#xiumin au
marshmallow-phd · 6 months
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Genre: Regency Gothic AU
Pairing: EXO x Reader
Summary: A stormy night brought you to the manor in the middle of the woods. Nine strange men occupied its halls. They won't let you leave. A dangerous secret haunts this estate. Learning it might either be your saving grace or it could lead to the last breath you ever take.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5
Lightning lit up the thin curtains covering the two small windows on either side of the carriage. Thunder rumbled and you felt it deep within your chest. Tugging your silk cloak closer, you closed your eyes and prayed that the driver would get you through the storm. There was no one to comfort you, to reassure you that a little rain and noisy sky wouldn't delay your journey.
Your father had insisted you take your sister or even a friend, but the two day’s journey didn’t  seem consequential enough to need a companion. Besides, what would they have done once you arrived? Your elderly aunt had only asked for you. From what you could decipher from her letter, she needed you to be a companion as she traveled to the southernmost coastal town. Apparently, it was now the ultimate fashion to travel to for the summer. Just the idea of rolling waves made your stomach churn. But what was worse was who else would be there–
The carriage jolted to the right. You spread out your arms, only barely catching yourself from falling to the floor. No sane person would have endured such dangerous weather. This storm had come from nowhere. Skies blue and cloudless as you had ever seen bid you farewell in the late morning. Most of the day's journey had been uneventful. Then the joyful light faded. Thunder shook the walls of the carriage. Rain pounded on the roof. When would you reach the inn? Bile rose up in your throat, burning the sensitive tissue as the carriage continued to rock violently. The horses neighed over the sounds of the storm. 
The carriage shifted hard to the left. And kept falling. You slammed into the door, nearly opening it with the force. You didn't know what was happening. The floor was now the wall and the wall the floor. A downward momentum made it impossible to stand. Screams ripped at your throat.
Then it stopped. 
The rain continued to pour and the thunder roared on but the carriage was still. Your legs wobbled as you slowly stood. With your palms, you pushed open the door. The thin wooden panel clapped against the outside of the carriage. Immediately you were pounded by the storm. Large drops pelted your face, obscuring your vision. It was dark. You could tell that much. And there were trees. In every direction. 
You climbed out of the carriage, calling for the driver. Your feet slipped in the mud, but you managed to keep your balance–for now. The mud was thick and sticky as you trudged to the front of the carriage.
 No. No, no, no. Both of the horses were gone. And so was the driver. Somehow, the carriage had fallen down a hill or ravine. With a storm this terrible, you needed to get to higher ground or risk possibly being carried away–or drowning. Clawing and digging your hands and feet into the soaked dirt, you climbed the hard incline back to the road. 
Once you could make out the road, you called for the driver again. No answer. He was nowhere to be found. You needed to find shelter. The storm gave no promise of letting up. You wouldn't survive the night in this forest, even if you went back into the carriage. The only choice was to find sanctuary. You stared in the direction you believed you came from. Nothing but trees and darkness. You turned to the other choice. All the same–wait. 
There was something... when lightning brightened up the sky. Your heart began banging in your ears. Spires, towers. Not trees. It was some distance away, but it was shelter nonetheless. 
With near tears in your eyes, you picked up your skirts–your fingers numb from the cold–and hurried towards the castle that could be your saving grace. 
The manor was calm tonight. Odd, considering the amount of bodies roaming around these haunted halls. Only the beautiful storm outside and Chanyeol's sorrowful melody from the piano broke the silence. Jongin had draped himself over one of the arm chairs as he inspected the wine mixture within his goblet. The taste was… adequate. The cellar would need replenishing soon.
In the corner, a rather lax game of cards covered the small, round table. Minseok smirked at his winning hand. The faded wooden chips with bits of white painted around the edges were piling up in front of Yixing, who leaned back carelessly, sure of his next win. Little did either of them know that the youngest among them had a little... trick his sleeve. As the quickest, Sehun had perfected sleight of hand long ago. None had caught him yet.
A fire roared, coaling the usually gray and brown room in flickering orange. With how close he stood near the fireplace, Kyungsoo's silhouette was visible through his loose shirt. He leaned his palms on the mantel and let the warmth of the flames engulf him. Warmth was all they could feel after all these years. It could be an addiction so strong it was tempting to throw himself into the fire. 
Junmyeon joined him at the fireplace, leaning his shoulders against the brick. The bite of the edge hardly registered in his mind. Pain of that measure... it was only a ghost that had nearly crossed over. 
“Such strong thoughts for a night like this.”
Kyungsoo didn’t look from the fire, but raised a questioning eyebrow in response. 
Junmyeon shrugged a single shoulder. “I can’t read minds, but it's obvious you're turning something over more times than a praying rock.”
“It's the same thoughts,” Kyungsoo murmured in his strange, monotone voice. “Always the same thoughts.”
“One day you will have to let it go,” Junmyeon sighed. “This is our existence now. And forever will be.”
“Acceptance of the present doesn’t erase the past.”
“But it does make the present more enjoyable.” The red liquid sloshed against the rim of the goblet as Jongin draped an arm over Kyungsoo’s shoulders. He wore a mischievous smile. A clear indicator of his true intention. 
Junmyeon shook his head. “We’re not going out tonight. There’s nothing out and about in this storm.” Hunting in these conditions would wield no trophies. Tomorrow would be a better night. 
“Jun’s no fun tonight,” Jongdae teased as he and Baekhyun emerged from the hallway. 
“If you want to go out in this mess,” Junmyeon waved towards the front door. “Be my guest. Just don’t you dare get mud on the rug–”
Bang! Bang! Bang!
“Help! Please! Help!”
Nine pairs of eyes snapped to the echoing sound. None moved. 
Bang! Bang! 
One of the double doors burst open and a figure fell to the floor, landing on its knees and palms. It looked up. A flash of lightning illuminated the face.
The face of a beautiful young girl. 
Your knees vibrated when they hit the wooden floor. Water fell from your loose hair that clung to your cheeks. The chances of  the door opening when you pushed on the handle had been low–yet the barrier that kept you victim to the storm fell open and you crashed downward with it. 
Greeting you in this strange hall were several men, their jaws hanging open in a mirror of your own surprise. More men appeared from a side parlor, curious as to who dared intrude on their evening. One, two, three–you counted nine total. Nine men. This was not ideal–a bit terrifying, really–but you didn't have a choice. The storm raged outside.
"P-please," you stammered past chattering teeth "The st-storm overturn-overturned the carriage.” 
The men stayed silent as they exchanged unreadable glances. One raised a questionable brow. 
"Jongdae, go run a bath," ordered the man closest to you. One of the shorter residents nodded and disappeared into the darkness that led into the rest of the manor. 
That's what this place was. A grand old manor, not a castle. Isolated. When you'd first run through the rusted iron gate, you'd feared it abandoned. A long dormant instinct whispered that you might have been better off if it had been. 
The first man approached, each motion slow, deliberate, and hauntingly graceful. He crouched down in front of you and captured your frightened stare. The fear in you began to melt away. He was… beautiful. Obsidian fell over his forehead in gentle waves. His tunic was of a fashion your grandfather would have worn. There was something strange about this man–all of these men. Something... different. 
"Let's get you warmed up." He held his hand out and you were up on your feet before you even realized your fingers were resting on his. "Don't worry," he murmured. "You're safe here. My name is Junmyeon." 
You nodded, somehow believing him, but unsure if you should. Through your violent chattering, you managed to stammer out your name in response. 
You jumped at the sudden noise. One of the other men had somehow appeared behind you to shut the door you'd fallen through. 
"Thank you, Yixing," the man beside you said. The one named Yixing nodded and then shifted his eyes to you. “Come.” A hand pressed into the space between your shoulder blades and guided you down the hall, leaving a trail of mud in your wake.
The man led you down several halls until you reached an unoccupied bedroom. Red blankets draped the oversized bed. Matching curtains hung limply from the canopy. All of the wood was a dark sort, rich in color but not quite welcoming like other, brighter woods. 
Jongdae emerged from another door on the other side of the bedroom. Steam rolled out after him as if it were following him for its next set of orders. “Anything else?” he asked drily. 
“No, thank you.”
Jongdae strolled the from the room without a glance either of you and closed the door behind him. Your breath hitched in your throat. The two of you were… alone. It wasn’t appropriate. It was…
You looked to the man still with you, fear causing your heart to pound painful against your chest. You tugged your cloak closer to you, but it was soaked from the rain. Shivers violently raced down your arms and spine. The man didn’t seem to notice as he walked over to the dresser and opened the top drawer. He pulled out a long white cloth. 
“These should suffice for tonight.” He held up the cloth for you to see. A nightgown. An old one by the cut of it, though thankfully it hadn’t been devoured by moths or mice. “If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask.”
You nodded. “Thank you.” 
He visibly suppressed a laugh at your small voice and waved you into the adjoining bathroom. Taking the nightgown, you tried your best to avoid his gaze. You scurried inside and shut the door. 
Junmyeon smirked at your mousy state. It was understandable why you were so frightened. The women of this period were warned of being alone with a man. And now you were alone with nine. 
Nine very dangerous men. 
The proper action for him to take was to leave your room now that you were safe inside the bathroom, but his feet didn’t move. Somehow, the storm had stranded you in their forest. What had happened to the driver, he wondered. Surely a gentlewoman such as yourself was not controlling the carriage. And yet, you were all alone. Circumstances were… ideal.
A small hiss echoed in the bathroom. It stretched out, along with the sound of sloshing water. Junmyeon frowned. 
He stood there for a few minutes more, listening to you sigh as your skin grew used to the scalding water. The sound of soap scraping against skin reached his ears, followed by more sloshing water. Soon, you would be getting out of the tub. Time to leave. 
He emerged from the bedroom, careful to close the door as quietly as possible. Everyone had gathered out in the hallway since they were too curious about their visitor to go about their night. Junmyeon found Jongdae blending in with the cluster. He glared at him as he hissed, "The water was too hot." 
Jongdae merely shrugged. Why would he care about water possibly being too hot? It would never hurt him. 
On the opposite end of the group, Yixing cleared his throat. "What are we going to do with her?"
Junmyeon glanced at the door behind him. There was only one best option, for all their sakes. "Tomorrow morning, we will send her on her way." 
The eruption was instant. 
In an instant, the hissing ceased. 
Baekhyun huffed and folded his arms against his chest, collapsing against the wall. Jongin scoffed. "Such a waste." 
“A waste that will keep this household from tearing itself apart,” Junmyeoun countered. It was an outcome none of them wanted. No one wanted to cause a fight, but resisting was difficult. The temptation was great. The quicker you left, the better off they would all be. 
"Do you really think it’ll end so well?" Minseok’s mocking comment hung in the air. Silent agreements rippled through the air. 
Junmyeon looked to Kyungsoo, whose answer was to look away. "No one touches her," he ordered. They all would try, he knew. But their strength would only get them so far. He stared down a few of them especially, so they knew he meant it.
Sehun pushed off the wall with a roll of his eyes. "Just get her out of here so I can get some peace." 
Junmyeon started to call after him but was interrupted by a soft thud from the room behind him. Confused, he opened the door to find you lying on the floor.
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mymoodwriting · 1 year
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Request for Anon (Werewolf Baekhyun) 3.3k, A/B/O, fighting, verbal abuse, drinking, intoxication, tipsy behavior, kidnapping, drugs, restraints, pheromones, smut, non-con, dub-con, biting, blood, marking, intimidation, implied pregnancy, yandere (@starillusion13)
“You’re an omega, and you’re mine.”
     You wanted to slap Baekhyun, you tried, but he grabbed your hand. When you tried to pull away he held on tighter, and you threw a sharp glare his way. You two had been friends for as long as you could remember, basically growing up together, but as of late he had changed. He always seemed to have an attitude around you, especially when others were around. You chalked it up to the fact he finally presented, and turned out to be an alpha. You were happy for him, but you also understood that came with its own burden. So you let some things slide, but this was where you drew the line. You were out with friends, and as the night dragged on he started getting handsy with you. Throughout all those years you had never seen him as anything more than a friend, so you stopped him, which only pissed him off.
“What is wrong with you!”
“I am telling you the truth!”
“My birthday is still months away, and I haven’t presented yet! I’m not an omega, let alone yours.”
“You are! I can tell.”
“No, you can’t.”
“Yes, I can. I don’t know how to explain it, but I know. You’re an omega.”
���I am not! My family mostly consists of alphas and betas. There hasn’t been an omega in generations and it’s not gonna be me!”
“Shut up!” You pulled your arm free. “I have had enough of your attitude, and this stupid idea in your head finally puts it into perspective. I’m not some lowly omega that needs protection from an alpha! And I don’t belong to you either!”
“Listen to me, I-”
“No! I’m not tolerating your bullshit anymore.” You took a breath. “I’m sure being an alpha has its own things to figure out, so you do that, and let me know when you stop being a dick.”
     You walked off without a word, swearing you’d hit him if he tried anything, but he knew better this time. You never thought you’d fight with him, he was always a good friend to you, but this was something else. You wanted to be understanding, but you needed to do what was best for you as well. You didn’t hear from him for weeks, which really worried you, but you weren’t going to reach out to check on him. This was something he needed to figure out on his own. You weren’t sure when you’d hear from him, but a week leading up to your birthday you got a call from him. You were nervous to answer, but you owed him that much.
“Hey… how’ve you been?”
“Fine for the most part, and you?”
“Me too. I’ve had a lot of time to think, and I owe you an apology.”
“Yeah, and?”
“I should do it in person. Are you free anytime soon?”
“I have some time tomorrow.”
“After your classes?”
“I’ll see you then.”
     All this time you felt like you had been holding your breath, that after all these years you had lost a close friend. Hearing his voice again was a relief, especially since it seemed he had gotten his senses back. Still, you’d have to wait and see if anything had really become of him. So the next day you kinda dreaded your last class, dreaded seeing him for fear things couldn’t go back to the way they were. You had to see him eventually though, so it was better to do it now and rip off the band aid. After class you found Baekhyun waiting for you. He offered you a quick smile but saw your expressionless face and dropped it. He followed you as you went off somewhere so you two could talk in private.
“Did your classes go well today?”
“Same old, same old. How have you been?”
“Good. I’ve done a lot of thinking lately… I can’t excuse my actions, only apologize for them.”
“I was a dick, I don’t even know what was going on in my own head. A lot changed for me, and I couldn’t keep myself in check. I’m really sorry you had to witness such a part of me, and I’ll do better to make sure you never do.”
“Is that it?”
“I mean, no amount of words can change what I did, but I’m hoping we can get over this hurdle together, or at least start over.”
“You were such an asshole.”
“I know…”
“And you’re done with that shit?”
“Yes. I never should have treated you that way. I don’t know what was going on with me.”
“Neither do I. Now if you ever pull that shit again, I will not forgive you.”
“I understand.”
“Good.” You took a breath. “Have you seriously been okay?”
“I’ve been doing my best, but there’s a lot going on with me.”
“How’s the family then? You being an alpha and all that. I mean, that’s most of your family anyway.”
“I’ve talked with them a lot. They’re happy I’m an alpha, but there are definitely things I need to be aware of.”
