locke-rinannis · 5 years
M y t u r n
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Ruran Vas and Xev’tan Tatsae have joined your party!
Starting Dungeon: “Ah–you–…I-I mean, let us…work together…”
Assisting: “Are you alright..?”
Being Assisted: “Ah, th-thank you.”
Idle Dialogue: “So you are…a sky captain? That must be an exciting life.”
Witnessing Xev’tan KO: “T-twelve–”
Reviving Xev’tan: “On your feet, we are not finished yet..!”
Finishing Dungeon: “That went…rather well? –Er–a-anyroad. Take care.”
Ruran and Xev’s relationship is yet to be determined/established, but it’s already a bit strained due to the circumstances of their meeting. However, he’s willing to give Xev the benefit of the doubt and work together as a team. His words are both careful and polite, and no mechanics would change–he’d still cooperate with the Keeper in any and all mechanics.
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Madoc Parnell and Xev’tan Tatsae have joinedyour party!
Starting Dungeon: “Shades! Hah, ‘tween the two of us, this’ll be done in no time.”
Assisting: “Save some of the glory for me, aye?”
Being Assisted: “Aw, look at us, best friends.”
Idle Dialogue: “Got a brew for you to try at the Horn, when we’re done here.”
Witnessing Xev’tan KO: “Shite! That’s–aye–nay, that’s not good.”
Reviving Xev’tan: “Don’t worry, we’ll joke ‘bout this later.”
Finishing Dungeon: “Safe an’ sound, just as planned! Time for that drink.”
Although seen a rough patch or two, Madoc gets along with Xev, and they make quite a team when faced against the same foe. Friendly banter is shared to keep the energy high. He may or may not join Xev in cooperative mechanics, believing that the Keeper can hold his own, but he’ll definitely go ‘woops’ and revive Xev, should he fall.
Send “My Turn!” for Trust dialogue my character would have with yours.
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meandering-mind · 5 years
one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart :^)
I do have a few heartwreckers about Maril/Sun; one being that as Sun’ra lives a much more dangerous life than her, he might (probably would) end up dying much before her; and so thinking about how she would handle that- I don’t think she really would. I think she is past the point where, in the event Sun’ra is lost in a sudden manner like so, that she could go back to life as it was “before”. I can see nothing but a self-destructive path for her beyond such a point, I can’t really pinpoint how she would go about it, but she’d find a way to cope that would come at the cost of her own life expectancy.
Which is just a very sad way for a cinnamon roll to go.
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hithren · 5 years
M y t u r n (For Arsh! :>)
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Arshtat Ejinn and Xev’tan Tatsae have joined your party!
Starting Dungeon: “O-Oh... hello Xev’tan. It will be good to work with you again.”
Assisting: ”D-Don’t worry, I have your back.”
Being Assisted: “...I thank you, I am sorry to be of trouble.”
Idle Dialogue: “...Did you ever find your stone?” (or) “I hope... the trip you and Madoc went on went well? He was quite happy when he came home.”
Witnessing Xev’tan KO: “X-Xev’tan...!”
Reviving Xev’tan: “Are you going to be okay...? I’ll keep watch until you’re feeling better.”
Finishing Dungeon: “I am glad that it is over. I hope you are not too terribly hurt...?” (or) “You should come by the bar soon, y-yes...? I am sure Madoc would like to see you.”
Arshtat and Xev’tan have worked together before fighting a few nasty beasts. While their most recent venture has caused her to be more on guard with the man, she still trusts him enough to fight beside him. Though she may not offer her back to him yet. She falls easily into a ranged supporter role, just as she would with Madoc. While Xev draws attention at close range, Arshtat focuses her arrows onto his targets and keeps distance enough to watch his openings.
Send me “My turn!” for dialogue my muse would have while in a party with yours.
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mischiefandmystics · 5 years
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Sun’ra Zhawn and Xev’tan Tatsae have joined your party!
• Starting Dungeon: “Rrrrrm, ahways a special treat tuh buss sum ‘eads wid mi Xev’tain!” *He passes him a piece of food.* “Keep yuh strength up.” • Assisting: “C’mon! Time fah show dem yuh Inna Beast!”• Being Assisted: “’Preciate yuh, Parri.”• Idle Dialogue: *Passes him a joint* “’Ow yuh like di gunblade? Tink dat Seekah sword add powah tuh it? Heh.. Di look pon ‘is face wen ‘e figuh it out… Oh! Yuh eva find anyting else ‘bout dem lettahs?” • Witnessing Xev’tan KO: *Immediately LBs on the enemy that KO’d him, using the next highest tier LB available.*• Reviving Xev’tan: “Nuh tell mi yuh too slow fah dis now, uh? Stan’ up an’ be firm, crew need yuh Xev’tain.”• Finishing Dungeon: “Should be a good ‘aul, uh? Weh next?” 
