a 10/10
1. The Sisters Malachite. Sound the trumpets! We have our champion! This was a struggle to decide. But this- and I know I’ve said this a couple times now- checks all. The. Boxes. Ruby being difficult. Ruby can’t do numbers. Weiss, help me. I have a number fixation and it’s making it really difficult to be the fuckin’ mack daddy that I know I am deep inside. Ruby has fucked up now. Now you fucked up. It has begun. Double teaming. Vainly struggling. There is no hope for you, child. Your clothes are ours. Have some cleavage, it’ll make up for the last three meals you’ve skipped. Except it wont. How bout we just fuck you instead. K? K.  Kiss rating:   ∞/10. I mean, there’s two of them, and they’ve got pretty decent stamina... There’s nothing here saying they couldn’t just go on forever. Poor Rubiks has a looooooot of stress to work out....  What. A. Ride. I spent the better part of two hours writing this out, and re-read all the pieces a few times a piece to get things down just the way I like it. Is this full of grammatical errors? Probably. Do I care at this point? Nah. Thank you again, Krissy, for writing this, and everything you write. You put in a lot of time for us nerds, that you really wouldn’t have to if you didn’t want to. And we appreciate the fuck out of that. Keep on keepin on. 
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aresmarked · 7 years
xekstrin replied to your post: the stages of getting to know me on this blue...
*snickers* never ever gonna let you forget you thought me a whole five years older than i was :P
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