“No shit. Maybe if I’m an alpha too you can let me know.”
     Things couldn’t go back to how they used to be, but he was still your friend. Sometimes you could see him slipping back into that possessive behavior, but he composed himself well enough. He was doing better, which was the important thing. So when your birthday party rolled around you trust him to behave himself. Besides, it was your day of celebration, and you were going to enjoy yourself. So a night out at the club, endless drinks and a VIP room full of dancers, best birthday for sure.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough.”
     You were dancing around, clearly already gone for the night. Some of your friends had already gone home, so only a few were left hanging on. Although at this point it was safe to say someone had to end things before you all passed out. That someone was Baekhyun, having remained mostly sober to keep an eye on himself and everyone else. Now he was getting people in cars and sending them on their way. In the end it was just the two of you out on the streets.
“Taxi!” You danced off the curb. “Taxi!”
“No, no, come here.” Baekhyun grabbed you and pulled you back onto the sidewalk. “I’m taking you home, okay?”
“Nuh-uh, you can’t drive.”
“Yes, I can. I didn’t really drink.”
“Prove it.”
“I don’t think I can with you in this state. Come on now.”
     Baekhyun carefully led you over to his car, getting you into the passenger seat and getting your seat belt on. You leaned your head against the glass, Baekhyun getting into the car and driving off.
“Did you have fun?”
“The best…” You giggled. “And you?”
“It was a good night. Get some rest, I’ll wake you when we arrive, and please don’t throw up in my car.”
“No promises…”
     You shut your eyes and let the soft rumble of the car lull you to sleep. You figured you’d be out for a little bit and get some help going inside the house, but when you woke up you felt way more hungover than you thought. You got up, needing a second to realize you were in bed, and needing another to realize this wasn’t your room. The panic sobered you up real quick, but then you recognized the room as Baekhyun’s and calmed down. Although now that made you question why you were at his place. The hangover was starting to hit again, but you managed to get on your feet and go looking for Baekhyun.
“Ya! Baekhyun.” You mumbled. “Baekhyun… why am I here…”
     You managed to find the boy in the kitchen, sat down at the counter eating breakfast. Once he saw you stumbling around he got up and helped you take a seat.
“How’d you manage to get up?”
“Panic… why am I at your place? You said you were going to take me home.”
“I did take you home, to mine that is.”
“I was tired and my place was closer anyway. I’ll take you home now, after you have breakfast and recover from the hangover.”
“You better.”
     Baekhyun made you a quick breakfast. He was a pretty decent cook, and it was nice to try his food. It had been a while since you last spent time together like that.
“Here. A hangover cure.” Baekhyun handed you a glass. “You’ll feel better.”
“Already do, so thanks.”
     You chugged down the contents of the drink, knowing it was better to get it over with quickly. It didn’t taste bad thankfully, but still made you shiver.
“I’ll get my things and we can go.”
     You got up, stretching for a moment and then heading back over to the bedroom to grab your belongings. When you returned Baekhyun was exactly where you had left him.
“Alright, we can-”
    You suddenly felt dizzy, grabbing your head and stumbling back a few steps. Baekhyun watched you for a moment and then got up, taking you into his arms so you wouldn’t fall.
“Baekhyun… what’s going on…”
“Just a little something to help.”
    He led you back down the hall towards the bedroom, although when your legs have out he had no problem picking you up and carrying. Your vision kept fading in and out, and you were feeling hot all over. Words were becoming difficult as well, but you still tried. Baekhyun just found you cute, laying you down on the bed. Then you realized he was tying your arms down.
“… what… what are you…”
“I know you still don’t believe me, and that’s fine, but I’m still worried about you. Since you’ve come of age you can present any day now, and I didn’t like the idea of me not being there for it. So I thought I should speed up the process, and this way I’ll be here to look after you.”
“It should only take a couple hours, so don’t worry.”
“Let… me… go…”
“Definitely can’t do that now. Someone else might want to claim you if they find you in such a state.”
“Why… why…”
“I told you. You’re mine, and I’m not letting anyone else have you. Just try to relax.”
    You tugged on the ropes, but you barely had any strength left. Your head was spinning and you could barely make out Baekhyun sitting at the edge of the bed, watching you. It hurt, not just your body, but your heart. You had been worried about Baekhyun, and you desperately wanted things to go back to normal that you let him back into your life without being cautious, without letting others know what he had been saying lately. It was getting harder and harder to think, and you could feel your body shutting down to deal with the changes being forced on you. If you could fight it you would, but you didn't even know what was happening. So in the end the darkness swallowed you, and your feelings of fear with it.
     When you opened your eyes you felt so out of it, barely managing to stay conscious. Your body was shaking, and you felt very hot. You soon found out you were still tied up, and once again tried to free yourself, but it was useless.
     You didn’t feel so good, you felt sick, and in the moment you didn’t want to be alone. It wasn’t long before you made out Baekhyun in your field of vision. He was sitting by the edge of the bed, his palm against your head.
“You have a fever.” You whined which made him chuckle. “It’s normal to be sick when you present.”
“I told you that you’re an omega, and it’s all the more obvious now.”
“No… no what… what did you… do…”
“Just helped you awaken your true nature.”
“I’m not… an omega…”
“You can’t deny that now.”
“… home… I wanna…”
“I can’t take you home like this, besides what would your family think? There hasn’t been an omega in generations.” You whimpered. “It’s okay, I’m going to take care of you. I’m sure they’ll be relieved to know that.”
“No… no… I’m not…”
“The fever will pass on its own, but I’m not sure about the other things. They say omegas are pretty delicate, which is why it’s so important to claim one.”
“… go… away…”
“But you called for your alpha earlier.”
“… you’re not…”
“I am. I’ll go get you something for the fever.”
      Once he was gone you began tossing about, wanting to get free. You focused your energy on the rope, trying to untie it, but Baekhyun soon came back and stopped you.
“Is it bothering you?”
“I suppose you don’t need that right now.”
     Baekhyun untied you and helped you sit up, trying to give you some medicine. You refused though, not wanting to take anything from him anymore. He pet your head softly, finding your rebellious acts cute.
“This will make the fever go down and help things settle.”
“I’m not… an omega…”
“You know that’s not true. You can feel it, can’t you?”
“No… you did something…”
“You know there’s no way to change what you are. You can hide it or suppress it, but you can’t change it.”
     You knew all that was true, but you didn’t want to believe him. It wasn’t just about his betrayal, or what he had done, but what this all meant for you. Baekhyun seemed to know what you were thinking, pulling you into his arms despite your protests. He held the back of your head, rocking you softly to the sides, trying to sooth you.
“Sh, sh, it’s okay. I’m here, I’m not gonna look at you differently or anything like that. You’re still y/n to me.”
“It’s not… I can’t…”
“We don’t choose these things.”
    You didn’t know how you were gonna face your family. You weren’t sure you wanted to. This all felt more like a nightmare and you desperately wanted to wake up. If that was the case you felt you would have already woken up, but all this felt way too real. You don’t know when you started crying, but the tears weren’t going to stop easily. So you sobbed into Baekhyun’s chest, letting all your thoughts overwhelm you. That is until something else caught your attention. As you were coming down from the tears you began to notice something. 
    Baekhyun smelled very different. You carefully moved your head up into the crook of his neck, taking in a breath. You never really paid attention to the scents of your friends. You could tell them apart but you never really took them in to know them better. Although you could tell that Baekhyun’s had changed, again. When he had become an alpha you noticed the change, but this was something else entirely. He smelled sweeter, and you couldn’t help yourself, wanting to take in more. Of course Baekhyun noticed, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.
“What is it?”
“You… you smell…”
“They say the scent of an alpha is sweeter to an omega, and vice versa. I certainly know that’s the case.”
“… why…”
“Cause alphas and omegas get along better. We’ve always gotten along so well, even before all this. I guess we were meant to be.”
“That’s not fair…”
“I’d call it destiny.” Baekhyun took a moment. “You’re still burning up.”
“I’m fine.”
“You should still take something to make it easier… or I could help.”
“I told you it’s important for an omega to get claimed. I have no problem doing that now.”
     Baekhyun pulled you back a bit, pressing a kiss to your cheek. From there his lips trailed down your neck. Despite the heat and uncomfortableness, his mouth was a sweet relief against your skin. You didn’t want him to stop, and he had no intention of doing so. He knew you were already so high off his scent alone, and in this state you were all the more sensitive. Of course you weren’t the only one being affected. Baekhyun had been holding himself together, but now that he had you so close he couldn’t help himself either. Without asking permission he began to tear up your clothes.
     At that point it was hard to keep anything straight in your head. One minute Baekhyun was kissing down your chest, the next thing you knew you were lying beneath him with less clothing. Your vision was a bit hazy but you could see Baekhyun clearly. He had always been a friend in your mind, but now you thought of something else, of something more. Everything about him was different in your eyes. Your mind taking in the little things and feeling your heart flutter. The feeling only grew more and more as your body was accepting all his attention. 
    Even if you went out clubbing with friends you had never gone home with someone, or showed interest in hookups, so this would be your first. Baekhyun would be the one to take it all, and you knew at that moment you would never give it to anyone else. Your mind was so lost in his everything you didn’t realize the fangs, not until you felt a sharp pain in the crook of your neck. Your eyes went wide and you screamed, the smell of blood hitting your nose soon after. When Baekhyun pulled away you could see his bloody mouth.
“Couldn’t help myself…”
“No one else can have you.”
     There was a sharpness to his tone, almost like a warning. His one and only time saying this to you, and if you ever forgot it, there would be consequences. You couldn’t comprehend on the surface, but deep down you got the message. He wasn’t done here though, far from it. Baekhyun took off his own shirt, getting rid of the rest of your clothing and his in the process. You made a move to cover yourself, feeling exposed, but he stopped you, holding your hands above your head.
“Don’t hide from me. You’re perfect just like this, and I’ll make you even better.”
     If anyone asked you to recount that night, your first, the day you were mated, you probably couldn’t tell them anything about it. There was just a mix of heat and blood and pleasure. Your body would never forget, and neither would your soul, even if your mind was completely blank. Baekhyun wouldn’t say anything either, loving to have this secret to himself and to a degree you. All you did know was waking up in his arms, feeling safe, feeling loved. Your future was still uncertain, but you were alright there and then.
“How are you feeling?”
“Well the fever’s down, so I think the worst of it is over.”
“I guess…”
“Sh, take it easy.”
“I feel tingly…”
“That might be the bite.”
“Bite… yeah… you bit me…”
“You still need to bite me back.”
“Better now before you find out you’re pregnant.”
“What? You don’t remember how much we did it? If I didn’t put a baby in you we’re gonna have to try again.”
“Baekhyun, I can’t-”
     You jumped up and away from Baekhyun, but he grabbed your arm and pulled you back down. He pet your head softly, immediately soothing your worries.
“It’s much easier for an omega to get pregnant, especially when they just presented. It’s only natural for you, for us.”
“Us… you really planned this all out, didn’t you?”
“Can you blame me? I’ve always looked after you, I wasn’t gonna let anyone else do that.”
“There were better ways…”
“You wouldn’t listen.”
“You were a prick.”
“No you were.”
“Sh, sh, you should go back to sleep. We can talk more later, and finish things up properly too.”
“Don’t worry. I got you, and I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
“Thanks… I suppose…”
“It’s always been you and me. I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
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jongbross · 1 year
(hi ! 🥺 sorry for the bad english) you can do an exo!mafia au reaction, where they are mobsters and bump into their ex after they broke up because she found out he is mafia. they still love each other and want to be together, they are suffering apart? please💞 thanks, have a good day!
a/n: your english is just fine! my first language isn't english either, so don't worry. i hope you like it 🥺
xiumin: minseok is good at hiding his feelings, he did it all this time. he was a mess after you left, but you don't need to know that so he would probably try to play it cool, talking with you but never, ever showing what he's truly feeling. that's until you ask him "have you been okay?" - then his eyes will give in the truth. that's when he'll stutter to answer you, only confirming your suspicious. to someone who has been okay, minseok definitely agrees way too quickly to meet you someday so you two can talk...
suho: he's mature, that's for sure. no matter how shattered he was when you two broke up, he respected your decision and your space. still, junmyeon hurted a lot, so when he meets you again i think he will definitely try to come up at you and ask if you wanna talk to him, if it's okay for him to approach you (because deep down he's scared you'll reject him again). little did he know that you're suffering just like (or even more) than him.
lay: mobster or not, yixing is a softie. he will never admit it, but he cried after you left. when you two meet again, his eyes get glassy with tears the moment he lies his eyes on you, feeling like you were so close but so far away at the same time. the first move will have to come from you, so don't be afraid to approach him - he will love that. yixing doesn't think he deserves to be with the one he loves, especially after you left him for such a good reason, so he doesn't fight for you because of that. please bear with him, he misses you a lot but he just wants you to be happy with whatever you decide it's good for you.
baekhyun: the first thing he felt when you left him wasn't heartbreak, but anger; maybe at himself, at you, at life... but it was there. so, because of that, baekhyun is so petty once you two meet again. he's the one to come talk to you, but he's also the one who will sarcastically say "well, you're the one who left me...", only because deep down that's still a question for him. baekhyun wants to know that you suffered just as much as he did, because after all, the breakup was all on you, he never wanted that.
chen: another one who would be ANGRY. yes, he didn't tell you he was a mobster - that's not something you just tell people, you know? but he never put you in danger, he never brought work home, and you always claimed you loved him? how could you leave him so easily, then? so yeah, once you two meet up again, be ready to deal with the most stubborn version of jongdae you've ever met. he might be feeling like he can't live, can't breathe without you - but he he will never, ever admit that to you.
chanyeol: poor chanyeol couldn't focus on his work for weeks after you left him. he might be the only one from all of them to actually consider leaving the business just so he could be with you. when you two meet again, chanyeol will make it very clear how much you hurted him, how messed up you left him, but will also let you know that he absolutely understands you and why you don't agree with his line of work. he'd be the easiest to talk to and make up, though.
d.o: honestly? it's almost like he's heartless. kyungsoo loves you a lot, he always said he does, but the moment you questioned him about the mafia you planted a seed on his brain - "if they can't love me for who i am, then maybe they don't love me at all". of course, he felt bad and lost when you left, but he's also very logical and rational. so when you two meet again, you can cry all you want in front of him - it doesn't matter how much it hurts him -, the question will still be the same: can you accept him and his job? it all depends on your answer.
kai: oh, he's stubborn. he's very stubborn. his hyungs will tell him that it's okay if he's sad after you left him, but jongin will always deny it. he pretends like he doesn't care, but that crumbles the moment he meets you again - and it gets worse when you tell him you missed him. jongin is as needy as he's stubborn, so that's all he needs to hear to finally come through with his feelings and, then, ask you to come back because he's dying without you.
sehun: you have no idea how bad you've made sehun feel when you left him. sehun spent weeks thinking about how he can't have anything good in his life, but how he also can't leave his business now because he's way too far gone. when you two meet again, more than wanting to have you back, sehun puts effort into understanding if you're fine with his line of work, and making it clear that he loves you so much and wants to spend the rest of his life with you, and he will do everything in his power for this to happen.