Sun’ra will generally focus whichever enemy Xev’tan is targeting and will align whichever attacks and status effects he can inflict with his Captain’s rotation. Sun’ra will share stat-boosting food with Xev’tan at the beginning of the dungeon, and will do so again if the effect wears off. If configured as Dancer, during idle moments, Sun’ra will challenge Xev’tan to a game. If the Captain one-shots three out of bounds npcs before Sun’ra, he will make Xev’tan his dance partner. 
Send “My Turn!” for Trust dialogue my character would have with yours.
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cheche-dotharl · 5 years
m y t u r n
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Cheche Dotharl and Xevtan Tatsae have joined your party!
• Starting Dungeon: “What a situation we have upon us, Captain.”
• Assisting: “Stay close. I… will try to keep you safe.”
• Being Assisted: “I—  can take care of myself. Thank you.”
• Idle Dialogue:  “I must admit, I did not expect to see you so soon. Not that I am… unhappy about it. On the contrary, I am… ah, nevermind.”
• Idle Variant, after combat: “Are you hurt? Let me see.”
• Witnessing Alley KO: “—!!!”
• Reviving Alley: “Xev’tan. Xev’tan, please.”
• Finishing Dungeon: “You fight quite recklessly, Captain. You do not have many pressing matters…? Please, allow me to tend to you. Stay a while longer.”
Cheche cares much of the captain, occasionally fretting over more dangerous pulls. She will strive to keep his health topped off and show moments of panic when he receives some damage or goes down. While tempted to strike up a conversation, she will struggle to abstain until the danger has passed.
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tiergan-vashir · 5 years
💔 What was my muse’s first heartbreak? (hi tell us the story :chin hands:)
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Aralyn was Tiergan’s first love, a body slave kept in the same pens as his own during his time as a gladiator-slave. Though Tiergan was initially very much a product of his environment: brutish, selfish, looking out for his own survival in a space that punished softness and emotion - his interactions with Aralyn brought out the side of him desperate for an ounce of kindness, eager for an opportunity to be good and tender without being scorned, mocked, or punished.
Aralyn was relatively new as a slave and spoke often of the world outside.  In a place that prized cruelty and aggression, her words and stories reminded Tiergan that there was a better world beyond the walls of his prison. That the slave pens enclosed around him were not truly the entirety of his universe and that he could aspire to be so much more, not just for himself, but for someone he loved.  Eventually, she convinced him of a plan to escape and he worked with her, using his privileges as ‘Alpha’ of his slave pens to acquire what they needed.
Their escape attempt ended in disaster, with Tiergan caught first, mercilessly tortured and his back utterly ruined by lashmarks in an attempt to get him to confess where he and Aralyn were supposed to rendezvous.  He was informed that Aralyn was one of the last of her bloodline tied to an ancient heirloom stolen from her family by their Master and that she’d likely been using Tiergan all this time in order to escape with the artifact back in her possession.
Just when Tiergan was about to break, Aralyn was abruptly brought in, having been recaptured, and was killed in front of Tiergan as a lesson to him never to attempt escape ever again.
Three years after Tiergan’s eventual successful escape with the aid of his elder sister Lurial, he received a mysterious letter.  To this day, Tiergan still has no idea if Aralyn loved him or if he was simply a convenient tool for an important task.
[Bonus related writing snippet.
I also have had a mini drawing project in my head for WEEKS that is related to Aralyn and explains why red cloth crops up so often in art with Tiergan and a lot of his imagery.]
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rhotdornn · 5 years
Hi yes please can I get one (1) wildcard
N-Not going to lie, kind-of expected an actual wildcard question attached, but adhering to Salty Sailor Munday™...
Throughout my studies, few thinks drove me to the brink of insanity as one research carried out directly in practice, on the field. Namely, consulting empirical data, a few colleagues of mine came to the irrefutable conclusion that would shake the heavens, topple the firmament, quake the earth, split the oceans, and unravel the very laws of our existence (as Economy students are wont to do usually). Their finding may not be uttered to the unwary ear, but with you, I shall share this... Golden token of information. They proposed the following:
Mayonnaise is the superior condiment with pineapple pizza.
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honoura · 5 years
My turn!
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Send “My Turn!” for dialogue my muse would have while in a party with yours.Honoura Hawke and Xev’tan Tatsae join your party!
