#xkcd 2871
todays-xkcd · 6 months
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A really mean prank you can play on someone who's picky about words is to add a 'definitely->definitively' autocorrect rule to their keyboard.
Definitely [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[A chart with definitely and various alterations, each with a meaning.]
Definitely - Definitely Definetly - Almost Definitely Definately - Probably Definatly - Probably not Defenitely - Not Telling (It's a surprise) Defintely - Per the Prophecy Definetely - Definitely, Maybe Definantly - To be decided by coin toss Defanitely - In one universe out of 14 million Defineatly - Only the gods know Definitly - Unless someone cute shows up Defiantly - Defiantly
[Caption Beneath:] People think the word "definitely" is often misspelled, but it's actually just several words with different meanings.
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