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elysiangroundsforall · 3 months
In the Course of It ...
"You're my only Bambi, Bambi"
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Synopsis: INB100 is holding auditions and Y/N applies and gets selected but the CEO falls in love with Y/N. Pairing: Byun Baekhyun x reader Warnings: None Type: Angst, Fluff Started: 09/07/2024 (July 9th) Ended:
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"But I'm only a trainee."
"It doesn't matter to me."
"EXO member and INB100 CEO Byun Baekhyun reportedly dating a trainee under his company"
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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cyberexo · 1 year
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S I R E N PT 2 | Byun Baekhyun x Fem Reader
“What the hell are you?”
word count: 2.9K
warning: includes cursing, unprotected sex, & 18/21+ scenes that are not suitable for minors.
You pulled yourself up from the sand, tail fully shedded off, revealing your delicate & untouched skin, your face was tinted a light pink with slight embarrassment and emitting shyness from Baekhyuns' eyes taking in every detail of the sight in front of him.
You wobbled a little here and there before yoh managed to maintain some balance by spreading your arms out, looking up at Baekhyun to see he was still staring, jaw lowly hanging. Finally you broke the intense silence, "I know you've been coming here for the past couple of days to look for me, I was busy trying to get my steps in," you half joked, pulling him out of his enthralled state, painting a bashful smile on his face the second he pieced it all together.
"You learnt how to walk for me?" he squealed, moving himself your side, "Come on, I wanna see," he pushed, giving your waist a light nudge.
"You'll catch me if I fall right?" you asked, now that someme was watching you do something that wasn't within your nature it made you more nervous and prone to messing up for sure. But this entire situation wasn't within your or his nature at this point.
"Of course," he softly cooed, offering you a soft smile, you took your first couple of steps carefully, still a little wobbly but who could blame you. Baekhyun adored the sight in front of him, it was for sure one of the best things anyone has ever done for him, it was really cute but of course being the man he is, he couldn't help but feel slightly turned on by your efforts to impress him.
He lingered behind you, taking slow steps to give you some space, he couldn't help but let his eyes get distracted by your figure, scanning and taking in every detail you had to offer. He felt the familiar tension in his pants starting
to rise, quickly snapping himself out of his trance, he casually tried to hide any possible outline that was on display without you noticing.
After a couple of more steps, you felt your legs starting to give out, Baekhyun took notice and hurried behind you to catch you in case you suddenly collapsed, "Just a couple more steps, I don't want to be close to the water," you announced, Baekhyun looked back, scanning the waters for possible unexpected company. He knew you didn't want any other sirens coming up to see what you were up to, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to depict that much.
You both settled in the sand, far away from the shore and away from any path where anyone could easily spot you together, Baekhyun had gone around collecting wood for a small fire, even though you insisted you were fine, the icy feeling of your skin wasn't very convincing to him.
"Are you going to roast me?" you joked around, earning a hearty laugh from the man in front of you as he finally managed to get the fire going, "No, but I do plan on other things," he spoke, his tone was suggestive & you knew what he was implying but playing the dumb card was too good to pass up, "What do you mean?" eyes wide and innocently looking up at him. He'd pull himself back next you, automatically wrapping your arms around one another like it was second nature to you both, even though it was the second time you've met.
You let your fingers travel up his torso, admiring the crates and crevices that adorned his toned body, feeling him tense underneath you, the fire did nothing for your skin, but he didn't mind it that much, he actually enjoyed the icy feeling.
He didn't answer your question, instead he leaned down, lifting your head up with his slender finger, and stared into your eyes before planting a soft kiss on your lips, It was your first meaningful kiss with a man, and his first with a siren that wasn't planning on eating him. It wasn't that long till the intensity of it started to rise, hands roaming one another. You weren't oblivious to Baekhyuns' erection, you could literally sense it.
Lips still connected in a hot make out session, you allowed your hand to travel to the waist band of his shorts, while his stayed hooked on the nape of your neck and another cupped the soft flesh of your chest. "You really thought you could hide this from me?" you teased, feeling him smile into the kiss, "Shut up," taking the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth.
This feeling was all very new to you, having a vague idea of what was going on, everything was much different when you were in your human replica form. If you ever found yourself doing anything sensual with another siren it was always over as quick as it started, there wasn’t an exchange of heartfelt emotions or words, it was demanding and cold. Almost felt like a chore. But here, with Baekhyun, it felt so different you swore you could get addicted to the emotions he was making you feel.
You tugged down on his shorts, leaving him in his boxer that hugged his hardened length, he can't be comfortable, carefully placing your fingertips on the hem of his boxers. You felt his hands fall from your face and placing them on top of yours as if to guide you, before you could expose the last of his skin you pulled away from your electrifying kiss that made the both of you dizzy.
"What's wrong?" noticing your sudden shy expression, "Nothing!" you were quick to reassure that he hadn't done anything, you continued, "I just don't know how to do.. this?" you said, looking up at him with a puzzled look in your eyes, he just stared back into yours, his brown orbs pooling with lust and curiosity of how you'd react to this new experience.
"I'll teach you," he offered with a soft smile on his face, contradicting the lustful hunger in his eyes.
Finally pulling down on his boxers, releasing his hardened length, you stared in awe, captured in a trance that had your stomach churning with a burning desire for the man in front of you. Baekhyun cradled your jaw, landing a soft long-lasting kiss whilst he laid you down on the warm sand, situating himself in between your legs.
Disconnecting your lips, you let out a whimper already missing the feeling, he left a trail of purple kisses along your jaw, down to your neck, collarbones, and stopped in the valley of your chest. Looking up to admire your blissed out face, Baekhyun let his hand travel to your heat, his long and slender fingers having a feel of your slick folds.
"Look at you," he cooed, "You're wetter than the ocean," you scoffed at his choice of words, trying to hide away the reddening of your face but your slicked back hair wasn't being much help.
He slipped a finger into your heat, catching you off guard, throwing your head back and letting out a pleasurable sigh, there was no way a mere human was making you feel this good with just a finger, but then again, what did you know about love making with a human. Baekhyun slowly pumped his digit in and out of you, curling it before allowing himself to push in another whilst guiding his thumb to press down on a bundle of nerves you didn't know you had.
You let out a strangled breath, it was all too much but at the same time it was too little, you craved more, "Come here," pulling him back up to your face you landed a soft yet hungry kiss which he happily reciprocated.
Wrapping your legs around his waist to bring his manhood closer your aching core, the phantom feeling of his tip nudging your clit sent you into a frenzy, moans muffled by his soft lips, you found the strength to pull away to ask,
"Is it going to hurt?"
"Maybe just a little, I'll be gentle," he assured, intertwining your hands together, planting a kiss to soften the blow of the sudden penetration. It was overwhelming, you felt like pushing him off almost immediately, the pressure of his length pushing through to break your hymen could be felt everywhere in your body and you didn't know if it was normal or maybe because of what you were, it made it more intense.
Baekhyun noticed your face scrunched up in pain, your walls clamped around him like a vice, it was almost unbearable for him too but he pushed through nevertheless, feeling the breaking of the barrier that was stopping him from filling you.
Both sighing in relief, the hardest part was over and now it was just time to adjust and wait out the pain to be taken over by pleasure, Baekhyun allowed his hands to travel up and down your torso, trying to distract you from the ache in between your legs, peppering kisses alongside your jaw and down to your breasts, gently suckling on a nipple whilst his hand fondled with the other, nothing could be heard but the soft moans that escaped your throat, tugging on his luscious locks lightly enjoying the conjoined sensation of pain and pleasure.
Soon the pain washed over and was replaced by a pleasurable feeling of his cock stretching your walls, yoh lifted your hips up slightly before sinking back on his length, indicating that you were ready for him to start moving.
His thrusts were slow and deep at first, you could tell he was holding himself back from the way his hands were digging into your waist, sure to leave a bruise by morning. Baek-“ his hand found its way to your mouth forcefully making you shut up, “I’m sorry but if you say anything whilst sounding like THAT, I’m going to lose it,” he stated, still thrusting into you whilst subtly picking up the pace.
You let your eyes roll to the back of their sockets, hand clasping his own that was keeping you quiet, the only thing that could be heard was the crackling of the fire a couple of feet away from you and the lewd sounds your skin was making every time his hips would meet yours. “You’re so tight,” he breathed out, sweat was starting to form on his face, hair sticking to his forehead.
He looked ethereal.
It didn’t take long for him to find your g-spot, causing you to arch your back, yanking his hand off your mouth letting the rope of profanities escape your lips, “Fuck- please, please do that again,” you pleaded, looking up at him with drowsy eyes, it took him a second to realise what you meant before he angled himself properly and pulled your hips closer to him as if that was even possible before pushing himself back into you, his strokes picking up in pace but still accurate, the feeling was too much, jaws slacking and eyebrows furrowing in pleasure, neither of you could form a coherent sentence.
“You feel so good,” he let out in a strangled breath, leaning down to pepper your neck & jaw with kisses before finally pressing a pleading kiss to your lips, you couldn’t get over the feeling. How could this mere human have this much of an effect on you- kissing him back with as much passion, your hands found their way to his back, tracing his flexing muscles before your nails lightly pressed into his skin, bringing him closer to you.
The knot in your stomach was starting to get bigger, it felt like you were going to explode at any given moment, dragging your nails down his back, you were for sure going to leave more than just a mere scratch for the next couple of days.
Sirens’ couldn’t orgasm the same way a human does, it was internal, nothing was ever ejected from the body, the feeling of the churning juices inside of you was almost concerning, considering how foreign the feeling was.
Baekhyun could feel the way your walls clamped down on him, twitching uncontrollably, it took everything in him to hold himself back from filling you up before you received your own pleasure, he threw your leg over his shoulder, hitting at a new angle that drove the both of you insane, whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ear, “I- I think I’m gonna cum-“ you breathed out, letting your head fall back into the sand whilst trying to muffle your pleasured screams.
"Cum for me baby, let me hear you" Baekhyun huskily whispered into your ear, still relentlessly penetrating your sopping core, “Shit-“ his hands found purchase on your aching clit, applying the lightest pressure- that’s all it took for him to send you over the edge, yelling his name out along with incoherent curses, your eyesight went blurry and the stars in the sky seemed to multiply, the hot feeling of your juices gushing out of you was nothing like you’ve ever experienced before.
Baekhyun still pumped himself into you, riding out your high while chasing his own, the wet mess in between the both you, the way the sheer layer of sweat that had formed on your figure and made you shine under the moonlight was more than enough for him, in a frenzy he released himself into you, filling you with his seed to the brim, the sensation, the view- it was incredibly erotic and quite literally out this world.
Riding out both your highs while you tried to catch your breath, he finally pulled himself out of you, already missing the full feeling, the feeling of being completed like a puzzle, he laid next to you, face nuzzled into the crook of your neck, convinced he could feel your racing pulse.
“That was amazing,”
You pulled him into a kiss, this one a lot softer than the ones you’d shared before, you pulled back first, locking your eyes with his own, offering him a soft and satisfied smile. “What did I have to do to come across such an enchanting creature like yourself?” he whispered, “I don’t know.. scream like a girl as you get pulled into the water?” you answered, recalling the first time you caught a glimpse of him, Baekhyuns’ jaw fell open- not expecting the sudden not so romantic answer, “I want you to erase that from your memory this instant!” he demanded, forming his lips into a pout that just looked so kissable.
He didn't let you finish whatever it was you were going to say before attacking you with tickles, taking advantage of the upper hand he had over you since weren't the most mobile human replica on earth.
Soon the laugher and teasing died down after you let out desperate apologies, settling into each other's warm embrace, watching the fire in front of you die out- and watched the sun come to life from a distance.
You felt the shiver of Baekhyuns' skin against yours. You were already a cold blooded creature so the sensation of the cold wind of dawn wasn't much of a bother but you knew he wasn't like you, "Baekhyun?" he said nothing but hummed in response, "Can you carry me back to the water?" "So soon?!" he exclaimed, looking at you wide eyed, he clearly didn't want to let go of you just yet- or maybe even ever!
"I can't stay out for too long, i'll dry out!" you countered, making him sigh in defeat before he swiftly swung you up into his embrace, he was so strong, the temptation of staying here for as long as he wanted started to look a lot more appealing than it already was, but you knew better. Your worlds were too different for either of your likings.
Gently he placed you down into the water, submerging himself as well, he watched your tail come back to life, seeing how it wrapped itself tightly around you, adorning your every curve and detail, he was in a state of adoration. You dunked yourself into the water, missing the way it felt on your skin, before going back up to meet Baekhyuns’ eyes, you could see the sadness pooling within them. You were the first to break the silence
“I hear that you’re leaving soon,”
“In two days,” he sulkily spoke, his gaze not breaking away from your face, he wanted to have the image of you burned into his brain forever, “You won’t forget me will you?” you asked, a lump in your throat started to form, “Are you kidding me, I’d die with you on my mind Y/N, I’ll never forget you- please wait for me.. I don’t know when I’ll be back but I will come back one day” he pleaded, placing his hands on your shoulders to pull you in closer to him.
Finally you met his gaze after a few seconds of avoidance just to stop yourself from bursting into tears, pulling him into an everlasting kiss before pulling yourself away, a few more seconds and you know you’d completely lose yourselves in each other’s touch.
“I’ll wait, no matter how long it takes,”
back to masterlist
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starillusion13 · 1 year
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“ This is not your usual party.”
Kim Minseok
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“ Don’t you wanna let me in?”
Kim Junmyeon
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“Your beauty is sparkling even with no makeup.”
Byun Baekhyun
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“Hear me out my love!”
BAMBI - Byun Baekhyun
Our Angel - B.Bh
Are you jealous? - B.Bh
Kim Jongdae
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“Maybe another day, I will tell you my secret.”
Park Chanyeol
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“A monster can also have a Cinderella like you.”
Four Seasons of Love - Park Chanyeol
Do Kyungsoo
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“Everything you say, I will make you regret it.”
Kim Jongin
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“Have you tasted the mixture of Cream & Soda?”
Oh Sehun
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“The Oh in my name is for people when they are love fool for me.”
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jongupscrookedteeth · 3 months
EXO, Xiumin -
werewolf super power moodboard
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Please note that I created the collage but the photos are not mine credit to original owners.
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tinymintygarland · 1 year
The Nightshift
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Pairing: OT6 Mafia! Exo x Janitor! Reader
Summary: One day  Song Y/n switches her day shifts with her best friend Nari . Who knew her Employers were fond of her?
Genre: Angst, Mafia Au, Fluff
Trigger Warnings; Mentions of Blood, Dark hallways, Kidnapping, Wounds, Needles, Alcohol, Drugs, Sex, Cat-Calling, Sharp Objects. 
Exo Masterlist
Main Masterlist
This is also taking place in their Lotto/Louder era :)
I also included what i think Chen’s IRL wife would be like based on assumptions. As much as I adore Jong-dae but my guy has a whole wife AND kids!!
 Lmao this is based on a fic on my other blog and a dream so i wanted to write what had happened after if i continued dreaming. I would write what actually happened but omg it’s crazy lol. 