“Oh. I remember you. Hm.” - Starting line“Try to keep in mind I did this later.” - Assisting“Um. Ah. Thanks.” - Being assisted“What!” - Witnessing Xev’tan KO“Up and about again I see.” - Upon Revival“Right. So. Here’s where we part then.” - Finishing line
Honoura is typically rebuffed by efforts from people being overtly charming; the more Xev’tan tries that tack, the shorter her sentences will be. It doesn’t marry well with the fact she knows Xev’tan can (and sometimes does) go completely off the rails. Which one is the real Xev? She’s not sure. That said, she won’t jeopardize success just because she distrusts him; mechanics will be adhered to, followed by her immediate retreat to the rear to dps from afar. In short, a functional working relationship for the entirety of the dungeon’s run, but expect no lighthearted teasing or gentle reassurances.
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starswornoaths · 5 years
👫! Hi hello!
o/ ‘hoy, Cap’n! (also I’m just going to do this for both Arcbane siblings bc shenanigans)
Good Pirate Tired Cop: Serella and Xevtan
1. Serella’s occasional assistance provided to Xevtan is less an endorsement and more an acknowledgement of “Piracy is just complicated whether you’re in the sea or sky but you’re clearly not entirely evil so we have an accord,” though on a personal level Serella genuinely enjoys Xev’s company. She tries to gently nudge him towards making “less awful” choices sometimes (though rarely, to be fair) because, “I don’t need you to do good, Xev, I just hope that sometimes you do better.”
2. It’s sort of a running joke that Serella, being a Paladin and all, should be apprehending him or something. “Or something,” Serella always says as she orders them another round of drinks. Really, no one’s all pretty, and she respects that he wears that on his sleeve. That, and she accepts that Sky Piracy is just living in a constant state of “It’s Complicated.” Sometimes that’s how Xev gets away if there are bounty hunters pursuing him: Serella “arrests” him (and by that, of course, it just means he sits there with his hands behind his back but not bound while she’s just like “sorry guys the early bird gets the worm, et cetera,” he makes a comment about lovers and rope or some such, and then she’s like “alright I’m tired u get off easy this time, buddy.” (And then they just go get drinks and laugh themselves to tears over it.)
3. Xev is genuinely surprised that Serella isn’t more green when it comes to piracy. She compares it to privateering: technically illegal in a lot pf places for a lot of reasons but there’s more good reasons to keep them around than not. She explains that she’s practically spent her entire adult life around sea pirates. Xev jokes, “’Sea pirates?’ What do you call the ones on land?” “Please, Captain, we just call them ‘privateers,’ and ‘mercenaries.” (No they don’t they’re the Dirt Pirates now.)
4. Xev has tried to goad Serella into a full night of matching him drink for drink many times. She actively refuses to drink anything but juice after like the third drink because the last time he said, “we’ll stop before we get a hangover,” they did not, in fact, stop before they got a hangover. Whether drunk or sober, however, they do enjoy strumming along and singing to shanties and tavern songs and just relaxing together.
No Impulse Control: Uthengentle and Xevtan
1. Uthengentle becomes a willing and eager participant in sky pirate shenanigans alongside Xev. Likes shooting the guns and doing cool crimes. Digs Xev’s style and presentation.
2. Uthengentle have a nasty habit of winding up defending themselves from gunfire in a tavern with only tables and the bar to shield them. It’s less that they want to start trouble and more that trouble tends to follow them…because they left a trail of blood and loot from their last big gig. Probably. Oops. Any bottles that haven’t had a bullet put through them (and the one that somehow remained in tact despite the bullet in the liquor which still baffles them to this day) is theirs for the taking. Uthengentle is just soft enough to leave his own gil to repay the bar owners if they didn’t die in the crossfire.
3. While Xevtan is hardly a “good guy,” there are things he does not abide by. Uthengentle is aware of this, so whenever his work in the Immortal Flames leads him to something that could be both profitable for Xevtan and have something genuinely good coming from it, he’ll tip off Xevtan and, if he can, give him the time to get in, take care of business and make off with the loot, and get out before Uthengentle “stumbles upon,” the person the Flames wanted. It’s a decent set up. They do not speak of it.
4. Both enthusiastically drink and sing and dance in taverns together. If they don’t remember the night, it was a fucking good night. They’re comfortable enough to unwind and have a rowdy good time together. Sometimes Xevtan will even just call up Uthengentle inviting him for a night of bar hopping. On special occasions, Uthengentle brings Arak and/or mead made with the honey from his sister’s bees (no that’s not a euphemism she keeps bees and makes mead lmaooo)
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afreesworn · 5 years
✨ = How important is family to your muse?
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To Nabi, family is not just blood kin. Else she would not have many at all that she knows. She was loved by her mother, Chanai, but after her passing, she still had two adoptive family members, a Hingan couple who she calls Aunt Mimiyo and Uncle Yoshinari. 
But now there are others, Ghoa and Shael who are like sisters to her, and Anchor who resides at the center of her heart. They are the most important people in Nabi’s life and she would readily risk her life for them. 