                      _______________DAY 1__________________
The city of Seoul was bustling. people taking phone calls. Others taking down orders. As well as some bussing tables, some cooking, some simply showing off that they had gotten promoted to a higher position. 
However our story begins with a friendly janitor who was getting ready for her day shift. Down the road a bus that was meant for the company called SM was coming up a few seconds. the sun illuminating the shiny bus filled with SM employees. These were the highest and most hardworking employees. there were sections of the bus that had designated spots for the employees positions. as well as those that were disabled and were going through their maternity. 
There stood a woman in her Mid 20′s. She had mid length H/c colored hair that was tied back into a ponytail a few strand finding their way out, her head also had a soft baby blue bandana. She had smooth S/c skin, her evenly toned lips smiled, her eyes shone in happiness at the conversation she held with the woman beside her. Her figure was hidden by her baby blue uniform that was a little loose fitting, her hands being hidden by the white rubber gloves. 
“Oh y/n! I’m so glad you were finally able to stand next to me!” The pregnant woman smiled at the blue clad woman. This woman was the wife of one of the CEO’s. She worked at her husbands company before becoming his wife. She also had just come back from her vacation with him and opted to be with her friend rather than her husband. she cherished the small friendship she had with Y/n despite their different positions in the company. 
“Oh yeah? I thought you would’ve ditched me for your husband hehe” The young woman giggled teasing her friend. This prompted a surprised expression from her friend and she giggled. 
“Oh Y/n don’t worry I’ll set you up with someone too!” she teased her single friend. The janitor whined at her friends teasing. This continued for the rest of the ride and after a while the bus had come to a stop. The bus doors had opened signaling the employees of the company to step out and head to the elevators or the cafeteria to have some breakfast provided by the company. A benefit of working for the company. 
The young woman helped her pregnant friend up from her seat and walked towards the cafeteria as they chatted. Y/n’s other friend had waved her over. It was Nari. Nari worked the night shifts and had made sure the company building had stayed clean for the employees in the morning. 
“Hey! Y/n! Mrs.CEO! OVER HERE! I SAVED YOU THE BEST THINGS!” Nari shouted from a table with an excited smile. The two friends that had arrived gave each other a strange look and giggled at their energetic friend. The trio had greeted each other. 
Nari is a good friend of Y/n’s. Her full name being Kim Eun Nari. She liked to be called Nari. Her long hair being tied into one single three strand braid, as well as the baby blue bandana. her porcelain skin contrasting her best friend Y/n’s. her hazel brown eyes shone under the florescent lights of the building. As the trio ate and caught Nari upon what happens when she goes home to rest. 
The building doors opened and walked in one of the CEO’s of the company. His name was Kim Jong-dae. or as his employees had nicknamed ‘Chen’. He smiled as he made his way towards the table of the three women. The blue clad females teased their pregnant friend as they whispered to her that her husband was looking for her. 
“Ladies and My lovely wife good morning” He greeted the trio with a smile. The Two single females greeted their boss with a smile while the wife smiled warmly at his husband. He sat down next to his wife coffee in hand as well as a pumpkin porridge. 
“So Nari? how was your shift earlier? any gnarly clean-ups?” Y/n had teased her friend. To this the female rolled her eyes at her friends comment which had caused a laugh from the three. 
“No but thankfully it was an easy night! wasn’t too bad after all I have you! you make my job way easier!~” Nari chirped as she took a spoonful of her Vegetable soup. 
“Oh! while I have you here Y/n would you mind switching shifts with Nari tonight? As much as I love both of your cleaning methods the other guys want to see how you’ll both do if you switched. you’ll both get paid extra for the trouble” Chen chimed in with a bashful smile. I looked at Nari who grinned, I nodded my head and agreed. 
“I guess it wouldn’t hurt. why not?” I gave a nod and ate a bit of rice from the tray that Nari had saved for me. 
“Then It’s settled. You can go home early today to rest up and then come back with Nari for the night” Chen added with a smile. I looked at Nari who was day dreaming and nodded when she was caught. To this she gave Y/n a look and they both stood up from their seats as their meals were completed.
 “We’ll see you later Mrs.Kim!! Chen..” the two women teased their friends as they left the cafeteria with a smile and walked towards the janitor’s closet. One leaving her items and the other gathering her items for the day.  
The female had begun her journey of cleaning the windows, taking out the trash and dusting the small areas of the building as well as opening the windows to air out the building. 
I opened the window letting out the dusty air and took in a breath of fresh air with a smile. I felt a shadow loom over me and I opened my eyes to find a pair of brown eyes staring into mine. I rolled my eyes as I found Mark staring into mine. 
“Hey! why the glaring? hehe you’re cute when your at peace” He laughed as he stayed in close proximity. 
“Oh whatever don’t you have to get back to work Mr. Security guard?” I teased the male as I left my spot from the window and back into the building. The male followed behind me with a smile. 
“Actually I am Y/n besides I’m making sure whoever comes in is not a threat to the building” He laughed as I sweeped the floor. 
“Oh haha Mark at least I don’t get distracted easily” I laughed and watched his face flush at my comment. The doors opened at the entrance and walked in Taeyoung with a small smile. 
“Hey Ms.Janitor!” The male smiled at the smaller female who gave a smile. 
“Hey Taeyoung!” I greeted him with a shy smile. Mark gave a shocked look as the two interacted happily. 
“Hey! why don’t you ever smile at me like that!” He cried out dramatically. I rolled my eyes at his comment. Taeyoung just laughed at his Co-workers attitude. 
“Maybe when you’re less hyperactive she’ll take you seriously haha..” Taeyoung laughed. Mark looked in my direction as I laughed and huffed. 
“Oh! speaking of which I heard you switched with Nari?” Taeyoung looked at me with a small smile. I looked in his direction and sighed. 
“Sadly yes so now I don’t think I’ll be able to entertain your friend here for awhile” I groaned knowing that I would be in this building at late at night. and alone. 
“Hey hey it’ll be okay besides I think Haechan and Johnny are working those shifts..Don’t worry!” He said with a small smile. I knew that my other friends did work at night but still made me nervous. 
“Alright Alright..Thanks just makes me nervous of the building at night haha” The two males smiled at me and sighed. I smiled and waved them off as I continued my way up the building as I was called to the Second floor. 
This floor was the most that needed extra care as they frequently spilled things onto the floors and didn’t care to clean it up and left it a sticky mess for me to clean. I sighed as I grabbed my scrubbers and bucket and made my way towards the area that had the spill carrying as well as the wet floor sign.
The day carried on as usual as I cleaned the spills, changed trashcans and dusted areas that needed to be tended to. As the day came to a close I made my way towards the elevator and pressed the button as I sighed waiting for the elevator to be called upon.I took one of my earbuds that was attached to my phone out of my ear as I looked up at the sign watching how much time was left for the elevator to make its way towards me. The doors made a ding sound as the doors opened. I made my way inside with my duster and rags that were in the loop of my pants and I reached over to press the first floor button but halted at the sound of someone calling out “Hold the door!”
I stopped and held my hand out to stop the doors from closing allowing the person to come in to the elevator. The male was much taller than me. I looked up at him, he had his hair dyed a bright red, his brown eyes gave a thankful smile. He had rather than a suit a grey plaid button up, black slacks as well as black dress shoes. He looked like any other employee but as soon as I took in his lanyard that was a Bright white it sunk in He was one of The CEO’s. 
“Hey thanks for holding open the door haha” The red headed male smiled at me. His smile was nice. I gave a shy smile and nodded. I reached for my earbud ready to give the male some space but he did the opposite and began to talk. 
“So...You’re Y/n? Chen’s wife talks highly about you during coffee breaks” he spoke with a smile as he stood across from me on the empty elevator. I looked at him and smiled at the mention of my friend 
“Oh? she does? that’s nice” I smiled not knowing what to say. 
“Sorry my name is Kim Chanyeol..I’m assuming you saw the lanyard.. don’t worry I don’t bite!” He gave a gentle smile. 
“Its alright I just didn’t think anyone would be here considering I’m usually the last one that leaves..” I gave my honest response to him and gave a small laugh. He smiled at my response and nodded. 
“So you’re our janitor for the switch? hehe well its nice to finally put a face to that name!” He said excitedly. 
we continued our small conversation down the building we stepped closer now comfortable with each other the more we talked as friends rather than business.
“So? is it fun you know cleaning up our mess?” Chanyeol joked as he stood infront of me with his arms crossed. I rolled my eyes with a smile. 
“Mhm~ definitely fun cleaning your-” I was cut off by the red head male reaching over me our bodies extrremely close as he pressed a button to a floor. our faces close and then he jumped away realizing how close we were. I blushed at the close proximity from when he pressed a button.
“Oh! sorry I forgot that I was supposed to meet the rest of them on the seventh floor but we’re now on the..third floor!” Chanyeol admitted with an embarrassed smile. I smiled at his cuteness and smiled. 
“It’s alright I understand!” I smiled at the tall male that I had befriended. He gave a sigh of relief. 
“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” He asked with a big smile wanting to know what I had to say and I nodded at his words. 
The elevator doors gave a small ding and I walked out the doors and turned to wave at him with a shy smile. To which he waved and smiled as the doors closed behind him.Once The doors closed I blushed heavily and pressed my hands on my face knowing that I had met one of my other CEO’s and had a friendly conversation and had gotten close to him on accident. 
 I waited for the elevator to leave and quickly made my way to my janitor’s office and closed the door behind me so I could react to what had just happened in secret.
“Get it together Y/n! you’re here to work! besides.. this is the last time I get to see the sunset from the big windows..” I sighed as I had began putting away my items that I had used for the day.I grabbed my phone plugging in my earbuds sticking them in my ears and playing music as I finished my routine. I finished putting my things away on a shelf I had begun filling the items that the company that would clean this month would need. I refilled spray bottles, I put the dirty rags into a bin that was reserved for the ones that would be cleaned in the morning and grabbed the clean ones as well as other items that would help them. 
 Once I had finished my restock One by one I had left a spare key for the company and hung it by the door so they could gain access to the office if they needed anything else extra for the night and smiled at my work. Whistling the tune of This is love. 
Who knew My real shift began the night I started?
___________________________NIGHT 1____________________________
The female was on her way to the SM building. However she was used to the daylight that shone brightly. The female sat on the bus for once as she was all alone. Her earbuds playing music calming her nerves as she watched through the windows watching as she neared the building. Her nerves getting more and more anxious as the bus finally stopped and she got up from her seat and made her way to the front of the building. 
She was determined to finish cleaning this building as quickly as she could and wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. She took a breath and bumped into Johnny who gave her a raised eyebrow. 
“Y/n? I thought you worked during the da- oh wait I thing Haechan already told me that you both switched..don’t worry you’ll be fine besides! If anything just radio us and we’ll be there!” Johnny reassured her with a smile. 
“Thanks I just want this done as quickly as possible..” I groaned and made my way into the building beginning to clean as quickly as humanly possible with the help of anyone else that was on staff for the nightly clean as I was the one to lead. I had cleared the top four floors as they were the smallest of the 12 floors and continued for the rest of the night. 
I finally had finished cleaning all 12 floors of the building as quickly and as clean as humanely possible and made it down to the first floor that was the last of them and breathed heavily. 
“Jesus christ Y/n! you did all that in 8 hours?!” Haechan gaped at the sweaty state I was in. I was sitting on one of the couches and nodded. 
“You would too if you were up there with a bunch people who were lazy at their job!!!” I whined and was finally able to breathe normally. The two nodded but were still shocked that I was able to clear all 12 floors by myself. 
I stood up taking the final sips of water from my water bottle. My hand wiping the sweat from my forehead. I stretched my limbs finally walking to my small office again and took out what I needed and began to sweep the floors quickly not wanting to be here despite knowing that My friends were here. 
I finally got finished with sweeping and finally began to scrub the dirty floors that seemed to be covered in muddy footprints despite the outside of the building to have concrete, I shrugged it off and continued to scrub the floors on all fours. This continued for another hour as I didn’t want to go up the stairs for another mop knowing that would make this quicker but didn’t want to up the dark floors. 
Finally admiring my clean work I had gotten done. I had tied my long-sleeve blue shirt around my waist, showing off my figure that was hidden by the soft colored uniform. I took out an earbud and heard the elevator ding as the floors dried and watched seven men walk out of the doors. I looked away as I continued my work, grabbing my bucket and scrubbers. I knew that I had to walk past them to put away my things to be done with work.
“Y/n? what are you doing here? I thought you worked during the day?” I looked and saw Chanyeol among the seven faces. I smiled and walked up to him and Chen ignoring the stares from the other Five men. 
“Hey Channie. Oh I thought you knew that Nari and I switched our shifts?” I said confused to why he had asked that. He shook his head as he kept eye contact with me. I looked over at Chen and smiled. 
“I hope you’re treating my friend right Chen, and looks like to me they weren’t aware of the switch” I teased him to which he laughed. 
“Dont worry I-” He was cut off by one of the other men. The three of us looked at the male who cut him off. 
“Chen! Chanyeol! I didn’t know you guys were friendly with our cutie here!” The male with puppy eyes and dark hair cried out. I raised a brow at his comment. 
“Excuse me? I have a name you know?” I shot at the male crossing my arms as the males chuckled. 
“Hey! You realize I am one of your Boss’ right? The Names Byun Baekhyun but you can call me Baek~” He smirked and I rolled my eyes unphased by him.
“No way? So I’m Assuming you all are as well?” I looked at them all who grinned and nodded. I sighed. 
“Dissapointed?” Baekhyun grinned
“No I knew Chen And Channie were but all of you? that’s a little insane don’t you think?” 
“Well we do have the most sales besides these guys won’t give you trouble maybe except for Baekyun and Kai ” Chen laughed.
“Anyways let me introduce you guys! Since you already know Chen and I This is Baekhyun, Suho, D.O, Kai, Sehun and Xiumin!” Chanyeol introduced the other CEO’s. 
I finally got a good look at them all. I couldn’t deny that they were all as good looking. 
“Interesting.. well its nice to meet you I’m-” 
“Y/n. we know I’m the one that hired you” The male named Suho cut me off. They all elbowed their friend who had cut me off and gave smiles. 
“mhm whatever anyways I have to put this all away.” I made my way past them all feeling them all stare at me as I made my way towards my office. I opened the door and closed it behind me as I began the routine that was left to me and finished in less than 10 minutes. I swiped my card finally clocking out.  I walked out of the office and found the others standing there Chen being an exception as he probably went off to meet with his wife. 
When I had left the office I saw that they had all left. 
what an interesting night that had been. 
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soft-jihoonie · 1 year
I Hated You But I Want You - Chapter 1
Pairing: Chanyeol x f!reader
Genre: University AU - enemies to lovers
Warnings: none currently, may change throughout the series
Words: 1,094
A/N: As always, if you like the fic please like, reblog or reply! I’d love to know what you think
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Park Chanyeol is just about the smuggest dickhead you’ve ever met, and now you’re forced to cooperate with him.
You never really thought having to do partner work on projects at university would be an issue, you’d been paired up with plenty of people with no problem at all. Chanyeol though, Chanyeol is a problem.
It’s not like he’s the worst person in the world, sometimes he can be fairly amusing, but the way he gets away with doing the bare minimum of work through his charm riles you up way too much. So you’re understandably annoyed when you check your email from your lecturer with a spreadsheet of who’s partnered with who, and find your name right next to Chanyeol’s.
You’ve heard many stories from your friends of how Chanyeol will barely contribute till the last minute, turning his portion of the work in the morning of a project being due some times. He knows he’s good at the degree, and that drives you up the wall that he won’t be a cooperative team member, only caring about his own grade.
You can’t help but groan audibly when you read his name, leading Kyungsoo, your friend you’re hanging with before class, to ask, “Who’s your partner? I got Minseok.”
You mumble out, “Lucky”, as you turn your phone screen to Kyungsoo, pointing at Chanyeol’s name.
Kyungsoo pulls a sympathetic face and says, “Man, I feel for you, I hated working in a group with him, partners is going to be way worse!”
“Thanks for the confidence, Soo.”
He laughs and says, “Speaking of that class, we should probably head towards the seminar room before we’re late.”
You nod, gathering up your items and following Kyungsoo to the room, idly chatting with him along the way.
As if the universe was looking to mess you around further, Chanyeol was standing outside the seminar room, laughing obnoxiously loudly at something his shorter friend has said.
You don’t manage to suppress your eye roll, Kyungsoo quietly laughing when he sees you do so. He stops on the other side of the seminar room door to Chanyeol and leans against the wall and you follow suit.
Your idle conversation with Kyungsoo is being interrupted moments later, and you hear Chanyeol’s voice say, “Ah! You’re my partner on the new project!”
Mentally reminding yourself to act nice, you turn to face Chanyeol and respond, “Yep that’s me!”
Chanyeol grins and you can’t deny that it’s sort of endearing, he responds, “Y/n, right? I’m Chanyeol.”
You can’t help but chuckle at him introducing himself when your names had been on the spreadsheet saying you were partners. Chanyeol seems to realise this as he says, “Ah right, you probably already know that.”
Deciding to take pity on him, you smile and say, “Yeah I do but thanks for introducing yourself anyway!”
Chanyeol grins back at you and then the two of you return to your conversations with your own friends. As your listening to Kyungsoo complain about another module he has that you don’t share, you find yourself thinking that maybe Chanyeol isn’t that bad. He seems like a nice enough guy, maybe your friends had been exaggerating.
That thought is quickly disproven once the seminar starts. Your lecturer tells you to sit in your pairs and after giving a run down of what’s expected of the project, sets you to all start planning together. You pull up a blank word document on your laptop and turn to Chanyeol as you ask, “Alright, what should our projects focus be?”
Chanyeol doesn’t look up from his phone, shrugging as he says, “Honestly pick whatever you prefer, I don’t really mind.”
You don’t hold back your annoyance as you say, “Seriously? We’re meant to be working on this together, you should at least have a say.”
Chanyeol’s eyes finally leave his phone to look at you, seeming a bit surprised at your response. He shrugs once more and says, “I don’t know, tell me your ideas and I guess I’ll say which one’s I like.”
You’re close to raising your voice at him from annoyance but seeing that the lecturer is glancing your way, you take a deep breath and begin typing down your ideas onto the word document. Rolling your eyes when Chanyeol goes back to his phone.
Coming up to the end of the seminar, you’ve managed to force Chanyeol to pick a project topic with you and decide which parts of the project you’ll each focus on specifically. You’re packing away your laptop and notebook when you see Chanyeol’s phone shoved in front of you.
Sending a quizzical look his way, you glance back down at his phone screen to see it open on a new contact. Chanyeol says, “You should put in your number so we can keep in contact about the project.”
You’re definitely surprised that Chanyeol’s initiating this when he’d been so reluctant to cooperate with you all class, but you still take his phone and put your number in, passing it back to him when your done.
Chanyeol smirks at you and says, “Easiest way to get such a pretty girls number”
You roll your eyes, picking up your bag as you stand up and walking off towards Kyungsoo. You can’t help but scoff at Chanyeol’s comment, thinking he’d never have a chance to get your number if it wasn’t for this project.
Chanyeol isn’t unattractive. He’s definitely one of the more conventionally attractive men on your course, but his personality puts you off him easily. You’ve never really liked the joker fuck boy types, and Chanyeol fits right into that category.
Kyungsoo swings an arm around your shoulder as you head out of the seminar room, introducing you to Minseok who walks out with you. Minseok already seems to be a much nicer partner than Chanyeol, and he gives you a sympathetic look when you begin to complain to Kyungsoo about your partner.
As you settle down at a table in the library about 10 minutes later with Kyungsoo and Minseok, your phone buzzes in your hand. Checking the notification you see it’s an unknown number messaging you.
Opening the message, you see it says, ‘so when can I see you next baby? - Chanyeol aka hottest guy you know’
You roll your eyes, typing back ‘next seminar session’ and then saving the number in your phone under the contact Pain in my ass.
You choose to ignore the frowning emoji Chanyeol sends back in return and get to work starting on the project.
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
Kinktober Day 23 - Fae!Minseok X Queen!Reader - Biting & Body Worship
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Anonymous Said: Could i request Fae!Minseok and Royal!Reader with a biting/marking and body worship kink?
A/n: Oh, you most certainly can, my dear anon ehehehe
Word Count: 359
Kinktober 2022 Mini Masterlist
“My lady,” Minseok hums appreciatively, nipping at the skin of your inner thigh with his fangs. “My Queen.”
A sigh of his name escapes your lips in response as you feel his tongue lave over the newest bite mark he’s given you. He wasn’t kidding when he said he wanted to worship you tonight and make you his, in every meaning of the way.
His lips have not left any part of your body untouched this evening, teeth almost always following in their wake. He’s already left the indentations of his canines all over your skin, starting at your neck where he bit down on your flesh so tenderly, so appreciatively, and all the way down your torso, stopping only to give ample attention to both your breasts and your stomach.
There is no part of you that will not be covered in his marks by the time he’s done with you. After all, it is fae tradition to claim that which you love most with a bite.
“My lady,” Minseok sighs once more, eyes falling shut as he scents your arousal leaking out from right between your legs. “There is simply no part of you undeserving of my love.”
Your breath hitches at his honesty. After all, fae cannot tell lies.
Slowly, his hands push your legs further apart, opening yourself up to him in the most intimate of ways as his pupils dilate. The sight before him is truly magnificent, and he’s sure to tell you.
“There are many forbidden fruits in this land with the most delectable of nectar,” his tongue comes out to wet his lips, eyes dark as he stares at your weeping folds. “Yet, I find myself looking forward to this feast the most.”
“Minseok, please,” the way you say his name has a shiver caressing his spine, the desperation in your voice causing his eyes to briefly flit up to meet your own.
“Patience, My Queen,” he smiles, a hint of smugness on his on his lips. “I plan to savour this moment here with you for as long as I can. After all, I have all the time in the world.”
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marshmallow-phd · 3 months
A Manor of Shadow and Blood
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Genre: Regency Gothic AU
Pairing: EXO x Reader
Summary: A stormy night brought you to the manor in the middle of the woods. Nine strange men occupied its halls. They won’t let you leave. A dangerous secret haunts this estate. Learning it might either be your saving grace or it could lead to the last breath you ever take.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5
The grand hall was lit as bright as midday. Every surface was polished to perfection, reflecting the candlelight at a greater force. Brilliant brass and gold surrounded you as you made your way through the dancing couples, their movements in perfect sync. Wrapped in each other's arms, they spin around without a care for your wandering presence. 
While all who surrounded you were decorated in blacks and whites, your own dress was the color of freshly spilled blood. The heavy skirts that hug from your waist made it difficult to navigate the ballroom. Their fullness was of an older fashion, one that maybe your grandmother would have worn in her youth. The dropped shoulders left you exposed, your skin chilled despite the amount of bodies in here. 
You kept navigating the dance floor, on the look out for something, though you didn’t know what. Then you felt the familiar burn of eyes boring into your back, which sent a shiver down your spine. You whirled around to find the source, the dress brushing at your feet with the sudden motion. Through the crowd, you spotted Baekhyun leaning against the wall. With a single finger, he beckoned you over. And you obeyed. 
Breaking through the sea of dancers, you took in his elegant suit, the hems lined with gold thread that shimmered against black velvet. 
"You shouldn't dance alone," he purred. Arms crossed over his chest, he smirked at you with a grin even the devil wouldn't wear.
"I have no partner," you retorted. He held out a lazy hard. Hardly the romantic gesture. "No, thank you." 
"How about me?" asked a sweet voice in your ear. 
You turned your head to find Junmyeon at your back. He laid a soft hand on your hip to keep you from escaping out of propriety. When you didn’t shove him away, the hand slyly moved to your stomach, pulling your bare shoulder blades into his chest. With the fingers of his left hand, he tilted your chin towards him. 
"Am I a suitable partner?" 
No answer passed your lips. You could think of nothing to say. The thought of him twirling you around the dance floor was not… unpleasant. 
Junmyeon neither needed nor cared for a reply. He dipped his head to your shoulder and pressed a kiss to the skin. A small gasp passed your lips. And then he pressed another. More and more as he climbed up the curve of your neck. Heat rose from every inch of you as you sighed into the affectionate touches. You relaxed into his touch, welcoming each new contact of his lips. 
"It's rude not to share, Junmyeon.”
Your attention snapped back to Baekhyun, who you had forgotten was there. He pushed himself off the wall and stepped closer to you so he stood in front of the minor. 
No, not a mirror. There was no reflection. 
Except… there was. The mirror reflected the floor, the ceiling, the candlelight. You. 
But not Baekhyun. Not Junmyeon. And not the dancers still spinning behind you. 
Fingers snaked through your hair and pulled your head back, your vulnerable neck exposed. From the gallery above, Kyungsoo watched as elongated fangs flashed behind Junmyeon’s lips and plunged into your neck. 
You woke with a start, the blanket flying off of you as you sat up in a fury. Sweet drenched every pore of your skin. Your day old dress clung to your skin in a way that felt suffocating. Each breath was a struggle for your lungs. 
Vampires. The nightmarish tale that had kept you up as a child until you were convinced they weren't real turned out to be true. But how could they be real? 
Creatures of the night. Blood drinkers. Horror stories meant to keep children from wandering about after dark. 
Curling your legs to your chest and encasing them in your arms, you tried to think of a way out. To escape. With what strength you possessed, you slid off the bed and walked over to the window. The sun, so bright and full of life, was just beginning its descent towards the horizon. Night–their domain–was hours away. If the legends were true, then they would all be asleep at this moment. Any risk that was to be taken had to be taken now. 
After changing into a sturdier dress, you retrieved your still mud-covered boots and, keeping them in one hand, you carefully pushed away the pathetic barrier and snuck out of the room. 
Each step was taken with unmatched caution. You tested every board with your foot before fully committing. Any squeak of a floor or stumble down a stair could alert them to your escape. But by the grace of a miracle, you made it to the front door. Fingers trembling, you pulled on the boots and tied up the laces before opening the door only wide enough for you to slink through. 
The next breath taken outside was like the first breath of life. But there was no time to take it in. 
Gathering your skirts in your grip, you took off into the trees. The dirt was dry and sturdy under your feet. Branches and leaves crunched with the weight of your boots. A lady’s delicacy was out of the question as you ran without abandon. You didn't know what direction you were running. But vampires needed blood to survive and they weren’t drinking yours. And Jongdae had brought those buns from a bakery, not their own kitchen. You doubted any of them knew how to cook. That meant a village or town had to be nearby. Junmyeon had lied about the isolation of the manor. If you just kept going, you could find freedom. 
However, your stamina was running out. This was never your preferred activity. Your lungs and throat burned in an unfamiliar way. The sun still shined above. A short respite could be spared. 
You leaned against a tree trunk for support. In your boots your feet pulsed. Only now did you realize that you had run away without food or water. Not knowing where the kitchen was located, you didn't have time to waste on it. You could survive, you told yourself. Just a little farther. The town couldn’t be too far. Unless you were headed in the wrong direction. 
A rustling rippled through the silent forest. You snapped to attention, trying to find the source. 
“The wind,” you gasped between ragged breaths. “It had to be the wind.” 
A low, rumbling growl said it wasn't wind. 
In the distance, large silhouettes emerged. Wolves. Nearly a dozen of them. 
You ran as fast as your crying legs could take you. With their superior nature built for the hunt, the wolves caught up to you within seconds. Their growls and howls grew louder and more threatening behind you. Running from the manor had been easy. Running from the wolves was to be your end. 
Powerful paws slammed into your back. You were thrown to the ground, rolling across the ground as a scream ripped at your throat. The momentum stopped you on your stomach. Hair covered your face, but you could still see your death through the strands. 
Wolves of gray and black gathered in a half moon circle. They had their prey in perfect position. The middle wolf pounced. All you had time to do was throw up your arms to protect your face. Claws raked across your forearm. Another scream echoed through the merciless trees. The wolf landed on the other side of you with pride. Now you were surrounded. A second wolf leapt. 
A blur appeared in front of you and collided with the wolf midair. The two bodies tumbled across the forest floor. A human and the wolf. 
Not a human. 
Chanyeol. The wolf trapped within his grasp, Chanyeol tightened his grip–
The wolf fell limply to the ground, its tongue hanging from its jaw. 
The others appeared seconds later. Not understanding what they were up against, the wolves let you go to attack the newest threat. 
"Are you alright?" Junmyeon knelt down in front of you. His hands were outstretched as if you were the wild animal on the verge of attack. Behind him, snarls and whimpers told of the fight–and who was winning. Despite not answering him, he caught sight of your bleeding arm. "We need to get back to the manor." 
He didn't ask permission before picking you up into his arms and sprinting through the forest. Everything blurred past you, your loose hair whipping at your face. He burst through the manor doors and didn't stop until he was able to set you down in the largest chair. Once you were safe, he fell to his knees, only his palms keeping him upright. The others soon stumbled in behind him, heaving and collapsing onto the floor. Only then did you notice the smoke floating up from each of their backs. Patches of burnt, red skin sizzled on their knuckles and faces. Anything that had been exposed to the sun. 
"Baekhyun," Junmyeon gasped. 
"I already have it." Kyungsoo came into the parlor with bottles stacked in his arms. He quickly passed them around, waiting until the others were quenching their thirst before pulling the cork out of his own bottle and chugging the contents. 
With his bottle empty, Junmyeon tossed it to the side and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. Red smears stained the ivory fabric. You shrank back in the chair as he turned towards you. 
"What hell were you thinking!" He growled. "I warned you about the wolves!" 
"Junmyeon, she's shaken up enough," Jongdae defended. Before your eyes, his burnt skin healed to be like new.
"She could have been killed!" 
Your head was pounding. He was… concerned about your life? The legends said that the sun was a vampire's deadliest enemy. It was why they thrived in the darkness. But they had all risked a final death to come after you. 
"Did you hear me scream?" you whispered. You could barely feel your own lips moving. All heads tuned to you. 
Yixing was the one to answer. "Yes. We all heard you." 
"Why were you out there?" Sehun asked aggressively.