She doesn’t consider the rest of the Kharlu as close, her mother’s brother, Tugan, still frightens Nabi, and she is currently distrustful of her cousin, Arasen.
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ahlis-xiv · 5 years
🔎 — When searching for something, does your muse use their eyes or their hands?
Eyes, for sure. Also can depend too on the situation; Ahlis has found herself in situations where a more tactile approach to understanding her surroundings helps (cave and old ruin delving, anyone?)
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locke-rinannis · 5 years
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Courier ain’t afraid of no fanny pack, @xevtan
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meandering-mind · 5 years
✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great ✣ I like the way you express your muse(s) ❋ Your blog is one of my favs ✦ I like seeing you on my dash ♥ i have a lifesized cutout of maril in my kitchen
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. . . It’s not obsessive, it’s a sign of true friendship.
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mirror-apple · 5 years
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tHANK U,, i hold your hand
this thingy
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mischiefandmystics · 5 years
Fire: What is your muse’s temper like? Also asked by @tracytigress!
Unpredictable and variable. Sun’ra is generally a very patient man, and doesn’t too often feel anger beyond brief annoyance. 
When he does, however, it can manifest in a number of ways... Sometimes it is explosive and indiscriminate, with him lashing out at whomever and whatever is in his immediate vicinity. Sometimes with this kind of anger, he will make sure to only lash out at those people he knows can take the abuse, being sure to spare the people he likes if they happen to be around. This is generally short lived, lasting only until he physically wears himself out or goes to sleep. 
Other times his anger can be more simmering and slow growing, building up into something equally, or even more intense and disturbing than the first, but focused specifically on the source of his anger. This type of anger tends to last for however long he is left to think about the source of his anger uninterrupted and then until he acts out whatever grand, violent scheme he has meticulously developed. It is dangerous as it allows him the time to think of all the dastardly and specific ways to cause the source of his anger major and long lasting trauma that sometimes continues manifesting itself by proxy long after the bandit has gotten over the initial transgression.
Another version of his anger manifests as what is commonly known as a ‘spree’. Whether alone, or with a friend, he will take to the streets and act out his anger on whatever random, easy targets he can find. Sometimes this is simply a quick murder, other times the acts are a bit more drawn out, torturous, with his victim’s anguish and fear being what helps to soothe his emotions. These can last from bells to a sennight, with Sun’ra either staying exclusively in the company of those he brought out with him, or refusing to reach out to, or respond to anyone.
Finally, sometimes his anger manifests sexually. Wild and indiscriminate, often violent and bloody. While sometimes this is used to express anger outwardly, other times it is as a form of self-harm and he will seek out partners who he knows can or those he simply wants to match his appetite for violence and has no qualms with expressing it during a carnal coupling. More often than not, failing to find one who can adequately sate the self-destructive aspect of this anger will lead him into a more depressive spiral until he eventually levels out.
Send in a word for a /detailed / headcanon~
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ala-mhinyan · 5 years
💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it? (For both!)
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Non-verbal communication is a very powerful staple to the Coeurl kids, as they often choose to go about their days without saying words if at all possible. This was a lot easier to do when they are in their tribe--But Eorzea is not that kind. Speaking common is necessary to form relationships, conduct business and essentially live. This created a bit of a conflict of interest for the Coeurl; they live by the convoluted concept that Words, Their Meaning and Their Inflection means THE ABSOLUTE WORLD to them. Several have equated them closer to the Qestir and they wouldn’t necessarily be wrong; except that the Coeurl do not believe that all words are lies... UNTIL you lie ONCE to them. Because of this, it is incredibly hard for them to form and hold tight to long-standing relationships because of trust issues.
What does all of this have to do with their love language? Why, silly, their ultimate love language is -words-! They bring their lovers gifts, yes. Who doesn’t? They perform gestures that explain their love with gentle touches and meaningful glances, yes. They do things on their lovers would want them to do and blindly throw themselves into danger to rip apart anything that touches the ones they love. They set up elaborate meals, create magnificent clothing and jewelry... Even perform sacrifices to ensure their lover’s safety at the cost of their own well-being. But the most important thing? Those softly whispered phrases that could be parsed as romantic flavor text; They mean each and every honeyed phrase that makes one’s knees weak, and they mean it with ALL of them.
“Come home safely.”“Please take care of yourself.”“I am listening, I am here.”“Come here; I will only find solace with you in my arms.”“My blade? Yours. My heart? In your hands. My life? At your feet.”“I would raze this star with great enthusiasm if it meant seeing your smile.”“You are my radiant sunlight and the glorious moonlight.”“I will come back. Trust me.”
[ Sex + Romance Meme: The Tale of Love ]
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