You sucked in a sharp breath. There was no escaping the truth now. You stared at Jongdae. "I figured it out.” 
Baekhyun laughed. "At least we don't have to walk around delicately anymore." 
"When exactly did you do so?" Minseok mocked.
"Then you should remember what I said to you before was true. Harm would not come to you within these walls." Junmyeon crouched down next to the chair. His eyes... there was something behind the darkness that tugged at your still wildly beating heart. "I know you were running away. And if you're desperate to get away enough to get yourself killed, then the choice can be yours. We can send you on your way with every provision. Or," he cleared his throat, "you stay here. With us." 
A choice? He was giving you a choice?
Your gaze drifted over the faces that stared back at you. Even Kyungsoo refused to look away while he waited. There was almost a plea in his expression, a subtle beg. But was it to stay? Or for you to run as far away as possible? 
Junmeyon took your attention away when he picked up your wounded arm with delicate fingers. His pleading was much more clear. 
To leave would be the better choice. The more sane choice. But what would happen afterwards? You could claim being lost in the woods. With evidence of the carriage and the missing driver, what else could they believe? After a few days on bed rest, you would be back by your aunt's side, following her every whim. Including indulging her on a "perfectly adequate" suitor because you had no other option, no other path. That suitor who would then become your future. But you didn't want it. You refused to give in to it. 
Already within these few days, you were… changed in a way. They might not be human, but these men would forever be burned into your memory. Who could move you with music the way Chanyeol had? What silent strength could match the aura of Junmyeon? You had been promised that none of them would harm you. The chance for something extraordinary was right in front of you. The kind of chance you had only read about. It just had to be taken.
"I think… I think I want to stay."
The moon became an ever changing friend. You hardly saw the sun anymore. Like the men you had given yourself over to, you lived under the stars. It was oddly beautiful. This time was often forgotten about by you and many others. The night was only a background to your time within your dreams. But now it was your entire world. 
Every evening, you awoke to the dying orange light of the day. Breakfast always waited for you outside the door. It was the rule that no one broke; none could enter your room without explicit permission from you. Those walls remained your safe haven when things grew too overwhelming. 
Despite your decision to stay, discovering that other creatures walked the earth required a step away once in a while. Especially now, with you aware of their true nature, the men were refusing to hold back. 
Dropping from the roof, running around with spectacular speed, and lifting objects that ten men couldn't hold. It was remarkable. Except for the diet and inability to walk in the sun, the… condition seemed more like a blessing.
"You're rather thoughtful this evening,” Jongdae commented. He walked beside you like he did every twilight. 
After you finished your breakfast, you met Jongae at the front doors to go on a walk around the manor grounds. Often others would join you as well. Junmyeon was the most frequent, though Yixing, Changed, and Jongin made many appearances over the past week and a half. Boundaries were constantly tested, but one word from you and they retreated.
"I guess you could say I am thoughtful tonight," you finally sighed. You hadn’t realized that you were being so obviously quiet. Funny, since you would have thought Jongdae would enjoy the silence. You typically had many questions or comments of your own to make. 
"Should I go steal a penny from Sehun?" 
You laughed. "I'd like to think my thoughts are worth more than a single penny.”
"They must be if you've become so skilled in deflecting from them." He crossed over to block your path. Gaze narrowed, he studied your carefully guarded expression. "What are you thinking about so hard? Regretting your decision to stay already?" 
"No," you insisted. "Not at all."
He raised an eyebrow that simply asked, "Then what?" 
"Do you always stay here?" you countered. "At the manor, I mean." 
"We travel," Jongdae answered with a nod. "Not too often. It’s a bit difficult, you see."
"But we like traveling north.” Minseok dropped from who-knew-where, landing with barely bent knees and hands folded behind his back. "In the winter, the night lasts longer. Junmyeon has a small hunting lodge up there. 
A hunting lodge? "Then why do you stay here?" 
Minsoek shrugged. "This manor is bigger." 
"Having nine of us in one household can be a bit volatile,” Jongdae added. He stepped aside to continue the stroll. "We need the room to separate so we don't level a building." 
Your foot caught on an invisible lump in the grass. "You could destroy a building while fighting?" 
Minseok snickered as he caught your stumble and helped steady your stance. His hand lingered at your waist until your sharpened glare made him remove it. "We haven’t crumbled a wall in a few years."
You scoffed at the casual tone. "What sort of fight caused that?" 
"I can't remember." Minseok leaned forward slightly to look at Jongdae for help. But he didn't seem to recall either. 
"Who knows what started it between Chanyeol and Kyungsoo.”
Your mouth dropped open in shock. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol had fought over something to the point of destroying a wall to crumble? It didn't feel plausible. Neither seemed like the hot-headed sort. You wanted to know the igniting incident so desperately. 
Both Jongdae and Minseok suddenly whipped their heads towards the front of the manor. 
"What is it?" you asked when neither offered an explanation. 
"Junmyeon's calling for us." Jongdae scooped you up into his arms without warning. At your confused expression, he explained, "We're not leaving you alone out here." Remember your last adventure in the woods lingered in the silence.
The short lived wind whipped at your hair that you still wore loose to cover your neck. As soon as he stopped running, you wiggled out of his arms to be back on your feet. Everyone else was already gathered just outside the door. Several eyed you and Jongdae with suspicious and annoyed glares. You took a step away from him for some separation. 
Clearing his throat, Junmyeon called everyone to attention. "We have to go hunting–real hunting. Now, normally, we all go together, but now that we have our guest," he nodded towards you, "some will have to stay behind with her until the first party… comes back." 
"If you all need to go,” you couldn't quite speak the word feed, "then I'll be alright. For a few hours, at least." You weren't sure how long this excursion would take.
Junmyeon's features softened. "No. We'll go in groups. Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Minseok and I will go first. We shouldn't be gone long." He reached out and patted the top of your head before disappearing into the trees. Kyungsoo gave no goodbye as he followed suit. The last two playfully shoved each other while taking off. 
"Come." Yixing took hold of your hand and started pulling you inside. "I want to show you something."
"But–" You had wanted to ask Jongdae a question, but the traitor was already gone, off somewhere to do something he would never tell you about. So, you let Yixing take you into the manor and up the main staircase at the end of the hallway. At least he let you stay on your own feet instead of insisting on going at his speed. 
Going down an unfamiliar hallway, you were reminded how big this place was and how much you still had to explore. The men occupied most of your time, vying for your attention and pulling you this way and that so you didn’t have much time on your own. It was odd and overwhelming at times. 
During your seasons in town, you were hardly a well-sought after prize. There were prettier girls with grander dowries. You had accepted that fact. Now you were the center of a courting dance to which you knew none of the steps and possessed endless partners. 
Yixing paused in front of a door that looked identical to all the others. He kept his fingers tight around yours as he slowly turned the knob with his free hand. The door swung open. 
The gasp inhaled through your parted lips wasn't enough to convey your awe. 
Maps of all the places you'd heard of and dozens more you hadn't covered the walls like homemade wallpaper. Slipping out of Yixing's grip, you walked further into the study, spinning slowly around to take it all in. The maps were varying degrees of tan, some as light as his skin, others as dark as animal leather. 
Instead of bookshelves, doorless cabinets waist high lined three of the walls. Their squared shelves were stuffed full of parchment and ink and quills. A lone sketcher's desk sat in the middle, an unfinished drawing laying against the tilted surface. 
"What is this place?"
"It's my personal study," Yixing answered as he laid a hand on the edge of the desk. "Kyungsoo gave it to me after I had accidentally taken over one of the parlors." 
Your awe increased ten-fold. Your initial assumption was that he was a collector, not the original artist. "You drew all of these?" 
He nodded almost... shyly. "I did. I was a cartographer. Before." 
"Before?" You understood what he meant, but you didn't know how to ask for the story. 
Turning his eyes to the parchment, he pinched it between his fingers. "I didn't just love traveling. I loved capturing it on paper. I wanted to make these places into art, but not like every other painting. I wanted them to be perfect. Exact replicas as if you were staying at them from God’s point of view. And I wanted to be the best. I couldn't be, though. I wasn’t good enough." 
You moved closer to him, entranced in the story. "What happened?"
A rueful smile tightened at his lips. "I was given a chance to become perfect. What I didn't know was that I traded everyone knowing my maps for the talent to make it happen." Sorrow rolled from him like the tide warning of an oncoming storm. 
Feeling the pull to comfort him, you reached out and covered his fidgeting hand with your own steady fingers.
"People will be able to know your work some day," you whispered. "I’m sure of it." 
Perhaps you had been a bit too forward, a bit too open. 
Yixing moved gracefully forward to eliminate most of the space between you. A smooth thumb that once must have been calloused when it was human caressed the edge of your jaw. His flickering eyes made intentions obvious. 
Clearing your throat, you stepped out of the touch. "Why isn't this one finished?" You pointed to the drawing on the desk. It was an aerial view of the manor, with the top half of the parchment containing the beginning edges of the garden hedges. Disappointed, Yixing sighed and went along with your distraction. 
"I'm still working out the maze. It is intricate. Much more than I was prepared for." 
"Goodness." You were thankful that you hadn't wandered in there yet, especially on your own.
Both of you turned towards the door to find Sehun standing under the frame. 
"Yes, Sehun?" Yixing said through somewhat gritted teeth. The young vampire wasn't phased. 
"I need to speak with you." 
"Fine." None of you moved. 
Sehun looked at you with a pointed glare.
You received the hint loud and clear. "I'll leave you, then.” 
With more relief than you cared to admit, you scurried out of the room and down the hallway. 
Around the corner, you pressed your back against the wall and forced yourself to take deep breaths that filled your lungs to capacity. Panic had been the response at Yixing's closeness. You didn't mean for that to be the response. You didn't want to be closed off to any of them. But you couldn't help it. Maybe it was merely the closeness of the situation. 
Giving yourself a small amount of grace, you pushed off the wall and made your way downstairs. So used to your time being absorbed by the men that you weren't sure what to do with yourself. Two of the ones that remained behind were currently occupied. As for the three others, they could have been anywhere. 
You wandered around the main floor with a fleeting hope that one would come to find you. Then you saw them. A row of grand doors evenly spaced along the north wall called you forward.
The grand ballroom took your breath away. Not so dissimilar to the one in your dream, though this one’s lack of warmth and light left you heartbroken. Memories of dancing figures and lively music haunted these walls. In the corner, you could imagine a small orchestra strumming their instruments in delight. 
You walked to the center where dozens of pairs used to twirl and bow and embrace each other in time with the melody. Ghostly laughter echoed in your ears. What had once been  bright and golden and full of life was dull, dark, and covered in cobwebs that swayed in the breeze of unknown origin. 
Glancing around, you confirmed that you were truly alone before closing your eyes, lifting your arms, and began a soft hum. 
You danced with an invisible partner in the fashion that your grandfather had taught you as a small child. It was more intimate than the choreographed dances currently popularized. You had always imagined your first ball like this, instead of the disappointment you really experienced. You had pictured a boy you didn’t know catching your eye. As the music was struck up, he laid a hand on your waist.
Just like now. 
Hm. Your imagination was running wild, even pretending the weight of a palm was there on your lower back. And now in your lifted left hand. 
No. That wasn’t your imagination. 
Your eyes snapped open. 
Jongin had taken the place of your imagined partner. He smiled down at you with a feline smirk as his hands tightened around you, refusing to let you slip away. There was no choice in leaving this musicless dance. You had stopped humming but he continued to whirl you around the marble floor. He controlled the dance, in charge of every step. He led with an expertise he shouldn’t have possessed–if he were a man of this age. 
In one final move, he slipped his arm fully around your waist, pulling you so close that no room remained between you. Without breaking the spin, he lifted you from the floor as if you were no more than a kitten and whirled you around like the heroine from your favorite novel.
When the spin came to a close, he set you back on your feet, but didn’t let go. Your lungs heaved from the exercise–and from the way your bodies pressed together. Each rise of your chest brought you even closer to Jongin. He kept your gaze like a stablehand trying to calm a wild horse. His right hand slipped from your fingers, softly tracing the delicate inside of your arm. The touch left behind a fire you couldn’t explain. A cold, simmering fire.
He cupped your jaw as his eyes drifted down to your lips. This was a different reaction to Yixing’s wandering gaze. Not panic, but something similar. 
Jongin held you in place as he leaned down, his lips pressing gently into the corner of yours. The thin breath in your lungs hitched. He lifted his lips only to find a new patch of skin. The delicate skin covering your pulse. Every muscle in your body froze. He kissed the skin softly. Surely, he could feel the race of your blood. 
“Whenever you need a partner,” he said in a hush against your neck, “just whisper my name.”
And then, he was gone. 
You stared off at the empty path left behind Jongin. The sheer hubris.
His name lingered on your lips, wondering if he would really come back like he said. But you kept the whisper inside and left the ballroom just the same. 
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mymoodwriting · 2 years
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Request for Anon (Yandere Mafia Baekhyun) 3.7k, mafia, yandere, pregnancy, unwanted pregnancy, abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, accusations of cheating
“I’m pregnant!”
“No you’re not.”
    You were dumbfounded by Baekhyun’s words. The news was definitely life changing, and you knew that when you confessed this he might not take it well, but you weren’t expecting such a cold response. As Baekhyun got up from his desk and approached you, his eyes fixated on the pregnancy test you were fiddling with in your hands. He took it from you, looking it over.
“Take another one.”
“I have… that’s the third one… they’re all positive.”
“How long?”
“It’s been two days since I’ve missed… and I don’t know how far along I am. Maybe a week or two… we can go to the doctor and-”
“Get rid of it.”
“Wa… what?”
“I’ll cover all the expenses. Just let me know.”
“We need to talk about this. Are you sure-”
“You wanna keep it?”
“I… I don’t know…”
“Then think about it.” Baekhyun leaned over to kiss your head. “I have a meeting to get to, and I’ll probably be home late. So don’t wait up.”
“Love you.”
“Me too.”
    Baekhyun handed you back the pregnancy test and grabbed his jacket on the way out of the office. You stayed in place, trying to understand exactly how that all went down. Eventually you looked back at the pregnancy test. You did need to think things through, you just thought you’d do that with Baekhyun. You returned to your bedroom, going over to the window and staring up at the sky. Truth was the two of you had always been careful. You were on the pill, and most of the time he’d wear a condom too. Of course that wasn’t always the case, but the fact that you were pregnant now brought up a lot.
    You two have been together for years now but you had never talked about the possibility of having kids. It never really came up, and perhaps you weren’t at that point in your life to talk about it either, but now here you were. Even if this decision would ultimately come down to your choice, you still wanted Baekhyun’s input. He seemed to be busy now, and you honestly didn’t have all the information. The first thing you needed to do was go to the doctor and get some answers. So you made a call, and luckily enough scheduled an appointment for tomorrow morning. You thought to tell Baekhyun about it, but given how he took the news, it was probably best to leave him out of it for the time being.
    You ate dinner alone, sitting in the silence of the dining room. It wasn’t the first time you had done this, but given the circumstances things felt far more lonely. You thought to stay up, wait up to see him and make sure he got home okay, but you’d probably just worry him if he found you passed out on the couch. Besides, you had an appointment tomorrow, so you should probably get to bed. You didn’t how late it was when you heard the shower, but you did manage to vaguely stay up until you felt the bed dip. Arms wrapped around you and pulled you close.
“… rough… night…”
“Hm… sleep well…”
“… ye…”
    In the morning you found yourself alone. It wasn’t the first time, but it certainly hit differently today. There was a note on the nightstand, Baekhyun explaining that something came up and he needed to go. You knew what type of work he did, so you understood these things happened, although you found it sweet he always took the time to leave you a message. He even pressed a kiss to the paper as his signature, and you softly kissed it back.
    You had a proper breakfast after you showered and dressed for the day, opting for a simple shirt and jacket with a skirt, and comfortable shoes. As you made your way down to the front entrance you noticed two guards. They weren’t usually there but you didn’t dwell on it, grabbing your car and house keys from the desk in the entrance hall. When you approached the door they got in your way, making it so you couldn’t leave.
“Could you move, please.”
“We’re under orders to keep you in the house, ma’am.”
“Excuse me? You must be mistaken, now move. I have an appointment and I don’t want to be late.”
“I’m sorry, but those are our orders.”
You scoffed. “Baekhyun would not keep me in this house. So move, or I will have you killed.”
“You may work for my husband, but don’t think I’m powerless.”
“No offense ma’am, but if we don’t follow orders, we are dead. So you’re staying here.”
“For fucks sake, your orders are to protect me. It’s just easier to do that when I’m contained in an enclosed space. So follow me out into town for all I care, but if you lay a finger on me, you’re dead.”
    You pushed them aside and walked out the front door. Soon enough you heard footsteps behind you. Baekhyun didn’t always put security on you, the people around here weren’t stupid enough to try anything, but he’d get paranoid every now and then. This was one of those times. Before either of those guards got any ideas you told them to get their own car and follow you like that if they wanted too.
    You started up your vehicle, checking the directions and getting on the road. It was a smooth ride, and you made it to your appointment, checking in early and waiting for a bit. You hadn’t seen a gynecologist in a while, and you were certainly overdue for things too. They’d probably mention all that while you were here, but this was about the pregnancy first and foremost. When you were called up you took a deep breath to calm your nerves.
    While you waited around in the exam room your eyes wandered to all the posters around. All talking about pregnancy and other things related to your reproductive organs, and their health. It was a bit nerve wracking seeing it all, but this was important. Once your doctor came in you went through the usual questions, and you began the examination. You found out you were three weeks pregnant, thinking back to a handful of nights that could have been the one. As far as the doctor was concerned you were healthy, and so was the baby. They began to go over what you’d need to do to take care of yourself, but there was a burning question in your mind.
“So… uh… how long do I have before… I can’t… not have the baby…”
“You have until late in your second trimester, which is about 22 weeks from conception. In simple terms, you have about five months.”
“I see.”
“If you intend to terminate the baby it would be best to do it during the earlier stages. You should speak to your partner about this and make a decision.”
    You were still going back and forth on the idea, but set up future appointments to keep up with your health and the development of the baby. You probably would have gone home, but there was a lot on your mind and you didn’t think driving would be the best idea now. So instead you walked down the street, looking at what was around until you found a good place for some snacks. The two guards that had followed you went in with you, but sat away from you, giving you space. Things didn’t feel so uncertain now, in regards to what was going on with your body, everything else was still shaky.
    You wanted nothing more than to talk to Baekhyun, to figure this out together, but you were scared how he’d react. It felt like it was too soon, and you did have some time to wait around.  Once you felt better you returned home, telling the guards you wouldn’t say anything about your outing if they didn’t wish to report it to your husband. Regardless of what they’d say, you were sure they were just relieved you were back home. You went to your room, wanting to soak in a warm bath, kinda wishing you could have a glass of wine, but it wouldn’t be good for the baby.
    When Baekhyun got home later you said nothing about your doctors visit, and he didn’t seem to know either. He was happy to see you though, and things felt like nothing had changed. He told you about his day, being vague and not giving details, but the way he spoke kept your interest. Even if his work was dangerous, you understood that at its core this was all just business, and it kept you safe. You had dinner together, followed by a couples shower. Things might have gone further but you were both quite tired, and settled for snuggling in bed. For a while things were like before between you, but at some point you’d have to address the elephant in the room.
“Not this again…”
    You were planning to go out for some minor errands when you noticed two guards at the door. Baekhyun was home in his office today, but he never had guards posted at the door because of that. So clearly this was about you, and you rolled your eyes as you went over to his office. Usually you’d knock, he could be on an important call, but you didn’t care to do it this time around, just bursting in.
“What’s with the lockdown protocol?”
“The guards posted at the door. Why can’t I leave?”
“Who said you can’t leave?”
“You did this last time! The guards wouldn’t let me leave cause they had orders to keep me in the house! What gives?!” “Oh, that was different. They’re meant to accompany you.”
“Accompany me?”
“Aren’t you going to the doctors today?”
“Huh? Why would I go to the doctors? And why would I need an escort!”
“Well I figured you’d want an escort for the procedure. So you’re not alone afterwards.”
“Procedure? Wait, you think I’m getting an abortion?”’
“Aren’t you?”
“No. Why would-”
“We’ve talked about this. We already-”
“No, we didn’t talk. You yelled at me.”
“So you want to keep it?”
“I don’t know, but I’d really like to talk to you about it.”
“Fine, let’s talk then.” Baekhyun stood up. “I don’t want a kid. Do you have any idea how dangerous having a kid in this line of work is?”
“Obviously, but you are well respected in this world. No one would dare touch me, and-”
“A kid is a different story. I know you can handle yourself, but a child can’t.”
“So what? You wouldn’t protect it out in the world? You-”
“I can’t possibly trust anyone in a school environment. Too many variables, too many dangers, too many situations a child can get hurt in.”
“There’s always home schooling and-”
“Why are we talking as if you’re keeping it?”
“I just… I…”
“Do you want to keep it?”
“I… I don’t know, alright. I already went to the doctors before. I’m three weeks along, and I have a few months before things would be dangerous. I know I shouldn’t drag this out but I really wanted to talk to you, and this isn’t how I thought this would go down, but…” You took a moment. “You’ve made up your mind then, you don’t want to have a kid?”
“No. I don’t want you going through all that shit. You’re all I need.”
    Baekhyun came over to you and pulled you into his arms. He rocked you to the sides and rubbed your back, humming a soft melody. Even if this wasn’t how you thought the conversation would go, you at least had an answer from him. It was a much easier decision for him to make, whereas for you there was a lot more involved than a yes or no. Still, now you knew where Baekhyun stood in all this.
“Do you want me to take you to the doctors then?”
“No. I have a lot to think about…”
“What else is there?”
“A lot for me.”
“Then what’s the point of asking me?”
“I didn’t get myself pregnant here, Baekhyun. I wanted to know where you stood in all this, but it’s still my body, my choice.”
“If I don’t want it then what does it matter?”
“Ya! I’m the one who would-”
“Is it really mine?”
    You were stunned into silence, staring at Baekhyun in disbelief. Soon enough anger bubbled to the surface and you attempted to slap him. He caught your arm with ease, smirking at the attempt.
“Did I hit a nerve?”
“How dare you insinuate I’d ever cheat on you! After all these years! Does this marriage mean nothing to you?!”
“I’m just checking all my bases here. You’ve been strange lately.”
“Cause I found out I’m pregnant! And if it’s not yours then you need to find whoever assaulted me!” You couldn’t help the tears building up. “I can’t believe you…”
    You yanked your arm away and quickly left the office before the tears started to fall. This whole situation was stressing you out and instead of being a comfort he was being the worst person ever. For a moment you questioned why you married him in the first place, but you took a breath and calmed yourself down. You couldn’t stay in the house, so you grabbed your things and stormed out, ignoring the guards trying to follow. You knew you shouldn’t be driving so you got a cab and blurted out the address of a friend.
    When you got to Mark’s place you let yourself in, having a key he gave you a long time. You knew he wouldn’t be home for a while so you went through his snack cabinet, getting yourself something and collapsed on the couch. You put on some TV to help you take your mind off things. Of course Baekhyun tried to call you, but you didn’t want to hear his apologies or whatever right now. Eventually Mark came home. He was surprised to see you, but mostly concerned.
“What brings you by? Usually you call.”
“Just thought to surprise you.”
“If that was true you wouldn’t have been laid out on my couch.”
    You didn’t tell Mark you were pregnant, especially so early on when you hadn’t made a decision yet. So you just told him the two of you fought and he practically accused you of cheating on him. You broke down in tears then, saying this out loud making it real and not something you can just bury. Mark comforted you through your tears, wanting to assure you that everything was going to be alright.
“Couples fighting is normal. You're bound to disagree on things and get upset over it. I guess this is your first major fight."
“You could say that."
“He loves you, you know that. I'm sure once you both cool down you'll make up and be okay."
“I hope so."
    You stayed with Mark for a while, but you knew you had to go home before it got late. Baekhyun was surely worried when you left, and if you didn't come home soon he'd send out all his men to find you. Mark didn't need to get caught up in all that, so you thanked him for being your shoulder to cry on. He saw you out and got you a cab, telling you everything was going to be alright. The sun had already gone down as you were on your way home. You stared out the window, seeing what the world had to offer. It was what you’d expect to see, people on their way home or going out, but one thing in particular caught your attention.
    A couple had parked their car on the street side, one of them holding a baby while the other was getting the stroller out of the back. You watched for as long as you could, seeing the smiles they shared with each other, and with their baby. A hand trailed down to your stomach as you watched before you drove off. You never really thought about having a kid before, but there was no one else you’d rather have a family with than Baekhyun. You knew he was against it, and you understood the dangers, and his line of work, but you wanted to try, you wanted to be a mother, you wanted to have this kid. When you got home Baekhyun rushed to embrace you, relieved you were back.
“I’ve been so worried.”
“I’m sorry…”
“No, that’s on me. I shouldn’t have said something so stupid. I know you wouldn’t do such a thing. Please, forgive me.”
“I know you didn’t mean it, but it still hurt.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m gonna be pouty about it for a while longer.”
Baekhyun sighed. “That’s fine. Just promise to let me know when you want to take care of this.”
“About that…”
“I’ve made a decision.”
“About what?”
“I… I want to keep the baby…”
“Y/n, we-”
“I know what you said, but it’s my body, and ultimately my choice.”
“I know… but I want a family… with you.”
“You say that now, but I’m sure you’ll come around and-”
“If I don’t?”
“What if I don’t come around? What will you do with a child I don’t want?”
“I… does no part of you want to be a father? At all?”
“No. Not in this line of work.”
“Think outside that for a second and just-”
“I’ve heard enough of this discussion. Tomorrow you are going to the doctors and getting rid of this idea, okay?”
“… no…”
“I said no! I want a family, Baekhyun! I want to have a kid running around these halls. I want to see you smile as you look at your child. I want more than this…”
“Y/n…” Baekhyun took your hands. “I’m sorry. This is my fault for not being more careful with you. I didn’t mean to get these ideas in your head-”
“Shut up!” You stepped back. “What about me? Doesn’t my happiness matter here? All you care about is yourself, and how this would affect you, but what about me?”
“I’ve told you how I feel about this. What are you going to do then? Raise it on your own? Cause I am not giving-”
“I’ve made up my mind. I’m having this baby, with or without you.” You took a moment. “I’ll grab some things of mine and leave. Tomorrow I’ll go see a divorce lawyer.”
“You can’t be serious y/n. After-”
    You ignored his words and walked past him, heading upstairs. He kept calling out to you, but you didn’t pay attention. He didn’t like this side of you, chasing after you and grabbing your arm. This conversation was just going in circles so you didn’t have any intentions to start it again. Although Baekhyun was getting more frustrated with your actions, and the two of you wound up arguing.
“Let me go!”
“Talk to me! You can’t just-”
“I’ve said my peace, now let go!”
“Not until you talk!”
    Despite your attempts to free yourself, Baekhyun’s grip was firm, and because of that you lost your footing. You collapsed down the steps, feeling every bit of pain from where you got hit, only getting relief when you finally reached the floor. Your vision was still spinning, and the edges of your vision were getting dark. For a moment you noticed Baekhyun reaching out to you, his voice muffled and distant. You felt a tear slide down your face as everything went black, not from the pain, but fear that you had lost something.
    The world slowly started to fade in from the darkness. You heard the soft sounds of machines, feeling warmth surround you, a hand holding yours, and muffled sniffling. It was a bit of a struggle but you managed to open your eyes, taking in your surroundings. You were in the hospital, Baekhyun at your side and holding your hand. His head was down and he was mumbling to himself.
    The boy immediately jumped up, and you could see that his eyes were red from tears. He was relieved to be able to look into your eyes, and then the tears started flowing again. He fell to his knees but kept a hold of your hand.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry y/n. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”
“Yes, what is it? Does it hurt? I’ll call the nurse so-”
    You squeezed his hand with what little strength you had. Now you were the one with tears in your eyes. You were afraid to ask, but you had to.
“… the baby…”
    Baekhyun looked away from you, and you feared the worst. You were already starting to choke on your tears when he leaned down to kiss your head.
“The baby is alright… I’m sorry I did this…”
    The tears still flowed and you squeezed his hand again. All you could feel was relief despite everything that had happened.
“I’m sorry I was so hard on you about this. Something like this never should have happened.” Baekhyun took a moment. “I was afraid to lose you over the news… and then I almost really lost you… I’m sorry…”
“Don’t cry… I’ll be okay… we both will…”
“What you said before, about leaving. You can’t, please.”
“I was wrong, okay, about what I said. I’m just afraid…”
“Of what?”
“What if I’m not a good father… what if I can’t protect our child? What if I can’t protect you?”
“You think I don’t feel that same… all parents worry about that… but we have each other… and we’ll give everything we have…”
“I’m sorry. I don’t deserve your forgiveness.”
“We’ll figure this out… together… okay?”
“Yes. Yes, I promise. I won’t leave you, or our kid.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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rancidtae · 1 year
ARCADIA'S LULLABY / the reboot
Genre: Mafia AU. Vigilante AU. Sci-fi (AI).
Warnings: Graphic violence, Strong language, Mature content.
Pairing: exo & Original Female Character (Jung Jiah/Kang Rina)
meet the characters
A/N: aaaaaand we're back! it's been a while. motivated by this exo comeback and a rewatch of the show that originally inspired this, I've decided to bring this blog back to life. This is a rewrite of a story i posted here a few years back. new scenes, flashbacks, plot improvements and easter eggs for part two are being added. (yes that is still in the works because this was always meant to be Part One of a series, including a bts centered prequel )
So, here it is:
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If there’s one thing tenacious investigative journalist Jung Jiah knows about this city, is that trust is scarce and truth is a commodity. Forced to face a haunting past and reunited with the men she once considered family, instinct tells her to run and hide.
But when she finds that her childhood friends might be hiding the key to the one story she could never solve, she’s thrust into a web of complex relationships and blurred lines between guilt, trust, and betrayal. The quest for the truth takes center stage, and it reveals a world where neon lights cast long shadows, and nothing is as it seems.
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In The Course of It ...
"You're my only Bambi, Bambi"
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The next few weeks were a whirlwind of preparation. Now that the semi-final lineup was announced, our training intensified even more. Every day was packed with vocal exercises, dance rehearsals, and occasional media training sessions. The stakes were higher than ever, and the pressure was mounting.
One afternoon, we were in the dance studio practicing a new routine. The atmosphere was tense, with everyone focused on perfecting each step. The dance instructor, a stern woman with a sharp eye, watched us closely, correcting even the smallest mistakes.
"Y/N, more energy in your movements," she called out, and I nodded, pushing myself harder.
As the session ended, we all collapsed onto the floor, drenched in sweat but satisfied with our progress. Soojin handed me a water bottle, and I took a long drink, grateful for the break.
"You're improving so much, Y/N," she said, smiling.
"Thanks, Soojin. You too," I replied, catching my breath.
Just then, Baekhyun walked into the studio, and the atmosphere shifted. We all stood up, instantly alert. He had that effect on us—his presence commanded attention.
"How's the practice going?" he asked, his gaze sweeping over the group.
"Good, Baekhyun-nim," we responded in unison.
He nodded, then walked over to the mirrors, where we had been practicing our routine. "Show me what you've been working on."
We quickly got into position, and the music started. As we danced, I could feel Baekhyun's eyes on us, analyzing every move. I pushed myself to give it everything I had, feeling the music flow through me.
When the routine ended, we stood there, panting and waiting for his feedback. Baekhyun smiled, a rare sight that instantly lifted our spirits.
"That was impressive," he said. "I can see the hard work you're putting in. Keep it up, and remember to always connect with the music. Make sure your emotions shine through."
His words were like fuel to a fire, reigniting our determination. As he left the room, I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my chest. Over the past few months, my admiration for him had only grown, but now it was becoming something more.
Later that evening, as I sat in the dormitory common room with Hana and Minseo, I found myself lost in thought.
"What's on your mind, Y/N?" Minseo asked, nudging me.
I hesitated for a moment before speaking. "It's Baekhyun… I can't stop thinking about him."
Hana looked up from her phone, her eyes widening. "You mean, like, a crush?"
I nodded slowly, feeling my cheeks flush. "Yeah, I think so. It’s just… he’s so talented, and he’s always so supportive. I know he’s our CEO, but I can’t help how I feel."
Minseo smiled softly. "It's understandable. He's a great guy, and he's been there for us through this whole process. But just be careful, Y/N. These feelings can get complicated."
"I know," I sighed. "But it's hard to ignore."
Hana patted my shoulder. "We're here for you, no matter what. Just take it one day at a time."
As we sat there, I realized that this crush was more than just admiration. It was something deeper, something that both excited and scared me. But I knew I had to keep my focus. The upcoming months would be crucial, and I couldn't afford any distractions.
Still, the thought of Baekhyun lingered in my mind, making my heart race every time I saw him. It was a feeling I would have to learn to navigate, especially with so much at stake.
The morning after the semi-final lineup announcement, the air in the dorms was filled with a mixture of relief and anticipation. We were all thrilled to have made it this far, but we knew the real challenge was only just beginning. Every day was a chance to prove ourselves, to show that we were worthy of the final lineup.
Despite the rigorous schedule, I found myself growing more confident with each practice session. My voice was strong, my dance moves were sharp, and I could feel myself improving in ways I hadn’t expected. I wasn’t struggling with high notes or complex choreography anymore. Instead, I was focused, driven by the goal ahead.
The days passed in a blur of rehearsals and meetings, with every moment spent refining our skills. Baekhyun often dropped by to observe our progress, offering tips and encouragement. Each time he entered the room, I felt a flutter of excitement—one that I tried to ignore but found increasingly difficult to dismiss.
One afternoon, after a particularly intense dance practice, I found myself alone in the vocal room, running through the song we were working on. The notes came easily, flowing from me without effort. I was so lost in the music that I didn’t notice when Baekhyun quietly slipped into the room.
“You’ve got a great voice, Y/N,” he said, startling me out of my focus.
I turned, heart skipping a beat. “Oh! I didn’t see you there.”
He smiled, stepping closer. “Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to tell you that you’re doing really well. You’ve made a lot of progress.”
“Thank you,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady despite the nervous flutter in my stomach.
“You seem more confident now,” he continued, leaning casually against the piano. “It’s good to see. Confidence is key in this industry.”
I nodded, unsure of what to say. Being around Baekhyun always left me a little tongue-tied, not because I was intimidated, but because I was starting to realize just how much I admired him—not just as an idol, but as a person.
He must have noticed my silence because he gave me a warm, encouraging smile. “Don’t let anything shake that confidence, okay? You’re exactly where you need to be.”
I smiled back, feeling a warmth spread through me at his words. “I won’t,” I promised.
As Baekhyun left the room, I sat back down at the piano, my fingers gently brushing over the keys. The notes I played were soft, almost reflective, as I tried to process the strange mix of emotions swirling inside me. I was focused on my training, determined to secure my place in the group, but there was no denying that Baekhyun was becoming a bigger part of my thoughts.
That evening, as I lay in bed, I replayed our conversation over and over in my mind. I couldn’t help but smile at the way he had looked at me, the way his words had lifted my spirits. It was becoming clear that my admiration for Baekhyun was turning into something deeper, something I hadn’t anticipated.
But as much as I found myself drawn to him, I knew I couldn’t let these feelings get in the way of my goal. I had worked too hard to let anything distract me now. With a deep breath, I closed my eyes, focusing on the future I wanted to achieve—a future where I was on stage, fulfilling the dream I had worked so hard for.
Yet, as I drifted off to sleep, Baekhyun’s smile lingered in my thoughts, a gentle reminder of the new and unexpected emotions I was beginning to grapple with.
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After the semi-final lineup was announced, the atmosphere in the dorms shifted. While the nine of us who made it were excited and motivated, there was an undeniable tension in the air. The trainees who hadn’t been selected tried to remain supportive, but some couldn’t hide their disappointment.
One trainee in particular, Eunji, seemed to take the news especially hard. Eunji was incredibly talented—a strong vocalist with sharp dance skills—and many of us had thought she was a shoo-in for the final lineup. But when her name wasn’t called, she grew distant, barely speaking to anyone.
At first, I tried to reach out to her. We had been close during the early stages of training, and it hurt to see her so upset. “Eunji, I know this is hard, but you’re so talented. I’m sure you’ll have other opportunities,” I told her one evening after practice.
She gave me a tight smile. “Thanks, Y/N. I’m fine. Just need some time to process, you know?”
I nodded, hoping she would bounce back soon. But as the days went on, things started to change. Eunji’s distant behavior became more pointed. She would make snide comments under her breath when we passed in the halls, and I started noticing that small things of mine would go missing—hair ties, practice notes, even my favorite water bottle. At first, I thought I was just being forgetful, but then it became clear that something was off.
One day, I was in the practice room going over choreography when I noticed my dance sneakers were missing. I was sure I had left them in my locker the night before, but they were nowhere to be found. I searched everywhere, growing increasingly frustrated. It was just another in a series of strange occurrences, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that Eunji had something to do with it.
Just as I was about to give up, Hana walked in, noticing the distress on my face. “What’s wrong?” she asked, concern evident in her voice.
“My sneakers are gone. I swear I left them in my locker last night, but now they’re missing,” I explained, running a hand through my hair in frustration.
Hana frowned. “This isn’t the first time something of yours has gone missing, right?”
I shook my head. “No, it’s been happening a lot lately.”
Hana seemed to consider something for a moment before speaking. “You think it could be Eunji?”
I hesitated. “I don’t want to accuse her without proof, but… I don’t know. She’s been acting so differently since the lineup was announced.”
Hana sighed. “I’ve noticed that too. She’s obviously hurt, but that doesn’t give her the right to mess with you like this.”
We decided to keep an eye on things, but I couldn’t let it consume me. The final evaluations were coming up, and I needed to stay focused. But the strange incidents didn’t stop. My sheet music would be rearranged, my practice outfits were swapped with ones that were too small, and once, I even found my vocal warm-up notes in the trash.
Despite everything, I did my best to push through. I spent more time in the practice rooms, working late into the night to make up for any setbacks. Baekhyun noticed my exhaustion one evening and pulled me aside. “You’re working hard, Y/N, but don’t burn yourself out,” he advised, his tone gentle.
“I just want to make sure I’m ready,” I replied, not wanting to reveal the turmoil I was facing.
He smiled at me, his eyes full of understanding. “You’re doing great. Just remember to take care of yourself too.”
His words gave me a sense of comfort, but they also made me more determined. I wasn’t going to let Eunji or anyone else sabotage my chances. I had worked too hard to let something like this take me down.
The final straw came a week before the next evaluation. I walked into the practice room early one morning and found a note taped to the mirror. It was in Eunji’s handwriting, and it read: “You’re not as good as you think. Give up before you embarrass yourself.”
My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at the note. I knew I couldn’t ignore this anymore. It was one thing to deal with minor inconveniences, but this was an outright attempt to break my spirit.
I took a deep breath, crumpling the note in my hand. I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of seeing me upset. Instead, I channeled all my anger and frustration into my practice. Every dance move was sharper, every vocal note stronger. I could feel myself improving, despite everything that was happening.
When the day of the final evaluation arrived, I was ready. I walked into the room with my head held high, determined to show everyone, including Eunji, that I wasn’t going anywhere.
As I performed, I could feel Baekhyun’s eyes on me, watching every move, every note. When I finished, there was a moment of silence before he stood up, clapping slowly. “Well done, Y/N,” he said, a proud smile on his face.
I felt a surge of pride and relief. I had done it. No matter what happened next, I knew I had given it my all.
As I left the room, I passed Eunji in the hallway. She didn’t say anything, just glared at me with a look that could cut glass. But I didn’t let it faze me. I had come too far to be brought down by her bitterness.
Hana was waiting for me outside, her face lighting up when she saw me. “How did it go?”
“I think it went well,” I replied, smiling. “I think I finally proved I belong here.”
And as we walked back to the dorms together, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, I was ready to face them head-on. I had earned my place in this group, and I wasn’t going to let anyone take it away from me.
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Ch 7 >>
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ffl-johnmark-au · 3 months
Characters' MBTI/cognitive functions:
Mark Lee: INFP - Fi Ne Si Te
John Jun Suh: INTJ - Ni Te Fi Se
Lee Donghyuck: ESTP - Se Ti Fe Ni
Zhong Chenle: ENFP - Ne Fi Te Si
Jung Sungchan: INTP - Ti Ne Si Fe
Ten Leechaiyapornkul: ENTP - Ne Ti Fe Si
Lee Minseok: ISFJ - Si Fe Ti Ne
Park Chanyeol: ESTP - Se Ti Fe Ni
Kim Dongyoung: ISFJ - Si Fe Ti Ne
Ning Yizhuo: ESFP - Se Fi Te Ni
Yang Jungwon: ESTJ - Te Si Ne Fi
Jeong Yunho: ESFJ - Fe Si Ne Ti
Kim Yongsun: ENTJ - Te Ni Se Fi
Lee Suhyun: ENFJ - Fe Ni Se Ti
Kim Jungwoo: ISFP - Fi Se Ni Te
Heo Yoorim: ESTJ - Te Si Ne Fi
Lee Taeyong: INFJ - Ni Fe Ti Se
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
Angst number 9 with Xiumin? Thank you!
Hello, thank you for requesting! I hope this is fine ♡
Xiumin (EXO) | Guardian Angel AU angst | 0.8k
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Minseok’s been an angel for a long time. 
He remembers his youth, the bright and naive innocence in his eyes and soul as he explored Heaven and Earth. Everything was new and fascinating. He was so curious. His heart was soft, much softer than some of the others’. At least he used to think that.
But something must have changed. 
It’s no wonder really. As perfect of a being as an angel might be, they as a kind are subjects to change as well. No one can run away from it entirely. Least of all those who are forced to watch the people they care about suffer and eventually die. Angels are meant to be perfect, yet this is the one thing they share with humans.
Minseok has seen his fair share of pain. He’s been an angel for a long time, much longer than he can count and he’s watched over the same number of humans. He remembers all of them. Various memorabilia of all his, well, charges doesn’t seem the right word so let’s just say his humans are stored safely in his home.
Sometimes he likes to walk around and go over them again and recollect the memories of those precious times as his fingers linger on each item.
Maybe that’s the problem - that he lingers so much on the memories. That’s as close to an explanation as to why he seems so cold now compared to his fellow angel friends as he got.
But honestly, that’s what the problem is - that he seems cold but isn’t. Not really.
Because if he was, then maybe he wouldn’t be scolding himself over and over in his head as he watches you put a bandaid on your heel that’s rubbed sore and bleeding from the high heels you wore the entire evening. He should’ve added some weight to the thought you’ve had about wearing comfortable shoes rather than the ones more likely to impress - the ones you’ve chosen in the end. Maybe you’d still disregard it even with his guidance, but at least he could say he’s tried. Then again, the intricacies of human clothing and fashion are still quite lost on him.
He can’t protect you from everything, and he should be grateful that it was only a little bleeding patch on your heel this time, but he’s feeling guilty nonetheless. He’s gone through too many heartbreaks, and it seems that each one is more severe than the last. Maybe that’s why he’s growing guarded and each failure to protect you perfectly eats at him.
Though it does lift his mood a little when he influences you just enough that it prevents you from smiling at the stranger you’ve met eyes with in your favorite café on another day. You mentally kick yourself for it, and Minseok knows, but really, he’d rather take five minutes of your sulking and beating yourself up over the alternative. 
Unbeknownst to you, your smile would result in the stranger approaching you. You’d chat, exchange your numbers, get closer, and then you’d meet a friend of your new friend, and you’d start dating. The relationship would start beautifully and you’d be as happy as you can be, but it’d end three years, dozens of broken plates and one hard slap to his precious human later. You’d never be the same, and he doesn’t want that. Not when he can help it and not when he knows there must be a better future for you somewhere. He’ll help guide you there.
But until he finds that future for you, he’ll stay by your side and monitor your choices dutifully. He’ll help if he can. And if he can’t, he’ll be there for you even if you don’t know it, even if you can’t feel it. He hopes you can tell, somehow, that someone’s watching over you, although he knows there’s no way you could. It breaks his heart to watch you cry yourself to sleep, feeling so alone despite him being right there.
When he was young, he’d lay down with his humans. Wrap his arms and wings around them, pet their hair and hope for a miracle, hope that they’ll sense his presence and his comfort and feel hopeful and reassured, but it never happened.
Watching you now, not happy, not sad, merely exhausted and longing for something, he remembers those times. He hasn’t done that in a long time.
Eventually, he bites the bullet. He feels awkward as he joins you on the couch, wrapping his arms around you, his wings following suit. He lays his head on your shoulder. You’re radiating warmth that seems to fill him up with emotions long forgotten. 
It’s foolish, but when he sees you smile, he imagines it’s not because of whatever you’re doing on your phone, but because you can feel him.
Maybe that’s the problem. That he’s too willing to have his heart broken for a brief moment of all-encompassing happiness.
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